3 y TUB COMMERCIAL. Wilmington; n.c:; TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1852, - THS MISSION OF KOSSUTH. Our readers will recollect that several "weeks go we expressed bur amazement that t nor southern man should be favorable to the ' tobfioo or Kossuth. From the development made by a German Democrat in .the West, e were confident that the principles of the Dew regime, proposed to bq introduced into Europe, by the aid f the United States, ' embraced a broader range for ua contempt -1 ted operations than would be quite agreeable j:t the Southern '.States, or twulbrtable for V toathem institutions. ; '"f" - ' The notice, we published on Saturday, re- lative to' a periodical proposed htq hi: issued ? bj two of Kossuth's, auite, shows .that we s were right in our apprehensions, and that ' buf warnings were worthy of a heedful con federation, We io not say that Kossuth has j a hand jn this publication ; for it appears he only advised his triends to follow the busi-i- jaeu ef Editors, W which they had been ac tustomed, oue pf them, at least, without giving any intiraattOQ of the character the ;' paper should assume j but the Tact that the subject of sfaver , is to be discussed in its v'columos,anil the institution assailed, bears 1 us out in all we have said on this point of the 'object'; ' " ft b said thai the Abolitionists had a hand in' wording the prospectus, ; What abolition viistsfThe doctriue was brought from Ger ' tnony,inUhe Companionship of the great 1 Majyarand the scribes needed no aid from 'American Abolitionists to express their views, -: The doctrine eomes from a quarter of the world where nothiug is known of the prac- tical operations 'of democratic institutions f the people there sce"a despotism on one hand which they hate, and' wish to exchange it " for f red republicanism,'', or something worse, for they look upon democratic liberty to be a frinm from' restraint'of all law. both hu- man and Divine. ' Greely of the Tribune, though professing "v to love peace above' all things, takes a posi '4tiott that identifies him with the propositions pof Kossuth whieh lead, inevitably to war. He vindicates the doctrine that it is the duty of our people to compel the other nations of the earth to obey the injunction of oon-inter--, j. ference. It is true, like the Magyar, he on , ly asks us to tell the powers of Europe that 1beyfca.do sdand so, in the rnoet bland and amiable' way imaginable and then, if c,vthey do Dot do as we bid them, our honor -will require Oslo fight them. Seward,, is of . the same ttiiod with Greely and they are of , ? ii'i JiL 1 1iL . n j t- ' - r mo sauia mum wwi Morrison, r reu. uoug- tr las and the like all believers in the -'higher s4 aw;V-and,ese persons would think negro 1 i emancipation t cheaply purchased by the , prostration of the American Constitution. We assert this, for they have repeatedly -'fa . i The abolitioniste seize upon the occasion of the recrp'iona of Kossuth the popular ex -,. .citemeot that attends his movements, to strike another Mow at the American Consti h''t tntion and the peace of the South. The ma- ; teriul was ready furnished at their hnds, "of iKo latest add the freshest importation and i fuvoralle ppportuuily presented itself of I a spreading their pernicious doctrines far and " wide for every body must take a ne wspa per that ir published by two of the great j!". g suite of the great Magyar, - ii mi emirs irauy oi iav iimencam peopic 3 were as big foole as many of their leaders. 'Kossuth would have no difficulty in wielding till the elementa 'which aff.-ct the destiny of i-;.;.thi great Republic. But it is not the for 4, tune of the intelligent masses of the United ''States, thank Heaven, to join in the carou- eals that predominate in this hour of evil ,;r, and have, their patriotism rise and bubble and glow, in proportion to the quality and T quantity oi the wine and other incitanig they .,;)(imbibevf., , ........ , t Wespeakof tbe,tenlMicy of the matters v and things before us, without expecting the ' reselts looked for by the Interested movers of this excitement The abolitionists, the Mag ryars and pot-valiant soldiery who shine at 4r public dinners which close at. midnight, will 4ft all be disappointed. There will be no war . for IIiDgary-oo irtroggte on pur part with the powers of Europe that will end in the sub- version of oar Constitution and the disruption "of tur social system. . No no. The people are yet sovereign, and will rale in this mat v 'er.7 Though our large cities are the theatres e.'i of excitement and uproar, and , furnish the r ' actors la the magnificent humbug now show ing off they are not the seats of political or moral powerj in this eountry. . We are told that Kossuth is a great man ; a great orator a learned man, and the like. We adroit tha he is all this, and that he is surrounded ( by v favorable. Circumstances in which he can show off his bJents to the best advantage. : He is one of the most' splendid demagogue the world ever knew. With private worth greatly sqp trior to that which the bistoriaa gives to Mark Anthony, he has nore of the wihiteilfgeTwe, and eloquence t' an tlio Rnmaa who had so powerful an in f ?nceover the heart and mind of the popu lace. Indeed,' he.ls a master of his artfor be leads captive the magnets of our Und,'ai well as the larjre and small fry of the people and the clergy, who cotuo within the operations of his maguelic influence. ';?;. - ' But what of all this 1 Such are the men Who "have Tw' all ngej mounted to the seat of power, and repaid the confidence'of the peo ple by ODoreesion and wrong. Wo man gets to be Kinir by saying he wants a . Kingdom. He must talk much about liberty, the rights of the people and the love he bears theni-- We do not charge that M. Kossutn tieaires io be Kiriff of Hunirnry ; bui there is nothing in lit life to' prove that he does not, if we con- sent td take the world's history and man s - propensities for admonition Has Kossuth any virtue that their lollowers ana aumir. n did not claim for Mahomet, for Cassar, for Na poleon, for Cromwell ?" None. We are not always willing to take me "say so" of our beloved statesmen and ora tors, ho are "boue of our bone and flesh of our flesh" in political association; in hope of the future, and in contemplation of the glories of the past. And yet some of our people are ready to take the "say so" of the Hungarian in all matters of national policy, public law. and muncipal regulations, and to accept him as a chief political teacher; and to receive two of his suite as instructors ia regard to social institutions, sanctified by the authority of our Constitution. In fact, they seem to act and think as if we had never any wUo or patriotic men of our own or if we had, they hare never said any thing to the purpose. We know thut our remarks would not an swer, if we lived in the city of Washington, under the nose of our incipient nobility. They would be thought ungracious, impo lite, inhospitable. Perhaps they would be in that and certain other atmospheres ; but in our honest quiet home here we may express ourselves freely on all topics, with out the dread of frowns from caste and cliques and while in alt great matters, like those now on the tapis, "our country man ners give our betters way" we will try and not forget thut the patriots and heroes of the revolution, from whom we have descent and with whom we claim a national brotherhood, are our best and purest teachers of poiiticul truth and moral sentiment and thut we can at present dispense with the advico of a foreign adventurer, who came as an humble exile, but assumes the attitude and bearing of a dictator--! polite dictator but never theless a dictator. A politician, who has no resources of his own, always connects himself with some great temporary excitement; just an a hun gry shark rushes along in me wane oi a snip, to pick up tne aamageu provisions, amputa ted limbs, and even old shoes, that may be thrown overboard. To bo a woman of fashion is one of the easiest things in the world. A writer thus describes it: 'Buy everything you don't want, pay for nothing you do ; smile on all mankind but yur husband ; bo happy eve rywhere but at home: hate the country, adore the city ; neglect your children, nurse lap-dogs ; and go to church every time you get a new shawl. OILS, TALLOW GREASE AND MINERAL PAINT. OHIO QfV i bbl- Machinery Oil. Price 75 eta per gal OUU 2500 gal's, do do in casks of various sizes. Do do do do 200 bbls Boiled Paint Oil. Do 55 do do 5000 gallons do do do In caska of various sixes. Do do do do 350 bbls Tanners' Oil. Various kinds and qual ities, from 35 to 60 cts per gullon. 