f 1 THURSDAY. APKIL J. ; A CLOSET A I The "Town Fact tin J ...lies" man the "Pennsylvania," h a enius in his fl.- jVii ; . i.-. t., ,LaI war.,1 hia tiilf it sketches of; "Life in PhilaJi-lpl - - . . . . . . i .' . nndalthougiioi eom- ; Dre HO. M DOl til WHS mOfft . I Mre. Sophroni i Duvallenger H mulatto : lady who renJsoll the French novels, nndj m cultivates a last t for those European re-1 fincmeu: ia social intercourse whirU norae of j ear IwruMcd gfntltrr.cn wish to introduce It'UUVVUIIIOI UJF l HUl writ J T "I ' taduBltiotu, and unsuspicious Itllow. Mrs. U. haa foiroed a Plutonic intimacy with a, light TIIK COMMEilCiAL. lemon colored D'Oreay. wlio calls himself - Edward Bemngtoiw j Vhil Mr. Davollen- fer is making ergara and an honest liv'n g at i ia shop, M re. I),, at home, is making tea ' nnd toast fur Chevajit-r Perringtort, r flu ! "L-'ltitil "bight; Davallengcr" being' taken 'with, an ominous pain in the head, came home two hoars sootier than usual, nnd interrupted a . lefe-e-tete between Madame and Le Cheva lier. ' No ludv who has read a French novel . ctn be tembariajt;d in such a ease ; a closet or tfp board ia therobvioua leeourCB. fThe, - onl v recess of this kind in the apartment was . a war under the lua, where Deval!enjrer X kept hi8un?casened tobacco, extra foia of Xjtnuff nnd various tool and materials for wbich there wui no "room in the chop. ' Into this uw browed VRult,w by Madame' tti rcciio: the Chevalier Crept. on his hundu ' . nnd k(i'ro .find waa snugly ahut up by the adroit lady, at the v?ry moment Davallen The honcsL tobaroonits complained of hia , ichiiij; uuiiu , v!iiiuui .itBsiniiig - R cause tur I it, not imuginin-j (poor It How !) what an op- Jreswve iveigiu lua vajroniis nuu in susiani. leantvbile, dhevnlicr Berringtorr, in the i ' closet, vaa forful that hia breathing might be overhear J j to prevent which, he put hia -. face In a large jar, which stood on the floor - conveniently. Thiajar contained snuDTofa very volume nature j una iib soon ns oernng ton drew fata first brenth inside of the vcescl, n column of the titilating dust ascended into each' nostril, an J produced such a tempestu ous sneezing" -n'a might haye' been mista ken for those rapidly successive detonations which are incident to nn explosion of saltpe tre." The astounde'd' Davallenger' looked af hia wile for an explanation, v Mra D. seeing that" a demiiiHieHr-could f not" bo avoided, ahrieked Robbera" and Morderl" Deval- lener seized a shoVet, threw open the eud- j"dy.doa(f and went regularly to work on the " carcass, of the Chevalier who si ill continued to sneeze ia anawer to each blow, though . the whacks .he received on his rear were r nothing to be srieczed at. ' The shovel wna actually 'demolished in the furious attack. Chevalier Berrington attempted to offer no explanation or justification either to the hus- hand or before the Mayers In answer to ; queries' proposed, by the latter, he magnuni-f'- mousty exclaimed: .''Send mo to jail for a thief if you choose. I'd better sutler than aue ine reomanon m me -air ttx." tie was committed accordingly. ? : . ' .....,, , u. - J' ' !' JTton the Lad port Courier, March 80. Great Row among- the Irish at ; Lockport The Mlltury Called OutOver Due Hnn tired Men Arreatedt:;.-k 'l Tb Irish aeltleniettt up !the ,cannl, was veaterdavuhd, scene of another disirraceful row i'Tbo GiU way men, who have been aa eaolted on aeyeralicaeionjr ; by,f the Mayo men. hawnir their "ahantiea torn: down and burned, nnd their property deatroyed . aa-- aembed in a large body determined to avenge their wrongs' by fearful reialiution' t Ilatf i ng organized tbeinsel vea, they? proceeded to the Kontes bf hcif antagonista and demolish ed (heir alianGea anj property without atint. The men being mostly, aosont at work, they repaired to wnere lney were,and most sliam e---, fully assaulted them with clubs, etonca, &c, 'U wounding several,;' bqt none fatally, as we r. are glad t-ilearn. Iittelligenoe of these do f 1 " inga haying beejjK communieuted lo ..Sheriff - Cliipp, and it being ejsd stated