THIS COMMERCIAL." WILMINGTON. N. 0. TUESDAY. MARCH Jf T r A TALE, 1 no FROM rot Tat cc ..wcuu sr -a Loaa cmic' COHIESPOHDEHT. .'V cirAiTEu u. " ; , c merchant urged on by ari unlucky cu, iosny, n m ventured out upon the point ol ' roclt: whenc llktt horikoiq pre seined H "lec4 4d!y inagi.ifir.enl nd ublima nppeH.ranc' bo,J. awful . precipicet, by which U wn --tJtirroun liil ttrniit.I un.! ii,. i,.L . . , v-u!l VI 1,0 I UAII ruuiuiiuv intruder to iu ttrmltnpyponk -'ii ' ' lne oNsvrt did you gel up . there V; in quired Victor, uniRifd at the rash, wild dais yingol the old tana: ' -t Ah fiiith ? becaoM ai L acended. Iran. - ported with the magnificence oflbeer.eno that waa bowling or my view, I did not -oee .coihgiler the difficulty ol a descent. ? 'VV weilla yourself slip; I will catch .vluch obliged; a person of my ago doe not clip but tumble.' ..-,, V'An, that is qnke' different, welT wait, Wd oKa BBOfient. .;( .V, ; , . , Thenhnving quickly traversed, th pnce that Intervene, Victor stretched himself down and clinging with all h might to the fis surespl trttj rock, reached owe hand to the merchant, ' ;s.,, L ... , , ' -ow, uJ he, let yourself go, I will no! wtn..roQeriftwi.lfy4u.. . 1 'That is jiot likely, murmured the old man, accepting bt the same time the invitation of hit Ubcfhtir. ' Wbii: the poor man was being congmtu hytb in the Vms of his daughter for hi mi-" nxulflus'esciip , Victor having descended, - etood by.jwrappcd in an exsiacy of twofold happiness, being itt tha presence of her whom tjs heart worshipped and adored 5 almost en weirded by the hulo formed by the rays cma ftl''g from herJovel'inBss. and passing thro the. prismatic medium of her pearly and joy. ou tears; and enjoying, besides, the luxury -ct those feelings' ai.d emotions that ever pro "'peed, (rorti the eonscinus'iess of having perfor med, a generous nobje and humane act. ' Sir, aaid the merchant, "you have saved my life j .twits in imminent danger j I have not smrda ll(Krmnlt o.Unnn. .... ... ------ ........ uiivvjuiuc iv l.wiivcjr yuu my gratelot feeUnjj. .. May 1 ask to- whom 1 am ao deeply obliged 1 ' 'To Victor da Carvel lei, modestly replied the young man. ' vThe particlt that adorned the name of our travetlet had a magic effect upon the msr I chant' or" ' " n't1 ' t , 'Sir.' continued he. 1 hope we shall see each other again. You are residing in the village, presume 7, 'Not immediately.' answered Victor. His dwelling was not indeed ia the villrtge. hut A litllfl nhnVA It iWh.n.i.. ..... .v.. 11 nappen to b9 passing by the hotel of the White: Horae. 1 J - - - - j w m will f f " J VI onanynccount, Mr. Auvray, of tfordeaux; that is my oame.' ;: . , Victor assented ttMhis kind and gratelul itivitation. and amiable smile in re- tqrn for the interest and partiality which the yodng girl testified for him, . . Two hoursafter, Victor de Carelles accL dentallv nassed bv thn hniAl kilt It dill riAt ,T' enter he pnlj glanced at the house ; the in terraj h,at Iwd elapsed aince their last inter view, heing e.hpf,. , Tl nj(t 4ny he felt icss scrupulous. The visits of the young man were, nt first somewhat angelic, but at last Ibey became long and frequent. Victor ardent! v loved the old merchant's dmtirhter , , . - and was equally, loved By. hergnorant of that rietfpicable, deluding art, called coquet- t ry, ne dI not conceal the aeniiraen.l that was g1o"wing within Jier bosom, nor atrive to repress its gushing emotions. ; ; , v At length the bathing season like all finite sublunary things terminutedtlie moment of V; separatioo arrived f yVictor,' said tha mer chant oner day f accept my (arewell saluta ' Won. 1My daughter and 1 leave for Barages ; iy winwrow , on are reiqruwg 14 ttordeaux 7 s, asked Vfctorhis face suffused with deep xity.:No : 1 have promised Liicilia to ; show her the capiul, besides, 1 have some ':, hoefneWof importance to transact there my- $lft, AYi are goinj to Pari.' " ,To Paris 1 T hitJX ym gimg there too. . Jf you Si1 mould - allow roe rio accompany you, you wpujd SHva me' the regrets of your absence.' i My dear Mr. d Corvelles, that would give me the' greatest pleasure t but all the post, horses arj engaged, aud haye been obliged to talu the only tvo "eats that were to be disposed of in the public eoach ' . How, unfortunate IK interrupted Victor. - Putif you should sacceed in proe'qrng -. the means of rejoining us, here Is my address. ; Yoo know, your presence will alwaya con ' tributa to my iappinesa.1 . ; v, Mr. Aovray aud. his daughter started off vest noialng. ' ; '' , . fViclor, ia consequence of his improvidence dsj DOkwuusmiiuing ins contrivance was ODiigeo 10 wait eigni oay oeioro ne could follow them.4 5 'K This interval nppcir 1 u an nge, and more than suffice J to caiivince him how deep c;.d ardent w h: jove. 'Oh I' (exclaimed ! ' 'jatimee to Jiir.WulQ of what a monopo lizing aud selfish nature is lovel How invip id aud oniiiieri'sting U every thing in the ab sence of its object V Tffbujd. Uiat the human heart bad not such tender susceptibilities 1 Would It had been either m vulnerable to the rude assaults of Cupid's wanton shufla. or that there had been such a constitutional arrangement made that it could never. be separated from the ohject of it delight V. -; ' , .Victor having arrived in Paris, . proceeded directly, himself, to leave his card nt the res ideuce of the old merchant, to Inform him of hi return and to prepare him for the visit he Intended t pay as soon as possiole ; after which his mind was more composed nnd tranquil; he returned to the hotel of the Four Naiiuus where he was first introduced to the reader. - !Sir,' said hi servant a gentlemen has been to see you' f 'His name?' inquired Victor. 'Faith, Sir, I do uot know, but he is one of your best frifiid.' 'One of my bwt friends." murmured Vic tor, astonished. Yes Sir.' t Well that will do. You may retire. 1 i wish u be alone.' The docile servant then opened the door and withdievv; and Victor weary and ex hausted from the fatigue of travelling, sunk earelcwly into an arm chair. But no had Ibeeii scarcely seated, when the door openrd f ft iid the seivunt entored; 'Sir,' said he. here he is. Who V 'The person tint was here this morning.' My best friend V 'Yes Sir,' 'Ah 1 introduce him.' Then the servant having stepped nside, the liitle old man, still covered with djstand perspiration entered. At his appearance Victor was disconcerted and involuntarily stood up. 'Mr. Benn ;' excluimcd he, and then feel back, greatly effected into hUchuir Mr. Benn, whose sudden and abrupt ai tearance has not permitted us up to this, to sketch his liksness or lo note the peculiari ties of his physiognomy, was a man already u thedecline of life ; liis extreme emaciation. which it ia said, is a powerful antidote against, and nn efficient medicine for the evils an l infirmities of old age, sufficed ol itself to pre serve htm in a state of health proportionate to bis years ? Hi forehead, formerly narrow and of limited surface like all those of vul gar capacities, had been worked so hard for some lime past in tho acquisition of proper ty, that it now included wiihiti its domain a great part of the occiput and parietal Two grey and bushy eyebrows suspended from his bald and withered cm tiki in, like a few briery bramble sprinkled with snow on the side of a barren ro:k, indicated that the wintry season of life had long since set in. In fine, the deep wrinkles of his face, void of expression n,nd character; the last sudsy mp' torn of approaching dissolution completely proved the decrepitude and imbecility ol the little old man. Notwithstanding, Mr. Benn P'eserved, interiorly under this worn, shrivell ed, corporeul