PUBLISHED TRMVEEHLY, BY THOMAS LORLNC "1 vy f fy- '''IM"'-' WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER t 85h VOL" 6 NO. 110. V WHOLE NO, 874 TUETRI-WBEKLY COMMERCIAL It published svery Tbsbdat, TnossoAvsnd Sat niDAV. at S3 00 per annum, payable tn all eases la advance ;; i ;,:-'B T THOMAS IORISG, - CONNER OF 1PBONT "AStD MARKET STREETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. RAT&3 OV ADVERTISING. gar. I Insertion, 90,50 i j,..., is " 3 1,00 I "1 month, 2,50 1 sqr. 2 months, J " J ' t "6 " 1 " 1 year, 1,00 5,00 8,00 12,00 Ten Una or leas make square. If an advert ise tnant exoeeds top: j HhesV'ttMi price will be In propor- ,.i AU advertisements are payable at the tlmo of their Insertion., ", ContraSts with yearly advertisers, will be made on the most liberal terms. ' No .transfer of contracts for yearly advertising wHI ba permitted. Should circumstances render a change in business, or an unexpected removal neces sifya ehtrga according to the published terms will be at the option of the contractor, for tlie time he has advertised. 5 The'prlvUege of Annual Advertisers is strictly a . . .J ImaiIUia hiiainAHi nnil all a r . ifllHeU lw UIUU unit IIIIIHQUiaiB wiiitiyn t verttsemeuts tat the benefit of other persons, as well as all advertisements not ttn'nndlately connncied with their own business, and all excess of advertise ments in length or otherwise, beyond the limits en ratted, will be charaud at the usual rates. No a Ivertisemont is included in the contract foi the salo or rent of houses or lands i n town or coun try, or for the salo or hire of nogroes, whether the property is owned by the advertiser or by other porsons. f These are esoludod by tho term " imme dtale business.' The kttnonncoment of marriages or deaths will l)e considered as news, mi Inserted free of charge "bill ftil addltJonAt1 matter, beyond the simple an nouncement of the death of the person, will be charged oh the sarao terms as advertisements. ( All advertisements inserted In the tri-week!y Com- rcW, are intltlod to one Insertion In the Weekly free ofenarge. JOB, CARD and FANQV PRINTING, executed In' superior style. , AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. NRV VOtllv t Messrs. Brows A DiRossit. BOSTON r l-'aSDBBict Kiddcn. Ksq. BUSINESS CARDS. - J. &D. McRAE&Co. Ocncral Commission Merchants, Particular attention paid to procuring freights . ; i and purchasing cargoes for vessels. JOHITMACBA. DONALD HACHAB, JOHN W. K. PIX. August 1. 1351. 59. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ' Qeneral Coininissloa and Forwarding Merchant. n . tilt A t nttAlltlAtl tflVAlk tf PmiSllTIl mOHts for sale or Shipment, And liberal cmh adeaneet made on Consignment to me or to my New Yorkriemls. - Wilmington, Jan.30, 1851. 135 tf T. S0UTflSYD&Co7 ftXULXEEHS, CLACRSBHUS, BUSS, .IJiD IROS . . mmu. All orders In the Hue will be punctually at tended to. tORNSa Mt'LBtKY &. NORTH WaTBR 8T8. ' , . .WILUI.VOTON, NO. CA. J May 16, 1851. 27 .W.:i WILLIAM A. GWYER, rtTSVP.R AT. AflRNT. FORWA RDING and Comniission Merchant. I TAKE pleasure in Informing my Irlends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient snd personal attention. 1 havo a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations. Spirit House,' aud warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment j and all kinds of coun try produce solicit? i Caahadvancesmado on con fieninenta. ; April 19 1850. , 15 SIlp'GEaIYERSr XYhoIesale and Retail Grocer, . 