T T I) 11 (III! 1 i i - ii X PUELIiLTD TKMYEERLY, EV THOMAS LOSING. VOL 7 NO. .10. WILMINGTON. N.'.C. THURSDAY; MORNING. APRIL 8. 1852. WHOLE KO. 929 &V-t ,.;. iii. . 71 MM? ii ilLUll ' i ; , iii 1 i JP'S)J ,'lf3 TUMVEEKLV COMMERCIAL. Published et ery ff Tmubsb at oa Sat 0av, at 5 00 per annum, payable in llccs In " adYaW" ::,Yy : : TT HON AS liOBt M C. f. "i-." Editor and I'roprletur. ;. ' ' ' ; cotNEa or rnoMT Ana ujibkkt tk8t, ,.-, : - K BATES iW A1XVERTXSIXG. qtl i Insertion; o,80 I nr. 2 monthi, 64,00 I " J " S,00 I 6 ' , 8,00 I M I year, ,2,00 T Unet or leaf make a aquaro. an advertise naanl exceeds ten lines, the price will be in sropor. ' All adrartltements are payable al the time Of thelf. insertion'.' , . -1 , - , Coniracts with yeirly advortlsers, will be made on, the most liberal terms. ( - No transfer of contracts' for yearly aJvenlalng wiU be permitted. fShoald elrcumatances renddr a chiaje In business, om aneuoeted removal neces ary, orge according to the publtshod terms will beat the opt! jn of the contractor, Tor the time he has advertised. ' " . f . TT pjjvileje of Annual Advertisers Is strictly I nlto((le their own Immediate baalness t and all ad vertisements fol the benefit of other persons, as welj as all advertisements not tmmeillately connect! witi (heir own business, and all excess of advertise, moots lenzth or otherwlj. beyond the limits cn laljlrlll be cjtargod at the osual raws. t-' " If q i vortJiwout Is Included In the contract Tot ; the le or rent of iiotwes or lands Iti to wn orcoun ttf, oir iiif fh sale or hire of nesWoa, whother the property, Is owned by the advertiser tor by other liorsons, Theso are exciuaea y ine wrn mau ietJiilm,;.f,rL':'1jv:j..!'J' . The nnnoancoraent of raarriagos or deaths wl) be considered news, and Inserted froo of charge butalladlitlanal matter,, beyond tho siinple an- mnncomont of the death of the person, will fo charged on tho same terms as advertisements. All advertisements Inserted In (he tri-weekly Com m;?fi, areentltlc4 to one Insertion In the"F&ie reVoreHarge ; OO, CAK.0 and PANCV PltlNTI.Xa, executed ln,snprlOtVylethXf ?r'C "'i; :'S-S ICEXWiFOa THE CaHMERCIAL. NKW VQlKt Messrs: Baowjti DaaossiT. HfJHTOXt Fasrfsjca KjleDaa. Ksq. V, B. Palmes. BUSINESS CARDS. 1 & D.McRIP&Cq, General CommbsjoD Iflerchants, WlLMtNdTON N. C. Iai tloalar attention paid to procuring freights and ptirchaslug cargoes tor vessels, onw MAcas, oomaud m acbab, pits w. k. oix. AagastiiaSl. , ' JTOSEPil RrBWSOM. Ccitnl Coaiilssioii and Forwarding merchant. lfronapt personal ' attention given to Couslgn- ,-:ts 'ifi ntsnt tor sale or SUlpuaeitt, AxiUbtmleathwltianou made qn Conign.mtrUt ' -. ms or to y Nta Yorkfritndt. Wilmington,. Jsn.30. 1852. 135-tf - T, C. WORTH : Comnlssion and Forwarding MERCHANT, WILMlJrGTO.V, S, C Feb. 143.12 m. yjLLUM a: gvvyer, 'AGENT, FORWARDING ; ittd "Comihlsslon ; Merchant. I'TllCa pleasure In iorormlnginy friends, that ! am prepared to give all business entrusted to me effluent and personal attention, 1 have a wharf for tfavdl Stores, with ample accomnwdutlons. Spirit, 110000, and Warehouse,. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment and sll kinds of coun iry produce Soltoit4 CaaUadvanccamado on con 'stgnments. : " f: ,!' AprlU8 1851. -7 15 "'-S.WGEOMYERS, ;WiiwUsaIe and; Retail Grocer, fefei-'Kiar" CQMSTASTtT OK MAUD lfIiM,i TW, Llquon, ProoUion, Wood and Wilt ' Urn Watt; Fruit; .CoiyftethHatUt, f. Aft f-. a- - sovYH'raoMT stawT, W1LLI15I 31. IIARRISS, jDWtlSN pRCUANT STRICT attention given 'to procuring Prelghti and purtfhKlnj Cargoes for vessels. fBaiscsr,.;.:;.:..j.,.; ; . , D. O. Parsiev, K,i , j Pol: John 'jfoRtte' -'V. wimngt'n. N.'C Tleasrs.'Daaley X. Sunttngton, ) Itfeaars. James Corner A Sons, Baltimore. 