Cotton Tbe maVet is firm with good iurini tj at full prices. The receipts at all of tho ship ping ports since Sept. lt aro 2,787 822 bales, n gainit 2,142,498 for tbe same period of last jear, showing an Increase of 645 Z2.2 bales. The sales lure been at 9 a 10c. f Naval Store The market bas been more active for crude Turpentine, bnt the transactions have riot been made public. We noticed in our lost rr view larger sales, now generally supposed to bare been at 8,25 tor Wilmington, and 8,50 for North County, in all, probably 6 to 7000 bbls; 700 bbls Wilmington sold to-day at 3 37; Spirits are stea dy at 42 1 a IS for largo and small parcels. The sales to-day were E60 bbls. About 8000 bbU Ros in have been soh'iit 1 25 a 1 27 J for North Conn ty j 1.821 a 1.85 for Newbern, 1 871 1 40 for Wil mington, and 2,871 a $4 for No. 1 and prime white 800 bbl Tar, in order, brought $2 . ; Exports for tbe week, bbls. 6 857 '., Do. from Jan, 1st. do. 100 22 ' So. same time last year, do. 134,603 " 1 "PHILADELPHIA MARKET. May 24. Cotton Price are fully J to Jc. bet ter. Transactions reach some 17X) or 1800 bales, part to.arrive, at 9 a 10c. for Uplands and 9 a lit, for Mobile, cash and time. Flonr The sales for home use are within the rango of 6,12 a S5 per bbl for common to good retailing brands extra and fancy family flour. Rye Flour sales at 8,25. Shippers offer less. Cora meal is scaree, with a steady demand for ghipmeut, at 8,12 for P.enna., and 3,23 a 8,31 per bbl for Brandy wine. Corn Is in Hteady demand, and 13 000 a 20,000 bushela sold at 64o for Pe nna. and Southern yel low, and 62c for White. Naval fjtores About 2000 bbls Rosin sold nt 1,371 for Common, and 1,50 a 2 25 for Soap ; Tar is scarce j a sale of Pitch at 1,621 per bbl., Spirits Turpeutlno is lower. Wharf sales at 42 a 43c, and from store at 44 a 45c per gallon, cash and time. , Rice About 4,60 ca9ks changed hands at 4 12j a 4,25 the 100 lbs.ycah and time. . Holders now ask more. - . FOREIGN MARKETS. ', Liverpool Alay 8. The sales of Cotton in Liv erpool on Saturday the wore 10,000 bales, of - which ooe half was for speculation mid export. Prices were unchanged but firmer. No clMtige iu Flour and Grain. Rice was firmer. ;' CHARLESTON MARKET. May 25. The market was very quiet yesterday, the transactions having been limited to some 500 bilea. The extremes were at prices ranging from 71; a lOc. Wo have no change to notice iE prices. COFFEE. BAGS Jamaica, and 20 bogs Rio, landing from 'schr. AntiEliiibetn. -For sale by , . - F.LLIS, RUSSELL &. Co, Mql 27. v v CHEESE. 7r BOXES English Dairy, in 10 In. boats. For Uealeby ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co, 'May 27. 31 "n,'c. bacon, 1 A f W LBS. prime N. C. Baeon, hog round AU.UlAJfor sale, bv J. II. No. 29 North Water Street. 31-3t. May 27. OFFICE W & R. RAIL ROAD CO, ON and after the 1st day of June, all down freight roust bo psid for on delivery. ' . I NUTT, Transportation Agent. May 25. 30. ORANGES AND LEMONS. 1 f( BOXES Good Lemons ; IUl40 " " Oranges i i . 600 Cooca Nuts i 75 Boxes Raisins. For sile low by WILKINSON &. KS1.ER. May 15. 30. ON II AND. A LARGE assortment of Iinpori. d und Domes lie Seizors, .HanufueiuredTobac eo of nil kinds. For aale low by WILKINSON & ESLER. May 23. 30. JUST RECEIVED. OA BOXES Oranges i 10 11 Lemons ; 50 Jars New Prunes t S00 Lbs. Almonds; 1000 Lb. Candle. Flour Bbls. and Hal. Bbls. Smoked and Corued Beef. At the family Grocery. . GEO. MYERS. May 23. 30. DENTISTRY. THE Undersigned has been engaged fourteen years In Dontal Practice i durine the lust font year he resided in Broodway, N. V. v He is now lorated In Wilmington, N. C, and haahla Oflice nearly oppoaite the Carolina Hotel, - Patrouage is respectfully rolieln d. . v. : K. SPKNCKR. May 22, 1852. 