ilTI?';' IPfbU ILLiiy dl ilQil -u TIT im Tl 1 TT7"'TT' TTT TVnv nr-nrrrm-Trv ri r-r a - - ' : i i ' 1 I ' - , ...i ' ' ' ... . .- ' ! i ... . , VOL a NO. 39. TUB TitMVEEKLYCOpERCUL. Published every Tcbsdav, Ths1a and Sat 5 00 per annum, payable In ellcasea !o - advance W '. r, "-l . , ' 'Hl - Vn T 11 M A o i w c, J utf Editor aad Proprietor. CC-atUa. OP FE05T AND JUnSKT STRRETS, A'wilMINGTON, N. C. , ' ' hatlEs of Advertising. qr, t Insertion, $0,50 1 1 to.r, a montha, H.CKI M 75 1 1 ',r 3 5 00 .iJ.' 1,0011 " G " 8,0 f '"-! month," ' 3,50 1 1 1 year, 12,0 Ten Unet or less make a square. If an advertise. mentesceeds' tea lines, the Tprice will be in propor- . Alkidvertlsaments are payable at the limeof iheif nsertion. . CJntfacts with yearly advertisers, will be mode on lie most liberal terms. , . -frit transfer or contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted, i. Should circumstances render a tlng4n business, or an unexpected removalnecee Jryt charge aecordleg to the published terms will D ai me option or tne contractor, for the time lie his advertised. . . . The privilege of Annual Advertisers Is strictly mttsd to thelr.own immediate business ; and all ad. rerttsomerita for the benefit of other persons, as well at all Advertisements not Immcillateiy connected ' wltlt their Ownbusiness, and all excess ol advertise. tnentsn length, or otherwise, beyond the limits en ,'ajedtWlll be charjud at the usual rates. ;N advertisement is included in the contractfot .htf) 'loir rent of houses or lands in to wh orcoun r y, or for the sale or hire of negroes, whether the property- U owned ' by the advertiser or by othe, persons. These are excluded by the terra "imme Utale business.' r. ' The 'annpuncomentk marriages or deaths wilj be eonsidered escrows, and inserted free of charge but all additional matter, beyond tho simple an- aouncemen.t or the death qf the person, will bo charged on the same tortus as advertisements. . Hit advertisements insertodin the trl-week'.y Com mJare'oatlllcd to one Insertion In the Weekly reioroHrse, V OO.CAftD and FANCY1 PiUNTING.executod 1ip6rlo'r'',atylef - AGfiN)TSVFpR THE COMERt'UL TIN - S NEW YORKt Messrs. Bbown& DiRossit. BOSTON yatoaarcs: Kiddib. Esq. ' flaw XUttbV ANUJJUdru V. 15. l'V&I AbJULPHI A 3. E. Cohkn. Palmer. BUSINESS CARDS. . .... .- I r!l K"P. McRAE & Co. General Comuibsiou Merchants, f ?JrV ' .VVHiMINGTON N. C. Partlcutair atteutlou paid to procuring freights ' aid,iurUastua cargoes tor vessels, low AAoaaa, dovalomacbac, ions w. k. dix. August 1,1851. . , . . B9. JOSEPlHtrBLOSSO GeaoraljVoilinisslaii sad Furwardiug Icrcbaat. Prosj)t personal attention given to Conslgn- .' meuta tor sale or Milpiueut, Aniliberaleath adeancct made on Conaignmentito , ,:izm:ft msei'te my mu xorKjrund. Wilmington,) Jan.30, 1652. 135-tf ?liI&T WORTH : Commission and Forwarding fri'.VILMIXUTON, Si, . FW .ti.afia -a ' 143-12 m. HWlLLIAM A. GWYEfi. OENERAL4 AGENT, FORWARDING ' J - ex . . . an i - ana ionimission iucrciiani. TTAlCllotiSiliura In loformliiff mv trlundS. that I A am prepared to give all business entrusted to mo f (He Loot iind oarsonal attention. 1 have a whsrllor rtaval.itoros. with ample accommodations, Spin iausd, tiud Warehouse. Consignments ol Naval tares for saleorahlnmenti and all kinds of uoun. ry produce aUctHCaahadvaaceainadeanoon- ignmentsiV'i - . Aprilia 1851, c" 15 GEO. MYERS. Wholesale and. Retail Grocer, '..v'-'.',aTBBa nAtfarAH!. nit u.un ltj.7o, 4,ouor.Preifipn, Wood and Wit VW, ,vVsoirrit a0Kt btbmt. WILMINGTON, N. C Nov. 23 1BI.. . 