T i ii X PUBLISHED TRMYEEIILY, BY THOMAS L0RLG. WILMINGTON. N. C. "THURSDAY MORNING.OCTOBER1 16. 1851. VOL 6rNO."91'. WHOLE N 0. 854 m I 'VI ii-MUo T1IE ri5I-WEEIlLYCO)I31ERCUL Js published every TtsUAr?TBvasAV and Sat urday, t P3pruni'iurn.1psyaol la all cases in : d Vft NC;.v" . 'i J V - -' ' !,:'BTTHOMA8 LORtSC, "' " " ' Eiltor and Proprietor. IEVJi,I.,Ui)yZQ CorreipoiUing Eiltor, CailMfil' tP MONT and maukkt sthbst, : Y VTJ31 Ol- AOtUMtTMINQ. ''-' sat. 1 insertion, 10,50 1 fir: 2 rnonths,,; 4 1,00 1 ,2 TSll " 3 6,00 L." 3 ' 1.00 1 t " 6 " . 8,00 . L. Vr 1 1Jwnth'' 1' M I " 1 , l200. fen tines or less make a qulre. L If aft SLyorilee-' ." meet exceed ten linos, the price will be In ,prupor. All advertisement 8 payable at the time of their Insertion. . . f Contracts with yov'r" alvertisers, will be made on fiajrvxt liberal "terms,- " r'N'o transfer, ot contracts for yearly advertising V will be permitted Should olronmstnnces render a change In business, or an unexpected removal neces ary, t charts' according to the published terms will batlWrrttja of the contractor, Tor the time he baa advertised, r , Thf privllego of Annuil Advertisers Is strictly liHUedtoHhelrownlminctiatobil'Inessi and all ad verttaemoitls for the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisement not immediately connected wrth their own buslrtess. and all excess of ndvertise mints tit Ullth Of otherwLe, beyond ilie limlis en '' gajfed, will be charged at the usual rates. ' : Jfg vertlieraont is Included in the contract fof the sale pr rent of bouses or lands In town or cotin try or for tbe salo or hire of negroes, whether the property IsowtVJd, hy the advertiser or by other persons: Those are excluded by the terra " imnu ! The atinonnoometit of marriages or deaths will ba tonslderedasnows, and inserted free of charge but all additional 'mattery beyond the simple an nouhcero'dht of til doath of the person, will bo charged on the same terms as advertisements. All advertisements Inserted in the trl- weekly Com mirekd, Are Mlttled to ooo Insertion lft the Weekly free'bf caarjoi ' JOO, CAllD and FANCY" PRINTING, sxeouted lit'tuparloV ttyler ' - f. AOBXFO'a THE COMEiiW, NRVV fOnfCY Messrs'. Baos DaPjOfgST. RQffVQS ? b'aiBaaicK Kidob. Rso,, BUSINESS CARDS- jGeiidrat Coai uisxiiia Jlercliaats, ' WlLVlM VON N. G. Partteulatatteiillnu lal,l to procurtits; frelshts ' i!fatl iiUasI jcarifti3 tor vessels. .A J. .... iiOHALO JIAOttAS, DIX. Auaust l-18o !.' . . . 59. . ! ii i i t. f jmni r; blossom. Csicnf CJ.iifttfMDii and I'orw.trJhi? Merchant. Hrorarrt biiMdnnl attention iven to cousu- :. ... tVio aalri nr Mllimneiit. - Wfhnliiatafian.30. ;W4l. noM 'iM iint wit w i vii- 1, rn 'All ordori l'u tho llue will be punctually at iJoRSia Mt'UBBtty oNoarH Water sra. - Mar 16, 1861i , !- : 27 "I ; dENfiRAL AGENT, Ppll WARDING 'tj riaiiiaiiM tn lafonnlaamy Irleads, tlat 1 -Ian prepared to lve all businssseutrustu. to me aiBalaat'ivl perwaalattentton, I have a wharf for s; Naval sJtoresf wlih aaipl aeoommudatlons. spin " Hrfywi, aud WarehOttfNj. Consinmenta of Naval '" SwrusW aaleorshlpmentj and all kinds of conn ; ttt iroduoe ohalie .CaShadvancesniadeoncon- .V.'. 'ignmeftS'.