mi ii iii in a iiiiHirrTmTTBTTwnnTTinTimTnmiii fum aux.. m, ji,,, (BMKM PUBLISHED TKMVEEKLi, UY THOMAS LORI.G. VOL. 6 NO. 0. WHOLE NO: 813.. WILMINGTON. N. G. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 12. 1851. tTTTG TTTN TT ; TTTTT (D.-:iiL-Jo . MB f lU-YEEiLV C0.1I3IEECUL la published every Tpkkuat, Tudssdav and Sat f tBAT, at 15 00 per annum, pay aula in all enact in ' sdvance BYTHOMAS LORISO, ' Clltor and Proprietor. nSXl.iniVI. IIDiVZfi, Associate EJitor. coaxea op raosr and mvrkkt btrkkts, ;.v YILMINQTOX, N. C. llATES OK Al)lrIJRriI.V. 1 Insertion, -50,50 -i 1 sqr. 2 months, 41,00 2, 75 1 1 ' 3 " 5,U0 a " 1.00 II " 6 " 8,00 qr. .tontlt, I I l year, ; -13,00- ' JJen lines orleas make a wiinre. It an advertise ment exceed ieo lines, the prico will be in propor tion." yi Ail advertisement are payable at the lime or ihei insertion. Contracts with yearly a Ivertiscrs, will be made on tbo m jst liberal terms. fto transfer of emmet for yearly advertising will be permitted". SliouUI circumstances render a change In business, or an unoxpeotcd removal neces afy, a charge according to the pqbllstyjd terms will tie at the option or tlio contractor, Tor His time ho has advertised. The prlvibija of Ainui! Advertisers is strictly limited to their awn Immediate bu.tnoss : ar.d all ad vortUe nant fot the banoiii of other person, as well at all advertisements not immediate.? connected with their own business, and all excess ol advertise inonts In length or othorwLe, beyond Uie limits en gaged, will be chir-d at the usual rates. No advertisement is iiicludud m the contract fot the sale or rent of houses or lands in town or coun try, or for tha sale or hire of negroes, whither the property is owned by the advertiser or by other poraons. .These are excluded by the term ' bum Jiate business." The anaoaacemoat of marriage or deaths will be considered as news, and inserted free of charge; but all additional matter, beyond the simple an nouncement of the author th? lv.M--n, will be ch.r?l on the s.im; tJr.us ai adverttseuionU. All advertisements inserted in u' irt-weoh.y mtoclaL are entitled to one Insertion in the WtMy free of charge. JOB, CARD and FANCY niU-NTlXG, 9)jeeuled in superior style. AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL NKWVOaKt Messrs. 8aor.j RrUosst. BOSTON :. Kaeoaaicit Kiddbb. Ksq. BUSINESS CARDS. MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, VVIL.MINQI'Q., PJ. C. REFER TO E. P. Hall, Ks 1 , Pres't Crunch Slate 1 Tiof llNvright, Ksq., Prcs'i lank ! Wiloiin Oie Pear, I ,0-. N- c- O. Q. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Commer- clalBink, J Doc. 19. 1330 ll3-,f T. C. WORTH ; Commission and Forwarding MEIlCinNf, . iViiiMisrui'ov, S. V. Feb. 19. 1851. U3-12 m. J. HATHAWAY & SON. COMMISSI"! MERCHANTS. wilmixqtos; S. C. ' ' Hathawav. J. L. Hathaway. J Oet.5 GEO. MYERS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. CEIPS COiSTASTLV ON HANI) Hlnes, Liquors, Provisions, Wood and Wil low War, Fru'U, Confectionaries, 4c. etc. SOOTH rsONT STSEBT, WILMINGTON, 8 . C. Nov. 23. 109. GAUSE & COMMISSION BdWDEN, MERCHANTS, aENERALA OEyTS. THoa. r. aoii. johs c. sowDEif llfKIIKOBS. Alexander McRae, President W. & R. R. B. P. Hall, " State Bank. O. O. Parsley. ' CommOrcial Bank. John Dawson, Merehant. J.Sl D. Mcilae&Oo., P. K. Dickinson 4 CO. ' Dec. 7, 1850. 112. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. CRAS. D. KLLIS, HSSSV t. BUSSELL, JOS. B. RUSSSLL. Jan.25 1851. 133. AVILLIAM M. HARRISS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to procuring Freights dndDttrchaalnaCartfottforvegsels Ririainciai- O.Q. raTBley,Es( ) Col. John MoRaa, Wilmington ,N C Masara. Ballard A Huotiogton, 3 Will Peek, Ksq.TRallgh,N. C. Oossrs. Httll.S icksttatGD.. ....... . i)aophUtley,F.sq,, . dssri.JanissCorner Sfona.Rnllimorf . R. A. Soudar A Git., Philadelphia 4 Thompson Hunter tw.x.rt,C Plllabury SndfordJ Now 0,k- Hunting &Tufti. 1 Hon J,. P.rit!om,Kennel!iik,M. BU&VSSS CARDS. .... GEO. HARRISS, General Com mission Merchant r WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to pioeuring Freight and puretiaaingCirgocsforVddaeis. Vi.WT.fi to , R. P. Hall, Esq., 1 O. CJ. Parsley, Kaq., J . A. Taylor, Keq., Wilmington. J. U. Bellamy, -Ksq., I Messrs. Uallard& iluntington, J Messrs. Tookcr, Smyih & Co., . .. . " Thompson A Hunter, ( ew X orn. Alex'r. Herron, Jr., Philadelphia Jljr; Williams A Aiuier, nf , v r, U.K. Baker, Esq., fOhi r.-eitoirjS.C. Jan. 1. 1851. 123-lf. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION M E R C H A N TS, SOUTH WATKR STllERT. WlliMIXG'l'OX, N . C . Sep. 27, 1930. 82-ly c MARTIN & CHONLY. AUCTIOXRUAS, COMMISSION .MERCHANTS, GENERAL" AGENTS. .Vilminston.N.C. Oct. 3 1S50. S5tf. JOSEPH Ii. FLANNER, ; :i3r.il Cj n nisla Merc'iant. wii.ni.vurtv, x. c. ;t. Sth, IS30. 87-Iy-c o WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALKK IN SHIP (jftANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, o m.Eii oh ) ) i a t v v re.. i s r;t i; kts WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec:.7(h 1950 'J DEH0SSET & BROWN. w 1 1.. n fir. ro , n. c. MOWN & UEKOSSHT. NKW VOItK. QK XKliA L COMMIHSIOX MKHCHA.XTS. .Mnrcl.17 1S61. t-y. GSJ. II. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next do.ir tA. A. vV.mn ;t's, on Nonh vVatcr st will urtond to tits sulu of all ItinJs of Oountrv Pro, dijce.su :lj as '"iro, i'j.n, MjI, 15 icon. Lard, itc: a iid .vill Ms,) c i.m.iotly o:i naod a lull supply of Groceries, Ac. Ilefcr'encos. Willcs Hallrf Wiyiie, Jo:in cltai-, Wllminston, W Carawuy, ' Gen. Alx.. .Mcllie. ' K. P. 1 ill, AMI lii.iTUn, Wil ly A. Walker, " Dec. Ii. 1 15-1 y. GENERAL COMMISSION M LMU'llAXTS AND AUCTIONEERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. EDWARD UVAOB. OA8TON MEASES May 2,111. " 1. LEIGlirON,CHAD80URN&CO (encral Co 11 iiission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. II, 1350- lltf. CORNELIUS DuPRE. WHOLE SALE AND It ET A L DEALKHri IN Drugs, Medicines, Ciiemicals, I'alms, Oil, Dye Studs, Glass, Fertujavry, Clears, Old Luinora, I'ancy Articles, &c MARKKT STdEKT, WILMINGTON, S. C. Pi'.sriptlons :ir;fully compounded by exper enced persons. Marches. 1351. 6 J. C, LAT1X J COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND QENEllAL AGENT, WILMINGTON. N.C. Oct.l 1SB0. ' 87 HALL & LONEY Geasral Co,u;niioii Mcrch ints, BALTIMORE, Will receive and advance on Consignments, and pay particular attention to filling orders for produce, qT-c. Refer to Messrs. DeIIosbet & Brown. March 13. I533m-p. WEST & HEWLETT, Auctioneers, Commission Merchants AND GEXEIHL AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. RfFKR TO ' Potter & Kidder, John Dawson, G. W. Davis, O. G. Parsley, Rarrr, Brvant & Adams, R. P. Hall, George Harrlss Kdwc" Cantwcll. Oct. 6. 