mm ITT 4 i ! 'I ' JJOiT- PUBLISHED TRI-WEEULT, BY TH03IAS lOULNG. t. ; ; t.- -utjuut.1 nrr ri " - 1 1 w ''iiv'"ywfY,y WILMINGTON. N.: C SATURDAY: MORNING." AUGUST . 9, 1 851 ." WHOLE NO. 85 :; V0L.,6r--N0. 62. L ilf Ml rt F t,.ive,i.i m -m-muix commercial Js published every Tii moat, Tmobbdat and Sat 's Mda, 5 PO per aouutn, payable la. all cases la - idvsnce . . v ,-, BT THOMas LORIJIC, ;(- f Editor and Proprietor ; itT.'r. IIOWEr Corresrpon ll"g Editor, j X". COBtfgR Of l-BONf AMD MARKET STREETS, ' ' " WILMINGTON, N. Q. ; qr. 1 insertion, t0,50 1 sqr. 2 months, $4,00 .-2 u ' 7511 A 3' " 00 -... .4 it i 6 8,00 1 uionth, Uni " I fear, 12,00 ; Teo line or kss make a square.. If an dTertiae went exceeds ten lines, the price will be in proiioT '" v " '' ' All ttJverliseiuenta r payable at the tlmeoflheir 4 iiseriloa. " ' ' r y loutract With yearly advertisers, will be made on ; the Uwst liberal terms. ' ' " ,t No transfer or contracts for yearly advising will'o puriulued. ' Should circumstances render a ttkange in buslneas, orn unexpected removal nects f itty, cW according to the published terms will ta at the option of Ilia contractor, lor the time he 'lias advertised. ' The privilege of Annual Advertisers is strictly limited to their own Immediaio buslnesa ; and ail ad ivorti.eiuetils for the benerii ol othe'r persons, aa well 'aa all advertlsemema not immediately connected "with I heir own business, and all e.ccss ol advertise- uienis in ienaih or otherwLe, beyond t!ie limits en 4ged, will be charged at the uaual rates. ' No advertisement is Included in the contract foi iie alo or rent of hbuses or lands in town or coun h. tv, or for the sale or hire of negrbes, whether the ' ..wuurt is owned by the advertiser or by othe'r s -'pyrsonal, tTlieso aro excluded by the term "innu .4aM twite,' : auaottiiceuient of marriages or deaths will !'! iiaii.Ured as'news, and inserted Tree of charge t A alUdlitloiial matter, beyond tuo siiple an n.iiawinont of the death of the person, will be i (; Uui-gdd on (ho sauw tunus as advertissmenis. S 1 AliadVirtiseineiiis inserted In the tri weekly Coin- wisrciuZ, are antiiled to one insertion in the Wttkly .. . Uee o) charge. Od, JActO and FANCV PlUNTINQ, executed s n Uierlor style. ' U&M mvm& COMMEiiClAL. i! V VOiliCt.Msssra. Bowsifc UcRossbt. hl'JN : KaBoaaica- Ktooaa. ICaq. mmz& cards. J. & D. McRAE & Co. (jirntl.;tl Com uissiou tfeiciiauts, ''WILMINGTON N C. v U l iv attention paid to procuring freights utirchaslns carjocs tor vessels. JHH MACBAB. DOHALD MACBAB, JOM W. K. D1X. Ausust t 1850. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM Qe'icril Co amission nd Forwarding ilerchaot. lromit p:rsoiial attention clven to Consign ', t ( tr ilo r Slrtpment, itud'libtr,iealt ajn jntvU on ContignmerUt lo Hit or to my .vm torKnenu Vil mn?ii'ii, J in 30, 163 1. 135 tf r: S0UTU3I.1YD ii, CQ., yoBSDett's vll orilurs In the Une will be punctually at ; tended to. ' 'OKNER .Vlt'LBEIIY ifc NoHTH Vy.VTEB STfl. winu Noro.v, no. ca:' ayl6, 1850. 27 WILLUH A. GWYEK, -T713-N EftAb-AGOlVOUiVAUPING and Codiiuisshui Merchant. XT lKl? le,tsuroln Infor ming my Irlonds, that I 4morepared to givo all business untruRted to me otflnlisnt ,nl persoimlatumtion. 1 have a wharf for .Vnval Stores, with ample accommodations. Spirit ' House, aud Varehodw. Consignmenis of Nuvnr Stores lor sale or shlpinent , nml all kinds of coun try produce solicited. Csslwdvancesinndooncon sixmnenia. April 18 1850. 