-i,1' 15 Va'0tciaJFMd "Retail r.or , , - BM COSSTANTtt 0 MAWD Wintt, Tetu, Mown, Provitwnt Wood and Wil lo tVr, Fruit, Confriimarita, f.e. &c, ; Hi-Afi- ?BOOt FSONT STB BET, vpWlLU.U M. RARRISS, d0 M MI S $ J QN JI E R C II A NT ; - WILMIN1TON, N. C' , STRICT attentloB ttlven to procntlnj Freights and purchasing. Cargoes for vessels. v" .KBraaavoBst ' '....v ' . - OuQ. Pwslw, Kso., , i-f ..: ) Col. Jhn..VIUae, vK: Wilmngt'n. If, C. Mesr. Dudlty& Huntington, ) . . -'-;MMnitalltSaoketidCa.f '..- '. N c Joseph Utly.Eq, K , J u ' Messrs. James Corner A Sons, Baltimore, ""'"f. " ...i;R.A. Snuiler & CJo Philadelphia, v i v'i'i Tkompsaa Hwntr.t Y rk ;A ; " VPiSlHbury A rf4rtirrd. t T r . : 'Huntlrjg oY Tuft.-BrtatpB,' ' ' j v v 'T J. & O. P. Pltco pb, Keuno!iiink, Me.' ' ;'juty 17th, l35i; " 62-y T y.;IMTJHVPAY&SOX, v COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i V v. v WILMLVa TOX, N. C. H AT AWA. ' i 1 v Y?N L. UATH A W V. . r .Pat, 18. v v4 .v'M..y.-.,, oi BUSINESS CARDS, GEO. JIARRISS, Gcueral Comnilssioa Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. - STRICT attention given to ptocuring Freight and purchasing Oargoesforveasels. ' ' K.SFER to 'v; ' '' . .. R. P. Hull, Esq., 1 O. G. Parsley, Ksq., I , ' J. A. Taylor, Ksq.,v ).WUmington. J. 1. Uuliimy, Esq., I i lMesar. llallard A Huntington, J Messrs. Tookor, Siuyth &Oo., ) y k . Thompson Hunter, $-,ew'- t Ales'r. Uerron, Jr., Philadelphia ST a'il! BUt'Cr' i CU. rieatoa-C. Jan. 2.1851. 123-tf. ANOSRSOX & L1THIER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS sojra vvat Kit spiiret. XV I Ii SI I S OTO JT , N C Sop. 27, 1650. 82-ly-c. MARTIN & CRONLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmlneton.N.C.Oct.l 1851. 5tf. JOSEPH II. PLANNER, General CoTU iihshu Merchant. WlfjUIVm'ON, n. c. Oct. 9th, 1950. 97-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, W.'IOLBSALE AND tlETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNEIl OF DOCK & WATER STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. Doc, 7th 1850 DER0SSET & BROWN. WILMINGTON, N, C. BROWN & DER0SSET." NRW YORK. GRSF.RAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Marchl7 1851. GH0. IJ. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next dour to A. A. Wtqnet'a, on North vValer st Witt attend tt the sale of 'all kinds of Country Pro, itnru. auuh as Cirn. Peas. Jle'al. ISucon. Lard, Ac and will lioep conauntly on band a full supply of Girocorlos.&c. References. WillesHall.of Wayne, JohnAIcRac, Wilmington W Caraway, Oon. Alx.. Mi ttao." " K. P. II ill, (Vilinlngtoii, Wiley A. Walker, " Due. 13. 1850. 1 115-ly. SAVAGE & MEARES, GENEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILM1NGTO.N, N. C. EDWARD SAVAOB. M.iy2, 1851. GASTON MEARES 1. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. (Late Rirry, Bryant & Adams.) 0 O M M 1 S S I O N .VI E li C il A NT S WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 1,1331. 123 ToTOTLwDupSr WHOLE HALE AND KETAl. DEALEItd IN Drugs, Medklues, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye Stufls, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Panr.y Articles, &c MAIIKKT STttEKT, WlliMI NGTON, N. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by experi enced pKisons. ' March 28. 1851. 6 J, I. L.tliil ft COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oet.l I860. 