COMMERCIAL ivilm::;gtdn, ri c. k. c i:c2a:;c ccwiPASisi ty re f row to car adverting column, K WIS acta that Mr, rktsjtiM, Oenl AetH. &r both the UA And lira iKoraac Compnfe,- nf tmt 8tat Is ta Town prepared to take risk In both Cornpanlei -Oar Citizen will of com am. Imee the opjtutnnlty of patronizing their Hqm -Aosuiuiiona. " - . ..... ... i. - slir.ply owlwce by bryte force fn the iv TITS w - ' i - . v. vi k. u . . iuo lids p'.aur net sealing luo law wuh Uie csst putregeouj the "entire uccess''of tie revohttiot,: hi lbe eojitunKly, asi If I; not Indicate a very de Siera Jladre movement.' We Lav Borne further TTrsjprru-mr' iced on g.ttard.iy the news f:.UIw to .1 - 1 . a-auaaetpaia an Savannah tesa Jblnt. w learn from the Savannah W,'f teedny Wet, llut the construction f tfi ftrat rtnt -of th new atearo ship to ru between that place fpuMciiiua, unpldlj -progressing.. She bj cxpecn w commence, her regular tripe bylhe8rstof BettWarcb; '"Her dimension ere a follow: 200 feet oa.deck, 33 feet, beam, and i reel JtohL e net tie 721 inches ;..t- -i ender, 8 feet stroke.- fier Yim ! ik .vii.r &er$i j that of tier consort wjU J theyrtm.-' VvraArjEOUS DOINGS AT ME JQRIH. j , J ,f w Mie uiir ti en-tease. Jfew Xnrki , mow peinxul caeracter, end, edekd othere of IninArniifttr-ciilii'for'tU1 the forUrf-e i ."mw,inl i. o. .'....?. . : '""J '-" . V wiB wuiuern people cea' command e sum of the mtUer U as follows: u re foritire slere si rtT e.-(...rL, ine moving or the 1st of thenn.m Wntk om lroDcht fcefbre R d.-'-CornmUiinn Ri,in r. 4fMmiaettombrtLth.: Th bells of the difcr- . ..vUES uan-uoea loniDft and handbills .woreawmooted, tailing on the .citizens "to con pttteatidaee,i neptt kidrttrppV. The Com- mUsionery office wu soon crowded, and a rescue - waa at once carried ont This rescue wen not nl- ttmatefyencceesrtilas the negro wes re-taken, - and two teiUUry companies were puf to iruard Urn. . , V- The cxamlnatl(m waa resumed on the return ol the wrfo. Aboot dusk the crowd began to throw tones into the window of the police office pretty freely, which had the effi-ct to adjourn the Court till the next morping." For a while after the ad. jonrnment, the crowd aoemed to disperse, bnt at about 6i o'clock, Ihey began to break In the win 4owi and door,, th0i an entrance in. to tho buading, and carried ofT the ncTo. Ewlstapce waa made by the officers having the fieroU charge, but .they were, however, over powered, wad bo wa borne away by his friends. A carriage- waa ln.readines near Dritnoll's Hotel Itt hfcktteBcgoM hurried, and borne out of town to place of Security. JendeToringto detain the negro in enstody Marshall Fitch, of SuW t.. i,t. ', v . - "6"v mill . broken ia two places. ' No ose 'elio is reported a$ aerlously Injured. In' half an. hour ftl.r lha , rescne the crowd entirely dispersed, and the city treanmed a quiet aspect. ?H claimant wuarfestedas akid t Mpper. on a warrant Issued by Justice House, on . complaint of C. k. WUh.. 8ewal white men were arrested for assisting , the Beg6 In bis attempted flight. , There waa another caw In Bufiklo, New York, B the same day. Thechifmunt t. r. .r Hardy' conntyfVirgiwla, The boy Harrison .:." H.cra.wuvaerenotner fugitives in January at, two of the party Teamed abot six weeks go for tlieir w Wei and Were arrested, and then v.exposeathewhereabouU of their companions.- i resulted In Harrlron'e arrest; The officers . - wi viiii uiiiKr iinriTHB wnn vawt ; la Jamestown, but they escaped into Canada. - The Court .Houso waa -crowded; with excited cltiiens, arho made a show of resistance bnt af ter some alight skirmishing, withiu.and without , ,th Court room, s Harrison, however, was safely - lodged la jail, t To prevent the escape or rescue- ; w i"""wr, uc wm uanacunea to a Buffdlo - i, Kclther of the. other four fugitives for whom ; warrant art) issued have been arrested. The whole matter is now narrowed down to a . mail comjjtaaw ' It ii rendered certain that no Owner can reclaim hli slave In New York, or PennyIvanU, pr, perhaps any other free 8tate, without the haurd of being murdered by a law- n,0. or imprisoned aa a kidnapper by a law- itu omcer.