, . YORK MARKET, i " For three daft prreeding. " Jan! 10. Cotton. There tat been an active Remand for tho pait three dava, which baa freely met oa the part of tho holdeis, and some lists have been aold to arriro at lower pri. ces, we bare reduced our quotations on soma kindi J of a cent per lb. We qnote at 7 a 9; ' ' Flour.-The sales 410U bbls .cbismg vat 4,43 a S4,56 for common to w' Al exandria, Baltimore? Brandy wine and Qcorgv, town, and S4J5 a 5.25 for fcney brands - Grain. Tbera is 4 steady fuir dwmand for Corn, and the market, with moderate supplies, contm, ties very oniform-tliere D0 inquiry for export, ocpt for White, which is very scarce; the sales ar. mi mm hnnheta. at 65 Cettts for mixed Western. C8 for Northern roond Yellow, both in store, and 68torJerMy;dd,dolivered.v Naval Btorea.'-Turpontine and Rosin continue steady at previous pricei the stock of the former la almnt 2U0U bbls. norm VOumy, ana Hint oi inu latter, Is conaiaeraoiy rvaucea. we now saie oi 1600 bolt aorxn vouniy turpentine ai jowj per OV IOq . I W If llllllllf;iiril U1U11IIIII .i.feiu, fclH2l a '41,85; 700 North County do. ftl a i. iifln w j i..,:.w.i .... , D.u;n f L25, delivered; 11W No. 1, S2 a $2 87J per 2u lb4 J60 Ho. Z, l,ow m yarn; buu Tar, SUo; oou do, setoctea, in Iota, Sl,H7t a 5'i; l'juu spirits Tnrpentino, 84 a 35 cent cash, wholesale, and 30 a 861, retail, the market closing with an up ward tendency. Rice.lbe demand has boen nchve, with an advance on the better descriptions only, ol about 124 cents per 100 lb. and the sales ol all descrip tions during the week amount to about 1UU tier- ces. pari) lo arrive, at a j,o.j. me s.uck Isliehl." " PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Jan. 9. 5 Cotton There is rather more firm- nest in ine marsei anaer me uue lureigu num. r ....... i. ,L. , : but the stock beine considerably increased oy the recent arrivals, bnyers are not very anxious to take hold at the nretont men rates : good Lotions, however. are scarce, and wanted, ihe weeks sales reach some 750 a 800 bales, within the rangy of 8! a 94c for Uplands, and 10 a lot for ew Or leanscash and time. Floor. The sales for homo use have generally been within tha range of $4,2oa4 8,l tor fair mixed and choice brands, 84,60 a 85 lor extra. and 85.2aa6.25 Der bbl. for fancy brands. Corn is in demand at a further advance, and the market is nearly bare, sales of new bouth- ern ana rennsvivama yeiiow nave own hmuu i arrive at 60 a 63c : and 8000 a 4000 bushels old have also been sold at 65c, in store. Naval Stores There is rather more doing in Spirit!, but at a slight decline, and about 400 buls. old in lots at 86 a 88c per gallon, cash and time. In other articles there is no change, and we uru oniv an vi sea oi saios or a a uu uuia. noap n . 1 -t. L A . I r Alt 111 ct Tl . It 81.50 a 2 50 per bbl. Bice is rather scarce, with small sales, part for export, at 8 cts. per lb. GREAT WHEAT AND CORNf STATES A correspondent of the Pittsburg Gazette, wrl- tinf from Washington, says: From the abstracts Of statistical returns already prepared at the Cen- sus umce. u a wears mat reuusyivanm m iouu, n . . l- !.. lO-.ll was toe largest wheat uroaiiciiig owie oi mo Union. I have had the curiosity to compare the six most prominent States in respect to this crop, and five them bolow, witli the crop of each as shown by the return: Pennsyltanla 15 482,191 bushels Ohio ' "i 14,007,060 do Virginia 14 616 900 do , Mew York 1U 078 000 do Michigan . 4 918,000 do Maryland 4,494,080 do In the yield of Indiana corn, Ohio bears off the palm, or rather she stands primus inter paree mag- nos. wr nve Diates siana aunosi in a ims id re gard to this Important staple. These states ana tneir respective crops are as follows : Ghto, bushels of Indinna corn 59,788,750 Kentucky do 68000000 Illinois do 07,WU,uuu Indiana do 63,000.000 Tennessee do 62,000,000 The corn crop of 1850 for the whole United States is returned as over 500 000,000 ot bushels, a gain oi aooui ao pur cent uu wui oi io-iu, The American Railway Times of the lit instant contains a list of all tho railways in the United States, by which it appears that the number of railways in operation is 263, measuring il,5fj miles in length; and constructed at a cost S33o - lUV.oto.