29-tf. NOTICE. HAVING dotcrmlned to leave Wilmington, I would state to my Uomoepathic friends and pa frons, that I have sold my practice to Dr. Mallett, who I take great pleasure In recommending to t)icm N. B. Those persons Indebted to me, whether by note or account are earnestly requested to call and settle before the 1st of June. All persons huv ini books belonging to me will pleae roturn them. r - BARTON MUNSEY, M. D. .May 18. 27 2w. : FLOUR I FLOUR!! iyet BBLS. Superfine Genessec, fresh ground ; iU6 " Hiram Smith's t li Half BbU. do. Now landing from Sehr. W. H. Smith and for salu by ' - ZENO II. GREKNR. May 15. 35. RIVER FLAT OR SCOW, FORMERLY Mr. Black's, burthen about 50,000 Shingle', Is for Sale, and now at Cattle llaraes' where the can be seen. Apply to " MRS. WATTERS, or ' II. Y. BROWN. May 19. 27-fit. ' molas1es--molasses TVTOW'LANDINCJ Trom BrigTungior, 18Q Hhds. ll rory iooerlor Cuba Molaen. For sale by " POTTER & KIDDER. , May 18. ; 27. FEATIIERS! FEATHERS ! ! A tl LBS. Live Geese Feathers, for ule by fbUU J. & D. MoIlAE &. CO. May20;.:, . , . , 28. v.,-t . . .. I.lil K- OUIT ABLK for DUiillers use, from 10 to 18 els. ' per lb. Tor aolg by ;OSKPII R. BLOSSOM. 29. May t2. J! LI ABLE TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. " jvS?fA six thousand acre of well Timbered $ pine Lands, aituuted near ihe Jialte, xrf' in illclntosn uoomy, ueortji", mi mlla from D.itien. and foriy-nve miles ffctflav3nnah, on the Stage Road. - - Tb re are fifteen tasks of boxes cut on the tract, five of which have been worked but one year, the other ten tasks have been woiked frura three o wt;r years. - The extreme distance to haul Is shout four mile on the trart. At a distance of wo miles from a good landinf on the Sapelo RWcr, (st which ea sels of 100 tons ean load) is a good Turpentine Still, with all neceassry wugon, teams, tool, fixtures and appurtenances. - A portion of this land Is wen sdaptcd to the cat I lure of Cotton, Coin, Cane and Rice, j On ihe property is a comfortable Dwelling House I recently erected, and contiguous sre Negro Houses, j Stable, dec. ' The settlement is one of the most healthy wca- i lions in the low country. . ! As a large portion-of the tract remains unboxed, ' it constitutes a volilable reserve of pitch pine Tim ber which could be cut for exportation, rafted at ihe landing, and loaded twelve miles down the River in Vessels of 2 to 300 tons burthen, there Do ing full sixteen feet water nt ordinary tides n Sapelo Bar. If desired, a good Mill-site could be obtained on reasonable terms at a convenient point i on the Uiver. - 1 furthi r particular apply to Messrs. DeRos- sot A Brown Wilmington or Andrew Low & com pany, .Savannah. May 25th. -1852. 30-6m-c. WANTED, GOOD Second flnnd Dray and Harness. SUTTON. SOUTHMAYD dr, CO. Mav2S. l5i. 30-It. NOW LANDING. BBLS. Rectfiedand Raw Whiskey ; OK' 10 " Cognac Brandy i 6 " Apple do. 10 " Pure N. K. Rums 20 bags Rio Coffee t From Schooner Fidelia, and Ann F.liiabeth, ond fr salo low, by ZiiNO. II. UuEKNE.- Mav25. 30. m 1II15 NEW fClSSTITDTIlW UP MO." K . N . t lUH A SON, S T A rl' E LOTTERY BROKERS: l'nr thn Sale of Lottery TicBcts TUROUGIIOJJT THE V SIT El) STATES. ' Drawings Conducted by STATE LOTTERY COMMISSIONERS The State Is Bound tor the Payment of all Prizes Sold I SECRECY HONORABLY PRESERVED. TO (01tKiPONIIMS. Order Tickets a few days always in advance of the Drawings; write your nmne and address plnin. Any uionunt of tnonoy enclosed in a letter will be sure to come afe, if addressed K. N. CAR It & SON, No. 138 Pratt Street, BALTIMORE, MO. $0 1,55. Friday, June 11th, 1932. Maryland Consolidated Lottery. Class 1G6. 75 NOA.-13 Drawn Ballots. 1 prixe of 1 " 1 " 40 " 200 " 02 " 3,000 1 prize of 821,00 ' 731 1 " 200 400 1 " 2 0 60 40 " 50 40 G2 " 13 12 121 " 8 Whole Tickets, S"' 00 Half " -17 50 Quarter " 9 75 TU'keis JsJ.510.5tt). Wednesday, June lGlh, 1S52. Maryland tUinsolldalcd Lottery, Class 25. B0 Prizes of Sl.000. 50 Prizes of 8300 I l l pn.B ot 430,000 I 1 prise of . 