1859 -ly-c J. M. ROBINSON, aroiTii and oaLsa in 1IAHUWARE, IKON, STOVES, NAILfc, c, Ac, Front street, 3 doors Southof Market a tree;., WILMINGTON N C. 22 WiIrnlntoB(May4,1850. sr TnOS. D. BARRY. Commission Merchant and Ship Broker, WILMINGTON V. C. Jin.21.liMr .' lilif. BUSINESS CAUfiS.. ADAMS, BROTHER k Co. . f ttitrlt Bryaot Adams.) oUMMlbSl ON M MERC HA N .ft WlLMIXCfTON.Pf.'C. Jan. I, 1G51 J & D. McRAE & Co. General Com uissioii Merchants, WILMINGTON N.'C. . - Particular attention paid to piocui lugfrelsUU and purxhaslne carsor tor vessels. JOHN MAC HA R, ftOMALO MACRAE, JOHN W.R. DIX. August I. IfcloO. ' 59. WILKINSON & ESLERY CASH DEALCK8 -H Confectionary, fruit. Nuts, Toys, Fancy Ar tlrlca, I'eilumerv, Tobacco. cgar, &c WHOLESALE AN II J . AIL, MARKET BTIICET, WILMINGTON ,N. C. Nov" 30, 1350. ' ' .10-tf JOSEPH R. BI OSSlfM. Getirral Commission and Forwarding Merchant I'rompt personal attention irlveu to Cooslgn menta for sale or Shipment, And liberal ciish advance made on Consignments to ' me or to my New York friends. .ViLrsinton, Jan. 30. 1331. 135-tf T. SOUTHMAYD & CO., KG!.EERS,'CL.(:iSIlliIS, Mm, uD IIlll.N 1'UUXOliKS. Ill orders In the line will be punctually at tended to. OOHNEIt Ml'LnERY & NoHTH WaTER 8TS. WILMINGTON, NO. CA. May 1G, 1860. 27 WILLIAM A. GWYER, (iENERAL AGENT, FORWARDING and t'oiu.i.ission Merchant. JTAKK oleasure in informing my Iriends, that 1 am prepared t-0 give all business entrusted to me efficient ml personal attunlion. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with aoiple accomiiioilutions, .Spirit Houte, and Vnrehou?e. Consignments of Nuval Ktorosfor sale or shipment ; nrt.i all kinds of coun try produce solicited.' CuilwtlvanCcsmade'on con flifMHiuriis. AprillS 1850. 15 ii pv w..,.imp r Illicit iu, Jl. IMPORTER OV ' Clim A, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, and wholesale audretail dealer In all kinds of FARMING IMPLEMENTS South Side of Market St., WILMINGTON, N. C November, P, 950,. 102, AV. G. BROWNE,'" PORTRAIT AND MINIATURE PAINTER, JJ EftUKSTS persons who wish to have Portraits J-t painted, or to view nis collection ot raintlngs, to visit liis Giillery in the Masonic Hall, between the hours of 0 and 5 o'clock. April 5. g-lf AyiLKIiNSON & ESLER, WOULD respectfully invite those withing good Sugar to call and examine their large assort ment, union; them may be tound 10,000 Prinpe, Justo Sanz, good j 20.000 KegaliiiLion; Jenny Llnd, and Alensu- rado : 1Q,0Q0 Havana, La Naclonal, prime ; i 10,000 Lady in the cage handsome; 18.0U0 Pannllos La Terrestio, do 17; 00 l)i) La Vitettn, oid enough to walk j 20.000 half Regitlia, Jicolinaal, very superior; 15,000 Wandering Jews, very cheap ; H,000 Kl Galleo, fine ; 14 0d0 La Cathedral; 20,000 Low piico, various qualities. Our stock of Sugars dec., is much larger than ever offered in his place, und at lowest cash prices. Call on WILKINSON & ESLER, Market street. March 14. 1 ROSIN STRAINER. 17 ROM No. Id to 100, of a superior ' quality, for X salet sulet POLLY & HART. 0. March 29. