(D0EDMIISJE(jjaii. PUBLISHED TRI-TO.RLY, BY TH01LIS LOIUXG. VOL-,7 NO. 30. ' WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 25, 1858. WJIOLE NO. n'Q r JIM ii mil vv liVIMU. llie IRMYEEKU COMMERCIAL Published every fnasDAY, Tbvbsdat (nd Sat bbat, at 15 00 pet annum, pajable la alleaaca la ''4ftaoa.'.v,X:'vw 'Li. - fiBT TUOMA8LOni5C, i'sSf Editor and Proprietor. cobnjb or mont and mabket strests, WILMINGTON, N. C. . aorYl inWrtloa, $0,501 1 sqr, 2 months , , t - f 7511 3 ; 1 tjnonth, 2,50 1 1 . " 1 year, 14,00 S,00 S.O 12,0 Tea llriet or less make a aquare. If an advertise neat exceeds ten tinea, the prlctf1 will be In propor !OB.'ii'P'.':,:"?-".''( ' , ' '" ill sdvertl'sements are payable at tho time of thelt neertlon. - ;. " ; . Contraets vrith yearly advertisers, will be made on !t moat liberal terma. : , r ' Mo tranafer of contracta for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should elrenmataneea render a change la business, or an unexpected reraor a! heces- ary Jrxharg according to the published terma will Se at the option of the contractor, for the time he las advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers ia strictly nlted to their own Immediate business i and all ad vertlsetnents for the benefit of other persons, aa well as all advertisements not Immediately connected vith their own business, and all excess of advertise ments In length or otherwise, beyond the limits en gaged, will he charged at the usual rates. No advertisement ia included In the contractfot the I le or rent of houses or lands in town ot coun ry, or for tho aale or hire of negroes; whether the Property ll owned, by the advertiser or byothc, poraons, These are excluded by tho torm "imme liale tustneu.' Tho announcement of marriages or deaths wil bo considered aa news, and inserted free of cliargo bat all additional matter, beyond the simple an nouncement of the death of the person, will bo charged on the same terms as advertisements. Ail advertisements insprted In the tri- weekly Com areial, are entitled to one Insertion In the Weekly ree or charge. ' J08, CARD and FANCY PRINTING, executeij n Superior style. . : AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. NEW rOIlK i Meesrs. Brown & DbRossbt. BOSTOrfVFaBfiaaroK Kwbbb, JJaq. . NEW rORI ffaiLADELrHIA AND BOSTON, V. B. Palmsb. t i BUSINESS CARDS. J & D. McRAF & Co. General Commission Merchants, i WILMINGTON jJf C. Particular attention paid to procuring freights and purchasl" cargoes for vessels. JONS MAOBAS, D0MALD MAOBAS, JOHN W. K. DIX. August t,t?51. 69- JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Qcueral Commission and Ferwardio; Merchant. present personal attentlo gijreu to Couslgu- raeuts for sale or Shipment, Andlibtraleathadvane made on Consignment to ma am in mm Sam York frien.de. Il v. . V ".y ' - r- Wllmlngjon, Jsn.30, 1853. 135-tf T. C. WORTH i Qom mlssfo on and Fotwardinz . m w mm --- -- arm a- ffm K r frt WILMIKGTOM, NC. Feb. 19 18.VL , . , , 143-12 m. sWUiUlH A. GWYER, GENERAL AGENT, FORVVARDINQ and ComnilSsiOO Merchant. ITAKEuleaemaln informing my Irlends, that I am prepared to gtye all business entrusted to me "Waval Stares, with ample accommudatlona. Spirt i nuuM, sua Trouvno. yin(uimiui 9 urea for aaleorahlpment i and a,ll kinds of coun try produce aollcltf 4 CaBhadVuncesmedepn?n- jignmenta. GEO. MYERS, Wholesale and Retail Groecr, . nhTATLT OH HAND Htiut, Ttat, IAqtur, ProvUlont, Wood and Wit Um Wart, Fruit, ConftetitmorUt, 4c etc. 'C rfri BOOTH rilWT WIKMmi, 'Pi WILMINGTON, rj. C. Nor. 23 1871. . , 109. i ! WIll.llRf Hf IHRRISS. : I.