'.-ulUE 'Ail tJJBLlTO TRMYEERLYj BY THOMAS LORING. VOL; 7 NO. 37. WILMINGTON, ,'N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE lo; 1852'. WHOLE NO. " S7 - - i-srv-M-y-ij-BOsrsrjnr ' ---' mmmm - - rmj-lJJ t Ti: Till-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL - , Publis ,cd every Tvbsdat, Tbcisdt nd Sat hAftat th 00 per annum, payable In allcaaes In fdvaoce -! V : . .. ... ' n BT.T H 6 MA LQRINC, t A , Editor and Proprietor. COBNEB OP FRONT AMD MiBCBT ITBEBTB, j ' WILMINGTON, N. C. IBATES OP ADVERTISING. "Jifl'rVt insertion, 3 saTi iqiv 2 months, t v' : 3' ' 1,001 1 " 6 ' " ff I month, WO 1 1 1 year, 4,00 s.oe 8,0 . 12,0 ?To lines r less, make a square. If an advertise. ment exceeds ten line, the price will be in propor- AH advertisements are payable at the time of their !; nserllon,.:ft:, ', ' ' Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be made on Jtidihoit liberal lrm. hfo transfer of eontraete for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should circumstances render change In buitneis, or an unexpected removal neces. ary.a charge according to the published terms will ba at the ootlon of the contractor, for the time h tts advertised. The privilege of Annual Advertisers If strictly mltedto their bwn Immediate business '; and all ad. vertlaemeoU for tha benefit of other persons, as well as all advertlfBraenta not Immediately connected with trefr own business, and all excess of advertise. menis in tenxin oroinerwiEe, oeyuna me uuiiucd, gaged, will be charged at the usual rates. No advertisement is included in the contradict lhei lo or rent of houses or lands in town orcoun r r.tir for the sale or hire of negroes, whether the proporty Is owned' by the advertiser or byothe. ncrsons: i Those are excluded by the terra "imme diale business. The announcement of marriages or deaths wil bo considered as news, and inserted free of charge bat all additional matter, beyond the simple an nonncetacntof the death of the person, will be c.iirgad On the lamf tormH as advertisement All advertisements Inserted ia the tri-weekly Com mtnlal, are eallilod to one Insertion in the Wttkly r.eeofcinrge. , , JOB, OA 110 and PA.VCT PRIiNTINa, executed ft sup ' ir style,' ' Uui; i FOil THE COMMERCIAL NEW :X i Messrs. Bbown A DsRossbt. ROSTOV 1 PbbdbbiCk Kiddbb, Esq. NjEWOllK ANDDOaTON-V. B. Palmbb. PUILADfiLPUIA-rS. H- Cohbn. BUSINESS CARDS. ,V, . I L d. McRAE & Co. jGcr-cral Commission Mejrxhants, " WILMINGTON ;Pattlr ' attention paid to procuring freights r a . purcUaatng cargoes lor vesseia. ' 70HS liACBAI,' DOMAXO MACBAB, JOHN W. K. OIX. " $ -Augua 1,1851. ' & JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. General Commission ind Forwarding Merchant prompt personal atteutlou given to Consign- meuta (or aale or SUipment, Andlibtralttuh advanctt made on Conitgnmenti lo l.S iff .U my . . V w m yw nj ' v.ww Wilmington, Jan.30. 1862. 136-tf "T. C. WORTH j Commissfoii alidPtr war ding MERCHANT, mLMitfCirt, ! c. Bob. 19 186?. ... 143-12 m. WILLIAM A. GWYER, GENERAL AGENT, FORWAttDING V and Comniission Merchant. I TAKE pleasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me efficient and peraonalattention. 1 have a wharffor NaVat Stores, with ample accommodations. Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for aale or shipment and all kinds of coun try produce solicited Casbadvancesmadeoncon- ignments. " . ADrilia 18S1. 