xpV STFt'lCHIST HILL. AV1NG connected a Gnat ., nrepareil o ornin -"j any quantity) a iiiperlor article Boutu Meal afid L.mmuny, at the erT lowest V May 23. NEW GOODS! TnEeubscriber Is now reeelfin large and well severed etdek l?a11 ai wn' Good, elnris nzinpart of the following, VU : .i y: GROCERIES. V noirec.ato, Laguyra,janialc,Maracabo and ' t , jair J. Porto Rico, M escovudo, New Orleans. , Calf! Sugars A"4 .Crushed, ground, and Snuff-Lorillard's andOutcatt', In bbla and do Trpbacco-7a boxes all qualities : " Candles- Adamantine and Tallow; "Steward steam refined Candles s f ''crackers In bbls. half bbls. and boxes i Cheese ; Teas i Chocolate ; Soap; Starch j Powder ana idiot; ' Matches; Cigars i Popper; Pjmentoi Ginger, Nut taeatt table Salt in pockets t Pickles and Preser ver juustara; inK; Vinegar; unions; irisn ro-1 i - latoest Scotch Herrings, 4c. - itlJesa Porkt Herrings; Mullets: Lard In bbls. and Kegs-,- Butter, Ac - V LIQUORS r' French and Cognac Brandy ;' Domestic Brandy; , Whiakey; N. K. Hum; Gin; fJld Mooprisahela Kye whiskey. , DOMESTIC DRX GOOqS. Blankets iMterseysV KemuckV Jeans ; Siittln 'ettst Ltnseysj Calicoes ; Ginsbams; Marlboro &Ulpesi Mariners do t Bed Ticking ; Checks; Den tins brown and bleached Sheetings anu Shirtings; OJnaburga; brown Drills; Co ton andilk Hand kerchlels, 4c; &e. Jf" -:.;.- HARDWARE. Spades; Shovels; Manure Forks; Knives and Forks;. Pocket Knifes s'wlreand hair Steves ; Tur pentineand Kcntucky pattern Collins" Axes j Trace tlhjinit Hoes: Lookina Glasses: Pins ; Buitons; 'Spoons ; Nails assorted : from 4 to 40J ; Rope; Cotoh Lines j long and short Frjjng Pans, Hooks r and Hioges t Lock. 4c , su UluiS Anil utujuA vis . f.OOO pair Men's thick and Kip Brosans ; Boy's ' and Voutli's do.; Women's Shoes and Boots. ' i 9 ' WOOD WARE. 4e. ' Cedar Tubs and Pails; puinied Buckets; fron and Brass bound Buckets ; cov'd Buckets ; Brooms; Market and Fancjt Baskets; Measures; Cocoa Dippers; Whisks :J:; !r." , sundries. 'Molasses? Flour. In obis half A. and bags; Goi- ' ton .Tarnr Hat and Caps; Pluuehsand Casiinas; - Cop, Letter and Wrapping Fuper, and many oiner anlclfl not mentioned, A good stock of the above floods constantly on hand, and for suie iw bv " n 2KNO H GREEN K. sepi 2Sr f It. C T. copy. 83. ki:;notice. QHR subscriber having received letters tesiomen . lary, from the fast Court of Picas and Quarter .Sessions, on the estate of (he lute James Bcbch, ' bereby requests all persons indebted lo his tesiator, to come forward and make payment, and thoee havinir claims aeainst said testator are notified to presentment wiihirt the lime prescribed by law, or ' tnll notice Will oe pieaaeu in unr oi ineir recovery. .. . i, ' iOim D. BELLAM Y, Kxecutor. , sept 23 82 if NOTirE. v 'T'HOSR persons who hnvo placeJ papers In the .' JL. hands or iholateJMSi Buaoit acting Consta ble, sro hcrebr requested to present the utnclul rc- celpts now held by them, and receive their rcspec- Ure claims Trom the sutisenoer, wno as tne exocu 'l tor of the1 If) te Jamen Burch, is deklr6us of closing h business of ho estate. : ' JOHN D. BELLAMY", Exctutor. iepi Jl. ' ' 8i-if fiAfi PRIME large slzo second hand spirit bar VVUttlt, for aatc V ANDERSON it SAVAGE. ' sept 2 , ' 82 NOTICE. '4 A PPMCATHN Will bomude to the Lcgis'nturt ?JX of North Cnrollna for art ome'ndtne'nt nl' the Charter of the Wilmington and M'uncliisitr Kail ' Kond Company. ' ? .f Sept. 21. , 81. ?;;fxKmw bags. "QYA TWO bushel bnes, for sulc by gjUUU'- "- FREEMAN & HOUSTON. - 8cpt;2K'' m - 81 4 w. rri1:: w. lime. Onn CASKS Thomaston Lime, for sale by t).JJ 4 . FREEMAN & HOUSTON. ,v'jSept.'2L v; t &l-2w. - ;JJAILS AND SPJaES. 1 f KEGS assorted sizes, for sale b Jl 0.T," ' FREEMAN & HOUSTON. Sept. Z I. .81-6. ... Ofllce Wllmliigtoii aiitf Manchester R. R. Co., Hxiiov Codst Hoirst, S. C., 15th Sept., '52. rpHE Stockholders fef the Wilmington & Man 1. Chester Rail Road Company are hereby notl- tied that the Fifteenth Instalment of Five dollars ; pershare on their subscription, is required to be paid on or before the first day of October, 1852. " j y-Bf order of the Board of Directors, . ':iw-';,---JOHN MoRAE, Jr., Treasurer. Sept 18, 1862,; ;j' m,, . 80-3w. 