. THE V COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON: N. C. ' THURSDAY; AUGUST 14. JS3I, - ' ' . QCEHY... , ; Will some of our wise brethren tell ns how it U that the cause of the Indian li mtt with " such to- 'l tit liivlifU'rencq on the part of tiiq majority of the V philanthropists of this nation ol the "mother V tcmntry" hile the Mai with which theyenterln- - to tLst or the Sejjro ftunost shakes the carta with its riolenee t We speak here of philanthropists geod inetf-Hwl polltidBS.f1l -'4t. V . iff Watt Cat, t Ihdiaii Chiep.U U generally eliercd that Wild Cat has had some, miatwder. . Undio's with the Mexiean Government, which he Intend to tett!e bj. n resort tq rrt as he has moved hie women and children to our aide of the . ,.EtoGrand6.1jtirf.3;v;'vii-.' -v-- i Fnm tie Nxark Dailf Mercury, Aug. 6. LOVE, JEALOUSY MURDER AND -f -V PROBABLE SUICIDE. Dor ty taf evening xya the ecerie of ft . murder which ha excited the tndat general interest on nil bands, ana wdiclv w another fetirful chapter in the historyoflove and orime. dwin Drum, an IrishrAun, need about 23 ?ear. io iheeinploy of John. Bqrnett t hi bundry In the upper part of the city, hue it ' appears bien paying ultentjon for Rome je- yiod back to a young gJrJOarneJ Margaret Garraly. tngaged fts a, servant by Charles SY. Tucker, at the fiortli Ward Hotel. According to reparw, the affair had pro . xeeded so f;ir fts to, lead to an arrangement fat their w&rriage.' During the same peri jd, however,-it seem Uiat Drum had been V.also oguged ( another girl, and on Sunday -dast, wae married to her, and came to reside in Plane street, hear Bleecker. Last even ing Margaret informed some of her fcllojv servants that the intended to kill him. and ' showed them n carving k.iife wliich she hud secured for that purpose. About half past 21 o'clock, Drum ana his wife were walking - ,1'n Pinna street, near the corner of New, and ' Margaret approached them saying, "now for it,' Edwin,1 pfonged the "tsamng knife into him to the depth of nine inches.; The unfor- . . lunate man gave a shudder, walked on lor short distance, and suddenly fell dead. j The body of the murdered man was taken -' to the Watch House, when Dra. Dougherty and Grant being cullei in, the wound wus examined, and louiid to be in the neighbor- , hood of the; heart 1 After committing the ' deed,' Margaret according to reports, proce eded home and informed the servants what had doiw,"r-,'i , l The affair has created the greatest exoite . .meot, and a thousand reporte are iu circula tioit and-the character of the Intercourse ' between the murdreaj and her victim. Her jptirpose was evidently one ot premeditation, . Tout whether the result of vindictive passion or oi a -muia aiseasea." we are unable to , deUrraine..?We,undeij(land Jhat when she - , murocd home she expressed no regret for the deed, or commiesemtion for the victim. It ia said, that alio- exhibited the knife after , wards in an exulting manner, and said that .aha should drown Iterself or so t6 New York. The geoeraj impression on all sides ' appears , , io oe mat snc nas commuted suicide, and vthat thus closes thflfcurtaio upon this' deed n IX f-f fliUTiEO,roaa Soothb Trade. wile to peddler j ! .didn't find a word of - f4tilt with your sassafras nutmegs, 'cause t inow'd you couldn't alford real uu's so cheap , , -anu mere wiis some spicy taste to em ; but the Jast you sold me was made but of white 4 . ,oak. ' declare that's a leetle too bad." ' V ' V- 'f .NEGRO RAFFLE. I s la toy tour through the Kouthcrn States, " I huvetnec wiih many amuajug incidents. ' lut do not remember anything that created ' o great 'aa eKitemeot for the. time being as ft "negretafflen the town of .in th ; State ofMiaswsippi, . Mr. . tha owner of . the boy, having, a note to pay that dav. an not having the wherewith to do iL was com ' gelled to do what be gladly would not have aone. ... i.ne noy to oe raffled was a smart, in jcuigenttad oi nbootiS years of age. He went by, the ftaoelof Bil There were 80 viiBiices wiw "isreeatce." atf tuper chance I was present when the affair came off: ther. , remained oce chance.' which I took and gave ..to Dill upon the condition that he would . throw the diceliimseH arid '-shake like oxen." Bill rolled hii eyes in an astonished and as tonishing manner, and,, after a hearty wha J . wha 1 wha t in which he displayed two frignt ' ful rows of jvory, ppening a mouth "iike the break of day, from east to west," with a low Tww, heeaid: "I'll try massa.M As may ; be supposed,,, the scene became