t J 0r. THE COMMERCIAL." WILMINGTON, N.C. THURSDAY, SEpTEMKa 11, ISSl.i s 'Because, he wants le maVo a pretty large till wiihe.' - v - " , " 'On lime)' ' : -Tea, on tha osual redit ol six months.' Do-Vl fell hira. Whjr, the man w.oin the tfot at railroad speed.1 i - 'Indeedf - . - S . , V- i"e, Tin looking, fwrydaf to t Dim do op. lie might liave done well, Tor lie eafa taiiaj, od i may jr intuiting lo bit casUMiert, that he drives ihe beet ojiee away. , 1 used to mskt -krgel bjliiwith MnV, 4u j havo't dalt nt tot ahoj now fur eome lime.' .'Ah 1 1 ra boi aware ot tnau i am gia j : I smoke to vaiLXor I shouldn't like 10 loseeil spoke to yoXor I shooldu'l, like to lo r van hundred dollars.:. or i Sii r seven Ixuudred I (a it possible tnat be wanle iflt boy eo ; feckletsly ! -r Take tny "avlcs acdJftTititnkDr tfustittf him.' -- When Leonard ordered the goods the oer Avchaat dectiried sellinf except fin cash. 1 t t yo pleas, returned the mechanic indiircieriUyftod wol elsewhere and made lii lt happened that Mr. Leonard had a very pretty aod iutereeiiagj daaghier, on whose ducatior the mechanic nM bestowed great ' rutin? nnd it also haDoened that Baker had a eon who, in roost things, was a chip of the i. i .,J, -i : u . k: it. " ' oia DlOCK. i -nrHcuAany woe no imo m iher in hta great love of money, and scarcely f had he rajhed his majority, are lie began v io look about him with a careful eye, to a good matrimonial' arrangement, hj which ' pleoiy of nSooey Would be aecured. - Adelaide Leonard, on account of hcrbeau- y and accomplish ieiit8, was much caressed, fend mingled freely in society. Younjf Baker f had met he frequently, add could not help : ? beirijr airock with her beauty, intelligence and .grace, - ' I - 'There 'w a cha'rm for you,' aaid a friend to , &m one evening. " ' In Miaa Leouard V "iYes. "She' charming irl replied the young tpan.f' 'X wonder if her father is worth any nhingT i''l- '. 'People say bo. - - Indeed.' " ,'Ycav ' They say the old follow has laid tip something quite handdome ; and as Ade- fdida is his ouly child; she will of course get iialL',. '"' fi ' 4I was not aware of that --.y. til is all ol believe.' i- -i ' 'After this,'Yotiog Baker was exceedingly (edtcutiTe to Miss Leonard, and made percep- ';,tible inroads upon her heart. He even went ,i m far as to visit pretty regularly at her house, and was meditating an avowal of his ' attachment, when his father said to him. one -'- day' ; " v'' 'What young lady was that I saw you ' -e wijh in the street yesterday ai'.ernoon V 'Her name is Leonard.' ""k? The daughter of old Leonard in - ' .'-'"atfect) ';, . f'? Yea, r.' , Mr, Baker looked grave and. shook $ head.' his , ii"' Do you know anything about her,' asked the eon. . - v , - -' 'Nothings about her; but I know that her ' father is going to. the dogs as fast as ever a ! tnaa weut. ' ,'" ' 'indeed i I thought he was well off.' -MOh no, I've been lookimr to see his shop , -t shut up, or to hear of his being sold out by 1 V the -aherifil: every day, for these two years past.' n j? t i 'Mia Leonard u a very lovely eiri.' ' She's) the daughter ofa poor vulgar me-cjianie.;- If you see any thing o very lovely ; tia thnt; Henry, you havf u strange taste.' -' t-;! 'There is no gainsaying Adelaide's perso 0 - nal ttttractioni,r replied the son. 'hut if her ,'(r..'Hfalher i poor, that settles the matter asflir. JM ' fissheand I aie Concerned. 1 am glad you v. ." 'introduced, the subject, fori might have ' ? 3P ommitted myself, and, when too laic, dis- " covered my error.' . t: And a.aad error it would have been, Hen- Z ' 'y.' I any Mrtr mailer of this kind, 1 hope vvC . g you will be perfectly frank with me, I have .?v"'i'V---'iBOC.ii more accurate knowledge of (ha oon-t-'i , r'-v Idition and stAndiug of people than ' yoo can 'W::: -; fpoasjblj bave.; if,i . '- ", ;Tbe son promised to do as his father wish , 'i d. -. From that time the visits to Mis Leoti ' i ard were abated, and his attentions to her ' When they met in society, became coldly for. ; - mals" Tne eweei young girl, wjioso reelings jlbadirecUt beeo'iqtereaied,' felt the .change, , ,ianI waa iot.a time unhappy ; but in a Tow i months she recovered herself, and was again : j as bright and cheerlul es usual. -PVTime went iteadily en, sweeping down ; fooe tnd letting up another, and .etill old Le- ooard didn't jjq to the dogs, much io the aur--. i i'prise ofBJter who could not imagine Jiow "'-.vthe machine kept Ids bead above water after l -havmg f dnvert away bis best customers,' aa he must : long since , have done, if all, were ' treated as be had been. .; But he was. satis tled.Qfone thing, at least, and that was that Mtbc oiKliwiie must be 'miserably poor, as he, in faet deserved to bo. according to his idea ...v,: dnn da v. about vear nfter his timely iuUoa.teJl-W'n In regard to Mis Leon- ard. Baker happened to pass alonsr a itrct j wJierB b)jal.n!t.bfien, for some months.