87 WEST & HSWlETT, Auctioneers, Coaioiksion Merchants AND GENERAL AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N C. Rtfeb to Poller & Kidder, John Dawson, G. W. Davis, O. G. Parsley, Barry, Brvantdk Adams, R. P. Hall, Goorge Hnrrlss Edwc"1 Cantwoll. O i 1850 -ly MILES COSTIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, fl. L BBPEB TO E. P. Hall, Esq , Pres't Branch State 1 11 ink, Thos. H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bunk I Caps Four, ' f O. G Parsloy, Esq., Pros't Commer- I Ciiil B tnk, j Dee. 19. 1850 - Wllmlnir loa, N. C. 118-tf. THOS. D, BARRY. Commission Merchant and Ship Broker, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan, 21, 1851. 131-lf. WILKINSON & ESLER. 5 v OAfltl bRAtCrtH "IN . Confeetlonary, Fruit. Nuts, Toyfi.Paucy Ar ticle. Perfumery, Tobacco. egars, c, ; WHOLESALE AND RE i AIL, T'f '.f r. ' r I-'' M R K t T T R t f! T , . WILMINGTON N. C. No.30,1850. .,-'t , .W-if : CHAD BOURN vt HOOPER. General Cohirjlssion Merchants 'WILMINGTON. N. C. i V T.C.WORTH: . Commission and Forwarding ME(ICHNT ' WILMIXGTON, N. C. j ' Feb. 19, 1851. 143-1h.'( GAUSB & BOWDEN, t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . -"- and -.,.; GES&RAL AGEXTS. i ' THUS. r. CAUSE. JOHN C. SOWDHV' BcrtiEiicts. 5 ' Alexander McRae, President W dk R.R. E. P. Hall, " State Bank. 0. 0. Parsley. " Commercial Bank. ' John Dawson, Merchant. J &D. McltaedtCo., P. K. Dickinson &, CO. V Dee. 7, 1850. ? 112. ELLIS, RUSSEIX & Co. GENERAL C O M WtSSfON MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. ?. CHAS. D. ILIIS, HENEY f. BD8SELL, JOS. B. BUBS ELL Jaq.23 1851. 133. McRAE & IfARRISS. IMPORTEWS AND WHOL-FAE AND RETAIL. DEAI, lilt 13. CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN , v WARE, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS,'1 West side Pront street, between Market and Dock streets, WIL MINGTON,N. C. Octobers, 1851, 65. JOHN STRUTIIERS & SON'S MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD, No. 360 HIGH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Marble Mtmtdt, ' Monuments, Tunib and Grave Slmes constantly im hand. Every tleteripiwn of ORNAMENTAL WORK AND STATUARY Executed and Imported. Ordors for public or pri vate Buildings executed with promptness, and des patch. N. B. Designs will be sent fot Mantels, Monu mrnts and Grave Stones, and all work shipped in sured from breakage when required. Oct. 4. 83-ly-c MORE & GALLAGHER. IRON FOUNDERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT & CAST IRON RAIL I If QS RIDGE ROAD & GOATES ST. PHILADELPHIA. AH orders attended to. with promptness and des patch work warranted. Oct. 4. - 86-ly c. SOUP DIGESTERS. IS nnvnluable article, to the epicure, dlspeptic. ii. or even poor man. "It makes Soop what It Soop" J. M. ROBINSON. Auaust 28. 70. TOBACCO AND CIGARS O ICMMOND Tobacco, superior quality, in half LV anil quarter Jioxes. Cigars in I -10 boxes, a good article, for sale low, DV Ai'i Ur.lioUiN CM UlLUhit, Jtily3lst. 53. c; "dbprb; druggist, WIIOLKSALK ana lictHH uruer in UPlffs, (Jlirmicais, Paints, Oils. Fancy Articles, Li quors, Window Glass, Fitneh and Ainericanaatorttd " The subpcriber keeps constantly on hand a largJ arid well selucled sioek, whicn no win null oa low as any Drugwt in ilie Southern Country. Every article is warranto.! to be of the beat quality and pu up in the best styl. Physici in and Merchants will do well to cult und look for themselves before buying elsewhere. PAT. MEDICINES. F.ps. S;ill?; Olnuber