luunufact. i i a was a AUrfolirg In. the nmnufaci.. si 5 tUtrlcts, and prion ara tea dins ("own war purchasers btins disinclined to expand their ,. .. rs except at low rates. lloney Market The general tenor of the Lon don money market wss favorable. There was a better feeling with regard to consola, which told for money and on account at 961 to 95. " , The returns of the Bank of England rem' fa vorable, showing an Increa-te of about .292,000 la theitock ofbollion in Iti vaults, and a total amount of 413 250 000.- - Aracricsa securities were active, and better prices were obtained. ; - v , , - - V COMMERCE oT BALTIMORE, j The number of Teasels exclusive of bay craft within the port of Baltimore, up to the close of last week; waa ships 12, barks S2. briss 18. and achooners 26, amounting In tho aggregate to 88, of which number were for Liverpool 6, Bremen 8, . Cardenas 2. the West Indies 2. and 1 Mrh Kan - Francisco, Cienfuesos, Rio de Janeiro, Rotterdam, . ' Matanzas, Bermuda and the Spanish Slain. Ywatch LOST $20 REWARD XrT. THE subscriber lost, un Tuesday last a Gold ' jRSh Watch. No. 13,285-64-eylender eeespe tuiment, Maker, John Harrison, Liverpool. The cbove reward will be paid a its delivery to ihe subscriber. J. C. CAMPBELL. " Feb. 36. ' ' 147-tf. v . , : COOPERAGE. ' ; m fitfw .:t. tt. ."... ' . a. m f ino auDKrinftr u nnar nnmnntii in mini nm rm X pair water casks of any slse, for the ase of ves sets, on Ihe lowest terms j also,, the clilxees can have any article la the lint of Coopering mads or repaired with dispatch. . A. MORGAN. . r LADIES' SEWING BIRDS. A fTIHESR oscfol articles ara especially reooiq X mended to the notice of the Ladle, for whose . particular use and benefit they are Intended. Some thing ol the kind has ever been needed w bold their "- needlework while sewing. Improvements sre eon , atantly being Introduced to lessen the labor of men, but little or nothing has been done to illevlott) the burden of the other aex this article, however, will . greatly relieve while It wIH facilitate their work. . They rosy be had of the subscriber, at wholesale or retail, on Front Street, a few doors below mar " ket where also may be found a supply of Uphols 'tery Goods, Curtain Materials, Trimmings snd Or aamsntsi siegaat and beautiful Pictures, Prints snd OH Pslntlngs. ; -. Particular attention paid to Curtain Trimming and hanging and the manufacture of Picture, Por trait, and Looking Glass Frames, In every variety .of style and size. r L. H. WEBB, ; . . ' : London Boildiogs. Wilmington, Feb. 26, 1852, 147-tf. KEf AND FRESH. 2 A AA LBS. Candy alt qualities AJJJ 5,000 lbs. Nuts Fresh an . - -' . .-as a - l is .nil anaA t V M .w.. M - ."" w...a . 1 , 25 Boxes superior Lemons. For WILKINSON ft ESLER. S-'- 147. sale low by ' Feb. 28. SEGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. OF all qualities and price, at the Fruit Depot of - . WILKINSON ft ESLRR. Feb, 28. 'f, f 147. MATCHES MATCHES. Afi GROSS with and without sulpher. For sale OU low by . WILKINSON ft ESLER.. Feb. 28. , . .147. FARMERS AND GARDNERS. XTR hae jusl received a supply of Fatsit Gab VV as and Gbass Sates from Philadelphia, ..i v k ALSO, ! Several new patterns of Plows, Grain mills, Corn ..Shelters, Hay Cuitera, &c. For sale by ' McIUE 0 HARRrSS. ..Feb. 28. 1 , . 147. r, SPIRITS TURPENTINE CASKS. OrVTl CASKS expeeted by E. S. Powell. For ' sola by ( JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. 147-tf. Feb, 28. - 1 ' 4 SAVE YOUR MONEY. CHARLES P. FREEEIIAN & CO., j : (tTa PRRRMiM, rodoks a co.) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, If Broadway, I door South of Liberty St., NEW YORK, HAVE, now on hand, and will be receiving dally through the season, 2Vk Good, direct from the European manufacturers, andeosa Auction; rich,fahiotxablt fancy Silk MUinerjf Good: Our stock of Rich Ribbon, comprises every variety of the j latest and moat beautiful designs Imported. Many of our goods are manufactured expressly la our order, from onr own designs and patterns, snd stand unrivalled.'