PHILADELPHIA MAKtvKf. March 20. Cntton.-To lay there has teen tnOrtxioin- and tho market clown fi'-y 'M week. rales; sales Id all reach some 8 a UTJ ! . at 8f 9jC for Upland, and 9 a Wl v'w 0;" leant, on the usual Krui. r , Com his improved, and the receipts, some -5 rv i.n.i.oi mmsfiTS.intbern yellow have been taken at 60s 61c Including anruo to-day at 61 Jc, j and white, a few day', since t Wie. Ut ere hi requeet, and 6 a 7003 bushel told at 8 for Del aware and 80e for Penn's. Naval Stores. There i rather more doing. Bowo amall kU Spirit Turpentine have leen dis posed or at 40 a 42o r gallon ami 1600 bbls. oap Resin at $1,50 a 1.75 per bbL Tar and Pitch, bo eale. j."" ",?"..': " nip n more active, and a 400 casks have 'changed, bands, part for export at 43 37 M tb100llr8..:-v;'iT:-:i''c',: '.--'' '' r' ' 'BALTIMORE MARKET. . March 20. Cotton Sale Vor' the past week! amonnt (0704, bales, embracing middling to fair Virginia,' Georgia, and OiiIf,-at 8t to 9 its 6 mos. The demand has been rather belter, owing to the favorable advice from England, though the aalei here made show no advance iu prices. Flonr Thursday market declined with sales of 500 bbls at 34,121; aud to day continued dull, with of tales: 70 bbls at same price, closing rather heavy;. ,;:.y!4:i:.;' Oorn During the present week Corn has grad ually Improved, closing to-day, at 57 a 08 for yel-. low, and 66 a 67 eta tor white, and for a very su peror lot of- 800 bushels 58 cts paid. v 8AX FRANCISCO MARKET We hare received the San Francisco Price Cur rent of the 17th February. There was a decline in Flonr from 81 1 to 9 ; Coffee 10 10) Sugar, brown C a 7; Bacon Hams 16 a 17 ets twrlbs Pilot Bread. 07;. Bricks ff30 a 85 per M. ; Lime, $4,50 a 6 ; Rice, 7 a 8 eta per lb. j J ' '., Some articles of provisions arc very high, while other would hardly pay the cost and twisporta tioni l . " . .'ht, Shipping List says: "The princll feature asdistinguising this year's trade from that of the past season,-scotns to ho that Importations, to judge by actual receipts and advices, will bo muchjighter and belter suited to our wants j and from this tuay reasonably be in--ferred j more regn far; lesitiftiitte and-reinitnem-ti fl business to all concerned, than has hereto fore marked the course of business in San Fran cisco. The flurry of speculation has. passed ;or the over-trading reck less u ess that had marked the conduct of California undertaking, lins subsi ded; permanent and abiding intereats hare la kea the place of. hasty projects and enterprises ioreuormuos uui uitohui im, mm., regSrd tho general' result as highly liuieOciitl to our commercial cnmninnity, and fairly indicative of our steady cortain progress. Export af'qoltl froM $m Frw-Uso, ' vwKtk of January . lkX; pub ittwos. diiiing Ike j ! j ; 1 Ttf Now York - - 1.013 357 01 To London 240851 33 To Ntw Orleans 20.602 00 81 274,81 i 32 pr.n CAurottNi.t. 1 898ft 65U 2:11 ;JX7 30 490 - JAN. To New York To London To New Orleans 15. $1,230,412 CO Jt;- Vt .tt IStBKPKSDBXCB. ' ' To Now York s; - - - S41 120 00 i it n ?S Total - 2,666 87 32 P During the month of January, there were no shipments of Dust to any other ports than the above ports, and no shipments of Coin. THE TRADE OF THE UNITED STATES. , Dy the offlclaismtcibent tho value of arljcles aported from the United Saaks !a-t year amo'tmt oi to $517,617 130, ot which'fhefe were domestic products to the Value of $178,61(1655; domestic arold and silver. 818 143 103; foreign gold and sil- . ttiirmA?!- frnvlim vomla exnortetl. 9 788 -: Vioo- n iioiftii a ahovn of i17.- 1 Rt7lM ? 0 ' The Imports In the samn iieriod amounted to 0215,726,995, of which 81 9(i7 901 were in specie. &.wo doducttbe siecie from the eross nmount of lrattorts,iBd.Hai3q, the S9J 8o9b tor t m-ign i goods xpWted, there will remain $201 019,399. as tuo valne of Aueign goods iuipurt-l into nud consumed In the Country in the year 1861, against $178,646 655 of domestic 1 rodncts which wo ex ported In that year leaving a balance against its of $22,472 844, This is bud enough, yet it would j have been great deal worse, but for the advance . iq tho price' of raw cotton, which thus swelled the Value of out exports, and. reduced the balance against us, This, and the gold received from Cal ifornia, enabled us to meet the cost of our impor tationg, and but for these resources, the one iuei isntarand tho other new, how would the Idustri al and commercial Intorestj nf tho country liavo sustained themselves In" the cricis which they have to pass through at tho closo of the 'year 1 ;' And yef , In vl. w of these facts, that we ars fiegloctlng or refusing all protection or encourage Ijjienl to our own Indtistry and cimtribnting all touf resources to tho support of that of foreign countries. Congress Is idling its lime away, and thinks of nothing and will do nothing by a prop- i cr alteration of the tariff, to remedy ibis evil. .