f r " " """" " ' WWW www mm iidij iiti-iVEai,(co,iiaEiicuL It published every TccvuAf, THUssoAr'and Sat Ispav, ai 45 UU per ariuuin, payubts la all Coses in Advance t-"- OlTTnUMA S L O R I S C, . ' 12dUor mid Prnnrletiir.. f HENJAMIX I. 1IOWZE, Associate Editor, COXStH OF fROMT AND MARKET STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. ' " I Jrl i- RATES OK ADVERTISING. tar.' 1 Insertion, 40,50 f 1 sqr. months, 11,00 2. ' -751 ' J.i 1 5,U0 I ', ' " ' 1,00 1 1 " " 8,00 1 . , t months, 2,50 1 1 I year, 12,00 1 Ten tine or let "make squnrorj If in advef tle asat sxeeeds lea Una, the price, -will beln 'prortfr- " AU advertisements are payable at the time of thol . i . ... i . . 1 ' ' tmertion.. ' ' ' I t Contracts with yearly a lvortlsera,, will bp maije on t-.ham.isi liberal terms. " ' '' ' ' of t'Aitrioti fir vearlv adverilsins will'ba DermUtecL 'SfwuM cirbumsfuhccft romler u nk..!d tat KifdtnAaa Ar uri ti nnY rtpritld rfeinoV&l FldCCS- VUJ I HI mimri " 1 ------ toy, elurge according to the published terivrs will be st Uii .)tita of "tile 'contractor, for Ute time ho his advertised. V iflie prWlljge of Annual Advertiser 1 tricily ' limited to their own Immediate business ; und all art- Verllseihant fof the benefit ol other persons, as well li all advertisements not immediuie.y connected Willi Ihott on business, and all excess ol advuruse meats la length or otherwise, beyond the liums en 'jaged, will be charged at the usual rates. : No advertisement telaciMea in the contract fo: he sale or rent of houses or lauds in town or conn U try, or for the sale or hire of ncgroas, whether the property is owned by the advertiser or by other , liersoas.; Those are excluded by the terra 'inm J.uate business.' '"' ' -1 The announcement of marriages or deaths will ifficSwi&tt99, ttd inserted free of charge; v'k'.. -it .j.itrinMl mith-r bevond the simple an- suh0enienVk tho d jathof the parson, will be 'teiwread ooha same tormi as a Ivertivments. Will ,lnrtliiiietit"in8urted In llw irl-weelt!y C'"- "iWaretnUtled lo one insertion in the" Weekly ;lre;oiHttro.,. Jt)8 . JAAU a.vl PA.VUV PtlLN TING, executed .n tupenur i iKW' finK ! ifuiisrs. Bbown & DsRosbit. ji "j,0.rJ.r.pN 1 I'BRORBICK KiDDKR, Kwi. vViLvll.XUl'O.M, iN. . aePits Til " p. ilall, iJ4 , l'rei't Branch tate 1 ' Rio, d. '.Vriillt, Esq., Pres't Bank I Wil.nlna- ' i Ifu4r. : ion, iN. O. a a. IfarsUy, iiiq-, Pres't Coinmer-1 , , Dec. 19. 1850 119 ,r- t. c. woiua? onmisMo and Forwarding X, MEltCHXNZ ' Feb. 19, 1351. H3-12 m. J. HATHAWAY & SON. COtf 'fl4.lV IUtCli f-. WILMLSQTO.W, -V. C. r i I . IHATHAWAV. . J. L.. HATHAWAY. ' Oct. 16. 91 H KCIPS COSSTANTIV OS HASD t IfiMi. JV, Liquor, Pnmiswtu, Wood and iVil - It Wars, Frail, CtfectLnariei, tf-c. &c. 1 . SOOTrt- rOIT iTRRIT, r w tu rns o-f r .m . u . . CO.V1lV113S10N MERCHANTS, ,-. . AND 4 ' GENERA L A OEM TS. J. THUS. F, OAOS1. ' JOHM C. BOWDKN. - -'Yl ' ' - airstascas. Alexander McRae, President W & R. II. 'T B P.Hall, , " tiiaie Bank. """eO. O Paraley. "'"H Commorelal Bank. v Johft Dawson, Merehan). J. AO. MclUe&Co., " - P. K, Dlcttioson 4 CO. ' 1 ,D.ld:,;,,,,.., ; ElUS, RUSSELL & Co. , 0 EN ERA L C O.V .if 5S0 -V MERCHANTS ' " wiLMwaros, n. c. '. D. iutii, HiifRT r. aoesatt, Jos. i. bobsbll. ih. ',Jbb.2S 1851. 