50 tons Tallow Grease for heavy bearings. 1500 gallons in Caeka of various sizes. Various kinds and qualities, from 35 to 50 cents per gallyn, snd Coarse Machinery, in barrels or casks, of ano consistency required. Price 6 cents j er lb. 150 tona Ohio Minetal Paint, in barrels, at the lowest market price. Machinery Oil, warranted not to chill In the col dest weather, and considered, by those using it equal to Sperm Oil Boiled Paint Oil, equal to Linseed Oil, other than for white I am constantly receiving large supplies of the above named articles, and my motto ia, "Small profits and quick returns." B F. POND, 66 Water Street, (under the Pearl at. House), Niv Voak, Dec. 1851. 112-3wp. DISCOUNT NOTES. BLANK NOTES for dlscouut at the several banks in this place, snd s handsome edition just printed of notes embracing all the bank, for sale at tne otnos sf stm vsrnmomtt. OiH.ll. W. HAMS, OASIS. 6TIRRCES prime Canvaased Hamsi 4 hhda. do. do. For sale very low by ANDERSON A LATIMER. Dec. 9. 113. GRINDSTONES. 0 1 ry PIECES, all sizes, superior quality, just received, and for sale by Jaa I. 126. CANAL FLOUR. QA BBLS. extra superfine, for Family use, daily CKJ expected and for sale by ANDERSON A LATIMER. OIL, OIL, OIL. 5 BBLS Extra Bleached Whale Oil 20 " " Black Fish ' " Dally expected from Nantucket snd for sals by , J. & D. McRAE & Co, Oct. 23. ' 86. SUNDRIES. GLUE for Dial lllen use, good qaallty i Soap, Candles, Cut Nails, Tobacco, prima quality, tor sale by ANDERSON A LATIMER. 114. tec. 9. COAL. 1 OTn BUSHELS Black Smith's Cosl, daily lUVA expected from Baltimore, per 8ehr. Gen. Irvin, snd for aals by k ELLIS, RUSSELL A CO. Asfuit 2. 69-tf. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. t)lt. . P. IIOUGTOV'W GREAT DYSPEPSIA CUEEH! Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth atomsch of the ux, arier directions oi naron L.icDig, tne grew Physiological unemiat, or. j. a. Houghton, w D., Philadelphia, Pa. Thia la a crreat Natural Remedy for Indfffestlon, and Dyapepsia, curing after Nature1 own Method, Dt ivature'a own Agent, tne uaatric Juice, t'epsin U the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Pvrif)ing; Preferring, and Stimulating Agent oi the Stomach and Intestines. It is extracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the noturil Gastric Juice, In its Chemical powers, snd furnish ing a complete and perfect substitute for it. By the aid Of this preparation, the pains snd evils of in dignation and Dyspepsia are resided just aa they would be by ajhealthy Stomach. It ia doing wonders for Dyspeptic, curing coses of debility, emnoiation, nervous decline and Dyspeptic consumption, sup posed to be on thr verge of the grave. The Scien tific Evidence upon which it ia baaed, ia in the highest degree curtoua and remarkable. Baron Leieblg, In nia coieoruiou worn on Animai Chemiutrv. aava: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, annlogoue to the Gastric Juice, may be prepared from the mucous membrane of the stomach of the Ox, in which various articles of food, a meat and eges, will be softened, changed, and digested, just in the same manner at they would 6c in the human stomach." Half a teaspoonlul of pure 1'cpbin, lniuseu or abs olved In water, will digest or dissolve Five Pounds Roast Beef in about two hours out of the Stora- sch. Dr. Houghton's Pepsin, la sold by nearly all the dealers in fine drugs and Popular Medicine, through out the United Statea. It ia prepared in Powder, and in Fluid form-and in Prescription viuls for the use of Physicians. Private Circulars, for the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr Houghton or his Agents, deecri- bmg the whole process of preparation nnu giving the