' Lr 3 C? TI.'" "'.'?: S2X CULL.' . The Ki-oi'-'it-r i:a Hull, ti t. J. 3. Bulloch, of - Rockland " : e l""1 Cardenas, bound (o Sd- yannub, i. "'- of Molassi s, wa regret to learn, oil ..v. -Millet, when 111 Int. SI dec si i- I " 7$ 83, knocked on her' beam r is, to ii a Jicary gale' from I lie ' V i m 1 lU J her dctki sept of everything : tut the c .j, tlic takln the rail, bulwark. boat I: out ihe stern, mainsail, forsail, booms and gafis inched.". Gvorg 8rnHI, seaman, a native of Li- n, "vae awept overboard at tho same timu nu.l w lost. After iylug on her beatn end for a l,a t hour, her masts were eut away to; revent h r .s i ting, whooahe righted with, five feet' of v : t ia her bold." After remaining four days' a p t i i ' reck, i he officer aod crew were taken toff I ) uiti Iir. l)nin Peruvian. -' from Glasgow for tliiSvPort. now at anchor off t bo bar. Caul. But. ''" s.-, Joch ai lived in the city yesterday minrnUis in tbe rt 1 "iillot boat Ctterfroni-1b Peruvian ' ' Ck&rktlqn Mercury. YiZ irmi l PRICES CURRENT. .'.Sides. 1.. c. Western " Xt Patter. Go Lrandy, A f 'fit. ' C)iTCC t vi ... 4 V. pet lb..... v none! 'El. Domingo ColIeei-V'Don.-... VJv..... fft, I.'uira..-. in(tukvt ; CJu J . -non. Corn .... .., hi patialci, IV. C, pet lk.-'. .,..' . KortUern Tallow..". ,.Adamailtw,'. Sparm, Cotton Yaroa ..'. .. ' ' OsnabHrgs ..... 4-4 N.C. Sheeilng... 7 J ' Sheeting. ..., - " ,' Puy .itevltle Flour Can !, extra brand-. .. L jiiiiiorfl...v,... Clue, porll.vV.vi':""". " . 1 f- . 1 H. . . Ash Htdlng'-..'-.rf'' , W. V. Hay ...,',.... KajterB'..'"-"v . i- " - ,.. - ' ' S. 9. Wide r .-d Plank an4 bcani-l.(lln?...'. lr lnorii Uo i SVide I U F.daed w Kefuse !. I pni-e on all. . v Itiver LuiiibLT, floorlnfper M,v wine isoaras,. f cam ling, ( 1 ll)ls.' i Uc(ji ' . ' M. none. Ill 10, lit 10 -40 to 63 n n 45 II 9 6i 6 5 25 7 B , a 12 ll 10, 10 30 10, Ui 65 30 6 8 i 00 r ' v:::::; to 00 y.La Lime u: tVew ( :. uns Molassoa , v'Jorto Rico.-.. .,' Cuba- ..r... Texas- uonan.." Meal ,v.v v-. - 'Yellow Dip Turpentine 280 Iba. . ; er bbl . 3 70 Wew Vlrjto..' 3 55 f Tlard iiW '.". ... 1 70 ,? Spirit Turpentine... ' 39 Tar."." i ttoatn, no. i o iaie. r .'Ne. tvf. No.' 3... ' Walls per Keg, 10p tba.; , t Northern, mesa Pork' .. JCow Pws.... Pe Nata ........... T K. Rough RIce...... , -Hleaned . .;. ' Of. K. Rum, per gallon. W. ; I.... none ... Jamaica. .,.(."...... ...:... sa. is .V. O. Hho. Statw Kough-nonp iW.O.BM. none ;..'. II 00 .0. Hhd. KottfH'" If 00 OLfc.i; -rd " .'.ecaree.'. t rids, Comma. 4C (i.f 41 fc. V. . . Biac hrga..'....... . Su?r, NewOrlcns,.M.csrr. iporto Kico ... (.. i .Salt, I.W rpool per sack "11 a 13 10 00 a .... 90 a .. ' 87, a 1 00 14 00 a JO. 16 00 a ...00 14 00 . a 16 .. .. a 13 00 a 12 50 7 50 a .... 5 00 5 50 10t a 12 a I 25 a .... " . a ,.. a 181 f ' 60 , 8,5 V 3 50 19 90 85 80 3 25 33 a .... a 3 75 S a 40 . ... ' 'I 'At a 95 a 3 75 20 I 00 1 00 21 a 3 00 '.J. iiiown. ....... none ... Turks Islsfii, per bushel. 'fioapi pole pr lb, per box-... M Drown. ?'." per. gallon. . t. Whlnkrv, "i ''Reeiltir ' tH .'jCLccuLj i . '. ! .- .tl" ..... :ia..V II , II -v II .. II I' II 9 50 4 50 4 00 ' 7 7 90 I 75 ..2S 7 6 48 26 1 H 9 ft M a 5 6'i a 500 'a 7 a 7 a 1 00 a a .. toil Batik Rate of Exchange. : . w Vork. rhlladelpbla, ISostori,., 1 .ltimore, ' irgiuia, , Churleaton vf 1 pur cent prem J u II II I II II II J ! . II II " " " II II II ' . JTRBI0HT8 f.,To NEW YORK -, i fiaval Stores, 80 on deck , "- i 40 under v J ; ! -t. Bplrlta .Turpentine, V. Yarn and Ibeotlng, f.linn r " Vv PeaNuU. , ToPHltADELPHLA: . J Naral Btorea, 80 on and . jt-.& v 85 under. ! , flnfrlta TurpenUae. w '65 cts.po C eta. poi SI bii. oot. balo msb. i . . Cotton.- Rice. &5cts perbbl. r6 "per foot. , tl fe per -bale ; The greater, portion of country , produee laW ki ,tfei:rjng W market bw been dlapoeed r; leering . ?;,4ol' little on market, . v , ; y Uft - TuaraNTif;--Abotit 1,000 Barrels Turpentine 'r f ayd bteo tfold at tbeeo ce,'0iitOl 2,65 and 1;i,G0 per W. for Wp and tl.70,16 and lTper :R1. for i uJi. Some aaloa of yirjlh' P m hkn : hi. i i cf. l.flrvlf. .neiit-pi',. ''s I -v'Xl'"1 .:. i fll,trir M. IliT.