THE COMMKilCiAL. JWll.MlNr.TON N.c. SEPTEMBER 29, IS52. fUESDAY, FOR FHESIDEXT riMEL WEBSTER, OF MA.S8CBCeETT8. FOU VICE PKDSIDHST WILLlA'l A, GRAHAM, . Or NOHTH CAROLINA. , Tj the Elector etlhe Caps Fear Region, and tUe Town or Wilmington, Especially. t - Ftu.ow-CiTi7.EN a : A .resident of your . community, intimately identified with you in feeling ami in interest; and believing that the . result of the approaching Presidential Elec tion h fraught' with consequences more ira , porta nt i to iti advancement than any which .'t lia preceded it since I have hecn an obser- ver of public affair, I beg leuve most respect fully to invite your consideration to some of the reasons which have produce! this impres sion upon my mind, and which will influence my aclion when I come to cust my vote in November next - A paramount object with every intelligent and: reflecting member of the community I ' address, is the advancement of our Cominer rial .facilities,, and the building up of a niar , ket town within our i own limits for the pro-. 1 -ducts of Jabor in our own Stale. The cor rectness f this position is abundantly con- firmed, by ho laudable and almost unexaru- pled efforts that have been arid are still be r .' ing made, for the accomplishment of this dc- sirable end." But what avails all that has ' been done or all that we can do towards fu . - cilitaiing the Internal transportation of pro ' , duce to our market; if the accesi thence to the great Highway of Nations is obstructed ' -: by a Bar at the mouth of the Hiver. I need v. not state that this obstacle is increasing every 't year nay every monlh--nor is it necessary '. ( for rae to advert td the injury which the trade of the place has already suffered Irom this ' cause your own obsei ration and your own . pockets bear ample testimony to the melan choly fact'.'-; With a view to the removal of tins impediment to tho extension of our com ,' mcrcial relations, 4he Congress ol the U. S. at the instance, and perhaps it would not be go . ing too far to say by tho iufluence of a num bet of our, Public spirited citizens have just , r made an appropriation to commence this iru i provement. The sum is not large($20,000)but sufficient, it is said, to carry on the work un tj jbftjriminiwrihiit body. At all t 'events. U commits Wfl. Government to the work, ' and if we are trew to ourselves, is an , ' earnest of its ultimate accoBplishraent. But suppose that by any 8-fiency of ours Pierce should eucceetf-the fewnt - very National aud Patriotio Executive at w Washington, would he not (and 1 put the "questiouf to cvery candid and sensible man) . would he not 'as an honorable man commit i ted us he now is by his acceptance of the : ' Ballimoro Platlorm, in addition to nil his for- mcr acts on Bimilaf or rather identical ques- tidns. be compelled to defeat by the exercise v of his veto Power any Bill for the continuance - of the works -as would be likely to pass thro Congress 7 'I am aware it may be said that the works for,which wc require an appropri 4 ' ation is so dearly National that it would nut 'ry-bfctxAMgwi by the Presidential veto. This might ' be trae,vif it could be presented 'y'" Alport' its own merits; but every man at all j " conversant with the subject knows that the thingjs. impracticable that these Bills to ., succeed at all roust embrace objects enough : ' to secure the favor of a majority of the mem v bers to carry them through so that the real V .- Touch Stone of the constitutionality of the ' Improvements not whether it is National or .: not biit : how it will affect the interests of " ray constituency. ; Fellow Citizens ol both the great Politi- - , ral Parties ; we have too often sacrificed the best interest of our good old State, to the more than profitless strife of Federal Politics The contest has been so bitter, that wo have i quite overlooked our Home Interests. Wei's we have had our Democratic and our Whig President;; ench Party has in turn succeeded. ; The victors have exulted and the vanquis ' 'frankness and 1" . yWKTinquire lor the "cui- sfiCTTvvhat good has resulted, cither to com- taunitics or to the 0tal at large, from the .. success bf the one, which would not have followed - the success 'of the other what monument of; Slate aggrandizement has teenrrecled to which tlio Members of either . Parly cun point, and say ; (bis is the fruit of tor Policy, the trophy o bur success none, noioaeiio.'le solitary instance has fallen un der my observation; all the returns we have riceiycd after the contest, is a worthless, un meant, and unmeaning compliment to tho honesty and steadfastness of the "Old North State.'