- We offer our goods foraett CosA, st lower prices,, lhan any credit House in America caa afford. - . v All purchasers will Had It greatly tothelrlnier- est to raserve a portion of their money snd make selections trora, our great variety or nen cheap good.' ' ' '. . Rlbbona rich for Bonnots, Cspa Sashes and Belte. .: . tv ., Bonnets Silks, Satins, Crapes Ltsses, and Tarle ' tons. ; -,.;fr ..:-,5,. " - Embroideries, Collars, Chesatsetta, Capes, Bar " thaa.- . '.,;--' r- . Hablta. Sleeves, Cuff. Edgings, and Inaertlngs. "Bmorowert , brick Hdkfs. Rmbrnidered Revicr, Lace, and Hemstlah Csm- Blonds. Illusions, and Embroidered Laces for , Caps.' -' " Kinbroldsred Laces for Shawls, Mantillas, and .Veils. w. '' J Honltonr Mechlen,' Valenclsnes, and Brussels Laces, - English and Wove Thread, Smyrna, Llale Thread, -and Cotton Laces. , Kld,Llsle Thread. Silk, and Sewing Silk, Gloves, i4 MM?-!$'S-i'v -k .-.--! : French and American Artificial Flowere. . nFreach Lace, English, American, ;and Italian. .Straw Bonnets and Trimmings. ..'.Feb. 24.'v:' v -r.;.- 146-St pd. t .iaasitaaassviiM nuiviii JOBBERS JN. RIBBONS, MILLESERY, SILK GOODS, AND MANUFACTURERS AND DEAL- ER8 IN STRAW BONNETS & HATS. 11 4 Baltlmora Street, 0th door East af Light Street, Baltimore, Md. H OfTer": American, English;' and French Straw Bonnsta, all qualltiee. by case or doien. Boys HsU, Straw Bralda, Gltrps, do." Bonnet Ribbons. sw style and all qualities i Neck caps. Sssh and plain Ribbons, Flowers, Caps, Bonstet Silks, Crapes, Kelts, dte. On usual term, at tow prises. - Feb.. 14',: '..:v': ;;'.,,:'..-f-' rl48-2w-e t '" " MEAIr-MEAL. AFRESH supply of White Cora Meat, ground fine, constantly on hand at (he 8tore of Whit aksr db Whitfield, wholesale or retsil, call and try It, ifyoa wish good Mesl. - WHITAKER A WHITFIELD. Feb.21, " .; MS. SNUFF SNUFF. THRESH from the factory of Outcalt, and John JL Dill, and Son warranted equal to any la the Vnited States. -For sale law. bv ' .. v - V tel eaual U Inw, by ' .'. KINSON 4 . v-ti-V. WILKINSON dk-ESLER EAISIXS " 1 Af BOXES new and good, fur aale, tow If lUlf WILKINSON f ESLER. Feb. 21. 115. THAT TEA. ALL qualities snd kinds, fresh imported from Chins, by ihe Pekln Co. No humbug t only twenty-five percent less than sold in any other store fa Wilmington. Call and buy a package and you will find that It Is extrsi at the Fruit Depot. s , WILKINSON A ESLEK. Feb. 21. , ."- US. NOW'S YOUR TIME. ; -- JUST received per Schr. Win. H. Smith, 25 bsgs of prime Green Rio Cudse ., .', II pox. u h cheese ( . . :.v; ' 5 casks- -'';do.i - - 10 boxes CoUrates best Pale Soap. : " T j,4f ! 10 dox. Painted Buckets ..... I M Corn Brooma r . " 15 bbls. Soda and Sugar Crackers' f " " 10 bottles best Sweet Oil) " ; t 10 boxes Soda Crackers i - S - H Collins beet Axes, long and short bits 30 bbls. Csnsl Flour, extra, Vjw, for cash, at GEO.lL KELLEY'8. Feb. 21. (J. H. A.N. C. T. copy.) 145. EXECUTOR'S SALE. THE undersigned as Executor of the last will snd testament of the late Joseph A. Siatas, will expose to sale by. Pablio Auotion, la front of the office of M. Cronly, Autft. at 11 o'clock on Monday, the let dayof March next, all and singular the fur niture and other chattels at the late residence of ssid Joseph A. Sinus, : Accredit of six months will be given, ana the purchaser wtu be required to enter into bonds, with good sad sufficient security for lbs payment of their respective purchases. , . v CHAtlLKSf D. KLL.IS, Executor of Josaru A. Simtai. Wilmington, Feb. 9th, 1852. 140-9t., SPIRIT BARRELS. Ofifi EMPTY Spirits bbls., dally sxpected, for 4JJ sals by ADAMS. BROTHER db CO. June 19. 41. MARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES. OFFICE OP E. N C4RR k SOI, 138 Pratt Street Baltimore, Md. 40,10. Monday. March 8th 185!. WASHINGTON CO. LOTTERY, 75 Not 12 Drawn Ballots. 1 823,000 825,000 1 10,000 10,000 1 6,752 6,752 ' 1 3,000 3,000 1 2,000 2,000 1 . 1,500 1,500 100 750' -75,000 20 ' 200 4,000 20 150 3,000 , 74 1U0 7,400 126 75 9,450 126 50 6,300 126 30 3,790 3,780 16 60,480 23,436 8 187,488 Certificate of 25 Whole Tickets, 8120 00 " 25Hslf " 60 00 " 25 Quarter " 30 00 ' Tickets 88. Halves 84. Quarters 82. S33.44T. Wednesday, March 10th, 1852. SUS. CANAL. LOTTERY. 