authorities upon which the claims of this new remedy are based. As it is not a secret remedy, no objection can be raised against its use by Physicians in respectable standing and rezular practice. Price in Fluid tortn. Une uotiar per oome. PEPSIN IN FOWUISK. Sent by Mail, Free of Postage. For convenience of sending to all parta sf the country, the Digestive mutter of die Pepsin, is put up in the form of Powder, with directions lo ba dis solved in water by the patient. These Powders con tain just the same matter as the bottles, and will be sent by mail, free of postage, for one dollar sent (post paid) to Dr. J. S. Houghton, M. D., Philadel phia, Pa. fTObserve this! F.very bottle of the genuine Pepsin bears the written signature of J S. Hough ton, M. D., sole Proprielor, Philadelphia, Pa. lTSold by all Druggists and Ueulera in medi cines. Sold, wholesale and retail, by A C. EVANS & BitOTHRRi W. H. LIPPITT t Co., and C. Do PRE, Wilmington, N C. May ZD-iimc BUCK WHEAT. 1 fVi '' XE8 Extra new hulled Buckwheat, just ' ret eived and for sale by GEO. MYERS. 91. Oct. 16. A. A. B. SOUTHALL. GENERAL AGENT ; (MISSION MERCHANT, AND COLLECTOR, WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL receive and sell on commission, any Goods, Wares, Merchandize and country pro duce, that may be aent to his care. He also oilers his services to the Merchants of Wilmington and the pupllc generally, aa collecting agent. AH claims put in hisliands for collection, or any other busi ness entrusted lo this care, shall receive his prompt- tionimn Ho rnmfliMfullv aulicits (ho Dulronaze of his friends In lha above business, or any other business where an agent Is wanting, nuniingion, N. C. Rfefbbxncbb : Ems dk Mitchell, R. H. Gbast, G. R. FacNCH, C. Mvsas, Sept. 10. , 76-if. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, In the Tovn of Wilmington. fcWF. hnvo received and are now iopenins; our "d a I.I. AND WTNTER STOCK of the above articles. For the Ladiea we have the mosl fashionable assortment to be found in the Rtmn. If the Gentlemen will call, thv must find something lo their taste. About 2000 pair of Lined and Negro Brogans manutaciurca cxpreseiy mr uurmra. I. If V. DtVdULiC i vo. N. B Manufacturing and repairing as usuil. Oct. 21. 93 LINE! LIME!! LIME!!! fvlBBLS. Llncolnville White Lump; Also OvJ W calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair, and Firs Brick, Hydraulic Cement) iwu DDis.Llme d-c.if ortaleby t . vj. at iv. d. uvu, ContractorsandBuildcrs. Oct 30. 1851. 97 NOTICE. rpHR undersigned having entered into a partner. X snip In 11HO, tor insriarui uluto .years, wmcn term will expire on the. first of December next, whan ihrv nra desirous of Clogin? all SCCOUntS 81- isting on their books si that date, hereby request all persona inaeotea to mem, 10 come torwara ana settle their scconnts either by note or cash, on or before the expiration of said partnership. HOWARD & PEDEN. Oct. 21. 93-tlJ. NOTICE. THE undersigned hereby notify the public that they will continue to conduct the business of the old firm after the 1st of December next, as hereto fore, snd thankful for the pstronago hitherto ex tended to them, respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. HOWARD dt PEDEN. Oct. 21. . 93tlJ. PINE OIL AND CAMPHINE. HAVING become satisfied that Pine Oil and Camphlns cannot ba furnished at the present rats, we feel compelled to advance ths pries to ifty t per gallon from this date. A. U. TANBOKKBLEN. (D. J. GILBERT. , , Nsv. 22. ' , 19T. PERFUMERY & FANCY ARTICLES. ALARGB lot of Lubins, Pivers snd Koassels Perfumery, Soaps, Shaving Creams, Poma tums, dt. Also, Tooth, Nail, Hair, Flesh and Cloth Brashes, Rowland's Macassar Oil, Bears Oil,, Ross Hair Oil, snd s variety of other srtloles too numerous to mention. For sale at the Drag and Chemist StoM e4V,.