mmmmmssmmM JJULtii . L1. ..Wl ..taWSWBB,.! UOPL J." a , V ! '.-1 l.-l. PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLT, BT THOMAS LORING. Vb:' -: Tn-tr Mr; "J: yA .-"".' "'.r.,l VOL G-NO. 76. - . WILMINGTON. N. C. THURS: RWRNING. SEPTEMBER Hi 1861.: ,i;VHOtE NO. 83!I Mm rr THE TRVrf ESRJLY COMMERCIAL ; ft published every iT?'C TaoasBAt and Sat Saba v at W t r aaaat, payabli In all in sar. 2 iDimtli. tl.OO '6 00 3,00 a T " 3 " 1 .1 g " 1 1 moiitli. 2.S8 12,00 ,, .; TeaUoeDwk iqBare. IT an advertlM- meo e jcil ten lioei, the price will b la prpo uon.' - i,- . '. ; ,. . Ali adrertlaementa art poyabla at tha time of their Oahtraota with yiarljr a IvertlieM, will ba made on , tfta mat liberal term, ' N tranaferof cohtraota for yearly advertising rinba permUted. Should clrcumstancea rander a change In bustneaa, or aa unaxpaeted removal neces ary, a cH a acc'erWiog to the published terma will ' bt at thVoptlfia of the contractor, lor tbe tiioo he i. haa advertised. H '' ' , tiia prUllege of Annual Adverttsere ia strictly t iiftltedw their own Imhiedlate buMnoea and all ait ' Wtlwnentafot tha buneSi or oilier persona, aa well aa all advertlaemeojta not immediately cunnecie.1 ' with tlslfonbuaio08a, apd all enceaeol nawertnu menta lntaastror oihwif.' beVond tho !tuii-.e en gagad, wM be charged at the piual ratea. v Jt adrortlaomotit ia incladed in the contract fot the aaleorrdutof Uoasos or kadsin town orcoun ltiUt for the aala orhlre of negroea, whother the iptorwrty ia owned by the advertiser or byothor MsrtKai TUoaa aro excluded by the term "mm v ?M awiottneoment of marriages or deatha will lie coiviidsred aa novra, aad iusjrted free of charge . btit all aiditioual matter, beyond the simple an- aounoeMStat of, Jha death of the person, will bo eh&rgddpn tha aaJJe tir.ns as alvertlseraenw. Ali'H ia--riedtn the tri-weekly Com- rkotxlat, are Biiiltled to one insertion In the Weekly reor, charge. : ' JOB, CA.ID and FANCf PttlNTINQ, executed iil iisiuri.r style. . ' 'iiiaM 'fan-raff cMHWiiiL NllWY)lCi Moasra. Uaowji A Daltoaaar. HM TON ! Faaoaaicic KiDa. Kaq. " BUSINESS CARDi " J. & i). McRAB & Coi& Catiamifonf MercianK : WLLviixaro n. c. ' Bartlrular atfe.ttlo.i'pal I to procuring freights joh MAoata, OJMALO HACAAB, Ja w ; Augnni t. Mj- . K. DIJ. 59. IQS15PR K. BLOSSOM. -Ciml Cijiiisslaii aail PdrwarJIng Merchant ' lro n,)t paraa-ull atte.ttlo i given to Coualgu mit for aitla or salpnj t, Andlibtrateatllainitce vuie o Jojuignm$nU to u inmAp In lAII .YAtu lOrK rwlllt.. Vilinltirvn, - T. SJUTilUlVO JtCO., :,miiu:ius. tiLUMiitis,, .4u inns 'NUJUJlvK.v ' ' ill oriera In the tine will be punctually at , tended to. iioAHSR Mi'Ubby & NJ'tf H VVatkk al ra, "- v VILll sQVOX, m OA. ) May 16, lb5I. 27 -WILLIAM A. GWVER. 7dl3fRALAUGNlY VOA WAKDING 'and t'o.uj.hsidu (ItTciitul. "'f ilauuru i tnfor.nina ny irlenda, that 1 1 im prepared to give all bunnea entrusted to me Vflsluht 'Hi peraotia I attention. I have a 'wharf for " XnVitl torea, with ample aecomnitdatlins. Spirit Hniinfl. aud' vVurenouae. Conak'niiienta of Nuvui "Stores tor ealaorehipment) and etulndsof coun r tr oroduce solicil - Caabadvanceauudeoncon- lunmunta. - April 13 I860; . 