highly ex- , The raffling commenced. BillJookcd on tinconcerned , at . anything but the ideaol , leaving hie old. master. When the eharwes were all raffled off but the last, Bill took the box; preiouly to his throwing, however, he was offered 1 100 lor his chanre. the hiirliMt throw yet made being 40, which tood 'a tie' between two individuals, but Bill was no ."compromw wan, he refused the offer, saying ,lde wbol hog or lioffin," and made . his first, thrw, which ; was I3j his second throw, was 16 Bill slopped, "scratched his head, : threw again, and ep came 18. It was declared off that "Bill wns high and free-" and such a shopt f never heard in mv life Bill hardly knew what to do with himiplf. ; , Jn moment, howevejr, ia asked tlw whole party to drink, ana bo man in , raid ever .refused an invitation of the kind except " one, Bu no uilu uuh uer j so says tradi tinn. . ,.' i ' . ' ' . Bill's saeceM' fnduced him to try another rpecuidiion oi uie -samp sort." believinir that ! could do, as a m fm ma as much as he L . i J before done; he ptp posed to set himself n a rm ifl in Ik ('DA fT1" n nil tta k a LaiI . v s""! wna iic imu won oe fyie, he thought it would be no more than fiir to put tne price at W)0 this time. The tl.mces were soon taken. Bjjl r"erving but one chaiice to bimKclf.,; He pocketed 1590 mid t!ie 'port ngaio commenced. Bill's orig innl owner and liimself were the fwo highest jiiin, and, In throwing off, Bill lost, It pro- veJ a very luriu-iaie speculation lor Hill and In ma.itrr .botn. the master bed made Z :,j J clear, atd . Uiii xia4 cleared t590, and rcmaiticu wiki ins mum iiiuBiwT. iirry star ted lor homo together, the master dechring llllkl nfi mntltf innl,f in!i, him f,i hurl llTifK : ' r.......-.".r. tiM again, unless, he was willing to leave, b'lt promised him if ho would be ns i i laithlul to him ns he had always been,", until he was SI. heehould have his Ireedora. They were bath well contented, and every one present was satisfied that he . had got his money's worth. , s G. P. . ' - - THE PRESS. The Press is unfaithful anJ corrupt, be- cute (he people vill not nut a in it in inde - pendmce.; The great mass, of mankind aro uuun mjo iiiiiuwnuc ui pnKsiun, rauicr uian reason, in their political views, and hence they require to have their prejudice; flutter ed. Privute interest is thus advanced by ministering to these feelings, and therefore we 6nd the organs of one party anDrovinir of every measure, however atrocious or un constitutional advocated by its leaders, aril condemning every measure, never mind how just and lawful, espoused by its opponents. van a country prosper under such a wretched perversion of the blessings designed to be secured by a free press ? Are we for- ever to be the snort ofdemnaogues and sel fish aspirants, who know no other 'motive of action but their advancement nnd glory ? Is if not worth some sacrifice on the part : of every lover of truth and the welfare of the republic, that the press should be regenera ted? Many will answer in the affirmative, but they almost despair of seeing it accom plished. We aro aware of the difficulties that interpose in conducting an independent journal. The displeasure of patrons is con stantly held up in terraren over the editor's fien. l he laconic phrase, ' Stop my paper,'1 rom i subscriber has a magic influence in stopping an editor's ink. For. oursclf, we can with propriety declare that we never told a wholesome truth in our columns, which did not cost us six dollars. But nev ertheless, ihe work is practicable, though, like allgr-'at reforms, it will reauire lime Tor its accomplishment, and the sustaining influ ence of the tiatriolic and disinterested. Nar. folk Argue. 4 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber being desirous of moving out of Town, will sell his House and Lul where he now reside, situated on From Street, nearly opposite the residence of Dr. Everiit Terms made known by applying to the subscriber, or lo Mossrs. ueKosset & Brown. Possession will be civen on first of October, or sooBer if required. ' . VVM. H. DUDLEY". (Herald and Journal copy, 1 munth ) August 2. 69-lm. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. DR. J. S. IIOUGTON'S GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURURJ The True Digestive J?luid, or Gastric Juice t Prepared from Rennet, 6r the fourth aloniaoh of the Ox, after directions of Baron Llrblc, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D.. Philadelphia. Pa, ' "' This Is a great Natural Remedy for Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, curing after Nature's own Method, b) Nature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice. Pepsin is ho chief element, or Orent Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice iho Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimulating Agent of the Stomach and rIntvtines Jtis extracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like ths natunl Gastric Juice, in its Chcraica.1 powers, and furnish ing a complete 'and pcrlect substitute for It. By the aid of tnls preparation, the pains and evils of in dlgeaifori and Dyspepsia are removed just as tlicv would be by a healthy Stomach. It is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, nervous decline and Dyspeptic, consumption, sup posed to bo on inn verge of the grave The Scien tific Kv'ldence upon which it is based, is in the highest degree curious and remarkable. Baron Lcieblg, in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says : "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, may be prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the 0, in which various articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be tqflened, changed, and digested, jutt in the eamt manner a they would be in the human itomach." Half teaspoonful of pure Pepsin, infos, d or dis olved in water, wil digest or dissolve fire Pounde Roasi Bit in about two hours out of the Stom ach. Dr. Houghton's Pepsin, is sold by nearly all the dealers in fine drugs and popujar Ijledicine, through out the United States. It is prepared in Powder and in Fluid form and io Prescription vials for the use of Physicians. Private Circulars, for the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr Houghton or his Agents, descri bing the whole process of preparation and eiving the authorities anon which the claims of this new remedy are based. As it is not s sesret remedy, no objection can be raised against its use by Physicians in respectablo standing and regular practice. Price in Fluid form, One Dollar per bottle. PEPSIN FN POWDER. 8ent by Mail, Free of Postage. For convenience of sending to sll parts of the country, the Digestive matter of the Popsin, Is put up in the form of Powder, with directions to be dis solved In water by Ihe patient. These Powders eon tain Inst the same matter as tbe bottles, snd will bn sent by mail, free of postage, for one dollar sent (post paid) to Dr. J. 3. ILiughton, M. D., Philsdel phis, Pa. 3TObterve this! Every bottle of the genuine Pepsin besrs the written signature of J. S. Hough ton, VI. D , sole Proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. tJTSold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medi cines. ". Sold, wholesale and retail, by A C. EVANS ft BROTHER j W.H. LIPPITT A. Co., snd C. Do PRE, Wilmington, N C. May 13, 25-12-nc FLOUR. ITAflBLS. Baltimore Flour inst received tiJ Schr. Mary Isabels, for safe br per J.ftD McRAE it CO. July 19. " ' 83. BACON SHOULDERS. OXHtW-S. Westsra Shoulders s good article, for 40 sale by DsROSSET ft BROWN. July 19. - 53. COFFEE. RIO snd Lsguira Coffee, for sals, by ANDERSON ft LA ft LATIMJtR. July 31st. V 6. WASHING WITHOUT- LABOR. A FEW boxes of Babbstt's 8 sap PoVdcf. a cheap snd good article for making Soft Soap. . Those that bars used it pronounced it eaeellent, to be bd n . , " ;-. " a DrPRE'S . , .Prug Store, Market St. July 19. r 53 CANTCLOPl, CiXTELOPCS.' TTTP...I..J.,il. .,..k. PI, rrt. m.- YV -I" " a:7,a?"L:"L , , . WlLKEaSO.V &ESLKH. 7 i July n. j f , - ;T .- " ' - "::" 65. SICILY AXDIVICA. 1 nnnLBS cHysnd llc soft shall Almonds. lVUUforsaleby HOWARD St PEDKN. July 3. 47. KIOCOFFEC - 1 1 00 BACS- opwior qunlity. la sioro, for ule , j' 27 ... 1 AUf?' BttuinKK & CO. 4UL FliESII FLOUR. K EBLS. Saperlor, f lour; i t;.A,c : O is i " , Jest received end for sale bv i PERiUN oi IURTSFIELD. FJLOUU AND B ICON. 1 nnBBLS. Superfine Flour; J UU 10 hhds. Shoulders, just received per Schr. Ana Elisabeth, and for tale by , J.&. D. McRAE ft Co. Jnne 3. 43 SPIitlf BARRELS. QOO EMPTY" -Spirits bbl.., daily expected, for sale by . ADAMS, BKOfHtitl ft CO. June 19. 4(, SHIPPLNG ARTICLES. the scrviee. NEGRO BONDS. HtXDSOMU impression of Negro Bonds A just printed and for salo nt The Commercial Office. Also, Bills of Salo of Negroes. Dec. 23, 1850. ' BACONTfLOUR AND FlS!lT7 HHDS. Bnoon Shoulhers; AO 20 bbls. Pickled Klsh i 250 bbls. Superfine Bi'lt; Flour ; 50 bbls. Ohio family Fkr.ur; For sale low, by ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. July 2,6 -. 