- it, Ball. Pat. . GR0CERIPS. '.-.';-V' just received: C fi HIlDS.or best retailing M.l isses 1 AF 60 bbls. fresh around Canal Hour j ,. 30, " ' Fuyeitevllle do , Super. X ana 2(J half bbl extra Cnnsl Flour; 1 Bales of Cotton Yarns slwai s on hand from the factory In Fayetteville. ai factory prices. : GEO. U KKLLET. ' March 20. I H & N O T copy. 2 SHINGLES. McRKE'.S Contract Shingles, now landing. For sale by DsROSSET & BRO AN. j . n. DOI.LN CP. O. POTTR, JK; i ... ...... fv f D1)LLNEK & rUlTCK, "-'r'SlS-i NEW YORK: J MSSSAk CASH ASVAS08S MASS OK All COKSiOH- MBtira. 431 ACRES PINE LAND, FOLtOALri near the Seaboard of Georgia, in the cs inly uf Glynn, and lying for several miles along the Brunswick and Alatahama Canal, (now la process of completion,; (he outlets of which be J lnf North on tho Alatahama River opposite Durten, 'and douth on Turtle rlvor at Brunswick, and with 'in s short dlstsnot of navigable water on Turtle River, a IHtle above Brunswick. These lands being In one bid, well tl noerod, nnd having great fuell .'ltios fir water sarriagu, make ihem desirable foi 'TURPENTINR or MILL TIMBKtt. If desired credit Wilt be given on a part of the purchase, upon ' i good security, ; Apply 10 either . !?' : 'v ' -- 8. Z. COLLINS. c ? DarisB, Fsb. 18, 1852K, tMarph 9,J , l2m-w. ; : March 13.' '. A CARD. . THE subscriber would notify his friends and ens loin ars. who have been in the habit of (hipping Produce through his nanus, to Ibeir friends in .New Vork, that he is still in that line uf business, and will nivc personal and prompt attention to ail con signments of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c., and as to a matter of Commissions for such service. If any tiling at all, it shair-Be made to conform to the views of shippers. : " ' ; The publication of this Card has been promp ted by learning' an effort has been mads with m a short time to take oat of my hands thi bu siness of a valued friend and shipper of several years standing, by offering to do his business fo less than I have bejn charging: him. JOHN C. LATTA. Wilmington, N. C, March 16 1352.' 155 lw! Daily Journal, Fayetteville Observer and Caro linian pltadc copy" one week and send bill to this office. . , . THE BlQOIfPII MACON MAGAZINE, I S edit d by a committee, consisting of three meroVrs chosen from each society. Thr editors for the next term are Messrs Sainuul Lander, Thos. C. IMiackslon, and John Williams, from the Frank lin L. is Of let y ; an! Messrs Charles H. Hall, John S. Jackson and Furoey G. Tooke, from the Wash ington u. Society. It will be published abont the ivsidd'e or each month, January and July excepted. Each number will contain 49 octavo paes. Terms. Two Dollars per annum, always in ad vance. !3?An extra copy will be furnished to every sending us ten new subscribers. March, 1&i2. 154 61 A. E. MOTT. TAEALF.R In KSmily Groceries and Provisions of UA .kinds: Tobacco, anun, ljotf,. Hollow ware, Willow Baskets, Mats, Brooms, Tin Ware, with a continued variety ofFurnishiug Articles In ills line, ill of which, he will sell al the ioHSJt prices current, and hopes, by strict attention to huskies? to merit a liberal sh;ire of public patron age. South Side of Market 8t., one do.r below Messrs. Wilkinson ifc fcler. Wilmington, If. C, March 12. 