15 lALEX. JlaeRlE, Jr. ' IHPORTEIl OK tJtimA; GLASS, AND EARTHEN ' . WARE: 4 ' ' wholesale and retail deater In all kludaof I i fa R.msa i.urhiiwtiN ra, T ' South li of Market at., ':"WIL M iV (? T O iV, x a Noya.ober.9,1850. 102. .vrr;- WILLI Wti. niRRISS, , GENERAL COMMISSION MERCflANT CjTltlCTattamloinlven i procuring Preighta f 'Oand puirhnjing Onrgaei for vossela. k Raraantcaai - '0. Pireleir, ftqf- ' ... ... !- 1 ' f .. fcf r ' 'Uol. Joltn MCHne, t TTiimngrn. n. v. U r ;-M! Dudlev A Huntington, ) meairs, nan, sacaeu oao., n.,,lt. mj " .Messrs. Jamea Corner A 8on, Baltimore. yr' B A. 8ouderv& Co., Philadelphia. It k " , ' Thompson St Hunter, J York j PiU,bory A Saodford. ( W 'f Homing A Tuita, Bowon. 's A O. P. Pltoojib. Kaunebunk. M. July 17th, 412-f , ' jixmmnx- l I il ''t&m--A$i 'ij W i 'business cards: ; GEOv IURRISS, UcQeral Commiisida MercJiafll, V ; WILMINGTON. N. a ; ' CTttICT.attenii given, to piaourlng Frolgbi KJ nod parenaatna;Uargoaiorvaaaia. .-. K.P.llail,liat., , J. D. 8ollsmy; Rq., I Meaera. Ballard A tluntlngton, J Menara.Toolctr, Smyth & Co., N y k Thompson Hunter, J Alcx'r. Hefron, Jr., Philadelphia -WiXte 'iCk. r,e.toBlS.C. Jan. i. 1651 123-tf. ANDERSON & LITHIER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH VVATKa STftBK'P. fflliMlNOTirN, Jl. c. Sep. 27, IE50. ' 82-ly-c. MARTIN & CR0NLV. AUVTIONEmS, C OMMISSIO N .VI rSUOHANTS, OUNeRAL" AGENTS. Wllmlnetoo,N.C..Oct.3 lf50. S5tf- JOSSPa U FL INNER, (sOiierai o iniiiijii Merchant. 0-t.!)tb, m. 97-Iy-c. WILLI! 31 N EF F, W:lOt.E3ALE AND RETAIL ' DGALEB IN slIP CilAMULERV, SHIP STORES ANUtiiWCERIiiS, C )HK:l OP" DOOiC A vvaTER 8TIIKKTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th It 50 DSROSSET & BROWN. WIUM INUTON, N. BROWN k DEROSSET. NKW VOIIK. if! ; O . . if-; ttCHAS 7 Vs . ci:r:n.L .VI arc I I 7 U51. (JJJ. il. ikiLLV, C0tI.iii.iSUi titfiUUlYf. ektd jri t,. . m nc-i, on iMoutt Vair st wlll uttend t. t ie jalii jf vil m U uf Uo,uitrv Tro. dtli'e, u :ll .1. iru ;'u.ii, liial, H.iL'jn. I.urd, Ac. and will Keep co. lanmiy oti hand a lull nupjily ol Uroocriea.iic. Iteiorcneee. Wiltua Ilall.uf vYuyne, John .Mcitae, lliiiington IV Caraway, ' Geo. All.. MrR.,e. " K. P. ltli, 'Vil uinglou, Wiluy A. Walker, " Di-c. 13. ib50. 1 15-1 y. SAVAIiii & ME.IRES, ' WlLJllNG'lO.., i. C. 1DWABO 8WA3B. May 2, 1851. OASTuN M EASES 1. ADAMS, ftROiUEit&Co. (Late Barry, Uryaiit & Ailuio.- ) COMMISSION Al K K O-U AN . fc wilmIjVg ro. , n. c. Jan. 1,1351. r 123 CORNELIUS IMPRC. WHOLE SALE AND KETAU UKAl EHd IN Drugs, Alcdlcliica, Che til c Us, alutx, Oil, Dye Stutlii, Glass, lerl'mnery, Clgaiw, Old liiquora, Fancy Articli;-, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, S. C. Pr 'crltions carefully compounded ty txpiil- '.'nCtid peisoim. March W. 1351. G J. C. LAFTA. COMMISSION MERC II A NT. AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct. I I860. 