envelope, a juvenile ardor that showed itself now and then in the rigor and vehemence of his wolionandin the fierceness and fire ol his look. The ardor, that men usually evince under the influence of each of their vnriousjpassions. appeared in Mr. Benn only when under the influence or that for money the lowest and meanest of all. With such propensities men go to great lengths; at first they treasure up in the chest; then they lend out hy the week, and should they have bumps of covetousnres, they rob. Mr. Benn did not go so far as that; be was afraid; but he devotud himself, with so modi ardor and ability, to usury, that, in a few years he accumulated a very consider able capital. Victor was not the last to experience the costly compliance of our usurer, and the latter, encouraged by the respectability of Victor's family nnd th wealth of the noto rious uncle of Burgoyne, did not deem it prudent to reject a business in which the improvidence of the borrower left him an unlimited range. Ho thus lent him to the amount of more than thirty thousand f'rnnr. gut as the young man was continu ing lo have recourse, without scruple, to the fatal purse, Mr. Benn began to feel uneasy, and finally refused tt comply with his reck less demands. Victor returned no more, and it was the usurer that had to go to him ; Vic tor begged time ; it was granted, but never theless he was tumble to liquidate the debt Mr. Benn became menacing. -.' ' "7 Mr. de Corvelles soon perceived that the content was not equal I he therefore felj buck ijnd it was then he commenced thai long retreat which we have een accomplished thro' Europe in general and, at Barge in particular. 'JUNIU3." ( 7b be continued.) THB subscriber having, at ths las terra of th County Court, of New Hanover Oonntr. taken oat letters of Administration on Hi Et' of Su san Swain, all peraone Indebted ta eaiit P.i.n. re hereby notified to maks payments 1 nd persona them wiihiath Urn prescribed bylaw, Vf rthi io. niTinf ciim agamer me saio batate, to present l . rtM r01ry s , OKO, . jrilENCH, Adm'r. '' - J . ' '111 1 . iti-ini. t GUAN0i C:::i0!! - T'0:, Peruvian, daily Cipected. For lUU sals in lots ia suit. . . ALSO, "i . .; .' 100 BbU. Ground Planer for Airlcolmnl parpo ses. Fur si Is by J. & D. MctUK & CO. U3. Feb. J3. '? EXECUTOR'S SALE, j , fVi Wednesday ths 3ln day of March. 1853. lbs Vundersigned as th Execulor ol lbs last Will of ins uis JttMpa A. Sinias, will expose 10 sals oy publie auction, st Kxchans Corner, io th Town of Wilmington, ten share of the Capital luek of ins Wilmington sad Ualelgh lull Koad Lonipany, and one or more negro livc-a credit tf sis months will b allowed and th purchr will bs required o enter lmo bonds or nuies with cimkI sod o (Relent seearliy, negotiable and payable st one of the Banks of VVUmlngton, to secure ths payment of their respective purvhaaes. - CUAttLKS D, KLClJf, Executor. March, 9. ' 152-lOt. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. THR undersigned at th March Term 1832 of the Court of Pleas and qiiaiter Session of the coun ty of New Hanover, duly qualified as the Kxecutor. of the last Will snd Testament of the laie Joseph A. Slnliis and notice U hereby given to all persons to bring their accounts and demands of every kind and denomination against his testator to the under signed within Ihe lime prescribed by law. or this notice wiU bs pleaded in bar of their recovery. CHARLES D. ELLlS, March S. talV! WILMINGTON MUSIC ROOM, PIAKOSI flAMOSU THIS day receiving, by the brig Curollne, two more of those splendid Piano, warraoted in every respect. Airs. It,. vYhuakur Hue oow made ar runitemente to as to keep conmanlly on hand from 4 to 6. Any person wiohiiig to purchase would do well to cull and examine her stock, as she is deter mined to sell a low as the t una quality of Piano can'be bought nt the North, expenses added j any pe.ton buyiog Pianos from her may rest assured that it wiU be ia every respect whut she represent it to be carefully packed, so thul it will go safe 10 any pan of the State. New Music for Piano and Guitar, also, Guitar Strings constantly on hand. Be sure 10 call at Mra. H. Wliltoker's Music Room. oppottiie ihe Episcopal Church, where at all times may be found a vfell selected aneortinent of Pianos, ranging in price Iroin I'O to S450. H..WHITAKRR. Wilmiugton, March 4. 