5,x. KIIPS eOMSTAHTLT OR HAND WUm, TWj Lhuorf, Proebiont, Wood and Wil i lets Wurtf Fruit, Confectionariu, de. &a. ,v ! U, s eottTM raoNT STastT, - WILMINQTOiN, W. C. -Jtfow . 2d. ... 109. r,YLLIUI M, UARRISS, . J, . - GENERAL COMMISSION MERCnANT ' , WlLMINQTON, N. O. OTWCT attention lvon to procuring Freights KJ end purchasing Cargoes for vessels. Riniimui it . O. O. Psrsley, Esq., ) Col. John McRae,, , Wllmngi'n. N. C. Messrs. Dudlef & Huntington, ) Messrs, Hall, SackettA Co., p N r Joseph Utlcy, Esq., v J Fayette, N. C, Messrs. James Corner 4 Sons, Baltimore. ' " , E. A. 8oudor dfc Co;, Philadelphia. " ..jj. Thompson & Hunter, ) T i. m PlIlsbiryA Saodfoni. N,w York M r Hantlng & Tufts,' Boston. 1 , J. 4, 0. P, Pitoonb, Keunebunk, Me. - July 17th, 185L. . . . 82-y ' J.-IIlTflAtTAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. , - n WILMINGTON, N. C. J. Hathaway. - J. L. Hathawa. Oe,tl,5. . .i.:',-.C.W;-..:v,v:i.-.-'.v' . 91 V tniDBOURN & HOOPER. General Commission Merchants, 'WILMINGTON, tt. C. : July 19. 1851, - 63 - - '. ".-.'' -,- business cards: GE0.;HARRISS, General Commission Merchant, 1 WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to pioouring Freight and purchasing Cargoesforveseels. Karca to K. P. Holl, Esq., I O. O. Parsley. Ksq., J. A. Taylor, Esq., Wilmington. J.O. Bellamy, Esq., Messrs. Ballard A Huntington, J Messrs. Tooliur.Smyili &Co., JN Y k Thompson Hunter, w orK Alox'r. Herronj Jr., Philadelphia , -Messrs. vyilllams & BuUcr, i c u,mJJL ga H.I'. Baker, Esq., ' JV Neetou.S.CJ. Jan.2.l85l. t23'lf; AN0ERS0N & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH WATER STREET, WILMINGTON., ST. C. Sep. 27, 1850. , ; 82-ly-c. MARTIN k CR0NLY, AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmlneon,N.C..Oct.3 I86l. 85tf. JOSEPH II. FLANNER, Genera! Com mission Merchant. WILtH.VGTON, N. C. Oot. 9th, 1S50. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE AND R.KTAIL DEALER IN SniP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNER OF DOCiC St WATER STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th 1S50 DER0SSET & BROWN. WILMrNGTON, N. C. BROWN & HEROSSliT. NEW YOUK. ClKXEfiAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Marchl7 I85l. t-y. GiTnTiiEliY C0M3IISSI0N 31ERCUANT. Nextdoor to A. A. vVannets, on North Water st- ...III nu...t t.. ttiA r.r..ll nt fMntru Dr., Will UklOilU ,V VI, B oatu Ui ui, tttu V. WVUUtI V A V, ltie,aoK Ooro, Pesa, Meal, Bacon, Lard, Ac. . -m i. . l i r .,, I.. . r ana win Keei cousiumiy an nana a iuii uppiy ui Grjccrjtfs.tic. 'J ReferJItces. Willos Hull. of Wayne, Jolin McRae, Wilmington W. Caraway, '' Uen. Alx.. McRae. " E. P. II ill, vVilintngton, Wlloy A. Walker, " Dec. 13. 1850. 115-ly. SAVAGE & MEARES, GEXUllAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS W1LMINGTOA, N. C- SOW A BP BAVAOS. May 2, 1851. QASTOP MEARCS 1. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. (Lato Barry, Bryant & Adams.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 1.1851. 123 CORNELIUS DuPRE. " WHOLE SALE AND RKTAL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Faints, OH, Dye Stufls, Class, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, &c, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by experi enced persons. March 28, 1851. 0 i C. L ATT A COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.l 1850. 87 MILES COSTIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C REFER TO E. P. Hall, Esq., Pres't Branch Stale Bank, Thos. H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bok Cape Fear, f ton, NC. O. Q. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Com me r-1 clai Btioic, j Dec. 19. 1850 118-tf. THOS. D. BARRY. Commission Merchant and Ship Broker, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 21. 1851. 13l-tf. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DEALERS IN Confectionary, Fruit. Nuts, Toys.Pancy Ar ticles, Perfumery, Tobacco, aegars, VcM WHOLESALE AND RS I AIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON N.C, Not. 30, I860. .10-tf RIcRAE k HARRISS. IMPOBTCUS AVD WIIOLRALE AND UI2TAIL DEAI.EKs IN CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, AND PARMISfQ IMPLEMENTS, West aide Front street, between Market and Dock streets, WIL MIN G T O N, N C. October 2, 1851. 85. EMPTY SPIRITS TURPENTINE BARRELS. g)rAEMPTT Spirits Turpentine Barrels,' tn VVAgsod order, far sale by 'w;-,,-. Mi.mMKtnfri: OEO. HARRIS.!. Oct 14. 90. BUSINESS CARDS.: T. C. WORTH t Commission and Forwardiig MERCHkNTi WILMINGTON. N.C Feb. 19. 1851 143-12 m PORTRAIT PAINTING. JMASSALON, Portrait Painter, would respex. fully inform the citizens of Wilmington and the surrounding country, that he has permanently loca ted himself in this place, and wilt be happy to reV ceivelhe patronage of any ladies or gentlemen h may wuslj to procure faithful iikcossses Of them: selves or any member of. (heir family. Us flatters himself, from bis long experience In the art, that be will be enabled to give satisfaction. His room Is tn the basemeit story of Mr. H. R. Nixon's Dwelling House,' opposite the JaiL Wilmington, N. C. Aprils, 1851. My. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. CHAS. D. CLLIS, HBNBT t. acSSILL, JOS. S. SCSSBLL. Jan. X8 1851. 133. JOHN STRUTHERS & SON'S MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD, No. 360 HIGH STREET, rtilLAUhiLrlilA. rr- . ' "y.z" . . N marou manuis, Monuments, iwnos ana uruve Stones constantly on hand. Every description of ORNAMENTAL WORK AND STATUARY Executed and imported. Orders for public or or vu'.e Buildings executed with promptness and das patch. N. B. Designs will be sent for Mantels, Monu ments and Graye Stones, and all work shipped in sured from breakage when required. Oct, 4. 85 Jyc MORE & GALLAGHER. IRON FOUNDERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT & CAST IRON RAILINGS UIDGE ROAD fe COATES ST. PHILADELPHIA. All orders attended to with promptness and des patch work warranted. Oct. 4. 86-ly c. SOUP DIGESTERS. AN imvalutble article, to the epicure, dispeptic, or even poor man. "It makes Soop what is Soop" J. M. ROBINSON, Aiisust 28. 70. FLOUR. nf BBLS. Canal Flour, for sale by OU . J, HATH A. WAV SON. Sepi. 13. 77. NEW AND FRESH GOODS. THE subscriber just having returned from the northern cities, offers to his irlends and patrons a beautiful assortment of choice Groceries, selected personally, consisting in part of 100 bbls. crushed, powdered, granulated and C C Sugais; 100 bags Coffees, Java. Laguyra, hio and St Domingo ; 200 pnekages of Crackers, embracing every varieyt; 5 hhds. Porto Rico Sugar AO boxes Candles 100 boxes So.ip ; W. Underwood A Co's Pickles and Preserves; English Mustard ; 1,500 lbs. fresh Can dies; 60 boxes Prunes; assorted Nuts; aorned and smoked Beef; Beef Tongues; Sainton and Mackerel ; 59 half and quarter chests of green and black Teas; 25 quarter pipes choice Wines and Brandies, Oin. Irish and Scotch Whiskey, London and Philadelphia Porter, Ale, and bottled Wines and Brandies; 25,000 Havauu Segsrs of the beat quality, Tobacco and Snuff) 20 basket Champag ne, quarts and pints, Hetdsick, Lyon and other brands; Goshen, English and Stilton Cheese; Go shen Butter; Flour in bbls., half bbls, and bags) corn Flour; Starch, Oooos, Chocolate ; Sweet Oil, Sperm and Whale Oil; Wood and Willow Wire, in all Its branches; Brooms; fancy Baskets, snd fan cy goods in endless quantities. Please call and ex amine at the Family Grocery of GEO. MYERS. Oct. 2. 