15 GEO. MYERS. ' ..Ldcsale and Retail Grocer, . Kiisr vvflii am 1 urn vff m f Winri, 7" . is, Livuor; Provitwnt, t 1 ,,j.re, Fruit, ConfectUmar KEEPS COMSTABTLY Olf HAND , wooa ana wic trie, fc, Ac. SOUTH rtOWT STBBST, WILMINGTON, N. C. No .n 1371. .V 109. illUm M. HARR1SS, GENERAL COnniSSIQN MERCHANT t ' WILMINOfON, N. O. . S'l attention given to procuring Freighti a u.I t hnaing Cargoes for vessels. .0. u.l 1 ' v, l''sq., ) , Col. Join ..ae, Wilmngl'n. N. C I. nil t y & Huntington. ) Messrs. I ill, Sackett 4. Co., ) pnI. w n : . Joseph U.ley, Esq.;- FVtte. N. O. Messrs. James corner sons, Baltimore. K. At Souder & Co., Philadelphia. ML - . M. U..-.A. . I ' 0111. x, e.AriA I now I or. Hunting & Tufts. Boston. J. & Q: P. Pltcomb. Keunebunk, Me. JJy 17th, 185L 62-X J. HATHAWAY & SON, . COMMISSION 5 MERCHANTS. wil mis a ton, n. c. J. Hath a wat. ). L. Hathawa. Oat. II 1651. 91 CHADQOURN & HOOPER. Gjtneral Commission Merchants, BUSINESS CARDS. GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Merchant, . WILMINGTON, N. C. ! QTRICT, attention given to ptocnrlng Freight kJ andpitrcnasingoargoesiorvoMws. Kin-"- " R.P.Hall, Esq., 1 O.G. Parsley, Esq., J.A.Taylor, Esq., J.D. Bellamy. Esq., I WiImingto. Messrs. HallardA tinntington n,l Messrs.Tooker, 8uyth A Co., " Thompson A Hunter, ewYork. Atcx'r. Herron, Jr., Philadelphia Karsr r,!chfr,eiions-c- Jan. 8, 1852. 1 123-if. ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOOTH WATKR STRKET. WlbMI NOT Q.Jf , N. C. Sep.27, 1951. . ' . 82-ly-c. A. ADAMS, H.L.ADAMS, ROBT. O. RANKIN. ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. (Late Barry, Bryant & Adams.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan.l, 1852. 123 ALFRED MARTIN. AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, GENERAL" AGENT. IVilmlngton,W.C..Oct.3 1851. 85tf. JOSEPH H. FLANNER, General Comniission Merchant. WILMINGTON, Oct. 9th, 1851. N. C. ' 87-ly-c. II. DOLLNER. G. POTTER, JH. DOLLNER & POTTER, GEVEUAL COMMISSION MKKCIIANTS, NEW YORK: LIBBBAL CASH ADVANCES MADE ON ALL CONSIGN MENTS. March 16, 185 1. IBB-lyp DRS. FREEMAN & MA LETT. II OMfflOPAT H IC PHYSICIANS, Front Street, one door below I'olley & Hart, WILMIJSaXCN, N. C. April 13 . 12-tf i)ER0SSET & BROWN. "WILMINGTON, N . C. BROWN & DER0SSET. NEW YORK. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. GEO. H. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nextdoorto A. A. Wannet's.on North Water at will attend to the sale of nil kinds of Country Pro. $nd will keep constantly on hand a full supply of urocerlcs.&c. References. WillesHall.of Wayne, John McRac, Wilmington W. Caraway, '' Gen. Alx.. McRae. " K. P. Hall, Wilmington, Wiloy A. Walker, Dec. 1J. 1851. H5-ir. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. CHAS. D. ELLIS, HCNBV P. RV68BLL, JOS. B. B08SSLL. Jan. 25 1852. 133. CORNELIUS DnPRE. WHOLE SALE AND RETAL DEAUEHS IN Drugs, Medicine Chemicals, Paints, OH, Dye stuns. Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, fcc., WIIjMINGTON, N. c. Prescriptions carefully compounded by exoerl- '.nceu persons. March Z.-iaW. J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N .C . Oct.l 1861. it , 8T MILES C0STIN. COMMISSION MERCHANT. WILMINGTON, N. C. RKfEB TO ' . E.P. Hall, Esq., Pres't Branch Stale ) Bank, I Thoa. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank! Wllmlng- Cape r ear, , ion, N. C.f . G. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Commer-1 ' clol Bank, , Dec. 19. 1851 118-tf. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH D8ALKRS IN Confectionary, Fruit, Nuts, Toys, Fancy Ar tides, rertnmery, Tonacro, Regara, c., v nuL.tusa.ijis. apiu tic i aili, MARKET 8TBJEGT, WILMINGTON N. C. Nov. 30.1851. ' ' .JO-tf McRAE & HARRISS. IMPORTEKS AND WHOLES AL.E AN D RETAIL DEAIjEHH IN CIIJNA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. West side Front street, between Market and Deck streets, WILMIN GTON, N. C. October 2, 1861. 85. J. WG3BBL.' ' H. B. EILdRg. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE QRQOERS, Noilh Wao wet, Wil mington, N- 0., Intend to keep at the above stand a general assortment of Orocerles, Llquora, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on a General Commission Business. airasBHoa i E. P. Hall, Pres't Br'oh Bank of the State. O. O. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. Wit P. K. Dickinson, Esq, - . PoppeoYCo. Iti'vt, BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN STRUTHERS & SON'S MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD. No. 300 HIGH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Marble Mantels, MtutneiOs, Tmis d Grave SlonesaymtaiUlyon iad. Even description of ORNAMENTAL WORK AND STATUARY Executed and imported. Orders for pubiie or pri vate Buildings executed wnh promptness and dca patch. - - t t . N. B. Designa wfllbeent for Mantels, Mnnu. mente and kaMMs, and ll work ahlppedin sured from breakage when required. ' " . Oct. 4. 85-ly-c MORE & GALLAGHER. IRON, FOUNDERS, AND MANUF ACtUREKS OF WROUGHT & CAST IRON RAILINGS RIDGE ROAD & COATES ST. lnilLADBLPIIIA. All ordersattendud to with promptness and des patch work warranted. Oct. 4. 86-ly c. TflOS. F. GAUSE. Commission Merchant & Auctioneer, Office lu Hall's upper building, North Water Street. Whore he will be happy to attend to all orders in either branch of his business. Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 23, 185.1, 1 19-tf. FLOUR. ?nBBLS- Canal Flour.for sale by OU J. HATHAWAY" & SO. "Sept. 13. . ,77. COOPERAGE. TUB subscrjber is now prepared to make or re pair water ca'sks of any ajze, for the use of ves sels, on the lowest terms j nlso, the 'Citizens can have any article in the line of Coopering made or repaired with dispatch. A. MORGAN. Wilmington, Feb. 2d, 1358. t 47-12m-p. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having this day purchased the entire interest of Mr. O. G. Pabsliv, in the Point Peter Steam Saw Mill, have formed a copart nership ior me purpose oi manufacturing steam aaweu kunioer. Wr.htwobth W. PaiscE, William Nbilson. PEIRCE & NEILSON. Jan. 1. 126-lvc SHIPPING ARTICLES. A HANDSOME edition of Shipping Articles. A just printed and for silo at 7& Commercial OMce, equal to any as yet imported "from New York." Orders for a Ream or more will be filled at a cost of 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper than they are in New xorc. Nov. 10, 851. 102-tf NOTICE. npHK undersigned having formed a Co-partner X ship under the style of JOHN BANKS & BROTHER, lor carrying on a COMMISSION AND FORWARDING BUSINESS, all goods consiged to them, or ordered, or produce sent for me, will he promptly attendd to JOHN BANKS, DAVID BANKS. Feb. 3. 