'ijti-v : i Hcrald copy. . r V SOMETHING PRETTY ATt jTHEJ i HARDWARE STORE. FINE bronze Copper Tea Kettles ; ' Black and Gold tea Trays and Waiters; 'Double plated silver Spoons and Forks; Ivory handle Knives without Forks; Forks with- oot Ktlveif ' , ; V Crimping Irona and Curling Tongs ; : Brsss Andirons and Fenders, some fine; polish ' d steel Shovels and Tongs; Brass Stair Rods; .Round "and 4Jval trass; Bell Metal i Enameled , Preserving Kettles j' best Convex Sadirons. V. J. M. ROBINSON'S, Hardware Store, Wilmington, w. U. H. 6 I. copy, B3. OARIS style, Plueh and Beaver,'juat received, .X';i ,andfor asleby i : ITAMNWF.II.RR A BRO 63. ninnnma ! fw - tj n it r . 1 3. T?LOOR Oil Cloth and Door Matte, by KAHNWE1LER AJBRO. - 83. :TW-iTMHl5--r'J , - - - fPQYSt CLOTHING. A GOOD assortment, iust onened'by Ay;',!'!!! KAHNWE1LER A BRO. -.,'Sept.;?5.f(.,,i(1,'" Hfv'- iiTo ,in ripe - l j. . imm v (. A- GOOD, assortment,,, Moos' ;nd Boys Cloth, ,., :nd P'urh, by : v ;.';,"'..--';;.; V'S ;;i,A,imvyp4LM"r-BK'd; - SlliOUL. I d.. ),. a.h a.. r nAT-., m..i. . hi. former etand, In the rear of thttaptit Church on From - " " ' , MAYNARD sept 23 BURGESS, TAYLOR & to.,. 7 BOOKSELuUKS axv STA i iUAo, k AND WHOLESALE A.D RETAIL AGENTS FOR ALL THE POPULAR MAG- AZ1NES NE WSPAPERS AND CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, SUN IROS BUILDINGS. Nut Doua to tbs Son Office, BaltimoiijMd. MF.SSRS. B. T. & Co. keep constantly on hand all the new Books and Cheap Publications of the dar, and are the Publishers' Agents for H su per's Magasine, Oodey'a Lady Book, Graham's Masnilnp. Knickerbocker Mai aline, The Flag ot Our Uniou, Gleason's Pictorial lllusi rated London, news, Punch, and all tne best magazines ana Newspapers of the day. MAGAZINES. Harper's Magazine $3 00 Godey's Lady Book 3 00 Graham's Magazine 3 00 Lady's National London Largest 13 00 Hunt f Merchant's Magazine 5 00 fhompson's Rtpoijer Thompson's Gold abd Silver Coin Kx-amjner- 1 Magazine 2 00 Krilckerbockcr Mas uziRe' 3 00 MtichuniL's'Maeazine3 00 Putnam s oenil Monthly Llbrnry-- 5 Blackwood's Mag azine i Democratic Review 3 O0i Kcleoijc Magazine 6 Q0 LWng Age, weekly b VU Br'aiihwaits' Retros WestininsierUtvicw i 00 Nonh British " 3 v0 Kinburg " 3 00 Foreign d'ly " 3 00 All (hete live con be had pect 2 00 Racking's Abstract I W N. V. Whig Review 5 00 Merrv's Muacuin-. 1 00, London Art Journal 9 00 one year for (10. Household Words-- 3 00 1" Any two of the three dollar Magazines will be bent one year L r'SS. NEWSPAPERS. Flag of our Union $2 00;New York Hi ra'd SI0 00 Arthur's Home Ga TribunB 9 00 zette ' Gleason's Pictorial Boston Museum- Waverly Magazine 2 00' " Tirries Brother Jonathan Police Gazette Freeman's Journal nmerican Courier Ncal's Gazelle Saturday Post Dollar Newspaper Spirit of the Times Literary World 5 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 01 2 00 2 00 London Illustrated News London Punch 12 00 6 00 Bell's Life in Lon don European Times 12 00 12 00 Scluntirlc American 2 CO Gold.n Rulo 2 00 Undo Sum 2 00 The Albion Home Journal National Krn Mar Spangled Ban Courier des Kiute ner 2 00Uni3 3 00 Yunkee Blade 2 0 The Lanttrn 3 00 3T Subscriptions received by us to any of the aboxe Newspapers and Muguzincs at tlic unmjtd prices. ' Our business has been established in Baltimore ever since ihe ytar 1S40, and wo can now state r ill wut ts.iggtrciion tliat we have a larger ass. rt nient of -iiuod Romances and Cheap Publications than any Imuse io the United States. Alter the 1st ofOetnl'Cr, when the new postage law goes in to npt'iuttm, e will send any of our Cheap Pub lications postage paid, on remittance to us by letter of the price 01 the book, so that every one can thus get books of us through the muil at the same price as if they bought them a: our counter. All letters aduressed to us must be post paid, or they will not be taken out of the office. iT Send Postage Stamps rather than Silver change, as they are not so liable to gel lost. I3r Specimen of Newspapers sent gratis on ap pllriuion, poet pi id. We would refer persons w ishing to rnoXc iuqul rics about our establishment to A. S. A BELL & Co., nublislers of the Baltimore Son. nr any of the New York anJ Philadelphia publishers, BURGESS, TAYLOR A Co, Sun Iron Building, Baltimore, Md Sept. 23. 