-'I new youk: money market.; ' -; Oct. 22. N6 apprehension Is now felt Rt the export''0'1 of specie, tho receipts of gold from . California boiny sullidently extensive to ait;y 1 fear on this points. Upwards of two millions five hundred thousand dollars have been received within the M fortnight, and it is confidently ex pected that tho receipts of the month will rvuch Si.SOO.OOO.- Independent of this our Dank - are well fortified, Whig nearly, eleven millions dol lars worth of coin on hand, i i. In Domestic K.tchauge the Improvement in the Money Market has operated favorably en the rate on 'distant points of the .West, id the large sales of cotton in the shipping porta have r aucod the quotations on the South. , Now Oileauaaud .Mo lilu funds aru much wautc4. ' ' . - PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Oct 23. Flour anr( Meal Tlio demand for Flour Is limited. ; Fresh grown! for export U nnm ; lnal at $41 ; for city use at 1) a 4. Extra flour h held at $4 a 41. Kye flour Pennsylvania is Arm a.25.tt Corn mealfs firmly held at$3i, though there are no salua of Meal or Rye Flonr. : Grain-Wheat Sales of new Southern red at ? 78 a 78 ; white Is held at 80 a 6G cents. Rye Last sales of Southern at Gilo. Pennsylvania is la demand at 67e. Com is duller; sales of ; 8outher at 64 ets and Western at 62c. Oats new Southern are in demand al 85 a 86 cents. Whiskey is firm at 22c in both hhds aad bbls. - No report of Naval Stares. - PHILADELPHIA MON EY MARKET. ,' : The Philadelphia Ban of Wednesday, last says ; The Stock market continues very quiet, and there is no change in prices worthy of particular notice, The demand for money has somewhat fallen off, but the brokers' continue to be well supplied with paper, arul there s po abatement in the rates of cliseoant. Business generally is dull The Fall demand for dry poods is beginning; to fall oil'. Sterling Bills are rather rnpro abundant, but the rates are steady" pt 109 a 110. Tho crops of Breadstuffs and Cotton have been forge and will when brought fo tho market, injpart iiew life to business. .'v BALTIMORE MARKET. Oct. 23. Flour It) tho Flour market there is but little stir; Howard, street, sales of 500 bbls. heard of at 8.87. City Mills, sales were made at 8 81 3,87. Uoru Meal $8. Saks of Rye Flour at 3,14. .. GrainThe receipts light, will) small sales We quote good red Wheat at 70 a 74 cU.; ordina ry, 65 a 70 CwUts, and white 74 a 78 cents, and family flour at 82 a 84 cents. But littlo doing in Corn sales of white at 66 a 57 cents, and yellow at 67 ft 58 ceuts. Outs 80 it 84 cents. Kye 63 a 61 cents Cloversesd 4,87 a 5,87 per bushel. lSovisions-The market steady. We quote Mess Polk 16,31 a 10 60; Prime 18.75. Bacon Shoulders 9 a 9 cents; Sides 10 a 10J cents; Hams 10 a 111 Cent". Lard 9 a 9 cents, in bbls.; In kegs at 10 a"10j cents iu steady de mand. ; Oroceriei Snear and Molasses quiet. Coffee in demand, wo qnote Rio at 8 a 8 ceuts. Itioe 81 a 81 cents tier lb. WhUkey The demand is limited. Sales of hhds at 22 a 22 cents, and some hhds at 2) eta. Cotton -Sales at f cent decline siocu Monday. ' ; CljARLESTOtf MARKET. Oct. 23. otton There was ratlief an active de pium) yesterday for Cotton, the sales having ivachcd 1663 ' bajes at full prices at 5, 8, j8 5-16ths. TO TI1B LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, STORE KEITHS AND PLANTERS, AXliTtlBPtliLJCJN QENUPALl HI? Subscribers beg leays to inform all those J. .who wish; to purchuse any kiqcj of FRENCH, ENQU3II, ) AMERICAN . DKY GOODS, at wholesale or retail, to come as soon as passible, loexatrric our Stock. Qna of our firm, Air. IIinbv Maria, has just returned, and l)as selected the .best, cholctst and handsomest Goods, out th(s sea son. All the French Qouda Imve been brought. from the manufactories, and we will be able to sell them ': at New York and Philadelphia prices. Qoods and flunlity, we assure, will suit every customer. Amongst our stock you will find, Black Silk of all yd' I), the beat that is made; Plaldj Figured and Cluck Silks ; . Turkey Satin of ul) colors; Merinos, Coshnioros, plain and figured i All wool deLnlnes, of iiplnc & Go's make, at Paris Alpnccos, figured, black, changeable ant plain; 200,dozen vory best EtnbroJ.dc rod, Plain and l)nv arched Lncn and Cambrlo Hondfcerchlofs, Cambrics, Jaconeis, Swiss Mnsllq, .crossbar red Muslin, Ac , Ac In all kinds; , White. Rod, Grey and Blue Flannels; at reduced 'prjees it t Ribbons. Gloves, Fringes,, Buttons, Trimming? of. " tho latest stylo; : pf-M FACT:$ Wo hay an assortment better than ever before. Please Call soon; you shoil be satisfied with Goods and price, before you iaavo our Store. 