71115 COMMERCIAL . WILMINGTON N. C. . . - -v. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, iSit ' . ... ": - - " FOIL TBK COMBCUUh wt'...VU " , , the raxsrER questmJ H " It be remembered that tome Jturre since, I published in tho Commercial, a statement cf facta settitis forth the conduct of some of the Ministers of the South Cnrolj'na Conference, ilh regard to he Tranfclered Territory." - In that statement I made the following de , daroiion i "That a certain Presiding Elder had teceived several Je iters, from different . quarter ia Sou A Carolina tirging him to .Mir tip the people to rebel" . ajainrt the law . of the General Conference, iransfering them' -. to the North Carolina Conference j and that ' Bro. Baisiikiek was the P. E. Bro. Baa xihoer came out in that paper with an cm- - phatic denial. He admitted, however that h hal received letter, uni that he might have Staid so"' and then ' gave n part of the content of. one of those letters and the mbstance of atiotherj brth of , which, in the judgment of ariy unbiased mttid, went di- . neilf to ettabluh tnykatemnt. I therefore ' , 'hesitated wheiherl ought to notice this roat ' tetany further-whether f ought to criticise - his reply and show that in admissions upset s.- hia denial and vindicated me. or Jay before , Ihe'poople ot Wilmington a certificate which -would settle thi matter. I was averse to the . lauer tor several reasons, but tlie course of . . certain persona In Wilmington compel me to da to. .There i a certain little Reverend , nomioiunw t;icre, me very quintessence cf , oouta t, truliim- rodomontade, a mere wire . worker io the scenes hut wh fed to thelijht by Dr. Leb uuder the cogno men of -Jsri:muh Titmodsb Makakin," who hae published in the Btreete an J in the houses in ths most offensive manner possible, 'that I have "been guilty of falsehood. In aelf justification',' lUrefore, I appear before . the -public antl submit to the candid conslde ,. taiion of .all, the adiniaaions of Bro. Barrin- otaandihe follawn certificate irom one ' Who Hand high to every relation or life. " ' M, T. '. CERTIFICATE. f- Bbotbcb Wes : "' V Bro. Ba MINQGB came bvmv honsrt in vhn ' fn. ..,;.!'" ' " 'atage, and while the horses were changing, mm "P t to thtf ' store to , see me. He had , -learned that much excitement was up in ; Wilmington, m regard to certain pieces pub 'liahed m that place. He took me aside, and commenced on' the uhject: Said he, I am ' torry thai' Bro. Jo.ies has brought in my - Dame iatliis matter or what teaid to Jones i&ugh&wa confidential. I replied to Bro. ." JBarbino'ea that yon seemed to wish to do . hiaiusticej for you stated that you did not Jtpow-dO his complying with the instructions i.-. . sOf-aaidf letter. He seemed much mortified :'' . jtll that had heen pablished on the sub " - ;Ject t After we got throogn with our inter ' .viawIatepped into my store and told Bro. C. HaU that Bro. Barrinoer had received each-letters and also told Bro. L. R. IIawley h same. ' I did not know then that Bro. " s3a.rrinoer woild deny receiving such let v ters, or that it would fall on you to prove your , Statement . true. I must say further thai I Sdl sarprised when I saw Bro. Barringer's . . deoiat . ' J. C. BLOCKER. ' ' ' Harrisonburg, Aug. 16. 1851. ' Now, tbe abort communication took place . after my statement, that Bro. Barrinoer 7 had received letters to excite the people &c, 7was pumiineu. tiro, julocier stated to Dim . what I had said, and what was his reply 1 fiVhat 1 said J thought icascoiifidential." 'This wns acknowledging the reception of " said letters , that he had conrldentially told ' i' 1 aome o ie so. Brc. Blocker so regarded it suid immedialy told two of his friends so. v I never would have laid this certificate be fore the public had not tho coarse of this little Reverend geh'Ieman, this "Titnow" of Dr LlB. bat'wbdalls hirnselfan Elephant (! ! !) left m no alternative. Bro. Barrinoer ; ina'y thank him for It. Will Manakin have . a tew more of the same sort? .!' w pa ",itf .;C P' JONES. .r.. Ooldsboro', Oct 2, 1851. C"-' la bis reply to Lea. "'.FY"-.-..' I h , ! f MtVi 11 11 i. . ' f A New Mobb or Uaibino FoNne ron a ; , - CatJftOB. " Tho Rom tn Catholic Bishop of if .' T'ror.to Is at Montreal, soliciting aidiora -i . ... V ChurchrTbe Bishoj of Montreal hnn issued ; . , a piistoral address sveommertdinv to his peo- '" ,v plo lt aid him by their contributions, and - The-illustrioas prelate has resolved to -', stanil at the'd-mr of the Darisft church, on - ' Su'idaytha Feast of the Holy Name of - f m i .t ... ;. f.iary rua urv m me morning mi inesame - hour in the evemtts, so as to sather in with - 1 those hands so Utely consecrated by our ho .. loy father the' Pope, the pious offerings of i:i intniai. - n4 win aum sen o tthe fjllowinj Sunday at Ut. P.ttricWV church. A minister mis walking out dnedny and . . ... . . 