I -a t ff TT1 "T"- 11 :raiiii;T j HU v, f ,..4 ( i 1 w 1 j ' ,.i t ... i,. ' . ' I T' PUBLISHED TRMYEERLY, BY Tn0irA$'L0RLQ. if.. U i-r WILMINiSTCON.: .C." S ATUjRDAYMORNING, . MAY-l . 1 852. VHOLEi. .pi m i t - i ... Li v 1 L -1r r , j.wn:ss" ...... , j. , , i ... . ' ' . r ri f - 11 I..'. J J f .t , . 1 . y SEftdiJ riU-iVfiEAU connERCUL' sPab!iahed every Tco, .Toiki ST "'nVAir, ut 3 00 peraaumvpy1tlln tlieikei to !!Y TUOHASCOBIH Otl Ka Or PHONt AND Ji4ltjr,iftMT'!i dr. tin.!' i 2 " "t ! 3 14 t ." " .1 month, J,"3 J.OO 1 qr. tmonlljiHOo 1 3 " 6,0 lr 6 ' 8,0 2,5a Too or lest mak ,iqnirert If n idvertlte- v iiorit c 9. -eda tea linctb price, beia propor. A;--.v-.-.fi.s?ftiui.:.v:fiA' - ' - 't . ll ( tvertUeraentear payable Bt the Umeof ihu ts with yearly eJterdsers, wtll be made on i',.. ,,,...1 tlhornt lufml'; i Xo' tranrer;pfjeWtrtcte''for earljf adyertUtna b-i ; jnnltud.' $l)oul circumstance jreadertr e c' in busUiMi.Oto unuDected remortl necee T u , a cli ir;e tecorJIni to the publuhed erm wH i ' i,j ; t the option of the' donrraeior', Ittr the 'Hne he ie privilege of inaual jAdrenlsort l ,trlct i timlc awn tininediaie builneii t tkfxl all d- r (iBfiUemeoti for the booefltof othelf ierioiie. ae " at air 4vertIeemehte"tiot mmltaeiy connect! wltlijlwlr own buslneee, aMaMCiil " ment In lans's r otherwle,'beifid the Uiuli ttfl 4 agoil,' 'lbec...iSBdallUoaualrateite; Pr.... tr.f hniisu6rlaililaJntdvnorcoon - lv or f r t ie ilo or hire of noffroea, wUethor tli'df 'ropoit i ovued by thfl adwrtiseror byothdt njicrso . onroxcJttdeiyili"w , t 8"wm ' . ' i Tiio ' icuiilunt of marrio jos or deaths will ; be con .; i as news, nd la'i'ertcd fre of charjjo butjill ad UUonal matter, beyond the almple an '.Vou.iOJtiwut of the. death of th pemon, will 1 Ve tarred oil the aania term as adwUacmentt. , "! '!'"'U 4ddrttiitnt WsOried Ift the trlckfy Com efefafcft jintlllod to.one Insertion a Jhe;4f jctey tee of charge. . , ad PAOV P itlN f rSO, executed 1 1 aprlor etyle. 1 ' - 1 mW MMit &&H ton, t'uxodLx asu uosm, - GiBtrul ttiLiuiMou itltrcliants, Je4cr.il lii A u.aalj.tt( ijrrJlu 'iewtaif ' J. .... .... . ... .i,.ln'i ,ritf I td CuUltltCU' .... , . . ml tat- iitlB or sniiiu"ti . h t4lttealJUttd,tlJa,uUWi':'llf,ie,,," "V. 1 4rcla(iwiCW l'or uels, i; ." AiD f4A? t0" If- p!,x- A j . in or to mf Vm XirKjriun, 3tf C. WOIifilt Commission snd-Mrwartting eb 19 ISU. ' U-. VILLUJIXGWl'ER, Ci EJ N 13 R AL AUfcJNlVfOllVV AttDiNG 1 f TAK H pleasure i Mbrnflnt; my lriaadt, tnat t ,Molent nd pttrsbnalstlention,' I bee a barf for ?tNaul Stores, with ample-aocomrautlaUoosiiy1' tHou, aud, Warehotee Copignuene of Nural iStjrofor aaleorshlpment i ao4 alltlnde of coun- Casb4dyanceinAdo on con- "a a a e 1 naf t r "le and ietallTfirQcer, vrf .f aei conrABttr is'Mi n ' i rflrtet, TW, iVJjwr, Proetofaiie, ItAwJi .W tfi'V hi War, ', fyuUi OufkthmarUn tf-e. c. ' j , aovTH raoxr sTasaT, . , , WILMINOTPN. itit C. -, Won 88 1871. , i l , .9- TSiriLUiii M tiiARfciss; -A ' r n-TfTIfiSfillVlIEIlCnANir PTRICT attenln t1e lo ptrlnf FrelghU yj end purotTJuJngtJargoesfor treaaals.' " ii I. ti Ruasciat . ' ir- ),'"" '.rt-'v.- i i y'j p.-O.