, wo.j ad r:'"r;3.-rcc V. ..' la Aba Tor th ;- cr dt:nnndrbc money Continsed daring tlw?" ) it wk, with some coi iidortbl .HTurity., .iljis , has been Increased anwnj the .. kolder and dealers in JUnk Noteik L lift haw been setee-l w Ub ft panic. The failure bar bad the effect to emVrtiwiluisKu:eai-i)ti ore Urge cuts wtMiro.vvrj way .entitled to Confluence. , ,Thu. prMOM of the mqncj market: U still fult la .... . ; riC,r?iJ: . -.Jo PMUltlpMa. tlte rate bf discount on Bank AUlV H III m,L Jjl mjWr rU I XJL liHirtB'fl.'Cl was u-fur. WarwT7-rr-ST-s " ' T" In oar brnH town F TOettngtoa every thtn g proS- rwra-iwnuT no active state; anl Uii- ' rl0!,?-(r'fJt9 keW.ftom ! alaloef moncta- rj and basinet a flairs at tbu NortU. - (fl i CE0E6IA COTTON MILLS. ' r V ;Tbcr are In full operation al Colnmbus, Oeor & 1; Wr coitoio' aitlts, with a" Capital of 4360 000 r and emidoyuig 660 hand. In theae mill are 14 J-v-.3 PartW. t and. .nearly 400 loom. Another 'Otton mill has recently been completed, Intend-' d to be worked bv alavi ami wl.lr-li- In ...m t. . . T. . ......... ... riit ,w muca larger tnan either of the other fimr; but . .. u uoi.jet, gimu into operation. There are also In Columbus and Its immediate vicinity cot v ?!toft Jin fnannfkctorj, which tnrn out 1 200 gins ;,nmially a very jtenive fluur mm, ftuJ ,Wo fonndries awl machine lio, . - - -,' . V -110 dlu? of the- CIin,oa (t) ?loridian has afr JiitereMinf sketch of the WoodviUe (Miss ) v Factoiy. which i said to be turning out - .8,0Qp yards W -.cotton cloth- "r week. Four thousand spindles are constantly eraffloyed. The capital, invested $74,000 profits about fifty per cent., and the liotnber, of operatives is generally one hundred and twenty-five, at a cost of $4 25 . 'per week., - ' A TaeAScar Cmciun is pnljlishod prcscribine x rcgtliDt reswetififf goods transported from any port In be United 8tstes to another, via Tehnari- lepeo, l-anama, or Nicaragua. The drawback on warehouse goods under bonds transported by , v these rontes will not be entitled to the privileges vi iu- w.wu anu Housing acrs rurties ship J pf"C goods by these routes to give 48 hours notice v me collector. v' SALES at kfifyrm: OV-Tharsday moroin? 9th. last at 10 e'ctoclt, will sell st Hair Wharf. , "ne hnndred and fifty Hhd. Molassos Terms ' one hundred dollars cIt; -- ? Oac hundred and under Two Aundfed. dollars; ftineivdaysj Two hundred and ander Kiva huo dred dollars. Pour Monih-j Five hundr.d, dolbua ii'i uTr ois .u lnins, with approved sndorwd. notes nsjoiiable aqd payab.'e a Biink" v .. . ; v Vox to Oct. J. .WANTED -Ta DIRE, t Oct;;; NEW. VCHH. a REGULAR USB. . TBS rrrular Pai tci Knhr Ijnva Jones, tiaster, till have fiikk dpatch is sbeve.. For Ughl'-f efht or paSjte.' Apply kstiMH-' IMosssaLa THR sepcikw bst swliog-, re8etoeAt panel Schr. Henry P. RusacILX. Ben- "Wi win nave UcSjiaftH for uw nctf. f ed character. Uct. 7, of airs. - Inqolraat this Offiee - t (t -,-7. M0USSEa ()( HRDS. HweeiCuba Molasses, just rccet- . : J.UATHAWAV:isOf. . FLOUR ? FLOUR ! J n( 1 BBLS; brand, ia siwre, for rM. by 1 V'' " ELLIS uiTsmi?i r a .. ' , Oct. 7- abov nn sccoiiimada!ien, apply io i ; I fcLLIS, RU33ELL4Ci. ! on . 1. new srnr. tw r. uano Linge !; i, carriev narrsts j al ino' fine liPDST 8rhr N.inharn f.luhi. Oimmm tl.i ter.carrleali.O bbls , apply 10 - .J J.U. neKAE at Co. FOR FBEIGITf OR COIRTER, BOFJES'FOaSIlCJSDREiV I irdcn Ton nnT." ' T dB wHh ffftcious ysrd snd" r i Ji " ner-op jinffrfy and second ail r nj(b inj od jtiof lm S'i'.XVA ItiX w,-sld ilMiai-n? . ? t1As. ai iha hesd nt Princes wr r. 00 "'de. ! Is a very htunt.-i,-"JT.Z '"Y- mm "" suiiaws and .n 7. '11. ' ' . 