I i-h. - THE COMMEltClAl- WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY OCTOBER U, 1S52, IVOR PRESIDENT. ". DANIEL WEBSTER, Of MAS8ACHCSETT8. ,- FOR VICE PRESIDENT : C. J. JENKINS, , OF CKORGU.. .. " - ARRIVAL OF TO FRANKLIN. rotVZ fl.4 VS LATER fROM EUROPE. 7 j-yThe Editor of 7 Gmmerwoi wiRlH! nee ssarilr absent far a ircck or ten dayi ' NATIONAL REITCLICAXS. : The meeting of tlto National Republicans on Monday tfglit was a failure, as to number, there beln but five r:rsons present who belonged to ' the wsanUatioa.''-'A iesolution was adopted to "jefrain from any further attempts to array a third rty, at tliU time, as no, public" response had been rtcclvcd from, any part of the State. The meeting was "divided; three toting for thcaban ' dobracnt anil it for retalnihg tho position here " tofore held. We do not look npon this as the ex pression of tho wishes and sentiments of the anti-Scott whig, though wo doubt if any counter action will take place.? It was'Vccomineoded by the Chairman that each person ?ote for the can didate who ho thinks wilt best promote the in terests of the cduntry, as noc could be consider ed as pledged to tbo organisation, . which biid no ticket to recommend and had no expectation of having any.'-' " - . " ThlSTBWoroont wi noi scnsiuiy uucv r snlt In this quarter , Some will vote for Pierce and King, aorao will hot Tote at atl.andsotuo may vote for 8cott, though me have heard of but ope -of the latter class. -" : The organization of a third party, at this time, was not In accordance with our judgment, though we cheerfully Joined with those who urged it Our own position has pot been affected by any of tho political movements of any party. Wo stand ' in tho same position we have occupied lor many months, and with the principles we have advoca ted for several years past, and will continue, to 'pursue that course which we think will best sus tain the ConbtUotion iani vindicate the rights of lie South- a -- '- - ; S0$3 OF TEMPERANCE. ' We LaVq,becn requested to call the attention of "the members of this order, to the meeting to be held to-morrow night, at the usual place, Tem perance Hall, on front Street, as business of in terest will come before the meeting. Among the mattei-s which will require attention, wiUuc tho election of Delegates to the Grand Division, to be : held in Salisbury on the 20th. "Come one come air as the politicians say., , ': ? ."'-GUTTA PERCH A PENS, Patented and 'manufactured in Bcrmingham, England.' Thpy aro made of steel -and coated with gutta percha, pointed with a circular piece ;of platina, which prevents them from corroding tven with thr strong test of nitric acid ; the points are rounded so as to prevent their catching in, or ,, tearing tho paper nono are genuine except those obtained from the sole agent in this place, 8. W. WHiTiKER, Market atrcct," " Prico 50 cents per dozen, or 1 Per Kross. We have tried nomo of these pcna.and believe them to bo a very superior pen. ? T " T - V YF' T OW FEVER IN CIIARLESTON. Tho t 1 of Health report seven deaths for ' 24 hours, ending on'WieJ 0th, ; The number for the Mik. enda i same date was 49. SC - 1'IIERN tlTERABr MESSENGER. We havo received tho October number of this Valuable periodical, published by Jno. R. Thomp son, Richmond, Va.i at $5 per annum. AmoDg hc std., Lis of interest in this number is a litho-(- -nphic engraving of Houdon's Statue of Wash ir.t . The Lclajurc, of Virginia, by a Reso Jut! i.f June 2ilh, 1784, requosted tho Execu. ti , o take measures for procuring a statue of tho finest marble and best workmanship. Mr. Jeffer son, then in Paris, was entrusted with -the duty of Selecting an artistand Hoadon came to Ibis conn try'in 1T85 to take jij laodel . from life. Ho re jniintd at Mount Vernon' long enough to take a perfect model of Washington, with which ho re turned homo, and )a three years afterwards the statue Has received !t Virginia. It is placed in tho Capitol of Virginia, "jt bas the advantage of some others, as it represents the General in the , costume of Lis time, and thns affords a land-mark for lnstory;7:TLc Roman Toga, in which the Fa ther of bis country is' sometimes represented, is aa indulgence In fancy and foreign taste at the ex pense of truth, aud ought never again to bo al lawed; for national prideaod patriotism forbids it. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN-MEETING. "Mo!DiT Evening, Oct. 11th 1862. r A - adjourned meeting of the National Republi can party, convened thla ve ning at the Court House.1 In absence of .the Chairman, on motion of Col. t, E. Anderson, Mr. Jno. A Taylor was call ed to , the Chsir,' who stated the object of the meeting 'was to hcar he report of the Correspon ding Committee. ; , Mr Lorlng submitted a report, which wag laid on the table ;)' 'i f' ' Mr. R. II. Cowaia offered the following pream ble and Resolution which was accepted. WncnEAc as we , have no response from any ? cction of the State, which will justify us in a fur ther attempt to pet .up aa ' Electoral Ticket for ; Mnlel Webster, but on the contrary, bave fopnd, ..t the two eotlre parties bave ranged tbemsel . i, under the respective nominations of their ' nventions. And( WHBEis, any turther action i n ' r part, would, under the circumstances, be ? rrgnrded as a mere factious opposition to ihe hi ' Party. . Thereforo, ( v It it J j-fehtd, That the Committee of Corres pond oco is discharged from all further duty, tho orfsnir ' hi four Club abandoned, and each in dividual i iomber, thcreoC left free to act accor ding to his own judgment, ond upon bis own re ?iioi)sitiUty.. ,-.? - r . , ; JNO. A. TAYLOR, CltU'a., )rUm, ), B. Rvsseil; Secretary;" ?v.- New Yonx, October 11. The stoamer Franklin has arrived, bringing 134 passengers, $17,000 in specie and Liverpool and Southampton dates of tbe 29th ult. The Arctic arrived out on Wednei-v day morning. Tbe Washington touched Cowca on tbe 25th. The America reached Liverpool on tbepctb. . y:-'::;-:-- ; - The ship Marine, of Queenstown, was struck by lightning, off tho Island of Malta, and complete-! ly destroyed by fire. Fonrtecn ljvea,were lost. ! ' .ENGLAND. ... The excitemeut relative to tho weather bad sub" sided, and the harvest at the Forth had nearly all been secured. The wheat crops ou the whole would be under the average In quantity, while the quality in most instances would bo Inferior. The Queen and Prince Albert were sfill in Scot land. The body of the Duke of Wellington was still at Wahncr Castle awaiting the necessary arrange ments for lying in stalest Chelsea Hospital. The American Guano Expedition to thcLobqs Islands was creating much uneasiness among the dealers in guano and Peruvian boud holders Fears of a collisio were beginning to bo enter tain tx'. The London Times of the 28th contains an ar ticle condemnatory of the proceedings of Mr. Webster and expressing tho conviction that the Peruvian government would be able to beat ofTor capture the whole of the merchant vessels engag ed, in the guano expedition, unless a naval squad ron of the United States interfere to prevent such an attempt. FRANCB. An attempt was made to assasinle Napoleon at Marseilles by means of an infernal machine, containing 250 gun barrels loaded with 100 bul lets. The machine was secured by tho pplicp and the parties arrested. Advices from Paris state that tho first ofllcial acts towards tbe establishment of the empire will take p)ace on October lfjth, when the Tours de crce will be published for the convocation of the Senate to examine and report an address from the departments, inviting tho President to assume the imperial dignity. Tho conspiracy to murder the President it was bclicvod, was extended through Pi inco fos, (sic) and was set on foot by the French Piedmonteso Socialists. Over one hundred well known violent Socialists have been arrested, charged with being engaged in the conspiracy. It is thought there is yet another machine concealed at Marseilles. The Paris Journals arc principally occupied in chronicling the progress of the President through the Southern Departments. At Grenoblo, Avig non and Marseilles the President was received with the most extravagant outward demonstra tions of joy. Beneath all this current of popular rejoicing, however, it was plain that indications of a secret hatred prevailed at a great extent. This is prov ed by a conspiracy to assassinate the President at Marseilles. The infernal machine was planted on a house in one of tho streets through which Louis Napoleon was to pass the next day. It was seized by the police that night. Besides the 250 gun barrels, the machino had four blunderbusses similarly charged with grape shot. This battery if fired (luring tho passage of the cortege, would havo completely swept away tho President and his attendants. Many of tho conspirators wcro arrested. The plot of destruction was concocted by a secret society, which had long been watched by the police. The subject of advancing the addresses emana ting from the Departmental Council's