- l',ir-i'o, Keq.".., . V? ' t-4 ..; I' .;.i. jo; r ',-iue,; .,WJ;i VWilajpgt,ofcH.iC .if & HontinttQtT. w f i, u h if Corner'4jos. Ualitfere,.',' !; , , oiider dL'Qoj; Philadelphia. ; . riico.nblCattnebank, M.' :7AriiV if '"V... cor J. tlATHAW.v u r..:'l. J. Ll FIathawa. 91 1 r.i.. .;; VJLMIN O TON, ,-..-.--r."f -:. BUSINESS fill OS. General Commission Merchant, WILMINGTON. N.'C;1'- ' , CjTItlCT aonilon giren to piocurlng Krolgtit adparCtBUiguargoeoiTeaMia F.P.Hull.F.eq., w 1 O.O.faTBter. Ken '"r "I" ' ri' J. A.Taylor, E., i. Amintntl). J. PiiBellafliyifcsw.f-fS( Meura.fiailardHuttflngTonJ , Meears.Tooltorukyith A Co. N YoA w Thompson aunter,t Jww! ArtoT.Herron,ir.jPh,llaJelphl ,t ?fl:r &ttl'teri cs r1?.tor,s .c -4 Jan.2. 1852. A ,4 123-tf, ? 3 : ANDERSON & JLATIMERn J .iSOfrrH 'W4TRH 3TEEBt.f WILMINGTON, N. C. Sep.2I.i86.-.,.vr- :4--:V.. 82-ly-c.& A. AOAUa. . H.IX. AfrAMfl. IfOBT. O. SIN-IB. t ADAWS, BROTHER & Cd. h (Lte Barrv Br irint 4 Adarrte.Y ' COMMlsSlQj MEECHATS ' WILMINGTON, C' v 1)3 " ALFRED SIARTIN. . AUCTIONEER, m V -COMMISSION MERCHANT, , GENERAL AGENT. tyilmlngtoo,N.C..Oct.l 186. ,, 7,f Bttf JOSEPH II. FLANNjRi , General Coaruhsios 1 Merchant. WIIiHINOTON N; c. " Oct.9ih, 1851. if 87-ly-e. WjLUAM NEFF, SOIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES 1 ADGROCEiilHS. VVfLMINXJTON, N.C. l5iitSET Bitopf ru,.viiN(rox, Vt. c. f ' , , r ri If IT MarclIT 18B2. ; ' -f UEJ. il. KELLV, Cl)lBmVEiitflANr.K Nextddjr to Al Ai t' X in'h WVr ,t- wllluiit(luthelof4llWin of Uountrt I'm. duci!,rtda Urn; J'aw.-el, H loon. t.rt Ad.i and will tJmi co,)diiaily on tuud u -lull Muply ol lirocmWi.Ac. , 1. , ' ,, ' '!'' - Keerotn'. ' , WillctEolUf vyayae, Jolta dcOae. Wllminkton V Caraway, (iciii. Alx.. .Uiftau. , " , It-Kjilili, .Vil.iineton, Wiley A. Walker, . "M Dec. 13. 18$. V, . . . Wr- . TilH F..GAUSE.. ., Cmaissloa .lerchiiit & Uetione-r; oaice lit tlall'B uppsv b'ullrtlng, North Water .i Street. Where he will be lup;iy i attend to all ordri n either branch of hi otw'neee. A 11 Wilinlngion, N;,C: Doc. S3, ISSI. U9-lf. CORNKLIUS UuPRf)- XTHOLB BALt Alt HCTAl. DKAt-BHl IN Drugs, Medlciuee, CUemleals, Palme, Oil, ,l)ye StuUa, UUsi.Pertumery. cigara, Old LLjuora, faucy Articles &C.i, . W1UMIMOTOS, 1. C. 5 Proscription carefully compounded , by expert, need pnrsone. ,j e. am; COMMISSION .MER CIIA NT. Oct.l 1881,.,., , .-. ,8T MILECOSTIN. REFBB, TO i K. P; Hall, EJsT., Pres't Branch Stale t Thoe. Br Wright, Ksj., right, Kh Prea't Plf L .M ar. . -V, . f too, N. g. fllal Bank. ' .MuSi""! '.i iw; Dec.lO. 1861 .,,.- H8-tf. II ILliaiLlun auajiai , - QA.BH. DEALERS. IN ponfeetlonary , Priait.' tv TByB.Faucy Ar- t Rlw erliiier, Tobaee. esri4 J?c, r INPORTEMS AXD WHOLE ALB AMD RBTAII4 JIIiAHfirtlS 131 qIIfqfASSD EARTHEN- ' , AND FARMING lttpLEME!!S,. WsfBtd Front street; botwaeu Market and . Doclf.rtreetaV ji'.-.s Jtty; ;- U1".VW RR I i" -H.' (. .1 'I'.'FUil VSALK OaOCERSr North Water StreeH'Wll. mlnkton.-'Ni '.1ntenJ to ;ttaef M Mh. above stand a iteneral aoriment of. Groceries, LIqoo.r. and PrnvlMone, atjwholesnleapd td. cairy on a Genoral Commission Riuinjpss., v ; R. P. Il iilPros't Br'ch lhnk of ih State.'') ' O. O. PuiHi. y, Pietf t Cbtumerclal Oak..a Wit 1 rli. VSaiBL. ' ' 1 - .U. B. EltEBti 1nMMfSSlOW MRRCHANTSANIJ WQOLC ELLIS, RUSSELL & C. tiESERAU C OMMiSSlOy, MERCHANTS OKAS. D.CLLI. HBXBf t. BCeSBU.. JOB. B. BOISBLb- Jea.ZSjHaJ. . r; " " I4i. ' ' JOJN ritUrHERS&SO.N'S MARBLE AND, SAND .S TONE YARD, ' 'X0 W'lUHSTRKBT, V -PHILADELPHIA; - ! 