V - : . THE COMMERCIAL. Vll .MINGTQN, N . C. THURSDAY JUNE 5. 1861. f f'- s Frm lh Ulita Oistttt. ' WOMAN'S RICtlTS CONVENTION- Mkkih Editors Ths iftcorapaaylnjt 'lal;e off,' was banded as t corapoeition by on of the pupils of the Utica Female Semtnar. Havicf beard it rea I thot it too f4 to t lost to, the jiuWcj RfionM yoit coincide ftllh cy opinion, and ... deem it worthy of pW la Jour coluaits, it is at yonr service. 'Twaa at the hour of twilight. t 1 The hour of early dt vs, Whet I took up a jper To read the weekly The flrat thing In its ctdniun That attracted uiy attention; Were these four Wondrous, mystic words UJ Woman's Rigkt Convention f A female orajtor "held, torth.;'? (My lair stood on an end, -So thrilling wem the words, of our Afflicted female friend.), When A sat down, 'mid djeaAning cheers, Another martyr rose, B.ut ere her speech was half way through r Ifcll into , dose. Aad draamed I saw her word fulfilled) In many a wondrous deed, In public, and in private life, As woman has decreed. Within the "White House" beheM. A certain Mrs. Bates, Who filled the PresldontiaKhsii Othe United State. Our Congress-women, kdy Mayors, Our Govetiors and all, In hats, and standing collars looked Particularly small. Webster and Clay, to petticoat And silence had retired; Vhi'.i madam Foote's loquaciousness, Wtts rery much admired. Women with anxious, care-woru brow la cnuatiiig-honses punt, Toiled hard, to cam the property Thuir fj'shtag husbands spent. X y. only men, but women took This mqsj; dec! ded stand , Even little Chfirtren changed thuir plays And clotfcus, throughout th land. Ths girl laid down their crotchet work 'To toss thcirbrothe ' balls; . . ,.( The boyi ttaclaaped their shining skates, , V To drea their sisters, delist. Oil did laeo a rouguish boy Lift up hiB green berage viel, To nod to tome fair graduate Of Hamrd or of Yale. Elf-locks, with whiskers and mousi.-.i'hc In statute were dismissed, , V hile their atndilion seemod t be To make a good 'French twist." The same transposing mania In marriagos was se n. Women of over sixty, wedded Boys fcTjust fifteen. JJnt woman's wiiihea hare no boun ii, S sh9 enlarged her claims. And by an act of Congress, passd A bill, for change of names Tims many a little Fanny Became a Hcxekiah, And many a rougish lit Mo Frank An iumbk Kexiah. When I awoke, I felt aispo.iei, To cry aloud with X?a?, '1 hope that dreadful Hate nf thing Will never come.to pass," And ever since that woadrons dresru, ' I've shuddered at the msntion Ofauythlug pertaining to A Woman's Rights Convention. Ton THt CO.MMESCHl.. THE SABBATJ. "Tha Sabbath waa made lor mnn and not man i . : for the Sab'Mth." ! , ' Fjtitso L RiN5: I hope yoyr renders j onl think from the beading oi this article -1 intend to write a 6ermon for them j no. I ' Jeave that to abler pens than mine; nnd as j i your pnper ia not apecially devoted to such j ' eubjecla, nnd perhap's the most of vonr iniel-; ligenl rentiers would prefer some oilier mat-, er for reflection, I decline to d j so, But. ! Sir, that the Snbbath was made for man i.; : j. eviddnt. from alt natpre aropnd. Look at. 4 man us he plods lltrppgh th; wmlJ of trial, j iiificultiesa.nd disapjiqiiitmcnts for six days ; there i a 4a'el apart for him wliereiti he : may reatlwth mind and bpdy frm the c.res oriinj. ; - How few arc there who appreciate .tht ' blessed day Look at the thppsnnds oftli.s;f h G BuJ r'nTJ7)Bridlc. Wh. place on a Sabbath morn, when the Church bell, are rinjing their ,l, m.. no.cr- ui;te them to the hou-e of. God, to return thanks fr the bles'ioffs und niervles which God ha j , .f ,.. '. r bealowed o;i tlieno th part week, enter e.tch I Choreh, and horv tunny will yo: find pnvinir I '.i ' , . ,l ii ; i , v . i ruvi . -.their IOW4.10 the Almf.'hly 7 Not 30W) ouii vf I ho 8.000 inhabitants nf this t.tnee. What I isiliC reason of thia nne.is p;ady ts iuk. :Qill, Ut oa try and find OUL . uotietvK a wvoti oroi;nn i own on. a Sa!)b:ttlvxdayj and yno will god fi to 8 Bnr HwiiMtjitccusmd by the Legislature of . C. ' to break The Babbalh. by relli; liquid fire to triait, tV'ho had rather Ut Suud tlieretlisur where O id teqnircs him to be. Now, feir. I catii'.cu l thai tlw makers tf oar ,aics have no