1 ' J K, A. Sender A Go.i Philadelphia. IPwn & Hunter, t Ya. : r : pntsoury santroM, " : v: Hnhlfnv A, Tufts. Boston ,u J. d 01 Ppilco.b; Keuhebank, Me ' vr it.k Tori '-, - ' i B2-y vni f tnj wvnA; i T ltl 1 H ri A ID I V I, t ' CO )f MISSION MERCif.l TS. J, tt AT A WAT. Jftfci-fri J. Ii. . pet. IS JWUVV''-'Xi-; 'nADBOCRSr & hooper,X ; fitmd Coniraission: merchants, July 19, 18H r..7r; . r?; . ii BUSINESS CARDS. ,:i'GEO;i'MRlSS;!-; Generate Cbiamfesidn Mrehalttt, :.um Mivnt'nv T r. STRICT attention given to ptocuring freight a nd purchasing Cargoesfor vessels. ' v K. P. H.U, Esq., . . -: ; i;: 0. 0. Parsley. Ksq.. - , J.A.Taykr,fc.!', . i Wilmington. j. D.Bellamy, Ksq.,' ' 1 V I Messrs'. Ballard A auntlnglon, I y f r t Meaers.Toolicr, Smyth kOo,t K -i . M Thompson Hunter, iTTOT'1 AlcxT. Herron, Jr.; PbUadclphla, . S " ':f ANDERSON & LATIMER, POMMISSION MERCHANTS ;t cnrvlin irnftflfrM i Sep.n.iSSiv 82-ly-c. ALFRED MARTIN. A tJO'HONEER) COMMISSION MERCHANT, GENERALAGENT. 8!tf. JOSEPH II. FL INNER, General CoaiaiissioD ttereliaBt v lVILMIXGtOSf t'ir. c. Oot.9ih,)3f. , ' ' 8My-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALB AND RETAIL DEALER IN. SHIP ClJANDLtiRY, Sll 1 1 STORES CORN r a STREETS WILMINGTON, N. Dec.Tth 185 DEROSSET k BROWN. WILMINGTOXj N. BROWN Si, DEROSSET. c. NKW YORK. OB SB RAICQ mUSSIOtfMBJiiWANTS. MsrchlT 1862. t-y. GEO. II. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nextdoof to 4. 4. rt'aqoef Si on PJorth tVster st will attend to the sale ofali kinds of Countrv Pro, dues, suuh ar Corn, Peas, Meal, Bacon, Lard, Ac., and will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries, Ac. References. WlllesHall.of Wayne, John.UcRae, Wilmington VT. Caraway, Gen, AU.. McRae; " E. P. H ill, Wilmington, Wiley A. Walkpr, M Dec. 13. 185?. 115-ly. TflOS. F. GAUSE. Ciaalssloii iTcrcUnt & Auctioneer, , Office in Hall's upper bulldlug, North Water Street, Where he will bs happy to attend to all orders in either brunch of hia business. WUintngton, N. C. Pec. 23, 1SSI. 119-tf. ADAfttS, BROTHER & Co. (Late Harry, Bryant & Adams.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON.'Nl C. ' ' Jan.l, 1852. 12T CORNELIUS DuPRE. WHOLE 8AL8 ANO RBTAL DEALEB3 lit Drugs, MedlcTne: phenftcars; - miiktsi' Oil, ' De Stutls, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Llijitors, fancy Articles, Ac., MARKKT STREET, WILMINGTON-, N. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by esperl tnced persons. ' ' 1 ' ' ' Inarch 28; 1852,. J. C. LATTAi COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND CfENliRAL AGENT, ' ' WILMINGTON, N .C. Oct. I 1851. 87 MILE C0ST1N, CO M MI S 9 1 0 N M ERG HAN T WILMINGTON, N. C. Krr.n to K. P. Hail, Esq., Pres't Branch Stale 1 Bank, I ThOs. H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank I Wllmlng- CttpeFear, 1 r toa, N;C. 0. G. Parsley, Esq., Pros'! Comflter. 1 ' 1 clalBank," k V Dec; 19. 1851 118-tf., - - 1 i ' -j , : -i WILKINSON & ESLER; oitfettlonary , FWlt, ?T tits, Toys.Pancy Ar- tlcies, I'erinmery. wonacco- segnrs, c, ' . MA8CET. 6tRET, " , , , WILMINGtON.N.C; . Nov30 1851. , 1 ' ! v - Jd-tf McRAE& IIlRRiSl , IMPQRT$$9 Air WHOLESALE AND fn- RETAIL DEALERS IN? CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE,, ...... , ..AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, West side Front street, between Market and , . . . t-, I Dockiatjroets. WIX MINQ TON, N. C. . October a, 1851. 