s 'WHOLESALE PRICES CURtlLNT. ; i H ' .' ' A.' N.' O: IIam-A' V'"':,;' 1 i Western ' ' ' N. Cv 8Hes.'v''':v"' J3 : 8 10 10 91 8. 20 40 10 0 W Western N.-C. Shoulders- WHtrrn 'I- I..-.. ... 81 22 45 ?'-,,Buiter, Goshen, per lb... .- , i Brandy, AppI-""" ' '"-V i-' ''' Peacti' , v - St. Domingo Coffee.!.. luO ...'....-. 91 9 IS II 12 68 12 ; 28 45 10 10 161 Laguira Cuba . 1 - .'...- s f : Candles. K.'C. per lb. ' -i Northern Tallow, - r' Adamantine,--.- 30 rr ft ? f Sperm, D. .-i?- Motion Ysrns-.-iv. .v. ... . M Osnaburga-. ,' If Vl 4-4 N. C.'Sheettng. ... .. ,i Hif-fti iM . Sheeting-.. 1?;';: ?;$ "p. 'V i 5U4f . $- ' - !JrFarttwill.Fliir.,nono .-. wr Canal, extra biAsd- 17 9 6 61 I j Baltimore sr. j f r . t , , . ; II. " v Ash Heading.. t v. ' " N. Y. Hay . ....... Ka8ierO'.""rj:'i:t: 00 a a S. S Wide Board Plapkand Scant, i- llnj--wrf' ' Flooring- Boards' Wide Boards Edged Refuse half price myall- I River Lumbar,, flooring per M,- 14 00 16 00 14 00 12 00 7 00 6 00 12 33 I 00 16 00 IS 00 12 60 7 50 6 60 . wide Boards,-- : ' " - Scantling, o Lard per lb. In bbla. --....... , f in kegs- Lime. ? New Orleans Molasses- ..none-, f orto Rico " a MCuba.w..' 4W.1,e", none ' j., Yellow Dip Turpentine, of 280 lb : i ' per bbl f 'New' Virgin . .. ."Hard , . - Splrita Turpentine- , , Tar " PUoh . k ttlotln, No. 1 bjf. tale.- . .., No. 2 V', : - No.3 tvu NallaperKeg, 100 lbs. 21 63 20 B0 30 26 45 25 (0 00 95 50 i 60 161 90 1 00 4 ;n X i ,91 Northern mess Pork- Cow Paaa PeaNuta-"-"";'---' 17 H. "T ftongh Rice- Cleaned -jy. E. Rom, per gallon W. t. none s" Jamaica i 8. - ; W. O. Hbd. Staves Rough-now W.O. Bbl. Dressed " R. Hhd. Rough ". Drttssed scarce 80 3 50 33 3 00 10 00 11 00 8 ..... a 2 50! Shingles, Common Contraot Blacks large-. 00 50 00 7 7 a 6 u a 5 a a a . a 00 n 81 Sugar, New Orleans,-. --scarce-.- j -. n - m.. . jsli, Llv rpiol per sack mown nunc t, . -Turk Inland, per bushel S.isp, p:ile pr lb.,per box-"-' Brown,-- .Whiskey, Ry, per gallon Reclined 25 ;7 '5 45 26 FREIGHTS- To NEW YORK! '"aval Stores, 25 on and 80 under. Spirits Turpentino, , Yarn and Sheeting, : " , Cotton, To PHILADELPHIA t - Nafal Stores, 25 on and - -grj T4hdc'r." ' 8plriU TnrrKt)tlne, Yarn and Sheeting, .-v. ... , Rioo, . Cotton, 60 ct. per bbl. 6 cts. per footf. 90 " ""bale. 50 cts. per bbl. fl per foot. 15 cts. per 100 Ibi. 1 to per bale. 4, to 6 .. ', Lambcr, -, -4 v GOUHIGRCML. , REMARK.8 ON MARKET... . T ytfPEHTiNt--8alca oft, HGCbbls. were made ' .within two daya paft, at 2 20 per bbl. forYel ' v "low Dtp, and $2,50 per bbl. for Virgin Dip. ' T ' RosmrCOO ubla. common Rosin sold at 95 cfs. j.AperUmiL,., ..-. -... - A r:jfipiKira ToaPEiiTmi. 127 bbla". changed bands jt 26 cts? per gallon. ' , . . "' y'iu-r;25Q barrela (very inferior) were disposed at J,Wtrti.'pV Urol. " " TiMBBK. 1 Raft inferior quality was jold at S6 per M. measurement and 1 raft of feood mill at87prM. ' '' "'SHikawia.- About 10 to 12,000 common sbln C 'giea were told at 3 per M. w"i ". Bioi44i loi of N.C. JIains, per Bail Road ; it" arrivod yesterday, for which 121 cts. h tasked.' i. 'CoRK-No latt arrlvala that we hear of; , S jnpply pn hand la yet fair. " NORTIIJERN MARKETS. ',0 can give no additionaL tbjtaila from the Northern Markets, of any interest, to. those re. '" ported on Tuesday, as tbe effects of tbe European K?? bswitonosMy , , : v " ;MARKET8 PER STEAMER ARCTIC. ' ?"tyiifjjiitf The. aalea of.Cottton on v Saturday, Monday and yesterday amounted to 82, l i 000 bales, of which speculators and exporters v.'Jook aj.OOOJ Priccit have Tadvanced (d.! Fair prkans, 6 j Fair Upland add Mobile 6. ' Flour is unchanged. Tbe coi ft market, b bare -"V. J fL. tinalnra U rlilno- lit Ann llnw at nrn. 1 f Vloui rates. Wheat Ja duiraod unchanged. : ' - --s Weitera Flour ti quoted at 20a 6d to 21a i Daltl- More xis oi pu.f .nniw vorn sos a n : yei ' ow 27 27s 6d. ' Corn Meal 15s a 16a. -t ' ( 'i .