15 ALEX; MacRAES, Jr. 1WPORTGK OV CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, aud wliilwU Bild retail dealer In all kinds of FA RMNQ IMPLEMENTS, . A 4 k (South. Side of Marrt St., ; ' , WJtL MJN 0 TON, N. ,c. November, 9, 1850. 102. WILLIUI M. nARRISS ;. GENERAL COMMISSION M E H C H A N T f V ' . J W1LMINOTON, N. C. ' irjTRICT attention alven to procuring Freights .O and purchsHing Cargoes for vessels. ."7. tUrsBB.Ncas: " 6iO 'P irslev, Kq., ) Ool. Juhn McRae, WllmngVn. N. C. fS Mensra. Dndlov & luntlnston. Messrs. Hall, Suckett & Co., ) v , N c ? .? Joseph Utky, Eiqr , , -,, Messrs. James Coroor A Sons, nalilmoro. I j K A. SOUUor OS uo rmiuutTiiiiiK, ' I!!?""" ?New York. . fmsnury ol oan iwii , It ' 'r, Huni nra tu n. Diiaivii. J. A. a. P. Plteomb. Keunobunk. Me. 'ii-i'Jttly 17th, 1851 ' o-jr ;. tj .iiii,.. ilM t If tftiBlllstrAt A. .. . m I S4B TT B ;- .'- . :. 5. Jt'U. tlATHAWAT. BUSINESS - CARDSj GEO. RARRISS, I General Commtsston Mercltajit, WILMINGTON, N. C, 1 OTRIOT at.entloii glVen to piocnring Frelgn md purchasingCargocsforveaiels. Ksraa to v E. P. Hall, Es9-, 1 O.O. Parsley, Kaq.r ( ' , J. A. Taylor, Esq., VWlImingtot. .J.l).BeUamf,Eaj., 1 Messrs. Ballard A Huntington, a H I C! .K - . 1 aiessrs. luukor, oiuyui wu., f f.wv0.u . Thompson A Hunter, ...... Alexr. Herron,Jr Philadelphia Jan. 2. 1851. f. ' )23-tf. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH WATKR STREET. . VTILHIKOTOir, Sf, c. Sep. 27, 1850. ' . 82-ly c. MARTIN & CR0NLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL" AGENTS; Wllmioston,N.C..Oct.3 1850. 85 if. - JOSEPn U. FLANNER, General Coiiimission Merchant. WILHISfOTOS, x. c. Oct. 9th, 185Q. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, C6aNER OP DOCK A WATER TKEKTR WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th 13J50 DER0SSET & BROWN. wriLMINGTON, N. c. BROWN & DER0SSET. fit NEW YOitK. GRyRRAL COM.msSIOS MERCHANTS. Marclil7 1851. t.y. GEO. H. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Xextdoor to A. A. V mnnt's, on North tVater st will attend to theale of nil kinls of Country Pro, duce, suuh at Corn, Pons, .Mnl, Rncon, Lard, Ac and will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries, tc. References. VyjUesHall.of VVsyne, JohnMcRnr, Wilmington, W "Coaway. . ' Oen. Alx.. McHae.- " K. P. Wilmington, Wiley A. Walker, Dec. 13, 1850. llo-ly. SAVAGE & MEARES, GENERAL COMMISSION M BKClIAXTS AND ' AUCTIONEERS, WIL.JJ1IVGT(J,, N. C. BDWAIO S VAOE. May 2, 1850. CASTOM meabes 1. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. (Late Burry, Bryant it AdamsJ OMMISSION MERCHAN VfLMrXGTON, N. C. Jan. I, 1851 123 CORNELIUS DnPRE. VllOLE BALE AND HETAL DBALERd IN Drugs, Mcdlcliiea, Chemicals, lraluts. Oil, Dye Stufls, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, , Old Liquors, Vtuey Articles, ., . MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded' ty cxprrl nced pritmB. r , March 23, 1851. 6 COMdUJSSUN MERCHANT. AWD QUNtRAL AGENT, WILMIiVGKPON.N.C. 87 Ocr.l 1850. WEST & HEWLETT, Auctioneers, Coaimisstoii MercUants AND GENERAL AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. RvrB to Potter & Kidder, John Dawson, G. W. Davis, O. G. Parley, B.irry, UrvantA Adams, E. P. Hull, v Gsorje Harris Edc"Cantwell. On.6. 1650 -ly-e J. M. ROBINSON, MPOBTBB AKD DIALER IN HARDWARE, "IKON, STOVES, NAILS, Ac, 4e., Fron (street, 3 docri Souil of Market street., Wl I. MI NOT ON. ft . n Wilmington Mays, I860. 