t. mpnt'TTTTa IP: it 1 1 i it 1 1 i.i lit U 1: V ---. ... .... u 4 j . ji-tv.;; " r. :;: .;. j.-.tf '"...SV'-fvt t rS'v..:t,-tfi'":. CPJSHED TRI-WRLl BY THOMAS LORING- :v-"".' . Wn. yiyy 4 i;;ft.j?.ii'ij4.i I.;. 77 VOL 7--NO. 1& .WILMINGTON. N. C.,TUESDA MORNING. APRIL. 27. 1 852. WHOLE NO; C 3 lllllra 7l;7ll7Le v.i Lin rue rai-wmiYcojiiiEKtiiii. Published1 every tvua&A'f, Tbobsat sbo Sat s,aAt, at S5 00 per enuuttj payable In all eases la - DY THOMAS LOR IN G, '4 iJ41or ud PriMrletor. .; coshes or pomt id . mibkst btbests, 7. Wilmingtoitn. C. i sqr. l isiartion, u,u 1 0,50 1 1 iqr, t niontyf : 4,oo . " ...V :fc - .'' 5,00 - 1,00 8,W 12,00 t A' i I month,' 8.S0 I yetr, Ten Hmi or let! mW t qtiare. If on adverliM went elceedt ten lines, tba arico j1U Be in propor. ion. , c . . AH a4vrtlsomsnta are payable at tho lime of their lnerOB.' ' ' f , ' ' ' 'Juatractf with yetrly a Jfertlferi, will be made on the m at liberal terms." ' ' So 'inasfar of 6ontracts for yearly advertising wilt (MMillud Sl)9uld. circumstances render a iaaga In busineis.oran nneioocied removal neces ,r i aHir je according to the published terms will .at t'to ',titn 'of the. contractor, for the time he "jT:ra p-i vilest if Annnal Advertiser ij strictly t(,'i4 in thair on tmmediate business t and'afl af- ertjeinenti fit the benefit of other persons, at welj advertisements not. immediately connected jf.itik tin tr own haslnesa. and all excess ol advertise- Vtf itt leiiili or otharwLe, beyond iheilnilis en 4kX will lie ehargud at the nsoal rates. V ft x ivartlsdflaent Is lhclu4od In fho contractroi 'ui to orroatof houses or lands in town or court f yitr for the sale or hiro of negroes, whothor the ttvfsrty Isowaed by the aaveruser or Dyotnor urson.t $ heso; aee excluded by tho torm "imnu halt tu$iiMiJ. - ' ' .t The annouticqment of marriages or deaths will be considered as news, and Inserted free of chargo bnt ell ttddiiloaal raMtct,' Veyond the sluaple au nbunoamont of the death of th person, will be e targed. oa the same torms as advertisements. .ill advertUtnnetiti laseUed in the trl-weekly Com atreinl, art entitled tWe Insertion in the Wtekly reeofohargeV O0,CAUanJ KAN C If PiUTINO.oxeeuted leuerlor fiyle. , ' - AGri HOit THE COMERCIAL. i4V YOatC i Messrs. Vaovudk PbOossit. ;ltOSTOiV r Katnaaica: Kmaaa. Ksq. -. NKV fQJllC fdlLADKLfaU AND B03I0N, fiUSlNESS.CARDS. v J & DtJMeRAF & Co. .jGcncrulCoaniission Mercliants, WlLMlNvflVN N. O. ! 'Particular attention paid to procuring IVelahts . '.i " and puretiaaluK carfjea lor vesncia. OHM MACIAa, OHALD MACAAB, H.f W. It. OIX. , -August 1.18SI.iw V;iOTRiR.TiOM. Ccicral Cunjuiiijn and ForwarJla? jierchaat roqot pdrsonat atteutlon Riven to Cousigu- - iaMUs.t'or. f ale or sjdlpoieiit . And tibfrai cash adeane maiU difChatignMfntito me or to my Nti6 York friend. Wijmjnxton, Jan.30. 1852. 135-tf i CmiaJS8loD', and', forwarding MERCHANT, WILM1NCITOX, nr. c. i Feb! 19 1852. .. . 143-12 m 1852. " WILLIAM A. GWYER, GENERAL AGENT, FORWARDING " -itR.l ComiLUsloh Merchant " .rT TAKiS pleasure in lnformlni my Irierfdl.'that I A umjiropared toglveall business entrusted to me eu1cleat nd Personal attention; I havo a whari for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations, spirit House. aui Waiftheuse, Confllcnmcnts of Naval Stores for saleorahipinenond,allklds of coun try produce solicit?. ,CaJwdranc(!suiii4 oa con. 15 GEO, MYERS. 