'Sloiut constantly on land. ? Every desariftum fn ORNAMENTAL WORK AND STATUARY Executed and imported. , Ordera fot pulio or pri vate Buildings executed with prdmpioess and oee- paicn. , - - , B. Designs will be sent for-Mantel, Monu menia and Grave Stone, and alt work shipped in area iroa Muatai ge when required. " 1 " :i-ti -p ,85-ly-c Octya, 1 !' 't ' MORE & GALLAGHER, . v -IHON POUNUER8, i .c A NDMANCFACTURER80F WBOOGHT &.HAT IRON BAIL! NO S IlIDGS UOAD & OATE8 ST. PHILADtiLPHIA, ' - ' , ' AH drdereattended to with promptness and des patoh-work warraBted.' f H. DOLLNER, , - . 5. 0. PQFTERj JB. . DOLLNER & POTlfiR, ' GENEttAtfCOMMI.8I?CMGKCIIANTS, LISBBAL CABR ABVANOB BAM Oil All COS,ON- , ' ' aiBRrs. . ' ' March IS. ' 1 -lyp FL01R. fRBL9. Canal FlouVjr1 sale by ' Ulf . t. HATHAWAY 4 SON. tiepl. 13. . ' :" 77. COOPERAGE. THB subscriber le,now prepared to make or re pair Water cask of any size, for the one of tree serionihe lowest terms t else, the eiliiens can have any article, in. the line of Coopering - made or repaired with dipotijB. ' '-v ' A. HOROAiV .Wilmington, Feb. 26, lSS9. 147-Um-p. . , , . K CONSULATE OP HAVTI, 64 Commercial Wharf. Boeion.Sth Mnrch, 1851. S nHK,Bnderigned gives notiee, that in uccor X denee with a iW passed at Port Bu Prihco, on (he i4iri D rrber rael,' vessel arriving in Hayti friJtiri IhetUijtfiater en -or iifier-the 16th April bexi, must -be provided fttli Otiplleute Unnifeeie ul titclr cargoes, cctrttlted by a Consuwr Agnntpf liny1 tl,i( tliuro lall ivuve been one atttm port ot, load, loir, olbervwltbe (locninom rrtiiy bu vcrrlfied be fore an oincur (duly, miihorlwd jio. udininlmer an oath) of tho stuto or United stute G .jnmerri O.LAltK. May 8 ZMt. ARTICLES. alt I Uif HAN.DQ Uil cdiiioa of .Slii.)pins Ar'tcjes. A yn-rt prlnrca l f. n jt l ie Lontncrcial OjUt eaii '! to any as yet ii 11 ported "from Nqw Vork." . Orders for a Roam or mi re will bo tilled at a cost of It) to 20 percent, cheaper than thy are In New Nov. 10, 1851. 102-tf r) NOTICE. THE undersigned having formed a Co-partner- 'm snip iiiiuc. iuo aiyis ui tunii BAn&o : vl BttTHRlt, io"r;Cirrvir)g,n, a C0.UA116SIQ.N AMD 'FOB WARDING UWtx&Si. all good coiisigcd to them, or ordered, or produce sent for i4le will be promptly attendd to . . ;t ... , JOHN BANKS, PAVIU BAIN K. A', Feb. 3. " '. ' 137. SPIRITS BARRELS. Jf'kASKCOND hand Spirits BbU , large size, UVAih prime ordeV, f"t,nle by 1 ' ty V ANDERSON-'A LA.TMEB an.8T. " . SHINGLES. QCi Mf MpRBE'S Contract Shingles, no OUfjlAV landing. For eale by , '- March 18. ' .L r . RATES OF FREIGHT. . ri ATES of Freisht on the Wllmioatch and Ral XV eighBail Road, and on the Compuny'a Baate ti tjharleeton, reviaod and corrected, ueenmoer, 1850; just printed and for sale at the office of. 