133. .. WILLIAM M. BARRISS, i.JDDHiUSSION tfERCOANT r"' CJTalOT attention lven to procuring Crelehts i Ond urchalng ;aigoenorveeii i , r ilBrBBBNoaii . - Messrs. Hiill "d A iuntlngton. i . ''if AVlll Peolt, Bstq.UlnlolifhO. y Joseph Utley.Raq.i -- " 'VMassri.J,mosCornsrASona,BalluTiorr i y- ;", Av -Jauder 01 1 Philadelphia it, ( f r Thompson A Hunter )vk ,plllbury4.Sandford,iN!Tor; v!Iuntiii4.Tufta,fii iton ' . ' , J, 4 . P.nt60aiV,KeDntbutjk,M. ' si'falvlTthl.WO.,i '. ,f. t v 82 ; r f "-; BUSLVi CAllllS. GEO, iURMSS, Gcaeral V6ai:ufs.sioff Mereltiiat, VViLMlNGlXlN. N.; C. QTK.ICT'attemioa firen to ptocuring Freight kj BodpurchasuiguargoeBiorTesseis. Kbpb'bj' to : R. P. Halloo., ) O. Q. Parsley, Ksq., j J. A. Taylor, Esq.,' Wilmington J.l. BeUamy, Esq., ' Messrs. Ballard A Huntington, J Miiesre.Tookcr, Smyth 4 Co., i N . " , Thompson i Hunter, J1,,ewiorK- Alex'r. Herron, Jr., Knnaieiprtn wTttZr6 BullCr' i Ch.t.estoii.S. C Jan. 2. 1351. ' ' i ' " " - tV ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION "MERCHANTS, SOUTH VVATKR. STREET. lTlliNISOTON, N . C . Sep. 27, 1350. 82-ly-c. MABTLV & CR0NLY. ' AUCTIQ'ERS, COMMISSION MEUCflANTS, GENERAAL AGENTS. Wlltnineton,N.C..Oct.3 1S50. 85tf. JOSEPH II. PLANNER, General Commissioo Merchant. iviLiiii.varuM, Jr. c. Oct. Oih, 185,0. 87rly-c. WILLIAM NEPF, WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OP DOCK 4 Vv'fEii STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th 1850 DHROSSET & BROWN. ' ' WII.AIINGTON, N. C. BROtVN & DER0SSET. NEW VOU It. HiiVfUi.M. JO U.MSSION MERCHANTS. ' Mari'l 17 l?5r. .- . y. Gi'J. II. iiSLLY, CO iMilION MERCHANT. .extd.i.ri V' A. X unut's, on .Vdrth vValer st will utUMiti 1 1 tlie sale of all kinds of Country Pro, dace, 1.1 ;ii a:i J )rii. Pen, VKul, li.icon, Lard, 4c. urn) vill A-wp i-i.Miiiitly on Aaad a full supply of CJrocuritia.iic. References. A'illcs I ill. i Viyn'e, loin ilc.lie, Wilmington, V b'i. ikv iy. '' Oen. Al.. WoR'ic. " ii. I'. I , Vii uiogton, Vily A. Walker, " l).-u. I i, ,d50. U5-ly. S.UAUE & MEARES, (Jt: Elt.lt, tiOMMMSION MKKCUANTS AUCTIONEERS, WILMINGTON, N. C. CDWABO SAVAOB. May 2, 1850. Q ASTON HE A BBS 1. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. (Lulc Birry, Bryani 4 Adams.) JOMMISSION A1EUCHA.N . WILMINGTON, N. C. Jun. 1, 1851. 123 CORXELllfS DuPRE. frllOLE A D HEIAU DEALEHd IN Drug, le.llcliiJ8, Cli nlciils. Palms, Oil, !)y si lu lis (Jlass, I'eilumeiy, Clears, O. I iiuiuers, l'iiucy Articles, Sc .ilARKi-.T STREUT, WIIjMINU i'OX, N. C. tsriuMons "ml illy ei.iiuounJoii oy exper euced person. March 2d, Idol-. o J. C. LATTA. ' COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL -AQENT, . ... . VVJLLSJ1NGTON.N.C. Oct. I 1850. 87 HALL & L0NEY, Uooni C'tHMiNiou Merchants, BALTIMORE, Will receive and advance on Consignnxentt, and pay particular attention to jUling order for produce, f-c. Refer to .dessr. DbIIossbt & Bsown. March 13. ' I53-3m-p. WE3T & HEWLETT, Ancii incers, Commission Merchants AND 1 ' GENERA'U AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Rbmb to . . . Potter, Kidder, Jonn uawson, , O. W. Davis, O. G. Parsley, Barry,Bryant4daras,E. P. Hall, George Harries dC" Cantwell. Oot. 6. 