-'.-.ii' in ?tf,(''J -'(Jlif- Ihr'v Pmvisionj are in fair demand at former rates. CofToe Is Inactive but prices are not lower. Sn- fcarisateady. Tea has slightlj declined. A largo business is (loin? in molasses. Bice la nrgiecteu. Tbe London money market is a shade K-tter. Consols closed at a 06J. ' American atocka stead. , -' :- Trarte in Mancbeatwr is more active om prices favor bnyers. , v CHARLESTON MARKET; ' inmd 10 Pnltnn Tlu-rn was mnTC antmatiOlf'j in the Cotton market yesteruay tnaw w lime back, and thoTery Uiuifedj ftqcH on aale enable holders to realize rather better prlcw, a mountinj in some instances to an improvement or jc. Borne 6u oaiea were who jcc u6- ing from 5 to 8c. KEW ORLEANS MARKET. Angnst ll.-'On Saturday barely orie bnndred bales of Cotton were dlsjwsed of. Ordinary was worth Be.." and Goo MMdllnz from 71c. to8c. Bacon atfibrtliei4 advanced: Sides were' quoted at 10c. fin jjhotilijors at 8c. " " " SALES OF BANK STOCK. The Srat states that between fifty and sixty thousand dollars of bank tm l Rail Road Stock waa; sold at Spattanburg C. H., oa Monday, the 4th Jnst., beips a part of the easte of the late Rev. Benjamin Wofturd. The follow in is the re sult 202 Shares of Charleston bank, (new issue,) aold for $681 63 tar value 9w. 1400-Sirca Cummcreial Bank, (Columbia, par value 825. Sale 826,20,00 a 27,06. 69 Shares 8. W. Rail Road and Bank, par $125. Sales $1081 a 1U8. ; MONEY & BUSINESS. Boston, August 9. Tbe Atlas sums up the money and business af fairs of the country iu the following short extract, which we make from a pretty long article on the subject: ':Tuo momentary transactions of the past two weeks, form an important era in the fi 13 nancial history of this countryas there has sal dom beetra period when less conflileqce existed among mercantile mimi or when more depression rolgnoil among stocks ana securities ot almost ev ery description. The present state of things can be traced with certainty to a cause which will eventually, (if not avoided,) lead to general bank ruptcy and ruin. We refer to over-impartatum, as the source- it' the existing financial dittkulties and it la tne rock upon which, will strike that great ship National prosperity. ' It fe-iiscless for journalists taattempt to throw dust in the eyes of the ;peoi)ie, by disguising or- keeping from them s ifoin a truth. The fact cannot be twis ted and turned continually, and there must be an end to all speculative theqrici on. the sub ject, when the results of prattia are s,p ajjpare iu the monetary transactions of the Jay." -FISH. 50 T- BPLS. No. 3 Mackerel j Herring. For sale by AiMUKKSUiV fit LATIMER. August 14. foii rem; FltOM 1st October, next, the wharf and shitd ut present occupied by Messrs. M.irlin ,& iJronly, known as the Jenkins1' wharf. Kor term:), apply to l lie subscriber, j. A. MORGAN. August 14. Ci-p. - 63. BACON AND LARD. Q!Or"i LBs. North Carolina? Bucon Hami O WVJVJ 1030 lbs " ' Lard, just re ceived, and fur sale, by J. H. FLANNER. 64-3t, NEW HANOI EH INSTITUTE,. ' WIL51INGTON, ti. C. fij i HE fifth session of this Institution will com mence on the 16th of September, terminating on the 15th of February. l''or circulars containing full partiuutnrs aa to terms, etc, inauireat the office of the Commercial, or of the subsribe'r. ., This Instiiution having juni completed the '2d yeur of its existence, with the number of pupils iimountW to 79. shows that Madame Clbmsnt nut beendlsarjoolntd in her exuectationa-r-aer forta have been crowned with complete success, and grateful for the confidence reposed in her, she hopes to deserve and to enjoy u continuance of tho same by unabated ussidulty for I ho improvements of tier school. The ensuing term will open under the cOnv blned auspices of three efficient auxiliariea from tftebest Hlyb School of New England and Mad ame C flatters herself the united exertions of rive teaches for tho culture of the youthful mind, will insure them libera) patronage. Aug. 14V 64-5t-w SAUSAGES. 