THE COMMERCIAL ' THURSDAY. MAY 27, IS52. FOR GOVERNOR, JOHN KERR, OF CASWELL, not insisted on the absolute necessity of in culcating ita principlea And its precept upan the mindi of the young? In what age, by what eeet, where, when, by whom, haa reli iriou truth been excluded from lha educa tion of youth! Nowhere; never. Every where, and at all lime, it has been, and u, a reearJed as essential. - It is of the essence. " . f nuPnl instruction. - From all vitality, of useful instruction. this Mr. Girard dissents. His plad denies the necessity and the propriety of religious instruction as part of the education ot the youth... He dissents, not only from oil the teatiments ot Christian, mankind, from all .common conviction, and from the results of ail experience, butt he dissents also from still iiiher authority th word of God itself. My learned friend has referred, with propri ety,' one of the commands of the Deca logue but there hi another, a first command Beot and that is a precept of religion, and it lain snbordinaiion to this that the moral pro ceptsof the Decalogue are proclaimed. This first great commandment teaches .-nan that - tnere is one, ana oniy one. great r irsi iause, lone, and only one, proper object of human worship. This w the great, the ever fresh, the overflowing fountain ol aty revealed truth. Without it, human life is a desert oi no kno wn termination on any aide, but shut in' on all sides bra dark and impenetrable horizon. Without .the light of this truth, man knows nothing ot bis origin, aoq nothing 01 nis end And when the Uecalojrue was delivered to jhe Jews, with this great announcement and command f. its head, what said the inspired lawgiver ? that u should ookeptiroin chu dren? tnat It should) bo reserved as a com munication fit only for mature age? Far, far otherwise. "And these words, which I command thee this dav shall be in thv heart. And thou shall teach them diligently unto thy children, and shall talk of them when thou itttest in thy hause, and when thou wolkest by the way, when thou liest down and when thou rlseth up." There is an authority stiU more imposing and awful, When little children were brougtu into the presence of the Son of God, his dis ciples proposed to send them awnv: but he said, "Suffer little children to come unto me." Unto me; he did not send them first for les son in morals to the schools of the Pharisees or to the unbelieving Sadducees, nor to read tue precepts and lessons phylacleried on th garments oi tne jewtsn priestnoou ; he end nothing of different creeds or clashing doc Vines, but he opened at once to the vouth lul mind the everlasting fountain of living waters, the only source of eternal truths: "Suffer little children to come unto me." And that injunction is of perpetual obligation ii iMiareeses luseu to-aay wun tne same car neatness and the same authority whirh at tended its firs; utterance to the Christian world. It is ol force everywhere, and nt all times. It extends to the ends of the earth, it will reach to the end of lime, always and ev erywhere sounding; in the ears of men, with r an emphasis which, no repetition can weaken, and with an authority which nothing can su persede; "Suffer little chifdren to come un to me." And not only my heart, nud my judgment my ueuei, ana ray conscience, instruct me that this great precept should be obeyed, but tne idea is so saced, the solemn thoughts connected with it so crowd me, it is so utter ly at variance with this system of philosophi cal morality which we have heard advoca ted, that I stand and speak here in fear of being influenced by my feelings to exceed the proper line tof ray professional duty. Go thy way at this time, is the language of philo eopLical morality, and I will send for thee at a more convenient season. This is the lan guage of Mr. Girard io his will. In this there " w nci'Jicr religion nor reason. The earliest and the most urgent intcllec ual want of human nature is the knowledge of its origin, its duty, and its destiny. ""Whence am I, t&hat am I, and what is bc fors roe ?" This is the cry of the human soul, o soon as ils raises its contemplation above visible, ma'erial things. ! When an intellectual being finds himself on this earth, as soon as the faculties of rea son operate, one of the first inquiries of his miod Is, ''Shall I be here always ?" "Shall I live here forever ?" And reasoning from what he sues daily occurring to others; he learns to a certainty that this state of being must one day be