62-lmc TO MY PATRONS AND FRIENDS. WAVING received my Fall Stock of Groceries which .have been well selected by myself ui the North, I feel that I cun furulsh any article in thai line, as low as any house in the place, ued I solicit a cuil from you before purchasing elsew li'-rc. 1 am much obliged for pat favors, and earnestly solicit a continuance urrd inetoase of the stuiif. Cull and you will find hhds. of the best Porto Rico Siiijnr ; bbls. of " '' Bro. do. bbls." " ' Refined do. bbls " " " (A) Crushed do. bags of Green Rio Co flee ; bags best Gov Java ; bags St. Domingo do. boxes Hull & Son's best tallow Cnnilles ; boxes of Adamantine do.' boxes and half boxes Colgatcs best Pearl Starch boxes of Colgatcs best Soap, No. 1 and pale ; bbls. and ball bbls. of Lorrilard's Snuff; bbls. " '"' ' Mrs. G. B. Miller's do. bbls. " " " John Dills' do. bbls. " " " Outcalts. do. boxes, bbls. and half bbls. fresh Soda Ceackers ; boxes Sugar Butler do. do. boxes " " " " bbls. of best Pilot Bread ; Smoked Beef and Tongues ; bbl. of No. 1 .Mackerel (large;) bbls. " No. 1 Salmon do. bbls. of best leaf Lard ; kegs of Butter ; bbls. " Mercer I Poialoes nnd Yellow ; bbls. and half bbls. Extra Flour ; ) new wheat & bbls. of Hiram Smith, do J fresh ground; boxes Candles ; bags and boxes extra table Suit i boxes of S. W. Cofns Timber and broad Axe ; boxes " D. Simmon's boxing and chipping do. quintals of fine Codfish ; boxes of prlii.eCliee.-. ; Grind Stones all sizes, Nova Scoiiaf'Ohio grit; boxes of fine Tobacco; Demijohns I gl. 2, 3 and 5 gls. ; Stone Jars qts. , 1, 2 and 3 gls ; Bed Cords and Plough Lines ; Lamp Oil, best ; kegs Powder FF cV FFF (G.;) Truln Oil ; bbls. of Cldor and White wine VinegiK ; Carb, Soda and washing do ; Sularaius-; Yeast Powders, Nutmeg, Spice B"nd fiingcr ; Mace, Clover, CinoruonftAd Camphor ; Cream Tarter. Shoo Thread and Blacking ; Blacking and scrub Brushes; Matches, Clsrk's and rourul boxes ; Chocolate and Pickles half ami gal, also bbls ; Cedar and Palmed Tubs i Brass Hqopa nnd painted Water Buckets; Traye and JJowls; Sugar house Syrup and prime Molasses with a general assortment of other articles in my line too numeroua to mention. All Flour sold by me warranted sweet or no sale. Low for cash at GEO. II. KELLY'S. Sept. 23. J., W H., & N. C. T. copy. 73. tlto i(4u-J)A'rnii'fi Tl I. L re commence her school lor yung La - v v dies, on .Monday lh" 1th of October. A competent assistant will be employed, In Ihe Primary Dnpartment Five or six pupile may he secommoilnted wth boird. In Mrs. Rothwsu's Family The terms of tuition, will be as, follows. For a quarter, of three months, (the charge tocom mence on the day of entrance, and deduction made only In cases of protractod Mckncs or absence from town. First Class, for three months 18 Second Class SB Third Class g5 Fourth Class .' - :, ; i ., It Fuel. for Me!'! pupil B0 cts. Der ouartcr. or 11 uvr - -'tVe'' V iir": rw va vuuitvi. vt ;i uti acasqn' . . , .. .-,; rxu.... '.V, f Jotfi lu pet4pntn. intrttra ahnrgd lafca mods i M waiting.,; , r;::$.x.:-: i.J street, and Hopes by irtci application w toe amies r i-MI. I J. V ,' i. V y "w of hU calling, w secar a liberal patronage Price, r;, Pn' nfiM. X C- of Tuuiooperieimot 20 weeks.5.7 end n .pt.28 --. .vi. . Q ' . extra 'charire o. 541 -en:s oer scholar lor tu 1 '. I ' ' '- - ' ' ' 81 2 H. A. 0C FOR NEW YORK . V REGULAR UXBJ 1 ; THE regular nacket achr Mar PowtlL FOR PHILADELPHIA. ; PEROXS LINE. r ,j T.HE "gular A. I. fast s.iilinz schrJjoMnh H.Hatiner, Aaron Dole, master, will have quick digpaich are K.r iirK, r..i.k. or passage, having uperlor aceommodKiions. annl GEO. !IAIUUSS. sept. s. gy FOR NEW YORK. Tv",E'?'lor f,,sl ,-i,mn M:hr S- Morris W Wain, Mllimun master, will have dispatch , for the nhovs pon. For freight or posaago applyto MILKS COSTIN, Brown'swbarf. sepi 25- 83 FOR PHILADELPHIA. HEHOXS LINE. THF. reanlnr packet schr. K L. B. Wales. smes Liulf mnsn r. will have oulek des patch as iibdiie. For linht freiizhl or ms- sage, navmu siinermr accommndauuns, apply on b.ord tn mati r, or to (Jf'.O, HAURISS. Hept 25, 165 83. FOR NEW YORK. F. A. I. fast sailine' nncker schr Harriet ujlock, Pow, master, wll have despatch above port. For freichl or passaeo, hsv- passed accomiijodaijiot, applyto J. H. I- LA.MMSH. 2j Io. VyaWsr St. 83 FOR BOSTON. I fast saillr.g' schr. Geneva, Nickels,! sr, will saifir. a few days. For light l or pa?sge'npp)y io ADAMS, EKO. & CO. ;0R NEW YORKT " REGULAR LINE. ' TH l ' riir' David Duff- II. ,Zol ii, - .!.