? -r r!,--v To you. my Fellow Citizens, who act with the Whig Parly-but withhold your support from the nominee of the Baltimore Conven tion permit me, -with the greatest deference and most pjbfoune respect, to uddreu a few words far'be it" from mo to impugn your motives ox "to ' juesti6a'' your patrioilim. I heartily accord to you of both as "much of urity or dcvoicdness as I claim for myself. But in the multiplicity of business engage ment! have you gjren to the subject that deep refaction, that earn'al inves:lg.ulon which its iniportunce demands? Have you looked to the consequences of your course in view of lis destructive effects upon the im provemenls now in progress amongst us? You reply that you do not intend to aupport the ami Internal . Improvement candidate but have reflected lht every vote you divest from his opponent impairs the strength of the latter to this amount. : You urge us an objection to the nominee of your party, that he is supported by Abo litionists and Freesoilers. Is it reusonable to suptiose that cither of the candidates now beforo the country will be elevated to the chief magistracy, without receiving any votes of this description ? It is a matter of gralu l ition to every patriot of all sections, that thesj madened fanatics, these phrenzied zeal ots have no formidable distinct organization of tiieir own, but ure distributed between the two great parties of the country (in what proportion to each in my judgment no man knows) so as to be restrained and controlled by the conservatism ol both. If one of the candidates is supported by Seward, Gree" ly, and others, so in the ranks of his compet itor are to be found the names of the Editor of the Evening Post, the Plain Dealer, the Buffalo Republican, and Albany Atlas; be. sides those of the Messrs. Vanlhiren, Preston King, Floyd, Stanton. Chalterfield, Dix, B. F. Hallel, Atwood, CIcaveland, Wilraot, and others : men who have rilled the hlihest ol- ficcs in the Federal and State Governments, and who now occunv hiirh nositions before the country. Hence it is not fair to infer Irom this circumstance alone that either of the candidates is less to be relied upon than the other on the great southern question. But the nominee of your Convention by his acceptance of the platform, in his con versation with Mr. Uplon, and his interview with tho Mississippi Delegation, corroborated by tho Letter of Quitman, the speeches of j Gen. Shields, and Mr. C. J. Ingersoll, togeth er with his own pledges, guaranteed by the unsullied honor of a soldier, nssuredly fur nishes the most conclusive evidence of his fi delity lo the Soulh. In his conversation with Mr. Upton he re marks, -il ever I do anything to impair the efficiency of the fugitive 6lave law or having a tendency towards its repeal, then write in famy before my name infamy after my name and kick me into the gutter." Could language, think you, be more strong, more emphatic, or more conclusive? Perhaps you allege that injustice was done the South in the Convention ; that fraud was practiced there ; if such be your opinion, al low me to say, fellow citizens that in inyhum- ble Judgment, you are mistaken. The charge is a general one, or perhaps, it would be more proper to say that no specification has met my eye, and think the strictest scrutiny into its proceedingswill discover no unfairness. It is true that yoiiverc outvoted ; you were in a minority in lliaYiSody; hut this is necee sarilv the case in tiih-oonulur assemblies, when there exists a diversityof opininn. The very object of the convention was to produce harmony of feeling and concei t of action, which could not be effected without mutual forbearance mid concession, a-id I know that every sentiment, every