- , C DuPRR. Market Street. Ost. IB. ! TiV'TCE. rUELIC. THR SnbscrKxr hni leased for a ter.Tl of years, of ft. VV. Brown, Usq., his fire-proof giore, wiin bis wharves, and is oow in a eondiiiori to take ea peclul caro of Spirita Turpentine and other I1 Stores commited to his ear. The Warehouse Is well known to bo the best snd safest place in town t... .i.. ..f Karnn. Lard. Usriw. Peaa. &C iui hid wi a - 1 - - . The lower wlwrves hova on them, four large new sheds, wtierepiru o'"Hy epi nm or sell, sll kinds of prxluce sent to his care. He win also max advances- when required. Cj Ba begs to reier it. ine luiiuwing geniiuiiio". vV. Brown. John Dawson, O. G. Parsley, and Thos. H. Wright, Esqrs. i J Brown's wharf WJJniington, N. Sept. 13. , .21 SPIRIT BARRELS. EMPTY Spirits bbls., dally expeated, for UUaaleby ADAMS, BROTH UR c CO. June 19. 41. THE MOUTH CAROLINA MUTUAL life mnmi oompaxy UA ELGH, N C. THE above Company has been in operation sine the latot April, 1843, under the directionof the following Officers, viz : Vx. unaa. k. jonnson.t'reaiuem, Wra. D. Haywood, Vico President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Win. H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Busbee, Altorney, Dr. Charles bJonnson, Dr. Wo. H. McKee, Dr. R. B. ITavwood, Mtditalboard of Conullation. J. Heraman.Gen'l Agent. This Company has received a charter giving advantages to the insured over any other Com dsiiv. The 6th Section trives the Husband the privilege to Insure his own life for tho sole use of hia Wife and Children, free from any claima of the rep resentatives of the husband or any of his credit ors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate in the .whoU oi the profits which are declared annually. Besides, the appli- cant for lilo, when theannual premium is over '3C may pay one hull In a iote. All clalmsfor Insuranoengainstthe Company wili be paid within ninety days after proof f the doath ofthe party is furnished. S.jveeare insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable allSIavuholdcrsto secure thisclass of property against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interestine feature In thehistory of North Carolina which will prove very unurium iu uwouaiiiDiuaioioB, The last four months operation of this Company show a very large amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year--having already Issued more than 200 Policies. All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to JAS. F. JORDAN, Secretary. Raleigh, April 8, IS5 1. fl-tf. aWun FoiTsArET fTHE subscriber offers for sale his farm, nine miles east ofRnleigh, situate on the New bern Road, and well known as the Busbee Place It contains 400 acres of good free land, with a fair proportion of woodland. On the premises Is a very good dwelling nouse, containing li rooms; there are but very few country houses superior to it in the county of Wake. There is a good kitchen, with several homes for negro quarters; a carriage house; Cider Press; Stables; Cotton Gin House, Ac. and a Store House, at which a very respectable trade is carried on. There is a very large Apple Orchard near the dwelling house; also, a larire number ol Peach Trees, with Pear, Plum and Cherry Trees. There is a Post Office on the premises the mail ariiving three times a week via tho Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road, and three times from the city of Raleigh. The location of the buildings Is in the midst of a grove of large Oaks, high and healthy. It would be a delightful summer residence ; or would answer for a Boarding House for persons desirous of spending their summers in the country. The North Carolina Rail Road, about to be built, has been marked off to run within a hundred yards ofthe Dwelling House. A further description Is unnecessary, as no one will, probably, purchase without examining the pre mises. Possession will be given on the first of January, 1851, if sold by tho 15th of December next if sold after that period, possession cannot be had till Janu ary 1852. WILLI AM R. POOLE, F.sq. who lives withiu a few miles of tho place, Is my authorized Agent, and will make known the price and terms to all who may apply. THOMAS LORING. Wilmington, Oct. 1950. g4 FEATHERS. A LOT of Feathers, just received, and for salo, by' J. C. LATTA. Sept. 27. 83. HANS AND LARD. Qt HAMS and 1 barrel Lard, just receivnd, and fr sale, by J. C. LATTA. Sept 27. 83. 