75 Nos.16 Drawn Ballots. I 931.000 830.0001 1 1 7,500 7,600 1 7,500 7,500 5,000 17,500 60,000 3,600 3,600 6.000 700 ISO 60 30 1 1,500 1,500 55 I 2505, 2,500 1400 25 345 8,647 60 60 75 4,500 120 120 40 4,800 26,550 10 265,500 $122 00 61 00 30 50 5,U4U ZU HB.bUU Certificate of 25 Whole Tickets, " " Half " " " Quarter " " Eighth " Tickets 910. Shares In proportion 15 25 t366.S0S. Tuesday, March 16th, 1852. BEL AIR LOTTERY. 75 Nos 12 Drawn Ballots. 1 Prize of 16,000 1 Price of 8,000 1 " 3,000 1 ' 2,345 216, " 250 63 ' 100 63 " 80 53 " 50 63 " . 40 3,906 " 10 2J.436 " 5 1 Certificate of 25 Whole Tickets, . 874 0. Half " 37 0 " " Quarter " 18 6" . Tickets 85, Shares In proportion. (8S33.A4T. Saturday, March 20th, 1852. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY. Class Nine. 75 Nos. 11 Drawn Ballots. 1 Prize of 835,000 1 Prise of 25,000 1 " 15,000 1 " 7,500 1 " 5,000 100 " 1,000 60 " 667 64 " 100 64 " 75 128 " 50 128 " 30 a 136 " 2J 22,176 " 10 Certificate of 15 Whole Tickets, $156 00 " " Half " 78 00 " " Quarter " 39 00 " " Eight " 19 60 Tickets 810, Shares in proportion. 50 Prises of 81,000 Mondsy, March 29th, 1851 WASHINGTON CO. LOTTERY. Clsss 18. 78 Nos. 13 Drawn Ballots. 1 Prise of 130,000 1 Prize of 20,000 I 10,000 I " 5,000 1 " 3,000 1 " 2,870 50 ' 1,000 50 " 500 180 " 200 66 " 100 65 " 80 130 M 60 130 " 40 4,680 " 20 27,040 ' 10 Certificate of 26 Whole Tickets, $150 00 " 26 Hslf " 76 00 " 26 Quarter " 47 69 jTickeia 10, Shares In proportion. EITHER OF THE FOREGOING SCHEMES Present a chance for OBTAINING A COMPETENCE roa a VERY SMALL OUTLAY. 'There ia a tide In the affairs of men, which ts ksa t ths flood, leads on to FORTUNE." E. N, CARR & CO., 133 Pratt Street, Baltimore, Md. Feb, 24. 146. FISIUFISR. BBLS. of extra Mullets snd Trout, in Pork Bbls. st 1 GEO. H. KEI.I.RY'S. 12 Feb 17. J. H. A N. C.T. conr. 143 v' . , j A. A. B. S0UTHALL, COLLECTOR AND GENERAL AGENT, I WOULD hers tsks this opportunity of returning my thsnks to mr friends and natrons for the verv liberal patronage 1 have received at their bands, during the time 1 hsvs been collecting for them and hope by strict sttentlon to business snd with a determination to please, still to receive a contlnus tlon of their confidence snd support, ss I Intsnd to devote my time to thst business. Refer to Messrs. Ellis Mitchell, R. H. Grant. Fq., Geo. R. French, Esq., C. Myers, Esq., snd Messrs. Potter A Kidder. I will attend the Courts of the adjoining Coun ties whenever Inducements Is offered. My office will be In the store of Messrs. Whltsker and Whit Hod, at which place I will be found unless when out, attending to business. Ia my absence, sny communication left with Messrs. Whltuker f Whitfield, for me, will be handed to me. I will attend, as nsusl, to thsssle of real estate i hiring servants renting . bouses or any other business In which an active agent la wanted. .. . , ; ; A. A. B. SODTHALL. Weekly Journal, Herald and Goldsboro Patriot copy till forbid. .,; ! . ;4 'i 1 UEROXS LISE. , ; i.jrv THK fast saillnz reeular Pscket Schr - Gear at Harri.i. John Soniers, Master, will L ha nntrk rfr.naleh for the sboVS Durt. For light freight or passage, having superior state Room scccHnmoaauons, .Pp.y o;HARRlgg Feb: 24. ' ' '.' '46. VYMv MASON & SON'S I - REGULAR LINE OP BALTIMORE A WILMINGTON PACKETS THE undersigned beg leave to Inform the Shipping public, that they have made arrangements to continue the, above Line of Packets, and run good vessels regu lanv through the vear. at lowest rates of frelshf. i ne Aentr wnari in Tvuminaton ia in a eesirsi part of the town, and immediately adjoining one of the steamboat uompanv'a wnarr. tneretore maaing It desirable to those who have goods for up river. . Shippers will please direct their goods, siuppea oy Maeon's Une. , . WM, MASON A SON, Agents, "' - No. 75, Smith's wharf, Baltimore. -ELLIS, RUSSELL dr. Co., Agents, WUrolngton, Keb.4. 