22 . TflOS. D. BARRY Commission Merchant and Ship Broker, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 21, P86I; 13I-tf. . WILKINSON & ESLER, OAfln DfiALERt IN Confectionary Fruit. NMtV Toys, sTanfy Ar ticles. Pnrfumerf , Tphsccef -etsr', c ; l. WHOLESALE AND RK 'I AIL, .MARKKT ITREET, i NWItJilNGTOnN.C. . Nov,30,l850. :S.v ; I0-tf BUSINESS CARDS. MILES C0STIN. COiMAUSSION MERCHANTi WILMINQTON, N. C. REFER TO ' ', ' p. E, P. Hall, E'o,, Pres't Branch Stale Bank, ' Tbos.H. Wright, Eso,, Pres't Bank Cape Peur. ' Wllmlnir ion, n.v.. O. O. ParalH. Ran.. Pri't Coinmer I .S , r 1 ' " . j eial Bank, , Dec. 19. 1850 1.18-tt.' .'tC. WORTB t Commission ami Forwarding " MERCHANT, f WHiMlJTGTOJf, " ST, C.' Feb. 19. 185). ' ' ' ' 143-12 m. GEO. MYERS, Wholesale and Retail Groeer, BBrS CONSTANTLY OM H ABO IFtiMsTVas, lAquort, Provitioiu, Wood and Wil low Wart, Fruit, ConftditmarUt, f-e. &c. SOOTH rSOMT STBBBT, WILMINGTON, Si. C. No. 28. ' . ICO. CAUSE & COMMISSION B0VVDEN, MERCHANTS, ' AND GENERAL AGENTS. thus. r. qausb. ' John c. bowdbm tIFEBINCBS. Alexander McRae, Prasldent W & R. R. J2. P. Hull, " State Bank. O. Q. Parsjoy. " Commercial Bank. John Dawson, Merchont. ( ;t ,, J dt D. McRae oVCo., " P. K. Dickinson & CO. ' Dec. 7, 1350. ., . ., 112. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL C OMMIXSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON," N. C. CHAfl. D. ILLIS, HENRY T. RUSSELL, JOS. B. BD86ELL. )an.25 1851. 133. WILKINSON & ESLER, lfOULD respectfully invite those wishing good t V Stgars to call ana examine rneir large assort ment, among them may be found : 10,000 Prlnc'pe, JostoSani, good; 20.000 Regalia, Lion; Jenny Lind, and Mensu rndoj 10,000 Havana, La Naclonal, prime; 10,000 Lady in the cage handsome i 18,000 Psntilios U Terresiio, do J7;i 00 De La Vuetto, oid enough to walk ; 20.000 half Regalia, Jlcolinoal, very superior; 15,000 Wandering Jews, very cheap ; 8,000 El Gulleo, fine ; 14.000 La Cathedral; 20,000 Low pilca, various qualities. Our stock ofSsgarsdVc, Is much larger than ever offered in M place, and at lowest cash prices. Gallon WILKINSON A ESLER, ' Market streets March 14. f rosijTstrainers. 't, FROM No. 18 to 100, of a superior quality, for sale by POLLV & HART, March 29. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 r( LARGE Sines, jttst received and 'for sale LOU by ELLIS, RUSSELL A CO. June 26. 44. TOBACCO t TOBACCO ! ! QTW . D0Z- superior Smoking Tobacco j OkAJU 500 lbs. Virginia Leaf; 100 boxes Eldorado Tobacco, (superior); 200 " Cahiness " (prime); 2030 lbs Scotch Snuff, for sale low by WILKINSON fc ESLER. June 26. 44. SHOULDERS. HHDS. prime Western iiacon, (Shoulders,) jus fj receivel June 2G. For sale by by ; J I J. HATHAWAY cfc SON. 44. - -NOTICE, THE name of 0. V. B. LEIGIITON ialCITA withdrawn from the Grin of Leighton, Chad bourn Sl Co-, by mutual consent . The business will be continued under hestyle of CiUDROURN A, HOOPER. O. F. B LEIOHTON. J VS H. .('HAD BOURN. ' ""GEO. 'HOOPER. July 17. 52-3w, PAY UP! PAY UP!! ALL persons indebted to us, either by N te or Ac count, wilt pluase enmo forward ae? pay Up, or we wilt be cn'rftpcHed to put tltem in a troin for col lection, as money we must have I PEltRIN & HARTSFIELD, July 8, 1851. 43 tf. ORANGES AND LEMONS. LANDING this day fier 3oh.. Mary Powell, 8 Boxes, in good order. For sale low by WILKINSON dt ESLER. uly 8. - 48. FRESH PER SCIIU ALARIC. K BBLS. Pure Oenessea flour (fresh ground;) 0J 50 Bngs Extra 25 Kegs Nails, assorted 4's to 10's. 10 Boxes Soda Crackers, prime, at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. J. H. Sl N. C. T. copy. July 8. 