mm u u ' i ' 1 11 l n mm PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKLY, BY THOMAS LORLNG-PUBLISHEIJ OF TQE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS AND LAWS OF CONGRESS." --w-r.iii yir't-V . WILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2. 1852. WHOLE KO. 99 G .VO"-7r-N0. 86. wm .iOWlxl Jo ' 1 qr f ! ; ME TKI-WEEiLY C051J1ERC11L, , Ii Published every TcBaoAtyTHViFOATand Sat i van a v. at 3 per annum, payable la U cases lnad- vance- " :V . DV THOMAS LORIXO-EoiTORtndPnopRiKTon. -Corner Print aud Market Street!, ' . WII.HI WTO!, K. C. V"? JRAT&S OF ADVERTISING. qr,, 1 Insertion tO 60 75 1 00 2 50 1 aqr. 2 months, 13 " 1 " 6 1 12 " S4 00 5 00 8 03 12 00 1 , y..y i month, - 1 lea uneier lainiiH in.rc. u u ,.-.. - .. i.-. ....... If a Jotllul naoi exceeds ten lines, tne price will oe in propor- ;.AIl advertisements are payaote at tne time ouneir 'Insertion..' ' . ,,, . , - Contractu with yearly advertiscra, will be mado . -on tho mHt liberal terms. "-. Hi transfer of eontfacta for yearly advertising will bo permitted. Should circumsianaea render a " hinra I iv hmlneis. or an unexpected removal ncc- ea try, a cliirge according 10 the published terms .will be at the option of tho contractor, for the time he has advertised. " Tho privilege of An privilege of Annual Advertisers Is strictly f limited W their wn'liniflodmte busine; and all a iveruJiui" i - tUwell- aa all advertisements not Immediately connec- . led with their own business, and an excess oi aa- veriieuraenia In tongthor otherwise, beyond the i limit engaged, Will be chanted at the usual rales. ?tft dvertlmont is Included in the contract for ' th aale or rent of houses or landiin town or coun y, ; or for tlie ale or hlro of negroes, whethtr the ifroperU Is owned by theadvertrlser or by oiher per t 4oa. "Theso ara axoluded by the term "immediate , 6min."" , . . , , , ' ' Aadertlsomcntslnserted inthetrl-weekly Com nureiil, are entitled U ono Insertion in the Weekly . reo of charge. ,JJ0Qr CARD AND FANCY PRINTING, ;v'exocuied Inanperlor atyle. . , i " ' AQBJirS FOR TIIE COMMERCIAL. " 1 tien York" Meara. Baown DeUossaT. ' A'e York and BoitonV. B. Palmeb. Botm-VDitucit ICiDDca. " . Philadelphia-. K.Cohsn. BUSINESS CARDS. J.&D.McRAE&Co. General Commission Merchants , jpartUntar attention paid to mrn freights ,v and pchl" cargoes for Veela. '-OH1T M ACaAS. D0AHACaA, lOliJI W.K. DIX. . .. I 10K9 ' . . . OV. Jf4 JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, ' fencral rommlttloa and Forwarding Mcreliant Prompt pcrwnal attention glycn toConalgii. A- - ? ' ments for Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cuk adrancts mad o Consignments to T 1 : m or l my Ner York friends. ' '.. Wilmlnjion, Jan. 0, 1832. ' j . u V T. C. WORTH. " 'COaSISSIOS AND FORWARDING SIKKClllNl, ' 'i ""WILMINGTON, N. C. WILLIAM A. GWYER, general Hffrnt TonrirdiH and Commission , MERCHANT, T ibka nleasure In Informln? my friend, that I am ; I ki.a nil hi)a1niis entrusted tome cm- - elent and personal attention. 1 have a wharf for 'Naval Stores, with ample aceommodailons, hpiru " tiousa. and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval . Stores for sale or shipment and an mnusoi coun iy produce ioUcted.; Cash advances ma le on con -lgnrrrenu., r " ,, GRORG E MYERS, WHOLESALE 'AND RETAIL GROCER A pfovisiont, Wood and WiUow Wart, Fruit, ' iConectionarieie: Smith Front stmt, , . - , WILMINGTON, N. U. ,-o.18,185l 1, 109. wim.iH M. HARRISS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT Y WILMINGTON, N. C. r" Strict attention Jien to procuring Freights and purchasing cargoes for vessel. ' Rkraasitcsa t ; iXJXttl&te y (Wilmington. Messrs. Dudley Huntington ) Messrs. Hull, tiackett A Co., ) Fayeltevillc, N Jo.ieph Utley, Ksq., S i.lm Wessrav Jasf Corner Son,, Bait ma o - , F. A rSoudor.dfc Co., Philadelphia. , , Thomson HnntM, New York. t FilUbUry ox sanoioru, j . S AO.V Pltcomb, Kennebnnk, Me., 'July 11, 1862. ' 02 V ; J. S. BANKS, ; WILMINGTON, N. June 22.. 