160-if COPARTNERSHIP. IHR Subscribers huve this day entered into Co partnership, for the transaction of s General Agency & Commission Business; under the style of GILLESPIE, RO I'HWKLL A McAtSLAN. All orJ.trs promptly attended to, and liberal caeh advance made on eonajgnnventv G. S. GILLESPIE A. B. BOTH WELL, JOHN McAUsLAN. Jan. 22. 132. CIPE FEAR STEAM BOAT LINE. 1HK Steamer HATHA M willleave Wilminston onfuesday'sand Friday's I Vi o'cIjcK instead ol i o'clock, as theretofore T. C. WO.tTH, Agen. 13i4w. March 6th. 1352. NORTH CAROLINA MANUFACTURES BATTLV St SON are still Manufacturing, st the Rocky Mount VI ill., about 3U0.000 lbs. Cotton Yarn, per annum (equal to tlie best Georgia Yarns,) wnicn tney win deliver to Merchants tree or ex.iu tNew Vork piles. Orders oddrewd to BATTLE t SON, Rocky Mount, N. C, will re ceive prompt attention. Feb. 12. 141-ly. MATCHES MATCIIES. rrf GROSS with and without sulpher. For sale JVflowby WILKINSON & ESLER. , Feb. 26. . 147. MACKEREL. A FEW barrels and half barrels No. 1 snn 2 for sale by J. H, FLANNER. March 6. 151 No. 26 North Wster St. NOTICE-NOTICE. WE are appointed Agents for the Pekin Tea Company of New York and have on hand a lar?e assortment of Teas of different kinds, put up in quarter half and one lb. packages.. Tens of this company' are hnporlei f m Ihe most celebrated pans of China and will be found superior to sny ever brought to this place and at twenty-five per cent less. Every package war- rantea 10 give pertcct snttnl iei'on. W1LKIXSON dt ESLER. Jan. ' NTO.T. 135. DAILY EXPECTED BY SCUR. WAKE. KA BOXES family Soapj wU Foreale by JOHN C. LATTA. Feb. 12. 141. SPLENDID PIANO. rpHE subscriber his received, and offers for sale X a Pianq for whiah the maker received a medal. ouhe late Maryland Instute Fair, and Invites those lo want of a auperlor article to ca.l snd examine it, ai ms vvarenouso on trooi at reel. J. D. LOVE. Jan. 31. BUCKWHEAT. 1 00 l'")XB; Kl,ra Dew nulled Buckwheat, just v reieivea ana lor sate oy GEO. MYERS. Oct. 16, 91. BILLS OF ECJI 1NUB AT REDUCED PRICES. TJLANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, on fine u paper and or a very hmdsome Impresoton. for ...... nm vminKr;w oouna in BOOKS 0 vsrlous size, snd In sheets. Oct. 18. 92, CORN. A Handsoms article of white corn In stors Snd .V aV for sale by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. 139. Feb. 7. NOTICE) OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned hsving this day purchased the entire Interest of Mr. O. G. Pah.lsv, In ihe Point Peter Sloam Saw Mill, tuva formed a cnpuri. nershlp tor ths purpose of msnufacturlng Steam Sawed Lun)ber. WaSTWOBTM W. Psucs, WiUIAM NSILSOM. . , PEIRCE 4. NEILSON. Jn- ' 126-lye WINDOW AFRESH supply.jnst reeelved st the Harden JCI... f Lt limn . ..... Deo. 20. 118. i HAY. - 75 BALES snrMrlar irtlrl v.. n VFotmIsl b . . , Hi't.tta rvonti"" itUf-S rifpTv spirit rinnr:! 