0,000 ltt,t00 I 1 - o.uuu 3,000 I " 2.S70 1,000 I 50 " 600 200 I 3 Wholu Tickets, 8149 00 Half ' 74 CO 50 " 130 " Certificate of ' Quarters " 32 50 " Eighths " 13 73 Tk Uli $10, Halves 85 Quarters S2 30 M2 18.O0O. Thursday June 17, 1852. Klarylaiid Consolidated Lottery. 1 prize of 20,Hfi0 1 prize of 810,000 1 ' o,U00 I 11 3 000 1 " 3 OUO 1 ' 1,500 1 " 1,500 1 ' 1,000 1 ' 1,00 J 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 500 875 00 37 50 18 75 Cenlficjtts of 23 Whole Ticko , ' " Half " " Quartors, " Tickets 13, Halve $2,50, Quar. 1 25 9350,585. Tuesday, June 22d. 13)2. M:trylanil Couselidntcd Lottery. 2U Priacs of 8750. 20 Prizes of $550. lniireuf 821,500 1 prize of 9,500 1 V 6,500 1 " 3,500 t " 3,035 20 " 750 20 " 650 20 " 350 20 " 150 133 " 100 03 " -60 Certificate of 25 Whole Tickets, $74 00 " ". Half " 37 00 " " Quarter " 18 50 Tickots 85,00, Halves 82,50, Qrs. $1,2; MI5l,t3l. Wednesday. June 30th, 1861. Maryland tottaolldnted Lottery. priz of $9,000 1 prize of 4,000 2.492 1,500 1,000 150 1 " 20 " 10 " 200 " 1,250 300 400 60 20 $42 00 21 00 10 SO 75 62 CcrtlGcaloof 23 Whole Tickets, " Half " " " Quarter " Tickets 83. E. N. CARR & SON, No. 138 Pratt Street, Baltimore, Bid. SPIRIT UAL TELEUAPIL WE shall endeavor, in ihls paper, not to fore opinions upon any one, but simply to euzgest lnaulrk'?. that all mav investigate, and think for lltemselvs. We shall neither preseribe limits for others, nor erect an arbitrary standard for onrsel . ves. Whilo it will strive to avoid all acrimonious disputations, It ' will tolernto the most unlimited ' freedom of thought, imposing no checks except I when liberty 1 made ihe occasion of ofTunce. II ' thall b free indeed free as the utterances of the spirits' subject to such restraints as ore essential to tlto observance of thuse friendly relations and reciprocal duties, which, with the very current of 1 our lives, must flow into the greul Divine Order ; and Harmony of the Race. 1 Our other business resources preclude the neces sity of our depending upon this enterprise for sup . port. Nor will I accept of any pccunlnry profit that may accrue from its publication 1 but will, from time to time, so Increase the issue or size of the pa , per, or reduce its price, as to graduate the terms to tho standard of its actual cost, that Subscribers msy have the full bone fit of their mcney and feel a per sonal Interest lu its wide circulation. It is hoped the character arid" price of this paper will bo sufficient Inducement to many friends of the causo to take aevc'ral numbers for gratuitous circu lation. ' ' ' The Immediate and earnest co-operation or friends in nil parts of the country la Invited. - The "Spiritual Telegraph" will be pullshed weekly, st,$l SO per nnmim, payable in adtanet. All communications should bo addressed to ; . UH tllLKS PAUTRIDGEt ' 8 Coriinndt St., N. Y. May 13. """'Hi H T ' FOR DALTIJI0RC. i THE resaltf packet Schr. Ann Eliubctli, ?f Kdwarda Jlnstcr, win have dc?pstch tr above port. For frljht or patig, apply to fcLLlS, RUSSELL. diCo, ' 31. May 27 FOR NEW YORK. 1 . VjgTIin A. I. fait vallins packet Schr. Me yjjjf memo, Terry, will have despatch for the mTrrti abovs pun. For Creitcitt or parage, hav ing nnsurpMied accominodatlonn, appv loiheCsp tuin on board, or to J. li. FLA.NiS, . . q. 23 North VVator Street. May 25. " 30. FOR PHILADELPHIA. ' HEROXS LIE." THE fine fast sailing regular packet Sehr. ludtlia, jotin Uurwovd, JloJter, will nave dispatch as above, for light freishi or pas- a' apply to GEO. HARRIS. May 22. , 29. FOR NEW YORK, POWELL'S REGULAR, FIRST VESSEL. THE Regular packet Schr. J. H. Flan- ntr, Aaron Vanliililcr, sasster, will neve despatch for above port For lijfht freight or passage, apply on booid to Master or 10 GEO. UAROISS. May 20. ' : 23. FOR CAYENNE, S. A. TI1F. fat sailing-Bris Doct Rogers, Capl. kfilenu For passage, apply to ADAMS CRO. &Co. May 13. ' ' 27. FOR LIVERPOOL. Bit. Brig Falcon, Hulchings, will have quick despatch for above n. For light freight or imtsage apply to Cnpt. on board ADAMS BRO. & Co. 13 19. FOR PHILADELPHIA. 