- quirk despatch as Hi-',".: i partite apply lo ubov Gi O H.VRiUSS. Sept. 23. NEW YORK. THK.I . schr. K.clipse, Ro1 cl W. Gos, lec! nil , now lonilinsr, will nave quick i above, for light freight or pas- l 8p:itu fl5i vpti'y to Sept. 23, UKO. HARRISs, 82, F0 iALTIMORE. Dl ?A TCH LINE. THE pac barque Muskingum, Willio-n , Lancaster nster, will have despa ch for .U, e above for light freight oi passace apply to sept 23 UhO. HARRISS. 82 FOR iLADELPUIA. THE. st sailing Schr. Aleyona Whiiaker, ner, win nave nispatcii or above port.l ir freight or passage, hav ing unsurpassed accd Ddatlnns, apply to J. H. r Lf ER, 25. North Watcr-st. Sept. 18 FOR RE W YORK, AR LINE.' THE fogi Scket Schr. E S. Powell, S. A. Wat aster, will hdvc quick dite- p.neh as abi For light freight or pas sage upply on board ! Sepi. 13 piain. or lo GEO. HARRISS. F0I NIXYORR. THE A. I.fasl rig packet Schr. Me- mento, Smith wtll- hi'Ve dispatch for above port Ireight or passage, huvin-unturpaestd ucco nations, apply lo IH. FLANNER, Nerth Water st. Sept. 18. 80. FOR BCJDN. THE superior 'fast i g Schr. Harvest, Williams master, aw dispatch foi ,aboveporl. I' or: rfrel ,r passage, havinif eood-accomuiodailons, appll J, fLANNEK, No. prth Water st. Sept. 18. 60. WESTERN SII0I :ks. 10 HHDS for bale by ELLIS, Rf ILL dr Lcpt. 2. TOBACCO ! TOBAllJ! BOXkS common manulacU OVJ20 do No. I Gold Bar, Ither fancy brands, daily expected per Ruilroac Manufac turcr, for sale by ZhNO ; ENE. Aug 17. N C T copy 66 CANDY! CANDY! 1 Fit ( I'RS Common; I J lJ 2,000 lbs Fine, In store and for alf Sept 18 bv Ji'.KlNSON CHARLESTON AND FL0RII THE splendid new Steam FLORIDA, Chables Winy. tcr, is now running regularly betl harkstoa and Jacksonville. Pirolata and Pi on the St. John's River The lime of depa has been fixed for TUKSDAi ol every wee 3 o'clock, P. M Pusfcngcrs by the cars on day will always be in time. This boat has built expressly for this line, with special referrl to the comfort and safctv ol passengers, a commanded by one of i he most experienced of hs) Igators. rersons desirous ol taking this rou are informed that the passage through to Pilatka made in about 25 hours. Fare lo Jacksonville, S 8 00 Picolata and I'ilatkn, 10 00 Any further Infotmntion will oe cheerfully given by the nnderslgned. Berths secured by addressing the agent, a; Char!' ston. J. rt. CALDWELL, gent ept 7. 75-eS tlJ. NEW SCHOOL. P. McGARY will ooen a School on . iVJLihe 15th of October, at her residence, for the instruction of Girls in she ordinary and higher branches of English education. Having had much experience in Teaching, and intending in future to devote herself entirely to this work, she hopes to give satisfaction to those who may entrust their children or wards to her care. Terms moderate payable In advance. . Residence on Boundary street, ndar Orango. Scholars can be accommodated with bbardj Tf de aired. -I."-'-' Sept 16. -i!79 3m JOHN ILL & SON'S , " - - w - . . QUPER1QX hootch Snuff, warranted equal - O any ia th State.- ?-..- . - - ' ' r .Wilkinson; eslkr. 00 .vr ing urm sepi .or EOUSE & LOT TO RENT M SELL.' aTH E subKrlber offers his Huuso anJ Lot. on Orange street, for rentursaW from Oct. 1st. . . For terms, spplstoMr. Daowl Frs;u. B. L. HOS .INS. sept. 23. 83-if TO RENT. A comfurtsble room for one prrron, beard can be obtained, if desirrd For further particulars, apply at the Offieeof 'As Com mercial. appt. 28. 63 3i. FOR SALE OR RENT, ONE of the mist desirable siua'iions In ia the town that pleaant location on the ummit of Markei St.. 100 feel front bt 330 levt rear, boundina on three streets. The h-use ia large, new and comfortable and will be finished by first .f October. Outhouses die. on the premises. Call and examine. P. w. r AN M IN u. sept. 25. J. & II. cope. 83-4-le. HOUSri AND LOT AT AUCTION. J?YS. AJ. WEST. ON Saturday, 26th September. 