42-12-mc. r'. . si. WEST, H AUCTIONEER AND , i?0 M M ISSI0N Ml? IRC H ANT, WILMIN0T0N, N. fc.' (June 1285?, 33.1y f,yt h HATHAWAY & QN, ; ' commission merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. J.L.H tl AtHAWAT ATHAWAV. 4; Qct. IS 1851: 91. l v CHADBOURN & HOOPER, General Commission Merchants, WILMINGTON. N. July 19, 18S2. - ' , , r . 53 . ELLIS. RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS 'V WILMINGTON,1 K, C.-'-'Tr"' e-4AS.D.iLtts, Hiaar r, aVsmi, lOS. a.atrssaLt BUSINESS CARDS? GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Merchant, Vy i lm i ngtoN, n: c. THJpT attention given to p.ocurlpl Freight rtTa O andpurchaalngCargoesfoiTeisei llirca to . R.P.Hall, Esq. O.G. Parsley, 'Esq. J.A.TayloEsq-.i'1K., I Wilmington S1&ra Knllard UUnilHg'ii . f N. ter, J Lessra.TooKcr.amyiu ew York. 'rwAmnwinA H tinier, Acx'r. Herrdn , Jr., fiiuaaeii MfrsVa.Winifcims& Butler, ) ch, rcgtor.,S .C. Jan.2.1852. XWU ANDERSON & 8AViGB. GKSEMh COMMISIOX MERUIT JAMES ANDERSON. . . n,.r A o IV A V A P.P.. July 1, 1S52. LU-"-- A. ADAM3, H. L. ADAMS ADAMS, BROTHER & to. (Late Barry' Bryant & Adams ) COMMISSION HKKUnA i i o WILMINGTON, IN. U. July 1, 1952. 1 123 ALFRED MARTIN. AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, GENERAL AGENL Wilmington. N.C..Oct.3 1P51. . JOSEPH U. FLANNER, Gcncrai Commission Merchant. WILMINGTON, N. p. ' Oct.9th,1851. ' "':c H. DOLLNElT G- POTTER, JR. D0LLNER & POTTER, GENERAL, COIMI!fe0 A WCUCHANTS, NEW YORK: ' ' ' ' LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES MAttE ON ALL COKSlOS 1 " ' MENTS. March 16, lh " W-yp DRS. FREEW & MALETT. Front Street, ono door below Policy & Hart, WILMINGTON, a. V. April 13 1-t DER0SSET & BROWN. WILMINGTON, N. C BROWN & QlEROSSKT. "'nKW YOIIK flRXEHALCOMMISSION MERCHA? i a. Marc lil 7 1362 i GEO U. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. North Water st ,,, i . ,i,a.tnfniiirind8 of Country Pro will uueim i" 7 . .. i .J J. iucc.sucharCorn, Peas, ileal, Bacon, Lard, 4c ind will keep constantly on hand Groceries, 4c. Arnr.ns. a full supply o Wiilo.Hall.ofWavfte. JohnMcRac, Wilmington iv rwv. Gen. Alx.. Mcltac. B.P.Hall, Wilmington .Wiley A.Walker, 115-ly. Dec. 13, IB61. CORNELIUS OoPRE. AHOLE SALE AND RETAL DEALERS l" Oruffs, Medlclnei Chemicals, Paints, Oil, I)ye Stufls, Glass,' Petfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, &c., rtlARKKT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptions caref ully compounded by experi enced prisons. March 28. 1852. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C Oct. I 18BI. 87 MILES COSTIN, COMMISSION M E R C H A NT WILMINGTOIN, IN. U. REFKR TO E.P. Hail, Esq., Pres't Brancn state Bank j Titos. II. 'Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank f Wilming sCape Fear, ton.N.C. O. V. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Commer- I Vial Bank, Dec. 19. 1851 1'3-tf. WilKINSON & ESLER, CASH DEALERS IN Sonlectlonary, Fruit. Nuts, Toys.FaucyAr Hrioi. Perfumery, Tobacco, segars, &c., WHOLESALE AND RX lAIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON N'.C. Nov. 30. 