word, and every syllabic of that part of the platform which relates to the fugitive law. was dicta- ted by scuthe u heads and written by south- ern hands ll appears, then, that the platform ; the principles upon which your party was lo t ..,,. , mi act, was lurnislied by southern men. 1 hat the individual in whom they were embodied, the agent selected for carrying them out, was the choice, mainly of the northern mem bers of the party. Do you desire, do you think them bound to see that these principles, all of them, fugitive slave law included, are faithfully executed 1 You doubtless do, and most unquestionably have a right to c pect it; hut certainly this duty is not more impera tive upon them, than is your part of the com pact upon you, viz : 'To aid them in lite elec'tion of the individual unanimously selec ted by the Convention lo cr.rry out the roie.' If then. I have succeed eun estab is nnc my position ' that the nominee of your Con venlion is sound upon the compromise meas ures," I presume that no argument will be necessary to show, that on Jill other ques tionswhether of the Constitution or the pol icy ol the Government, his views being in strict accordance with those of the lamented Clay (that greatest because purest ofstat-s- iiicu, uu wiicii living iv u nearest iq our hearts, and since dead is dearest to our mem ories) Mr. Fillmore and Mr. Webster, are ol course in agreement with your own. I have thus lellow citizens, been a co-wor- j ker with you in tho important enleruriz, which have signalized our community, taken' the liberty of addressing you ona subject which in my judgment may prove fatal to the consutnatiou ol thrm ull. lam aware a of the obstacle presented by the pride of opinion, tne torceot loregone conclusions and the strength of party ties to the success of the appeal 1 have thought proper to make ; but I desire that when our fondest hone shall have been blasted, our brightest visions of commercial greatness obscured, ami our energies paralysed by the interposition of toe f residential veto, (he finger ol an indig nant and injured community shall never be pointed at me, even as accessory to the mis'. Chief. , , COOPERAGE. . TUB subscriber is no prepared lo make or re pair water cask of any size, Tor the use of ves sels, on the iowest terms i nlso, the citizens can have any article In the line of Coopering mads or repaired with dispatch. v A. MORGAN. Wilmington, Feb. 28, 1859. 147-12m.p. NORTH" CAROLINA BAMS. I (f SUPlvRlOtt HAMS, just r:ceied tier lJJ Railroad. DittOSSET & BROWN. July U, 1652. S3. WESTERN BACON. C( imDi. sides, 23 hhds. shoulders, IOhhds. tJUuim. and 20 hads Canada Pork, ail very sti perior, for sale by DoROSSET BROWN. July 7. 49 SPIRIT RARRELS. RTfl I SECOND hand Spirit Barrels, just recei- J I tved per schr. Mary Powell, lor sale Dy Aug. 17. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. COPARTNERSDIP. '1MIE Subscribers have this day entered into Co 1 partnership, for the tranyjction of a General Agency A Commission Business; under the style of GILLESPIE, ROTtiWELL & McAUSLAN. All orders promptly attended to, and liberal cosh advances made on consignments. G. S. GILLESPIE, A. B. ROTH WELL, JOHN McAUSLAN. Jan. 22. 132. SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. Holchkiss rpHE public-are hereby informed, that 1 have been JL appointed agent for the sale of Window Sash, minds and Doors, manufactured by the New Ha ven Co., and am prepared to fill ullorders Lithe above linn. The uunlitv ol tho work ol the New Haven 4)0. is well known in this market. Builders and all ' Personam warn of the above arilclcs, are requested to send in ihuir orders, and they will he promptly filled, lcrmsinvoriuoiy casn on aenvery. WM. A. GWYER. General Agent Commutian and Forwarding Mer chant. April 18. 