1 ' II. & J. MAYKll. N. B.f REMRMDRll on r assortment of CAR PKTlNGS will suit in quality and price, oil those who ire in wsnt of any. ' OILCLOTH AND RUGS. rWompleaof Good are ready to send out. j Oct. 25. ( Jour, and Her, 3i w ,65-3t GLASS WARE! GLASS WARE!! JCSX Received from New York, a largo of Viols of various sixes. Speir Tincture and Sajt Mouih Routes, Tolllette Bottles, fancy Pungents, Ac. Also, a large assoitment of Window Gloss. For ale by C. OPRK. ; . , DrugKl't and Chemist. BURNING FLUID AND CAMPIIINE. A" FRF.SH 'Supply otwayl on hand. For salo by C. DuPRK, " Druggist and Chemist. 4 Oct. 25. 95. MEDICAL NOTICE. DRSl.'FRREMAiV fc 'MALLKTT having asso ciated thomsslvus In the HOMOEOPATHIC Practice pf Medicine and Surgery, oflor their Pro fessional services to the coinmttnliy. Ono or tht other of them may be found at oil times at their of flc, when not professionally called off'. Calls In the country will receive prompt atten tion at all limes. A CARD. DU. MALLETT, In oflurlna his professional services to the eillsons of VVilrningion, would tote that ho has been engaged in the prnciloe of dedlelnoand Surgcrv for five years, and for the asl year has given his attention to, llomtriopntliy, to which prsotlce he will , copflno himself mpst strictly In all Ha branches. : N. B.v From his experience in Surgery, ho feels onfidont (hat he can give satisructlop In thn perfcr mnnee of ill Surgical Operations evon tho mos dellcatei'v,-. :.: Oct. 22.'' Z,:4.,-t:- - '' "" ' ' ' 92- : 5: WESTERN BACON, ( 3 HHDS. Bacon; . " ' I2TiefoV'-!iil, .'!- .V ' . For sale loWj' n close consignment by ' 2 ;-li,HrADEUAUN & LATIMER. ATTENTION, CLARENDON E0RSH. GVARDSr A . THKOrticersand mtmbeis of tbe .-; Troop nil! meet 8,t the Court H,ous3 ' I j On Friday teni? October Ut next ; c "? at 7 o'clock P M. A business f UrfB linportnnce will coma before thuni, ( . NV punctusj attendance Is rrqncsicd, in IK ' ' lC l. HALL, O. 6. W. U. HoWAao,Cj?T.. " ' Sept. 27. ' Jl. cony. - ' - - S3-lat. mackerel ;:: f trr BBLS. Nq, 3 Mackerel, In prime order, for t?UMUiby ANDF.1LKJN St LATIMER. Qct.2. . 9L, POUR AND BEEF. BBLS. Rpmj Pork i 21 ' Mess Beef a " rrim,e ao. . . .... For sale very low, by AADERSON & LATIMER. Oct. 23. ' 91. 'SPIRIT BARRELS. SPIRIT Barrels, In prime order; just received, and lor sale by . 300 Oct. 23. 94. RED ASH EGG COAL. Q"" TONS of best quality, landing and for ZfJ sale tn lots to suit purchasers, at 96. per ton, for Cask only. " Persons ordering will please send the money, as no Coal will bo delivered witiiout it. DiltOS BT & BROWN. Oct 23. 94 NOTICE IS II I'll E BY GIVEN THAT a Dividend of three dollars per share on the Capital Stock of the Wilmington and Ral eigh Rail Road Company, fully pa J J in, will be made to Shareholders, or their legal representatives on and after the 15th day of November next. By order. JAMES S. GRKKN Secretary. Oct. 21. 93-t 15N. Papers copying notice of Stockholders meeting will please copy this for sume length of time. . THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED S'WCK QF BOOTS AND SUOES, fn the YW ji of Ifihiiington. ft - WE have received and are nqw tT"openin& our FALL AND WINTER STOCK of thp obovo articles. For tl;e Ladies we have the mni fushionable assortment to be found In the Stale. If the Gentlemen will cal, thry niust find nninihinir l(t their tnstt!. About 200Q pair of Lined and Negro Brogans manufactured ejpresely Tgr ourselves. G. f-C. BRApEV & Co. N. B.-rManufaeturing and fepalnn j as usual. Oct. 21. 