43. JOHN DILL & SON'S, SUP ERIOR Sootch Snuff, warranted equal to sny In the United Slates, direct from the monu Wires for sale, by WILfUINSUN A KSLKIC July 17. 52. JUST ARRIYED FRESH. 4KE0S New Butter; ICbmOUvbOIIi 4 Kstketf do, do; ., '6 Barrel CrusKed Hugari . 10 B n.U fresh Ale, 10 Half barrels Zi to- i For salt by ; " HOWARD A PEDEN. July- 8. ' ;". -i , t . ir; 49. PORTRAirTALYTLVG." JMASSALON, Portrait Painter, woofdrespest- fully Inform the citizens of Wilmington and tha surrounding country, that hs has permanently loca ted himself In this place, and will bs happy la re Celve the patronage of any ladles or geatieoita who may whin lo procure, faithful likenesses of them selves or any member of theii family. lis flstters hlmelf, from his long experience In the an, that bs will db enabled lo give satisfaction. His room Is at the Mossri Hall, Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. April 5, 1651. My. STOVES AND GRATES. JUST RECEIVED IObm- A e: Large gupply SHIP, PAllLOR, . CHURCH. AND OFFICE STOVES! of the BEST and most approved rAWEBHS. wholesals dt fetail ALSO, an assortment ol ORATES dt FURNACES, Solar, CampMne aTlaid, and OH Lamps, plain and Japauned Ware, steak DUhes, Coffee Urns, Big flus. Tea Trays. Walters, Platform and other Scales and a variety of other at ti des too numerous to men tion. ,. . PQLLEY 4b HART. Oct. 10. DEEDS FOR SALE. WeranleeOeeds.ond Deeds for Mortgage orland jttst printed, in corseel form and forsalcat the Commercial Office. SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION ! JUST Received, a Isrge assortment of Single and Double barrel, Bird, Duck and Deer Gum, of thfl finest finish-sod fatest style, made by those celebra ted makers Chahbb St, Son-, and others of known celebrity. Guns of all weights and calibre, also, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bsgs, percus sion Caps, snd in fact the best collection of sports men' goods ever offered In this market. Gentle men please call and examine, , POLLEY& HART.- Oct 3 . 66 BILLS OF LADING, &e. I.-10LIO POST BILLS OF LADING bonno L in Boots, and shects,slso Letter Sh.-ets wiih ejvarletyof mercantile blanks, for sale st The Corn. mercial (tflict. GLUE, ENGLISH and American, constsnily on forsale by ADAMS, BROTHER & May 3. hand, Co. 11. MULLETS, MULLETS. CkEi BARRELS Mullets, for salo by ZD WM. NEFF. June 17. 40. ORANGES, LEMONS & CANDIES, rpOG ETHER Withevery possible variety of Nuts, 1 Preserves, Jellios, and Pickles, have jut come to hand and can be found at all time, fresh, nt the family grocery. GEO. MJ'F.HS. June 10. 37. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ROBERT G. RANKIN is a partner in our house from this date. ADAMS, BROTHER cVCo. July Id. 47. STARf Ha SOAP AND CANDLES. It BOXES CofgBtes 'Pearl Starch; if 20 u do. No. 1 Soap ; 6" do. Almond and Rose Soap ; 30 " Mould, Afumantlne and Sperm Can' dle, for sale by HGvVARD & PEDHN. July 3. 47. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. qaa SECOiVD Iland Spirits Bare), large (CLV size, in good order, for sale by, . DsROSSKl'di BROWN. July 3d. , 47. RICE. OY CASKS for sale oo close consignment, Aby ' ADAMS, BRO. AC. July 3d. 47. BACON, BACON. T of Hums, Sides, and ShouWers For sale by OKI), it. J. H. cV N. C. T. copy. KELLEr. 