3 BBLS. Sausage ; ' ' 19 Half bbls. do. For sale by ANDERSON & LATIMER. August 14. 04 . Office Wilmington & Raleigh Rail Moad Company, August 1 ltU 18I. THE Frelghf iraWs for IFeWon, will hereafter leave on Monday's Wednesday's, and Friday's. Freight muat be at tho Depot by 1 o'clock on Sat urday's, Tuesday's aod Thursday's. JOHN NUTT. Transportation Agent. August 12. tf. I3. FOR RENT. A comfortable dwelling on Red Croat street, between 3d and 4tli. Apply to S. D. WALLACE. August 12. ' 63, TAR. Tar, In shinpinz order, for thai Cm BARRKL.S Tar, sale tn lots (o suit, by A. H. VANBOKKELEN. 63-3t. August 12. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rpHE Copartnership heretofore existing b 1 twecg the subscribers under the firm of Hatch & B.csiAttKS Is diss jived by mm uul con sent, and ihe, affairs of the concern are to be settled by David Lyman Burbank, who continues business at the 'old stand. 1 .'. . . . JAMES G. HATCH. ' D". LV MAN U RBAN K. Augut 12. u 63-3t. notice. ; DURING my absence from town, Mr. J. R. Whit! ake will act as my agent. All persons indebted lo me will pleasa make payment to him, he being hereby authorised 10 give receipt for the same. , C MYERS, Halter. ! July SL , , 69. FOR BALTIHORE. . THE A. I. fast sailing regalar pack &chr. Gen. Inrln, pdwarda, llatirr, ll hava desDslcb lor the abava i.orl. Vot Ugbl freight Of paasaije, apply to Ao?qst 2. . rr V . ... , 63.- FQR PHILADELPHIA. - ''lffiROX'3 USE. . THE regular 'packet Schr.. Csin, kJas, Snow, Master, will have i quick; datpa'tch, for the above port. F ttaftf freight or passage, apply to , ; pEO. HARHJSS. ; August . , f - . - t , j 61- f OH PHILADELPflU. r , : " Uerqxs lUe. t i; ; THE Packet achi.pad Smith, Hlgbec Maner. will have despatch as above'. TjW Hjf lit frcij ht or'ptasEe, apply to ' GEO. HARRISS. August' 12. ' 'V ' . ,, 3,. (iANNON LINE OP BALTl.MORC PACKETS. t THE spbstfrlber Intends running a .-ft tween; Wilmington and Baltimore. consisting f si A. JL aat sailing schooners, i , nflnian, batan Cannonu Virgtiuft QnjfU Pideiiine, ' ifiueue, '." Geo. Ifr.'RMiuim. .Persons purchasing goods In BalimorB add wish, ing ihmn forwafiied wiihoulduluy, will please direct them (hipped by this line.' " j"; ' Fr''lns taken orViUlUne at New York rates. ,',;' .. JOHN V. CAN SOfi, Agent, : ' ' ' ' Baltimore, Md. , J. & D. McRAE, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 25, 1351. ' 133-if. 4 FOR SALE. A GOOD b'chr., live oak frame, aeven years old. curries 600 Bbls., in good order and well found, sails well and Is a good sen-boa i ALSO. A SLOOP Nearly bew, carries 300 Bbls , draws little water. Th&e vessels will be sold low, and on accotnmodatinz terms. Apply to. ' " ' J.' R.' BXbSfSOM. May 8. ' t 23-iT WM. MASON & SON'S REGULAR.LINE'OP BALTIMORE WILMINGTON PACKETS T ( 1 1.' .. J 1 . j . j -l. h j 1 ; i nn unuersignea vev il-byo iu iniorm iiiv ompuing tiuuiii;, iiiui nicy uavr made arrangements to continue the aoova bine oi faeKeis, and run good vessels regu larly through the ynr, at lowest rates of freight. 1 he Ageitfa wharf. in Wilmington Is In a central part of the town, and immediately adjoirlthgone of flip Sfi.amhfi:it nnmn,iAu'. VuHzJk-f tlmf.r innL-ln It desirable to those who huve goods for up river. Shippers will please direct their. goods, shipped by Mutjiv Lane ' , ' 'WM- MASON A SO., Agents, No. 75. Smith's wharf, Bahlmore. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co., Agents, Wilmington, i-'eb 4. '137-if GLUE. Q t BARRELS American ; CO 20 " superior English i Just received, Aug not 5, ' and for sale, by ADAMS, BROTHER & Co., SO. PER 8C0R. ALAKfl'- BBLS. of fresh ground Flour i( Xi'J 1 boxes No. 1 Colgate's Soap ; 10 boxes of fresh Soda Crackers ; 3 bbls. " " Pilot do. at ' CEO. H. KELLEY'S. August 6, 151. ' ' 60. J. M.A N C. Telegraph copy. JUST RECEIVED. A 5 SPLENDID Assortment. of reol;nglieri Siw- e and Double guns, made expressly to order. rubL.br at HAtvr. August 2. ' " 60. RICE 1 CASKS Ricetocloseconslsrnment, for sale. 1 J low by ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. Ausust 5. 