154. A VALUBLJJIOUSE AND LOT FUR SALE, rPHE iuibscribeMifijrsfor sale thni beautiful house JL and lot diuatod on front street, next door south ! of the M. FChurch. The Lot is 06, by 165 feet ; 1 the house is 30 by 49 feot, und has ur Rooms on the first and two on the second floor, with a fire 1 place in each room ; it has also a p;intry ami kitch en attached; n nero house and well cf first rule water in the yard, and an excellent (rordea. This nrniuriu ia virv vntimllf nnJ hwla T.iir tn Ha morn so, ultKsi witlt the wtiote 01 vvnniington property W,ich s bound to increase in value owing to the roitunt Imtuiaruiion to it and the internal im- nrovooients now in progress and in contemplation. Those who want to settle permanently in Wilming- ton and wish a pleasant f unity residence, would do well to e-iibriiee fhls opportunity of purchasing as hey may never expect to better themselves in u ph-asont iuuftiv 'farms, itne fourth of 1I10 purchase money viill Ihi ittjiiuU 10 11.i1; liio iuluiic in three eqn;il insliiliqenls ufsi, nine and twelve month-, with bonds and securities. P-Eociablo at flunk. Possession eiven the first .t October next. 1'or I'urtliur information information upply soon to , 4. A. B. SOU TH ALL, Agent For S. p. 1VEV. Wiiminston. March 11. 153-tf. I Weekly Journal nd G ildtboro' Republicnn and Patriot please copy till forbid. SILVER PLATED DESERT KNIVES. rLVKft bolstered Ivory handled Table and Des ert Knives, latest pattern nnd of superior quality fofsnlehy J. M. ROBlNiON. Mrch 16. -. 155 rosin sir iim:hs. JUST received a full supply of the best English Wire Cloth, of ull sizes. J. M. ROIMNSON. 155 March 16. WOOD'S IIAG&ERS AND PULLERS. COlt sile cheap at the Hnrdwaro Storn. i-1 J. M. ROBINSON, March 16. 155 CHARLESTON PREPARATORY M KDICAL HCIIOOI,. J THR ssssinn ol this Institution wi.l begin on the first Monday In April, and terminate on thu last Suturdxy in July. The f i!lerent Chairs will be oc cupied us follows : Anatomy and Physiology, by F.T. MILES, MD. Institutes and Practice of Medicine, by- D. J. CAIN, MD. . ' Materia Medicq and Therapeutics, by F. PEYRE PORCH KR, MD. , , I Ubstetrles arid piseiises of Women and Children, by K, BELIN FLUQ, MD. , The Chuir of Surgery hasbpen offered to a gen tleman now in Europe, who it is hoped will accept it. Should, he not do so, it will be filled before the lime appointed for opening the School. Clmicul Instruction will bo eiven at tho Marine Hospital nnd Alms House, by Drs. D. J. CAI!V, ond J. FORD PRIOLKAU. Doring tho session of the Medical College of the St. 4e of South-Ciirolin 1, members of tho Class w ill be r xiimined regularly on ;he lectures delivered in that institution ! The Stmlents will be shown cases among the pa ticnts uf the Teachers, and such as can be taken to , the lecturu rooin will there be exhibited to them and 1 explalnejl. j The iitpst distinguished Surgeons in the city have j promised, whenever ihey can do so conveniently, to perform operations before tho Class. I Doctors R. LEBBY and J. S. MITCHELL, who , have each a large obstetrical practice, will (as well as the teachers.) aive the Students access to all of their cutes'of this description, which they can with j propriety be allowed to visit In short ample opportunities will he afforded for acquiring practical, as well as theoretical knowledge of the profession. Her Mortuary Statlsti'.-s, prove thai Charleston possesses a sulubrity of climate en 1 joyed by very few cities in the world, and stran i gers are no longer deterred from visiting her in the j si inmer. Bo ird and Lodging can bt obtained from ; 91,50 to 15 a week. -;A 'V . Terms, fifty dollars, including examinations du ring the winter. - "V ,Jan. 2J2. . sow Al-132. ARMSTRONG & KAT0R, JOBBERS IN RIBBONS. MILLESERY, SILK GOODS, AND MANUFACTURERS AMD DEAL EM IN STRAW BONNETS &. HATS. NO. IT Baltimore Street, 6th door East or lilgUt Street, Ilaltlmote, M l. Offer American, English, and French Straw Bonnets, all qualities, by case or doien. Boys Huts, Straw Braids, Oirrps, 4c. Bonnet Ribbons, new styles and all qualities; Neck caps. Sash and plain Ribbons, Flowers, Cups, Bonnet Silks, Crapes, Net is, Scr. On usual tonus, at low prices. Feb. 24. 140 2w-c. DAILY EXPECTED. fifl CASKS LIMEj :UU 60 Bales Eastern Hay 1 - 60 bbla..Potatoes 60 " Apples tj . , Foi sale to arrive, i ;,. : ADAMS, Bao.A Co. i?if iit,i r ' . ' :" ' FOiirL'iLirrLPrjA: ' - HERONS LINE. xr.TIIK regular packet Schooners Julia, I. ftVanQiUitr, Master, and Chas. A. Orenler, mmV mK Peterson, Master, now loading, and will have dispatch. For freight or psssage apply to GEO. HARRJSS. March 19. ' - . . .-.i . , '-1..