43. June 24. $20 REWMD. WILL Be'ilven to the tinder ora Gold Hunt ing Watch, with Gold Chain and Key.' Said Watch was left by main the privy on 'he Wilmington & Raleigh R. U. Wharf, on Ssturduy last. B. G. BATES. Juno 21. 43 COTTON SEIN TWINE. 300 BBLS July 8. Cotton Twine, for sale, by Howard & pedew. 43. WILLIAM S. READ. HOlTE and 9hlp Painter. Glaaler and White Washer, Office under Commercial Hotel Wllmlnglon, NvC , ' Thankful for past custom, he respectfully Informs the public generally, that ha Is prepared la execute all work In his Una of business, and takes this me thod of soliciting thare f ths publle patrons? r: rf notice EXTRir '::; r WNO ta tha Increased demands of car Trad J Iff the following srtlcles ws hsvs been Moced Tobacco, Stganwi SsBfTof all kinds, wicb r (alters and others ess setou from, si lowest prices. ' ' WILKINSON ax ESLF.R. April 21 ' , W. IIME! LIME 1 1 LIME!!! (irrBaLil- Lticoinvllle Whit Lamp, Also UwVJ calcined PUatetv Plasierint Hair, and Fir Brick, HydrsulW Ccmanli 1000 bbls. Lim (f-e.lfosaleby J.C.ft R. B.WOOD. CantrBctonandBallders. - Dec.22. 1SS0. , , , , ... V. 111. N. C BACON. QAV-kLBS. Hsma, SWHi tfnd ShooWers, la wvv arore, ana ror ein mw oy J9AVAQE A, MEARES. 35. June 6. Ou Hand and for Dalo to Closo Conslgamenls c:i 1 barrels romlry rkrar, JJ t hhd. Moscovsdo Sngsr ; 5 bbls. Porto Rico 1 . . . 6 hhd. Western Shoulders ; 5 barrels Whale Oil.f , 10 boxes Candles J 20 boxes Soapt 20 " Starch ( 1 barrel " 5 half barrel Ssleraias; 60 loxes Window Glass 5,000 Hsvana Segnrs, a good article j 10 Coil, of best Italian Packing, for safi, loir, forcssh, by ELLIS, RUSSELL St Co. June 21. 4J, HAY. CO BALKS p'tme Eastern, hay, lending from OU Brig II. Kellock, foresle by ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. June-' 43- CHEIiRY - ' FotwiM tNtrsvo 1 ' CQPGHS, lOLDS, DOAESEXESS, BROS ' IUITIS, CROUP, ASTIDMt WOOOP m COUGH AND C0NSUMPTI01, ' In offering to the community this justly celcbra tearerriedy for diseases of ths throat and lungs, It Is not our wish to trifls with ths ll or health of the afflicted, but frankly to lay bsfbro them ths opinions of disiinguixhed men and som of the evidences of its success, from which they csn judge for them selves. We sincerely jledg ourselves lo make no wild assertions or false statements of Itscfflcscy.nor will we hold ont sny hope to suffering humanity which fuels will not warrant. Many prooft sre here given, snd we solicit sn In- qulry from the public Into all wepupll.h, feeling ss surcd they will find ihcm perfectly reliable, and th medicine worthy their best coufld.nce snd patron age. From the distinguished Professor, of Chemist ry and M etarla Medics, Bowdoln (Jlt'ge. Dear Sir : I dclaved answering the receipt of your preparation, until I had an opportunity of witness ing Its effects in my own family, or in the families of my friends.- This I have now doae with a high degree of satis faction In easea both of adults and children. I hsve found it, ss its Ingredients show, s power ful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pulmonary diseases. PARKER CLEAVELAND, JU. D. Bsunswick. Ms, 6. 