that the riol- eft were in large force, and prepared to re t f aiat lhe cxecutto of the law ; .. the military x "' were culled out, and three bodies of armed -mea with the polico force oi. the village. , I proceeded to the ground,', and succeeded in f'', arresijnone hundred and aoven of 'the '"riot era1.' ; 'About HgBty .were brought down ; last bight at 13 o'clock; and lodged ia jail, hud the balance were committed thia 'morning. The police officera who. went up yesterday arrived Uiere aome lime : in ndrance of the posse, and upon their approach a small body of en.' wfton! they knew to be engaged In thdisturbhrice.starte(t and ran for the wood. discovered that' it would - be tm possible to overtake then) and turned about, but no soon, er had they dona ao ttiau the retreating men also retraced their .steps, and came up brati duhioff their clubs, displayed fire arms, ant one ofthem fired off his gun into the air. The officers expostulated with theui and succeeded in keeping thetn quiet until the urnvaj 01 tne unneu nana wuen tuey were taken prisonere.- We understand that all of the ringleaders and the mon troublesome ana malicious of the, band have been nr rwted,. and u 1 to be hoped they will be mads rxaaoplesof. Thouzh the nartv now arrested were not the original instigators of tnee iron Dice, etui they were acting in vie laiion of law, and must pay the penalty.- me companies wno volunteered to aid the civil . autnoriiies on thia occasion were the Emmittv Guards, ,lhe. Hook' and Ladder Companyi'' No. ; V tt0t Engine Company, No. I. .The niajvityol these were detain ed all night in tho cold, and they deserve much credit for their heroism and self-sacrifice. It la to be hoped that tfteCe Will, in fu , Jdrey be no occa,sioii for another,. trial Hof the s patriotisra of our citizeua. The frequent oc currence of these outrntfea la n diatrraee and ' reproach to our village, and it ia the desire of 4 all that the origjaatvra ofthem may be treat ed with he utmost rigor of the law. ,-'-;' : A gentleman asked a country clergyrnau - for the use of his pulpit for a young divine a relation of his. - ' really io not know," said the clergyman, ,4,hoitr to refuHe you ; but if thiyoeing mao could preach better than ran, my congregation will be, dissatisfied with me . afterwards and if he should pr.eacli worse, tfoii't ttjiiik he fit to preach at II.H O'.BAGS llloiu d Lstjuiratotleei iU 7lihds. nnme Porto Rico and N. Orleane v:f, just received nd for stile by " J. HATHA WAV A SOX. March 6. NOTICE. 4 S DeRoeselA Brown, od J. R. Blossom, of AX-mi town, are forwarding vol ton free uf lor- tMyairitno' nmtim .in f will .I... ward free of I commission, Cotton and Spirits Terpentine to any ";"ri . . "" 2 , t.I lluuBl N,. Vrk l R A JR. m Mi B- Blossom & Son. - - v.,-.,- j - R. H. GRANT, Gjldsbpro Telegraph and FayeHevllle Observer, 1 "-'nd bill to this Qffica. t V""1 ' - ' ' ; ' i3Im.- Vf VV 1 sale by JOSEPH TL BLOSSOM. H7tf, Feb, 26. TO THE PUBLIC THR Subacriber haa leased for atet.n of years, of R. W. Brown, Esq,, hia fire-proof a lore, with hia wharves, and la now in a condition to take ca- fteoial euro of Spirits Turpentine and other Naval Mores coinrmied to nis care, ma Warehouse ia well known to be the beat and sqfust place In town for the atornga of Bacon, Lard. Cora, Pens, &c. The lower wharves have on them four larga new ahedt, where Spirt's can be safely kept from the rain and sun. tie Is prepared to receive and snip, or sell, all kind of pr Jduce sent to his care. He win also maKS advances wm-n requirea. ' He begs to refer b the following gentlemen: K. W. Brown, ihn Dawson, 0, G. Parley,and Yho. H. WrigbU Esqra. . MlLf:S COSTJN. fc IBrown's wharf Wilmington, N. C. . ?ept. 13. 