- FOR RICHMOND, VA. THE packet Schr. Isabella, Thompson, S. Uarson, H aster, wtJI have dltpalcn as aoovs. For freLht or nassaue snoly to .. GEO. HARRISS. March 13. . ; : - : f. FOR NEW YOJIK, REGULAR LIN'S. 3 THE regslar Packet Schr. Msry PowsIL SflTi James P. Powell, U aster, will have drs patch as above. For light freight or pass age, apply to v GKO. .HAKRlSS. Msrctt 18. I. FREIGHT OR CHARTER. THR A I Br. Brig Eliza Jenkins, Price, , master, 231 Tons. Copper fastened snd Coppered. Apply to March 11. 1S3. WM. MASOJf & SON REGULAR LIIE'dF BALTIMORE WILMINGTON PACKETS THE undersigned beg leave to inform fit& "le Shipping public, that they have &saUinade arraniements to .continue thei above Line of Packets, and run good vessels regu lany through the year, at lowest rates of freight. The Agents' wharf in Wilmington Is M a central part of the town, and immediately adjoining one of the Steamboat Company's wharf, therefor, making It desirable to those who have goods far up river. . Shippers will please direct their goods, shipped by -Mason's Line." . WM. MASON SON, Agents, No. 73, Smith's wharf, Baltimore. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co., Agents, Wilmington, Feb. 4 1852. ''. CANNON'S LINE OF BALTIMORE PACKETS. .JT. THE. subse'rihef intends runnings SfMregular wetkly line ofPaokets.lje. JrsaM ween .Wilmington snd Baltimore,, consisting of six A. I. fast sailing schooners, Corinthian, Susan, Cannon, Virginia Gnjilh, Palestine, Gazette, Q'o. W.Robinson. Persons purchasing goods in Baltimore and wish ing them forwarded without aluy, wilt please direct them shipped by this line. 1 Freights taken on this line at New Vork rates. ' .... JOHN W. CANNON, Agent, av 1 i .Baltimore, Md. J. & D. McRAE, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 25. 1352. i- 133-tf. MOLASSES JXf HHD3. primo quality Cuba, now landing Vt)W from brig Annawon, and for a le by J. HATHA WAY BON. March 1G. 155. THOSE MEL0DI0NS HAVE arrived, and are new exposed for sale, at the manufacturers prices, by the subscriber. Call and examine (hem. L. H. WRBB, London Buildings. March 10. 155-tf Orncs Wilmington &, Manohsstcs R. R. Co. Marion C. ty, t. C, Murth 9th, lS i. J 'PHK Stockholders of the Wilmington & Man 1 Chester Rail Road Company, are hereby noti fied, that (he thirteenth instalment of five dollars per share on their subscriptions is required to be paid, on or before the Ut day of April, 1852. By order Board of Directors, JOHN McRAE, Jr., Trcus. March 13. Week. Joer lm, Her. 4t 155 ADVANCES. I IBERAL Cash advances will be made, when ijrcqtlircd, on all goods consigned to our House in New York, and Cotton to their address forwar ded by us, will be attended to free uf forwarding Commission. We will also advance liberally on Cotton or oth er produce consigned (o Our friends in. Liverpool, to which por( we can furnish ship 100m for a fow hundred bales of Cotton, at low rales, by several vessels shortly expected. DsROSSET & BROWN. March 18. l-tf- ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. AT ihe March Term. 1852, of tho Cou nty Court cf New Hanover, letters of udministraiion on the estate of Thomas Hays, deceased, were grant ed to the subscrilftsr. AH persons Indebted to sals' estate are required to make im media e pat meet, snd all having claims against ihe same are desired to present them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of recovery. THOS : H. HOWEY, Admin. 1 March 18, 1832. l-2m. ' NEGROESTOR SALE. V7TCL be sold, nt Exchange Corner, on tho 8th V day of April next, one negro girl and child. on a credit of six mon'.hs. Purchaser giving Bond with approved security. THOS: II. HOWEY, Ad'mr. March 1. I0i 1. COMMISSION A XI) AGENCY BUSINESS J. 8 WillMliR anil JAMS W. WHITFIELD 1 t REFERENCES. P. K. DrcKiNsoit. Esq. O. G Parsliv, Eso. Messrs.Pi TTt A Kiddss, Messss. Ellis A .VI itch sll, March 14, 1062. G. R. Fa men, Esq. Thus. I.obiico, Es. Johk Dawson, Esq. SAMVKL BlIgV.Es 154. MEAL AND BACON. T the store of Whitaker & Whitfield at all times may be found fresh ground Corn Meal, white and fine. Bacon, Flour 1 next door to Wessell & Eilers. , Wilmington, March 13, 1862. 154. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. I OHl LARGE ;Slxs second hand Empty x spirits our., tor sate oy ! ' n.onvvE-p m. 1 BROWN. March 13. 