137. SPIRITS BARRELS ft(VySECOND hand Spirits Bbls., lurge size, UvAin prime order, fr sale by , ANDERSON & LATIMER. Jn- 2T. 131. MILL S1WS. THE subscriber has the pleasure of informing Miller's enzaged in sawing pitch Dine, that he haesucceeded in getting up ihe best Saw for that purpose that has ever yet beon'prdduce'd", arfar . he knows. All saws warranted not to split in the teeth. J. M. KOUINSON'S. Hardware Store, Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 10. - H J- copy, 91. THAT P0LSIH, HOW IT SHINES I 10,000 BOXES SOLD WITHIN THE LAST 9 MONTHS. AJ. WOODWARD returns his thanks to the a public Cpr the unprecedented encouragement he has met with in the manufacture and sale , of his celebrated Polish, and at the same time withes ft understood thst he always keep a supply on hand for wholesale or retail. Exp'eriefi.ce has proved that ibis Polish is unsur passed for quickness In putting a gloss on boots and shoes, and also in preserving the leather. Persons wishing to oil their boots can use this Polish with equal success immediately afterwards j the leather should be rubbed as soon aa the Polish is spoiled, before it dries. The Polish can be found at C. DvPaa, Market Street, the Drug Store of March 18. W. Journal 3m. l-3m. ADVANCES. LIBERAL Cash advances will be made, when required, on all goods consigned to our Hoiiha in New Vork, and Cotton to their address forwar ded by us, will be attended to free of forwarding Commission. ' We will also advance Kberaltv on Cotton or oth er produce Consigned to oar friends In Liverpool, to whtcn port we can Turniah ship room for a few hundred bales of Cotton, at low rates, by severa) , I?aROSaT & BROWN. Marvh 18. . I( itf. SPECIAL NOTICE. .. . THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of Corn, Oats, Peas, Hay, and good Fresh Water Mill Meal and Homtoey all si reasonable prices. Call at hls'stare.'V North Water Street, formerly occupied by L. N. Barlow. , WM. A. ROURK. My f- 2Ume FARMERS AND GARDNERS. WE have iUst received a supply of Fbssh Oas dsn and Gbass Siana from Philadelphia. ALSO. Several new patterns of Plows, Grain mills, Cora Shellers, Hay Cotters, o. . For Bale by - i MoRAB 4- HARRI8S. Fob. 86. U7. BRIGHT VARNISH. K BBLS., a supelror article, and warranted ot wwv., wrviiwi ail, cand. For sale, by ;ICtTa C1R0LL1H ISSCUSCB roiPAST, HlRTEREDby the State of uih CoroHn s Bfltn a capital or 250,0UO , all said In aad will iavWtd FIRE, MARINE, RIVER AND LIFE iUSa.3. CHAS.'EDMONSTON.Pres.t. A. L. Tobias, Sec'y. i5 - DIRECTORS t Rosibt if aVtin, . Co. Jambs Gadsdbn, M.O. Moidscai, Cha. H.WBrr, ' SjMowBr, Jr. Ubnbv Cosia. The subscribers having been appointed agents lo this Biace for the above nimed company, are pro. pario reoflve offers and Issue policies of Insur anc nn Fire, Marine, River and Life RJwk, , lib 1 terms. All losses Inenrred at this agency, will e promptly adjusted and paid by ih under ig d DaROSSET 4 BROWN. N. B. Risks will be taken on the Uvea of slaves on tht most liberal terms, . Wilmington, N.C.; Deo. 2, 18SL 110. DEEDS FOR SALE. WarantecDceda,and Deeds forMortgageonland jut printed, In correctformandforWalrattbti Commercial Offl.ce. CHEMICALS. J7RESH arrivals of the following: 100 ot. Sul i. phate Quinine, 5 bbla Epsom salts, 5 lbs pure Sulphate Zinc, 9 ot Sulphate Morphine, 4 ox Ace tate Morphine, 10 lbs Blue Mass, IS lbs English Calomel, 6 ox Peperine, 6 gals Spirits Nitre, 2 ox Oil Tobacco, SlbsHyd. Patasss, (English,) 2 lbs Iodine, 2 lbs Iodide Arsenic, 2 lbs Chloroform, 1 oz Iodide Copper, t ot Valerlnate of Iron, 5 lbs Phosphite Soda, 20 lbs Sugar Lead, pure, 4 oi Tannin, 1 ox Oxide Mercury, 6 galssq. Ammonia, 10 lbs Spirits Ammonia Aromat, 10 lbs Hoffman's Anodyne. For sale by C DvPKE. . ..... Urugglst, Market at. March 30. 