87 WEiT&USWLETT. Aiicti.)U2cr.s, Comiuksioit Merchants AND GrSNKRAL AGENTS. WILMINGTON, C Rvraa to ' - Poller 4. Kidder, John Dawaon, O. W. Davis , O- G. Parsley, Barry, Bryant A Adams, K. P. Hall, George Harries Kdv.c"tOanlweH. Oci.6. 1650 86-ly-c MILKS COSTIf, COMMI88ION MERCHANT, wiLvimuiu, n. u. aarca to E, P. Hall, Esq , Pros't Branch Stale Bank, Thos. H. Wright, Esq., Prea't Bank Wllmlna- toa, N, 0. O. G Parsley, Esq., Prea't Commer-1 cini H.mK, Dec. 19. 1350 - 1 13-tf. TflOi. D, BARRY. Coniniissioo Mercuaat and Ship Broker, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 21, 1851. 131-tf. WILKINSON St ESLER. oaaa DBALtna in' ' Coufeetlonary, PruU, Jlvta, Toya.Faoey Ar tlclea. Perfumery, Tobacco egara, aV., , WHOLESALE AND RU i AIL, .!.,:,""' Mia tCT STREET, ' - Not. X. I860,. -y : . HjMf n cuadbourn Jury' Hi (651, 1 u4 t CUADBOURN & IMAPEIL General Coaralsslon Mcrcbanty, BUSINESS CARDS. T.C.WORTflj Commisiioii tod Forwarding MERCHANT, , .1 WILM1XGTOX, K. C. Fab. 19,1851. 143-13 n. E0. MTERSf " " 'V' Wholesale and Retail Grocer, a taps cOssTAMTtT oar hand Winet, 7Vo, LAqwrt, Provision, Wood and WU law War, In-Kit, ConfaliunarUi, ift, &c. sooth f aoar sTaaaT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Not. 28. '109. CAUSE & BOWDEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, awb GENERAL A GBSTS. THUS. r. OAPSI. iuHN O. BOWDIN acraaexcBs. Alexander McRae, President VV & (I. R. E. P. Hill, " State Bank. O. G. Parsley. " Comnurciul Bank. John Diwion, Merchant. J &D. MeRae&Uo , " P. K. DiukinuaoiCO. ' Doc. 7, ld30. 112. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMIXOTON, N. C. CHA8. D. ELLIS, HtNRV P. BUS6ILL, JOB. B. BPBflELL. Jan.25 1851. '" ' 133. IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CliaARS. BR.-.NOS ot the bust quality at prices from 14 to aoOpt-rlUUO. Gallon WILKINSON & ESLKR. ' 44. June 26. ORANGES AD LEMONS. LANDING this day per tfchr. Mary Powell, 80 Boxes. 10 good order. Kur sale low by VV1LKLNSO.V & ESLKR. uly 8. 4S. JOHN DILL & SON'S, " QUP KRIOtt Scotch SnuH warranted equal to kuny In the United Mates, direct from the lnnnu torus lor sale, by July 17. WILKINSON ft ESLER. 62. RECEIVED PER SCUR C. D. ELLIS. AT BBLS. of double re;tiri'id Crushed auznr; 75 " C.iif'O I'rmlx! I do (a superior art ick';) 6 '' " boiit while leaf Lard ) 3ie. friwh Goshen Btaterj 1U Bagi best ijrei'ii Rio (Jurfi'ei 3 bills. No. t. M icktTt'l, low at UKO. 11 KELLEV'S. Auguet 16. 65. ' T0B1CC0 AND CIGARS. RICHMOND Tobacco and Quarter boxes. superior quality, in half Uigurs in 1 -10 boxes, a good article, for cale low, by ANDERSON & LATIMER. July 31st. 63. , C. DiiPRE, DRUGGIST, WHOLESALE and Itetail Dealer in Dr-igs, Chemicals, Paints. Uils, Kanov Articles, Li quors, Window Glass, French and American cusinrttd tiles. The subscriber keep9 conatan'ly on hand a large and well silii'tcJ stock, wlilcli lie will sell as low as any Drm;iii in lie Sjulkcrn Country. Every orticleis warrant 1 to t)j 01 1 lie Dost quality and pu' up in th.' hesi style. Physici in and derchnnts Will do vv II 'o call and look, tor themselves before wuyln;; elsfvt tier. Diuros. PAT MEDICINES. Sands siarsapenia ; Lee's Pills; Heekwilh