90 TUE CHILD. A TI XX of tliu Diseases of Children according to the simple laws of nature, without Medicament" j and upon the Birth, Nursing, Attendance and Education Of Children, m Well as The moat frequent Diseases has from their very Infancy to the period of puberty. ef - ! Illustrated for the mass by a description of numer- ous cases, gathered during a practice of 22 rears. The Book can bo procured by application to J.T. SCHONWALD, Dr. M. Wilmington. July 2. , . 68-if COAL. 1 fYY ) BDSHELS Black Smith's Cook dally 1 UUJ expected from Baltimore, per Schr. Gent Irvln, and for saje by ELLIS, RUSSELL dt CO. r ' . 69-tf. , August 2. MANUFACTURED TOBACCO FROM RICHMOND, VA. A FEW packages and ballance of J. Endera fuvoTite brunds happen to be here now on sale, advertised to avoid disappointing old customers suy , . . ' 1 case of 24 dwarf boxes 5 ; E boxes pf 16s and 6s-; . Apply soon, to DaROSSET & BROWN. Wilmington, Aug 5. 60-3w-R, W. B. TO DISTILLERS. ri'j Turpentine Caskt. tlKING extensively engaged in the manufacture J)of this article, I am prepared to furnish any number to moss who desire good caika, which are wairunted in sixe and .quality, equal if not superi or to any sold here. Price 61,75 delivered at any place In town. ' Glue A superior article for Distillers, used st I2J cents per lb. , Bangs -Of all sizes, at 15 per thousaiid. Plugs For slopping . sugar holes in second hubd barrels ae it should be done. For sale, by ' J. R. BLOSSOM. August 7. i-tf. NOTICE. rPUR subscribers-, havihig purchased the entire X Interest in -the Cepe Fear S..S. Mill, would hereby request all persons having claim against said Mill, previous to ihe 1st July 1851, to present them for payment, and those Indebted to said Mill to c ill at the Offioe and settle their accounts previous to the 1st of September, or Ihey will be under the painful necessity of placing them in ihe hupds of an Officer for collejctlon. . '' ' ; i ' ELLIS ct RUSSELL. August 2, 1851. ' '' ' 95-tf. - AT THE SIGPJ OF THE BIG BOOT. t. We hare recelvod a complete assort men! of articles appertaining lo a . . . FASHIONABLE BOOT ! d SHOE STORE. We respectfully call the attention of the ' ladles to a variety of Linen. Cloth, and, Morocco- Gaiters ; Slips, and Jenny Llnd Buskins ; a fine lot of Miss el, and Children's Gaiters, Boots, Buskins, and Slips-. To Jhe Gents, we olftr ftntf Sewed and Peg Booty, LlneitT' and Clot h,Congrea tSaliers,- snd s variety of Shoes snd Slips, too numerous to men tion, all of which ws will sell on the most reasonable lersaai'nt,-.-.'- f..-M-T - " G, e C. BRADLEY 4 Co. X. B: '. Manufacturing and. Reparlnf as usual. August 9.- - 61-lmj BlSUm ST1T2 LCTTLEIES FC2 IfGOT. OFPICH OV liMOH Y 4i CO,- 13 ft Pratt U Uiltlnicre, Md. Emory ss Co. call lh attention ef the public le lbs following Splendid scheme lor Aagusi, too sisilng of some Of tlx best Lotteries ever draws In the United States. PATAPSCO 2Ifl FOR AUGUST I ITU. 73Noa.-16 Ballots, I PiiMof 19154 Is WI54 . do ; 3OO0to 9000 10 da 250 I 25C9 - 20 prises of 200150 10Q 4-e e. Tickeul2j, 4aeksgesrf Wholes 33, qarteri W. ' . . 9W.S9S. ' CARROL C0...3J FUR AUGUST tlTil. 1 : 1 Prise ol W,000 is 20.00Q ' ' 4 d , 6,000 U 20.000 4 do ' 2500 is 10,000 20 do- k 6M is 12,000 23 prizes each alOQ 24 1200 &e. die, ' Ticket fS, share In preporjioa Certificates of Paekaifes cost 25 Wnoroa-for 0, Halves t3Ti, Quarters J7. ' itfTiT i 4 PATAP3CQ 2 J2 'Ott AUGUST I3th, ,lpite:of48,S7r prise of 14,000 I vo: z,ow 25 do' 27 J I do r,ooov 25 oo -U0O 25 do 60 400 do 23 Tickets M2, Phckagesol Whofes 3a Qoarurs 17. . - 9,8aai ... ', -i.i,; CARROL CO. 34 PPR APOIL2It. Capital Prise 16,213 poltara. 