'A. umiMmol, at za cents per copy. : Deo.21iA7 "i-Wwm b -'eitiro ' rr TUB eobeorlbijC bs the pleasure of Informing ljil jera eotage J.ln eawlnu pitch pine, that he haeeoeceedad in eeiring jp the best 8aw for that purpose that ha ever yet been produced, as far as M knows,,, All saws wirrsnteii not to split In the mui' ; J...fcROBmsON,s, . j'-, ; naraware 5torer-wumtngtoarn..v. Wet. 10. ' y opj 01. Tn it rpni tin vnfiw it, cntvpo i 1 . SB BI BAllflBa -tleleliBl Bl'i. ; WmiiN Tii.asr a.MONTES. . .AiPODWAapetrris,hlB ihankB.to.ihe piioiiB.iur me unprccrpeqioo, eocouragement he has met With In the rnahbfactuff'and aalo of his celebrated Polish, ana fit the sarab time 'wishes it BnoeMootr that ha alwava keens budoiv oa hand tor wnotesaia or retail. "?,' .. .. . t . i ... - r " ' ' pasaed forqutcknee In petting "gfot a boots ana inoc, op wo ia preserving tn leatJjer. . ; Persons wlablnx tu oil their boots can aaa ihia Polish. wUH ebal success ttprftedfatcly afterwerd 1 tbelesibef ahoBld be rubbed as soon Bs'. W PdH.h la applied, before It drl.-r ,,v V " . The Poliahean.be, found at the Drug 8tore of C. DPb, lfarket' Street. Marchvipvo4 ax (WiioafnBli3na (miiirm f IBKRAL CaahrBdvhrfceV wilUrl di.' When lrcoulred: mil aH tooddonleTicd td.oiu".Honsa in New York,, and Cottoa lo tbeir adJfais .for war ded Dy ua. win d attend to free ut. forwarding Commlslon.!.i;s ! "V.i to fM, -tt.:f i We-will ilso advsoce liberally on .Cotton oJ oth er produce consigned tu ,pir friends In jLivrrpool, to which port we ari'furnln ship room fofa'few hundred bales of Cotton af low riiel,' by aWvarsI veaai)lsihortlylxpecifd.)rt' "r ,','-)! -. v - v DtBOSSET ..BROWN. t March M..VfV f-'Ja y - 4:iHWf. GLUE BBLS. superior, forsoUijew hv . -," ZKJ . r-.V-f.-. A.. MARTIN , .!,, 1. . , , ,1 I) 1,1 IH ,""'',. BACON, y i 1,GT of superKir North Carolina Bacon, just XX focotved pwr Kuu Hoad., tot sui, by. No. 2 Aorth'Water di: eeb , ; DVTU CUOLIXIJ ltBlSCEfOU M 0 BARTERED y the State of tfotttrr Coraiina wiihB Capital of 230,000 , all paid in onH will Invesied-FlRU.AlARlNE, BlVbU ANDLIFb . t H u , CHAS. EDUONSTON, Pres.t. A.L. Tobias, 6'y. . ! t -T ,u t ; I, ,r DxweoTORs i , ' , Rostat M abtib, . v' Cot; Jambs Gapsms, M. O. MoBBBCAty Cbas. U. Wear, ' S. Mow'at, Ur. , Hbstbit jCobia. Th abierlbers having been appofnfef agents in this Vaeo for tb)e'OV,flmd company, are pre pare to receive offcrs arid, iseue policlc of InsuK anc on Fire, Marine, aiver. and , Life Risks,: oat libe I terms. - All tosses incurred at tlilj agency, will prorrifMlyjadjusied and poid by UMvunder sitfi -d DbROSET BROWN. ! N. B.-P;isSs will be.taken on tli lives of slaves on the most liberaiiernis, ''a4 ..- "-' Wilmingto,fi.Cy J&k WVi' 1 110. ; 1 .wit 11 y. ' i,., f-i," 1 1 .. 1 . -1 ; (JARDENAS MOLASSES. F.C BBLS Cardenas: Molasses,! of Superior tWquality, bow landing from Brla Portland, for HER A Co. Dec. 20." , .i Alt). FRESH BOSTON CRACKERS. TCST received,. 25 tin canisters Bom's- Bostin J Crackers t 100 doz. Underwood's Pickles. Fo sole, tow, by .HGWARD A PKDEN. Nov.Jtt. f ,,'t 5' I6. CANDY CANDY. V 0NbyHl i AND, 700 lbs. fresh and good, for sale low '- WILKINSON tt- ESLER. March 6. . , .,!. h .i-- 1 -CHEMICALS .a mi, , FRESH arrivals of the following J -100 Ob. Sul phate Quinine, 6 bble. Epsom Salt, 5 lbs pure Sulphate Zinc, 9 ot Sulphate Morphine, 6s Ace tate Morphine, 10 lb Blue Mass,- IS lb English Calomel, 6 ox Peperine, 5 gala Spirit NUre, 2 ot Oil Tobacco, 5 lbs Hyd. Palassa, (Enalish.) 