Pills; Ein. (Jluuber Sails; Castor Oil; swetl Oil; thiiliarb Jolopj Ipecac; Arrttr Itiiol ; I !rit'am Tar. reier s rins ; niomia Hitters find Pills; 3 pen Mai 1 Curb. Sodaj Gum cors Pills; Wnghia Pills; Aribic ; Assal'octid.i; Gum Camplior: Uex. Vienna; Hiumlicth Fills 1 Dead Shot; Kanes'ocks Vertnu- Peruvian Stc. liarki Borax,!!uge ; Cod Liver Oil Ayors Cherry Pectoral CHEMICALS wuyne's Syrun Wild Snlph Quinine t Iodine; Cherry t Balsam Wild Ixlld Mercury ; Jodld. Potash ; Calomel Enis,, Blue Mnss; Spts Nitre ; Sulph Kiheri .Spts Harts horn ; Nit Acid 1 Syrup Cherry Ac. PAINTS & OILS &c. Pure Lead; Ex. Leadjand No. 1. Lead, Verdesris in Oil ; Chrome Greene In Oil And riru. 1'iml.J flrtlan. lodid of Iron ; Clt. Ferri et Quinine 1 hn Oil ; Vermelhon; Black in Oil t Spanish B own in Oi: Ven Red in Oil, 4c artloles will be sold cheap at thr O. DoPRR, All the above Drug Store of Market t Wllmlnirion, July 19, 1851. 63. Journal and Goldsboro Telegraph copy. OIL. A FEW barrels prime Oil far Machinery, or xl Lamps, for sals b J. HATHA VAV&, SON. 8. RECEIVED ; Bf ADAMS ACo's. EXPRESS, DAYS PUO.VI NEW YORK. 1 CASE of Soft Drab Bruth Hata. Ihoee who A have been waltimr for ihisa hi 4 sin miu aot thaniby calling at the Hat Store, Market street. V.':' " " C. MYERS, Hatter. HURRAH FOR TUB BLOOMERS. n THEY HAVE ARRIVED It TU8T received Irani New Vork t I 1 eatk para- Port Wibej . Vi f aatra Uosnen Better 1 10 boxaa Cheese; 10 '- allaH Dairy da. s tea. Lard, ; S bbla. Irish Potatoes 25 bageFlouri . o';bbu'iio.v.i -- 0 "2-Prapkerai,-. ' . -10 " Crushed Sogari 10 " Clarified' do 1 'v ju . w iuiiu,,j uuvuicaug,! j -, j ... j ... 5 Wht. Fuhon; Market 0eofi ;, Z i bbl,.No.l.ilackert4, .,Foraaleliy4';,1w fn! J'Mj- t.QEOr H7BB3.' 1 PORTRAIT TAINTING. T MASSALON, Portrait Fainter, would retpnet. J fully Inform tticitiaanaof VVUiolngtonaiid th sorrounding country, that ha ha permanently loca ted himnelf in this place, and will be happy to re ceive the patronage of any ladles or gentlemen wbo may wish to procure faithful likenesses of them salves wr any member of their family, lis Batters himself, from his long experience In the art, that he wiO be enabled I rive satialactloa. His roomls at hha$(osiirt Hall, Front Street, WiIungton, N. C. STOffiS AND GRATES. jUSTRECEITED Large Supply or snrp, ?ARL0E, CHURCH, ASfrOFFICE STOVES! of the BEST and ' most approved FATTfBSS. vhofesnle & retail ALSO, an assortment ol QIUTF.S A FURNACES, Solar. Camphlne, Fluid, mi Oil Lhmpa, plain and lapauucd Ware, StcRk Diahes, iaiffee ITrtia, lilg ilns.TeaTraya. Walters, Platform and other Sea lea ind a variety of other nui clcs too numerous to men- t'riiSc-i: tlou. POLLEV & HART. 69 Oct. 10. DEEDS FOR SALE. WarnntetDoeds.'ind Deds for Mortgapf orland jnetf printed, in correct fornmnd forsalt at tha Commercial Offlct. SPORTSMEN, ATTENfioN I JUST Received, a large assortment of Single and Double barrel. Bird, Duck and Deer Guns, of the finest MnlshTind latest style, made by those celebra ted makers Chasb t So, and others of known cetobrlta. Guns of all weights and calibre, also, Powder