-. v '. . i no prospect before us is. Indeed, gloomy. umn m one redeeming feature in these tranrac - ..r v... rq raaoy persons who stand up lnfuny for the law and the rights of tho South- tr people, at tbo peril of lift and limb. We cannot be too grateful (o these, our fellow citl eoi Indeed, of the North, ' But If they are pow. m prevent murder, and robbery and wrong what avail la thaFucltive filamrw ... tbaaaCfty of the Hvea of our citizens ortho secu- inj their nranartv u mnM r, . W do not bqllove the world has Alter TrAnt CaltlOrallel to tlu'SA' antra - u. , v a ' i lire i 1 mWU, 10 AU1 communltr af Ui wme,wria lUelr denuiidation Lv nh. - nc'authorltv and iUhL v. J L.- reverse. , It is is supposed that the Wagresawi In the aeverej cases wfll be punished.- Bat we bellova tb Souther people detlre to live under t aystem of protection and iaflfynot roe of re- . wge for Irreparable wronss. - v Atnon other whnfiinm tumnce, tbo New York Courier, and Enquirer "ThU outrage prcaepts,som fvatures of pecnlUronormityv- The prieoner vtu Uken by frce from w cuttody of the law, with a premed itated purpose, nd with tha general acquiescence of the community The U wVs Violently tramp. lea upon M tblOMe, ln mrtch the same way as Jo that of BJiidrach. lo.Bo.t.m-.butin this Utter, tbo OBvnc waa ftHnroltted almost exclusively by black persons, nd was but the 'thought and act Afmomen;;Xi'8yracne7lbcni. was an Inter milting contest kjjt up for bonrs, by a large croAd. agaiast thu offijtfrsof the I, and the'lat ter received tilfjctiUl aiipport from aiiy qtr. tfi winterer, though aabjectod to aevere bodily JjoJlca. TheylwMlaXwkX'inUerihey wf r Biora'ked state cf b&bUe feeUnt ia tho comiiiuni ij wnero u ooconva, we esn fjrm proper tfmate of the alr , . , TleNalloftttl Democrat ud Tree &iWa,0f Maseachunctta bare coisuienccd the work of frttlltlon m good saroeet. At Corentloi held in Concur d, JaU week, each nartv una readr and willing to take the others mra!pee, so fyr as j'n eeroea(oe county or iliOUlesex. . W suppose thu foresbadowa Um general movement throuih oat the State, ;; THE MW GOLD VEPOSITSS; - Accounts from Sydney, that ' all the reports of the I re more than confirmed particulars. .At the battltf of Camngo, wujch took plaoe od the 19th Bit. between tha Altitun I govwramwit troops aud the lovaden, tho fitter werw dvfitd. wlih the !xm of 63 bSR-t ind wounded i among the killed were Geo. irn:.M and three) other bfflcers." ,lt is Bot stated how many were m tho govemaont aidavlTh. firht tmivv eigniecn nours. , . . ,?, .. The. forees'of Carahaial the imtrtn t 4. l . ' . - . -' to-"v t sustained no loss whatever. I The whole "n limber pruen engagea under him waa only about 400 M . f i - m ' -- - xuvj coBuawa 01 one comoanv of AnM.rt7!t. n. j ur iu coraiuaon prtapL.Trtnible, and one Jx A ea cf Lomiv.uij occurrtd in the nt)tcr oor- too oi u. is county on Ssuuday jat A young man by the' name of Jarae Darksdale was .bet Bf Eichard Jackaoo. Ihe circums uum men briefly tbesc(aa well as we can collect them from Hearsay testimony :) Barksdalev tha HHVi4 Jackon and man by tha same of McLean were atamnetetin.thapperpart the Coonty on Saturday, and Went in coumanv faun th. n..f. td" JacksonV bonne j'whiwt there a difficulty arose between BaVksdale and McLean, which resulted IB a Bght. .Jackson Interfered between the com haunts. Barksdale attemrt.-d tn sJi.d T..t with a pito. t tbo cap lfcrsted bnt ,Ut.J AA not go bo."'" Jackson thed aliot ' BrbDi -i-u. pim wigni, wonna Jn Hie arm. . The parties were then separated and Barksdale went elf. He waa afterwards board thmbnti.. A. .kV.i... i-.r.. Was to "aXi:. t, .1. i . -r :. X' " eara mat uen. Ai r"' .i'"wpi' v iim uuiug.wiiuuvo J -.rJrrr' i I , .. . itlWalealn Australia i lat. 83 15 &; long. 1.7 . - UPP l psnmeiteiy. after shot from hU hoe by ii.. ,rtArjv , a ,uuo mjwwmvi iuv ieieaTapD.ror even tBo wicksoo. wno waa in th hmB ert Barksdale Tetreatcd-Jatnee remained, and ! speculator In Bierw Madre Scrip "w?uldL1caj!C(jy 1 The hexf day Jackson aurrcnJere d himself to Newflintn IM 15 E;th population i about 12,0007 the fcSiiSSS 222: kLl.i ... of akoomW Intotha AW fJast .. A " rreenVtto.BepuWle df W ' .u. . ' , wextco, and U bardly heading an. iiinnrrection ciiuiTiui, iin CiHiiun ui uio miier Daiwr mar. I . ... . . - .'. . th. U, ! ., wWoh U Ai,: 7,: . ow? au,hwt,v- mpreJikely that '-t-.-'w "w " "kuvbi an . aiiHk s a i - i . i . , t i . "u.l i. . Arwia is io i ado command.