Salts; Castor Oil ; Sweet Oil (i Sanda Sarsaperila; Lee's rills ; tiecKwitn - nils ; l hiibarb Jol'ip : l:)(icnc i-eter's rius ; mooits Arror Root ; (,'reini 'far tar j Garb. Soda j Gum Aribic ; Assafoelida) Gum Hitters and Pills; Spen' cers Pills : Wrights Pills Brandieth Pills ; Dead Camphor : lex. ftenna Shot; 1 aneslqcks Verma. fuge ; Cod LlverOil Peruvian Hark ; Borux, Ayers Cherry Pectoral; Swayne's Syrup Wild ' CHEMICALS Sulph Quinine; Iodine; Cherry ; Balsam Wild lodld. Mercury ; loditl. Potash ; Oalomel Kna. Blue M.-i8s; Spu Nitre ; Ul.li.Lllicr ; ll-'s horn Nit Acid; -vrnp Cherry Ae. PAINTS & OILS &c. Pure Lead; Ex. Lead; and No. 1. Lead, Verdegrts in wn ; t nroine urrcne in . id id of Iron ( CI el Quinine ; FerriOiland Dry; i'ani. Greene in Oil i Vermelliun; lilaelt In Oil i Spanish. Brown In Oil; Von Red InOil.&o. All llio abovo Drug Store of articles will u sold cheap a( thf C. DuPRE, Market St Wllmlnsjton, Julv 19, 1951: 53. Journal and GoldsburoTclcarnjili copy OIL. A FEW barrels prims Oil for Machinery, or Lamps, for sale by J. HATHA v A i otr oUiv July 8. , 4 GREAT EXC1TUMENT IN NORTH CAROLINA! THE BATTLE IS BEGUN,. AND I INTEND JO .FiqilT MY WAY THROUGH FOR H IIOMM INDiraTRV I F YOU WANT TO SAVE A COUPLE HUN DitEO DOLLARS, sundun yuur orders for Vufjmtiiu Stills. Caps, Armt,ad,WorMj , Also, Brandy Still, arid any kind of Copper work, Brass. Machinery, &c. The price's of Still-cans. Arms, and Worms, sra as follow; By' the pound 37 .cents; or by contract, i oartci still-cap, Arms 0 no? worms, tiW 10 do do do do do 485 12 14 15 10 20 25 30 do do do do do do do .. 62 685 615 ' ; 650 695 750 fed d do do do, do do do" do do c: da. . do do 35 do do 900 All work will be warranted for 12 month, fire and burning excepted. His work will alo be de livered within fifty miles of Raleigh, at (he shortest noticet and If I ft 11 lo deliver Stills In the tiino sgreej upon, I will forfeit $5 for each day. lost, to the ourchaser. . " " - " ( , BUSLNESS CARDS. '' '' ' ' JOSEPH WOLTERINO. S25 REWARD . away from the subscriber, on Sunday, jisi. Aueust. a negro man,- named Ireland, about 23 or 30 year old. He it about S feet mcties niKh. black, rather atom, bushv hulr and beard, and he leans forward very much In walk ing. He had on an old still of drab kersey when he went off. W e purchased him from Mr. Owen Holmes, about two year since i he formerly be longed to Mr. Andrews, of Btndon county, and may hava returned to his old nelghbothoodi but we think It is probable that he la aow lurklajt about Towni - The above reward will be paid for his apprehen sion and confinement In any jail, so that w can get hlnuf : AN DERSON cV YOUNG. Sept 4 v ;.. '...,;--jtf. y, f; . v- ,.xffi.' - STOVES AND GRATES. JC3T KEUJIIVISIJ Large Supply or SHrP, PARLOR, CHURCH, AND OFFICE STOVES of the BEST and most approved PATTERNS. wholesale retail ALSO, an assortment ol aa3a GRATES & FURNACES, Solar, Cnmphlne, Fluid, and Oil Liamps, plain and japanned Ware, Stealt Dishes, Coffee Urns, Hlg Klns, Tea Trays. Walters, Platform and other Scales and a variety of other at ti des too numerous to men tion. POLLEV t HART. 69 Oct. 10. DEEDS FOR SALE. WaranteeDeedl.and Doeds forMortgageonland junt printed, in correct formand forsaleat the Commsrciai lfflct,. SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION ! TUSf Received, a laree