Flasks, snot Ponchos, uame Haits, parens sIor Caps, and in fict the best collcetion of sports men's eoods ever offered In this market. Gentle men please call and examine. POLLEY& HART. Oct 3 86 BILLS OF LADING, Ac, IOLIO P08T BILLS OF LADING boami In Boobs, and shcetfi.also Letter Sheets with tjvarictyol merciintileblankB.torsale at The Com mtrcial Office. GLUE, 1 EVVGLISII and American, constantly on hand JLU for s ilo by ADAMS, BROTHER & C. 11. May 3. STARCH, SOAP AND CANDLES. t ft BOXES Colgates Pearl Starch ; 1 9 20 " do. No. I Soap ; 5" do. Almond and Rose Soup ; 30 " Mvuid, Ai'omanllne and Sperm Can dles, for sale by HOWARD &PEDEN. July 3 47. EMPTY SPIRITS B1RRELS. 0('i SECOND Hand Spirits Barels, large w KJ V eize, n good orjer, lor saie ny, DaROSSKT & BROWN. '.July 3d. 47. FULTON MA iKET BEEF. irOST received per .Vchr. Charles Mills, 5bblsrSu U perior p c tiled Beel ; f ,r sale by PERR1N & HARTSFIELD. JulyS. 43-tf. COTTON SEIN TWINE. d(Y BBLS. Cotioo Twine, for sale, by OUU UuWARD 4 PEDEN. cjuly 8. 48. WILLI1M S. READ. HOUSU and Ship Painter. Glazier and While Washer, Office under Comoierclul Hotel Wllmioiiion, N. C. Thankful for past custom, he respectfully informs the public generally, that be is prepared 10 execute all work In his line of business, and lakes this me thod of soliciting a share of the public patronage. July 10. .. ,6 m. WOOD AND WILLOW WiRE Qfi NESTS MEASURES 1 QU 30 dot. Buckets j 30 nests Willow and Split Baskets, fur sale by HOWARD & PEDEN. July 3. ' - 47. WILKINSON & ESLER, TrOULD respectfully invjte those wishing good v v snntn to call ana examine rneir larze assort- jiient, ainon? (hem may be found : 10,000 Princpe, Justo Sane, good; 2J.0JJ Regalia, Lion; Jenny Llnd, and Mensu rado; 10,000 -Havana, La Naclonul, prime ; 10,00d Lady in Jhe cage handsome; 1 3.000 PaniKlios La Terresiio, do l7i 00 De La Voetla, oid enough 10 walk t 20.000 half. Regalia, Jlcoliuoal, very superior; 15,000 Wandering Jews, very cheap ; M,000 El Galleo, finer 14.000 La Gaihedralj -20,000 Low piles, varloua qualities. Our stock of Segars Ac., Is much larger than ever offered In thla place, and at lowest eash prices. . Call on WILKINSON 4 ESLEB.- ; . ' r Market street, ; March U. ' " ' .K.; 1 t EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. i VK( tAaOfi Siws,'jat reeelvsd sod lor sate NOTICE EWHA. OWING tar the iaereated demaada of ear Trade la tb follow ing articles ws have been lad need to enlarge eur Stock of Frail. Onfactlonarf, Note, Tobacco, Gurt ami Soaff of all kinds which re lailera and others can. aeleer from, at Iowmi price. 1 - WILKPSON E6J.ER. v . April 2. ? .- . . . Q, UMEi LIME U LIME! H-? AflttfllO LirteolrMfilU W Wt tnnprAIaa JJJ ealomcd Piaatar, Ptaatetlng, Usif, and Fire Brick, Hydraulic. Ccraeaii J000 bbls.Llwa 'ii v J.C. Sl ft. B. WO OOD. ContractorandBu!lderi. m ' -y' ' 119.; Dec.22. I50. N. C. BACON. Q((t)l's- Hma SWeaand Shoulder, in atore. sod for ante low by SAVAGE & MEARES. 35. June 5. Ou Han I and for Sile to Cloaa Couatguinenls XI barnU fumily Flour, 'JJ 5 hhde. Muscovado Sugar r " ' 5 hdlH.Poito Rico 'J 6 hluN. Western 8holdurar 5 barrels Whale Oil) J S . 