rlht-U aathorizs antv rfi the '"'i '"'f'' ' . Sabbath day for it ia a command not to be broken and one a immutable at the one who gave it. , . ; , Ucmerabcr the Sabbath day to keep it l Holy,! U trot to be et asida by thoae who arrogate to Uteroaelrei the power to do an. If drinking lit thoaa .wtatliahracnte were till, it would not be eo bad ; but, Sir, men Var. be found there M bo ought to give moral tone for good to thil place who are Gam biing avny the SabUuh for money and thir aoufe io the IoiU Ought euch to be the cueaf no, Bir, no Ii awaa wont go to Church, lot him keep away ar.d lol countc nnnee anrb placee. Bot thoteplacea arenot oil of the moral wrong o"thta puce. INo. 8tr. there hue a population; come into thia place within a few yeare, Ufld have opened, inali retailing Store all pver the place and keep liHrVfell 6-- bave their Stores it nn tli a fl.'ihhnth rxnri'Calvr to fell li- Tl ' . . . , l. . ' quoratoou- coloured population ; wnicnea-. tabsiehmenia' have done more lor dcroornli-j zing that part of our population than things else put tatlier; and Sir I am tur pVued tltot onr Town nuttioritiea do:it put iv stop toil; appoint SunJiy guards apmt from the night one, whose express buslin e it ahaH ba to see that nil uf tlicrn are shut up, and if not to shut ihem up and fine. Ilu ut heavily ; it c;vn be donu. It is greatly to the interest of the SI.ivc . holder to see that it is dune, for they tire the I greatest sufferer and it U their property tli.u ; is being destroyed by thousand yearly. Thus by giving one a license to break the j j Sabbath otliars take the liberty to do so. j Sir. many a Father'f heart will Us made io bleed overn fallen Son, through the infiu enoee of Ihone who break the Sabbath yenr ' j in and year out, nnd ns routiteunmcl by 1 those to whom many men look up fur better ' '.things; r,nd especially the colored populv ! tion. ' Now who will make a move in this matter i will the people elect men to the Legislature j jeapresi-ly to repeal that law that lioensrs j men to break the Sabbath, and wont our ! Town authorities lake some Hteps to mend the matter, for mott of thein have sons that are growing up and they will feel the influ ence that is thrown around them for good or evil. Thus, man is responsible lo ( d for nil liix at-ts whether rnorul or im moral ami belore his tare he niu.il .stand or lull. A CITIZK.N NOTICE. BR. VICE COSSULA TE. Wilminoton, N. C. Mav 15. 1351. A FTER this date, consignees of Biit.sii V.sr In, xV. will be required to hand in the amount of in ward and outward Invoices, and pay all fees at the iWe tile register I delivered to the Master, when t Wared at Custom House. GEO. W. DAVIS, Br. Vlco Consul. May 15. 2o-tf. j CONSULATE OF H A VTI, '6t Commercial Wharf, Boston, 5th March, 1351 ' 'I'llk undersigned gives nolitte, that in uccor- . i. dance with u law pasted at Port au Crit;cc, on ihe I'lih December last, vessels orrivinj in Hayti from the U. Stales on or after ihe ISth April neM. must be provided with Duplicate Manifests of ' their cargoes, certified by a Consular Agent of ilay li, if there shall have been one at the port of load 1 1ni otherwise the documents rmy be tern tied be lore un officer (duly commencement In administer oith) oi the Siato or United States Governmnnt. U. C. CLARK. ' May 8. 23-tf. j To those who wish to buy Cheap Pry Goods. 'THIE Subscriber will sell off the balance of his ( J. Stock of Fancy Dry, and Staida Goods, at .Teitly reduced prices, on account ofmaking a , eh lutein his business, and all those who want g:e it bargains will please call, as thy will save V5 en's on a dollor. " R. HOFFMAN. (J. & IL copy, if.) May. 10 24 LIVERPOOL SALT. Qnf SACKS Llverp.to! Salt in half bleached f )U'J sacks, 10 to the 1 ton, for sale hv ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. 2J. May 3 FENCE FAILING 1 1 1 2 2J und 3 Inch pailln;:, piade nf the hntt x ot oioc(, iree irorn oap. t or ealo in qa unities to suit purchasers, at the Capu Keir S.'d. Mill, Purchasers can have them delivered on this side of the River, if thay wish by leaving their orders at the otlice of the agents ELLIS do RUSSFLL. April 26. 