86 WANTED. A GOOD Flat, that will carry 160 or 200 barrels, XX apply to Sept. 30. J. R. BLOSSOM. 84 WANTED TO HIRE. TWO or three good hands, until 1st. January, apply to J. R BLOSSOM. Sept. 30 84. OIL. A FEW barrels prime Oil for Machinery, or Lamps, for sale by J. HATHA VAV A SON. July 8. 4 GREAT EXCITEMENT IN NORTH CAROLINA! THE BATTLE IS BEGUN, AND I INTEND TO FIGHT MY WAY THROUGH FOE i HOME INDUSTRY I IF YOU WANT TO SAVE A COUPLE HUN DltKO DOLLARS, send on your orders for Turpentine Stills, Caps, Arms, and Worms t Also, Brandy Stills, and any kind of Copper work, Brass, Machinery, 4c , The priaes of Still-caps, Arms, and Worms, are as follows By the pouud 37 cents; or by contract, 7 barrel stuucop, Arms and Worms, 9iw 10 do do do 485 12 do do do 525 14 do do do 685 15 do do do 615 16 do do do 650 20 do do do 695 25 do do do 750 30 do do do , 850 35 do do do 900 All work will be warranted for 12 months. Are and burning excepted. Ilia work will also be de livered within fifty miles of Raleigh, at the shortest notice; and if I fill to deliver Stills in the time agreed upon, I will forfait 5 fur each 4a y lost, lo tha purchaser. . . ' JOSEPH WOLTERINO. Raleigh, Sept. 16. 1861. 78-3m. BILLS OF LADING, &c. .OLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bound M. In Books, and aheote.also Letter Sheets with svarlciyof mercantile blanks, for sale at The Cam. GLUE, ENGLISH and American, constantly .on band for salo by ADAMS, BROTHER A Co. May 3. - 11. , Office Wilmington & Raleigh Rail Road Company, A a gnat f lth 1841. y THE Freight trains for WWt&m, will hereaiter leave on Monday's Wednesdsy's and Friday's. Freight must be at the Depot by 1 o'clock on Sal duray's, Tuesday's and Thursday's. . JOHN NUTT. Transportation Agent. Ang.ust 12. tf 413. WHOLESALE WATCH AND JEWELRT STORE. L. H. MILLER & CO. TMPORTKRS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of JL. vy ATGHEa, JKVfKLK I , & FAMv I UUUU3, have leased the Old Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Canficld, Brother A Co. soctb-iast cot- Rll OV CHASLBS AHO BALTIMOSS STKISTS, (No. 227,) which they are putting In complete order for the WHOLESALE WATCH AND JEWELRY BUSINESS, to be opened about the 20th of July. In calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mention the fact that we are associated with one of tho most extensive JEWELRY MAN UFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS In the country, which must give a decided advantage over au others in mis marset, tor supplying aeaiers witn Jewelry at manufacturers' prices, a feature in this branch of trade long since needed, between Balti more and the Southern and Western Merchants. We desire to call particular attention to the Watch department, which will at all times be supplied wUh a great gsortraent from the most celebrated manu facturers, and kept in perfect running order, so that purchasers msy at once take them, with a written guarantee that they will perform correctly. This