- luo iiuiiiuur in mmtHvn in cuuiu uj construction is 74. measuring 11 228 miles. The total number of railways is 837, and the total number of miles in operation and in course of conduction is 22.893. to, Orrio Wilmington & Man. II. R, Cn. Marlon O. H.. S. C. lOih Jan. IBM. THE four i h Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Wllnilncton t Manchester Rail Road, Will be held at Marlon C. H.. S. C, on Wednesdoy, the 28th day of January, 1852. 1 full MnfMAfif Allnn tt mil tha alnrlr plttlAF In person or tt projy, is respecttuiiy ruquesiou. Bf oraer, Jiu. aickaej, Jr., secy. copy. 128 tru SAIL MAKING. THR Subsorlbor having located himself in the town of Wilmtniton. for tho purpose of carry ing on the Sail making builncss, would rcapecilul- lv Inform the Merchants and Masters of vessels. tnat ne is prepared to operate, ana roeis connuent of giving satisfaction to all who may employ hitn. He respectfully solicits a share oi public pnironase. Loft, No. 24 North Water Street, over Air. J. H. Flannel's Counting House, Lord's Wharf. - , ' V oAiUUbL TURNER. Jan. It ; " 128. . WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted tho agenev of several larire establishments at the North, which will furnish him an nnllmlied suddIv of tlnfshed or unnnisnoo, loreian or aomest e aiauhlk or . . . . . . j. . - i all oualltles. Is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMIl STONES, And every other article In the line of the business at reasonsDia fates. SCULPTURING,' LETTERING OR CARVIXQ, Executed as well as can ba dono either North or South. . v 'The best ef rsfsrenoe can be given if required. , ' 'A3- JuOUljAtvAiN AN. "Jan. 1 - ; 125-tf, N'OTIfR. ALL persons are hereby warned not to out wood, hunt or fish, within the limits of tha Hi ton premises, as I will pursue, with the oenal. ties of the law. a 1 trespassers after this dale. ;f JAMES F. McREE, Sen. Dee. V): ' .' 122. BELLS. BELLS. BELLS. HOUSE Bells, Hand Bolls, Gong Bells, with sll tha necesasrv flitnrni InrliiHInir aomn' hnnd. soma Mtvsr Dined ball du s. For sn In bv J. M. ROBINSON. LATE ARRIVALS , AT THE HIT STORE!!. IT AM now prepared lo exhibit to my friends and vleastomers, a very superior Kusiutk Hat, with plumes, or wiihour, to suit the taste; warranted iqusl, if not superior to any nordi or tooth of the cape rear; i v" fc U. Ml bits,- Hatier. A TWO Horse Wagon, for sale cheap i Uo s second hond family Carriage. Apply at The I Commercial Office, or to A, J. MCRDKN. ; Jan. 10. 127-lC NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having this day purchased the entire interest of Mr. O. G. P4blsv, in tha Point Peter Si cam Ssw Mill, h.va formed a copan j nership tor the purpose of manufacturing Steam i Sawed I.umlirr. ! Wbntwobth W. Peibcs, T11LLIAM IIMOS. PEIRCE & NEILSON. Jan. 1. 126-Iyc DISSOLUTION. THK copartnership of O. O. Pabslsv & Co., is this day dissolved by consent of thf parlies All persons indvbttd to ihe concern and to lrn Pe ter Mill, will please mnke payment to O. G. Pars ley, snd those h iving demands of any kind are re quested to present them to him at once, for settle ment, O. G. PARSLKV. JAMES S. GREEN. Dee. 20. 126-3w CORN! CORN!! 1 QOfl BUSHELS, landing, and for sale by J iyv;tj bLiLlS Ot UUVHbLI. Jan. 6. 125. NOTICE. ALL persons are forewarned f om trading with my wife Margaret, as she hns left my bed and board ami I will not be responsible for her on any account. F. LOVIN. Jan. 6. 125 Im p. NOTICE. THE copartnership heretofore existine between the subscribers under the 6rm of Savage & 1sarcs, is thin day ('issolved hy mutual consent. The business of iho firm will he closed by Kdward Savaob. EDWARD SAVAGE, GASTON MEARES. Wilmington, Jsnuaiy 1st, 1852. 125-tf. For the i-ui-e of fOlGIIS, COLDS, HO 111SEXESS, BRO.V (H1T1S, ( R01F, ASTHMA, WHOOP ING C01GH AM) lOm'MPTIOX. Tills Invaluable remedy for all di?ra?os of tln Thboat and Lvsos, has analned a celebrity from its remarkable curies, never equalled by any other medicine before. Oilier Preparations have shown themselves palliatives, and sometimes effected no table cures, but none has ever so fully won the con fidence of every community whers it is known. After years of trial in every climate, the results have indisputably shown It to possess a mastery over ihis d ingerous class of diseases, which could not fall to attract the attention of Physicians, Pa tients, and the public ut lare. See Ihe nulements, not of obscure Individuals and from far distant pluces, but of men wh are known and respected throughout the country. 