1 .'vfc;.j tfBra;ooSTAiiTi.f 'oj Ab -l,r ll7iw,.jr'n, Llwrt PnaoiilonH Wood and Wi ' Jt Wart,-, PruU, CoaftelionarU, tfe. i ' li-'itJ'Wtp 'S09 sTaaar,' . ' I ' -Jc A jr VV 1 L.M I N Q T O N ,., N . O , NoM 871vf,H, : i' ' 109. ' if'- "i itr r iwn i UK viii nmnmn . iVki GENERAL 7 COMMISSION UKHCIIIM 4 w' WILHINOTON, N. C. ' OTHICT attention uWen te procuring Freighti O and poruh4ilag Cargoes for vessels. Karasaifcas: OG. Parslev, Esq., 'Cut. John MuRae. Wilmngt'n. N. C Rleisri. Dadlavdi Huntllii ' Joseph y.ley.Esq, , J N.C tMesii's.'JamefXioroer 4 Sons, Baltimore. K. A. aouuer oz uoM runaaeipnia. Thompson Hunter, i, - York Plllsbury dt rSanJford.' 0,t' Huntlngdk Tufts, Boston. J. G. P. Pltoonbi Ceuriebunk. Me. ;ulr,17tM95L 62 -y .w j.niriiAWAY&soN, . COHUISSI(!f , MCRCJIANTS. mtMlNO TON, N.C - ' ' -nI. Hatha wav. ' 1 J. U Hathawa. 15 1951. 91 7uVf fr4l vwuisioni iHcrcnanw. p. J' i.'i. ifiL :-,'!t,.j',:'V .tn'i.;.., V.i'v:,. t-- ''rfV.,, '7;". 'r',V"-'7''.': -T"'., :;s".'Jv, T 7 " "M- - ... ' y- ..'k. - ' TiY W VH V BUSINESS CARDS: ' i: CEar HJ(RRISS, v General Cbmuiissloii'; Mercliant, rW-. ' WILMINGTON: N C:i0iM OTR1CT atteatloe given to piocariag Freight KJ and purchasing warjoesforveasels. ? , v B.P. Halltoe.. . i O. a. Paraier. Kaa... ' ' J. A. Taylor, Esq., , , J t:, : i ffllmlngtoe. , . Jiui ueuamy, ivsq.i - , s . - Messrs. Bsllard 4 Huntinston. i ' . ' t PM k. O .1. JL Clrf ??.fftwre m ' ... , .i ThomDson 4. Kanter. fork. Atei'r. Herron, Jf .. Pltiladelphia Messrs. WUilams Butler, fr:, .,; , r Ja;ii362. ,f .. , .. . ,. Vr?J ' 123-tf.: ANDERSON & LATIMER, OO M M IS SI ON. ME B C HANTS SOUTH VVATKR STREET WILMINQTOM, . C. jjep.a,.issp ;' t - :y y jhh. ALFRED MARTIN. AUCTIONEER COMMISSION MERCHANT, ggneral"agent. Wllmlngton.N.C..Oc; J8S1. J " ' BStf. General Cq n uisslop Mercliant. tvijiijrafaJi, jr tv Oot.9th, 1851. ' ; ; 87-ly-c, WnOLESAtB AND RETAIL' DBA LEU IN SRIP CHANDLERY, sniP STORES AND GROCERIES. CORNER OP" DOCKA VArR STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec.rth f85 , . ; VVICMINOTOX, N. C. BROWN .DEROSSET. ' "KSW YORK. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS March 1 7 1352. l-y GEO. R. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT' Nextdoof td AAf.Wannet'kon North Water at will attend to the ale of iillklrlaef Uountnr pro dace, such arOorn. Peas. Moal, Habon, Lard. Ac and will keep constantly on hand a. full supply of Groceries, 4c. ' ' ' 1 1 f 1 References. Willes Hsll.of Wayne, John .vlclUe, Wilmington W caraway, . Uen. Alx.. Alc ltue K. P. tiili. Wilmington. Wiley A. Dee. 13. 186!.' r" Walker, U5-ly. TflOI. F. CAUSE. Cujaiiissioii vlerebint &' Auctioneer, Q.-tee lit Hail's uiper building, North Water Street. Where he will be happy to attend to all orders in either branch of his business. Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 23, 1 85 1. 119-tf. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. It D. D.u..'M'A. b14im iiJBto I'aiiTi uiTaui j nuuuiv.1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON 1ST. C. t Jan.l. 1852 123 CORNELIUS DuPRE. , WHO US 9ALB AND RKTAL UcAtGRd IN Drugs, Medlcltiea, Chemicals, Paints, Oil Wye Stufls, Glass, Perfumery, Clears, Old Liquors, fancy Articles, e ' MARfCKT STREET, ' ' . WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by experi . March 28. 