L"'". "1 "J ."" ' . I" 11JL1""L.".""" ""." "'" " "'J' u"-rj"J-"J1J1-"anfJULm--'- n ' i ' ""ooi'i...... , i.. ' i I ii i i ' iW.h -.1 . .'-- 1 ' - r ' i" - "i-----------------4---- VOLi. C -0. 43. . WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 24. 1 851. WHOLE NO. 806.' .TUB ritI-iVUliiltYCOJl.UEKCLL fe "puUtished every Tossuat, Tubssdav and Sat- bA ill S3 00 per annum, payable-la alt cases lo advaaet . ; ;' 1 BT THOMAS lOfilJIC, ISdlior a4 Proprietor. , '. BfiJSJAMI V I. UOiYZfi, Associate Elttor, kf-fotNu'er raoiir and makckt rranTn, ' 1- Vf ILUHaTOS 1. P. ' , , RATIOS OF ADVERTISING . ear. I Insertion,: 0,50 ,1 sqr. ii months, 11,00 1 " r " 75 i " 3 Jo' J .. 1,00 I. ' " , A00 ' . ' 1 month, 2,50 1 V year, ,; 12,00 Tan Hue wr Uw make a aqaire; H An. advertise ? toeotasceeda tea lines, the price will be lo propor tion ' - - , AH advertisements ore pajroMe t the time or ihel insertion. ,-: . i 'Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be .made on i thfnuat liberal term. No' transfer of cjntriOtt' for yearly advertising : will be permitted. " Should clreuittituncpe render a ctuage la business, or an-imexpeoted removal neces j aryr eh'Utfe according to the 'published terms will '' beaitlie optloabrihe ootitraclor, for the time he ha advertised. sJTil prlvlhjjt of Annual Advorilsers Is strictly UHnUdto'theirownlitinediaiebuln94ij und all ad vertUements tn the benefit of other person, as well as all advertlseniBnt not immediacy connected with their owo business, and all ecess ol advertise ments in length or otherwLe, beyond the lluilis en gaged, will be chared at the usual rates. No advertisement is lacluded la the contract fot the aalaorrentof houses or lauds In town orcoun try, or for thl or hire of negroes, whether the property Is owned ; by tho advertiser or by other pursons. 4 loose are ewuuyu v - " The anobuncomcnt of marriages or deaths will 1 considered as na ws . and Inserted free of charge; buf all additional matter, beyond tho simple anr ' ttouncenwntof the death of tho person; will be 'chawed on the sau3 terms as advertisements. "Anadv'elitaoinefiU Insertedln the tri-weekly Com nuiwwJ, are eolitied to one Insertion In the Wttkty free of charge. ? a r JOB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING, executed la adperlor style, 4GENrS(R Til? COIPRCIAL NKW YORK "'Messrs. Baown& Dattosstt. BOSTON 1 Kaaoaatcit Kiooaa. El. BUSING MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, VVlLMlNQrON, N, U 'K'aiii"Ra tOj P. P. Hall, fiaq , Prea'l Branch- Stale IwSvVrijht, UTjq;, Pwyt Bank Cape Pear , O". O Parsley, Eiqs Pres'l Commer cial Bmk, ' ' . Dec. 19. 1850 Wilming ton, N. O. 118-tf. T.C WORTH c pfmmlssloa and Forwarding WIIjMINGTO.V, ff. c. Peb. I, 1851; ,., 143-12 m ' co.i'.n.itv;"ff5KCii isrs. WILMINQTQX, tf: C. llATHAWAfi J. L. HATMAWAT. ' G1?0. MYERS, , Wholesale aad Retail Grocer, fvi,' assrs o.istatlv oh mako Wlnh Liquor, Procitbiu, Wood and Wil- lorn Wrt, FsiX, CaftdimarU, f-c. &. wiLMiNaroN, a. c. Not. 28. 19- CAUSE & BOVVDEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ft'. -.AND QESEliAL AtiBSVS: Ts. r. oaoss. . - JOHJf C BOWDSit aarsaasoas. . . Alexander McOaa, President W. & R. R. Htute B inK. O. Q. Parsley. " Joha Oiwson, Merchunt. J & D. McRae &Co.. " Commercial Bank. P. C. Dickinson & CO, ' 112. ELLIS, RUSELL & Co. GENERAL LOMMISSIOX MERCHANTS .wVflLMINQTOIf, N..C. eaiifo. eats, nasav f. avssaib, jos. b. aostsit.. ; n.23 1351.