154. THAT P0LSIH, HOW IT SHINES! u 10,000 BOXES SOLD WITHIN THE -TiAST 9 SvldNTIIS. AJ. WOODWARD returns his thanks to the public for Ihe unprecedented encouragement he has met with to the manufacture and sale of his celebrated Polish, and at the asms time wishes it understood that be always keeps a supply on hand fur wholesale or retail. Experience has proved that this' Polish is unsur passed for quickness In pnnlng a gloss on boots and shoes, snd also In preserving the leather. Persona wishing to oil their boots csn use this Polish with equal success Immediately afterwards 1 ine leaincr snomave ruooeu as soon as Is spoiled, before it dries. the Polish Tho Polish can be found at ths Drug Store of i. iuras, siarses 01 reel. ; , - - . . 4 Msrch 19. w. Journs! 3m.- : V, l-3n. .'n. Ai LOT of Fayetteviiie Superfine, Cross and Fine, use received 1 for s-ile bv JOaEi'il tt CLOSSOJI. I. 51 arch. JUST RECEIVED, ; PER Schr. E. S. Powell, from New York. 7C00 ja. Bacon Shoulders, a superior article, 30 boieaanJ 19 casks prime 30 bbls. mess Pork.r For sals by. JOHN U. LATTA. . MuchtV 151-61. ..iVl.-CCPmtNmHIP.UO.c:, T II E subscribers havs entered Into Copartner ship, under th ame and style of Scttoh, boeraMAVD ts Co., for the purpose of building or repairing sll kinds of Machinery, and carrying on a general Blacksmlthing, Iron and Brass Fouodry Business, tn lbs Iowa of Wilmington -weald be thankful for sny order In cither of the above bran ches of business from their Iowa or country friends, Mr. Sutton having recently returned from the north, where he has purchssed sa assortment of tools, which, in addition to those ws now have ill ena ble us to fill sll orders with despatch. Our charges shall compare favorably with those of any other establishment. , WM. SUTTON. V THOS. SOUTHMJtYD, CHAS. SODTHMAYD. Msrch 2. Jour, and Her. I week. 149 VEilY USEFUL MACHINES. THE subscrirjerr hats'beoo- spnolnied by the Manufacturer, to act-as Agents for: ths sale of Putnam's Patent Impwved Vice Jaw Saw Pilluc MsohJiiet. - - . ond sr- prcpsred io receiSe orders Jrom spy part of 1 the State - -. 'v. I These Machines ars eooable of perform! ni five ; times the amount ol work that can be done by hand, and in much better manner, produeing a perfectly Square aharp edge. A great saving in, saws, snd ef tVciually preventing them from fanning In the log, thereby saving treat loss of lime snd material. One of them ia full operation can be seen at "Cow. n Mill.." . POTTER & KIDDKR. Msrch, 2. - 149 6w TO PEDLARS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE subscriber has just received, per Jonas Smith, 100 dexen Ivory Combs, Assorted widths and sizes, which he offers for ssle at Manufacturers, prices. L.H. WF.BB. March 6. 151 London's Buildings. TO HIRE. Q NEGRO Boys j U 2 Women ; I Girl) Man 1 Apply to Feb. 12 JOflSfC. LATTA. 141. CARDENAS MOLASSES. 1IH03. heavy Ca denas Molasses, just arrived, and for sale, by 200 A1M.US, oRU. & Co. 29. 135. SPIRITS BARRELS. rjnrvSKCOND hand Spirits Bbls , largo sizs, UUvin prime order, fr salo by flfc I.A i l.Ur.H. 27. 131. Jan. BEEF HEARTS. 6 BARRELS just received, snd for sale by JOHN C. LATTA Marcli JL , , m. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, IHAT wshav on hand a largs assortment of . Teas, Imported by the Pekin, Company, very superior quality and at twenty-five per cent less than sold in any other store in Wilmington. For sale al the Fruit D.ipot. WILKINSON & E3LKK. March 11. 153. 4. WEASEL. B. B. lLEfiS. WESSEL & EILERS.1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Street, Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep at the above standi general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions ata wholesale snd to carry on s General Commission Business. BsreaxNca: E. P. Hall, Prcs't Jlr'ch Bank of the State. ) O. G. Pstsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. Wil P. K. Dickjnson, F..q. , Jf Poppe Co ?KewT0rk. DoHoer A. Potter. ) 'Jan. 20. 