1 wre ttat 'pot. tfabloa, and all necessary oethosw. Terms sewrtnwS Ocr.r .66.' LANDING FROM SCOR. fl. P. RUS SELL 7 BBLS. fresh ground Flour, from new Wheat, 'for sale, by KLLlS, KOSsELL 8l o. -y"-7- 87. OIL 5 BBLS. for machinery, for sale, by Iff. in uirvi.'rr 87. Oct. 7. FOR PORTLAND. TUK elipper brig J Mcherson, NichertoHt Master, will have quick despatch for ihs bote port For oassase bavins' aumrior stats room accommodation, apply to 1 J. & D. HeltAE Co. Oct.i es. 4M - epi,tl TO RENT. TWO comfortable Dwelling nmsM. ' asppiy 10 - ' - - ... kAftTLf A CROHLT. - tl. TO RENT. THE large and eommodloaa Room Wtt lbs Store of Messrs, tfsvaga & Jtewen and nOW ominlad mm m Biw.KaKi t . ' - 1 Mil. , 31 r or panics lars inquire of A. P. It KPITO! A. M ion " T' ! CHATTEttTOV. STILL COMING FRESH AND GOOD 41 I k l.!1Up-,9ne'w ""r (New Wheal) j V25half hbU. Rx,ra do. do. (.i,iy uses) f . O0" fre,h Bucket (new) ; ' lObsgi do. d0. " 15 b.iifs Buck Shot ; i - 40 reams large Wrapping Pnper, , small do. do. 10 quintals of largo Codfish; lOhbkl Poiatoom ; 50 Bug salt for table nse ; Ji" -" I Bbl. New No. t Mackerel, (at retail j ;r low at rz , QUO. li. KELLEVS .JfchJr. V ' ' 87. 'n)A64 tUt N. C. T. copy. - RICE FLOUR I wi: 1 TL su ,M- ,r,,m new riM- For ..wV. . ' AVAUit 4 B AKES. fatd sJaj7 rf " 67. LARD j " , A'.P"mo article of ""u '"os, irom 4U to 60 -lb-, each. Jr,eV T; 87, VI NORTH' CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES, -Ltfi AssttrantcFin taiuraitet mntfic r....i . ... . . hP,j!5 W"OHna Twelve Hun dred P-lc e and had. at its unniW..ry, Snr .?d n'7 Com',aft h l"ued neirly Four Thou ynd Ptdleies , and Nn. , Cnplt,.l of over Fit, Jiun dred ' VvUHnd Dollar, t nond. properly 1 Z aTd vW l Csiapany. A--uT CI!?h K ',"h'",",n President. :,,v'- 0. Haywood, Vice President. ' u)m? Jordan, Sotrotary. ,0""a. Tfswiirer. wPerrln Busbee, Ailorney "xDr. Wm. II. MeKe, M. K. ' v:'' flri Company. J. O. Watson. Prei.lent. I f n K?"In"- Ve President. PurlHdce Secretary. Richard Hmlih, Treauref ., Jobn Bryan. Aitorny. J. HKRSM AN, General Anent M t- . u r " ''oninanies.) to t,ii -Jt bV ""' 'n Plee prepared U '"J" Cl"?ra"y- He may b.Pcon- - " "asnmgton Hotel. -0ct7- - 87 A CARD. MRS. SHAW would Inform the Ladles of Wl- mington and lis vlcinitv. ihflt ihH IlHsl iltaf rss. lurnod from New Yurk wiih a rich Sortmtnt of Mlllinerv and fnnev oniU. In part of French Flowt-rs, Embroideries, Cups and Miuneille Head Dresses of She latest style. Also a rich aud .legani asaorttnent of Cloaks and Man- i Hilda ttr.A n IU J I . l .mi. i Mi.u . icw iinuum oioass ni I lie micsi pat terns, all of which bhe in vile the l.udies to call and examine, us slm reels assured her s'oclc this year can not fail to please Cioso of her Mends who have always so liberally patronised her. ,1". ti Her Penin day will be Tuesday the 7th of Ociober. Oct. 4. Town papers copy 3 times. North copy I time and end bill to ihia office. apply 10 Oct. J, FOR BALTIMORE. CANON'S LINE. -THE A. I Schr. Virginia Griffith, Coffin, Master, will have quick despatch for the above port. For liuht freight or pssssgs, FOR RENT. THE store ia from of the Carolina Hotel, formerly occupied as a Bar-room. The star Is larirs and the aland .....ii. . . Apply at the Carolina Hoiel, to ' wnnm siuin on jovite Iha au nlioo of Hopihn nwrchaunMo'i 'e slock iif fancv ernctirs Jmr 'ia ..-!.'. naouirfetare, ener.iif.Vtfnal JJi. and Canton wtvs- 17J . Wf VM 'MUs-lliWeliAla aid W1P nragioo- Kalireaa ueputi , r - :t..vtii "-t .8AL,Hif0r-' . .Julv JIat. v . . . 'BAttlifofrfL ' t " '77-1juw T.A.NDI.NP tHielay, st t.r . x h. ' ' 14. JU Wift.'aV ..iV " BAC0V. : ? A tf" ito.H"' Epei4f' Sshr.itii. .mik front Boaion, - - . - ' ELLW, RUSSELL st CO. ocpt. aa. .... -.,...-,-,-,,.,,,, ,. 8t 1" "jy i -v tow price. , epi. la- - 1 ... 30 wh M1IU UilllV 1.1 ' UMIUIllS. 1UU .-1: ' ITlll' i r-ir-.T,,,.,. . . t HAVKahMilLnfrfi.-.