generally, and of either framing a report thereon or passing the Senate's ultimatum inviting Louis Napoleon to assume the imperial dynasty, has not yet been definitely scttM. The return of tho Prince to Paris, after comple ting his present journey, will be celebrated with royal and imperial pomp and magnificence, which will eclipse any thing of the soitever seen in Prance. The news of tho attempted assassination of Louis Napoleon had no effect on the Paris Bourse. The machine was calculated to kill 800 persons. GERMANY'. The waters of the Rhine were receding. Tho destruction of property was immense, and there was much suffering in consequence. ACSTJUA. Tho ratification of tbo Extradition Treaty be tween Austria and the Netherlands bad been ex changed. FROM HAVANA. Havana, .Sept 29 Steamer Black Warrior en tered port this morning at 6 o'clock, and also will be subjected to tbe usual rigid examination and restriction now applied to American vessels. It is reported that if Mr. Smith remains purser of tho Prescent City, that she will pjt be permit ted to enter the port. Our businets continttes without change the free arrivals q( nprtboqi produce have had a ten dency to bring down prices somewhat. Tho health of Havana is improving and we have no new excitement. Jo. of Com. MONS. PETIN NARROW ESCAPE. This gentleman, who made a balloon ascension from Springfield, Mass., a "few days ago, with his comrades, descended about two miles outside of Long Ibland, In the Ocean. After clinging to the net-worn of the balloon about an hour, they were seen and taken off by a lifo-boat from Southamp tonhaving narrowly escaped with their lives. They went at the rato of 70 miles an boor, by a njrthAChttrly current. ARRIVAL OF Till: LLLjUADO. 14 VAYS LATER FROM C ALIFORM A. ! New OnuEAVs, Oct. 9. The steamer El Dorado bas arrived from Asp'mwall, bringing San Francis co dates of Sept. 17. The Golden Gate left San Francisco on the lGth ult., with 82,000,000 in gold dllSt. ' S:-"-r';.. '"f.- ' Tho Rows from, the mines was favorable, and several large lumps of gold had been found l There was another movement among the min ers regarding the Chiucse, and a, meeting had been called at Jamestown to adoi.t measures for their expulsion. The steamers Columbia and S. S. Lewis had been libelled for violating the passenger law. Late dates from the Sandwich Islands state that tbe prevalence of sickness at the Sandwich Is lands had proved a serious draw back to business. The government had promulgated reciprocity of trade wilb the United States. Advices from Valparaiso state tho Chilian af fairs were very promising. A new military sys tem had been established, which gave great satis faction. Tbe government had sent $200,000 to London to purchase a war steamer. The troubles w;th thp Jpdjans in tbe iutcrior had, in a measure, subsided. . . ' business generally was steady and prosperous The market was steady. Produce plenty. Im (Kirtiitions regular, though rather light for the At lantic States. SEELq "THE ELEPHANT." A young man started for California about a month since, via New Orleans, says the Cincinna ti Commercial, was detained there a few days, and wen: around to sec the town. During his per egrinations he became acquainted with a lot of "clover fellows," and formed one of a party in a "nice little game of poker." This amusement proved so very "nice ".that three days after its first indulgence our journeyer towards tho land of gold found that out of twenty-five hundred dollars part of which had been entrusted to him he bad scarce enough to pay his bill at the Ver andih, where he bad been stopping. Persons travelling should avoid all "nice Jittle games;" they don't prove at all remunerative. 'Gentlemen of the jury,' said a Western lawyer 'I dii't njean to insinuate that this man is a cov-, ctous person, but I will bet five to one, that, if you should bait a steel trap witha new three penny piece, and place it within six inches of his mouth, you would catch his soul.' 'Has a man,' asked a prisoner of a magistrate 'a right to commit a nuisance V 'No sir, not even the Mayor.' 'Then sir, I claim my liberty. I was arrested as a nuisance, and as no oue bas a right to commit mc. I move for a non suit.' More Ililucucfi in tavor of tUc Uxyieuated Bitters. Front Hon. Gco.y. Jones, Surveyor 0n. of Iowa. '-f Survevor General's Office, ) DcluacE. fowa, Sep. 18, 1S4G. Dr. Geo. B Giben, Windsor, Vt. Dear Dr. I intended, b'efori leaving Washington City, last Spring, to say t you in black and white, as I bave frequently done viva voce, how highly I es teemed your Otygenated Bitters, and that 1 have no doubt but they will act as a certain, speedy, and agreeable cure for Dyspepsia, in any case, it mat ten not how obstinate. Your Bitters acted as a charm with my friends, A. C. Dodge, M. L. Mar tin. II. D. Foster, and others, as they did with my- 5c , , Your obedient servant. 