1850 06-ly-c J. M. E0BINS0N, IMrOBTBB AND PIAIIS ! HARDWARE, IR(), STOVEi, NAILS, Ac, 4c, Fronts treet, 3 doors Southof Market street., WILMINGTON. N. C. WllmlnuWn,My,13B(h ' J 22 THOS. D. BARRY. Commission Wcreliant and Ship , . All IIAVI , ... , ,: . -"i- i. -,i , . , Jan. 21, 1951. J31-tf. f UBUSQED Till-WEEKLY, BT THOMAS L0R1XG. - . . i VJUINqTON. N. C TUESDAY; MORNING; AUGUST BUSINESS CARDS. J. & 0. McRAEA t o. v General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON N. C. ' Particular attenUon paid to procuring freight aud purchasing cargoes for vessels. JOH JHACBAB, OOXALD MACBAt, JO MS V. K. BIX. August L 1850. . B9. f'; WILKINSON & ESLER. - CASH DEALERS !!( Confectionary, Vrnlt, Nuts, Toys, Faucy Ar ticles, Perfumery, Tonaeco. segars, &c WHOLESALE AND RE .All,1 V iv- MARKET STREET, ' WILMINGTON iN C. N-SO J.350W -tX-t-y;, . i.v .,..v ... ..tf , JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. General Cominisiion am Forwarding Mercbaat. Prompt personal attention given to Consign ments for sale or Shipment, And liberal cash advances made on Consignments to ms or to my New York friends. Wilmington, Jan. 30. 1851. , 135 tf T. SOUTHMAYD & CO., K.VGlXEEIiS, BLACKS.U11US, U IR0A Ill orders lu the Hue will be punctually at . tended to. "iA I'ORNGR Ml'LBERV fc NdRTH WaTSR 8TB. WILMINGTON, NO. CA. May 16, 1850. 27 yiLLAM A. OUT EB, GENERAL AGENT, FORWARDING and Coaia.ission Merchant. I TAKE pleasure in informing my Irlends, that I um prepared to giye all bisines entrusted to me efficient an J personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations, Spirit House, aud Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment ; and all kinds of coun try produce solicited. Casbadvanbesntade on con signments. ''(' . .April 19 1850. 15 ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. i . IHPOftTEK OF CIUNA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, and wholesale and retail dealer In all kinds of FA IIMING IMPLEMENTS, Mouth Hide of Market St., WJL MIN QTQN, iV. C. November, 9, 1850. ' . 102. WILKINSON & ESLER, WOULD respectfully invite those wishing good Seal's to call and examine their large assort ment, amona them may be found : 10,00l Princ'pe, Justo San, good? 20.QCU Rugalia, Lion Jenny Lind, and Mensu- rndo j . 10,000 Havana, La Nacional, prime ; 10,009 Lady In thecugc handsome) 18,000 Pantillos LaTcrrestio, do 17;000 De La Vuctta, oid enough to walk ; 20.000 half Regalia, Jlcolinoal, very superior i 15,000 Wandering Jews, very cheap ; .' 8.C00 El Galleo, fine ; 14,000 La Cathedral ; 20,000 Low pilce, various qualities. Our stock of Segars fcc, is much larger than ever offered in this place, nnd at lowest cash prices. . ; Call on WILKINSON & ESLER, Market, street. March 14. I ROSIN STRAINERS. T? ROM No. 18 lb 100, of a superior quality, for r sale by POLLV & HART. . .., 6. March 29. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 Z( LARGE Siscs, just received and for sale I OU by ELLIS, RUSSELL 4 Ot Jdne 2t3. 44- TOBACCO ! TOBACCO ! ! 