85. j. wgBsci.: n. b. EiLcns. AYESSEL & EILERS, Coajnssion MiiacniANTS ani)whole. SeLf GROQEaS, North Water Street, 'Wfl mlnfton, C.,' Intend to keep 'Sl-lho .above stand a general assortment of Groceries', Liquors, and Provisions at 'wholojnle and to cat; on a GetiMal Gortrtnlssion Business, j , ' , 's. x. . '..tavisawcni :: 4. K. P.Hall, Pres't Br"ch Bank of the State.) 1 0. G, Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. vWll P. K. Dickinson, KH.:.,a, ..:-3 Hv poppa Co. . w 1 &.rU:&X. V: Doiiner rotter.-, 1 4; BUSINESS CARDS. m PORTRAIT PAINTING; MASSALON, Portrait Painter, would respect .fully Infonn the citizens of Wilmington and the fUrnrandiog country, that he has permanently loca ted himself in this place, and will be happy to re- ceivt ins patronage ol any ladies or gentlemen wno may wish to procure faithful likenesses of them selves orauy member of their family, tie flatters himself, from his long experience in the an, that he will be enabled to give eiUsloction. His room is in the basement story of Mr. H. tt. Nixon's Dwelling tsense, oppemtn ine Jail, rvtlitjioglun, W. V. i . Aprils, 185L ' t-ly. . x ELLIS, RUSSELL ii Co. i GENERAL COMMISSiO-. MERCHANT WiLiUlnuTUM, a. v. COAS. 0. BLtIB, BSUST P. SCSSBU, JOS. 0. BOSSBLL, Jan.25 1851. -...A, 'K-:W 133. JOHN STRUTUERS & SON'S MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD, . No. 36Q HIGH STREET, " ' " PHILADELPHIA; , Marble Mantels, MnmiU, "Tm6s and Grave Stones contlallyon hand. Every description of ORNAMENTAL WQRK ANIj STAT&ARY Executed and Imported, Orders for public or pri vate Buildinas executed with promptness and due- patch.', v 1 tj"( v'V-V: ::; s: t''T .' j V:'V ' i' : N. B. Designs will be sent for Mantels, Monu ments and Grays Stones, and all work shipped in sured from breakage when required. SI ORB GALLAGHER. , IltON FOUNDERS, AND MANTJPACTURER3 OF WROUGHT &CA8T IRON RAILINGS RIDGE ROAD & COATES ST. PJHILAto&MHIA. . All orders sttenfled' to with promptness and des oatchWdrV warranted. Oct. a " i . . or. I. . COMMISSION AND AGENCY BUSINESS j. t mmm nmny. whitfield REFERENCES P. K. Drcsrissou. Eso. G. R. PastipH, Eso, 0. 0. Pabslbv, K. Messrs. Pottis A Kipdsb, Messes. Ellis A Mitchbll, March 14, m2. Thos. Loaiso, Esq. Johw Dawson, E.g.. Samuel Bbesv.Eso. f 154. IJ. DOLLNER. O. POTTBR, JH. DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MEW YORK.: LISSSAL CASH ABVAHCS1 JIADB OX ALL OOnSaOB- MBBTS. -' Biarchla, 155-Iyp SOUP DIGESTERS. AN lmvatuablo article, to the epicure, dlspeptic, or even poor man. . , "It nukes Soop what is Soop" J. M. ROBINSON. August 28. , -0. FLOUR. Canal Flour, for sale by J. HATHAWAY A SON. 77. gQBBLS Sept. 13. COOPERAGE. THB subscriber is now prepared to make or re pair Water casks of any Size, for the use of ves sels, on the lowest torn)3; also, the citizens can have any article in the line of Coopering made or repaired with dispatch. A. dlUUUAN. Wilmington, Feb. 18.59. 14M2n.p. CONSULATE OF HAVTI, ? Bi Commercial Wharf, Boston, 5th March, 1851. V THE undesigned gives notiee, that in accor dance with a law D.isjed at Port au Prince, on the 24th December last, vessels arriving in Hayti frorri the' U. 