THE COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY, 23, 1852. EQR GOVERNOR, JOHN KERR, OP CASWELL. r rot H1 COMMBBCUb. . ,T0 MISS C - B- . All littlo dreamat thoa, of the breach thou hast tuada, . . . Ia tbe bcart that bat once throbbed near thee ; Of the unconscious impression that soon will not ' fode, - - ; Of the til that enchantment flung o'er me, When first I bobeld wrapt in trond'rous delight Thy lair lovely form so comely and rare YTU'i treses of .Wck and eyes flashing bright, If thou;!, t that that noiio equalled, the there. TJho! ItJsht blow: the cowslips in yon verdant field, And fair blooms the sweet eglantine, 4 Tet far brighter bistro tby sparkling eyes yield, And fairer that sweet face of thine. : " .' , ; .."ADVENA." - HE KNOWS. - lnommentin on some remarks of onrs, rela- tire to the peoples' thinking for themselves, The 8taMrotay:';;; This sounds very well, bat it amounts to noth ing. Delegates are sent to Baltimore to voU. and not to perple ''hwmonlons Wbiggery" by too mnrh ".Aiil-Va-" anil Tin Inn., n. , .11 things duly considered, to vote for the strongest man. ' : " We see Mr. Jloldon knows all about it. That s the way yoa do, is Itl Iron send yonr Dele gates to Baltimore to vote, not to think, and yon wlll.'vote for the "strongest man." "Be quiet, we knorf It,!' But although the nnterriflod have people to think for them, and will not have their "harmonious Democracy" perplexed by anybody's thinklnjc-rjt Usomowhaldlfibrent with he Whigs. Any one may know this who reads the Whig pa- k. ;b;A REAL CONVERSATION. I 'Sir.j ?aid4a poor ragged, and rough-look-IBg man, upoa whose countenance traces of Borrowft64 klrcme suffering were visible, to .. an individual whoso sleek and seemly ensem ble betokened plenty and happiness ; sir, 1 am faraiBhin.v Will you give rae the means of . proearinj food and a b&bt'a lodging ?' , 'Go alonff my roan, I have nothing for you Yoa can go the alms houso I suppose. I'll ,.. ffi" yoa a line to the Alderman Str,1 said the poor man, 'I'd rather not go to the alms-house, I only desire a tempora ry relief, I expect work ta a day or two.' 01 well scratch along, my man ; you are not so badly off as one would imagiue.' I am absolutely starving. ?; I am sure you won't miss a quarter of a dollar.' 'Bless my soul, do you think I gather mon ey from the trees ? Go along don't be per- Unacioui now, do take yourself off, there's a brave man. p hl You owe mo rnoncv. sir . I wonl.l mind you of, the Tact, sir, only that hunger Owe you money!' exclaimed -the k!-aI man, stepping back a pace or two'You are maa.' , - i . . .... iiuj seven years ago i worked lor you. 'Ol ah I an old score. , Of that's quite an other matter. Did it ever strike you that I have taken the benefit of the Act gone clear through? creditors are no more now! can't ' touch me i "V '. 'Yet, eir,'! earned that money by labor. , You reaped the benefit of that labor are v. rich while I . am the poor wretch you sec. You owe me that money sir, in spite of all bankruptcies. ', U never do anything illegal. What is legal lis honorable, " The law says I don't owe you a cent.' f Honor sae you do; and of the two, honor generally tells more truths than law,' said the mendicant, evidently displeased. - You are getting wearisome.. Will you be huju vnuugu w step out oi tne way 'Ypu call yoursejif a Chrisiian 'I aru a Christian I flatter myself a dea - COi).' , VJ ' I' "" ' You are csiecmed a ploup, honest, trust worthy gentleman.' . ' 'lamas good a one as can be found in the rengioua community.' r ' j a ueu uie aominton oi tne evil one can (bodst of purity when compared with such communities, ana ne society ol thieves is ce roented by more real honor, Your respec tability, honor, piety, ahd justice, are compo- cu vi uruuutiomes ana one worus anc go no jtather. Keep your money, I'd starve before I'd tonch' a copper of iLU C , Some years ago ihe above conversation actually took place in Broadway near the . American Museum. A abort time ago, the mendicant now a atove dealer Jo business - employed his oppressor, reduced to want, aa a porter,1 and alter deducting the amount of