131. FARMEiiS AND GARDNERS. ITT" K have jusi received a supply of Kbksm. Gss V 1 t3 mid Craps $seds from Piiihdrlphia. AL&O, Several new patterns of Plows, Grain mills, Corn Shellers, Hay Cutters, itc. For sale by . McRAE qr, HARRISS. Feb. 26. M7. SMITH VI LLC MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. rpHR second session of this Institution will eoin 1 mence on Monday, the 16th of February, under the conjoint control of the Rev. James II. Brent, A. M.,anJ. VV-Murphy, A. M., of wag ex-peri, nca q teaching, in ihe Male Department! and 'Mis3 Sarah A. Brent, in the Female; Wo pass no eulo- ?;ies upon ihe qualifications of the Teachers, know, ng a discriminating public will judge for itself. Come and try. Monthly reports will be sent to the fiurontsand guardians of sll the pupils giving, scho arship, attendance, and deportment. Composition, Declama'ion and Conversion will bo most strictly attended to. The Teachers hold themselves responsible for (he morality of all those committed to their care. Board can be obtained with Mr. Brent for 15 or 20 pupils at 17, in other families at the same. Residents will be required to pay li.liior) month ly. Foreign, half of the tuition for. the session In sdvsnce. ' . . ' Tuition (s aa follows The classics for any clns In any College. 618 00 Second Class In the same, including highest branches of English scienco 15(H) English sIodp, 12 00 English Grammar and Geogrrphy, 10 00 For Beginners, 7 00 Reading and Culrogrophy, 5 00 Modern Languages snd ornamental branches ihe lowest prices. By order of the BoarJ. The weekly Herald and Journal, till forbid Jar. 24. ....... 138-lys PLANTING POTATOES. T?IFTV barrels dsily expected, by Mary PowelL and for ssle by JOHNC. LATTA, 153. March II. MEAL, MEAL. CV ill BuaUEI.3 fresh ground in store. snd V.7forsaUby. KLLIS A MITCHELL. March 1 1. 153-il. JUST IN Tip, Ptr Sckr.Jonat Smith, three Days from N. York. 41 x BBLS. Canal Flour 1 4,0 10 Firkins Extra Butters 3 Bbls. of Cider Vinegar. Lrw for cash at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. March 4. J. II. & N. C. T copy. HO. CORN! CORN II b..ic i mVfL 20 I 30D ?SH ELt? I'lifS 2& bjr I WMk,y ,ourn,l a-Wsbofo- J-airtot s.pi; VVt- ihLLl atlTCHEUj..,,. opy till forbid, t,.;,.-;.;:; ;;, - ,-. - ?; ; 7 ' ." ' vtvt'vr:?:s?..iLi ;.w w ' rr--"- - :-: : --:;m ' ' - ' : :.v AV ':C.4;:''-: ,v': :iV i?:, LOTTERIES, i.i. "ire, 5iJ 8 Pratt Street 1.4 u. , ' SJtOl.lftO. Mund.y. March 8th 135!. WAiiiuroM to. itn:.u 13 rs. 12 n,ita Ksl n Moo 4,000 7,400 6,300 .. I .751 6.751 1 . aw . 1 2,0-jO 2,000 1 l.MK) 10O 750 .75.000 , 20 tOJ , 20 150 - 3 0 -' 74 UO 126 75 . 9450 128 SO 126 30 3,730 3,780 IS 21436 8 157.463 60.4M Certificate of 25 Whole Tickets, , 25 Half. ? , " 25 Quarter 6170 00 .,60 00 30 00 Tickets S. Halves 4. Owsrters tt. 2Se.S06r r '' ' ' . - Tuesday, ilrcb 15. P52. , nBIs AIR LOITER Vrf 75 Nos -4t Drawn- Billots. IPriwcf., 16,000 1 Pnxe of 8.C00 2,345 100 I 216 63 63 s,tt - 230 c 80 40 6i 60 10 3,906 M V5 Ceruficats of 25 Whole Tickets, $74 Of' y .Half , , 3; 00 v . Quarter is - Tickets $5, Shares In proportion. 533,147. Saturday, March 20th, 1952. Gn$D CON SO LI DATED LOTTERY, ' - ' . Class Nino. 75 Nos. 11 Drawn Ballots. 1 Prize sf 135.000 I 1 Prize of 23 000 1 " ISX-OO 1 7,500 1 " 8,000 100 1,000 60 007 I 04 " 1U0 64 76 1 . 128 rt 6" 129 " 301 3130 " 31 22,176 ' 10 1 - -i Certificsie of 25 While Tickets, 1156 00 Hslf " v 78 00 " " Quarter ' 39 00 " " Eight " 9 50 Tickets .0, Shares In proportion. I T00.47O 50 Prizes of 1,000 -Monday, March 29th, 182. WASHINGTON CO. LOTTERY. Clast 18. 78 Nos.-13 Drawn Ballots. I Prize of $30,000 1 Prise of 2P.O0O I " 10,000 1 " 8.000 1 " 3,u00 1 " 2,870 50 ' 1,000 8J) 600 ISO " 200 65 " 100 65 " PO , 130 ". 60 130 " 40 4,680 ! 20 27,040 " l Certificate of 26 Whole Tickets, 6150 00 26 Half ; 76 00 26 Quarter " ,47 53 Tickets 10, Shares tn propsrllon. F.ITHKR OF THE FOREGOING SCHEMES Present a chance for OBTAINING A COMPETENCE roa a VERY SMALL OUTLAY. "There is a tide in the atJairs of men. which ta ken at ths flood, lead on to FORTUNE." E. N. CARB ft. CO., 139 Pratt Street. . Baltimore; Md. Feb. 24 ;.; 146. FOR SALE. C ft CASKS Rice, jusi from mill, by e.j Jan. 15. ADAMS, BRO. Co. 129. FRESH GROCERIES, 0 BARRELS Extra rurally Flour, fresh ground, SsJlOhlf " ' ' 20 bags best Lnguyrs Coffee, 6 bbls best refined 4ugaV -I dozen bottles Lime Juice, fresh. Low for cash at GEO. H KKLLBY'S. Murch 2. J H and N CTcopy.. , .149 LAND AND STILL AT AUCTION. n Tuesday ma iwarcn law at 11 o'ctoca at V Exchange corner, will bs sold. One Still and fixtures, capacity 23 Bbls, AH In complete running ordi( iOne, tract of Land, . .1 ft . . lrt . ' . . . ... F ovniaininir uooi yu 10 iou acres, wun a awe unit house snd other buildings on It. Also ths unex pired lease on seven seres of land. The above property Is at Joyners Depot, Edgecombe county. iv,t;., wnere persons con examine for themselves WEST A HEWLETT, Auc't. March 2. 