93 ST0UGII TON'S BITTERS. trDO,EN Superior article ; just Received and UVI for sale low, by WILKINSON & KSLF.R. Oct. 21. N. C. T copy. 93. EMPH SPIRITS TURPENTINE BARRELS. flfAEMPTV Spirits Turpentine Barrels, In good order, for solo by GEO. HARRISS. Oct 11. WRITING PAPER. A FEW Reams superior Flat Cap paper, for sale at lh ClHKinereUU Q0!c. Oct. 18. , 92. LNJE! LIME! rrvQ CASKS Superior Llwe, daily expected per Jill Schr. Dolphip, for sale by J. H. FLANNEtt. Oct. ljr 89.31. NOTICE. TflK. underpinned having entered Into n partner sliip In 1816, for the term of five years, which term will cxpiro on tho first of December next, when they lire desirous of closing ull accounts ex isting on (hoir books ul that date, hereby request all persons indebted to them, to come forward and settle their accounts either by nolo or cash, on or before I lie expiration ufsnid partnership. HOWARD & PF.DEN. Od. 21, ' " 93-1 1 J. ' mm rPHF. undersigned heroby notify the public that X tht-y will continue to conduct the buslnessof the old tinti utter ihe 1st of Oocember next, as hereto fore, and thaokful for the palronago hitherto ex tended to iheui, respectfully solicit a continuance of tho sumo. HOWARD & PKDEN. Oct. 21.. 93tlJ. SUNDRIES, PER SC lift: MARY POWELL. FLOUR. Of) BBLS. Superior Canal, fresh ground now pU 5 d Hirum Smith's brand " (whoot;) CHEESE. 50 Bo.xes a superior prticln; CRACKERS. 5 Bbls. of fresh sugar crackers; 10 Boxes " " " BUTTER AND LARD. 5 Kegs extra Goshen Butter; 5 Kegs " Ucfinud Lard. Low for cash at GEO. H. KULLEY'S. Oct. 21. J. H. & N. C. T. 93. MORE OF THOSE NEW STYLE, DOUBLE over Coats, just received at SCOTT & BALDWIN. Oct. 18. 92. A GREAT NATIONAL PICTURE! H'ASUlSa TON- From Siuart's Celebrated Painting. THIS large and magnificent FvliLkhotu Poa tbait or Washington, from the burin of an American artist, is considered by all who have seep it to be one of the most beautiful specimens of art over published, and a Couhict Likeness of Wash ington. The size of the plate it eighteeo by twen tyeight inches, which will make a handsomo pic ture for tne parlor, and should be la llie bands of every American pltlzon l It is a correct copy from Stuart's celebrated orlg nal Painting, pow at the Suae House, Hartford Ct. It Is finely engraved, and printed an superior plate paper. 'I'hut It muy bo within Ui means of all, the publisher has reduced the price to One Dollar 1 All persons remitting the smount muy rely upon receiving n perfect copy by return of mail to anv part of the United Slates, carefully put upon rollers made for the purpose, free of postage. Address all orders (post paid) to the publisher, , JOHN S. TAYLOR. Bookseller and publisher, 143 Nassau street, New York. Oct. 7. , . - .' - r,. fi7. SHIP S. V. Given, Capt. Givin 1 Br. Schr. Lilla, " , Millan; ma For freight or pasjasf, apply to ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Oct. 23., 1 HK tine Lark Columbia, Capt. Taylor, Trwl" I"'8 immediate dispatch, . For pas -rnusage apply o r : ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Oct. 23. . - - . ... .,. : , -. g.v3t. n for new york; . - f THRfast ailinsrT pocket Brig BuenaVliiii, W. J. Price. Master, will hove diapuich for afiSA IlhflVA ttrt ll..h fa,il At M'lutm. 111 .... ... u,,, a- wi ii lit. (ivijilt ui itno- age.having superior accommodations apply on board to Master, er GEO. HARRISS. Oct. 25. 95.- FOR PHILADELPHIA. IIEROXS LINE. THF, A. I. fast sailing coppered schr. Mar r.t.uiimon, vvm. somers, Waster, will have desnntch ma ihnvn Pirllirhi (mi,yUi or passasje only, apply on board, or to GEO. HARRISS. Oct. 21. 93 4t. FOR PHILADELPHIA. HE It OX S LINE. THE fast aniling pocket Schr. J. p. To. Dins, l. nana, Alaster, can take tho bulk of 100 barrels, in light freleht, apply to UKW. qAKKISS. 93. Oct. 21 FOR FREIGHT OR'CHARTER. jEx THEfas sailing Brig Buena Vista, Wm. pgJ. 'Price ftlaater, carries 1400 bbls, N aval gaGi Stores or 110,000 feet Lumber, apply to Master on board, or to GEO. HARRISS. Oct. 21. 93-4t. FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR LINE. THE rjeutar packet Schr. Mory Powell, ,James P. Powell, Master, will have quick .dispatch as above. For light freight or pussago apply to GEO. HARRISS. Oct. 18. 