1847. , . . i From an Overseer lit ths Hamilton Mills Jn this City. Lowbll, Aug. 10, 1949. Dr. J. C. A yen I hnvs been cured of the worst cough I ever had In my life, by your "Ciiesav Pae tossl," and never fail, when Lhavs opportunity, of recommending it to others.'' ' ' , ' Yours, respectfully, ,h, D. EMERSOI. .'"Read the following, and see If this rncuu ine is worth a trial. This patient hud become very re bl, and the effect of th medicine was unmistaka bly distinct , . , r .,.' - .. Umitbd Statbs lioTtt, Sasatooa Spbikob, July 5, 1849. Dr. J. C. Ayer, 1 have been afflicted with a puio ful affection of the lungs and all the symptoms Of set tled consumption, for more than a year. 1 coull find nojnedicine that would roach my ease, until d commenced the us of your "asv Pbctobal," which gave me gradual relief, amf I hsve bea stead ily gaining my strength till my health Is well nigh restored, Wiile usidg your medicine, I had the gratifica tion of curioi: with Ir my reverend friend, nr. Tru man, of Sumpter District, who had been suspended ,from his parochial duties by a severs aunck w bron chitis,. ' " ' 'I have pleasure in certifying these facts to you, And iini, sir, yours respectfully, J. P. CALHOUN of South Carotins. Prepsred and stld by JAMES AVER, Prsc tlsal Chemist, Lowell, Msss. .' t' ' Mold In-Wllmiogtoo by A. C. Evans Sl Brother, and by DruggUis and dealers In through out th State. ., . . ... , June 7.. 35-Sni. AVESTERN SUODLDERS. C HHDS. Prime Shoulders, just received, for sal J by July 19. J.dtD. McllAK dtCo. 63. FLODR, FLOUR, FLOUR. 1 fin BB, S- Prfia. ane itif in store, lJJ and for sale by J. 4 0. KIcRAE ft CO Juns2?. ' 43. BILLS OF EXCILiNGE. A HANDSOME edition of Bills of Exchange, just received, bound in Books of different sixes, and in Quires snd Sheets, for sals at ihsofGr of Tti4 Commercial . , v , June 19.195J. 41. WHISKEY. , for aolo cheap by , ,; . . J.fcD. McRAE&CO. , 125BeLS: T a-Xj frtP-l v EE SJUPERIOB SODA WATER, fer t " - , 5 ' p. KTAN3 dt BROTHER July 26. ,, ;,, . 85. ':i 'A.;: 3t : -. ' '', i. . .. . :. fremiti ffj. Sunday Rkrcvf. STIIE I1AT EN'S i:uic ;uy, To dotor sot tilt Bloomer Costume, that' H Whether 111 Boblef to ti1r toC; . Th ioeoBveaieiwcf of tit toe; (-irtdnaf, ' i Or cut It off agrfof the tnodij (rouLs, -And by eiulnf, tad tiem. To rot to rant---Koiaore-, pdby lpt,tos4y wteiJ y .'- Toes drafg Iror sklrU, tot ttouaad wett V; WYt cotutaut hdr to lis eotamatiicatloa ' Derotrtly to tit wished. 'I t don iLe f.anta; ' Tha pants i percbasct the fcoofi ! je, tlerc't tht For tn Ibow pitrti and leofs, wbat jeers may tornV i4" '' " - Wben trt) hare shuffled off these untold sfclrta, ' Mast flw w pause; tbert'a tnertipeca ' Tbat makes eatamHy of o loof enstom. , for wbovonld bear the scoffs and Jeers of bfrrs, The old maii's scandal the youut; man's snicker. The sldotonfleeraMderWou's mock, ,r ,,, The insolent press, and all the spurns, .; We Bloomers of tbest boobtes take , WhenwecotneontlnbreecbM, loo,aiidi VYsir hate b otter VHa woakl -tbt oU weary . hi 4 ' To (roan sad sweat under lb weary toad, uiesa 'itr,' Bat that the dread of something: voder ft, .. Of ancles larje, of crooked kg, tnm whka , Mot lIespH-irarletbtwIlJ, ', And make ttt rtfner wetrtJrtdrm we bare Than f nrn nnl ttTnofnn' i.' ' Thns fashion does make fools of !) $0 Jfoaiew, And tbns the' native hot of health and eoufbrt V.' Is sicklied over which tbt cast of enstom, ; t ' And ladles' dresses of great pits) tod moment, ' With this regard; tbvfr making torn away, , J ' ' And toots wbal tbey otherwise should bart. v. v " v '., f- 1 Frtm Uk flag oftw Vniem. THE WIDOW'S DREilir " Am OiBis in tbs DeatsT or a root Si ah . -.; rrsB8J jLiw,, KM st a; r. wniTtv ' '' i -''' ' . . r. s ' - The roIJ, piercing: whios of a; December night whistled and tuoaned around the mid. frame tenement of a poor widow,, who reti ded in a narrow, dark street of a popolousei- sksKB-asr dtmmkm &ana Bavsasa tkaa ftnnAm .). rTTta j nuvisivr vm bsm hhi ass rVMW ' w widow in vuia sloffed the Jew sorplnvta tered piece of her sparse wardrobe into tha r. . . -r.t.