i 'k ma (DfflBlfflKBMK!- rwrmTT PUBLISHED TRMYEERLY, BY THOMAS LORINC. VOL 6 NO. 135. WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 29. 1852. WHOLE NO. 600 rmnDTTw iiUMF ui - , ..- ,.- i i, . TUB TRI-WUEKLV COMMERCIAL- published ever; Tobsuat, Thvbsbay and Sat cboav, tt 3 00 per anuum, payable Id all cases in advance BY THOMAS LORIXG, Editor and Proprietor. COtXER OP PROMT AND MARKET STBEETS, WILMINGTON, N. C. KATES OK ADVERTISING. aqr. 1 insertion, 80,50 1 sqr. 2 months, $1,00 1 " 2 " 751 1 " 3 " 5,00 3 ' 1,0011 " S " 8,00 1 . 1 month, 2,50 l " 1 year, 12,00 Ten lines or less moke a square. If an advertise ment exceeds ten lines, the price will be in propor. tlon. t All advertisements are payable at the time of their Insertion. Contracts' with yearly advertisers, will be made on fie mist liberal terms. Ni tramfor of contracts for yearly advertising . will be permitted. Should circumstances render a change In buslnoss, or an unexpected removal neces sary, a chargo according to the published terms will be at the option of tho contractor, for the time ho lias advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers Is strictly I ml ted to their own immediate business ; and all nd vertlsements foi the benefit of other persons, as well as all 'advertisements not Immediately connected with their own business, and all excess of advertise ments In length or otherwise, beyond the limits en gaged, will be charged at the usual rates. No advertisement Is Includod in tho contract (ot thei teorrentof houses or lands in town orcoun try, or for the sala or hire of negroes, whether the property is owned by the advertiser or by other porsons. T.hese are excluded by the term "imnu duite ouslness.' The annonncamont of marriajes or deaths will le Considered at news, and Inserted free of charge hntaliaUttlonal raittcr, bsyon l the simple an- nunqbntlpf tho death of the person, will be ch.argedlfliTthO tamo terms as a.lra-tissments. All advertisements Inserted in the tri weekly Com mrc(aVr entitled to one insertion In the Weekly free of charge. JOfl,CAllD and FANCY" PRINTING, oxeciitcd In superior style. AGENW FOR THE cStoCIAL 'JtiftVT VOIlltV Messrs. Known DeRossbt. HO-lfO-Vl FsBDBBlCK KlDDStt, F.sq. TTusiNESS CARDS. , , . J.&D. JHcRME&Co. General Commission Mcrc'iauK . , WILMINGTON N. C. ParUcnlar attention paid to procuring freight nd purchasing cargoes lor vessels. JOHK BIACRAK. OUHALO MACBAS, JOHN W. K. PIX. August 1. 1851. 6J- JOSEPsL RrOSSOM. Geicril Cojunittlott and Forwarding Merchant. Prompt personal attention glvou to Consign ments for aale or Shipment, Andlibtraleaih advance! mad on Consignment! to me or to my Neie York friendi. Wilmington, Jan.30. 1851. 135 tf T. S 0 U TfllD & C 0 M R1CUIE8KS, BLMaMllllX, MUSS, l.D All orders lu the Hue will be punctually at--.r . . , tended to. I'qrkbr Mi'lbehv &, North Water sts. -J" '- Wilmington, no. ca. Mar 16. 1851. 27 WILLIAM A. GWYER, GENERAL AGENT, FORWARDING and Commission Merchant. ITAKK pleasure In Informing my friends, that 1 am prepsred to give all business entrusted to me elBelent und personal attention. I have a whurl for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations, Spirit Hottte, aud Warehouse. Consignments ol Nuvsl Stores for sale or shipment; and all kinds of coun try produce solicit"'' Cashadvancesmado on con signments. ' AprillS 1850. 15 GEO. MYERS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ' KBBSS CONSTAHTIT on HAND lfin,'7W, Liquors, Provisions, Wood and Wit lew Wart, Fruit, Canfectionaries, if-c. Ac. fcf f, ' SOOTH fBOlfT BTBEBT, .- ; WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. 28. 109. -V. WILLIAM M. HlltRISS, V . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT YVILMINGTON, N. C. STRlCTUttc'ntion given to procuring Frolghti and purchasing CargoesHur vessels. RirStCKCKS! O. O. Parsley, Ksq., 1 Col. John McRae, VVIImngt'n. N. C yieesrs. Dudley Huntington, I j jFay Messrs. Hall, Sackett &Co., Joseph Utlcv. Km.. ette. N. C. Messrs. James Corner 9s sons, uaiumore. " ,v' R. A. Soudor & Co., Philadelphia. u ' - Thompson St Hunter, ) v k " r Plllsbury& 8anirord.New Yo,t "J? Hunting 4 Tufts, Boaton. J 3. AO. P, Pitconb, Keunebunk, Me. ulylTlh, 1851. 62-y X HATHAWAY & SON, " COM HISSIO MCRCII ANTS. . H7LA.V0r0.V,JV. C. J. Hathawav. , 5 ; , (. J, L. Uathawa. t Oet.'4,"v'i;V.5Miv v 91 ? CUADBOURN St HOOPER. , Gcaeral Commission, Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jnlr 19, 4 1 , 3 J. BUSINESS CARDS. GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. CJTRICT attention given to piocuring Freight a nd p urchasing uargoesi o r vessel s . Kefbb to R.P.Hall, Esq., O. G. Parsley, Ksq., J.A.Taylor, Esq., Wilmington. J. D. Bellamy, Esq., Messrs. Ballurd A Huntington, J Messrs. looker, Smyth & Co., ; N r k ThompsonA Hunter, J l,ew I0rK Alcx'r. Herron, Jr., Philadelphia Messrs. Williams A Butler, rh . q n H. K. Baker, Esq., Chl MWon.C. Jan. 2. 1352. 122-tf, ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH WATER STREET. W I Ij M I S G T o ST , ti . c. Sep. 27, 1850. 82-1 y-c. MARTIN & CR0NLY. AUCTIONEERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. Wilmington. N. C Oct.3 1951. 85tf. JOSEPH II. FLANNER, Gcneml Commission Merchant. WILMIVGTOX, N. C. Ojt.9th, 1850. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CJ3RNKH OK DOCK & WATER STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. Dee. 7ih 1950 DER0SSET & BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. BROWN & DER0SSET. c. NEW YORK. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Marchl7 1951. l-y. GEO II. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Next do jr to A. A. vVannet's, on North Water st will attend to the sale of nil kinds of Country Pro, dtice. siii:h ii? Corn, i'eas. Aleal. Bacon, Lard, Ac. nnd will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries, ate. References. Willcs Hall. of Wayne, Jolm McIW, Wilmington W. Caraway. Gun. Alx.. .UK.ie. " K. P. H ill, Wil.nington, Wiley A. Wulker, " Dec. U, 1850. 1 15-1 v- SAVAGE & MEARES, (; i:ER VI. COMMISSION MI.KC1IANTS W1LM1NUTOA, N. C. KDWARO BAVAOS. May 2, 1851. OA8TON MEARES 1. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. (Late B.irrv. Bryant & Adams.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 1,1951. 123 CORNELIUS DnPRE. WHOLE SALE AND RETAL DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oil, Dye stuns. Glass, Perfumery, cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, Ac., MARKKT STRKKT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by experi need persons. March 28, 1851. J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.l 1S50. , 87 MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. nKPf.R to E. P. Hall, F.sq , Pros't Branch State 1 Bank, j Thos. 11. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank ( Wilmlng- Cope Fear, f ton, N. C. O. G. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Commer-1 clal Bank, , Dec. 19. 1950 I lS-tf. THOS. D. BARRY. Commission Merchant and Ship Broker, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 21. 1851. 131-tf. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DEALERS IN ronlectlonsry, Prult, Nuts, Toys, Fsncy Ar ticles, Perlnmery, Tobacco. Kegaro, Ac, WHOLESALE AND RE I AIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON N. C. Nov. 30, I860. .10-tf McRAE & HARRISS. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CIIINA GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, AND PARMINq IMPLEMENTS. West side Front street, between Market and Dock streets, WIL MIN G TO Nt X C. October 2, 1831. ' : : v ' 63. EMPTY SPIRITS TURPENTINE BARRELS. OfAKMITY Spirits Turpentine Barrels, In VUgood ordsr, for sale by GEO. HARRIS. W. BUSINESS CARDS. T. C. WORTH s Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT. WILMINGTON, N. C. 19.1851. U3-12m Feb. PORTRAIT PAINTING. T MASSALON, Portrait Painter, would respeefc. o lully lolorm the citizens of Wilmington and the surrounaing country, tnat he has permanently loca- led nimseii in inis place, ana win te nappy to rs- ceive the patronage of any ladies or gcnileme may wwn to procure tuitniui imenetwet selves or any member of their funnily. He . himself, from his long experience in the an, that he will be enabled to give satisluctlon. His room Is in the basement story of Mr. H. R. Nixon's Dwelling House, opposite the Jail, Wilmington, N. C. April 6, 1851. J-ly. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION' MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. CHAS. D. ELLIS, BBtfBT P. BPSSBLL, JOS. B. B V88BLL J an. 25 1851. 133. JOHN STRUTHERS & SON'S MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD. No. 860 HIGH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Marble Mantels, MinumeiU. Tumbt and Grave SJ-ones constantly on hand. Every description of ORNAMENTAL WORK AND STA TUARY Executed and imported. Ordera for public or pri vate Buildings executed with promptness and des patch. W. a. Designs will be sent for Mantels, Monu ments and Grave Stones, and all work slilpped in an red from breakage when required. Oct. 4. 85-ly-e MORE & GALLAGHER. IRON FOUNDERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT & CAST IRON RAILINGS H1DGE ROAD & COATES ST. PHILADELPHIA. All orders attended to with promptness and des patch work warranted. Oct. 4. 85-1 yc. SOUP DIGESTERS 4 N Imvaluable article, to the epicure, dispeptic, i tor even poor man. "It makes Soop what Is Soop" J. M. ROBINSON. Auzust 28. 70. FLOUR. Canal Flour, for sale by J. HATHAWAY A SON. 77. f BBLS Sept 13. CONSULATE OF HAYTI, ) 64 Commercial Wharf, Boston, 6th March, 1851. ) THK undersigned gives notise, that In accor dance with a law passed at Port au Prince, on the 24 ill December last, vessels arriving in Haytl from the U. Slates on or after the Ibih April next, must be provided with Duplicate Manifests of their cargoes, certified by a Consular Agent of Hay tl, If there shall nave been one at tne port oi load ing, otherwise the documents may be verrified be fore an officer (duly authorized to administer an oath) of the State or United States Government. a. U. UL.AKK.. May 8. 23-U. GLASS WARE! GLASS WARE!! JUST Received from New York, a large of Vials of various sizes. Speir Tincture and Salt Mouth Bottles, Toilletie Bottles, fancy Pungents, dbc. Ac. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass. For sale by C. DvPRE. Drugeist and Chemist. fireTinsurance. THE undersigned having received the Agency, Is prepared to take riks upon the moit favorable term in one of the bat Imurance Companic! in the counry.THE HARTFORD PROTECTION. II. NUTT, Agt August 23, 1851. H. & J. copy. 68-tf. RED ASH EGG COAL. TONS of best quality, landing and for C.tJ sale in lots to suit purchasers, at 6 per ton, for Cash only. Persons ordering will pleaso send the money, as no Coal will be delivered wiiiiout it. DallOSSET & BROWN. Oct 23. M RAISINS, RAISINS. e:r BOXES new crop, for sale by OU GEO. Oct. 16. MYERS. 91. SHIPPING ARTICLES. A HANDSOME edition of Shipping Articles, just printed and for sjIo at Te Commercial Office, equal to any as yet Imported "from New ork." Orders for n Ream or more will be filled at a cost of 10 to 20 percent, cheaper than they are in New York. Nov. 10, 1851. 102 tf OIL. AP"hv barrels prl Lamps, for sale by prime Oil for Machinery, er J. HATHA VAT & SON. July 8. 