1 r,:iMed two utile troys, one oi wnom ra id a loar.At he torned back, he heard the fbl .1 lowitio; umnsini conversation; ''Why, John didn't you Mow.tbat was invrsot M?V";Yes rnnrM I ilid." ' '-VVIiv did vou not makii - bo w ta him ?" '-! "VVhy .toy mother don't be- loog to his enurcn."( , s GUANO. This article is now most' extensively em- E ed by the farmers of Maryland.. The ;ikiou Democrat of Saturday, says t -. We crowed the bay last week, iu compa ny wiih a Talbot larmer, who as proceed ing to Baltimore to-purchase one hundred totis fjr himself and neighbors. But a hw weeks ago, larmer io this vicinity, purchas d sixrv tona lor his own use.- In Queen Anne's, we are informed that so great is the outlay for cuano and other fertiliaers, Jhat V1,' . ' . .,, , ' the farmers can scarcely W money to meet j their ordinary expenses. , In OarottnO; ' intelligent farmer iu formed us that the price i of land had doubled in ten year,- owing 10 for which uUabU yrnwtnu will bs swarded, the sniirit of improvement, abroad among her, Th following spsclal jrs.niua sre onVed t--ine iPim ui iiujrmc , -vij-h. FWthssix best spwlmens of Steol nisJo from farmers. We are gWed at these eviden- J 6 nbw 0,her Iro0( lh(J of Somh ces of prosperity, fhe agricuIturisU ol Ma- .SKit,, d manufactured Jaw Edjed Tools of ryiaou only requuo n tiui, uiuc u niiin ihia . RmtA on an eaualitr wnii Hie most highly improved States of the Union.; , OSB OP, MANY CASES. 1 The New Orleans "True Delta" of the 1 19tb In- i staut'says tht it bss s letter from Mrs. Kliza P. Dorr, depicting, la very . feeljuj? laoguage, beri beresvement and destitution, her hosband, John 14. Dr, having left, as ho alleges, on the Cba sxpedition, as Interpreter to Col. Crittenden's command, leaving htrandker tlx thilirtn entirely unprvvidtdfor. Sinco then she states her misfor tunes brought her to extrenw want, her furniture being taken by some constable on an execution, and herself and h'tlu one exposed on the bare proitnd; from which afflicting , condition Sheriff Lewis benevolently extracted her. ... A STEAM FLEET. No fewer than six Ocean Steamers took their de parture from the port of New fork on Saturday, the "Pacific" for Liverpool;1 the ''Brother Jona than" and "Illinois" for t'hagres ; the "Roauoke" for Richmond ; the "Freeman Rawdon" for Alt-x-andria and Norfolk; and the "Florida" for Savan nah. The Illinois carried out upwards of six hundred passengers. All the other stcamets had each a large number. FRESH STOCK. HAVING returned from the North with a well selected stock of Groceries and Provisional flatter myself that I can furnish the public with as cheap and good supplies as any other establishment in the place. I Invite all to can ana see-ior mem selves. All Flour warranted, and if not good, taken back and the money refunded. Still at the old stand 6n North Water street, next to A. A. Wannel's. The following list U a part of my slock : SUGARS 6 hhda. best Portorlco ; 10 bbl. do Coffee Crushed; 5 do. dS Double Refined Crushed; Powdered and Granulated ; 2 boxes No. 1. Loaf. COFFEES.-Z bags best Rio t 10 do. Lnguay ra i & do. Old Gov. Java. FLOVR.-hO bbls. Sup. Canal ; 2S bbls. Extra, do. family ;25 half do. do.. 30 do. do.; 100 bago do. BACON. 5 hhds- best Western Shoulders ; 1 do do. Hams. CHEESE, LARD AND B 11 J fi.-5 bbis. Refined Lard ; 5 half do. do t 5 ferklns do ; 10 kegs best Butter ; 15 boxen fine Chee-e. SAILS, SHOT A!sD POWDER. hO keis Nails, as?oped ; 40 bats Shot, do ; 10 kegs Rido Powder, FK nnd KFF. SUNDRIES - 60 boxes Colaate's Soap ; 10 half do. do-t 5 boxes Pearl Starch; 10 do. Collins' and Simmons' Axe;10d Soda Crackers ; 10 do. and half bbla. Sugar Ciackera 1 6 do Milk do.; 1 bbl. No. 1 Salmon; 3 doi. Demijohns; 3 chests imported Gunpowder; Young Hyson, &e. Teas; 10 nests Cedar and Pine Tubs; 10 rioz. Jug, all sizes; 2 do Varnished Keelers ; 6 do Brassand Iron Hoop I'm or Wnter Buckets; 50 setts Cups and Saucer-; 1 dos. Broom i 3 do Trays and Bowls; 5 do Fl"r Buckets ; 10 boxes Tobaoco ; 25 bags Table Salt ; 5 doz. Bed Cords; 3 dor. pair Andirons; 5doz box es Matches ; Spun Cot!on ; Scrub. Brushes ; 5 bbls. No. 3 Mackorel, lar-fe; 30 boxes Adamantine Can dles ; 200 lbs. Dried Beef ; 20 do Tallow : and a va riety tos numerous loraeniion. Low at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. Sept. 16, 1851. 