- A' mmmrn- WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 8. 1852., WHOLE NO. 80 TUB riMYHKiLY-COillfittCUL a tubU)id every Tcbubat, Thcbiqat and Sat. Ba,oayJ at 5 DO jper annum, payable In all cases in advance ' , " BY THOMAS LOHIJIG, 1 t r,17 Editor and Proprietor. J, ioasn or, fbonT and maukkt streets, V. ' WILMKtQTOS, K. C. ' ir rRATI3S OK ADVERTISING. . aqr. I insertion, $0,50 1 sqr. 2 months, SI, 00 I " t " ' -7S 1 ti,j,. i -l,00 1 l-l' 1 month, 2,50 1 " 3 " R,00 l , " 8.UO " 1 year, , 12,00 Ten Hubs or less make a square. If an advertise ment exceeds ten lines, the price will be in propor. Hon. ' Alt advertisements are payable at the time of their insertion, .-N Contacts with veuly a.lvortlaors, will be made on the m t liberal terms. M tnnfor of o.itricw for- yearly advertising will be permitted. " Should clroumsianoea render a chinj1n :bttitiesa; or an unexpected removal neces airyt9 e'vjrjo according to the published terms will bs at the option of the contractor, Tor the timet he has advertised, .The. priirildge of Annual Advertisers la atrlcily Imito 1 to thetr on Immediate business : and all ml vertUe nftiit f.if the benefit or other persons, as wel as, aiikadvaitlsemenia nw immediately connected with their own business, and all oxer ot advertise ments In length or otlterwl.e, beyond the limlia en (a (e), Will be clt ir'.'d m die usuul rates. , No a lvertUetn.mt is included, in the contractfof the said or rent of houses or land in town or conn try, or for the sain or hire of nirroes, whether the property Is own .-d by the advertiser or by other person. Those aro excluded by the term "inwutm iliaU ist.' :, ,t,Tb.e announcement of marriages or deaths will ha cqnit'brolainatfS, art! insjrtudfree of charge b it all J lltio tal matter, beyond the simple an oouncarajnt "of the death of the person, will be charga.1 on th? sarao tortus as adrortiseracnu. Alludnertise'iiii'ita inserted in the trl-weekly Com mtrvial, Ifu entitled to one Insertion In the Weekly f ee of eharge. JOB, OA 10 and F.iXQY PIUNTINQ, executed In superior aiy la. 'KW VOK.lt t Messrs. DsownoV. DbRobsbt. HOSTOVt fr'asosBicK Kidder. Ksq. BUSINESS CARDS. ; J. & D. JIcRAE&Co. Geacdl CQ .iii rj Merchants, wiLvnxaroN s. c. Particular attention pal 1 to pniciirlii? freights and pHrchuMinc cargoes for. vessels. JOSH MACBtB, DONALD MACBAB, JOHN W. K. DtX. August Lffll. Cuiiirtl Cttii niwioii and ForwarJiug Mcrctiaiit. Prompt pjrsanal attentloa given to Consign- ..insula for sale or aulp.noiit, Andl'ibtralcath aitanctt mule on Consignments to mi or to my .V YorkfrietUt. Wllinlnstum,, J,ti.30, IjSJl. 5 135 tf .T.v WuTatffVD &C0.7" K)iGISEERS, BLICKSrillllS, BiilSS, xU IRM fllljMll'KS. All orders tu the lino will be punctually at tended to. JORNEH '. MrLBBHV & NOHTII WaTEK 8T8. WILMl nGTON, NO CA. May 16, 1851. 27 WILLI1M A. GWYEK, GENERAL. A Q EN l FUft VVAItDLNG "Pma loin.lssUii Aiercua i. . I TVfctvrtieisure in iniorninBiny innn,iinu i J. 'n ;reparjL'dtogiVesll otmines entrusted to me edWrnt in) persiiii 1 1 attention. 1 have n wlinrlfor N,iya1,iture, wlth anple locotnm uluiions, Spirit Hiue,,nud WarehmiiH'. Consisntuunts or Xavul tilrt.ua u.U W 1 ...in An ( . nn.l fill L'inrla ilf 1'illin- try produoe oliclt"4 C'ashadvouvusiiiudeoncon jgnuionta. . n , ;; April 18 I860. IS CEO.. MYERS, :;?)Vioicsal8 aad Retail (Jroccr, ' "" 'i l '-;mm CONSTANTL Oit HAUD Wiiut, Teas. Lil ian. Praeitunu, H'lWti and Wil- hjyjtwKM'- wines, ifc. Ac. j.t : SOOTH r"NT STIHET, . U3 tUaiiNa roN, x. c. Nor. 23. , . 