6. GUITARS! GUITARS ! ! TVL HALL 4k- SON'S Patent Head Guitars In i frtr ttnt Ktr L. H. WEBB. 15 April 20. h v COFFEE. C BAGS Jamaica, aud 20 bags Rio, landing from iscnr. Ann hiiaubetn. ror sole by ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co, Msl 27. 31 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 'pURPENTlNE Hackers, Pullers and round x snaves, tor sale cheap to the ttade. J. M. ROBINSON. April 10. J. & II. copy. 11. HYDRAULIC CEMENT. Om BBLS. Rotlndale Factory, daily eipected, J. A D. McRAE A CO. 13. 12. MOLASSES. 0yfZ HHDS. nnd 8 Tierces prltno Cuba Malss fitU ses, In strong,and bright packages, receiv ed per Brig Ellen Hnyden, from Matanzas, for sale byA J. HATHAWAY A SON. April 6. 9. NEW FLOUR AND MAY JjUTTER. QrvHALF bbls. extra Flour, for family use, iU 5 bbls. Hiram Smith's bast, '. 6 tubs of superior new May Butter, Low for cash at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. May 8. w H P and N T C cqpy. 23 THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE HUME lOMI'LU. RALEIGH, N. U. nnilE abo vcComoahv has bean in operation aln. L thelstol April. 1848. undetthe directlonof ih following Officers, viz 1 Vr.Ubaa. K. Johnson I'resiaeni, , Wm.D. Haj wood.YipePresldcnt, :?fi James F. Jordan, Secretary, "" -MWni.H. Jones, Treasurer, ,Perrin Busbee, Attorney, , vr. unariosb.jonnson, v Dr.Wm. H. McKee, "Dr. R.B.Haywood, ' Med tea board of . Conullalion. J . Hersman , Gen'l Agent. This Com Dan v has received a charter awina advantages to rhe lhsured'oveT any other Com pany.- The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to Insure his own life for the solo use of his Wife and Child ren,r from any claims of iheren- resentativesof the husband or any of his credit- era. . "Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members participate in the whole of the profits wntcn are ueciarea annuauy. nesiacs, rne a nil. cent for lite, when the annual premium is over 3C mavbavone half in a Note. ' AllclalmSfor Instfrnftcfiaffalnstthe Comninivhl oepata witnin ninety aays sner prooi 01 tne death ot tne party is tumished. S.ives are insured for one or five years, st rates which will enable allSlaveholderstosocure this class f property against the uncertainty of life. siave insurance presents a new ana interesting feature In the history of North Carolina, which wil 1 . . . . ... . . . . . : . i iruTa Tery inipvriBiii iu me ouuuiern oiaiea. Thelaat four months operation of this Comnanv show4a verylarze amount of business more than tbeDiroctoraexpecied todo the first yearhaving aireauv issuea more man uu ruucics. All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to JAB. JORDAN, Secretary. Raleigh, April 8,1851. fl-il. V DATS. PANAMA LeghoroTtnd Palm Leaf Hats, In great variety of style, quaiitf and price, whole sale and retail by. C. MYERS, Hatter. April 22. ia ' COFFEE. Cfk BAGS Rio, Lsgaayra snd Java, For aale low bv iENO H. GRERNR. April 24. CHEESE. rye BOXES English Dairy, In 10 lb. boxes. For sJsule by ELLIS, RUSSELL A Co. May 27. t 31 FAYETTEFILLE FLOUR. OA BBLS. X Ant and superfine, al OU . , GEO. U. KELLEY'S. April jj. X. H. A W. T. C. T. copy. 19. , , ORANGES AND LEIIONS. 