1652. J. iVLATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AND GENERAL AGENT, Oct.l 1851. t- 87 JIILE C0$TIN, CO M M I S 8 I O N M E RC H A NT : WILMINGTON; ' j BtrBIl TO E. P. Hail, Esq., Prea't Branch Stale 1 Bank, . .. . Thoa. H. Wright. Ksq.. Prea't Bank ( Wilmlnir. ,, Cape Fear, f f tm N. C. ' . U8-tf. O. G. Parsley Esq., Prea't Commer 'cial Bank." ' Dee. 1911851 ' fJWOJf & ESLER. .'''' cMa''Pif a Litis in'3" .Confectionary, FirmltNutavToya.Faney Ar- tlcies, I'ertumery, Tooacco egaro,- c WffQLESA IE AND REt AIL, , s,S : i MARKET'STBEBf, ' ' WILMINGTON N.C. No, 30,1 861V- V. .10-tf . , MeRAE & UARRISS. IMPORTERS A?TD WHM.EsULE AND RETAIL DRAT-I3HS IV CJffm, MASS, AND EARTHEN- f ' i WARE, AND PARMrWG IMPfiRMRMTS. VVest fide Front street between Market end ' ! dot atretav-'''t r ! , October?. 1851. ' - "' ' , 85. I. WE88KL. ..i.:v;:'' H. B. El. EBB. WESSEL & EILERS. rr'. ' COMMISSION MKRCIlilNtS'AND WROLK minaton. N. C. .Intend lo k'i, .i ih. Vu.. Stand a general assortment of "Groceries, Liquors, and Provision ' at wholesnle and to" carry bo a ueaeraitjomraissiorruusirress.. i 7. 'v' r l.'BtrBBBeee '. " 4? f u' E, P7.Hs.il, Post Brlch Bank'ef the 8ta'te! J C? O. G.i Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. . VWII Dickinson, Ksq. it '4 ISI."-.., BUSINESS CARDS. ELUS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION-MERCHANTS CHAS. d. illis, HtHsr r. aessaii jo, a. acsiSLL. J a n. 28 1852. JOUN STRUTHERS & SON'S MAUJBLE AND SAND'SfaNE YAED. .I .KeV. 860T MlQII JBTREBT h iM , i PHILADELPHIA. MartU MiHUt ,MMiUpr.3bMbt and drat SUtnei constantly hand. Ever description of ORNAMENTAL WORANO STATUARY kaecuted and Imported. Orders forpublla or pri- vsjo uildins sxBCHied with promptness and des patch. , ..;.'' . I N. B. Desisns Will be sent for Mantels. ' Monu. meats and Grays IS tones, and all work shipped in sursd from breakage when required. ,, ' 85 ly-c MORE & GILLIGUER. AND MAU0PAOTORER8 OP WROUaUT OAdT IRON RAILINGS , ttiPQK ROAD & COATES ST. plIILADlOLPlllA. All orders attended t with roinoiness and des patch -work warranted.-f . -,r - , Oct. 4. r - 851y e. R. BOLLNED, i? : 0. fOTTBB, itt. D0LLNER & COff ER. GENERAL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LIBBBAi, CASH ADVAHCBS MABB Olf ALL CONSiOM- MBSTS. March 16. 155-!vp FLOUR. KBLS. Canal Fluur, for sato by J. HATHAWAY 4 SON. Sept. 13. .' 77. COOPERAGE. TUB subscriber is now prepared to make or re pair water cask of any size, for the use of ves sels, on the lowest terms ntso, the cltlxens can have anyerticle In the line of Coopering . made or repaired with dispatch.' ' , -r A. MORGAN. Wilmington, Feb. 26, 1858. ,-' 147.'itm-p. CONSULATE OF HAYTI. 64 Commercial Wharf, Boston, 6ih March, 1851 ' i underpinned gives tiotlee, that in uccor JL dance with luw passed at Port au Prince, on tho 24 ch December last, vessels "arrivioir in Havti from ' the O. Slates on or after the 16th Awll next, must be provided with Duplicate Manifests of their cargoes, certified by a Consular Agent of Hay tl, if there shall have been one at the port of , load In Otherwise the documents mit be vcrrified be- fore aa . officer (duly nuihtrlxd to administer ad oath) of (ie State or United States Government. '':wiiwr.ii)ff, May 8 -' '23-tV. SUIPPING ARTICLES. A H4NOSOAIE edition of .Shiopin Articles. l iut printed mi I tor silo at Tie Comincrciitl OIce. equul to any us yet iiiiported from New rorit.'; i . . . , Orders for a Ream or more will b i filled at a cost of 10 to 20 percent, cheaper than they are in New iroric. . . . , ov. 10, 1851. 