78 NEW GOO S. ' WE hare received apart, and dnilv e'pe"ting tho balance, of our Fall Stock of Groc rieiand Ship Chandlery, which was purcha-.'d Hir ct from the importer? ond manufacturers, and felected with great care. We respectlully invite our customer and the public to call and examine our stock, as we ore determined to sell st the lowest prices. Our stock consists in part or 300 bsgs Rio, Liguyra, St. Domingo, Java, and 25 hhds. P. R- Sugsr; Mocha Coffee; 200 bbls. refined, crushed, powdered, and gran 25 boxes " loaf Sugar; ulated Sugar ; 50 bbls, coffee crushed do. Teas of all varieties, Green and Black ; 200 boxes Soap ; 300 " Sperm, Adamantine, and Mould Can- 100 " Lemon Syrup t iaiB; 11.000 reams Wrapping Paper; JOO.OOwCisrara, a I grades and kinds; 1U0 DOXea ivwaww u.jlvt u, .M.w, 100 bbls. Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, Cordials, of every variety and quality ; D,,..., T.vA ftlce. Floor. Salt, Pepper, Spice, Gingsr, Mustard, Cassia, Nutmegs, Cheese, Crack ers, Bread, &e. OL, Cordage, UiicK, Hiocxs, nncnors. nain?, wo- terns, Uompasses, anucvcijr iuno 1C4U110U u board of ships. ,. j ,,, VV nlan have S larze biock 01 o'men ami n- low Ware, Hardware, Dry Goods, & :, besid' s nu- murniia nri e a not menuoneu. 1-1 wit cau ana cx- ' . . unwj a r rv dl-hl-m a nine our slocK. m 1 ' Sept. 18. FOR SALE. frv lffFF.V.T White fins Lumber, anne OU ,UUU article, for saia by ELLIS, RUSSELL 4 CO. August 19. ft 00. FLOUR. Canal Flour, for sata by J. HATHAWAFA SON. 77. 6QBBLS, Sept. 13. CORN- 0R.. 1 BUSHELS White orn momontly ex- 1 1 iJ pocted per R. P. rfiit f , from Balil ELLI3, RUSSKLL & Co. 74-tf. more, for sale, by aept. 0. A. A. B. SOUTH ALL. GESEBiL AGENT 1 CniUlXSlOl MtuCIUNT, AND COljIjliCTOH, . WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL reclve and sell on commission, any Goods, Wares, Merchandize and country pro duce, thit may be sent to his care." Hs also offers his services to the Merchants of Wilmington ond the pupllo generally, as collecting agent All claims put in his hands for collection, or any other busi ness entrusted to this care, shall receive his promp t attention. He respectfully solicits the patronage of his Men la In the above business-- or any other business where Ba sgsnt is wanting. Wllmlngte N, C.- 1 -w i Sv.rf S.fl, J - Rreniisciii'.'-':ri!iiJi; ' T.ua A 'M (tonsil, R. H. GaART, ' G. R. Fssksr, - .C. Mrsas, Sept. 19. - 76-ti V:.U:f KE1Y FLCUK. ;J r -', BARRELS fresh .round new Wheat Flouf, 1 JJ lor sal by HOWARD & PEDEN.' Sept. 20. i r THIS!) iU,lb FAIR - : ? OF" THE -' SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE. pKE Third Annail t'airof the SOOTH CailOLI-1- iNA INSrirUI'li, for ihe pronwiloo ut Art, Mechanical Injenuliy .nd tndoifry,wiU b heU In Utwrlfsioo, m. U., opening on Monday, 1id hf U l uharteewD.-n. u, opem November, soil contlnuinj durim s itm , titrf bBCll-ci In,i industry 1 also of Cotion. Ki darm( tntwevi. J f Mecnanistn. Art 1 1. 1 ..1 . . .AAfltlnii Ulna iti 'I'.K.-. eo ln(j all uiher Aericoliurst Produets, is solicited, ny sina a vwi uauk N. B. A sneclmea of the Steel in Bars to be sent with the Tools.-" For the largest quantity of Cocoons raised os one plantation, ootlesstltao Ten Bushels A Uold MedulorS0. . . - , . fr'or the largest quantity wf Spun Silk the pro duos .ofany ons plantaiion, nut less than Ten Pounds A Gold Melul or Premium of Sod Fur the beat Sea Island. Cotiuu Gin,.. on soma new principle, superior to thai now in general use; or for any real and Important Improvement on tlw prencni ons A Gold Jledul For the In ten' ion of a suitable machine for PulverUlns Ited Pepper-rA Gold Msdai. , For the best Steam EngineA Gold Medal. F01 tbebest model Stoain fir Knglne A Golp Medul. A largo and commodious building, has been se lectedfor the Exhibition, and every care will be pa,id to the reception nd Care of the Articles sent to the Fair. All Spejninens mast be la by tho 13th November. ; Conuibjiors to the Fair ar respecttiilly reques ted when they forward Specimonn for Exhibition, toendfull descriptions of the Articles, and such iaforrnaiioTi in general as may 01 of use, and prop er fr publication. Address J. H. TAYLOR. Chairman of Committee on Correspondence. Juno 21. I7ih Nov. 42. BROTHERS. LINE. THE Steamer Brothers and Tow Boats, Steven 1 son and David Leieii nre prepared to forward with Despatch, all goods consigned to the Proprl etor. The Sttamsr Brothers U of light dbadght, and well suited to run in low vater. Sho possesses