-,-: flPMPn A T COMMISSION M ER CHANT i - WILMINGTON, N. C. STRICT attention given to procuring Freight! and purchasing Cargoes for vessels'. -Rsraaaxcssi O, G. parsley; Esq., 1 .CoU JobnMcRao, Wllmngt'n. N. C .Messrs. Dulloy & Huntington. l'",,fl,tk,"C('" py"- n.c. Joseph Utlcy, Bq., - ..'; llessrl. Jamea Corner A Sons, Baltimore) V M K. A. Souder A Co., Philadelphia. ;: WW .a . JL fHfta 17 art An J. AO. P, PUoomb, IJeunebunk, Me July 17th, 1851. 62-y 1. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ) WILMINOTON, N. C. J. Hathawat. ; 1 J. L. Hatuawa (Oo.-1 test. ; 91 vCHADBOURN & HOOPER. General Conmlssion Merchants, JvHf 19,1651 -r, tV- BUSLNESS CARDS. GEO. HARR1SS, General Commission Mercbant, WILMINGTON, N. C.!'"' S TRICT attention gifen. Iff. piocuring Freight and purchasing uargoeaiorveaaeia Karaa to E.P.Hall. Esq., O. G. Paraler. Esq., 1 fj . A. Taylor, J. , J.U.Bellamy.Esa., Moasrs. Ballard AHf Wilmington. W hl-.v-i',,. inlinirlon I - ' -Wr Messrs. Tjokcr, Smyth Co., N ' Y k Thompson Hunter, J wew1f0- . W. Aicx'r. Horron, jr., rnnaaeipnia ii:rBKeS,BttUorlch,r,"t's-c- Jan. 2. 1852. I23-tf. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOtiTH WATER STREET. Wlli MING TON, N. C. Sep.27, 1S51. 82-ly-c. A. ADAMB, H. L. ADAMS, ROBT. O. RANKIN. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. (Late Barry, Bryant t Adams.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan. 1 , 1852. 123 Alfred martin. AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, . AJD. GENERAL AGENT. WUmlnRtonjN.C.Oct.3 1851. 85tf. JOSEPH H. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N; C. Oct.Oth, 1351. 87-ly-c. WILLIAM NEFF, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SHIP CHANDLERY, SHIP STORES AND GROCERIES, CORNKIl OV COCK.A VAf-EiJ STREETS WILMINGTON, N. C. Dec. 7th 1861 DER0SSET & BROWNr WILMINGTON, N. C. BROWN "k DER0SSET. NBW YOHK. GENERA L COMMISSION MERCHANTS. .Marc lil 7 1852. -y. GEO. H. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. TVJ-s,!,,. ... A A L'nna nw M.tPiK iVlAF alt wlllaliendto thesaleofullkinds of Country Pro, duceuch a? Corn, Peai, Meal, Bacon, Lard, 4c. and wlllkeopcohaiiinllyon band' a full supply of utoccntB.uii;. References. Wlllcsllall.of Wayne, Jolin AlcRae, Wilmington W. Caraway, Gen. Alx.. Mcttao. ' ' K. P. Hall, Wilmington, Wiley A. Walker, " F-v i-iinrf III t Dec. 13. 1851. 115-ly. Ti0S. F. GAUSE. Commissian Merchant & Auctioneer, Oi&ce iu Hall's upper huitillug, North Water , street. , Where he will be happy to attend to all orders in either brunch of his business. Wilmington, N. C Doc. 23, 1851. 119-tf. CORNELIUS DnPRE. WHOIU SALE AND HETAL DEALERS IN Drugs', Medicines, Chemicals, Faints, Oil, Dye StulU, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old lilquors, fancy Articles, bc MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptionscarefully compounded by cxpori- nced. persons. . Murch29.:i35?. J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, , WILMINGTON, N .C . Oct.l185I.J 87 MILES C0STIN7 " COMMISSION MERCHANT, : : VVILMINUTUIS, N. C; Dff.fn tin 1 E. Pf Hall, Esq., Pres't Branch Stale ) Bank, I Thos. H. Wrlsht, Esq., Pres't Bank ( Wilming Cape Fear, f ton, N. C. O. Q. Pareley, Esq., Prea't Commer-1 cial Bank, ., Dec. 19. 1851 U8-tL ' WILKINSON & ELER. CASH DHALERS IN'S (, Confectionary, Fruit, Nuta, Toys, Fancy Ar tides. Perfumery, Tobacco, Sejars, Ac., WHOLESALE AND RE I AIL, , , MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON W.C. Nov. 30, 1861. 