branch of the business will receive the especial attention of one of Ihe firm, whose exten sive and practical knowledge of the business, will we hope, give us a place In the confidence of buy ers. '' We respectfully invite you to call upon us when you next visit our city, confidently believing thst an examination of our Goods will prove to you, that they are better styles and cheaper than you have ever seen In this market, and assure you thm no effort shall be wanting on our part to make the acquaintance one of mutual benefit. ? L. H. MILLER & CO. Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfield, Bro. A Co. S. E. corner of Charles & Baltimore sts. Btrssascc i Messrs. Wyeth, Blacklock & Co. " Gwyn, Reld tfc Taylor, N James Hodges & Brother, " Hurst A Berry, ' " Murdoch, Duer & Evens, " Stollmann & Hinrlchs, ' Sangston A Ao. " Barthlow, Gwyn A Co. Riely A Pendleton, " Cushings it Bailey, " John M niphy f- Cot " Moore & Griffin. August 19, 1651. 66-6mo-e. GLUE. BARRELS American ; ifrj 20 " superior English ; jnst received, and for sale, by AJJAJ13, miuiHh.uoc.uo., August 6, 90. SPIRIT BARRELS. 300 SPIRIT Barrels, In prime order just received, snd Tor sale by ANDERSON A LATIMER: 97-lf. Oct. CIGARS! CIGARS ! ! 1 fi nrVi NOSEGAY Regalia Cigars ; 1U,IAA 6,000 Prymavera Regalia ' 1,500 La Sultana Havana Cigars; 2,000 La Aneda Havana Cigars. A few box es of choice chewing Tobacco, and a fine assort ment of Cigar cases snd Tobacco wallets. For sale c-y . U. UoFKE. Prugglst and Chemist. Oct. 35. 95. JUST OPENING AT THE HARDWARE STORE. THE most beautiful assortment of fine Pccket Cutlery, ever brought to this part of the country. J. M, ROBINSON. August 28. TO. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 KCi LARGE Sines, just received and for sale A by ELLIS, RUSSKLL A CO. June 26, 44. r BBLS. prime Lard, for sale by U. ANDERSON A LATIMER. Augqst?J. 67. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO HPHE aeency of this estsblishment for the town of A. Wilmington, has been conferred upon the under signed who is prepared to afford all requisite Infor mation, and to receive application for LIFE IN 8URANCE QPon a reasonsble terms as any other Institution of the same character In the country. H. SSVH, Agent. August 23 H. A J. copy, 63-tf. NEW GOODS. WE have received a part, and dally expecting the balance, of our Fall Stock of Groetria and Shio ChandUry. which was purchased direct from tha Importers snd manufacturera, and selected with great care. We respectfully invite our customers and the public to call and examine our stock, as we are determined to sell at the lowest prices. Our stock consists In part of 300 sags Rio, Laguyra, St. Domingo, Java, and 25 hhds. P. R. Sugar; Mocha Coffee; 200 bbls, reflnsd, crushed, powdered, snd gran 25 boxes loaf Sugar ; ulated Sugar ; 50 bbls. coffee crushed do. Teas of all varieties, Green and Black ; 200 boxes Soap ; 300 " Sperm, Adamantine, and Mould Can 100 " Lemon Syrup , dies; 1,000 reams Wrspplng Paper; 200,000 Cigars, a I grades and kinds; 100 boxes Tobacco ajlnt articU; , J00 bbls. WhiBkry, Brandy, Gin, Ilum Wines, Cordials, of every variety and quality i Butter, Lard, Rioe, Flour, Salt, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Mustard, Cassia, Nutmegs, Cheese, Crack ers, Bread, dtc. Cordage, Duck,. Blocks, Anchors, Chains, Lan terns. Compasses, and every . article required on board of ships. . Wa alco have a large stock of Wooden and Wil low Ware, Hardware, Dry Goods, Ac, besides nu merous articles not mentioned. PUat call and amine our ttock. . . HOWARD A PEDEN. 