'States on or' after the 16th April next, must be provided with Duplicate Maniiests ol their cargoes, certified oy a consular Agent oi nay tl. If there shall have been one at the port of load. Ins, otherwise the documents may te verrified be fore an' driest ' (duly anthortzed to - administer an oath) of the Stato or United States Government. D. Kj. 1L.AltA.. May 8 23-tl. SHIPPING ARTICLES. A HANDSOME edition of Shipping Articles. jnL just printed and for silo at Int Commercial equal to any as yet imporiea from New f)rHn for s Ream or more will be filled st a cost of 10 ro 20 percent, cheapor than they are in New Nov. 10, 1851. 102tf SAIL MAKING. THE Subscriber having located himself in the town of Wilmington, for the purpose of carry lag on the Sail making business, would respectful ly inform the Merchants and . Masters of vesaels, that he Is prepsred to operate, and feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may emp16y him. He respectfully solicits a ahars ofpublle'pitronJge toft, No- 24 North Watefr Street, over Mr. i. H FlanneVs Counting House, Lord's Wharf.' .. . v . V ,. SAMUEL TURNER. Jen; 13. ' :-: ip GROCERIES. . A A RAGS prime Bio Coffee t J 10 V Ugolra do.,w , , , 7hhd. P. R. Sugar i , -40 bofes and 13 casks prim Cheese : 21 barrelf Mess Pork j . i,.'.,-.".,. 100 barrels Sup. Flmrr, sssoi ted brands j 15 kegs Goshen Bolter t 10 boxes B'i) Tobacco 20J Soapl '-"'" -.' I hhds. Bacon, Sides and Hem i 30 boxes Raisins i 20 barrels Lamp Oil f- ' " ' ' For sale by . , J. HATHAWAY & SON. Nov. 20. .;;. . ; -, 106. PORR AND HABIS. QA BBLS. Mess Pork f .'. H ! ... OU Id casks superior Qanvased Hams t . . . Daily expected from tfaiitm ire and tor sale ty . ... . t. . , J.-sV D. MoRAB A Co, Oct. 28. 96. 1TPQ ni? pwr?niv SiB B SJk VJI .1 M UUIUUl ( DATES of Freight on the Wilmington and Ral- IV sigh Ralr Rood, and on thoCompany'i Boats to Charleston, revised ana corrected December, 1850 1 just printed and for sale at the office of Th Comwurctai, at 25 cents pet copy. C uLS, Superior, far sale low by - ' Mitoi w i ' Aii , fe A. AU RTIN. 1 TO.v :.lTLY exDeeted 300 Hbds. new roD ill Mol net, csrgv of Brig John Dawson, from Cuba, frsalebv - -;.v ' ; r !f MILKS C03Tlfl, Brown's wuorves, Feb. 17. .... ; Mi. 4XES SOUTHERN MANUFACTURE. JCd T nieeived direct from Manufacturers a few dosen f Archer ft Co's." very superhr Axes. Jhese ax a obtained j the premium at the Mo fsfi in OwMwi are of btot oua(y. For sale b j mfloxroitt tt udder; Nov.' 15, ' ' : v- "-J " 104; BACOV. ALQT of superior North Carolina Bacon, just received per lUi Road., For sale, by J. H. FLANKER. No. 25 North-Water Sticet. Ho. Feb. 10. BRICK BRICK. 300 3.L. in HARD burnt brick, for sale, by J. A D. McRAK it Co. ,.. 140... Fcb:'o. SOOTH CAR0L1M I lMUAMirtI)1nM, j OP CHARLESTON. S. C. ' ! CHARTERED by the State of Kouth Corolina wilh a CuDitsI of S350.000 . all Daid in and will Invested FlilK, MARINE, RIVER AND LIFE iiisics ' v' '"-' .' 'f CHAS. EDMONSTON, Pres.t. A. L. Tobias. S c'y. DIRECTORS : Rossst Mastim, Col. Jambs Gaosdi!i, M. C. Mospscai, ChaL U. Wbt, S. MowBVt Jr. Hsss? Cobia. The subKribera having been appointed agents In this Vdce for the sbovo named company, are pre pare to receive offers and Issue policies of Iniur ane on Fire, Marine, Rlyer and Life Risks, on iibe J terms. All losses ineurred at this ivil i v piuiiipu aujuaiea ami pain ny me unuer . . I .. - l : i . . j . ' ' sigi d . DaROSET BROWN. N. B. Rinks will be tsken ot th,e IJves qf slaves uiiin mow nuorni terms. i Wilmington, N.C. Deo, 2, 1851, 110. CARDENAS MOLASSES. Cf BBLS Cardenas Molasses, of Superior tWquality, now landing from Brig Portland, far sale Dy ADAMS, BROTHER A Co. Dec. 20. i - , Ha. FRESO BOSTON CRACKERS, JUST received, 25 tin canisters Bent's Bostli Crackers i 100 do. Underwood's Pickles. Fo. sale, low, by HOWARD St PEdEN. Nov. 20. - 100. n vtri 25$ BARRELS American j 20 " snnerior Rmrllsh s Jnst recielved, and for'strte; by ' ADAMS, BROTHER & Co., Augusts, 90. Another scientific wonder. D$. 