17 M. j OUR MOnO IS "TO PLEASE," ' AT THE tviimlntoti saddle, Ilarncsa, and Xruai i Mauufaetory. j i rfMIE subscriber raspectlully inform? tc public ! j X that he has recently received additlirjs to hi ! clock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, it , ! 1 l.ittct and most irtuirovd stylo, und id cn ,r!ly ' nianuf u tutin, at nis store on ark-jl (trrt, every ; ' dcseilpuon Of articleia ths above fine. From his e.j.Tieirra In the business, he feels confident that! ' I, v. ; 1 1 be able to givs cntira satisfaction to ull who ! i mav favor him wi"h a csll. He has now on hand, nod uii constalitlv kefin a larec assortment of Mulkev HariicMlKinvttttdtc., Gciitleu.ei(s r k . J .l .. L- .1 J I CW. U I l-lu.J 1!. sSXl. i'ZXtt ' a of ivni5i,he will warrant to be of thettf I J materials and workmanship. II. K V has also, large assortment of Tiunkt, V vVe,. Waddlo and Carpet 4Ja&. KatcbeU, Kanry if uuks, &,c , and ailother articles usually kept In such establishments, all of which he offers fr CA5Hi0r onthorterodit to proii ipt cusio - mere. Sddlca.Harness,Ttunks. edicel Bacs.4c.4c. .. j.. . j I n, addition to ths bove tha subscriber always' Illliuv I'MHUBi. keeos on-hand a lares supply of Strlne Icather. and fins now, and will ke;p through the season a good assortment of I'ly Nutta. All are Invited to call and examine my Gamli, whether in want or not, as I take pleasure In shw Ini my as ortmeut to all who may favor ms with a eojt.'- J ;' -' '!h ' ' ' .. Uirnss and Coach Trlmmlnes sold 'at t falrprlce (ofcrsoiiaHuying to manufacture. Also, Whips 01 wholesale. 'All kinds M-P-idinj VehUlesbonght annWd on eommissions. fc OHN J. UON0LEY. fin. f. l5 ' 3 SOAP AND CANDLES. rA SOXES saeh, for sale low by : j" OU- SAVAGE tf- ME A RES. March II. : M CANAL FLOUR. 1 Tr BBLS-aupsrlor Canal Flour, bbls and 1 JJ halt hlU. extra, roraaiaoy DtROSSRT 4 BROWtf. April 10r GUANO GUANO GUAXf5' Qfl tons superior Peruvian Guano, didly exprcferl, r-V7 per Heat. I'alpsuau, (rom U Utimore, and fur aula by ; AprilS. J. & D. McRAli Co. 10. roir sale;. .V STORE. 1 "1A Bayt Rio CoHeet A JKJ 75 Ub!. Superior toltlinoro Flour; lb BOU. Ulue; 40 U iivsUdkum; ' J.&D. MeRAK&CO May C. 22, PORTO RICO SUGAR. ft KHD-S. Drime aualitv. For sale bv ANDERSON & LAT1MKR. Alurcli 2J. . ti n. A1TKNTI0N. 'pilOSfK loving the -ood tilings of litis life, ii 1 Ciiling line, will find lliun nt I lie Family in ille Gro cery Store, on Front Slreet. Geo. Mvers li ii Ji?' returned fnon New Vork sfter purchasln;; a hirgu J mid assorted slock ot Groceries, comprbing in part, ilie IViliiiwinj antclc ; .60 bbU tsugnr. Crushed, Powdered, Ularided nni' Porto Ri''o i 51) u.iffs Culleu, Java, Launlra find Rio; lilt) MH (choice brands) FUir, 601 and ; Ifi cltvuts superior Ureen and lilac': Tea?) 2il fitnins extru GoRlien dairy liuttor; SI) boxes Colgate's Family Soaps ; " Toilet, Victoria, Rose, Wtudio: ac.d Almond, &c.; 100 Uo.vcs Candles, Star Adamantine, Patent Sperm, Hydraulic Pressed, Patent Mould, and Mould ; Full assortment Brandie?, Wini's and Cord ials. London and Philadelphia Poner and Scotch Ale i 3 cases Maraichino, superior quality j '20U0 baskets, compri-iin all varieties; lOOU lbs. Stewart's Lottf Jng ir Candies ; K'tlMiis, Prunes, Figs. Oranges, Lemons, Apples and assorted :ot; Maceuroni, I i:rlVos3 ; Aisorled Pickles und l're-.i', Pukkd Pouches ; Horse-radish (fresh Oliven, Caper? ; Bsuf Tongues, Corned and Smoked flei.f, Mackerel, Cod-liih, Salmon, N. O. Jlolaa- ass ; Wood and Willow Wor,&e. &c. &c. 23,000 choice brand Cigars, Jus tt Snr., La SI tinipre Vira, M.inilla Cheroot, Itio Hondo ; Fancy and embroidered Ladies Bankets, full useortnitTit ; Thousands of noiinns too numerous lo mention, tho greatest variety t-vei uliWed in 'his imrki't. '-'all nod p.unmiiiti in GKO. MVKRS'. March 13. 1"3. NEGHOKS WANTED. p: will iuy ihc'hignesi market price, lor Negro Men p:y .tNDERSON & YOuNC. lO-'f. Aj-ril 6. T:ir: N K I'll CAUOIJNA Ml'l -V.Uj J 1JM RALEIGIII, N. C rPIIE abovcO iiiipnny has oecn tn operation sine L thelsiol April, 1313, undei the dii ucti..n j f i in "ollowing Officers, viz : Dr. Chas. 13. Johnson, President, Wm. l).