poic- er, and speed, and is addmirablv adapted to towing, i and cati accommodate about 20 pausfngors. ; The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat I himielf, and will give special attention to way freight and naval atoies; to towing, and will also j attend to the comfort and convenience of Passon ' gers. From his long experience as Agent In Wil I mlngton of the several Steam Boat Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. , To Merchants io the interior he would say, that all Goods shipped bv him, will be delivered to their ! Agents in Favetteville. His Agent in Wilmington Is JOHN C. I, ATT A, to whom all communications may be addresasd, as Ajont of tho Steamer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. May 15 26-t2me.' Salisbury Watchman, Greensboro' Patriot. Favettevllle Observer, anj Carolinian, and Ashboro Herald, please copy 4 weeks, and send bills to this office. ELDORADO OR GOLD LEAF TO BACC0. . DPEltlOft article direct frontthe manufactures, for sale, low, by Sept. 6. WILKINSON &ESLER. 8 NOTICE. DURING my absence from town, Mr. J. R. Whit aker will act as mv agent. All persons Indcb'ed to me will please make payment to him, he being hereby authorized to give receipt for the same. C. MYERS, Hatter. July 31. 53. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. DR. J. 8. HOUGTON'9- GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURER! The Trne Digestive Fluid, or Gsetrlc Jtilcel Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth siomacn 01 the Ox, after directions of Baron Lieblg, the gri'at Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D , Philadelphia, Pa. This Is a great Natural Remedy for indigestion, and Dyspepsia, curing after Nature's own Method, bj Nature's own Agent, tne Uastrlc Juice, repsin Is the chief ulement, or Great Digesting Principle of the Giistric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimulating Agent of the Stomach and Inteatlnes It is extracted from the Dliesiive Stomach of the Ox, thus foiming an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the natiinl Gastric Juice, in its Chemical powers, and furnish ing a complete and perlect substitute for It. By the aid of tnis preparation, the (Sains and evils of in digestion and Dyspepsia are removed just as they would be by a healthy Stomach. It Isdoing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, nervous decline and Dyspeptic consumption, sap nosed to he on ihr verge of the grave The Scien tific Evidence upon which it is baaed, is in the hlehest degree curious and remarkable. Baron Leiebig, In his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says t "An Artificial Digestive Fluid analogous to the Gastric Juice, may be prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the Ox, in which various articles of food, as meat and cssi. will be softened, changed, nd digested, just m the eatne manner as they would be in the h uman stomach." Haifa leaspoonful of pure I'epsim, Inmsed or dts olved In water, will dlsrest or dissolve Five Pounds Roast Btef in about two hour oat of the 3 lom acli. Dr. Hoiiffhton's Pepsin, is sold by nearly all the dealers in fine drugs and Popular Medicine, through out tho United Stales. It Is prepared In. Powder, end in Fluid form and in Prescription vials for the use of Physicians. Private Circulars, for the ass of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr Houghton or his Agents, descri bing the whols process of preparation and triving the authorities upon which the claims of (his new remedy are based. As It Is not a secret remedy, no objection can be raised against Its use by Physicians In respectablo standing and regular practice. Price in Fluid form, One Dollar per bottle. " PEPSIN IN POWPER. Sent til Mail, Free of Postage. ,. For convenience of sending to all parts of the country, the Digestive matter of the Pepsin,; Is put up In the form of Powder. with directions to bs dis solved In water by the patient. These Powders eon, tain just the'same matter as the bottles, and will be sent by mall, free of postage, for one tfpllar ssnt (post psld) to Dr. J. S. Houghton, M. D., Philadel phia. Ps. v t. " VObsrvs this I Every bottle of.ths genuine Pepsin bears the written signature or JS. Hough ion. M. D . eel Pronristor. Philadelphia. Ps. i ' " nrSeld by all Druggists sod Dealers In Msdf- -: Sold, wholesale and retail by v A Ct EVANS da BROTHER (. W. H. UPPITT Co, and C. Dr PRE, Wilmington, N C. .-...'. May 13. ., , 26-12me ' US' il-UU.I lm.,l 'II JU : . OATS, OATS. nry BUSHELS f Osis, now hnding from & I UU Schooner Dixou Swindle, from Hide couoty, and tor saU by ELLIS & MITCHELL. 