12,000 ACRES OF TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. rPHK Executors of Gen'l. Clinch offer for ' forjflpt. ,andf e St. - 1 sale the Twelve Thousand Acres of L known as the Bavamd truct, lying on the J ohn's River, immediately opposite Picolata, In East Florida. The above tract is peculiarly adapted to the Turpentine business, being covered with n thick growth of pine, and having a River front of more than five miles. It is now no longer a matter of doubt that Turpen tine can be profitably made in this section of count ry, aa there are already a number of persons lurgcly and successfully engaged in the baslncss. The steamboats to and from Savannah, stop regu larly at Picolata. Persons dosirous of purchasing, can obtain any further information by addressing J. H. M. CLINCH, Ex'r. Jeflorsonton, Camden co , Ga., Dec. 6, 1850. llG-tf. MILL SAWS. THE subscriber has the pleasure of Informing Miller's unsaid In sawinj nltch nlnn. thai ha has succeeded in setting up the best Saw for thai urnose that has ever yet been produced, aa far as is knows. All saws warranted not to unlit In ih teeth. J. M. ROBINSON'S. Hardwara Store, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 13. H.'eW. copy, 91, CORNICE AND CURTAIN BANDS. A FULL assortment, for sale, at the Hardware Store. J. M. ROBINSON. H. at J. copy. Oct. fir JUST ARRIVED. 1 fl BBLS. New Genoa Flour. For sale LUJ by ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. Not. 15. 104-3t. AXES, SOUTHERN MANUFACTURE. 1 UST received direct from Manufacturers a few . dozen "Archer dfc Co'i." very superior Axes. These axes obtained the premium at the late fair In Georgia and are of besljualivj. For sale by POTTKR& KIDDER. Nov. 15. 104. CHEESE! CHEESE! Of BOXES aew;Cheeso,Jusi received en for NOTICE EXTRA TO ECONOMISTS.'. rTUlK large double tor on Front street having 1 - kflflh nowlir TttfiitpA ii nil 'ranltnitthf4 uhh a choico stock of Family Groceries, enables the sub-J acrioer to compete wuu any one in ma snaraei, jor cheapnesa,' variety snd quality. A call is earnestly solicited to those who wish to economise in pur chasing Groceries. An advantage can be haduf ten per cent In thess items, and warranted to bsvf the very best quality, w-O. 4 ; At the Family Grocery, Front street, ; -, . GEO. MYERS. . Nov. 8. ' - .tOt , NOTICE. ; I BR. VICE CONSULATE, WiutmsToir, N. C. May 15, 1851. AFTER this data, consignees or British Vessels, will be required lo hand in the amount of in ward and outward Invoices, and pay all fees at the time the register Is delivered to ths Master, when cleared at Custom House. GEO. W. DAVIS, Br. Vice Consul. May 15. fti-'f- MESS PORK. A FEW Barrels, expected, by ELLIS, RUSSELL & CO. Oct. 9. 88. TOBACCO! TOBACCO!! A LOT of 23 Boxe, jual received, and for sale by J. C LATTA. Sept. 27. 83. HAMS! HAMS!! 1 ( CASKS and 300 In bags, a superior article, IKJ for sale by J. & D. McRAE & Co. Nov. 25. 108 OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber rcspectlully informs the public that he hus recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, 4c, the latest and moat Improved atyle, and is con9tanly manufacturing, at his store on market street, every description of nrtlclein the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. He has now on hand, and wlllconstaiill keep a large assortment of Coney, Gig and Sulkey Hamtss, Latly'i SadilUt, Bridles, Whips, dc, Gentlemen's Saddle t, Whips, Spurs, 4c. Ja!l of which he will warrant to be ofthe rrf best materials and workmanship. He jT has also a large assortment of Trunks. Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Truufes, &c , and all other articles usually kept in such establishments, sll of which he offers low for CASH, or on short credit to prompt custo mers. Saddlea, Harness, Trunks, edicai Bags,&c.sc., made to order. In addition tothe above the subscriber always kccpsonhandalart'o supply of String lather, and has now, and willknpthrougli theaeusonasood assortmentof y Nt-tts. All are invited to call and examine my Goods, whether in want or not, its I take pleasure In shew ing my assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at af air price lopersons buying to manufacture. Also, Whl's at wholesale. Allkindsof Riding Vehicles bought and sold on commissions. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Jan. 8 1851. ' 39 WOOD WARE. THE subscriber has on hand and Is now receiv ing his usual Fall supply of usofnl housekeep ing article", in the Wood and Willow Ware line, all of which will be nfTured at the lowest cash prices, among which will be found the followiogt Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Buckets, Bowls, Bar rel Covers, Boxes in Nest, Chopping Bowls. Clothes Pins, Clothes Horses, Clothes Baskets, Cedar Pails, Cedar Tubs, Dippers, Flowered Pails, Faucetis, Knife Boxes, Knife Baskets, Keelers, Hair Selves, half barrel Covers, half bushel Measures ironed, Measures in neats, Market Baskets, Milk Pails, Rolling Pins, Sugar Boxes, Spice Boxes, Scrub Brushes, Twine Reels, Well Buckets, Water Palls, Willow Baskets, Willow Wagons, Wire Selves, White Wash Brushes, &c. die. WM. NF.FF. Jan. 18. 130-lf. CARD PRINTING. WE remind the putllc that ihe Patent Card Press Is inp eratlnn at the office of The Commercial, and that Cards will be printed in superior style, snd at reduced prices. Blank Cards, ready for printing, always on hand, sf all sixes, frem 22 by 20 lo 1 by 2 inches. 123-tf. SASH, BLIND " AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Hotcltkisi THE publicare hereby informed, that I have been appoinied agent for the sale of Window Sash, Iillnas and Uoors, manufactured by tho New Ha ven Co., and am prepared to fillallordersln the above Una. The quality of ths work of the New Haven Co. is well known in this market. Builders and all persons in want of the above articles, are requested to aend in their orders, and they will he promptly filled, Terms invariably cash on delivery. WM. A. GWYER. General Agent Commission and Foruarding Mer chant. April 18. lfi FRESH IMPORTATIONS. McRAE o HARRISS have just received 53 Crates of Crockery direct Irom Liverpool, via Charleston, which make their stock complete and enables them to compote with any Merchants in the United States, both aa to variety and pticc. Nov. 25. 108 BILLS OF EXCHANGE AT REDUCED PRICES. BLANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, on fine paper and of a verv handaoma Imnresalon. for sale at The Commercial Qflioe bound in Books various sixes, and in sheets. . Oct. 18. 92. SHIPPING ARTICLES. IT'OR SALE at The Commercial Office, an elo gantodltion of Shipping Articles, embraclngall the Taws of Congress relative to the Merchant's Service. NEGRO BONDS. A HANDSOME impression of Negro Bonds just printed and for sale at The Commercial Office. Also, Bills of Sale of Ncgrtea. Dec. 28. 1850. . BUNGS OF the best make, snd assorted sizes to suit, for sale by ths harrel, or any quantity not less than five hundred, by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Jan. W. . 135-tf. NOTICE. rpHR subscribers having purchased (ho entire 1 Interest in- the Cape Fear S. S. Mill, would hereby request all persons having claims against said Mill, previous to the 1st July 1851, to present them for payment, and those indebted to said Mill to e II at the Office and settle their accounts previous to the 1st of September, or they will be undor the painful neoessity of placing them In the hands of an Officer for collection. ELLIS & RUSSELL, Aogust 8,1851. 95-tf. " ""eiSpty barrels! OA 1 IN prims order, just Inndrd and. for sale OUU by ' ADAMS, BROTHER tft 00. Oct: i- m CANDLES AND SOAP. JUST received, front Manufacturers at Boston and for sals by v .:.-,.' : , ' : f ; 1 . ADAMS BRO. & Co. . Pes, t. ... U0-4L, i Xl J- V NEW : FRUITS. on rinn FINE oranges i ZJtSJJJ 5,000 Grape Fruit , ' 1 ' 00 vois, r. 1. Apples f v" 50 boxe Raisins, new crop j 20 kegs M alaga Grapes I casks Zante Currents j ' 6 boxes. Genes Citron 1 . ! do.-in JaBePaauiU Freaa snd good, for sale low by " ? i H - 1 WILKINSON 4 fcSLEtk Oct. 29." '- N. aT.copy-P vj fc . 96. (IX HHDB. prima Cuba Molassesi ' ' OA 3 Tierces - 4-j.dw i'TM ' 7 Bbls.. - do--..; d'vTf.. Dally expected and for sole fcytwfrSitV- m ANDERSON 4 LATIMER. Dec. 16. . . ;'.'.