7T. COMFORT, SAFETY & ECONOMY. rrRR subscriber, having purchaied Mr. Daniel X Hemingway's potent for an improvement in the construction and alternation in Fire Placea and Fine, o a to prevent them fi am smoking and by which Improvement a saving of half the quantity of fuel generally used,. Is mode will take great Measure in attending 'o nrtv work entrusted tohim. and assures those who are kindly dfspnsed to em ploy him, that entire confidence may be placed In the improvement. H has already altered It Fire Places and built several chimnies, la Wilmington, on this system, all of which have given entire sat isfaction, ; ' ' Your servant GEORGE PRICE. Feb, 14- 14M2m. SALT! SALT! 1AVSACKS large, and In fine order, to or aVVUrive per brig Susan Duncan from Char leston. GEO. HARRISS. . Jan. 20. 135. DAILY EXPECTED. rfifYCAsKSHVlKt 60 Rules Eastern Hay 5U DDIs, l'otatocs; 60 " Apples j For sale to arrive. ' ' a r ADAMS, BRO.sV Jan. 15.' ' . Co. 4. LIME LIME. gpl CASKS momently expected from Camden, OUJpet Schr. Statesman. For sale, by : J. ft D. McRAE & Co. Jan. 29. 136. NOTICE. rT,HE undersigned having formed a Co-pprtner JLshlp under the style of JOHN BANKS & BROTHER, tor carrying on a COMMISSION AND -FORWARDING BUSINESS, all gooda cotiaiped to them, or ordered, or produce sent for alo, will be promptly atlendd to, JOHN BANKS, DAVID BANKS. Fab. 3. 137. GUANO! GUANO!! 1 nf TONS best Peruvian, daily expected. For LkJw sale ia lota to suit. ALSO. 100 Bbls. Ground Plaster for- Agricultural purpo ses, t'or bale Dy J. & D. McRAE A CO Feb. 23. 149, SPIRITS BARRELS fiAnSECOND hand Splrite Bbls , large sixe, V7VV1 'in prima order, f-r sale by ANDERSON & LATIMER. 27. 134. Jan, MOLASSES. 0rXf HHDS. prlmo quality Cuba, now landing COJ from brif Annawon, and for s le bv J. HATHAWAY SON. March 16. 165. ROSIN STRAINERS. JUST received a full supply of the best English , Wire Cloth, of oil sizes. J. M. ROBINSON. March 16. 155 PLANTING POTATOES. T?I FTY barrels daily expected, by Mary PowelL end for sale by JOHN C. LATTA. March 11. 153. A VALUBLE HOUSE AND LOT von SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale that beautiful bouse and lot situated on front street, next door south of the M. E. Church. The Lot ia 66, by 165 feet the house is 30 by 49 feet, and has four Rooms on the first and two on the aecond floor, with a fire place In each room t it haa alao a pantry nnd kitch en at tochedj a negro house and wolj of first rate water In the yard, and aa excellent garden. Thia property la very valqubje and bids fair W be more so, alike with the whole of Wilmlagton property which Is bound to Increase ia value owing to the constant Immigration to It and the Internal Im provements now In progress and ia contemplation. Those who want to settle permanently le Wjlralng. ton and wsb pleasant family residence, would do woU to embrace ibis opportunity of purcnasing aa bey may never expect to belter themselves . . - 1 in a pleasant home. Terms, one fourth of Ibe purchoss money will be required In ea.h in easnr tne oait the balance in three equal instalments of six,' nine .4 AmA ImiIm. months, wltt) boqds and securities,- negoclablo at uuqk . Possession given tne nrst ot uciooer next. For further Information Information apply soon iff A. A. n. soy 1 hall, agexa For 8. P. IVEY. , Wilmington. March 11. 1 . 153-tf. Weekly Journal and Goldsboro' Republlcap arid Patriot please copy till forbid. THE RANDOLPH MACON MAGAZINE. IS edited by a committee, eonalstlnr Of three members chosen from each society. The editora for tha next term are Messrs Somusl Lander.Thos. C. Thuckston, and John Williams, from the Frank lin L. Society 1 and Mssrs Charles H. Hall, John 8. Jackson, and Furney G. Tooke, from the wash' ington L. Society. It will ha published about the middle of each month, January and July excepted. Each Dumber will contain 43 octavo pages. . : . , Terma.Two Dollars per annum, always lo ad Vane. :V ',. . " :,,. 1 ".,.,. .. i'.JfVt.i'' - CSAn extra copy will be famished to every one sending os ten new subscribers. ' .: March, 185?. ; .z 6f6t WV. have just reteiveu TF." I ACKAGES CHINA and GLASS, from l.-erpvol. Also, TWENTY CRATES of CAtNK and ftUEEN'S WA LIK-nart aold to arrive. Those who have purchased caa get their sett by seeding for them. .HcttAKaHARRlS3. , Jsn. 20. ivr"-"'.'. r:nrlACANDY.