-Hywo)4, Vice Praaidcjii, James F. Jord m. Seaetaiy, Win. H. Jon-.. Treasurer, Peri in Biubre. Attorney, Dr. Chaiiish.lohnson, Dr. Wm. II. McKee, rv. n u Un .....,,.1 ' Mcdlcalboard oj Conultation. J. llersir.an, Gen'l Agent. This Company has received a charter uiviny advantapea to the injured over nny other Com pany, ihe 5m lection gives me tiuaoanii ilk privilege to Insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, re from any claims of the rep. rcsentatives of the hushund or any of his credit ors. Organized rn purely mututl principles, the lite members participate in th wholt of the profits which tire declared unnually. Besides, the appli cant for Hie, whon theannual premium is over t Si: mivpay one halt in a ixote. All claiinHtor insurance i?ain.t the tjompany wnl be paid within ninetvdays df.er proof of the death ,V ,,.,;,, i-,,,i.iv-..i of the nartv iB furnished. S. ivcs are insured fr on or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to sieure thiiclass of property againt the uncertainty of lifo. Slave insurance presents a new nnd interoftinL featuro in the history of North Carolina, which will prove very Important to the Southern States. The last four months operation of this Compan) shows a very 1 irfre amount of business more tin:-, the Dlrflciorsctpcetod to do the first year having iilrendv Issued more than 20J Policies. All C-mi'il'i'iicationi on buslnemt of tho Company should bo addresied to JAS. P JORDAN i Secretary. Ralcich, April 8. 1S51. K-tt. WOOD WARE. TH E subscriber hat on h ind nnd Is now reoclv Wi his usual Fall supply of useful hotiwkeen imr arilcles, in tlis Wood and Willow Warn line, i of which will be offered at ihe l'wot cash prices, among which will bo found tho following: Rrooms, Brushes, Rnkets, Buckets, Bowls. Bir rel Cover, Boxes in Nest, Chopping Bowls. Clothes Pins, Clothes Hvscs, Clorhos Uaskots, Ceifir Paih, Cedar Tubs, Dippers. Flowered P.ill, F.iiicciih, Knife Bum. Knife Bis'eti, Keelers, Hair Selves, half bir'i ! Covers, half bushel Maasu'es ironed, 'e:isurt8 in nests, Market B i.krts, Milk PaiU, Rolling Pins. Sujir Bixh, Spice Boxes, Scrub B"nhs Twine Reels, Well Rockets, VVaicr PalN, Will iw fWk tu, Will iw Wajons. Wire S-iivcs, White Wash Crushes, &c. 4c. WM. NEFF. Jan is - vmr. ic;:, ice, ice THE subscriber lias laid In one Ciro of splen did Fresh Pond IE, and another is daily ex- pectoa. n. t... .s r.. . ..ii i.. j.. in imr luniiD aiinnpguivlllffllM u lull SlinQlvail- rlnu the season. AH orders occomnanicd with. the . .... TZX- ' j A" ,he Ic ""d' l a c business sliogeiher. to ; vold kccPin2 "J'". TkktO can be had Irom my Apent at my Ice House, ! I obliged to my customers for their favore tho ; sflason. snd hope by arteniion, snd keeplni a 0PP, ? increase my businras a Utile this year ' The Ice House will be open rv.ry morning till i breakfast and at 12 o'clock, until the 10th April, and ! '" ol1 Y Saadsfi excepted. In caw of sickness !. ran n had at anv tlm hif ji no m k.... yr - f - - it, yuuw Market Street A. PAUL REPITOM. Wllminjion. March 13. 1 Imc. RECEIVED PER SCRR. R. W. BROVN. 1CASE extra fus'htonahlo Drab Besvortf I da do msdium brim'd do 6 da do Moleskin, spring style. Also, splendid assortment of Straw goods, for gentlemen. For sals low for corb Ir ' a MVERS, Hatter. April 15 u PANAMA, LEGHORN AND PALM LEAF Um. 1 r DOZEN Panama Hu:si IV 60 " Ufjhorn do. 60 " PeUale Bruidsi : BOd palm Leaf Haist Comprising a great variety, for sals very low whole sale and retail, by , ' , "i-l, i; ' MTERS, fatter. April 3. Journal copy. 8 ' 'GUNNY BAGS. 5rrri V Bags, for sal very low by ?VJUL AiNDKRaO.N &LATIMi:it, March 29, li. TOBAGO. I f BOXES Neison'i aUpetior pound lumps, I KJ For sale bv ANDERSON S L.VI'IMF.R. NEW G00D& rP HE Subscribers are now opening their Spring X. Stof- of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cut lery, Wood and Willow Ware. ALSO: A lot of China, Glas and Earthen Wure. They will bo glad to fee their old Customers (especially ihe piyin; ones) af their Store on North side uf Market Sireut, Four Doors from the Klv;r. PlilUUN &. HARTSF1KLD. April U. U FOR SALE. A CONVENIENT one story Huow. situated on im. li.mndary street, wall five apartments, with firo pluses in each, with passage through the middle. Lot 3C6 by 06. There is n viable and all necessary out houses on tbu picmUes. t or terms, tc, apply to MAUV MOTT 15-tf. April 19. WESTER BACON Sides expected per L. P. Smith, 1 VMtoiii Now 1 ork, for sale, by ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. 