137-tf - ' CANNON'S LINE OP BALTIMORE PACKETS. THE subscriber Intends running a (regular weekly line of Packets be vtween Wilminaton and Baltimore, conststhtaof six A. I. fast sailinr schooners. Urititian, Siuait Gannon, Virginia anjJM. Palettine. GaztlU, Gn.W. RMnm. Persons purchasing aoods la Baltimore and wish-' tng inem torwaraed witnoui aelay, wtu please airect them shipped by this line, jrxeightstsken on this line at New vora rates, . . . s JOHN W. CANNON.Agent. Baltimore, Md. J. D. McRAE, Agents, Wilmington, N. G. Jan. 28, 1862. , - V 133-tf. ',!';-; ."";,vBRANDTs:,:,,''.. A FEW bbls, old Nash Brandy For sale by J. II. PLANNER. No. 25, North Water Street. Jan. 22. 133 CORN! CORN!! 1 Qnn BUSHELS, landing, and for sale by X iQVJKJ ELLIS & MITCHELL. Ji fan. 6. 125. TUB NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL RALEIGH, N. O. nnHEaboveComDanvhaabeen In operation slnr 1 the 1 st ol April. 1348, under the directionof the toiiowing utneers, vis s ' -- ut. Uhaa.u.Johnaon.rresiaeni, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, Jsmes F.Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treaaurer, Perrln Buabee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E Johnson, i , Dr.Wm. H. McKee, W.Tl Dr, R.B.Haywood, $ J. Hersman. Gen'l Asent Thla Company has received a charter srivino advantaeea to the inaured over anir other (W pany. The 6th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, r from any claims of the rep resentatives oi me ausoantj or arty oi Discredit ors. Organized on purely mutual nrlnofples, the life members participate In the whole of the profits which are declared annually. Besides, the aobll. cant for lite, when the annual premium is over g'3C may pay one nan in a mote. Allclalmsfor Insuranceaaalnst the Comnanv will oe paia witnin ninety aays suer prooi oi the death Ot tne party ia lurnisneo. Saves are Insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure thisclass of property sgainst the uncertainty of life. Slave Insurance presents a new snd Interesting feature in thehlstory of North Carolina, which will prove very important to me soutnorn states. . The last four months operation of this Comnsn shows a vory large amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. AH Communications on business of the Company uuuia do auuremeu iw JAO. v . JUKDAIM, Secretary. Raleigh, April 8.1951. R-tV CORN. 3nnfi BUSHELS momently expected lJ,FJ from Hyde Countv. For sale, by MIL. US WUailW. Feb. 17. -143. NEW CROP MOLASSES. OfA HHDS. of prime new Crop Cuba Molas ,Wm just received per brig E. Ilsyden from vuoa. r or ssie, oy J. HATHAWAY & SON. Jan, 31. 135. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existlne- betwiwoi X the undersigned, under the name and style of oamvel dskkt ut oosT, was mis asy oiesolved by mutual consent. All business of the late firm will be aettled by B. W. Beery, at Commercial Mills. '' 8AMUEL BEERY, B. W. BEERY. Wilmington, Feb. 17. The undersigned hss purchased Ihe entire Inter est of Samuel Beery In the Stesm Ssw Mill. Ship Yard and Marine Railway, opposite town, known aa Commercial Mill and Shin Yard. He will con tinue Ihe business ss Heretofore, and will endeavor so to conduct It, a to merit a continuance of the same noeroi pstronage extended to the late firm. Arrangements hsve been msdeforsn unusually large number of hands in ths Ship Ysrd. There is a Blacksmith .Shop snd Rigging Loft on the prem ises, and no pains will be spsred to give entire sat isfaction in all eases. BENJAMIN W, BEERY. Wilmington, Feb. 17. ROCK RCEEK MILL THE undersigned has purchased of B. W. Bas er, his Interest in the Plantation, with Grist Mill thereon, situated on the Newbern Road, about 1 mile from town, and formerly known as Ihe Eden Mill and Plantation, but more recently, and now aa' Rock Creek Mill and Plantation. He will continue the business as formerly. He has now 2 setts of stones running with bolting cloths, dte. He will receive soon from New York a stesm engine to run In thla Mill,-thereby In suring to the citizens of Wilmington at all limes a censunt supply of good Meal and Hominy. I Ha contemplates having a store In town . for the ssie of his Meal and Hominy - A future advertise ment will Inform the iltlxons when snch arrsnge- roe.2,t,l,,m,da' SAMUEL BEERY! Wilmington, Feb. 17. 143. SPIRITS CASKS. 