109. ! WILLIA5T M. HARR1SS. OMJlIlSSrOJf MERCIJANT ' ' WILMINGTON, N. C. JTRICT attention given to procuring Freight! J and purchasing Cargoes for vessels. i inir.iinui.i 1 G. Parsley:, ;? ; ol, John Moilaa, J Wllmngt'n. N.C essrs. uudley a, Huntington aaara. Hull .alnxkil A Ca . 1 .sephpilcy, Eq.,-,i . ;V N- C. sssrs. James Corner A Sons, Baltimore. E.A. tfoudor fc Co., Philadelphia. ;Thoinpion V Hunter. iKaM . ,'iti; PiUbury& Sandford, Yrk- Hunting oV. Tufta, Boston. - J. u. p, Pitcomb, Keunsbunk, Me. HATHAYA,Y & SON, i' IvO.nMIlSIIflV iicdii a vnn a Ir'?.T'ff ' '' ' i. L. Hathawa. Lisi..ia, ioi..A;n l.C .J!. -. oi iadbourhqoper: 0nmla6lssIon;M0rcfcaiit uton. rj .rt fcttiw !ii "7- 7 B J I BUSINESS, CARDS. GEO. HIRRISS, Genera! Commission Merchant, 'WILMINGTON, N. C. " ' QTRICT attention given to piocuring Frelfh k and parchirstnguargoesiorvessela.u t Ksrsa to j,.. F.. P. Hall, Esq., O.G. Parsley, Ka!i . -' JlAi Taylor, Esfj.,, Wilmington. J.D. Bcnimy.Ksq., , - Messrs. Balliwd 4 Huirtingic-n, j Messr.ToleT,myhOo., 4 . Thompsons Hunter, rk. Alcx'r. Herron, Jr. , Philadelphia Messrs. Williams Butter, , . J H. V. Baker, Esq., Chrrcston.S.C. Jan. 2. 1852. 123-tf ANDERSON & LATIMER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH VVATRR STREET. WILMINGTON, W. C. Sep. 27, 1861. - . 82-ly-e. A. ADAMS, ,H. L. ADAMS, ROBT. O. RANKIN. ADAMS,' BROTHER & Co. (Late Barry, Bryant fc Adams.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan.l, 1862. '123 ALFRED MARTIN. AUCTIONEER1, COMMISSION MERCHANT, GENERAL5 AGENT. iVIlrr.lneton,N.C..Oct.3 1851. 85tf. JOSEPH II. FLANNER, (ioiicrul Commissiou Mcrcliant. VIL)IINUrON, N. C. ttct.utn, idol. 87-ly-c. H. DOLLNER. O. POTTER, JR. DOLLNER & POTTER. GENEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NEW VORK: ' LtngHAt CASH ADVANCaS MAD C Ol ALL CONSiOK. MINTS. JMarch 16, 1852. 156-lyp DRS. FREEMAN & MALETT. EJOMffidl'ATIIirPHVMiri vs V Front Street, one door below Polley &, Hart WILMINGTON, N. C. April 13 12-tf DER0SSET & BROWNi WILahNGTOK, tff. C. BUQWN l DEU0SSLT. "new vork. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Murchl7 1352. . Uy. GEO. H. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Noxtdoorto A. A. Satinet's, on North Water st-I will attend t J the sale of ull kinds of Country Pro. duou, such u Corn. Peas. Meal. Bacon. Lurd. Ac.. and will keep constantly on hand, a Sui supply of uivceries.dtc. ,,, , References. WillcsH.aH.of Wayne, JolinMcRae, Wilmington W caraway, uen. Aix... iMcttae. K. Pi Hall, Wilmington, Wiley A. Walker. Dec. 13. 1851. 115 lv. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. OENERAL C OMMISSION MERCHANTS WLLMINQTON, N. 0. ('HAS. D. ELLIS, HSNnV P. BUSSSLL, JOS. B Jan. 25 1852. . " . sesscLL. 133. CORNELIUS DuPRE. WHOLE BALE AND It ETA L DEALERS IN Drugs, Me.ilcines, Chemicals, Faints. Oil. I C ... .1,. s.l " ... , . ayjjc stuns, v. lass, t-eriuinery, cigars, Old Liquors, Taney Articles, &c., 1 MARICET STREET,. V WILMINGTON, Jf . C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by expcrl tnced porsons. ' Marph 28. 1852. J. C. LATTA, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND GENERAL AGENT, , WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.l 1851. 