1IEROXS LISE. THE regular Packet Schr. Sidney Price, (jttwdy, will nave dospaicn tor enove port. For light freight or passage, apply on board or to UKU. UAUK.1&S. May 18. FOR BALTIHORE. THKSch'r.S R. Potter, of Wilmington, hns , bulk of freight engaged. For tigat ireint ,of 50 or 100 bbls, apply to ADAMS I RO. &Co. Mar 15 26. FOR PHILADELPHIA, HEROXS USE. -'1111'. lastsniitnc regular packet acnooncr Jllliu, iv. T jiiuviiuer, diiiBicr.wiii iiuve quit'K despatch ob above. For iirh t freight or pas sage, apply to GRO, HARKISS. Ma 6 22 FOR BOSTON. THK A. No I Schr. Rockingham, Captain (Joiiroll, is now loading Kor freight engage ments, apply to ADAMS BRO. & Co, .May 15 .26. FOR FREIGHT 0:t CHARTER. is. THE A. No) 1. Br. Schr. P.nterprise, Ev- : , ADAMS, IJRO. & CO. iMuy 13. 26 4t. FOR LIVERPOOL. TI1F. A. No. 1. Cr. Crlg Zebiah, LeGres- ly, having most of her freight engaged, will meet with immediate despatch. For freight or passage oppiy Jo ADAMS, BRO. fc CO. May 15. ' 26 4 1. 4 01ITII STITE CARRIAGE MA:NUFACfORY. Mulberry, between Front and Water Streets,' WILMINGTON, N. C. THK subscribers have 011 hand and oro coiisianily mnnulncturing Coach es, tlockaways, uaruuenes ana Bug gies 01 uvrry stylo ; ulso, oil Uimi9 01 reparing oone in tho best and neulust manner, and having a num ber of superior workmen engaged, they confidently expect a liberal shnie of paironage. Also on hand und for sale, a fine assortment of Gentlemens' saddles, bridles, collars, whips &c. Wc have, al.o, 0 few of those splendid sole leath er travelling Trunks and Valises. Gentlemen's nuperior travelling bags j alw, Wilton, Brussels and Venetian Carpet Bags. The above goods will be sold low, and on accommodating terms. WKLLS & CORNWALL. April. 20 15-tf. PATENT ICE"pITCUERS, r"PIIE last and best invention for that purpose, 1 for salo by J. M. ROBINSON. May 11. 24. NEW STEAM GRIST MILL. HAVING connected a Grist Mill withur Grain Store, wo are now prepared to furnish (in ar.y coiintity) a superior article of Bolted Meal and h ommony, at the very lowest market price. Also Bran, Shorts, Horse, and Cow Feed. KLLIS f- MITC1IRLL. May 23. - 29. PORK. landing from Sehr. S. R. Potter, 0 BBLS., froni Baltimore For sale by ELLIS, RUSSELL & May 22. Co. 29 I. O. O. F. MASONS AND SONS OF TEMPERANCE. PREMIUM REGALIA DEPOT. fi I BBS & SMITH, No. 73, Baltimore St., Balti VJTmore Md., Regalia and Banner Manufacturer., respectfully invite the attention of the Brethren 0' tne ullferent uraors tnroughout toe Country to titeu extensive and boautlful assortment of 5. "Regalias, Banners, Sushcs, Costumes, Jew els, 'Ac. All of which uro got up under their im mediate instructions, anl comprises one of the lar gest assortments to be feund in the United States. Members of Encampments, Odd Fellows, Ma son.', Sons of Temperance. Red Mens, and. Asso ciations wishing ,to furnish their Hull,. or. supply themselves individually with tiegalla, will nnd our llouso ofll'ts ereat inducements, as we keep con stantly on hind a lare and tjoautlfuljwsorfmcnt of an styles. Appiy 10 or aaaress, . , GIBBS A SMITH, No. 73, Baltimore 'St., Baltimore. Md. April 2Q. . .. 19-ro WILLIAM S. READ, HOUSE, SKIP, AND M PAISTEB, AND PAPER HANGER. NEAR TUB ROCK 8PRIN0, WILMINGTON, N. C, Is prepared, at all times, to execute any busi ness irj his line in a neat and workmanlike manner. TO COUNTRY CUSTOMERS. He would Inform Country Cultomersj that he is prepared to furnish them with all material in his line, at New York cost and charges, and also wuh bands ut the most moderate rate. He respectfully solicit a vail, being determined to use every exertion to giv satisfaction to . thoso how may favor him with their patronage. - 7. Jan. 17 .I : ' ', 130-w-tf. or to May MOLASSES. ' 9X1 IRDS. prime rctsilinj Cuba Molasses, " J"1 deceived and lanrling from bri Anna-W0JJ- to,. "r . J. HATHA W4V SON. ST0UTOV8 BITTERS. 