1 1Ml BOXES Good Lemons t " 1WU40 . . . Oranges'! BOO f!Artna Nidi -t 7S Boies RaMna. r ev sia iw t .. SUNDRIES. TUSTrweived-300 bag. Collet, Rlo.Lapyra, J St Domingo, Java, aad Nuchas 2 bag sweei Plead cboeobM ,10 bhd, p. r. M8g,r,oo bbl. double refined loaf, crashed, powderad and traoula ted Sugar t 200 boxes Candles, alt kf nda and .raf.M 29 do. Jud's pa'entdo., 4s Sa and 6, la) fancy box es, 6 lbs. each) 00 bbU. Whiskey i h0 boxat Cbeeeet 200 packages new Raisins t 200,000 Segars, at Bal timore prices j 100 boxen tine Chewing Tobacco j ic.wu new two rasner unnny nags, rot ssie at tna lowest prices, by HOWARD & PEDEN. NOV. 20. jf...'- lOfl. BILLS OF LADING,- &t. IOLIO POST BILLS OF LADING bound . In Books. and aheots.alao I.nttrr MIimiib tl tvarieiyofmercantlJblankj,forsale at Th Jpeia- LIME! LIME!! I Am: III f h()nBB,LiS- L,ncl'III White Lump, Also , "-"" a riasier, nastoTing Ualr.and Hre Brick, HydraulW Cement 1 1000 bbls.Llme 4c. if onalcby J.C.& R. B. WOOD. C)ntractorand Builders. AprllS. 1962. A. A. B. SOUTnALL, 0i7OK A?D. CWEifc AGENT, I'""""' ero iaae mis npponanity 01 returning my thanks to my friends snd patrons for Ibe very liberal patronage 1 havo received at their hands, during the time I have been collecting for them and hope by strict sttention to business snd with e determination to please, atill to receive a continua tion of their confidence and support, as I Inttnd to devote my time to thsl business. Refer to Messrs. Ellis & Mitchell, R.H. Grant, Esq., Oeo. R. French. Esq., C. Myers, Esq., and Messrs. Potter 4 Kidder. I will attend (heJoorts ef the adjoining Conn ties whenever inducements is oflered. My "office will be in the store of Messrs. Whitaker and Whit tled, at which place I win be found unless when out, sttrndlng to business. In my absence, any communication left with Messrs. Wbitaker q Whltfield, for tne, will be handed lo me. I will attend, as usnal, to the sale of real estate; hiring servants; rentiog houses or any other business In which an active agenfla wanted. m A. A. B. SOUTH ALL. Weekly Journal Herald tni Goldsboro Patriot copy tllrforbid. 19- " Uf tf. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! THE subscriber has received 700 tons ICE, being more than double what was on hand thla time last year. He la now prepared 10 seise the town and country, and will do so On as reasonable terms as It can be purchased wlihin 300 miles. Without an unavoidable casualty he can now assure all who may fayor him with their patronage, of a supply during the season. Captains of Vessels ean have Ice put up at short notice. Come and buy. Tick ets can be had at the Ice House. A. PAUL REPITON. April 1. 7-3me SUNDRIES. 1 nifA BBLS crushed, C. IJ.Hrnshed, clarified lJvand Porto Rico Sugar; 100 baas Coffee, Java, Laguyra and Rio; $00 packages Cracker, 15 kegs Goshen BuitertUnderwWaplckles and Pre serves; Jollies, Jams and fresh LobstSrsi 20 quarter pipes best Wines snd Liquors 1 26 baskets Cham pagne, arious brands; English Cheese) American and Pine Apple Cheese, fiielton at 60 cents per Ib.i 60 bbts snd half bbls Flour) corned Beef smoked Beef; Beef Tongues 1 pickled Tongues 1 SalmOnt No 1 Mackerel: Stewart's Srrun t London Port, bottled Wines and Brandies; Cord islsi Willow Ware in every variety. Please call and examine at April)., GEO. MVERb&I DRUGS AND MEDICINES. JUST RECEIVED. 1 f LBS. Gum OplutofTanrty,) 200 lbs Salt lWPetre, 40 lbs Gum Arabic, 30 lbs Allxander Senna, 20 lbs E. J. Senna, 1 bbl Cum Csmphor, 1 bbl Cream of Tartar, 1 bbl Carb. Soda, 1 cask Sal. Soda, 2 cases Cooper's Isinglass, 3 doa Cox's Gel atine, i boxes celebrated Soap Powder, 12 doz box es Veast Powder. C. DcPRE, Druggist. March 30. 