4 HOUSES TO RENT. JL-mJL Copt- - Potter having given me (he Agen vMut cy for renting his houses, In Wilmington r H HI all persons who wish to secure a .place early, may do so oy calling on the subscriber. I offer the following for rent from the 1st day of October next, to October 1st, 1852, vis. 1 large and comfortable 3 story brick tenement on Toomer's al ley, with Bakery and Store attacked. One dwelling on tie corner of Walnut and Water streets, 2 stories high, with Store In the basement. One Store House adjoining the above. The Risley Houso on tho corner of 4th Street. The House snd Lot adjoining, on Boundary St. Also s number of desirable Cottages in the neighborhood of the Dry Pond. , A. A. B. SOUTH ALL. August 2, 1351. Journal copy. 59-tf. DISTILLERS OF TURPENTINE. I HAVE reduced the price of my SPIRIT BAR RELS toll 60 delivered at any place in Wil mington. After '""xrlstmns they will be extra site'. Persons wishing can sontract by the year on these lerms. HOOP IRON for sale ai 165 )w Ion; ' A. MORG AN. WUmingien.Xov. llih, 1S51. lUMmo.-rrMy-w. Majgpw JPMfesttBsls sVbMMAIk MsUbWbjJbW pa Office Wilmluttou & Raleigh Rsll Read Company. August I lth 1841. i THE Freight trains for Wtldon, will hereaiter leave on Monday's Wednesday's, and Friday's. Freight must be at the Depot by I o'clock on sat dursy's, Tuesday's and Thursday'. ? r JOHN NUTT. ,.s , Transportation Agent. Aog.nst It. tf 3. WHOLES 1LE WITCH 1D JEWELRY STORE, r I, n -iijiipn jb rn nf n,.lTTTMPORTKRS. ManuftetiirerS' and Johoers of 1 WATCHES. JKWKLRy. dfc FANCY GOODS navs letseu me uia stann lonneny occnpira oy Messrs. Canfleld. Brother oV Co. sotrm-BAsT cob- HBB Or CBAILES AMD lALTlMOBB STBECTS, (No. 227,) which they are putting in complete order for the WHOLESALE WATCH AND JKWKLRY BUSINESS, to ba opened about the 20th of July. In calling the attention of the trade to the new concern, we mention the fact that we are associated with one of the most extensive JEWELRY MAN UFACTURING ESTABLISHMENTS In the country, which mast give a decided advantage over all others in this market, for supplying dealers with Jewelry at manufacturer prices, a feature In this branch of trade long since needed, between Haiti more and the Southern and Western Merchants. We desire to call particular attention to the Wa'ch department, which will at all times be supplied with a great 5 lortmeot from the most celebrated manu facturers, and kept in perfect running order, so that purchasers may at once take them, with a written guarantee that they will perform correctly. This branch of tho business will receive the especial attention of one of the firm, whose exten sive and practical knowledge of the business, will we hope, give us place in the confidence of buy ers. We rcspectlully Invite yoa to call opon us when you next visit our city, confidently belioving that nn examination of our Goods will prove to you, that iliey are better styles and cheaper than you have ever seen In this market, and assure you that no ell'ort shall be wanting on our part to make the acquaintance ene of mutual benefit. L. II. MIL.LKK A CO. Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfleld, Bro. & Co. S. E. corner of Charles A Baltimore sts. airsscNCss i Messrs. Wyeth, Blscklock & Co. " Gwyn, Held & Taylor, " James Hodges & Brother, " Hurst & Berry, " Murdoch, Duer & Evans, M Stellmann & Hinrlchs, ' Sangston St 4o. " Barthlow, Gwyn ACe. " Riely & Pendleton, " Cushlngs & Bailey, John Muiphy 4' Co. " Moore & Griffin. August 19, 151. 66-6mo-e. GLUE. QC BARRELS American CO 20 " superior English ) inst received, and for sale, by ADAMS, BROTHER t Co., August B. 00. CIGARS! CIGARS!! 1 ( nrVl NOSEGAY Regslla CIgara 1UUUU 5,000 Prymavera Regalia " 1,500 La Sultana Havana CIgara; 2,000 La Aned i Havana Cigars. A few box es of choice chewing Tobacco, and a fine assort ment of Cigar esses and Tobacco wallets. For sale by C. DtrPRE. Druggist and Chemist. Oct. 25. 95. JUST OPENING AT THE HARDWARE STORE. THE most beautiful assortment of fine Pocket Cutlery, ever brought to this psrt of the country. J. M. ROBINSON. August 28. 70. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. I C( LAUGE Sises, just received and for sale XJKJ by KLLIS, KU9SELL u UO, June 26. 44. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. 50; ittst received snd for sale by JNO.C. LATTA. Nov. 22. 107. RATES OF FREIGHT. I") ATES of Freight on the Wilmington and Ral XV eigh Rail Road, and on the Company'a Boats to Charleston, revised snd corrected ueccmner, 1850; just printed snd for sale at the office of The Commercial, at Z3 cents per copy. Dec. 21. 119-tf. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO HHE agency of this establishment for the town of X Wilmington, has been conferred upon me unaer signcd who is prepared to atTord all requisite Infor mation, and to receive application for LIFE IN SURANCE upon as reasonable terms as any other institution of the same character in the country. H. NUTT, Agent. August 23 H. & J. copy, 68-tf. NEW GOODS. WE have received apart, and daily expecting the balance, of our Fall Slock of Groceriee and Ship Chandlery, which was purchased direct from the importers and manufacturers, snd selected with great cars. We respectlully invite our customers snd the public to eall snd examine our stock, as we are determined lo sell st the lowest prlvee. Our stock consists in psrt of 300 tags Rio, Laguyra,Si. Domingo, Java, and 25hhds. P. R. Sugsrj Mocha Coffee; 200 bbls. refined, crushed, powdered, and gran 25 boxes " loaf Sugar ulated Sugar; . 50 bbls. coflee crushed do. Teas of sll varieties, Green and Black t 200 boxes Soap ; 300 " Sperm, Adamantine, and Mould Can 100 " Lemon Syrup; dips; 1,000 reams Wrapping Paper; 200,000 Cigars, I grades and kinds: 100 boxes Tobacco a fine article i 100 bbls. Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, Rom, Wines, Cordials, of every vsrlety and quality ; Butter, Lsrd, Rlcs, Flour, Salt, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Musiard, Cassia, Nutmegs, Cheese, Crack ers, Broad, Ae. . Cordage, Dnek, Blocks, Anchors. Chains, Lin terns. Compasses, .and eyery article required on board of ships. , . . - - We also hve a Urge Brock of Wooden and Wil low Ware, Hardware, Dry Ooods, e., besides nu merous articles not mentioned. PUom tali and -a tint our stock. , , HOWARD oV PEDEN. Sept. 18. - . t - - W 79. DEEDS FOR SALE. just prlnted.in sorrset fennsnd fersalsst the ! EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. , 90f l SECOND Hand Spirit Banls, large " V sis. In cuod order, for bv. DsltOSSKT & BROWN, July 3d. 7. SUNDRIES, JUST recelved-300 bags CoftVs, Rio, Lagsyra, Si Domingo, Java, and Mocha 24 bags wet spiced chocolate 10 htuls. p. K. Hugsrt 100 bblt. double refined lo if, cruihed, powdered ind granula ted Sugar ; 200 boxes Csndles, all kinds snd grsdesj 25 do. Jud's pa'enl do., 4s 5s and 6s, In fane bos f tt Ait 111 ..... . 1 . . . r, o ids. escn; iuv ouis. wnisKey ftv Doses t;necw-, 200 packaneanewRaUlnsj 200.0U0 Hegars, at Bal timevrpriccttiOO Mum tt Chewing rvbaeeet 10,000 new two buahel Gnnny Uesre. For sale at the lowest prices, by HOWARD aV PED EN. Nov. 20. 108. COFFEE. 100 BAGS extra Rto, for sale, by ADAMS. BROTHER A Co . August t. ou COFFEE OTi BAGS Bio Coflee. Kor sala by HATHAWAY SON. 77. Sept. 13. BILLS OF LADING. te. lOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bnnrwi M. In Books. and shecta.also Lmior HhDi ik sivBrieiyoimercantlleblanlts,lorsalsat The Com mertuti uffttt. PLANTATION BR0GANS. Htuse Servant Shots, f-e. at Wholesale and Retail no. JO East Bat. Chahlestoji. S. C. TH E subscriber, Agent for the South Carolina Shoe Factory, at Charles ton, S. C , and the Cheraw Fatorv. at Cheraw, H. C, will olTer for eale in this market by the 1st of Sept., a large supply or Southern made Plantation Brogana and house servant's Shoes, to gether with a general assortment of Boots snd Shoes, which will be sold at the lowest market nrl ces for goods of s similar quality. tt. A. FKIftULK, Dealer In Brcgans, Boots and Shoes, No. 30, East Bay. Aufc 15, 1851. 56. SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 CC AFFLECK'S superior Spirit J7arrl, for X sitle by J, u. LATTA. Nov. 22. 107. CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have this day formed a co-partnership under the style of MclUi A Habsiss, and nave taken (he now granite front store, latey erected by Cspt. G. Potter, on Front between Mtsr Jtet and Dock streets, where they will always keep 'JiT'mmmTNd imple. MENTS. to which they invite the attention of merchants and otners. Beine IMPORTERS, we feel confident we can sell snides In our line on as favorable terms, snd of ss good quality, as can be porchssed In the untied stales. alka, mciiah, jr., N. T. HARRISS. NOTICE. rpHE subscriber hsvlng formed a co-partnership jl wun nr. n. I . mabsiss, is oesirous oi closing up his old business, and begs leave to urge upon those Indebted to hi in the necessity or a prompt settlement of their bills. Hest ihe same lime tenders his thanks to his former customers for their kind patronage, and solicits a continuance of ihe same lo the new firm. ALEX. McRAE, Jr. October 2, 1851. 15. BROTHERS LINE. rpHE Steamer Brothers and Tow Boats, Sleren- X son snd David Lewie are prepared to forward with DisrATCH, all goods consigned to the Propri etor. . The Sttomer Brothers Is of lioht bbapoht, and well suited lo ran In low voter. She possesses pov er, snd epeed, and la addmlrably adapted lo tossing, and caii accommodate about 20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval stoies; to towing, and will also sttend lo the comfort and convenience of Passen gers. From his long experience ss Agent in Wil mington of the several Steam Beat Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. 3 To Merchsnls in the Interior he would ssy, ihst all Gooda shipped by him, will be delivered lo ibeir Agents In Favstleville. His Agent in Wilmington Is JOHN C. LATTA, to whom all communications may be addressed, aa Asent cf tho Steamer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. May 15. 26-l2mc. Sulisbnry Watchman, Greensboro' Patriot, Fayeitevllle Observer, and Carolinian, snd Ashboro Herald, please copy 4 weeks, and send bills lo (his office. j GROCERIES. A I BAGS prime Ulo Coffee ; 10 " Lairuir do. 7 hhd.i. P. R. Sugar ; 40 boxes and 13 casks prims CrVese ; 25 barrels Mess Pork ; 100 barrels Sup. Flour, assotted brands ; 15 kegs Goshen Kutteri 10 boxes (9) Tobscco; 20 " Soup; 6hhds. Bacon, Sides snd H.ms; 30 boxes Kslslns ; 20 burn Is Lamp Oil ; For sale by J. HAT HAWAY A SON. Nov. 20. 106. PORK AND HAMS. Ork BBLS. Mess Pork; 10 casks superior Canvased Hams i Daily expected from Baliim tre and for sale by J. o D. McllAK&Co, Oct. 29. 96. JUST RECEIVED, - PER SCHR. Wm. HART FROM PHIL. i ( in ozs-Sul,,h uinn p- w- 1 J J 6 os. Sulph Uulnine, Germsn ; 6 bbls. Epsom Sails. Sulphum, Nl trie and Mnriatrie Acids. Also, large sssort ment of rholoe Cheii.lcsle from lite laboratory of Pomroy A Welghtmsn, For sals cheap st C. DePKF.'S, ' Dreg Store, Oct.,29. ' 95. JUST RECEIFED. t A FEW Casks of fine Liquors, for Medicinal parposes. For sale by - C. DsPRE. I?EVIEWr,OF THE NORTH CAR0LIN1 mttt, T C. B. WILlTr aOTBOB. : ' " " ' '.'. 4 ':"'e t A treat denj hat been nid wf ntiUtO, nI sviib propriely loo, aboof the doty cf rnltivatingamonjroars-elvec North Carolina Bpirity-ft state Miner ; n nmbitton W " take n elevated mnl among oof sister' Slatet of lh Jlion: Iliiheito, te fcare bcert, an4 liaye allowed noreelrw lo' feel itf n oponobera ler'tte conveaicoecs, the rone, ana trta hr thing necessary in llM eomirjon porpoMc onifc. Th productoi' the aneehanie ara, even the toolev heceewr in oor . agricplibral ponoila, have eomnoat been imporuj from abroad. Our ioota, oor literature, , oop tnaleriafe (1st prtotino;, and ' even much of the priwinp; Iteeb ofthhjc pecoliarly oor osrr, hac been dope In pfaera foreign to tia Socb a Kate off drpendenee II eomposti with iheendowmenii with wl ich natare iiae favored oe, nnd whh that h'mh elcfaiion, which "fre are eniiiledtifo hold . nmong the eister State.