13S2. at 10 o'clock, at hichanue corner, will be sold, ,if not disposed of at private sale. A line House and Lo on corner of Dock and Eighth streets, lot 66 by 1 50 feet, house is new, with 5 rooms, Kitchen, Carriage houe, stables, dec, and a Well of 'good water on the lot; possession given on 1st October. Those who wish to purchase will do well lo examine the premises before day of sale. Mr. J. H. Philyaw -who occupies Ihehouae, will give you any Information concerning the premises. Terms at sale ALSO Some other Lots will He sold, In the south part of the town. Also, one house aud lot on Second street, sept. 21. 81-3t FOR SALE. I offer for sale my House and Lot whore I nov reside. Price 92,800. Approved note at Bank. W. H. DUDLEY. Sept 21. Bl-2w, FOR RENT. TWO dwellings ir the Brick Building on 2d street, between Market and Dock Streets. UilLKueh havinir good yards and gardens, with a pr:ng ot good water on the premises O G. PARSLEY. Sept.. 16. J. & H copy.' 79 tf. FOR RPNT. A comlortuble dwelling wuh largo yard and garden on 2nd Street, between Ann and Nunn Streets. O. O. PARSLEY, Guard'n. 16, 1852. J.& II. copy. 9-tf. Sept TO RENT. THE fine new brick, store, granite front, contiguous to that of MacRao dc Harris!, i west side ot Front Street. GILBERT POTTER. 76-tf. sept. FOR RENT. A pleasant front Office, over the Store occu pled by us. FREEMAN & HOUSTON'. T.,1952. 79 2w. aepi FOR RENT. From the 1st of October next, the North Store, under Mozart Hal), at present occu- iulnifri tu Inhn 2hmv Kun rriitrilt A. POLLEY 4- HART. FOR SALE OR RENT. lor sile or rent. Apply J. A. PARKER. 53 if. THREE House to July 17. HAY, nAY, HAY. 300 BALES prime Eastern Hay, now in Btore, and U sale by CILJBOURN & HOOPER. September 4. 74. MESS OA BBLS. landins. PORK. For sale by ELLIS, RUSSELL 4 Co. 78 Sepi 14. ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, BOXES of excellent qiiuliiy. Just ?"relved 12, at L. N. BARLOW S. August 31. 72. MUSIC SCHOOL. THE 7th Session of Mrs. H WHlTAKEIt'S fli.;iV Srhnnl 1 will commence on tne 1st October next. It Is much desired that those wishing to become her pupils should make as earlv an application an posri ble, in order that the hours may bo arranged with a view to the convenience of all. Mrs. W. returns her thanksfor the liberal patron age she has received, and can only assure her pa trons that she will ever, as heretofore, use her ut most endeavors for the advancement of her pupils. Her term are Twenty Dollars the Session of Five Months New Music and Guitar Sirincs constantly on hand, and for sale low. H. WH1TAKKR. Wilmingion. Sepi. II, 1852. 77-if. VINEGAR. BUL3. Landing from Sehr. E. H. Rolv. v'. For sale by ELLIS, RUSSELL & CO. 73. Sepi. 2. U. S. MAIL. POR )!IV YORK CVEHV WEDNESDAY. THE new and splendid side wheel steamship RoAsoaa, 120flJttw Our- Uieo Liwi. Pasish ComriMHiaVfrrTrarrvinB United tales Mail, will leave Attffilk every Wed nesd.iv it o'clock, for Nexf YWk, and returning leaves YJirjL&ikJIdav at 4 r. h.. for Norfolk Point and Richmond. Passage e and fare between New York and Nor. t, with splendid siuierroom'nccooimodations, 3 erage passage, i . - . . 4 lor 1 Ireignt or passage. sddIv to LUdlam ik Pleasants, New York. J Rl. SUiTH ii BRO., Nofolk Mail by this ship closes at lbs Post Office . I A ' . 1 . J . .n ,1 . , vwkij '.runesaay a I iu o ctocs. a. m . rust : o. ' - ' 7j-3-mo. AND SIATIONERV STORE, BY S W WH1TAKER ubseriber has just opened In ihe town of ngion, in. c, one door above .-ic-j't 6c Ba lothing SKt'on Murkei Streii a large tortment of Books and Station- ery ill be Bold at wholesale or retail. All pen ng to buy books may now find then) ia Uih Stor s low as can be bought In any Eook f Baltimore ; School and Country Store ing In at prices that will justify their buy ton. The subscriber Intends usine cv-'ry e ment, at to keep a large and general aasort- find any rsons calling on htm for Books may ttock be tiiev witn. iaii ana examine his chasing elsewhere 1 ha alse haa a large 1 etoc Violin a indl ic for Piano, Uultar, Mclodean, also musical Instruments of va nous kind lidities 1 also Pianos of the best manufacturi er home cs will be aold as low as any oth- This est it same quality I'lano. will undertake the Agency Newspapers and other perl- for Book.P odicals. .1. .. W. WnlTAIlfc.lt. 81 if a FALL C VUf- re recelvioj our Fall