20 prlaes of 3,000 are tGO.000 ' 10 do 1,500 15,000 . 10 of 730, 79 of 10() Ac. &c Tickets 13, Packages of Wholes 75, tlearterg f 18 , WASHINGTON 34 FOR AUGUST 25 tn. Capital Pfhe '27.500 dollars. ': V '' 11 Pr1e4of $2,0 ere 27.600. " ! 60 Prises of aiOOO,' 90 prises of, 730 Ac. &c, "Tickets 13. ' PaCkSge of Quarters 3l 23. ' GIGANTIC SCII KM U. i t$l,lT9,178. Grand Consolidated Lottery for humit SO lb. i pmei $70,000 810,000 23,178. ' 3 of 110,000 are 30,UOU - 10 of 2,O0O are 200,000 -20 each of 6300 6Q0'600 400 tc dec. Ac Tickets S20, Halves 110, Quarters $5. ' Certifica'e of Packages cost 26 Wholes for 62oQ I 26 Quarters for $70 26 Halves for 140 j 26 Eighths for 35 Punctuality, Integrity and strict Confidence, Address EMORY fc CO., 154 Pratt St., Baltimore Maryland. MACKEUEL. " tjf: BBLS. larae fme Pf to. 3 'Mackerel, just re ir O eeived from Boxton, and for sale, by . ELLIS, RUSSELL Co. Jely 19. 63: GLUE. I C BARRELS Glue good qualify, r0r dlstljl IU use, for sale by ANDERSON &, LATIMER. 58. Jnly 3let. ' - . RECEIVED BY ADAMS & Co's. EXPRESS, r3D DAYS FROvl NEW YORK.' 1 CASE of Soft Drab Brush Hate. Those who 1 have been waiting for .these Hats can now get them by calling at the Hat Store, Market street. , C. MYERS, Hatter. July 31. 59 IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SE- .gars. , ; ;i .! OF the most popular brands and- best qoallty t .wholesale or, retail; by ' - WILKINSON &, ESLF.R. July 17. 52. FRESH PER SCR. A. I DeROSSET. OH BBLS. of Family Flour (ExtrsTt) J 100 bags " v ' ;s'jf ( 5 bbla. CoQee Crushed Sugar, a prime arli . olej 5 kegs of fresh Goshen Butler, at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. August 2. J. H. A N. C. Telegraph eopy. 69. ' AVD ELDORADO TO BACC0. 0 T) ECEIVED direct from manufactors, for ssle, Ik, by WILKINSON & ESLER. July 17. 62. FLOUR. ptANAL Elour, extra; in half barrels, and barrels j tor family use, ior sa e, ny ... ... - -' 1 -' feRsdN cV tATiMER. juiy jisi. ' 58. ICE CREAM. MRS. FORD has fitted up a room In the lower part of her house for Ice Cream, where she will be pleased to see the Ladies and Gentltmen of Wilmington. . . Families supplied at short notice. Parties of .Ladies and Gentlemen can be served with Ice Croarrttn the Parrfor.r ar'the right of the front entrance first door. July 24. 65 if. OIL. A FEW barrels prime Oil for Machinery, or Lamps, for sale by . HATHA V AY fc SON. JulyB. 4 t LV STORE. T H SACKS of Liverpool Ground Sail ; 1 DJ 10 hhds. Uefct'Cdba Molasses 6 tierces " " 1 bbl. of fine Syrup ; 40 boxes Colgates Soap ; Sdoz Jars fine Pickles; 6 bWt; of Scuppenong Wine, a prime arti cle, low at'.; " ' GEO. II. KELLEY'S. August 5. ' .60. J- H. & N. C. Telegraph copy. npRAQ TOR TflE BL00HERS. THEY HAVE ARRIVED!! JUST received from New York i 1 cask pure Pott Wine ; 10 kegs extra Goshen Batter ; 10 boxes. Cheese; .' 10 " Erglish Dairy do. ; ' 2 tea. Lard; 6 bbls. Irish Potatoes; 25 bagaVFfbur't ' 20 bbif do, 10 - Crackers t 10 " Crushed Sugar; 10 .." Clarified do y fc . 1 hhd. Porto Rico do. t 6 bbla, Fulton Market Beef; 3 bbls. No 1. Mackerel. For sale by GEO. MYERS. i August 9. -'t- 62. (OFFEE. 1 r( BAGS extra Rio, for sale, by 1UU, . ADAMS, BROTHER A Co., August g. 90 RECEIVED PER SCHR FIDELIA. DIRECT from lbs Msnufaetory at Phladeiphia, 26 dot. Umbrella-, embracing a treat variety, and will be aold low for the cash. Call and get on. ' C. MYERS, Hatter. July 29, 1861. t " , - . 67. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Tt ICHMQNO Tobacco, superior quality, la half x ana quarter aoiss. Clgva In 110 boxes, a good srtlcle' for ssle low, nj a u&uaua or. LAitntit, Joly Jlat. . 