the dishonorable bill from hjs wages, when ha had earned the amount of the bHI, gener ously presented it to the fallen Pharisee. t. ThiC no absolute fact, Every day of life '.teems with rich remarkable transactions and ' singular reverses. Retributive joKtice, eoon ,vt or Jater, overtakes the evil doer, and the ingenuity of man knows not ho'wto avert the merited and ncrcffailing punishment. N. Y. Sun," .. . , FRESH ARRIVALS NEW BUTTER. JUST receive per L.P. Smith and Mary Powell, 0 fobs new : Bnttar 1 1 chest of that superior - Tea j 6 chests do. 4 hhos. superior Port Rico Su wi rP.)Fu L00 Syrup, 60 bbls. crushed, - granulated and powdered Sugarj 10 barrels coffee ruhcddo. (0 boxes Colgate's Soani 20 boxaa Colgate's pearl 3(orch 1 100 kegs white and black esdi 1 bag Pepper i ) bag Spice t BOJbs. lVut mp) 60 mats Cassis, -e. for sole low br - ' ' ""i; i iWv 0 WARD & PEDKN. .' ' y '' : 20. ' v TCDACC0 1 TOBACCO!! " "if A EXES Manufactured, all eaalities, jmt re riJ ceived, per Rail Road from tbe manulicturr and for salt at greatly reduced price, by - y ' ZEm) IL GREENE, play 8. . " ' . 23 NOTICE. rri ; K subscriber, ore ready to contract for Steam X tCnjflnc. of any the, or any kind of Mill gear ing. To sny cne wanting Machlncrr of the above description ihcf will otict Imtneemcnt equat 10 any otitabiislimCni cither North or South. Please give u. a call before purchasing elsewhere, ? ' . SUTTON, SOUTHMADE & CO. Wilmington, N. C, April 6. 1332, 9-tf. Weekly Journal, Fayetteville Observer, Golds boro' Patriot and Raleigh Resister copy three months and send bill lo us. " GRAIN CRADLES JUST received a lot of the best, and for sals at the Hardware Store ol . J. 61. ROBINSON. May It. 24. OATS. I N Storo 1000 Bushels Oate. For sale by MILES COSTIN. April 29. 19. ORANGES AND LEMONS "I rVyBOXES e06 Oranges. AVV75 do do Lemons. For ta 6 low by WILKINSON &KSLER. IS AprU 20. SUGAR AND COFFEE. Qfl BBLS. superior refined Sugars 0J 20 bags Rio and Laguayra Coflee. ' Just received and for sale by I. HATHAWAY & SON April 24. - 17 MESS PORK. OA BBLS. Mess Pork, now landing from Schr, J J. K. Blather, and lor sale D ZENO GREENE. 14. April 17. BACON-BACON, fz fVVl LBS-of N-c- 9,de, for M!e by alsu, Another lot of Hams for family use. May 8, . 23. FLOUR. TMNE Superfine, and Extra, in bbls. half bbls 4- i and.bag, just recoived and for sale by B. S. JCQONCE. May 4. 21 GUITARS ! GUITARS ! ! TSL HALL & SON'S Patent Head Guitars I v in easos, for sale by L. H. WEBB. A pril 20. 1 5 CHILDREN AND INFANTS' flATST IN great variety, elegantly trimmed for sale by o. MYKits April 22. LIQUORS! LIOUORS! LI0U0RS! BBLS. Rectified and Raw Whiskey i 0J 20 " Pure N. E. Rum ! 10 " 'Old Rye Whiskey ; 6 " Ro.fl Gin j French and Imitation Brandy. In store and for sale by . ZENO H, GREENE. April 24. 17 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 'riuu'fcm'iiNis Hackers, Pullers and round jl onaves, tor sale cheap to the hade. . , J. M. ROBINSON. April 10. J.&H. copy. H. HYDRAULIC CEMENT. w( )) BBLS. Rosindale Factory, daily expected, v w w iur sale uv & D. McRAE & CO. 12. t,)ril 13. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. JUST RECEIVED. 1 fl LBS. Gum Opium, (Turkey,) 200 lbs Salt AVPetro, 40 lbs Gum Arabic. 3.1 Ibi AtirnnAer oenna, w ids k. j. eenno, 1 bbl Cum Camphor, 1 bbl Cream of Tartar, 1 bbl Carb. Soda, I cask Sal. Soda, 2 casea Cooper's Ialnglasa, 3 doz Cox'a Gel atine, 4 boxes celebraied Soap Powder, 12 doz box es Yeast Powder. nn DoPRE, Druggiat. March 30. , c. COTTON YARN 1 ) BALES No. 5 and lifoi sale by JOHN C. LATTA. April. 3. 8. MOLASSES. 07 F HHDS. and 8 Tierces prime Cuba Molas & I O scg, fn strong and bright packages, receiv ed per Brig Ellen Haydon, from Matanzas, for sale y J. HATHAWAY & SON. April 6. g. IN STORE, FOR SALE. BBLS. 11 year old Monongahela Whiskey; 10 Half bbls. Family Roa Herrlnu . 15 10 Bbls. Black Fish oil for Machinery 0 " Winter bleached Sperm Oil : 50 B les Navy Oakum ; 20 Bbls. Glue ; ALSO i India Rubber Steam Packing from an eichth to an Inch in thickness. J. & D. McRAE & Co April 13. DRS. FREEMAN & MALETT HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Front 8trect, one. door bolow Policy &. Hart ' WILMINGTON, N. C. April 13. ', CALCINED PLASTER. 