'August 7.- n.MACKEREL...:rtM- 75 ; BBL"J. large fiaaNo.i Mackerel, just re- eeivoi iraoc Boiton, ana I. saK by ., , AiLLla, KUOQE.L.U dt CO. Jaly 19. " - - -v 63- . 1 Cidst per Suhr. C. D. F.llis, for sate, by 1U J- - UBO.UAU.HiSS. July IT. - ' -62. -.r.-'r-'v-iuCLUE.Y fr BA&R&LS good Glue, for distillers, for sale fc LAViilKlt. - ... 67. ASDuasOJi August 21. OUR MOTTO IS MT0 PLEASE " AT THE Wilmington SadiHe, Harness, and Truuk ; V ManufaetdVy. THE subscriber respectfully informs fie public lhnthehis reeentl revived additLms to iis stock of -Saddle and Harness Mountings, Ac, the latest and most Improved stylo, and is onst tnly manufacturing, at his store oa ma rial street.evory description of articlein the above line. From his experience in the hi sinesi, he fools confident that ha will ba able to veuntlro sattstuction to un wno mav favor htm with a call. He has now on hand, and wlilconstaiitl keep a largo assortment of Coacli, Gig au- E7)lJRrldlc8, Whips, S ni hey Harness: Jtvyt&c t50"116'"11"1 Lady's Saddles,SlljLJLlJ!addles, Whips, Spurs, &c. fce.. all of which he will warrant to be of theegl hrai ni iiprinls mid workmanship. Ho fh has also a large assortment of Trunks, T, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, saicueis, fancy Trunks, &c, and all other ankles usually kept in such establishments, nil of which he otters low for CASH, or on short credit to prompt custo- mSaddies, Harness, Trunks, odical li igs.&c. Ac, made to order. , ,, , In addition tothe above the subscriber always ke. psonbandalarge supply of String Leather, andhasnow, and will kf :p lltfough thescasonugood assortment of I'ly Nttts. ' All are invited to call and examine my Goods, whether in want or not, as I take pleasure to shew ing my assortment to all who may tavor me with a CnH irnessand CoachTrimmings sold at af air price topersonB buying to manufacture. Also, Whirs at wnoiesaie. All kinds of Riding VehUlcs bought t and so d on commissions. " JOHN J. CO.NOLKY Jan. 8 1851. , iM WOOD WARE. THE subscriber has on hand and is now receiv ing his usual Fall supply ot useful housekeep ing article", in the Wood and Willow Ware line, all of which will be offered at the lowest cash prices, among which will be found the following : Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Buckets, Bowls, Bar rel Covers, Boxes in Nest, Chopping Bowls, Clothes Pins, Clothes Horses, Cloihes Baskets, Cedar Pails, Cedar Tubs, Dippers, Flowered Palls, Faucet is, Knife B )xos, Knife Baskets, Keelers, Hair Seives, half barrel Covers, half bushel Measures ironed, Meusurosin nests. Market baskets, Milk Palls, Ttollin" Pins, Sugar Boxes, Spice Boxes, Scrub Brushes, Twine Reels. Well Buckets, Water Pails, Willow Bikcts, Willow Wagons, Wire Selves, White Wash Brushes, &c. &c. WM. NEIh'F. Jan. 18. i . CARD PRINTING. WE -emind 1110 public that tlie patent uaru j ress i ,, . arnilun at the office of The Commercial, and that Cards will be printed in superior style, and at reduced prices. Blank Cards, ready for printing, always on hand, of all slses, from 22 by 20 to 1 by 2 SHINGLES. Tfrk CCV SHI Vai.RS, (medium size,) lUUaUUJ for sale, by nmtT - rnnVT SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGPNCY. Forinerlyconducted by Guy C. Ilolclikisn rpHE publicare hereby intormcd,tnai 1 nave ocen 1 appoin ed agent for the sale of Window Sash, Rilnda and Doors. manufactured by the New lla- venCo.,and am prepared to fillallordersintlieibove line. The quality of the worn 01 tne new uaven Co. is well known In this market. Bjllders and all personam want of the above articles, are request to send In their orders, and they will Ns promptly filled, Terms invariably ca8h,deAiveQVYRR General Agent Commission and Forwarding Mer chant. April 18. 10 GOLD BAR OR GRANDDAD'S SniRT. 'HK above is the brand of a very superior lo bacco, which wo have just received a laree lol of, and for sale by WILKINSON ct ESLEIt. August IS. C6. BALTIMORE FLOUR. J"VBBLS. fresh superfine Ball more Hour, just X9J received ... n..lna l.nO fj. &U1 hV J.&D. McRAKdiCo. August 16. t-6. SHIPPING ARTICLES. FOR SALE at The Commercial Office, an ele .mntdition of ShiDDlnc Artlcles.embrscinL'all tho Taws- of Congress rotative to the Merchant's Service. NEGRO BONDS. HANDSOME imoression of Negro Bonds V inat orlnied and for sals at Tlie Commercial Office. Also, Biilsof Sale of Negroea. Dec. 28. 1850. BUNGS VF the best make, and assorted sizes to suit, for J sale by ths harrel, or anv quantity not loss than five hundred, by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Jan. 30. 