snpply of Grorrt, V mil, Cigars, Jhirdwsre, t uUetf, Dry Uood, Negro CkMhs, 4c consisting ir part tf Coffee I. iguyrs. I'.i.i, Porto Rico, anl Java, Sotfar 'PurtoKico: anJ New Orleans. Doable ReCneil. Lf. Ctuh- J. Pvwdeif.l. Granulated arrt Teas of ail tatlrtie. Cten and f.lacl, J Gotten Lard, Snap No. I and Toilet, ' '"' Sperm, Adamantine, Wai and Mould Candle, , Colgiies I'esfl Sisfch. bags and boxes Salt, Pep per, Alt.plce, Ginger, Cassia, Cloves, Naimgsf&c, Cheese, Pilot and Navy Bread. Soda Biscuit, Lem on and Sugii Crackers. l t - 'j!'' VILA. : . Sperm, winter strained and F.Irphsnt, Oli In biskeis, bottles and billies, 1 Castor, In barrels and rxtiWs. .. Llqions. Brandy, Rum, Cm, v hi. key. Wine a no Cordial MILLETS. A large supply on hand, eptemb r size, WOODEN AND WILLOW WANE. Willow Cabs, covered and open BasKeif, ' Cedar and pointed Tub and Buckets. Flour Pail, Iron bound and barred toslf-bushel measures. Nest Measures, Well Backets, Axe Helves, Cocoa Dippers, Lamp Wick. Twine. Bed Cord. Wah Boards, Rolling Pins, Fancy Biid Cage, 100 f rota inatctifs, c OILS, PAINTS AND PAINT BRUSHES. 6 dozen Ground Paint Brushes, 2 000 lbs. Black snd White Lead, Verdigris, raw and boiled Oil M empty Kegs K nnd 10 gallons, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives. Curry Combs, Gun Caps, Weeding, Rico and Orubblng Hoc, Frying Pans, Coffee Mills, Weight and Scale, r vms, onoveis spsnrs, aeivrs, Axes. PR Y GOODS A ND CLOTHING. Osnaburgs, Drillings, Dentins, Blankets, Georgia Plains, and 60 rolls Kerseys. FRUITS. Raisin, Currants, Citron, Prunes, Almonds, Canton Ginger, Ac. PAPER. 200 reams, all sizes, Wrapping Paper, 20 do Letter, Cap and Kill do. TOBACCO, SNUFF ASD CIGARS. C Cases fine Chewing Tobaoco, 1.: Half barrcU Snuff, 50,000 No. i brand Cigars, CHANDLERY. Blocks, Hooks and Thimbles, Manilla, Hemp and Cotton Cordage', Oakum, Oars, Leather, e. 4e. For sale by HOWARD dr. PEDKN. Sept. 11 77 NOTICE. APPLICATION will be mado at the ensuing session of the Legislature of this Slate for the prohibition of the sale of Naval Store by the In spectors of the same. Aug. 21. 68 6 TAKE NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made o the next Leg islature, lor the Charter of a Bank In the town of Wilmington, to be called the Merchants' and Far mers' Bank. Aug 17 66-Gw FLOUR!! QC BBLS. Extra Baltimore Family Flour; iCO 100 bbls. Super. " 25 halfbblj. For sale by August 31. J. & D. MtRAE&CO. 72. JUST RECEIVED. AFRESH supply of Coffee, Sugar, Cheese, Butler. Crackers, lc, for sale low by 1 0- S. KOONCK. August 3d. 60. NORMAL COLLEGE. W1HE Fall Session will commence on Wednea- M. day, the 15th of September. The CoUeg Ul coropteteiy organized, the Faculty full, and the lo cation perfecjly healthy. The entire sxpensper Session of five months, for board, tuition, 4c, ti8 to S45. The College is near the Plank Road one hundred miles from Fayettevllle, ana can be reach ed from Wilmington for 15 to tlO expense. Per sons arriving at Fayetteville by Boat or Stage, can.. ov application to J. K. Troy or J. D. Williams, ob tain conveyance 10 the Colhtee very cheap. CRAVEN, President. Aug. 28. , ' . 7!-lm NEW HANOVER INsfirUTET HIIE seventh session of- this Institute Will com J. intnee on (ho 1st of Octobes, 1852, and contin ue until the 15th rff February, 185J. Circulars rontnininc full particulars will be found at the Office of the Commercial, or can be obtained 110111 1 ue rrincipai. r. Kii I . ocpli f 75-lmp JUST N TIME. BBLS. extra Flour, 10 ' Rye WhUlay. 15 years old, 10 " Rectified niskey, 10 " Cider Vinegar, 5 hhds. Porto Rico Sugar, 5 tierces 20 bans Bio Coffee, 20 fine Bedsteads, assorted kinds, 150 pieces Calico, assorted, Ju'i rtceived per schr. S. R. Potter, and for suit ow fircaah by S. M. WEST. Ang. 28. 12,000 ACRES OF TURPLSTISE LAND FOR SALE HP HE Executors of Gen'J. Clinch offer for ''9 A sale the Twelve Thousand' Acres of Land known as the Batab tract, lying on the Si John's River, Immediately opposite Picolata, In Essi Florida. The above tract is peculiarly adaptciflo tho Turpentine business, being covered wijh a liiick growth of piae, and. bavjqg a River front of uiore than fivemfiea. It is now no longer a matter of doubt thatTurpen- une can be profitably made In this section of count ry, as .Mure are already a number of persons-JUdcl and succesmuny engaged in the bojTcirs. 