-. j rLi 7l":"r".u: i.u.. a . '""''-""a I . " T -, ' ----ww. wow. if in 1 n too I m' TT. ?" S"f' lh beadof essl oat krstlon, 71 J . nPt Jodrfm to goon as any la the snwhata Mmn L ti...!.. n k. ..a M . - . - :T..V:-, ,,.wtuw od years boaea I VJZrm,t'. r redsonable stent . " - m OTtissasenioon Rsrlin hoasa- wfflcient to aceommodaia a t.,.r.!rJiii! t roe, and embracing a good c".l of aa ..T..TS na aaeouid te deolrtd lot U euliars at r.. I JsICUJlOAD-TCIIT : f. J W Tnoma LeiH.u( Lary . , Slav faeianfaJohia-"."- - ' . ' FofJeb. iA."0ELS0w;LATI3Ii:a., Angasl 21. t7. RANTED, J. & D. MuRAE St. VO. 83. 66-3t. Carulinian MISS KENNEDY AND MISS MOORE s HAVING obtained a convenient nnd ple;isnnt loeulion for their School, on Third Street, next dj-or to the building lately occupied by Air. South all, on the corner ol Msrket. propose to eommencs 'p uaa exercises on the Brst Monday of October. Uiey hope by care and nlten"ion, to iles'rve a share of puhl.e patronage. Young Ladies will be in structed in all the usual branches of English Liier aturc. Terms as heretofore. Payments in advance. 8Mt. ply to FOR BALTIMORE. CANON'S LINE. THE A. I. Schr. Geo. W. Robertaon. Plum For freight of 200 bbl. J. dt D. McRAK 4 CO. 69tf. HOUSES TO RENT. er, port, sage Oct. Copt. O. Por having given me the Agen cy for renting his housve, in Wilmington all persons who wiah to m... early, may do so oy calling on the subscriber. I offer the following for ni trnm ,k- l-. j i Mas.r, will quick despatch for the sbove nmmhU ilLTL ZZl . ' "V ,"r'". Md or nmnacro n. r : , ' ,- "DinBni vn toon er a SJ- rP?.al L'P-, lev, with Bakers and Mmr. .nu 7 One dwelling oo ike corner or Walnut and Water stree a, 2 atonea high, with Store in the basement. One Store House adjoining the above. The Kisley Houso on the corner of iitx Street. The House and L.U adjoining, on Boundary tit. Also a number of nonages in the neighborhood of the Drv PlinH i,. . A a r .iMM.ni .mm ' FOR ALEXANDRIA THE A. I. coppered Schr. Cstherlne, Col lins, Master, will have quick despatch for the above port. For liuht freight or naa. avlng superior sccommoduiions, apply to Tv J. d. D. Melt A K A Co. 2- 85 Cotton, Rlc, Sugar Cane. Oata, Potatosja a7lj I A 52D wff UO or 'SCO barnU It I slo embraced ihtu.. .7na -rJ.J. V,,..l aprlv m - ' ' ItiiT'" 00 "become a coD"ldmbii iU-V '$. &.'ttx$OX. H w mi, wneie i aavs iwmxI a ruiu i . h as ... .k ; : . la v, n ura ol.! approveo pisn, supplied by Spring ra- '"i luawnsr witn a iounrr a mum ami.li ik.. ppenaages-iasut-neaiabusnments. Tbsre will u 'ZT "'"r vanning iron this point to Savan nah this fall, which with iheusudsaUlngersft era- Ployed. Will furniah atttA rllitlM t... .hl..i. t. . xiifvuiM. fulness is unuriMSfd be snr. Not blVinV thai fftrtillsaaf a InfM I j eitaJnai stl ft. I . v --.-.-w trv.vw oe W14tVrt IIM DU wness, saiisiactorilv, slone, 1 would dispose of an IntsriMii of one half loa person ownlna the rML sits force, snd conduct the basinass joint y, (elna prsctically acquRinied with all It lari.m. A..,, mftl. ... If .. i' j ... . . . " icicrrca, wouio svu tne wnoie tosetb Hi, wuii aioc in srlull klnrl. I.1... fn.tk.. "T " "puon, i would rater to Mr. J ""tningion, w. C, who baa sem Ih piace. ai y auaress is Centre Village, amden Co., bept.iO. CQ.f MORE & GALLAGHER. iron founders, AND MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT & CA8T IRON RAILINGS RIDGE ROAD &. COATES ST. PHILADELPHIA. All orders nttendi-d to with nrommna ami patch work warrunted. cl- 88 lv c. to Oct. F4R PHILADELPHIA. HEROVS LINE. THF Packet Schr. H F. B iker. Caot. M McGlauvhlen ) Giizolle, Jas. Snow David Smiili, E. Hlifbee; M. B. Mahony, E. Cor- eo. Harris, L. Milton, will have quick des above. For light freight or passage, spply GEO. HA1WISS. 2- 85-3t. August 2, 1361. v A. A B. eiOUTHl l Journal copy. C9-tf. 1 JOHN SThUlUERS k SOA'S MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD. No. 300 HIGH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. tiarbU Mantels. Mumnl,. S'onti contiantiu on hand. Kntm ilru-riMS. t VKNA MEN TA L WORK AND x tawta a v I w-w m v 4av a