-orOM government ,letter below, to avoid the necessity of comment. fMftI-. Ha u flvnil, - ...fl, . i AaLU HIilliioliAn (r. tha .H-iU I -fcv-v.w , , cnim now nave. ' reader to the most tmjKirtant points in UjU record, While we will rive thu news as received we we, also, omit any commentary simulv asking a 3 " I wu vun ar aivi. iu Uia,C tUU UlllvlJ viciuiHnuiui on miwie wBitn is unquestion- confidence n rptmrt nrtMnrt .nM k ,.k .ii. i- .ii ! ., ... i " " w vr uy vu id an us iris.. ne rnaae no apology tained by the ' l.atrloU." We must have ' tim for wenpying no much space with' this extract. a nH iiiwn,. in n,i. ... r... i, ...m i . - i i i au w mwu, iui ii, win yo oome u.cinuu); iuuii Dy nme oe tore we receive the truth concernin" I "3!"","v: " uns enterprise were undertaken hv the Udi?. The excrement rotten o hi th. .. . 4 were unacrtaKen uy the ex- CkA. and the melancholy end of all enraeed hav- Ca" people' order oblain edre,", of 6"wo- mg subsided for the present, it mat be urouer for cei' we wollId wwh them success, thouch a mat- i to explain to our readers the M.nm !,:,., ter wlilch in nnt ih.. i.. i.. r.: f; : l - ' I - MARYLAND CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. The result of the Congressional election in the state of Maryland ia now ascertained. The next delegation In congress will stand four Whirs and two Democrats, being ahig gain of one mt-m- Der. lue following are the names of the members elect: pi First district Richard I. Bowie, whig. Second district Wm. T. Hamilton. Dem. Third district Edward Hammond, Dem. Fourth dUtrict--XH0MAS Y. Walsh. Whiz. Fifth district Alexandeh Evans Whig. Bixtn district-DANiEL M. Henby, Whig. us 10 exmain io our ri'Sdnrn th N.An. txr wii . 11,.. i..u.....r i . . "I rcu ,,,B wurse lUKB D' ln" " hostile invasions are uroiected on onr own ouuicvi. I v Prevlons to the fltting ont ohhe expedition, wc 'to ,a'?stthe,urritory of """" "th whom Were ralhri nn A irvmH- a.-. jj I we are at twQct n will uv..r mLa . a !Z7;. .? th0 influ-1 remonstrance-and when such things are doht h- quantity of shelving i the counting rm FIRE. The alarm of fire this mornine. between 12 .n 1 o'clock, waa occasioned by tho burning of a in. Z. , r v . a u"s ino ",im' '""""""'ce-ana wnen such tmngs are done, by quantity of shelving In the counting room of oSfrrS rnn,ostofwhoniareforeigner.,eMential4 J. W. AndeL & C 7ay me mi-Bus wuicn 11 was coped to carry ft out. ' " uu ue- ui uni wreei, i ne aamag.' was slight Among those we conversed with on this subject ceive ,be gkllant youths of our country, we will use The fire is supposed to have originated from abox now no more. We name such laneuaee a rusv couvev detestation and mn. of matrhc ... . - - - '. woretan. was Qen. Himth'm snn him. because he told E. R. CAMrasLL that wo pro- ugHiusi uie wnoie arrangement, nnd endea vorea to dissuade him from engaging in it. There are otners living with whom we had better sue cess, and would name were it necessary. The rea sons that Influenced us in ou- position were, - that uie invasion was unjUstiSible, and the plan of tin camjiaiga showed the ignorance of the projector. .wu,7 i iu no rmseu, sna ine nrnas or thk 1 ... . rt vuban viovernmknt that was To 6b have teen lis tempt. A.NOTH F.X SCIENTIFIC WON DERI IMp'oR. TON'S PEPSIN, (,', Trm Viu., , oil Hi Juwt, prepared from UKN.NKT, or the Foorib jiomaeh of the OX, alter direction from B.iroa L1EBIO, the grtm Physioloiricul Cheml, by J S IMCOHTON, M. D.. Philadelphia. Tnis U truly a wonderul rcmidy for INDIGESTION. DYS. PEPSI. JADNDICK. LtVKK COilPLAINT CONSTIPATION, .nd DKBIUTT crln .fi NATITltlCS OWN MCl'Hfin kJ Si i piidimJ OWN AGEN IV Ih-i GAST1UG 'jDICE. Pom X lets, tuatamina Ociinntic evidence of tia value, ad nbhed by afieois t rati. See notice in adtmuiriB aolamn.: i. js . I2m . Mrlt!NF:NKVVs To Kin? Yens : Naval Store, -5 03 and . : ': " ' : 5 nndcr Spirits Turpentine, ;- 6Je per t Yarn and Sheeting, Acts. p0r f Ji,' To PHILADELPHIA: 5 - aavai Store, 2S on hl 25 under, i'-pMDf TdrpentUe, 1 64a. jyrtM Yarn and 8heeting, 6 perfooC - iUce - 15 CM. par 100 da ...!; Iin ' ' 1 ' ' 'w ' . v U ill ill U 1 1 A L -a " ' 11 ' 1.9 -Je.."C -REMARoy MARKET IOH WATEU,T THR.JAA- in relation to movements Involnnir the lives of REPtseinw muo I wovuii n it .11 k3. nnr itwnhu nnrl ihu li.m... Ar..... .1 ' I m . 