'Uu vicUly celebrated Surgeon, Uoet. VOLEX TISE MOTT, of Mew York CUi, tayi : "ll gives me pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of 'Aver's Chkbsy Pictosal,' which 1 consider peculiarly adapted to cure discuses of the throat and lungs." DR. PEKKINS, tht venerable President of the Vermont Medical College, one of tho eminently learned physicians of this country, writes, ihe Chehrv Pectobal is extensively used in this sec tion, wtute it has shown unmitttukuble evidenco of iis happy cfli'fts upon pulmonary diseases. The ller. J.SO. D. COCHRASE, a dUtinguuhed Clergyman of the English Church, writes to ihe Propiieior from Montreal, that ''he has been cured of a severe asihmatie affection, by (Jhebrv Pctobau" His letter at full length, may ae found in our Circular, lo bo had of the AgoM, bnd i- worth the attention of asthmatic patients. This Uller i from the veil known Druggist at HiUaLUc, Michigan, one of the largest dealers in the Slate ; and this case is from his oven observation. Hillsdale, Mich., Dec. 10, 1849. Dear Sir; Immediately on receipt of your Cheb bv Pectoral, I carried a bottle to an acquaintance nf mine who was thought to bo near his end with quick consumption, lie was then unable to rise Iron) hia bed, and was extremely feeble. His friends believed he must soon die, unless relief could be obtained lor him, and 1 induced them to give your excellent medicine a trial. I Immediately left town for three weeks, and you may judgo ot my surprise on my return, lo meet him in the street on my way home from the cars, and And he had en tirely recovered. l our weeks from the day lie com menced laking yoyr medicine, he was at work ai his urduous trade of a blacksmith. There are other cases within my knowledge, where the Chssbt Pectoral has been singularly successful, but none ao marked as this. Very truly yours, G. vv. UNDERWOOD. Hanoveb. Ohio, April 3, 1650. Dear Sir t I wish I could tell all that sudor with a cough, what your Cheery Pectobal has done forme. It does seem they niii(hi be benefilied by the Information 1 hud a lung fever which left my lungs weak and inflamed. Being very feeble and unable to gain strength at all, my friends thought 1 must soon sink In consumption. I hud no appo tlte, and a dreadful cough was fast wearing mo away. I began to tako your beautiful medicine, by tho advice of a clergyman, who had seen its t Hue is before. It oased my cough ut first, and gave ins rest at night. In less than a fortnight I could eat well, and my cough haj ceased lo be troublesome, my uppetitu returned, und my food nourished me, which soon restored my strength. Now, after rive weeks, I em well and strong, with no other help than your Cbterry Pectoral. Yours, with respect. JULIA DEAN. 1 hereby certify thai the above statement of my wife t in conformity with my own vievs of her Case and her cure by Avur'8 Cherry Peetoral. JOSEPH DKAN. Thu'abovo namad Joseph Dean Bad Julia, hit wjCu, vie personally known i" me, and Implicit con fidence may bo placed In their statement. SAMUEL O. VAN DBRWEXT, Pastor of the Baptist Cnurch. Prepared by J. C. Ayer, Clwuilst, Lowell, Muss. Pec, 3 122. FraTwMED; THE subscriber respectfully Invites ihiiKu (hot are indebted to him to cull and niuke immediate- paymehts, as money must ha had by thn first of January. It la hoped that (his call will bo suf ficient to produce Iho desired affect. " UKO. MYERS. Jan. 1. 123. fch my York.: t,-THK Regular Packet Schr. Wake, A. AM ''Briggs, at ier, will sail as above. For ii., .Wreight, apply to , GEO. HARRIS". , Jen. 13. " ; " . 4 123. FOR PHILADELPHIA. THE Paekitt KWhr'fl t-tl. n.,vl The v k. h, Rowley. tV. '.nil icer, Master, will mil uiu... fur rriii,i or passage, apply on beard, or 10 Jan.ll?, ' 123. v FOR NEW YORK. - THE A.I. Schr. J. A. Hobart, Qovr, Mas ter, will leave for the above nort on dntur. day next. For liahl freiaht or tiaumi having fine accommodations, apply 10 the Captain FOR NEW ORLEANS. .THE Schr. Nancv R. Haan. Hairan. Master, can take light freight, and will sail with despatch. Annlv to ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. Jan. 8. us. HERON'S LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA. THE regular packet Sihooner Jana C Patterson, Peacock, will have despatch for above Don. For l.trht freivhl or nn.u. age apply on board to Capt. or 10 GEO. HARRISS. Jan. 8 128. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. THE A. I. Brig Lucy Atwood, t'apt. B. Atwooi, carries UU.WU leet Lumber or 1800 Bun els The A. I. Brig Waison, P. Allen, Master, carries 12(1,00'') feel Lumber, or 1600 Barrels. The A. I Coppered Brig John Kendall, W.IBoyd, Master, carries 140,000 feet Lumber or 2,000 Bar rels. Apply to J. & D. McRAE & CO. Jan. 8. 126. FOR BOSTON. THE A. I. fast sailing Schooner St. Leon, Richardson, Master, will sail in a few days. For light freizht or passage, apply to ADAMS, bRO. 4CO. Jan. 8. 126. FOR NEW YORK. THE Clipper Schooner Kaloolah, E. A. Glazier, Master, will have quick despatch for the above port. For light freight or passage apply to J. t D. McRAE & CO. J an," 8. 126. FOR BALTIMORE, CANON'S I4NE. TUV 1 I ftnttnnnar VlrnlnU 0.rfK,h 1 .... ... ".UUVIILI J ,,K,,,U ni - 1 .. . ....it 11 t. . 1 i imiiiner, uiumvr, win iuii on oaiuraay ne.t. For freight or passage, apply to J. &. D. McRAE t CO. Jan. 8. 126. FOR BALTIMORE. TUP. Whminnr ,.H'.,IL- MnUA M .... -w "i.V, .b.'U.W,.M, 1MUO.D,, rtu .1 :.,jl- r win bum uuuiii inu iiiiuoig oi nexi ween, For freight of abput 3C0 bbls., opply 10 J. & D. McRAE & CO. Jan. 8. 126. WM. MASON & SON'S REGULAR LINE OF 11 ALT I M O K E & W I L W I N GTO N PACK ETS THE undersigned beg leave to inform ,V Hie snipping public, mat tliey liaveT, made arrunements to continue theoaacka above f.lnr of Packets, and run good vessels regu larly mrouch the year, at lowest rates of freight. The Agents' wharf in Wilmington is in a contral pari of the town, and immediately adjoining one of 1 lie steamboat iompany s wnart, incretore making it desirable to those who have goods for up river. Shippers will please direct l heir goods, shipped by "Mason's Line." VVM. MASON & SOS, Agents, No. 75. 6'iniih's wharf, Baltimore. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co., Agents, Wilmington, Feb. 4. 137-tf CANNON'S LINE OF BALTIMORE PACKETS. THE subscriber intends running a .FX regular weekly line of 1'ackcts be. tween Wilmington and Baltimore. consisting of six A. I. fust sailing schooners, Corinthian, Susan Cannon, Virginia Griffith, Palestine, Gazelle, Gro. W. Robinson. Persons ptirchnini; goods in Baltimore and wish ing t lit ' 1 it forwarded without delay, will please direct them shipped by this line. Freights taken on this line at .New York rates. JOHN V . CAN NO.V, Agent, Baltimore, Md. J. & D. McRAE, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 25, 1351. 133-tf. THOS. F. CAUSE. Commission Merchant & Auctioneer, Oilice f.11 HalPs upper building, North Water Street. Where he wili be happy 10 attend lo all orders in either branch of his business. Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 23, 1851. 119-tf, A. E. MOTT, DEALER IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c South Side Market Street, Next door below Wilkinson & Esleb's Confec tionary, under the dwelling of Airs. Sarah Cpwan. He takes this method of informing the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity, that he has on hand snd intends keeping a well selected assortment of Fam ily Groceries, which he will sell as cheap as any other hou:e in ihe place, for cash aqd hope to merit a liberal share of patronage by a close appli cation to business. His stock oosistt as follows : Flour of the best brands, Mackerel, Fulton market and dried Beef, Pork, Bacon, Beef Topgues, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Lemon. Soda, Butter and Sugar Crackers, Pota toes, Turnips, Onloqs. Ulo and Laijuira Coffee, larafied, Powdered, Crushed and brown Sugar, Molasses, Corn meal and Ilominy, Cylgales, and Ward's No 1, and piive snd fancy Soap, Tea, Ch0C0ll. KalHrallll Nnlmoa tUnlnn lSln... Allspice, Pepper, Ground Qinnamon, KcUlorJ Family and Com starch. Sweet Oil Piekles. Catsup. Lemon Syrup, Candy, Raisins, Her rings, Jermun-wax, Adamantine nnH Tnllnw r.nn. dies, Negro shoes, and Boots, Tin wsre, Poi wsre. Marketing nnd work Btskets, Tubs, Pails, Trays, Brooms, Flour snd Sugar Bucksis, Measures, Wool and Cotton Cards, Jugs, Cigars, Smoking snd Chewing Tobaccoy Facs Powder, Hair Oil, Co logne, Shoo Blacking, Ale, Porter, wine Cider, dc. Ac Ac. The above slock was lately purchases for cash and will be sold accordingly, Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 6. 125-tf. PILOTAGE. THE Ordlnsnca passed SJ the last meeting of the Commissioners of Navigation and Pilotage, re ducing the Pilotage to one half on all Vessels tow ed by Steam Boats, was at a subsequent meeting reconsidered and ihe said ordinance was reclnded, and ihe Piluiags to romam as former))'. I)y order of the Bosrd. W. J. LOVE, O. B. C. J- 8- J. copy 3. 