- : ,'and a sir ' ,'.'81.T.- urKNTmrlOQ 1)1,1 panged bands 1 lot of Tar wu told at 1,70 per ' s weltl.'nilujfAb vthear , : ,..:i(!.nii:t.'';.fc't.J-?.isi 3 of Timber were sold it i "I. by Inspection ao4mcirurtf. asloqualUyV,jj:'y ' Board ;wa aold at I st.'JD ct per 100 lbs f V)c!i 'ir 100 lbs; " ! fit C7J CtS. T: 5aC0M.-6iii'i)!jr Mr for tl.u ' , : KE'iT YOBS MARKET. , . I . April 28 BrcadstufTi The market I' pcneral ly dull. ' The transactions' In Western omt State flour are very " light i biit with" nudiangefo price. Common State, is 'Sieving slowly, t f 4 a 4.12.. Bonthorn flour 'h aieadr al 1 23 a 4.60 for common to good brands; with little to Im lutd below 4,81. Canadian flour. I tealjr at ,4,18 a 4 23. Eye flourUinimKkTafedeniaDiaHSSal.Sii. Corn meal t selling at J 25. V - v ; c , v. ; . ' Wheat U sjulet. 1 ye f wanted. . Com U not drm, and sale of Wentern mixed are reported at rWj. Sonlhen yellow is held at 65 OjW are i i fro.nl request at 88 a 40, for Bute, and 86 a 87 for Jersey. -:'.-v r? - "" .. Colt on The market is steady with a good de mand ; the sales of the morning include 1,800 bale, at 7 a 10c! ? . , , Provisions Are In fair demand ; beef at 18 75 and 16 87t fir mess nd prime ; other descrip tions are veiling at onr but quotations. . ' ; ' y , Whixkey Is dull at 20, for prison, A Naval Sioree Satea of Wilmington Turpentine are wwted at 1 62; North County is held at 8 75 ; Spirits are selling at 49 a 61 tbe latter for retoit parcels. , About 400 bids small iize .Wil mington Rosin were sold at 1.80 in yard, and 400 bids do. at 1,85 delivered, 100 bbU Wilmington Tar brought f2U :;4V : 4 " Rioe Continue active, with sales of 850 tcs. at 8,25 a 8,621, part for export , t ' Aprtt 8?' The flour msrk'e' oooUnue aulet nd Arm. , Tho demand for shipment is limited, and the only sak-a reported are 6000 bbls fair brsnoX in lots, at f 411 per bl. Corn . meal steady. Bales 700 bbls at 8 $3 2a. i WbjteoCt V7 cents. The maraet wu ciearea or ail the Vorn sfloet yesterday, at 63 cents, and to-day there is little or none offering. Oats aro In good demand at 42c per bushel for Sonthern, and 44 cents for Pennsylvania. Whiskey 21c. ;. i f , 'CBALTIMORE MARKET. April 29. .Floor and Meal. The Flour market to-day was without animation. Holder firm at previous price.. Sales tof 800 bbU. Howard street brands at 4,12j per'bbL "City Mill held at 84, 25. "We quote Rye- Flour at 3,68 a 8375 and Corn Meal, clty'tainufacture, at $3,12 per bbl.r The recei it of flour are Increasing ihough the stock Is imalM tiir." . ' i Oraip and Beeds. Th,e receipts of all kinds of demand. We no.aaleaior good-to prime ted yhvM i 98 a 95 ficnt iUtfo. 9& a 8.,cent j and such a is aultuble forJisroily flour 1,02 tl, 08 per bushel. White Corn 66' a ,57.. cents, ' and yellow do. 67 a 68 cents per bushel." Rye 73 a 76 cents per bushel. Oats selling at 83 a 87 cenja per bushel; -as to kind and quality, Cloverseed nominal at 4r Timothy do. 2.87 a S3 ; and Flax seed ftl,10 per bbRhel.' ; Whisky. We quote in hhds. at 20 a 20, cents, and in bbls. at 21 1 a 22 eflrit per gallon. NEW ORLASIS kf AET, April 28' ' At noon to-day fhe 'effect of the FrkviliH'i news had not been developed. Rijce haddrsnced nd. 300 tk-rcca. etanjed hands et froJn3 76toa8ri.lil .; . ..ii. i :: .3 .- ( l . '"CHARLESTON MARKET, April 28 Collon. The transactions yesterday reached 1400 hales at very full prices. The sales were at extn tues ranging from 6 a 8fc. FOREIGN MARKETS. Liverpool April Wk.'thd 'arrivals of Grain anft Plmirhavo been mod (.'late, with, liberal ex port. .