10 boxes Candles . r 20 boxen So in ! V " .Starch; ' '" 1 bsrrd w . 5 hall barrels Saicraius; B0 boxes Window Glass jv -5,000 Havana fteaara, a (food arilele j ' " 10 Coils of best i'aljan Packin(r, for sale, low, forcash, hy ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. June 21. - 43, Far f b Cmw f corens, colds, hoarseness, bros. cuius, (Rorjp,'lSTnMA, wnoor- IG (OICa AND COXSCMPTIOX. .In ollering 10 the community thia justly celebra ted remedy for dueasca ol the throat arid lungs; ids pot our wish to iriile with the Uvea or health of the afBicieJ, but frankly to lay before them the Opinions of disiinguinhed men and aome pf I he evidences of Itaauccess, from which they can judge for them selves. We sincerely pledge oursclvos (o make no wild assertionsyir false statements of Its efficacy, nor will we bold out any hope to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. Many proofs are here given, and wa solicit an in quiry from the public, Into all we puplieh, feeling si eurcd they will find them perfectly reliuble, and the medicine worthy their beet coufidence and patron age. From the distinguished Professor, of Chcnalst. ry and Metarla Medlca, Howdoin College. Dear Sir t I delayed answering the receipt of year incj.aiuir.oi, unui una an opportunity of nil nest ing its tffens In my own family, or in the families of inv ft lends. This I have now done with a high degree of satis faction in cat-es both of adults ana children. 1 have found it, as Us ingredients show, a power ful remedy for colds, and couahs. and nnlmonnrw diseases. PARKER CLEAVELAND. M. D. Brosswick. Ma , 6. 1347. From au Overseer In the Hamilton l nig uiiy. Lowcii, Aug. 10, 1849. Dr. J. C. Ayer: I have been cured of the worst cough 1 ever had in my life, by your "Cnev Pic too At," and never fail, when I have opportunity, of recommending it to others. i ours, respectfully, . ' . &. D. EMERSON rtr'Bead the fullowlnff. and see If this inedicina Is worth a trial. . This paiient had become very ha- ble, and the effect of the medicine waa unmistaka bly distinct i United Statm Hotel, Saeatooa Spbinos, . ... . ' Juiy 5, 1849. J Dr. J. C. Ayer. I have been aftfc led with a nuin. fill aSectionol the longs and all ibesymptoiosof Mi lled consumption, for more than a year. 1 coull find no medicine (hat would reach mv esse, until d commenced 1 he use of yourCHEaav PecToaAi," vtmcurgave me gradual relief, and I have been stead ily gaining my strength tilt my health is well nigh retlored,, , wmienainz your medicine. I had tha eratlflca- tlon of curing with Ii my reverend friend, Mr. Tru man, of Summer District, wbo had been snsneoded from his parochlul duties by a severe attack of bren- CI1IUS. ; I have pleasure In certifying these facte to you, v And am, sir, yours respectfully, J. F. CALHOUN of South Carolina. Prepared snds.dd by JAMES C. AYER. Prac tical Chomlsr, Lowell, Mass. bold in Wilmington by A. C. Evana & Brother. and by Druggists and dealers in Medkuw through out the State. June 7. 