13 April 15. POTATOES. , r i'-'V now. tor saie oy ELLIS, RUSSELL, & CO. 1 April 17. NOl'il E rP'HE Steamer Oliathnm will leave this place L every Monday and Thursday at ? o'clock A. M (instead of 9 o'clock atal present,) commencing n 7 o'clock Monday luili inst. Time of leaving lil- I minyton, every Tuesday and Friday nt ' u'eloc!: P VI. JKU. 1J. Wtbl.IA.US, Agent Favetteville March G. ' 15U-U' ROUND SHAVES! ROUND SHAVES LWOOD continues to m i:iufactur Ins unsuf pisseJ patent Riunt Shaves, anJ keeps con slan'ly on hind a full supply, ai hi shop on Wjip street. Null's wharf, and at liio Hardware Slo'e o J. M. Robinson, No. 3, Front street. A.;a repaired in the best mtrtner at the shortest notice. L. WOOD. Wilmington, Dec. 28, 1350. I .'l dm. (.lourna! copy.) RITES OF FUEIUUT. I ) ATKS of Freiglu'on the Wilmingion nnd Rh- LI eih Rail Koad. mid on the Company's II atii Charleston, revi.i-d and enrrected Decnnhi-r, 0; just printed i.nd for sale ut t lie o.Tk.'o of 77ie Co'irii'nt tl, at 25 cenis per copv. 1.K..2I. 1 10-if. 12,00!) AIRES r turp i:ti si: lad fok hale HE Kxei'iitors of Gen'l. Cli.vi h otl'er for 1 sale the Twelve Thousand Acres of Land known as Ihe HATASB iruct, lyinir on the St. Julia's liiviTjiminddiStiely opposile IMeolatu, in East Florida. The above. tract is peculiarly ndnptcd lo the Turpentine business, being covered with a thick growth of pin, and having a River front of more man five miles. ' It is now no longer a matter of doubl that Turpen tine can be profitably made in this section of count ry, as there are already u number of persons largely and successfully engaged in the business. The steamboats lo and from Savannah, stopregu-i-v.y C PicoluU. Persons desirous of purchasing, can obtain further information by tddressina sny J. II. M. CLINCH. F.x'r. Jelfersonton, Camden co , Go., Dec. 6, 1S50 UMf. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. I HAVE jus. received from the Manufacturers u large lot of Plows of various puilerns, Cultivators, Corn tjiitllers, Hay Cullers Curn'Milj.' Churn", II arrows, Fanninsr Mill" in fact, every ihinj; cmu- pnsin a eompltlt slock ol I-arming Implcnients. i "'V "n ;'c room wm uc nrran-eo in a any o .wo, ! w lien I will be most happy to see all who ere lnler- esied in such articles. ALEX. MacRAE. Jr. Wilminzton. N. C. Dec'r.2i. 1350. 120 Jour, and Standard copy. TiucTicY WHAT YOU PREACH. I HAVE just received a lare stock of China, Glass, and Queen's Ware, direct from llio Liver pool in anufacloiies, which I inn prop ired lo tell un very reasonable lerms, at wholesale or rttnil. To all who' are disposed to tneour.ine direct iai portal i ins. I would say ihat n fair nhare of patron are is all I usk to en iMe mo lo conpeio iih any other Importer In the Unltod State I offer a lair chance to nil who are disposvd to build up South ern Independence. In addition to the Crockery Business, I will con tinue to keep n laru'H and well selected stoek of FARMING IMPLEMEN TS, to which I panieu larly Invite the atlention of my farmlog li ieinl". 1 nm con'inmlly In receipt of ihe latest lni;mivc. men! In'.hoso articles, and will t ike i-rent pleasure in showing thorn to all who tire diireus of ct.imin- intr them. ALEX. MacRAE. Jr Nov. 9. 1850. 101. AUBURN FOR SALE. 3), THE subscriber oilers for sale his ftirm, nine miles eal of Raleigh, siicale on the New bern Road, and well known a ilio llu'iei Plane It contains 400 acres of good free land, with n fair proportion of w uidhnd. On the premises i a very eood dwelling house, ron'uining II romn; thers urn hut very few country house superior io ii in the county of VVnke. There Is a good kitchen, with several house! for r.euro quarter j n carriiiie houfe; Cider Prpf; StiShles: ( loiton Gin House Ac. ami a Storo House, at which a very rcspeciahlo . t j : . , , . , , . 1 1 1 ui i u uijr largo Apple uienara near tho dwolllnj house; nlo, a Inten number ol Peach Trees, with Pear, Plbm nnd Cherry Trees. There 1 a Post Offico on Ihe prcniisrtne maj nnivlns three limes n week via the Wilmington and Ralrigh Rail Road, and throe limes from the city of Raleigh. The loculon of the buildings If In "tho midst of a grove of large Oaks, high and hualihy. It would be a duliiihtful summer residence! or would answer for i ?,",? " .i. J."