iviif Hi-jnyr-.v unjinninininfi'i , mm'iW"'i'i''i,"""T . i, TTrvT ; V "Livfn 1 0ft THE TRMf EERLY COMMERCIAL. pobllshed every Tusat. THvesnAvvd Sat eaAi 5 00 per nuum, payable la allcaeea in BY THOMAS liORING, .? Editor and Proprietor. 7 ,. , . ...-....it unravA , WILMINGTON, N. C. RATES OP ADVERTISING. 1 Insertion, 2 " 3 , 1 month, $0,50 75 1,00 2,50 1 tax. 2 months, 1 " J " S4.00 5,00 8,00 12,00 iqr. 1 " ! " 1 6 " I year, .' tt.. Im make a umiare. II an auverune . I .1- menl exceeds ten lines, th price will be in proper. 1 AH advertisements are payable the time of their I A 1 1 Alt ' Contract, with yearly advertise, will be made on .1. uit lth.rn.1 term. ' transfer of contracts for yearly advertising ...m u. ,ml.td. Should circumstances render change in business, or an unexpected removal neea ' . nrdlna to the published terms will . r th. contractor, for the time he De ei mo imm v - the privilege of Annual Advertiser. imltedto their own Immediate business , and all ad vertisement, fat the benefit of other persons, a. wel, all advertisements not Immediately connected -.i.W ,Kt hn business, and all excess of advertise- wi In length otherwise, beyond the limit, en- gaged, will bo charge at ine usua. 8 No advertisement is included la the contract fot Vc.; i.,mtof house or landslatown orcoun r. th Rala or hire of negroes, whether the Loperty is owned by the advertiser or by other persons. These are exemuuu - t. nnnnn.oment of marriages or deaths will to considered asaewa, and lasertedfrce of charge ,,.i,iMMti matter, beyond the simple an- x .. .v. j.k nf the oerson, will be nouncemoBh oi " - ...Uj aA , mme terras as advertisements. 3 Zi-nt. Inserted In the tri-weekiy Com- .....i.id to one Insertion In the mtreuu, 41oB, CARD and FANCY PRINTING, executed In superior style. mm FOR THE COMMERCIAL NEW VoaK: Messrs. nsowt. u.iwt. BOSTON i FsDlclt KtPDSR. esq- BUSINESS CARDS. J. & D. McRAE k Co. General Coamissloa Merchants Particular attention paid to procuring freights and purchasing cargoes '"T" August t, 1851. VlX 59 insRPII 11. BLOSSOM. ; T ments for .ale or Shipment, ' Amr"wkdvnc mad, on Com ignmtnU to Wilmington, Jan.jO, Wal. " TSOliTaSIAYD &C0., All order. In ili be PunctuaUy at" tJoasBa Moi.sB N"H Water btb. . '0M.B WILMINGTON, NO. CA. , Mar 16, 1861, ' "winilM X GWYER. GENERAL AGENT, FORWARDING taian Merchant. T TAKE pleasure In Informing my Mends, tha i t7ypXcr.ocHe7 Cashadvancesmadeoncon. ."WAf l. Ji. GEO. MYERS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ..... rnlTlnrLT OI HAND WW Ttat, Uqitori, Provisions, Wood and 1 Ws. A-uil Cenfsdtaiwiss, 4c. &. and Wil- ' ;' ; ' south raosT stb"t, WILMINGTON, N . C. ,';No.23. 109. j'ff 1 WILLIAM M. nARRISS, . - nENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT .),. wti.MtNOTON. N. 0. riTMGT attention elven to procuring Freights Oaud purchasing Cargoes for vessels. RirsasNCSst O. G." Psraley, Esq., L.. . N r Col. John MoRae, Wllmngt n. N. C Sessra. Dudley & Huntington, essrs.Hall, Sackett & Co., ) F4,e,te. N. C. Joseph Uilcy; E1 , . . Messrs. James Corner A Sons, Baltimore. B. A.' Souilor (K uo., rnuuuuiiiiiu. " Thompson A Hunter, i N York. Plllsbury A Saniford. mw Homing dfc Tufts, Boston, ii i' j At a P. Pltcomb. Keunebunk, Mo. , July ITth, 1851. - 62y - . nATnAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS I,; , i ,w ; ? wilminqtvx, a. f J. Hatbawav. Oet. Wrf. .'..! j, L. Hatmawa. 