102-tf ' CASDY. CANDY. fN HAND, 700 lbs, fresh and good, for sale low by WILKIIHSON f ESLER. March 6. . . 161 NOTICE. 'THE undersigned, having formed a Co-poftoer Xshlp under tne Style or JUHIN BANKS A BROTHER, tor carrying; on a COMMISSION AND FORWARDING BUSINESS, all goods consiged to them, or ordered, or produce sent for alel will be promptly attendd to JOHN BANKS, ; DAVID BANKS. ' 137. Feb. 3. SPIRITS BARRELS. AfWCOND hand Sptrita Bbll large M.VVI n prime order, fr sale by fv AIM UKUSUIX Of. LAl lilKK. -r Jan. 27. 134. SHINGLES. Qfi AVl McREE'S Contract Shingles, OUejlA.'U landlnz. For sale by no " iri t o a rtl sL HhrA (irttr MardhlS. - ' -f:;?!..-,.- I. GROCERIES. A n BAGS prime Rio Coffee t fV10 " Laauira do. t hhda. P. R. Sugar s . 40 bexee end 13 casks prime Cheese t 26 barrels Mesa Pork V f ' 100 barrels Sup. Flour, assorted brands ; ,15 kess Goshen gutter j ' 10 boxes (8') Tobacco . i 20. Soappn .,. 6 hhds. Bacon, Sides and Hams t 30 boxes Raisins i ' ' ' '' ' 20 barrels Lamp Oil j for aaleby ., ; J..HATHAWAY & SON. PORK AND HAMS. QH BBLS. Mesa Porkj , f 7 OVf 10 casks superior Canvased Ham. , Dally expected from Baltlmvsand for sale byl ' J.D. McRAE A Co. KATES OF 7 FREIGHT. BATJ?Sn,f. PrelgJhl Vne Wifmlngion and Ral igh RaU Road, and on the Company' Boats 1850j'l.ist printed and-for sale atthoffloef The ...Dec..?!.. , U9.tr ::r'lr- '7;!7J7 GRINDSTONES."' JV 9A 7 WKCBS,aJi.txesii Wipertor quality, just & 1 : : Tecelveer, and for sale by ( -. i ; . Jan 9. . :.;,;v:' :;4, ' '-:K- 't .'"."' 126. :MILLj S1WS Tilff. baerlber;;haa iha pleasure of Informing tas succeeded in setting np the beat Saw'fbr"that urpo:that ha ever yet been produced aa far ws knows... All saw warrsnted not to aplit n the lwth7, V.'. -'-"' .'M.' ROBINSON'S . - ' a r " IIIUIOV ion. a, V. GLUE If) A BBLS. superior, or sale low by . A. MARTIN. MOLASSES.- JV?'.I fe'f lis-' TOMENTLY sioMted tOO Hhds. new cron IfANolasaes, carau otBrlir Jonn uawson, irom A k Brown s Tnarre. Psb. 17. ..'..s-.-XV:,-.il--:.",'.,ltt BACON. 'A "LOT of superior Nona, Carolina' Bwony just ZX recoil per tun K.OJJ. For eate, ey . H. FLANKER, : j'H ,;; No. 2 Ktl-Watet;St.eet. 10. fr'?'y:ix &x$lt,T- Ik Si-: IjO. Feb. JOCTU ' CIR0L1M1 ' fNSXIKAXLKroSPASy, ' 'DP C IIARLESTON, 8. C CHARTERED by the Smteof Nonlh Corolino withaCiptiul of iJO,0JQ , ll paid in uml will inrtirFlRE, MAUIAK, RIVER AND LIFto R.oKS. : 4 t'.V::"' tiCtlASi EDM0N8T0N, P,res,t. -L.Toi!AsS.y. ; ;!( UttLbU Ivtll I RosBBT MiaTiw. Col. Jambs Gadsdbk, ClfAS. H. WB.T, ;Iisaav Uosia. M. O. MoaOaoAi, b'. Mowa, 4t,i Phf i ubsoribers having been appointed agents in this '.uoo far the above ttanied eomuany, are pre- put one lite wil sii ' N. to recaive offur and Issue policies of Insur on Fire. Marine, River and Life Risks, on I terms. 'All losses Incurred at this agency, e promptly adjusted and ptfd by the under d , h , DaROSsfiT 4 BltOWN. B. Risks' will be taken on the lives of slaves on the most liberal terms,'.".5- -J..