10-tf McRAE & HARRISS. IMPORTERS AND WIIOLESAIiE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN .i. WARE, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, West aide Front street, between Market and Dock streets, WILMINGTON, N. C. October 2, 1851. 85. I. WESSEL. H. B. EILERS. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Street, Wil mington, N. 0., Intend to keen at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to catry on a General Cotamjsstoa Business. '..i Btraaaiica t E. P. Hall, Prea't Brch Bank of the State. ) O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Baak. Wil P, K. Dickinson, Esq. : . , , ) ;an. SO 1862. . :.t BUSINESS CARDS. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. gEflEIlAL COMMISSION- MERCHANTS WU.AU4UT0N, . c. CBAS. B. ELLIS, HINST P. aUBBILL, JOB. B.BUSSSLL. oat 1 nr r ' . JOHN STRUTHERS& SON'S MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD, No. 8S0 HIGH STREET, ': , PHILADELPHIA... , Mti& ilid$ianmeiUt, Wmbs mmd Oravt SlonacohttaiUbfenkand. Every dcjcription of ORNAMENTAL WORK AND STATUARY Executed and Imported. Ordera for public or pri vate Buildings executed with promptness and des patch. N. B. Dealgna will be sent Tor Mantels, Monu- mcnli and (intvn Stnnem. and all onrlt ahlnnarfln sured from breakage when required. uci. . ea-iy-c MORE & GALLAGHER. IRON FOUNDERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT dt CA8T IRON RAILINGS RIDGE ROAD'dt COATES ST. PHILADELPHIA. All orderaattended to with oromDtneaa and de patch work warranted. Oct. 4. Bt-iy c. H. D6LLNER. O. POTTER, JR DOLLNER & POTTER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW YOHK. : . LIBBBAL CASH ADVAB08S JIAftS ON ALL C0N8iQJi MBHTS. March 16. 155-lyp FLOUR. nf BBLS. Canal Flour, for aale by UU J. HATHAWAY 4 SON. Sept. 13. 77. COOPERAGE. THB subscriber is now prepared to make or re pair water casks of any size, for the use of ves- Dill .v. lha Iaw.bI tarma. .I.a I kn nlilantt nnM have any article in the line of Coopering made or . : i t.u Jtt . i- IVUllUU Willi UlBpUlCIl. A. MORGAN. Wilmington, Feb. 26, 1858. 147-l?m-p. CONSULATE OF HAYTI, ) 64 Commercial Wharf, Boston, 5th March, 1851. 5 ' PHK underaisned eives notiee, that in uccor X dunce with a law passed at Port au Prince, on the 24th December last, vessels arriving in Hnyii from the U. States on or after the 16th April next, must be provided with Duplicate Manifests of their cargoes, certified by a Uonsuiar Agent ot Hay- II, If there shall nave oeen one at tne port ot load in?, otherwise the documents mar be vorrifled be fore an officer (duly authorized to administer an oath) of the State or United States Government. B.C.CLARE. May 8 23-tf. SHIPPING ARTICLES. A HANDSOME edition of Shipping Articles, just printed and for Bale at Tiie Commercial Office, equal to any as yet imported "from New York." Orders for n Ream or more will be filled at a cost Of 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper than they are in New York. Nov. 10, 1851. 102-tf pncE. THE undersigned having f6rmed a Co-partnership under the atyle of IOHN BANKS St BROTHER, lor carrying on a COMMISSION AND FORWARDING BUSINESS, all goods consiged to them, or ordered, or produce sent for ale. will be promptly atteodd to JOHN BANKS, DAVID BANKS. Feb. 3. . 137. SPIRITS BARRELS. 600, SECOND hand Spirits BbU., large size, n prime order, f-r sale by UfcttaUiM ot Lift r-,. Jan. 27. SHINGLES. Qfi finnMcREE's Contract Shingles, no OUaUUU landing. For sale by -. 