100. -r. .VlLUltL tf. Htitttli?, i-i4VV.:t,..va B N B A L, COItol )N I E R C II A N T ' r v Wirtl'lTOV, 1ST. c. STtlCTaltentloniet to pnwurlnj Freights ml hurhalng Curgoea for vessel. : ItariatxcBat . , , 0. 0. Viri, yi-q., ; 001. hAn McRae, ' Wllmnjt'n. N. O. Messrs. Diidle r & Huntington, ) Mesxw. Hall, Snckett & Co., v r t isepn U'iry, , , ) ' Messrs. James Corner A Sons, ftililmaro. v A R A; st.Mt Vir St 3o , Phitiidelphla. :"??' Hunting A T0, B isi-m. J. A 11. P. PilCO ill). Keunubunk. Mn. July 17th, 1351. . . ' m -a 62-v ; :" 1 " WILMINGTON, N.C. ). Hatnawav. J. L. Hathawa. " Oet. IS. . , 9 ; CUADBOURN ,& UOOPER, General Comnitssbn Merchants, ' WICMINOTON, N. Cr Wrl9,lS3i w t . BUSWliisrCAttOS ; GEO, UAHR1SS, ; Geaeral Commlwoa ilerckaut, VVILMING I'ON, N. C. STRICT attemion given to ptoeurlng Kroigal and purchasingCarsoeit'orvossela. Uarc TO K. P. Hall, Esq.. 1 O. Q. Parsley. Ksq., J. A.Taylor, Ksq., Wilmington. . J.U.Bolhmy.fisq., Messrs. tUU.irdA Uuntingion, J Meser;'l'olitr, Smyth ft Co., v.w r k " , Twinpn oi Hunter, J 'lew V0"' AleJt'l. Herron, Jr:l PUUadeiphia Messrs. yilllnms i duller? i ch, ; ..,, o ' ILK. Baker, Esq;, J Chi r.eston.S.O. . Jan. 2. 1852. 123-tf. A.VDHRSDN & LITMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOJTH tVATRtt srUEKT, r 1 1. t i x o r o x , x . c . Sep. 27, 1850. 82-ly-c. mRmTciioNLY. A UCTIO.YEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, G E N E R A1j AG E NTS. vVllmincton.N.C.Oct.l IF51. . 85tf. JOSEPH II. FL VNNER, Gcnernl Com uiloii tforchant. viDiixurjx, x. c. Oct. 9th, 1350. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WnOLESAI.E AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP C1IANULERY, SUIP STORES AND GROCERIES, OJUNEll OK Di)GIC & -V V TBiv STllEKTS WILMINGTON, N.C Dec. 7th 1860 d1SssctTTrow WILMINGTON, N. C. BROWN & DER0SSET. NKW YOIIK. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Marcll7 1351. l-y. GEO. II. KELLY, C0IiIISSI0N HEiililANT. Next door to A. A. -V uiiiet's, on North vVater st will attend to tlte sale of all kioJs of Uounlrv Pru, ducu,su ;h a? 0.ra, Peas, Aleal, ttacon, l.ard, Ac. nnd will Keep constantly on hand a full supply of tjroceries, Ac. Reference. Wlllcsllull.of Wayne, John IcRie, Wilmington VV Caraway, '' Gen. Alx.. MeKie. K. P. rl in, Vil iiington, Wiiuy A. Walker, " Doc. I J, I850. U5-ly. SAVAGE & ME A RES, GENERAL COMMISSION MWttllANTS WILMINU'IO.n, iN. U. EDWARD SAVAOB. Way -i, 13S1. MKARE8 I. ADDIS, KROTUER&Co. (Lme tlirry, Bryant & Aiiainn.) COMMISSION .VI E K O HA NTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. I. I85I. 123 tRUDS WHOLE SALE AND HCTAL DBALRHd IN Drugs, .leitlclnes, Ciienilcals Paints, Oil, Iye Stutli, Glass, Pcrt'itmeiy, (.lsai, Old Liquors, t'anty Articles rftc,, MARiCKT STilEKT, WILAII NO 1'ON, N . C. Prescription carefully compounded by exp. ri MieeJ pet sops. Marea S, I95I. J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT. AND GtUNliltAL AUliiVl , WILMINGTON. N.C. Oot.l 1S50. 87 MILE COSTiN, . COM M I S S I O N M I3 ll 0 U A N T , WILMINGTO.N. N. C. RKPKR TO E. P. Hall, Eq , Pres'i Branch Slute ) Bank, Thos. II. vVri-jht, Ksq., Pres'i Rank ( Ca;ie Pear, f O. G Parsley, Ksq., Pres'i Commer- I cial B ink, , Dec, I9. 1830 Wilming ton, N. C. US-tf. TilOS. D. BARRY. Coaiiuissioii tlcrcuaiit aud Ship Broker, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 21. 1851. 131-tf. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DKALBH9 IN Confectionary, I'rult. Nuts, Toys, Fancy Ar tides, Perlumery, Totacr ei;ara, &c., WHOLESALE AND Rhl .AIL, IA HKI.T HTRKKT, WILMINGTON N. C. Nov 30,1850. .10-if MciUR & ii miss. IMPORTS KSD tV:)LI3lLG AND RISrilL 1)3 L tst IV qUWAy GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, AXDPARWIXG IMPLRMEVTsi. West Bide Pront atret, between Market and DooN streets, WIL MING TO Ni N. C. October 2, 1851. 85. "EMPTY SPIRW TURPEiXTINE - B1RRELS. OAARMPTV Splrlis Turpentine Barrels, In wUVgood ordsr, it als by - - - . - 6E0.UARRISS. 0t. H. DO. 1 mims cards. T. C. WORTH .t Commissloo and Forwarding v HJ MERCHANT, WIL.MiXUl'OX, X. c. Feb. 19, 1851. W3.12nu PORTRAIT PAINTING. JMASSALO.V, Portrait Painter, would respect- luily inform the citiaens of v ilmington and the surrounding country, that he has permanently loca ted himsell In this place, and wilt be happy to re ceive the patronage of any ladies or gentlemen who may wish to procure faithful likenesses of them elveri or ny member of thuir family, tie flutters him.slf, from Itig long experience In the art, that he will be enubled to (jive satistaciion. His room is In ih basement story of Mr. H. It. Nixos s Dwelling Hou, opposite the Jail, Wilmington, iN. C. April 5, 1851. 9-ly ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL LOWWISSIOX MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. CHAS. D. II.LI8, HCXSV P. BDSSBLL, JOS. Jan. 25 1851. . BOSRBLL. 133. JOHN STRUIUERS & SON'S MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD, No. m HIGH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Marble MniUels, M muneiM, Timbs and Grave S ties constantly on hand. Every dctcriplinn of ORNAMENTAL WORK AND STATUARY K.fL'cntc'l and iinpurted. Orders for public or pri vate ttuildinys executed with promptness and des patch. N. B. DHgns will be sent for Mantels, Monu ments und Qriayo Stoivs, and all work shipped in sured from breakage when required.' Oct. 4. 85-ly-c MORS & GALLAGHER. 1U0 FOUNliEltS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT &. CAST IRON RAILINGS 1UUGE ROAD &. COATES ST. PHILADELPHIA. All orders attended to witli.prumpiness and des patch work warranted. Oct. i. 1 86-lyc. SOUP DIGESTERS. VN imvaluuble article, to' the epicure, dispeptic, or even pour man. "It makes Hoop what is Soop" J. M. ROBINSON. August 29. 70. FLOUR, RBLS. Canal Flour, for sain by J.-HATHAWAV&SON. CO Sept 13. 77. CONSULATE OF HAYTI, ; 64 Commercial Wharf, Boston, 5ih March, 1851. ) ' pttt. uniieroigntKl gives nnnee, tnat In uccor JL dunce with a law passed at Port au Prince, on the 24th December last, vessels arriving in Hayti from the U. Stales on or ufter the ICih April next, must be provided with Duplicate Manifesta of their curgoes, certihed ly a Consular Agent of Huy tl, if there shall liave been one at the port of load in.', otherwise the documents may be verriflerl be fore an officer (duly authorized to administer an oath) of the Stale or United States Government. tf. C. CLARK. May 8. 23-11. GLASS WARE! GLASS WARE!! 1 UST Received from New York, a large of Viuls tl of various Kizes. Speir Vinclur and Salt Mouth Bottles, Toillelte Bottles, fancy Pungnnis, &e. etc. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass. For sale by C DvPRR. Druseist and Chemist. ' FHUflNsljiUNix THE undcrsiijned having received the Aeency, Is prepared to take risks upon the most Jarorable tcrrm in one of the best Insurance Companies in tlu country. l'HK HARTFORD PRO TKCTION. h nuit, Agt. August 23, 1851. H. & J. copy. tiS tf. UFA) ASH VMll COAL. Q rTOVS of best quality, landing and for w' J sale in lots to suit purchasers, ul6 per ton. for Cask only persons ord.