m ri.wuiraniMi imported. Urderi for mil. li., ur nri u!e Uuildinus executed with rainninu. .n.t A . fan;ii, is. d. iiesiirns will be sent for Mnm.l. Mn mems ana uras Stonca, and oil work aliinn.ri I.. nr.H IV I,. ... ... i , . -r, -- ... .v .. ..ii iintai wuon requirea. FOR BALTIMORE. MASON S LINE. THE fast sailing regular packet Schr Gen. Irvin, Edwards Master, will have despatch for the above nort. For freiaht or .i.. sage, eplv lo EhLIS, RUSSELL & Co. Sept. 30. . FOR ALEXANDRIA, VA. 1 Hh ehr. Henrv Cunt Line, will hnva .fliopatcn lor above port. For light freight or passage apphy to M GEO. HARRLSS. 27 83. aJT- Sept VALUABLE REAL ESTATE; FOR SALE STORRSI on both sides of Market Street, and on Princess Street. 'O SELLING HOUSES and LOTS, in dinerent nans of th t.,urn .A FARM, with a comfortable Dwelling House thereon, nesr Federal Point. LANDsttwien Lockwood's oiie river, in ttio county of Brnne- BArON! BACON! 5HHUS. prime oldest 10 bbls, Hsms. Juit received and for Sept. 13. estra canvassed a Is bv ANDERSON & LATIMER. 77. PAINTER FOR SALE. A FIRST isie Palmer, Who wllj come well ree- mommenaen u a nna rainier, lorty years old will be In Wilmington, for sale from the 1st. to tth i jkiwh3i. r or nirincr particular apply to th Ed- w, ui iii vummerciai. Septsmber 20th. Q ,( UAN1ED Til HIRE.". WO r threa good fcands," p.iil l,i. Jaanarr, apply lo r w jr. a BLO&oO i. "FI.W ft ' f jf ...jjgrt j ftg, ,Bufan ui Slatiotttry .VtBdrn, IS frett U, I lf aka S . Pnros R'orM'i CVatfiiAan s, TViavf viUUih I?' ,?.,,K"J,re fwr Wtrlblnn Ja al the Otf R. jJJjaeai Aae, g a s tABR & !, he "no have sold recentlv aoma of if IsaniMi FraM . evet soW, all of which we can show by, tbeeffivlal Tickets 2368 74. Wahr,f,. jM- n- w ' . capital of aoj.ooL 'aa.7 i :r... " r Tlekei 7 1369uquehana Canal Lottery, Clant 20. Prlie of $7,800. a.! i. RioK -f t- ' , Tlckeis 17 60 7. Carrol County Latter. Class 18." prise of 8,fw, fu indr.nfc. rr!vT7 'j Tieksi W J7 7VPWnetf Lottery desa 13, -Pnaeof $2,500, etntiOnlvf j r. ,i ' Tlekai IT 43 53 Consoiidatrd Loiicry. Clef all Prise of 8,000 sent io New- Yariv ' " , i' i 87 " Pi'apco 'rr Class 131, Captl tal 973, srnt lo WilnjInaion.N C. . x . . . 1 Icket 23 32 GrunJ Consolidated Lettery. n ,wir avni io ivasnviilo. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Cortier Front and iWb atrui. sVILMINGTON.N.C MRS. VOH.D hsvlng refitted her i and made such arrausremnia , GLUE. Of) BARRELS first rste, lor sale, cheap, by J. D. McRAK A ( Ticket I 14 58 Grand ConsolteaieiL Uury, ClsasV ', Pilae or MW, sen, lo Nashsm . sjusqoenaiina. lor October I5tli, 8ept. 23. Co. 81. Oct. 4. 85 ly-c A C1RD Sk xjrno. c.t. ... wZT3Zrn " KKLLV takes thi, moth- Ilia she hvjttsi returned from New Vork with a well telsetedaieck of M'LLPNKrv STRAW HAT-iW 8iLK' ANb 8AT,V AND s i K y tt A iS, of the. lutes' st.li a a snb ndtd .irnV'Th fi"' rSi2S - 0r,,e! ,he ll,,e,rt y'- Already fine,, fcESSra" WT" Prleea. T8he la thankful to a.. as vnua Hli If Fin 1 llivnrsl SBMf MM...ar..ll.. at ... nujne, of ,(,. sVii auhe oW"" .. A ronn g , wUhine to l.rn ih. n VnJ ? ,l'u'j:n by applvlna s.Kn. ' K7- H. and weekly J lm. 87 rXARD JUST RECEIVED. 18ioSf pck' p'ime. rHcle' forMle SAVAGE t .ViEARES CO-PARTNERSHIP. 'pHE subscriber have this day formed a co-part m. nersini) und.-r i ho iv n nl l,-.. j. u ...... niive lun. n the now irran la front atom l,.iui erected by ;pi. G Potter, on Front between Alar- et uni uoca sireeis, where they will always keeD ikmiil..lu U.K..I ...1.. I 11 . 3 " "'"i u w ii.i'i-a.i ii. uiiii ri.i.