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. CaTHABIMK M. CAlBl.t, ) vs I William S. Campbell, j James G. C ampbeil, Marsdev Campbell, Julia Waddell and Kbamcih M. Waddell, Patrick .Mubphv. y In Equity. IT nppearin;.' to the satisfaction of Me Ccurt, that William S. Campbell, James G. Campbell, Mars deh Campbell, Juiiu Waddell and Francis M. Wad dell are non-residents of this State, they are hereby notified to be and appear vK tho ne.it term of our said Court of Equity, to be held for tho County of Wow Hanover, nl the Court House in Wilmington, on the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday In September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur-to Complainant's bill, otherwise the same will bo taken pro confeiso add heard ex parte as to em. ' ' Witness Thomas D. Mearea. Clerk and Master of our said Court of Equity, at office the 16th day of June, 1851. T. D. MKARES, C. & M. E June, 17. (Pr. adv. 7,8) 404w EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 LARGE Sisesjust received and for talc 1JJ by ELLIS, RUSSELL & CO. June 26. 44. u TOBACCO ! TOBACCO ! ! QrW l DOZ. superior Smoking Tobacco ; OUUU 600 lbs. Virginia Leaf; 100 bojds Eldorado Tobacco, (superior) ; 208 '" Cablneaa " (prime); WW 1M Scotch Snutl. tor aale low by WILKINSON & ESLUC June 26. 44. SHOULDERS. 5 HHDS; prims Western Baeon, (Shoulders.) jui received. For sals bv - I HATHAWAY & SON. June 3$. 44. PORTRAIT PALMING. TT f , no . ff . xi n j. i . . i i la.io.ii.y.,, runraii rainier, wnuia respeci- v iuiiy imorm tue cttijens or "llminton :ind the Brrounding Moatry, that he has permanently loea-; wu unnutu in ini piace, ana win ne nappy to re. wive the patronage of any ladies or gentlemen who aisy wiih lo arocura faithful likenraava of them- elves r any member ol thtr family, lie rUm-re himself, from his long exnertanee In the art, thu h will be enabled to glva aatlafuction. His roomlsct Nr. Love't Furniture EitablUhment, Fruat Street, Wilmington, N. C. - ' ' " . Aprils, I&51. 9-ly. STOVES AND GRATES. jUSTIIECEH'ED ' Largo Supply OP SHIP, PARLOR, CHURCH, AND OFFICE STOVES! of the BEST and most approved PATTEBXS. wholesale & retail- ALSO, an assortment ol GRATES 4 FURNACES, Solar, Caraphine, Fluid, and Oil liflmps, plain and Japanned Ware, Steak Dishes, Coffee Cms, Big Ctns.TeaTraya. Walters, Platform ami other Scales and a variety of other ai ti des too numerous-to men tion. - : - a-v POLLEV & HART. 69 Oct. 10. DEEDS FOR SALE. A17aranteeDecds,and Deeds for Mortanprorland v just printed, in correct forniand fortali at ths Lornmrcia (Jfflct. SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION! JUST Received, a large assortment of Single and Double barrel, Bird, Duck and Deer Guns, of trm finest finish and latest stylp, made by those celebra ted makers Chance & Sum, and others of known celebrity. Guns of ell weights and calibre, also, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bajs, percus sion Caps, and In fact the bost collection of sports men's eaods ever offered in this market. Gentle men please call and examine. POLLEV & HART. Oct 3 8G vr BILLS OF LADING, &c. I'OLIO POST HILLS OF L ADING ' bound In Books, and sheels.alsd Letter Shrets with ararlotyof niercaniileblanka,forsa!e at The Com. merciul Office. NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. T7"E have just received the handsomest and most f t . n ueiiuiiiui uanuiiuieju vi uuejr Mrj uJ"u" u.ui i ever was brought to this or any other market. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and ex amine. Country merchant? are particularly invited. Or derrfwill be promptly attended to. We also have on hand a splendid assortment of Sprint' and Summer Clothing, which we keen en tirely up stairs. We have them made up ourselvrs, and do n t want to pay profit lo others able toselllhcrn clieuper than any House Wo are t. A D. TKLLFR. ' March 13. l'vj. TO TURPENTINE DISTILLERS. ! THK subscriber would inform Hie 'Distillers af TuiperJme, that he has now on hand at his Coop er Shop in this place, a supply of seatoned limber, sufficient for the present year j and that those who were disappointed in ectting work last year, may' rely upon being served this, as he has added greatly to his former arrangements j and having permanent- , ly located himself here, he will be enabled lo pay strict attention to the quality of the work ; and should any casks made by him prove bad, ,u will exchange them, or return the pri e of such cask : i also, from the f,rst of March next, he will deliver j themre of cliafge, at any point in or around Wil mington. Herealter his casks shall be marked with ', the letters A. M., on either head, so that the work i may be known. The price will be $1 75 per barrel of tO gallons. Should any chane be made in these prices, due notice will be given in this pn; r. A. MORGAN'. ; Jan. lo. I'-lim i-p. 4JLUE, TT'NGLI.SH and American, constantly on hand,! JUJ for sale by ADAMS, IJ KO T I J F. !l Ci Co. May 3. 11. MULLETS, MULLfTS HARRELS Mullets, for sale by WM. NEFF. June 17. 40. COFFEE. rY( BAGS Coffee, Rio and Lsgulra, forsajo by ANDERSON &. LATlMKll. June 5. 35- ,SSi X Preserves, Jellies, and Pickles, have just come to hand andtan be found at all times, fresh, n: Hie ftmlly grocery. GEO. M VEILS. June 1U, 37. JUST IN TIME ! 'PHE following articles we have just received: 1 3 doi. Silk under shirts i 1 4 dos. Qause merino " i 5 " Daieot Drawers: 20 dot. Linen Coats, assorted; 100 do Gents, half Hose; an J - - .... on-.- . l . wu uua. an assonea ouiria. wiin a crai many other articles, all of which will be sold very cheap. Call soon and get bargains at ; .. , : S. & D. TELLER'S May 13. , : 27. C7Y NOTICE EXTRA. I .m. ... m ... . . r . i,-u in the lneret oemanas w oi t " , ; J Ir In tha r.ittuwlTff nt(rlp w have been Induced to eolargs our Sicck o( -fruit, ConfV4lonjrf,N'. Tohaccu. Sear and Snuff of all kinds which re tailor and others can kIki fr'm. ut lowext prices. WILKINSON 4 ESLF.K April n. . 16. " WME; UME!! LIME!!! ROC 1 tfuL-:- LUwolavlllc White Lnmpi AUo UUU calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, and Flra Brick, Hydraulic Gcny-nti IDOb bbli. Lime dc.ifoisaUby J.C.