-The demand to-day is better at extretue rates. Corn' commands extreme prices, -with a scent supply, lied Wheat 5s 2d a 6s 7d; White 6s lOd a 6 M. t Yellrtw Crtrti 2? d a 29 ; White 30s a 81sj WesterTi Canal :Klo'ur'ls d ; Ohio' 20s a 21s; Philadulphla and Baltimore 19a a 20 ; Or leans 21a. Rve J7a 4d to 18s 3d. ... Liverpool, Ami 14. There has been a decided improvement cotton, .and sales 'iQ-day amount to from 8,000 t 1Q)0Q bales; 2 000 of which were to speculators ana ekjforters, prices having turned against the buyer. The sales of the 13lh amount to 6 000 bales, of which 1.500 were for export-rod the 12th to 6,000 bales, and 10th 11 000-of which about 6,000 bale were on speculation and export 'iff ; London, April 14'A Coffeo I quiet sale of 400 bags of Kud, at ju Watlfehl.' at-38 Money Market Consols closed at 991 801 for money, and account beiug decline aince tbe pre vious day. 1 London April 15. Wheat was firm, with a mo derate supply. . Flour firm, hut unchanged. The money market la glutted -rConnoln nearly reached par, ana au aqru 01 scoai'iues raptaiy nsitjg, SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS April 1. The Sin Francisco markets had been biifk for all kinds of roods. At Stockton. Sacra- mento and Molersville, the state of business wu cheering. Tbe fttfck market, I active and nn changed. Mesa beef 1 scarce and pf Ice high.r- l oin is aouve vxireine raiea, ' voije u tend ing.upwards. Sugar it', very . active, . Flour un changed. Whiskey uribhv ! , . LIVERPQOVMARKBTS, ' ')t Bytktttihiardt' " Liverpool, April 17. Th advice from Ameri ca by ihe Pacific gave cotton, an advancing im pulse. The aale en Friday -amounted to 12,000 bale, 4,000 C whlm wss Mken by speculator and xporter. The Board of Broker quote fsir Orleans at 6; Middling at 4; fair Vpianda bit Middling 4." The aale of the entire week amounted to 49, 000 bale nf which speculator took 4,000, and" ex porter 7,0w. Holllngshesd'stircularqootes l-16d. advance on an graaea 01 coiipn petow lair. BruadsturTa In earn lhefe'1 morate transae- lion with an Improved tone. , The papera quote ysiiow at . ana wn at z?s. oj. tvestern, ua oal la quoted at 19s. 6d., and Ohio at20k.6du Wheat 1 In fair demand at an advance of 3d. per busheL ProvUiona. There bss baea limited transaction la prevlsioA, without chang in prlee. Lard 48a. per ewtt a ' r. "' ; :-t---; f ' 6 Bice Sale ef 300 tierce middling qaalUy, ISs. 8utaf la recSverlnc from It recent depression. Coffee jLimlied transactions had taken place at a ror middling Jsntatca. . Freighi-To N. York. 12 6d per ton for iron. Money Market. Consols vlosed on, the, 15th at parthe first time . for seven year. On the 16th tbey closed at 99( 1 having received . '- :f American securitie were iu good aeraandat fall rate.'''.-'' .'r - ; ' ," , . , , Breadstuff's. McHenry'a elreolafV dated" Liver pool April 17. quote flour ss having advanced 6d per barrel daring the week 1 wheat, lie 2d advance and fallow corn fid to' laadvance wtilte Corn be ing lb Jew rtqUMt i Brown Shipley .qaot a nore bciiv e easin, a tn exueme rat: t Mt ''TbarelenbVbwblechs ale of new Beef on eeeont of.thi high price o Lard ia t rfiade eaoleftil 'K.li 'L" i'.h 4 V M Tallow la dull at 6d dcllueV;t.i '.Bark move slowly. KkUW;4f.KA$W, '; Sperm and whale oil are dear-VJ-t."5f''-T,-'' Nuviil Siorp.S,ile of 700,iWscemmoB rosin it 4 61. and fine at 9a 6d.; '.INoihin'g doing in tar. Turp-ntii' is wanted;". "-'.?.,;. 'I'he impottutlon at'Ltvrrpool dnrlng 'the lat v.ficni mcrir.n pr-jouee wera ouu iioreve tx-i r. k,.Joney Market. Taking (drama; of th pfe nt high rate of GovernineDt coa(ilies,h- rI aJminialrstion ll ii .-lid. ron emnljia twlrtrirw ilia Jn'ereni en ikW' eeerUies: ' Sales' ef V. S.-fiSf : ttOTHE' regular pscket.Brig Davll Duflclt, M e tH 1 unto t i, 4i u ana icm, iui ua. (, Vi a 94 j Virginia ffa, 1856, 99. ; , . , , . , i.' - - " .- ; 0 FOR SALE, MY Hoes and Lot a Front Street in l tha town of Witmlnvlnn. . - Apply lT. C MILf.KR, ormvaclf. : -. ... ' : irr-vu niviv T: aw w a tas w aoraw fiMayl, 1852." fV-'V v 20-2r.M WR are daily expecting a cargo of prime Me ! r.nm Mm..... May 1. POTTKft A KIDDKlt, f 20,61.;, oat Board. Address May 1. 1 WiJiTED.1 wlthoi WltB- B.B. Pt Office, A FURNISHED Koow in a respectable private 4.x umiiv, for a single (atlemaa, . a & FRESH AURIFALS-NEW BUTTER. I UST received oer L.P. Smith and Marti PowtUr tl S tub new Butfertl ehet Of that epertoflr Tea j 6 chests do 4 hhds. euperlof Port Kico Ho gart' 20 box Lemon Syrup; CO bbls, crashed, granulated aod powdered Sagsr 10 barrel eoffse crushwd do 1 60 boxes Cofraie's Soepj 20 boxes Colgate's pearl Starrh j 100 keg white and black Lead 1 1 bag Pepper; I bag Spice 1 50. lbs. Nat rngi50nt''aaii4!' For ale low hr ,f . 