1 cf LAltOS Sle,jut received and for sale 10U by ELLIS, UUSaiKLL & CO. June 2d. ' , r DISSOLUTION. rpHR Coparinerslilp heret.ifor eitming between JL the undersigned, under ihe nsme snd style o. Samcil Bssav A Son, was this day dissolved by mutual content. . - . - All business of ths I.Ks firm will bs settled by B. W. Beery, at Commercial Mills. ' SAMUEL BEERY, B. W. BEERY. Wilmington, Fsb. 17. :- Ths undersigned hss pureha-e. ths entire Inter, stof Samuel Bcfry In the Steam Saw Mill, Ship Yard and Marin Railway, oppoeii lown, known Commercial Mill anJ Shin Yanl. , He will con tinue ths business a Heretofore, and will endeavor so to conduct li, asto merit continutnce f the same liberal patronage extended to the late firm. Arrangements have been made for an unusually large number of hands In the Ship Yard. There is a Blacksmith Shop and Rigging l.olt on tha prem ises, snd no pains will be spared to give emks est afaclion in all case. BENJAMIN W. BEERY. "Wilmington, Feb. 17. ' . KOt'K IRUKK MILL THE undersigned has pnrchased of a W. Bia av, his interest in the Plantation, with Grist Mill thereon, situated nn the Newbern Road, about 1 mile from town, and formerly known as ihe Eden Mill and Plantation, but more recently, and now as Ro'-k Creek Mill, snd Plantation. Us wiU continue the business ss formerly. II has now 2 sett of stone running wnh bolting cloths, Ac; He will receive soon from New Yerk steam engine" U r.un In this MUi.-iherehy In suring to ths citizens of Wilmington st all times a constant silpply of good Meal and Hominy. He contemplates havinz a store In town for the sale of his Meat and Hominy. A future advertise ment will inform the citizens .when nnch arrange ment fs made. SAMUEL' BEERY. Wilmington, Fsb. If. 143. REDUCED FAKE. THROUGH TICKETS B 'TWEE.H WlLliM N. C. l.D B1LTI110&B FARE 13. VIA. WELDON, PETERSBURG, RICHMOND AND WASHING-ON CITY, OR VIA WRLD0X, PORTSMOUl'H AND NORFOLK Fir PiiidU uuply at ihoOFP.CB oftlte W1L MIVGTOtf ml ttVLKIGil RVIL ROAD COM P.VNY-t Wlf.MlVOrOM, oratihe OFFICE the B tLrillOAK STKAvl PACKET COMPA NY, andol the liALTl.l')RK and OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Platt Stmit, Baltimbi Jan. 1, 1351. 123-tf. Town and Fayettevllle papers will please copy. DEEDS FOR SALE. X7'aranteeDoeds, and Deeds forMorteaemnlaml V V just printed, in correct formand foraulcal th Commercial OJflct. 12,009 ACRES OF TURPESriSE LAND FOR SALE. rtxtli? t? ... f n ii . t iniioKuiuiioiucui, oner lorjntav sale the Twelve Thousand Acres, ol Lan4r known as the Bayard tracf, lying on the St. John's River, immediately opposite I'icolala, in East Florida. The above tract is peculiarly udapted to the Turpentine business, being covered with a thick growth of pine, and having a River front of more Itian live miles. It is now' no longer a matter of doubt that Turpen tine can be profitably made in this section of count ry, as there are already s number of persons largely and successfully enjaged in the business. The steamboatr io and from Savannah, stop regu larly ai Picolata. Person desirous of purchasing, can obtain any further information by rddressing J. H. M. CLINCH, Kx'r. Jeffersonton, Camden co , Ga., Dec. 6, 1850 UGtf. PORK AND BEEF. Xf BBLs. Me-is Pork, city Inspected OKJ20-' prime Beef i 9 " s do. Forsaleby ANDERSON & LATIMER. Dec. D. i 13. SUNDRIES. GLUE for Distiller use, gojd quality j Soap, Candles. Cut .Vails, Tobacco, prime quality, for sale by ANDERSON & LATIMER. Dec. 9. H4. CASKS prime .quality, fresh irom the Mill, 0J for sale by ANDERSON d LATIMER. Dec. 9. H3. HAMS, HAMS. 6 TIERCES prime Canvassed Hams; 4 hhds. do. do. For sale very low by ANDERSON 4 LATIMER. Dec. 9. U3. GRINDSTONES. )1 rj PIECEl, all size superior quality, just l I received, and for sale by ADAMS, BRP &CO. Jan. q 126. COMMON AND FINE. TOBACCO, just received a larze lot, for sale, by WILKINSON A ESLEft. J"n 27. ' ' 134 PINE OIL AND CAMPIIM:. TTAV1NG become satisfied that Pine Oil snd ' .xuainpnine cannot ue iurnfHed at the present rate, we lee! nunm-lln,! irt ndvnnna th nrl... . fifty eenti per gallon from this dale. M i0. J. GILBERT? Nov. 107- PERFUMERY & FANCY ARTICLES. A LARGE lot of Lubln, Pivers snJ ttoussels Perfumery, Soaps, Shivlng Creams, PomiH turns, Ac. Also, Tooih, Nail, Hair, lesti and Oloih Brmhe, Rowland's Mucassar Oil, Bears Oil. Rose HalrOlt. snd a nriie rJ .11 . - . v.iiwi UIIIWIOS IUO numerous to mention. Forsaloat the Dma and Chemist Store of c. DoPRR. ; Market tJtrcet. qct. 2!). 