- aemu"9 01 pendlfl8 t. 7. rpi. The North Carolina Rail Road, about in hn hutn bus been marked off to run wiihln a hundred yards of the Dwelling House. A further description Is unnecessary, ns noons will, probably, purchase without examining the pro mises. ... Possession will be given on the first of Januarv. 1831, If sold by the 15th of December next if sold after that period, possession cannot be hod till Janiti ary. 152. WILLIAM R. POOLE. Esq. who live within a few miles nf the place, Is mv authorized Aent, and will make known the price and ter mi io all who may n THOMAS LORING. ilmlogion Oct fi, JRr0. pa SCOTCH SNUFF. TN Bladders or rolls. For sala by A April 22. WILKINSON & ESLER. . 16. : SILK WARP LUSTRE SACKS. A BEAUTIFUL article, of very light Summer Sacks, at - ; ' SCOTT & BALDWIN'S, t Market April 24, " f " ; '17.""' CIGARS ! $ARSH JUST received Iroift Havana t til boxes superior lie alia Cigars (star brand;) 10 000 La Prymmeia do, 6 H0O La Tropical do. 8000 Plantation do. All of (he above for sale cheap, at the Drug Store of 7"' C. Del'KL'S, Market St. March 6. 160. MEMPHIS INSTITUTE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. rpilE regulur course of Lectuics in this Institute A will commence on tlie Fiisi of Novcm ter, and continue until the lust of February The Anatomi cal Department will bo opened and ready to- rect ive aiudt-uts by the First ol October The Medical De par iiK'BiwiUbc undertije diiectionof the follow ing PROFESSOR'S : J. CONQUEST CROSS, M. D., Professor of the ir.siitulcs oi Medicine, und M'dicalJiiiisp'iM lite. W. BYRD POWELL, M. D., Prolessoi olCeiebrul Physiology, Medicol Geology and Mineralogy. R. S iEVV rO:N,M D., I'rolessorol Sirery. II. J. HULCE, M. I).. Pioltssur of Theory und Prueiice of Medicine J. A. WILSON, M. D.. Professor of Obsirctrlcs and DisoiiBesof Women urol Caildreii. J. KING, M. D., Profuksor ol Materia Medico, und Therapeutics. St. FREEMAN, M. !., Ptolessoruf Analoniy. J . M I LTON S A NDERS, M.'P.,Profcsoi olC hem is:ry and l'haiin icy. CLINIQUK LECTURERS Medicine Proi'esor;Il. J. HULt'E. Scroeby Professor R. S. NICW'i'ON. Anatomical Dbjionstbatob Z. FREEMAN, M D. The fees for n full ccilrsli'of Ireturei amount lo 5 1 05. Matriculator's, S3. Dciuonstiutor's--Fee, H0 Graduation, S20. Those ilcsiringfiii thi r information will please ad dress ihrir letter- (p 'Si paid) lo ilia l)( an ; nod stu dents univinu in thecity will please cull on him at the i 'ominercial Hotel. R. S. NEWTON, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. LAW DEPARTMENT. Hoa. E.W. M. T1NG, Profea.-or of Theory and Practice ol Low. Hon V. D. BARRY. Piofessor ol 'Commercial Ju rUprudc nee. Tbm $50 per Session. A 1 1 i'ou;mr,r.ications purloining to this department iiiiii be addressed lo i E. W.M. KING : MtMPtiisTcnn. July, 181 The Faculties, for intcMctnal abilhies, luoiaj, worth and prniessional iiecfWlciiu tits. v ill comuafe favorably with the most dinintuisln d in oiirfoi -.-iry. The medical faculty eonsti'iites an yrnoiiiaiy in this oruny other countri nil of incur., re otic cctiireis a nd ihe best of teachers. Those who will contemplate our geographical po sition, nnd tlis exient of our population. can have no doubt nMo the eligibility of our situation for no enterprise of the kind. At to ivcalih, including all seasonsof theyeur. wedeny that any other c ity- has m mr. A common error exists in the mindsnf ninny stu dents relative to the place of smdyipg r.i ulicinc ; tko?e who ini, nd praciicitic unions l.'.e (IU nn-s oi llin West and oioutli should ei rtiiinly educate tin :n pclvcb a' a school whose Faculty are piueti- nily ,ie 'ininti il uiih iIiohc diseases. That the public may he sali-fn vd uf ihe permanen cy of Ihisiohool, wofe.-l il our ditty. 'to, stale, t ti . t iln Trnsti'cs nnd Faculty form ti unit Inaction. ; ;.h a ill! lire well for its future sio-ri-Vmnd ili.t it,,- . ,.-- cullar internal oreoi.izalion whiih connects llicm. cannot bcinteriupted. E. W. M KING, President of i he Memphis In limte. Ji.ly 1 7. 