2, FOR BOSTON. THE flne fast sailing Brig Delaware.Hard- .tng, manor, win nave aespatcn as aoove. ib or light ireight or passage, apply to GEO. HARRISS. 16. 91. Oct, FOR NEW YORK. THP. fine fast sail Schr. Florida, Jacqnct, l . . . til I J .-I." I viuasier, win nave uespuicii us nuove. ror light freight or passage, apply to UbU. UAtVtVlOO. Oct. 16. ' 91. PQR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. -fix THE Schr. Henry Delany, A. Dole, iMas- ler, carries 1,000 barrels Naval Stores or ,75,000 feet Lumber, ALSO. THE clipper Schr, Hampton Westcott, W. B. Wines, Master, carries l.JUU barrels Naval Stores or 80,000 feet Lumber. Apply tp Oct. 6. GEO. HARRJSS. , k !) CANNON'S LINE OF BALTIMORE PACKETS. THE subscriber Intends running a regular weekly line of Packets be tween Wilmington and Baltimore. consisting of sly A. J. fust sailing schooners, Corinlkidn, Stuan Ctfinun, Virginia Griffith, Palestine, (faze lie, Ifrw. y. Hoouimh. Persons purchasing goods in Baltimore and wish ing them forwarded without delay, will please direct them shipped by this line. FrolgliiH taken on this line at New York rates. JQHN W. CANNON, Agent, Baltimore, Md. J. So D. McRAE, Agents, Wilmington, if. C. Jan'. 25.1361. )33-tf. WM. MASON & SON'S REGULAR LINE OF BALTI MOlt 13 & W I LM I GTQ N J.UCK ETS jjti THE undersigned beg leave to' inform tfV nffE the Shipping public, that they ',ave jEsaiLmnde arrangements to continue tlieum abpve Iine vf Packets, and run good vessels regu luriy mrougn the year, at lowest rates of freight. The Agents' wharf in Wilmington is in a central part of the town, and immediately adjoining one of the Steamboat Company's wharf, therefore making it desirable to I hose who have goods for up river. Shippers will please direct their goods, shipped by 'Mason's Line." WM. MASON A SON, Agents, No. 75. Smith's wharf, Baltimore. ELLIS, RUSSELL i& Co., Agents, Wilmington, Feb. 4. 137-tf CHEESE! CHEESE! ()r BOXES new Cheese, just received and for J sale by GKO. MYERS. Oct. 16. 91. NOTICE IS hereby given, that the annuul meeting of tho Stockholders of the Wilmington and Kaleiah Railroad Coniuanv. will tako place on the second i nursuay (tJin) ot noveiuDor next. JAMES S.GREEN, Secretary. Oct. 18. 1851. 92-H3N. NOTICE. ALL persons are Informed that I will not be re. sponsiblo for any debts contracted by my wife LeaReabourn; and nil persons are forbid from hurboring her. WILLIAM REABOURN. Oct. 18, 1851. 92 3t-p. MERINO SHIRTS. A NOTIJER large lot, extra large size, silk and X3L Merino Shirts, just opened nr SCOTT & BALDWIN'S. Oct. 18. ' 92. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AT REDUCED PRICES. mllk? uk kaCHAINuK, on line JJ paper 1 paper and of a very handsome Impression, for salo at Tht Contmtrei uu Qfflet bound in Books of various aixes, and in sheets (Jet. 10, 92. UMBRELLAS AT a small advance over Manufacturers prices. Qnc casojmt opened, direct. Amopg- the as sortment, we havs few doxen superior Silk. Call at SCOTT t BALDWIN'S, Market St. Oct. 13. 92. YOUTH'S OYER COATS ANEW assortment, just received at ' SCOTT BALDWIN. Oct. 19. . ' 92. . HOUSES FOR SALE ANftREST. FOR SL1' MT house and lot, at the head of Princes street, where 1 now reside. It Is a very for a small family, with a large garden spot, stables, and all peceseory. outhouses. IVrmt accommoda ting. '.' ' ' w. K. ruisfciMArs. sept: ?7.';;;r-.?'.: y-ri ; - 83. TO RENT. TWO couifortable Dwelling Houses. , ; ; Apply to . . it ARTW CRONLT. ." ' v': " 8L Sept.. 23 FOR RENT. , THE store in front of the Carolina Hotel, formerly occupied as a Bar-room. The store Is largo and the stand excellent. Apply at the Carolina Hotel, to WOOD A FANNING. ; -August 23. 63-tf. HOUSES TO RENT. Capt. G. Potter having given me the Agen cy for renting his houses, in Wilmington all nersens who wish to secure a place early, may do so oy calling on the subscriber. ' I oftef the following for rent from the 1st day of October next, to October st, 1852, vis. 1 large and comfortable 3 story brick tenement on Toomur'a al ley; with Bakery and Store attacked. I One dwelling on tke corner of Walnut and Water streeia, 2 atones nigh, wtt& more in tne oasemeni. One Store House adjoining the above, The Ristey House on the corner of 4th Street. The, House and Lot adiotninV. on Boundary St. Also a number of desirable Cottages In the neiehborhood of the Dry Pond. . A. A. u.ouuiriAi.1.. August 2, 1351. Journal copy. 69-tf. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE : FOR SALE. 3TQRES on both sides of Market Street, and on Princess Street DWELLING HOUSES and LOTS in different oarta of the town. A FARM, with a comfortabla Dwelling House thereon, near Federal Point. A HOUSE and LOT In Smithville. TURPENTINE LANDS between Lockwood's Folly and Shaiotte river, In the county" of Bruns wick. D. B. BAKER. July 29, 1851. '67tf. J. E. REA, DENTIST. RESPECTFULLY" announces to his friends and the public, that he has re turned from his summer trip, and is prepared to continue the practico of Dentistry, in all the the latest improvements, and hopes to have a coutlnuatinn of that patronage heretofore receiv ed. Office over Mr. Agostine's Store, Market St. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 14th. 90-Ira. (J, copy tf. FALL TRADE. THE prospects of our Fall Trade have induced us to purchase a large and well selected Stock; of which we have the pleasure of offering to Coun try Merchants and the public generally. Our stock consists in part of Confectionary, Foreign and Do mestic Fruits, Nuts, Pickles, Preserves'," Tobtcco, Snutt, Seyais : say 150,000 embracing all the most celebrated brands. Matches, Baskets, Carpet Bags, Sachells, whips, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps. German and French Toys. Fanev articles, and many arti cles which would be tedious to mention, which have been selected by us at best prices. Cosh pri ces, and will be sold accord! 1 gly, by WILKINSON & ESLER. 88. October 9. WANTED TO Hip. FROM tho present time to tho first of January next, a NEGRO BO V, about 15 years of age, of good character, loquiro at tuts umc Oct. 7. 87. FRESH RAISINS 'PER SCHR. L. P. SMITH. 5 BOXES extra Malaga; 10 half do ' . 10 do " Low for cash at GEO. H. KELLEVS. Oct. 18 J. H. & N. C T. copy; 91. SCHOOL SATCHELS. SCOTT & BALDWIN are offering a fine assort ment, cheap. Oct. 9. 88. LARD. NC. Lrd in kegs. Also, a prime article of loaf Lard in tins, from 40 to 60 lbs. each. For sale, low, by SAVAGE & MEARES. 87. uct. 7. LARD JUST RECEIVED. 1 Q SMALL packages, a prime article, (or sale y-J tow, oy Oct. 7. 8AVAGE MEARES. 87. COMMERCIAL BANK OF WJLMINC T0N. THE regular annual meeting of dm Stockhol ders of this Bnnk. will be held at the banking house, In the town of Wilmington, on Monday the 3d day of November. T. SAVAGE, Cashier. Town Papers, Tarboro' Press and Newbcrnian, publish weekly until last of October. Oct. 14. 14 9t. $10 REWARD. Jtf RANAWAY from the subscriber on Thurs Ml day, the 2d Inst, a negro boy named JIM jJ.OWEN; about 17 years old. Jim is about 5 ft. 0 inches high a very likely boy, with a bright in telligent countenance. He is probably lurking somewhere about the centre of tho town. The above reward will be paid for his upprchinsion and lodgment in any safe place where nv.e can get him. Al masters of Vessels and othes are cautioned against concealing or harboring said boy, as the severest penalties ol the law will be cpfurced against persons so otfending. POTTER A KIDDER. Oct9. " 88 tf. NOTICE. THE subscriber having obtained letters of admin- t .i 1 , . r .11 4 tr j m isirauon un iho p.mmc i aiutii n. ivuiuui uu- ceased, at the September Term 1831, of the Coun ty Court of New Hanover County j hereby requests till persons who are indebted to his Intestate to come forward and make payment ; and those hav ing claims against said intestate are notified fo pre sent them within the lime prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. L. A. HART, Adm'r. Oct. I Jib. 91-lf. A CARD. MRS. SARAH H. KELLY" takes tkis meth HjL? od of informing her town and country friends that she hat just returned from New York, with a well selected stock of MILLENARY. Consisting In part of SILK, AND SATIN AND STRAW HATS, of the latest styles. A splendid variety of Ribbons? French Flowers, Embroidery and Head Dresses of the latest style. Already peq for customers, at lowest prices. She Is thankful ;o her friends for past favors, and retp"jcifffy solicits a continuance-of the same still, at the old stand. 