-rin" will please send the money, as no Coal will be delivered wii.toot it. DeiIOSSK P & BROWN. Oet U 91 RAISINS, iMhUS. Cf BOXES new crop, for sale hy t) J GEO. MYERS. Oct. 16. 91. SHIPPING ARTICLES. A HANDSOME edition of Shi ipinir Articles, jusi primed and for s ilu at Tie Conmcrcuil OJlce. equal to any as yet iotportea '"from New York." Orders for a Ream or mure will be filled at a cost of 10 lo 10 percent, cheaper than they are In New York. Nov. 10, 1851. 102 if A FEAV barrels prime Oil for Machinery, or i. Lamps, for sale by J. HATHA v"AY & SON. Julv 8. 4 DOUSEsTo RENT. Cnpt, G. Pmier having given me the Agen cy for renting his houses. In Wilmington all persons who wfsb to secure a nlace eurly, may do so oy culling on the subscriber. I olli-r the following for rent from the 1st day of utiwr riw, HH4, tix. i liui ami coinl'ortubre i story brick teoejnent or 'foomer's al ley, vtin uikery and S lore attacknd une oweiitna on ike corner of Wafmtr am Wnier turee s, 2 stories high, with Store in the basement. One Store ttoows odjiinioq the above. The Kisley iww n me corner 01 iiri strer. rite House and Lor adjoining, on Boundary Si. Also a number of desirable Cottage is, the neighborhood oft as Dry n .... A man . . . A. A D.3W I1ALI,. August 2, 1881. Journal copy. 69-tf. DISTILLERS 0 TURPENTINE. f HAVE reduced the prlc of my SPIRIT BAR 1 RELS tof 60 delivered at anv nlaea t Wll. mington. AO :Vfstmni they will ba sxtra slxe. Persons wishing eatt mntract by the year on these rms. nuur iivu,, lor, sale at 05 per ton. j- V -w-. wv- MORGAN. -Wdminiton. Nov. litt lest. - lW-lmCs-trl-Iy-w. 3 r Ot&U WUmlnVtoi. Ac Kalelgh Rait Koad , .. Company. Aaguai llthlAt. ' "P HE Freight trains for H'tldan, will hareaiter A. lease on ilandav's Wednesday's! and Fiiday's, relglil must be at the Depot by I o'clock on bat daray's, Toasdsy's and Thursday's. Transportation Agent, tf 3. AuK.tiBt 12. WHJLESiLE WITCH UO JEWEIKI STOliE. r i iUR. MILLER. (V CO, IMPOItTKRS, Jlsnulncturers and Jobbers of VVATUHK-i,JKWKLllV,& FANCY GOODS, tuv toiMwili' lha. Old tand formerly occoplcd by Messrs, Canfield, Brndter 4. Co." socttm bast coa- KBB OF CHAaLBS AND BAITIMOBS STSKBTS, (No. 227,) which thfy are putnnif In complete order for the WHOLRSALB WATCH AND ' JSWKLRY UUdlNKSd, to be opened about the 20th of July. Io calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mcmion the fact that we sre associated with one of the most extensive J KWKLRV MAN UFACTU1UNG KTABLISHMENTS in the country, which must give a decided advantage over all others in this market, for aupplying dealers with Jewelry at manufacturers' prices, a feature in this branch of trade long since nueded, between Balti more and the Southern and Western Merchants. ' We desire to call particu ar attention to the Waich department, which 'Will at all limes be supplied wl'li a great 5 sortment from the roost celebrated manu facturers, and kept in pen'ecl running order, so that purchasers may at once lake them, with a written guarantee that they will perform correctly. This branch of the business will receive the especial attention, of one of the firm, whose exten sive and practical knowledge of the business, will we hope, give us a place in the confidence of buy ers, , We respectfully invite yoa to call upon us when you next vilt our city, confidently believing that an examination of our Goods will prove to you, that they are better styles and cheaper than you have ever seen in this market, and assure you that no effort shall