-' 133. si( iiii iTtit ' Iss si 1 m 1. 1 1 , .3 IAUatlta . UlStkAlrSJ COMMISSION MERCHANT ; - r WILHINfJTON. N. C. i QTRlOT attention given lo pr touring Freights kanditurcnasingwargoasiorvesaeia ttaraaBKoaej:. -..;4v Cr.Q. Parsley, Esq . rnr ) . . Ol. ohn MoHaaV - Wflmlngion ,N C Mmrs.8:llard Huntington, J , . Will Peok, Esq.. ftalelgbT. C. Oessrs. Hall, ancketttk do., m. n , t Jsepli Otley, Ksq.i , ' ' J r V""-" 'Mjiu .James Corner Sons, Baltimore. ,V : K. A. Souler . ..Philadelphia. ; , i namnmin a Hitnt.t 1 . I I PHIshnry ft, Sandford.J f f"' ' : .nintlnr?A Tufta, ;-Mnn, ";:f 'f't' 2 1. ritcoah-,Xiiifkakr (nntUAMVl ilUSjXE CARDS. - . GEO. lURRISS, General- 'tbmaifiofi Merchant, 'r'wiLMiNam; n.' c5 QTRfCT attenil'in given to piocurlng Freight Kf and purcnawnguargoemor veaeia. Kcrva to . - ' B.P.H.rflrKio:., ) O. i. Parsley, Keq 1 , J . A. Taylor, Keq., Wilmington. J. U. Bellamy, F.q., Meur. Uailurd tiuntington, J IteaaM.Tookor, Ijinyth A Co., ) 7 k " ThoiBpson 4 Hunter, lewI0 Alcx'r. Hurron, Jr., Philadelphia , jtr .m. 11 . 1 H. H Baker, Esq.i Jan.'i.l95i. 9 123-tf. ANDERSON & LATIMER,6 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SOUTH W ATKR STREET. WIIiMINOTOX, S. C. Sep. 27, 1950.. 8My-c. MARTIN & CR0NLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL," AGENTS. Wllmlnirton.N.C..Oct.3 IPSO. 86tf. JOSEPil U. PLANNER, (hujul Can iihsbii tlerchant 03t 9tli 130. 8T-ly-o. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE AND retail dealer in SHIP CHANDLERY, ship stores CORNER OP J)J fc VrEtl STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec.7ih I8Q ' ' derosset & brown! ' WlL.VtlNaTON, N. C. BROWN & derosset, NEW YORK, GENERAL COMMISSfOX MKHCHASTS, Alarchl7 tool. GEO. H. KELLY, CQMAIISSION MERCHANT. Next da.ir U A -Ai V'nnet's,on Nrih Water st- wjll attend to the oale of all IcinJs of Cuuntrv PrO duce. iU'ih as ujm. l'ed.4, .neal. Bacon, Lard, Ac. and'A'iil Ana? cJiMiaatly on'hitid a full supply 0 Groceries, c. References. Wille8 Hall.jf Wayne, Join VIc.Rae, Wilmington, vv Uaraway, ' Gen. Alx.. MvKte. K. P,utili; Vil ttington, Wiley A. Walker, " Dec. 13. 1850. 115-ly. SAVAGE & MEARES. GENERAL COMMISSION MBItCIIANTS AND AUCTIONEERS, " WILMINGTON, N C. KDWAnO 8 WAUC. OASTON May 2, 1S50-- MCAStS 1 LEIGIITON, CHAD80URN & CO.. (icneral CiMi wissioa itlcrchants. WILMINGTON, JiV C. Dec. 11, 1650- li;-tf, CORNELIUS DiiPRE. WHOLE SALB AND KETAL DGAI.GRM IN Druys, Aledlclues, CUemlcaU, Palms, Oil, Uye -siuusv uiass, reriumery, i;igars, ' Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, $c ftARKCT STREET, WILMINGTON, NT. C. PiMjcri.-nt n oirifully comptunded by exper enced persons. - - March W, 13SJ . 6 J. C. LAH'A. COMMJSSWN MERCHANT, AND GENERAL, AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.l 1P50. . 87 HALL & L0NEV, 6eacr.il CDamiioii Merchaiits, . BALTIMORE , Wdl rtcttve and adbmict on Comignmml, and pay particular attention to filing order for product, cj-e." Refer to jffessr. DbIIossit Sc, Bsown. March 13. 