- ON HAND, 700 lbs, fresh and good, Tor sals low by WILKINSON d ESLKR. March 8. ' " ' , ' ; f81 ""OUTCALTS SUFF. 4 : ALWAYS on hand, at Manufacturer prices, or dera received, and forwarded for lota to suit " i n l no DH A A Cm Dec. 2. ' ' l- " ; "V ,10- JUST RECEIVED t: FRESH and good Figs, Prunes, Oranges, Lem ons, Datea, Citron, rtoWna, Almonds, Filberta, Walnuta. BratulNaia, Juiubo Paate, Rock Candy,, Ac. for ajle low, by , WILKINSON ESUSK. May 6. - '';.i, -. ' ,s" FOR SALE. 56 CASKS Rice, joat from mill, by Jan. 15 FLOUR FLOUR. ftr-ft RRf.S. Euoerfiae Flour, best Virginia OOU brands, daily expected per Brig L. P. Snow. For sale by J. &. D. McRAE & CO. 143. Feb. 23. SILVER PLATED DESERT KNIVES SILVK bolsterad Wory handled Table and Qea ert Knives, latest pattern and of auperkw 'qnajiiy for sale by J. Mi ROBINSON. ; March 16. 155 VERY USEFUL MACHINES. THE aiibscribers haye been appointed by tti Manufacturer, to act as Agents for the sala or Patnaja'a Patent Improved Vice faw Saw Filing Machines, and ar prepared to receive orders from any part of tne state . , These Machlnea are capable of performing five tlmea the amount ol work that can be done by hand, and In much better manner, producing a perfectly square sharp edge. A great saving in saws, and factually preventing them from running in the log, thereby saving treat iossoi umo ana nmioiiui. One of them in full operation can bo aeen at "Cow an Mill-." POTTER & KIDDER. March 2. :w BEEF HEARTS. R 1R.RKI.S mat received, and tor sale tv O JOHN C. LATTA March II. TO PEDLARS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE subscriber has just received, per Jonas Smith. 100 doxen Ivory Combs, assorted widths and sixes, which he offers for sale at Manufacturers, prices. L. H. Who II. March 6. 151 London's Buildings. TO HIRE. Q NEGRO Boys; V 2 Women I Glflj Mn; 1 1 Apply (o JOHN C. LATTA. 141. Feb. U SNUFF SNUFF, FRESH from the factory of Outcolt, and John Dill, and Son 1 warranted equal to any in the Unitod btatea. Foi sala low, b y WILKINSON & ESLER. 145- Feb. 21 THAT TEA. ALL qualitjce and kinda, fresh imported from. Chins, by .he Pekln Co. No humbug j only twenty-five percent lose than sold In any other atore in Wilmington. CnJl and buy a package and you will find thai It is extras at the Fruit Depot. WILKINSON A ESLER. Feb) ?l. 145. MEAL MEAL. AFRESH supply of WhUe Corp Meal, ground fine, constantly on hand hi the Store of Whit- oksr A Whitfield, wholesale or retailcall and try It, if you wish good Meal. WriJ.TAK.liU & vyHJfff hLU. 145. Feb. 21, LIMK LIME. 1,500 iu no BBLS. to arrive. For eale by J. ct p, McRAE or CO. 148-iw- r pu. o. POTATOES, POTATOES. BBLS. Plantina- Potatoes, also 50 bbls. OvJ Rating Potatoes doily expected 10 arriye per Schr. Mary Powell, from New Yorr. f or sole by UKU. HAttUlSS. March 9. 152. CANDLES AND SOAP. JUST received, from Manufacturers at Boston and for sale by ADAMS BUU. CO. Dec. 2. llO-ft. SHIPPING ARTICLES. FOR SALE at The Commtretal Offle,n ele-a-antedition ol ShiDDins Artlcles.smbrethu'all the Taws of Congress relative to the Merchant's Service. NEGRO BONDS. A HANDSOME, impression ef Negro Bonds fl just printed and for aule at Tns Commctewt Office. Also, Bills ot sale ot degrees. Dec. 28. 1850. CORN. A Handsome article of white corn ia Store and for aale by . for aale by JOSEPH R BLOSSOM, 139. Feb. 7. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having thia day purchased the entire interest of Mr. O. G. PAastsv, In' ibe Point Peter Steam Saw mil, have formed a copart nership for the purpose of manufacturing Sleeps Saweq Lumber, Whstwobth W. Paiaca, William Nciiaoir. . , PEIRCE A NEILSON. J'"- 1- 126-lye WINDOW CORNICE. AFRESH supply, jus' received at tha Hardwari A Stort. Dee. 20. ' 11.. MEAL AND BACON. T the store of Whttaker A Whitfield at all tlmea may be found fresh ground Corn Meal, white and fine. Bacon, Flaiirj next door to WeseejlA Ellen. . , Wilmington, Mareh 13, 1852. ISA. N. C. BACON. 7(XXr LBS. Bacon, Hams, Sides and Should svAJVyera, ofssry ntptrior quality, just 're ceived from Wayne County, for sale In quantities to suit purchasers, by - . ANDERSON d LATIMER. Fb,7. I39f 4-."