be wanting on our part to make the acquaintance one of mutual benefit. L. H. M1LLF.R A CO. Old atand, formerly occupied by Canlield, Bro. dt Co. S. E. corner of Charles A Baltimore sts, BSrBBBNCBS : Messrs, Wyeth, Blacklock & Co. " Gwyn, tteid & Taylor, "" James Hodges & Brother, " Hurst & Berry, " Murdoch, Duer & Evans, " Stellmunn dc Hlnrichs, ' .Snnttston & Ao. " Banhlow, Gwyn t Co, " Kiely & Pendleton, " Cnshings & Bailey, John Murphy dCo. " Moore & Griffin. August 19, lc51. G6-Gmo-e. GLUE. QC BARRRLS American , -ZJ 20 " superior Knglish jnst received, and for sale, by ADAMS, BROTHER & Co., August 90. CIGARS! CIGARS! ! in HHl i NOSKGAY Regalia Cigars j 1UUUU 6,000 Prymavera Regalia " 1.500 La Sultana Havana Cigars; 2,000 La A nod i Havana Cigars. A few box el of choice chewing Tobacco, and a fine assort ment of Cigar oases and Tobacco wallets. For sale by C. DirPUF.. Druggist and Chemist. Oct. 25. 95 JUST OPENING AT THE HARDWARE STORE. THK most beiunlul assortment of fine PrLel Cutlery, ever brought to this part of the country. J. M. ROBINSON. August 28. 70. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 FLI LARGE Sises, just received und for sale lJJ by KLL1S, RUSSKLL 4 CO. June 2o. 44. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. Z BARRKLi Stixrtine FayetleviDa Flour, ' just received and for sale by JNO. C. LATTA. Nov. 22. 107. RATES OF FREIGHT. I ATES of Freight on the Wilmington and Ral IV eii;h Kail tioad. and on the Company's Boats to Charleston, revised nnd corrected December. 1850; just printed und for sale at the office of Tlu Commercial, at 25 cents per copy. Doc. 21. 119 tf. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO 1'HR agency of this establishment for the town of Wilmington, has been conferred upon the under signed who Is prepared to afford all requisite infor mation, ami to receive application for LIFE IN SURANCF. npon as reasonable tetms as any other Institution of the same character in the country. H. NUIT. Aifent. August 23 H. & J. eopv, 69-tf. NEW GOODS. WK have received a pari, and dailv expecting the bnlnnce, of our F ill Stock of Groceries and ottp Chandlery, which waa purchased direct from ihe importers and manufacturers, and selected with great care, vve respectfully mvite our jusiomer and the public to call and examine our stock, as we are deierurined to sell at the lowest prices. Our stock consists lit part of JUU sg Klo, Laguyra, St. Domingo, Java, and 25Mtda. p. a Sugar f . Mocha Coffee ; 200 bids, refined, crushed, powdered, end gran- .1 - I .... u , c ' i " toai ouesr; uiatea sugar 50 Obis, coffee crushed do. Teas of all varieties, Green and Black ; 200 boxes Soap t 300 " Sperm, Adamantine, and Mould Csn 100 " tvtrron Xyrup t dlra ; 1,000 re.ima Wrapping Paper; 200,00 Cigars, a I grades and kinds; 100 boxes Tobacco a fins artieU ; m bble. Whiskey. Brandy, Gin. Rum, Wines, Cordials, of every variety and quality t Butter, Lard, Rice, Flour, Salt, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Muatard, Cassia, Nutmegs, Cheese, Crack ers, Bread, ext. Cordage, Duels RTocks, Anchors, Chains, Lan terns. Compasses, and evory article required on board of ships. " r We aleo-hnve large stock of Wooden and VTil low Ware, Hardware, Dry Goods. 4c., besides nu merous srrietos rtof roem1ned. Please tall and tt aHiniouritoek. , HOWARD & PEDEN. Sept. 18. '? ' ' 79. 