200 large,,m sp,rU c,,k, rr"' l Feb. 14. AMAttT; jOrrica, WiLKiKOTO Man. R, Roan Co.) A I ' ,. Mabiosj C. H, Jan. 28th, 1882. N adjourned general meeting of the Stockhol deraofihe Wllrnlngton. and Manchester Rail Road Co., will be held at Sumtervlllo, S. C.-. on Thursday the 4th day of Marsh. 1852 I X-.K U J??'''-- w - uniir aiourniieonf. 142.71 . - aae-i . SEED OATS. . 1 900 BUSH ELS lending from schr." Ann 1 EUxabsih, and for sals by ; ' . ,;. - ft MITCHELL. 1 " ' CACCN AND LARD. OAfM 1 " prime N. C. Bacon bog round i UUU 4 bbls. ' Lard for sal. bv. , ' A. MiRTIV. Feb U. hi. NORTH CAROLINA MAXCFACTU : TJATTLF SON srs still Msnafseturinz. .4.-. st tns Rocky Mount Hills, about 300,000 I. Cotton Yarn, per aanam (aqual to ihe beat Deo', ia Yarns,) which they will deliver to Msrchants free of ex.ta rh,r(? at ,Vw Va.1. - .ii...ujI - , I ui. yi VIUCII BATTLE A SON, Roeky Mount, N. C wUl re aWsaisras Ar.imikl ariMiUk Kv"rf enaasBuiivis' ' , Feb, 12. 'Hi-iy. , NOTICE. THE subscriber hsvlng, at the last term of the County Court, of New H mover Coanty, taken out letters of Administration ea the Estate af Su san Swain, all persons Indebted to said Eststc, sre hereby notified to make payments and persons hsvlng claims against Uie said Estate, to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this no tice Will DC pieaaea in ear oi recovery. ; , .CEO. tt. FRENCH, Adm'r. Pek 11 ' ' Ml-Int. MOUSSES. nTOMENTLY eipeeted 300 Hhda. new crop xuaoiaaaes, cargo r Hng Jona uswson, rrom Cuba, for sate by - MILES COSTIN, Brown's Wbarvea. Feb, IT. - 143. IN STORE AND FOR SALE g fHHD'S Leal Tobacco, bj OHN C. LATTA. Fbb.ll - 141. DAILY EXPECTED BY SCHR. Kf BOXES family Sospi VU For sale by ' JOHN C. LATTA Feb. 12. 141. : FRESR ARRIVALS ' PKR SCHOONER L, P. SMITH. 3 HHDS. Best Brown Sugar) 5 Bbls. beet C. C. Sugar t . . 8, H " Doubled refined crushed, doj ' 10 Bags " Lagulra Coffee i 8 Boxes ground Pepper 2 Boxes . H Coffee i 200 Las. best Dried Beef i 2 Boxes extra sweetened Chocolate. Low for cash st ' GEO. H. JCELLEV'S. Feb. 17. J. H. A N. C. T. copy. 143. OATS. .f( BAGS, 2 bushels esch, momently eipcc JJJt4 from Baltimore. For sale, by MILES COSTI! Feb. 17. 143. ORANGES, ORANGES. Q flDCi FRESH SWEET, snd for sale low t,UW by WILKERSON ESLElt. Jsn.29. 125. YELLOW PLANTING POTATOES. 1 OC BBLS. per In Brewster. ' For sale, 'by MILES COSTIN. Feb. 17. 143. ADAMANTINE CANDLES. OriB0XES- Prime 4liy for sale by . A. MARTIN. Feb. 12. 141. FAYETTCYILLE FLOUR. 1 fC BBLS. Superfine and fine for sale b y 1 ts Feb. 11 A- MARTIN. 141. HAY. rjc QALES superior article per ra Brewster. I MFor sale, by MILES COSTIN. Feb. 17. U3, WHISKEY. tZf BBLS. momently expected from Bnltimor. try For sale, by MILES COST1 N Feb. 17. H3, OVERSEER WANTED. A WELL qualified Overseer will meet with pnv ploymenl on application to ... - N. M, HILL. Feb. 14. H2-6t. MOLASSES. OKA HHDS. prime Cuba Molasses, per Brig i angier, just receivea and ror sale by run tit, at KIDDER. Feb. 14 142-51. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agency of several large establlahments st the North, which Will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfinlshek. foreign md rfamA.ii. trmnicf .n quslities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS A VII TllMii urnvra and every other ertlcle in the line of the business at reasonable rales. SCULPTURING. LKTTERTVfi ftn rtnvrvn Executed as wel I ss csn be done either North or OOUill. The best cf reference csn be given, if required. JAS. MeCLARAWAN. Jn. 125-tf INFORMATION WANTED ABOUT JOACHIEN PLAGEMANN, Ship Carpsnter, native of Hncksdorf, Mecklenburg, Schwerin. His last letters wen dated In Mav 18S0. from Smith ville, North Carolina. Any Information reav peeling hla whereabouts wllj be thankfully rscciv ad b OREFN dk REDMOND, or War. PREHN, Chsrleston. J Nsw Orleans. Feb. 19. I44-8t. v LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! CAnaBLS. Llncolnvllle White Lumpi Also JJ VJ ealclnnd Plnalr Pl.t.,l.. H.I. J . - m , . I..IVIIII. ....... , Fire Brick, Hydraulic Cement 1000 bbls. Lirnc dp..;farssleby . J.C.& R. B. WOOD. r". a J i a i .1 6st3M85Lr ,. 