133-3nj-p. WEST & HEWLETT, Auctioneers, Commission Merchants AATD GENERAL AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Rvraa to 9 Potter & Kidder, John Dawsnn, O. W. Davis, O. O.- Pamley, Barry, Drvont 4 Adams, E. P. Hnll, George Hnrrlss Edwc-tCantwell. Oet. 6 1660 1 -ly-c J. 5r. ROBINSON, IMPOBTSa A MO DBA 111 ID IIAUDWARC, IBQN, STOVES, NAILS, Ac, Ac, Frontstreet, SdooraSouthof r .1 Market street:, WILMINGTON. N. r. Wllm!ngtou,May4,1850. ..... ?2 TH0S. D. BARRY. Conalsslon Bferehant and Ship uroKcr, V .WILMINGTON K C BUSINESS CARDS. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. - (tate Barry, Bryant Adams.) COMMISSION MEROHAJS WILMINGTON. N. C. Jan. I. 1651. 123 J. D. flleRAE & Co. General Coanilsioo Herehants WILMINGTON N. C. Particular attention paid to procuring freights and purchasing cargoea for Teasels. JOHN HACAA. DUHAI.D MACS AS, JOUV W. K. MX. August!. 1850. 59. WILKINSON & ESLER; : CASH DEALBH8 !l Confectionary Prult. Nuts, Teya,Pancy Ar ticles, Perfumery, Tobacco. egara, &c, WHOLESALE ASP RK . AIL, MARKET 8'fREB, WILMINGTON ,N,C. Nov 30,1850. .10-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, General Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Prompt personal, attention gireu to Cousigu- raents tor sale or snipmeiii, And liberal cuh advance made on Contignmenti to -me or lo my Nt York friend. Wilmington, .Un. 30. 1851. .. 135 tf T. SOUTffMAYD & CO., OCIXEKRS, CLACKSullllS BRASS, iND IR0 1 f mum. - 111 orders In the line will be punctually at- tended to. 1 t'ORNGR MfLBEHy 4, JVoRTH WA'fER STB. WlLul GTON, NO. CA. May 16, 1850. , . 27 WILLTASrA. GWYER, GENERAL AGENT, FORWARDING and t'oinn.issiou Merchunt. JTAlCfSVleasutfein inforniing ihy Iriends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient ind personal attention. 1 have a wharf for Naval Stores, wilh ample accommodations. Spirit Houte, nud VVarehouto. Consignments or Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; and all kinds of coun try produce solicited. Caalndvancesmnde on con signments. April 18 1880. 15 ALEL MacRlE, Jr. IMPOKTEK OF CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, and wholesale a'ld retail dealer In all kinds of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, South Side of Market St., WILMINGTON, N. C November, 9, 1850. 102, W.G. BROWNE, PORTRAIT AND MINIATUKU PAINTER", r EQUESTS persons who wisli to have Portraits JL a. painted, or to view his collection or Paintings, to visit his Gallery in the Masonic Hall, between the hours of 9 and 5 o'clock. Aprii 6. 9-if FRESU AND G001. Per Schr. R. W. Brown. BBLS. uf Extra Family Kluur; 15 " Pure Genensce: 20 6 Bagj Lsgulra Coffee; 6 Kci(a of New Goshen Butter ; 3 lihls. more ef that Extra Fulton Market IJoefut GtO. H. KELLKY'S. June 12. 38 J, . it N. C. T. copy. WILRINS ESLER, "ITT'OULD respectfully invite those wishing goodJ v v ovarii to can una examine tncir lurgu assort inenii'iimnnz them may be found : 10,000 I'rinc'pe, JxstoSsnz, itood ; 20.0UU Reg.iliu, Lion; Jenny Ltnd, und Meusu r.tdo ; 10,000 Havana, La Nacional, prime ; 10,000 Lndy In the cugc liiiiidsoiue; 13.1100 Panullos La Ti-rresito, do 17; 00 De Li Vueita, oid enuuyh 10 walk ; 20.000 hulf Regalia, Jicolinoal, very superior; 15,000 Wandering Jaws, very cheap j ' 8,000 El Gallao, rine ; 14.000 La Cathedral ; 0 20,000 Low ptice, various qualities. Our stock of Sesrars dec, is much luraer than ever offered in ;!iis place, and at lowest cash prices. on WiLhVIbUiN c KoLKK, Market street. March 14. 