& R.B.WOOD. CMiuractortandUalUlcia. Dec.22. I960. ' COTTON YARN. 6! BALES nrBliintCreik Fai:ior, 7 to ID'S; " " ' Shining i " " Klieeiina i at GEO. 11. KELLEY'H. J. If. A. N. C. Ti-leftraph copy. 27. May 27. GREAT CURE FOR DYSPLASIA! ANOTHER SCiENTIFl'C IfONBEJl. I)K. J t. IIOliGTON' PEPSIN I The True I)l;cstlve Fluid, or Caatrlc Juice 1 Prepared from Kenntt, or the fourth stomach of the Ox, niter directions of Baron Lleblg, the great Physlologiral Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M I)., Vhiladelphia, Pa. This is a great Natural Remedy for Indlgwtion, and Dyspepsia, curing after Nature's own Mth'd, b) Nature's jwn A ent, the Gastric Juice. Pepsin is the chief ad fin-til, or Great Digfting Principle of the Uiistric Juice- the Solvent of th Food, the Purifying, Hreurring, and stimulating Agent I the Stomach and Inteaiinea It is extracted frotn the Digostivi Stomnrh of the Ox, thus forming an Artifioiul IMjeiiiive Fluid, precivdy like the nsiunt Gastric Juii-.-. in its Chemical powers, and furnish ing a compkte and perfect substitute for it. By the aid of mis preparation, the pains und evils of in digestion an I Dspepsia are removed just as they w ould bo ty a healthy Stomach. It Is doing wonderv for Dyspeptic-, curing cases of dtfldliiy, emaciation, nervous decline and Dyspeptic consumption sup iiosied lo be on tin verse of the (rruve The Scien tific Evidenc3 u: n which it Is t(ied, Is In the i hi!hi-st rfcgrrt! c-,.,-tou3 and remarkable. B.iri)r. Leiebig, In his Celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, lays : "An Artificial Digestive Flujd, , analoiriius to the Gastric Juice, may be prepared from , the mucous membrane of the stomach of llie Ox, In j which variojs articles of food, as meal an-l 2es, will be stjftentd, rhmificd, and digmUd, just in Hit same wanner as they would be in the human stmnark. Ilnlf a leuspoonlul of pure Pr.psis, Infomd or dls olved in water, will Hit'est or dissolve I'ite Pounds liVni IJn hi a'vul ttrolwuri out of the Stom ach ir iin..i.in..'. ppn.in. U Mid bv nenrlv all the ! dcakrs in line .Ii ties nnd Popular Kedicine, ihrnnj:h- j out Hie United Stat.-a. It i prepared let Powder, ' and in Fluid f.,rm-and in Prcscnption viahfor the ( "Prlla,! Z X, for the ue of Physicians, m,v , bo obtained of Dr Houghton or his Ajjem. descri- j blng the whole process of preparation nnd aiving 1 uir auilluruten upon uivij ini lhiiih. ui w , remedy arc based. A it 1 not a secret remedy, m . objection can l.e rohieil nainsi its ij- by Physicians , in respectuhle sending and teener practice. Price . In Fluid form; One Dollar per bolilc. ' I PEPSIN IN POWPKR. Stnt ty Mu.il, Frrt i f Postage. j For convenience u! sending -to all parts of il-.e j ... .... - .. 1.1..1. .1... l..l... ..f lW,m nnl country, the Digestive matter ol llie l-epun, is nnr tin in ihe form of Powder, with directions to be dis solved in miter by the patient t These Powders con -1 ?;? S Ilio'i I gntou, m. D , Philadel- tain just the same matleras sent bv mail, free of postage fnnf nn iih in Dr. J. Huiif nt r i - o nhln Pa JST Observe this I Every bottle of the genuine) Pepsin bears the' writ let) signature of J. S. Hough- j 10?'JL. ,jrIe.Vrnprl'" r T,, pi r": i mhi Htold by all Druggist, and Dealers ,n C So'd, wholesale and retail, by A C. KVANS & j fiROTIIFRi vv. H. LIPPITT & Co., aod C. Dt-1 prk, Wilmington, ;i . f.ny j:j TORAl'tO. 1 ( Nelson' supeiioi pound lamps, Ivy For sah. by ANDERSON A LATIMKR. CONULATF, OF HAVTl, ) Gl Commercial Wharf, Bosfoh, 6th March, I8CI. ) T ? 