1 he stcnmboajirrvfmf from Savannah, stoprego Isrly at Pirolata. Persohs desirous of purchasing can obtain any further information by sddrcsslng J. II. M. CLINCH, K'f JcffcrBonidn.Camdciico .Ga., Dec. C, 1850 l; UG-if BEST PERUVIAN GUANO. F t-.-keevya constarrt supply of the abvo valus it bie Manure. For sale ts low as it can be im ported. J.dcD. McRAEdt CO. August 31. 72. lTqTorsInd wines. A FULL assortment, foreign and domestic, for sale hy FREEMAN & HOUSTON, sept II. 77 PORTO RICO SUGAR. TEW'hhda for sale low-, tocVssJCoslgnmcnl, xi. By b-LLlo, UL100ELL Vo acpt. zd. 7J. ' TOBACCO. SO WHOLE, and 50 quarter boxes excellent Chewing Tobacco, Y or sale by Acat 10 tf J.U. FLANNF.R. SEGARS. lyiww ELLIS, RUSSELL 4 CO. Sept. 2. .-MOUSSES.. 0 IN 8tore, 160 Hhda. prime aw;e! MOLASSES. For sale in Iota to suit.' MILKS COSTIN, . t to suit. MILKS COSTIN, t 1 1 O HALrvfclT. '"' dnrv.W KrrtT. fry $:, ""?'- ' Brown Wharv.'1 14 low. hv WILK H( N lLE.. tV.va -N ,t-?t fi. SS. " 1 1 0'ptemh 4..'-.v'r T tl J ' ' A S'nV X'i f.f''.i ' '';:'y '''' ' inly 24. "ST!., 1 :3tHllLLNCIl ; TlTnATEyKIl eonerrns ths health and ksppl- f ars or a people I at all time r the most tsluabte Itnporianes. ,aK( ;, fut tnr.ui that every person will do all ia their power, save the livfol iheir children, aad thu stery perron-will rndeatir l prumot ibeir own health at all atrV -fict. 1 fW it mydofy- to (olemnly aaw tea lhar WORMS, according to ih opinion of ihe nkt eelebrafeJ Physicians, are lite f" 'y r.nse of a lorge'fca.rily of diseoM 10 ihildiraj and adult r ablff if yoa have a friie ton- llfin-illar htain)viji (rnm Is U J mM t. . a . - other, Bid Breath, Pain In the Biomaer, PW lleg at Ihe Nose, tlardnet an4 Fgl;tie f 4 KtHy, Dry Coegh, Slow Ksver, f ule irregular.. i. member thai all these denote VNORll.S, arid ) should at apply the rmiedv: . . ' 1I0BF.NACK 3 WORM L tL?P. ' ' An article founded apori Stbtn fte Piitwlj lrr, cunpounded Willi purely srgetatle i.b.--.iwr b- . Ing perfectly af: whn isk.n, andtsn ! aien i ' ths most tnfvr luiflni w 1th drsidt d b h. fieiat tli ri, wber Btwtttl CvmpioMt nnd Diarrhea hast rail - lUrmik ami dtbiiuwid il.e 1cM-irpifktof my Wutm Syiup ar uh, that it mmfi v iilmitia ftjual ian caiulogue ol iricditlnrii, (n givipg ob -and strength lo Hi Stomnch wliUb Rule it asj 5 Inlalliable rfmedy for those afflicted with Dspn$!a, "' ihe astonishing cur petlormrd by this jturt aftry ' Ph)elelan hast failed, I the beat ev id, rice vf its superior 4 m a.y over all oiUrs. -J,-,w Thia I ihe must difficult Worm w dcsiroy of nil ,' that Infest 1 he human, aysirm, it fro" to tn si- ' most Indefinite kngtU becoming so riJd and fsst - -easd in ilia Inieslinef ,.swd fctomsch sllW-tisf th , health so sadly a to caw St. Vilu Dance, Fiia, ., ihal tros iffllcted seldom If ever Inspect that IU7Vm II rm basirninf thtm to ao early grave. -lo order to destroy tbi- Worm, o4terr eriergeile; ireaiment mast be oursucd, It would ihmfuis t . proper lo fake fl ro 8 of my Liver PHJa so as to re inova all obstructions that ih Worrn Sftop may art direct upon ihe Worm, which most be taken In cose of rabkfpoonfullsatlmeaa ilay;th dV f reeiiona followed havthTrrbeen leROiiobilia ' curing the moat ebstioit case ot TpptMorm. "J ' a6BENskKirEWriLL: WO part oC the sysifitt IrtlosV. liahfe t disrssir than the LIVKR, it scrying at a filiaret to psrlfy ' (he blood, orgltlne the proper eccfctfoii to the bile; o that any wrong action of tt;o' LJycf etfecta lb" , other Important poa ttf the tcnf it result ' vartousljr. In ,Lir Conptelat anrtdka, Pjtpp Ua, Ac- W should, therefore, watch every syrup torn that might Indicate a wrong action of ihe Lis' 1 ' er. Thesa Pill being composed of RC0T5 4 - H PLANTS furnished by nature to heal the tick i ' Namely, lt, An EXPECTORANTk whlcfc aug- t menta the aeerbtiorf from the Pulmcnarr nucua ' membrane ', at promote ihe-disr horgo' of rrmf matter. 2nd., An ALTERAT1VK, whUh ehanget. In some Inexplicable and inscrisiblo manner iho certain morbid acton of the lystem.