8. IIOlTGTON'S GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURERI The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth' stomsch of the ' Ox, after directions of Baron Lleblg, the great Physiological Chemist, by J.S.Houghton, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. This Is a great Natural Remedy for Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, curing al)or Nature's Own Method, by Nature's own Agent, the Gastric Jalc'e. Pepsin is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent, of the Food, the Purifying, Prtttrving, end Stimulating Agent of the Stom-.icli and Intestines. Ills extrictca from the Digestive Stomnoh of the Ox, thus forming an Art!gcFlDlgehre Fluid, precisely like the- aetunl Gastric Juice, in Its Chemical powers, and furnish ing M complete and perlect substitute for It. By the aid of mis preparation, tne pains snd evils of in. digestion and Dyspepsia are removed just as they would be by a.healthy Stomach. It Is doing wondors for Dyspeptics, curing esses of debility, emaciation, nervous decline snd Dyspeptio coauroptiroB'lsoJJ' posed lo be on tha verge of the grave The' Scien tific Evidence upon which It Is based, is lor the highest degree curious and remarkable. ' -t Baron Leieblg, In hlo celebrated work on Animal Chemieiry.saysi "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous to the Gastric Juice, may be prepared from themUcous membrane' of tho stomach of the Ox, in Which various ankles of food; as asest and eggs, wll be oofUned, thonged, and digttted, jutt in the tame manner U they vould be U iheunail ttovtaeh, Half s teaspoonfnt or pure rsrein, intuaed or ais olved in water; will digest or dissolve A. Pounde '' Rocut 8&f in about tieohourt out of the Stom ach. " i Dr. Hoaehten's Pepsin. Is sold by nearly all tho dealers in fine drags and Popular Medicine, through out the United States. It Is prepared in powder, and In Fluid farmland In Prescnptloa vials for the oseof PWcioan.f; " J ;.' r - - . i i ' Private Circulars, for the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr Houghton or his Agents',' descri bing the whole' process of preparation and giving the authorities upon which the claims of this new remedy are based. As It Is not a seersl remedv, no objection can be raised against its gae by Physicians in renpoctable standing and regular practice. Price in Fluid form, One Dollar per bottle. pepsin' irr vQxynm. Sent tot Mail, Free of 1 Pesidfce. For convenience 'of sending to all pans of the country, the Digestive mstter of (he Pepsin, Is pat up in the form of Powdor, with directions to be die aolved in water by the patient. These Powders eoa tain just the ssmo matter aa the bottles, and will bo tent by mail, free of postage, for one dollar sent (pnst paid) to Dr. J: S. Houghton, M. D.,Philadel phla, Pa; :'wh-rX; .?..(. - t ,.v .y Observe this ! Every bottle of the genuine PepSh bears the' -written signature of J. S. Hoagh ton, M. D j sole Proprietor, Philadelphia, pa. - , tSotd by all Dragglau and Deaiera la ltsdi. eioes. "' ' . - i r ' gold, wholesale aaeT retail, by A. C. RTANS A BROTHK&t w. h. uir-ri rr a io., ana , 20 PRE, Wilmington, HT( p. EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. OAA SECOND-HIrM 'Spirits rTitrelB, large svVVeiwltl'gbtfdordeY; far safe by," "V . ' DaltOSSKT A BROWN. 