7 DsROSSET & BROWN. March 18. ! RATES OF FREIGHT. RATES of Freight on the Wilmington and Ral eigh Rail Road, and on the Company's Boats to Charleston, revised and corrected December, 1850 1 just printed and forsale at the office of Tht Commercial, at 25 centa per copy. Dec. 21. iw-u. MILL SAWS. THE subscriber has the pleasure of informing Miller's eniraired in aawinn pitch pine, that he hasaucceoded in getting up the best Saw for that purpose that has ever yet been produced, aa far as he knows. All saws warranted not to split In the teeth. J. M. ROBINSON'S, Hardware Store, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 16. H. 4 J. copy, 91. THAT P0LSIH, HOW IT SHINES ! 10,000 BOXES SOLD WITHIN THE LAST 9 MONTHS. A J. WOODWARD returns his thanks to the public for the unprecedented encouragement he has met with in the mannfacture and sale of his celebrated Poliah, and at the same time wishes It undentood that he always Keepa'a supply on hand for wholesale or retalL Experience hat proved that this Polish la unsur passed for quickness In putting a gloss on boots and shoos, and also in preserving the leather. Persons wlshlnglo oil thelr,,boo !csn use ttls Polish with equal success Immediately afterwards j the leather should be rubbed as soon as the Polish is applied, before It dries. The Poliah can be found at the Drag 8 tore of March 13. ' ' W.'Jdtof 'Journal 3m l-3m. ADVANCES. LIBERAL Caah advances will be made, when required, on all goods consigned to our House in New .York, and Cotton to their address forwar ded by us. Will Be" attended to free of forwarding Commlaaion. We will alao advance liberally on Cotton or oth er produce eonalgned to our friends In Liverpool, to. which port we can furnish ahlp room for a few hundred balea of Cotton, at low. rates, by . several vessels shortly expected. " 4. C ' DaROSSBT SHOWN." ' H-r. BACON. A LOT of superior North Carol! naBaon, just XL. ticovea per Kali Road. For sale, by I. II. FLANNER, JJo. 25 North-Water Stieet. QFeb. 10. 140, booth cirjLW.i hsuiscs rospiji. - ' OF CHARLESTON. B. C. CHARTERED by the 8tatsof Booth Corolins J with I Capital of 1250,000 . all paid In and will ItrysstedFIRE, MARINE, RIVER 4Np LIFE 'y '- uaa'. EDMOiiSTUlv. prea.t;' A. U Tobias, Sec'y. ' . ' w DIRECTORS 1 ROSBBT MABT12T, Col. JAMBS GADSDEN, M. C. Mobobcai, Chas. H. Wur, S. Mowar, Jr. Hbhbv Cobia. The aobacribers having been appointed agents in this ntacs for the ebcejBjraed company, are pre pare to receive otters and issue policies of Insur anc on. Fir's, Marioe, River and Life Risks, on libe l terms. All losses Incurred at this agency, wil i Dromntlv adjusted and oald tha unrlnr. siei d. Jf s DbROSSET A BROWN. N. B.Risks will be taken on the Uvea of slaves on tha moat liberal terms, Wilmington, N.C.) Dee. 2, 1951. 1 10. FRESH BOSTON CRACKERS. JUST received, 25 tin caniatera Bent's Bostln Crackers 1 100 doa. Underwood's Pickles. Ho. sale, low, by HOWARD & PEDEN. Nov. 20. 106. DEEDS FOR SALE. 'llfaranteeDeeda.andDeedsforMorteaeeonlanil justprinted.in correctformand foraalcat tht commercial ujjict, EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 Crt LARGE Sises,just received and for sale oj buuia, Kvsxniti. & go. fcJune 26. t CQEHICALS. T7RESH arrivalu nf tha tMcxxnn inn 0..1 I phate (iulnine, 5 bbl Epsom Salts, 6 lbs pure mu,,,,uvu uuiii, a ui ouipnaie aiorpntne, ox Ace- imc iwuipmiiB, iu 10s Htae Mass, is ids English Calomel, 6 ot Peperine, 5 gals Spirits Nitre, 2 01 '"""""i mm nyn. raiassa, (r-.ngiisn.) l tbi Iodine, 2 lbs Iodide Arsenic, 2 lbs Chloroform, 1 oz Iodidp Conner. 