7e DOZ. BOTTLES good article. For sal. slowby WILKINSON & ESLK.R. May 11. - . 24. $1,000,000 SJkTEp YEARLY, READ! READ! REAP . .. MARK THIS FACT! ' SILVER'S PLASTY MINERAL PAINT Will stand any climate wlthoat cracking or . blUlering ! ! ! SCEPTICS I Read this testimony from the Pre sident of tbe Riading Rail Road Company.' QrSce of the Phila. and Rtsdmtr R Road Co. AV.iJI S. Front St tvr. of Willing' Allrf. PHladtipkia, M.y ZJ, 1852. J. S. Suvis, E: Dear Sir 1-Ws have used your "P!ali Paints" for more than a year, and for painting brid, de DOte. &e..4kc.. e have found it caual l any Faint w c inis utcv i iu tact wi iittw guv 11 lliv irvicfvni. Over aB others we have tried for each purposes. j t aurs respectfully, JOHN TUCKF.R. Prudent. Tbe above is but one of the many certirU-aua we j nave .received trom tne uentieroen ol our city, wno have ased Silver's Mineral faints, COLOIlS-Wc hare seven different colors, via : three brown, two chocolates, black, and yellow, and by cojnMnniion, make every variety sd4 shade 01 color. j IRON. -Tqiron, they furnish a perfeot prntee-1 like white lead, aeu dcitrsctlvelt on the iron. la , fact, this palflt makes iron doubly valuable for buil ding purpose. BKICK WORK. Thjy ffivo to boos wall a much heavier coaling lhan any other paints, and if sanding Is required, nothing holds SO firmly or fin ishes 10 well with it. l T T w 1 OT "U. v and leaky, Siiver. Mineral Paint will make it Or.n ROOE'3--Glva Ha mnt fTor bo d't . r r DwiQa : r ... l.UEatV uvw, ouu uauia vuuuiiiik mail ll CVVl mr. SHIPS using this extraordinary mi oral as wo prepare it for them, will be proof against the action of hot sons, worms, and saltwater. DIRECTIONS. Use Linseed Oil, mix as thick as you can, and ase a other paints. These paints need bat little dryer, sod for prim ing and second coating in all household work ihey will be found far cheaper and snore dnrsble than lead. Dealers and consumers ban procure this paint of FRENCH A RICHARDS, Wholessle Agents, Northwest cr. Teuth and Market Sts., Fulls. AUo, Importers of Plate and Colored Window Glag, dmlers In Drags, Paints, Ao. May 15. 25 if. SUNDRIES. Gt.UF. for Distillers use, good quality ; Soap, Candles, Cut Nails, Tobacco, prime quality, lor sale by ANDERSON & LAT11IKR. May 1. 26. " NOTICE. AX the Stores shut tip at nifthts from the ISih of this month, until the fall, those of my town eua toiners must sond for articlea they will want in my line before time of closing, st eandle light. GEO. H. KBLLKT. May 8. Jour copy. 23. FRESH ARRIVALS, Per Sckrs. R. IV. Prow and L. P Smith. QC BBLS. of fresh Gunesso Flour ; AO 10 Bags St. Domingo Coffee ; f i " Rio , 5, " Java " ' ,Illd8- Wt!H, SidM 1 ijf 1 Box -double refined Loaf Sugar; 200 Lbs. best Dried Beef. Low for canh at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. April 59. J. II. & N. C. T. copy. If. MORE VALUABLE TOWN PROP- EIITY'FOR SALE-. .. rPHE Subscriber oiTofs for sale in the south- X eastern part of ihe town, a valuable lot 330 feet long, 68 feet wide, has a well of excellent woier, jood btnblcs, cow houso and cart house. The dwelling U2I by 14 feet with two neat little rooms and a fire place, attached to the House, a cook room; as it is probable no person would pui share without looking at the premises, a further descrip tion iatinnecessary, suffice it to say to those who wish to make an investment of their money, would do well to call and examinine the premises, there island enough on which could be erected four or live more collages that would' nay well In rents. This property is offered at private sale on the fol lowing terms : one lourlh or the purchase money 10 be paid in cash (he balance in three equal Install ment of six, twelve and eighteen months, with note and securities negotiable apd payable at Bank with interest. If not disposcd.of previous to Tuesdoy, of our nextcoantv court, it will then be offered to the highest, bidder at exchange corner on iha above terms, For further information, apply to i tr A. A D. SOUTH ALL, A?t for - VVM. H. HANSLEY. H. & J. copy till day of sale. March 30. 