-iu miiii'v hi CROCKERY AND FARMING IMP IK. MESTSt to which they invite tht attention of merchants and Being IMPORTERS, we feel confident we can sell unit-lee in our line on us favoruble lernn, snd of as good quality, as can be purchased in the Untied Sta;. - A LEX. McllAE, Jr., N. T. HARRISS. ,, NOTICE. IHK subscriber having formed u co-partnership A with Air AI. T. Hassi-s, i desirous of closinir up hi old business, and beg leave to urge upon thoe Indebted to him the necessity of a promo! settlement of Jheir bills. Heat the nme time tenders his thanks to his former customers lor their kind.pairunuge, and soliciu a continuance of the same to the new firm. ALEX. McRAE, Jr. , 85. 87. .2 ,v AUCTION SALE. Ti?5 hcr"B' will sell, at Hall's Wharf, on XThiwedsy nTf.ifhhvir,at 1 o'elock, A. J. One uhaianilal FAXlLV OARRIAGK, al.o, . Two wd WORK HORlK-iiind a WAGON.' Ai; ir1 MARTIN ORO.NLV, Aurt. . .wt. 7. ; - I.-: ; r ' 87-2t.fi 1 ' nnFlf . KlTinuit mivminn . :mSV Sluarl't CMrattd .'' -.? Painting. THH large and magnificent Fcli Linoth Poa taait or WaaHtaorw, -Tro-n mo burin oi an' . ll...l..ua n.ll.l i. . ...j.i . . .. i J 7 ' ""Kisnni oy an wno nave aeen 11 to be one of the most bouuiil'uli specimens of srt aer published, and a UoaaacT Licaeis ofWali. Ington. .Tne also or the nl.ne lywgni motws; wtuoli williimkeu handeoihe pl. turn for ine.aaiiir. and slwiild lie In the hands of aerr Amsrioun cit lien ! :( r It Is a cerrect copy from Stuart's celebrated orltr- rt -fv ' ibo Sutto House, Hartford, It Is flnely engraved, and printed on superior pints EyV " n," w,In,n menne oull, the Vjm w Vw r',u5J pries lo O.m, Uouas I ' 1ST Ail bersone reutlitinii the sinouni tniy rely V. "t Wj, perl!01 uPV,by of in ill to any part of the United Swij. oare fully put up on ro.lers made (of the pufpote, free ol postage. A d?5"?J,i. ?Id"rf Pi pol.l) iu iho butllUhpr, ' ;'Oeft., :,'-h-ttW w', October 2, 1851. STEAM MARBLE WORKS, CORm OF NORTH k JlJ.MJJIKNT STREETS UAI.TIMOHK. M.I OISSON & BAIIID having completed their ex VJtenive work, (which is now um. nfih u. . etablihinents ol the kind in this country.) are pre pared to fill all etder m their line, vis-: MARri.p MANTLES, MONUMENTS. TOMBS. GRAVE STONES. T A HI. IS TO Pa v,7 Ifotrtiors,) MARBLE LETTERS, Ac. at as reasonable rate a can be h id in this or any other city in ihe Union. Fr beauty of execution snd originality of design, iheir slock cannot be surpaa sed. Thev would respectfully Invite Architect, Bulder$, Cabinet Maktrt snd others to cull and ex-sinin- belore nureliaaJnif. Th lo furnish i he trade with Slabs, Blocks, dtc. to order. All orders by mall punctually attended lo. JWP' 30. l m-c NEW AD FRESH GOODS. 'PHE subscriber just having returned from the X northern cities, offers to his Iriends and patrons a beautiful assortment of choice Groceries, selected Prs mslly, consisting in pari of 100 bbl. crushed, powdered granulated and C C Suga.si 100 baits Uoflee. Java. Laguyra, nio snd SI. Domingo ; 200 r."!""! crackers, embracing every varietv i 5 mioa. f orto lilco Sugar; 90 boxes Candle; 100 '"HO cionp i TV. UflUI Preserves; Kmflih dies 60 boxes Prun - siiwaea iteet Beer . ungues t Salmon and Mucksrel 50 half and quarter chests or green and black res : 2& nmri., nln.. k,.i. uJi i TimT' . i"' Iri,hBnd otct Whiskey, London '"i h ,ur"r .'" sno omtiea wines, and Brandies r25,Q)0H.iuut Segarsorthe best qnahty, lofc.cco and SnulT 20 baakets Champa. ' ne, quarts and pints. Heldsick. Lyon and other brand , Goshen. English nd Siilton Oh. ese ; Go-1 . Di.ior i r tonr in Dots., hair bbi, and ban i ssarn CLalsa at Miaibk aT.... . . ' . -w. .. r i ;' , oocoa, . nioiHais ; sweet Oil, Hpermand Whale Oil t Wood anA win... sv... i. .11 1.. k L ' n . """". FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR LINE. . , THE New fast sailing Regular Packet schr vase, Arcner briggs, .Ylaater, will have quic despatch as sbove. For liuht ireiirht or passage, apply to , GEO. HARRISS Sept. 27. B3. FOR LIVERPOOL. Ttth A , No. 1 Sliip S. V. Given, Capt. Given, is up for ireight, lor bulk of 6U0 bar areis, apply to ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Sept. 25, 1851. 