15 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, No. 16, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET BALTIMORE. MARYLAND. DR. DOW has for many years devoted his whole attention to the treatment of Private Complaints, in ail their varied and complicated tonus. His great success in long standing and ditlicult cases, such as were fo merly considered incurable, is suffi cient to commend him to the publie as worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last eight years, Dr. I), has treated more than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, in their differ ent forms and stages ; a practice which no doubt exceeds that of ull other physicians now advertis ing in Kaliimorc, and not u single case is known where his directions were strictly followed, and medicines laken ut reasonable lime, without effect ing a radical and permanent cure; therefore, per sons afflicted with diseases of the abovo nature, "no matter how ditlicult or long standing the case may be," would do well to cull on Dr. DOW, at his of fice, No. 16, South Frederick St., and If not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be required for his services. His medicines are free from Mercury I and ull mineral poisons; put up in a neat and cqiii- pact form, and may be taken in a public or private i home, or while travelling, without exposure urhin 1 drance from business, and except in coses of vio I lent inflnmntion, no change of diet is necessary. h I KU I tjltl'.t). Dr. Dow uus discovered a : new method tiy wnteli no cun cure the worst lorm ol ; stricture and that winioiil pain or inconvenience to : the patient. Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate ! alami, or neck of the bladder, is sometimes mistaken lor strictures by general practitioners or charlatans. VOl A tr MEN I and olhers afflicted with .Seminal Debility, whelh- er originating from a Certain Destructive Habit, or 1 from any other cause, with irnln ol bodily and ! mental evils which follow, when neglected, should ! make an wly application, thereoy avoiding much trouble and suliuriiic, as well as expense. I!y his j improved method of treatment, Dr. D. can safely j guarantee a speedy and perfect euro in all cases of : this complaint. ; TO FEMALES. I All diseases peculiar lo Females (as ulso Sup- prcssionx, Irregularities, &c.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for i the cure of the above affections, have been well tes ' ted in an extensive practice for the last twelve years. I'etsons at a distance may consult Dr. D. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have tried ieinc : ccurcly put up'imd forwarded to any part of the i U"'leu States, always accompanied with full und explicit directions lor use. Communications con Mdered strictly confidential Office arranged wiih ! separate apartments, so that patients never see iany i one but the doctor himself. Attenduncedaily, from y jn lne mornin" till 9 at night. N. B Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will do well to avoid the various SOSTHUMS AM) SPECIFICS, advertised by Apothecaries and Druggists as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They are put up lo sell, but not to cure, and frequently do much more harm than good therefoie avoid them. A word lo tho wine is sufficient. Address DR. J. DOW, 16 Souih Frederick St., Ealiimorc, Md. Sept. 7. 75-ly-e POISONING. THOUSANDS of parents who use Yerniifuge :., arc not X composed of Castor oil. Calomel, arc., arc not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patients Ihey ure actually laying the foundations cfor a serie of diseases, such us salivation, loss of sight, weak ness of limbs, &c. n another column will be fouud the advertise nsack's Medicines, to which we ask tly interested in their own mem 01 th. la Liver Uotn- miu UUCIUIUII Ol Ull Ull from those of a bit- .....1 ..11 .i;...j T-f inr nnlir r" llou. typo, should mak , . . U u . ' " inedicine. Hobensack's Liver Pill. r "i"" It. ...... J , . . r . '" uui osk lor MODcnsack's .norm syrup and Uver I'llls.and observe lhat each i una me signature 01 lite proprietor, J. N. HOBEN-j o alk, us none else are fenuine july27. 67 i MALAGA WINE. EtlLS., pure, just received nnd for sale by I N 1. 1 11 1 nw 1 Au2 21. w ... un uuu,,i utsnue row, p ronirl TAKE NOTICE. A i'K 11 1 !( v.-i' be presented to (he aexi a .-.uiurc, praying a repeatoMbe law auilii nc uie 01 uaages to laborers in to town 1 mington, ana lor other purposes. r Augl7 . EMPTV BlRMLsT I (il ) ''KIM E second hond 40 gallon w uuueu irom Dark Clarissa. II ADAMS, BIKI August 19. ORANGE AND LEMON Im and h ported 1 1 h have for sale a lot of handso ' urunge Trees, of choice varied iw. irom uenon, Italy. . acpt ll-77.4w . FREEMAN &l NOTICE. 