'i ' -HOWRD 4 PEDEN. tf.yl. ' . . .. ... .0-, "TOE CAMPBELLS ARE C0MIXG," "TO MEET KIND FRIENDS AGAIN. thai Thn.ha.nu Ta,.VIrht Oulwl Commencing on Monday Evening, -May 3d, I8j2, irEST Y PEEL'S original CAnrsuL Mm- V v stsblls, have tn honor to announce to me Ladle asd Qenflameq of Wilmington, that they will open aa above. With new songs, UpefslW Uho ruses and a new Burlesuue Italian Opera. ,lv.i llUll; K...1. ' I'U A LLIjS lime.- . JdB PoJar, wul hav's drsrmfb fur o' mm port. .- For light freight or paioce, apply fu Jmanjlltpspt r to , April y. m. I , F0IlKEVY!Y0RK. POWELLS LLSE. " THE -regular packet Schr. Mary Pew stl; Jitmrl r. rewell, wiu -nave -tuspawn lur sik' pm.. Fwr .liahl freigUt or passage, riy onuaid,ri QEO. tlAKttlsa. FOR IVEWaORK. . v ; ro nsLVS use. ifi THR regelvr packet Schr. Wake, Archer ngs,wuiiiavtspaien lor aoove purL Kw light freight or passage apply oa board Ut vapM ! tn s v : . .. -,v UKv, HittttiSS. AprU29. y-,:-Jr- : . - ' . 19. : FOR BOSTON. ..F4 THE fiae Brig Chenawias, Captain Cutler, "ift ha mort Of her cargo engaged. For frelghl, isJlapply t v ADAUS, BRO. 4 Co. J'ha Bwg &iam Small, will succeed, to Chena- xT:-Ji-i''''-'. " r-'" . 'v '.'T'' Apru Vr-ji .- ' '- '.'aft - miR:Jri:RP00L.r, " rub a. 1. ur, wig pieces, vp. uaie, will Mil in ' few 4ay ' For paiaag or light freight, apply to. f . , " April 29. t . v . - T For narticular. see Prwrsmme, t icket SO cents. - Door open t 7 performance to commence t 8 o'clock. - , ,tM .. j . ..- Da. . A. JONRS, Agent. April 27. 1852.- ..: i j i '. 'IB-St i. c n v MASONS AND SOJS'S Of TEMPERANCE. PREMlUMREGALrA DEPOT. GIBRS A SMITH, No, 73, Baltimore St., Balii rabre. Aid , Regalia and Banner Manufacturers, respectfully invite tbe attention of the Brethren of the diffeteni Order throughout the Country to their extensive pLuajuiUul assort ment of f ITRg'ia Banner, Sashes, Costume, Jew el, dte. AU of which r got up under their im mediate Instructions, ant! comprises one of the lar gest assortment to be found in Hie United Ststes. Member of Encampment, Odd Fellows, Ma son, Son of Temperance. ed Men, and Asao ciatlon wishing to furnish their Hulls, or supply .themselves individually with Regalia, will find our House offeis great Inducements, as we keep con stantly on h ind a large and beautiful aseortmeht cf all aiyles. Apply to or address, 1 GIBBS SMITH, No. 73, Baltimore Su, Baltimore. Md. April 29. ...y :f ISm FARMERS AND GARDNERS WE have lust received a supply of Fssh Gaa dcs; and Uaass Sco from Philadelphia. - . ALSO, r c f Several naw rmtlarna nf PlnWa. Aln millsi-Cara Shelters, Hay Cutters, Ac. F.or asleby '' Feb. 26. 147. WOOD S HACKERS AND PULLERS. L70R sale cheap at th Hardware Store. Maroh 16. J. M. ROBINSON, 155 NOTICE. THE subscribers are ready t contract for Steam Engine of any size, or any kind of Mill gear ing. To any me warning Machinery of the above description they will orier inducements equal 10 any establishment either North or South. ' Plesse give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. 'i SU ITON, SOU TH MADK dc CO. Wilmington, tf. C , April 6. 1852. 9-tf. Weekly Journal, Fayettevills Observer, Golde boro Patriot and ; Raleigh Re$(er cpy three months and aend.bill to us. '! .::.,' f BRIGHTVARNlsn. ". r?T BBLS.a aupeiror article, and warranted not tM to cand. April IS. For sale, by JOS. R. BLOSSOM. 13. FOR PHILADELPHIA. ' HEROES USE. THE regular packet schr. LILLIE SAN ,UERS, Cossoi, will, have dispatch for X .aibove.pirt. Fur light frplght or passage, tdCaptorto CE0.IIARR1: April 27. :k .