135-if. FOR SALE. AT the Commercial Office, a Sketch of the early life and adventures of John Kietatlcouski or Rosemond, the exile of Poland, particularly In -Poland, his native country. As a last resort 10 enable Mr. Rossmokd to visit his native conntry, this In teresting little work. In a pamphlet of 22 pages, Is offered at the low price of 10 cents per copy. May 17. 27-w, FENCE PA1LING. H 2 2J and 3 Inch palling, ma3e of the best of Stock, freo from Sap. For sale In Quantities 1 to suit purchasers, at the Cape Fear S. S. Mill, Purchasers can have them delivered on this side of the River, if (hoy wish by leaving (heir orders at the office of the agents ELLIS & RUSSELL. April 26. 17-if. : NOTICE. THE subscribers having purchased the entire interest Io the Capa Fear S. S. Mill, would herebv request all persons having claims against said Mill, previous to the 1st July 1851, to present them for paymont, and those Indebted to sold Mill to e ill at the Offl.se and settle their' accounts previous ta the 1st of September, or ihey wllj bs under the painful necessity of placing them In the haeds of ea Offloer for eollecilon ' " ' ' - ELLIS A RUSSELL"; Asguit 2,1851. 53 if. Office Wilmingtoti & nalelgll Rait Koad ) Coaipauy. August I lttt 1841. TnE Freight trains for MVdo.i, will heraaiter leave 00 Wondav's Wednesday's, and Friday'e. i'reiht tnus he at the Depot by I o'eloHi 00 Bat duray', Tuesday's ond Thursday's. " .--r.. " VA - ' f - - JOHN NUTT. V Transportatlos Agsni August 1J.,, if til ..:'T0;TUEfPDBUt'-''T: THR Subscriber has leased for a ter.n cf years, of R. W. Brown, Eqn his fire-pro.f store, with his wharves; and is ow i a endUiar-w lake-especial care ofSpirits TsrpentlBe and oihi-r Naval Stores commited to his earn The Warehouse Is well known to be the best and safest plioe In town forth storage of Bacon, Lard. Corn. -Peas, &c. The lower wharves haveon them four largi new sheds, where Spirl's esn be safely Rept Irom ih rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of pr jduce sent Jo his care. He will also make advances when required. He begs to refer tv. the following gentlemen: R. W. Brown, Jhn Dawson, O. G. Parsley, and Thos. H. Wright, Esqrs. . fc ,.. MILES COSTJN. Brown's wharf Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 13. FL01R AND MACKEREL. rA BBLS. Flour; JV6U bhU Nn. 3 Mackerel, to arrive per Sehr E S. Powell, for sale, by July 17. GEO. HAKR1SS. 62. SPIRIT BARRELS. )nn EMPTV spirits bbls., daily expected, for ,vUu sale by ADAM S BltO I ' Haiti & CO. 41. June 19. WASHING WIMOUr LABJR. FEW boxos of Babbeii's .Suap Powder, a cheap O. und good afliole for making Soft Soap. Those that have used it pronounced it excellent, to be had at ' O. DuP:tE'S Drug Store, Market St. July 19. 63. Villi NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL life mnm mm UALEIOH, N. C. THE above Company lias been in operation sine the 1st ol April, IdiB, undei the directiufcof the following Officers. vi2 : Or. Chaa. E. Johnson , President, Win, D. Haywood, Vice President, JattK s V. Jordan. Secretary, Win. H. Jones. Treasurer, Penin Busbi e, Attorney, Or. Charksh.iohnson Dr. Win. H. McKee, Dr. It. B. Haywood, Medico I board of Conullativn. J. Hersman, Opn I Agent. This Company hns received a charter giving advantages to the Insured over any other Com pany, the 5ih section gives me tiusoano me privilege to insure his own life lor the sole use of hi Wife and Children,, free from any claims of ihe rep resentatives ol the husband or any of his credit ers. Organized on purely rnu'.iwl principles, the life members participate i;i the. tr'.'Wt- "i" the profit - which ore declared unniially. Besides, the nppli. cant for lile, when theannual premium is over i il may pay one hall in a Note. All cluiinsfor insurance against tho Company wli be paid within ninety days ufior proof of the death of the party is furnished. S..ives are insured for one or five years, at rate which will enable all Shveholdersto secure this class of property again-t the uncertainly of life. Slave insurance presents a new and Interestinc feature in the history of North Carolina, which wii, prove very important to the Somlturn Hiaicn. Thelasi four montlisoperatlon of this Company ehova vety largeainuunt ol business more than the Directors expcftlid to do .the first year-having already Issued more than '00 Policies. All Communications on business of the Company should be aadressed to JAS-. F JORDAN. Secretary, Raleigh, April 8. IS61. 