69. NOTICE. , THE nditslzned lakes this ooDortunitr of tetare- ! Ing his thanks le tbe elilwns ef Wilmington, for th liberal pa irons is ther have slvcn bin, and will discontinue tbe practice ef Medicine In Wil mlngivn, after ihe first day of Aegusf, lor the pres ent, and recommends to his former pat rone ins favorable notice of William E. Freeman,' M. D. 1 slinll remain intowa for a short lime and ibore wbo. Drefet to settle who me eersuoallr caa do so br call- lea at mr office in the London House, corner ef Uarket snd nota titreete. BARTON JIUNSEY, M-D. Jury J4. ' if. M. C. DaPRE, DRUGGIST, WHOLESALE and 'RsfailiDealer In Drnrs, Chemicals, Psmm Oils, FsMry Articles, U- qeors, Ituidow Vila, trtncA d American tfurrUa .Tnesubferiber keene eonstantlr en band a Urge and well selected stock, which he will sell as low ss any Druggist In the SeeMsm Cevnlry. Every articlals warranted to be of the -best eusUiy aod po up tn tbe best style. Physiclins snet Merchants wiu do weu to can and lout lor tnemseivea aeiora buying elsewhere. DRUGS PAT. MEDICINES. Rps. Salts-. Glauber Sails; Sands Saraepcrils j Lee's Castor Ollf Sweet Oil r-uisi ireckwtia Kills; Peter's Pill i Moffiis Bitters end Pills; Smo- Uhabarb Jolop t Ipecac; Arret tuot i Urearn Tar tar Carb. Soda; Gum Ariblc Assafoetlda; Gum Camphor ; Alex. Senna ; ears Pine j Wrights PMU i ursndleth . f U' I Deed Shot; Kanes i)c In Verms fsge Cod tlf Oil t Peruvian- Bark i Kotax, Ac. - 1 ' t' CHEMICALS. Ayrs Cherry Pectoral dwayne's Syrop Wild Sulph Quinine t Iodine;, Cherry i Balsam Wild ludid. Mercury i Jodld. Ofierry e. Potash; Calomel Ena PAINTS & OILS &e. Blue Mass; Spts. Nitre; Sulph.Ether;Spis.Harls horn ; Nil Acid Syrup lodidof Iron -, CU. Ferri PirreLeadt Ex. LeadianH Nd. 1. Lead, Verdeeri in Oil ; Chrome Greene In Oil and Dry; Panis Greene et (Quinine ; y in Oil Vermellion; Black in Oil t Spanish Brown in Oi: Yen. Red In Oil. &e. All the cbovo ankles will be soM cheap st the Drug Store a C; DcPRE, Market St Wilmington, July 19, 1831. 63. Journal and Goklsburo Telegraph copy. FOR OLD AND YOUNG. This week gnci to prett ' THE .WORTH CAROLINA ftEA DEftf A WORK designed lo familiarise the minds of the young with the character, history, and r sourscs uf their own well-favored fatheNland. The author, while prosecuting the work, received many letters of encouragement from leading cliisene all of whom expressed a desire that I' might find Its way Into every home tn North Carolina ) and these good wiahes snd favorable opinions were altered before (be style of the work wss known te sny on but the author himself. The public will now be able to judge of ihe merits ol the plan, snd of the execution, for themselves ; and, considering the amount uf mailer, it will be cheap and In the power of every one lo buy and examine. The work will contain -. , , Ut. A general description of Norih Caroline, with n fcier.ee to scenery, productions,. capabilities, p'o'puliiii-jri, imd inunnerij illustrated with numerous env raving.' 2d. A hiHtory of the discovery, settlement, and progress of the Slate down lo the present time. 3d. Poetical and oratorical exercise,-, some of them by North Carolinians. . t.i' (, . ' 4th. Chronological and hlatoflcarpibl, obatracl of the last census, fxplanatipif of popular acien iHfcterrns, &d. &c.' ' , f- ' The book wil f also contain rules for correct read. Ing, abridged and digested from the best minorities, and U intended to be, to the North Carolinian, sn Indispensable companion. It will be published by LIPPIiNCOTT, GRAMBO dr. CO., aucetssors lo GRIGG l ELLIOT. No. 14 North Fourth 8treet. Philadslphla, snd ordeis addressed ttf.tbsm ' will be promptly attended to, The undersigned will also bain Philadelphia for r few W(ksrrBiterr address ed to Mm or die Dublishets wlH meet with sttentlon. The book will be out in lime fot tbe Fell trade, and merchants of North Carolina who deal In school books would do well lo cell on Ihe publishers, er send early orders. Liberal