---J vi . . ,..... .u AT 17 E OUC Vll PRICES. BLANK t ILLS OF EXCHANGE, on fine papi-r and oi very h"insioin lmpreiion, tot sale at 'As Commercial OJhx bound In BouUa 0 various sixes, and in aitevts. Oct. 13. ' " 92- HATCHES MATCHES. rfl GROS with and without suluher. For aala OUlow by , , - WILKINSON fc ESLER. .i Feb. 26. - t i . 147. MACKEREL. ll FEW barrels and half barrela No. 1 ana 2 for IX. sale by J. H. FLANNER. , . No, 25 iMorth Water Bu 1 March &. , 151 . NOTICE-NOTICE. -: WKare aopolqted' Ajem,ti fir tha Pekla Tea Company of New Tort and" bava on hand, a krce assortment of Teste of dlnVeol kinds, put Hp In quarter half and on lb. packages. . : ,: Tens of this company are Jniportel f m the most celebrated parte of China and will be found aaperior to any ever brought to thia place and at tweqty-fl,f a per cent Jess. ' Every package war taaiea lo give perfect aqtiaictlon, r . WILKINSOOI A ESLER. Jan.-.- ' ; K.CT. - - 13i SPLENDID PIANO. THK subacriber hta received, had offers for sale a Piano for which the maker received a medal, attha late Maryland Instuie Fair ,aod invites those in want of a superior article to cad aad examine It, at hia Warehouse on Front Street. " ' , J. D. LOVE. . Jan. 31. - 136-tf. BACON AND LARD. OfifV Iba prlme J. C. Bucoa hog round t ebbs. Lard for sale br. A. MARTIN. - 141. Feb 12. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 CA LARGE Slses, just received and for sale A UJ bv . ELLIS. UUSVKLL w - Jane 2G.' 44. ROCK CREEK MILL. THE undersigned haa purchnaed of B. W. Bis ar, hia Interest In the Plantation, with Grist Mill theredo, situated on the Newbern Road, about 1 mile from town, and formerly known as the kden Mill and Plantation, but more recently, and now as Rock Creek Mill and Plantation. . He will continue the businesa aa formerly, He haa now 2 aetta of atonea running with bolting cloths, Ac. He will receive soon from New York a ateam enalne to run In this Mill, thereby In- surlnirto tha citizens of Wilmington at all tlmea a constant supply of good Meal and Hominy. He contemplates having a atore in town tor w. sals of his Meal and Hominy. A future advertise. meat will Inform the Unions when ancn arrange ment is made. SAMUEL BEERY. Wilmington, . Feb. 17. t. ; REDUCED FARE, THROUGH TICKETS BETWEEN WlWiM'M N. C AND BJLTI3I0BE I? AK-fc. I3. VIA. WELDON, PETERSBURG, RICHMOND AND WASHING I ON CITY, OR VIA WELDON, PORTSMOUTH AND NORFOLK u... .imlv at tliiiOFFfCE of the WIL MJNGfO nl RVLKlOtrilAIL ROAD COM PANY t WILVHVarON. oral the OFFICE o the BAL n.UORE STEAM PACKET COMPA NY, andot the BALTlMOttETand OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Pitt araaat, BAiTmoa. Jan. I, 1351. l"-tl. Town and Faycttevine papera wtll please copy. DEEDS FOR SALE. WaranteeDueds, and Deeds for Mortgageo nl and jusiprlnted.ln correct formand for.alcat tb Commercial UJJUt, nm aches of TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. rl,HK executors 01 uen 1. clinch oner lorjMk. 1 sale the Twelve Thousand Acres of Land If known as the Bavaso tract, lying on the St. John's River. immediately opposite Picolata. in East Florida. The above tract la peculiarly adapted 10 the Turpentine business, being covered with a thick growth of pine, and having a-Rjyer front of more than five miles. It Is now no longer a matter of doubt thatTurpen- tine can be profitably made In thia section 01 count ry, as there aroalready a number of persons largely and successfully engaged in tne cosiness. The steamboats to and from Savannah, atop regu larly at Picolata. Persona desirous of purchasing,, can obtain any further information by addressing J. H. M. CLINCH, Kx'r. JeHersonton. Camden co., Ga Dec. 6, .850. ' UQ-tf. PORK AND BEEF. CA BBLS. Mesa Pork, city Inspectod; OKJ 20 " prime Beef j 9 " Mesa do. Forsaleby ANDERSON A LATIMER. Dep. 9. 113. SUNDRIES. n LUK for Distiller, use. good Quality 1 VJSoap, Candles, Cut Nalla, Tobacco, prima quality, tor salo oy ANDERSON A LATIMER. 114. Dec. 0. RICE. Q C CASKS prime 'quality, fresh (rora the Mill, t7tJjoraaleby ' , AXVVB(Lvn a bAuar.tw Dee. 9. v ? HAMS, HAMS. 6 TIERCES prlato Canvassed Hams.. 4 Ithdai. ' do. do. ' l?er aale very ,ow ERSON A LATIMER. Dee. 9. GRINDSTONES. 