8-H. BREAD WITHOUT YEAST. JUST Received from New Vork : & boxes Babbit's Effervescing Compound for making H ood, Buckwheat and l ea Cukes, a very line ariicle, Try it 1 To be ha i at C. DuPRE'S Ding Stoie Market St. July 19, 63. ratejTof frekjut. RATES of Freight on the Wilmington and Ral eigh Rail Road, and on the Company's Bonis to Charleston, revised and corrected December, 1850 ; jusi printed and for sale at the office of The Commercial, ut 25 cents per copy. Dec. 21. I19-if. 12,000 ACRES OF TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. 'THE Executors of Gen'l. Clikch offor forsj. L sale the Twelve Thousand Acres of Landf known as the Bayard tract, lying on the Si - John's River, immediately opposite Picolata, in East Florida. The above tract is peculiarly adapted to the Turoentine business, being covired with a Duck growth of nine, and having u River front of more man five miles. It is now no lonser a mutter of doubt thatTurpen tine can be profitably made in this section of count ry, as there are already a number of persons lurgvly and successfully engaged in the business. The steambouts to and from Savannah, stop regu larly a: Picolata. Persons desirous of purchasing, can obtain any further information -by rddressing J. H. M. CLINCH, Ex'r. JoSersonton, Camden co., Ga., Dec. G, iSliO 110 II. AUBURN FOR SALE. THE subscriber oilers for sale his farm, nine miles east of Raleigh, situute on the New born Road, and well known as the Busbee Place It contains 400 acres of good free land, wlih a fair proportion of woodland. On the premises is a very good dwelling house, containing 11 rooms; there are hut very few country houses superior to It In the county of Wake. There is a good kitchen, with several houses. for negro quarters; a carriage house; C1dr Prrs; Stables f Cotton- Gin House. 4c. and a Store House, at which a very respectable trade is carried oik There Is a very large Apple Orchard near the dwelling house; also, a large number ol Peach Trees, with Pear, Plum and Cherry Trees. There is a Post Office on the premises the mall snivlng three limes a week via the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road, and three times from the city of Raleigh. The loeMlon of the buildings Is In the midst of a grove of large Ottks, high and healthy. It would hr a delltfhlful summer residence 1 or would answer for a Boarding House for persons desirous of spending Iheir summers In the country. - Ths North Carolina Kail Road, about to be built, has been marked offio run within a hundred yards of the Dwelling House, - 4- A further description Is nnnocessnry, as no one will, probably, purchase without examining ths pre mises. Possession will bs given on the first of January. 1851, ff Sold by tho 15th of December next Ifsnlrf after that period, possession cannot bs had till Janu ary 1852. iw., , -v ! . ; t.; .,,fv . V ,', ,-i.V v -U WILLIAM R, POOLE, Esq. who lives withlo s few mile of the ploee, Is my authorised Agent, and will mak known the price and terms to all who may sppty. . TMVHA3 LUlllilU. Wilmington, Oct. 1850. STOVES ST0VLS. 7 G3.KAT variety of Cooking; Ship and Pattor -J 1 Stoves, daily expected also, Ilaneeia, of ti latest snd most improved Pattern ofl'lili-dolpliiii, -New York, Boston and Nsw i'on. All of vuKh will ba sold at ftvKhera prices, and worrititot 10 glveeatiffcaon n PULLEY c UARf., piXE cil! vm ILl-vVi Reduced in Price and imprevtJ in Qifafy. PINK Oj L of my maaufacture can be wHuhud si , -h store of AJessrs. Potiiv fit HasT, oad will . befurnlshra tot ustnmersby mv seen every Tats day ,'J hursduy, aud Batu'Tday,';af-fhe-re'tprlev ofi-orty Cent per gallon. Warranted ssperirfto any oiiinr forssisia ihi p lace. ru c vit el ft'f. f iJft, u.iMU. ,v-: wA. VAN BOk.Kl.Ll'.J. ' PAY IP! PAY V? tz& ALL persons Indebted t us, either by Nms of Acv count, will plusKe Crrn forward ond pay fcpir r we will be compelled to put. litem in S train for eol4 f lection, ss nioucy we must havel : PERiiiN iurtsfield; " , ' - 48 tf. -;- July 8, 1851. 1. . .1 1, .. . - FLOUR. Tusl received s fresh lot of Extra Canal Hiwm. ,- r . n ... 1 r,.. . , : , , . ... k -iiiHfi, iwv aim 4"J . in, CDISiSmi halves. For sale, low, by - V . ' " c SAVAGE &f .ME ARES'. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC SE- - f GARS.'.-:;;;.;r7; OF the most popular brands and bestqtralliy.m wholesale or retail, by ? : - - p WILKINSON fiftSLEtt 1 July 17 --j.-...'..',f..-.Bjf HAY, HAY, HAY, ; I HO BALES prime Hay, "doily expected, and AUW fur sale by J. H. FLANNEIC. . July 19. 