2 ;ibs Iodine, 2 lbs Iodide Arsenic, 2 lbs Chloroform, I ix loaiart supper, i ot sierinaie or iron, B IDe Phosphuve, Soda. 20 lbs Suaar Lead, oure.4 w 1 annin,. j,,pi ux)(te aiercory. s gale aq. A mm 10 tba Hptrt'f 'Ammonia Aromai, 10 lbs HoffVr oola, nan's Anodpe.i rorsaiepy '!!'farc'ri'aOr"i ;,Ji C. DoPHE. ; PrugglsVMarlst X( 'f ' dJVO rHER SCIES TtFIC1 WONDER! S' Tttr :;t't '4iivHUGTON,i-'!5'' "f GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURER! mr.i. .- ... . .... ,-t- The Drue Dlgestire Fluid, or Gaatrlc Juice , prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach othe Gx,' after directions of Baron Llcblg, the great ' Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houghton, M. D. Philadelphia, Pa.: This Is a great Natural Remedy for Indlgestlor, tnd Dyspepsia, curing after Naiur' own Method, by Niure'own Agent, the Oasttie Juice. 1 Pepsin is the Chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Trtterting, and Stimulating , A (tent ol the Stomach and Intestines - It is extracted frem the Digestive Stomach of the Ox, thus forming an Artificiol Digestive Fluid, precisely like the Daturil Gftrtc Juice, in tt Chomlcaf powers, andrii'rnh. 1114 a cwnpkte and perieet substitute fftHI. By the aid of tills preparation, th pains and evil of In digestion and Dyspepsia ore removed joat aslhey would ba by a healthy Storaach.. It Isdolng wonder for Dyspeptics, curing cases t debility, Bsnaciation, . nervous decline sad Uyspepilq consfimptloni sup ' posed to be on tho verge of the grave. The Helen tide Evidence upon' whieh It 1 basejls ln the highest; degree eurloaa and remarkable-. ..,1 i:,-y . iimi Jj-lchiB. In his celebrated work on Animal ChBmtetry.sats! An Artificial Digestive Fluid, Malojro0 in Gaatrie J uice, ma y be prepared from t be mucous jnem brans of the stomach of the Ox, In kik nfinm nrtir-lps of food, as meal and eits. Wll bB "lijtiiud, ekaAgd, Md digattdi juil In tht Hir tManaonful of Dure PxrsjB. Infaeedor dls- olved In waterj will dtgest or.disaoive Fir Pound Road BuJ in about i hour out 01 Vhe 8 torn - CDr. Houghtoyi Pe$ln;fold by .vearff all the doalcraln fine drnfee and Popalar Medklne, ihrough- ; out the united Htate.;f .ta prepared in rvwoer, and In Fluid form-end la Pretcriptiof vials for the Private Cirmilan, for ih as of Physician, ma k. ki.ti or rtr. Hnuahionar hia Acenla.- daacrt btng the whole proce of preparation and f king k..nikirtrtnaiihM WhfCH the: clailttS f thl Unr remedr aretmsed.Aa it Ls not aaearei Mnaedy.l ao in respectable staadlng and, regular practice. Price n Fluid form; vn; wtwra",,.,,: t. PEPSIN ifi AWftRR. Sent fre Mail. Frt f Pottage, For convenience or sending to all pans of the country, th Olgcsrrve mauevoi me rcpsin, is put ap la the form of Powder, With direction le be dis solved In water by the patient.. ,Thee fewders eon talniast the ame matter a the bo(tle,and will be aintbfmaiL free of poetsg. for cue dollar seat phOLsev1hls,vry oiuFeof;thV genuine Pepslnbdara the wrWe'si Hgriaitir of. Hong h ton, M. D-. sole Proprietor, PbiladelphlaiPB.tf j j-rSyld by all Druggist:,and Dalerj In. Medk ''sold, wholesale and retail; by fj, EYAN p n o T H F.R t . VV. H LI P PI TT A Co. a dnd. G, Df- PRE, WUmi)to), XxCwiiz -;J-:-wV-SW " otffjBf.s: tJ Una tor trout and Matteta' well 0 pic JO pickled endln-Purk Mrtele. r7i.l e-ew at t Mihl. M 4 U-A . C. T.topy. ir '-fc i EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS." QW t SECOND Hand Spltl tSarsie, large lltAlB u amm) utdmf. rfU rlbr. Jaly 3:' ,- H y auy S5 a 4 . eJOttwitn. 