-. Wlloiinguin, N-U.Deo,2, HU. 110. CARDENAS .MOLASSES. BBL Cardenas Moasses, of Superior Jvqualtyi now landtn frorli Brig Portland, for iaWby ADAMS, BROTHER Ob Co. Dec. 20. . I,: ,;-.f,,,'. ; 118. FRESH BOSTON CRACKERS. IUST received ,' 2S tlrt eanlsier Benfs Bostin J Crackers t 100 dox. Underwood's-Pickles - Fo sale, low, by HOWARD 4 PKDEN Nov. 20. ; . 106, GLUE. f BARRELS American l ' CU 20 superior English! , , ' jnst received, and for sale, by ADAMS, BROTHER ACe., Ausust 5. 90. RICE. i n C CASKS prlmejquality, fresh irom the Mill, w v. iui suiu uy ANDERSON 4 LATIMF.R. Dee. 9 " - 113. 7-. :' HAMS, HAMS. tERfWS ertmevssaes. f Z 0-4nhds.":' v--- do."' a.-.' For eale very low by " " ANDERSON 4 LATIMER. Dee. 9. ij : f ' ' ' ' ' I I ... ANOTHER SCIES'TIt'IC WONDER. dr j. s. Hour.rovs ?RIJT DYSPEPSIA CURES! The Trite Direst! ve Fluid, or Gastric Juice Prepared from Rennet, or the lourth stomach of the .Ox, after directions of Baron Lleblg, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. ' D.j Philadelphia, Pa. , - i This is a great Natural Remedy for indigestion, and Dyspepsia, coring after Nature's own Method, b Nature's own Agent, thcGnstric Juice. Pepsin Is the chief slemeifi, or Great' Ditreatinc Principle ef the Gastric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preterting, snd Stimulating Agent of tne stomach and intestine 'ills extracted from the DiflresiiveSiooiach oi the Ox. -thus forminir an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the natnr.il uasirtc Juice, in its nemicst powers, and furnish ing a complete and perfect substitute for It. By the aid of tuis preparation, the pains and evil of in. djgMblof and Dyspepsia are removed just aa they would be be a heuirhv Stomaea. . It ladoioir wonders for Dyspeptics, carina cases of debility, emaoiatkm, uarvous decline snd Dyspeptic consumption, sup posed to be en th" verge of (he grave The Scien tific Evidence noon Which It is bnieJ. lsin the hleheet degree curious snd remarkable. .. , Baree Leiebig, n his tdebrnittl work on Animal Chemiviry. savsi "An Artificial Digfutive Fluid. snaloguos'fatheDastrle Jtiice.'may be prepared from the muceoe membraoe of Iho siouwch of the Ox, In which various articles of food, as meat and egaa, wll be oqftentd, changed,-and digetttd. Jutt in (he tame manner at ticy yxmlilhsjn the himemttomatK Hslf a teaApoonful of pure Parsia, infyud or dls olved in water, will digest or dissolve Fit Pound lioatt Beer In about too hour out of the Stomv , Dr. Hottehton's Pepsin, Is sold by nearly all the dealers lii fine dnie d,Pof ylur Medicine, through out th United State, . It is prepared In Powder, snd in Fluid farmland in Prescription vial for the use of Physicians. , , " . Private Circulars, for the use of Physician,' may be obtained of Dr Houghton or bis Agent, ; descry bing the whole 'process f prpariuloo end elvina the suihorities upon which the claims of this new remedy ar based." as it is net a secret remedy, no objection ean be rained against Its use by Physicians in respectable standing and regular practice. Price In r tuid torm, one uotiar per Dottle. PEPSIN IN' POWDER. r' ''Seittbit Mail, Free -of Poslagt. For convenience of sending to sll part of the country, the Digestive matter of the Pepsin, Is put up in iha forie. of Powder, with directions to be dis solved In walerby the' parieni. Tieee Powders con tain just the asm matter as the bottiea, ana will be seat by mail,' free of postage, for one