63. SPIRITS BARRELS. OfP) SPIRITS Barrels in . prime order, just 0JJ arrived from Bark Sophia for suk by t ADAMS at. HMn A I'A, July 18- . , Z FRESH FLOUR. ()C EBL'S. Superior, Hourj rC) 15 " " Just received and for sale by l'ERUIN & HARTSFIELD. ' 48: July S. BACON, FLOUR AND FISn. - QC HHDS. Bacon Shoulhersj A.O 20 bbk Pickled Fish, . 250 bbl. .Superfine Bait; Flour 5 ' 50 bbls. Ohio fomily Flour ; . ' For sale luw, by ELLIs, RUSSELL & Co. July 26 . 56. , ' SUGAR. - - V ;;r 1 r HHDS. prime Porto Rico Sugar, lost res I Vceivtd Irom Baltimore for sale by i . DiROSSET & BROWN. July 19. -J, gj SUGAR. 1 r jj Auuuu article In Hhds., forsale.verylnW.br July 31st. 69. CONSULATE OF H4VTI. -fk , b4 Commerelnl V hnrf, Bohion, 5th March, 1651. J rl MI K undersigned gives noilve, that in accor- X dance with n law passed at Port au prince; '-on ;' the24ih December last, vessels arriving in Hayii from the U. Stales on or alter the lQti i April next, mutt be pnrvided with Duplicate Mtmlfem of tlulr cargoes, 'certified by a Cunstilar Agenlof JJay-' li, if ihero hall I ove been one nt the port of load-in-, otherwise the documents may be verrifM be-. fore tin officer' (duly aiilhotlscd to administer an oath) ol ihe Slate or United Stales Government. b. cclakk: MayB. . 23wf.! NOTICE. , .5 x ' Wilminotow, N. C. May 15. 1851. " AFTER this date, consignees of British Vessels, , will be required to hand in.the unmunt of In-' ward and ouuvard Invoices, and pay all ices at tho lime the register is delivered to (lis Mutter, when cleared at Custoni" House. -:.- GEO. VV. DAVIS, Br. Vice Consul. May 15. . : ; ;i , ;2b-tf. FAHIC HI 1)U( 111) TO Hit) FROM (.HAR- l.t;STt)S, 10 WlSW.lOhKir. . ''SMSJrifiJ THE GREAT MAIL ROUTE tttUAi CHAR LESTON, SO. CA, I EA Ij at. RAVING the. wharf at ihe loot Of Laurens dnilv at 3. d. m. after the arrival of ths Southern cars, via WILMINGTON and WELDON, N. C , PI'.TKRSBUKG, RICHMOND, to WASH INGTON, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, ond NEW YORK. , f Tlie public nro respectfully. Informed that, rhs steamers of this line, from Ch irlesiuD 10 Wilmlog ton, are In first rate condition, and are navigated by well known nnd experienced cohimo'ri'derV.," snd the Railroads are In fine order, thereby Scrnrirtg both safety and despatch. A THRODUli TICK ET havlntt already been In operation,' will be con tinued on and after the first of Oct; 1839. Hs a 'per manent "rrangemcnf from Charleston to New Vork. Passenger availing ihciiist-IVeS of thereof,' will have the opinion to entinue without delay through the route or otherwise, to Hop at any of ihe Infer mediate points, renewing their sea's rn the line to suit their convenience. , By this route I'raVlj. r may reach New Vork on the third day during 1UU ness hours. Bagsage will be Jlckeicd on board the Steamer to Wt-lrliin, as likewise ort .life thunjie nf cars, ot ih Intermi diate pointsfrom theneo to New York. Throuch Tickets tan alone he ' hod from R. ! W1NSLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and Rslciuh turn Koqd uompaay, at tne omce 01 tne company, foot of Laurens-tt. to whom please opply. ' Papers advertising for the company are requested to copy. ..i.f t't'M 11 May 29. , , . , 33-3m 5 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAIL SAT THI 8 PLACE ARRIVALS : r Tne mall from the North, by Rallrosd, arrtlves dallv about ll'A. M.' 4-ti V :'. ?s The mail from the South, by seamef from Char leston, arrives daily ebou 8, A. M The mail from Fayeltevllle, via Warsaw. I, due upon the arrive1 of the cars, on Mondays, Weades--davs, and Fridays. ' , t ,. X the mail from Fsyeltevllle, via EIWabethtow(( by Sulkey s due n Tuesdays Thursday, Snd Saturday, si 9, A. M. , - Th" mall from Onslow Court House, by sulkey, IS due on Monday, ol 5 P. M. . . . ,w .,,itft ,u The mail from Black .River Chapel, via tonf Creek, by sulkey, Is due on Thursdays. P,M. C I OSING AND DBPARTOIIE';,;;:' The mall for the North, by railroad,' closes dally si 10, PM. , . . . , :.:.v: (-', i .x The mall for the South, by steamboat, eioses dal ly at 10, A. ,M. ;:. v'i.,wV, :'!'? The tIibII for Fnyattcvllle, vis Warsaw, closes pa Tuesdays. Thursday ann sumtays at 10, f ,m. , Ths. mall fof Faycttevillo, via K,Habeihiown.vby (ulkev. close n Tucadajs, TIr,sdsys, And '8atur dayst''9.'-il,:M.r",'Jf, .ki y.J.'. ,,.: - The matf for Onsiow Court HoustL fcy iulltey, close ort Thursday pt 10 P. M. , . .7 f; , " - ' The mall Tor Long Creek; Jby ,aoIkey closes on, Thursday st 10 1.' M; ' v. V Let ters should b In Jibs Offc stlsait 1 mlnutei before the wooing of lb marU ., is t-? f- pr 'ift 7

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