3Q0O DOZ. superior Sinokinit Tobacco : 500 lbs. Virginia Leaf: 100 boxes Kklor.ioo looacco, (superior;) 200 " Cabioess " (prime) j 2000 lbs Scotch Snuff, for sale low by . WILKIjXSUIM OL HSLBa. June 26. 44. SHOULDERS. 5HHDS. prime Western Bacoti, (Shoulders,) jus received. For sale b j. Hathaway & son. June 26. ... 44. NOTICE. THE nnrne of G. F. B. LEIGHTON is this day withdrawn from the firm of Loighton, Chad bourn & Co. by mutual consent. The business will be continued under ihe style of CHADBOURN& HOOPER. . O. F. B. LEIGHTON. JAS. H. OHADBOURN. GEO. HOOPER JulytT. . 62-3. PAY UP! PAY UP!! A LL persons indebted to us, either by N te or Ac IX count, will please come forward and pay up, or we will be compelled to put them in a train ior cm lection, aa money we must have I , ' PERRIN 4 HARTSFIELD. July 8, 1851. f ' 48 tf. ORANGES AND LEMONS. T ANDING this day per Schr. Mary Powell, 80 jlj uoxes, rn gooa oraer. vor sate iow oy - .WILKINSON do ESLER. uly 8. 48. FRESH PER SCHR. ALARIC. C BBLS. Pure Genessee Sour (fresh ground;) 0J 50 Bags Extra " " ' " 25 Kegs Nails, assorted 4's to 10's. 10 Boxes Sods Crackers, prime, at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. , J. H. SulS.C T. copy. July 8. 48. JOHN DILL & S0NV SUP E RIO It Scotch Snuff, warranted equal lo any la th Untied States, direct from the ronnu tures for sale, by ' . WILKINSON ESLER. JulyJT. - .' 52. i . m m m ..,.., . rui.nj-Lnnj-. p- PORTRAIT PAINTING. f ; MASSALON, Portrait Palntefi would resrwet ! fully inforro ih eltixon of Wtholnglon and ths ssrroundlng eonntry, that h Ua permanently Uk led himself In this place, and will be happy to re eetvilhs cairoaage of any ladies or gentlemen who may wish to BTocors fitfrhful llkenosses of them ! eiorsny member of their family. He flatters himself, from hi long experience lo the art, that be will be enabled to (Ive aatiataetlon. HI room Is at theMotart Hall, Front, tftroei, VYIlmlngtun. N. C. Aprils, 1S5I. ' : 9-ly. k - . TOYES AND GRATES. Large Supply SHIP, PARLOR, CHURCH, ST0YESI of the BEST and aiont approved FATTIBW. wholesale St retail ALSO, an assortment ol GRATES 4 FURNACES. Solar, Camphlne, Fluid, and Oil Iampvplalu and Japanned VVara, Weak Dishes, Coffee Urns, Blg i;liis,Tea Trays. Walters, Platform and other Scale, and a variety of other at li cles too numerous to men tion. TOLLEY Oct. 10. DEEDS FOR SALE. WaranteeDeods,and Deeds for Mortgagrorland just printed, in correct formand forsalcat th? Commercial Ujlee. :u SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION ! JUST Received, a larcre assortment of Single end Double barrel,' Bird, Duck and Deer Guns, of the finest finish and latest style, made by those celebra ted makers Chasbb & Son, and others of known celebrity. Guns of all weights and calibre, also, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags, percus sion Caps, and In fact the best collection of sports men's goods ever offered in this market. Gentle men please call and examine. . . ... POLLEY& HART.. Oct 3 86 BILLS OF LADING, &c. IOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING boano Bvarietyofmercantlleblank(,foraIoat The Com- Tffirciat UJiat. i s ... GLUE. i ENGLISH and American, .constancy on hand, for sale by . ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. May 3. II. MULLETS, MULLETS. CYC BARRELS Mullets, for sale by ZD WM. NEPF. June 17. 40. ORANGES, LEMONS & CANDIES, TOGETHER With every possible variety of Nuts, Preserves, Jellies, and Pickles, have just come to hand and can be found at ail times, fresh, at the family grocery. GEO. MYERS. June 10. a- COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ROBERT G. RANKIN is a partner in our house from this date. , ADAMS, BKAmiEK & Uo. July Id. 47. staShTsoap and candles. Ik BOXES Colgates Pearl Starch ; IF 20. " do. No- 1 Soap 5 15 " do. Almond and Rose Soap ; 30 " Mould, Aumsntine and Sperm Can dles, for sale by , HOWARD PEDEN. July. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. 200 SKHOND Hand Solrits Barels large size, in eood order, tor sale by, 1 , UtKUSoBI a Bttunn. r i i 47. July 3d. RICE. f)A C ASKS for sale low, to close consignment, l&Uby , . ADAMS, BRO. 4C. July 3d. 47. BACON. BACON. 7((r LBS. of Hstns, Sides, and Shoulder ,UUU For sale by . . nvn u vvi I trv J. H. & N. C. T. copy. . June 24. 4). $20 REWARD. WILL be given to (he Ander of a Gold Rant ing Watch, with Gold Chain and Key. Said W.i.h mj.. IMt hw mm In lha nrtvv ft. fha Wilmington oYJUIelgh it. R. Wharf, on Saturday last. ; . .. , B. G. BATES. June 24. 43 COTTON SEIN TWINE. OATi BBLS. Cotton Twine, for sale, by OUU HOWARD & PEDEfJ. JulyB. 1 WILLIAM S. READ: -r nr. s r i . .. um nn I ., fllavlAr a 11 it White Washer, Office under Commercial Hotel Wilmington, N. C. . Thankful for pat custom, he respectfully Informs Hti ihat hit la rrrriiTrfi IA fTeflOl Biles ayiaiiiij VHVieni f" - I - all work In his line of buioee, and takes this me thod of soliciting a share of the public patronise. Juljr 10. . 6 m. ',, ' 40; !i-i. r , . & II ART. 89 r u i'ii' ' ' 5. 1851, NOTICE EXTRA. OWING to ttw Increased demands of out Trade In the following articles we have beta induced Tobapco, Tturml Ssuffef all kJods "bleb rs taller saa oiuor ceo select iroro, st lowen pnee. WILKINSON 4 ESLER. April . 16. ' LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! AnOBL!l. Liocalnylltf Wltlte.Lumpj Also ULVJ calcined Plaster, Postering Hair, and Fire Brick, Hydraulic Cement) 1000 bbls. time J-9.f onaleby . , J.C.& R.B.WOOD. Cor.trac;ornadBuildri Dec.21. 18W. - , - V ' H9. N. C. BACON. QAfVYLRS. alums, Sides and Shoulder, In OUvu store, tod for ! to,w by . i.. uu. v a 1 1 Jb Mi a.' u m aWA T A" tf'r'''' . Jane 3. On Hand and for Xale to Close Couslgacnls CfY tmrrvls family Flour, JJ 5 lihii-. .Muscovado Sugar i ' 5 bbls. Porto Rico '? 6 lilidf. Western Shoulder) 5 barn-Is Whale Oil) 10 boxes (bundles ; 20 boxes Soap 20 " Starch; 1 barrel " 5 hHirbarn ls Satrratusi 50 boxes Window Glass) 6,0f0 llnviini Segars, a good article i 10 Coilo of best Italian Paekintf, for ssle, low, for cash, by ELLIS, RUSSELL it Co. June 21. " 42. HAY. Gf HALES p'iwo Eastern, hay, lundtng from v.y lirij; 11. hel eilock. for sale by ADAMS, BROTHER Co. June 43- ANOTHtill SCIENTIFIC WONDER, till. i. H. IIOUGTOVS GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURER! The True Dlscstlve Fluid, f Gastric Juice I Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Btomsch of