1 CEO. W-JPNES. From Joseph Hoxle, Esq., New York City. New York, July SI, J847. 3ents, After having suffered many years from repeated attacks of Dyspepsia, In Its worst form, unl almost exhausted niy hopes of being able to obain any permanent relief, I was induced to have recourse to the Oxygenated Bitters, prejmr ed by Dr. Geo, B. Green, Windsor, Vt It gives m great pleasure to say, that its effect upon me has been highly beneficial, eradicating the dis eae, and restoring me to good health, and 1 sin cerely hope that all who may be suffering from tint dreadful disease, will be induced to give the nwdicine atrial, fully believing they will not be disapwinted in the result. JOS. HOX1E, No 76, Wall ft. Such testimony as the above is entitled to the confidence of Dyspeptics, and proves tbo ellieacy of tho Oxygenated Bitters. REED, BATES & AUSTIN, Wholesale Drug gists, No. 20 Merchants' Row, Boston, General Agents. C. DuPre, Agent for Wilmington. SI per bot tle; slxhottles for $5. " f REIGUTS. To NEW YORK: Naval Stores, 25 on deck sounder Spirits Turpentine, Yarn and Sheeting, Cotton, Pea Nuts, To PHILADELPHIA : ' Naval Stores. 30 on and 85 under. Spirits Turpentine, s Yarn and Sheeting, i Cotton, Rice, 60 cts. pe 6J cts. pel $1 r - ' 6 " ' bVt. .'oot. bale, oush. 65ctt pcrbbl. 6) per foot. $1 per bale 16 cts. per 100 lbs Wilmington Hank Rates of Exchange. Checks on New York, 1 Pr cent prem " Philadelphia, 1 " ' ' " Boston, , 1 ' " " " Baltimore, 1 " ' " " Virginia, J " " " " " Charleston I " " " COMMERCIAL. MARINE NEWS. PORT OP WILMINGTON. OCT. 14 A HANDSOME CONTRIBUTION.. Madame Elisa Blcaccisnt, tbe popular Ameri can vocalist, who Is now givlog a series of con certs in California, has rcoenUy forwarded to Washington city tbe sum of five hundred and three dollars, tbo net proceeds of on of her musical entertainments in that far-off 8tste, as a donation towards the erection of the Washington National Monument. ,: :V -. ,.nt.V?- VThiskerettcrs is the name of the "litte John cow-catchers" that the ladies wearon their cheeks in the plauo "Where the whiskers aught to grow." Tliey aro formed by drawing down a littlotuft of hair from tho temple, and curling it up in the shape ot a ram's horn, or a liittle pig's tail with an extra kiuk to it. The Tribune justly refers with pride to tho ex cellent health of Mobile at the present time. For tbo week ending tho 18th, tho total number of deaths is only 10, which is aiout ono to twenty one hundred. In view of this state of thiDgs, the Tribune proposes that a public meeting bo called to take into consideration the condition of tbe doctors for this season, certainly, their occupa tion's gone." The Loss!' the Clay Medal Probable Dis covery of the Itogue who Stole it. Baltimore, Oct. C, 1852. The Hanoverian Con sul hero has received information of the arrest, in Hanover, of a man named Frederick Nolecke, re cently returned there from this country, and hav ing in his possession $ 2,000 in American coin, a large gold .medal, and a quantity of valuable jew elry, the manner of acquiring which he would give no satisfactory account of. He was an old convict in Hanover, aad wjiilst in this country was arrested several times. Ho resided principally in Philadelphia and Baltimore. It is tbou;ht he may have been concerned in the Portsmouth, Va., Bank robbery; and that the medal in his possession may bo tho celebrated Clay medal, which was sto. Icn in New York. THE CUBAN OUTRAGE. It is said that preparations are making i,n New York to hold a mass meeting in that city, to ex press public opinion on the recent violations of international law perpetrated by the colonial gov ernment of Cuba against the American flag. It will be called without distinction of party. We notice that oue of tho Scott and Graham clubs of that city have also called a meeting on the sub ject. INDUSTRIAL EXUlBBTIoYoP 185.1. Tho medals, certificates, and Jurors' reports have just been forwarded to Washington from tbo Royal Commissioners In London for distribution among such of the citizens of the United States as may be entitled thereto, and who w(ill receive them at au early day. A mau whom Dr. Johnson once reproved for lollowmg a useless and demoralizing business said in excuse : ' 'You know doctor, that I must Jive.' This brave old hater of everything mean and hateful cooly replied that 'ho did not see tho least necessity of that.' ARRIVED. 