83-6t. room. Such arrauffemania aa mm necessary for the gitfirviiitoinen, or gentlemen and their wive. lakei ..... mo-.-. ii.uiiiiiuif Urr inenas ana tne public that he can accommodate eight or ten gentlemen j with large and airy rooms and peimaneni board or board wltnout lodging ; to transient visitors ahe wouiu say sue can insure mem clean and comforta ble beds. Her table ia always supplied with the best the maiket atiords; snd by her personal attention, as sisted by faithful servants, to the comfort ol her guests, sue nopes io receive a liberal ahure of pat ronage. ' 48-3m FALL GOODS ! FALL GOODS ! V THE subs, ribers have received and are constantly ..re"vln lne handsomest and richest Stock of rail Goods, consiailnv nf Yigurd. Plaid, and Black Silk. LANDING FROM SCOR. GEN. IRVIN, j Anu f. R. BURTON. rA )tJBLS; Ball"nore Flour, fersale, by Sept. 30. t Prise of 3000of 1 " -, 20.1100! 1 " ', ' 10.0001 1 - 1 5.000! 1 " I.000f I Pti nt tlft1" prsa is' l oo Gri8o Hi: mi ELLIS, RUSSELL Co. 84. GROCERIES. um vu,mis j is, roceivsa. lor sale h J. hatha wv son. 1 ICKetS niU. Hharea in DnanrH . f..t. . .'.v 26 Whole, for M tlnirA 7Q d tit. lor (Mntut irh : I Priz-of 9.24 u as.2141 i tf)nrta fln.it nVnT 5 Priiea of l00 sre fl.POOl 1 10 , snaa a'rraj 20 Prises of $100, 75, At. 4. Sept. 30. FOR LONDON. THE A. I. Norwegian Brig Emlle, Wau burg Alater, will have dexpaich for the above port. For litflit freluht apply to S, &D. McRAK Ai CO. sept. ii. 81. Sept. FOR LIVERPOOL. i hi-. A. I. Prussian Brig Franklin, Falch master, w.n sail In ten days. For light iicij-ui ui (lussuge. p l) IO J.dtD. ilcRAE&CO. 23- 81. CANNON'S LINE OF BALTIMORE PACKETS. 1HK Subscriber Inlenda runnins m iuiur wecaiy ime ol rackets be tween Wllininirtnn ami Hnlilm.... souqaungoi aix A. I. fast sailing schooners. iMnnlAian. Susan Cam v,r;.; n mil nit . .ic.nn. ui .Jinn fauuint, GaztlU. tin, w ,.A. SUMS Pergons DUrcI.iiiiini unuA In Rtihi.n..ru ...i .i ' - wn i ins i c saiiu wirik mg mem forwarded without deluy, will please direct nuipiicu oy nil line. Frwlghta taken on thialine at New Vork raiea. JOHN W. CANNON, Agent, Bultluiore, Md. J. & D. McRAE, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. Jsn. 25. 1351. 133., lUayS FOR SALE. A GOOD Schr., live oak frame, seven years old, carriea 600 Bbls., in good order snd well found, sail well and ia auood sea-bout ALSO. A SLOOP Nearly new, carries 300 Bbls . draws little water. These vessels will be "", on accommouailns terms J. R. BLOSSOM. .. , 23-tf. rrmita uoodt; Shawl 1 Ribbon ; Hoisery; I utbroidery 1 Linen C brie Handkerchiefs; Whi-e ooiBiisinoaoi6ins, and Kid Gloves; Broad Cluihj Csxsiiiiern. Also-un elegant assortment of 2 snd 3 plv and Brnssels Carpeting. A very large stock of Boots and Sim-, Hats, Caps, Ac. Thankful for past favore, they earneatly aolicit the, favorable attention of their customers snd friends. , Please call soon snd examine our goods. Sspt. 30, 84.lf. BRANDY IN BOND. A FEW packages for ssle. low, lo close eonsign ment. by SAVAGE 4 ME A RES. October 2. 83. FLOUR! FLOUR!! 40 3AIlRi?LS ,uPer"D f,,ur . h- ALSO. 20 Smoked Tongues; 2 0 lbs. " Beef; 60 " Balogna Sausszes ; 3 bbls. Fulton .Market Beef; . 60 bags Rio and Lsguayrs Coffes ; 20 bbls. Prio Rico Sugar s JO ' Clarified Ars'iiow in .tornj. mil ni k. u 1 ... MV"y PERR1N & HART SFIELD. CiEOLISl BILK AND PEIitl M.;, S3I1TI1VILLE, N. C. T'HIS Iostliution wHI be opened on the first Mn. o i Y .""Busu ties. J. H. Bsaar, A. B. rxouipui i mitt OAS4H BSIKT, vrsdualo of Greens ooro female College, Assistam Mrs Massasit j. uakodos, ivscner or Music; Miss Sasah LAaoas. Aitsnt Rev. M. D. Mooss, Ais- am m me rnmary department. TERMS , Per turlen of It mA. First classes in English science sccordlna to ad- uv.r" ... . a,ioi, iiaorr orancnes Of ,nglln Science ' 0 no miner orsnenes or ma.uemaiics J5)0n , ,9 m v.lZZ 25.00 Muic and use of Instruments jo.OO nor ornamental orancnes or Female Educa tion at ihe usual prices. Board, either in lh Inatlmilnn iik .1.. n.t 1 pal, or in respectable fsiuilies, can be had, at 17 per mnnln . I IPlfpf M r UI Khnu.l. T . .1. ol Packaaesom Wholes i34 u.h.Mtm. - main --i ..n.i. ., 9,00. , t ,viv riaf4 gift AV,S Bell Air. 41. the flefoha i.f ,r ii I Pri4ed,119.0001stfrtfjiKii?i)i.ri 1 nnn ... en nnt J - 6,000 are 18,000 2K ' 'iC0r 8 (W' ! 