- iJust opposte ' a large, new, and beauiilo.1 fc. house, to which the pajntera were giving I their laat touches, he met a friend. As the v ' :' ' : passed, Baket f id- -'v- That' aneleeant house. It has been .buil'sincel was in this neifhborhood.' V lv 'Yea, it is a very fine house, and 1 suppose ? didn't epst test Ihun fifteen thousand dollars 'No. I should think not. yftuy buili it? Do you. know r : , Yee. it wat.built by Leonard.' ; X 'By whoml' ;.Baker looked surprised. J-' 'By old Leonard.' Yoti know him.1 ' 'imposaible! ' fle'i Jnoable to build' , ?nnMi like that,'i ;: - "ii 'Oh, ye he ij Mf doxen inore if . t nercssary." ' ,.w'ttv,frrirJtf?-' ,j. ' ' ui T.innard V'' '' 'I'-i j-.i-. . 'Certainly. VVhy, he'a worth at least sev- '-fty thousand dollars. '.j. . v;,..:;. :.; v- jfoa must be in epwVV.,; . I A ' Xa. : Ilm dttoshter w to t marped next tr-onti to ao excellent yeung man, and this boon has teea built and .io oe nandsome Jy igaiuhei ue a marriag jprcaenu' i be was goin or hmA rvrtttrt 1ft Ihn Antra IrtniT AfQ, unu K''iiu i 4iw w Si I m - ' 'Leonard I' The friend could not help laughbglou4 'He go to the dogs. Oh, no. There isn't man in his trade that does so good a business, as little show as he makes. Good work, good prices, and punctuality, are the cardinal virtues of his establishment, and make all substantial. How in llie world could you tnke upaaoh a notion V i . ' i l don't know, but such fcai been my tm. prewltnrfora fonglime,' Teplied Baker, who leli exceedingly cut down ou account or the mutake he had made, and particularly ao irt view of the elegant hr)U ftnd seventy thou wixt dolors whlctt migl .au navo p.kw to bis son in timey If he had not' fallen-tmo such an cgregrious error about old Leonard. oo .ne wonu inoc un, t j.n -to think that what they emile on lives and what they frown on is bltgnteti, ana musi die. ' ' r-..".';.-:.-.'.-. " ' - ;;;;; The HJIiJaysburir '-Standard" describes the following Locomeuve trick on the Cen tral Railroad a lew daye ago : The Eastern pr.sseuger train, going at the rate of ab.ut thirty miles an hour, when near Blair Fur nace, passed through a large charcoal- Wag on, which was crossing the track at the hmo. leavingthe horse and Iront wneets on one aide. Thaf. at was net formed so quickly aod quietly that the passengers did) not notice it, and the speed oi me juppmouve wua wsarcely checked. W-e can imagine the dri ver's surprise on seein g a train of can pans through hi wagon without so much as spy ing by your leave, or even stopping to make ao apology I "; RATHER GOOD. John G. Saxe, of the.Btirlington, (Vt.) Sentinel, perpetrates the tollowii.iK in reply to a aubsr.rihrr, wltosa courtesy id not equal lo Mr. Saxe s wit: TO A GRUMBLING SUBSCEIBEIl A frresoil patron of of the Sentinel Politely bids us ' send the thing to belli" A timely hint. 'Its proper we confess, With change of residence, to change th' address! It shall be sent, if Charon's mail will let it, Where the subscriber, will be sure to get it ! NATURAL RELIGION. We have been not a little amused with the following definition of the religion of Tia ture." furnished by the Yankee Blade. It comes rerourkubly near the truth. 1. Look out for number one. 2. Use others all vou can, und let them ''nan1' vnn na lill!i na nnacililf. 3. Get money ; honestly, if you can, brt tret monov. 4. Hold on to what you have got, and get as much more as vou can. 5. Every one for himself, and the d 1 take the hindmost. ' Here you have the whole thing in a nut shell. There w no need of inking whole reams of paper with explanations of the sub jiv,t.ror here you have the exact doctrines In which the world believes, and which are practised upon by a vast' majority of the people in every nation on theVlobe. Arthur Home Gazette. GOLD BAR OR GRANDDAD'S SHIRT. 'VHK above is the brand of a very tuptrior1 7V 1 bacco, which we have juat received a laree lot of, and for eale by WILKINSON & ESLER. August 19. 