11. Schr. Wm. II. Smith, Jones, from New York, to DeRosset & Brown, with' radao. to sundry per sons. 12. Schr. Ann Elizabeth, Edwards, from Balti more, to Ellis, Russell &. Co., with mdze. Schr. E. IJ. Rowley, Rogers, from Philadelphia, to Geo. Harriss, with mdze. Brig Buena Vista, Wines, from New York, to Geo. Harriss. Steamer Fanny Lntterloh, Steadman, from Favettevillc, to E. J. Lutterloh. Schr. Martha, Teal, from New York, to Miles Costin, with mdze. 13. U S M Steamer Wilmington, May, from Charleston, with oti passengers. CLEARED. 12. U S M Steamer Vnndcrbilt, Sterett, for Charleston, with 58 passengers. Steamer Rowan, Barbery, for Fayetteville, by E. J Lutterloh 1 boat in tow. Schr. Louisine, Barker, for New York, by Miles Costiu, with Naval Stores, &c. Schr. D. B. Warner, Harmon, for New York, by DeRosset &. Brown, with 1,750 bbl.s Turpentine, 20 bbls Spirits Turpentine, 198 bales of Cotton and 15 tierces Rice. Schr. Louisa Gray, Sharp, for Baltimore, by George Harriss, with 90,185 feet Lumber. 13. Steamer Fanny Lutterloh, ' Steadman, for FayettcviJIe, by E. J. Lutterloh. Schr. Leopold O'Donnell, Ilofeld, for Baltimore, by George Harriss, with 64,379 feet Lumber. Schr. H. N. Gamlfrill, White, for Baltimore, by Geo. Harriss, with 49,371 feet Lumber, 3 bbls., I box mdze. U 8 M Steamer Wilmington, May, for Charles ton, with 96 passengers. DISASTER. Barque White Cloud, Mitchell, from Boston, for Mobile, sailed from Boston on tho 22d Sept., and on the 30.h, in Lat. 81 10, Lou 71, wind from S. S. E, iucreascd to a hurricane, heavy sea run ning threw her on her beam ends, succeeded in cutting away her masts; she then rishtcd. On the 10th iust. she encountered another gale ot wind from 8. S. E. Sho then boro off for this port.when she arrived on tho 10th, to R. G. Rankin. ' V i V l-ilZi. tend :ii i. Divis- SONS C i ij.ii TQU are hereby requested io n A Ion Room, on h nilay liio l.'i!i jni ni 7 ... P. fcl., business of importance will be inirotuccd for yonr consideration ; a fu aiieniianco Is ihcte fufeeaineslly requested. Ky order of the V p -Oct. 14.,' . j - . t. g'l.i, WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. ilPorto Rico, a .Cuba, 21 a 22 " Meal, 80 n NAVAL STOKES Turpentipe,rr bbl lSOlb. ! Yellow dip, 3 15 a 53 37 j BACON per Ih. Hams, JV. C. 14 a Sides, do. 13 a Shouldrs, do. 12J a 12 H'lg round, 13 a Hiims western, a Sides, do. Hi a I H i Virgin din, 0 00 n Shoulders, do. 10 a 10J Hard, 1 50 a 1 Bui:cr, per lb, 20 a 38 ;Tar 2 00 a BKKK. nor bbl. ; Pilch, 1 30 u 1 Norihetn nitss, 20 00 :! Rosin by talr, do prime. No. 1 2 00 a 2 BO Beef Cattle, 100 ' No. 2. 1 72J a 1 05 ibs., 4 00 a 6 00 No. 3. 95 a 1 09 COWEE, per ib. Spirits Turp't St. Dotungo, 9 il per gall. 44 a 45 Rio,' 9i a 10l!NAlLS,perlee,10Olbs. Laguayra, 104 all. Jut, 3 50 a 3 75 Cuba, none. jiWrought, 8 00 o 10 Oil Java, 14 a :! OIL, per gull. a 9 J Sperm, 1 12,1 a 1 i5 a LinsecjJ, 65 a 1 00 Kent's toot, 1 5U a i: Pork, Northern per bbl. Mess, 21 00 a 22 00 Prime, 17 00 a 19 00 I Peas, per bushel. B,ye, a iCow, 80 a 90 Coiion, per lb. BJ Corn, per bu sh 50 Cuodlea, N. U. 12 do. Northern, 14 Adamantine, 23 Sperm, 45 Cheese, 8 CotionYarn, 15 do Oznaburgs ,9 a 4 4 N C Sheet ing, 6 a 5 Sheeting 6 a KLOUU, per bbl. Favettevillc, 6 25 a Baltimore, 4 87J a 5 OOji a a a 30 a a 10 a , 4I a 14 Canal, ex Feathers, 35 GLUK, por,lb. American, 11 HAY,' per 100 Ibs. Eastern, a 1 15 N. York, a ' Ash heed ing, 9 00 a 2 a I ROW, per lb. American; best re fined, a F.nglisn assorted, Swede best refin ed American sheer, Best Swede Pea Nuts 95 a 1 00 KICK, per 100 Ibs. 