1 JUSTIN TIME! THE following nriiles we have just received: 3 dm. Silk under shirts 1 4 dot. Guuse merino " 5 " patent Drawers; 20 dm. Linen Coats, assorted; 100 dez. Gents, half Hose; 50 dnz. fine assorted Shirts, with a great many other articles, all of which will be sold very "Cheap. Call soon and get bargains at S. & D TELLER'S May 15. 27. CAFE FEAR MARINE RAILWAY SHIT CARPENTERING. rP HE subscribers having nowcompleted their Ma I rina Kuilwav. are ureuared to take ud Vessels ofanvatxe. They pledge themaelvra thst all work done by them shall give satisfaction, both as :o charges and workmanship. Thev haves larva fnrtr employed, which will enable them to perLm all work wiiu uispaicn. ' They are also nreDared to build anv sire VcsmI. from a PILOT BOAT up to a SHIP; .and will warrant that their work will compare-fa voiably with any dona here or elsewhere, and upon as reasunabl terms. Alwaya on hand a large stoek of Timber, Ac. SAMUEL BEERY A SON. Rarea to P. K. Dickinson, Deltosset A Brown, Barry, Bryant 4 Adams, Wilmington, N.C ueo. nr. uavis, J. D, McRae, Co. June 27.1850. - ' J 4M?m- ROSIN STRAINERS. T7R0M No 13 to 100, of a. superior oualliy, for UBSSSSmmmmr -i' j...,:.'v March 29. POLLY A HART- PORTRAIT PAINTING. JMASSALON, Portrait Painter, would respect. fully lof.irtn ihecitlseniof Wilmington and the surrotinding country, tht be ha permanently loca ted bimelf In this prae, and will be happy lo re ceive 1 he patronage of any ladles or gentlvmen who may Mh to procure faithful likennses of then selves ir aqy member of their fjmiiy. . lie flatlets himself, from his long experience In the art, that he will be enabled to give satisfaction. . Itl roomlaat Mr. Love's Furniture Establishment, Front Stroet, Wttimnton, N, C. :;.jHU5,-k My. STOVES AND GRATES. JUST RECEIVED . . i A large Supply f SHIP, PARLOR, CHURCH, AND OFFICE STOVES! of thf BEST and moot spproved PATTER NS. wholesale 6V retail ALSO, an assortment of Holar, Camphlne, Fluid! jJfl. and Oil lismns. nlaln and V Ianamii4 War Mtatr ' Dinhes, Coffee Urn., Blg eins. Tea Trays. Walters, Platform and other Sea lea and a variety of other aid cles too numerous to men tion. , , POLLEY & HART. 69 Oct. 10. DEEDS FOR SALE. IlaranteeDieds,ranl Dseds furMortgagrorl&nd V juiu printed, In correct formand fornalcar tb? Commercial Ofjlct. SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION I TUST Received, a Inree assortment of Sinele and J Double barrel, Bird. Duck and Deer Guns, of the nnest nnlsn ond latest style, made by those eclebra led makers Chamsb & Son, snd oihera of known celebrity. Guns of all weights and calibre, also, Powder Fluaks, Shot Pouches, Game Baca, percus sion Caps, snd la fact the best collection of sports men s cooas ever ottered In tills market. Gentle men please cull and examine. P0LLEY& HART. Oct 3 i , 66 BILLS OF LADINeT tuiiiui OF LAD MOLIO POST BILLS ING bound sl in Books. and sheets, also Letter Sheets with svarleiy of mercantile blanks, lor sale at The Com mercial UJlcc. FOR SALE. A Good family Carriage, suitable fer a Hac, of good and substunti.il material, will be sold or exchanged fur a tig tn liuggy. Apply at the Commercial office. July 9. 