1 fl BBLS. Finest quality, for sale by a..., J. & D. McRAE & CO. April 13. J2 TEAS! TEAS!! TEAS!!! Kf) HALF chests Imperial, Young Hyson, Gun JVWpowder.Olong, Powchong and old English Breakfast. J ust received Green Teas from 50 cts to SI , Black Teas from 40 cts. to $1. Pamilies that have not used my l I-nperlal Tea, will pleaso send for samples. Family Grocery APri I- 1 GEO. MYERS. ICE! ICE!! ICEH! 'piIE subscrlberhas received 700 tens ICE, being , raore 'han double what was on hand this time last year. He is now prepared to serve the town and country, and will do so on ss reasonable terms as it nwchased within 300 miles. Without on unavoidable casualty he can now assure all who may favor him with their patronage, of a supply during the season. Captains of Vessels esn have Ice put up at short notice. Come and buy. Tick ets can be hod at the Ice House! '.'.'" A. PAUL REPITON. Aprt'l- 7-3mc SUNDRIES. 1 OO B5LScrugh,ed a C- crushed, clarified X VVand Porto Rico Snnn inn k.. nnr.. Java, Laguyra and Rio; 200 packages Crackers; 25 kega Goshen Butter; Underwood's Pickles and P. eervsst Jellies; Jams snd fresh Lobsters; 20quarter pipes best Wines snd Liquors 25 baskets Cham poena, various brsnds; English Cheese; American snd Pine Apple Cheese, 8telton at 60 cents per lb.; 50 bbls and half bbls Flour; eornsd Beef j smoked Beef i Beef Tongues j pickled Tongues, Salmon i No I Mackerel; Stewart's Syrup ; London Porter oouita nines ana nranoieet cordials; Willow Wars In ever variety. Please call and easmine at P' i OIO. MYERS'. SUGAR AND. MOLASSES. 20! UBLS. Porto Uico Sugar, and 3 nrimoi .. ...... 10 lihds. Alolasie, fine article for retaillog, in store and forsaloby ZENO II, GREEN B. April t7. - 14. ' TO TI1E PUBLIC TMIE Subsrrirhm leased for aterja of rears, X of R. W. Brown, Eq., bis Ore-proof store, with his wharves, and ia now in a condition lo take es pecial ear of Spirits Turpentine and other Naval stores commltcd to nis car, rne tvamiouse well known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of Bacon, Lard, Corn, Peas, &,c The lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where Spirln ean be safely kept from tbs rain and sun. Uela prepared to receive and ship, br sell, all kinds ofprjriuce sent to hia-care. He will a Ian males advances when reauired. Ha beat to refer tb the following gentlemen: R. W. Brown, John Dawson, O. O. Parsley, and Tbos, II. Wright, Esors. ' v- MILES COSTIN. 'Brown's wharf Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 13.' . NEW SMOKED SHOULDERS. : 2IIIIDS. jus, received and for sale by JOHN C. LATTA. April 3. T ' . WHITE REFINED FAMILY SUGAR. 14 BBLS. daily expected per Schr. Ira Brewster, snd for sale JOHN C. LATTA. ApriJ. 3. 8. STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE. WK offer for sale one ofN. 8. Starbuck's En glnea, Cylinder 10 In. bore, 24 in Stroke, on aolid east Iron bed, with force pump regulator, wa ter heater, and all connecting steam and water pipe, together with two boilers 23 in. diameter. 24 feet long boiler front, grates, safety valve, blow' oi( check and, gago cocks, and a full set of wrought snd cast iron works for a single Saw Mill, with castings for a carriage 40 feet in length. ' '-" '" v:ti The above Engine and Machinery are similar In every respect to those in usr, on the Fayettevllls and Western Plartk Road r they have just been imported from Troy, where they were'mahuiaotur cd to order, and have not yet been put up. All ready far immediate delivery. Apply to DaROSSET & BROWN. March 27. 5. ORANGES AND LEMONS. JUST at band and for sale by WILKINSON fc ESLER. March 25. 4. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! JAABBLS. Lincolnville White Lumpi Also OUU calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, and Fire Brick, Hydraulic Cement ; 1000 .bbls. Lime de.;f orsalcby j .u. & k. u. vuuu . Con tractortand Builders. Api-ii 3- H62. FLOUR. A LOT of Fayetteville Supei fine, Cross and Fine Just received and for sale by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. March. ' - 1. TUB NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL life iiwm loiimi. ItALi&IUi, m. v. THE aboveCompany has been in operation slnt 1 thelstoi April, 1349, undei the directionof the following Officers, viz : Ur.utias. B.Johnson (ircsiaent, " it Wm. D. Haj wood.Vlce President, -James F. Jordan, Secretary, Win. H. Jones, Treasurer, Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. UharlcBb.Johneon, Dr.Wm. H. McKee, Dr. R.B.Havwood, Alediealboartlof . 'Cqnullatian. J. Horsman , Gen'l Acent, This Company has received a charter sivino advantages to tne Insured over any other Com pany. The 5th Section elves the Husband th privilege to insure nu own lire lor the sole use of his wile and Children,. frmrom any ln:ms of the rem resentativc of the husband or any of his credit ors. urganized on purely mutual principles, the life mcmDera participate in tne xeimit oi the profits which arc declared annually. Besides, the a pli. cant for lile, when theonnual premium is ovor 3C may pay One half in a Note. Ail claimsforineuranceaeainstthe Company will I I 1 1 . 1 ." 1 .. J r. r y . J. ue puia wiiuin ninety aays aucr prooi oi tne death of the party is furnished. ' ' S.aveeaie insured for one or five years, ol rates which will enable allSlavelioldersto secure this class Or property agamnt tne uncertainty ol life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North Carolina, which wil prove very Important to the Southern States. The last four montlis operation of this Company show- a very large amount of business more than the Directorsexpected to do the first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. All Communications on business of the Company should bo addressed to JAS. V. JORDAN, Secretary. Raleigh, April 8, 1S51. fi-tl. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 'THHE Subscriber having accepted Ihe agency of ooicim iUI(;a ostuuiiBiiiiionis at tne norm, wntcn will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfinlshek, foreichand domestic qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for mujiumissts AND TOMB STONES, and every other article In tbe line of the business at reasbnable rates. CUIJ?TrjEING, LETTERING OR CARVING Executed ai welTas 'can be 'don's either' North or South. -The best cf reference esn be given, if required . . JAS. MeCLARANAN. Jan, 6. ' J25.f - CORN. 3 OOO f USH.f momently elpceted JlJJVJ from Hyde County. For sale, by MILES COSTIN. Feb. 17. 143. TOBACCO. 9n?0XES Po Greenville Tobacco, for sals .W hy A. MARTIWl' uec. 3. jjjj WANTED Tn mnv. K ' J.nt dav.. month or year. 150 or 200 Laborers. . " ' V UBsJLJ -a-wnueor b -lr tn .. . 1 hiteor Munchoiter to '' oil, W 7"'m un unungton ana Rail Road, near Wilmington Apply L. J. FLEMMING Tp rT7 CLEMMING. -Ret. Kng? March 20. NOTICE. HAVE received, snd now offer for sale, on ths most reasonable terms. " j I DrM, Goods, including 'Hat. and Shoe V slso House furnishing Good"., Also, LadiesGeS men's snd Boy. iladdles , Buggy Ham... &e. &e. Those that want, Will please call at No. 4, Mar act St. IJ s vnnianu 0. LIQUORS. CZ QUARTER ntnea Cognac to tJ Rhla -.-. ni. m K. z:.'S. . ......a, visaiu villi, iu DO S. Old AIO. nongehela Whiskey, to arrive per Schr. XIII Is 8an ders from Phliadelphls, for sale by .T- IN STOHE. BBLS. Prime Pork, 27 BbU. New mess Beef, for sale by JOHN C. LATTA. April 3. ; -.. ; DELICIOUS : CONFECTIONARY. riANANNAS. Strawberries. Pine An Dies." Or- lJ ange and Quince Drops, something new and nice, fr or sale oy riL.viau. tsLait. March 25. .. .4. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AT REDUCED PRICES. BLANK BILLS OP EXCHANGE, on fins paper m,4 of f ' handsome impression, for sale at ins urninumaJ cyics bound in books various sixes, and in sheets. : - OeuIS. . .r-.:-.- ;'. 92. . AJAaW m W a ivLal . VMISU 5QS GROSS with snd without sutnher. For sale ,lowh' WILKINSON A EST.KR. Feb.2S. 147. MACKEREL. A FEW barrels and half barrels No. I ann 2 for XX. sale by H, FLANNER. March 6. 