7. JUST received 3U0 bag CofWe,' Rlo Lagoyra, tfi Dooiingo, Java, andMucha2d .bags sweat spleed tjhoeofate f 10 bhds. P. K. Susar 1 100 bbls. double rrfio41iT, cruhd, powdered and graaula tad Sugar 1 200 boxes Candies, all kinds and grades) , 6 lbs. eaebt )0O bbU WhMkf W boxes Cheeeet paeaxgej pew. sUtMU eare, at UaU uinare pttcep; iw ooxo nn uiiswiny tuoneco) 10,000 new two bushel Gunny Bags. For sale-at t nstowest prices, oy f uu WAKI rfcDK.Y coffee; Cf 1 uaus Mto uoiiee. Korsalebr . i M. 1 ' i HATHAWAY A BON. aepi, ij. !77. Riri.fi ni? nnivrr1 jfrr. (7W)LIO POST BILLS "OF LADING 'bound ia Books. and shects.also Letter Sttsetswiih VIUUU V laUBaVlllWI WV a. i.. varlotyofuiercaniiJeblankB,loTaal at The Con. FisnFi:41-"- t O BBLS. of extra Mallei and Troof, ln Pork 1.4 Bble. at GKQ. H. KELLBY'fl. Feb 17. J. UvJl N, C. T,opy, , f . 143 tobacco.; , PACKAGES of good Chewinf Tobacco, for 40 salolow.by' - JH. FLANNEU ; Match 6. 181 , No. 2S North Water St. SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 IY PFLKClt'S supcrJor Spirit tfarrer, for llUealeby V ' , C. LATTA. , Nov. 22. ..- ' rVM, F..i.A 107. , mmm.,,r.9W, mjn,m.Vr,t ' THE subscribers have this day formed a co-part nenhlp under the style of McRad A IIabbiss, and have taken the new granitb front. 'store, Istey erected by dpt. G Potter, on Front betweeh Mfsr ket and Dock streets, whore they will always keep a complete wholesale and remit stock of ' CROCKERY AND FARMINQ IMPLE MENTS. . , -. io which they Invito the attention of merchants sad others. -m -is t . . Being IMPORTERS, wd feet eeandenf ye can iell articles in our line on as , favorable terms, and of as good quality, at can be purchased in the lBtied State. t- ALEX. McRAK, Jt., : f .r.:,TAHABiUSS4. . J-f - vmte:h B 1HHK subscriber liavtnot ormftd u eo-nnrtnavahlB JL will) Mr. J). T, KaisAs, W deslroB of cloelog uphleold tiUslness, and. beg leave to urge pon those indebted tc liluf the necessity of a prompt euiement 01 tneir hi; ser;n-lime tenders lite thanks to bis former customers for their kind patronage, and solicits a continuance of lb 'tanner 0 the mw firm.'1 1' B',W 11 )" , .Ocidber 2,1861.. ... ,i f.-.uiJK, U -r 1 BROTHERS WK ' ' THE Stedmer rothtri and Tow Boats, reen son and Doeid Lnste are. prepared to forward with Dear atch, alt goods consigned to the ProprJ, Thd Steamer irMn I of uear BbAoOmt. and . . . : . . I..- , well suited 10 ran In low wttryi aibe BoeeeBMB eew f, tnd tpi'ed, and I sddmlrablv adapted to tawing, and cat, accommodate about 20 psseengefs.'. The Proprietor contetttplstfs running the Boat himself, and will Bite. Special attention to wa freight and naval StoiM to lowing and will also attend te the eomiort ana. eonveoieBce -or rassen gers. From his lona experience as AgenL lsi Wil mington of the several Steam, Boat Companies, be tlrfnba be can 'rfvmtlsTaciion.