1851. " - -lL McRAEA HARRISS. IMPORTERS 'AND WHOLESALE AND CHINA GLASS, AND EARTHEN- WAliU, ASD FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Wests-life Front street, between Market ana urrr M T N G T O N, N. C. October 2, 1851. 85. VESSEL. " " EILERB. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE V7SALE GROCERS, North Water Streot, VMI- mington, N. C, Intend lo keep at m . stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, sad Provisions at wholesale-and to carry on a GeaoralCommlaston Business. Rcriacaci : V V H.ll Prr.'t Br'ch Bank oftns siaie. 1 O. .G, Parsley, Prea'l Commercial Bank. Wil P. K. Dickinson, Kiq. ' Poppe A Co. I n,w York . UOlinern rn. 71 ( 131. Jin. 20 IB6..;. ; .' FRESII GOODS. Is d'Vx vpnci nrnfr rnnntv RnMer. 10 Boxea Go 1 U shen Cheeae. Smoksd Tongnei and Smoked Beef, received (nil day at L. ww.y, -V ... . Granite Row Front sr. 70: BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN TMITHERS & SON'S t MAKBlLE AND SAND STONE YARD, ' No. S60 iirafrJ street, PHILADELPHIA. $ Marble Mantels, Mjuhv,us, Tmbt and Qrtmt SUnetchiiitqiUlyonkand. Everudeicrivtionof OBNAMESTAL WORK AND STATUARt Execgiedahd Imported. Orders for public or mii ai Buildings executed wiili promptness an d do patch. ' A-,. . HJJ' IttB. Qftsigqs wiBbesentfor Mantels, Mono rneqts and Griae Stones, and all work shipped in suredfrom breakage when required. Oct. 4. 85-ly-c MORE & GALLAGHER. IRON FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF HT cVCA8T IRON RAILINGS E ROAD &. COATES ST. PHILADELPHIA. All orj nttendfd to witli promptness and desj patch warranted. 85-ly c. Uct. iaci n rttircin Com! )ii Merchant & Auctioneer, Olllce lull 's upper building, Nortti Water Street. Where he i e happy lo attend to all orders in either brai his busincsp. Wilinina i. C. Dec. 23, 1851. U9-tf. 1AM n, PEARE, OOLLI AND ADVERTISED AGENT, For Cour cwspapers throughout the nitcd States, Basonicnt of SI ron Bu Uin;s, Baltimore street, 1 All busincssy trusted to his care transacted 95-f prompilv, on UL1 1 terms. sept LOVE, MANUFAC Eli AND DEALER IN - CABIN FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, C S, MATTRESSES, &c. &c, 'Front 'it South of Market, EHOWN 8 BUI WILMINUTO.V, N. c. 79-y-c Sept. Itf, 1?52,. D. C. FREEMAN- GEORGE HOUSTON. IIOUSTOW, , MERCtfaVfr IND FACTORS, TON, N. C. Si CO. COMl IfcRCHANTS. I STREET, RK. FREEMS HiWILM.NflTON, N. C. KEEP i Corn. int V o d a stock of Flour, 1W i i -J 1 Coffee, Sagar, Mo Candles, Soap, Por lasses. 'PoWrrUsart, iim mid etw talic Lid tia nines ; Iron, Nails, PA"Hls, G(u Shoes. Le&CoUAgrtcultui estics, Hats, Boots, Yemenis, Una a va- rlety of oil PcUrticles, sui1 r family and pjan- tation u?iiUd the retail HiRDoke of in lots to suit which they will or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, xchange for Na- valtores or other producty The senior partner D. C. F the cltV of New Yori Mhe in, Is located in partner, Iieo. Houston, in WilmingX T. If ired, advances, will hn mnde on conslAvnentS nd from either place. All business eniiiiea proper attention , and olrs promptly and carefully fille, will receive ioods will be sept, a. v 76-f. GEO. 0. VAN AM E, BROKER, AND MERCAN, AGENT, WILMINGTON, N TJARTICULAR uitention paid l urchase or J. sale of all descriptions ot mem duce. and on which one per cent and Pro- ion will will re- be charge i. Any business minister ..!. nrDtnnl and personal attcntioi desk for the present is in the office of Mr. Wn wycr. tVKrlLUB.aib? Moa.ra VAWs. R 9. Kills, Russell & Co., 1 Adams Bro. & Co., J. K. Blossom, Esq. ... v". w If 1. Jon. August 14. 