3 - . 3.(100 are . fi.UCot .i t. 1. t Tickets 15.00; Shares In ters eiB,ou. ; . , GLORIOUS SMALL FRY. - - ' ' "J SI 00,400. '.. PatSIMCO. asi. tar I pnso of 67.500 ! a7.5O0r 40 nrfv r n ... fdnn-' 6 " 1.500 ara .600 200 "... in.,:;- 40 " 105 arc 4.211 A A -'", if Tickets Two Dollar . Paekaea. mt: Wm?. 6J0.Hal.es 615, Qaaners 67.60.' GRAND MAMMOTH LOTTERY . I ttTmt.l19.t1H. l Grand Coiiko idaled CUsaX 1 1 October Sgth 11 monlh. Keferfince 1 Capital of 680,000! ( 1 Csrjlial of 140 (m 1 1 20,0001 It 13 3731 L"F'6Prlxea of a.Ofara i'J80,0091 - ' Iar2oo - lXH) 04)0,0001. .' Lowest I nitmbers Prise. ILOCOt hi and 2d drawn number 6400, ' . ' " ' 2d and 4ih - .y,$M.-t trf,f, s tte e. ftc, A .1. - n u . M . . iu iiib rrn a.Di inn u a.n I. .w . i. - , wv. - 4 . n Randolph .Macon Colleae. snd to th. J.U... ."a . Titkets 620, Raton 610, Qnarter 65. Elaht 61 Faculty of the Greensboro' Female Colleee. p?5lu'e . Ttrketa 6300, Halvea Montniv reoons will be mnH. Ar..,..i ioo, veuanorsaio. KininaJ7JU. scholerhlp and deportment. SmMhvilla, July 17, ia.1 IKS (Jour. 3t ) 62-6 no, w. FOR SALE rli i In Brsi rate order; she will csrry about I I0U barrel and is 60 feet lonir. was built to runup Hie North East River, apply to. J. K. BLU3SUM. gept. 30. 84. o mi MASON St SON'S li E G (J I. A H T. I IV P no BALTi?!Sli:4VII-M,!a,0 PACKB18 .V. S. . . n,,nM o inform tna Shipping public, that they have llluUB Brraiwmn.,.,.. t ....l-.i. -i - iiit i Packet, snd run good vesmds veau laiiyinrough jhe y..r ,owe.t rstes of frXht nirair wuari in wiim i.,n.,. i. i i nnn ..t n.. . .7 "n iu a ccuuai tha Si.Vmli'?' Md '""""ly adjoining one of tne aieamooat Como.mii. .h.f .i'r. LIME, LINE. EC CASKS daily expected, for sale, b, . ; .. - - J. H. FLANN E R. Sept. 30. 84-3L WESTPHUIA DAMS & SAUSAGES. J USTimpotied add received, a few caik 0 those txtft quality of Westphslio Hsms snd Snusges, fursalcby ,H. 4 J. jIAVRR. Oct. 4 85-3t. s.(pir; w ooxe unndle; mo the Sieamftulit Coraooni;'. whirr W..r V, nderw.1 4(Vs Pickles and it de.lrublsto thoM who h. I"" 1m'k,Bg i Mustard ; I,50- lb, fresh Csn- Shippe . wU I pUaw ,ll,&?t "V"" fc unea ass..rted Nuts; corned ' JM.aonTs Uel aMiirw"lttg oods, shipped by WM. MASON A SO., 'Agents, pi r 1 j Bitu?2-. .6,,',,',b, wluir Baltimore. ELLIS, RUSSELL 4CoM Aaenia. Wilmineton. 137-if Feb. 4. IMPORT A SO VVH.sLI3.lLB AND CHINA, VJsAMS; AND EARTHEN . ... i-'4 WARR. ' ' '' ' - PARMINO IMPLFMEVTS. aimabronchest JJroomsi luncy Baskets, and Tan f.so IMPLRMTS. t y goods in andless qusntiiles. Please cull and ax. f ww .,I1e..F?ntl',t ' Market Ana aattniYai the Family Orocery of .:s;x .siUwl-i iPS 'trttU, " . -ruy;: ; a H G0. MTER?. MtNO TO N, K C. N. C. II A1IS AND LARD. JUST received, a choice lot, for sale, low by t m SAVAGE dk ilEARF.S. October i . . 85. OVERSEER WANTED. rpHE subscriber would be glsd to employ s'n over- x seer 10 ansnu 10 some nsnoa on a rice fl Id. None need spply but those who can come well rec ommended as to sobriety, bonesiv, Industry Ac. THOS. I. DAVIS." Sspt. 36. 84.41. EMPTV BARRELS. Of V l.V prima order, just landed and for aala OUKJ by ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. uct. a. . S9. TRUNKS NEW STYLE. f EQEI VED dised from Importation and rnihn. IV factory. twenty a ile leather ir n frame Tiuirka.' selling at a smsil advance, our manafactortnt: prl aes at : . . , 9COTT BALD WI M. t TO TURPENTINE MAKERS. Mt. THE subscriber offers for tale a body of the f very beat . urpewlne and Timber Land in the .ouihern Conntfy, containing about 2 900 cres, situ ted on Buffalo Creek, i.'amd.n t'n,,L Georgia, near its entran-e Inlothe Big Saiilla River' from which Lumber or Turpentine may be rafted in- u. mo oaiiiia, ana snippea 10 any pori, There was '"T' " " succesiutiy, for a sliorl lime, a Saw Mill, which was by accident burnt: The water power is BDunoant, with a good subaisntial earth Iam. ine aavantages or tills situation srsverv ir rt.m I I ha.. ........ 