1 tit Vfitort nala nf Ivn C Phosphite Soda, 20 lbs Sugar Lead, pure, i ox uiiuiu, 1 u wiuo mercury, 0 gais sq. Ammonia, 10 lbs Spirits Ammonia Aromat, 10 Iba Hoffman's nnuuyac. r ui aie oy U. UUPRE. on Drugglat, Market at. March 30. g ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. DR. J. 9. UOUGTON'S GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURER! The True Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice Prepared from Rennet, or the fourth stomach of the Gx, after directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. Houvhton, M. D., Philadelphia, Ps. This is a great Natural Remedy for Indigestion, and Dyspepsia, curing after Nature'a own Method, b Nature's own Agent, the Gastric Juice. Pepsin is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juice the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preferring, and SttmiiAting Agent ol the Stemaoh and Intestines. Ills extracted from the Digestive Stomach of the Ox,' thus forming an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the naturil Gastric Juicu, in itu Chemical powers, and furnish ing a complete and pcrlect substitute for it. By the aid of mis preparation, the pains and evils or in digestion and Dyspepsia are removed just as they would be by s healthy Stomach. It iedoitig wondsr for Dyspeptics, curing cases of debility, emaciation, nervous decline and Dyspeptic consumption, sup posed to be on tho verge of the grave The Scien tific Evidence upon which it Is based, is in the highest degree curious and remarkable. Baron Leicbig, in his celebratod work on Animal Chemistry, says : "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, anaogoua to the Gastric Juice, msy be preparedfrom the mucous membrane of the stomach of the Ox, in which various articles of food, as meat and eggs, wlH be tqflentd, changed, and digested, Jutt in the tame manner as they would be in Vu human elomach." Half b teaspoonful of purs Pbfsir, infused or dis olved in water, wlli digest or dissolve Five Pound Roatt Beef in about two hourt out of the Stom ach. Dr. Houghton's Pepsin, is sold by nearly all the dealers In fine drugs and Popular Medicine, through out the United Statea. ll is 'prepare ,in Powder, and In Fluid form snd In Prescriptibn'vialifortb nse of Physicians. Private Circulars, for the use of Phvsiclan. mav be obtained of Dr Houghton or his Agents, descri bing the whole process of preparation and giving the authorities anon which the,, claims of thia new remedy s'fe based. Aa it la not a'aecret remedy",' (to objection can be raised sgainat Its use by Physicians in respectable standing snd regulsr practice. Pries in Fluid form, One Dollar per bottle. PEPSIN IN POWDER. Sent by MaS Free of Postage. For convenience of aending to all parts of the cquntry, the Digestive matter of ihe Pepsin, is pat up In (hit form-of Powder, With direction ru bs dis solved In water by the patient. These Powders con tain iust the same matter aa the bottles, and will be sent by mail, free of postage, for one dollar sent (post paid) to Dr. J. S. Houghton, M. D., Philadel phia, Pa. grObserve thlal-Every bottle of the genuine Pepsin bears the written signature of J,,S. Hough ton, M. D. , sole Proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. grSold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medi cines. Sold, wholesale and retail, by a.C EVANS 4 BROTHER; W. H. LIPPITT de Co. , and C. Ds PRE, Wilmington, N C. May " t 25-12mc HATS. PANAMA, Leghorn, and Palm Leaf Hats, In great variety of style, quality and price, whole sale and retail by, C. 11 VERS, Hatter. April 22. , 18 COFFEE. k C BAGS Rio, Laguayra and Java For sals low by Z BXO H. GREENE. A (Til . EMPTY SPIRITS BARRELS. OHO SECOND Hand 8p!rlts Barels. Urge mJ J sixe, In good order, fur le by, ; DaROSSKT & liROWN. July 3d. -- 47. SUNDRIES, JUST received 300 bogs Coflee, Rio, Laguyra, St Doming, Java, and Mocha 1 2b bags sweet spiced chocolate 1 10 hhds. P. R.ttuvari 100 bbls. double refined loif, crushed, powdered snd granula ted 8ogar I 200 boxes Candica, all kinds and grades) 25 do. Jud's patent do., 4s 6s and 6a, In fane box es, 6 Iba. eaelit 100 bbU. Whiskey 1 SO boxes CWsej 200 packages new Raisins 11 400,000 ttegsrs, at Bal timore prices lOOboxs fins Chewing Tobacco 1 10,000 new two bushel Gnnny Bags. ' For sale at tneiowsst prices, by HOWARD & ffcUKlX. Nov. 20. .106. CANDY. CANDY. fN HAND, 700 lbs, fresh snd good, for sals low March 6. 151 mi 1 c hi? 1 inivn i 70LI0 POST BILLS OF LADING bound - in Books.snd shects.alao Lcties-Sheeta with sivarietyofinercantileblankf.fqraaleat The Com mercial Uffice. Fisn-FISH. 1 O BBLS. of extra Molleis and Trout, In Pork lOBbls.at . GEO. H. KELLEV'S. Feb. 17. J. H. 1 N. C. T. copy. 143 TOBACCO. PACKAGES or good Chewine- Tobacco, for 4J aale low, by J. H. FLANNER March 6. 151 No. 2j North Water St. SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 Ofi AFFLECK'S superior Spirit Barrela, for 1 UU aale by , C. LATTA. Svf nn ' a Nov. 22. 107. CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have this day formed a co-partnership under the atyle of McRab ft Habbus, and have taken the new granite front store, Istey erected by Capt. G. Potter, on Front between Mar ket and Dock streets, where they will always keep a complete wholesale and retail stock of CROCKERY AND FARMING IMPLE MENTS, (0 which they invite the attention of merchants and others. .' ( i , Being IMPORTERS, we feel confident ws can sell articles in our line on as favorable terms, and of as good quality, as can be purchased in the United States. ALEX. McRAE, Jr., N. T. HARRISS. I . voTira, TIIE subscriber having formed a co-partnership with Air. N. T. Habbiss, is desirous of closing up hla old business, and begs leave to urge upon thoee Indebted to him the necessity of a prompt settlement of their bills. Heat the asms, time tenders bia thanks to his foruer customers for their kind patronage, and solicits a' continuance of the same to the new firm. ALEX. McRAE, Jr. October 2. 1851. 65. BROTHERS LINE. THE Steamer Brother and Tow Boate, Steven eon and David Lewi are. prepared to forward with Despatch, all goods consigned to the Propri etor. The Steamer Brother is of uoht dbadqht, ana well suited lo run In low water. She possesses pow er, and tpeed, and is addmirably adapted to lowing, and can accommodate about 20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will five special attention to wav freight snd naval stoics: to towing, snd will also attend to tne comfort ana convenience 01 passen gers, f rom nistong experience as Agent In Wil mington or the several steam lioat Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would Bay, that all Goods shipped by him, will be delivered lo their Agents in Fayetteviilo. Hia Agent In Wilmington it DAVID BANKS, to whom all communications may be addressed, as Aeont of the Steamer Brother. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. ' May 15. , : , 25-1 2m c. Sallabury Watchman, Greensboro' Patriot, Fayetteville Observer, and Carolinian, and Aabboro Herald, please copy 4 weeks, and send bills to this office. A. A. B. SOUTH ALL, COLLECTOR AND GENERAL AGENT. I WOULD here take this opportunity of returning my thanks to my friends and patron far the very liberal patronage I have received at their hands, during the time I have been collecting for them snd hope by strict attention to business snd with s determination to pleaae, still to receive a condona tion of their eqnifldees aod.inpjori..e I intcad to devote my time to thai business. ' ' ; D.r.. t if. . I'm. m. ni.i.olt R TV r..i Esq., Geo. R. French. Esq., C. Myers, Esq., and Messrs. potter Kidder. twill attend the Courts of the adjoining Conn ties whenever Inducements is offered. My office will be to Ihe store of Messrs. Whiiakef and Whit fled, at which place I will be found unless when oat, sttendlng to business. In my absence, any communication left with Messrs. Whltaker f Whitfield, for me, will be handed to me."" I will attend, as usual, to the aale of real eatatet hiring servants; renting houses or any other business In which an active agent is wsned. A. A. B. 80UTHALL. Weekly Journal, Herald and Goldsboro' Patriot copy till forbid. Feb. 19. 144-if. IN STORE. QrBBLS. Fayetteville Flour, auper. X and fine. OU 4 hhds best Porto Rico Sugars. 10 bbls do do do do 10 do do do Coffee crushed Sugar. 7 do do crushed do. 50 bags Laguyra Coffee. SOboxes Colgates Soap, No. 1 pale. 20 boxfs Colgates Poarl Starch, 12 and 40 lb. packages. 25 boxes Hull & Sons best Tallow Candles. 9 dozen of J. W. Collins and D. Simmons' Axes- , 25 boxes Adamantine Candles, beat and com mon. " ; - , ;.-; 4 chests of best Green and Black Teas sad lb packages, st " GEO. H. KELLET'S. April 19. J H t N C T copy, 14 WOOD'S HACKERS AND PIXLERS, FOR sale cheap at lbs Hardware Store. . ' J. M. aOBINaJOIt, M.rculfl. - . 15S Singular Fugitive Slave CaseManuTrtssC the AboUtlonUU ' . is in. ni v.m ? tf.tu t 11 a ' York Ja-'y;:v-.;,;j:i..v:;;x: ', Yoo will give to the public the' LUowiflg atntmM 7 v - ..---, vn or noooi tne cm jsanday aner liaster, ,, A. D. 1S49, a neffTo slave.' named Nicho.'ae Dndlev. tha nmnarf. f w. a Tt - - - - , r fr'"f-tj ui vi. Alien .u v of ElfieoH'e MtJIa, Anne AranJd c . Maryland, escaped from his owner, c " .a to the eity tfHew YdrV v : It April, 1850, ihleelaw Dudley v as af- rested in the ciiyefNrw York ehnr 1 iibr the robbery cf a Captain Rowland, lie as-' umed the name "br Ja met 8aowden. Uo eommonicattd with hie master, inforiniVif him opon came to thisj eity. and Grand Dudley to . tho Tomb. .' ' t Mr. John Jay, a lawyer olnVcif,"sx)JeP, what known as aa. aboiiUonlrt became tha counsel of the negro, and ad vised him not to return to bia master, but to plead euiliy to the offence of which he was eharsed and temporaily remain in the State prison. The negro took hit advice, plead guilty, And wsa sentenced, on the J3th day of May, 1850, to the State prison at Sing Sing, for the terqf of two years, by the name Jumee Snowden. A boat the first of ADrili4iLDr.Thomaa.tho ' owner of this nearo. wrola m letter to hia Ex cellency, Washington Hun f, Governor of this) State, staling the above facte, asking wheth er the negro, had been pardoned, and ex- expirution'of his eenteheo. Vii'f .May J3,TT instant. To thi letter, Dr. Thca"reCMva ino rouowiog reply in the hand of Uor.Uant in person: ; Stall af .VrM rl r.