4S. NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS ITTE have jest received the handsomest and moat v V bcaiKllul aasortinent of lancv Dry Goods thut ever was hrousmt to this or anv other market.' Ladies and GuntL-men are Invited to call and ex- amine X'uuntry merchants are particularly invited. Or ders will be promptly attended to.' We also have on hand a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, which ws keep en tirely up stairs. We have ihein made up ourselves, and do not want to pay profit to other. We are able to sal) l!) em cheaper than any House. 8; D: TELLER. March 13. 153. TO TURPENTINE DISTILLERsT pHE subscriber would inform the UtitHUr of A Turpentine, that he bus now on hand ai InsCoop er Sliop in ihhf place, a supply of teatqned timber. Sufficient for ihc; present year; and that thoso who were dlsuppoinled in gelling work Uul year, may rely upon bein served this, as he has added greatly o his former arrangements 1 snd having pnrnmneni ly logated himself here, he will be enabled to pay Strict attention to the quality uf the work ; and should any casks maQe bv him prove bad, he will exchange them, or return the prke nf such casks : also, from tho first of March next, he will deliver me.mjree 0 cnarge, hi any point in or anund Wil mington. Hereaiter hia casks shall be marked with the letters A. M., on either head, so that the work mav be knows. The prlco will be SI 75 ner barrel of 40 gallons. Should any change be made in these prices, due notice will be given in this paper. A. MORGAN. Jan. 15. 123-fiui-p. GUNNY BIGS. 5 "inn GUNNY Bags, for sal very low by ,VJUU ANDERSON 6t LATIMER, March 29. b. WOODEN WILLOW WARE. A LARGE assortment, for sale bv IX HOWARD May 13. & PEDEN. 26. RECTIFIED WHISKEY. 1 p. BBLSt, Keciified Whiskey j X) t Old Rye do.j ' - N. E. Hum, Rose Gin, and a full assortment ol Wines, PERRIN & HARTS FIELD. May 24. 30. LOOK AT TIIIS. 1 0( BOXES Sweet Oranges; 1 JJ 28 do Prench Lemons; 75 . do Superior Elema Figs 1 '.60 Drums Extra Smvrna dot . 10 Rags do Naples Walrtutai I Baskets Suiwlor Olive Oil 1 Imported and Doroestio Segara. Fr sale low by - WILKINSON A ESLER. MayJt, .,. . , . ; GLUE, TNOHSHand Amarloip, eonetsnily on hand, ilrfforesis by ADAfi, BROTHER A Co. ar "V 7 kotice ex, v OWING to the Increased, detnsnda of Oar Trad In lha following artielea we hava bee Induced to enlarge out Stock of Frail. Confectionary. Note, Tobacco, Stgar and Snuff vf all kinds which re tellers and others can select from, at towsai crleee. : t i WILKINSON a tSLKK. April 'A 16V U3IE! LIMK!! LIAJEM! AAililW, LlnuolnvUle White Lurapt Also UUU caleined Plaster, Phistetlng Heir, tad Kire Brick, Hydraulic Cement lUOw bbla. Uae f-e.if orsaleby .. i ... - J.C.dtK. B.WdOD. ContractorinndBallders. Dec.22. 1850. lit. . COTTON YARN. 6 BALES of BlunlCreek Vaet.ir, 7ti(Pi 3 " " " Shirting j 1 " " " . " Sheeilnni at CKO. II. KKLLEVS. May 27. J. II. 4. N.C. Telegraph copy. 27, GREAT CURE FOR DfSPEPSIl! ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. DR. J. 8. 