changed. I do not mean to deny, that it may be true that he is created with -this consciousness ; but whether it be ponaciousness. or the result of his reasoning faculties, man soon learns that he must die. Then comes the most urgent and solemn de mand for light that ever proceeded, or can proce'ed,' from the profound and anxious broo dings of the human soul. It is stated, with wonderful force, and beauty, in that incom parable composition, the book of Job : ''For there is hope of a tree, it it be cut down, that it will, sprout again, and that the tender branch, thetof will not cease, that, through fhe scent of water, it will' bud. and hrinor fnrlli boughs tike a jilant. But if a man die. shall he. lite again 1" ,And that question nothing but God, and the religion ol God, ran solve. ' Religion does" solve it, and teaches every man that he is to live again, and that the 3ciic of ikhis life have reference lo the life VVich 1 to come. And Lence, since the in- traduction of Christianity, jtlina been the du ly, a it ha becMhe effort, of the great and the gaod.Mo sanctify human knowledge, to bring it to the fount, and to baptize teaming Mnto Christianity; to gather up all its pro ductions, its earliest and its latest, it blos soms and all its fruits, and lay them all- upon the alter of religion and virtue. -Another Important point involved in this question Is, what., becomes of the Christian Sabbath, io a school thus established ? I do not mean to y thty Jills stands exactly on the same authority a the Christian 'religion, bet I mean Co say that the observance of the Sabbath i a part of Christianity in all its forms.- AH Cbiistlans admit the observance r ifc Ral.t)lh. All admit that there is a Turd's day. although there may be a differ ence In the belief os to which is the right tAh observed. Now, I say that in this Jiietilution, under. Mr. Girord'e scheme, the cou IJ or.!!,...rv fihsrrr.llice of uot take rUce, because the ordinary mtai of observing it are excluded. - I know that I shall be tol3 here, also, that lay teachers would come in again j and 1 say again in re ni -ot urliorn iim nniinarv means. ol at taining an end nrc excluded, the intention is to exclude the end itself. There can be no Sabbath in this college, there can be na re ligious observance of the Lord's day lor there are no means for attaining that end. It will be said, that the, children would be permitted to go out. There is nothing seen of this permission to Mr. Girard' will. And f m i n.Toirt 4 It eat at nrnnlrl Katt tnat flfl ftillfH opposed to Kir. Girard!s whole scheme to, al low these children to go out and attend places of public worship on the Sabbath day, as it woutu oe to nave minivers ot reunion vu preach to them within the walls ; because, if they go out to hear preaching, they will hear just as much about religious controversies, ana ciaBning aocvnne auu tuurc, uiuu v y pointed preachers officiated in the college. Ilia object, as he states, was to Keep tneir minds free from all religious doctrines and sects, and he would just as much defeat his ends by sending' them ou,t as by having re- igious instruction within. Wnere, are mese ittle children to iro? Where can they go to learn the truth, to reveronce the Sabbath? Thev are far from their friends, they have no one to accomnanv them to any place oi - 1 worship, no one to show them the right from the wronz course ; their minds must be kept clear from all hAason the subject, and they are just a? fawirom the ordinary observance of the Sabbath as if there were no Sabbath day at all. And where there is no observ ance of the Christian Sabbath, there will of course be no public worship ol uoti. And I would ask, would any Christian man consider it desirable tor his orphan children, after his death, to find refuge with in this asylum, under all the circumstances and influences which will necessarily sur round its inmates? Are there, or will there be, any Christian parents who would desire that their children should be piaceu in in s school, to be for twelve years exposed to the pernicious influences which must be brought to bear on their minds ? I very much doubt if there is anv Christian father who hears me this day, and 1 am quite sure that tnere is no Christian mother, who, if called upon loliedownon the bed of death, although sure to leave her children as poor as children can ur) left, who would not rather truBt them neven'irli-as, to the Christian charity of thqffl world, however uncertam it has been said