- n v - fj?lrait a - Sib : Oo examtntot mv reenrda. t find tht iu pardpn has been granted to James uowden lot . such a person. v v , t Very rcspectfunyTonra, ' V ' Dr. Allen XaoaiAi, Ellleotr lIUIs" Md. , , r " vyvu rccctvuijr mis jeiier ;ar.ti inonwe if- the Fogitive Slave Act, was perfected, anl Allen Thomas. Jr., with a witness as to idea lit 7, came to this eity on the 8th May. Intt He found the United States Marshal and hia deputies courteous and desiroua to fulfil their doty in the premises. Charlee'S. Spen- v." cer, Esq. waa employed as Attorney. .Thjl ' necessary papers were Crenaredi the urooer warrant promptly issued by George W.Mor ton, Esq., U. S: Commissioner, and on Uie5 eleventh of May instant, two days bcror the expiration of the; sentence Reputes MaaC shals Tolmadge and L. D'Ar.gelia. with the warrant accompanied Mr. Thomas to Sing; Sing. They arrived there about 2 o'clock P. M., and immediately proceeded to the prison. On going through the same the boy was found to be miwiog, ' and information was given to Gen. Lockwood. the agent 6f the object of the visits The leeperr Mr.' Robinson, was represented lo be unwell, ami lying down. Gen. Lockwood exptcsscd him- self wiliiutf to render nil f assistance in his power, and said that the negro was siill,a lar as he had knowledge, In the prison! Rob inson soon made bis appearance, took Gen. Lockwood aside, and made to hli some com-" muoipation.,, - ? t?tf " - - Soon after GenV ll Suited to Dentilv Ma" shals Talmadge, and Up'tlity and Mf. t nomas, jr., mat lie had becrt-fnUIrined that the negro had been pardoned and released that morning, and at the same time produc ed the pardon of Governor Hant. ' Upon ei amination, the pardon was found to J have been given on the 11th, the same day of the discharge by his Excellency IVusJiingtoa Hunt ; without any publication or notice in either the State paper, of an pappr ia tbia city, and without police to the Dintrtct Attofi ney of the ejty a'hd county of N. York, where the conviction was had with, ofnecesairy, i full knowledge of all the fads, and with, be yond doubt, the express purpose of defeating the reclamation of the slave. The marshals and Mr. Thomas returned to the eity 00' Fr iay, the 14th of May In the proceeding! ' of the American and Foreign Auli-StaveFy ' Society; convened in the Tabernacled fn 'tl city of New York, the following as appears by the report In the Ffcv Yosk IIibalo- was tatd by v . 1 1; , n-v ."in v Rev.! Mr. ilay, (a' colored brother j-Do not go away 1 na ye spmething yery ateree ting to tell yoo. Two years ago, a poor pan ting rolorrd fnaname to this city, from Ma ryland. He became a cook fn n veaeel be tween this port and Providence. ;3 He was discovered, and a man went to turn and said he should go to Maryland with bim. He re fused to do so, and Ihco, a charge of stealing was got op against him. - He was not in prison, and hu master tame to his etI. nd demanded; the' toy as his property;. Jo.ji boy must be tried on the charge of 'stealing. Hia lawyer an3 friends advised him td'plead kuj.ij. ud uiv mv, uiu fro igui tv iiiu.- Steps were taken to ret him out t but' the ' idea was abandoned, as it was feared it would ' be known by ti master. However, aa the .lk ik.;I.L.il.:l t.. t'jr ment had expired, the brtibre'oXrf.xffT'ijn easy, and Dr. Pennington went U'1 Albany and succeeded in getting Governor. Hunt to release him. Hia time is not , out until to morrow t but be is Sykig to day beyond the reach of hie enemies. f Applause.) - K''P A Brother here slated that the owner wrote to a keener of onS of the prisons, asking hiri srhera tna alav wna thnl lie miuht take hiix " when his period ,of imprisonment exi iJ , but hia letterVas never answered. . Mr. Ray.Oh I yes. I forgot to oentiV that. - . , - , : -v : made all necessary pmiaraiioof ,io reclaim hia slave at hepiration of hi genence!i-' The second prool under the tenth MtttAA

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