1 . w.vuv hum uo uwuwi u UUT tUUUU Y. WH QO i IIP KlPhmnnrl Va 7t,: 1 not stop to inquire which is the "pomilHr" aide. Utource that thw" Tri.i1..ruii r..n.! and trust we never will. We are accountable to cttv. U nn a.u . Js , ,,, ,j ; ' -7 s aisnnion cannon u iui ui uuuui; on neus our Dnvaw couauct. tor th srni ra ..,k n. .. . mL . and not to the power that mav be "uouular." W it.i,uMA. -....i....j m, ... ... ' '. " i' v- w5icu. me aeiivery has no iZLti: i?lAteriaadrrttfca,i newspapers. Ltd- y ,n,I,u,ter,"S to the temporary excitement and vention, widen meet next mouth. ' -o -"" miMujuuui lug tuuiarv were io oe so-1 " ji..6.mmi. vi uic iuuin: iiiiuu out Our v..,., u wm utougni tne ouiera would he nrst business is to publish the truth and vindicate "k " -uu ' ' "Kiana 'ooa uptne ao,,jeci; lhe character f our citi.t.n8 and . or of our glorious flag and then let other mat. lets tollow as they may. when the moneyed interest, tA prtss, and politi wvmwjorc we urternmeiu into tlio measures of the secret cfcue which were then urging it for ward, aud fancy Utttrt iter to bt writltn. to keen the "bsir in motion Whilst these temptation were held-oui to the .- j . ...... uu ivuiii;Taiis, me Of- EARTHOIIAKR AT MT?TTrrnrrw The SI. Lucia Palladium of Aucust 15th Hvp additional tihrtu'iilnra nf il.o ......':.. ...i.i.i . , . r,.viiig, lira ly- i - t . .i.v vni.i.iuil nilicn IOOK ficert who would enrage In this apecuWion were place in the volcanic mountains at Martlniuue on to receive suear and cvffet vlantalwns mik tx, ti. .... , . . ' ' W8r'in.(iue on e tAm. . lue 0,H na 0ln 01 August. The eruptions took The method liv nhiih thosa hlonlnitnn. A IIMIUHVIUIJA llllll .I.IIA. ...... 1.. 1... J ..... cmcii m io ue oeiaiuea was i-o tint fiscal Uic prop erty of all the Cubatu. mho did pnse. While thcae princely offers were made to uiuiun, i ne Boioiers were io receive $b ijoo, and ii supposea aegrartecl enough to listen to such propositions were promised the smiles and gratu- ui me vrvoia gins. The plan of the eamjiaign, as Uid amen to us waa: From eie-lit thniiiuinil in fio..,,n men from the United States were to land some fif- leen nines nom fuerto Prineie, where there are many bays and inlets to shelter vessels not only from storms but from , . - . .. ... 1IJC uiaii lit llttMl.A ... . I 1 I T . 'iinign a cuangeu, ana lopea landed at ll.ikid U.... .1 . I . uuiiu, we no not Know. It was stated to us that, tlw S. ba, numbering from twenty to thirty thousand men, had been tamuered willi anil U...J i , wede ineir standard as toon as Amriain Irotps landtd on place alwut 11 o'clock on Tuesday night, August 6th. and the inhabitants of that district fled ore. cipitately to St. Pierre. Whan the morning broke, columns or smoke were seen issiiinr from diff. r. ent arts of the mountains, aud the country was covered with grey ashes. A person who visited the scene savs : Ihe craters were eight in number, presenting a snrrace or muddy boiling water, and with n intermittent rear, spurting out a thick whitish steam, smelling strongly of sulphur. From indi. cations on the ground, it was erident that thi eruption and opeuing of the earth were far great nr of thu -.-. .. ,.P I u b wto auvtUUllb VI tJAUKISKin rfiftn U'lum visited the place. From the Place Burtin fftt Pierrti Iui-p- pnlnmii nf amAlr.. u . ' . ifuxr xauiard as soon as American trotm Uinded on ... y 7 c 10 Dewn Ihi soil of thai Island, and that all the officers f rulilnS above ,ho pexofthe mouulaio. Uutil the 8t)ftl)inh iinvv nn fUt Wuut furl! ..j:. ... l I nnw thuia Uu ..! 1 . . . . - I , " v- .mia Bittliuu IO Dtt iviimmaM UUUn DO BCClUllt IO bfi .wiw iwi v fcr mw iruerEM ff Lur nnj.nnit flui. .. I . r . . tir m..i ... 'iA A'Z S CJ" rcuuing irom ino volcanic erui.t ion m uumn any reliance ma. i r. ..... :i..i.:.... . .1 . 1 1 . . . ' ii mav ow nnriMi ri,ai tha .. .1.... . ,ci iiiua oiienea nv the suhti rrnni Bii flr u ltl . ..r... 1. T .ku..l . . . "'"J ""T " kllnu UlttllB TTU flflM'riRtl lUVtailcn lfi a. ... I tit atmiwi . w tl . .1 1 ... them fboikh in the cxtr , and : ,w r . ,,u ittriniuaK4'8 !r j , ' evltaUIV caused bV the fonHiu.d roi.n,. ' it iJiiiiiiuiiiifti 111a.11 initu'i fhiif 1:1.. 1 . . kv'ih. England, and every other monarchical ia ti on '6 , f AUgUi,t violeul citation of the sends the troupe of tbe mother country to aerve ,e occurr,,d at Castries, St. Lucia, which awaken- ID a distant tirovinci). wlitrH tliHV han.. u. ad tha mrioun fi'iim nt il. n ....i.ii.. nn. 1 , i. :.i. .L 1 7 . 