to be, thijn place them where their physical wants nna comforts would be abundantly at tended to. but awov from the solaces and consolations, the hopes and tho grace, of the Christian religion. She would rather trust them to the mercv and kindness of that spir it, which, when it has nothing else left, gives' a cup ol cold water in the name oi a uis ciple; to that spirit which has its origin in the fountain of all good, and of which we have on record an example 'the most beauti ful, the most intensely affecting, that the world's history contains, I rriean the offering of the poor widow who threw her two mites into the treasury. "And he looked up. ana saw the rich men caslinir their irlfts into the treasury; and he saw also a certain poor widow castinir in thither two mites. Arm ne said. Of a truth 1 say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all ; lor all these have, of iheir abundance, casl in unto the ofl'erinijs ol God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had." What more tender, more solemnly affecting, more profoundly paihetic, than this charily, this offering lo God, of a far thing! YVc know nothing of her name, her f tmiTy, ( r her tribe. We only know that she was a poor woman, and a widows ol whom there is nothing left upon record but this sublimely simple story, that when the rich came to cast their proud offerings into the treasury, this poor woman came also, and cast in her two miles, which made a larthing! And that example, thus made (lie subject of divine commendation. has been read, and told, and gone abroad everywnere, and sunk deep into a hundred millions of hearts, since the commencement ol the Christian era, und has done more good than could be accomplished by a thousand nmrblo palaces, because it was charily min gled with true benevolence..given in the fear, the love, the service, and honor of God ; be cause it was charity, that had ils origin in re ligious feeling ; because it was a gift to the honor of God ! Cases have come before the courts, of be quests, in last wills, made or given to God. without any more specific direction ; and these br-quesU have been regarded as crea ting charitable uses. But can lhat be truly called a charity which flies in the face of all the laws of God and all the usages of Chris tian man 1 I arraign no man for mixing up a love of distinction and notoriety with his charities. I blame not Mr. Girard because ho desired to raise a splendid marble palace in the neighborhood of a beautiful citv, that hhould endure for ages, and transmit his name and fame to posterity. But this school of earning is not id be valued, because it has not the chastening influences of true relia- ion ; because it has no frasranca ol'llie spirit of Christianity. It is not a charity, for it has not that which gives to a charily lor educa tion its chief value. It will, therefore, soothe .the heart of no Christian parent, dying in poverty and distress, that those who owe to nim their being may be led, and fed, and clothed by Mr. Girard's bounty, nt the ex pense of being excluded from nil the means of religious instruction nffoided to other chil dren, and shut up through the most interest ing period of their lives in a sominary with out religion, and with moral sentiments as cold as its own marble walls. IN STORE, FOR SALE. 1 K BBLS. 11 year old Monongahela Whiskey ( I U 10 Half bbls. Family Roe Herring t 10 Bbls. Black Fish oil for Machinery i 6 " Winter bleached Sperm Oil j 60 BhIcs Navy Oaltum : 20 Bbls. Glue ALSO : India Rubber Steam Packing from an eighth to an Inch In thickness. J. & D. McRAE & Co. TEAS! TEAS!! TEAS!!! K( HALF chests imperial, Young Hyson, Oun (Jvpowder.Olong, Powchong end old English Breakfast. Just received Green Teas from 60 cts. to ! j Black Tear from 40 cts. lo II. Pamtlles that have not used ray II Inperlal Tea, will please send for samples. Family Grocery April I. 7 GEO. 51 VERS. tho Sabhalh SUGAR AND MOUSSES. QnCBLS. Porto Rico Sujar, and 3 hlida. do. 10 hhda. Molasses, fine article for reisillnjn store and fur sala by ZENO II. GREEiN l i April 17 ... . . M-. TO THE PUBLIC. THE Subscriber has leased Tor a ter.a of years, of It. W. Brown, Esq., his nrs-proof store, wiih his wharves, snd Is now In t condition to take es pecial care ofSpirlts Turpentine tna other Naval Stores commlted to, his care. The Warehouse Is well known fo be the best sttid safest place In iowtf for the storajs of Bacon, Lard, Corn, Peas, &c The lower wharves have on there four largs new sheds, where Spirt's cin be ssfely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of pfjduct sent to his care. He will also make advances when required. He begs to refer t. the following gentlemen: K. W. Brown, John Dawson, O. G. Parsley, sad Thos. II Wright Psnra. ' ' Brown's wharf Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 13. " ' 77. NEW SMOKED SHOULDERS. 