- 1 ' To Herchanta In tne.uwrlor he wottltf ea . that all Good fhlpped by him, will be delivered ie their Agents lp Payettevtlle. ' Ills Agent In Wilmington U DAVlD BANKS, Whom nil commonleatlons may beaddresaed.aa a root p r ttv.bieamer Brotlitr. Mav 15: ",. ' 26-I2mc. iJallsbory, Watchman, Greensboro' Patriot. Pavettev lie Observer, and Uaroiimtn.and Ash bore Herald, please copy 4 weeks, and send bill te this office. if-sW-: V"-'-'" " " 1 I in J, 'ii . i X i.f.Bj S0UTHALL, rr COLLECTOK AD GliNEBA IV AGENT, wullii rwre take this opportunity 01 returoieg mv thanks Id mr friends and Dtiron forlhe ver liberal patronage I have received tr tHelf Hands, during, the time 1 have been' collecting for; them and hope by strict attention to buslnesa and with a determiwaejoKlg' please, still to receive a' coniinua- t loo of their confident tttd eoprj, as intend to devote my time to that business. W i vt'd Kcrer to llessrs. kiiis at miicneii, n i. uranr. Fiq , Geo- R. French Esq., C. Myere, t'sq., aad Meeamv Potter "A-Kldder,-.-;- wlit ."'' fV iwlH atend the Courts of tht sdjolnln poun lie Whenever lndrreerrient Is offered. Mjr office will -b In the stereuf . Whilaker andrVMi tled,at tohieb ,plor IjiU bo found unless fWhsn our attending' to bbsloe;. In my ! absence, a ay eoWrnnrdeatlOBt left wit W Messrs; ' Whitaker d WhliReld, W mc, IU b banded . ',a1 . I will attend, as usual, Id the sale of real eetstej hlrlnr'Bervantei renflnjir hoesea-er 'any other butlneea la which neivatBt e wanted. , A.,A,.KOBTHALL.; . Weekly Journal, Herald and Goldaboro' Patriot copy till forbid. ' tu t Fib. 19. ';'.' t ea nettl- 4lttl 1 ,. D. & J. MAVER; , v Old Stand,' North ii Pf Market jrf " . , RESPECTFULLY snBeeneeiathe Ladlee Bad OeotU-menol W limine ton and vklnltv- that tnee have lately reteif ed laree addition tw ' ibeif.l tamed from North, where he ba selected arilcleS whlch eannot fall 10 alve eatltfacilon. from hit long eiperwne in tne trade The BiocB embrace ' . a ' b . every' thing pBally4oBoe I the bea arranged Drv Goods ettabliahmente. which will be sold alike lowest possible price. ';Th public are respectfully insttad toeau sea nirane,'-ea(r ma b -eetUred that they will b,stUfie4.witb tbGoodeed price, " Aptilt?, 1851. r . , , , . , 13-lmn tr.4t., y. i wS. uii'i t (iliriinrtt 1 thin 11 in ihi.n.iiii ,,1 TO WH0LESALEDE1LEK3 ANP.rLAXTKS. Til E Sabscriber,oner on- the . most advantnrt nut iermtr. !r complete Stork of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS, BHOR-' HATI,lCAP5, tl ARPWAV 7 na 'wBRw'll,w 'hey wlU tell et lw al thy can be bnoyhtln any of the orthere ctuw. : w ata te rq jiive tin a nM. ll1l!'- If MAYF.rt April 18 -.1 Co 4KfcDCMeC or ru com , " .' Sw Yoa, April 1 :i I nnre tern no catiratte mud", .or r ' - v, nj kepupf the qiranii'fy iIT. vie Jjlt. Cilleo on Ihia Uuo j thta sjnrin j, tut it eiouli ieen Jf wjtb othbr Pal,forikiA JmporU mj i had rbmI hrgt coamgnrachu fir i:t Tre:!ier j larft enough Indeed, to male. ' " C -.'a It, market arid flood our own ; for i a jl t.'.at whHe the tkica diechnrcd thc.'r Winter, the.ratrlDeBrr fain faa ap atKb desire J it. u tjaoall ttf plffntjr Uict s paratltfbtdry' , ... There 'are. jwr kmde of c Koo tf Ver1 fraak ex Predion f. .1 'I ' I r!' a of " Maee.f f ftftVitlMpprovn! of i! Bide td' Mm omlM mU-s;ot -the American iieorile onJ t, 0.i ,part frifnr'J'hiBrrlriore it Jntrei 1 . .imlfruaL the other deiibu'iice Lim ' n nn in rrate,1 rreedr nnu presumpmou. - in AJoston t weojd apx ...... . . :.. m . -' - pear to haro tu.