discounts will be made to wholesale purchasers, snd the retell price will be 1 00, 6 copies for 5 dollar ; 10 for 8, and 40 for 30 dollars. C. H. WILEY. P. S. It la ihe author's design to publish,' In ihe course of s few months, a Reader for bsc Inner. erotidtd th-worlr1iow In press Is liberally nstron ied. -The two Readers will make a complete se ries ; snd tbe cost will be bat little over hsif thst of ihe Worcester Series, lbs one most in use, while It will contain all ihe necessary Instructions and mat- or to suit all classes. ' - -. Agusl?.'" J ' '' ' 61-61 REFINED JAMAICA LIME JUICE- 2 DOZEN pure Lime juice, for sale, by HOWARD PEDEN. July 8. 48. FLOUR. Tust received s IresVlotipf'Atxtre Canal Hiram J Smith, VeRoy and Quarry 'Mills, la bbls. and halves. For ssle, low, by 'SAVAGE & MEARF.S. July 15. " ' 5L TUB PHILOSOPHY ELECTRICAL 'pYCAbLOG Y. TN. course of twelve lectures, by, JOHN B. A DODs,, met received and for sale by ' : -SAMUEL N. CANNON. JuIyWSL1' 67-lm. STIMSON & W Kew fork, Hcw-Orleani 4 Mobile Eiprcii, CONNECTING wlih the sviftesland most rs Sponsible Expresses, between ihe .' priridps Towns In Maine, We w-Hampshrre. Vermont. -Mas sschuietts, Rhode Isl md, Conneeiiout, Lower Can ada, New-York State, Delaware, Pennsylpanla Maryland, District of Uolumbls, Indiana, tmtej Illi nois, tbe Western States generally, Ihe Mississippi and Alabama River towns, and the promineni pas cesin Georgia sod the UsroiiBSsV " uur laciUUe are so sxiensivs sne perieci, uiai we can secure the safe and speedy Transportation pf Freight, Trunks, Psckages, and Valuable Parcels, From ens end of th Countr 10 the oUur, an. btiueen the mott remote point: . . . From our many year experience In the Express business, while connected- wilh Messrs. Adardt dt Co., and uur numerous advantageajn ether respects, (not tbe least of which is the confidence and patron age of the New-York community,) we feel sssured. that we shall never cease lo give the moel entire latisfsctlon to our friends the Jewellers, Bankers and Merchants generally. -,''t We bee leave to call attention to our California1 Expresa from New -Orleans, snd onr. Express be tw'een New-OrleoBs snd Mebila ; . - v Office i Camp Street, New Orleans and 19 -Wall New York, (HAD B0 URN & HOOPER. General Commission Merchants. . WILMINGTON, N. C. July 19,1951. .... ; ' 6X FLOUR AND MACKEREL rn BBLS. Floor Jf 60 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel, to srrivs per Schr E. 8. Powell, for sale, by : GEO. HARRISS. July 17.. ;. r, VS-,' '- . fl. HAY I HAY L DAY; 1 rH BALKS nsy to arrive per Schr. . S. 1UU Powell. Foraalabt . v". GEO. HARRISS. JttljM. ' 55 , , LolX! TO Li-ii'. - Capi.O. Poiur having given me tl.tt.'tn I I y farriiiagktafcoiiWt,hs Wiia-ii. - -e a- Persens wb wWb te ecur s :e ' , early, may do so y calling os th sutiwrit f. I otler tbe fallowing fc trm,Hm im Ii JLyef October aext to October lt, ISiZ, ij. 1 hir an J com for labia 3 story bnok tenement on Teomel's sV i ley, with Bakery and Store attacked. i . One dwelling en ike eorswf of W ainot and Water stree'e, 2 stories high, wlih Srorein the btsemem One Slor House adjoining th sbover .The Kisiey House on the corner of fib trel. The Ilousesad, Lot sdjotnlng, en Boundary St. 1 Alee a aember of aVieirable Ceuages ls tbe nishbwrhend ef the Dry. rood. f i A. A. B. SOUTH ALL. Y : AegostZ, 13L Journal copy. I'J-iL nClSLS TO REM. 4 JjLsLpor THE subscriber has a number ef Hoesea - Rnr, of vsrieus dimensions, la eincrsnt .ports of ih Iowa. ' r Jely29,I831.''-."i-. .. . 67 f. nCUSETO SELL C2 KENT. Jnlv 26. i VALUABLE REAL ESTATE f ' - FOK SALE. - STORES as both sWaf Market Street, and ea Princes Street- Mji urtt. naii 4 ivtai-.J. pna hs. . . i utiiiTni uri vi i wwu. , , A FARM, wlih-'a romfortabld. Dwfliinlrflouso. thereon, near Federal Point. . 