126. . FOR SALE OR RENT. THAT desirable summer retreat on Mason 1 ; I boro Sound, now occupied by the Sub.-cri-ml .Mor, and formerly by Mr. Peterson, will be sold on reasonable term for Cash, or exchanged for Town property. Possession given Immediate ly. If not sold before the first ot April the place will be rented. ' For further particulars apply to J 4 D. ilcRaec Co., or to the sutmcrltxr - No. 1. . 63-3m, . CtmOLIDlTKD LOTTERIES OF 3dlEVL4.D - For January, 1352 ' COLVIN it CO., . Office V. W- Corner of Baltimore and Calrci t street, Maseam Corner, Baltimore Maryland. ; BRILLIANT SCHEME CLASS D. 7$ IS'os. lo Drawn Ballots, ta be Drawn la Beltl- ; v mon, on 311 January. ., tiORtND CAPITAL PR1ZESI OI,3T DlLliAHS. 6 prizes of 10,000 lOpiixesof 11,500 6 " 5,000 10 u 1,000 . 1 JP M 2.500 10 " 750 Tickets 120 1 Halves 110; Quarters 15. The Consolidated Lotteries of Maryland are Slate Lotteries, legally chartered by the Slate Legisla ture, and controlled by State Officers. Schedule of Lotteries 10 be drawn in Baltimore during the month or January, on the several days set lortn below, hvery lottery advertised win pout lively be drown. Dste. Class Capitals. No.ol Ballets. Tk'ts ur l"K Jan. 10, 35, $5 00f lb Nos. It drawn, II, S4 12, 3d, 9.000 73 Nos. 16 drawn, 2, V 14, ' 38, 8,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn, 21, 8 16, 40, 7,500 78 Nos. 14 drswn, 2, 7 17, 41, 4 700 73 Nos. 12 drawn, I. 19. 42. 9.000 75 Nos. 13 drawn. 3, 10 ,21, 44, 10,000 78 Nos. 13 drawn, 21, 8 J 22, 8, 24 000 78 Nos. 13 drawn, 5, 17 24. 5. 40.000 73 Nos. 12 drawn. 10. 37 26, 48, 9,154 73 Nos. 16 drawn, 3, 9 27, 49, 5,000 75 Nos. 12 drawn, 1, 4 29, B0, 8,000 75 Nos. 13 drawn, 2J, 91 28, 6, 30,000 78 Nos. 12 drawn, 10, 37J 20, 9, 18,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn, 5. 16 30. B2. 7.600 78 Nos. 13 drawn. Is, 74 30, 1, 15,000 75 Nos. 14 drawn, 4, 12 31. A3. 4.000 75 Nos. 12 drawn, 1, 4 Jl n AI R7fi 7l4 rtfn. lfi rfrnwn 20. Rn 1 3PLEASE NOTICE. The price of certificates ot KacKages ot uuaner i icaets oniy is nameo above. Whole and Hal. Tickets sre issued in packages of corresponding rales. All orders addressed to Colvm & Co. will receive prompt attention. The official drawings sent to sll who order tickets. Prizes cashed at sight. Remittance for prizes made in Bank Drafts. Please address orders to COLVIN & CO., Box 213, Baltimore, Maryland. Des. 23. 119-ltno-s. RICE. nr CASKS prime quality, fresh from the Hfili, O'J for sale by ANDERSON & LATIMER. Dec. 9. WINDOW CORNICE. A FRESH supply, jus' received at the Hardware L Store. J. M. KUBIASUIN . Dee. 20. na. SECOND HAND SPIRIT RARRELS. C L A1JGE size and in good order, for sale by UJJ A IN Ur-USUiN OL L, A 1 1 ill Kit. Dec. 9. 113. PORK AND BEEF. Zf BBLS. Mess Pork, city Inspected ; OKJ 20 ' prime Beef ; 9 " Mess do. For sale by ANDERSON & LATIMER. Dec. 9. 113. FRESU ARRIVALS. QH BBLS. Extra Family Flour; OKJ 5 " Hiram Smith's (best) ; 60 bo its Family do. ; 15 kegs of Extra Goshen Butter i 200 " best Dried Beef t 2 bbls. New N C. Lard j 6 kegs, 30 lbs. each, for Families ; 50 boxes Cheese ; 5 caskeS do. Cull at GKO. H. KELLEV'S. Jan. 6. (J. H. & N C. T. copy ) 125. nOUSE AND SHIP PAINTING, GLAZING, &c. THE undersigned rospictlully informs Ihe pub lie irenorally thai he tut removed h's Painting establishment on Chesnui Street, not far from the store of Messrs. McMillan & Davi. as alio near the well known Koca Spring, where he may be found at all tl mes, and will do all work entrusted to his care with neatness and despatch, WM. S. READ. July 10 6 in. 49. FRESH BOSTON CRACKERS. JUST received, 25 tin canisters Bent's Bostin Crackers; 100 doz. Underwood's Pickles. Fo. sale, low, by HOVARD & PEDEN. Nov. 20. IPC. EMPTY BARRELS. 1 LARGE size, expected per Schr. James A J Jaines, from Boston, by ELLIS, P.OSSELL6VCO. epl. 25. 82 REDUCED FARE, THROUGH TICKETS BETWEEN WILMINGTON N C AND BlLTIllOCE. FARE 913. VIA. WELDON, PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, AND WASHING: ON CITY, OR VIA WELDON, PORTSMOUTH AND NORFOLK. For Tickets apply at tin- OFFICE of the WIL MINGTON and RALEIGH RAIL ROAD COM. PANY at WILMINGTON, orut ihe OFFICE of the BALTIMORE STEAM PACKET COMPA NY, sndol the BALTIMORE and OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Piatt Stsest, BaLTmoaa. Jan. 1, 1851. 