151 No. 25 North Water St. NOTICENOTICE. ITTE are appointed Agents for Ihe Pekin Tea VV Company of New Yetk sod navs on hand a large assortment of Teas of different kinds, pat up in quarter half and one lb. packages. Teas of this company are Imported f om the raokt celebrated parti of China fcnitwtll be found superior to any ever brought this place and at tweniy-oreper cent less. u.very pacaage war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. WILKINSON & ESLER. Jan. ' ' N. C. T. 135. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, HPHAT we have on hand a large assortment of X Teas, imported by the Pekin, Company, very superior quality and at twenty-five per cent less than sold In any other store in Wilmington. For sale at the Fruit Depot. WILKINSON & ESLER. fliarcn u. lot. ROCK CREEK MILL. rPHE undersigned has purchased of B. W. Bss X ar, his interest in the Plantation, with Grist Mill thereon, situated on the Newbern Road, about 1 mile from town, and formerly known as the Eden Mill snd Plantation, but more recently, and now as Rock Creek Mill and Plantation. He will continue the business as formerly. He has now 2 aetts of stones running with bolting cloths, &.c. He wi(l receive soorj froV New Yerk a steam engine to" run In ' this Mill,-thereby1 in suring to the citizens of Wilmington at all times a constant supply of good Meal and Hominy. He contemplates having a atore In town for the sale of his Meal and Hominy. A future advertise ment will inform the citizens when ench arrange ment is made. SAMUEL BEERYj Wilmington, Feb. 17. :- 143. COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have entered into Copartner ship, under the name and style of Sutton, Southmayd & Co., for the purpose of building or repairing all kinds of Machinery, snd carrying on general Blacksmithlnsr, Iron and Brass Foundry Business, In the town of Wilmington would be thankful for any order in either of the above bran ches of business from their town or country friends, Air. Sutton having recently returned from the north, where he has purchased an assortment of tools, which, in addition to those we now have will ena ble us to fill all orders with despatch. Uurchargos shall compare favorably with those of any other establishment. - . ' WM. BUTTON. THOS. SOUTHMAYD, CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. March 2. Jour, and Her. 1 week. 149 -qre- pQETUY AND MORE PICTURES. "Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said. This is my own, my natl?e landl" Thus we exclaimed, while (raainr with an extra glow of patriotism upon some of the finest steel en gravings ever published, entitled as follow : " the first Prayer In Congress," "Washington's Inaugu ral Address," the spirit x( 76," f'the Declaration of Independence" Which has just come to hand, and mi examination of which is sollcted from Count is aoan, Americans and admirers of floe arts. - L H. WEBB, London April 13 " " ' 12 12,000 ACRES OF TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. rPHK Executors of Gen'l. Clinch offer for i 1 sale the Twelve Thousand Acres of Landf known as the Bayard tract, lying on the St. John's River, Immediately opposite Picolata, In East Florida. The above tract is peculiarly adapted to the Turpentine business, being covered with a thick growth of pine, and having a River front of more man nve miles. It is now no longer a matter of doubt that Tureen tine can be profitably made in this section of count. ry, as there are already a number of persons largely ana successiuuy engaged in me easiness. The steamboats to and from Savannah, stop regu larly at Picolata. Persons desirous of purchasing, can obtain anv - . : it . ii .i. .i . furtheri.t4f0rmat.0n by addressing " ' J. H. M. CLINCH, Ex'r. Jefler8onton, Camden eo., Ga., Dec. 6, 1850. HGtf. PORK AND BEEF. BBLS. Mess Pork, elty Inspected ; prime Beef 1 9 For sale by Deo. 9. - iyiess do. ANDERSON & LATIMER. 113. SHIPPING ARTICLES. FOR SALE at The Commercial Office, tn ele gantedition oi Shipping Artlcles,embrscingall the laws of Congress relative to the Morchsnt's Service. NEGRO BONDS. A HANDSOME Impression of Negro Bonds just nrw and for sale at The Commercial uuico. ao, diiisoi oaieoi negroes Dec. 28. 