63. RIO COFFEE. Kf BA jIS prime Rio Coffee, just received, and 0J for sale low by J. & D. McRAE & CO. 65. August 16. BALTIMORE FLOUR ffSABBLS. fresh eupcrtine Bnlt more Flour, Just t received nur Dn labtino f. .f ai) Kit J. k D. MoRAE A Co. 66. August 16. HATS! HATS! HATS! CAPS AND UMBRELLAS, t i Li U t A a li I JV . n C. MYERS, is this day opening at hi Hat store In Wilmington, a larue stock of every variety and siylu of Hals t;ap; rati fasnion lor ia.il. lia sure lo ca'l at ihe Hat store olO. Myers, if you wish fet some thing (hat I, (rood, pretty and cheap, in the way of Hate; exits Moleskin, Silk, Beaver and Fur Hats of every quality. AIo, Jenny Und and Union Hats, now landing from Schr. C. D. Ellis. C MYERS. August 16. 65- IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SE GARS. OF the most popular brands and beet quality al wholesale or retail, by WILKINSON ESLER. July 17. 62. NOTICE. DURING my absence from town, Mr J R. Whit uker will act a my agent. All persons Indeb'ed to me will ploasfl mike payment to him, he being hereby authorized to give receipt for the same. C MYERS, Hatter. J"1' 31. .' 68. COFFEC AND SUGAR. RIO and Lagutra Coffee ; Pan Rico Sogar in hhd., for sale by August 21. ' 67. THE CHILD. A TREATISE on the Diagnosis snd treatment of the Diseases of Childbi occordinc to the simple law of nature, without Medicament; and upon the Birth, Nursing, Attendance and Education of Children, s well as the most frequent Diseases from their very Infancy to the period of puberty. uusiruicu lor ine mans uy a aeacripuon oi numer ous ctui, gathered durintj a practice of 22 yesrs. The book can oo procured by application to J. T. SCHONWALD, Dr. M. It I also for bale at Mr. PEARCE'SBook S tors. Wilmington. July 29. . . fifl-tf COAL. 1 BDSlIKLS Black Smith's Coal, daily I JJJ expected from Balilmors, per Schr. Gen. Irvln, ond for sals by ELLIS, RUSSELL A CO. A ogust 2. - 69-'.f. GLUE. QC BARRELS American j XiO 20 " superior English ( jnst received, andfornle, by v : 'i ws,a.e-M A p Al 5, BROTHER 4t Co., August aV:f ;i y:; ry n . . 90. t.yr JUST RECLiyED;-? "A' SPLfiNDID Assortment of real English felo J als and poubls guns, mads xprestly 1 order. . , poLLEY ft , HART. iuft 2. . .-W. .'Incredible I .I thought C1NTEL0PES, CAXTFXCPE3. WE rcl dUy from ins Haoisuoo olDt.Tog no of tas most superior kind, and for sals il Julr 21. 53. siciltind incK-! LBS.Slci!? and Jvlciaoft shell Almonds. idoo for ssls bf HOWAUP & PEDEN. ' iuty3. f i SOUTH ISSTITUTC v IHBTblrd Annual Fairoftbs SOUTH CAROLl . NA. INST1TUTK. for-.the promotion of l.rf Mechsnical lugertoity and Industry' will b tiiaTn Charleston, K C, opening on Monday, 17ib November, and eootloulna durlni the week. Specimen in every branch of Mechanism, Art and Industry i also of Cotton, Rlcs Sugar, ..Tobac co and all other Agricultural Produets, is solicited, for which tuitaUt prtmium will be swarded.--. Th.e fullowintf special proiniums are offered i- Forthssii beatspeeiuieDS of Steel mnds frum Spartanburg or oihai Iron, tits product of tt' South ern Stats, aud manufactured .Into Edged Tools of any kind AOuldJJedal. i - v . N. B. A specimen of the Steel In Bars to oe sent will) the Tools. '. 1 r or the largest quantity of Cocoons raJe4 on nnd plantation, not less than Ten Bushels A Dbtd aieuai orsiu. For the lariest quantity of Spun Silk the pro duce of any one plantation, not lea than Tea Pound A Gold Medal or Premium of ftaO For the best Sea Island Cotton Gin, on some new principle, superior to that now In geneial ue j or foi any real and important improvement on the present one A Uoid rueaai for mo lnveo'ion oi s suiinDi'j. macuma ior Pulverising ftjd Pepper A aold"Mdiil. For the beat Steam Knglne A uoiu meaai. For thobest inodol Steam Fir Engine A Golp Medal, A larue and commodious butidinz nai Deen e. lected Tor the Exhibition, and every care will be paid to the reception and Care of the Article sent to the Kair. All Specimen must De in oy ine utn November. Contributors to the Fair are respectfully requet- ted when Ihey forward Specimens for Exhibition, tOKend full detcnptlon otttie Articles, ana uc information in general as may bi of use, and prop, er fur publication. Addre J. H. TAYLUK. Chairman of Committee on Correpondenoe. June 21. !7lh IMov. U. BROTHERS LINE. THE Steamer Brother and Tow Boats, Stcttn ion and David LewU are prepared to forward with Despatch, all goods consigned to the Propri etor. The Steamer Brother is oPlioht doacoht, and' well suited to run in low water. She possesses pow er, and spend, and is adJmirubly adapted to towing, and car. accoinru.od.aio about 20 passenger. The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval stoies ; to towing, and will also attend to ihe comfort and convenience of Passen ger. From hi long experience as Agent in Wil mington of the several Steam Boat Companies, he think he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would anv. that all Goods shipped br him, will bo delivered to their Aeonts in Fayetteville. His Affont in Wilminaion is JOHN C. LATTA, to whom all communications may be addressed, as atrent of the Steamer Brother. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. Mar 16 ' 28-1 2m c. Salisbury Watchman, Greensboro1 Pstriot, Kavetteville Observer, anJ Carolinian, nn l Anhboro Herald, please copy 4 weeks, snd send bills to this office. ' ' FLOUR. K( )hu3. Baltimore snour just received per senr. Mary isaoma, for sale ny J. AD. MoRAE & CO. July 19. 63. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. DR. J. 8. IIOUGTQN'8 GREAT DYSPfiPSIA CURER! The True Dleestlve Plaid, or Gastric Juice! Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Ltehlg, tho great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D , Philadelphia, Pa. This is a great Natural Remedy for Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, curing after Nature's own A1eth"d, h Nature's own Agent, the Gafrle Juice. Pepsin Is the chief element, or, Grost Digesting Principle of the Gantric Juice the Solvent of th Fond, the Purifying, Prctening, snd Stimulating Agent of the Stomach and Iolextlnes. Jtis extracted from the Digestive Stomach of the 'lx, thus'formlnz an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the natiiril Gastric Juice, in its Chvoilcal powers, and furnish ing a complete snd perlect substitute for it. Ry the sid of tnie preparation, the pains snd evils of in digestion and Dyspepsia are removed just ss they would be by a healthy Stomach It Is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing case of debility, emaciation, nervous decline and Dyspeptic consumption, sup. posed to he on the verge of the grave The Scien tific Evidence upon which ft ! based, I In the highest degree curious snd remarkable. Baron Leieblg, in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry. s.ay: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous to thejGastrlc Juice, may be prepared from the mucous membrane or the stomach of the Ox, in which various articles of food, as meal and eggs, will be iqfltiud, changed, and diguled, Jutt th tame manner a they would bein the human itomach." Half u teaspoonful of pure Pipsist, infused or dis olved In water, will digest or dissolve Fin Pound Routt Beef in about two hour out of the 8 tern seh. " ' ' ;.. Dr. Houghton's Pepsin, is sold by nearly sit ths dealers in fine drugs and Popular Medicine, through out the United States. It Is prepared in Powder, and in Fluid form and in Prescription vials forth use of Physicians. . '' . , Private Circulars, for the use of Physicians, my be obtained of Dr Houghton or his Agents, descri bing ths whole process of preparation and giving the authorities upon which the claims of thin nn remedy sre based.' As it Is not a secret remedy', no objection em be raised against its use by I'hysie'lnh in respectable standing snd regular practice. Price in Fluid form, One Dollar per bonis. PEPSIN IN POWPEIt, Sent by Mail. Frtt of Potagt. For convenience or sending io all pnrt of the country, the Dlieilivs matter of theJepin, Is put up In tho form of Powder, with dreoilon to be dis solved In water by the patient. These Pcwdftn nnn- taln just ths same matter a the bottle, and will be sent by mall,, free of . postage, for one dollar sent post paid) to JJr. f. ; uougtuon, . p., Phlladel TObssrva this 1 Every botttsof ths genome pepsin bears tns written signature or J. , Hough ton, M. Di sols Proprietor, Philadelphia, pa, .". tiSTMi by all Druggists tad Dealers U,Mdl . Sold, wholssals snd 'fetal by A'-' C,' EVANS S BROTHRRf W. H. LIPPITT t Co., an4 C. De. PRE, viimtngton, a y.- J mo ' ' DAY DAY I II AY. ifiA BALES Hay to arrive per 8chr.,E. S. 1UU Pow.ll. For sale by ' , -OEO. HARR1S3. . .... I J REFINED JAMAICA LIME JUICE C D02E ours Llms Tales, for sals, bv ' L X, , , , , ilOWAUD PEDEN. July I, 43. M1CHEHEL. rt BBLS. lares fins No. 3 Mwkarel, jast n I O eslved fwm Bnon, sad foraale, ly . - , , ELLla, RUSSELL -A Co. !aly.l9. v.-.-'" ..vu - ' a 63. .CIOER. WBELS. CJer per Scar. C. D. Ellis, for sale, by :.