'Cleaned, 4 00 a 4 40 'Rough rice nom. 1 10 : per bush. SO a 82 STAVliS, per I0UU. 6ta 7 00,W. O. hhd. none, none. 12 00 rough, Dressed, W O. bbl. rough, Dressed, none. ; Shingles, per 1000. Common, 2 00 a 2 60 ilContract, 4 50 a 5 00 ! Black's 1 large 5 00 a j Salt per bushel. (Turks Is 3f land, ' a 2J, Blown, none. Liverpool, G, per sack, a 1 35 4J Soap, per b. Ciikrry Pectoral. Wo havo departed from our usual rule in regard to the advertising of Med icines, in adini ting tho notice of the Cherry Pec toral to our columne. Il is not patent medicine, but ono, tho contents of which, are well known to the medical profession, and which baa proved highly beneficial in tbo case of a number of our acquaintance, who were aeriously afflicted with pulmonary complaint. (Soma of our moat skill ful and eminent physician recommend it to their patient in tbelr regular practice, and we, feel that we are conferring a favor upon tho public by ma king known it Tirtue. LomviUt Ck. Advocate, s raie, 5 00 a 16 00, Steel per.lb. LUMBER, per 1000 feetlBrown 15 00 a 16 00 German, S. Sawed Flooring, W boards 13 00 a,15 00 Blistered, Plnnd and : Best Cast caadlng, 13 00 a 15 00;BeM quality Wide boards I Mill saws, edged, 14 0U a 15 00 6 feet, 6 6J a 5) a 12 a 6 a 19 a Refuve half price. RIVER LUMBER. Flooring, II 50 12 SO CD Wde bo'rd 7 CO Scantling, 4 BO a Lard in bbls 12 a do kegs ttm pr bbl. 8 Offll 6 M1 12 13 1 121 LICLUORS, per gallon Peach brandr A pals,: C." 37JIOO Rya whiskey 45 a 75 Rectified, , 26 a . 23 N K Hum, i j? 30 a y 33 MOLASSES per gallon Newp Orleana, ; 10 Sugar oer lb. N.Orleans 7 a Porto Rico 61 a St. Croix, I Lonf. 01. TIMBER, per 1000 feet. Shipping JO 75 a II 00 I'rimemlll 7 a 10 00 Common, 6 60 a 7 00 Inferior. S BO 4 00 Tallow pr lb , 7 a 8 vWNES.percillon. Madeira. 1 00' a 4 00 Port, .. ), :$1.'00;;4 00 Malaga,.- .,, 40. a - 75- REMARKS ON MARKET. We have very few remarks to make, arrivals of all kinds of Rafted Produce, are quite limited, no rise in water courses yet, that wo hear of, which in part Recounts for so littlo doing. Sales of pro duce for two days past, are as follows : Torfkntine. 1,900 bbls at $3,llj per bbl for Soft, and l,57i per bbl for Hard.' Spirits Turpentine. A small lot at 45 cts per gallon, purchasers arc not very willing to operate much at present, at this price. Rosin Some 500 bbls Common Rosin at $1,10 per bbl. Tar.-77 bbls Tar at S2 per bbl. Timber. 5 Rafts at the following prices, accor ing to quality, viz : $4, 71, and $8 per M. Ll'mber. Staves and Siiinci.es. No sales of either to report, very little (if any) in market. Corn. No arrivals of Corn, for some time past, the quantity in store is decreasing rapidly. For price of other articles see Table. NEW YORK MARKET. Oct. 11th. Sales of 700 hales of cotton at 10J for niiil'illing uplands, and 10J for Orleans. For eign news had a favorable effect on the market?. Sales of 9,500 bbls flour at SI 31 for State, and 4 62 a 4 75 for Southern. Sales of 30,000 bush els wheot at 1 04 for white, and $1 09 for Gene see. Sales of 30,000 bushels mixed corn at 73 a 77J Sales of 1.000 bushels rye at 80 cents. Sales of 200 bbls pork at 17 15 for mess, and at $15 75 for prime. Sales of 300 bbls of lard at 11 a 1 2 cents. Sales of 100 hhds Cuba sugar at 51 a 5 cents. Sales of 1 ,000 bags of Rio colfeo at 8j a lH cts. Sales of 2,000 glllons of Linseed oil nt 75 cents. Naval Stores Crude turpentine bas been quite scarce, and prices have advanced to 1, with sales of 750 bbls lust evening at this rate. Wu have hoard of no larger transactions since the sale of 2,5IK) to arrive, which wo reported Inst week. Spirits are in light stock with sales of 770 bbl.s at 53 cash to 51, to 90 days, including 550 to-day at the latter tato, arid small parcels from store ut 55 cash. Rosin is firm ; 1,000 bbls bbls Wilmington common were sold at $1,50 delivered ; 350 North County doatSl,40; 100 do No 2 at 42 Ot). and 500 fine at 53,00 a $3,50. Tar is hold at 43,00. Exports for the week - bbls 9,054 l)o from January 1st - do 345 258 Do same time lust year - do 294 147 PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Oct. 11. Cotton Sale reach soroo 9G0 bales, in small lots, nt 10 a 12jc for Uplands, and 10, a 12 for New Orleans, rash and time. Flour About 7500 bbls Flour have been taken for shipment, mostly standard .superfine, ut $4,874, including better brands at $4.44 a 4,50, and extra 34,75 per bbl. For home use sales have also been limited within tho rango of $4 874 a 4 75 for com mon mixed brands to extra, ami a'." a 0 51) per bbl for fancy brands. Rye Flour is very scurco nt 3,75 a 3,874 per bbl Corn is wanted at improved rates, and 10 to 12,000 bushels sold at 72 a 73 cents for white, and 75 a 70 cents for yellow. Naval Stores Sales of Spirits Turpentine, nt53 a 55e per gallon, closing at the latter rate ; about 500 hhls Soap Rosin also sold within tho range of 2 a S3, and a small lof of Pitch at $1 75 por bbl. Tar is scarce. Rice The only sales uro some small lots of old at 4 a oc, as to quality. FOREIGN MARKETS. By the Franklin. I.ivrrppnl. September 29 The sales ofCotton on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday were 28 000 bales, at