-4' . ' 18 ' F.QR NEW YORK. TUB flfl fast sailing packet Schr. Mp- mento, will all lor t(io above porr on rn it v next. For liahi freishl or naawt bvln&rtinsrpassed accommodation, abply to the Captslnon board or to v J. a. PLANNER, ; ; Noith Water Street- A,2f ; V 'f ': ' 18' ' FOR PHILADELPHIA, JiBRQW8 14WE. : THE fast sailing regular packet Schooner , Jahe C. Patterson, B. K. Peacock, Mas , ter, will have despatch a abov. For light freight or paesage, apply to GEO. HARIUS8. April 20. ;. , 15. WM. MASON & SON'S REGULAR LINE O P BALTI MOR U4 WI LM1 N GTON PACK ETS THE undersigned beg leave to Inform TfGne snipping puone,jnai -tney nave rThainade arranaemerit to continue tlieisM abov Line of Packet, and rue good vessels regu lars tnrbuah the rear, ai lowest rate of frwlsrhti - fh A vents' wharfln Wilmington lain a central part of the-.town. and lmnidi,y adjoining one of tne oieamooat uompaay'a wnan, incretue anaaing it deiiubl la those who have gooda lot up river. ; Shipper will please direct their gooda, shipped by :son' unei!' v . , ;.;r, WMMASONSON, AgenU, f 1 ... iNo.76, Smith' wharf, Bahimori ELLIS. RUSSELL dt Co.. Agent. Wilmington, Feb; 4 1852. 137-tf C v AX0CL .t.i C" TON 9-th. n IVruvlif.i Guano, just received, KJ per s S.lir. plioi. rail ear!y. ' April 13, Era. 'iriose J. & U. wsnnninf It wiii . ' 12. 44UiU lUlOiV. ..,.. JCST raeelved from th pubilshi-r anetLer iip ly f Sheet Music, arrsnbd fur ih Piano Fori eodforsslf y .fc, , WEBB. ' Aprll20. , . . - , ,. .. . .. IS , "CSDKI 11E Ut COMTJTCTIM OF JL GREAT EMPORIUM FOR PRIZES i "t' ' 4 THE OLD FIRM OF - i 13. . CARR OSf,v 8 TATE LOTTERY DRPKER ; iss Pratt Street BattiaMre. td. MAGNIFICENT LOTTERIES. - GRAND SCHEMES tFQR MAY 1852.1! .. ...l iatn - . - 1 rso7, aiiv 11m, ioo. Maryland Consolidated lottery, 1 Prix of 17,716 , f 1 rre,or 600 1 tSOO ?l :t kODO l f A !- i,wte-. li i-" r.000 I f ,1,000 : t l -i;. 1,000 sli. .-.?.' lOufl',- tf 1 .tuna . I kooO'i 1 -1 '- i Jpotf -; t'--' LOOO " fS4? V.w.f4-4 Cenifieawj of 24 Whom TlrketV 862 t : .'. . ". '' t-.f' Half :v31 CO - .. ..,. m 'fxaarter V Tickels g. Halve 1,53 . i's a T70iU.1L- X conniy alwng the 1 In procett t log North ca t r . and Houl.i i"i 'i tt .. f. in a abort c ..,inr, .; r Kiver, a at it L . in one brxly, wu ! tirrsn- - i, e . . ill fr water earrwft, ni' 1 TL'RPF-N TINK or. 31 ILL ,11.' eredii will be given oa a part ef i od CQriiyV rAff re elr If. d., Daria,rb.l3, l3Ssuh91 of Ceor,'U, t th '. t several ssilee . ' a Canal, (new ' s efwlkfe be jf prf.it Darien, 'awk.k, sad with v, r, Tartie .. laoj being? .. T great farilw r rabl fe . If deaird 1 .P . I . ru.- ' - V " Qaarters 1,25''" -r- arr-rr-r-r-r- Thursdar. Mar Itth. 1851 Maryland Conaplldated lottery, Clas 4.' I frtie of ru.VW 1 " " 2,000 1 " " 750 20 " " 300 20 " " 100 100 M M 60 1 Prix of 18. 00O I i,ooor '. I n 1,000 10 f 600 20-11 , 200 ' 100 4H. t ,89 . u W) f. . I ... . UIL - I Mb - t. ..A ieruncaic 01 o nnoie (tcseis, aim w m " " Half.' 3$ 00 "l " " Qoertrr " v 17 50 Ticket 85.H.lve 12,50. Quarters 1,25 - 'T TusdayrMay l8ih, IffVl Maryland Con. Itotterr. 15 Drawn Balot lu each Package of. 25 Ticket. H 1 Pri: rr 01 f u.uw.i 1 .". " '. 4,000 , I " " 1,250 10 " ' 250 10 " " 100 400 " " , 60 1 10 10 10 60 friie of 17,291. - " 2,000. " 600 H 200 7S. ,. M .. . 1.1 Certificate of 26 Whole Ticket. 160 00 " t Half - 30 00 " ftuartet1 " 15 00 Tickets 85 Halves, 17.40. fturter 11,25 - 141Hf 20 prises 300 each. Wtdnesdsy, Hay 26th, 1852. Marj land Can. Lottery, Class 193. 14 Drawn Ballot In each Packag of 26 Ticket. . CANNON'S LINE' JF a, BALTIMORE PACKETS. THE aubtcriber Intends runnings gffo regular; weekly Ha. ef. Packet be- t Wllmlnirlnn anil Ralllmnre consisting of six A. I. fast wiling choonere, PaUiHHit fkuxlle,.. -..'a Wfi.Rlibinson. ' Persons purchssfng goods In Balsimdr ettd wish- Iav llwm tnrt mrA A aillkfint ital.il will nlenaji itlrai! them shipped by this lino., t. ,;. .'fiiiUa taken thlin at New York rate. Sf.i 1 .. Jimrt - UAnum,i.gni, , i- w 4 m . 1 .. , . . Baltimore, Md. i sf & D. McRAE, Agent, ilp4lnion, N.C. J0. 25, 1852. ".'T! , r" T ... 133-tf. MORE PROP- SINQRIES. Cat Nails Tobacco, prim ANDERSON & LATIMER." 