65. NOTICE OF COPARTNERS! mm?. iin,irsipned havinir'th!8 daypnrcfl 1 entire interest of r. G G.' Pft-J Point Peter Steam Saw Mm, nave tormeo nership for the purpose of manufacturing Sawed Lumber. WXNTWOBTH W. PfiaCX, W, , , . w Nrtl r.OM. ' 1 -n - PEIRCF. &, NEILS4 J.n 1 I26-V SHIPPIVft ARTICLES. - - v'll AUAniov.iin i.u 1 1 vj i. v. " ' t -r - -l. i nrlntfiil and for silo at TVis CommerV Office, equal to any as yet imported "from Nl n.Amwmrnr n Ronm nr more will be filled at a CO of 10 to 20 percent, cheaper than they are in Ne York. v 1 Nov. 10.1851. J02tf BLANKS. THE following Blanks are printed and kept con stantly for sale at the Office of The Commercial. COMMERCIAL. Shipping Articles. Rates of Freight on W. Bills of Lading. Do. Letter Shoet. fc K. Rail Koad. Do. on Line Boats. Bills of Exchange, bound and in sheet. Do. Domestic. Negotiable Noteson the several Banks. Do. on all theVank. Bill of sale of Vessels. Crew Lists. Prices Current. Checks on all the Banks. Charter Parly. Manifests of all kinds. Entries Merchandise. Do. Ballast. MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with and with Bills of Sale. Do. of Negroes. ' Bonds for Negvo-Hirs. Mortgage Deeds. out judgment. Negro Passea. Warrantee Deeds Bonda for the Delivery of Pronertv. COURT BLANKS trAM Vvnnwma iStihntlnnafl Subpoenal County and T Vila jfV Ca Saand Bone" Alias Vend. Ex. Fl Fa. Superior uonrt. Jurors Ticket!, County and Superior Court. Writs. AUkinds of Blanks ind Job Work, executed to order with neatness and dispatch.- , : ' LIME. A (C CASKS expected daily per Brig Itasks nuv for sale by . auabis, anu. to. Aug. 28. 71. DEEDS FOR SALE. WaranteeDeedsnd Deeds foiMortgageonland jnstprinted.incorrectformandt'orsaicauba Ccmmereia OJlct. CHEMICALS. FRK8H arrivals of the following: 100 phate Quinine, 5 bbla. Kpsom Salts, 6 Sufphats Zinc, 3 ot Sulphate Morphine, 4 oi. Sul Iba pure oi Ace- t.,. Mpnhln. mil.. f 15 lbs English Calomel, 6 ox P.eperine, 6 gala Spirit Nitre, 2 o Oil Tobacco, 5 lbs Hyd. Patassa,(Knglish.)2 lbs mniib, ibs loniaa Aisanie, 3 ids unioroiorm, oi Iodide Copper, t os Valerianic of Iron, Iba Phosphite Soda, 20 lbs Sugar Lead, pure, 4 ot Tannin, 1 oz Oxide Mercury, 5 gals aq. Ammonia, 10 Iba Spirits Ammonia Aromat, 10 lbs Hoffman's A odyne. For sale by - C. DcPBE. Druggist, Market st. Mirch 30. 1 6. THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL liie t))n ' RALEIGH, N. C. npHRaboveCompanyhasbeenin iperatlon sini 1. theta'iotApril4348,undeithe ilrectlono ft h followisgOifieors. vitti; :" Or.Chas .F,. Johnson President, Wm.D. Haywood, Vice President , James F.Jordan .Secretary , -Win. H. Jqnes .Treasurer , Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. CharlcsE. Johnson, ) .. , , Dr.Wm. H. McKee, J16'? Dr. R.B.Haywood, ) Conultatin.' J. Hersman.Oen'IAccnt. This Company has roccived charter giving advantogei to the Insured over any other Com pany. The 6th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure hi s own life for the sole use of his vv uc and uiiiidren,yr trom any maims of therep. rccnutlvct0f the husband or any of hisjredit- ora. Organized on purely mutual principle!, thelife members participate in the whole of the profits wuK ii aru ouciarea annually, oesiaes, tne a pli cant tor uio.wncn t tie annual premium is over 3C miy pay one half in a Note. Allcliiinisforinsurnnceagalnstthe Company will uepaia tvuuin ninety aays oner prooi oi the death ot tne party isiutmianed. s.avesareinBureo tor one or nve years. Urates . . I. : L : 1 