1 ,v v J""I' . .u iMiuub. jiio uaiDor .It . ' rr.' ,ne '""'I" ralstd in w 0De ul n. nd the breakers rose to mw 1ivviaH.tiB ai e ajaM.frj in inH mninur Amine.... i ..... protect the throne: that the r ,i, a' ,D ful hcteht. "d great damage was done to- I . .. r. r " v utu I . . . . ish fli-et on the West India station were from Spain 1 n , g'aUI,'nlSl1 Do llve ere lo'- All na conm not oe expeclea to sympathize with the aloUK the coast the same agitation was feU Cubans : nmiAnnvntl irth.. lu..., ,.r .1 I a m,. ' . 1 . I .v.avi 11JC cuiei- prue were 111 norrHHimnderu-M with tlw. ...... r " uiuvv n ui I v . U.. 41...... I v. , T . nn.- nceis anu r runes or opain, mey certainly u luo i commerce or Baturdar last Willi lit lul Mravul cnA txt tw. f..l yt I I i , . ' .. . , . . uuiDiu- iui iii ui 11a out UUUIIsneu to mmnnrt 1 ment had sides in ererw nons dnhtM ltu,.f ii,.. ,. . 7 . """,J,ucl " ""PPori a n..t.. ...j " ... ... .1. ,' .f "i i . "lv iwsoiuiion adopted at the Union M.u.ti,... 1...1.1 wmifu. anu mi wu 1 1 iiurmnn 1 r irnJir hin,, 1 ' iivm 1111 ... . ,J .. . .LUCUIJ. ,L. J,,,, A ....,,.. .u uviii v.uuci mat. auo uaillre Ol the Id-no In. The Fort Smith (Ark) B'.rali notiois a diffljul- ty between John M. Stith, of that place, and Qjo-. UiJlknap, of tho army, in which the latter was at tacked and struck with a chair ami sever ii blows with hi flst by 8mith. Ojii. Belknap is said tu have made no resistance, and called on those standing by to take Smith away. Gen B. was slightly bruised. There wan a difficulty between the parties two or throe years since, which was renewed about the time of this meeting. PURT OF WILMIS0T0S, OCT. 7; v . . .. ' itinnrvn . 4. SchK LeRoV Jiinn fr.lm' Now VnrV t n. ' . ,V1 IIIUCQ, narnm. un rrntu f Iia I'm n ih. n. .j n oayauwu wnart to wbarr, with mdaei to J. S Williams. JJrlg Forrest Prince, Hinkley, from Cherrfleld. in 6 (lays, to Geo. Harries. ' ' . X C.U. . . n .... . V. 71 nr. A. it . I If IClWwat ii,, I. r.n. XT.. V l to DeRosset & Browni with nidzo. to sundry pet 8teamer Brother. Bank, from RliMilmtli tn C. Latla. with Naval Klnre. Sill... -.! iithi ol vroniy. oenr. Henry r. Russell, Bennet, 4 days from oainmore. with ladze. for aniidrv ... . . ci li.Rosseli&Co. ' ' 0. OClir. Coi llltlilan Wulnwi-inl.f A i V n -.. n iiuiiib iruiu I5a!tiruore. with md.A tn .1 A. n r..t.. r- 7., , ' - HOC 1 VOf . orlff Annnwiin Almov frnm n.v. ...:.u i. lassi's. to J. Hathaway & S n. 8chr. Balance, , , to Chadbottrn & u;?I 0Wm-JIart- , to 0. Harris. " '6 . r. urown - CLEARED. Q Ont,. ni i ..... v. cn nr. iimriPf riini i . r . tlPtT B",w7- 1.608 bids. Rosin 212 rk::.r':,.v'rr.nnno'lo.l'a'i' 6 bales """"s ""'" waste 2 hhds. Wsx .i. ui i r mnKnn n.. ii i . & D. McRae &Co.. with 1 300 l.hl, t;i. pi'o.??;, V' E,?wad:.f'- Baltimore, bv ""is, lltl.M-ll rv. i.n. Willi 17 hi, . J)!-.. .. onn ft ... t , . ",r 'l .4 - o , r;,,,nutr 0 'our and 1 hbl. mdzn Schr. .ienry, Lime, for Alexandria, by Geo 4. Brie Hotton, Pirbm- d,. i. Brother & Co.. with 1 8 hhI."S. A"amg otnr. reari uixtp u th mj, i. .....,.. . v""j. nrw ivivt'r. Schr. Marv Aliloall rik.n1Al. by Chadbonrn & Hooper, with mdzc . oenr. w. n. Howrd Johnson, River, bv DcRosnet A. R 8chr. Iro Brewster. Horten. for New Miles Costin. Exports in our next. 7. Hfeamer Giiv. Graham. Hmt fi.r i?ai ville by Y C Worth, with goods for Fayetteville Toiwuirinis-gince . SiAtur.lAv" IUri ..Hr"! m M0bblTrttIn:'bWY bW ilfif . 82 ptrbbT;' w,c ' iwf5 SatnTi;aieiTi.rt.No taW .. we bear of.' - vi t - ,-,,!-; ftosi8t.-.200 bbU. common Wn - am .a 95 cta. per barreL .r'-i-.-ao'w. 'Tab. A small fot of Tar was ult iin r-" barrel. " Timbeb -2 raft only have been aoldhaf w are apprised of. at 87 and tit-perM- : 8aiNOT.e.--Some 60 to 706lMenmmirMnfl-,. weaold at$3 per M,''!;,);:: State. None in market.!' ii -r;J. fuA,'- Coa SacoWano LAao.-Supply7i forre-' enf'demand. 7" '' . ;'Jf '';-tS-' Pttsa Poax.-rSuld yeeterday'at 8 ctaWSlh single llof. - - . . . .- - ..i ''-f .i..'.ts Fowl.-12i ct. to Wek''i&XT'?' E00..-I7 ct. per dozen '.7Jv see table for price of other article. 4 ? . import or the week ending 6tb f tist. 8. S. Lumber. Planed Lumber, lurjieniiue, Rosin. Spiriu Turpentine, i llVill, Yarn. Sheeting, Waste, Cotton, Wax. Wool, Pine Oil. Sheep Skins, Hides, D.ied Fruit. Flour, 833000 fiu.t ' I1OO0O 4 086 bbl 10,460 1,161 860 - 6boxe.