1850. CORN. a uanasome article of whito corn in store snd or sale by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. 139. Feb. 7. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. rpHE undersigned having this day purchased the .",b?.JMtoiMr:.9:.a- Fsslsv, In th. tf.f TJ TB"0' oow M," nsv' formed s copart nershlp for the purpose of manufacturing Steam Wihtwosth W. Psiacs, William Niilsom. PEIRCE & NEILSON. 126-lyo Jan. 1. LADIES want an Eollan Attrhmnr I it 1 '"' Auacnment to your Piano 7 If .0 purchase one of Goo. A. Prince & Co-s. celebrsied Molodlans, snd thus sews the 2hSdwilhBt ,n urfJ' fine instrument Another lot just received snd for sale by -April 20. l,H.faB. GUANOnniivn pleaao dUarly. yb. McRAE CO, . ; . ' - . ' it. FLCUR. BBLS. Ex. Superfine landing from schr. 11. P. Russell, 50 bbls. do. Genesee, iust re 25 ceived, in store. For sale by ZENO II. GRF.F-NE, . ' !. ' ' Msrkct Street. April 27. N. C. T. copy. - 18 CRACKERS. T) UTTER Crsckers, Sugar do.j Water d., Shell jl uo., rancy oo., jenny i,ina ao., .walnut do, Letnon de., Pie Nic do., Cup do. Ginger Snapa Soda Biscuit; Egg do., Boston do., Graham do. Abernathy do.. Milk do., California do. Abo a splendla lot of Navy Bread. For aale by ' PI RR1N t II ARTS FIELD. April 21. - , 16. NOTICE. ON Sundays, but one passenger Train will leave for Weldon, which will depart at 2 o'clock V. M. iJQHf."NUTT. Ag"t WU. 6b R. R. R. Co. 3-tf. March 23. CHINA. have iust received TEN PACKAGES CHINA and GLASS, from Liverosol Also. TWENTY CRATES of CANE and ftU KEN'S wakk part aokt ro arrive. Tbos who have purchased can get their sttts by sea ding for then. Jan. 20. T 131. COPARTNERSHIP. npHE Subscribers have this dsy entered Into Co- jl. parinersnip, ror ine transaction oi a XwftfaVieney ifl; Commissloa Baslncas under the style of ' GILLESPIE. ROTH WELL & McAUSLAN. Alt orders promptly attended to, and liberal cash advancea made on consignments. G. S. GILLESPIE, A. B. ROTH WELL, JOHN McAUSLAN. Jan. 22. 132. NORTH CAROLINA MANUFACTURES. BATTLE A SON are still Mahufaefurlng; af the Rocky Mount Mills, about 300.000 lbs. Cotton Yorn, per annum (equal to the best Georgia Yarns,) which they will deliver to Merchants free of extia charge, at New York prices. Orders addressed to BATTLE 4 SON, Rqclty Menst, N. O., will re ceive prompt attention; "i Feb. 12. - 141-ly. OUR MOTTO IS PLEASE," - ' ' AT THE ' ' vVilmlugtou Saddle, Harness, and Trunk 'Manufactory. TpHE subscriber respectfully. Informs the public X that he has recently rtocif ed 'additions to his stock of Saddle snd Harness MounUngs, &c, the latest and most improved style, and is tonstaftly manufacturing, at his store on market street, every description qf. articlein the above line. From his experience In the business; he feels' confident that ne win be able to give entire satisfaction to all Who mayiavorhim with a call. He has now on hand and will constant! keen a lame assortment of Cooev. Oiff and Kulttv Hirst r', zjjl. Bridles, Whips, fc, Gentlemen's Saddletmift, spurs, fc. all of which he will warrant to be of the best materials and workmanship. He has also a larce assortment nf Trimka Vs. I lap a M a rl I a nH r.inAt n. ia..V.Aia Fancy Trunks, &c, and all other articles usually kept in such establishments, all of whlnh h nfr- mwior wash, or a snort credit to prompt custo Saddles. Harness. Trnnba. 0dl(.nf Rara a- made to order ' ii.. . i In addition' to the above tha autaorihar oliuan. keeps on hand a large aupply of String Leather, andhaa now, and will keep through theseason a eood All are invited to call and examine mr Goods whether in want or not, aa I take pleasure in shw- mg my assortment to an wno may favor me with a call. Harness and Coach Trlmmins-s sold at aralmrtx. Also, Whips at Wholesale. aill.t-J f DuL'Jlr.Li i . iimuiusui mums V cntc ICS DOUO-nt unrlanlH nn commisstons. JOHN J. CONOLEV. Jan. 9 1352. 39 CARD PRINTING. WE remind the public that the Piftent Csrd Press is ino eration at theoftleanr IV,. rn.;.i and that Cards will be printed In superior style, and a . ' - - '' s, aui . a 'u p'ivbb. oianK uoros, ready ror priming ,.....,o uU nuu, u u sizes, irom a oy w to 1 by inches. . 