1 l, 1 1 ,i t i i i . . i . wiulii wiiiuiiuuie mi 3iaveiioiueriio3''cure mis CJsss oipropertyagainsttne uncertainty oilile. Slave insurance present! a new and interesting featurein thehistoryof North OaToljna, which wil prove very important to tne southern state: The last four monthsoperatlon of this Company sn0wa very targe amount 0i ousiness more than theDirectoriexpaetedtodo the first year havin , J . -- k AAAH.Il.i T T aireaay lssuea mwie iuaa wv vuiicies. All Communications onbuslness oft ha Company snouia oeaooreeuio - j as. v. jubdam . : f Secrilary. Raleigh .April 8. 1961. fl-ti. UNDERWOOD'S PICKLES. JUST opened an awortment of Underwood's cel ebrated Pickles, comprlslnj Mangoes, Gerklns, Picalim,' Mixed' Pickles; also, superior Mustard, at GEO. MYERS, Front-st. August 19. 67. FL0URAND LARD. 900 BBLS Flour' and 28 bb,s Lard- dai -v-'v-'pected, per Schr Alcyona, from Philadsl- pnta, lor sale by Aug 10 J. H. FLANNER. 63 BROTHERS LINE. THE New Steamer "Douglass" having been added to this Line, and now having two light draft Steamers and four Tow Boats, all In good or der, the Proprietors are prepared to transport freight to Fayetteville and the intermediate landings, with as quick despatch as any other Line. J. S. BANKS, Agent. June 22. 42 tf. A CARD: MESSRS. O. p. KENNEDY of Chester and JAMES M. HURST, formerly one of tho pro prletora of the Planter's Hotel, Charleston, have leased the AMERICAN HOTEL, King Street, and would respectfully solicit from their friends and the travelling public a portion of iheir patronage. We pledge ourselves that the guest of the Hotel will receive iMcommodation unsurpassed by any in the city.- CaroiitUar.. KENNEDY & HURST. Charleston, June 12. 38 6m. UMBRELLAS, UMBRELLAS. JLJST received, direct from the manufactory, 25 dozen Umbrellas, silk, Scotch and American Ginghams, 'assorted colors and sizes, for sale whole sale and retail, at very low prices, by C. MYERS, Hatter. May 6. 22 SACK SALT. I SHALL have in all this month a consignment of 2,500 sacks Salt, direct from Liverpool. M.LES COS PIN, Brown's wharves. Aug 5. MATCHES! MATCHES! 0 GROSS with and without Sulpher. For saalelow at WILKINSON & ESLER. Augnst 10. 63. ENGLISH GLUE. 1HD9. Prime English Glue, jest received end or sale bv. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. e 24, 1832. 69-tf. LIME! LIME! , CASKS in extra order 10 arrive per Brig John Dawson, from Boston. Apply lo GEO. HAltlUSS. 17. ' 66. GLUE tLE for Distillers use, from 10 to 18cts. )X sale by jusum iv. BLuasuiYi. 29. GLUE p.upcncr,just received ana lor sate, .AUA91S tutu, a u. lJ! NOTICE. T HAV 1 most Dreaa G .and now oger for sale, on the terms, Ladles and Gentlemem' House fan ding . Hats and Miocs: also, men's and oods j Also, lAoes, uodim- Those tha lest Baggy uarnsss, e. ac. ket it. ft Ill please can at ao.i, nir- March 30 u. . xuunun. 6. mus a MOLASSES. 1 n HHDS I eWed . per Brig " Naney l -O Pratt." S, BROTHER A CO. July SI i 69. 9 'V a BILLS OF LADINtrSe; f- ' FOLIO POST BILLS OI- LADINO Vonndt' A PPL1CATICN will b rnoCe to the fit Crr In Books. and hopi .Inn Sh-t whhi jXIrat AssrihbK .f Norih Carolina lir iht lire t nrletyofmecani:ieblanks,loraleat The Cvm- " "ISffiTuiB HUME ! J ! CAnBBLS: Llncoinvllle White Lempi Also UUW calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair. and Kirs CrickHydraull. Cement (1000 bbls.LIro (f-c.fialbV' . ... . j.v.skstxn. " , ToolractorsandBallderi April 9. 