2 HUDS jus received and ror sale of JOHN C. LATTA. 8. April 3. WHITE REFINED FAMILY SUGAR. 4BBLS. dally expected per Schr. Ira Brewster, and for sale JOHN C. LATTA. April 3. 8. STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE. TTE nffUrfor mile on ofN. a- StnrDUCK'S fcn- W Cvlinder 10 In. bore. 24 In Stroke, oh solid cast iron bed, with force pump regulator, wa ter heater, and all connecting steam ana water Dipe, together with two boiler. 28 in. diameter, 24 feet long boiler front, giates, saiety valve, diow on, cncclc ana gage cocks, ana iiuhbbiwi ..uki and cast iron works for a single Saw Mill, with mat Intra fhr a nnrrinffe 40 feet in lenslh. ' The above Engine and Machinery are similar in every respect to those In use, on the Fayeiievllle and Western FianK ttoaaj tney nave jui uecn imported from Troy, where they were monutactur ed to order, and have not yet been put up. All ready for immediate delivery. Appiy to DsROSSET & BROWN. March 27. 6- ORANGES AND LEMONS. JUST ut hand and for sale by WILKINSON & ESLER. March 23. 4. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! ffrBBL3. Liiicolnville White Lump; Also UVjvJ calcined Plaster, 1'bslcring Hair, and Fire Brick, UydrauliiCcmewt ; 1UC0 bbls. Lime dc.;f orsaltb y ' " J.C.& R. B.WOOD. Contractortand Builders. April ?, 1 VI. FLOUR. A LOT of FayettevilleSupei fine, Cross and Fine Just received and for sale by JOSEPH tt. BLOSSOM. March. 1. ? THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSUIUME COHl'V. HALEIGH, N. C: nHHEaboveComnanv has been In operation tint 1 thelsiol April, 1843, undci the direciiunof tlx following Olhccrg, vu i s,v ; Dr. Chas. E.Johnson president, Wm. D. Hay wood, Vico President, James V. Jordan, Secretary, Win. II. Jones, Treasurer , Peri in Busbee, Attorney, Dr. R.B.Haywood, ) Conuttalwn. J. Hersman.Gen'IAgent. TUl CJompany has roceived a charier giving advantages to the insured over any other Com pany. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of Ills Wife and Children, free from any : latins of theren- rcscntaiive ol the husband or any of Uis credit ors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate in tiie whole ol the profits wiiieli arc dcciarea annually, uesidcs, tne a pli. cant for lilc, when thcannual premium Is over j3C may pay one half in a Note. All claiinsfor insurancengalnst the Company will ue paid wunin ninety days alter prooi oi tne death of the party Is furnished. Siivcs ore insured for one or five years, alrates ,vhich will enable allSIaveholdersto secure this class of properly against the uncertainty of life. Siavo insurance presents a new and interesting feature in thehistory of North Carolina, which wil prove very importantto theSouthernSlates. Thelasi four monthsopcration of this Company shotvoa very large amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year--having already issued moro than 200 Policies. All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to JAS. F.JORDAN. Secretary. Ralcixh.April 8.IS51. R-tl. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STOxNE YARD. HHE Subscriber having accepted the agency of 1 several large establishments at the North, which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished Or nnfinishck, foreignand domestic MARBLE of all dualities, 1s prtpaTsd) to 6H-aft Triors' for ' MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES, nnd every other article in the line of the business at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING, LETTING OR CARVING, Executed aiwellas Can be dons cither North or South. The best cf reference can be given, if required. JAS.McCLARAAN. Jan, 6. 125-tf CORN SnOri BUSHELS momently ,JJKJ from Hyde County. Fi expected or sale, by MILES COSTIN.. H3. Feb. 17. TOBACCO. OrtBOXES prime arecnville Tobacco, for sale y bX A. MARTIN. Dec. 3. 