Ihe Ox, after directions of Baron Lleblg, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa., u " This Is a great Natural Remedy for Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, curing after Nature's own Method, by Nature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice. Pepsin Is Ihe chief eltment, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preferring, and Stimulating Agent ol the Stomach and Intestines It is exjraetea from the Digestive Stomach of tbe Ox, thus forming so Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the Bsturjl Gastric Juice. In Its. Chemical powers, snd furnish ing a complete and perfect substitute for It. By the aid, of tuis preparation, the pains and evil of In digestion and Dyspepsia are removed just as they would be by a healthy Stomach. It Is doing wonder for Dyspeptics, curing cases 01 debility, emaciation, nervous decline snd .Dyspeptic .consumption, sop nosed.m he ten ittr srenre of the trave The Scien tific Evidence upon which it is, based, Is in the highest degree curious snd remarkable. Baron Leieblg, In his celebrated work on Animal Chemletry, snys -. "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous 10 the Gastric Juice, may be prepared from ihe-mucous membrane of the stomach of ihe Ox, In which various articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be softened, changed, and digested, jttst in th same manner. as they vcould bein the human stomach." Haif s teaspoonful of pure Psrstir, Infused or dis olved In water, will digest or dissolve Five Pounds Roatit Beef in about tito hour out of the 8 lorn achw - e Dr. Houghton's Pepsin, is ?old by nearly sll the dealers tn tjee drngs and Popular Medicine, through out the United Slates. It is prepared In Powder, and in Fluid form and in Prescription vials for the use of Physicians. , i, . . Private Circulars, for the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr Houghton of bis Agents, descri bing tb, whole process of . preparation and riving the authorities upop which jhe claims of this ne-v remedy are based. As It Is not s secret remedyH pt objection can be raised against It use by Physician in respectable standing andregplar practice. Price in Fluid form, One Dollar -per bottle. ' v. PEPSIN IN POWDER. Seni tf Mail, Ftte of Postage. For convenience, of sending to ,U parts of ths eonntry, the Digest ive matter of the Pepshx, 1 put up In the form of Powder, with direction to be dis solved In water by .the patient. These Powders con tain jusi the same mailer ss the bottles, snd will be sent by mail, free of postage, for one dollar Bent (post paid) to Dr. J. 8. Houghton, M. D., Philadel- nhls. Pa. . -.nk thta tr. tlAttlAAf ih fffinlnft Pcniin bears the written signature of J. S. Hough ton, M. D , sole Proprietor, Philadelphia, Ps, 3f 59,1 oy'"! Druggists sna iesiers id oieui- Cl Sold, i whoreealc and retail, by A. 6. EVAxNSA BROTHER) W. H. LIPPITroX Co., snd C. Du PRE, Wilmington, N C. , v . M7yI3. . 26-"rrfc WESTERN SHOULDERS. C HHDS. Prime Shoulders, juslcelved, for sal Jby July 19. J. 4. D. McRAE &, Co. 63. TO-DAY WE shall expect those who hove made sccounts with us since 1st January, lu call snd eeule the same ' SCOTT & BALDWIN. -July 1. -' f' i ' FLOUR, FLOUR, FlaCUJt. " 1 fi BBLS. superfin and. extra, la store, I UU nd for sale by . 