-.tCr u .,116. PROVISIONS. f -f it CfZ BBLS. Mess Pork j 10 bbls. Mess Beefs U keesLardi 5 hhda. Shoiilihnnml 1 box BuTogna Sausages. For sale by ELLIS RUSSELL A Co. 113 Dec. 9. FAESH GROUND FLOUR. PcrSckr. R. W. BroK,- I, 1 pi BBLS. extra Fleurj i iU 15 bbls, Geoesse Flour, at ( ' , GEO. M. KELtETS, . Pc 18. i!7- GUJE. OS BBLS Extra English, Jor sale, by 6 ADAH S, BRO. d Co. fiOO nOO EF5T P'lmS seasoned river 0jyjJJKJ FLOORING, on th wharf, oiiu iui tile ur O, G. PARSLEY. Nov. 1. ..:.98-lf. SNUFF.::':-:;1 1 Q HALF BBLS. Outcalts, Just recIved l For 16 sale by ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Dec. 5. ""'-ff.M.!!?. NOTICE. THE public are for arm d trading for s note of hand given some lime In February last, by me to Henry Littleton, for one hundred dollar, pays, blc ninety days after date, with H. W. Foy and Jaa. H. Fiilyuw and Samuel E. Honsley.as securi ties and endorsed on the back by Henry Littleton 10 A. B. Everett, without recourse, sa the note has been paid and will not be paid any more by me or my e.curitics. A. A. B. SOUTHALL. The above note has been lost or mislaid. 1 : Dec. 2. 110. FAVE1TEVILLE FLOUR. 1 C BBLS. Fuyeitevillo Flour, for sale by ? lTY n A; MARTIN. Dec. 3. in. TOBACCO. QBOXF.S prime Greenville Tobacco, for sale vby A. MARTIN. uer. 3. ML COFFEE. - f) p. BAGS prime Hlo Coll'ee ' 5 i r . tCJ 10 " " Lngulrn do. for family offt for sale by ANDERSON LATIMER. Dec. 9. . Ill OUTCALTS SNUFF.; ALWAYS on hand, at Manufacturers prices, or ders received, and forwarded for lots to suit purchasers, ,-.vy . ADAMS BRO.es Co. Dec. t. 110. GROCERIES. COFFEE, Sugar, Pork, : Flour, Lsrd, Bolter Cheese and Candles; jusi received, for sale by, J. HATHAWAY A EON. Sept. 30. 84, 6 BBLS, for machinery, for sole, by ELLIS. RUSSELL A. Co. Oct 7. 87. PLANTERS ATTENTION. I AM just receiving from the factory, samples of improved cast steel Hoes, which I would be plea sed to submit to your Inspection, snd to receive any suggestions for fuither Improvement. '-.. J. Al. ROBINSON. Oct. 16. 91. WRITING PAPER. A FEW Reams superior Flat Csp paper, or sals at the Commercial Office, Oct. 18. SKIP JACKS. ,y BARRELS Blue Fish, for sal cheap. " J. & D. McRAE A Co. 30 Nov. 22. 107. COFFEE! COFFEE!! 1 CC BACW Prlme 1110 Coflet,-Jusi received LUvy per schooner Corinthlsn, for sals by J. & D. McRAE Cd. , Nov. 25. i I08 RAISINS ! RAISINS!! V -1 (f BOXES first quality, jnst received per 1 JJ schooner Corinthian, for sale by J. & D. McRAE sfc Co. Nov. 25. al !"KiwkI08 NOTICE! NOTICE! WE positively deny that bur Imported Scgtrs are smuggled, because we ars selling them at such lo v prices. We htfve Jnst received a large lot that are prime and hove the documents to prove that we have not defrauded Uncle Sera or- Brother Jonathan. WILKINSON ESLKR. Nov. 29. . 109 ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE MAILS' AT THI VhACK ARRIVALS. '.' 1 )' 1 Tfto msll from the North, '.by 1 Railroad, rrrlve dally about 11 A. M. . , 1 . . 4 i ' Ths mall from ths Soulh, by llesmer from Cnsr leston, arrives daily sboo 8, A. M. ' . The mail from Fayeitevllle, via Wsrsav, I. due upon ths arrival of the cars, on Mondays, Weddes. days, and Fridays. J The mall from Fsysttevllls, via lizabethlown. by Sulkey 's duo on Tuesdays,; yhuridsys, snd Saturday, at 9, A. M. w ' Th mall from Onslow Court Honsf, y sulkey, Is due on Monday, at 5 P. M. , : 1 - Ths mall from Black River Chapel, via Loaf Creek, by sulkey, Is due on Thursdaya, 5 P. M, CI USING AND DEPARTURE. Tho mall for the North, by rsllrosd,; closes ; dilly at tO P M - ' V V:l- f.r' " The mall'ror ths Soulh. by tesmbdat elosesdsi. ly st 10, A. M.; : : i.r'' tl'irV'.t The mall for Fayottevllk U ' Wsrsa w, eloses Tuesdays, Thursdays snd Sundsys jt 40, P .M. , V Ths mall for Fayeitevllle, vis Klixabeihtown. y sulkey, closes on Tuesdays, Thursday snd Sitnr- dhiS fcAnatoicMrt. Ha ly "sullt Closes on Thursday at 1 10, P. M. pjV.uvi a,, Ths mall for Long Creek, by 'snlkey, losss on Thursdays st JO 1 P. M..- ,';Mm " t-yLeitsrs shsald ks In the at feast II aalootisrors ise slsslng sf f msfls ,. ;

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