8. FRESa GROCERIES. PER SCHR. A. J. DeRQSSET. QA BBLS. of Extra Flower for family u.r ; XiKJ S '.' Hiram Smith's best t 10 bags Green Rio Coffee 1 2 boxes double refined Loaf Sugar ; 3 bbb. of that extra Fulton Market Bsrf; 6 half " " ' 1 hhd. best Porto Rico Sugar; 10 boxes fresh Soda Craokers ; 3 bbls. do. " 6 41 Soda Sugar " Atl low for Cash, at GEO. U. KELLRV'S. May 20. 23. DAILY EXPECTED. FROM NEW ORLEANS. BBLS. Reoified Whiskey; 375 10 " Old Mononwahela do.: J9 " Cognac Brandy ; . S " Alcohol; 1000 " Sacks Corn; 13 casks Bacon Shnuldert ; : 8 . Sides; 124 bbl. Mess Pork ; 20 " Prlrpe do. i cargo of Cri Mar- tna Otinaman, xor sale, ty ANDERRSON & LATIJiER. May Iji. a. NOTICE. 'T'HE auhscriber having obtained letters of J i rainisfrntlon at tho Decsraber Term 1951, of tne ioun or riees una Quarter Session upon all and singular, the goods ajid chattels, rights and credits if Sw'a Deceased, hereby offers for sale a administrator aforesaid, at Kxebanee cor ner, in the town ol Wilmington, on the 30ih day of May next, 10 share of Ihe Slock Of ihe Wil minKton and Raleigh Rail Road Co. belonging to said F.staie, upon a credit of six months, pcrchasr ( giving Bond and approved security. GKO. 0. FRENCH, Aim'f. ' May 8, 1333. SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 H A SECOND hand Spirit Barrels, large 1 .W JJ and In good order, for sal b DstOOSSBT & BROWN. April 29. 19. NEW FLOUR AND MAY BUTTER. nnHALF bbl. extra Floor, for family oa. ' ZV 6 bbls. Hiram Smith' beef, jv,. 'V 6 tub of superior new Msy Bu'tor, Low for ea.h at ' ' GEO. H. KELLErS May8. w HPsndNTCeopy. ,tf DULY EXPEt 1 DIRECT FROM LIVERPOOL. 1 (( t SACKS stove Sail 1 LJKJJ2W " .round ADA1IS CBO. &Co. 19. April PAL3I LEAF ASD WOOL HITS. A T very low prices, by the foe or d.iz?n, tlve t l in want win nnd t 10 tneir aavamage to ;i 1 a J look, at aiy stock, before parebnjinf. ' : , Mayl - 21 FOR SALE 0(TJ PRIME Spirit, BwrtU'i ' OUV30 bbls Glue Eogli and Amrioar. . , ADAMS BRO. ds C. April 29. , ... t l9 , SPIRIT CASKS: I Ifi Casks, cx peeled by r ' M immlii. -i. vvv salt ty Aprjl!t7. JQ31CPILR. BLOSSOM. IT. BRIGHT VARNISH. K BRLS , a aupelror article, and wansnlcl not Am ' cnu- For sale, by JOS. tt. BL9SSOM. 13. April IS NOTICE. rFIR Co-partnership heretofore exletlng betwmn the subwrtbers, under the firm of A. O. F.V- AS& BKO.. is dissolved by mutual constat.' The business of liio firm will be cloaed hr J. A. F.vK.. A. C. F.TANS. April 19th, 1952. 1. A. KVAN9. co-partFership. THE suHncribors have entnred into eo-pnrtner-sstiip undor the lirm of 8. B. & A A. K VAN5, who will continue tho DRUG BUSINESS st lb stand formerly occupied by A. C. Fvans d E10. 1 hey nre in dmiy rrct-itit ui additions to tbelr stock of alKUICINIi-S, DltUUS, it.e .mA lnlti ihnM i , , , Uhlng srticlcs in their lino, to ll bfoie purcha. wberc 8. B. F.VANS, A. D. J. A. EVANS. FATETfEViLLS FLOUR. OA BBLS. X One and sonjjne, nt iU GF.O. H. kfJ-LHY'S. April 20. J. II. & N. T. C. T. oopy. If. FROM LIVERF00L. WKha Stock uvejtirt received large addition to our kofCrockfrr. oer barque Mutklnanm. from.Ltverpool, and are now prepared to fill orders rom Merchants and oincr on tho most fuvorable terms. HcIlAKA IIARRI.SS. May 6. 22 "bacon HlisAjaTsiDEi 1 U.ST received, a largo lot at Whitaker de Whit- J mdd'e. Alio a superior lot vf email Hams,, for lumiiy uc Muy f. if 22 GUTTER. Lf THUS Miy Goshen Buitcr, a No. 1 article, just received per .Schr. Alariv. Also, Beef Tongue Fulton Market Beef, Dried Beef, &c, ut UKO. MYERS'. May 8. , . PUBLIC AGENCY IN VTashliiKtou City, Ilaltlraorc, Philadelphia, Hartford, New Haven, Boston ai d the Hast, A L. STIMSON, Pahlle .l?e , MAIN OFFICE, N'o. 19 WALL ST. NEW YORK, (Aruus &. Co's. Express.) WILL Rive prompt and faithful attention in PUR CHASING and FORWARDING, in lurgo or small quantities, arlicleaof.Mcrchnn-iitti Surgi cal and Dental Instrument, Mechanics' Tools, Ag ricultural Implements, Plants, Nrrlons, Seeds, dec, dtc , to any part of the United .Status. 