7 CQEESE I CHEESE! OA BOXES new Cheese, juat received sni for rvyeaieov QKO. MTERfl. FOR SALE. rrt CASKS Rice, just from mill, by JVJ ADAMS. BltO.A r.. Jan. 15. 129. IN STORE. PfS ESP? "uuln MW P Molaasesj 4.U 2,000 lbs. N. C. Bacon. Hoe roonrf, 50 Bbls. New Floor, tt . L OKO- B. KELLEYS. Feb. a. J. tt ft N, C. T. copy. 128- VALUABLE WATER LOTS FOR SALE. , ?THE subscriber offers to sell all the w let lots between Hogsfolly and Hilton, within the limits of the town j alsothoss Intervening be tween the town limits and Hilton fence, These lots embrace the last portion of 4ifHrar bank bow unoecipled, adjoining lbs town i snd present fa. vorsbte sites for 8tesus Mills, Distilleries, of msnu fsctorief of any kind. ; ' - - My . k :;.. James" P. McRke. Jan.29.'- ; , . , , . 135-lm. - . "'(' -nas A U . - pnrj iniD3. i.. ' .-cs, jast Jan. 13. f?nnSF.CQND hanl fpirlte EMs , Urgs site, UvAia prime ordf-r, i"t nle by ' " ANUr.iOX ft LATIMER. Jsn. 27. 13L COPARTNCnS-IP. i rpHE SuWtUters hsve this day entered Into Co i. partnership, for the trmnntiUia of a - Genera t Agency U Coram I ss lea xVwaloeasf , v - under inert ie or 1 GILLESPIE. ROTH WELL ft McACSLAN. . AO orders promptly attended to, and liberal cash aavaaces asaae aa coasignments. 1 , G. 8. G1LLESPIK, , r . , . ' A. B. ROTH WELL, A JOHN MeAUSLAN. Jsn. .i -v- y'-t,-- : " 131'. LOOK. HERE. 'gA& TN Store and for sals low. for cash, at the Nsw AFamlly Grocery Store, south side of Market Su, oae door below Wilkinson 4 K tier's uonieeiionn- ry, vnt i Flour of the beat Era nos, buck nea N.C. Haeon and Lard. Buttor, Segara, Moles. ses, Tea, cooee, Kulton alarket ana vnta Beet, with t eoflttntied Vsrletv of Groceries. Pol-wars. AH of which la fresh Stock, and w UI le sold are. ouceo rncea.. ,. - ,. , A. E. MOTT. , Jaa. 27. : ....... ::.'.l-r; : ( ,?v,.i?v -'134.' "-' CHLNA. AT7R hsve just received TF.N PACKAGES VW CHINA and GLASS, from Liverpool. Ala, TWENTY CRATES of CANR and aU KEN'S WARE pert sold to arrive. Those who have purchased caa get their sella by sending for them. HCUAlt HAKKJSS. Jsn. 20. ..'v., : :: 131. TO HIRE. 9 NEGRO Boys I Ul 14 Women i 1 " Girt; 1 " Man pnly to Feb. 12 JOHN C. LATTA. 141. IjrittiltQral Implemeoti ud Barbiaerr Suited toaUtk Southern State. FARMERS . I'LANTEKS ds MEKCHANTA Wilt rtHO AT THS AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE A. B. ALLEN d Co., 189 and 191 Water Street, Neyr York. Ths largest sssortmenl In the United 8 tales, of tools snd machines, suited lo southern cultures Most of the implements sold by them, srs msnofac lured In their own machine shop, under the direct supervision of one of the firm, where the best of seasoned timber only is used, with Iron of the first quality. PLOWS. Of Plows, they sell more than 100 different pat. terns, among which are double moldboard, or fluke plows, self alia rplng, subsoil, snd slde-hiil plows. PLOW CASTINGS, of vsrious patterns, smong which aro bull tongue, scooter, scrapers snd shovsls, by the ton or retail. Harrow, Cultivator. Cotton Sveept, Com Plant' ere, Hoe, Skotele, Spade, and Fork, of warU one pattern, in any ouaniiry. STSAW CPTTBSa AMO COB SHSU.BSS, Manufactured expressly for southern uss, extra Strong, Sugar Mills, Rica Hutlera, Cotton 01ns, Thrash, ing Machines, for wheal and oats, and rice i Fan ning Mills for do. Whsat and Cora Mills, with Burr Stones or Iron Plats. :- - noes rowans Of various patterns, suitable for one to Eight horses. , Sowing, Mowing, snd Reaping Mschlnss, Grain - Cradles, and Scythes and Rakes.and svsry kind v of Horticultural Tools t also, Garden and V F1FXD SEEDtt, Fruit end Ornamea. tal Trees, sent to order t also, 1m- . proved csitlersheep snd swine. A descriptive pieterifl CATALOGUE of ova 100 pages, will be giveni on sppllcstlon from ens tomers, or sent to thim ky mail op their encloelng four letter stsmps, to'pre-psjupstsge, as required vj iiw prcaeni post ouice law, the"plow, A MONTHLY rLAHTSBa' AMD rASMSSS lOVSMAL DITBD $r SOLON ROBIIfSOBf. Is now published In place of the American Agri culturist, st ' Firry CENTS A YEAR. Editor's office at the New Yoik Axrlcultural Wsre. house. Specimen numbers will be forwsrded. on so plication to our correspondents. A. 0. ACLKN A IO., 139 and 191 Wstcr st , N. 7. Dec. 23. llMmpd. N. C. BACON. 