assortment of Single and J Double barrel, Bird, Duck and Deer Guns, of the fin ost finish end latest style, made by those eelcbra ted makers Cuareb & Sons, and others of known celebrity. Guns of all weights and calibre, also, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bass, percus sion (japs, and in tact the best collection of sports men's goods ever offered in this market. Gentle men please call and examine. , ' POLLEY& HART. Oct 3 66 . BILLS OF LADING, &c. IO LIO POST BILLS OF LADING boand ' In Books. and sheets, also Letter Sheets with e variety of mercantile blanks, lor salo at The Com menial OJlcc. : . , , , '., GLUE, ENGLISH and American, constantly on hand, forsale by ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. . May 3. : 11. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. 200 SECOND Hani Spirits Barels, large 817.0, in good oritur, tor saio oy, DeROSSKT A BROWN. July 3d. 47. FULTON MARKET BEEF. JUST received pt,r SVihr. Charles Mills, 5bbls. Su pcrjor p cklcd Beef ; f r sale by PERRIN & HARTSFIELD. July 8. 48-tf. COTTON SEIN TWINE. 300 BBLS July 8. Cotton Twine, for sale, by HOWARD & PEDEN. v WILLIAM S. READ. HOUSE and Ship Painter. Glacier and White Washer, Office under Commercial Hotel WJIrnlnzton, N. C. . Thankful for past custom, he respectfully informs the public generally, that hu is prepared to execute all work in his lino of busineH, and takes this me thod of soliciting a share of the public patronage. July 10. 6 m. -111. " HATS! HATS ! HATS ! CAPS AND II Ml) HOLLAS, FALL FASHIONS. C. MYERS, is this day openinR at -rrv IJa his Halt k, stock of e tore In Wilmington, a larijo JTC every varletv ana style ol Hats Caps i F ill Fashions for 1851. Bosnre to cal at the Hat store ot C. Myers, if you wish net some thing that is. eood, pretty and eheap, In tht way of ilatss extra Moles Kin, miik, ueaverand I'ur Hauot every qii'iRty. Also, Jenny Llnd and Union Hals, now landing from Schr. C. D. Ellis. '' -. ' ' C. MYERS. August 10. 65. Till CHILD. A TREATISE on the Diagnosis and treatment of ihu Diseases of Children according to the simple law of nature, without Medicament! and upon the Birth. Nurinir. Attendance and Education ol Children, a welt a the most frequent Diseases from their very Infancy 10 the period of puberty. Illustrated for Ihe mas by a description of namer us cases, aathered during a practice of 22 rears. Tito Book cob bo procured by application to ' '; J. 1 . SuHDHWALD, Dr. 01. .1 also far sale at Mr. PEARCE'SBvok Store. Wilmington, July 29. ., Vl . . , , 69-if COAL. i fkAa BUSHELS, Black Smith' Coal, dally I UVJM expected from Baltimore, per Schr. Gen. Jrvln, and for aale by - - . , iv , ELLIS, RUSSELL St CO. Anguat 2: ' ' ' . ,y '-;. 69-tf.' OLD OAP for sale, by . CASTILE 4 .WJtKINSOy&ESLKR. ...... LIME! LIME! I LIME!!! 7AnBBLS. Llnoolnvllle Whit Lampt AIsO JKJJ calcined Plaster, Plastering xiatr. ana Fir Brick, Hydraulic Cement 1 1000 bbls.Lim , Vili,aA, s, nvvir, " OontractenaaaBalldtrS' Dc.22. 1360. ... ' 119. N. C. BACON Vs LBS, Hams, Side and Shoulders, in store, and for sale low by , ' ; - SAVAGE 4 MEARES. . ., 35. : 8000 ; Jans 5. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. A. HANDSOME edition of Bills et Rxehinge, jest received, bound to Books ol different size, and in Quires and Sheets, (or sal at the office of The Ctmmerclal . - line 19. 