0 1 y PIECE", all sizes, superior quality, just 1 I received, and forsaleby IDA MS, BRQ CO. . PINE OIL AND CAMPBINE. HAVING become aatlafled that Pine Oil and Caaiphins cannot be furolshsd at the present rate, we feel eorhpelled to advance the price to ififttnte per gallon from ihis date. A. H. VANBOKKELEN. D. J. GILBERT. ' MILL S1WS. THE subscriber hss the pleas urs of informing Miller's engaged tn aawlaa pilch pine, that he has succeeded in soiling tip the best Saw for that purpose that haa ever yet been produced, aa far as be knows. All saws warranted not lo aplii In ths teeth. 9: M. ROBINSON'S, 1 us. : , Hardware Store, Wilmington, N. C. ;Oev l6.'; v ' H. A J, oopft"", ' ;I. CORNICE AND t CURTAINBANDS. ' A . FULL asaonment, for aale, at the Hardware il Store, 1 : J. 4L ROBINSON. ---.ii .;l,AX.eopy,; : ' : f Al rT"PT,,r""n' THE Subw-ritRTs havs this d.iy entered Into Co patnerliip, fur tbe transaction of a General Agency & Commission Bualness; under the st jie of . GILLESPIE, ROTH WELL & McALSLAN. All orJurs promptly attandeJ to, and liberal cash advances made on coosiimments. . O. S. GILLESPIE, - ; A. B. ROTH WELL, ; - . JOHN McAUSLAN. Jan. 22. '.-vV' 132. ., CAPE FEAR STEAM BOAT LINE. Vf77r:X THE Steameri HATHAM will leave r ""t Wllmineton onTuesday'aand Friday's Ut 12 o'cluck instead, of 3 o'clock, as heretofore.; T.C.W ORTH, Agent. x. . 53-4.w. H,arch6;b,S52. NORTH CAROLINA MANUFACTURES BATTLE A SON are still Manufacturing, at the Racly Mount Mills, about 300,000 lbs. Cotton Yarn, per annum (equal to the beat Georgia Yarns,) which they will deliver to Merchants free of ex-.ia charge, at New York prices. Orders addressed to BATTLE A SON, Rooky Mount, N.'O, will re ceive prompt attention. - '- Feb. '12..";;'''"; i'--:' -. ' 14I-ly. NOTICE. m VJCG CONSULATE, 1 .Wwiwnu, tt: fi'lfair 15, 185L AFTER this" date, consignees of British Vessels, wiD be required to band In tha amount of in ward and outward' Invoices, and pay -allfeea at the liirta the reglaler la delivered to the Master, when cleared at Cuatom House. , .. , 4 ; ? ; f ; . ; GEO. W.DAVIS, Br. Vice Cesael. May 15. , ; ' . - 24t OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE,' .;' AT THE . . tYHmlngtoii gaddle. Harness, aud Trunfi Manufactory. THE subscriber resppcUully Informs the public lhalhehae receqtly received additions to his stock pf Sodtjlp apd Harnos. Countings, A p., the laisst apd most Improved style, and la constanly manufacturine. al hils atore on market atrcet, every description of artlclein the above line. From hia experience In lh,p business, h,e feels' cq'pfldept that Qewiti oe aoieio give enure Aiiaiaa.iiop 10 aiiwno may favor him with a call H haa now on hand, ana willconatautl keep a larae assortment of Coney, qig and Suite llarnss, Lady's Saddlts, Bddla, Wlups, 4- Qtntkm'i BaUUUt, Wkipt, all of which he will warrant to be of thefTP beat materials and workmanship. He w haa also a large assortment of Trunks, Vallaes, saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, Ac, and alf other art(des usually kept in such establishments, all of which he orlers low for CASH, or on short credit to prompt custo- mere. , i Saddles, Harneas, Trunks, edical ttaga, Ac.sc, made to order. Inadditinn to tha above the subscriber always keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, andhtia now, and wjllk'p through theaeaaon a goqd assortment of Ply Nutts. All are invited to cull and examine my uqoae, whether in want or not. as I fakepleaeurolitshw- Ing my assonmppt to all who may favor me with a (all. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at af alrprlce loperaona buying tn manufacture. Also, Whips at wnoiesaio. comni jao. 8 ias. 39 CARD PRINTING. 7E remind the ppbllcthat the Paten tCard Pre.i V is lap eration at the qSjceqf 'ptyg fJammsreioV. J that Cards will be printed in superior style, ana at reduced prices. Blank Cards, ready for printing always on hand, of all sizes, from 22 by 20 to 1 by S inchii. " " " ' ? 