1 S. A young girt wishing to learn the trade, will find a situation by applying soon. Oct. 7. H. and weekly J lit). 87 RAISINS, RAISINS. Afl EOXKS.MW crop, rotate ty WW ' CEO. MYERS, Oct. 10. v - ' 91.- PATENT SOUR OIL 5 BBLS., an extra article, momently, expected from Boston, tor sol by ' ' ' ELLIS, RfJSSELl, CO. Oct, . V V,;,::., ; t;.Jti nms, uiu& d N. C. Hams, for ANDERSON A LOT of good N. C. Hams, for sole, tf - ANDERSON LATIMER. 0t.i3. ,1 far its Car of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROS- corns, croup, asthma, wnoor- ING COUGH AKD CONSUSirTIOS. This remedy is offered to the community with the confidence we feel In an article which seldom fail to realize the happiest efTec'.s that can be desired. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so numer ous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of tho country abounds In persons, publicly known who have been restore! from alarming and even desperate diseases of Ihe lungs, by Its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind, is too apparent to escape observation, and, where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ fur the dis tressing and dangerous afTectlons of tne pulmonary organs, whicli are incident to our climite. And not only in the formidable attacks upon tho lungs' but for tho milder varieties of Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, &c. and for Children il Is the pleasant est and safest medicine that can be obtained. No amily should U without it, and those who have used it, never will. ' i . Rend the opinion nf the following Gentlemen, who will be recognised in the various sections of coun try where they are located -each and all as mer chants of Ihe first chsj and of the hlirhest character os the oldest and most extensive Wholesale Ppal ersin Medicine with an experience unlimited on the subject of wnich they speak. If there is any yalue in the judgment of experh-nce, see '" , THIS CKKTIKICATI3. We the untltrsiqnttl, Wholttale DruggUl. htreing betn Ions acquainted vilk Ayer'i Chtrry Ptctor'M, hereby cci ttfy our bdieftkat it U Xhtbett anil mofit tf. fectual remedy for Pidmonaty Complaint tter offer ed to the American peojile. And we ttovidyfronr' our Imouledfre qftlierumpoilwn, and extensive utfylnut cordially commend it to tho afflicted at worthy Mifr bett conJUlenrt, and villi the firm conviction that it will do for their relief all that viedieint can do. u'' ' lienshaw, Edmahds ff Co., Boston; Mus. Reese & Coulson, Baltimore, Md., Haviland, Hnrrall & Co., Charleston, S. C, T. H. McAllister, Louisville, Ky. Joseph Tucker, Mobile, Ala. Theodore A. Peck, Burlington. Vermont. Haviland, RUley & Co., Augusta, Ga. Isaac D. James, Trenton, N. J. J. M. Towntsend, Pittsburg, Penn, M. A. Santos 6t Son, Norfolk. Va. Edward Bringhursf, Wilmington, Del. John Gilbert & Co., Philadelphia, Penn. Z. D.& W. H. Oilman, Washington, D. O. J. Wright dt Co., New Orleans. La. Watson, Wall 4 Co,, Fort Wayne, Indiana. C. C. Richmond & Co., San Franelsco, Cat Lewis & Ames, Tallchasse, Fla. B. R. Strong. Knoxvtlle, Tenn. Chilion & Duer, Little Rock, Ark. Stiller. Slade & Co., Lexington, MJas. N. D. Laburfie, Galveston Texas. Joseph M. Turner, Savannah. Gs. Wade, Eckstein St Co., Chincinnattl, Ohio. IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. J. G. Coffin 4 Co., Valparaiso, Chili. F. N. Dimond &Co., Vera Cruz, Mexico. Fred. Rivas St Co., Bogota, New Grenada. S. Provost d Co., Lima, Peru. Morton c Co., Halifax, Nova Scotia. T. Wolker & Son, St. Johns, New Brunswick. C. G. Salinas & Co , Rio Janeiro, Brazil. With such assurance, and Iron such men, no stronger proof can be adduced' except that found in in Its eltects upon trial. Prepared and sold by JAMES CAVER, Prac tical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Wilmington by A. C. Evans & Rrother, and by Druggists and dealers in Medicine through out the State. Sep. 20. GLUE. QH BARRELS first rate, lor sale, cheap, by J. D. McRAK & Co. Sept. 23. 