Jd advance. Specu'ators and expoders took about 8,000 bales. Tbo sales on Wednesday were estimated at 8,000 bales at firm rates. Tho mar kt was active with an upward tendency in prices A private account dated Liverpool, Tuesday. Sept. 28th, says that the sales of that day wero 8 or 9 0(10 bales of cotton, of which 5,000 bales were taken on export and speculation. American mid dling qualities, compared with Friday's rates, were Jd dearer. Other qualities had advanced, but not so much. All other kinds were firm at Friday's rates. Tho total sales sinco Thursday had been 33,000 bales, and tho imports 20,000 bales. Breadstuff's Flour was scarce, and enquired for at full rates. Sales of canal at 20s 6d a 2ls ; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 21s 3d a 21s Od; St. Louis and Ohio, 31 a 22s. Wheat wag active at Is decline. Siles of white at 6s 2d a 6s 6d ; mix ed, 6s Id a 6s 3d. Corn steady. Sales of white at 30s 1 yellow, 29 a 29s 6d ; mixed, 28 a 28s Od. Provisions were dull. Tho stock of Bacon was reduced. Sales of mess Beef at 120 a MOsj mess Pork, 75 a 96s ; Ldrd, 60 a 66s. ' London Markets. The money market was tight and public securities fiat consols closed at 100 a 100. Sugars were unaltered. CotTeo quiet. Rice bad advanced 3d with sales of 2,000 bags ; market firm. Tallow firm 41s. At Manchester business was less active. Ac counts from tho woolen districts wero favorable. The Iron trado was much excited, pome man ufacturers were advocating another rise of 20s per ton. ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. IHE subscriber having much experience in ihe . business 0f teaching, will open an English and Classical School on Monday ihe.ISih inst.,In tho house lately occupied, by Mr. Guess. ' f"1"' tuition per session of five months, to be paid In advonce, as follows t Common English brammcs, Including .Reading ' Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar and His- tory '..-' 810 CO " Higher English branches, Including Algebra. Sur- " veying, Navigation, Book Keeping, Natural Philos- ' ophy.Uhemlsirv, Rhetoric. Composition, 4c J2 CO Latin and Greek Languages-.. .......... ....jg jjrj' Kel per session- Q No deduction will be made for absence except' In cases of protracted sickness, . - ., w -""' "? H-JOHNSON.' . -" N. B. Persons wishing to confer with the Princl- pal, can have an opportunity of doing so by calling at the residence of Air. Isaac Nouhrop; Wilmington, Oct 14, . .. . V- 8l4w NEW:BOOTSANDsndES.Vi;: uu iiuuciBigiieu return ineirgi- a sincere thanks for the" very lib tkm -eral patronage thev have reeel. - ved, and hope by strict attention. to business to merit a continuance of the tame. ' 'I hey arenow -' ' receiving their Foil Stock, consisting tof Ladies.f H Mjss and Child' GatterB, pf every style 1 Gents; i. Boys, and Child' Boots and Shoes of eveery style p " -Gents Rubber Oyer Shoes and CIpgsL'ot cvef f style;" Ladies ? " ' ' ! anew'ndbau..V. IliUi UlltJJfU, "IMi weiy tutliJt ucrr, uuuilUjU l OI1U A aiiKainnftnl In finf llnfl. inn ntimmrtiifi in niifd l ' ' an advonlsempt. JON KS jt GARDNER.: I' Oct 12., . jsvVi' -r GREER AND ENGLISH , LEXICONS I DOZ. Liddell and Scott': Greek' ond English' ' i Lexicons, just received and for sale ut j-w '"s S. VV..VV lit l AK.t;tl'5j. Oct 12. 1 90. V, ' NOTICE . "TOTICP: is hereby given,, that all the install ments on subscriptions, to the capital stock, ot the Capo Fear and Deep River Naylgntlon Com , puny, w 11 ilii wcro iiiiuiu 'iiui iu inc j i hi 01 futr, : 181, are now due, and that on all eubscrlptipna" " made since that lime, instalments amounting ' 75 per cent ure due. ' J. J. JACKSON, I rcas. w. t . 4 V. 1U N. Co. ' ..;- ,,'.:.;:";.. -f tfrlmt f Oct. 12. MITVAL RELIEF IN SICKNESS. 1IXIIIN HEALTH 'ASSCCHTIOS .OF JIRCISU" pENKRAL Office No. 8, Law Buildings, Rlch-t' J niond, Va , (Jos 11 ana uuorantee K 11 net i&,uuy. , This i ah Association instituted for the mutual benefit of its members In. case bf sickness, or acci-v ' dent. " f, By depositins annually, amounts of from two toys;; ten dollars, all the immunities of membership, and; , a weekly benefit when sick or disabled; equal fo tho" ' " amount depofiieu, will be received, t, Ayw-i . . . . . l . .. n .. . . Deposits oi persons over ou year 01 s;s a pcrii. cent extra, $1,50 Admission Fee i charged the first year. ' V.J The uonsiitution una oytwf, names an nu(v., merous references, &c, furnished by tho Agent. ;. Mr. V. S. D. Belknap is a duly authorized Agent." " for tho Association, through whom oil in Wilmin-j; ton and contiguous plvces desirous of avalllngv themselves of lis benefit may become member. , J L. H. UKYNUL.U6. 