36-3m. ' BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A HANDSOME edition of Bill of Exchange, just received, bound in Books ot different sixes and in Quires and sheets,' for sals al ihe office of ine Commercial June 19. 1351. 41. VVIIISKEV. ()C BBLS., for aaU 1 cheap by ... ', , 'iK ZJ i. &D. JIcRAE 4 CO. July 19. 83.' SUPERIOR SODA WATER, at A. C. EVANS ft,' BROTH KR.'S July 56. tf. ' " ' ' 68 COPARTNERSHIP A0TICE. pOBERT G. RANKIN ;! a-partner la our XL house from this date. . '' ADAMS, BROTHER &Co. July Id. f-;.sv n ., 47. RICE. Of) CASKS for aU low. to close con.lgnmtnt, oy . - AUAWa, stKU. ('. July 3d. 4T. DOMESTIC GOODS. A PULL 8 apply of Sheetings, Vara and Osnv bursa constantly so, hand and for sale at man- unotarsra pneas, ay ' " aaS C0KO T0 TT-2 I i 't rrftd j our Uhtity, JJrr twrfari f Wd a eoalomer, aa he ttitirtd tha thap cf at taatrflcbanic.' -7";,'; . 1 -' 'JY(c Bre aendin idfonr flreoMnt tt! acaoo,rttjrueJ lismcclatiK-, Ial.-j. 1 want l bay ymj,' r ,-, '-Xfn well. Mr. Bdkcr. wfi'Blway jf.ijl loiret money." "s J : - - - Bat Va tnnat tfirotr efT tometliin. ' Let" met aearMl thi euatomcr 'drew ooi'lhat bilI-'iWfntyieTerrdoUHri aLi foriy-nr ctft Twenty-fiv-ts will do. '. There, tttcitx. the bill Md I'll ftyytt, " ", : ;Ddf Leonard ahook hk htti -fS '- 1 'lenu't deduct a ctoi from (but bill. Mr. linker counted 001 the caalu .... - - .jv I'm QrrjP, Alf. Bnkfrbnt rannot afford to deduct noytJtinjf. If yoo'd only owed ma iwenty-five dotlarav'. your bill would bava hfrrt lost that arfiooiiti Would not hava added a cent beyond whatirasiiie, not cart 1 lake atiy thing Uaihaa any own. t Tbeo you wpn't deduct use oda, roonejr r 'I 'cannot, Indeed.? 1 V ' -'Vs. 'Verjr Well." " The ronnner of tho cuta mer chaiiped- He ttma eviilenify ofli-ndeoV The bill ia too biffh byiaat the aom I na'tcd matter, 1 ie , 1 can pay lf. Than van mMA to inatnnnte' aaul atri BakcfK;7 E?rytariicic it charged at oor re ulnr ftnce. u ft , j , ' 'On Vea, you rnn. Juat make it' irer.f y five'doffiir, een'mdfiey'' Here it U. and mrehanto, who 'va4 r Indeprttdent sort ot at . . mnn. hatl nm cheating yon out, of two dollara and forty-aU ren.a f, ' ', . 1 " ;t didri'J aa ad '1 l A' f - - Bot it (a plajit tharypu think to, w ) Ott won Id'nl have asked an abatcrdeutt If you considered my cburgea iwt.,yo ,wou!dl '' diipute them.?tf ' ." ' OhjliJcvef tnind, nerer Ininai tv-oH not waat worde about it. Here' your mohfy.f '. nid Mr. Baker; and ho added another 'Gri ' dolbr bill to the turn be bad laid doirn. The mechanic receipted the account nd ' gare the change, both of which hie customer . ( throat into hia tioeket with a petulant air, - -and then lumed and left, th fhopwilhoul another word. 1 , : HWi ifie laat bill be Cter baa Against me, muttered Baker to hiraaeH,' aur-fee4 walked away. 