7. f SUNDRIES, ; ;; TVSTrecelved-rUpWgs Codes, Rio, Legnyra, ISt Domingo, Java, and Mocha 29 bags sweet plcsd chocolate f lObhds. P. R. Sasyiri 100 bbls. double refined lo if, crushed, powderedsnd grsonla led 8agari 200 boxes Candles, sllkladasnd grades 2? do: Jed's patent do., 4s Bo and 6a, In fcoe bos es, 5 lbs. emchf 100 bbls. WhUHey i Ixixm CWesr; 200 pseksges new Rabins 200,000 (4 stars, at Bat. tinrara prices 1 100 boss On) Chewint Totweeoi A ltlOOO new two bushel Gnnny Bass. For sale at TAe isvaal prices, by HOWARD FED EN. Nov. 2D. ; .v:f,;COFFEfc' 100 RAGS extra Rio, for sale, by ADAMS, BROTHER A Co., August 6 COFFEE. p. unug piu vuiico. r ur .01. dt ; j v : 5 WW 4- HATUAnflT A SON. sept. 11 . : ,: n. BILLS OF LADING &c; y ?OLIO POST BILLS OK LADING bound Ja. .In books.sad shocts.aloo Letter 8heeiwfili evanetyorinercantllebianks,Iorsawat Tito Com- mental ufftc. , , dv . FISH-FISH. 1 Q BBLS. of extra Mulleta and Trooi, In Perk lBWs at GEO. H. KELLKY'M. Feb 17. J. H. N. C. T. copy., , 143 TOBACCO. O C PACKAGES of good Chewing Tobacco, for 4U sale low. Hi n J . 11,'FLANNER ' March 6. 151 No. 25 North Water St. SPIRIT MRRELr 1 (Y AFFLECK'S superior Spirit JJarrels, for 1 AJ stile by , C. LATTA. Mu 0 loo CO,PARTNERSBIP. THE subscribers hsvertilrftftrjP formed a co-part nershlp under the style of MctUs 4 Hasbiss, snd have taken the new granite froas atore, latey. erected by Uupt. G. Putter, on Front between' Mar kei and Dock sireeis, whfcfs they will olwajrs keep a compjons wholesale and retail stock of " CROCKERY AND FARMING IMPLE- 4 ' ME NTS. ,m'f M ".'-. lo which they Invite the attention of merchants and others. ' "i "u ... ... - Being IMPORTERS, wsfcel confident we can eell articles In oaf line On aa favorable terms, and Of as food quality, as cant be purchased In the Unitetf States. ALEX. McRAE, Jr. N. T. HARR1SS. U -.w , NOTICE. ?.;. B'..vt'' THE. subscriber haying formed a co-partnership with Mr. N. T. HAss'ss.ls desirous of closing np his old business, and begs leave lo orgs upon those indebted to him the necessity of a prompt settlement of. their bills. Hast the same time tendera his thanks to his former customers for their Kind patronage, and solicits a continuance of the same to tnc new nrm. ... ALEX. McRAE, Jr. October 2. 1851. A M , M- RROTltERS LIftR. rpHE Btesmer Brothers and Tow Boats, Steven- x sen and David L$tms are prepared to forward with Dssr atch, all goods consigned to the Propri. etor. 'V The Steamer Brothers Is of iron obabomt. snd well suited to run it low teater. She possesses new r, and epetl and is addtnffobly sefspjed io lowing, Bud CU( uccuillllioujm auvHi u iaenf(era. Tho Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval sto.es to towing, and will also attend to the con fon and convenience of Posssn gers. From his long einerteneo as Agent ta : Wil mington of the several Sieam Boat Companies, he thinks hocan giyeisfactlpn. ' " ' To' HevchaiitB in the interior lis would say,' that all Goods shipped br him, will be delivered to their Agents In Fayeticvllle. Ills Agent la Wllrnlogton It DAVID BANKS, (o whom sll communications mar be addresaed, as aecnt of the Steamer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. ' May 15: " lUt.' ' j,- Salisbury Watchman, OrMnaborof Pstriot, Payetteville Observer, end Carolinian, and' Ashboro Herald, please copy 4 weeks, and send bills) to this office. . . ', NOTICE A f.L Freight dlrecfVd Or tliarleston, 8. or X Smithvillo, N. C, must be st lbs Cumpaoy's steam Packet wharf by 8 o'clock, A. ST. or it will not be received. JAS. T. MILLER, AgV March-Cy ,:. ..' -1 fMi- A A- B. SO II ALL, at COIXECTOR ASD GbEKAL,AQIlST? 