1 LCE for Distiller, use, good qualty 1 VJI Soap, AJandles, quality, for aate by May L FRESH ARRIVALS, 1 Per Sckrt. R. tfr. Brtnen aniL. P Smith, Pker BBLS. Af ftseh Genesae Flour i . XtU 10 Bags Su Domingo Coffee t ' - 10 ' Rio " 6 " Java, " , 3 Hhda. Wist. Sides t 1 Box doubl refined Loaf Sugar t 200 Lba. beat Dried Beef. Low, for cash at , GEO. H, KfeLLEY S. April 29. - J. II. 4b N. CT. cepy 19. OATS. TN Stor lOOfl Bufihcls.Oat'. For sale br JU -T, i I - . MILE CpSTIIt ' nr April 29. ... ' vjnopewi. ; j.., . -v 1ARGO of Brig John Dawson, momently tx W pected from Catania, (Cuba, for aale by , 'i .... -.mu. .'MILES' COSTlNr . April 29. :-:.;-r'...V.:;....rr.r,:.. -; , )9. SPIRIT' BARRELS. 1 fLnfi SECOND band Spirit Barrel, larg A avyOvr tlxe and iri good order, for aal by . - 19. April 29. ' 1,1 "ii"" FOR SALE - v Qftn FftlMB pldie'-aUlfrestrf.tIv' ' OVA50 bbls Glue. English end American:' April 29. ADAMS BRO. is I,.', dfc Co. 19. . DIRECT FROM IJVBBR06' I ffVV iACKS tot Sslti o .u , ,!.; 1 UUU 4000 ' gtdbnd -'J r- ' SPIRITS TURPENTINE BARRELS. Tl. If I LARGE sixe.Mn prinus oriltir, tor'sal by UU s:: li ANDKtti$ON pV LATIMER. H..'" HI - "i. Silvan. -,, g. ,Ali.a ORANGES AND LEMjBNS. 1 fin BOXES good Ornge. -if. v I VA7S do . ,de Lemon.- For se e low Sy VALUABLE TOWN ERTY FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale tu the south eaatern part of thejown, a valuable lof 330 feel km) 9 ft wide, has ' well of excellent water, jood Stables, cow bouse and cart bouae. The dwelling 1 24 by 14 feet with two neat Utile rooma and fire place, attached to the House, a cook roomt s it is probabfe no person would potchas without lookingAt.lbe premises, a further descrip tion Is unnece.ary, suffice.lt to say. to Jhose who wish to, make an investment' qf ihejr wpney, would do well to cull ahd.exanvinjna the .prt aiisce, ,tbcr is land enough. on which could be awcujd, four or flvd more cottage that would pay wtll jij . rents. Till property is offered at private aale ,oq,the o. 1 owing terms i one fourth Of Ihe purchaM.rnoney jo paid in cash the balance in three. equal Instoll ment of six, twelve end eighteen ruopth. with note and securities negotiable ,ai)4 payable at Bank with Interesl. . . '" If not disposed of previous o Tuesday, of our next eounty court, it will' theq be oflbred to th highest biedei exchange earner on ihaabov tcrmm. Foil further information. DDlv;Ur i -' ' A. A B..SOPTHALL Agt. for f : WM..H, Hi H- et 1, copy tin day ot .sale, "Majrcb;30. .. "UnWiir-, , - , ., i. i , i LIQUORS! LIQUORS! LIQUORS! 1 Prise 1 20 300 " 64 - of 3,944 1,000 " 200 " 60 15 835 00 17 60 1 Prixe of 19,000 1 " " 2,01) 20 " " 300 20 " " 100 64 " 20 64 " 10 Certificates of 26 Whole Ticket, Hair . " " " Quarter . Tic jit, 12,50,,. . MSVfW,"" " Ssturdsy, Nsy 22d, 1852. Maryland Con. Lottery, Jla 1 4. 75 No 12 Drawn Ballot. 1 Prise of (37,500 1 16 Prize of 13,500 Certificate of 25.Whoe Tickets, 6U8.0Q " . .??.,' Half.-WCU fT4 00 Quarter 4 37 60 fJWWt n ixr. , a- ..w vwwwus iviivjf a..a.o ..... cBiTW,'CEorr, ast::::! zi ; nc ccrca AXD rr- tt; Maay yearaof triaVin'' He confidence ia this ppreeiaiion and eoiorkt? moot tanguia expectstlor but its Intrinsic virtues sr 1 , tfit tanferred en thousan... , . t Inatejipd majatain he ; , many inferior remedy t it have failed and been d. r! r friend by every trial eon : amicied t,hey can never fo' , too numerous and top re: Wlill It i a fraOd on . any eae medicine will ink..,. abandanl proof that ih Cherrr only I a genera! thin?, but lm t invariably, a lb maradie tor which it fa tmp. ,et. , ( As time make three Iv'i wider -1& belter knows thlsncdlcln hasgrsdaaliy become ' best rellsne of lb afJBIcted. fm the fog c' pessanl, to ih.,paloce of L " -tib it a, - th. r h l tbj. ' ejnr Jibai -alia therd fa oral soea nee t invariably, ar . ' pi- Throughout this tniire connfr- ad ipdeed alroes sAmeTieaa Kinj . y. rd.s- Jt vr f r- Eighth ! 