8cp. 18. v, ' ' , ' 79. - DEEDS FOR SALE. 1 1 rarantaeDeaJs.and Deed for Moris re ont and V V just printed, In correct for mend farsalcat the Commcrtial OJlee. . EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. OHO SECOND Hand Spirit Barels, large aise, la, good order, rot sale by. , DaROSSKT A BR8WN. LANDING . FROM SCflr E P. RES- SELL i,if 7C BBLS, fresh ground Flour, from new Wheal, J tot isle, by ELLIS, RUSSELL A o. Oct. 7. ff ! STEAM MARBLE WORKS, CORXEB. Or RO&TU ft mll JTIEETS S BALTIMORE, Md, ISSON A BA1KD having CoropieNtd ihets x tensive works, (which Is now one of the largest establishmenta of the kind in this eountry,) sre pre. pared to fill all orders in their line, via t MARBLE MASTLES, MOMMENTS. TOMSS, GRAVE STONES, TAOLJE TOPS, TWSS, (for fUors,) MARBLE LETTERS, At. al as reasonable rates ascin be had in this or any other city in the Union. For beaut of execution and originality of design, their stock cannot be sorpss sed. They would respectfully invito AtxhUtcU, Buddert, Cabinet Maker and others to call Ind ex amine before purchasing. They are also preps red to lurnisn ine trade with Slabs, Block, dec. lo or- oer. c rt 13T All orders by mail punctually attended to P'- 30. , RICE. On CASKS for sale low, to close consignment, yby, ADAMS, BRO. C. July 3d. 7, DOMESTIC GOODS. A FULL Supply of Sheetings, Yarn and Oina burgs contanily on hand and for sale at man ulncturvrs prices, by T. C. WORTH. , Anguat 21, 3m. 67. FIRE INSURANCE. TilK nmlrrgivned hnvlncr rnreiviut iha A..n.a I. J. prepnred to tnke risk upon the mot favorable " in nc ui me eeti insurance vampnniet tn the country. THE HARTFORD PROTECTION. ILNUTT.Agt Aogusl 23, 1851. II. A J. copy. 68-tf. RATES OF FREIGHT. RATES of Freight on Ihe Wilmington and Ral eigh Rail Uoud, and on the Company'a Boats to Charleston, revised and corrected Pecember, I860; just printed and for sols at the office of The wmnurciat, at ft cents per eopy. Pec. 21. N. C. BACON. CnnnLB8' lUmt 8We Shoulder, In WJJJ note, and for sale low by SAYAGE A MEARES. June 6. 36, COFFEE. fZfi BAGS Bio Coffee. For ssls by A' J. HATHAWAY & SON. Sept. 13. 77. CONSULATE OF HAYTI, ) 64 Commercial Wharf, Boston, 5th March, 185L ) THE undersigned gives notise, that in accor dance with a law nmunl si Pnrt , PHn. , the 24lh December laai. ila rrtvlnv In Uil from the . V. State on or after the 16th April next, must be provided with Duplicate Manifests of their cargoes, certified by a Consular Agent of Hay il, If there shall have been one at the port of toad ine, otherwise ths documents may be verrifled be fore an officer fillllv nthnrl t aitmlnl,. an oath) of the State or United States Government. B. U. CLARK. GLASS WARE! GLASS WARE!! T UST RMfllniut fmm M.a. V.rh . 1 VI. I. J of various sixes. Speir Tineture'snd Saw Motstb Duum, ionic-no Domes, uncy rongents, c. etc. Also, a laree assortment at Window ftlaaa. Vnt sale by C. DvPRR. Druggist and Cnenrht. PORK AND BEEF. BBLS. Rump Pork i 24 " Mess Beef i 23" Prime do. For tsle very low, by AADERSON A LATIMER. Oct. 23. , - 94. RED ASH EGG COAL. Of )C TONS of best qiislity, landing and for -s- v sale in lots to suit purchasers, at 1 8 per ton, for Cash only. Persons ordering will please send the money, a no ioai wiu oe aeuverea wmiout it. DsROSSET A BROWN. Oct 21 94 $10 REWARD. Itff RANAWAY from the subscriber on Thnre 4i dsy, the 2J inst. a negro boy named JIM JtOWEN, about 17 years old. Jim is about 6 fi. 6 inches high very likely boy, with a bright in telligent countenance. He Is probably lurking somewher abont the centre of the tow. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and lodgment in any safe place where we can get him. All master of vessels and othes sra cautioned against concealing or harboring ssid boy. the severest penalties of the law will be enforced agalnai persona so offending. VUTl JMUDKK. Oct.0. 98-tf. CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have ihisdsy formed a co-partnership under ihe style of McRa A Hskaiss. nd hsve taken the new granite front store, Istey- erected by Cupt. G. Potter, on Front between n t kel and Dock streets, where they will always keep a complete wholesale and retail stock of CROCKERY AMJ FAKMlNii wrUS ME STS, to which they invite the atlcntion of merchants and other. Being IMPORTERS, we feel confident w cao sell articlea In our line on as favorable terms, and of aa good quality, as can be purchased In In United .States. ALEX. McRAE, Jr., m. I. MAUKIS9. NOTICE. THE subscriber hsving formed a co-partnership with Mr. N. T. HAaaias, I desirous of closing op his old business, and begs leave to nrge npon those Indebted to him the necessity of prompt settlement of their bills. Heat the som lime tender his thanks to his former customers for (heir kind patronage, and solicit a contluusnc of ths same to the new firm. 17 " ALEX. McRAE, Jr. October 2, 1861. 85. V PRECOCIOUS REPUBLICANISM. "Qet ootof the wy jroo yoonj raacalaf This nddres wa make bjr a gemlcmao willv rj iroperiouf ir and omcUiin naval omcer like in bi cotom and manner, who wa seated Ja n handsome ; opcrl tarmge, with a fashionably dressed lady by t.ikJe. The oonif nwcaJ" whom he tha honored with hi noiico. wer two boy, ten or twejva year olifl deafer in ;higl havirtj n article ery much need in ibia ity tor kinV MO wl fire. ; Tha lad wer.9 f f;r ? six or eigmhoBAfier of their comr... y in a band eart.aod.4hey happened lo meet the gentlemno Jq hi carnatre in a p-rt of tha . warn ousirociro cy a la t tifa. of fire-wood, whiefa- tnadtil ie; (or th tweHieIeato paw each c one of the driver- hoold hara d c . .. 'aV anca lo drawback. Oct out of tha ' yooyoongracaU gaid fie c-r.::-t the eaArlagayv'Ti faanj h;-'i tl.a.Jnj mercbHftta looked at ifiapeakcr IM tjf.J. goised astonishment, and he wa o'..." -ed t repeat iha order before. the $ee....J u rcaU he ihe fact UttWy were the pur; r- eit lo. , At M, n af. tha y eon g ee n u 'c . ?. mad answer, 'Jet ont of tha wa y v : ar elf and be ; blamed to yew."rt was coir Ihe turn of the man Jn the earria-9 lo be astonished. Pale with "-raftt he ejctaiiacdl Do yoa know who tun, too 'viiiai,,T' "No, we don'l answered ene of (ie boye ome Englishman, gues. y00 r,'ow who we are iThr nUernan was oblitr- , ed lo ronfes hi ignoranee, and he did it in tone of upirmeronlempt. VVe are Amerfi. ar, iillttffia flf mtkt I kU. .tl. J. chnnt, with jeal dignity. ' I that ttay reason wfyym should block op thi itreet?' nid Ihe imptrioos gtfntlem&n, very tveitedlf, Te be sure it fc, replied the - yoon ia renile -who has a better right to the treet? We are the rnaority-rtwe M one i gtn-ej and the majority carriee everything in. tbt cornilry." The eristoerntic gr atlcroari $t ed disposed tobevery vidlenl, bat observi. ' probably that the bytander. who were no . very iiornerou, fyaipAthlied'i wItH i the re publican party, he awaliewed hh wratfr and) sat