87 MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION -MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C . ? R.KFIS. TO I ' E. P. Hall, Esq., Pres't Branch Stale ) Bank.' . Thoa. H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank Cape Pear,. . . , O. G. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Commer cial Hank, , . , Dec. 19;. 851 Wilming ton, N. C.J 118-tf. ' WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH OEA LfiRS IN Confectionary, FrulJ, Nuts, Toys.Faucy Ar tielcs, Perlumery, Tobacco. eears, hc., WHOLESALE AND RE I AIL, i 1 MAK'WET STREET, WILMINGTON N.C. Nov. 30.1851. t!Q-if McUAE i HARRISS. IVPORTEKSI AND WIIOLALE VND RETAIL DEALnilM IN CHINA, q4SS, AND EARTHEN WARE, AND VARMING IMPLEMENTS, West side Front etreet. between Market aud - Dock streets, WILMING TV N. N. C. Octobor2,185I. 85. WE8BEL. ' , H. B. EILER8. WESSEL !t FILERS. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS ANDWHOLE SALE GRQCBRS. North Wai Hir. ,wn. mlngton, N, O.i' Intend Id keen h at the abea stand a general assortment of Groceries,- Liquon. snd Provisions fr. wholssalend to etirr 00 a General Commlaatan Bn.l . . . 7-, K. P. Hall. Pres't Br!eh Rani of tb. ai.u r 2' 5' Pri,, Conmetdal .Bank. '.S WU P. K DlcklnsoB), Baq.v I ,i9J!..k V pouner 4' Potter, T jan. au ,iB- Illv WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE BUSINESS CARDS: JOHN STilUTHERS i S0NIJ MARBLE AND SAND STONE YARD, PHILADELPHIA. garble M.inUls, MauntiUs, Ttrmts and Grant Sionesconslanityo hand. Every dencriptim of ORMA ME . TA L WORILAXD STATUARf ano. imported. grders Tor publio or prl va.e Buildings executed with promptness and des patch. . ' - - - N . B. Desisns will be sent for Mantels, Mono menis and Grave Stone, and nil work .h sured from breakage when, required. "7 MORE & GALLAGHER. IRON FOUNDERS, AND MANUPACTDREBS (It WROUGHT &UA8T IRpN RAILINGS PHILADELPHIA. AH ordcrs.ittenriud to with Droinntncn tnA do. patch work wajrantod. ., , . . Oct. 4. , 86-Iy c. THOS. F. GAUSE. Commission MereliaQt Auctioneer, ice lu ilall'a upper bulWlhj, Vorth Wa Qbice Water " Street. Where he will be happy tn attend to all orders lu liner, branch of his business. Wiluiiajfton, N 0. Dec. 23, 351. 119-tf. FLOUR. Canal Flour, for sale by J. HATHAWAY" 4 SOX. 77. 6QBBLS, dept. 13. COOPERAGE. THE subscriber is now prepared to make or re pair water casks of any size, for the use of ves sels, on the lowest terms; also, the citizens can have any article in the line of Coopering made or repaired with dispatch, A. MORGAN. Wilmington, Feb. 26, 1858. 14?-I2m p. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP.- THE undersigned having this day purchased the entire interest of Mr. O. G. Pabblev, in (he Point Peter Stoam Saw Mill, have formed a copan nership tor the purpose Of manufacturing Sicum Sawed Lumber. Wrstwostk VV. Piibck, William Nkilson. PEIRCE & NEILSON. Jan. 1. 12fi.iii. SHIPPING ARTICLES. AHANDiSOIR 'edition of Shipping; Articles, just printed and for silo at The Commercial Office, equal to any as yet imported "from New York." ' -' -I Orders for a Ream oV more will be filled at a eost of 10 to.20 per cent, cheaper than they are in New York. .' Nov. 10, 1861. 