18 19 , TiekeuflO. Ha)ves t6. Qnrtert2,60. ' The. Bbovelioodchnce for a' handsome For tune, nothing better than Ticket or a ehance for a few thousand dollar. Any person whir doss not receive th!f f-time to order ilcket for May, can order them for 1 6: next iwo month, the eche'mee for Jone and July are nearly the sam. - - fend your order to the World Renowned prise Seller, K, N. Caa & So, 138 Pratt Street ; READ. Send your order Immediatdy. ' The bees, wy to get prise I to bey the paekag, by mi mean yoa are ur et naving an me number In the Lottery, ' t Order for Ticket and Share, either singly or by the Package, will be supplied on. the same term advertised byv ; apy vnjeir, ln',M unloo, and drawlnxa sent InYmedJalfly afjef It ,1 over, , to all whq (PW fjronj oa, , ' ' , Prize lo all Lotteries cashed whether bought of or or not. The Drawings of all Lotteries in which Ticket .ere pVrchse3 of o will be sent by the next mail alter tne Lottery 1. drawn. Send on your ordr early. Address, . ? . m v.Aii -. No. 13? frail Street,, Baltimore, Md. '- ' "A n r ItaMHl ever h Pecio;al ('knowjiatihe b. aaeaef ihaThrual and Lbo; eounirtest )! if coming to thir most laiellijjent Physleiu, in rrane ana uermany, wnei cea nav reached tetr bigriest iry . Pectoral I introduced, and loe i the; Armlc. Hosoltals. Alma Hou . -siile- ilons, an In dornest la prae I , ' t naa.; dylhelrmiendjpjr Physicinn forth). v; mor dangerous nfltcOar pi .., I. "se lax milaerea. and for children ilia i -.. andefTectualioeere. In fact, on ,.i i. : i JR. '. nattering testimonial wtreeeiv nave ocmivm parent who hav found It tScacious Ia caa-i.a- tieuisriy ineidemni to childhood, The Cherry pectoral ia mauufnefur 1 eJ Chftmjalrend every eencf,fif, r eye, fclih Invarfrtbie accuracy and c.' td end pieteotee by taw from eiiunit qoontly dan be relkd on asgepuin ' ' W have endeavored hero lefurnUhth c aras -nit with a medicine of auch lntrinic sn?" 'orit sad worth aa shoald commend itself id x r conn- dence a remedy atone safe, epeeJy sr,.l t aJ, WhlrH lhlhby repealed tnd counties tr pre-v, .- ted ltlf to bet end tnrstlv great eara-ia ctcparist lit whhebenrtcalaecaracy, t .uniform airength ta -, nord .rnystctab a awtg"nt.on wnicn mcy eaa. rely fWih.bt(eauhand th filleted a'hha res-, cdf tfast will do for Ihem bit that medirine can (oi Prepared byJC. Ayer, Chemist ef Lowell ' -se , sndsoldby C. DoPRE. Drn-rriat and Cr . si,, and A. C, Evans 4k Brother, y Umlngtoa, N.C, .'. March 4. .-'. " . v 1 . w ' IANSLEY, mi: 'fcft BBLS. Rectified and Raw Whiskey t Pure It: E. Rum i v ( io 0ldiCy Whiskey j V f '" 6," Rose Gin r L-, French and Imitation Brand. - a A'an ttovesnd for sale by ' : t , t ZENO H. GREENE. April 24. . , ' 17 ....-.m',7,-,,1, ... ,. ; , , 0. 0. F. THE annual cesetoa of th Ursnd Lodge, 8tl of N. Carolina, will be held In i -1 ngmj mis Town, on loe za wed TmAmm Im Mmm . L..t aft.. , .,k ... . ""77 "j-, ran, un iun 01 inv mwniii. faper friendly lo the Order In the State will eonier a lavor ay jtlving this noilee lnsenoo A. VAVU RKPITON. trr.JSse'y. Wilmington, April 3, 1863. .-8-fcU. I. "recti al HORSE t nonsc r WHITMANS dt, Co.,' with on run of 24 lr fixture eomplet and in f Power will be old epert sired. Jho Horse will !' wanted. Apply l ' : - i- , -NEGROES FOR SALE. liriLL'be eoid, it Rxehange VV -I- at as., too Ki. oaferMltof siimombt. PurcptMr f Ulng Bond vrsM saaiawwwaai wwuiiii .... i.T'fiOSv H: HOWEY Aim. Coroerjoothe 10th svi-l - . rn.,, . earn iiri ana vniiu. SPIRIT CASKSj ,nAFa,JfB.c,ki "Pf,d bf "llementq UUtoraaTeby . iPiEPH iC BLOSafOMu April iT.iaiia .ti kO-.TF:. it ; J''i't FLOUR. QC,BBL5k JRii ftiiperfin landing from achf.,1 -6 H; F. KneseO. M.br8.W.-Gwabb,T re- cdavd.Ta atbre. For tale by .-v.V' . ' rain ws'a W am -a. w Li.'i-ri., t Marksl Street. ' April 27. v.v., N, CT. eop;J 5 1 .', j IS 2 TH K tilth Annfo'rsar' p( Cjp FesV todgd No! 2, will be.ceijbrati'doi) il)e J3tk of May- Bexl, All Uretnren of tit Ordm are lovli.d to attend. Tno arriving by way of Wilmington A. italeijh lljflrimd, wUi oe oniititd to a rf jnrn ilrki.t frce.1 f-j'-ii . -k; jt.v-;;, j; m block,- e'yj-1 April 22,' 8 2L J. t ; .16-iawtl3rn. . FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. 