- 3rd, A TON" 1C which glvea ton and streng;h to the ncrvoi. system, renewing health and viarrto oil ports 01 ihe body. 4th, A CATHARTIC, which arte In perfect harmony with iheother Ingrcdler.ts, and ' operating on the Bowelsand rtpellicg the n hle-. mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, ami pnrllrin? ' the blood, which destroys disease' and rciteri ' health. . ... 1 . 4tp u You will find there Pill in' invaluable medicine In many complaints to which yo ar tobjtet. In obstructions cither total or partial, they have bern found of Inestimable benefit, restoring their func tional arrangements to a healthy action, purifyln? the blood and other flulcW so effectually to put t flight all complaints which may ; aria from female Irregularitle, at headacha, giddiness, dimness of lht, pain in the aide back, LcJ . None genuine up! skjnrd J.X. Ilebcqiack, all other oelng base Imiffioit.; . a ... er Agent wiamng ewt r-ppll, and Store Keepers dealroua s4 bqcomlnir Aifents musi add rei the Proprieior.i.fllobeneeck, tpwbdrlrhi, Pa Kor sole by tfWiUC and WMI I1.LIPPP1TT. br e'vartr Merchant and Druorist ihe CounTvand Sate. 1riearhSSeiii jul28 I2riM; t ,.- ?.' .J NEW FURNITURE. . THE subscriber wouIJ reipcctruMy lovitf tl.e at 1 tendon of the public te hlsstock of Furniture : now being rect Ivc'd by the Philadelphia, New York -and Boston packets Hay Ina recently: made an addition to hi already tery exiensive Ware Rooms, ho will be enabled to keep on band aa complete an . assortment aa can be found In any establishment of the kind, and having purchased nearly" ill of hi -goods of manufacturers, he ean sell it terf reason- ante price. 1 n loiiowtng article may t toui d io his establishment. ': Sofas, Black Walnut and" Mshogonjr, In: ptuih, . haircloth, brocatelle or D'Lulne y '; ". Tete a Tetea j Divan ( ' - - Stuffed at Hocking and easy Chain j v Gothic arm and aitting Chair t ' " Sofa, Centre, t?lert Boquet, dnd work Tobks 1 - Etaglres, er Commode and eornei What Not 1 . Ottomans, Cricket, nd Teapoy r " Fine Mantle or Plel Olassrs y-U ,W TN t , Piano Fortes, Stools and Musle Elands t Sidoboarda, Extension and other Dining Tallc' , Dining Chairs 1 i -v , - Secrctanca, fine Frenih and common ; ' ' Etngire 1 Poriabla Drake, In foewoodhmahog any. black walnut, or rapla machr I - - - - .. Fine Library Chair ana Lounges' t Dressing Bureaus, plain and Marblej, , , , , Washstands, every variety 1 11 " Ward;obe, mahogsny, walnut and painted - -About 100 Bedstead, French, Collage, high post, half post, Field indCor, InmahogaBy, wslnut, cherry, msple and Iron , Itrrfse, curled hair, niois and springs Towel Stand I e.ti9, 4t Painted ielts of Chamber furniture "t Chairs, and Roc kerf l about 12S dxaen Cane n.I Wood Scat : Tvf v .1 . Hat trees, walnut mahogany and lrYBf r. Counting Room andOfljce Desks, Chairs, Stool . and Shelreat ' ' 2'' Cane Seat high SiooU, with bark, a nc article tSflunt er and Steamboat Stool t t J' i t - . i Loinh&Olasae, every description, from i2 , - centeteinWjW s: ' . ChlldrenVCab. cVifi?te.'.Hor'-Rocl,fr Criba. Chair. Cradle. TTtniMUsJ'' ?nd Toy Bureaua j r - v-i i Work ttnsMt. ,Hk Refrieeratora, Water CwUtL Hatlis. 4-t. Almost every article thai may be wanted In th.s line. - ' 1 "Jl. LOVE. Front iret-t. i Sept. 11 -' M;iowrr paper eopf ' 9 tf 'L-aO;F.' MASONS AND SONS O P TEMPERA NCE: PR EM 1UM REGALIA DEPOT. , ' . GIBBS at. SMITH. No.tU JshIo.oro Su Balii uiore Md., Regalia and Banner Manufacturers, respectfully Invite the attention of the Bttthrrn of tne dlnarent Urdera tnroognoul Hie Country to their extensive and beautiful assortment of iy Regalia, Banners, Suhcs, Costumes,' Jew els, Ac. All of which are got up under their' im mediate instructions, a comprise one of the lar gest ssenrtmsnt lobe found In; tho United- Sta,. 1 Member of Encampments, Odd Feilow, Ma. . t"o: Son of Temper iHiCft (ted Men, snd -Ai-sn-' ciaiione wishing to furnish their Hulls, or supply , themselves individually tth Regalia, will find cur 1 House offets great Inducttnenta, aa we ttep-totf atantly on hand large and atautlful asotimcntTR' allstylee., Apply to or addrere, . j. v . " V .GIBBS A SMITH. )' .' No. 73, Haltlmor St.; Baltimore. Md. " April 29. ; J- 'c.V-;,f nl94m , m t.,-.i ;. . it S .?: -,-,..,. . i' -,vv V '.i-

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