123-tfC SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Holctlcitt 'PHE Dubllpsre harnhv ntnwm.,J tk.i I k-.. i... 1r -. - ,.v.wv .Mv.r.i.Hii.viiai 1 uuis ucen appoinied agent for the isle of Window Sn.h, Illlnns and Doors. manuhetiir! h ,h- ti venCo.,and am prepared to fillallordersintheabove iiiio. ineououiyoi tne work or the New Haren Co. is well known in this market. Builders and all personsin want of the above articles, are requested to send In their orders, and they will be promptly fillAn lP...t....l.Ll L . . .... 1 r u.ivu, i ciuia iii,auiui j aeu on aeuvery. , WM. A. GWYER. ueneral Agent Comwiutton and FfiTttardijig Merchant.- 1 April 18. is FRESH IMPORTATIONS. MCK.AK a H AaKlSS have just received 63 Crates of Crockery direct Irom Liverpool, via I navl-stn hiUUU 1 a 1 . ... . ' v""7i wuicu inaaatneir stock oomplete and enab ea thern to compete with any Merchants in the United States, both as to variety and'prioe. BU3GS rF the best maks, and assorted slzep tosujt.fbr y sale by the barrel, or any quantity not less rh.a five hundred, by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. JaB- 30. 135-tf. EMPTY BARRELS. -tl M I m Prlm rter, just landed and for a.iln ADAMS, BROTHER dc CO. Oct. 2- DISTILLERS OF TURPENTINE. I HAVE reduced theprlee of my 8PIRIT BAR RELS to 1 60 delivered at any place In Wil. mlngton. After Tristmss they will be extra slzo Persons wishing can Jqiitract by ihe year on thesa ,v,iu. iiuur lorsaieat abbnertcm.' Wilmington. Nov. Ilth, 1851. A' M0ROAN' 102-lmo..tri-ly.w. YELLOW PLANTING POTATOES. 1 OBBL8 per Ira Brewster: For a), by MILES COSTIN.. 143. Feb. 17. ADAMANTINE CANDLES. PnB0XES- Prlm quality for sale by A. MARTIN. Fob. 13. 141. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. 1 A BBL8 sPrfine and fine for ssle by l& MARTIN. rw . . " 141 ' lit. DISCOUNT NOTES. BLANK NOTES for dlseoaut at tha several bank, in thla nla.. anH k,nj.i. .jii. 1 . IS n f 1 mor,cln ths bsnk, for sale A I. "n,vv' ae t,emrnTial, ..... . ; i,. FANCY ARTICLE3. 10 DOZ. Lubin's Extract, 3 doaronchine Soap, Wl gross Brown Windsor Soap, 6doxen Shs ring Cream, 3 dot Wah Balls, 3 dox Butiafo Combs (superior,) I gross Wsx Motches, a Isrge assort ment of Hair and Tooih Brushes. . f . Physicians and Merchants will plesse csll and examine. C. DePRE. . 1 Market St., Wilmingtoi, N. C. Msrch 30. , : . . ..I v-v. " ' . . JUST OPENED. AND for sale, a fine assortment of Ladies Silk, Crape, Hair, Straw, Lace, Dia, Satin, and oth er styles of lathlonabl. Hats ; by B. S. KOONCK. : March 30. PAINTS, OILS, e:: Qffr LBS Par Extra sod No. 1 Lead 0JJJ 8 bbla Unseed OIL Pare, 160 lba Chrome Green, 60 lba Paris Gftesi ground snd Jn. -Oil, 6 boxes Chrome Green, (Dry ) 4 boxes Aniki; Vermillion, 6 bbla Lamp Black, 500 lba SpsnUU ' Brown, (in Oil,) 2 casks Venltian Red, (English,) ' 500 lbs Venltian Red, (in Oil,) 150 boxes Window . Glass, American and French, at . , C. DirPRE'S, , 1 Dreg Store, Market at MEAL AND BACONr A T the store df Whltaker & Whitfield at all time iV may he found fresh ground Corn-Meat,' whlta and fine. Bacon, Flounnext door 10 WesseU A Ellere. . ssr..:, rt.-' Wilmington, March 13, 1862. THE OLD FAMILY GROCERY. COME to the old Grocen Store,- ". Where the good things in plenty abound, . And aelect from 09 r aew atock and explore, The choicest assortment yet foUnd. Oar stock consists of the very best sort3 ' ' Of Wines, Teas and French Braodiesi - - . With Coffees, Sugars and old London Pottl ' Fruits, Nuts, and Stewart's best Candies. nPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of 4- hia friends and patrons to his well selected stock of recetee, embracing everV possible variety, at prices lower than ever. Hsvlngju.t returned from the North, with a very heavy stock, bought for Cash, will enable me lo aell at very email advances. - Pra'- GEO. MYERS. PATENT MEDICINES. 1- j. ' ' I do BeckwWsdo 6 dot Moffiit's do., , ' Cherrv PciMl. i dot Wlstafi Balsam Wild Cherry, Ac. de . v O. DtPRE, , March 30. D"Ml.t and Apothec.rj. ; TEAS ON VOUNG HYSON, HAND. at 60 per lb, at . 