1 WOULD here lake ihlropooripnity of returning my thanks to my Jrtewd snd "patron for the very Uberal patronage I Bars reeeivsd at their' hands, during the time I hsvs been collecting for them and hope by strict attention to business and with a determination to please, still to receive a contiana lion of their confidence and support, as I InUad lo devote my time to that business f u.ti ,,v .. ,, Refer to Messrs. Ellis A Mitchell, R, a.'. Grsnr. Est)., Gso. R. French, Esq., C. Myers, Eso, , snd Messrs. Potter 4 Kidder,r ti .;.,i t4 '1 Will attend thffvourts of the adjoining Conn, ties whenever inducements is offered. II y office will be In the store of Messrs. Whitsker and ' Walt, fled, at which place I will be found" anlesa whea out, attending w business. In jny, absence, any communication left with Messrs, Whltakcr'4 Whit field, for me, win be handed to Bf.;i I will attend, as uauul, to the salt of real estste hiring servants; renting hottses or any ojher biislaess in wlich an acilvsi agent-hf wawed.1 ..i ' ' A. 'A. B.'SOiri'HALL. , Weekly Journal, copy till forbid. Feb, 19. g awieas4 saaisa UVIUIUVIV .TslUMM tz. '.I ;:,;,. ,, , CARDENAS; MOUSSES, OAA HHDS. heavy Cardenas KulaSses, just arrived, and for sle by i - fw , ; ADAMS, BRO. A Co, ' Jon. 79. v::,,,,;1y,;;.:, l35.:.' ' niY HAY.' Zf BALES of superior HaydallV ei peeled M 0JJ arrive per Bcur. K. st. rowan, from New York. For sals y Mareyi-vv,, V GEO. HAKRISS. 1 - AN ANECDOTE. : V tl . The inbabttnou of a small town to C!.! refe rrpentft' frnl in a great stato of trtiiA,' ment, f iho ai.ri6uncrrof nt that Kowoth. " wouJJ fmss Ihrooh their village at a eertaiajs" hoof, Aeeordingl every rerson thafeooll walk, mart, woman au4 cbiiJ, was &( the de ' -pot at the eXpecleJ roo'.Denr.- prejareJ to giro wurrn welcome to the nation's gaeat ' It so hnppeneJ that ErMuulh tint not arrivt In that train of can. bot a returned Ca lifer Blan waa there, who ; priilrd bimsell' n tLhtniflrrtit niooslaclio anil a lieary grow ib of bluck whiskers, anJ sported ft Kossutli IwAt and plomcf. Upocf aednf f lis) parade he eVppad Jbnh, oport th WSatxtSy Ja tte ' treat amnstme nl of y :f!low fnsuntt and ra rreeftrrcT with three time ihrca -hearty cheers I Heraised ftwliat and ftlurooV and bowing gmeefiilly i t&a nwemllesl r foorpaov, remnrked thaC,lrr in I' faat wboft in delicata health fer! 'f not be nolo lo nddriti them at any bot thanked tlieni moat sincerely for ieir si inpotfi with "down trodden" UaiAtit bihI amid dcofenlnp; hvrraht ! tef rtrtied to bw ' "' eeat in the ear. tTbe eondaetor gae th siinml tho train moved on god was soon oof of lieorinjr. Tile Jiilmbftanf of that VHJad f will undoubteiHy go la e their rravri fat iLi firm conviction of Lavinc-'strtj 'and Csteimd . (9 fJangnry' great patriot X7tf fontfamaJ UOBBERY AND. DEATH A' HfiAUT ; '-. READING CXI ifV wornner ociiuo una an inaucsi i i tho body of Gore Clark, lorou'rl of L. ,t ' imf,' out lau oi tiuwMviiie.f unntoo eonniy, lnx$ who was found d ad in hie bed at Farmt,'a Hotel on Saloidiiy mom in? Iaf. Tbs es a U one of the moat gfllictms one it hat cr r . betn oor dotr i6f record. Ev letter' fo-jJ in pose ession of the deceased, it n p pears t :At -he preceded his th'fjr to this cou(ry,1nt bri der to find cmplovtucnt and secure a bonnet . ' ? Thio bad been done, and he had laid; tr rooner enough, wljh; what hia wifex'toald. -raiaa in 'EnWand, to brio j hik family Jn.