1951. ' ' - 41. h COFFEE. rn BAGS Rio Coflee. Fot sal by HATHAWAY & SON. . 77. : Sept. 13. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. a partner In ijutjf.ui u. KAiM KkiiH i a psriner In pur XI houve from this date. " ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. July Id. ' " I ' ' ' - 47. . RICE. OA CASKS for sale low, to close consignment, 'fcUby ADAMS, BR0. 4C. July 3d. 47. DOMESTIC GOODS. A FULL Supply of Sheetings, YisfB and Orns burgs constantly on band and for sale at man ufacturers price, by V; ', ; .. ( T. C. WOftTH. August 21. 3m. 67. " FIRE 1NSURANCE7 THE undersigned having reeclvud the Agency, la prepared to take risk upon tht most JatorabU term in one of the bent Insurance Companies in the country, THE HARTFORD PROTECTION. 'V, H. NUTT, ; Agt August 23, 1851. H. & J. copy. ,. 68-tf. WHOLESALE WATCH AXD JEWELRY STOPjS, I, II. MILLER &C0. , IMPORTERS. Mannfaeiorers and Jobbers of WATCHES, JEWELRY, & FANCY GOODS, have leated the Old Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Canfield, Brother St Co. south east coa mib or charles "ahd saltimobb street, (No, 227,) which they are putting in complete order for the WHOLESALE WATCH AND JEWELRY BUSINESS, to be opened about lie 20th of July. In calling the atteniion of the trade to the new concern, we mention the fact that we are associated with one of the most extensive JEWELRY MAN UFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS tn the country, which must give a decided advantag over all others in this market, for supplying dealer with Jewelry at manufacturers' prices, a feature in ihls branch of trade long since needed, between Balti more and the Southern and Western Merchants. We desire to call particular attention to the Watch department, which will at all time be supplied with a great 5sortmcnt from ihe most celebrated msnu fucturcrs, and kept tn perfect rnnning order, so that purchasers may at once take them, with a written guarantee that they will perform correctly. .This branch of the business will receive the especinl aitention of one of the firm, whose extsn slve and practical knowledge of the business, will we hope, give us a place In the confidence of buy ers. ""' We respectfully invite yon to call upon as when you next visit our city, confidently believing that un examination of our Goods will prove to you, that ihey are better atyles and cheaper than you haye ever seen in this market, and assure you thai no effort shall be wsniiag on our part to make the acquaintance one Of mutual benefit. -'Li If. MJLLER A CO. Old stand, formerly occupied by Caofield, liro. & Co, S. E. corner ol" Charles & BaJiimure si. . pj-r ct.tj.vr. i Messrs. Wyetli, Biacklock & Co. " Gwyn, Reid & Taylor, " James Hodges St Brother, " Hurst St Berry, V Murdoch, Ducr St Evans, ' Stellmann St Hinrichs, Santrston & An. " Barlhlow, Gwyn &Co. " Rlely St Pendleton, " Cashing St Bailey, John Muiphy rf'to. Moore & Griffin. August 19, lt51. 