63 ' " " Sweet Cargo, i Fine " at tit t , j 1 Golden Chop, this is the finest eaf, cultivated in China. It is of Ihe first Pick Inge ... . . at at an wmii) uin diici ... m.f (I , " Plantation growth, Black - at 0 Delicious, . at Hoqua Mixture, very fine, . at English Breakfast, Extra fine, . s at U1Ia. TlL.t. I" 63 per lb 76 1,00 " 1,00 " . . J auperior Plunfn. . ; at ' 76 Ne Plus Ultra Black, tbia leaf la ss . . nosegay, It yields s perfume that is delightful, it to of Garden growth, superior to any think told tt any thing told tjS wnmingion. at i,5U Please recollect that the above if superior and at N. y. Prices, at . " - UlblLINSpnj ft. ESLER'S. March 30. BEEF HEARTS. 6 BARRELS just received, nd for sale by . JOHNf! LAW March 11. mm mm m cm f 113. A. E. JI0TT. DEALER in FtmRy Groceries and Proyjslona of all kinds: Tobacco, Snuff, ijgars, Hollow ware, Willow Baskets, Mate, Brooms, Tin Ware, with s continued variety of Furnl.hlug Articles ii his line. All of which, ha will all ai ,k in -J! prices current, and hopoe. by strict sttcatlon tl business lo merit s liberal share of public patron, sco, South Side of Msrket St., one doer below Me..r.. Wilkinson E.ler. Wilmington. N. C, Msrch 12. -vIM. A VALUBLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for ssle that beautiful hour und lot situated on front of the M. E. Church. The Lot ia 66, by 166 feet t the house is 30 by 49 feet, end has four Rooms on the first and two on the second floor, with a fit place in each room t it hss also a nantrv .nil klt-h. en attached ; negro house and well of first rsts water In ihe yard, and an excellent garden, i Thla property Is very valuable and bida fair to be inore t alike with the wbols of Wilmington property ..UK!, uuunn 10 increase in value owing to tne constant Immigration to it and the intarnal im. provements now In progress and In contemplation. -Those who want to settle permanently la Wllming. u ton and wish a pleasant family residence, would do well to embrace this ODDOrtunllv of nnrrhaaU. a. they may never expect to better themselves Ta a pleassnt home. Terms, one fourth of the purchase money will be required In cash) tha balance 1; tnree equal instalments of si, ulna anrf - MuiiHia, niiu Dvno. ana seenritiet. negociablo at .l . . . . 1 - Bank. Possession slven tha flnt of nemkar For further Information Information apply aooa "to a. a. B. OUU 1 MALL, Agent For S. P, IVEY. . Wilmington, March II. ' 163-if." Weekly Journal and Gold.horo1 Bjmiihliraa nA Patriot plea.e copy till forbid. 7 JUST RECEIVED! FlESHandgoodFlga, Prunes. Or.nge., Le. dps, Datss. Citron, rtaialns. Almonds, Filbert; vvamuts, orstii nuts, juiube Paate, Rock Candy. dc. for sale low, by WILKINSON ft ESLER,' aisy b. 151 SILVER PLATED DESERT KNIVES SILVER bolstered ivory handled Tskls aad Dee. ertKnlres, lataat pattern and of superior ousliiy for sale by J. If. ROBINSON. Z March 16. 166 PLANTING POTATOES. TIFTT barrels dally expected, by Mart - Powell 1 J and for aale by JOHN C. LATTA. V , narcn 11. ArHral and Departure of the Malls at tbl Place, x vfaTJ-.pffi, Ths Msll from tha North Isdus svery dsy at Aral., snd 9 P. M. Closes at a quarter before ' k -, P. M., and at 9 P. M. t sbcisilv. ' - The mall from the South, by ateamer from Char., lesion, arrives daily about 8, A. M. Cleses st 9 -A. M. ' .;. ' n . r The mail from Onalow Court House, Snesd'a Perry d-c, ia due every Monday at 5 P. II. Cles es every Thursday st 9 P. M. . ,; . ? y. Ths mall from Long Creek, Black Rirer ChapeL dc, Is duo erery Thursday at 6 P. M., and closes f ame night at 9 P. M. -- ; : . ..w -. Ths mall from FayetteyUle, vis Ellxsbeth Tewa and Prospect Hall, Ac. la due every Taesdsy -1 Thursday and Saturday at 9 A. M.. . Closet saata ' day at a quarter before 10 A. M. ; r ; f tSTA tra paokaga will be msds up for Letter. ; golig North ofJUchmood.Va.. which will be kept open until 7 A. M. All other mvst k la the Ofilea at th hours abova named. rit,a viiin bemallcd until next susceedlng mall, j . 4 BOXES Sand's Sarssparilla, 2 boxes Town send's do.. 3 dot Risley's do., 3 gross Bate man'. Drops, I gross Wright's Pills. cross Brsn. oetn'a da.. 1 o-ra. Pnlara Hn 1 Anm

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