filenuyfor ieyeral rninuUii if ttf.scl ing what porse be should pursue Jn perplexing; ciieometance. i The, lady who at by Ms side now epoke for the first Cra, ana tn niweet and gentle voice he aij to the boy VTii yom not oblige m, hr n.w- -ing tx to pi7'' 'tJertamly, nadera" aid the mmrdy young- repoblican "Wtf'ii do ainv thing lor a lady or lor a nan ; who knowa how to behave like a gentleman j bnt ft fit giving way to a etuck op nwdy tike himv blamed If I WOnlll'ill rnlhnv at"l.M i!!a next Foorth of Joly." ., They then drew back and allowed the carriage to pas with oat further hinJrance. SAD MORTALITY ; Ity A FAMILY. as.' .-J . a i, i.Lj r ttrw.. . mi. miu i eiiim onn . v uimmsor). wna five children, etarted lor the Kort." f.orp iKuurjf, aeaef- m inn saiic? part. 01 L'CXO their yoograt child, aged 18 month wa sei zed wilb cholera JnlanlotrV And died. On the nexf doy ibey proceeded lo Cincinncti, and on the way thither another child, ai 7 yean, wa taken with malignant tcarlet fj. vr, to which it fell a victim r on reac' ' - that eity, en Ihe 9th inat. .The two rcr il ing children, aged, respectively 3 a n i 11 year, were immediately ' seized wiib't'.e same disease, and on the 13 both of them were followed to the (pave by their a.C parent. ! The otdeat aoo escaped trip fate cf the ether by proceeding to New Yprk wl ! hi ancle, direct from' KomBviM. ttH t' . corpse of the infant The New York ' I'.x. pre eay these little vktim-foar girla mt one boy--were oh their way to that city f. an New Orieans, full of hope aud joyous eirti tetion,audadd: j I1 f " ti. H ,r, . , -Their relative and friend were except ing them with open arm and full heart-; Little dresses had been engaged for: the lit- -tie girla, and the Chrietrna and New Tear holiday were to make them as beautiful a tHste and expense could adorn them- .Cut ' oh how changed Ihe . ceneP) The anticipa ted welcome of life,' hope and health In rhangeJ into a arene of despair, death a n j the grave. The corps of foor girl, of ten tier ycarp, an'iic u vc rows ui rrseive not laa pressure ol friendship' and) relntkmsbh. bat ihey have come mtheeold embfoce cfkfr.X to be horried hurt to their final earthly ri ting place." S aaddea a transition from joy ' to sorrow, even in this world of sudden" ges, we are aeldora called upon to rec'd." . What a Geatlentaa aay do, ; what te may not do. He may carry a brace of DartrMe. fcut l . ..V.rt Kn t. . ill. t nnv.. Wnft ma tn .1. L - !. of an ommbn. Ha may be men la a ; iaiJe tb theatre, bnt not at the taU oauiJa of one, H may dust another person' jack et, bat most not brush bi .owe. v Je may -kill a man in a dui L but he motm't czt 1 peat with his knife., He may thrash a eol heayer. bpthe musnH ask twice for Soop. . He may pay hi beta of honor, but he nee 1 not tronble himself , abont his -iradesmeu' bill. He must never forget what he owe to himself as a gentleman, but he need not r '.. J what he owes a a gentleman to hi tn,: r. He may do anything to . anvbody, in within the range of a gf nt'ema igo through" the Insolvent Debtor' Court, or tnrn billi.ui Diuacr, nui iw nun ; vu iibj- nsrouni, earry a brown paper parcel, or appear in tho streu without a pair of gloves. - ' Y.:V; a1... .'--"vi. I'Ay w An advcrtisment appear in a VTestcrrs . paper which rend at follow: Ran away, a hired man name John, Ais nmtum-d Jet f.i tight inchc$ Air A; and hnd.on a (air oC cpfdtimy pant mocn worn. 14 - i ; 4--........ feu..' ' ' - -. ' : Yi ''" ' ' ''- - -' j