91 ? v CHADBOURN & HOOPER. General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. BVSLESS CARDS. CEO. HARRISS General Commission MerUant Mfl .V N V UN. I. V. . . n...n..ina hfflltfht O and purohaslngCargoesforressels. Ksrsa to E.P.Hall, Esq., O. G. Parsley, hsq., J,.i. J. A.Taylor, Ksq., ""u"" J. L. Bellamy, Ev, Messrs. Ballard Huntington, J Messrs. Tqokor, Smy th & Co., j,avr york " Thompson Hunter, ) Ales'r. Herron, Jr., Philadelphia Messrs. Williams Butler, ch, nMtOD,S . C. H. V. Baker, Eaq. , Jan. 2.18555. AKns!snK & LATIMER, nOMMISSlON MEHCHAW is SOOTH VVATKll S lttf.M . wil.MlVOTOS, M C Sep. 27. 1950. 82-ly-c. MARTIN & CR0NLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. WilmIngton.N.C.Oct.3 1661. oa"- JOSEPH H. FLANNER, Genera! Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N- G. Oct.9th,18M. BMyrC. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GU0CE1UKS, msven OP DOCK A WATER STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th 1850 DER0SSET & BROWN. WILMINGTON, N C . BROWN & DER0SSET. NEW YOltK. QRSRftAL COMMlSSIOiS MERCHANTS. ' i km -y. GEO. H. KELLY. COMMISSION MERCHANT. M.-..,r m a. a. Wannet's. on North Water st will attend to the sale of alUinds of Country Pro, duce. such a? Uorn, peas, aieai, dwvb. Lard, Ac. and will keep constantly on band full supply of Groceries, c. References. Willesllall.of Wayne, JohnMcRae, Wilmington W. Caraway, '' Gen Ali.. McRae . E. P. H ill, Wilmington, Wiley A. Walker, Dec. IS. 1850. ll-ly. SAVAGE & MEARES, DWABD 8WA08. OABTON MEASBS May 2, 1351. 1. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. it nnu Rrvnnt A Adams.) COMMISSION MEROHAN l'b I IiUIU lUI I I I m.j.-- I WILMINGTON, N. U. Jan.l. 1351. 123 CORNELIUS DnPRE. ..fum r ait n mil nrxil. OBALERd IN r.r.. tiifldiriiifis. Chemicals, Paints, uu, Dye Stufft, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, &c, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by eiperl mced persons March 28. 1S5I. J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oet.l 1850. 87 MILES C0ST1N, COMMISSION MERCHANT , WILMINGTON, N. C. nurnR to E. P. Hall, Esq., PresM Branch btate Rank. I Thos. H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank I Wilming ton, N. C. 119-tf. Cape r ear, I O. G. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Uommer-1 clal Bank, Deo. 19. 1850 THOS. D, BARRY. Commission Merchant and Ship Broker, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 21, 1851. 131-tf. WILKINSON & ESLER. ntnn DKALEH8 IN Confectionary, Krult, Nuts, Toys.Fancy Ar ticles, perlnmery, rooacco. csi;, -v WHOLESALE AND RU i AIL, MARKET BTRPBT, WILMINGTON N- O. Nov. 30, I860. JO-tf McRAE & nARRISS. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, West side Protit street between Market and Dock streets, WILMINGTON, N. C. Octobers 1851. es- EMPTY SPIRITS TURPENTINE BARRELS. frrEMPTY Snlrlls Turpentine Barrels, In (yUUgood order, for sale by GEO. HARRIOT. Ost. 14. W. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY T. C. WORTH i Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N C. Feb. 19. 1861. U3-12 m. PORTRAIT PAINTING. MASSALON, Portrait Palmer, would respect nf VMlmlnirton and the sarrounding country, that he has permnnuntly loca ted mmseii in inis piace, anu wiu ov imiipjr vw celve the patronage of any ladles or gentlemen who may wish to procure fulthful likenesses of them selves or any member of their family. He flatters himself, from his long experience la the art, that he will K atnn MaA in aivn MtlafantloB. Hlraam i. ID the basement story of Mr. l, R. Nixos's Dwelling Uense, oppostie tnc jail, Tvuraingion, j. April 6, 1851. Wr ELLIS. RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WliMlNGTON, N. C. nmi. d. LLI. HIMRT . BDBSSLL. JOS. S. IBSSIIU Jan. 25 1861. 