95, MILL SAWS THE subscriber has the pleasure of Informing Miller s engaged In sawlnv pitch pine, that he has succeeded in setting up the ben Saw for that purpose that has ssnr vat Ko. n na,,aa.i .. . he know. All saws warrsntednoMo oplli in tha ""; m. v'rt Hardware Stors, Wilmington, N. c! Oct, 16. H. J. copy, 9i, CORNICE AND CURTAIN BANDS. Ar uij. assoriment, ror sale, ai Ihe Hardware Btor. J. ii. RrtmrvjriM Ha a " . . Or. J .nn. I .... ' Oct. JUST ARnivrn ' t 150 BBLS. New GnfaiiM Plnni!: Jy ADAMS, BROTHER CO. w ... IKi.S. KfV NOTICE. ; ALL persons are hereby forwsrned:not to trust orharooreny of the crew of Br. Brig Kltzs Jeukins, a no debt contracted by thsui will be paid by Captain or Consignee. ADAJto, BROTHER. &, CO, March 11. . r 153 3i, CIGARS! CIUARSII 1 t ttL NOsEGAY Regalia Cigars . iUVUW 6.000 fry maver Regalia ' 1.500 La Sultarw Havana Cigars; 2,000 La Anedj Havsns Cigar. A fsw hol es of choice chewing Tobacco, and fine assort ment of Cigar coses and Tobacco wallets. For sste by c DvPRti. Druggist and Chemist. , Oct. 25. ; ; - . . 95. NOTICE EXTRA TO ECONOMISTS. rPHii large double store on Front street having JL: been newly refitted and replenished with a choice stock, of Family Groceries, enables the Sub scriber lo compel with sny one in the market, for cheapness, variety snd quality. A call is earnestly solicited to those who wihh to economise ia pur chasing Giocerlea.. An advantage can be had of ten per cent in these items, and warrsnted to bs of the very beat qualiry. At the Family Grocery, Front street. GEO. MYERS. Nov. 8. 101 NOTICE. BR. VICE CfjNSULA TE, " WitiinfoToK, N. C. May 15, 1851. AFTER this date, consignee of British Vessels, will be required lo band In ihe amount 'of In ward nnd outward Invoices, and pay all fees at the time the register ia delivered to th Muster, when cleared at Custom Ileuse. GEO. W.DAVIS, " tt. Vice Consul. May 15. 2ii-tf. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," A t THE Wilmington saddle. Harness, and Truuk Manufactory. I 'TMIK subscriber respectfully inform the public 1 I fkt k.. K .a aa..Ai.,.i -.i.lC.l . ..' a. iiiui Ml- mis ivwitur IbtVI.DU UUillllUW IO III slot k of saddlo and Harness Mournings, &c, the lutesiand most improved stylo, and is lonsianly manufiicturins, at his store on market street, every description ol articlein the above line. From hi experience in i lie business he feels confident tha't he will be able to uive entire satisfaction to nil who inuy fuvor him with a call. He has now on hand. and willconstatitl keep a lame assortment of Coney, dig and SuCtcy Harness, Lady's Saddbs, Bridles, Witps, dc, Gtntlemen's Stddkt, Whips, feriall ofwhlcli Jbcst m iteri hnsalno I Valises, Sartdl hichhe will warrant to be of rh,e terlalsand workniansliip. He larce assortment of Trunk. Saddle and Carpet J la r. Satchels l'"ancv Trunks. &c . and ull other articles usually kept in such establishments, all of which he offer. low tor UA on, or on short Cdlt to prompt custo mere. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, cdical Bag,&cKC. made to order. . Inaddltion tothe above the subscriber alwayc serp on nona n large supply or string leather and has now. and willkep through theseason a good assonmeniot a ly rvuiis. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods whether in want or not. as I take oleasure iimhw. inir my aisortnient to all who may fuvor me with a can. Harness nnd CoachTrimmlngs sold at afair price Anna... a I... uln r. . . ..... n ..T. . ... 1 Also, Whirs si wholesale. Mlklndsof Riding Vchliles bought and sold on commissions. jutlK ). CUULKY. .sn. 8 1S52. 