'potttivtty ar Waras. WE tre under lbs ncu$ity of 4 Inill casts, 10 ssotf out tmj fttRldS.' FOR SALE. Qf DOZ. Cocoa Not Dippers from the Mann J lurcrs, and at their prices. ; - ALSO: . "' . 60 Bales best Navy Oakum; 10 Bbls. DiHilllersGluoi ,: , 25 Boies Mould Candles , J. AD. McRAE&CO. August 31. .' ' .. 72. . GUNNY BAGS. CONSIGNMENT of 25,000 two bushel Gunny Bags. For sale, In lota to suit, by MILES COST1N, Brown's wharf. Sept. 14w ; . . . 73. BOOTS AND SUOES. ADJUST Received by late arrivals, l"direct from Manulncturers. Ludtea enameled inick sole buskins, I " ' thin " ", kid thick " " thin " Sliiipera, ALSO Men's Calf and Kip Bwgans thick ' " For sale, wholesale and retail, by GEO. R. FRENCH. Sept. 7. 75 3wi WESTERN HAMS. T7OR sale by ELLIS, ltUSSELL & COJ V Sept. 2. SASSAFRAS SOAP. npHIS SOAP has at last come. Call GFO. MYI ' Family Grocery," Fron Aug. 19, 1852. JUST RECEIVED, AT THE OLD STANDign of the BIG BOOT, a go and we.l-selecfed stock ol llfls and fehoes. It would be useless to specllfJkinds and qualities. Suffice il lo say Ihey are fl every de scrintion cenerollv called for in our bflness. A good assortment of Calf-SkinlfUpper an Sole Leather. Manufacturing and Repairing, ns Bial. i G. & C. BKADliY & CO. Sept. 4. 7-J-lm. BACON AND P01 1 n HHDS. Western Shoulder ierces Pork, 1 VJ (300 lbs each.) Just recelv Id tor sale by J. & D. ItAE & CO. WHISKEY OC BBLS. Rectified Wliiske lO Bbls. fine Old Ot Mononeahcla. For sale 10 close con- signmenr. J. & August 31. IcRAE & CO. 72. SEGARS SI ALL qualities and prices hundred dollars per thous WILKir IRS. m threo to one b) fc hSLER September 4. LEMONS, LMNS PRIME Naples Lemons, Ontario, For sale low t Aug 20. WILK per Steamer ON & BSLER. NOTI TTR. HENRY L. ADAM 'ithdrawg from our l'X firm, a d his interc urtner therein ceas- cdby limitation on the 1st 1 usual, 1832. ADAMS I OTHER & CO. 70-tf. Aug. 26, 1832. FLO 50 LS finding rom Ir. Ann Elizabeth. For sale by ELI I RUSSfcLL St Co. August 5. 61. OUR MOTTO TO PLEASE," A Wilmington gaddl aincss, and Trunk Mai ory. THE subscriber Ily informstae public JL that he has recent, uvea additions 10 mt stock of saddle and latest and most imp ss Mountings, etc, the ityle, und is lonsianly on market street, every manufacturing, at h description of articl; i above line. From hie experience in the b he feels confident that hewill be able to g ire satisfaction lo all who may favor him will I. He has now on hand. and willconstaiitl a tamo assortment ol Coary, Oig and 1 Iliuness, Lady's Saddles, Bridles, YVMps, rcntle nun's Saddlet, Whips fiurs, dc. all of whi vill warrant lo be of the best mate I nd workmanship. He has also i assortment of Trunks, Valises, Sat hid Carpel Hags, Satchels, Fancy Trunk '., and ail other articles usually kept In such foments, all of which he oilers low for CASI n short credit to prompt custo mcrs. Saddles made to 01 1, Trunks, edical Bagg.&c.tsc, Inadditl, the above the subscriber nlwave keeps on andhasn large supply of String Leather. d wlkP3p through thesoasonagood assort t'ly Kelts. dto cull and examine my Goods, All are, wheth it or not, as 1 take pleasure 1 11 shw- ing my tment to all who may favor me with a call. Hari tid Coach Trimmings sold at af airprice toper! lying to manufacture. Ala hips at wholesale. (sof Riding' Vehicles bought andsold on ms. John' .conoley. co 1852. 39 BUTTER. EGS, put up expressly for family use, dai- expccied, and lor sale low by ELLIS, H.USSKLL01 CO. S TILLERS OF TURPENTINE. VE reduced the price of my SPlItl'T B A TI LS to SI 60 delivered at any placo in Wil ton. After iristmas they will be extra silo. wishing cau jontract by the year on these HOOP IRON for sale at 65 per ton. A. MORGAN. IVIlmington. Nov. 11th, 1861. IU2-lnio.-tri-ly-w. DISCOUNT NOTES. LANK NOTES for dlscouui at tho several banks in this place, and a handsome edition usl printed of notct, embracing sift ho bank, for sale auneumccol me Commercial. Oci.26. 