123-lf: 5A.SH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Forcr!iy conducted bu Guy C, Hotchki$ 1 appointed agent for the aale of Window Saab Blluda and Doora, manufactured by the New Ha ven Co., and am prepared to fill a Herders in the abovo line. The Quality of the work of the New Haven Co. ia well known in this market. Builders and ail peraonstn want of the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will be promptly AII.J 1itn .ln..alil. ...k nn tall v.rf ' , VVM. A. GWYER General Ag$nt CommtttUm and Forwarding hfer- cfiant. April 18. 16 FR3SH IMPORTATIONS. McRAE A HARRISS have just received 63 Crates of Crockery direct from Liverpool, via Charleston, which make their stock complete apd enables them to compete with any Merchants in the United States, both as to variety and price. Nov. 26, 108 BUNGS (V the beat make, and assorted sisea lo suit, for f le ny ine q f ye hundred, by y the barrel, or any quantity not less than ftusprn tv. DLuasuDi Jan. 30. 136-tf. NOTICE. 'PHE subscribers haying purchased the entire X latereat la the Cape PearS. S MUL would horeby request all persons having ctalraa against said Mill, prevloua to tha lat July 1851, to present them for payment, and those Indebted to said Mill to c ill al the Office and settle ihelr accounts previous to the 1st of September, or they will be nndpribe painful neces)t.'of placing them la tha nanoa 01 an umeer tor cotieeiion. ELLIS A RUSSELL-, August 2, 1851. 95-tf. EMPTY'BARRELS. OrvX IN prime order, just landed and for salo tW by ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. Oct. 2' ;., ... 85 DISTILLERS OF TURPENTINE. I HAVE reduced the price of my SPIRIT BAR RELS to 6160 delivered at . any place in Wll mington. After Vlstmaa they will be extra size. Peraonj wishing can jontract by the year op the terms, nuvr 1 ku.v lor saie at eoo per fon , A. MORGAN. Wilmington. Nov. llth.lWI.- - 102-lme.-trl-Iy-w. YELLOW PLANTING POTATOES. I QA. BBLS. per Ira Breweter. For aale, by Feb. 17. HI ADAMANTINE CANDLES nnB0XES- Prlm quality for sale by A. MARTIN. Feb. 12. 141. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. 1 A BBLS. Superfine and fine for aale by A A- MARTIN, Feb. 12.. 141. DISCOUNT NOTES. v - BLANK NOTES for dlaeouat at the several banks In this 1 place, and a handsome edition jnst primed pf notes embracing all the bank, for sale at laeumeeoi vas-wwaMreataf.vs-'-.';'.;' - ': ,-; Oot, 29, '' W;, ,-f; Cf'1 M,, rars-.i-rr - ---'.EXEcuTcr;3;K0i::E. f THE t)nderl?ned at the ilarch Tvrm 1S32 of ilie Court of Pkas and qnaitcr Sewion of theeuua ty of New Hanover, duly qualified as the Executor of the last Will and Testament ef the I ne .Jowph A. Sintas and notice is hereby given to all perm.ns -lo brlnj tlu ir accounts and demands of every kind apd deno.niiiailii nalasl bis testator 10 the undrr. signed within the lime prescribed by law, or I hie notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery, i , . - CHARLES D. ELLIS, Execa'or. March 9. '. . , . . . 151-6w. WILMINGTON MUSIC ROOM. , PIANOS I PIANOS 1 1 5; THIS day recclvlng.by the brig V' C-jfS - Caroline, two more of those h, M i - apleodld Pianos,' warranted in Si i- -every respect. Mrs. H. Whttaker bae now made ar " ? raagemcnts ao aa to keep constantly on band from ' 4 to 6. ' Any person wishing to purchase would Jq ' wall to call and examine her Stock, as she la deleft " mined to sell as low aa the same quality of Piano, t can be bought at the North, expenses added any. person buying Pianos from her may rest asserea that it will be ia every respect what she represents -it lo be caiefully packed, so that it will go aafe . lo any pan of the Slate. -New Music for Piano and Guitar, also, Gutter Strings constant! on hsnd. Be sure to call al Mrs. H. Whltokcr'aJiusie Room, opposite the Episcopal Church, where at all ilruea may be found a well selected asoortment of Pianos, ranging la price trom 1250 to 460. - i - - t.