111. WANTED TO HIRE. BY ilia day, month or year, 150 or 200 Laborers, white or black, to work n wiimi Manchester Rail Road, near Wilmington. Apply to L. J. FLEMM1NG Ret. RnV. March 20. NOTICE. I HAVE reeeived, and now offer for sale, on the most reasonable terms. Ladies and OmUmpn' Druss Goods, Including Hats ond Shoes also, House furnishing Goods Also, Ladies, Gontlo men's and Boys Saddles t Buggy Harness, Ate. &C Those that wsnt, will please call at No. 4, Mar kc' , B. S. KOONCK. March 20. ' fl, LIQUORS. - fZ CUJARTER pipes Cognac" Grant Brandy, 10 v Dun. imperial uream Uln, 10 Bbls. Old Mo noiigehela Whiskey, to arrive per Schr. LHlls San ders from Philadelphia, for sale by ' . T- . - EO. HARRISS. April 13. sit STORE. Pork, 27 Rbls. czr BBLS. Prime New mess LATTA. : 8. OU Beef, for sale by April 3. npiiriniifi fflYFFfynnviRV BAnAMMAO, oirowoerne, turn appiw, vi anzes and Quince Drops, something new end -i ...i., h. wit iriivsrwi Mrch 25. BJLL& OF EXCHANGE AT REDUCED PRICES. BLANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, on P-ne Daoer and of a verv handsome impression, for sale at Th Comnurcial OJJkt bound Id Books o various sixes, and In saeefs. Oct. IS. vi. MATCHES MATCHES. rr GROSS with and wlthost sulpher. For sale (JVAIow by WILKINSON & ESLEll. 147. Feb. 26. MACKEREL. A FEW barrels and half barrels No. 1 ann 2 for sale by J.H.FLANNER.- No. 25 North Water St. March 6. 151 NflpTICE-NOTICE. TTE are appointed Agents for Hie Pekin Tea VY'ComDanv of New York and have on hand Si large assortment of Teas of diffefont kinds, put up In quarter half sad one lb. packages. Tens of this company are Imported f om the nojt celebrated parts of China and will be found tUperldr to any ever brought t thte plate" and at tweniy-nve per cent less. r.very pacsae war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. Jan. N. O. T. 135. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, THAT we have on hand a large assortment of Tea. imnorted bv the Pekin. Company, very superior quality and at twenty-five per cent less than . . . . i uiii : .. . Lv...1..t sola m any omer store in nunuiwuiu, ru, ui a. the Fruit Dopot. WILKINSON & ESLER. March 11. 153. ROCK CREEK MILL THE undersigned has purchased of B. W. Bss ar, his Interest In the Plantation, wiih Grist Mill ihsreon, situated on tho Newborn Road, about 1 mile from town, and formerly known as ihe Edon Mill and Plantationout more tecemty, and now as Rock Creek Mill and Plantation. He will continue the business as formerly. He has now 2 setts of stones running with bolting cloths, &fC. He will receive soon from New Yerk a steam engine to run Id this Mill,-thereby In suring to tlio citizens of Wilmington at all limes a constant supply ol good woai ana nommy. Ho contemplates having a store in town for the sale of his Meal and Hominy. A future advertise ment vill inform the citizens when anch arrange ment is made. SAMUEL BEERY. Wilmington, Feb. 17. H3. COPARTNERSHIP. rtHE subscribers have entered into Copartncr JLshlD. under the name and style of Sutton, Southmavd & Co., for ihc purpose of building or repairing all kinds of Machinery, and carrying on a general Blacksniiihing, Iron and Brass Foundry Business. In the town of Wilminston would bo thankful for anv ordor in either of the above bran ches of business from their town or country friends, Mr. Sutton having recently returned from the north, where he has purchased an assortment of tools, wlilch, in addition to those we now have will ena bio us to fill alt orders with despatch. Our charcres shall compare favorably with those of any other establishment. WM. SUTTON. THOS. SOUTHMAVD, CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. March . Jour. and Her. 1 week. 149 MORE POETRY AND MORE PICTUBES. "Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This Is my own, my native land 1" Thus weexclalmed, while guin; with an ctra gloWdf patriotism' upon some of tho (.nest steel en gravings ever published, entitled as follow: " ihe first Prayer in Con?ress," "Washington's Inaugu ral Address," the spirit of '76," "the Declaralion of Independence" Which has just come to hand, and un examination of which is solicicd from Counc is seurs, Americans and admirers of fine arts. L H. WF.BR, London Buildings. April 13 12 12,000 ACRES OF TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. rpHE Executors of Gen'l. Clinch oher for Jl sale the Twelve Thousand Acres of Land known as the Bavard tract, lying on the St. John's River, immediately opposite Picolata, In East Florida. The above tract is peculiarly adapted to the Turpentine business, being covered with a tliiek growth of pinn, and having a River front of more than five miles. It is now no longer a matter of doubt lhatTurpon tine can be profitably made in this section of count