7fT)f LB8' Bconi Hams, Sides snd Should 7UUvers, of eery ntperlor qusllty, just re eeived from Wsyne County, for sale In quantities lo suit purchasers, by AN DERSON d LATIMKR. Feb, 7, -: ' ' 139 SALT! SALT! 1nV"SACKS large, and In fine order, to ar svAArive per brg Susan Duncan from Char. lesion. GEO. HARRISS. Jan. 2a 138. FUNDS WANTED. THE subscriber respectfully Invites those tbst are Indebted to him to call and make immedl- ats payments, as money must be hsd by the firet of January. It la hoped that this call will be suf ficient to produce in aesirea tarn, ; GEO. MTF.R8. Jan. I, 123- euE. 20 BBLS. superior, for ssie low or A. MARTIN. TO TUE PUBLIC. THE Subscriber hss leased far a ter n of yesrs, of R. W. Browrt, Esq., his fire-proof store, with his wharves, and is now In a condition o Iska es pecial ears of Spirits Turpentine sad other Nsysl stores commited to hie cere. The Warehouse la well known to be the beat snd safest plaes la towa for the storage of Bacon, Lard. Corn, Peas, Ac The lower whsrves hsve on them four large new sheds, where Spirt's can be safely kept from the rain and sun. Us is prepared to receive, and ship, or sell, all klads of pr jdpee sent lo his esre. He will e)so maks advaneee when required, He begs to refer U, the following gentlcmeniR. W, Brown, John Dswson, O. G. Parsley, and Thoe, H. Wright, Esqra. , MILES COSTIN. Brown's wharf Wiimlngtoa, N. 0. 1 Sspt. 13. ; - 71.' COMFORT, SAFETY & ECONOMY. THE subscriber, hsvlng purchssed Mr, DenH Hemingway's patent for an Improvement la the construction snd sliernetioa la Fire Pisces end Flues, so ss to prevent them fiom smoking end by which improvement a saving of half the quantity of fuel generally used, la msds will take great nUania In attendine 'o an work enlraaieil Ia htm and assures those who are kindly disposed la em ploy him, that entire confidence may be placed la the Improvement., He bee already altered 12 . Fire Pieces snd built several chlmnles, In Wilmington, . .1.1. .II.S.Mkl.1. k.. .1-.. vn .utvvjvtvii., w .uw. imv. s1"11 nli set lafactioa. ''."';-"..''" '' ' -' , Your servant : GEORGE PRICE. a FebC 14. w':- 'Xw ' Il2-I2m. t.... Fer -rSOf . w3- Lm!s -Is T7a-C ZTm a.k vvi . This fnvlnblo remedy for a. k." "m sffba TaaoAT ana Les bus sttRtnet a t briiy tnm ita remarkable cure, never eqna.U j by any other medicine before. Other ?Kvarauuna bsveshewa Ihemsshes palliath, snd somtl '-nxa t fleeted as table cures, bat nuns has ever so fully wm iTietCV-- fidence of every community wh"e klekaewa. After yesrs of trUIJIn every cl.mste, lbs issalia haft indifnutabty shown h to possess a ssaetery ' over thla asngerous class es dies, which could not fail to sttrsct the sttentioa af 1 1 sictsas, Pa- llenta, and ths public st large. - iSea the statements, not of iUcan individuals and from for distant plecesy bat of men waa ase known and rospeeteo thrvschonl the reentry. - Ths videly ttlebrated Sur. AV,, YQLE.N TINE MOTT. of An York City, soys ll gives me plessnre ia certify the value sad ' " cfBcacy af 'Avae'a Causae Psctosai,' which f ' consider peculiarly adaptea lo cure diseantca of Mm throat and lunrs. ; :-:,;,.' " " " DR. PERstJNS, dittntr-ati PrtnJent tf A Tnmmt,AJdieal .CoUfjre,''ont),pf the eminently learned physicians, of, this country, vrit., Cmsssv FBcTdaiMs.e,xjenlely t ' J ia ih:s see. lien. whrek baa ehowa anm. at . f! , lie happy eheere npon aulnvnwrv i. J .' Cfeiwnuna tfth Knc' S L! -''. f ' write la the Proprietor from i.