-,. UEO. HARRIS si. July 17. , ' 62. GLUE. re BARRELS good Glus. for distillers, for sals LO by ANDEllSON & LATIMER. August Zl. ' '67. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE lyUinlngton saddle, Harness, aud Trunk . Maunfactory. THE subscriber respectlully informs the public that he has recently received additions to hi stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, dec, the latest and most improved style, and is consunly manufacturing, at hi store on market s.traet, every description ot artlclein the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that he will be able to eive entire satisfaction, to all who roav favor him with a call. Hie has now on hand, and will canstautii-keep a largo assortment of Coach, Gig au 0?J71mridles, Whips, Sulkey Hanicsi: Jsatfifdc,e., GenUcmen's Liady's Sadaies,4iilJJJ-'sanaie, tvnips, s fl all of which 1 J best maieri 5 ha also a I Valises, Saddl spurs, ate. ace. hlchhe will warrant to bo of the lerislaand workmanship. He i n lariM assortment of Trunks. saddle and Carpet Basrs. satchels. Fancy Trunks, &c, and all other articles usually kept in such establishments, all of which he otfers low for CASH, 6r oh short credit to prompt custo mers. Saddles.Harness.Trunks, eJieal Bags,&c. 4c, made to order. In addition to the above the subscriber always keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, atidhasQow.and wHI'kcjp through theseasonagood assort men tof Kly Nttts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, whether in want or not, as 1 take pleasure in shew ing my assortment to all who may tuvor me with a ill- Harness and Coach Trimming sold ut af air price topersons buying to manufacture. Also, Whip at wholesale. All kinds of Riding Vehicles bought and sold on commissions. JOHN J. CONOLKY. Jan. 8 1851. WOOD WARE. HPHE subscriber has on hand and is now roceiv. J. in his usual Fall supply of useful housekeep ing article", in tho Wood und Willow Ware line, all of which will be offered at the lawest ensh price, among which will bo found the following: Brooms, Brushes, -Baskets, Buckets, Bowls, Bar rel Covers, Boxes in Nest. Chopping Bowls, Clothes Pfhs, Cjlothes Horses, Clothes Baskets, Cedar Pails, Cedar Tubs, Dippers, Flowered Pails, Faueetts, Knife B i.xes, Knife Baskets, Koelers, ilair Selves, half barrel Covers, half bushel 'Measures ironed, Measures in nests. Market Baskets, Milk Pails, Roiling Pins, Sugar Boxes, Spice Boxes, Scrub Brushes, Twine Reels, Well Buckets, Water Pails, Willow Baskets, Willow Wagons, Wire Seives, White Wash Brushes, &c. dc. WM- NEFF. Jan. 18. 130,lf. CARD PRINTING. WE remind the puolic that the Patent Card Press U H eration at the ofReeof The Commercial, and that Cards will he printed in superior style, and at reduced prices. Blink Cards, ready for printing, always on hand, of all sizes, from 22 by 20 to 1 ty 2 inches. ' 123-if. " SHINGLES. 100 000 r IaRd' ('nedium 8izc) UlAUTlJil ACIIULY. SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Notch kiss 'PHE public are hereby Informed, that 1 have been L opnoin ed airent for ihe sale of Window Sunh, Rllrids aud Doors. mnnnfnetured bv the New Hu- von Co.. and am prepared lo fillnllorttetein the above line. The quality of the work of the New Haven Co. is well known in this market. Builders and all pcrsonsin want of the above articles, aro requested to send in their orders, and they will lie promptly filled, Terms invariably cash on delivery. WM. A. GWVER. General Agent Commission and Forwarding Mer chant. April 18. 15 PINE 011.1 PINE OIL! Re.tuced in Price and improved in Quality. PINE OIL of my manufacture can be obtained ni ths store of Messrs. Pollev & Hast, and will he furnished to customers by my Wagon every Tues day, Thursday, uhd Saturday, at the reduced price of Forty Cents per gallon. Warranted superior to any otner for sale to tnis place. Oof 17 1350. A. 11. VANBOKKELEN. SHIPPING ARTICLES. T70R SALE at The Commercial Office, nn ele 1 cantedition of Shipping Articles, tnbrnclne all the Taws of Congress relative to ths Merchant's service. NEGRO BONDS. A HANDSOME impression of Negro Bond A. just printed and for sale at Tlie Commercial Office. Also, Bills of Sale of Negroes. Dec. 29. I860. BUNGS O F the best make, and assorted sizes to suit, for sale by the harrei or Sny quantity not less than five hundred, by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. 