3 CARD PRINTING W 7 K remind the punlic that tlieTatt nt Card Press ii is l.i ) eration st the oflieeof 7 As Commercial. and that Cards will he printed In superior style, and at reduced prices. Blink Cards, ready for priniing, always on hand, f all sizes, from 22 by 20 to 1 by 2 incnes. IZ3-lf. SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerlu conducted lu Guv C. Ihlchki rPHE publicare hereby informed, that I have been X appuin cd agent for the sale of Window Sash, Klillds and Doors. mniiiifartiirnd liv thn New tin. ven Co., and am prepared lo fill allorders in the above lino. The quality of the work of the New' Haven IO. is wen known in Uils murks, liuiklei s and al, persons tn want of the uboVs articles, are requested in oeuu in tuoir oruerp, ana iney win ne promptly uiivw . iiiui. iii.uiiuui. vusu uiritvrry. wm a nwvpn (eteral Agent Commission and FoTvcarding Mer- ciani. April 18. IS FREUI IMPORTATIONS. McRAE d. HARRISS have just received 53 Oil, nf r"r., lir, ... I l.uan,,! .l. Charleston, which make :lelr stock complete end - mem in i-irmpuin wini anr i(ii;rj,ona the United States, both as to variety and price. iiov. iq, i op BUNG fF the best make, and assorted sties to spi, for saie ov i ne uarrei. or anv at sninv not ia i inn five hundred, by JOSEPH U. BLOSSOM. Jan.3U. 135-tf. NOTICE. PHE subscribers having purchased tho entire X Interest In the Cape Fear S. S. Mill, would hereby request all persons having claims against old Mill, previous to the st July 1851, to present them for payment, and those Indebted io ssid Mill to c II at the Office and ett their accounts previous to the 1st of September, or they will be undor the painful necessity of piscina- them in the hands of an Officer for collection. ELLIS ox RUSSELL. August 2, 1851. 95-tf. EJMPTY BABELS. QCif IN Rrlme order, just landed end for sale OUUby ADAMS, BROTHER. CO. Pel- a- BS DISTILLERS OP TURPENTINE. I HAVE reduced the price of my SPIRIT BAR RELS to I 60 delivered st any plsce in Wil mington. After' s'ristmns they will be extrs size. Persons wishing can jontrsct by the year on these terms. H OOP IRON for sale at 165 per ton. 1 A. MORGAN. Wilmington. Nov. 1 1th, 1661. . lU2-lmo..lrl-ly.w. YELLOW PLANTING POTATOES. 1 OA BHLB. per Ira Brewster. For slv by 1" MILKS COSTIN.f Feb. 17. 1. "adamantine candles. OOBOXEa. primodjuallty for sale hy i? A. MARTIN. Fsb. 12. , m. FAYKTTEVILLE FLOUR. UBBLS. Superfine hd fin for tafe by L , 1 A-MARTIN. :-vi--:;DISC0UNTN0TES. BLANK NOTES for discount ut fhs'srversl banks In this pine, and handsoms edllloA just primed of note embracing all th snk. for ssls at th Offlo pt 7 CVmawreisi. 0t U. V ' M. " TUEjXtJiira CAIiUIJ.VA ntilTAh life maim mmi . 1ULE1GH, N. C. : THEabovt Company ha been in operation IDi tb lsiol April, tS4d, undci the dirteUuf lB following OfLccis.vli: : lr. Unas. E. Johnson, rresiaeni, . Wm.jj. Hurwood, Vict Prtsidmi, Jam, a K.Joidun, Secretary, -. . ... Win. H. Jonts1 reesurti, -Pen in Buebee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E Johnson, i ,il,.jlf . . r. w,. h, McKee, " rt'Ji -Dr. tt. B.Haywood. S Ctmu,tut,' ru.,... CHI.... j This Company has received charier glviai sdvantawe io ihe Irsured over any other ComV pany. The 6th Section gives th HnrbaOd ths privilege to Insure hi nr. Tnw .k. ...i. ...a ..i li. wue and ChiWrenir from any claim of ths rep-' reecntative of tho husband or an nf hta ,.iii. era. t . . . Organized on enrrlv uri n.rtki. .1. nr. nv-niher psrt cipaieln the .vholkj the profit. Which arc dnrlnn4 nn,,.,u. u.ij. n cant ror ule, when theannual premium Is ovr x3d may pay on hnlfio a Note. yKM -i -V ; All clalmsfor Insiimn.o. -.. be paid within ninety days afier proof of Jh death itf in. mtb I. r..Hl.l.. a . S.jvesare Insured for one or five' year, it rate which will enablenllSlaveholdersto secure this clsa of property against the Uncertainty of life. J i V Slave Insurance presents a new and intereailng fenttire In ihe histoiy of North Carolina, which wi,l Drove ver V imnnrnni in tK e.... i ... 