(10bbls,?ui.da.f!A '... " Jw oo bbii No. 46ft," "t 64 bnndl 6tbbl. ... . fi Shallotto for Little Tork, by NEW Y0RK- Hi'Ut. 30. Schr. II Brig Bnrna Vista, Price r.w ruKri .. 'Arrived. nllH5k, Jlanduel, hence, Clkarkd. Oct. 1. Schr. Robinson, for tliis port. Schr. E. 8. Powell. Watt, WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. KOSSUTH ACTUALLY RELEASED. The London Morning Chronicle, of the 16th. confirm the report of Kossuth's release, and says mat tie and bis companions are safe on board the Mississippi, aud that she had left the Dardanelles on the 7th for America. V. C. Hams. rtcsiern " , .V C. Side. Wesiern iV C. Shoulders- Wesitrn " Buitei, Goshen, per I Brundy, Apple, Peuvh A. scarce- LATER FROM BUENOS AYERS. Boston, Oct. 8d. Rio Grand dates to the 22d ult. have been re ceived, which State that a collission bad taken place between the opposing . forces at Buenos Ayers. No details given. Produce was aoarce, and hides praMculaiiy so. . wur.iucuio. We told thnu nf tha ink.. i with us that the Government of the Uni: I Stites wuuiu not suuer an army to orgnnue tu our terri tory to inrade that nf a friuiidlv nnl.ui , in ,.,hii. ,7 j r 7 ... ' iin.ii ! replied ioai me men wouia go t mall dt tadiaads, the first detachment to take a strone uubiiiuii uu I iim mi ui ill ! n aiiripwiohu. mill... r ' .,I'.WWWMV. ..IIII-- i" ww " or ruerio rnncipe, wnere they tion and the character of tho peinona pMgod win ue neat understood by the following remarks by tho Editor of that paper : . , "Our column toniay present a small samnl rJ iiw uulon sentiment of this city. The list nf names, several thousand in number, comprlsea Occupation lu the United State. The following; calculation of the respective numbers engaged in the different principal oceu- imtions in life in the Uuited Sutea, we take from the Quiucy patriot: No. engaged in internal navigation No. engaged ou the occasion No. engaged in the learned professions No. engaged in commerce No. engaged in manufactures No engaged in agriculture 83,078 66,022 65 255 11 W 291,74a 8,71U,961 for Trea- St. Domingo Coffee- mo J:ivu Laiiulru .Cuba Corn Caudles. IV. C., per lb. Northern Tallow,. Adamantine, Kperui, D. Cotton Yarns " Osnuburgs , f-4 N. U. Sheeiing 7-B " Sheeiinit Kavellevillc t'lnur.. Canul.exira biurids-- rJuiiimnre Glue, per lb. Ash fleiulins N. Y. Hay-. Kasiern 1'. -none c. it. 13 a 14 1? a 1J 12 a II) a ... 11 a Si a 0 20 a 22 40 s 45 i a tO 9 a S 19 a 16) U a 12 12 a I 70 a 12 a 12 a 26 a SO 45 a 17 a 9 a ... 6f a .. CI a ... a 7 a 8 75 a 6 00 12 a 00 a 68 a 70.. a 65 --- wa aava w 1 4 IIVIWV, W (1 ftTi Aia..B Lj. 1 At .- J lir "jmv wicf ma uniuiuy ut i u cu ir i una, were- r ' pliirtl to thii thai the tinfah Arrnf JoCubft would y 01 our mout ubiantial aud worthy citizdu ..a - mf Al .. J . S . . .. . .1 u.Itt.....l J . It uuoui oisunction or party. The resolution I (ricked by atty kind of artifice, brrt w r cut off. the dctachuienta in detail before would be possible for them to concentrate,, and that no quarter could be expected by prisoners, because aa soon aa nlen left thu ITiiIimiI Hrr.. t, the liurtuiao f if Invailinv a umintrv ar iukm us, they renounced their allegiance, and the Captain-General or Cuba had proclaimed that all ta ken in such an enterprise should receive no quar ters. To this it was replied severally, "lino it, and vlUasknoquarttrsi" ' our motto la death or vio lory." Our course on this question known. it may be said this exposure come at a late nau . .1 ..! a nun useieas, uie expeauion oetiig en ded. In reply to this we will say that the Com mercial stood firm against the enterprise when al most every other paer in the Union wvered. it never, save what were furnished by telegraph, ha published the glowing account of victories tobefoun m mot other paper. The Editor re fused to sell the blood of Ids fellow-citizen,. and warned thuu against imposition luatroii:t3iinj mm nun, Sqi( nVuii noi m tins late day dewli these particnlai were it oot that fA hotdtrtof Bmitt - nmm rj mw bt vr AJIOTHBB BUNT aa.l.i..l. at. .. . .men mey enaorse, I trotf and decided n sustains the Coiniromise in ail ilt parU. it de precate a father agitation of the Slavery que, lion in Congress, as dangerous to the Union of the State." 