135-tf. Jan. 30. FOR SALE. AT the GmTrurcfcd OJlci, a Sketeli of the early life and adventures of John KwlatJtowtki or RossMoirp, tho exile of Poland, particularly In Po land, his native country. As s last resort to enable ,Jr. Rosbmoiid lo visit his native country, this In teresting little work. In a pamphlet of 22 pages, Is offered st the low" price of 10 cents pet copy. May 17. 7-w. FENCE FAILING. 1 1J 2 21 and 3 Inch palling, made of the best I of Stock, Tree from Sap. Kor sals In quantities to suit nurchasers. at ths Cnns Fear S. S. Mill, Purrluiser can have them delivered on this side of the lllver, If they wish by leaving their orders st the office of the sgsnts JELLIS 6Y RPS8FLL. April 26. 17-tf. NOTICE. rpHE subscriber having purchased the entire 1 Interest la ihe Cspe Fear S. 8. Milt, would hereby request all persons having claims sgslnst said Mill, previous to lha 1st July 1851. to- present them for paynwnt, snd thoss Indebted to said Mill to ell at th Otfles and settle their account previous to ths 1st .of.Sepumber, er they will be under ths painful necessity of placing them In ths naoas oi an ucer iur collection. . ' :: ELLW 4 RUSSELL 'ADgtuft 2,1951. 95-tf. FLOUR AXt) UACIiEUEL. . cBBLS. Flouri 1 - ' OU 6D bbla. No. 3 Mackerel, to arriv per Schr E 8. Powell, for sale, by ; GEO. HAKJUSS. ,July)7. ;. 3'...r, v:v..; 62. SPIRIT BARRELS. OAfi EMPTY. t?plri bbls , dally eipected.I.fot ' sale by A0AM5, BROTIlK. t CO. - June 19. ' si. VVASilLNG WITHOUT LABOR. . VFM, boxes of BabbcU's SoapPdwders chsaa A and good article for making Soft Soap., Those iiui uave used it pronounced It excellent, to be had m . ' -C DvPRE'S "" Dreg Store, Market St. July 19. ". : . . ....... , M. ; TIIE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL RALEIGH, N. C. rnHE above ComDanv has been in operation sine 1 the Utol April, 1343, under lbs dirscUonof the following Olncers, vli : Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Wm', D. Hay wood, Vico Presldeat, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Win. H. Jones, Treasurer PsrrtnBusbee.'Attorney, JJr. Wgi. n. BlCR.ee, v r'm.7in DJC.R.B-. Hay wood, 5 X'onllalUm J. Hersmao.Oen'l Aeent. , This Company has received a charter giving advantages to the insured over any otner com pony.' The 6th Section gives the Husband the privilege to lnsnro his own life for the sole ins of his Wife and Children, free from any claims of the rep resentatives of the husband or any of his credit ors. ' .; Organized on purely mvlaal principles, tbs life members participate in the wteJeof the profits which are doclured annually. Besides, the appii. cant for iile, when the annual premium is over C'3C may pay one halt in a Note. Ail claitnsfor insuranceaaalnst the Company wit be paid within ninety days uficr proof of the de&th of the party is lurmsned. Saves are insured tor one or live years, at rates which will enable ail Slaveholders to secure thleclass of property against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and Interesting feature in thehlUry of North Carolina, which will prove very important to the Southern States. Thelast four months operation of this Company show a very large amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued more thun 200 Policies. All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to JAS. F- JORDAN, Secretary. Raleigh, April 9, 1851. B-ti. BREAD WITHOUT YEAST. JUST Received from New York : 5 boxes Babbit's EH'ervescinz Compound for in. , king Bieod, Buckwheat und Tea Cakof, a very line articlu Try it 7 To be hud nt C. DuPRE'S' Drug Sioie, Market St July 19. ' ' 63. RATES OF FREIGHT. RATES-of Freight on ihe Wilmington and Ral elgh Rail Road, and on the Company's Boats to Charleston, revised and corrected December, 1350; just printed and for sale at the office of Th Commercial, at 25 cents per copy. Dec. 21. irJ-tf. 12,000 ACRES OF TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. I'HR Executors of Gen'l. Clinch offur fl,rr sale lite Twelve Thousand Acres of Land known as the Bayard trad, lying on theSt.' J chit's River, immediately opposite Picoluts', in East Florida. The obove truct is peculiarly udnpled to the Turpentine business being covered with ti thick growth of pine, and having a River front of more man hve miles. It is now no longer s matter of doubt that Turpen tine can be profitably made in this section of count ry, as there are already a number of persons largely and successfully engaged in the business. I he steamboats to und from Savannah, stop regu larly at PicoliMa. Persons desirous of purchasins, can obtain any further information by rddressing J. H. M. CLINtJH, Kx'r. Jefforsonton, Caradcn co , Go., Dec. 6, 1850 113-tf. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. I HAVE just received from the Manufacturers u large lot of Plows of various puttern, Cultivators, Corn tiddlers, Huy Cutters. Corn Mills. Churns, Harrows, Fanning Mills In fact, every thing com prising a complete stock of Farming Implements. My sumplc room will be arranged in a day or two, when 1 will be most happy to sue ull who era inter ested in such articles. ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. Wilmington, N. C. Dec'r.24, 1350. 120 Jour, and Standard Copy. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH. I HAVE just received a large stock of China, Glass, and Queen's Ware, direct from the Liver pool manufictorles, which I m prepared to sell on very reasonable terms, at wholesale or retail. To all who are disposed to encourage direct Im portutlons, I would say that a fulr share of patron age Is all 1 usk to enable mo lo compete with any other Importer.in the United States. I offer a lair chance to all who are disposed to build up South em Independence. In addition to tho Crockery Business, 1 will con tinue to keep a large and well selected stork of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, to which I parilcu larly invite the attention of my farming friends. J am continually In receipt of the latest Improve mcnts lalhese articles, and will take great pleasure in showing them to all who are desirous or examin ing them. ALEX. MacRAE, Jr. Nov. 0.1850, 102. aubiTrn FOR SALE. fTH E subscriber offers for sale his farm, ulne miles east of Raleigh, situate on ths New bcrn Road, and well known os the Bus bee Place It contains 400 acres of good free land, with a fair proportion of woodland. On the premise Is a very good dwelling house, containing II rooms i Iher sre but very few country houses superior to it In the county of Wnke. There Is a good kitchen, with several houses for negro quarters; n carriage house; Cider Preset Stablest Cotton Gin House, Ac. snd a Store House, at which a very rcspectablo trsHs Is carried on. . There Is a very large Apple Orchnrd near the dwelling house; also, s large number oi Peach Trees, with Pear, Plum and Cherry Trees. There is a Post Offlcs on the premises the mail snlvlng three times s week via the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road, and three time from the city of Raleigh. Tho locution of the buildings Is In the midst of s grove of large Oaks, high and healthy. It would he a delightful summer residence i or would answer for a Boarding House for persons desirous of spending their summers in ths country. The North Carolina Rail Road, sbont lo be butlt, hss been marked off to run within s hundred yard Of ths Dwelling House. ' A further description is unnecessary", as no one will, probably, purchass without eiamiolng ths pro mlsee. . Possession will be given on the first of January. 1851, if sold by ' th 15th of December next if sold aftsr that period, possession cannot bs, had till Janu try 1855.;' m;Vv. w j 14 . t .; .... . : WILLIAM R. POOLB, Esq. who ,e within a raw miles of the place, my suthorlssd Agsnt, and will make kaowe ths price snd terms te all who my ...U . TlIOUi, 1 Annti ' Will llralagten, Cel. 1860. n . JUST ARRIVED 4 KEGS Now Butterj . - 1 Coos Olive Oil: ,. - 4 Baskets do. Coj ; - : ff Barrels Crashed Sucsr, .10 Barrel fresh Ah 10 HsJf barrsla . do K ' ' For sale ky i HOWARD PEDEN. Jul-.. ICECREAM. , MRS. FORD hu fitted up a roam la the lower ... of nw houM for let Ctesis, bre the ' "f Pkd to sw ibsr Udkr ind ' Gmtttmn of iiuiinRiun. Kaaiiliet supplied at short toilcS.' r(vl Parties of Ladles sod Gentlemen can U served Ith Ice Cream la the Parlor it,. .tr,t .v. front irancs first door. " ' PM UPI PAY UP J! 1 ALL persons Indebted to as, either by &"? X cotn will p 1ms corns forward and pay up, or. " """i" jiu mem in a train wr lecl ion, as money we must havsf . JuIyB,lB51. .4 , 43 tC ' - '-TLOURJmUte Just rsceived s fresh lot f Kxtra' CdnslHlrara ! v omiiu, vsnur na quarry mils, la bbU. an balves- For ssle, tow, lj -;.. wJi Hf.jdt ,.i.. SAVAdEEARE(4V July 16. .?rM,"??Mw-t-jf. tOlfFEE." 