1850. P Un, pd BUNGS OF the best make, nnd nssurled t-iy.es to Mill, for sale bv the barrel, or anv no inlitv not lcs ih.tn fiv1 hundred, by JOSEPH R BLOSSOM. Jan. 30. 135-tf. SHIPPING ARTICLES. OR SALT; ut The Commr.rciul Oilier, nn clc- antcdition of Shippinc Artlcles.eiubiacini' all the inws ol Congresa relative lo the Merchant't Service. NEGRO BONDS. HANDSOME Impression of Ncsrn Bonds iusl prir.ted'And for sale nl Tin Commcrciui A O.Tice. Atio, lifllsoj Sale of Ncrots Dec. 28. 1S50. CARD PRINTING. WE 'ctnind 'he put lie that the Patent Card press is ii i oration al lh" ortioo of yic Cuoiincrci.il, and that Cards will he printed In superior hM le, and at reduced prices. Ill ink Cards, ready for piiniinij, always on hand, of oil sizes, from 22 by 20 to 1 ty2 inches. '2i n. THE COMMERCHIi, PUBLISHED TR1WEEKLV. IN WILMINGTON, N. C , AT HK PUR ANNUM. IV ADVANLI-.. THOMAS LO It IN ft, Eel lor ami Proprietor. I. HOWK. Asiocuilc t.dilor. 1 F, paper iind-r iie above lirie is now in 'he filth yesf of jts npi ratt'iii. In claims To an ex tended patronage tire submitted will) er.i.li.lrhee lo nn inii lli jent and dlxcerning public, lis R, piVis , the markets In Wilininuion are deservedly i Hi 1 1 i and become irju I'e.xt B 10k for all dealers The Re ports of other markets tiro also scrupulously correct, so far ne the Information can be oblained. Careful attention will ho still paid to furnish the corlirsi news, and the most Interesting miscellaneous mut ter. The Commercial Is n Whlrx pnper. It Is. neverthe less, a model of political Independence. We are not so confined to ths rules of pririy, us to fear to be just We do nol believe Our causa' will gain friends bv the iibusp ni'our poliiical opponents, and il It would we should not adopt such n coiwse. We hive lakm ihe liberty of speaking well of Individuals among onr opponents, when we believed ifiey deservedlt, and will continue tn do so, The sustaining of Smtlurn Rights we consider above all party and all other Influences. We are no disunioiilsts, but we contend that those rights should be maintained at all hazards and In view of every canseqnence. Editors wh whom we exchange, are requested to give tne shoves lew insertions. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 30. 135, LIFE INSURANCE. THE subscriber continues to take risks on lives of WbJ'e persons, on the most favorable terms of the Mill ull Benefit itlfe Insurance Co. ofN. j. Surplus Capital over one million Hollars. J. R. BLOSSOM. Jan. 30. n.r.(f. SHINGLES. (medium aire,) -vsj'f vvr lor sale, hy MARTIN it CKONLY. NOTICE. ALL persons having claims agsHiu the securi ties of Mr. James Pettowoy, constable Rond for 1350, ere requested to hartd the earns to M. Lon don, Esq. for adjustment. March 20. i f. ; PCUDRETTE. 1(1 EBLS. Poudictte, an excellent article for re J nuring putp8tB. Uujly exptctcd, per Scl Ann Elizabeth, And for sale by KLLIS, RUSSELL A CO. April SC. : 17. i NOTICE TO PERSONS ' ' 1 ABOUT TO TRAVfcL. WE have just ttcelvcd nt St-hr. T.loulse, large Trunks, well coliulaud for travelling. A Few doien Cnreet bocc Amorff the afoi mem are a Itw Ladies Velvet Ti.nstri; S bcsBiit arucle. Calini , ' . SCOTT A BALDWIN'S. . , ' 1' ; , Jlurkel Street. I May 13. . x, ... ;. 25. WOOLEN WILLOW WARE." A LARGE assortment, for sale by -1 ' 11 hOWAUD & PEDFN. May 13. 2C. RECTIFIED WI!KKlGV. 1 fZ BBLS. Reiiified Whiskey; I) 5 Old Rye do.; N. E. Rum, Rose Gin, and a full assortment Wines, PERR1N & HARTsFIKLD. msy u. f . LOOS AT THIS. 100 BOXES SweifPrungiM .t ao r rencn Leno nnj 75 do Superlur 1-Tcine Fias : 60 Druni Exltu Slftyrnado; 10 Hugs do ISuplcs V uliiuis ; '9 Uaskris Sbuci lor Olive Oil: Imposed and Domestic S puis. Fr sale low 1 WILKINSON &. ESLl'R. May22. 29. FOR SALE TO ARRIVE. v OC( CohUs prime Thomuslun Lime. DStii expected, per Sclir. Henry At kin s.-, Apply to . J. H. FLANNHR." llay IB. . 20-2t. JUST RECEIVED. 2 DOZEN Gents Fancy Summer Caps, o now slyls, und decidedly a neat article, cheap for thJ cash by CJUYERS, Hatter. 