69. BROTHERS LINE. THE Steamer Brothers and Tow Boa la, Steven son and David Levis are prepared to forward with Despatch, all goods consigned to the Propri etor. . The Sttamer Brothers is of light draught, and well suited lo run in low water. She possesses pow er, and speed, and is addinirably adapted to towing, ar.d can accommodate about 20 passengers. ' The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention lo way freight and naval sides; to towing, and will also attend to the comfort and convenience of Passen gers. From his long experience as Agent in Wil mingtop of the several Steam Boat Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants ih the interior he would say, that all Goods shipped by him, will be delivered to their AgeBts in Fayetreville. His Agent in Wilmington is JOHN C. LATTA. to whom all communiciltions may be addresaed, as Airent of the Steamer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. May 15 ' 23-l2me. ", Salisbury VVatchman, Greensboro' Patriot, Farutteville Observsr, and Carolinian, :ii Ashboro Herald, please copy 4 weeks, and send bills lo (his Office. . FMSAL& A T Uie Commercial OJfice, n Sketch of the e:irly l lire add adventures of John Kiciaikoicski or Rosemonov the exile of Poland, particularly in Po land, his native country. As a last resort to enable Mr Roscmon'd to visit his native conntry, this in tere.iting Utile work, in a pamphlet of 'i pages, is offered at the low price of 10 cents per copy. May 17. n J 27-w. SOAP AND CANDLES. SOXES each, for sale low by 0 J SAVAGE 1 SAVAGE 0 MEARRS. March 11. 152 CANAL FLOUR. 1 Ef "BLS superior Canal Flour, bbls. and i w nan rbi8. extra. For sale by DsltOSSET & BROWN. 11. April 10. LIVERPOOL SALT. QOOSACKS Liverpool Salt in half bleached 0)J sacks, 10 to the I tr,n. for sale bv ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. May 3. 21. FENCE FAILING. 1 U 2 2i and 3 inch puiling, made of the best if Stock, free from .Sap. For sale In quantities to suit purchasers, at the Capo Fear S. 3. Mill, Purchasers can have them delivored on this side of the Rivet, if they wish by leaving their orders at the office of the agents ELLIS ft RUSSELL. April 2C. lUT. TOBACCO. G)( BOXES of superior Brands Tobacco, 4J May 24. P.ERRIN & 11 A RTS FI KLD. "80 FULTON MARKET BEEF. JUST received ptr .S:clr. Charles Mills, 6bble. Su perior pxkled Beef; f ir siile'hv PERRIN ft HARTSFIELD. Jo'y 8. 48-tr. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE QO NESTS VI EASURES ; OU 30 dol. RiiCKCts; 30 nests Willow and Split Baskets, for sale bV, , HOWARD ft PEDKN. July 3. 47 PATENT BOXES FOR WOODEN THE best article yet lntr.)duced, Mng perfectly light, excluding all dust or sand from the sc tion ol ihe wheel, for sale in every variety by , , ' ' J. M. ROBINSON. June 24. ' 41 IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARS Bsfitf I)S.,2!n,he,, qul,l"'r " Prico from W van on - WILKINSON ft ESLER ....... 4 June 23. FOUR DAYS FROM NEW VORR, Per Sir. Ckarki MUls. A I) HALF bbls of extro family Flour: LiJ 6 do. of that do. trillion M n-r. 3 bbls. 5 " "LcafLard; Kegs extr Goshen Butler: 200 lbs. BestDrJed Bef; ' 1 bid. Loaf Sugon I hhd. PortoRIco Sugnrj 6 Bags Legulrs Collef ; 3 do. Best til, Domingoi 10 Boxes tJods Crackers Fresrn Low prices, st GKO. H. KELLEYS July 10. y, eJ. H. ft W.C,T. copy U jo. WHISKEY, WUISREY. -t- 900 BBL8 ,0 aMrt aDd tot low to doss J. 4.D. McRAE ft CO, 45. : June 28. FOR SALE at The Commercial Office, sn elc gantcdiiioH of Shipping Articlee.'embrarinmill laws of Congress relative to the Morcliantt TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. A Beautiful lot of those choice Teas have iust corns to nana : ine oesi imperial at SI b, r lb: Extra uijck i ea.j rowenong, u otong snd Old Eo glUh Breamusi ot tne fines I graova, at the familv j. m . . s- ........ ' uroceiJt ' ; UB.W. All H.U.S. CYPRESi SHINGLES. OA Ol if i LAU.GK size, forsale by iUULU . SJAVAQE ft MEARES. Hay 2J, 31. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE . - at THE ' WHmlMKtou saddle, llaruess, and " Irujk " Manufactory. rpiiK. sunscnoer respectlully informst.ie public X that he h is recently received, additions to nis storsoi saauieona turnes Jlouruings, ftc, the latest and most improved style, nai is lonsl inly uiunufactutlng, at his store on market street, every description of article in the above line, lfrom hi. experienee in the business; be feels confident that no win oe soie to give enure satisfaction to all who mav favor him wlih a call. Mha nn - u and will constantlrkeep a large assortment of ' ' Coach, Cilg an OETIftnrtdles, Whips, Sulkey llaruesf Je?fte.,Gentleineii's Lady's Saddles, CLXLLDsaddles, Whips, all of which he will warrant to be ofthetbf best materials and workmanship. lis has Slso S larce assnrtnunt nrTrnuL, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags; Satchels, Fancy Trunks, ftc, and all other articles usually kept In such establishments, all of which he oilers low for CASH," or on short credit to prompt custo mers.'' 1 : Stddles.Harness.Trunks.oJical B-igs.ftc.Ac. made to order. In addition tothe above the siihurril.rr ilivuvf. keeps on hand a large supply ol Strli,g Leather, andhasnow, and willkejp through thisu.sonooo assortmentof fly Nitts. All are Invited to call and examine my GkoiIs, whether in want or not, as I takt plensuit-inshw-Jng my assortment to alt who may favor me with a call. ' ' Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at af air pi ic topersons buying to manufactuie. Also, Whips at wholesale. All kinds of Riding Vehicles bought and sold on commissions. JOHN J. CONOL1CY Jan. 8 1851, ' ; 39 wood"ayare. THE subscriber has on hand and is now reeeiy Ing his usual Fall supply of useful housekeep ing articles, in the Wood and Willow Ware line, all f ...1.!. L ...hi l . T . . . . 01 which win oe onored at tna lowest cash prices among which will be found the following : ' Brooms, Brushes, Baskols, Buckets, Bowls, Bar rel Covers, Boxes in Nest, Chopping Bowls, Clothes Pins, Clothes Horses, Clothes Basket, Cedar Paikr, Cedar Tubs, Dippers, Flowered Pails, Kaueetls, Knife Boxes, Knire Baskets,' Keelers, Hair Solves, half barrel Covers, half bushel Measures ironed, Measures in nests, Market Baskets, Milk Pails) Rolling Pins, Sogar Boxes, Spice Boxes, Scrub Brushes, Twine Reels, Well Buckets, Water Puils. Willow B-jskets, Willow Wagons. Wire Soiv-, White Wash Brushes, &c. &c. VVM. NEKF. Jan. 18. 130 tf. SRlfPRINaK WK remind the putdic that the' Patent Card Press Is 1 1 eration at the office ol" The Commercial, and that Cards will be printed in euperjor style, and at reduced prices. Blank Cards, ready for printing, always on hand, of all sizes, from 22 by 20 to 1 by 2 inches. 123-tf. SHINGLES, NlA f,Mn.s KV3LK3, (medfum size, JLVvysjvr vv for sale, by MARTIN A CRONLV. NOTICE. LLepersons having claims against the securi t ties of Mr. James Petteway, constable Bond for 1350, are requested to hand the same to .VI. Lon don, Esq. for adjustment. March 20. j tf. SASH, BLIND ' AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. IbUcitkix PHE public are hereby informed, that 1 huvebtcii L uppoin ed agent lor the sule of vVln lott- Sash, Rlltius and Doors, manufactured by the New Ha ven Co., and am prepared to fill.il (orders in the.ibove line. The quafity of the work of the New Haven Co. is wclknown in this market. B alders snd all (H'rsonsin want of lh'- above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will he promptly tilled, Terms invariably ca8h on delivery. WM. A. OVVVKR. General Aifent Commission and Forwarding Mer chant. April 18. 15 PINE OIL! PINE OIL! fie luted in Prke an.il uiprurtd ta Quality. iJINE OIL of my manufacture can lie obtained nt the store of Messrs. Poitsv ft Hart, and will be furnished to i ustomers by mv Wagon every Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday, a! ihu reduced price of Furiy Cents pur gallon. Warrant' d superior to any other for sale in thi place. 'Vi 17 1850. A."H. VANBOKKKLE.N JUST RECEIVED. FROM NEW ORLEANS ,)t It BUSHELS Cowj 3S0flWs Whiskey t 176 " Flour j 110 " Porkj 11 hhds Western Shoulders; 75 botes Adamantine Candles, for sale SAVAGE ft MEARES. 28. by May 17. MESS PORK. 1 Cil BBL- New, 1200 Ibs.l for sale by IKjy. - JSAVAGE 4MEAREJ ES. Msy 29. 32. NEW GOSnEN BUTTER. ,itnai? I.LI , . roooik niBiiniK xweci Duuer, wnotasaie or re- a tali, osn nnd it si the family grocery. GEO. MYEKS. 37. June 10. TO COOPERS. fpHF Subscriber orTr f r ale hoop iron ol a 1 superior quality, at t70 p?r fun, delivered at any place round Wilmington, or hy three tun. M8 per ton. Inquire at his cooper's shop In ibis loce Ant alteration of these terms will be duly noticed In this paper.- Atstt For sale ono superior Sulkcy, most new, nd will he sold on accommodating terms ' , , A. MORGAN. June 10. 3 m. p. 43. ' NOTICE. ff BARRELS extra Family Flour, for salo, by vJ ' MILES rnsrirJ lyl. 46. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the undersigned will QtS STH inmla Anl IX call and settls, as their accounts are ana moss 01 wnj sianaing, mun w paid by Au gust, or we will be pom elled to place them In the hands of sn attorney for Collection. ;; , , , HOWARD ft PEDEN, ' July I. , 40. BUNGS OF ths best mske, and : assorted sizes to suit for sals by ths harrel, or sny quantity not less than five hundred, hy Joseph r. bimaoM. l?5-lf. ELUIUlsa LINES. JUST receivHds hige lot ready rigged, also Jlne Pole, Lines Suitable for the Sound. ; , J. M. UOBIXSO.V. July 8. :,;,,:,'.;v 43. , DAILY EXPECTED. PER Schr. Gen. Irwin, from Baltimore: 1 1 I Bsl."suer fine Flour; ' , . 1W0 Bushel White Coroj . 20 Jius Rio Coffees -'li Boxes Adamantine snd Sperm Candles. And for sale low by - ELLIS, RUSSELL ft CO. June 21. ( tf. 4i. ; ' '- r ' "" - 7 :.: THii SOUTH CAROI1NA B1UTUAL Lii'ii mmm it ft II i'v RALEIGH, N. O. THE ahoveCompnny has been In operation sine the 1st oi Aoril. 1843. under the direciiun.if ,h following OCicors, viz ; Dr. Cb.ua. E. JohnsontVesident, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President,, James F. Jurdun, Secretary, Win. H. Jones., Treasurer, Perrln Btisbee, Attorney, Dti tJhatlcsE.Johnson, i M ,. ... , , Dr.VVm; H. MeKee tMpfva board of Dr. R. B. Roy wood, J "Ut.. , ' : ' A Hersmon.Gen'l Agent. This Company has received a charter niwin. odvunlages o the Insured eYor any other Com pany. The 5th Section fives the Hiihan4 th. privilege to insure his own lire fur tho wi iMrt,t Wife am' Children, free from any claims of the rep robtnta lives ot the husband, or any of his credit. ors. .(; i ' ': Organised on purely mutual principles, the life HL iiilier participate in tho -whole of ihe nrnfit whicii are declared annually. Besides, the appli cant for lile, when theannual premium is ever 4-3t; muy pay one hull in a JVote. ' ; ' All elaimsl'or insiiranceagainsi the Company will be puid within ninety daysifier proof of the death of the party is furnished. i i S. ives are insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to swuretUlsclaes of properly agulnM the uncertainty of life. 1 -i oiuve iijDunince presents a new and Interesting feature in the history of North Carolina, which will prove very important to the Southurn States. The last four months operation of this Company shows a very large amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year -having already Issued more than 200 Policies. ; All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to JAS. F JORDAN; Raleigh, April 8. 1851. TZil. BREAD WITHOUT YEAST. JUST Received from New York i 6 boxes Babbit's Ederveecinit Compound for making B ead, Buckwheat and Tea Cakes,! u very fine article. Try it 7 To be had at O DoPRE'S Drug Store, ftJorkct St July 19. 63 RATES OF FREIGQT. J ATES of Freight on the Wilmington and Ral a.l elgh Rail. Road, and on tho Company's Boats 1. Charleston, revised and corrected December, 1850; just printed and for sale at the office of 1 he Commercial, at 25 cents per copy. Dec. 21. . - i n).,ft . 12,000 ACRES OF TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. I'Hh bxechtors of Gen'l. Clinch offer fora. L salo the Twelve Thousand Acres of Landf known as the Bayard tract, lying on the St John's River, imme.liately opposite Picolata, in East Florida. The above tract is peculiarly adapted lo tbe Turpenline business, being covered with a ihiek growth of nine, and having a River front of moro than five miles. It is now no longer a matter of doubt that Turpen tine can be profitably made In this section of count ry, as there are already a number of. persons lurgely and successfully ongaged in the business. The steumboats to and from Savannah, stop reg larly st Picolata. Person desirous of purchasing, can obtain any further information by rddressing J. H. M. CLINCH, Ex'r. Jetlorsonton, Camden co , Gs., De. 6, i860 lltitf. faIImi I HAVKjust received-fru-the MeiiiiacturHrs u l large lot of Plows of various pattern, Cultivators, Corn S hellers, Hay Cullers Corn Mills. Churns, Harrows, Fanning Mills in fact, every thing com prising a complete slock of Farming Implements. My sample room will be arranged 1n a day or two, when I will bemoHt huppy to see all who sre Inter ested in such articles. ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. Wilmington. N. C. Dec'r. 24, 1350. 120 Jour, and Standard copy. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH. X HAVE just received s large stock of China, 1 Glass, und Queen's Ware, direct from the Liver pool manufactories, which I am prepared lo sell on very reasonable terms, at wholesale or reluil. 