'If tbafe bb mttuner of trealinj; eoa ' towers, he'll aoon go the toga. . lit waa downright inaulung, and no gentleman will aland that from another much leaa from vulgar mechanic. Mean to insinuate! llumpbt ' . . ; Yea. 1 did mean to insinuate. And Mr. Ba-J ' , tier IrivoliiDfartlv oukkened bi aee.. He'll aoon go o the 4og. " IVe paid ftiin a great -deal ol' money, bol It ia tija last dollar , of - '. mine he eycrt bandies ( ,i' - ' 1'aker waa aa good aa Die word He with - drew lii custom rord fh oflauding raechaa ic and ga?e It to 'ttcotlier'.,& v r- f r.f . 'I've cot ona of ypur caaWmera, Leonard.' said a (riend in the fame business to tha me- - . chanic, some six or eight months after ward , . iAhi whoisttr v' 'v. rr ":; 'BakCr.' ! a,.1! v3l'h a Leonard shrugged bis shoulders. ' t 4 f -'Howcmeyoalolosdhimr; r , - ' 'I'll tell you how you can keep him'.' . 5 ' 'WelVhowr-5"' -.'vr If yoor bill amount ta thirty djllars, make it thirty-threrand a few odd cents, by 'IncKasiiig torqo of its items. : He wilt want . - the aurptus ksoeked ou, wmcn you earn ait . , , ford fo do: then he will pay it -and think yon iuet the man for blm. - r 'W t a i " You kat him, tnen, Deeaus vou.wouiani .!.,. ..nlrllllilf. fMI. M ...IA Kill . r' ' 'i v' " '1 did.' , - "- " : Thank Botsorjwse rny bill should be twenry-aix, or seren, V eight: what thea 1 -I couldn't knock off the , odd dollars ; Kir jhS ; v . purpose of making it even.', ".v , 'No. In' that case you mast add until you w get ubout thirty.' ' "H"i ?vf'. . And fallback to ih&i.V .' V 'Yes. it will be knocking off the odd dol lar which b will think elewr gain.' f t -'That would hardly be honest.1 ' 'Hardly. But you nlut do ii, or? lose bis custom some 'day orotberC,'" 'f I shall bate id accommodate ' him, I sup pose. ' If be will be 'ebeaUd,'rl can't b' help ed.' A'tH '- 1 " p '-'J f On the very first bill that Baker paid to hiii new tradesman he" obtained aa abatement ol" one dollar and ninety "eenu odd money, . but actual! paid1 fnr dollars merer man was iusily due: :BtiIl heLwaa' ferr: wnll aaiafied, imagining that be had made a sav ing of one dollar and ninety cents. The not over-scrupulous ' tradesman laoghed in his sleeve and kept bis customer. 1 - - Having withdrawn Lisstipport iroro Leon ard, it was t be candid opinion of Mr. K.iker Uat lia was "eoinir t thd dogs,' as be tx- rresaed tt, about as fast as a man could go. Ie often passed lbs shop,' but rarely saw a customer. 1W.' , - i i , 'io wonder,Ute would aay to himself. -Xt manlike him can't, Aspect. and docia't do aerve'Custoni. S P u h. " -s , In the t-y es of Bukuir, the rtry grass sccd edto grow upon the pavemeatSj before ills door of thetucliiiing tradearjnaa. Van set-, tied thickly iu lis window, and theoldairt turned grayer aud gruyct in tho llcactiing uir. r.'v'?'"rf' a , itf'lf H it s Going to tbe doga, and no wonder,' Baker ' would say to himnelt aa lie, went by..' Ha appeared to take a strange interest in wash ing the gradual decay of the ukc hank's for tunes. ' Ou day a mercaatila. friend taid lo . Iiltal -1:- 'f)&.$t ; 1 -1 v. t " -V -1 . Do you know any thing aboul this ,Lton ,4 WJbMiN(TVNsNU'i f lfc' 18SI, ' "W-'i, -i.ftf''.u. f .1-' AWy; : ELLIS, UUSdELL CO, ; TiC. WORTH. I -VYbyT'akedUakerr - JS Fourth Fegr ; Jdae6.; am. -."f t ,- rr 7. .i ,- a T T ?T'n-wsi'j t,'-l..i'iVTV."rrt VJ?.;-',:V4-- .1