1fjflrAOSRlo,ln Store and for sals bv1 lJ.J J.4D. MUAfi- rh July 19. HAY, II AY, HAY. - a July 19. ' : ' 83, SPIRITS BARRELsTh" Qfin SPIRITS .arrels'ro'ferlrhe order, last 0JJ arrived from Bark Sophia for sale, by July 18. " J2. FRESH FLOUR. EBLS. Superior, Kiourj CO 15 t " Just received snd for sale by , , . PERKIN A HARTSFlELfti !L : , ; 48. BACON, FLOUR AND FISH . .) A HHDS. Bacon Shdulherst CO 20 bbls. Pickled Fish 250 bbls. Superfine Baits Flour t 60 bbls. Ohio family Flour For sale low, by ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. J"'r 26 : -- . 66. SUGAR. ' -:j rx- 1 f HHDS. primo Porto Rico Sugor, just re 1 Wceivetr Irom Baltimore, Wrsnle by T t f , DaWOSSET db BROWN. July 19- ,fi3L SUGAR, - A GOOD article In Hhds., for etite, very low, by , , ANDLRsON p LATIMER. Julv 31st. 69. CONSULATE OP HAVTrvX" 64 Commercial Wharl, Bosion,6ih Mart:h,'186t.t 1'tir. unoerstpnea give notlee, that in accor dance with u Is w passed at Port u Prince, on the 24th December last, vessel arriving in Haytl from tha V. Slate on or otter the 16th April next, must be providtnl with Duplicsio Manlfenaof their cargoes, certified by a Consular Agent of Hsy. ' ti, it thero t hall have been one at tlie putt of load, in., otherwise the documents mtiy be vcrrified be fore an officer (duly authorised to adminitter an outh of ihn iaih nr ITnlrt Siiat fl,, - vvTvinincHI XJ. UX.AKK, May 8. x - 23-tt. NOTICE. . " JBIt. VICE CONSULATE, r WitMiKOTon, N. C. May 15, 1861." AFTER this dale, consignees of British Vessels, will be required lo hand In the amount of (n ward and outward Invoices, nd pay all fees t tho time the register is delivered to the Master, when cleared at Custom HousS. ' v- -u . GEO. W.DAVIS, Br. Vice Consul. May 15. 2'i-tf. FAR 13 RlClUCr:D TO20 FHOM CHAR-J. L138TON TO NEW. 0$)&$, THE GREAT MAIL ROUTE FKOM CHAR LESTON, SO. CA, 1 SAVING the wharf st the foot of Lauren j it. daily st 3, p. m. after ihe arrival of ths Southern cars, via WILMINGTON and WELOON, N.C , PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, to WASH INOTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, and NEW YORK. , ; ."-i..-1'he public are respectfully informed that the steamers of this line, from Chirlecton to Wilming ton, are la first rate condlilon, and are navigated by well known and experienced commander, and the Railroads are In fine order,, thereby seen ring both safety and def patch. THROUGH T1CK." ET having already been In opsrstlon, will be ctip tinued on and alter the first of Oct.' 1849. ss per m.ment irrangemenifrom Charleston to New Vortt. Passengers availing themselves of tttoreof, : will have the opinion to cn:inue Without delay through the route of otherwise, to stop at any of the Inter mediate points, renewing their seats on "ths line to suit their eonvenleno.- By this route traveller may reach New Vork on the third day during bust, neea hour. Baggage will be ticketed on board tha Steamer to Wldon, a likewise on the change of cars, at the Intermediate points from thence to New York. Through Tickets can alone be had from E. WINSLOW, Agent of ihe Wilmington and Ratetth Rail Road Compuny, at the; office of tho Company, loot 01 L,aurens-st, 10 wnom pleas spply, ' . Papers advertising for ihe company are requested to copy.' ' ... .'.'fiK.Wt&'d May 29. , , . 32-3in.. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAIL 3 AT.THI 8 P L ACE HRIVALS;': The mall from ths 'North, br Railroad, Arrrlves dollv about 11 A. M. - .;,.- , . Ths mall from the South, by stestfief from Char leston, artlvs daily abna 8, A. M.' ' The mail from Fayetteville, via' Warsaw, Is due upon the arrival of ths car, on Mondays, Wddes days, snd Friday. . ' , . the moll from Fiyettevlll, vis 1 Flltsbethtown. by Sulkey ' dus on Tuesdays, Tliurdnys, ina Saturday, at 9, A M. j . . , : Th-mHll from Onslow Court House, by Snlkey, is due on Monday, st P. M. f ': The mall from . Black Rlvr Chnpe, via tons; Creek, by sulkey, Is due on Thursdoys, p, W, -i .j T OSINO; AXD DErARTUnE'r 2 ;, The msll for the North, by railroad, 'closes' dsHjr at 10, P. M. . Uw, The mall for ths South, by stssmboat, closeidal I y at 10, A. M. . ' i. The mail for Ftyattevills, via Wsrsaw, closes oa Tuesday. Thdrsdoys and Sopdays at 10, P.M. , The mall for Fsyeltevllle, via Kllaabethtnwn.,. by sulkey, closes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saiur- J days at 9. a, w;'.:;x:')i i'-;- :: 7'--'':-h '; The msll for Onslow Court llotise, f aalksy, Pluses en Thowday at ID, P. f-..f.rvX..' 4 ' The mall for Long Creek, if sulksy, ctoiss en . Tbarsdsys at 10 p. :,-r!2'":i7 t7T'Lsttrhc.ld bs lth Offlne at least' IS oilnute bfors the (losing af tb mtSiKifiV , ;0 4- V.