'CRACKERS. Tl UTTER CracMi Sugir dp Water do., Shell f-' " F,"f:v oo.,venny t.ino oo., tvainai- ao Lqiimn d, Pie Niedd., Cop do, Ginger Snsps; Soda Biscuit, Egg da., Boston do 'Graham de Abemathy do Milk do., California do. Also a spunoid lot of ixavy Bread. For aal by PI RR1N 4 HARTSF1ELD. wAnrll21.,.. ' . , . .. . .16. C. STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. rpHE snnusl meeting of the North Carolina Stt - maaieai society win be held on Tuesday, th llth.of Mav neir. at Wilmlnoiaa. ' ':. ,. , The Physician. throighont th Statd'ar rcit pectfufly requeaud to attend.. . It'- v, nt- . .. . ,.12-I2t; Xr BAGS Rio, Laguayra and Java. lV ror sal low ty April 24. , ZENO H. GREENE. .. .17 GUITARS ! GUITARS I ! WM. HALL 4k SON'S Patent Hwd Goiiar. la case, for sale by , r ; L. H. WBB. Aprll20 '-' ' n..fT'r -. LADIES r DO yoa want an Eollaa Attachment to your Piano 1 If to. perehsse on of Geo A, Prince dt Co'. celebraiM Melodlan. and thua see'dri tha J .iii..,. l:...t . a . . S.'TTP .vcwm snu wiiuwi iiijMiing a una inifanuiiiv J :.l anoincr lorjusi received aaa lor sal Oy. .. T) AN AM A. iLeghorn. and' Pktra Leaf Hail ja rt.greav. variety f atyie, qaiUijrand prle. srhale afc nd retail, .by, V iIC. MtEUS, Hatter, i 3 April ?i- botaa 64 .t v., w U.' jj-; --r ' " ' ' 1 . , , 1 !'" 1 1 .'i"1.. '",.,.! CHILDREN ANB;iNFANTff:ttlTll TN great tatlwy.alrf anily trimmed for saia-hy t A-r- ft-. 2,- Vt-v 1;; mYERs, i h-Aprll ZL-i,j .ViVvc'fl 16: CANES ! CANES f ! ; CANES ! 1 1 " i .SBLEPJD asaortmenl ,tf litiponed fancy p HE Co-partnership here... JL the ubsertbera,' under Hi ANSA .BRO4 dio!vd I Th basin es of jjio firm wL EVAVe. - JK,rr'fi ' u AprU :Wtbrl852. -'f ; ' . ; ti- r' !. " H V ' 't' .K ' i: CO-PAHTXH!!. THE avheeriber bat ti. ei -irlnrr. hip under the Arm bf S B. A J. J. 1. VANS, who will continue the QRUQ BusLiS5 at the trad formerly occupied y 4,. C- Evan S Lra.- They sr In daily receipt of atlditioni to iht Is stock 01 Mr.pivjt.?, pni-Ma, q-e.,Bna mv those wbdimg srtbie in their line, to call beror Ma sing lewher. , . , 8. KVAJS, . ' - v J.A. ESA.N' ' . FLCUR. BBLS. Genesee, now binding f; Xt O K.' Mather, and for wle by , '4. iUUlLC .1 April 17.- 1, -f mess rc: OH BBLS. Mesa Pork, now landing eaj NiaiuvT, aaa tor bi ey f.. t. : '5 "chr. 'April If." i j'ii s 1 r v;..v'.V:-.V--:-' 4 cc?AnTNr" .t a... a 'PUB spbstrlbsr bat entered into Cor X hip. .under -the nanw and at vie of BoernitAvn Co for ih parprre tt fc repairing all hff.de Of Machinery, ,nj general piaoasmiwiing, irm and rraia ustnese. la the town of .W llrr. ! - or thankful tor any order la either of i. eheaef baalaes from their town or e Mr. Sutton hating rsccatiy return i .... where be hae purchaeed an ' which, in addition to those we no t hie a 10 nil n order wuti dtAutn. Uar charge snail eompira fuvoia v of any ether eetabllahmeni. : - '- - - -WM. 5UTT' Msrch 2 : Jour. and Her. 1 1 Z 14 NORTH & CARlil AGE MAN U . I Mglberry, between Front r ' ,r . WILMINGTC Z-. .--aa.-Bocka.. Ks ol e.ary atyle. n'-i, s.l k lb beat and neau &i on' - bet of superior workmen .;. i expect a libers I share of pa iron;. - .Alsatoe hand H ftf n. a ! V Genllemena' ead.iiesibrilleab ev , v ' emrnave, art, af. WnT th- at. er'trsyelUnj Trunka Ihd. .' t. aoperlorinveliing b;,S' s'o, WiH'n, lir Ynetl!in l.tirpet Urn". T lie sl ovs rtJi til lowj and on aeeomnutitnMne terms. ' ' V: A .V if- WliU-S 4'I W.. .. a- " ; ' ' : e - h Tv .rnt of m a m nH SUGAR AM) CC orv BBLS: toper h refined"t!tvrr tU 20 Wags Rio end Lagasyr CofTce, 4 ft. rlc ..I a merle m pr jOuc were aw tleree be. f. ,1 W71 do f , dr. Lemons,- Kor aa tow hy nrx BBLS X fin and suherflna,' al " ' I a A ' 'rt "V ',7UJ JT-TZT7 M'V " B uw,, . . 004 bnti-isof wheat, 19,000 bbla.Rour, end 419 ,.i,,iVi. . - -'.WILKINSON dt li.SI.EU. ., ' oU - Gi o U aJ'llr EV' I ACatu U a largtock llb-kryand what-. , ' Just received end for ml by ... ,'.. - rsof tom -. ' -'Avm m4V.ij .""'xi ' 4d,,TjA ,' i fT-XrVg- re!"',LB ,,V J?. ff , b' H ,U, MYtRS, U.tier. , I , J. HATHAWAY 'VSO.. ' :.-ivV"?i.:-4jV Y ' "Vir '' - H JB- " "5V Tt-- ff'im1: t April S3a--:-.v - -;-':v: ,, - ' t irtU,'-V April 24. if i: lf ' "-,! . .;'-,i-:'.v.'ft':"" - ,;'.- ',; -';-; ..-"i"' "'J . '" ':.-.;:'W. '.s-.V-'.wv . . :i;v'.$; -"r- 4 ... '' ' .. 4 :

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