149-10t. HAY HAY. BALES of superior May, dailv expected to OKJ arrive per Scbr. E. S. Powell, from New York. For sale oy GEO. HARRISS. March 2. NOTICE. ALL Freight directed for Charleston, S. C, or .Smlthville, N. C, must be si the Company's steam Packet wharf by 8 o'clock, A. M , or il will not be received. JAS. T. MILLER, Agt. March 6. I51-4t. FLOUR FLOUR. QZf BBLS. Ifuperfino Flour, best Virginia JOJ brsnds, daily expected per Brig, L. P. anow. r or sets sy . , u - U i J. Feb. 28. , ft, D. McRAE ft CO. LADIES' SEWING BIRDS THESE useful articles ars especially recom mended lo he notice of the IsadUt, tot whose particular use snd benefit they are intended. Some thing ol the kind has ever been needed 10 hold iheir needlework while sewing. Improvements are eon ' atantly being Introduced to les.-en ihe labor of men, but little or nothing has been done to alleviate. ib burden of the other sex t ihis'artlcle, however, will ! greathj reftevs whil'a it will facilitate their wor$t " j j They maybe had of ihe subscriber, at wbolesals or retail. On From afreet; a few doors below mar j ket ) where also may be found a supply of Uphols j tery Goods, Curtain Materials, Trimmings snd Or naments, elegsnt snd beautiful Pictures, Prints snd ; Oil Pslntings. Particular attention paid to Curtain Trimming snd hanging and the manufseture of Picture, Por trait, snd Looking Glaas Frames, In every variety of at) Is snd sise. L. H. WEBB, London Buildings. Wilmington, Feb. 26, 1852, 147-if. A. A. B. S0UTHALL. - C:IXECTOR AD GkKUlAL., AGENT, 1 WOULD here lake this opportunity 6f returning my thanks to my friends snd patron for ihe very liberal patronage I hav received at ihelr bands, durlnuhe time I have been collectlnc for them and hope by siriet stiention 10 business snd with a ! determination to pitase, sun 10 receive a continua tion of their confidence and support, as I intend lo devote my lime to ihst business. , -A. Refer 10 Messrs. Ellis dfc Mitchell, R. H. Granr, Esq , Geo. R, French. Esq., C. Jlyers, Esq , and Messrs. Potter 4 Kidder;' .''. ...:- .' j I will attend ths Vourts of ths adjoining Conn, lids whenever Indftceroenls is- offered.: My office will bs In the stors ut Messrs. Whitater snd. whit tled, st which place I will bs foUnd unless when ou', sttendlng 10 business. In my absence, any communication left with Messrs. Whitaker' d Whitfield, for me, will be handed 10 me. ; v - ' ' 1 I will attend, as usual, 10 the ssle of real esiste ntring serni. isniing noaaes or any other A I UULl'l VUON. ' Ey hit r.XZtl.tnry DaID ir,of GnttJierf tni iiUtlt f Nrth Orj,nJ. - VVhsssss, ihr. e fr.fh 1 He who: nsmhei t ! . . , M General AvcwUj, A AuI ,( "me,wl Constitution .... " KW!OWIR Ad T -Wmssia,, .Th. frrfhold qrslincwlo (imt Tt qnlred for ihe ehctors 1 -r nmN-m of the TWetore111 wa'ln"iUil prmrlpfe f Uiry, ring, that IIM seennd rlaua nf ikt. J . - first Artfcle of .heameMkd CMMnniMi tsrlfieS t, Ihe people of North Carotipa, ih atetod wy, ni. rspvrmoeft, Hid, Strlkfnf out ibn words "snd cawiJ . ( within tho same district of fcfiy seres of U io, . six mon hs next before snd si thsday of eWeiiaaj ,hit the suld e la use of said section ahsil rs4 as : U Bow 1 All free whit men of the sge of twenty V ra yssrs fescepiss U hereinafter' declared) h X base beeo Inhsbitsats of snyoos district within the Slats twelve months immediatelv srresdW ib dar of an election sod shall bare rld oeblieisxes. shall be entitled to vote for member of ths Senstt..'. ate. 2. Bt Ufurthtr tnacled. That the Govcr ' not of the Stslt be, and ho is hereby directed to is : soe his Proclsmst on to be people "I North Csro- tins, st least six months efore ths ncxicfeertonfer? members of ibe General Assembly, setiinr forth ih v' purport of this Act and t.S amendment to ths Con -silioiloa herein propoeod, which Proclumsiioit .. snail bo accompanied by a tree snd perfect sopy af.J' ins aci, SBtbeniicsifS) ty in roriif.cats of hsf aeetetsry uf State, and both lbs Prociamaiion and the copy of this Act. the Governor of tb Sfyte shall essss to be nublished In ell ths newsnsbers el this State, and posted In Ihe Court House of ft,i. tnonths before ths election of members to lbs next " , General Assembly. ' - - Resd throe times