1 862. BUNGS fy the best make, and assorted sixes tosoir,for vy sale by the harrel, or any qnintlty not less than nve nunrtrod, by JOSEPH K. BLOSSOM. Jan. ju. I3S-tV COPARTNHIP; "r THE Subscribers have this day entered into Co partnership, for the transaction of a General Agency A Commission Ilnilneis; under the style of GILLESPIE, ROTH WELL & McACSLAN. All orJers promptly attended to, and liberal cash advances rr.sde on consignments. O. S. GILLESPIE, A. R. ROTH WELL, JOHN McAUSLAN. Jan. 22. 132 AT COST. I AM dosing off my stock of Summer Hats, eon isi'ng of Panama, Leghorn, Curacoe, Palm Leif, c, at prices to clear cost only. Aug. 28. C. MYBRS, Hatter. 90.R. Casks Cognac Brandy ) for sale low, by ANDERSON & SAVAGE. August 12. 165. ON CONSIONMENT, FLOUR, BACON, LARD. 9fVlDBLS- Piiladelphe F'oo'l XAJKJ 20 Hhds. prime Western Bacon, Hams, and Shoulders ; 20 Bbla. prime Loaf Lard ; In Store and for sah by J. H. FLANNER. Mnt. 2. 73. RIO COFFEE. BAGS very handsome, just received per Schr. Ann Elizabeth, for sale by J. & D. McRAE 4 CO. Sept 9. 76-lm. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. JUST RECEIVED. 1 n LBS. Gam Opium, (Turkey,) 200 lbs Salt lUpetre, 40 Iba Gam Arabic, 30 Iba Allxander Senna, 20 lbs E. J. Senna, 1 bbl Cam Camphor, 1 bbl Cream of Tartar, 1 bbrCarb. Soda, 1 cask Sal. Soda, 2 cases Cooper's Isinglass, 3 doz Cox's Gel. atlne, 4 boxes celebrated Soap Powder, 12 doz box es Yeast Powder. C. DuPRE, Druggist. March 30. 6 NOTICE. THE subscribers are ready to contract for Steam Engines of any aize, or any kind of Mill gear ing. To any r-ne wanting Machinery of tfti above description they will offer Inducements '"equal lo any establishment either North or Sooth. Please give us a call before purchasing sfaewher. !' SUTTON. SOUTH MADE A CO. Wilmington, IV. C, April 6, 1852. 9-tf. Weekly Journal, Fayetteville Observer, Golds :hAd1!,R',.?!eh RM""eoP" ,h,co; BILLS OF EXCHANGE AT REDUCED PRICES. T3LANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, on tine1 Jj paper and of a very handsome impression, for ssle at The Commercial Offlct bound In Books 0 various sizes, and (n sheets. Oct. 18. , 92. VALUABLE TURPENTINE LAND FOR SALE. SIX thousand acre of well Timbered pine Lands, shoaled near the Salts, in Mcintosh County, Georgia, fifteen milea from Darien, and forty-five miles irom savannan, on tne mage Koad. There are fifteen tasks of boxes cut on the tract, five of which have been worked but one year, the other ten tasks have been worked from three to four years. The extreme distance to haul is about four miles onlhe,tract. At a distance of two milca from a good landing on the Sapelo River, (at which Ves sels of 100 tons can load) is s good Turpentine Still, with aH- iiecesaarr ' wagons, teams, tools, fixtures and appurtenances. 1 A portion of tltli land Is well sdapted to the cul ture of Cotton, Corn, Cane and Ricet ' On the property la a comfortable Dwelling House recently erected, and contiguous are Negro Houses, Stables, Ae. The settlement is one of the most healthy loca tions in the low country. ' As a large portion of the tract remains unboxed, it constitutes a valuable reserve of piteh pine Tim ber which could be cut for exportstion, rafted at liie landing, ind loaded twelve mllea down the River in yeesels of 2 to 300 tons burthen, there be ing full sixteen feet water at ordinary tides on Sapelo Bar. If desired, a good Mill-aite could be obtained on reasonable terms at a convenient point on the River. For further particulars apply to Messrs. DeRos aet A Brown Wilmington or Andrew Low A Com pany, Savannah. May 26th. 1852. 30-6m-e. PATENT MEDICINES. 