1IOIGTONS PEPSIN I The True DlgestlVe fluid, or Gaatrlc Julca Prepared Irom Rennet, or the lourth atomach oflhs . ux, alter directions ol baron Llrblg, tn great Physiological Chemist, by J. 5. Houghton, at. D., Philadelphia, Pa. This is a grtat Natural Remedy for Indigestion, snd Dyspepsia, curing after Nature's oWn Aremd, b) Nature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice.- Pepsin is the chief vlomeiii, or Great Dixeating Principle of the G.mti lc Juice- the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, 1'rettrting, ni SUmidntinf Aaeniot; iheMumuchand Intestines Ills extracted from trie Digestlvehiomach of the tlx, thus foimlng an Ariificiul Digestive Fluid, precisely IlketW natonl Gastric Juice, in its Jhomlcal powers, and furnish ing a coinplite and periecl substitute for it. By the aid of mis prepnraiion, the pains end evlla of In- digvsdon and Uyspepsia are removed jut as they would be by aheulthy Stomach. It la doing wonders Tor Dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, nervous decline and Dyspeptic consumption, sup posed to be on the verge of the grave The Scien tific Evidence upon which tr 1 baJ, -Is in the highest degree ciirious and remarkable. nunm Leiebig, in hia celebrated worK on Animal ChemNiry, says: "An Artificial Digestive luld, unalofous to the Gsstric Juice, may be prepared from tlis mucous membrane of the stomach of the Ox, In which various articles of food, as meat and ezn. will be loftencd, changed, and dignled, jutt in the tame manner a they would b n the human itamach." nan s teaspooniui ol pure j'spsirt, inrus,-a or ais Ived in water, will digest or dissolve AVrs Pound Roast ISuf in about tutt hour out ef the S lo ach. Dr. Houghton's Pepsin, Is sold by nearly all the dealers in fine drugs und Popular Medicine, through out itir Untied States. It is prepared in Powder, snd in Fluid form and in Prescription ylals lur the use ot Physicians. Private Circulars, for the ase of Physicians, may be obtained ol Dt Houghton or hia Agents, descri bing the whole process of preparation and giving the authorities upon which the claims of this new remedy are based. As it is not a secret remedy, no objection can be raised against its use by Physicians In respectable stanoing snd reguluf practice. Pics n r luio, tortii, une uonsr per Dome. PJJ?$IN IN POWDER. Sent tji Mail, Free 0 Pottage. For cr-nvomence or sending to sll parts Of the country, the Digestive matter of the Pepsin, Is pdt up in the form of Pewder, with directions 10 be dis solved in woter by the patient. These Powders con tain lust the same matter as the bottles, and will be sent by mail, free of postage, for one dollar sent (post paid) to Dr. J. 3. Hougnton, M. D , Philadel phia, Pa. Observe this! Every bottle of too genuine Pepsin hears the written signature of J. S. llopgh- ton, vi. u , sole Proprietor, Philodtlphia, Pa. Lc7 Sold by all Druggists and Dealer in JJeiJt- clncs. Said, wholesale Bnd retail, bv A C. EVANS & BROTHER; W.H. LIPl'l IT A. Co., and C. De li E, Wilmington, N C. IVlav 12. 25-Umc NEW GOODS. THE Subscribers are now opening their Spring block of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cat- cry, wood and wttlow Wre. ALSU: A lot of China, Glais and Earthen Ware. They will be glud to see their old Customers (especially the p tying ones) at iheir Store on North siJe of Market Street, Four Doors from the River. ' PERRIN & HARTS FIELD, April 14. 