6. COTTON YARN. 1 A BALES No, 5 and Ufoi sale by JOHN C. LATTA. April. 3: ' ' PALM LEAF AND WOOL HATS. AT.very low prices, by the ease or dozen, those In wum wjll find it to their advantage to call anu iooh, at my siocb, oeioro purchasing. MYERS. v3l May 6. GRAIN CRADLES. JUST recejyfti.a lot of the bast, and for sale atlhe 0 Hardware . .ore oi . oi. tUJUlCiSON. May II.' -V 24. NOTICE. THE subscribers ate ready to contract for Steam Engines of any size, or any kind of Mill gear tne. To anv rne wanting- Machinery of the above description they will oner indncements equal to any establishment either North or South. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. 9U nun, bou 1 nnsvt a uu. Wilmington. N. C. April 6. 1652. B-tf. Weekly Journal. Fsvetleville Observer. Golds boro" patriot and Raleigh Resistor copy . three months snd send bill to us. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AT REDUCED PRICES. BLANK BILLS OK EXCHANGE, on line paper and of a very handsome Impreseion, for sale at The Commercial Office bound in Books 9 various sizes, and in sheets. wet. 18. vz. FRESn GROCERIES. PER SCI7R. A. J. DeRUSSET. On BULS- 01 xtr Slower for family uae; ZJ6" Hiram Smitb'a beat t 10 bas Green Ulo Coffee t' 2 boxes double refined Loaf Sugar j 3 bbls. of that extra Fulton Market Ceefs 6 half " " . . 1 hhd. best Porto Rico Sngart 10 boxes fresh Soda Crackers) 3 bbls. do. 5 " Soda Ssgar - " , All low for Cash, at GEO. II. KELI.KY'8. WOOD'S HACKERS AND FILLERS. T70B sale ebeap at lha flardwaro Store. ' ' ; "',' ArtXur't Vent C HOW MRS. WALKER HAPPENED TO . IT AUCB Ciftir, ' : Aalnorof "Crovcrii6olt.,? v 0 mother, notKer, wl.at arf you join j to da 7 what art fwa golnjr to make cur ird. 'Lutli folks' rhhst not aak tocr rrnny UoB,taaiI Mf. Walker, the f ! . lo wImmd these p- '3ifon were shaacoopcdft.:tu,!onr h fcer that wne surroooIeJ t i 'j 1 anch aa plat ot lard, r another of ej5.n f0p , rogar, and a gat btoa of which the yellow crust of c. .4 i oeen akimmed. tn Th litrl fclkalhos VenrovcJ by In "'lent wonder t the W t f f.ar r.cv seen. sueb an Arret of trocd tlnnn n 11,. om tefora -tiiera trat Brest Dot too. teaBis over the) fire, ejaaely comcd so thrr rtiti sot tell what it wan. but a delhtfnj frav- graoee filled the roortf, that helghteoad eori- oeity. The dear tnble, too, ieeraed ver white surely ' ihy thought ft had nefes beam ao while before " - : -.' 'Rock the eradU minute, Mary dear, , said Mrs.? Walker, at the baby thrttst tfef its arms with Aejf try. .. - i- Ths child baateoed te obey, saying & did so, 'O mother, where did the, MbjMEet this pretty dress , Come Wilfy tod reeT"r Willy harried te the cradle, ? an f m , enohgb, the baby had on Ibo pretii I 'll -sli(fo'pio8chlhtthey,h4drerai? . ;L bie never looked so pretty , Jiefore ; Lis hair, had been carefully curled along his white ' smooth forehead, and the, blanket ever hie pretty chintz seemed soft and white as a new one. so nicely had It been washed and dried. But the baby was no sooner cjaieled th&a they distorered new marvels on the bed. over which h ragged pateU dftilt bud at way e been spread, there was t e quote rjpane, snowy white-tMs ftrtida they baa tomeiimei seeoi before ia an old rhest la the garret, in which was also kept their motherf wedding goo- e yellow Bijlr, the IkhJpn pf-i-which: seemed to them very curious, tojet: r witll V IdT lasnionea Donuet mat had been th?r moef'i here, as I said they L J a. r . a ... -.nd. ' i the) aad 'i -dr V .. I dry.' s the . : U.'e-' conolerpane, bot alwayK do- ' ' ' ' so yellow and dualy Jhat . 