'I o all who are disposed to encourage direct Im portations, I would say that a fair share of patron ngelsalllnsk k eouhid me to compete with ony otner importer In the United Slates 1 oiler a IniM chance to all who are disposed tvtraihr vp South em Independence. In addition to the Crockery Business, I will con tinue to keep a large and well selected stock of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, to which I particu larly Invite (he attention of my farming friends. 1 am continually In receipt of the latest Improve ments in these articles, and will take great pleasure in showing them to all who ste desirsvs'of examin ing thorn. . ALEX. MaoRAE, Jr . Nov. 9. 1850. J 102. AUBURN FOR SALE. THB ut)scrlber offers for sale his farm, nine miles east of Raleigh, fltuate"on the New--burn Rood, and well known as (he Busbee Place It contains 400 acres of good free land, with a fair proportion of woodland. On. the premises is a very good dwelling house, containing tl rooms; itvre are but verv few country houses superior to it In the county of Wake. There Is a good kitchen, with several houses fpr negro quarters j a carriage house; Cider Press; Stnlites; Cotton, Gjs House, 4c. and t Store House, at which a very respcciuble trade is carried on. There is a vety large Apple Orchard near the dwelling -bouse 1 also, a luroe number ol PmiM, Trees, with Pear, Plum and ('Kerry Tree. There Is s Post Omce on the premises the mall arilvlng three times s week via the Wilmington and Raleigh Rsll Road, snd three times from the el.y of Raleigh. ..' ' The iWtUon of the buildings Is in the midst of a grove of large Oaks, high and healthy. It would fc s delightful summer residence ; or would answer for s Boarding House for persons doslrous of spending their summers In ths country. " Ths North Carolina Rail Road, about lo be built, has been marked off 10 ran within a hundred yards of the Dwelling House. A further description Is unnecessary, as no one will, probably, purchase without examining the pre mises. . Possession will be slven on ths first of January. 1851, If sold by tho 15th of December neitt if sold sfter that period, possession cannot be hid till Janu ary 1852. '- ' ..?,,' WILLIAM R. POOLE, Kq. whs lives wlihln s few miles of ths ploce, Is my suthorlzed Agent, and win mane snow a me price and terms to sll who msy sppiy. - . Tit Wtrrrrlnglon, Oct. B, 1830. iy. - . IIIUHAa liORINW. V 88 ' SUGAR. A GOOD article in llluls., for sale, very low, l ANDLRaON 4 LA'ilMLiu . July 31st. ... 63. , ' MEMPHIS INSTITUTE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.' THE regular course of Lectures in this Institute -will Sommencs en tlie t'liai af November, and continue- until ihe last of February The Anatoml. r , ea I Department will ha ant.ru A an d .puis to r.clvn . sin Jem. by the First'of October. The Medical De- ' f " nuor me airection oi tue ioiiow. . PllOFFSsnrr q . - 'T i' k. kuss. M. D., Professor of the VV. BYttU Povvr' un"r2TnB'!K R.S NEWTON, M D.,Prot;ssorofSuror,., ' ' V II. J. HtLCE, M. D, Professor of iffi 'and - , 11 . lubuiMi i ucu uri inn wi umru innu . . . ..... .rciiceofMediciDO .fiAf J A LI I I .VI I TAJ TS.1 II H I r ' . , rroiessoroi uustrctrlcssod : a lltrruuiJUllCB. r -. . J. K I N h His X FV rVI II A . " ' ?i ' i m . r m '"'"""L"' Aoaiomy i S . i -'ja tuivowi UI VUvBI' rr iiiAttn ... ..... . Msdicins ProfeseoriH.J.HULCE. s ;t Anatomical DiMOMflTa.Tn7 . mirriii . ' iae X, , . ".wur5WUI lectures smountto. I 2S Matriculator's, 5., Demonstrator's Fee. . 1 iv. urnoiiBiion.szo. . -. --. dress tnetr letters (posi paid) to the Dean j and stu- -dents arriving in thecity will please call on him 'at ' the commercial Hotel. ' ' R. S. NEWTON, M. D., Dean of the Faculty; LAW DEPARTMENT. Hon. E.W.BI. KING, Professor of Theory sod- ' Practice ol Lsw. lion V. D. BARRY, Piofcssor ol Commercial Jit risprudence. ' ; ' ' Tsrms 50 per Kession. ' - : v- '' -. Al icomiminicatlons pertoinlnjr to thisdepartnien t must be addressed to E. W.M. KING wsmphis J enn. July, 1850. - ? The Faculties, for intellectual abilities, moral piMicrmuimi Buijiiireiucnis, wiir compare . fav4rably with the most distinguished in our coun try. The medical faculty constitutes an anomaly in this or any other country all of them sre able ecluretsand the best of teachers. . Those who will contemplate our geographical po sltion.nml the extent of our population, can haw no doubt osto the eligibility of our situation for' ai enterprise of the kind. As to Health, including all seasons of the year, wedeny that Amr othss city HAS MORS. I ' . ' ' - A eotiMnon error exists in the mlndBof many sttt donts relative tothe place of studying nwdicinei those who intend praciieing among t.le diseases of the West nnd South sboultleerialnly educate them selves a' o school whose Faculty are practically ac quainted with those diseases; , ,, " That the public may be satUflcdoftheberraanen. eyofthUHchuol, wefeelltourduty to stale, that the Trustees nnd Kaciilryform a chit In action, which auiiuis well for its future success and that the pe culiar internal organization which Connects them, cannoi beir.terruptcd. ; -r . ,,, , . s K. VV. M. KING, ...... PfesWentoJiheMeiMhUIniute. CONSULATE OF HA VTr 64 Cnmmcrclnl Wharf, Boston, 61H Marftn, 18&1. 