snd agreed to by three-fifths of JS tho whole number of members ol each Hon re- sprcllvelv. snd rstified la General Assemble: this'' lbs 24th day of January, 1951. . ,j .. V, vuupnv It. V. W. N.F.DWARDS.'S. t. 2 -:' ' StAti or Nosth Citaoitjii - , Oftes nf Secrilmrv of titaU &tuu 1 WittisM IIiiw Setretsrv ol Matrfla sod for tho Stale uf North Csmllnn. do here If reriiiy that t the foregoing 1 s true and perfect eppyefan Act ol ths General Assembly ef this Hmtr drawn eft from the original on file tn Hits ofire Gira ua der my hand, this Sift dar f Dm ml r, mi ' -V Ao Wnasist. llie'said Act r ' vi e- , t amen. ' ding ihe Constitution of the m f .Vnrs- CsroS Una s6 ss 10' center on every i -ir.t; fj ? d t -i for (ha House 61 Commons the riant i( votesiso (.r th Senate: ---A, - , .if Now, iherefore. to the mi. ihsf H mny ' n n HUVffR IIWI II till .imnglU lI ' l"Mli I iW MIKA ' - ta. it.i.flrtM aktt'l .....! 1.. thi A iKtt.ltf ..r 1 1 . k. .1.... if it.. .;. .,V,KA 1 whole renresematliMi 'In each ! nir-e of tli t r .1 Gem-rol Assembtf. lt will then i sn' rnniett to (Us , people for ratification. I have ivm t tti my piocia-' mation In conformity with tho proi.-ions f lbs bsfrre recited Act ' j In testimony whereof, Dsvto 8. iicio, Cover?; nor of the Slate of North 'Carolina, batb bereantiU V set his hand snd caused the Great Seal of said Slot' -to Hsffised.' Sfff?' V' 1 ii-,(f- nnna sat ill sTIlts AIT' Q sxlitaalk Ala sk ... W thirty first, day of December, in the iyear of our Lord, ton, .thousand drhi i S hundred and fifty one, snd li ihe 76th 3 " year of our Independence ; . ,,- , , r " By ihs Governor, DAVID S. RFID. Thomas Srrrts, Jr. PrUaU See'y. ;i !,-,-) Persons inia whose hands this ProelamatWnmay: all, will please see that a copy of It Is pored ua V at the Court House of their revrecttiife t'mnty.. .Jan. 10. ' , .;--- . A,127-l-ir ' Tft FARMERS AND PL1YeW. A Till? subscribers ss agents for ifn) Importer havs mad arrangements to keep constantly :.9tL hand a supply of best . ' - v ; Perusiaa Guano and Agrlentf oral Flsntfl'f' ff which they will sell In quantities to suit ss.crtcgp av they csn bs purchased is ttt northern titles, ad ding only lbs actual expense of getting ib. m nersv ".', J. dt D. McRAE 4k CO. . Feb. 28. 1 ' , - , ' ' 143. Fayetteville Observer srld Salisbury IVatckmsn '. IMS.) " ' SPIRITS CASKS. OIA LARGE sixe Spirit Casks, foresee by-'-4 ZUU , - . .4 5lARTLV,'r Feb. 14. 142. SNUFF SNUFF. T.i FRESH from the factory safUutcijfr, and ens) J Dill, snd Sum warranted canal to anv in. th. Onited blares., for sale'Tow, by ' 1 tf Wilkinson &. r.iLrrt. t Feb. 21. . ,.-.-: i ' ' i -n ii i.n , -i Ul . ... ' ' ' THAT TEA A LL qualities snd kinds, fresh iinp ' rird from ' (Oil s only rt. China., br ha Pekln Co. No l.u twenty-five percent less than suid io any otlw-r . slurs in Wilmington. Csll and tray paek iue and you wii find ihat)ilsexir.i( st rtie Fruit Depot,- VVlLMAOVn I' FebJ 21 NOTICE, .-s--- Orncs, rViLMiKSToa 4k Raisioh R. R. Co. " V itmxoToit, Vabi 28(h, XBoZ. t Jj;' ; V 13 hereby given ihuf from and after Istjaf Murch next, the P.iesenger train for Wt,fon, will ' ieav- eich day. regularly at 8 oVIocll Ai'V'i snd i ' 2 oMoik ). M.; , By ilw firsi or morning's train, passengers will only bs. taken up and put down at ihe tegular stations, ; . ' ' - -By order, - . , - JOUN NUTT. Ag'lk , Feb. 28. ' ffowti papers eopy.J , 143-fui., MEAL MEAL. ' FRESH supply of White Cora Met.), r)aa4 A. fine, constantly en band at the' v bk sksr o Whitfield, wholesale or KtSil, toll snd iry it, if yon wish iKd klenl. ,. WHITAKER A WBlTFIEf.D 1 . Fo.2Un -v t ?i 145. ... - ' ' "" ft. ' '.' . 'r ' -. a sivvs imn ... ' . iadll-liloJls K 1 PS BBLS. to strive. For ssle by- i. JJJ r J, oV D. McRAE CO. Feb 23. J113- POTATOES, POTATOES. Cft BBLS. Planting' PejutMe, alo;.50 bls.. Schr. Mary Powell, from New York.' For sale try i 15- JIST KCCLlVEDr IRESil snd good Figs, Prunes, Oranges, ttn one, Dales. Citron, Kaisins, AImond Fil ris, Walnuts, Braai) Nuts, Jujube l'sie, Roei utjy, dtc for sjo low, by r WILKINSON ck ESLEU ; ii, ' ' . . : ''if " '.. i A- 71 COFFEE & SUGAR. BAG Rloawd L?ni-s CotTesi , .thhd'-orim8-Po w 8s audi Orww Sugti,"ju' 'teufvCd'ttmf f'siel'r'feifl 'f ' J ' JIATfl A W A Is S ON. wg 'V W.: t. fit-: .' . -

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