dollar eent (nnst paid) to Dr, J. 8. Houghton, M. D-, Phlladel phls.'Pa. " ; ',:-' ' - :-:' v . Observe thl!Everv bottieof the lenuln Pepsin bear the written, signature of J.,S. Hough, ion, M. D . sole PropriaforBPhlladclphls, p. - . r . nfSold by all Druggists and Dealer In Mdl eteeei' M'Ar .uci:' -i-A :u i 4 Sofd, wholesale sad retell, h .A. C,, EVANS A BROTHERi W.H, UPPITT Co.. and C De- pRB,Wllmlpgt00,NC,:r;i": ' ? l f.MafHW't ..r f f EMPfY SPIRITS i BARKELS. ow-u ana epmw naiois, ijtrgen ci iwz. LoWo'i Extract i P, !.;n-s v DaROSSKT & BROWN. J"' 3d. :V' ",-.t ':f'-i.::47. SUNDRIK, TUST received -300 bags Coffee, Ilio, Lagnyra, u an uomiago, Java, anq mocai ze Mge sweet spiced chocolate r 10 bhds. P. R. eiOfart IpO bbls. doable refined lo .f, crushed, powdered snd granula ted Susar. 200 boxes Candles, all kidds andgradest m no. jaa siina,n m ana ts, in ibbcv box ts, lbs. each 10tbtU. Whiskey tWbojes Cbeesej 200 packages new Ruialns r 200,009 oegars, at Bai 1 1 more prices t il W boxes fine Chewing Tobsccoi 10,000 new two bushel Gunny Usee. - Fur isle at the lowest prices, by 'HOWARD PEDKN, j' COFFEE. mf BAGS enrs Rio, for ssle.by V ADAMS. BROTH ADAMS, BROTHER Co., August 5. w fAPlTTI a tvrriia TTAOS Rio Collee. For eale br 50 J. HATHAWAY A SON. Sept. 13. ' t 11. BILLS OF LADING. &c. IOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bound in Books. and sheets. also Letter Sheets arlih ivsrwty oi mercantile blunks.torsale at The Com mercial Office. FISH Fisn. of extra Mullets and Trout, In Pork 1 O BBLS I Bhli Pb 17. at GKO. H. KELLET'S. J. H. A N. C.T. ,ORy. ? . 143 TOBACCO. ; PACKAGES of good Chewlna- Tobaeco, for t) sale low, by j. H. PLANNER JVarch 6. 151 No. 25 North Water St. SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 (Y AFFLECK'S superior Spirit Barrels, for 1 UK sale by . J, C. LATTA. Nov. 22. 107. CO-PARTNERSHIP. IHE subscribers have this day formed a co-psrt- nershlp imder the style (if McRab & Haibiss, and have taken the new granite front store, latey. erected by Copt. G. Potter, en Fxont between Miar ket and Dock streets, where they will always keep a complete wholesale and retail stock of CROCKERY AND FARMING IMPLE- ME NTS, ...... to which they invite thi attention of merchants and others."' fc. - -v-'v-- i.i -' t: Being IMPORTERS, wt feel confident we ean eel) articles in our line on as favorable terms, and of as good quality, as can be purchased In the United State..'' ALEX. McftAK, Jri1 ')! U N..T. HARR1SS. THE' subscriber having formed a eo-parinershlp With Mr. N. T. Habbiss. is daslruus of eloslnv up niauiu uusiness. ana oeffs leave to uriri nnnn thofe Indebted lo hlin the necessity of a prompt settlement fit thefr Milk. Heat- fhe Wma time tenders hi thanks te his former customer for their Kind patronage, and solicits a. continuance of the same to tho new firm. . i . ? . , ; ALEX. McRAE, Jr. Outwber 2. 