123-tf. Town and Fayettevilie papers will please copy. CARDENAS MOLASSES. CA JJBLS Cardenas Molsssea, of Superior tVquality, now landing from Hrig Portland, for sale by ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. Des. 20. 119. NOT I(C. I HEREBY givs notice that the firm ef Murden & Loring is this day dissolved. A. J. MURDEN. Dec. 15, 1851. CARRIAGE MAKING : IN sll its various branches ; olso spnir(ng dono st the shortest notice, by the subscriber. A.J. MURDEN. Dec. 27, 1 61, , . 121-tf, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. AT the December term 1851 of the Court of Please snd Quarter Sessions for the Connty of New Hanover, tellers of Administration were granted to the subscriber on the estate of George Lillington, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are required to settle the same without delay, and all having claims against the same are called upon to mesent them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. E. A. ANDERSON. Pes. 27i3Lw 1216."' MARYLAND STATE LOTTLIt ei'Tia op b. x tm t s;i.- 13H I'.att Street Hitlnore, MJ. The IS Constitat'on f Maryfcind, framrd, and adopted July 4th, H3I, sanctioos ire prtsem ersnt far all M.irylanJ tale Loitories now drw tng (and of which CARR fc SON. ar rrguUt Li censed Stais Brokers,) and also continues them tn fore until rS5J, when all piesent CWfrr Ao;i thin expire, v - HT03.118. - Ssturday. January 17. 1852. Maryland Consolidated Lottery, ClamC. 1 prize of 150,000 I rlsa of ft.orxr I ,33000 -I - 22,000 I 11,493 I 9,0U0 1 M 5,000 : i , .ooo I " '6,000 1 " ,000 -1 prizes of 1,000 iso i.ooo Tickets, 1233,00 d 117 . Certificate of 25 Whols do 25 Half do 25 Quarter do 5s).75 do 2937 5 do 23 Eighth Tickets 115, Halve 7,50, Quarters 3,75 Tuesday, January 20th, IS5S. Maryland Consolidated Lottery. Class 3. 1 prize of 20,000 I 20 prizes of COtf 4 prizes of 6,000 20 do 400 4 " 2,500 29 do 221 2D prizes of 200 Ccrtlficsts of 25 W hole Tickets, 174,00 do 25 Half do 37,00 do 25 Quarter do 8,50 Tickets 1 15. Halves 2,50. Quarters 1,25 833,44T'lt Wednesday Janoary 21st, 185'?. Maryland Cmilldated Lottery, Claaa D. 1 prize of 930 O00 I 25 prizes of 700 1 do 7,500 I 25 do 345 1 da 6,000 I 400 do 150 1 do 2,500 60 do 75 1 do 1,500 60 do 60 Certificate ol 25 Whols Tickets, 6123,00 do 25 Half do 61;50 do 25 Quarter do 30,75 do 25 Eighth do 15,37 Tickets tlx Halves 6. Quarters 1,60. " 78,H7. Maryland Consolidated Lottery. Class 8. Saturriuy. January 24 ih, 1852. 1 prize ol 8l0,i'OO 10 prizes 1,000 I do 12,1!)7 1 do 6,000 1 do 4.U00 IW do pw 16 do 250 C6 do 100 CG prizes of 80 dollars. Certificate of 25 Whole Tickets 6153,00 do 25 Half do 79,(0 do 25 Quarter do 39,50 do 25 Kluhih do 19,75 Tickets $10. Halves 5. Quarters 2,60 1117,207 Tussdav, January 27th IS52, Maryland t'ontoliiiatcd liOtiery. Class 49, 1 prize of 5,000 1 prize of 600 do 1.000 1 du 1 do 1 do 1 do 209 do DOLLAR 40O 300 200 89 )9 do do do do 900 7C0 fiOO TICKETS ONE Ccriifieatc of 25 Whole do 2S Hull Tickels, 616,00 do 8,00 do 'li Quarter do 4.00 Correspondents can rely on the safety of the Mailn, us out of many thousand letters received by us we have never had a valuable letter to miscarry. CsfAII Orders answered by return Mail. Bunk Drafts or Certificates of Deposit, sre promptly sent to any purl of 'he United Stales, for Prizes sold lly E. N. CARR & SON. Money in any 'urns, however large, can be confi dently mailed at the House of Ei N. CARR SON. For a Good Prize, prompt attention, snd n just and certified statement of each drawlr.gr, address your Orders to the Oldest Established Firm In the World. E. N.CARU otCO., 138 Pratt Street, Puliimore, Md. Dec. 30. 122. CONTAINING NO ALCOHOL. The hesi and strongest medicine in the world for ihe cure of Dyspepsia In all lis forms such as head ache, heartburn, habitual cQstlyeoecs, acidity of the stomach, loss of sppet)te, asthma, piles, incipient consumption, debility arising from protracted fevers, fever and ague, exposure to heal or cold, old aae and diseases arising from imperfect digestion, or a deranged condition of ins stomach. It Is also an excellent remedy, and not surpassed by any medi cine in use, ror 'emsie suffering from uicrine or ncr vous derangement. Among the numerous aud highly respectable cer lificates, we refer to the following Prof. A. A. Hayes M. D. Stats Asssyer. Fiuhenry Homer, Esq .Boston. James C. Dunn, Esq , City Tieasurer, Boston. Hon. Myroo Lawrence. Ex-Prest. Mass. Senate Hon. L. H. Arnold, formerly Gov. Rhode Island, now Member of Congress. Hon. Win. Woodbijdge, formerly Gov. of Mich igan, now u. o. oansior. Hon. J. T. Morchted, formerly Gov. of Kentucky, now U. S. Senator Hon. J. K. Simmons, U. S. Senator from Rhode island. Hon. Samuel 8. Phelps, U. S. Senator from Ver mont. Hon. Win. Upham, U. S. Senator from Vermont. Hon. Solomon Foote, Mc-nber of Congress from Vermont. Hon. H. D. Foster, Member of Congress from Pennsylvania. Hon. M. L. Msrlln, Delegate In Congress from Wisconsin Territory. Geo. A. C. Dodge, pelegate in Congress rom Iowa. R. P. Stowe, Esq , Clerk in the House of Reprs sentatires, O. C Trowbridge, Esq., Detroit, Michigan. Geo. W. Junes. Esq., Surveyor General, Dubuque Iowa. Joseph Hoxle, Esq., No. 76, Wall street. N. Y. Many other individuals of the highest respecta bility can be referred to, who will confirm all that has been said in favor of this invaluable medicine. DR. GEO. B. GREEN, Proprietor, Windsor, Vu REED, BATES & AUSTIN, Wholesale Drug gists, No 26, Meichsnis Row, Boston, General Agents. Pries 61 per bottle i six bottles fur 65. carrfO.V.-Enth buttle of tha Genuine Oxy. genaied Bitters, will have the outside wrapper prin ted In English, French and Spanish, with the Signs lure of Geo. B. Green. Proprietor, upon three sides, sod In sddltlou, a finely engrsved label upon the lop of the bottle, with the slgnsture of Reeij, Bates & Austin, who art the sole G nersl Agents, and ts whom all orders must bo addressed. C. Dv PRE, sols Agent for Wilmington. Oet. S. 866m . 3 grot ramsii1 QUAUiriuLs ' AND ' CLACK'.VCOD'S 5UGJZ1SEL important Brdnctioa ia tU rain of fvle 1 1 l-MISAKWftOTT!, NO. 64 GOLD ST., NEW YOKK, Continue to publish the following Bilitsh Petlodi cab) six. . , . f.THR INDON QUARTERLY REVIEW Consntlvt)v ...-.,, , THE KDINBUROir REVIEW (Whltf, THR NORTH Bams B REVIEVY (Fr , the Westminister review (uurai. BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (tij). ''-, - Thess Reprints Have Bow leen In soee essf al ops ratios) is tbl eontry for twenty far$, snd their ' clrculatlop U constsnily en tha lacresse aetwlih A stsading the eompetliion they epeoontrt from Americas perlodicsls of a 'similar claas sad from , nsmerous Eclectic ftlsrazlcfs made Dp of s-' " leeiions from foislgn ptriodicsls. This faci shows- clearly the hlfh tetimailon in wfcfcb they sre M4 , by thslntelllgsnt reading public, and aflurds a gear- f antes thai they art sstabdsbed on a firm basts, snd ; will bscontlnsed without loiermptiop), v Although these works srs disiingnlshsd bytha ,5 political shsdes sbets mdicaterf, ys bat s rmall par-' lion of their content is derated t poiiilesl sobjeetsw -It Is their literary ebarsctef which fives ihem their chief vslue, and la thai they sisnd cafessedly far t . sbovs ail other joarna Is f their class. Btartxrxxt, ' still ander the masterly soidsnss f Christopher North, maintalnr tit ancient celebrity,, and i, nl,4 ibis lime, enussslly attractive, from the seria , , works of Bulwer and other literary notables, writes for that magalne,and first sppesringia he columns' - both In Great Pitain and la tbe Vniied States. ' Such work ss The Csxtons" and "Jly New" 4 Novel," (both by Balwer), 'Mr PsninsoUr SleiSat,- "The Greesi liand, snd other aerials, af whics1" numerous rival tdiilons are Issued by the lead Ins; -' publishers In Ihis tountry, have lo bo reprinted by those puUishers from the psgrs of Blackwood, sftet ' ll has been Issued by Messrs. Scoi A.Co su that , Subscribers to the Reprint of that Magazine may. always rely on having the earliest reading of ihes" fascinating tales., n, ,' For any one of the four Reviews ' . 63 0(r For any two of the four Reviews 1 6 C J ' For any three of the tour Reviews 7 CO For all four of the Reviews . - , . 