13. TOBACCO. 1 f BOES Neison's superior peond lamps, x vx ror aatfDf - ANDERSON A LATIMER, CONSULATE OF HAVTI, 64 Commereihl Wharf, Boston, Sih March, 1351. 'AHE undersigned gives notlee, that in aeor X dance wjth aiaw passed at lort. otf Prince, on the 24th December last, vessels arriving la fjoytl from (he U. Statca on or after the 16th April next, most be provided with Duplicate Manifests of their cargoes, certified by a Consular Agent of Hay li, ff there thall have been one at the port of load ing, otherwise the documents may be verriflfd be fore an officer (duly, commencement in administer on oath) of the Siato or United Slates Government. B.C. CLARK. May 8. 23-if. FLOUR A$D JUCDNa " 1 (in BBLS. Superfine Floor; W J UU 10 hhds. Shoulders, just received per Schr. Attn Elizabeth, and for sale bv J. A. D. Jnne3, , McRAE A Co. 41 CANDLES. CABOXE3 Sperm, At'amantlna. and Moold.Can- Fdlcf, for sale by HOWARD A PEDEN May 10. N. C. BACON. Qf-WVLRS. Hams, Sldea and Shoalders, In ' store, sad for sale low by 3AVAUU A UCAKKV. 35. Jane 5. SALT! SALT! I SALT! 1 1 2 C- ACKS superior groond Alum Salt, .0 UU bow landing Irom Br. Bark Bee, and for sale by -v i. A D. McRAE A Co. ; Jana 5. ' .-. - CYPRHSS SHINGLES the 20,000 LARGE slxe-, for sale fey ;- i SAVAGE A MRARES, ptr. TT ati irinnn o .. . Tf (aej Peoplo f Wrtl Carolina, m itit lak- r : ; V tct at fuatutltmil Pefiirrns, ,s . , y ' Wl do stt tteaire to b vadentooi at cp poaioj in the teaat pioper tyttem of Inter' on! Imprortrcent j nor tf maklnj tnjr eosty , -v p!laf ifainst what Wt herafotbrav beei ' otf by our IxgiaTatorgC for 'am vt to regarded to lalilnf ground igafnat the proper' protepttoit of property. Wei ahooli b fU? ti toveo he inf tmt fa North Caroliosi when ay item of rariahtsTowott!d k pre -eminent $ when otir people wouid be lea ob m&M of taw ; aa ttgnfital of'rlgiU Tho true theory of free Government Ja tbe proper protection ofiuejiixena 1st tba en;oymen(of - - i(e, Hibcrty a4 -PfPvf he ' property ta A right attached' to & peraoo of a citizen, and he ia to be protected iaiueflH . joyment, Tag"ara bnifora, and nWh t poseesaee a little to aa deeply interested V its cnjoTmenta a ona poeceating a greaiei" hare arid eqtmllynay,' more oppoaed Uf the impoaition of hlgk tea. .. v property iiae no , rtghu tQdepenoent or pvnoruj. Yoa can give it no rightav nor privU iegee. nor imntonidet which affect it alone-- f n 1 - - jr' d' " 1 f-" ' 1 a' -ai .' I' it la matter and cannot reef, nor enjoy rignu bat in consequence of iu posaetelor ) 00 may! -give ita owner political power and privileges ; If, then, yoa protect chl2ena in tba enjoy r mentoi pmperty, ianot thepotseaaorof hnn drede equally "entitled to protection aa that owner of thousand , U hia enjoyment tba leaa? DoyoQ measore enjoyment by lbrv quantity enjoyed ? Suppose yoo taka from" -the rich maa his 'thorfaanda it ia only - hia a. If yoo lake from tho poor man hia boo -irad-it ia hi$ all too. ' Which will eiing to . hia all with tfieLrn'6ra pertinacity 1 Which! ' wilt surround it with mora guard oa it . sparingly ; ard more carelully