89.. STEAM ENJIE FOR SALE. WE offer for saleorie ofN. B Siarbuck's En gines, Cylinder 10 in. boro, 24 in Stroke; on solid cast iron bed, with force pump regulator, wa ter heater, and all connecting steam and water pipe, togeihcr with jwo borers 28 In. diameter, 24fect Jong boiler front, gtates,- safety valve, blow off, check and gage cocks, und a full set of wrought and cast Iron works for a single Saw Mill, with castings for a carriage 40 feet in length. The above Engine and Machinery are similar lo every respect to those in ust, on the Fayettevllle end Western Plank Road) they have just been Imported from Troy, where they were manufactor ed to order, and have not jet been pat up. - AH teady for Immediate delivery. 'Apply to 1 ;r..,.;n- - March S7. ' DiROSSET oV UROVVN. SASSAFRAS SOAP, OR Washing Compound, just received by L. N. BAKLOVV, Aag. 21. I GranlU row, Front st. PAINTS, OILS, tie. Orff LBS. Pure Extra and No. 1 Lea OUUU 1 bbls Linseed OU. Pore. 150 lbs Chroma Greeto, 6U lbs Paris Green ground and in Oil. 6 boxesChrome Green. IDnr.14 boxea Am. Vermillion B bbls Lomo Black. fiOOIba 8 nanlsh Brown, (irOil,) 2 casks Tcnitiao Red, (English,) 500 lbs Vinltian Red, (in Oil,) 150 boxes Window uiass, Aicutan ana c rencp, at C. DvPRE'S. Drug Store, Market at. WORLD NEVER BEFORE $uch a matt of Home Tettimony given to any other Medicine ! E GREA r DISCO VER Y QF THE AGE! K.KADI READ I READ I Joy to the World! Hi ft for the AMicUd ! SAUNDERS' CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE. A apeedy and efficacious remedy in Dyseniary, Di- arrllfPA l'hnlt-a M..vk... v.'......r... . Cholera Infantum, Colic, Flatulency, and all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels from Teething. In the early stages of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Summer Com plaints, Colic, dtc.dtc. a single dose will often counteract the deranged and morbid secretions, re duce tho inflamary tendency, allay the ratability and pain, and thus remove the cause of the dis ease. .ASIATIC CHOLERA that scourgeof nations, which has already consigned lo the tomb millions of unhappy beings, can be subdued in Its violence, and three fourths of all cuses cured by this remedy alone. It is not only a cure, but a preventative of that disease. If used daily, in small quantities, mixed with water, forty-nine out of fifty will es cape 1 and if it is used at regular and at short inter vals in increased doses Immediately on ihe first symptoms of the disease, it will speedily arrest its fatal influences. t-"lfKead the opinion of the following gentle men, who will be recognized In this certificate : We, the undersigned, hnving used "L. K. SAUN DERS' CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE" in our families with great success, hereby certify our be lief that it is the best and most effectual remedy for the diseases il is recommended ever offered lo the American people ; and we would, from our know edges of its extensive usefulness, cordially recom mend il 10 the afflicted as worthy their bc6t confi dence, and with the firm belief that it will do for their relief all that medicine con do. NAMES. Dr. VV. Hodges, Gen. J. C. B. Eh ringhaus, Attorney at Law, John Black, Attorney at Law, Rev. Joseph A.Turner, Wilson W. Wil liams, Prof. Geo. M. Wilder, Wilson G. Lamb, Col. Wm. G. Cook, James W. Hinton, Esq. Dan iel Richardson, Esq., E. City, N. C. James E. Boswell, Baltimore j Joshua Whcdbce, Gates Co., N. C; Wm. R. Carson, Rev. Scth Morgan, Rev. Jno. A.DolI.E. City, N. C, Thos. Palmer, Camden Co., N. C.tCapt. Jacob Mercer, do.jCapt. Dennis Simmons, Tyrrel Co., N. C.j Copt. Thomas Dun bar, Copt. Wm. Patterson, Capi. A. H. Curran, Capt. Wm. Simmons, L. M. Chapman, Wm. P. Mathews, Elix. Cliyi Wm. A.Harney, Norfolk, Va j Joseph Harriss, Pasquotank Co ; Thomas Nash, Elisabeth Clly.N.C Invented and prepared solely by L. K. Saunders. Eliiabeth City,, N.C. For sale wholesale and retail by E. W Saunders, Elizabeth City, N. C. ; Messrs. Smith & Atkinson, Baltimore, Md.; Messrs. Canby & Hatch, Balti more. Md.;and for sole by Druggists und Mer chants generally. Price 624 cents per Bottle For sale by Messrs. S. B. & J. A. EVANS Agents. Wilmington, N. C. WANTED BFES WAX AND WOOL. For whleh the high est market price will be paid. HOWARD 6V. PliDEN. August 5. 