8 00 For Black wood's Mtgazlns . , 3 09 ', For Blackwood tk three Reviews ". ' 9 CO For Blackwood A the four Reviews 10 00 payment to be mad in aM cases in adtanei. Money " current in (As Slats vherejtsued tritf 6 rtttittd par. , , ... -f. t' CLCBBINO i, et' A discount of Iwsniv-five per cent, flom the abova ' " , prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of sny one or more of the above works. . Thus : Four copies of Blackwood or of one Review 4 will be sent to one address for 69 tfoar copies of the four Review and Blackocdlbr630f and so on. , v REDUCED POSTAGE . The postage on these PerioJieal ha", by Ihe luto . laws, been reduced, on tha average, about roaTT fssvEsT.I The following are the present rates, ,lz- 1 '' ')tv' " Ton sLACKVooo'a wasssiaz. " i ' Any distance not exceeding 600 miles, 8 cts. per or. , Uver 500 and not exceeding 1500 " ,.18 '!. t ." Over 1500 and not exceeding 2500 24 " '1 ' roa a siv.sw. ff-M' Any distance not exceeding 600 miles, 1 cts. per qr ' ' Over 6f'0 and not exceeding 1500 , 8" iv-j Over 2500 and not exceeding 2500 Id " " At these rates M objection should be made, sa " lit reiofore, to receiving the works by mail, and thus -' ensuring their speedy, safe, snd regular delivery. : fRemltianee and communlcaiions ihoold ha , always addressed, poet-paid, to ihe PobllsbsrSi. . "! ,' LEONARD SCOTT dj CO, , , ' ' , , f 79 Fulton Street, New York, '4 'V 1 '- ' Emrancs 64 Gold strut - " 1 NB-L. S. dt Co. have recently published,' and' have now for sale, the "FARMER'S GUIDES br Henry Stephens of Edinburgh, and Prof. Norton of Vale College, New Haven, Somplcts In 2 rols ' 1 royal octavo, containing 1600 pages, 14 steel and.. -V KOu wood engravings. Price, In muslin binding,. , -63 j In paper covers, for the mall, 15. " ' Dec. Id. . t ,v , zln r- -J 117 Agricultural ImpftmcuU and JJacliincrj' v J-,., Suited halt the Southern Mile, ' ' IMKMIiRjl.l'I.ANTEKSMEHtnVJIT . win. n at tw r , A AGRICULTUUAL. WAREUOCSE ; or' " . , , . ' A. B. ALLEN d Co.. 'J ': 180 and 101 Water Istrtet, New Tor The lurgest saAortraent iq iho. United States, of -f inula and machines, soiled ta southern cul1ure.-M-. Y-4i . Most of the implements sold by Ihem, srs msnofac L ' tured in their own machine sbht nnder the direct -;v- superviHion of ons of the firm, Where tbe best of 1 r ,K seasoned limber only Is used, with iron of tht first . , quality. - ; ViA.L -- . PtOWR v. ' . - i Of Plows, they sell more than ICO difTersnt pat- terns, among which sre double moldbonrd, or fluke' ' plows, self sharping, subsoil, and side-hill plow. f PLOW CASTltG3, . of various patterns, among wkkh aro bull lenpue, 1 scooter, scrapers and shovels, by the ton or retail. - -1. Harrovs, Cultivators, Cotton Street, . .Cr PUmt -;v V. ere, Hoes, Skorels, Spade, and t orki of sort out patterns, in any tfuantity. ' stsw corrals Ax cos snsuiss, r -1 "" Manufactured expressly for southern sic, extr - .- ttong. - 4: -v.? Soirar MUla, Rica Hullers, Cotton Gins, Tbrah- r t ing Machines, tor wheat and oats, and rice t Fan- nlng Mills for do. Wheat and porn Mills, wlib. ' ; Burr siones or iron riste. osss yowsss Of various patterns, saiisbla loKoa o Eight .7 Sowing, Mowing, snd Reaping Machines, Grain Cradles, snd Scythes and KskeBd every kind ; -': of Nortlcultaral Tools 1 alsa Gardes) sad i, 1'lEl.n.SKKDS. rnit and OrnameiM -.- . tsl Trees, senl lo erderialao, lav . . 1 proved csule.shecp and swine.'1 i , ' ? ; : v A dfscrlpiiva pictorial CATALOGUE of ova "K t'ju pass, win rm civvn, wa ippucairaa iruoi cos J.Yii . tomers, or sent o them by mail on their enclosing , , four letter stamps, to pre-pay ajajage, at rrqotrsd by the present noil office kwxJi.tVMznU&i t inn ...111 l . 1 . ,, . 1 . a A MJKTHLT rLSKTSpS 4MB rAMHXt$DVtyU' -'' : T ' . xarrsD sr - v zi:;-,C s, gtfi, ;w SOLON KOBINSOV, ' , v Ll, L"J l 1 . .t M " & ' 's. .'. V" is now puuiipunii m ywc w tna Amaness. sgrt euuurm, ai ;u(.,v;irrs.r Editor's office at Ihe New YotK Agricultural Ware- , , bouse. Specimen numbers will ba forwarded, on so- ; siicsiion to our corresponaenta. ; . -n, A. B. ALLEN 4 Co.. I6i and 191 Water st , N. r.4 Dm. a. . 119-2B-pd.' (octb mouM 1 mmii IC1 fi.T, OF CHARLESTON, 8. C. : pilARTEREDby tbe JSiatsof Sosth Corellna J with a Capital ofirau.ow.sii paid in and will ... Invested FIRE, MARINE, RIVER AND LIFtt 4 RISKS " CHAS. EDMPN?T0N, Prea.1. V Rossar MasTin, v Col Jasiis Gasssxtr, M. C. Moasscai, Cuas. H. Wist, -ij ......' S. Muwarf Jr., ,i- UajiavCoiiA.v ; , Tbe subscribers bavlng been appointed sgeals In , " this raceforihssliovs named eompany, are pr. ' part K rerelvs offers snd lasus poltde of Inaur- ' sne nn Firs, 61 stlnn River and Life Risks, on'-'"'" ' libs I terms. All losses Incurred at tils agency, . wil I spromiiily adjusted snd paid by the nndar. ' .1;' slgt d. -. . DsROSSET A BKQWN, ; ,. N. B. Risks will be taken on the lives of slrrss, ."-. on ihs most liberal terms, . ,f - 1 : . .; WHminf ton, N. C. Dse: t lllU H-sivi i T" ..r""5 P :t;.v