102-tf NOTICE. THE undersigned having formed a Co-partnership uiJar the style of JOHN BANKS A BROTHER, lor carrying on a COMMISSION AND. FORWARDING BUSINESS, all goods consiped to them, or ordered, or produce sent for ule, will be promptly attendd to JOHN BANKS, DAVID KANKS. JiVsbJ -137. SPIRITS BARlfEuTr V)SECOND hand Spirits: Bbls,,: large size. prime order, fr sale by ANDERSON & LATIMER.' 27. , 134. Jan, MILL SAVYS. npHR subscriber has the pleasure of informing x Miller's ensazed In sawinit pitch pine, that ha nas succeeded in getting up the best Saw for that purpose that has evt,r yet been produced, os far as he knows. All saws warranted not to split In the teeth. B J. M. ROBINSON'S, Hardware Store, Wilmington, N..C. Oct. 16. H. 4 J. copy, 91. THAT P0LSIH, nOW IT SHINES ! IO,OOt BOXES SOLD WITHIN THE LAST 9 MONTHS. A , J. WOODWARD returns his thanks to the .!.. public for the-unurecedenied encouraeement he.lps met with in the manufacture and sale of his celebrated PolMh, and at tho aaijio time wishes It Underbtopd that he always keepf a supply on hand for wholesale or retail. Experience has proved that this Polish is unsur passed for quickness in patting a gloss on boots and shoes, and also iu preserving the leather. rersons Wishing lo oil their boots can use this Polish wilh equal success immediately afterwards) the leather should be rubbed as soon ss the Polish Is applied, biffore ft dries. i The Foils!) can be found at the Drug Store of C. DvPaa, Market Street. ' March 18. W. Journal 3m. l-3m. ADVANCES. LIBERAL Caali advances will be made, when required, on all goods consigned to our House In New York, and Cotton to their address forwar ded by uj. will be attended to free of forwarding Commission. We will uUo advance liberally on Cotton or oth er produce consigned to our friends In Liverpool, to which port we can furnish ship room for a few hundred bales of Cotton, at low rales, by several vessels shortly expected: D sit OS. SET 4, BROWN. .waron IB. i., SPECIAL NOTICE. ' HHK suhsoribef restHspifully irfforms the public i. that lie keeps constantly on hand a supply of vorn, uais, rcas, Hay. and good Freeh Wafer Mill Meal and Homlney all at reasonable prices. Call at his store. North Water Street, forraorly oocupied by L. N. Barlow. . .. i. WM.A. ROURK. Maya. 114m FARMERS AND GARDNERS. W Shave just received a suonlv of Patau n.a, dim and Gsass Saaos from Philadelphia. Several new patterns of Plows, Grsln mUhi, Cera vifaaVitfA'- BRIGHT. TARNISH SJ BBLSj a supelrrtr artlcls; and warranted not r. 1 f oana. For sale, br rn. ?a'A5S JOS. Rv BLOSSOM. o"Aptll 16 f BUDTH I! I Rdl.l KM MtTBtfrW MPIV w BtiuiiBitnva 'wQ4aiif f OF CHARLESTON, 8. C. -pHARTKREDby rtie Sutaof tfouth Corolina J with a Capital of 250,0O0 , all paid in and will o7S""Re'aAKlr,Ki HlvKlt AnDLIPK sls)Jk,0. ' . . CHAS, ' A. L. Tosias. Sic'v. EDMONSTON, Pres.t. DIRECTORS t t W. C. lUulOICAI. Pill. II Wm.-r 8. Mowar. Jr. Hm i'J. '' The subscribers having been nppalnted agents In ..... iiut me amy 9 nimea company, are pre pare to receive offers and issue poMofee ef Incur, anc on Fire. Marine. Rlr ani Bt.k. n libe I terms. All lonini-iirr .t m. i,.. Will Cpromotlvadiusted and nfllA a tha nnd.r.' slei i ... ncRnsET RitnwN N. &-Risks wiffb. takm an tha Uvea of alavaa on ths most liberal terms, iiuiingion, n.vauee. t, iBil. 110. DEEDS FOR SALE. WarantceOceds, and Deeds forMortgageonland just printed, In correct formandfor.sleat the Commercial Ojjlcs. CHEMICALS. FRESH arrivals or the following) 100 ot. rlul phate Quinine, S bbls. Epsom Salts, 5 lbs pur -"'r'"'" mim, 3 in ooipnaie morpnine, e oi Ace tate Morphine. 