3f He will also attend to Applications for Pat ents, Financial Negotiations, Marine Insurance, the Sale of Produce and Mehnnlcal Inventions, tho Purchase "f Liverpool, Kurupean und Califor nia .Steamer Ticket, the importation of Books und other articles, tho Recovery of Personal ETects nf Deceased Similiters in the Northern State, Col lect Debts, Subsorlbe for American and Foreign Magazines, dc. Jrjiert Adverliscmonif, Institute, Inquiries nfter Missing Persons and Property; and in fine, execute every practicable, proper end remu nerative commission in any of the above-named places andin Great Britain. Address (post paid) A. L. STIMSON, No. 19 Wall Street, New York. JJjf" Only such letters as shull have been pre paid will be taken from the Puff O.Tieo, and every original application, to meet teith ulltni'wn, mutt enclose one dollar. OFFICES OF THlf AQF.SCX. 19 Wall Street, : ew York; Baltimore Sireet, Baltimore Md. ; ll5Chesnut Ktrn 1, PhiUhlphia , 119 Main Street, Hartford, CI ; Pennsylvania Av enue, Washingiou, U. C.j and it Wihini'ion Si., Boston. nCFEBEKCI!. In New Votk, Messrs. Davis, Brooks 4 Co., jind Adams dc Co. ; in PhlladepUU, Mewrs. San ford & Shoemaker) in Boston, Franklin Haven, j Fsq., President Merchants Bank, and C. W. Curt j wright, Ksq , President Manufactures' Inrurance ' Company; in New Orleans. Messrs. Duvid Felt ; & Co., and Adams & Co.'a Express ; in Liverpool, Messrs. Edwards, sandford 6t Co. Msy I. 26. RI0LASSES. "ARGO of Bri John Paweon. ex- J pected from Cabanie, (Cubn, f.ile by Mlf.KS COSTIN. t pri 29. GRAND ROYAI. ARCH CHAPTER OF NORTH CAROLINA. ',THE next'. .Meeting of ;bis body Will DC tioiaun in r i rauiiony the 7th d-.:y if Jnn'e nxt. Subordinate Chapter, are' rmtuirtd to-send Delegates and returns. H. P. KLSaEI.I.. Grand 5'y. Msy 4. "ImtfT.iS AND G IRDERS. WK have just reeeiv(d supply of Faesn Ga db.i and Grass Sckos from 1'hliadvlphia. ALSO, Several new patterns of Plows, Grain mills, Csrn Shelters, Hay Csttsr., Ac. Fur sale by McllAF. if- HARRISS. Feb. M. SIMU.NG STYLE OF GENT'S DRESS HATS. DRAB Bttaver, extra fine lllaci Moleskins, vry light, fur Sumnier Wear, received weekly from iheojBnufacUry, and for soi Ly O. MYF.KS, Hatter. May 8. 23. U3IBRELUS, UMBRELLAS. TUST rriwivoJ, direct from'ihi manufactory, 25 J itoaoo Uinhreil.t. stir, ocoton and Ante Gin jhsoy , nj.'ortcd colors and sixng, for sale w ale ajwl vs!;l, very low pricee. by and American bole- Uatti r. , 22 , May(. ' SPIRITS TURPENTLNK BARRELS. ri(( LARGF. size, in prime order, lor sale by iJJ ANDERSON 4 LATIMER. Aprtm . ' BACON." . ALOTof superior HarovSldo ad Shouldere, iui rscdved from Rlchl.iads, and for sule by i , . U S.KOONCK. Hsyl. . ' ' I? 5 .MITM villi: i rf ihU I .s '-t iion Ule'mj- T, ccace on . ' 1 of V rj.iry, andcr Iho onjiin control A. M8il4 J, VV- .'iortliv. J line li. Brent, ef lorijr eiperi i:u nt.ana Slisa f us no eulo i -letters, know . -e fcr Uscif.- :.'! to srat to ib i pi'tPZ, ssho t. ence in teaching, in tho M samit a. iirunr, tn tne et glcs upon the qaaliricatii;n jnjj. a diwrrimlojiing pubiic cnne and err.v Jlomiuy repor pareni and guardians of ail the Lt1iid. ai'rn.ljtice. ar.d iewttm Compositiun, Dcetima'lon sn J C'01 vrsallon will ri..'fa aUnnJcd to. The Tc rhera I10IJ thetrtsclvcs rj;wnsibl U tt the aiorality cf all thos cemmiireii to tiieir care, r Board ean be obtained with Jlrv Creitt tor U ef 20 pupil at in twr familie af i3e stme. - . . Resident will be reared to pay ttriiiorf ly. -. Foreign, half of the tuition for the session, in . advance.. - v-,"'-:-:-:.:: r.-.'