4 BOXES Sand'a Sarsaparilla, 2 boxes Town send's do., 3 doz Risley's do., 3 gross Bate man's Drops, i gross Wright's Pills, 1 gross Bran ieth'a do.. 1 gross Peters' do., 4 doz Spencer's do., 6 doz Beckwlth'sdo 6 doz Moffat's do., gross Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 4 doz Wlstar's Ralssm Wild Cherry1, Ac. Ac C. Df PRE, Druggist and Apothecary. March 30. . EMPTY BARRELS. OwXf PRIME forty gallon Barrels, just received O'JkJ per brig John Dawson. For aale by ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. Aug. 24, lSK, il?. 69tf. CARD PRINTING. 1 WR remlndthe public that the Patent Card Preii is Inoeratlon at the office of Tht Ormmtrtialt and thai Cirdi will he minted In superior itvle. and t reduced prleei. Blank Cards, ready for printing, always on nana, or amuse, irom n oy w 10 1 ey J Inchtf.. NOTICE. of an set to fncrpr'e a ililiwy It irfny, to to raited th Gia9 Voti.iTcisS, in beton tf Wilmlgro.''.."a Sept. li..,:,:,,--.,''-. .,73-Ew. ' Ill 13 GRKAT CURB FOR ' 1141 I)N ! , CREY 1LMR, MIIRK DA.NDhll 1. SACNUERS'. - , MF.mciTDo nAia nBusixHiX TIM. 18 now scSnowlerfgid by ibousand ho ore It dally, to ke the only remedy lo prevent 'a'dntts and lo restors the Hair that baa faUfn xflfer berf mm, 10 prevent Gray luirj to cure and ttn every appearance of Seatf and iJanrfietl from . Hair, and to keep It In the most beafihy soft, sr j giorsy stsw, yet free frow all pnd grfgy op. pesranc. . ' .. The Rtstoratlve Is wholly differeii in it compe. sitloa from all other artlelei ef the sme ram or for similar purpos. It is intended toat t throoglt the shin bpob tho nerves, blood-vessels and absor bent! connected with tha root or bulb oC the bair, tn rouse and sustain a healthy action t these and thai produce new and healthy growth of hair.-. It will prevent grey hair, ntlrly eradicate scarf and dandruff and a!! other Incidental impurities of the skin. ;By It! ne the hair will, under all elr- cumstancts, be kept luxurloca, healthy, and it lis naioral oolor 10 In latest period of life. -THE REV. SETH MORGAN'S TKST11IONY. J do hereby rtrrify thai 1 have used L. K. t)AC oxae celebrated HAIR Restorative, tor. the tmr- pose of preventing rar balr from. foiiiBff off end found it to have the desired effect, not oaly In Pre venting the tialr from coming ent but tho produc ing of a very fin growth of roani balr where iho hesd walmoi entirely bald. I have indonly four bottles, and have evfry reason to oeljeve that bv the ns of ss mnr v mote. 1 will hav fin mit of hair. I therefore cheerfully recommend it 10 the public as worthy their best eonfidenee.. v Z i ' . BB.TH MOK7AI -Elizaoeih Ciry, X: C, April 16tb, lfc5?. -. Cahobs Couarv, N. C, April t, 1312. Mi. L. K.SACsraass Sir t Some twelve monil, ago ray hair commenced falling off. and to u h an extent that I began 10 fear that I should become prematurely bald. After naing msny preparations of the day without any benefit 1 had nearly ae spa Ired ofeverjr hope, fwhen I was recommended lolry your "Hair Restorative" which I was indue-' ed to try wits bat utile bote of iaceesi. 1 wis, however, surprised and gratified after! short irini to And very decided Improvement. I now pr scsa a full crop of healthy hair, which I can ov. it tribute to the extrsordlmry. qualities of yo " lastly celebrated Hair Restorative. . ' MARTHA ETHF.RIDGF:. EtriAiBTN Cm, N. C, June 1st. 1" iVe iho inderiigned bsving used "L. K. Su -dors' Hair Restoratlvs" and fully tested its m?) individually lake pleasure In'saying that we Leiit -ve ) la ill thit it Ii reeomtnended to be, end we wol! ! from onr knowledge of In extensive nfulnsi eheerfpRy recommend it ii the ver . beet irxirln fot the balr now la use and wftk' iho firm beinf that It will glva enflns oatlofactfon ta .cvary dbb who wUI give it 1 fair trtaUw ,'..