10 lbs Kill A Maaa. lit Iba Rn.ll.h Uloinel, 6 ot Peperloe, 6 gals Spirits Nitre, 2 os Oil Tobacco, 5 lbs Hyd. Patasss, (RnglUh,) 2 lbs Iodine, J lb Iodide Arsenic, 2 lbs Chloroform, 1 oa ; Iodide Copper, os Valerinaie of Iron, S lbs wvpnitv guua, u iD9 ougar Lead, pure, 4 ot In SIM In I kaa t .1 . m . . ' i T . l 2 l. . ",u" mercury, o gais oq. Ammonia . H".i"iraou Aromai, iu ins tionman Anodyne. Hqr ealp by c. DoPRE. jrarch SO. Oruggist, Market st. GUITARS! GUITARS ! I lUM. HALL & SON'S Patent Head Guitars in i i enses. for sale bv L. H. WEBB, April 20. - " v IS COFFEE. 5B.A0.8 Jamaica, and 20 bags Rio, landing from ". Aim r.uzaoein. or sale oy . KLLIS, RUJsSELL 4 Co, Mai 27. - 31 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN TURPENTINE HaceW Pollers and round -- 5iiavc. for sa.ia cneop to the hade. Anh in , , J- K-OBINSON. Apfil 10. J. 4c H. copy. - U. HYDRAULIC CEMENT. Hi )() ?BLV factory, daily expected. MVf fa le by J. & D. SlcttAE & CQ. 1 o lV-. t ' ' ' 12., ' JI0LASSES. OT;; HHDS. and 8 Tiorcea nrlme Cuba Mob.. T I V.ei strong and bright packages, receiv ed per Brig fcllen Hayden, from Malanzas. forsale April 6. . g NEW FLOUR AND MAY BUTTER? 0HALF balsi exina Flur, Vat family use, AJ 5 bbls. Hiram Smith's best, a ... K r t . n .. v iuu ui aupenur now may miner, Low for cash at GEO. H. KELLET'S. May 8. w H P and N T C copy. 23 TUET NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAlLT life imnm mum. RALEIGH; N.C. THEaboveCompany has been in operation aim thelsiol April, 1848, undciihe direetionof the following Officers, v h i " Dr.Chas.E.Johnso'ri President, "Win. D. Hay wood, Vice President, James V. Jordan, Secretary, Win. II. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E.Johnson, j M ,. . Dr. Wm. H. MfiKee, W'nT Dr. R.B. Haywood, ) ConullaUon. "" J. Hersman, Gen') Agent. This ConiDnnv has received a ehnrir advantages to the insured over any other Com pany. The 5th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children.r.efromany claims of thr... resentatlvcsol the husband or any of hlscredii. re. Organized on purely mutual principles, thatir. members narticiDaicin the whole which are declared annuullv. Besides, the n i cant for lite, when the annual premium la over ir may pay one half in a Note. " AUclaimsfor InsurancpaffainalthA Pnmnanv vcpuiuwiuin ninety uays alter prooi ot the death oi me party is rurnisncd. oavesare insured for one or avo yaara, at rates Which Willenabla allSlnVahnldprntaaHnjir. iklanl... oi property against tne uncertsinry ol life. Slave Insurance nresenta a naw nnrf featureln the history of North Carolina, which wll nroTo Tory important to tne southern States. Thelastfourmpnthsoperatlon of this Company a ry large imbadt-of bttsiness-more than the Directorsexpecled to do the first year--havlhf already issued more than 200 Policies. ' Ail communications on business of the Comnsav Rs)eigli .April's; lfiSl. ; ' HATS. UAAAiA, ueghorn, snd. Palm Leaf Hats, In x ireai variety or stv it. aualliv and nrio. knl. sale and retail by. ' O. MYERS, Hatter. April 22. .16 COFFEE. rr BAGS Rio, Laguayra and Java. OV For sale low by ZENO H- Q GRRfiNK. April 24. IT CREESE. rye BOXES English Dairy, in 10 lb. boxes. For tsaleby ELLIS, RUSSELL 4 Co, May 2T. 31 FAYETTEFILLE FLOUR. QABBL8-'Mflaeandssper6ne, at 0KJ t i OEO' H- KELLET'S. April 29. U4tf:'JVC.T.copy. 19. ORANGES AND LEMONS I i M I "B'ood Lemons i 500 Coeca Nuts i V A -i 75 Boxss Raisins. For sale low by - -v. ' - WILKINSON 4 ESLER. May J5. x -a. 15. 