- -i...- 1 j .: 1 UHurca v u iimucicu iiwr bu wiuuuwaw to exclude the nipping breallt of 'Jock Frosy n it oozed Ihro her bumble apartment; for the fierce winter kinjf and hits Snowy train drore fwaiwJy throngb the deserted sf reels, and in boisteroos glee mocked tht dying ens bers of the poor woman's jireatde.:. Upon a small deal table before her, at she crouched . in a low cnair petiae im expiring ure, oimiy . barned a lamp, while tha keoorobed , fingers of the widow, gnTJ htrvweary tyea. were ply jnjrore a half finished garment or a cheap tailoring csUblishmenl. ' Eyer and tnon the poor woman would, cast her eye Innrarrfa it lilpcrn niut iILflrfnnr'rl' tuV In . corner of the joorn, arlet irhQ4il 'tor sbo would retww Jier wasted eaerziet to,eoro- pete ner ias iiini uuwuie-cuu:ii couiam- -ed till on earth that was dear to her her two children slep,;tiiothicg lha.etsi sound It- cause or their wteicned poverty, but slept that sweet and refreshing sleep that kntlp np the ravelled sietvt of ear, and falls at gent ' ly upon the beggar ia bit ed, as the,, roil- Iiuilillio III III WUiKw ijuiaiiijj . ill 1. ,.ib.. enpes lhe poor widow, tcarfsoifuso Jicr hoN 'I eaairork no moe, my light it. He jrly ffone I'm ebiJiVd'lo the bone. But. if. whal will toy children do for bread to-ra . row I Thgr almost broke my heart , when' I pot ihem t bed hangry and cold, to-nirt Ttf rrri?rwjheyji hare notliiDg no , f) r J t nofirc. Great u (hey. must not pcr:;,bx while I've an eye or a; Mn-' And th por woma,&ga(4 Jiljetf kef needle-, npddcd, ob bctf, sighfdritnd worked on, until the Jast ember of her fire tra 'gone The UghUoC the lamp Oinkeredjn he socket for (,rncy mAnt-onA ikn. lii&( trfifrh In tha in.'mpnt am ' coinpieica a rne Mint tireaaa 01 aay ortK through U.o iiiltrwicf a of the winijow.. -a .. . t 71 . a a rnie tnafwap, aa n aeainnaa tiircauy cktiroed Air demand; almost u riid witli ' cold, too.' the widow; aro' from her ear. . . a.. & . a s Urtsved to the bed gnscd upon her stilt auk Felly Bleeping children and ailing upon , her knees bcilc tliem,Bri prayed prayed Ood wonld cull thent all home.-fla nothing but doapair at'd Joiserjr teemed before them. lut the snn began to spread Iita broad raj orer th frozen earth, and the fiqnt and roar of t busy city resounded again in lhe street. The poor woman,' donned ber plniu habili ments, kitted ber waking children, and hid- -a . .... . I , . . f utng incm steep onui no rnviucu hii iuuh andGre, sht roiled up iba finished garment .and started, through the deep snow and keeir .morning air, lo the tailoring establishment. It was on of those large, depots wher -ready made clothing holds out such great nl? lureroenis lb the eennimieal wearers ol sach. goods: a long-eitablished and lolcratrd fe cietoflailerday Bast He, , for the torture of those poor females who fight; I the last, against most overwhelming nlds and chance ol, a wretched existence, in . iJcfcuce .of .tjjelr honest poverfy, and.ft , purity., of ptjrp which, whetipresQrreiVBf itrcoattrnftsa pus. vSMag WUUiuiCHUttUIisfl t tVflli IMS alia ttmi r? the law of tht land, and fmlpti maleroKiil', ' fail 1 not to scathe p th heart' cor tha misery-goaded wretch. Sh stood beside the V'V. t Set fourth Page, I 'J, !h"' t,vife.,t:i,4-"''..,3.,t' J.I. jr s, -