133. JOHN STRUTHERS & SON'S MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD, No. 380 HIGH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Marble Mmtelf, Apmrne, 'lvmbs and Urave Stones etmstanUyon hand. Every aesenpnm or ORNAMENTAL WORK AND STATUARY Executed and imparted, Orders for public or pri vate Buildings exocuted with promptness and des patch. mi i. . M.tnn IN. D. IjaSlgnU Will l Belli 1UI .uoiimio, ments snd Grays Stonos, and all work shipped in eured from breakage when required. Oct. 4. 851y- MORE & GALLAGHER. IRON FOUNDERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT & C AST IRON RAILINQ 8 RIDGE ROAD &- COATES ST. PHILADELPHIA. All orders attended to with promptness and des patch work warranted. Oct. 4. , sg-iy c SOUP DIGESTERS. N imvaluable article, to the epicure, diapeptic fx or even poor man. 4t makes Soop what U Soopbinson i oq 70. FLOUR. BBLS. C.-.Flourby 60 Sept. 13. 77. nnrcsm.ATK OP HAVTI. ? 64 Commercial Wharf, Boston, 6th March, 1861. $ THE underslgnea gives noue, mi m vi dance with a law passed st Port au Prince, on the 24th December last, vessels arriving in Hayj from the U. States on or after the 16th April m n nnrw hh 1110 iiuuuici... . . 1. jA.nm.Ml. mnU r. nffinnr iriiiiv auinor zea to administer an oath) of the State or United States Government. May 8. 23-tf. ftl.SSS WARE! GLASS WARE! I 1 UST Received from New York, a large of Vials J of various sizes. Speir Tincture and Salt Mouth Bottles, Tolllelte Bottles, lancy i-untrem., Also, a large assortment of Window Glass. For ...I- kv v. uvraiv. Bale Dv n...i.. .nrl nhBffllat. FIRE INSURANCE. THE undersigned having received the Agency, is prepared to take risks upon the most faeorabU Urnu In one of the best Insurance , Commnusm thc country. THE HARTFORD PROTKUTION. August 23, 1851. II. & J. copy. 68-if. RED ASH EGG COAL. 200 TONS of best quality, landing and for sale in lots to suit purchasers, at 6 per ton, for Cash only. Persons ordering will please send the money, as no Coal will be & BROWN. Oct 23. RAISINS, RAISINS. 50 BOXES new crop, Tor sale oy Gfc0. MYERS. 91. Oct. 16 SHIPPING ARTICLES. AHANDSOMK edition oi buiwwh just printed and for sjIo at Ths Commercial .... . t aulntHM A.LaIa. Orders for a Ream or mirs will be filled at a cost of 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper man My w YNo;.10,1861. 10W OIL. A FEW barrel prime Oil for Machinery, or - - y HATHA VAy & S0X July 9. HOUSES TO RENT. Capt. O. Potter having given me the Agen cy for re.mng bis houses, In Wilmington ..fi nnruna who wish to secure a .place early, may do so oy calling on the subscriber. I offer the following for rent from the 1st day of October next, to October 1st, 1852, vix. 1 large and comfortable 3 story brick tenement on Toomer s al ley, with Bakery and Store attacked. One dwelling on Ike comer of Walnut and Water streets, 2 stories high, with Store In the basement. One Store House adjoining the above. The Risley Houso on the corner of 4th Street. The House and Lot adjoining, on Boundary St. Also a number of deslrabio Coitsgos In the neighborhood of the Dry Pond. . A. A. B.SOUTHALL. August 2, 1861. Journal copy. B9-tf. next, must be provided wun uupncoie ihduoio their cargoes, certified by a Consular Agent of Hay ti If there shall have been one a the port of load- : ' . . -- .u. j....m..i. mnu ha vKrrtfipn da- i DISTILLERS OF TURPENTINE. I HAVE reduced lbs price of my SPIRIT BAR RELS to II 60 delivered st any place- In, Wil mington. After Twlstmas they will ba extra slm Persons wishing; can contract by the year on these icrms. HOOP IRON for sale at 65 per ton. t ' A. MORGAN. Wilmington. Not. 1 1th, 1961. . . .lOMme.