-M , . The ntait affecting lettera froia hi wife wr r'$ , 1 J found upon hi person,turfiri 4m td r " H preparatMna) at her tettHii , ta d'cl... , . and alie should nof be able to leer the f..A ly (foot children) together much lorijfr.- . , Be came to this city, and pat no at the Vz men 'e Hotel, eo Riger atreei.s Oa .V.'e fedora day Bight, while asleep, hie eh atsteg,-, vz9 red . and hia pocketo rjfltj'J, kavirt. t Tra than a.rt doar in chanffe.' fcia f, Jy 'il rlond,'hlr0geir fthrdedrf 'if rs,; i f.oio - less than fintrland. anw .aeatiaidtatfeea. Ha arise broLt-a-bpari tedrahd 'tttterl 4 eapoodr dL ' He fmaine kt tii0 Hotel, in hope ' to gtt aorne clue t the robber , Oa Friday night he fctre J ii , the gtooroiest splriu and wag fpend dead in bie bed on .Saturday morning. ' A pcrtt t.'jrf tent examination . waa. held, andthe . doct"'! decided that hie immediate death waa ca . edy apoplexy of thd heart' ndoc 6r"er pedjted by bia recent' treoble; s Va therd ever a aadder'piciore 7 s A atmngtri eonee ttf' oardiy He is made pennilese, die at A broken heart, and is boried at the city 'a exc pcase, paupers-Cleveland Plaindealcr, f ORIGIN OP SEED3J? la an aeeoont of the '"driizir tr vafiona plants," which we find rtl the newspapera, it I1 stated that "wild oati are (bond in Rnrth era Africa." They were probably sown by Anothooy when CJecfpatfa wak the bell of that region. r''i'J- ? r "Hope come from, uermany," Thnt. ia true ot the iwnltz,,r eertaiuly: but ol.'.cr kind were imported from Spain and wit- zeriantLv a j ' Mbbage irrowawnd In Bicify. irtf.fi statement be true, the tailora in that coantr ean atiora ta he honest., i.v-'il '"Rape need is a pative of Naples," I a great pity, tor the morals' of mankind, t ft should ever have been" naturalized t ' Wlierei'""'' '''"'.'v"''-:,; v Poialoee come from Perd. "Wi ' a' - 1 eappoie no, from the price whlclv we ta; . nnv for 'em.' fcFaffetKheA nfi.t ilear hau ls aa 'old S5tw" wp ch nns a plenty ol "mod-t " 't era uiatauceo.'ViWon Pott. ' . . -wJM. RAT3. J v K4 ? v fc Rate may be expelled from f6titeC?,&ti ' v and frnnaiw.'alinplyby 'adatterr.. f few . 4 stnlksandlenvrS '44a In thur r!' " ' There ia apjaeUung vrrv: annoying, j.i t pJatL to the rat. , It ttfjjrda, therel'ore, a ra--ry 'eaty renVedV. tot a rnoat perplexin-j t. !f" -and much more economical and less tiul!a -aome thhn gunpowder', tat exterminator. cU . n trrnp. The mullen la' a ery 1 ecnssrati production, and way be found ta almost eeV " '. ery field, aa wtrll M pusturea, and by the aid ' , ttJfJlTltK 8LAYE3 CANADA.' i 1 'TheAnil Slavery1 A'iSocfaiion oT Itlift hfTnfrrrifrt V.lUi'f Ur, til TVV I'J w swawuty, mii -Slia A iiw fcw els' roort OfKhH 'yeitr? wniythe rccc , t of $33fJ, besulea clothing, but' the' report siatca tlie nnmber of refugeesViWbo hnra entered """ Canada doring the lust , two yeora, at fcei .v tween five and six thousand, and tho naoibcr of colored persons in Centd.t, u cs-., ' . timated at thirty thousand. s' - M. -r ; lonoaisica-Tiia nuraberi of a4"s ia .' Ibn State of Georgia ;iwho' cnf.,not U og write ieft,oq6,and the vJumber ofchilJrea u whose parent are unnWo' fo' send then) td achool s tlpwards of SaOOO. According tdf ofllcrnl Mtirha'Xfte ftornber of adulte in VW 4 jfioia Wh.Qtennot read and write is 80.CC.W twenty thousand rhore than In ISlOi and lhe ? riuauber of cliijlilren, whose parema have not : ttr meane to educate them la 75.00ft, T . rxm snnrrs uzzzli 1 LARGE Sis sseesHl heed ,fcmpr ! Spirits bbK for eah by ' , , PaROSSET db BROWW. r. , .Jan,20jl8tt. Deo. 21. ,i,19-tf ' !25 .12m v March IJ. 13. .f t:i 1- .fO1.' ,sjaVi