1 DEEDS FOR SALE. WsranteeDesds, and Deeds iorUorigageoalBad justprlntH.la verrtatforinsndfaraaJratlbs Ommsrelt I OJJlet, . E.UPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. Of if I SKCONI Hand Spirits Bw.ls, IkrgS AiUV. slx, ,n good order, lot saw fcjr, -, PROJSliT & HUOWN.. Jaly 3d. il. SUNDRIES, 1 ' JUST receive J-300 bags Cone,' Ui, Lagoyra, Si Domingo, Java, and MocM i 2tt bags sweet spiced ehovolais i 10 bhda. P. K Sugari 100 bbis double refined lo f, eruvhed, powdered and granula ted Sugar j 200 boxes Candies, ail kinds and grade) 25 do. Jad's pa'emdo t4s 5s and 6s, in fans bus , 6 lbs. eavhi 100 obit. Whiskey ( 50 boxes Cheesej 200 packattca new Rabins; 200,000 cegars, at Bal timore prices , tOO boaes tins Chewing Tvbneco-i l '.OOO new two bushel Gnnny Ba. For aula at the lowest pitces, by HOWARD 4 PKDKN. Nor. 20. m. COFFEE. 100 RAGS extra Rio, for ssle, by AUAMS. BaOTHEIl A Co.. Angnst i. 90 COFFEE. &r BAGS Bio Coffee. For sale by J i. HATHAWAY dc SON. Sept. 13. 77. BILLS OF LADING, kc. .OLJO POST BILLS OF LADING bonnrf . In Books,and shecis.aleo Letter Sheets with ajvarletyot mercantile blanks, tor sale at The Com mtrcial Office. PLANTATION RROGANS, JTuf Sonant Sine. 4-c. dt Wkolrsale and Retail No. 3l) East Bay. Charleston. S. C. TfJRsiibjcriber, Agent for the South Carolina Mioe Kaclory, at Charles ton, S. C, and the Chcraw Fa lory. at Ohcraw, S "., will offer for sale In ihia market by the 1st of Sept., a large supply of Southern mude Plantation linearis nnd house servant's Shoes, to. gciher wiih ti ifenerel ssrortmeni of Boots and is hoes, which will he sold at the lowest market prl ccs for goods uf a similar quality. tl. A. PRINGLK, Dealer In Urognns, Routs and Shoes. No. 30, East Boy. Ao, 15, 1351. 66. SPIRIT lURliELsT " 1 AFFLKCK'S superior Spirit -OitrreU, for I fS sale by ), C. LATTA. Nov. 22. 107. CO-PARTNERSUIP. THE subscribers have this day formed a co-partnership under lite style ol McRab 4 Haaaiss, und have taken the new granite from store, latey erected bv Cap'. G Potter, on Front between Mjar ket and Dock streets, where they will always keep a complete wholesale and retail stock of CROCKERY AND FARMING IMPLE MENTS, to which they invite (hi attention of merchants and others. Being IMPORTERS, we feel confident we can sell articles In our line on as favorable terms, and of as good quality, as can be purchased In the United States. ALEX. McRAE, Jr., N. T. HARR1SS. OTICE. THK subscriber having formed a co partnership with Mr. N. T Habbiss, is desirous of closing up his old business, and begs leave to urge upon those Indebted to htm the nsvessity ot a prompt settlement of their bills. Heat the same time lenders his thanks to his former customers (oriheir kind patronage, and spiieiis a continuance of the sume to the new firm. ALEX. McRAF-.Jr. October 2, 1851. 85. BROTHERS LINE. THE Steamer Brothers and Tow Boots, Steten son and David Lewis are prepared to forward with Despatch, all goods consigned to the Propri etor. The Steamer Hrothers Is of uht dbapsht, and well suited lo run In low water. She possesses pow er, and speed, and is addmirablv adapted lo totting, and cqt, accommodate about 20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running Ihe Boat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval stoies ; to towing, and will also atteml lo ihe comhirt ana convenience of Passen gers. From his long experience ss Agent in Wil mington of the several Steam Bout Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants In the interior he would say, that all Goods shipped bv hint, wilt be delivered to their Agents in Fayetteville. His Agent In Wilmington is JOHN O. LATTA, to whom all communications may beaddresaed,as Asentrf the K learner Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. May 15. 