1852. SUNDRIES!3 JFfX'80,"1'?300 Coffee, Rio.Lagayra, rJARimlnf9' J,T!.. "d Moehai 2tt bsas aweet -M.oao cnocoiaie j IU fihds. y, R. Saasf 1 100 bWa. double refined loif, crushed, powdered aad sranala. led bpgsr i 200 boxes Candlea, all kinds an!gra4eat 26 do. . Jud'a M'entdo , 4s la and t. in fane boV es, fl lbs. edcbi 100 bbls. Whiskey i SO botes CneeMi iW packages pew Raisins 200,000 tfegsrs, at Bat in ni P'fyw "oil one cnewiag Tobeceot 10,000 new two bashel Gonny Ban.-' For sal ai ...n,.,wc,, pr,ces, oy . UUWAKO FEPEIV. ' NOV. ZO. ' " -t-.'t r; t': QQt BILLS OP MDIVI3 i. Bopka.aind shset,also Letter Sheeta-wltl) i,-in:i"":r" '"." ne vent- vljsj v1 UJIEn LIME!!! OOO ImM,' PfolnT,,le Whl( Lump, Alao . . - J-C. 4 R.B.WOOD ContractoriandBulldari. April 8, 1852. A. A. B. S0UTHALI. T WOULD here lake this npportonliy of reiurninB I my thanks to mr Manila and ,1 .V" "g liberal patronage lhavo received at their hands. uunng mo nine i nave oeen collecting for them iu (iujjd oy omui mienuan 10 Dunnes tad whh nlrmtnntlnn ia -.laaai Hli ..l -v,iiiii,hmvu IV U CMD. alll IU IKCOIVB fATII nti-. tion of their confidence acd support, as I intend to Dr.. u ...... . .... .. .. Esq , Geo. R. French,' Esq., C. Myen, Esq , and Messrs. Potter 4 Kidder .'" '" ivwci i uenn, or. hi livnmi. H II r..., attend the Conrta'of the adiolninir Conn. ties whenever inducements la offered. My office will be in the store of Messrs. Wbltaker snd Wblt- uu, Ui wiuco pmce i win oe round unless when out, attending to business. In my absence, anr nmmnnlnnllA. 'f.Wa . t . S- .a . ' "77"'"" ibu wim messrs. nnitaker Whitfield, for me. will ha handad in m. I will attend, as usual, 19 the sale of real eslafei iiinng servant; renting Koueet or any other """ wnien an naiivei agent is wanted. A A H nrinxu iir Weekly Journal, Herald and Goldsboro' Patriot vuy nn luroia. Feb. 19. 144-lf. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! 'T'HE subscriber has received 70d tona ICE, being X more than double what was on hand this lima last year. He is now nrenai-Kit tn aon, ik and country, and will do so on as reasonable terms as It can be purchased within 3nn mil.. w;fh.. on unavoidable casualtv ha ckn DAmV ll.nri .11 art. a may favor him with their num.... r . ... '1- durlnffthe season. Cnntalna r V...'.t. ... i..-- bv pm op Bisuon nonce, com and buy. Tick' eta csa be had at the Ice House. - - , 1 ...w, unit . ... A. PAUL REPITON. irl11- ' 7-3me SUNDRIES. 1 Hfi BBLS crushed, C. C crushed. clsrlfl-l W Wand Porto ftien Sni,. inn k... r.r.. Java, taguyra and RI01 200 packages Crack.ri! 2B kegs Qoshen Buiterj Underwood's Pickles and Pr. serves! Jellies, Jams snd fresh Lbbsiersj 20 quarter pipra uei rvmes am Llnuors t 2fi haakcla nh.m. 5 li a:,uu r?nai hngiish Cheesej Americsn and Pine Apple Cheese, Stelton at 60 cents per lb.: 50 bbls and half bbls Flour, corned Beef, smoked Beef Beef Tongues , pickled Tongues 1 Salmon , No 1 Mackereli Stewart's Svnm . d... ! Hottlfd Wines and Brandies Cordials, Willow Ware In every variety. Please call and examine at Apr" I. 7 GEO. M VERS'. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. JUST RECEIVED. 