'it pledge tho signers to npport no candidal at toe ensuing or any other election,-for 8tate officer or for Member of Congress or of tbo Leg. islature, who is known or believed to be hostile to the Compromise measures, or any of them, or m tavor or reopening the question involved in them, for renewed agitation. ' We rejoice tbivl ao large a portion of our fellow citizens are ready' to take the responsibility offoiulliiie; the claims of tl,. Constitution, and their own covenant obligatlona. jet these are but a specimen. Thousand more will yej apptthJrjilgijaturei, and other tbon- 'Siudi'w'ill Im ninittLi4-li-aiv.M.',i( v. oi inw intnoueri of punUtL ' J ' ' " srwiiiMiHuiiwiiu aooui it minute, ine race 'was towiit,'8BDravoivyorwMwouMdlyPln4 op.wUneaee4 by n.rjmmene-. number of wcfa.: ' , i t ;;f!oB,7fe v The Christiana Rioter Indicted on. PUILADKLPBIA. OCTOBSB 8. The Grand Jury of the U. S. District Court have found true bill against Elijah Latvia, Caspar Hun- way, Joseph scarlet, and J nines Jacksou, white men, and twenty-seven nogruo, for treason, in participating iu tbo Christiana outrage. ' NEW8 F410M THE PLAINS, Ac. Sr. Louis, Oct. 2. Kendall and aeveral of his party'an ived yester day Hum tho plain, with Santa Fe dates to Sep tember 2d. They represent that Col. Summers' expedition aaitui Navejo had reached Cyvallty, wliaro they Intended erecting a fori iu the heart of the country. Tho Navejo Indian are warm ing US their rear. RAILROAD ENGINE RACE. Borron, Oct 2. There was a very novel and attractive race to-day over the Boaton and Lowell Railroad, in connection with the Lowell Mechanic Fair, being a race witu locomotive eneine. H i engine. ... v . " lered for tje race, the distance being nine miles with a load of JO too.- The -locomotive "Addisuu Gilinore," belonging to the Western Road, accoiu pltsbed ; the distance in 12 minute and 18 oconds; ' the ' Nathan Hale," belonging to the Worcester Road, In 12' mlnutca and 66 aecondN .i . t. i. .. ...... . - . L - toe oHiera ia auoui it minute, i The raco'wa bii.j u -1. -, . . .' . H. S Wide Board Plank und Scnej- ilni; rliiorlnz Board Wide Board KdrrvH Ri liifie half price on nil ttlver Lumber, Muorln? per M,. wide Board, SEl-nnlllnn ..... Lard per lb. In bills. in lina.. ......... Lime reinil at rew Orleans Molasxea none-. Porm Rico " Cuba Texas- nunc Mini Yellow Dip Turperftlne 2S0 lb per bbl '. New V rgin wire SpirJls Turpentine .J. Vnt Plfh-y...' Kosln. No. 1 by tale. No. 2 No. i Nails per Keg, 100 lbs. Northern mess Pork '. . . . . Cow Peas Pea Nuts-... Rnnirh Hif Cleaned .'.'.'.''.'! N. K. Hum, per gnlon w- none Jamaica. 14 00 16 00 14 1)0 II (10 7 00 6 00 11 12 I 50 16 00 16 00 11 60 7 50 6 50 22 a 2-i' 80 85 s 2 25 a 2 25 1 30 a .... 28 a I 60 I ! 25 a I 2(0 a 3 00 I 00 1 25 00 a 95 8 68 a 3 76 16J 17 90 a I 00 100 a.... 80 a 3 K a 33 a 3 00 a NEW YORK MAR Visit 7) J Oct. 4. Flour Suiirliiu-n binl. 4,12i a 8 25 for new Baltimore. AlexacdrU pe tersburgh aud Branrly w iue. with ar. 8 000 bbls in lots ; OOObbls Richmond city brought $660 Bye Flour is auiut at &A m a si i - r..t .! , . . , , w.ri Ilivai IB very scarce and wanted, at 83,811 a 8 60 for Jer sey and Brandy witie: ' ' ' , .. kwiw wuii iiviiio UM7. ciimuir rnrnttr j-i it i a kji a v,v iir, aim uwaowjc lor aonnd: riilllirl v.. 11. in. I. 1...M ... AO. ml ' ' "": "v,u ne sa;e aggregate jo .iiw uusneis inr the frnUi1 . Naval Stores 4600 liliU North " line have been sold at 82 871 1 8000 bbla Wilminayi Inn Riuiin ul Ail HO . 1 .i : .i.. .. . " ..... mt w.,ui m . in in 1 1 1 i i ... . , . i , .. . ... uA onnn u..iJ. ' "w: YWVJ- via i WWU etljIBIrllll nllUILW Its I 11 flii in lltiaa mm VI U T ' E -r.. ... a a,i ,l III lliv MB. O.' Qtft oo and 37c. the ruai kut ftrm at na o?.. . R . " - - "5 wm ww vv a v w ice lmre Im no plmmx. in iku ma-h . - our kst tVIKr1. r Th ML. nf f l.uixfl, .k..lV4 HbllUt 700 tfiS. OldinuiC til IMilld frnni Mfl., .... u, 11 . . . ' ( v,-w it AW iua, ca0. -.. 4-?ifT Mm mciTiTiii .. :"'.,l A llll.Aur,l,r II I m niAKMKI- :.rt Uct. 4. Cotton Ttu U a .1,...-'. A..r..-A : from manuf.ictiireni and o-mvl f'..n... nM . 1 ..-,, ' .1. 'WIW -i: unu naineii ai iiiiiv lurnii-r mrea tin. m.iir.i vi . 'I ' ,", n W LIV ' ' 1 Slllt Willi little or no stock tu mxriit In 'Tl week's Kales reach about 600 bale, principally ' Upland. Including nearly all the recent arrital7' at iilieeii alililh H.o nfiu.i,. . ' . : ' . , ......... .,iV inSn vi aw a a a I v oniue U8U- . riuur nie Home tradH-hai 'luuin m.i.l. active at 84 12j for coo'ioon. 4 18 a 4 26 for good rHtjimiiir l.pun.l. .,.,iAieii.iiii,. L,i b "', iiu 9t,uv e,w per uni. tor ex tra sn I fancv lot. Com is dull and droo-ilno- ami 10 v.'oniwi USIielH. Hiinlliprn mill l,nn. v.Jt...u I .. . v,,,. jtut iihtw irren fliHpused ot at 60 a 63c. as in ohanrv tanativ . 