20-1 2m c. . Salisbury Watchman, Greeneboro' Patriot, Favetleville Observer, and Carolinian, and Ashboro Herald, please copy 4 weeks, and send bills to this office. GROCERIES. yfA RAGS prime Hfo Coffee i tU 10 " Lsgulra do. 7 hhds. P R. Sugar; 40 boxes snd 13 casks prims Cheees ; 2J burretj Mess Pork ; 100 barrels Sup. Flour, assorted brands 13 kegsjGosht-n Fuller ; 10 boxes (8's) Tobacco ; 20 " Soap; 6 hhds. Bacon, Sides sad Hims i 30 boxes Raisins ; 20 barrela Lamp Oil ; For sale by J. H Al HAWAT & SON. Nov. 20. 106. PORK AND HAWS. Or BBLS. Mess Pork ; 10 casks superior ( 'anvased Hams ; Dailv expected from Baliim irs and for sale bv J. & D. McRAE & Co. Oet.2fl. , 96. JUST RECEIYED. PER SCHR. Wm. HART FROM PHIL. 1 w A OZL Sulph Quinine p. A W. I LA. J 60 oss. Sulph aulniac, Germso ., ' I bbls. Kpow sslts. Sulphum. Ni- trie and Muriatrfc Acids. Also. laraa aasurt- meittof choice Chemlraia from the laboratory 01 fomroy wsigiiimaa. or sate rnrap at ' DtPRE'S, s Drug Store. Ost. ?$. . ,-, , .-. -9i. JUST RECEIVED. A- FEW Casks of tins Liquors, for Medicinal arpess. .- tw sala j. , . ,w a DoPRF- Pnggtst snd Chemisl . I letter from "ITajor Untii. Major ack DowuUg to Csvetker LobIs J 1;'Dow!iiMritU,AwAT':i9r 3iT':if'; I tht SUuiilqiHl, i.txmber 22t lS5t!; UAi GotsRiieRi I fcope yii Wont fesf libteti bteauso 1 burnt writ lo joai fore Tlit troth is. I Imreo't Iiad no timv. been tty for itboot r month rasf, IcooM b'I jrel tbuB io write ftofoowJ Vh!e oho4 owU I hav been Lard tt work fttl lit Mate, da and iiihl, rending fwt ipcecbr antl the daiot tt tbb'atetMw in New 5 York ' and EttgWiid. VV begin a week or two before yim got f Yurk, and ha beerr at il ever sincoMVa commonly gti vp nnd gn at it bi lbra brfHkluBfTandjiikc turnrendirto;f nod . lorp it ap till bed lime that U, till mo of- ciuvh in uio eveiiiu i tar thof th i ms uowriingville toibi go to bed.V So I love yoa wont feci aijiej bechiwe jiava n't, louud time to writ. ir oa Mb now, nnd I "'P yoal have e't rrjorieortfe since yoa'tw bren in York. I see joa are en thu way to Pliilndelph. and Baltimore', uid Wrfshifir ton. and tf youshoold feef Joartorhe Irt (hen pine $, jut tura nboui atui eorue down hertr u IowiingviJva.id we'll try to c beer yoo uj und mnk yen leel at home, ttdy this brtauee I liave took a grtni iikuijt lo "yon, and 1 ulwnjaoieaii what laay. 'l'va look a greati-r Itkiiiif to jott.thaaaoy body since I ioat my dear old frjenJ Gineral Jnck eon. Mny be it At beeutiM yottare ao moch ' like him. FacL in jomo 'tbirtfe it Btema r" . tM. L' '''4 MIT'. iiik ju iwcj. i iihc miib. via Jlrekoryf wa ihe man wbal toofc 'UieVeirrjont'ibtHtx'tiirlii he wtintt d lo da anV tfilfi i ami t trnt-av. a ' W '' B-VW, , VWJ .1 nrr jcbi sv) yoo mm aimiq to lane Uie resj,on sibii.ty ; and whai'a betfef itill ydo are ity-it-i; to riicoutuge other folk to lake the te sum aibitiiy tu. ; Old IJickorr-waa a irrcot hund to make principltny etitf then fght 'em through. And there again I think yoa are a gotul tkul like hirr. And bv the nv l b-4 gin io leiiqtme a lining oi ffCfUIetitEona piirte of Fi'ance, for f aee heV took the ie " spotwibiiity at Inst, and been tnakiog priori dea Mid lightirf of W ffhroghvTherel some sniuri toiRf in toe world yet; aod it's well (here is, for It'a prclty likelV there'U be. ' a umt forliro before another ' yVal w out. . think you lirt so much like bid Hickory m the hwrahif ' Whytrit term td me I cart