-iny eiitfiunasiiL. iemfiif d lo put lu'iit tJirtu,i i 'pnJ,de- ' ''l(!per,, lbort. hie relnrrt b New Y01 k 1 1. 1 dooil not be tvelcomed 1 7 sn 01 our citizen.', ;-. t hear no fjpreaslon cf t r bad. ut Regard to the r, ther Bradith, Eq,,aa the 1 cT't.'.j lute K--Gverner Yourtjr tu S. Awiaiatit'Trcnturef In :. ther wfre any xpertAtiou c. .v" If - . -.or niplrtycr ri - tool4 duubijcss stir. ; ... 1 J iBauat ' and '; tauker'e , aterlinj'ti;! ofex eiidnse on Eiiiland were in rent V "?anst . yesterday a eooq M jt, teearod i f:rit Miniie "J jMaJ ajed oof fl. j rket f; t an aUvaqee if 9 per centi,It g j ant impels to aioeke-abid, and the emlly er' Jntv tor eC'4hM;ciia4jen'4dnkadritr!;i';e'ef it; to elt.ooi I -thle betray' iha'C firtanee Bre i It wa said 'jredlvday that tf.tv gf. LTiryV Bank of Georgia rai fprofelc3 week figo foiaoMand' JesteruVy Jt'no- tary in tht etty perfbnned the same ii. ..trie -J.J- - --.'. t .iree,-ir funcf here to back an a , r net ' ' V.IUC'J 1. dfrawo'tipOQ Tolin'O.-Vi L ThesC9Unri W-iikeV ? lorcijn news is regardeu r largeeipoftaiwMiprf . i ehippere are-yery dalnf : , yVbeal k cooing to , filline.v?Ce:n toitiate.: ere eahted ielfiag: Tor 65 . : . 60 a 6Tc per boabel. N . 1 at 17 and neW'tniei at ; i There Vre'oeeane'of Lariat i i eradtobly ab tH a f 7 23 fur prime, t k at 10 a 113. , f . . ,. i ,,., . The demand for eoiitumptioo ia Hi Cali fornia market Ie small.. ;It is a ;ri1)ie htm. to proviston a cteamef Iclscc.i '.'., 4nd . Chagrea. The botcher t;!r for a kl:.aU trip exceed rometimea fl,2C0 i1-' A ,,N The Sleamahip Ufnited State, Id c Ji:-ec wlirVtbe Winficld . -. Scott, hae'. ehrt"-.! her day of departure for the netrcity .if A-r "n-w wall d the (atbmae-tolfay 12:. Ourrily trade present erj''Kt..j c;th' . aru'rajitwn uoaf ine!wrrin. r3 "f wtjr -moVe i'mbjiioneuVy-jgooiU merchao' r-j In-' ' proying.tlie time, by eyetemfeinj thsif: t.Htlr neaB.,-: MerB,' Lee, Dre water & Co. erfaa- k tedy ( Icarnila 1243, thejplao, till oUcrred A by a fw bre, hoope.f ellii)j dnf 'c;ir description ot godda, vf.'prlntel Larttrcc Their Idea, wna, t prestjitje, tl.kt i( rr: ,'. to deal 1nbne at tide Wed (hen i.. . ... tmperfectly. 1Nrw'th,y have d.. .!.' r 1 ihoiijjli on the amo principfe. It U t ra i every vorrety unucr 1:1c wuno tk de4 into differc ui tleparlrn',"i. r 1 eet of alesmen for ench ilt'eTipt'Krt of "sj portion pi, iifnhinpon 1 tt. etrceu in thiecky ie ewaiatcd r reaieatv and wmporary Bnjir. . whom the'Chruiilao. -Coffortc lhelr language, rr'y ery -hnrJ t but with litlle BQceefe 00 accr ct at; h .'ie ' j t) at w.ipoeition nude by the run day u 'German "mifjierwy the Kir. Mr. Tank,, c J fe at tho hands of th 1 'vfKd x crowd of Gc 1 . ; . - I afce braaiaH, hltl . . t S'.'lT (.'-LaT.ct: jui a ... I e J a bsin. eoo is aultstble for ths t.., ' v .... ...''' t ut tint Apriru.'"; t'V 111, , tlTR'havb 63 bbac 'inu...vtw- . I VViVi glnlaStnoJinrtlt"-- e... ..ill .tl ear kartrt AaTFfOC j, f Jin " 181 -',- ,jk if .V" k,'.- : ':' - ''' -i ;' r' '' .s.iai- snm w-fH-vj" .' it 'V '.-