- Gen, J. C. J).. Krbtngbini, attorney at In w 1 S. Davis Grice,M. P. G. John Marsgrive, M. D.t Dr. VVm Hodj(e Dhfist J Dr, J. B. Godwin, Den tist j Col. Wm.. O.Cook t Ex Mayor RJcltordsnn ; lohn Pool, Esq., attorrtew at law 1 Rev. Mr. Fer, besj Seth $. Whidbee, Esq Edward Mason, Ffj. Invcnredsnd prepared solely by 8. K. SnunJir", Ellxsberh Clry.'frtC, .- '; , For sale wholesale and retail' by FVW.'Sauti dera,'E4isbeth City, N,Ct Messrs. - mlih A At kinsofc Baltimore, Md.i. Messrs Csnby A Hutch, Baltimore, Md 1 and for sale by Druggist! and i! ? chsnti,' generallr. Price 75 ceats per Bottle. For aale by Messrs. Si B. A J. A.? EVANT Agenli Wilmington, N.C, . , , u, ' . . June 29. 1852. " ' " - 45 6. LANDING FROM SCHR. SJARY I3A- BELLA.- " 1 flfi BBLS Baltimore Floor, tor sale by lw ELLIS. RUSSELL tf-Co. S'P' a- . 73. COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. - MENDES A KtraHEN'S Cocoa and Choc olate, varr anted pwrs and of superior quality. Just received and for sale at - v Li N. BARLOW'S. Augual31. y - 3 1- i ;-''72. v CHINA, GLASS & pRTDEN MF " dP. 'WE arenow receiving, 'direct f. Irhe Kn rich and Engilsn aranntac- -riei. 'f? 1 17 pucaagea French China Dinner and Tea c;'., and Fancy Wire, , 1 12 packages Edge and C. C. Ware, " ' ' " 16 " Sprigd and handled Teas, common. White Granite Dinner aod-Ti a V. are, " 41 , . mdeomraoa Toilet colored Ware, essorud, , Cine ind Rockingham Wire, assorted, American Glass Ware, issorted,- , Sionc Ware, assorted. . 20 doren Demiiohni from 1 to 6 gallons. . UTCounlry Merchant! would find it to their ad vantage to purchase iheir stocks of us, as we save them a considerable per centsge in freights, com mixtions, &e, r,- V1j' " ,Dlniier,and Tea Sella ol new and handfome patters to fanrtlifj at low prices. 0hllAE A HARRISS. - Prow brdaf!rrrerT A ng. 26. . U'jA.yi . n -70 , ROCK CREER MILL THE undersigned bss parehased of B. W. P c ar, hlsloisrest In lh Plantstion, with Grit Mill thereon, tituated on the Nowbsrn-Rosd, nbottt 1 mile from town, and formerly known aa ihe Eden Mill and Blantation, but more recently, and now ns Rock Creek Mill and Plantation. . r f He will conilnne tho business a5 formerly. He has now 2 setts of atones running with boltirt; cloihs, Ac. He will receive soon from . New Yei k a steam engine to run in this Mill,- thereby in luring to the citizen! of Wilmington at -all tlm. a conatanl supply of good Meal and Hominy.. He contemplates having store in town for t',, sals of his Meal and Hominy. ' A future advertise ment will Inform Iho litiicns when ancb arrange ment U mide. t, SAMUEL BF.ERY. Wilmington. Feb. 17. - f 1437 WILMIJiOTON - ' MARBLE AND STONE YAJIDv THE Subscriber having iceepted Vbe'agcncy of several large istablishmeota at the North, whirh win ifiroisonira an tmumie aappiy 01 nni"" nnflbiabek, foreign and domestic MARBLE of ell qualities, Is prepired lo fill ill orders for v 1 ' , ; , . . l. . , . 1 . 1 1 . . r c ... j . n nu.tunbiiis a a 11 iai.'iu ?xw .., nd every etherarllcle in the UnetoMbe builners t reasonabla rates. ;' ' , M''' 8ffJLPTCRING; LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed as wellaa can be' dons slther North or The beat ctrefercnee can be ptven, 11 jreqtM'ro , JAS.McCLARAI AN. Jah.25,1852. 13J.V- t . "'". ' "3'. " l 'I" it'

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