22. May 6. tLUIV E NuLlSH und Americiiu, condanilv on handj for sale by ADAMS. BROTHER. & t.'o. May 3 11. E have just received 40 dox. fine I si ionnbl Shins; athong Ilium ore ii lew iloz all Imn. 1 hose in want ol Ihe article will pl-io-e ive us 1 .... O i, - ..i . I . . i . . rr. . .. i.ui ii e iiiso nave reeeivt-u L.IIHO sucll until b rock Coals; 50 Silk LuMro do. Come and s. nicy aie cot in llle - latesa-fashaon and will he fulJ cheap, by1 S. 6l D. TELLER. May 10. Ui. . A'n'i'irr A LL persons are forbid trespassing on the $ubJ il stribe'r's premises for the purpose ol hurling od HSlllUg. P. QUINCE. SI.iy 10. -24. A. A 5. SOlTRAllT CLKLB.iL ACtiVT; lU.HiuvMlA Jllll.f,' AND COLLECTOR, WILMINGT ON, N. C. I i i ill rtceive fli.u sen on ccmmisnon, nnyl i viopun, nie?, nicriiiiinoizc nna country pro-1 duce, 1 1 1 rt I limy be mil to lily fine, except Fpirltnuiial Liquors, i i uie-o oilers his at mica to ihe Mel c urns oi v nminjitoii ana tne puniic generally, as I i olleciing aiul All tdniiiis put 111 his hands furl collection, or i.ny olhei business ennusttd to hisl caic. shall i ei ive his pronirt attention. He rc- tpictlully so, kits ilepati-iM4$o of his friends in the nbovu-liislnuss, ot any other buiriCBs where mil a-i ut Ij winning. W iiminytiin, N.C. i:r.rKkcjss Ellis & MitcmbU, " ; JtTI. Gaa.NT, (i. R. Fax.scn, C. Myers. Journal, t;iljnboro' Patriot nnd Tiltyiajdi, Ro. unoke lit jiuhlieuii,n (li :ilt n.-c copy if. May ti. ' 22. - - - -Jiiv BROTHERS LINE. rTHE Sieanier'ZruMcra und Tow JJoals, Steven- X tun and llaxui Levis lire prepared lo lorw ard with Despatch, all goods consigned to the Projiri- etor. The Sti omer UrMti Is of light rnAeaitT, and w ell suite d tQ run in hu) voter. She posstsst s poic cr, and ?'eff, and is irddmirubly stlapted lo toving, and can nt'conmiudate about 20 pot-senvcrs. The Proprietor conteniplutes running- the Boot himself, and will-give epcctul attention to way I'n iijlii arid-naval stmes ; lo lowinL', and will also attend to the comfort and convenient u ol Passen gers. From his lopg experience as Agent in Wil I minuton of ihe several Steam boat Companies, : hv ihinks he can give Hiitislaclion. ' To Merchants in the interior he would so, that j ail Goods chipi ed In him, will be di live red lo ihelr I As't nts In F'iveittville. ilia Agent In V ilmingion i is JOHN I, A I TA. to whom all ci.fnniuniculions i may be uddresuetl, as Aent of the Steamer Brother. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. ! May 15 2(i-i 2m c. I Salisbury Watchman, Greensboro' Patriot, , l-'iu eiieville Observer, and t 'urolonan, and Ashboro ; lit raid, pleoi-e copy 4 wet l.s, und nine bid- lu Ihis I olhc WHISKEY. HI'.LS. N O Dotiole Rectified Whiskey 23 " Manoiieiiln-la do. 10 Ol.i Family Eye 25 " Apple IJiandy : F-jr ale veiy Ijw l y May 20. HOWARD t IT. PEN 28. FOR SALE. T tho Commcrciui OJJice, u Sketch of the t ariy life iiriil udtenlures of John Kuialkoviki ut Kohsmond, 'he exile of Puland, pariioularly in Po land, his native country. As a liul resort to enable Air Rusxmono to visit his nallvu conniry, . this in teresllnghitle work In o pamphlet of 22 pages, is offend in tho low price of 10 cents per copy. May 17. " 87-w. ARRIVAL AND -DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS AT THIS PLACE ARRIVALS. The mallfrom ths North, by 'Railroad, airlvcs do; ly about II A.M. '"-." The mail from ihe South, by Sicnnicr Irmn Clinrlt s tnn, arrives dally about 8, A. M The mail from Favetteville, via Warsaw, Is due upon the arrival of the curs, on Mondays, Wednes days, arid Fridays. , k . j ... The Mail tro.n f ayottcville, via MixaDetntown. by Sulkcy Is due on Tuesdays, Thursday and Sat urdays, at 9. A. M. i The Moil from Onslow Court House, byeulkry, ii due on Mondays, at fi, P.M. ' The Mail from Black River Chnpcl.via Lonp Creek, by Sulkey, Is due en Thursday, 6 P. M. CLOSING AND DEPARTURE. ' ThemaIIforths North, by Railroad, closes dally at 10, P.M. Tho mail lorthe "South, by Steamboat, closes dolly atliM. ." ' rru. Mnll r-. LSAMM.tAa.ltlA I n IVh.anw 1... lliu iiis I i vi - Hjuiivruip, .i timrtii' , , iwrir on Tuesduys, Thuradaya, and Sundays, ot 10, P. M - The Mull ror Koyettevllls, via Mizofeihiowr., by Sulkcy, closes on Tuesdays, Thursduya, and Satnrdoya ai 01, A. M. ; .kJ Ths mall for Onslow Conrt House, by I nlkey eld aesonThnrsdsys.al 10. P. l. ( , . Themallfor LongCreek, by 6u!key, closet eg Thursdays, at IP, P. M. - tT Letter should be In ths Office at Isari IS uis t'fo; thr clrsirg thsysi's,