-;.. i, i.'ai'-ha hw been eared of a severe ssihma. e section, by Cbsbbt PacToaAfc?...; His letter at L'A najr found In our Circular, lo be had of t' Aaeut. bad le worth Ihe attention of asthma:(c t lenis. ThU letter it torn etc we Mnntn vruggi as IliOtdaU, Afchlgan, one tfth large itaUn i ma State i and Ihi cat Ufrom le v fnat!on. . II ins da ia, Mica, 1U, I84S. ' Deer Sir i f mmediaicl on receipt of your Caaa- a Pbctosal. I carried a bottle to aa acaualaunea ;, i mine who wsa thouibt to be near his end with .;" quick consumption. , He wss then anabl t rise from bis bed, and waa extremely feeble. Hla friends believed ha must soon die, unless relief eon Id be obtained rat him. and 1 induced these la give your excellent medicine a trial. Immediately Is town for three weeks, and you may jrie af my surprise as my return, to meet birn in ihe street mi my way noma irons me ears, ana nna ne nsejesi lirelv recovered. Four weeks from the dsy he roca , meaeed taking your medicine, ha waa at wotk at ' Bis srauoaa inoe oi a piscasmnn. ' - There are other easea . within my knowledsV- ; whsrs the Cnsaar Psctosai, has been linxulerly V snccsssful, bat aowe so marked aa thia. ,- , very iruiyyourr, '- ' G.W. UNDER V,'OOT.' t IlAaovaa, Onto, April 3, 1850. Dear Sir i I wish 1 could tell all that surfer with a cough, what your Cnsaav PacroaAt, baa dona or me. it aoea seem iney migm o ottkuhn wj the InformailoB. 1 bad a lung fever which left say y tones weak and Inflamed. Beina very feeble and unable to gala strength at all, my friends thought I must soon sina in eonsurapuoo. s una no B, pe tite, and a dreadiuieougn was jwei weannT me , awajr. 1 began to taks your beautiful medio, . r the advice of a clergyman, who had aeen ita t s before. It eased my cough at first, end gave ma rest at night. Ia less ths a a fortnight 1 could ea wen, and my eosgn Bed eeaeea to aa trouuieaoma my appeti w returned, and my food nourished ma which soon restored mv strength. Now, after lira Weeks, I em well and strong, ether help tnan your uaerry rectorai. . - j. a ours, wuu respeci. - -.s-,.-.- . JULIA DBAlf. I herebv'eertifV thst the abovs atatement of ms wife Is In conformity with my owa vlewe of key ease aad bar car by- Ay si's Cherry Pectoral The above named Joseoh Dean aad Julia, hla wife, srs personslly known to me, and Implicit aoa Boence may oe piacea in tneir statement. SAMUEL CYAN DERWENT. Pastor of the Bspilst Church. t Prepared by S. C Ayer, Chemist of Lowll, Muse, Dec. 3;. ' , . , f IZt- ' N0HCEP 1 - ALL persods Indebted to me up to Jsnaary 1st 1U62, ar infoemed that their Bills are ready, 1 snd a settlement will be requited In all esses. - V-.:C.MVKRSt Hstter. " '. -:-.')' LIuIE--LIuIE. " . "' Cfk'A CASKS momently espectcd from Csmdea, Ovvpet Schr. S tateaman. For sste, - by J. ft D. McRAE C Cr. Jsn. 29. GARDEN C: JUST received from Wether sneni of Qardeq. Grass, sr : a 1 r ' ate encap, if . - - i uruggtStBUO VIiti . :2 i- ;t- ' -1. . i, j. . N. B. Daily expected few I ; j. puiua ' Jan, tO'tv-'"j-:v--" tt., .1. : NOTICE. THE Undersigned having foritifi s r ship ander ihe style of ' IOHN BROTHER, for carrying on a COM JilslOM AND . FORWARDING .bVUlNCSi. aU goods consiged to them, ar ordered, or produce sent for ale, will be promptly atteadd to .. , i f JOHN BANKS. DAVID BANKS'. f ; t 137, , Feb. 1 " DAILY EXPECTED PER BRIO D, DUFFELL. 4Q BBLS. new Mesa Beet For sale by ' -40 - i. , JOHN C. LATTA L Feb. ft. ... ; GUNNY BAGS, t v - 500' GUNNVBags, 'Ftfrssleby ' " 31.'. ..; - ti. iLanMO. Nov 25, North Water street.'? ' . 131 Jan. - -r':,t.'-'LAr.i.' . - ; WAYNE County Lard in Bbls. and ategs, prima quality, foYsate by ' - ' " ' - . ANDERSON ft LATIMFTtv Fsb.r. ; - i33L. GENERAL AGENT CQUZIZIM ' . ',r y- .BIJSISBBH :'' rpHE 8ubseribere have thia lay entered Into a A Copartnership for the perpose et ooing s general ( im tiAmmlulM aiui rurwardlna' basinet, and . ia offering their oervkes la that capacity they flat, ler themselves that wttl ha able to give satlafsctiouj lo kll who msy cansiga sny goods. Wares, ilerthan dlss or Copoiry produce, to sell on Comml'iiiUBS Of fofwgrd, ss it will be the Ir greatest alto to Plpasn m . -r - - r . , . . . . . e . 1 mm . Ing to give general satisfaction. They respect fol lilv solicit the pnironsee of ihelr friende end tna public generally. .Their Store Is In No. 3, Dlckla bob's fire proof buildings. North Wot Street. -A i , . WHITAKER A WHITFIELD. ; -:.vT,. .7;.; y n WHITAKER, v a ;-M'4:i': ' JAS. W. WHITFlELft ' 1 ,.' .' ; - ' Raraaanctst ' . 'John Dawson, . oam'L Beery ft So. ;, Patter dk Klddet, ' .i lia ft JM'ehelt : O.G Psrsleyf i - t : ' . G- JfK Frehv- I !; TarbarV Boatheracf please twpy.- ;r:; I , fij... - ..'r.f -v?. .iii v!nr "4