ry, as there arealready a number of persons largely and successfully engaged in the business, The steamboat; to and from Savannah, stop regu larly at Picolata.' ' ' ' , Persons desirous of purchasing, can obtain any further information by addressing J. H. M. CLINCH, Ex'r. Jeflersonton, Camden co., Ga., Dec. 6, i860. HG-tf. SHIPPING ARTICLES. FOR SALE at The Commtrcial OJUt,an ele Bantedltlon of Shipping Articles, embracincull the laws or Congress relative to the Jlorchant Service. NEGRO B0NQS. A HANDSOME Impression of Neero Bonds IX. just printed and for sale at 77ie Commercial Uffice. Also, Billsof sale of Nearoes. Dec. 28. I860. CORN. A Handsome article of whito corn in store and JLX. for sale by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ' ' ' ' ' 159, Feb. 7. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having this day purchased the entire interest of Mr. O. G. Passlcv, In the Point Peter Stoam Saw Mill, have formed a copart nership for the purpose of manufacturing Stoam Sswed Lumber. Wbxtwosth W. PetacB, William Ncilsox. PEIRCE fc NEILSON. Jan. 1. 128-lyc LADIES want an Eollan Attachment. tn vnur T0 you AI'ii Piano? If so. purchase one of Onn A Prla & Co's. celebrated Molodians, and thus secure the desired end without injuring a fino instrument. Another lot just received and for sale by . ,,. L.H.WEBB. April 20. is GUANQr-GUANO. C TONS best Peruvian Gusno, just received. per Schr. Era. Those waminintr it will fSUi please call early. -April 13, J. A D. McRAE ft CO. ' , 12., CALCINED PLASTER. 1 ft BBLS. Finest quality for sals by . ,, J. & D; McRAE April 13. t A CO. 12. IN CRACKERS. BUTTER Crackers, Sugar do., Wslor do., Shell do., Fancy do., Jenny Llnd do., Walnut do. Lemon do., Pie Nie do., Cup do. Ginger Snaps Soda Biscuit, Egg do.. Boston do., Graham do. Abernaihy do., Milk do., California do. Also a splendid lot of Navy Bread. For sale by PI RUIN & II ARTS FI ELD. AprU21. - -v--- - ' 16. FRESH ARRIVALS-NEW BUTTER. JUST received per L.P. Smith "rid Mary Powell, Stubs new Butter: I chest of that superior Tea 6 chests do.; 4 hhds. superior Port Rico Su gar ; 20 boxes Lemon Syrup j 60 bbls. crushed, granulated and powdered Sugar; 10 barrels coffee crushed do.; 50 boxes Colgate's Soap; 20 boxes Colgate's pearl Starch ; 100 kegs while and black Lead; I bag Pepper; 1 bag Spice; 50 lbs. Nut megs; 60 mats Cassia, dc. For sale tow by ' HOWARD PEDEN. May 1. 20. CHINA. have just received TEN PACKAGES W CHINA and GLASS, from Liverpool. Also, TWENTY CRATES of CANK and QUEEN'S WARU nart sold to arrive. Those who have purchased can get their setts by sending for them. mctvAc. at na.un.iao. Jan. 20. 131. COPARTNERSHIP. THE Subscribers hive this day entered into Co partnership, for the trsnsaction of a Geueral Agency & Commission Business; under the style of GILLESPIE. ROTH WELL & McAUSLAN. All orders promptly attended to, and liberal cash advances made on consignments. O. S. tilLl.KSl'IK, A. B. ROTH WELL, JOHN McAUSLAN. Jan. 22. 132. NORTH CAROLINA MANUFACTURES BATTLE1 t SON are still Manufacturing, at the Rocky Mount Mills, about 300,000 lbs. Cotton Yarn, per annum (equal to the best Georgia Yarns,) which they will deliver to Merchants free of ex-.iu charge, at New York prices.'1' Ordors oddressed lo BATTLIS & SOWf Koesy Mount, N. C, will re ceive prompt attention; Feb. imi. " 141-ly. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE." - AT TIIE Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Truuk Manufactory. rpHE subscriber respectfully inform the public X that he has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mountings, &c- the latest and most improved stylo, and is tonslanly manufacturing, at his store on market street, every description of articlcin the above line. From' his experience in ihe business, he feels confident that he will be able to give ontire satisfaction to all who may favor him wiih acall. He has now on hand and willconstaiiil keen a assortment of Coney, Ois and Suite y Harness, Lady's Saddles Bridles, WAips, tf-c., Gentlemen's Saddld,- U'hips all of which he will warrant to be of the best materials and workmanship. He has also a large assortment of Trunks. Valises, Saddle and t'urnet Hats. Satchels Fancy Trunks, &c, and all OiUcraTtkles usually keptin such establishments, all of which he offers low for CASH, or on short credit to prompt cusio mers. Saddles, Harness.Trunks.cdical Bags, &c. Ac. made to order. Inadditlon tothe above the subscriber nlwav keens on Imnil n In'pe aunnlv