66-6mo-c. GLUE. C)E BARRELS American CO 20 " supctior EnglUli ; jnst received, and for ale, by ADAMS, BROTHER St Co., August 5, . - 90. TO THE PUBLIC. THE iindcrelgnetj having entered Into a Copart nership for the purpose of carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE DUSINESS in all It branches, tuke this nielbod o, Informing their friends and the public lhat Ihey will open about the 20th September, one of the most fhshlonable stocks ever offered tn this market', all of which shall be of ihesesT ttATERULand woBXMAsstitr. They intend to manuvaoturb laroelv, nnd have procu red the services of some of the best workmen in the country.; They hope by strict attention and de termination to please, to merit a liberal share of patronage. T JONES & GARDNER, a. j.joses. thos. m OAaexEs. Sept. 2,1851. 72-11. JUST OPENING AT THE HARDWARE STORE. THE most beatttilul assortment offina J?rket Cutlery, ver brought to this part of the country. . , ;.V ROBINSON, j August 28. ' ' 70. EMPTt SPIBIT DARBELS. LARGE Siscs,just received and for sale Jane 26 7 . 44.- LARD. 10 nets, prime Lard, for sale by 4 is . f 1 ANDERSON & LATIMER. Aaguat 21. --."f ; V--L y. NElVVOIiK LIFE INSURANCE CO. THE agency of this establishment for the town af Wilmington, has bnconferrd upon th onder- -i i -.h., i nrenarsa la sooraau. cuuteiie mini nmilon, nn io n-i. SURANCE upon as reasonable teim a any oth.r totliutlon of ih. same character tajjgjj- W ,WUO 13 CONTENTED? - Ona 4y, bs the dervish Altnorarv tte wi sest of all ihe followeia of ilie rrophet. Bml he racleoftbeehief Buifiiot Ltamboul, wn aiitliifr in a shady arova by t!. a:Js of a. bubbling loootala, on the shores c fits Dot " phortw, Irying. to find out, thetrtia roadtft happiiie, ai order thkt be aighl If r.cft hie fcUow-crealarc by cpmmanicatin ie d jcot? try. hi speculator ?ef ifllerrnftcd by n rr.aa richly rlothed, who, approticlati. s.uV.n aodihed henrilr. erytnt outut tho same ; v time, :0, Allah, Ibfseetti thee to relieve ma pi life, ot the , bordene - with which it ia . laden." f- ' i - A I mora n, wbe waa sort of amateur of , misery, becaaae it afforded him the pleasure of administering ConsofatioB, npproacliid the -mnrloi sorrow, aod kindly inquired the cnnie of Ma griefs: Aft thou jo want of fod, of fi icnits, of health, or any of those comfort of life that are necessary tar hurnnif. hnj pinesil or doet thou lack tbe'advire of experience, or the eontolationa of ymraihy J S ppik( fut it ' is the bpaineic ot tny ijl'e to bcetotv them oi ' my fellow-citizen.'. v, t ,- r , ., : 'AiasP snitl the trangar. rrquire rone of these... 1 bare ail and more than I want ; of everything. I have all the mean of hap piness bat one, nnd the want of that rcnJir every other blessing of np valvte. ' . 'And what ialhatt naked the dervish. 'I adore the beautiful Zalenia but she fove fliipfucr, and nil my riches and honors are as nothing. I am the most miserable of men; my life lea burden,' and my' death would bo the greatest of blessings.' . - ! ' BeJore Ainioran o)d reply, there apt ; proaehed a poor creature - clothed rti , and leaning on his staff, bowrd down to the earth with a load of, misery.;-lie satdowrf rnonning, a it jtt great ptnii,ana cait:n h; eyes op ward, exclair tied, 4AIIah bo my ' star for I have none other. ' " The dervish went lo him and kindly eaiJ. fVVhat aileth i thee poor man 1 " Perhnps it may be in my power to relieve thy dwirtsocs, What wantpth tboo t' . - , 'Everything, replied the beggar j 'health, -food, kindred, friends, a home everything I am on batcaat and a wanderer, desiituie of ' every contort of Jifo fc f am the most miserv .' able of mankind t for in' addition f my bwri sufferings. J see other around me revet!, t v in those