'f'-' t. at 17. HCKAfi. W lU June 28. 45. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A HANDSOME edition Of Bills of Exchange, just received, bound ia Book ol different else and In Quires sad Sheets, for sal st ,ih office of Tht Commercial, . . " June 19. 1851. ' " : V ' MOLASSES ARRIVED. 1001 HHDS. prime Cuba Molasses, now land ln fram Rriv Anna won. from Catenas (Cub.,) for. .lo by ,It.TI1Af.AY&SON 1 t.inaA '. V 43. .'WHOLE "NO:"'tS Tne rieasw ef Flc&klsl t talUt I r- reBsterUif tt Discretion . . Til ft neatly httmhei parlor -of ro.5 C- street, eir Qtleznh pre ctei & the e?e of th tttt roemoralfo Fotirta scepe of domestic felicity, a pictore? ol Ao enjoj meat, vfcltfc Jlejartl alone eoulj transfer to canvass. Aa asirat lamp, stand in? on a small oblonjj taVIe, threw tie ihadetL light aroand tba room. At tbo fcead of the table sat Mr. Smith tha door plafe pro elaimed him to be one of that anirersal Lint fy and Mra. S. aa Jiia ti$ a ti. hsi tier po sition at the foot Alisa Maria - MatilJa. a ; yoonjf lady not jret to hti teen, in powder,, and pantalets, and her bair done wp in cork screw ringlets aod Master Jebnny Smiih, a bold,.Wubbrlng looking bor, had opposite- wla at th liutofcMnmr tihli. Smith ICf m f ed t tporifif, slMp InOiv-iduaH 'bifej' jrorjr. was tpe uerroos tempera rr.u.i ci t.rs. that neither eMorofora nor the manipola tione of a Professor of Animal Mnjpietifim, e oofd , ibrowher into reppe,4 After harinj donn dne joftkro to their tetper meal., at vhkU Smiih made luvwble a half, poond of Jolio. Gaiphin's sausage with bis tea and toast, (sausages he says always gives tiro an spre lite ho eertaicly has it, howertr he may . have gotit,)mia dropf ofltoperceptibiy,, into one of those dreamy, dignified slumber, in which be delighted to indulge. ' ' " , ssnmii, my (tear,' su sinrs. p .. proudly played with Miea Maria - Maiid' carle, and not looking apathersponse aash anoki 'Smith, mv dear. let us now arrange- for to-morrow's amusement' 4 , ' , - f ' To this, Mr. 8. replied bjr an audible, bn easy breathing, . vulgarly denominated - a snore. ' 4 : ' f , 'KS 1 'Welt, I declare,' said Mrs. S that man i asleep again I Smith, I ' say she ad Jed, raising her voice to a contralto pitch, -If you continue to jtreat ma in thia wa,youlldriva The word lfiire a run sed Smith, for be otic ran with Mer machine and la bow aa ex. - .mm .'.nil aa arnndfr If liontJ. from ths shrill key In which th word was apoken. ? 110 uiriea.np. ana in aoing so, pi tuv I., aMuii, tnhfe ihmw(nr the tea eaofnefftt on the floor, and doing tad havoc on ebimw Jtlng 0. 18 S Delll' saw eraitn, ana tay mi vtnlafit .katnisi sin the enrle of Miss Maria Matilda, all absent minded and. oblivions aa he was, he thought no waa tugging aim miM ff ihi ntd holt when.' in lacL he waa nr ar polling Ihe capillary, corering off the young Dcue. , . .