- So long aa tfecber ish this dependent feeling, we ahall ba n gnrded bot ns children, io the family of oor super tore. Every effort, therefore, to ehaha . off this feeling of dependenrej. or zo arooea ihe people lo aesoote a menfy fndependenee1, ought to be hnifed oe praice-wortby: and o encouraged by every ciliaen of the Slafe- Even the dwtitnt and feeble IndicMion of a redeeming spirit ought to be viewed ; wiih pleneore a the harbinger of a belter day. Arid it is a matter of eongratolaiion, tfmt tiU ready indications of imprvvemcnt begin W appear, ir, in all deparfmcnU. we ea¬ wiiocaa alt ihe improvement we could wish, T there lean upward tendency in eome thing that ahould not be overlooked. 1 nw branehceohhe mechanic art, ft laodable example hat been exhibited. la the mano;. fartore of Carnagf a " pt ;dtffereo kiodej wa f have work equal in beaoty and atrertirth hf iU-shim" ii !'- ' lriigui riti'iss rwr ilcnff," ' rue eiyie oi printing, , too. haa received m f materiil ndvonre within a few years." and many of the weekly print arc pow tailed ; on paper manufactured among" earselvee, au thing that a few year eince wae acareefyt known. Theae are ihe beginning of belter $ thing. But they are only the be!' - 'njr., There is yet a wide space to pate over ! cfu.jV we renth the point, at which w oubt' tt aim. In one single arl, that of print!" we have had scarcely a book of any tolera size printed among . Even aoroe of our law books, and the free echoot book,'; aoJ;1 the histories ol the atale, hare bee elewher printed. Oar Khool boeke, Jiowever. hava been almost exclusively imported, that, io stead of making oor primary icltoble a Mr' eery for encouraging' a State feeling, ottr children even lit the first rodimenu of learn ing, read in tho frontispiece oi their booked thai we are dependent opon other., for oar mentis of education., U V. V , J 1' . We hare bean drawn into these. rrmarU by a review of a book published by Calvin H. Wiley, Esq., a book published witb the express design of endeavoring lo remedy some of (be defects in the elementary book in oor common schools Atj obvioua inquiry, pn-acnted to oa on turning to tha. titl page, of this book vs, ahould not on excluaive.V. ' North Carolina book, hava, been cent forth, from n North Carolina Fl east y We wilt hot hnwever,qtinrrel with the author on this point,,-, especially since living in a Slate advocating: jhe doctrine of fre trade, i. weald b.rathcr inconsistent not to allow him lo trade where and with whom ne please, t Leaving, there fore, that matter lo be aetiled between hlin k nnd the grntlemen of the prcsa, we will pro. reed lo the book itelf.( A book designd lor the schools of North Citrolina; for the dooble, nay t might say, for ihe triple parpoto of .a - re (ding book, a book of history, a book (a j nrouae a North Carolina spirit. AU thes are tv r ommendabl objects. A reading book,, jva wnnt, a book thrtt may become a etnndard j av 4 , book forgenernfose hi nil oor common sehoola. There iann more poaerful obstacle in tlm way of improvement in our common eehools, than is found in the variety of book that nr in ose. So long A this evil eontinnea. thcrq can he no nil'orroity in the system, nor a, community of foeling, nmorrg either teachers, , or ecbolar. EAeh is a commuuity by itarlf, v t nd each fecla that lUowuia the best, bees use) :-f it U that, with which It has the best acqonioi . lance. A similarity in the bonk need woul4- ueressarily lead to a similnrrty in the mod -of ioslrueting, and would rrenie a cemmoaK r ty of feeling, aa we'l a a" unity of ayatera s throughout the State. - So fir then, a . book; : designed for common use in ' all the school", deserve attention. A book giving, a eoacisf V : ; ; ' ' -TTf Onrg nt tni Wtitmtst Oct. 14.