provide thatit ahall not be consumed by profuas and laviah; -expenditures of Government T I tt is, BOtori-ii 00s that the poor complain most of btgfil taxes, and H is natural; it it - harder for then to pay tbem.4 It diminishes the aggregate sf.i .' " each more, alihoogh lha amount taken away ? , is less, and every poor man' hopes and i- - pecta lo in; prove his condition, and ona day " to become rich. IXst.ee'' it is lo Weatern North Carolina ws ara "more Interested b i -v. ;;. fhe preserratioa of slave property because ' u although wo .may have fewer; Bfaveswoi have more $lave ownenj and, , of course, a & - -' greater number ef persona ff watch over any aggrraaions opon it " The same is trao S ' of land. We have more land owners ; and ; 5. : owners of every other species of property j5 and fewer of that caas-of persoos who. have - not hmg to Cnjoy, and nothing' to protect or?' ' defend. bat Iheir rihts of person, JqgnJIy opposed to. tnis principle, is tho . rule by'which political power is meaatired To coreict together the. people of tha , Suite in otic comnoonbond offnterest, it noly3 necessary that they should possets the tamo . ' kird of property, and 'that taxes should11 . be direct and uniform. 'Indirect taxes a re seldoia repretentativei o( the wealth of the f : community where they are collected. Too : amount ol public revenue collec led ia they ; City of New York is no1 sore ,teat; of the- r v; wraith of thec'iy, And many of our taxes , arc indirect, and furoiah- ta . Index of, tha. x ' ' wealth -oftie ounties io which . Jlhey ara paid. " . , f r, " j - i, . ' - . 4 . , it ia idle, then, to say yoa most give more V : -political weight to the rich than the .poor ' the owner of thousands' than the . owner ot . . " hundreds. A ibooaand owners of the -par- ' -. -ticufar specie af property will afford it much." ; ? ,r more effectual protection than one owner of ; , , ,. ' the same ahtoanf and rpecea,tinder any t. , form of government that would be tc'.ztt'.Ci for a moment in a fred country." 1 -. ' . If the Weat has leas "capital, fewer ty-rtr. t ..I ai(d landTeaifalnable; they will guard their ; ., ' little more carefully than the East f .and ia guarding their own, they will guard and prr ; teel that af ttielr Eastern ' brethren. Wa j , i are one people, and God grant that the time may come when war may feel that we are not eommoa enemies, but thai our interests are the same. The slrngV that has hera- j ; tofo're'axisted has not resulted io the puM.s . i good: ' 4. ,T-. f ,.. , ; Many of our eitfrene' are greatly" Apposed f to the election bf Judges by tho; Legislature, 1 as isrequfreahy the conatitali6n. It eannoV" , be di'guiaed that oof oww Legislature has ia ; many initancel bean the . scene of iu'.flguea 1 . I" entirely at war with otir ideas of the parity ? , - the bench j and la which, it was show O ; that neither characr, or ' quali&ation, ; were made lha teats of fitness for oIee. but . ' imply party' services. ;' Legiaturee are nail bodies; uaually elected upon . po!l:Ical , - ; party grounds; and that,5 loo frequently at i j the sacrifice of the beat intercaU of tho pro- ;-. Mays.' , i .;.-c,Awt4 pap., May 29 1 4(

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