61. AGENCY or DR. pITCIjPS CELEBRATED MED ICINES. . Pulmonsry Balaam, uepurativenm , jl AJILetterVaonulning either Titkets Pectoral Expectorant, Heart Corredfa rfiJjare sotlosely enveloped ss to defy the Pure and Medical Cod Liver Oil. Anti-Dyapoptic Mixture, Cough and Cnthartie Pills Nervine, Female Pills, Vermifugo, Female Specific, &c, Ued by him cuntlantly and wWi unprecedented iuj ecu in thi treatment of Colds, Coughs, Consumption, Asthma, Heart Dis eases, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Female Cowpluinls, Plies, 4c, Ap. Dr. Filcli'i unequalled Patent Siller Plating Abdom inal Supporter!. Dr. Filch' 1 Improved Piatc4 Steel Spring Shoulder a race. Ih. Filch'i Silver Inhaling Tube. Da. FITCH'S CELEBRATED SIX LECTURES ON TUB PSZVKKTIOS 1ND i'VII OF Cantumplion, Atthma, Diieasei of tht Heart, dc. and on th method of preserving Heath and ' Beauty to an old at. This Book should bo in every family. To the Consumptive It points out the only reamtnabli hope for relief. To mothers, the directions it gives for the care and education of Children are invaluable. 87,000 copies of this Book have patted through the press, and the sale continues unabated. For Sale by S. S. FITCH A Co., 707 Broadway, New York; hndC. DuPRE, Drugit and Cheru 1st, Market street, and CI I AS. II. ALEXANDER, Topsail Sound, near Wilmington, N. C, who; from personal experience, csn commend theni to othrrs ttT lr Filch'i (iuide to Intalidi. or Dlreellors lo persons using Dr. Fiich's Remedies, to be lis', gratii, of all his Agents. , Sept 12, IUW. 6 ly-w SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! Qf DOZEN of thowj Patent Yoke eam Shirts wU just received at SCOTT d BALDWIN'S, . Ott. 7. . 88. NOTICE EXTRA. I HAVE authorized Mr. Jamss Bosch to collect II accounts due me previous to 1st of October Instant. AU persons Indebted sre Mirnmtlv request d to settle. ALEX. McRAE. Jr. . Oct. It, t?5l. tf-DL ' rnr: :j HAVING returned from l?o Nonh slSnti electei atpek e Croccnea and Provi.."-, I. flatter myself that i ean furnuh the pu!..;T i t a cDenp and ff jod supplim as any oilier tu; " ' In lite place. "1 Invite all lo call and sre f r (;. ;n selves. Ail rio-r warranted, and if not ;ooJ, i.. 1 back and the money, refunded, . Sti'l st liie o!i star. I on North Water street, next to A. A. W annct'a. The following list I a pnri of my stock t SC?A?,SV6 hhds. Ui Porioiico ; 13 bl -.. Cents Crnshei 1 1 do, do DouUI Refined Cru-f ; Powdered and Omnnlated ; 2 bows N. 1. Iaf. VOFFEKSV, bags lest Riot lOdo, Ls;:,r. ra t i do. OUl Gov. Java. FLOUR.-10 bbls. Sop. Canal 25 bbls. E.t "1, 4a. family fli half do. do.j 30 do. do.; loabasc! ). ' VACOS.h hhds. best W estern shoulders; 1 d do.' Hams. ' . . ' CHEESE, LARD AND StTTEK.-H V V , lUfiafd Lard t 8 half do. do S ferklns do 19 kf j best Butter IS boxes fine Chesfs, NAILS, SHOT AND POWDER.-M Nail, sored ; 40 bags Shof, do 1 15 ke; L...J Powder, VV and FFIf. . SUNDRIES.-W hbxm Cohrate'aSoon 13 hn'f do. do.f 6 boxes Pearl Starch 1 10 do. Coigns' sr.J Simmons' Axes 1 W do, oda Crackers 1 1 J da. sn4 . half bblt. Sugar Ctaekers ; 6 do M ilk do t 1 btl. N o. 1 Salmon t 1 do Demijohn 1 3 thesis Imp 1 ' -Gunpowde'r ; Yount Hyson, etc. Tensi 10 a - i Cedar ana Plae Tabet 10 do. Jogs, all sizes; 1 (! VarnUhed KeslcrsfS do Bras ana Iron Hoop Pii.j ot Water Buckets ; f$ setts Cap and. Snocer U,.s dot. Brooms; 3 do Trsya aad Bowls j do Floar Buckets 1 10 boxes Tobacco 1 25 tai-a Table Salt 1 , 5 dot. Bed Cord 1 3 dot pair Ardlromn dot. box-."'" e Slaieheat Dpttn Cotton Scrub. Brushes 5 bbl. No. 3 Mackerel, large ; 30 boxe Adamantine Can- - .ll. . 9nfl 11 rirlit R.r 40 Aft Tcilt A m mil tiett too ounieroB tonwntion. Low at' ' ' ' ' . ' ' " ' . t KO H. KELLErS. Sept. 16. 