1651, , 85. BROTHERS LINE. THE Steamer Brother and Tow Boat, Si even ton and David Lwi are prepared to forward with Dssfatch, all goods consigned to the Propri etor. . ; The Steamer brother la of liort dbapOht, and well suited lo run in low water. She pospessca pew tr, and tpttd, and is adduUrabfv adapted la Mttg, and can accommodate about 20 passenger. J The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and - will give, special attention to wav freight and naval stoi j to lowing, and will also attend to the comfort and convenience of Pas sen- fere, vram lit long experience as Acenl in Wil mlntoe. of the evrsi Sieem EQajLCompaoie, be thinks he can give salisfscflon . '' , To Merchant In the interior he would stv . thai all Goods shipped by him-, will b delivered to their Agents in raytteviie. Hi Agent in Wilmington U DAVID BANKS, to whom all communications may dc acaresaea, a a tent of the Steamer Brothtr. - w, a i JOtlNi BANKS, Proprietor. MaylS.r , ' 2S-12me. ' Salisbnry Watchman. Greensboro Patriot Fayetteville Observer, and Carolinian, and Asbboro Herald, please copy 4 weeks, and send bill to this me...,-.;,' ,frt,-,; COFFEE & SUGAR. OA BAGS Rio and Logoir Coffee i V 7 hhde. orlms Porta Rico and N. Orleans .Soger, just received snd for sale by i J. tl.lIilArVAl S oOIi. March. , ,151 7 A. A. B. SOUTIIALL, COLLECTOR AND GENERAL, AGENT. r WOULD here lake this opponunjty of returning .my thanks to my friend and patron for the very liberal patronage I have received at their 'ns'nde, daring ih time I, have. been, eullecting for them and hep by sulci attention to business and with a determination to please, still to receive a continua tion of their confidence and support, a I intend to dovoto.my lime tq that business. Refer to Messrs. Kill cVMMiiell, R. H. Grant. Esq., Geo. R. French. Esq., C Myers, Ksq and Messr. Potter 4 Kidder.. , , , ,, I will attend the Courts of the adjoloine Ceao ties whenever indncements I bffered. My offie will be in the store of Messr. Whltaker and Whit tled, at which place I will be found unlet when out, attending lo business. In my absence.' anv communication left with Messrs. 1 Whltaker of Whitfield, for me, will be handed to ma. , 7- . I will attend, as usual, to the sal of real t'atci hiring servant renting houses or ny other business In which an active agent Iswsn'ed. J - A. A. IJ., SOUTH ALL. Weekly Journal, Herald and Goldaboro Patriot copy till torhid Feb. 19. 144-tf. HAY BALES ofsupi uU arrive per Schr. r Hsv.'dailv xoMiejl t K S. Powell,' from New GEO, UARRISS. FIS0-rFISH, i fci A Zl I n. V f " 'fsi,' WH plckUd Bd In Pork barrel. , Call soon at i hi PI i ? n? t'm, ,pd Mo,,,J, well 1 J. n,, C,T.e.py.. , 7 ' UMY ARTICLn croe Brown winrtw . kk-- onll. log Cream, 3 dot Wash Bails, 3 doi'B.ft.lo Coir.ba,' (vutnur.y 1 rrose Wsx HmrhM. kf LBsrnlf of Hair snd Too- h Braahe. ,i rnysicians andMerchsnte will plraie and ' tiajnine. .. r c. Da PRE. . .March 30.' NEW SHORED I&ZVIZZZL nnu9,, jus- received and l x t 'j.b April yfvir ,7.r ViIIITE JIEFINED FA"" 7' 1 A BBLS. daHy expected per f . 4 4i and fof sale V- iO.... f. UCl!e Aprir 3. i IN STORE. AH BBLS. Prime Perki 27 . BWs. w Beef. lor sala br. JOHN C. April 3. ' . .V l 441.-. . DELICIOUS CONFECTIONARY. DANANNAS. Strawberries. Pin AnLt n. JJsnjcs and Quince Drops, sewMtthPng new sod t,,,nr;M,4, b ;VILKlNSflN ISLKR.1 li.aci.ii - i - , , ',iA,-;;g, COMFORT. SAFETY L V "!Y. rpH K subscriber, bsvlnj pnrr -X Hemlngwsy'a potent for an i tel I t construction and aiternaiion M . Floe, so a to prevent them frooi which improvement savins of l.. . of fuel geneally seed, fa made-- pleasure In attending '0 any work t . and assure those who are kindly d'spiv na ploy him, that entire confidence may i e i .i the improvement. He hss already a.. ri 1. . r, Placea and built eeveral ehimnlee. In V. . on this system, ail ef which have given e.. ..a t Isfaetiont-' Jir , eoerseryani .,.Z ' Jftu ri.it,n, Feb. 14T - U42a.. J- .u r. sj. SALT! SALT I 1AAASACKS large, and in Una o.