'VllK undersigned gives noiiee, that in sccor X danco with a law passed at Port a u Prince, on tho24th December last, vessels 'Arriving in Hsytl iiom the U. States on or after the 16th April next, must be provided with Duplicate Manifests of their CKfgoes, errifled by a Consular Agent of Hay ti, if there shull tijive been one at the port of ioad-v; in , otherwise the documents may be vitrified be fore en officer (duly nuihorised to admlnisler nn oathj of the Slate or United Stale Government. ' - ' B. C. ' LRK. May 8. 23-U. . - - BR. VICE Cf'NSVLATEr i Wilmington, K. C, May 15. 1851. AFTER this date, consignees of British, Vessels.i will bo rtqulred to hand in the amount Of In ward and outward Invoices, and psy sll fees st the limo the regUter Is delivered to ths Master, when cieureu uruusioill iiOilge. GEO. W. DAVIS, Br, Vice Consul, . 20-tf. May 15. PARIilKRDUCISD TO830PH0M IIIAR Ll3?TO. TO SkYf YOHK'J.'' ; "; ii-rs ii n - a",V""."l'- v'- -.f '-' aUSl THE GREAT MA I L ROUTK FROM CHAR LESTON, SO. CA,' I EA Ij si. EAVING the wharf atr the foot of Laurens daily at 3, p. m. after the arrival of the Southern cars, via WILMINGTON snd WELDON, N.C , PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, to WASH INGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, and NKW YORK. " t Tho public are respectfully Informed that ths steamers of this line, from Ch irlcston to Wllmtng ton, sre in first rata cofldhlon, and are navigated by well known and experienced commanders, and the Railroads are In -fine order, ' thereby securing both safety and despatch. A THROUGH TICK ET having already been In operation,' Will be con tinued on and after ihe first of Oct. 18 19. s a per mnnent T.ranzewerrt'fmst Charleston to New YnrlY Passengers uvalllm thiimsetvtt bC thereof. ', Will h'sVe'iieopTnlon To eilitoiwithw-dvtay Ihf llV" ine route or otherwise, Tostott st any m tne inter mediate points, renewing irfBlts seats on ins 4lnei to suit their convenience.:?; By this route travelb rs may reach New York on Ihe third day during busk ness hotrrs."' Buggage will be ticketed on board the Steamer to Weldon, as likewise on the change of cars, at the intermedials points from Ibenos 10 New York. Through Tickets ran atone be had from E. WINSLOW, Agent sf the Wilmington ind Raleigh Rail Rons Company at the efflcsof th Company, foot of Iiurens-st. 10 whom plesse Apply. :. . Papers advertising for lbs company ore requested to copy. ' ' ' f ... May 23. V. ' 32-3m.r ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS AT THIS PLACE ARRIVALS. ih' Trie mall from the North, by Railroad, arrrlves dailv about 11 A. M.: . f v The mall from the South, by steamer from Char leston, arrives daily abno, 8, A. M ! 1 ' The mall from Faynitevllle, via ; Warsaw. Is dus ' upon the arrival bf the csrs, on Mondays, Weddes-. dBys, and Fridays. . '- The mail from Fayettevllle, yio ElltabethtowDi by Sulkey 's due on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday, st 9, A M. ' . . - Ths mail from Onslow Court House, by sulkey, is due on Monday, at P. ; -U f Tha mall from Black' Rlvef Chapel, vis Lonj; Creok, by sulkey, Is due on Thursdays, 6 P. Bl.r ; 4 1 OSINO AND P EPA It TUBE. The mall for ths North, by railroad,; eloses dally at 10, P.M.- K .,"i-.if Th mnri for the South, by sicambost, closes daf. ; ly at 12, M. ! , r , ..'4 . , ' Tho motl Tor Fayaitsvllle, via Warsaw closes on Tuesdays. Thursdays snd Sundays st 10, p. M. ' The insll for Fnyeitevllje, vis Elliabethtown, by sulkey, eloses en Tuesdays, Thursdays, snd Ssfur. ,C dnvs at 9. A, M. ri -h-i n,'vt..-'V.'ti!t..vi -. The mall for' Onslow Court Heme,; by Sulkey, loess) pn Thursday at 10 P. Mm'; f i f . " , , ' ! The mall for Long Creels, by sulksy, closes 00 , Thursdays at IQ P. M.r - c'---- .' :; JV" Letters should bs in (the Office at least IS ' minute 1 Wore ths closing of the mails. - :t ', r '

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