1851. J,.t " THE CEEiT MWinH'W- WJZEl' V E N. CARU AISON, I v uan&cn uuu aiauoutrj ttuuttj, m rrau . BattfmoreJ Sid , ' : TUt Qrtat World t Convention of PriM via Ms Head Quarter for lXattibatton ht atthaOU -Kstablished Agencj sfCIL VAKH 4kOJf, Who have told recently some of lb largest Prixe c ; ever sold, all of wbick w can show by the afficiat - Drawing ss authenticated facta. " a' " Ticket 2968 74, Washfngton Lattery, Cl 17 1 Capital of 125,000, sent to Alabama. Ticket 1 13 69 Sunquehana Canal LottsTy, CU. 20," Prix of 17,600, sent 10 Raleigh. N .C. Ticket 17 60 74, Carrol County Lottery, Claw 13, , Prix of 8,000, wnlto Indiana. ' ' ' v ' Ticket 41 67 72, Psiopsc Lotlsrr, Claw IK;,' Prixe of $2,800, ent 10 Ohiov' r w 1 ' Ticket 17 43 63 ConsolldaH IfOUtit, lies . Ixe of 16,000, sent 10 New York. cket 6 37 60 Patansco' Lottery. Claw III. Capt- s tul $3,973, tent 10 Wilmington. N.C. Ticket 18 32 46, anoT Consolidal4 tollerf' Class 12, Capital $40,000 sent 10 Naibvllle. " ' ; Ticket 6 14 66 Grand Coneollnsfsd, ' Lo erf , UM ' 1 ?, Pria of $500, sent 10 Nashville. . ) ' . Husqnehauna, 44, far Octobe 1 $th. 1 Prize of $30,0001 I " 20,0005 1 10,000! 1 " 6,000 1 I -.- 3,0001 I.C-3 M W tew too. A. - ML. M. . I Ticket $10, Share in proportion. packageaod 26 Whole for $140, Halves $70, Quarters $36. , f lt8,ST. . '.,t Patapaco, at 4, for Octobep TU. J 1 Prize of $9,214 la $9,214! 1 10 prize 600 are 6.0CO4. , 6 Prize of 1.800 are 9,000! 10 ' 6,00 are i.OCQt , 20 Prizes of $100, $76, Ac. At, f Tickets $?,50, Shorcs'lD pVoportloo. CertlfcaU " ol Packages of 28 W hole $34, Halvst 117 Uuarm ' $3,60., . .i.jg;;!.,; t t-b." Bell Air, 4T, for Octoter Slat.' 1 Prize ot $18,000 la $10,OOOi2Oprli 1.000 are 20,009 ; 3 6,000 are 18,000 20 ' 400 era B,00tf ; ; 3 " 3,000 are $,000 4e.Ac.Ae. Tickets $3,00, Shares In proportion. Cnincat V of Packe ge of 29 Whole $74, Halve $37, ttuat-" ters$18,S0. glorious small rar. ' ; - tn.-Mi ii- imfissi - ' .v i-r. ;v T Patapaco, 380, for October il4th. I prize of $7,600 Is $7,600 40ptlacsof 60ar2.40a, 6 " 1,000 are ifiw ; 200 " 40 art 1,001) 40 . " tUasre ,zui Aft Tickots Two Dollar. Package of . 24 Whole $30, Halve $16, Quarters $7,60. .'!! ' GRAND MAMMOTH LOTTSBTr ' - Grand Coimolldated Claaa X.forOctoWr , 3$t 1 Capital of $80,0001 1 1 Capital of $40,000 1 13.378! 16 Prize of $6,000 arc $30,(KKI ' t200. '! ..v 1,000 an $200,000 LT 1st and 2d drawn number $400. - ''Ae. Ac. Ac 0,' V t Ticket t:0, Halves $10, ttuarter 65, Fight II,-, 60. Pttckage of 26 Whole Tickets $300, Hiliea $150, Quarter $76, Eighth $37,50. t Cojisolldated, (Jlasa CT.tor Octobar Slat' V ' GOOD SCHEME. 1 Capital of 20,0001 1 1 Capitol ol $10,000! 1 6.000111.' " . 6000! , 1 4 Prizes of $3,000 are $12,0OO!4 prize 1.000 are S&1 -'. 4 " 1,600 are , 6,000 6 - SCO art 2,500 , ' 200 Prize ( $106, Ae. 4e. ' Ticket $5, Shares in proportion. Package 6f2& k Wholes $72. Halsea $36, ftnarter$l8., - . ' ..,4 Letterrconuintng eittier Tlckeu or Drawmg, .:At tloselv enveloped as Ui defy the most miout scrntinv tilne thelr,conterrU. , ' !iTHai?lr"-kJ:i' sent' lo 'eastomar drawtn w v y. r f, ..v Prizes. v:j&; - i t " A, , ....nn..n.,.m , . nun nn.. rmh i r i iu, . n , , maw, invest, in a leiier, ov wiuran , - - , ' E.N.raitAON,v li'Mn.,i. ., I. i.i.t ;v. .... .a...l 25. -S-'-t.f. 82.1m BUCKWHEAT. s yt . 1 (( BOXES Extra newTiulled Bsckwheal, juV ijciilvcd and (01 tale it ' if. i hpn uvrns-- Oct. 16. SI. OVER COATS AND CLOAKS.. , NEW assortment, new style, just received, at 'SCOTT dr. BALDWIN'S Clothing Store. Market St: Oct. 16, BEAUTIFUL SLITS MADE TO MHU ' SURB.''T :-;V Q(X)TT BALDWIN are making to 'particular -O measure, the handsomest Coals, Pants ami 1 Vests oiTvred In Wilmington. Their workmaosbipi J cut, trimmings, Ac. (land unequalled Call at ihelr store and leave your order, Oct. 16. , , -t; MILL SAWS. THE subscriber has th pleasure of Informing Millet's engaged In sawioa pitch pine, that he has succeeded in selling , up lh b5 Saw for that fmrpoM that has ever ytt bwn produccit, as far n ih knowa. All saw warranted not t spht 'ln tho le'eih. -j -Ml. ROBINSON'S, Hardwsw Store, Wilmington, N. c. Oct 1G. , H. J., opy, 91. CORNICE AND CURTAIN , E.INC3. A FU LI. assort mcnt. (or sale, at ih" Hardwitro lf Siora, :'-y,-' . .. J. M.ROBINSON. i ,J " : 'IL A J. copy. . , - Oct. v -. ... . , fi ' uuilca'iiiiviiif w i.v. .... . ...... .n. ...,t.i .. ;,. before, need only" enclose the amount rbey wish jo4 r MnHj)tHilAtsW 1 -wy ft 15--

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