--V-y.;-''C J -U Tuition Is as follow- . . . . The classics for any etas tit any Collet. tI3 CO a Seeond Claw In the lanie. inclodiae hbheat ' . ' branches of English seicne FngtUh a tone', :t v. :"l It 0O. "' 10CO , 3 10 .nuiten Urmmsr and Gecgrtpnjt, t For Beginners, . , Reading and Cblroarnphif" . Modern Language and araamearnl the lowest price. By order 1 Th weekly HsruU io4 Joartai Jan. 21. -, v, a r", brar SN0TICE.:.i TKK subscriber are ready t, contract for Steam Engines of any ie, or any kiad of Mitt gear ing. 1 o any rn wanting Machinery of the abne description rhey will tTer indneamcnt ennulto any eaublishment either North or tseoth. -' PWsm ! (all before purchasing elsewhere. - . s . ,1 s-OTT, 80UTHMADE 4 CO-j Wllmiajton, N.Cj April 8. 1852. i 9-if. 4 . Wr.lrlb Vofi.lll. tit ...... ' rtl.f boro Patriot and Raleigh montk and send bill to as. Register copy tbr GRAIN CRADLES. , JUST reociyed lot of the best, and rarsnte at rae Hardware Store ct - J. II. ROIINiiON. 41 ay It. 24. TN Slot 1009 Bushels Oat: For sue by i 1 5IILK3 COSTIJf; April 23. - 19. ORANGES AND LEMONS. 1 ATVBOXK3 food Orange. do Lemons. For as) low by . WILKINSON A fcSLEIU l April 20. SUGAR AND COFFEE ORBLS. superior refined Soger; 20 begs Rio and Laguayra Colic. ' " Jast received and for sale be J. HATHAWAY & AprllSL . ' . . ; 80N. - - 17'- ' MESS PORK. OH BBL9. ties Park, bojv landlnj ftom 8chr- J ). tt. Kather, and for sale by i ; ZENO II. GREENE. April 17. t BACON-BACON. 5' HAA LBS. of lare N. C. Side, for vt'o by ,UU WHI I'AKF.R d VVHlTf JKLD.f ALSO, Another lot of Hams for family ase. May 8, . TL ' FLOUR. . 5". y FIN'R SupcrCne.and Extra, in bbls. half tbfs. and bags, just received and for sal by II. S. JtOONCF - JWUy4. XTi' li-;--2fj GUITARS ! GUITARS 1 1 7"' V7"M. HALL SON'S patent Head Outiari L, bL WEBB. . . ill bdwi, ivi wmm vf ' li CHILDREN AND INFANTS' DATS. IN great variety, elegantly trimmed for sale by C. MYJiRS, Aprir22. ' ' " ; i . LIQUORS! LIQUORS 1 LIQUORS? ' fit V BBLS. Rectified and Kaw Wbi.key t ( JU20" Pare N. FL Rurtif - ' 10" Old Rye Whiskey t , 6 " Ros Gin t French and Imitation Drandy. In store and for sole by ' . A'u'- ZKNaiCEgNE. ' ApriUH. - t;::M::J,U:U ENGLISH AND A3IERICAN ; TUUPENTINF. Hackers, Puller? and round Slwvcs, for sale cA2p to the trade, ' - ' i. M. UOBIXSOX.' 1 April 1Q. J. &ll.copy. . . ,11 HYDRAULIC CEMENT. . O Af " BBLS. Rosindule Factory; duUy expected, tor sate ty April IX ' J. e) V. JScRAE A CO. - . It. .Un'' ;, 'Jilij.'.g.tUri DRUGS AND . MEDICINES. 1 ' JUST RECEIVED. 1 f LBS?. Gunf Opiuul, O'urker,) 200 IU SalL lUl'etre, iO lbs Gum Arabic, 3J lb Abxsnder Senn.i, 20 lbs R. J. Senna, I bbl Cum Camphor, I, bbl Cretin of Tartar. I bbl Carb. Soda, 1 cask Sal. Soda, 2 Cooper's Isinglass, 3 do. Cox's Gel- ' atine, 4 buxes eoluoralea Soap rowder, li doi box' ts Yeast I'odr. -' . ' C. DvPE, DrngtUt-i' M irrh 30. -;;-'A-V'.ic : i 6. COTTON YARN v 1 ( BALES No. 6 and UMt ale by tATTA. April. 3. , ; ' , MOLASSES. .. ;;' Q'JZ. HHDS. and 9 Tierce prime Cuba Metas. (wu scs. tn strong and bright package, receiv ed per Brig Ellen Hayden, from Matanza, fersal by j. uaiUAAAi aeux April 6. ' . " DRS. FREEMAN & MALETT. HOMCROPATHIC.PUYIC4AlK8, Front Street one door below Pol ley & ILiit, WILMI.WTON S. C. April II. . - .. -. ' I2-lf. ' SPECIAL N0TICC. THE snhaeriber tospcctfully Inroxtris tbe Tbll that he kep convtantly on hand a sspplv of -Corn, Oat. Peas, Hay. and good Fresh, Water. Mill Meal and Homin.y en it reaaonaow price. , Call at hi store. North Water Strcew formorly - occupied by L. N. Barlow. - IV Jl. A. iiUU USk. .. liny i. ' ' - ! . !Wd JUST received, per brig Caroline C Kelley, 239 bhds. prime Mohssos. from Matanra 'j POTTER KIDDER. ' May '' -y --'; -r4''T'..j: M. WESTERN SHOULDERS. . 4 HHDS. or 8uporiar Western Shaoldjw. f. cash St OF.QH. KKLLBTU. May 15 , J. W. II. &. X.C. T. copy L , MOLASSES AND FLOUR. y il XXZ t .r Flour H fie. snd S.p line. Low for cast si Msy 15. i ' Cf:0. H KKI.LP.Y'S, d- N.CT.copy. 25,, s . .-

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