nf Krrlnir l.iih.p andhasnow, and willkmpthroiigh thescasonagood assuruiii'nioi r ij nt'iu. All are Invited lo call and examine my Goods, wnemer in waniornoi, as 1 taKe pleasure in shw ingmy assortment lo all who may favor mo with call. Harness anil ijoacn rrlmmings sold at afalrprice lopersons ouying in manuiaciuitf. Also, Whips at wholesale. - iiKinnsoi iviuing v eni( 103 ncugiu and sold on eommisions. JOHN . CONOLEV. Jan. 8 18W. 3a CARD PRINTING". ATTF. remind the puDlic lhat tho Patent Card Press v is ino oration at the ofneeof The Commercial. nnd that iards win he primed in superior style, and at reuueen prices. B'anK uaraa, ready for priming always cn hand, of all sizes, from 22 by 20 to 1 by 5 1 in. lies. 123-tf. SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Holchkis, rpnb publiearc hereby informed, that I have bee x appointed acent lor the sa e of Window Hnli minds and Doors, manufactured bv the New lln venCo.,and am prepared to fillullordersln theubovo line. The quality of the work of tho New Haven Uo. is well known In this market. Builders and all perBonsin want of the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and ihey will be promptly Hutu, 1 cnuaiuvunuuiy casn on aenvery. . WM. A. GWVER General Agent Commission anil IXrvarding Mer cnani. April 18. 15 FRESH IMPORTATIONS. MciiAis. a HARRISS hsve just received 63 Crates of Crockery direct from Liverpool, via nancsion, which make their stock complete and enables them to compete wiih any Merchants in me united states, both as to variety and price. Nov. 25. r 108 Y the best make, and assorled sizes tosuil, for w nio oy tne narrei, or any quantity n not Iota than five hundred, by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. 13S-lf. f -. r Jan. m. DISTILLERS OF TURPENTINE. I HAVE reduced the price of my SPIRIT BAR RELS to 1 60 dolivered at any place in Wil mlngton. After O'xristmas they tvill be extra ska Persons wishing' can contract by ihe year on these icrms. HOOP IRON for sale at $65 per ton. A. MORGAN. Wilmington. Nov. 11th, 1851. 102-lmo.-tri-ly-w. YELLOW PLANTING POTATOES. 125 BBLS. por Ira Brewster. For sale, by MILES COSTIN. Feb. 17. 143. TOBACCO! TOBACCO 1 1 A( BOXES Manufactured, all qualities, just re HAJ ceived, per Rail Road irom the manufacturer and for sale at greatly reduced prlcos, by ZBNO H. GREENE. May 8. 23 AniMlUTIlItf fiAXTlif PC QABOXES. prime quality for sale by . A. MARTIN. eu. n. Ml. 12. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. I A BBLS. Superfine and fino for olo by A MARTIN. Feb. 12. 141. DISCOUNT NOTES. ; BLANK NOTES for discount at tho several banks In this place, and a handsome edition just printed of notes embracing all the bank, for salo at the Office of Th Commtrtiat, , . Qct.26Y ' ' go, " : FANCY ARTICLES. I Q DOZ. Lubin's Extract, 3 dos Ponchine Soap. XiVl gross Brown Windsor Soap, 6dozen Sha ving Cream, 3 dox Wafh Calls, 3 dox Buflafo Combs (superior,) 1 gross wax matencs, a urge sisort ment of Hair and Tooih Brushes. Physicians and Merchants will pleats rill end examine. vjt- . Mii'Kfc, Market si., WUmmgton, n.u. t March 30. . . --r JUST OPENED. AND for sale, a 6ns" assortment of Ladles Silk, Crape, Hair, Straw, Lace, Dia, Satin, and otb er Styles of faihiooable lists by ' - a. S. JLUUIMU1S. March 30. , 6-1 at... PAim0ILS.&c. Qnnn LBS- Pu' Extra and No. 1 Lead OKJKJyJ 8 bbls Linseed Oil, Pure, . 160 lbs Chrome Green, 60 lbs Paris Grien ground and in Oil, 6 boxes Chrome Green, (Dry.) A boxes Am. Vermillion, 6 bbls Lamp Black, 00 lbs Spanish Brown, (in Oil,) 2 casks Vemtian Red, (English,) 500.1b Veniiian Bed, (in Oil,) 150 boict Window Glass, American aad Vrench, at ' U. DoPRE'S, Drag Store, Market at. MEAL AND BACON. A T the store of Whltaker & Whitfield at all limes A may be found fresh ground Corn Meal, whits and fine. Bscon, Flour; next door to WesscU & Eilcrs. : ! Wilmington, March 13, 1862. v ? .184. THE OLD FAMILY GROCERY. COME to the old Grocery Store, Where the good things in plenty abound, And select from our new stock and explore, The choicest assortment yet found. Our stock consists of the very best sort, ' 1 Of Wines, Teas and French Brandies, Wiih Coffees, Sugars and old London Port, Fruits, Nult, and Stewart's best Csndles. T HQ subscriber respectfully calls the aitcntion of hu friends and patrons to bis well selected slock. cf Groceries, embracing every possible variety, af mucs iuwvr man ever, rioring jusi rcilirneauom the North, with a very heavy stock, bought for Cash, will