1'rcsldcnU J. K. Fuller, G. W 1 . W N. B. Tho Agent may bo cen nt the Washing nnA T fmtaifa ir..u.l nml will Ha Im rtnu'M pnm iniuiieatc full nartieulsrs concerning the Institution tonllwhoapidy. . f Oct. 9. -BiMrnvr" " I. Fuller, ) -r ' , t:.. fieedham, Klnanco Committee. r j;, fj. f. Bclden, J '' ' Vj- Oct 12. "THE LIVE GIRAFFE." . . and cun be hi WH1T4KEU'. TS received weekly, ond cun be hod Tor 5 ct per ., lcopv, .it VIUT4KEU'ci Bookblorc. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.:, ; nIIAT the nnnunl meeting of ihe Stockhojders, 1 of the Wilmington and Ralclizh Rail Road Company, will he held In this piece, ,on Thureday U1U lllll Uil Ul 11UVCIIIUVI iiu.i October 12, 1852. JAMES S. GREEN, Sec., LIV ES OF THE CANDIDATES. CAMPAIGN ond Libraty edifions.of tbe llf-of : Gen. Scott, tind Pierce, For sale 01 aa ... ... ..... ..n 1 mm -.' f A FACT WORTH KNOWING. GENTLEMEN, if you want to get Coats, Pants or Vests, which for elegance of cut, fineness of quality, and low prices cannot be surpassea by any establishment in ihe country, call at the new store of II. W. ARNOLD, So side Market st. Oct 14. 91 SHIRTS, Collars, Drawers, Hotlery, Gloves, Cravats, Scarfs, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, &c, in short, every variety of articles for Gcnttomen's wear can always bo selected from a complete stock, by calling at tho Clothing Store of Oct 14. II. W. All NOLD. A LARGE lot of Trunks just received snd In ' store. ti. tv, aiuxuld. Oct 14.. .91 WESTERN BACON.:; OH HHDS sides, and 10 hhd shoulders-very ArU superior. .For isle by . r ., finusar.i 9 uitunn.f 1 u ui ivu I'ClVPII'B . ..9..--1 Ot,:12. . ,, . 00.' i " PREPAiWmTCHOOL. J) rVMIF. undersiged lakes this method of announcing ;: 1 10 the citizens of Wilmington and Its vicinity, , 1 hut he has opened a permanent School at the most uiinMe nlaci! In town known OS th ' ' ' f fellows sciwoliiouseJ'' -j For a session of five months, tho rate of tuition . vj- . aro as follows : , - , Rending. Writing and Arithmetic ... ".... 13 00 , Geography, Grammernnd History. ,..., 10 00 j Natural Philosophy, Chemlstiy, and Book f k eep i n a v.' 1 2 00 ,,j ,&,- Logic, Uhotoric and Composition, Survoying, Algebrft, snd higher classc...;.. 16 00 ', Laiin Language ,, ...k.,.-v6 00 3 Greek Language ....... 16 00 French Lunguooa-ln School 110 1 out or School r 12 00,' Fuel, Slate Pencil, pens and Ink""."'. 1 00f . Thp iTnaflralatned la a Graduate of lha Unl vers 1- ty of Nonh Carolina, from whose faculty he bring 7 testimonlols of the highest charoctcrmlsofrom Mr. v Wm. J. Bingham, the celebrated Teacher of thl,: f.J State. Opportunity will be thus offered for young :.. men to scquirea complete English education, ana be prepared for a lift of Mercantile busiae,- or forf 1 - onsy cnirancn iniu in uunnttu vi m oj , lege in. the Union. ' ? T. J. NORCUM. . , Hon. W. S. Asho, ' Col.' WniT E.?Anderoor:!r; (Jol. wsmuel. rerson, mm uiiimq., Dr. Thomas Miles Cos 1 In Oct. 9 I J. Person, Jamo Grist, Esq., - ' v 5 1 II. Wright, Daniel L. Raise!!, Eeij , , n, Esq., Messrs. Freeman& Houtfln. (Herald copy ! week.) 69-lw. "" : .1 . 1 '.,. . s iitct wrrnvrn TIMHI RnTON C)t KITS Mackerel r 20 do Salmon 20 qr bbl , f. CU.Mackorol extra ) 10 half bbls do dot 1 bbl f a dodo; IdoSolunion, bn retail 1 10 quintal Codj .v Fish 1 100 bags extra Dairy Salt 100 boxe do do; y 500 doz jars of Pickles-all kinds 1 Odoi Cnpt Ca , ... pus; 6 doz Olives t 0 del 'Lobster 8 do Yeost ; Powderi 6 do Coxes Selection Oido"Tomnto Catsup; 12 cans Boston Crackers BO boxes Ada-,. ,v mantlne Candles-best quality. Por sal by 4 HOWARD 4 FEDEN. , , Oct 5. 8T 1 r a i UPTON'S GLUE; ': 0ct i4.;. ;: 91. cr BBLS just received from ihe manufactory-...-.f t)) being tho cheapest ond purest Glunow maao .t j for Distillers' use. .". ,'. " . "J ThI Glue require double iho quantity of water, .. to dissolve, will go much farther and do much bet-, tcr service than tho orainsry snarp qu-uiy., , t , Two kind have been received snd Introduced to Consumer, It will b old l1" P-,'r r.'f : ...!', . 88-61. . COATS 4 '.r Oct. LARGK ' assortment of Dress nd puslnes ; LA " .- l : r . tl ..... ... m . ....t , rr 1: 1 rV. fTiiats. bv' uct ' ' KAHNWKILEU St BUO. ' .: r. ... v 88. 3;..i,.'ifT r-' , - t-nv .,- ;.-, ,, - V f ' ' ,:',?! '.v--';j.? : v.. -:. i-- '.i. . f:;Vv : ..s.'-' ' " 1 --iW;ufiJWl!en...it,wN1i5. .... ' ' A- ... . : I:;;