henr 'etDttll the way ftm York to Downing vtllc j aud ft eorriee iae t'Wghi stcti to-bii linien, when the whole eoontrySwaf Bin' with boorah i6rJnkt6H$0,i'$?y,-$ I think, dear ' Gorenior, yorj belief Hop hrre till ncjtt Bommc and hot gtf back to- ' Hungary. We nhalUiave to make new President next commer, and you might get in to be President jest oe eaejr a a eat eouhl lick her rr and a Presidenf; tob know it higher limn Gotrernor. H.idt yoo better . tukeil? I know yriu enn get irlfyoall only ty the word, Onr pariee mtftw eoontry, have b en so broke to' piecoa "and mixed! va latt ly Ihiit fiobbdy'oold rH ? Who'I6 pitcft -upon for President hud Wtre been a good denl worried for fair wYfcltonMtWj mate oat'' . -.-. mmiii wiikii ijiaiiia III to choose any Preaiderir ftl afl itiext , Bommer; Anu i oint sure not wtil jotrve got here j-jst in :he iikk(or.t?mfl0gV''::ot;ot thia crape. For if yoii'll ufy.-. tund as cniirfi' date you'll go in nil holler;;'; I neter the it fail, when Ine fiooraba got ap so slrrinff a' they have been itiftyofi! 19 York. We' ve got about iwenfy f artiea in ;(his country -nowMVlhoid Wi' party, nnd la old Demoerai party;' and the Wooly-hraJ Whig, and the Silver-gray Wbfga. and th Hunker Democrats; 'ontf the ' Barr.bortier Detuocrnta, and the .Seward party, and the, Unioii-Siifety Committce, party, and the. Liberty party nnd the ? rccular 'Free-Soil party, and 'tte rejrolar Yote-y party, ami ibc piu ABoiltion party," and tho old Seeesrt party.'XwIiich aprouteiil op out of the old Nollifiention pttrtt Ihat I and old Hickory killed oft) and ; the Co-oprrajioti SeceBsiouisif, and the out and iont,.' go-alone; SecearJoniat ; find now there V two ; new par ties added that uiul hardly ; three weeba old: ' yet the Interveuiior party nnd Ihe Non-intervention party ard t believe these are d , vided ngin into the .party for Interteiitioit uiihont var. and the arty for Intervention. war or no war. .' : ''f, it was lucBj joo loon a ttanu ana -put. youriooi ooivd wen yoo nrst got.to iNeW York that yoo wouldn't bo mixed tin with any of our parties in ihie rooiitry. lot if you, had onceyoi fairly, mixed in-wiik 'em nti ' would a IbuntJ, loursrlf in ench a snarl that I nm afraid vou would wjsh youraelf back to of it. And iu lucky on, another account" ' thiil you hnrn't mixtd up with any ol oor twenty partie. ,; Fur now yo are the only ! man in the eouofjy that ran get their voles.' As you liavn'l said no thin agin none of 'etn' they can all turn round and vole for yoo, nod ' ; if you'll only any the world they'll do it, and glud of the chance , or that seems to be the only way they can get . haodsomely out . of the everlasting snarl they've got into all ever the eoodtry.., You , need' b afraid there' ivny thing in Ihe way agin your behiff PretU" dent. To be sure, there is some lit lie rules laid down about it hi onr constitution, bot thrtt Ntn aM be managed well eoough ; it only wimts soturbotfy lo take the responsioiU tty. Folks cant always go ' accordin t tho eoiistiiutinn when they ge into a bad snarl they have to, make new principles to go by. Sew how President Bonnparte ! has jest g t out of hie snarl; the COnstiltilion didn't stand' in his way fttiit he jest sot op a new rrin- ' riple and fit it out. And yoa see he's ccrue out all straight, : and now can Wind hia yarn anv wliere to suit hinii-elf. ? . , . . . I don't bm) rtolhiaia the wnr to rrryent your gelling in to be President if o' ". 3 t mind to. oo bavn't mixed tip with i pr tyf so jouVouhTul hnve to Chts i' r