1 nLBS-um DP,n,n' (T"k"y.) 200 lbs Sslt J- VPelre. 40 lbs Gam ArM an ika aii..j.. Senna, 20 lbs K. J. Senna, 1 bbl Cum Camphor, 1 bbl Cream of Tartar. 1 bbl Carh SnAm t .t, 0.1 Soda, 2 cases Cooper'a Isinglass, 3 doz Cox's GeU ti iic, uves ceieoratea soap fowder, 12 dot box s Teast Powder. , , " X ... c. DoPRE, Druggist. March 30. f -6. COTTON YARN. 1 n BALKS fto, I an4 ltfojHale by 1 r ,. - 1 John c. latta. April, 3. 1 ,,. ,. ... 8i PALM LEAF AND WOOL HATS. AT,very low prles, by the cdse or doien, those in went Will find it to their ndvnntn7 in ..II ana iook, at my stock, bcrore purcliasine. ' C. MYERS. May 6. 21 GRAIN CRADLES. JUST receiyed a lot ol the best, and for sale at the Hardware Store ot J. M. ROBINSON. May It. ; 24 NOTICE. rPHE subscribers sre ready ta contract for Steam '"y'nes ot sny size, or sny kind of Mill gear a- i u any cne warning aiacninery oi tne above uoacnpuoa tney win otter Indncements equal to any establishment either north or South. Please give Ot a call before porchsslng elsewhere. " SUTTON, SOUTHMADE 4 CO;' Wilmington, N. C, April 6. 1862. 9-tf. Weekly Journal. Pavettefilla Oh boro' Patriot and Rsleleh Resister codv thr months and send bill to as. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AT REDUCED PRICES. "DLANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, oa line -L paper and of a very handsome ImDfeasion. for saisai iie lAmnurtvu ujut ooand to Books a vsnous sizes, and in sheets. uct. is; jj. FRESH GROCERIES. PER SCHR. A. J. DtRUSSET. " OA BBLS. of Extra Flower lor family use; Ul'HIrsmSmiiVebestt - 10 bags Green Rid Coffee y 2 boxes double refined Loaf Sugar 1 3 bbls. of that extra Fulton Market Beef; half " h h ,. ' 1 hbd. beat Porto Rico Sugar t 10 boxes frcah Soda Craskara, 3hhla. ia. ' 8 M Soda Sugar All low for Cash, at , GEO. R. KELLET'S. WOOD'S HACKERS iND;PULLERS. FR aaleobeep at the Jlsrdwtre Store. - . ' ' J- M.ROBINSON, i MarealS. . .B5 WHOLE NO. :j " ' ik rot tlfg COM.IttBCIAL. TUB LAST APPE4L TO TI!" MJ2RS OFKOHTH CAHCLI Wliafft Win Tor'n Janjf time. i". need f paper J80n S(.t(fl lo it the fanning intereii iapeciall, a., I leogtbthVtafiflklcncej 0 auch a r,i; aw plainly irliat jreat goc4 other m, v , at i 3 ... re wonting Wlhdr reapeeti gtafe. ftR.l if I.-s-pired oa ritli'a 6im6shuh to 11 i a r 3 I.I. J -I . -A 1 mm . use uiciri, Wftcn will IM for r 3, preacnt floarfahfugponJ;.; i cf T, :.-, . bpfalnjraeertUiefraiutfc Vi lna I t..? 7 InenarrjBOfEdmrjnJnri.T.i i. n tour t- eve- r .VirginJanV their teartrawt:; nesa tvlicnerer iher name him. L . ' great need of eoch a tracer allu 1 thia article, w bnve begunto Partner Joornaf s and we wouIJ a to whom are we to took fofattprorl in this ea crpre whoea interest do we drecale and adranee'In' thl. qdertaVingf la It'net.ihei farroer.t Jf eo of co"re t him we look for mpport.' 'W'Iiavbcfora raoJe a similar appeal thrpogli' cor pwri colamna j tut It eerna not to bare been wetyar Jf acct, rot heeded by nany.' We buve noer .;-, ':i to aelf a place ia the VaHooe papc nriri Stale, and we do hope to be' heard. V a arearcordiog to Uie laat eenivit, r..u. - 1 3. 200,000 men engaged, Kore pr Uss.Li f r miog In our State j and It doct leem, 'i!i-it' out of that number we onjla to bare, at h t, 10,000 reading men t tboaa, who read r 1 object devoted to their bonne.'. We v- t 10,000 subscriber, and this is the number w man have Jo ordtr to effect that good, w.'