- um , IL WHITAKER. wllmlngtoa, March 1 ' . ,- . lW)-if THE NORTH CAROLINA MlITfJJll, LIVE LSlillUI'i lOilll'lM' KALE1UH, W. LV. THEaboy a Company haa been in opera Uoa sin. the latol April, 1843, under the directing .a, following Officers, vix t Dr. Chus.E. Johnson, President, - 1 )t. p. Haywppd.Ylcc Proaidfcat,! atnea F.'Jpran, Secretary, , . Win. H. Jonea.Treaturer, .- ''' Pertln Busbee.Attornev.s i- ' ' - ur. naricafc-ionnso Dr.Wm. H,rMcKee, Medico Iboarfof' ., ' 1..., . Dr. ft. B. Haywood. , . '.nersman.Uen'lAcent Thia Company has rocelvtd charter fivM advantages to the insured over any other tSS pany. The 6th Section give. theHuabahd thj privilege to insure Us own life for the sole use of b s Wife and Chlldren.rfrem aay etoiina of the r?e jeentaivc. pi the Itusband lu Organized on purely mttfiiafpr member, participate in the yU of the Srof '.' which are decjund annually. ' Beaidea, the a plf cant for hie, when Ihe .anufi! prernlom it pver 3C may pay one half in a Note. , ,' . , ; : , , " , . All clalinsfor Insuranceayalnst the Company will be paid whbJn ninety days f,cr proof of ,'bfr J & of the party Is furnished. - . Which willonableallSlaveholderaloaeVethlaelass pf property ogalnst the uncertainty of lift. 4 febtur. In thi iij pfM ThelaSlfoiir monthnnVniln r .ti. r. ! :. o . tne nrsr year navimr already issued mora than 2ftn pii.i..' . T All (Jommunlcaflnnt nn k,..i. .l. n , 7 i. 7Y r l ins voinpan. should be addressed to ' vi JAS.' F JORDAN: Raleigh .April 8. 1551. t ' -TlrWifc WlLMINflTnitt i t MARBLE AND ST0NT Xm THE Subscriber having accepted the agency of ..f'ffsl large establishments at the North, whkh will furnish him an unlimited aunnlv of finhbt dor nnflplfhik. forelenand domestic MARBLE of all quafliles, is prepared to fill all ordera for ' , MONUMENTS AND TOMB STOVE, and every other article In ihe line 'of the businesa al reasonable rales. '.!; SCULPTURING, LETTERING, Oft CARTING, Executed as well aa can to done eithtr .Notth e South. t The best ef referenp.e pan be given. If required. . . JA8.McCLARAAN. Jn,6. - , ;v, , 125-tf OATS. Fff BAGS, 2 bushels eoch, momently expect " vviea iropi csiumore. ror eaie.oy r or vaie, oy " MILES -COST!)'. Fub.17. 143. CORN. 3CfC BUSHELS'-momently expected, tUVJlr from Hydo Count. For sale, by .1111 DU OnCTTM' MILES C06TIN'. Feb. IT. 143, NEW CROP MOLASSES., HHDS. of prime new Crop Cuba Ifolas-i 200, 'sea just received per brig E. Hayden from, For aule, by Cuba . HA J HA WAX 06 6UIT. , Jan, 31. . , J35. GLUE.. " OK BBLS. Extra Enyllah, (or a1e,J by ADAMS, BRO, a Co.. . Pc 18. ; .- l-v " UU : SNUFF -'.T- 1 O HALF BBLS Ouicalta, just received- Fot m rr . . u V m,wv WW t- Dec. 6. ... 1 . II! TOBACCO. 20 BOXES prlnw Greenville Tobacco, for sale; Dy , A. JUAttTIN. Pec. 3. " " ' III. COFFEE: ) 10 14 " Lagulra do. for' famllf ere for aale by ANDERSON A LATIMERi P.. . , - lav GROCERIES. V ; GOFFEE, Sugar, Pork, Flour, .Laid, Battel; Cheess and Candlea 1 just received, for aale ty, J. HATHAWAY A SON Sept. 30. ; ;., , , , 84, ;f A FEW Reams superior Flat Cap paper, for sale atlhe tmra. -f ' ! " Oct. 18. : '"tr K , n 4 U,M. Arrival and Departure of the Malls at thia -Place.: , , , I : ; The Mall from the North le due every day- at 1 A . M , and 9t P. M. Closes at a quarter before 1, , P. It and at 9 P, M. faieiattvi-.''- f Th4 mall from the South, by ateamet from Cnalw lesion, srrlves daily abept 8, A.- Al. 1 Ctosti it j The mail from Onslow Codrt HouseSnesd'i Ferry f.e.i Is due evory Mohdsy at S P. M. Clos es every Thursday s.tP. M." . 'V.'; ';;; Ths mall from t'ng Creek, BHc River ChaNl, Ac!, Ja due every Thursday at 6 P.' M., and cloael same nlght'al 9 P. MA v tf'-'f'&m ;v"" The mall from Foyettellle, via Elhtsbetb ToWa 1 and Prospect Hall, C le dna. every Tuesday,. Thursday pnd Satarday at 9 A. M.J'.v Closes earns days it a quarter before 10 A. M : ..-. .,f irsr An extra package will be made tin for Letters 1 eoiog North of Rlchmond.ya- which will be kep) n 1 1 open until J a.m. Alietuer Lettera ysr ce il , j the Office at the houra above named, r they will hoi ; ' be mailed antll next sut seeding msH. , ," 11 .: - , - .- 'ij ' -,".'-'. ''-'' open until I A.M. Alietuer Letters ysr ce ll 7:- 'V af "H . y ' 5