1. . ... . ' ..i... .v. a,., unnni wiiu rnav wian to m.k. -i'n. pemine or establish a . MiiL ,.'nr-E''r,lco,,r, ddfw ' subscriber at Thomas- viue, i nomas County, ueorcia. .... PL1SY SHEFFIELD. August 56, 1851. 2inmp 69 6160, Quarters 676. Eighths 637j5a Co.isolldateil. Clssn 1 . lor OcUber 9 1st 1 . GOOD SCHEME. . , t??y 1 Capital of W.OtlM 1 1 Capital of 8I0,0C0I ' , 5 0U0! ' " " HAM , LARD JlND POTATOES 1 yi PRIME. (N, C) Bacon Hants 1 I J II J barrels. .' . Lard j ' Mercer Petsioes : la stors snd-. for 20J sale, by , Sept. 30. J. H. FLANN ER, 64-31. I isiiin PROPOSALS. - SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by either of ihe undersigned until sierday, the llih day of October neit. for the eonstraeiion of a thrw. story building at this place for en Academy, Tem perance Hall, and Masonic Hall, of (he following dimenions. ix:-filiv lee I lone, ih whta. and feel high. To be built of the beet quality uf lum ber, and weilplaisiered 1 to be two rooms in each (lory ; those in the lower siory lo connect by fold ing doors. The finish of the boiMlns. Inalds snd out.tobeperfeclry plahi. It ia designed to warm the rooms by furnaces, or stoves so that nn' htm. neys will ns required. Ssshes snd Venetian blinds will be required for ihe windows. The building will he located on the Meeting house square, fronting on Nash street i and mas' be Completed In all respec's snd ready fur ass within three months from the dale of the contract. , t i -' vH Forfuriherrilculsraddreaarha undersigned. S.N GALLOWAY. -, HENRV N.HOWARD. I JOHN W. GALLOWAY,' SAMUEL LANGDON tmlihvl la, N. C , Sept. 24. 1331, Y Build. Com. 1 Sept.7,82 6 1 :; BALTIMORE FL0UIL Tt R tiRL jut received per Scare, Express I U an4 Palettina, foi aals, by , t- a , av u MoRAK Co. 1 " 6.000! 1 1 ft lies or w.ooo sra 612,000 4 prises L00O ara4,r, j ros-aw;,-:- aidare 2,500 . iw fuses or fWfi, etc. f. , - Ticket 65. Shjres In Dronerilon. Paekka ?' Wh.de 7A liaises 30. Qirartcrallfl. v , . -. i " ' All Lei lersconinlnina either Tk-kvts or Drawing, " sre so cloreiy en.ewcd aa lo defy the most minute? k scruifnv io divine their eooieois -.m 4 e'v iJHi tST Bank Drsfw sent l customers; drawing -V -' Pnxe. - . ' i; -' ; ' -.-'" . Correspondenis who have never trWf rheiV Leek '' s" .dorr, nam omy sw iose me amount hey wbtt r i liliVBif IU . KII.F) IDU WUICff IQ -'AkmU-H. CAeMaVMYV ' 139 PratHUfrt, RfllUtaorev Md. Sept. 25. ..JUaf-' A 62-lmj - A TT E N f IO HV6 "-: X ' CL4REND0N HORSE GUARCSr 4 -TBK Otficers and Tn'emWrs of' jh a . . rop.rUl jaje(j ihs Cowrt ifouse-1 ? on Friday evening October JIm neit i ... ' af-tfclock P. JL As UMneeaf . .v-; 4?iporiweavairXHii'Derur;tlent ' " "' punctual atumdsnca W eMasatsd. - --'(' -- . : . e.n uni n J . 8epn2i.;,;' .tdpjr;! TOBACCO f TOBACCO !L A LOT of 23 Boxes joal reedred, and for sola bt V " ."' . - sr. . nnn 1 A LOT of FsaiUera, iuaji received, nn4 for sale, by ; J. a LATTA. opt. Z7. , . . - - - " 83. MAMS AND 1ARD. Qf HAMS and 1 barrel Lard, just received, and . 4J for sale, by .--t.My. J. c. LATT4. Spi27. $10 REWARD. ; 1 1 : flf WILL be paid lor apprehending and d'cliver l inmoma iny negro auan DAN,- who run ' -KS T ihrse weeks ago, and la lurking about iisiowanAiobQro!;;'CX','"-;". " ;t rll li . ( E3IPTYJsARKrL3.vr si stt 1 00 also, expected per $hr. JatUea - J UUJalnes, fiem Koston, by r-. i BtratV f i. nr t

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