'ihWw ffaSd-ft. Princm the 21th December last, vessels arriving in Hayti fr.on the U. Slates on or after the liJih April I next, must be provided with Duplicate Manifests of i their cargoes, certified by a Consular Agent of Hay-; ti, ifjhere shun nave been one at the port M load- I tm nlfiusiiMan dnmiinunl a irt'ii- h,t SJ aI T i (lA h ' i l ire an ofllcer (duly commenc. oicnt to administer ; an oatn) or the Wtate or United btates i.overnment. . C. CLARK. FLOUR AND BACON". i nnBl,H- suPerfin' pi""'; J i) 0 hhds. Shoulders, just received per Si hr Ann Elizabeth,' and for sale by J.6V D McRAF. & Co. June 3. 43 N. C. BACON. onnni-,,s- Hums, Sides and Shoulders, in OVJvyVy store, and for sale nw by SAVAGE & MEARKS. Juno 5. 35. SALT ! ! SALT!!! C C(t SACKS superior around Alui alt, CJvA now landing from Er. liark Tee, and for aale by J. & U. .VicKAK & Co. June 5. 35. i tYPKESS SHINGLES. i20.000 L A " s m g k6 mVarks. May 2l. 3?. GLUE. Suptrior quality, juat laj.ded from king, for aa! hy ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. - 32. 25 IUH.S. Jae. U. May 29. HAY AND FLOUR. 1 ZCi R LR3 Prim" TVorth River Hsv: ) I 80 Hbls. Canal Flour, to arrive per fcclir. E. S. Powell, for aale by - ' GEO. HARRISS. June 12. YAWL BOATS. 3 YAWL Poata, Ut sale by WM. June 17. NEFF. 40. EU1S MILLS LN TOWS. K A. W X - fmmVf --', ' X V A few Jaji ifi.ee lite' boaxdM 0. 23 Sirl were aofpiW i to ies t ftraner, wilhoutttrco a carpttbag in bi poaawion. coolly enfcr the ftuldt, 'tytow; hitiuelr Into the rooal comfot tab! cbatr hi the mm, cf e hit Ici, nnd wip the wenJ froro' fc Srow, with much oucoBcern an if he had Lvc la tijeowd booK.' . - ' ' The traogef wai etidect! from the coho- . ty, but wlw matt jewone tioaecuttortctl to eiiy life, be watqafte t BlucU ftt be tMi aa the moal perfcit fo Jrt exulcM treoldl have berrn IWpoHedllitl Wilted btf- cnlliW. comHcii ha hairwiih hi fifCereV aud ? ' wiped die dust frwni hi eowbide trithft t newapnper, wtihoui enj reipect lo? the laf ( dies nd gentlemen preaent . . , ,, , ftj The atranger had u ttd, eoftrte, good-fta' lured lace, which lighted op wilb ft eroile, a -he inquired of ihe bcardcrajr jewral? eoui w! at time d'y hcv roppper t l,crc?' ' , - I ' vl'i Taking ihe M onger Cra new bairacf, " ;mR one politely replied ' ' " ' 'All.alfittit.' v The etmner drew on enormcru waicb f.om his pocket 4 eilver walch ' etich midablo proportirjfle ftiat lime might be said ;T lilerally to hung heavily. on hw 'liaBda-aojJ , taid in a modulaiive tone . Wanla ten ruinate ytt br my time. ' Guees now I think on I'll wah and remb my hair 'fore uppcr, ef you'll tell me where - I kin find water Hitd a bfUV - " At that moment Mm; Jonee. the landlady,- n entered the room; he looked at the iuan , germ naioniahnicnt. until Mr. Smilh, one ef ; Ihe hoarders, remarked- . 1 , , , ,a . -The gentleman would like to waet). if you T plcaw.' " " M ",'(" 'O. certainly ' aattl aira .jonee. tnui way.- sir 'A queer sort of boarder for a genteel i houae liko tliis!' mattered Smith wiib'urt ;nr of diwatHlUction'. 'Byt I euppoae', for ' the lantilady'a i&'ie, ne must Uo yolite lo . him.' ' - " ' - . $ i The ten -bi ll ringing soon rafter, the atraa- ger floated along with the tideojT beardere, which wna netting into the dining-room. ". i aa v l.err. ecu !' aaid he, addreingMr; r. ... .V . - 1. I. ' ' rsrnitn, 'inia is me way to yja iq Fuppcr m ntw Where aim! II art V t , 'Mff. Jones,' laid Mr. Smith, 'where iilfall j, entleman fa? - . -..