1 spread they bow saw, aeer - but their mother said it r rlffht welf 'ihey knew she 1 truth. The little square v - . a., 'a . k . - wasnea mat morninjf, a pnt np-tbere had nev only such as the spidu The floor had been scr quite dry but the b"M""' lor the bU2e shone I cupboard the dishes t. 'y urr. ful order, and the spoowi and tnai mey eotuu see ineir lacci j 'And what do yo think ia j 1 t..ai rmt roll in the eorner? asked the moiher, smiling complacently; as she moulded the bread. . ' nieriy they ffn, nnd unwinding the coarse) sack in which it wu enveloped, the rrettiest carpet they had ever beheld, unrolled itself alone the floor true, it Was made of raje -which they had helped to cot and tew two years before, bat the bright check of red and yellow made it beautiful) end they wonder -ed why it had been bq.Iodk at the weaver. 'Now, WUIy, put 00 your hat and rick op a basket of chips for mother,tand ; ! cT the lid of Jhe pqL Mri.Walket a :u Co eonlenU with, ao Jron spoon vigorously A Willy drew aoftly near and saf ' - t a rn pp kin was stewingj and putting t , . .1 fJt"tv back with 'be basket df chif 4 i i a minute. His mother throw a feiOnder Jlie pet tiil it steamed., again, arid tbjjf.asfcecfjViry il he , " could nipt find her a dozen 'fresh e , ul. j Mary shfr- bad best stay io doon l .t ' sua "might hurt her arm; but the c' ' I took1 it from the sling in which it hur ' t sin 11 was aimcst wen, Degas ryti 1 e . sb a .'. I w net. The mother made tio . out telling them to be quid; lo gel her pies baked and made before their father sho they weal out together, lo . though they wished their Lv : t coming home a all, Ihoogh it a ..,.iib since they had seen biro. And why .should they have felt thus t Let me explain. ' , .They were little childreo Marf e.'sht and Willy ten years' old. so they did not rrccise- ly uuderstand why, but thry knew be e wae Deveftso pleasudt when flicir Jathtr was there, , Which ' waa '; osuajly once a - week, ' though he sotnelimes stauf aavfora fort nurht, and now had not been at home for a f montb-1 To tlheia he was only a severe mnster, and iney dreaded aud leered to enter the house when lie wad at heme, as they well might, for he seldom spoke except to re prove, or -touched but to thrust thrra out of ibe way. Often, too, they saw their mother in tears at. sueb timet Tut wtfetl they asked the reason abe only wept the'more. ?They wereW allowed lohav ,efr. usual sporte and pastimes, but llie plsythibrri were pot by when their fatuor came; an I p 1 ' cat restraint imposed opon them c! uy generally from Saturday i.1' ay mornino. Thev often saw I. a brown jog which he atwtw Iioma with biro, i Someurrtes they their rioih er give bint money vttch' '.j 1 earn, besides doing all the wo: in lib bouse, tenuiog to toe Cow and gnrJen. and mating and mending all their clothsv Much: tney wondered why .he did not have money, foe they ofleo heard their mother say how hard their poor1 father was at work, and yet he never seeraed to have any, nor could , they see aught for which be had spent it. He ,.- ', 8u, tmri raft- , BlylMKI 6 an. 20 195S. 15 1 ' 2 13' May K. Marekl. vnrtri-,,t ,f.; , , f: 35, t.BV t ft. . 1'.' V 5S Wilmington, N.V Dollaeroa Potior. J09 R. BLOSSOM. 1J. WILKINSON A ESLER. ' ' -J.'M. ROM W OWy. f

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