-Jer, to ar4 UVArlve per brig Soaoe Duncan from Char lestoiw Jan. 20. - 0UTCALTS SXT ALWAYS On handset Manufi era pi! ce,r iX-dera deceived, and forwarded f r ! ts tosnif Ijarchasera. Ded.?. v-"T0 THE PITCLIC. THE SolwcribeVfiai leased for a ter. f year, ef ft. W. Browtf, Esq., his (ire-proof store, with bia wharves, and.t sow in a condition to take e peclal car oi Spirit l arpentine and on. - itsi Stove eosnmlted to hi care. .Th War " t well known to be the best sod safest plcu ... a fortb otorsee of Bacon, Lard. Corn, Peas, k.c The lower wharvee hsv en thenv foer large near beds.Siw!r)Splri' can b wfely kept lrot the rain and onw- 411 prepaatd I ucWv. and sl.'p, or sell, sll kinds of prxtuc sent to hi care, iiej' will also make advsnee when rrqulred. - ' '-. He beg to refer iv the following pntlcmenr RV: W. Brown, John Dawson, O.G. Pauicy, and Thee). H. Wright, Eqr.t i' - t. - 1 . - :r f ' MILES COSTJlf, , Brown' wharf Wilmington. N, C. . 5epi.l3.;77' ,-: f 77. THAT P0LSI3, ROW IT IU,WHI HUXliS BUL.ir ""; WITtll ftt TH B! ( F . A T O f 'MTI! r - Au,. WOODWARD returns hi thank, w the public for th unprecedented encouragement h has met with la the manufacture and sale of bie I ie w mm v w evpav , celebrated roiun, and at ftie same time, wuneaxjt uaderktood that b always keep. pplyp banal for wholesale or retail. 1 e Experience ha proved that thi Polish I uniar passed for quickness la putting a gloss .boot) and shoes, end also io preeerving the ietbr., Persons wishing to oil theft boots can s this) ' Sjijsh with equal success Immediately afterwards t 1 elesrhev should be rubbed a oobs th " 'lsh I applied, befer it drie. ; . Th Polish ean be found at the Drug Stot of -C. DtrPat, Market Street. ' -. M..k ia . - iw iAnrr 4m . t. 7 ' ADTANCH3. " LIBERAL Cash" advances will be maJa, ' eat required, ea all goods cons! 'ied to c-:r ! -se in New Fork, and Coitonlo th-' r t ' f,r l. ded,by.y. aryibe attanded tf. (fir .!g Commlssios. -- ft W will also advance' Hbera' ' oi Cotton or ov erproduce consigned to ourl. l.Uc ""of, t lew .n .rsl - to which port w can furnish s: handred baled 'of Cotton, at lo vessels shortly expected. - ' f ?Mareil8..f1: ' 1 i 7 just r. k - ,AUi A ND for seJee fin asaortmcnt XiCrsoe. Hair, Straw, LaCo, I a. i r Style of lasbiooable Hat ty - March 30. ' . '"- vBbt ;;', fV n, . . QA BAGS prime Rio and Laguira CoTce, just ti M, received, for sale, by - . ' : -V-'s i: :,:i.J. uATIIA w A . March 30. "tM.i'v vNOTI ut one p f?i Sunday, but one p .leavt t'r,f iuejaf -. ' 3-tf," for WeiaoaeAWc.tiVFi l t1 M ?-.' . i . . . ... w i.. March 23. FRESH arrlvala of the f nhate -Quinine. 6 bbls. ' I 1 ? J I S. '-,51 4 Sulphate inc, 3 oi S -''1 late Morphine. 10 ib. . j . ' AH Calomel, 6 ox Pepertne, & f iU Oil Tobacco, 5 lbs liyd. lata iodine, 2 Iba Jotttdo Arsnl 2 li s I m lodidr Coprwr, I ni Vol r; t c Phosphtt Soda, 29 lb ' 1 Tannlrt, ox Oxlda Mercury, 6 r 10. Iba Spirit Ammonia Aromui, 1U 10 optnt Anodrn. i . C. i Tot sal by Droggisi, llatohSO. ;.t '.-vt' ' t - 1 V rr 53C, j.. .....r.7-..il iii?wai;.jiu(WVA.atrfMt.-.t - it-. -:.' "-ne-HMH- ftaroM-tAMihjBMa- ' ? ' 'SV' v' 1,,, 'W.