lujurics for lack of a small ' porto.i ' of whiehj I perishing.' ' ' Atfhia momcntathtra man opproacnej, with weary steps and a langrjid lock, and cas- ting himself down by the side of fi.e fo -i-tairi stretched out his limbs at free 'Ii'ng,.L ,' and yawning despsratcly, eried out. J 'AI!;;hl what shall Ida? what will become of met I am tired of life," which la nothing but a pur- . gatory'of waotv, that' when supplied, only prodnee disappointrncnt 6r djegast.' ' ' 5 " ' Afmoran approached and okedr ' 'Tr'hat is the cause of thy misery ? .What wanted thotir, il ' 'I want rt want,' answered the 'othrr. T am cursed with the misery of fruition. 1 have wasted my life in acquiring riches; that brc; me nothing but disappointment, and honors -that no loitgef gratify my pride, or repay me, -for ihe labor olfoetaining ihem j I hare been rheatrd into ' the porsmt ol pleosure that . tqrneo io pain in m njuy wkm, hhu mj ly want is that I have nothing to f desire. . ' have everything wwh, and ycl I enjoy no thing.' '....."' n,' ' , Alrooran paused a few moments, utterly at a Jos lo find a remedy for this strange n 'v dy, then said to himself. '"Allah I pn-.rve met I see if is all the snmo whether u want 0110 thing, everything,' or nothing, it i impossible to inaktfsrich beiuga happy, ani , ; may I eat dirt ir 1 troublo ' myself any mro -in so vain a pursuit.,', '":- - - Then, taking hp his staff,' he, Kent on 1,'f way. Literary H'ordV ,r -' 'l'' mmWfi' r'ni. Pi- jll '' ' ":" 1f 'f t r J"' 'C : 'f ' '" r VFREB! TRANSLATION.1 'Well now,, you're been to college two years, I suppose yott.can Vrand!attsl;iiin, -some, can't you 71-' r,, ' r v -t , t Yes, l ean translate anything. . ; 'Can you 1 WfcH, what , can thw mraq ) . Poeta nasrilur a on JUV t " t m Oh I that menus u uasty poet w not fit ' ' , 'Not fit for what V . i.s.- ; . ' . 'You didn't quota the wbo!e-j'ytf cevenft btt$ $odelqtt-not fill for dcrenl sOeiety I , Ah t indeed I what does tie tutor , mean V 'If yon, in popping the qaestion, should! ' drop on your kqjjB, yoq would bs a Atice; mitar ' " s .Si il rn" i : L , ' , 4 Very good Now, what is jam tfUitV OU I that's nhat tlje ftllow a,n'd in a crowdj, he meant be was jammed enough !',.. . ' , , 'Well, thisrollege aroi! is a great thing, ; I a'pose you didn't k,nor llia.t;4 can Iran, late some myself?' V.' l- ' t No!cnnyouf ' O, yes Ir-clam et paC-you know what j lhat means, eh ' ;'f ' -v ' '. Vni vueilvt what is it I 1-j , i . That means, eat clam by the pailful ! x f 'You may take my hat!'.. 'S . --ij.-yi' ;,.'! i ; iii nun... NEGRO SHREWDNESS - A gentlemnn sent . hia blAf k servant f 4 purchase a Iresh fwh. , He went to ; a sta'l -and taking up a fish, began to ame i it. , Thfi , 4 v fih monger oliservi&tf him, and fctuLig tho bystanderf roight caiph tho scent, 'cjciaiui- ed v ':''" Ki , ., . - " , i , , , HaHtiryoti hliick , rnal, what do yni - Iroellmynihlbrr ," ' - The negro replied-- -; v ; . - : r i Me no smell you fish, mnssa. i. What are you doing, then, rV Why, mo talk to him mnssti.' f :And what did you say to the fi Ii, e!i V " Why, me ak whafnews at sea, that' till, massa.' j ' ' , - . ; , 'And what doea ne say to you r 'He savs, ho don't know; hu to bcoo, . dera KalelitD, Sept. 10, 195l , : 4 7fMm. Spu6, ' August 23. . ,. iv t t . "7 , v ' jt .,? J 1 4W :t-4;.'(ir r July iMeai.;" m , a ..53.