-trl.ly-w. MORNING JANUARY 13. 1852. QOcc WUmlustoJi 4 Raleigh Rail Road I tympany, Augu.i i iiu THE Freight trains for Wtldottt will hereafter leave on Mondav'a Wednesdai's, and Friday's, freight must be at the Depot by I o'clock on Sat daray's, Tuesday's and TbaiMyjk Transportation Agent. Auff.ast 11 tf fSL. WHOLESALE WATCH AND JEWRLU W0H L. H. MILLER & CO. TMPrniTURS vnnrPttirr and Jobbers of 1 WATCHES, JEWELRY, & fANCY GOODS, have teased the Md Stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Canfield, Brother Co. eocTii iAst coa- M. WHULK3ALK HA UU fti'U unfitivKsis ia be onened aboot the 20th of July In calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mendon the fact 'hat we are associated r k. .inaia JEWELRY MAN UFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS la the country, which must give a decided advantage over II others In this market, for supplying dealer, with r.ip. maniiraoinrMa1 nrlcea. a feature In tins branch of trade long since needed, between Haiti i g..ih. nt Wuiem Merchants. IIIUID l U HIS uuuillviH-... tA-.k wj. ,n nu n.riixniiir attention to the Watch deportmenv which will st all times be wpplied with a great s aortmeni irom me mwi f,...r. itnt in nri(!t runnine order, .0 that purchasers may at once ias;einei, win . n ....... guarantee that they will perform correctly. This branch of tho business will receive the especial attention of one of the firm, whose exten- I - . . l - I. I. . u,.lltK 8lve and pracucai snowieuge 01 mo uuoiuv... "... we hope, give us a place In the confidence of buy ers. . you next visit our city, confidenily believing that an examination of our Goods will prove to you, that they ere better styles and cheaper than you have ever seen in this market, and assure you that W. .nanAAtfltlltr InlrltA VflU tO CO 1 UDOn U WIIC" no effort shall be wanting on our pari 10 uma u acqusintancoene of mutual benefit. . Li. Al. I'UUUin w - Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfield, Bro. Co. S. E. earner of Charles 4 Baltimore sis, narcacRCEsi Messrs. Wyetn, Blacklock & Co. " Gwyn, Reld & Taylor, James Hodges & Brother, " Hurat A, Berry. M t V u Murdoch, DuerA Evans, Stellmsnn &, Hinrlchs, Saneston & Ao. Barthlow.GwynclsCo. Rielv & Pendleton, C'ushlngs & Bailcv, ' John Murphy f-Lo. ( Moore & Griffin. August 19. lSSl- 66-6n-- GLUE. nc BARU.fc.LS American! ZD 20 " superior English j jnst received, ana wr saie, uy ROTHER & Co., August 6, 90. CIGARS! CIGARS!! 1 A nV NOSEGAY Regalia Uigars i 1U.UUVJ 6,000 Prymuvera Regalia " w n A . CS..1. - U...n PU.F. . 1.DUU 1j8 ouiianu v.6u.., 9 nftfi r.. Anfid.i Havana Clears. A few box es of choice chewing Tobacco, and a fine assort- L7 ' C. DirPRE. ' rk.iIaf UrtA t'Thnmiaf nf riant nascg and 1 ooacco woiibib. r or uie JIUJ(lvi ci lis viiviuioM Oct. 25. JUST OPENING at TW3 HARDWARE STORE. muv. mom beaut ul assortment oi nne rocaei 1 Cutlery, ever brought to this psrt of the country, Aaguat 28. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 Kl LARGE Slscsjust receivco ana lor iaic lOU by ELLIS, RUSSELL A CO. June 2b; n- FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. r BARRELS Superfine Fayetteville Fkm'. ' m r6Celved Bnd fUf M,e jWc LATTA Nov. 22. 107. RATES OF FREIGHT. RATES of Freight on the Wilmington and Ral eigh Rail Road, and on the Company's Boats iA Pk. ..inn rtvuo.a ana curreuicu uoi-ctuwi . UK" ..... ! " r , 1860 i just printed and for sole at the office of TU Commercial, at ia ceni. yc( yvyy Dec. 21. 