62c for giMKi quality. st Naval Stores-Are moving off ftcely, Ahoitt 1 6U0 bbls common Rusln sold at $1,86 and some 860 bbl Spirit Turi.entlna. in Iota, at 8ft a 88o yer gall., ca.h and titue. Tar it scarce at 82 26. Blld Pitch at ftl 7ft iier 1,1,1 , ' ' Rice I Is more active, a d 180 a 9Tiri .a.V .o a at 8J a 8c. Some now crop also told to arrive at ' BA iu.. Hi tn lliu ii. ii.l 'i ' -!l BOSTON MARKET. Oct. 4. Cotton.-The atoek is limited to a flew hmiilied hales, cumiirixinir tlm rinm . ..i.i. . . , .r B . .iiixu, n porium or whicrrria been uken at au advance on our ollotations : thereare m-veVtit VwaauU il. r . ...... , . .... .w 11,9 . way with th article, hourly expected to arrived nn I.. ..1... .r .t... ii . i . ? inaiavi in t ii. in ure supplies, close somewhat 1 ' . ....I..J . .1... A. . Ill , uiiM'iiieu raiini of a ii.. . ... t .,t ' r. rw J Flour The market la verv nnlpt anrt ni - . - j 1 - - uir 'IV to anv creat extent have tjeun uada drtrln. ha H v lnll um lf tint tradn mmriilu wr. .i,l..l. i. i fe. , . , . . ..,..., Kir,im ,-. nnlir Mlwmtrtl tii.uim t iiiinuulialu ...i ..-.. I. 'l-i i v..v ....-r,,v .i.nn.uis wauuk ueocioia , . iiauv uiiiii vi aicr aim raiinmu. iiih;!i ai oc, a iii a cargo m poor oraur at UZC Der- 3 1,.,. i.. I uii.ii.. uni.. i.. ....i. .. i"..j ,... iTT 8 fiiiiv "liiiv. iiiiiu lit tiini net U1IACI1, lairtO-iiAi Itood 61 a 63c m bubel j a cargo Bultimore Out - . 1 .1 ... nl. I ........ . I . i ... ouiu hi otu, ami some parcel norm River I rail road at 40e per bushel Rye In moderate demand at 70c do. do. , ,, . ,k j p.ti p t Naval Stores. Side durlne the week of wmwO I al hundred bbls u'rits turiieniiue, at 84e per gal luii. cash and Sue uer do. H mna. iirinptnallt. tabu ' . . - -ir i -j ..ii oy the trade, noiaeia now sk an adva IT . V. O. Hhd. Slaves Kough-none. W. O. Bbl. none It.O. Hhd. UuiiajIi L"''Sd scarce Shinnies, Common Contract Blseks lurge Sugor, New Orleans,. ...scurca... Purto Rico sisli, Liv ipK)l per sack Blown none Turks Jslandfper buehel. ... Soap, pnle pr it. per box-...... ' Brown,. ...,(, ..... VVhUkey, ttywVgeilon .'. ,-." ntfQnea w f f7s. ..j.. . , 15 00 II 00 3 BO 4 50 4 00 7 7 I 00 1 75 25 I tJ .... B .... a .. a . s 5 51 8 a a a B a 00 71 -,! it I hi- rfiftllct'l elofcfisoiriHWhftfc flmifti lifil. In market, and uwu Komewntt better, whit umuix s ti aftlM Wnmlnfftiin Ht iu. KM a,Hul ... fl . j . 1 I ...aasi' rii WiaV J' WM, 4 , B . T9V F nios. ineMucK or rotii ul ntiher limiteti f a iiAmattil hnM tmitr-val Ri I itt dUittiri ai. 1.1, 'tti qualities shipping rosin at l.4Uafl4A. Sum sate1 of 1 ltcn for export at 81 60 er bbl 6 mo. ' K i. .K.lna nl uviih I li.ra 1 1 u 1 1 wi 1 11 m .rMnl - nf fresh, beat, have, been readeat 8t.8ici.ihi 4 L trade and for forelgii 'shipment. At puWlo ale, r. on o - ji.o A.11 inn n.. i. .- n .. i.. uiaiva o n 9a vw.ff fivi iw iua utnu , AO VaSKS OQ tairlh H. Ait ctn 1 1 a 80 m-r du. dii. '. ..... . I.J irt'lll i.'' f I if HAI TIMfiRR MAB1TRT. "M if J. Oct. 8, Flour. For Howard Btreetjhe demand . . C baa betn very light the past week; so also, have . bien the recelota. and In Conaeriuenco tliu martrat t.&iU has ruled steady. The total Mies for export v i - ' mount to shout 100 blila. taken from dar tii da ' utA In tutu ol Mm nn riirm mpIpu r H UKI nliwliia. t,.' , day rather dull, $3 871 being all that waa ottered.' . K .1 U t.-U .I...II I ... .1 .k... . .. .. .-Jj- 1 . mi... i. . . I 11.1. l. . I . . A I vorn i ne receipts coni muv iieu, mm is unuiu . . at thla luiauin and with a fair OHiiianii tiHInM .Hlrv. ' ' ' " i'ha viiitraBt kat Vi m Ffl Ia Iti JUAtifW 'Isitja -, . A iw lliaat rVI IRIIKUM I U yu iv V m. WUM (VI a "S7 ' V tavhfta A AO (a, AO AaaWataa .. t..M fP TaalA ..i... aw ....ii... j n at mm . w .i.t - pnmu loin, nna wince dm a oi-itjuu DUnc Tgc'pn1 4 Iriu. .Ml in. klM.AV. a9 IL..I. . , . un.vtai. a in. III, UIIIV u VCIIka. -jltjli t- .fWVM - Aavai Btorv-otblng doing; uotauon soul. . w.L.1.Amtt.LlLi2.t AlT.L.wUuV t at8lcti.eaib,andv, 4 mo. ,

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