1 l A HOUSE and LOT in Smiibvlll. ' r r TURPRNTINR LANDS between Lor 1; wood's Folly sod SbikHteilveT. in tbe -cofiniy ofEmns- ; wick. K i 'I f,V4-r, ;n , BBAKKiC . July 29, 185f. 1 ' 11 67tf. CEDAR GROVE r.- MASONBOJIO; SCUND. ,l w THIS pteaaan't jtKnmtr retreat la opea for Ir the reception of Visiters, where the Usual ei f --s- lllile will be extended to all whe msy fsyor the Proprietor with their Company" " ' Ijf The above claes 1ft fet sale. Possession given ihslirst of anusry next.- For terms epplt; sjwiss a . eswe- -(! v " w.. www VALUABLE LAND FC? SALE. THE BubKrlbera wishing to remove Id the West -offer for t . . SOOO Aerea if Land w . t - lying 12 miles west of Fayetteville, end within 1 .k M..k &UJ l. f J. . .'t iiiiwa vi iuv rwaa nuau.- imw nuua .i. wir adapted lotbe eultivatlon of lortntlne, and there! are now eul and In good condition 126,000 boxes.--. A comfortable dwelling house with ail necessary out houses, a Saw .and grist mill in od rertlr. snd a fine site for a Turpentine distillery, sre s.rw be found an the premisea. . If not sold before 8ep-i temberoeal, Ihey will lease for r let m of yearsv ' Those wishing to angsge In tbe terpentine busl-, nesa will do well to esll andexamlne for ihemsslv. f The undersigned will take plsssare In showing the premises at say time. Address tnsuDcrtber at Riverside) Oamberlaad County, N. G. Terms ae- tomroodaling.t, ti LMcKELLF.R. . Jnly 29 tW ' -( " - ,57-15.1. - , j' l ' BACON - 5(Y)T POUNDS N.C. llama, Sides A SbeaP jUUU ders, for sale, bf i ' ' I ' ... HlTlUCHI.Sa9. - Je3dV 4S. ruoLAssrs. nfA HHDS, Oerao of Br. John Bswson, e- n asi . i ' mentis expected, for sal by MILES COSTIN. A -U 40. June It LIB I. LJ1IE! LIUEl CAA CASKS superior, Thomaston Lime, f ailf -OUU eapected, and tot sale bf , . . . y .' H. FLANNER. Joly 17.- , .' ' rfivrf'r.i s-- ' ' 52-3i. COFFEE. 100 BAGS Rio, In Siors and for sals ly J.D. McRAEACO. July 19 HAY HAY. HAT. 4; a..i BALES.prime Hay, dally expected, and iUUforaalalp July !? at t . .. . . i . j , i3.i 1 SPIRITS BARRELS. SPIRITS Barrela lo1 prime order, iA OKJVJ arrived from Bsrk Sophia for sai, by ' v ADAMS BRO. & Co. Joly 19. r it 6 6i - snpff. n . t O HALF Bblsi ,aOainlvv just meelvod, for JLW sal by iDAUS, BROTHER ft CO. . ;;X Mf.-.".ff -.'-'. '41- r. June 19.' ' .... emStxx 70 BOXES, Adamantine, for asle low Ir , 1 10 HHDS. prime Porta Rica '. Suasr. fust rex ceived Irom Baltimore, for sale by Juiy-ltff'.-fr k -'!,:' ' 6X v CIDETL' - '- 1 ( BBLS. Cider per SchrC. D. FMis, for ssTo, br i SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. $ Cnrber Premtnnd Dock Streets. .' r WILMINGTONN.C.: - Vf RS.: FORP having refitted her rooms, iVland snade'such arrangements ss sre "F ni neceasanr Jpr the accommodation Of sine- gle genttomenor gentlemen snd their wives, taltea this mehod of Informing her friends snd tha pubiie thst she cen aecofenwdass eight or ten genil mew with large snd airy room and peimanent fc rd or board without lodging ; to traDinl viaiturs :. would say she fan Josare then clean and couiwrta ble WWeir'' ' ' - Her table le alwsye soppHed with tha best the maiket affords and by her personal attention, as sisted by faithful eervants, le tbe eomfon ef her guests, sbs hopes to receive a liberal share of pat ronage. ' K, i-f Vr"? - July 8. ; ' - ' 43-3a GLUE AND 0ARU2J. ; 1 f BBLSi-ptlmeGluei i . ' ', 1 J 60 " Navy Oakam.ln store,- sntl for rile by ..... ry.'-rJ. IX UcRAS ft C(V'.' 1 JaS)2fiL-r,-tjri i.V-.. .C.w -i v .-'! - j. OATS, OATS. - 0"7nn BUSHELS -of Oats, now landing from Xt I VAI Schooner pixon -Swindle, from Hide county, and for. sale by . i ' , Cr -i v PLUS ft MITCHELL ' August 7. ,-. .t ;.-.....v-.f. t. 41, MKS3 Pott, CHy Inspecilon, for sole, by , ANDERSON ft LATliiF.lt,' July 3Isk - . 6i , MTHE subscriber will sell rrcrii trt fcense, fee Ihe south side of PrfncfsS iirer be tween Front end Beeoed. possession given-, on ilv firit dsv of October !. ' '. flS i - w