119 tf. KIV YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO rpHE agency of this establishment for the town of X Wilmington, ns oeencomorrwi u signed who Is prepared w wnr '"M""'" ., h, ann icai on for LIFE IN- SURANCEupon os reasonable tetms ss any other lnetitiHion of the same cnaracig ",N"u,u,A'n August 23 H. J.copy, ' 63-tf. NEW GOODS. WE have received a part, and dally expeetlne; the balance, of our Fall Slock of Groeerui and Ship Chandlery, which wss purehasod direct from .huTmnnrtori atiA manufactnrers, and selected with great cire. We respecilully Invite our customers and the public to call and examine our stock, as we are deierminea 10 kii me F..v.. - .i,.i.lr Mnaltala tra. natt rtf 300 bags Rio, Laguyra, St. Domingo, Java, and 25 hhds. P. R. Sugar i f Mocha Coffee t 200 bbls. refined, crushed, powdered, and gran 25 boxes u loaf Sogsr j plated Sugar s 59 bbls. coffee crushed do. Tens of all varieties, Green snd Black 9fin kA. Rnnn i qnn Snnrm Adamantine, and Mould Can- 100 " Lemon Syrup ,d. 1,000 reama Wrapping Paper; 200,000 Cigars, a I grades and kinds, inn hniM TnKuceo a Ant articlt t inn hhi. Whiskey. Brandv. Gin. Rum. Wines, (Cordials, of svery variety and quality , Butter, Lard, Rtoe. Flour, Sslt, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Mustard, Cassia, N utmegt, Cbcete, track: era, Bread, &e. - . . r.nrAm. Duck. Blocks. Anchors. Chains, Lan terns, Compast.et, aad every article required on board of ships. f Wealsqhsvealargeitock of Wooden snd Wit low Ware, Hardware, Dry Goods, Ac, besides nu merous articles not mentioned. Pl tatt ani u- .n.-u our . HOWARD & PKDEN. Sept. 18. ' ..... 79. DEEDS FOR SALE. T T T ain iftaDead S. and Deeds for Mortaageonlsnd VV justprinted.ln eerreetformand fersalealtht . -, I. i - . ., EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. Crr SECOND Hana apiriw earsw, ' sist, in geod order, for sale by, mtm OiROSSKT ROWW. July id. 47, SUNDRIES. JUST reeeived-300 bag. Coflee, Rio, Laguyra, SI Domingo, Java, snd Mocha 1 14 spiced chocolate 10 hhda. P. R. 8ngarrl00 bblf. double refined loif, crashed, powdered and graaula ted Sugar t 200 boxes Candles, all kinds and grsdesi 25 do. Jud's paentdo.,4s Be and 6s, In tone bo ss, 6 lbs. each) 100 bbU. Whiskey i M boiesChees) 200 packages new Kalsinsi wv,vw eegsra, tlmore prices iuu Doxes nne newing ivi iu,ow new two ousnei UBnny . ur""' the lowest prices, by HOWARD 4t PEDLN. No. 20. 0fl- . COFFEE. IUU ADAMS, BROTHER Co. August 6. 90 COFFEE. CH BAGS Rio Coffee. For sale hf OU J. HATHAWAY & SON. Sept. 13. BILLS OF LADING, &c. a" .OLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bound JC In Bqpks.and heew.also Letwr Sheets with IvarietyofmercantUebianKs.lor.aioai ine v mcrciai ugtce. PLANTATION BR0GANS, JJse SrvatU Shoes, 4V. i f frfatl No. 30 East Bat. Uhablestoh. h. THE subscriber, Agent for the South Carolina Shoe Factory, ai unsrtes- ton, 8. C , snd the Cheraw Factory, at Cheraw, S. C will otler for sale m mis mrgi by the 1st or Sept., a large suppiy oi eumurrw i"u . .. rt 1 Iia... .....nl'. fikn.. IA- flantution tsroguii. uuu uuw -, eother with a general assortment of Boots and Shoes, whicn win De hiiu i uo vir(i yir ce. for goods of. similar .my.pRiNatE Dealer In Brogan., Boot, and Hhoes, No. 30, East Bay. Ant 1R IflSJ. 