61. COFFEE. OH BAGS Rio Coffee; 10 do. Java do. ; for sale UUbv by ANDERSON & SAVAGE. August 12. 1G5. UAMS! HAMS! ! 4 TIERCES sugar cured Hams, landing from Schr. E. S. Powell. For salo by ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. August 5. 61. COAL, COIL. TON-'fcRed Ash Coal, daily expected, per OVJechr Alcyona, from Philadelphia, for sale by Ang 10. 3t J. H. PLANNER. MESS PORK. OH BBLS Mese Pork, for sale by w ELLIS, RUSSELL & Aug 5 CO. NEW IMPORTATION OF CIGARS. T EW brands and old Cigars which cannot be i. ' surpassed in the Stale. For sale tit ptices to suit WILKINSON & ESLER. August 10. 63. CRACKERS! CRACKERS! OODA Lemon, Butter, Sugar, and other varieties, jusi rccoivea, iresn and good, at GEO. MYERS. Aug. 26, 1852. 70. (0AL YARP. 'i'ni' auusuuiBMis Having determined to X keep a supply o. the best quality of COAL oh hand, would inform the citizens that in thccbUrse ol ten days they will be prepared to furnish families with any quantity, delivered in any part of tho town or ut iheir yard on North Water street. Terms casn. ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. July 29. 58 coPAirfiHjpT-- THE subscribers have entered into Copartner ship, under the name and style of Sutton, Southmayd 4 Co., for the purpose of building or repairing ull kinds of Machinery, and carrying on a general Blacksmiihlng, lrdn arid Brass Foundry Business, in the town of Wilmington would be thankful for any order in either of the above bran ches of business from their town or countryfriends, Mr. Sutton having recently returned from the north, where he has purchased an assortment of tools, which, In addition to those we now have will cna ble ua to fill oil orders with despatch. Our charges shall compare favorably with those of any other establishment. wm. av nun. THOS. SOUTH MAYD, CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. March?. Jour, and Her. 1 week. I49 TO THE PUBLIC. THE Subscriber has leased for a ter n of years, or R. W. Brown, Esq., his fire-proof store, with his wharves, and Is now In a condition to take es pecial care of Spirits Tu;pentne end other Naval Stores comralled 10 his care. The Warehouse is well known to be tbe best and safest place In town fortbe storage of Bacon, Lard, Corn, Peas, dee. The lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where Spirits osn be ssfely kepi from the rain tad sua. He Is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent tohlscars. He will also maks advances when required.' . - Hs begs 10 refer to the following geotloment R. W. Brown, John Dawson, O. O. Parsley, and Tbos If. Wright, Eiqrs. r . r: 5. to f "V , " - Alii Km! waiin.t ' ' f .".Brown's wharf Wllmtntton, n, C I !.' ft .: '" .v '' ',..' ift ijv.i T7.'t ! I cowms. JUST received and for sale by Aug It " J.H. FLANNER. HERRING. 1 HA BOXES, dally expected 'o arrive pfr Schr IW Wake, for sale oy W. M. HARRISS. Aug. 21, 1852. - 68-f. ::: SACK SALT. ; fjnn SACKS Salt, momently expected, tor sate VV.'V Ujr - ' AUAMO, BU.U. CL VO. July 31. 69. JUST RECEIVED. ANOTHER Lot of that favorite Bacoa from Richland, and lor sale by " . - , v. : B. 5. KOOiNQE.: 42. kV IMPROVED CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP, FOR SALT, "HARD, OR SOFT WA TER. This Soap has powerful cleansing prop erties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Din, from every description of goods, without Injury to' them. It is superior 10 any other Soap for wash ins woolen eocds. aa it prevents iheirWZiM.kiitl leavea them entirely tree front gummy and resinous i llhtlflnffft llanallv ImI. In ll,m uihaw r 1 j aw ,, wutH VI'IIIIIIWII lUIUffr ily or rosin Soaps are uaed. Ills the best Family and Toilet Soap now in use, and fifty ptr . hen per, for all domestic uses than any other Soap. For sale by L.N. BARLOW, v Granile Row, Front at. ' Aug 5 . , . 