enable me to sell at very small advances. P"i t. 7 UliU. MYERS. PATENT MEDICINES. A BOXES Sand's Sarsaparills, 2 boxes Tewn- 11 send's do., 3 doz Rlsley's do., 3 gross Bate- I'OM Isam W ild Cherry, 4c. &c , v;. usruB, Druggist and Apothecary. March 33. TEAS ON HAND. maOX, at 1 0 per lb. you KG " " Sweet Cargo, at C3 ' ' " " Fine " at 75 " " " " Silver Leaf, very superior 1,00 " " Golden Chop, U,U is the finer t culiivattd In China. It is of (he first Pick- at ftkfin leaf, ngs OUlona fine Black - - - at 63 per lb " Plantation growth, Black - at 75 " " " Delicious, ' - at 1,00 " Hoqna Mixture, very fine, - at 1,00 " " English Breakfast, Extra fine, at 63 " H " " superior Plani'n. - at 75 " Ne Plus Ultra Black, this leaf Is os fragrant as a nosegay, It yields a perfume thai is delightful, it is of Garden growth, superior 10 ony thing sold In Wilmington, at 11,50 Please recollect that the above Is superior nod at N. Y. Prices, at m WILKINSON & ESLER'S, March 30. . ; .6. BEEF IIL.1R1S. 6 BARRELS just received, knd for sale by KillN n 1 i'r LATTA' 1VJ. Alarcli 11. A, E. M0TT. DEALER In Family Groceries and Provisions of all kinds: Tobacco, Snuff, Ugar-, Hollow wure, Willow Baskets, Mats, Brooms, Tin Wore, with a continued varlely of Furnlshlug Articles-In his line. All of which, he will sell ol the lowest prices curtent, ond hopes, by siriet olknilon'to business lo merit a liberal chare of public patron age, Souih Sido of Market St., one do. r below Messrs. Wilkinson & Kelcr. Wilmington. N. C, March 12. 154. A V ALIBLE HOUSE AND LOT for Sale. rTHE subscriber offers for salo that beautiful liouta JL and lot situated on front street, next door (ouib of the M. E. Church. The Lot Is 66, by 165 feel i the house is 30 by 49 feci, and has four Rooms on ihe first und two on the second floor, wiih a fits place in each room ; II has also a pantry ond klleh en attached) a negro house and well of first rste water in tho yard, ond on excellent garden. This property Is very valuable and bids fair io be mote bo, alike wiih ihe whole of Wilmington properly which is bound 10 Increase In value owing 10 the constant immigration to it ond the Internal Im provements now In progress and In contemplation. Those who want 10 settle permanently In Wilming ton and wish a pleasant family residence, would do well to embrace this opportunity of purchasing as they may never expect to belter themselves Tn d pleasant home. Terms, one fourth of the purchase money will be required in cashi the balanco In three equal instalments of six. nine and twelve months, with bonds and securities, negotiable at Bank. Possession given the first of October nest. For further information information apply soon to A. A. B. SOUTHALL, Agent For S. P. IVEY. Wilmington, March II. 153-If. Weekly Journal and Goldsboro' Republican and Patriot please copy till forbid. JUST RECEIVED: FRESH and good Figs, Prunes. Oranges, Lem ons, Dates. Citron, hoislns. Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, Brazil Nuls, Jujube Paste, Rock Candy, &c. for salo low, by WILKINSON & ESLER. May 6. 151 SILVER PLATED DESERT KNIVES SILVER bolstered ivory handled Table and Des ert Knives, latest pattern and of superior quality for sale bv March 16 PLANTING POTATOES. I?IFTY barrels dolly expected,by Mary PowelL and for sale by JOHN C. iATTA. ? March 11. 153., Arrival and Departure of the Mailt at this Place. -". The Mail from the North 4s due every day at & A. M., and P.M. ChWai a quarter Wore h, P. M., and at 9 P. M. pasciaiir. . ' ', The mall from the South, by steamer from Char leston, arrives daily about 8, A. M. Closes at ft A- M ' ..k The mail from Onslow Court House, Speed's Ferry dc is due every Moaday at4 P. .. Clos es evory Tbursdoy at 9 P. M. - Y C ' The mall from Long Creek, Black River Chapel, Ac, Is due every Thursday at 6 P. M., and-closes some night et 9P.M. . . J- The mall from Fayette) ille, via Elisabeth .Town nnd Prospect Hall, Ac, Is, due every Tacsday Thursday and Saturday at 9 A; M.. - Closes same davs at a Quarter oetore to a. bi. r-TAn nxtrs package will be made up for Loiters dibs' North of Rlchmond.Va., which will be kepi open until 7 A. M. All other Leliere mvst be in the Offioe at the houre above named, er they will no bo maUcd until next luccecflngrasa mn urops, t gross rvngnrs nils, I gross Bran dcth's do.. 1 ur on Pulpm' An . i An 3nn...i. u uui uetuwmi 1 uu u OOI DlOllal flo,, I I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 4 doz Wlmnr'. n v ..f . ' 4s . ...vr tmnt