66. SPIRIT BARRELS. t Nov. 22. I07' . CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have this day formed a co-partnership under tho style of McRai Habsiss, and hsve taktn the new granite front store, latey erected by Capt. G. Potter, on Front between Mjar ket and Dock streets, where they will always keep a complete wholesale snd retail stock of CROCKERY AND FARMING IMPLE MENTS, to which they Invite the sttention of merchants and ethers. Being IMPORTERS, we feel confident we can ..ii anirii. in our Una on as favorable terms, and nf- mod mialitv. as can be purchased In the United States. ALEX. McRAE, Jr., N.T.HARRISS. iinTir.r.. THE subscriber hoving formed a co-partnership with Mr. N. T. Hassiss, Is desirous of closing up his old business, and begs leave to urge upon ihnu tnitshiod tu him the necessiiv of a prompt settlement of their bills. Heal the same time tenders his thanks to his former customers for their kind Datronssfo. and solicit, a continuance of the same to the new firm. . , ALEX. McRAE, Jr. October 2, 1861. i5- BROTHERS LINE. mtlE Stenmor iWiir and Tow Boats, Stcttn- A son snd David Levi are prepared to forward with Dispatch, all goods consignea to tne rropn Tha Steamer Brothtrt Is or iioht Osapojh, ano wil .iiii'd to run in lou vattr. She possesses vow tr, and spud, and is addmlrably adapted to lowing, The Proprietor contemplates running me bmi Mn..v mH will five soeclnl attention to way freleht and naval stoies ; to tawlsjg, end will also attend to tne comio" una .biibih "r?" vtam hi. lone experience ss Asent In Wil mington ot me eecii in k. ihinii. ham. irlve satisfaction. . .l ..f 41. fjimnulM To Merchame In the Interior hs oM eay, tat all Goods shipped by hire, win be delivered to their Agents in Kayetteviue. mis Agent in miniiDeivn is JOHN C. LATTA, to whom oil communications may be addressed, as Agent of tne Atearncr vrmncrs, Maw ik 2G-12me. .Sallnhnrs- Watchman. Greensboro' Patriot Fayetteville Observer, and Carol) man. and Ashboro Herald, please copy 4 weeks, and send bill, to this office. GROCERIES. A H BAGS prime Bio CoflVe j HlJ 10 " Laguira do. 7 hhds. P. R. Sugar ; 40 boxes ami 13 casks prime Cheese i 26 barrels Mess Pork i 100 barrels Sup. Flonr, escorted brands t 15 kegs Goehen Butter, 10 boxes (S1.) Tobacco; 20 " Soap 6 hhds. Bacon, Sides serf Hsmi i 30 boxes Raisins ; 20 bsrrel. Lamp Oil j For sale bv J. HATHAWAY 4b SON N.20. 106. PORK AND HAMS. On BBLS. Mess Port , OvJ 10 casks superior Canvascd Hams t Dally expected mm "JKk 5a? Oct. 28. Wl JUST RECEIVED, PER SCIIR. W. HART FROM PHIL. i rr OZS. Suloh Quinine P. & W 1 WW 6U OSS. OHipn MUllllire, ucrmsB , t bbls. Epsom Salts. Buipnum, rl ..i. .j M.rt.irin Adda. Also, a lares assort ment of choice Chemicals from the laboratory f Potnroy A Weightroan. For sale "" Drug Store. Oet. tt. .,:,., ..,.,-. M. JUST RECEIVED. A FEW Casks of fine Liquors, for Medicinal Ap.rpo.es. roruie.y c Druggist and ChsniiM WHOLE MO892 I cannot make hJmd'eaJr " , Hi. Wr sunshiny head la etef boiwdlsg roand mf itudy cbalrj Tet when tny eyee, bow dint With tears, I tvra to bfoV V, , Th vliioi tmoiifac- tt If tot Iters t t ( ' 1 . ' . -'.v ' f ?I v 'f t. A4.thragli.tbpeDdooi. ' t , Ihmfoe4&aoatlMcIuifflbef ftatr, ; I'm stepping toward the bail, Torfvtthaboy eallf! ": ; Anil then betLlnk me thit-tie U sot Ciere i1" - t W r f i J thread Ibaertwde4sfret, ' : "Ah.rd m t tmt,- " - ;r ; With the tame beaming eyes tad colored lair ; And, as W ramtng by, - Follow him with toy jY-! l " ' Scarcely belMng that-hs b not im iiBowb!.fcbwd.f:"r?,' ft Vadcrthe coffia Bdf ; '"? Closed art bis eytt cold his forebead fefr ; My band that marble felt; - f , O'er It In prayetl kjn1t l"1'! Yet my heart wbUpertBat--b Is tot there!; ; ' , . ifc v s v - ' I caonot main him dead I :''.);.,.. When passing by bht bed, ' . , So long watched over with parental car -' -1 V -If spirit and mj tf ;" ; , Seek it InquiriDgly, ' Before the tbougbt comet that ha It sot tterel: Whep at tho cool, grey break. ' , " Of day, from sleep I wake, , " , With my first breathing Of the tuorolngalk, - My soul gctt 8p with Joy, : ( To Wm who gate my boy f ' ' Then comet the tai thought that he (t not therel' When at the day's calm close, , j , Before we seek repose, , 'm with hi mother; offering up our prayer, . Whtjle'er I maybeMyrV, " " ' ' I am, in tplrit, pnylng f '-?. For enr boy's spirit, though be It not there I " Mot there 1-Where, then, It he I ' j The form I wed to tee ' ' , ' Was bnt the raimtnt that ha Med to weee ; The grave, tbat ut doth prew 1. Upon that east off drew, ..-- b bit hit wardrobe locksdV&r I hot there t Heltret-leett ttepMl!-; HeUretsnortethetoat. , ; Of teeing htm-again will I despair j; - " , la dreamt I tee him Wrtr, k lVi A HV5 And on. hit angel b 90, 1 v'wf I see It wrlllen, "Tboa Iil) fee tt Wrtfr. - Yet, we ait lire to WfrV Fatbkb, they chastening rod, . w . -1 So help usf thine aiffictcd ooea, to bcarv That in the tplrit land, w,s' Meeting at thy right band '. f I'h Twill be our beareo to Ond thaihe b Mm f - Mr. View Dlaeeerteth ea Crave Totfee. . 'Bimelech. my eon,' sail Mr. Slow, tl.ak- wg hi bead with onteolar and owl-l.ke pro fundilyr it ien'l well to know too much, my bor r votrr father neyer did he . know'd loo much for UmL TJhooghu is perplex in,' and the huruAa mrrui, Urnielecfi, u too precious a thing to be wore oof wun too much .luctioa. , Don't abase tne guts oi naier, my son, xaaso nater'a one of 'em, the ie.' Don't inwest" ate anything Dwrm;y bpjfcaote there's a t.-oo-and old thing f more cooeekenco toloog arterrtne nrsi oi sejucii w nuraoer one. aicw, nottone ferpfexes the mind, dear there' fuM enough fools In the world who look arter. tuch thill, without your trotibHri'yout pre iinna bund aboot Vm 'twooliln't be a cent of benefit o you. , Call Vm aU horabai and moonthwe, and them os beliewee 'cm luna tics and scoundrel and , that'll eavo you a good many discuasioiisand give yoo a chary acter for dignity anil prudence, and rtrsdent folks make money.' Phebwopby and! scions nt timm ihiriM is humham. tvnd every tliinr? ia humbug but money Mind I tell ye' Mr. Slow ceased, overccrae by biaown clouance. . "i i muslin.' ; ... ., , -a'Cl The following letter waa received by the editor or the Carpes Bag tor a younsr man who advertised to tbat paper fat a wiftv- It appears to be from an tld flame of, the id- vertiter: ' ' " I ' " L ' New Yo, December. O yoo li'nrlless 'ree ch-I no atl about it I seen yoor picter in ibf Carpet Ea. and node it in a minitt-.yoi eoa't cheat nje I- rrrnnn did w'en yer useter inwke sho.1 siiet on the maraet nour aiyp?. . . , . . -- O you orfur erftier. for to go fer to adtrer lite (tr another wife, when yoo promised ter com back a'awrf ; ev,aa iuln O -Jeems I don't you remember the good tiraea we utce bate w'en I worked for Reecnn Streeter, an how I neter get dontit au s cold ment for yoo, air? how, yoo uaeter hu nte, an kiss wf end call me yurt own dar lin' Sally, an' say yude marry, in i j tha r,.ii n' nnw fervoo ter bo .Ter to e .-Jv-rrtiaa fer anuiher wife with lots of munny, it ia t bad. .0 yu pe'figtw W yo ; 1 under , mtr n-nats (lOtl'f nOUlil VUm DCU pott, ' every nlfa ml I don't no bat it dux w'en I'm asleep. If yer don't rum bae' l'U toiler ' yer ter tl.e end of the yenrth. ter I no yu an you no m. onuus ""i remember tbeta ize, that oose. an' in em npa, and for aB yoa've got drert an so nica. an . . . f l?Lt Snl lnt mm:. .AM an' mir icriui . vvi. iwi im ia "juif TJ.ifsr 63. Ctmswrctaiujrss,

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