1 he last four months operation of this Company sboffss very hrge amount ol bulne mere' than theDfrectorsexpertedtodo th first yea-hiving slrrsdy issued more than 200 Policies. ' au Uvumunlcatlons on business of the Company; should be acdresscd to ;JAS. Fi JORDAN, elMh,Aprll, .V-'ffi. WILMINGTON "- RilRBLE AND STONE, YARD.,; IHE Subscriber having urcepted the sg ncy of several large establishments at the Noitb, which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finn-hi d or nnfinishik, foielgnand domestic MARBLE of alt quaHihis I prepared to fill all orders ft ' i ' MOM IIMI2N IS AND TOMB HTOWFJ, and every other article in the Hn of the business at ressonabka rates. S:Kr,,if;r:,:Vi.'ir ESPLlyRlNQ, I.ETTERINO OR CARVIKG, ; F.ecuicd as well as can bs done sithtr. North or South. - " Tho best cf refcrsmce bs gtveni i rrqiitrrd. , ' JAS. McCLARaVaN. Jnn, 6. - ; . r BACON AND LARD. 2300 T i ' a , t . ib prime N. ( Bseon hog round bl. 1 Lard for sal hv. , . " A MARtlN. , FH2 s..- V,v ML OATS. ' ,W Afir) BAGS, 2 bushels eacV mommily eiipce Wvyted from Baltimore. For tale, by , , MILKS COSTI!'. Feb. 17. H3. CORN. Q finn BUSHELS momently expectrd v-rvv.v irom Hyde County. For sale, by MILKS COS1 IN. Feb. 17. U3. NEW CROP MOLASSES. 900 lillDS- I'rtmc new tJrop Cuba Moles 'vv;vses just received per brig K. lluydsn from Ciba. For sale, by ., ' 1. HATHAWAY 4 SON. Jan, 31. 133. BRANDY, , AFEWbbls.QldNash'Bran'dv. For sale by r r ' X'll.FtANNER, No. 25, North Water Street. Jan. 22. 131 lillVi AND FREsB; Q OrC LHS. Candy all qualities! -V -wjUUU 6,000 lbs. Nuts Fresh and good t 9R UntM sinnrtsir I.t.anAti -j sale low by WILKINSON dc ESLER. Feb. 26. -flvi -W7.. SEGARS, 1 0BACC0 AND SISUFF. ( F all Qualities and prices, at th Frill ( Drpot of U1 ' WILKINSON & ESLKR. t'k "VT I - . ..... , .., .- 147. GLUE. QK BBLS Extra English, lor ele, by ADAMS, liKO. 4- Co. 117. Dec 19. SXUFF. 1 O HALF BBLS Outciilts, lust received. Tor I Z sale by ADAMS, UltOTHKR dt (.O. ' Dec. 6. ' -:' lit. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR, 1 A bbLH. Fayettevillu Flour, for sale by Ihi a. MARTIN. Dec. 3. III. TOBACCO OABOXES prime Greenville Toberro, for rule -CUby A.MARTIN, Dec. 3. H. V COFFEE. V QpAGSprlmeHloCoflls j . 1 X) 10 " " Lngulra do.'for family ore, for sale by ANDERSpN LATIMER. Uec. 8. - ' 113. GROCERIES. . pOFFKP. Sugar. Pork,. Flotir, ' Lard, Uuiter VCheese and Candles just received, for ssle ly, I. A II1AMAI WmWi.. Sep. 30. 84, WRITING PAPER . , A FEW Reams suprrlnr Fist Cap psper, for sals d v st tit ccmmsrcio. umee. Oc. IB. -1 ORANGES, ORANGES - 4 t ,V AJU by W1LKERSON A ESLER. Jan. 29. . ' ., ,W? WHISKEY. BBLS. momently expected from Ftnltlmor.,, 31 For ssls. by J. MILES COSTI N t,,. Feb. 17.' ; ' .:V4tivvMfc.X Arrival and Departure of th Half at thl . Tha Mall from the North Isdus every "day at 9 1. M .and t P. M. Closes at quarter befors , M , and ai 9 P. M. raielsai-V. H The mall from th Sduih, by steamer from Cbsr-t lestoh. Sfrlves dolly aboo' 8, A M.- - Close at Jl Th mall from Onslew Conrf Hons,- Snd Ferry 4e.. V da sVsrv Monday at 6 P; M.i Clo. . , es evsry Thiirsdsv st 9 P. M'- :'-'-".'V' --r- Thsmsll from Long Creek, Jllsrk Rlfer. ChspeL dte Is da evfry Thursday at P. M..vand tlosea. . jam night t tP. M.i;r ...v.trj. v and Prospect Hall, .,' du vrry fuecdsy Thursday and Sstnrdsy at 9 A. M.. Closes ssm ralai sWa.ll fksvSM Mialfff M I lis Vstlai CIIsa.l.alW T -I i dav st oonrter bernr ID Ai . !.. J i ! ClyAn n,",r" Pkg will be msde npforLettrtf'- puuiH wnicn win c sipi ppeniinrll7 A.M.. All other Letters' cr b th Office f lb hours aheva nasnal m ik. m'lll ui b msllcd aatil tn inctHdipi ma

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