-.: , - Q (o ,ureJlt your rigl,,' band, if VOU, " V, 'M'- hh. Eku-C mY negleft And the stronger aat dowtt by Mr, smtift, to the great annoyahCO of the latter gerv tleman, whtf being aofnetntng oi tnor,s. conceived a horrible drrnd ie the ladiee t shovld take ihe stranger to be one of hi friends. " ' "-; ' . Z j , After the tea was over, daring 'wltlclT' the striinger attracted considerable attention by ' liiu very ii.tiocenl remarks, nnd hia-hprecef A dented assurance, he walked two or three limes or rem the unrlnr. nnnovlntf Mi. Smiths , whom nu lid takeo a grcaf func, by llif - , .ihgularqtteHian. and Cnaljyea. swag, jrennT "P ir. - Ever; eydTo!J)we4 Mm : then everybody looked tiiflainngty4 at ettlier ,lr. Smith or Mrs. 1itft..hJLtttiv ttvii lhtfpv' fookt rtcr curioaajv ateachcillfrv- Tho landlady was the"; fiist to -fcpcak.i- 5r .0,.e of y6ur Country cousins, Mr. 8mitb,4,.,4 presume." " . V "" . . . " -One of my cousins ! echoed ftjr. Simili 4 nuirkiy, ma l!ue Trusmnjf like wre." , " - '0-I mennl nrl oirenee, continued Mry . Jones. 'He is only u'friend or an acquaint' lance, perhaps?" , . ,( lLi '.MaJ;tin,'! said Smith, angrily. 'yoti. insult,, ?.s me.' -; -.- m k,t.'i'-A4 ;Sir!" ivifii led l!ie landlady, nrwing wlilt ' digtiity, iryuuare axhamed tu owo hint, it . at.llri.B mn fnii ttlif....l Knvii tllAnfrllt rtf it K." 3 " fore inviting him hero lo tea-f, my house. ' winrn is cerm niy a reepeciaoto nouss, nna a defy nny one lo say to the contrary. . " '-J -j ' interrupied ' S.Uith,- Wllb a facefc' By.ln n Urummond lisfhr, Mhere tea iiiisMke. You think I iaviied him.'-Upea., my honor, ', I never aw him till be fomt jnto uiif mom. ,.,. , , , i.'s CJo.idnew ejaculated Jones . ' gncioua: nliri rKi invife hnn Infti.? ' ' A II tne liMrdere wereaa ignorant as Smittfj ' they had all Inken the at i anger for a,Mw"yt boiir.lrr. In great excitement. Mrs Jane i 4 v. in on il.o (Miiiii jf following Itiro lip slairs; - j when the etranger saved her that trouble by v, comiuir down.,. ' . . '" & 'By ihn horned fishes!' he fried, ; 'I never V had sicii a time huntiV fot anytJlin j in alt my' horn days afore, I sweow.lYe ben lo everjr room in the house, and pick toy posliiia-ef'l kin lind the right one, any bole It's Ihe all lir'deot luck ) my bundle aintln nary one! rj 'Ha've yoti been nVonnd in the rooms V dc-' mandt'd the excited landlady. " YouM it' tho't so I I sieve op'n one, door, - where there wns the erossest old Itinid I err i v sen! Her drew ti'ns unhooked, but she . needn't 'a setilded so co I told herl-wa.'t! lo.ikin' lor nothin' bnt my btindli. ; iw1. 'WliaJ bundle, sir?' demanded Mrs, Jonee. .-j in frreat trepiifulion. . y s-r i fy 'Why. the one I brought id Uit rftermor? when I engaged board ' ..- p 'When you engaged board? s ' 1 "Zactly flJ-bout tew et'clock wight V,"v1 ben lirJI-pnst--.';'''-'-' ; it 'YoU are an Impostor !' exclaimed the land i &, lady. -Yoa have" ennged no. board bere. 1 v -never naw youflauiitJIe. I never aw yotV' A until tea-tirael' QH away whh, you I You're. got your tea for nothing, a ad if you don't go t. now, I'll haveyoa complained of !' ,' j 'juook 'ere now i ime won't ao, saia iuo stranger, changing color. 'I aint roin' ta bo clieaied and robbed o my baggage, in th flray.". I engaged board, for a weekand sy V5 Fav(4ave ? - .

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