61 ' C0TT0N;WRN;t 1 A BALES of prims qual ty, (.all numbers,) fof 1 U sale by J. HATHAWAY dr. SON. 1 Aug. 21, 1852. ' , v - 68. NOTICE.'1 ' APPLICATION will be made V the ensuing session of the Legislature of ibis State, for on extension of the Capital Stock of the Commercial nana 01 Wilmington. - , Aug. 19 " 67-tf SHIPPING ARTICLES. T70R SALE at The Commsrefaf OKtt. an ele- X euntedition ol Shinnina Arlinla.mhrtniratl Uie laws of Congress relative to the Merchsnt't NORTH CAROLINA MANUFACTURES. BAlILfc & SON are still Manufacturing', at the Rocky Mount Mills, about 300,000 jba. Cotton Yarn, per annum (eaual lothebesi Genre In Vrn ! which ihey will deliver to Merchants free of ixwl charge, at New York ptices. Orders addressed lo BATTLE & SON, Rocky Mount, H.' C, will re. ccive prompt attention. 1 1 . - - f eb. Vi. "J4My. ' DENTISTRY. THE undersigned has been engaged fourteen years in Dental Practice ) during the last four years ne resided in Broodway, N, V, ' He is now located in Wilmington, TH.'cl, 'and has his Office nearly opposite the Carolina Hotel, Patronage is respectfully solicited. KfSPKNCER.... iuj low, r HAY! DAY!! ry p. Bales Hayjusi received per Barque Perl. I O For sale by ADAMS, BRO. A CO. oepi. itui, ioos. 4.77-lf. CO-PARTNERSHIP. r THE SUBS ill BERS have this day entered'lnto ' a Co-partnership under the name and style of SILAS H. MARTIN & CO.; for the purpose of 1 concjucting the ICK business. They have purchas ed a lot on Front street, wheru they wllf build a . large ICE HOUSE, apd have it filled in time to supply customers early next season, r' SILAS H, MARTIN, A. H. VANBOKKELEN, , S. N. MARTIN. In ir -A ICR9 en o- 'i' " --wt " - wv-aui, 4 ADVANCES. , i, - LIBERAL Cash advances will be made, when required, on all eoods consigned to our House -in New York, and Cotton to their address forwar ded by u-j, win bo attended to free qf forwordlng Commission. ' - . v Wc will also advanco liberally on Cotton Ot oth er produce consisnud to our friends in Livcrnool ' to which port wo can furnish ship room for a few nunureu oaies or uoiton, allow rates, by several vessels shortly expected. -.- DsROSSET 4 BROWN. March 19. . - .f. SPECIAL NOTICE, ; THE subscriber respectfully Informs, the public thai he keeps constantly on hand a supply of Corn, Oats, Peas, Hay. and good Fresh, vVater ' Mill Meal and Homlney oil t reasonable prices. 1 Call at his store. North Water Street, formerly occupied by L. N. Borlow. - r" ,? ' WM.A. ROURK. 1 4, May 4. 21-BmC TOBACCO. AHOXES prime low-priced Tobacco, just re ' I Uvcelvcd and for sale by - - ? -j1 tr I KUtHWKLL & McAUaLAiM; July 10. IN STOKE. 1 r BARRELS "Yellow" Sugar , LO 10 " Coffee Crushed do. j 10 " Crushed - ".do.j 10 " Powdered do. 1 ALSO Adamantine Candles Coffees Rio, Ji- j va, La Guira, and San Domingo. GEO. MYERS. Aug. 2G. 1852. ?'70. BRUCHE WINE. ,t ' TUST Received, twet'Ay Bds'kets that celebrated ? 1 I, i- 1 , p - , . 1 . 1.11 . tr urticiio ine. sira-uucai urnpe. vpiirii imjc Hock. cVc. 'rCall and see. GEO. MYERS, " Aug. 26, 1852. . '-" ' 7f- JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE and well selected assorlmeni of Um brellas, Silk and Gingham, at the old stand.1" y Aug. 28. C. MYERS1 COFFEE AND SUGAR. , j T I f BAGS Rio, Jamaica and Lagulra 1 ,(!. 5 hhds prime P. R. Sugar, for sale by - ' -J. HATHAWAY St BON. v A ugust 11. 08. v FOR SALE. OA PRIME Spirits Barrels 1 n'o. OUUbO bbla Glue, English and American. x ADAMS BRO. oV Co. v April 29. " ' '--y 19.' virrival and Departure of the Malls at th'j ' l'sr. " v " -The Mail from the North is due every day . at 0 :, A. M.,andBJ P.M. Closes at quarter before I, P, M., and at 9 P. M. raacisiiv. ' The mall from the South, by steamer from Char. lesion, arrives doily about 8, A., M Closes at v9 ' A. M. Th-s mall from Onslow Court Houee Sneed's , Ferry f-c. Is due every Monday at fi P. M. . Clos- J es every Thursday at 9 P. M. ' - , The mall from LonaCrsek. Blflclt River Charrl. dkc, I due every Thursday at 6 P. M., and closes ; same nlghi al 9 P. M. ' v 'h w t j , Tbe roailfrom Payette) Ills, via Ellxobeth Town and Proanect Hall. Ae.. Is due avert Tuesday Thursday and 8sturday at 9 A. M.. Closes lama . . daya at a quarter perore iu a m. . - . . raAnnxtraaackage wlllba made obfor Letters oolnir Northof Richmond. Va.. which will be lepv " opeDuntii a. ji( Aiioinsr betters must ce m the 0f MM hours above nsmcd.wi thej- III no , kn nillril unlit firfl nrrrrf" Inr hull ' J . .t ... 'r'fi: i. ...tS , rfwi....'f-v,:''' v. ... . ,K,ftsi:if ( I