.iVfi we hare it In our power to do. ? Each narrra in other State, have toree tfmee that an i.r ber, for the plain rearon'that their voir men are not eeen 'ioHct'u'rtg aub-cribcra f. r Agncultaral paper; putlisjietl ebr:, wnea there ia one ia their owe 6taie. V' hare doqooar ehare In thia matter, an! wa--now ht if the farmere in our S; - f : I the'necd of euch a paper, and wieh to s;3 it live longer this one tear.', ihevr.t r more energJriUa" whal they - ;' the pemje " We are, not u ' ciently to eoniinae, and what has ! i . nae been prineipaliy.'done by c j; .:r. ! eavmg ournoroe, and aeglectinirour stat! to go over the State to "devil dra" 'jf men, to pereuade them (ol look to their h t:r- ri- A to, the meriuo'tThB Farmera' Ju.r- nal," we will aay for the benefit of tho c v. !, t have never seen a copy.'that we nw.a tvr . daya since, the ex-Treaaurer, Charlea Ilinton, Esq., wholold oa, that he waamoro plcaej ' with jt than any 'paper of the'.kind he had ", ever seen., We. of eonrae. dIJ tint nnA. tand him to aay, i'ha it wf a the moat icicn- '' fic paper, but that what we badiWri va ' coold be onerstdod by all." ' W "hore it t . At--:' '-iaJ -. A ""'' i.. . , I - ww, ma larraere wuisend in their pamei, en J c H.i YB,ipgtruijB OIieyeaf, .AIdrew. - , & f' r VAU'JUNS,..;. , .,..' - Bith, Beaolbrt Co. N. C. Aud tho paper ehaiJ 6e'nt forthwith. - .a ia...aiiin. , niaMiaW ai. , alf. n, i -i, . ,, , ( A Hunker Dcmocrat,'Jn ao errttionecrir peecb, took a waloor imtar the pulpit. U told bis bearera that tho' ehcjl waa tasttle i and valueleaa thatwaa the IF rpan v. " The skin wa nauaeorj,eaatkdi(arec'i? -mauve ine trttdml parly.- r n said he would show the Democratic! II unL r ' parly, lie crucked the" n'dt and found it-. rotten!! 5 f. n',"'"." ' VERY POUTE MAN, - The Springfield , Republicarfcay Uiat it' " once knew a man in that town so noLt to aay a he paaced a he'ri on he rj"t "Don't rise ma'ara don't disturb yourself cu " my accouof."i:iJV'!.?,i,;:'. 5 :ORTfl;STATE mi CARRtAbjfi. MANUFACTORY. ? " Mulbfrry, tetween" Front and Water Streets " W " r suneibrhav ohhand and ' ) ;i ninianiiy rninaiaoiurinf Cosch afea, Rockawavs.' Baroach'ea- r.. v :r ' ties 1 01 every atylf:ka, all kinds of reparing done ' is the best aad neatest manner, and having a nam. ; " 51. VrttneitWgoi, they confidently, f h i -exect a liberal abare of patronsge. . Also on hand Ind fot sale, k ftna aaanHn., ' : r- .1 1 .,, - y. ji.7 zr.r v. , f. ucuKiiiD anuuiea, onoies, collars, wnips trc. ' We hae,-lso, a few of those splendid sole Lain- V er -travelling Trunks and Yallseavr Gentlemen's superior travelling bagst also, WUton, Bropls ari . Yeoetiaa Carpet Bags. The above goodswUI to t. 1 . low, and on accommodating terms. . i. v WEI.LS CORNWALL; 4 April. 20 15-tf. NEW STEAM GniST irni. HAVING connected a brief. Mill with our Grain iT Store, we are aow prepared tb furnish (ia any ' - auanUty) superior-ankle of Bohed Meal aad 0mmoDT, at the yery lowest market nrlca. H-Bi ShOFta, Horse, end Cow Feerf. uLltxX ?kHs? MITCHJtLL. ' . y i I'ltf-A 2 ' JK$3 BUTTER AND FLCUB 1 f sciii: JONAS SMITH , ..t - , Qfl BBLS. fresh rround Genesee. Flour t , " 1 Ov,8 kegs extra May Butler t low, forrsnh. at . ' .I'i ' ' GK0 H- KELLEY'S.f v May 29. T , J. W. H. A N. T. C. eopy. 32. ' 8 it .8 .-"''-i !tk- :A 4

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