- , ; , . . TU t ir,o ttanV Hint da the sbiioksor Mrs. S.. and tba blubbering of . ' tt ., A" t A.. ft! ..r; Master Tommy, toon orougnv biwui w , sensea He atrock bis forehead with hie open palm fell into that ehair lbefortur him,; and? hung doWnhia head, with a tragic itwthfoW -ties which Klrfcy,Jn his death-ecenes at the Bowery, never approached, - v " " fe ' 'I'm a miserable man ! said 8rniih. and oa, ki,-sed Maria Matilda, till aha eeascd her aoV ; bing. 'And yoo, Mrs. you 1 knoar, wilP. forgive me. always do fall asleep after . aausuces. in the ereninff. Bnt what waa it yoo were saying, my dear 7J.. Nnthinr. Rmith Tint hi 11 ff. O Nothing, Srni ia anvlnrr nnvt Of eonrse If I , was saying anytHiug in which yon took; intaraaf vnlt ann(il tint full f fi!eeD.A Mr,SmithOh.Mm.S4yoknowl ; Mrs. Smith Well, then,, I wanted that , we should settle on how we shall opepd lha day to-morrow. . Hvi ol etourta-T(here th niirarherflitesae if it atrasslea for liberty, through the cavities and eoodpit pipes of his nasal organ.) 'why, aa I am. a , sinner, said Mrt.S,Jn tonea of surprise. that . manV asleep agtdnT Smith t Smith 1 1 aav I Smith Yea, my dearr yon needn't holler' ; so; I hear yoo very welU-Yott' want ito know who wrote lha Peelarattoapitnaepen ; dence don't you Li4'.if't '.' ' i. Mrs. Smith. I want to know no such thing., I want lo know how we are to spend the day to-morrow. k , n '. t . ',' t. . , Smiths vVell, I understand my love. Mrs. Smitb-'TberJ we eball go a "picnic , ing. my dear. And 1 have dreswed tor the occasion such a duck of a ham sugar cored and such a palr.of Chickena. Tlie Browne and the Jacksons are going to take dinner at the Lake Hotel bnt ihat'a volgar, ny dear j ihere will be such drinking of juleps then such taking aboal the time that tried men's souls, and such tearing to vary tatterj the star-spangled banner! No, my dear, we'll get out into some sylvan shade j , wa u lake our place by the margin iof aomt iatream which will mirror ia.'.minjatariMbe heavene above us, and 4bambragBen branches of a live oak shall canopy us IromtUciniensiiy of, the sun's- rtya.Tommy ?wu1 recite that ki Sa tmi k mm and Mnrl. I A . J , heraent snore .irora cwuiij-rway inai man wilt drive me mad (raising bar voice) be'a asleep again ? he's aaleeaII over 1 1 ? ;; Smith, - (starting p) Who eays I m .Un I t nn mirh m' thine. , who the deoce couW go te sleep In your company f Why,- Mra. 8itall nonsense fcr yoo to be talking ahout your plcinics, and porting streams, and umbrageous oaks. And it's ail gammon to. be, laJking of wr ld eogar cored 'bam. Don't you; kpow that lt am bound to torn out to-morrow 1 . ; r. . Mrs. Sb'ih-Not but il you were to telP ma. you were bpaod. tofani I should thing tt more Oikejyj prHI engage,, you won"tkeep awake through the day you must have your enooeel But, what do you mean, Mr. by having to torn out 1 r r v Mr. Smith I mean, Madam, that our company is ordered out for a renew and ui spection. ' - J.v f , Mrs. Smith-Hal, ha 1 ha I Ohjcant stop it t ho I ho I ho! The vcrv -respectable company of Smith. Thompson Jugg!, g'o cars and importere of mackerel and mush, called out for,reView apd inspection I Smith, armed with Ihe cheese knife, Thompson, with, .,.. .,.'..' rt.l r tt . i: : '....i ' joee i"ori s" v ii 4 I. i, " , ... ' .1 , . 1"

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