f 4. V . - :,...;.ija:i anj ;.. :;..i 1 J - Line j. A fall 8iO'-i on f in.). Oct. 23. in II, 4 12 4, Superior Bath Bed f;!nnkei, V.an- Ora echean. i ,nivuv. - Oct. 23. .97.. NOTICE. ' , -. rr Shares Commercial Bank Stuck tt ale.,; 0 Apply .o . C.p.KLLlS. -Oct. 29. ' ; 97-31;.... " " ' COFFEE. 1 C( BAGS Rio, Laguyra and Java Coffee. For 1 OU .ale low, by HOWARD & PEDEN. oci.. - :- --vi. FISH. : 1 fi PASES, Sardine, (1,000 boxea j ; , A U 10 da. - Lobsters 1 lfj cases Salmon 1 ; ' 10 half and 10 quarter bbls. No. 1 Mackerel . . 10 ooe-eigth bbls, . do.. - do. 10 ..do.-; do. Salmon; . Mullets always on hand, fresh and in good order. ; For sale low, by HOWARD & PED EN. Oct. 28.' - , , ' 97. NEWCROPRAISINS. Af WHOLE, half and quarter boxes new crop it'Vl. Raisins 500 lbs. new Currants; 10 boxes Citron; 10 boxes Shelled Almonds; BOO lba. soft hell Almonds t 25 boxes Fire Cracker 1 10 boxes Canton Ginger. For sale low, by " ; . : A HOWARD A. PEDEN. -Oct. 28 r . . 97 NEW. MILLED BUCKWHEAT. ' CfV BAGS Buckwheat t SO bags Flouf 5 JVJ 25 whole and 25 half bbls. Floor. For sale 'Pf f s H- HOWARD & PEDEN Ocr. 29 97. Classes. 1 ( HHDS, Muscovado Molasses. For sale by iV? r;;-,i' HOWARD & PEDEN. Oct 29 97. : SUGAR. ' 1 f HHDS. Porto," Rico Sugar. For sale by ' I?,' I';!, H?WARD & PEDEN. 97. MATCHES. 1 f)l GROSS Clark's Patent Matches, best in lUUuwj 20ft gross yood boxes. For sale by . n IOWARD d PEDEN. 97. :'M0LASSES-M0LASSES. i 4?nHHDS of. prime sweet Cuba Molasses, just Uvt received and for sale by " ' ' t . I I If A I UL ovsll. ni K . 4'. 1 . aa :iBAC0N AND PORK. 5 HHDS of superior Side and Shoulders; 10 bbls City Mesa Pork, just received and for sale by J. HATHAWAY & SON. . UCt JO.'. 'T."V"' ' S6. KF0R SALE. VI At BBLS. Fayetti vllio supr. Flour, tiv U-., , ... J. R. BLOSSOM. 9G-if. VJH0LASSLS. , OfJ HHDS Clenfuegoa Muscovado Molasses, KVt7 just received and for salo by ' . ADAMS, BRO. & Co. '..Ocl28. i " ' r ' 96. UMY BAUS. ;AA2 and a halt and 3 and a lutlf bu.heli tivAA Gudny 'Ba'js, just received and for aule bir ' ''ahams Rn a n 'i;oct29.r'f; r m. E. N. CARR AND SON, AGENTS, : REGULARLY licensed by the State of M,ary Jahd for tho sal of Tickets In thn v MARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES. DURING (he month' of July, (here have been sold several of the high Capital Prizes in the Mary, land Lotteries, on lha 31st of July" the 'Grand Cp iml of 67,600 was sold on a whole Mcket which . rwtttd 157,375V.. By permission of parties who , drew it, we mention, their names, Gen. W. H. 'UlohardspB, Hon. J. W. Mcoikell of California, and ). Knox Walker, Esq , Private Secretary of the ,ais rrasiaent James k.. . 'u t. 'I'hna rnr ih nmu.. of 120 they realized tho handsome sum of $19. 125 apiece. ; On the ZSlh of September the Grand Capitol or , 972,000 was told to a clilien of Mataacliusetts. '.Thuifor an outlay' of a few dollars you may real lie an independent Fortune. Send in order for tickets in aome of the following ". Lotteries and try dnd do Ukewrse.' W'f-'; 'u ' R' N- CARR & SON, Jnl 138 I'RATT KTKUET, ti lii .Bnore, Md. ' va3,3I8doliai' 200 of 91 SO SUSQUEHANNA LOTTERY-CLASS 47. - : lj o- lFr Wednesday, Nov. 17. ' . Ul' A GREAT SCHEME. iPrlxe of 35,000.' 1 Prixe of 17,500 1 ," 3,07a "'T,'' ''7,500 ' ' ;20 s'4"v 750 . t-v2U,'". 300 - 200 - " - .' 150 100 " 21 61 " 1 '1:1 .s.v''iiBiory 'iiuiTtj op Viuar. ' .Cerilflcateof Pack.of 25 Whole Tickets, $130 00 -. do ; , , , do' of 26 Halt do 65 00 Vto'i f'-do1 of 25 Quarter do 32 0 do do of 25 Eighth do 16 25 ,1V 343,000 dollars IO or ftS.SOO ' f , BEL-AIR LOTTERY-CLASS 47. . For Tuesday, Nov. 23, 1852 -SCHEME. Prize of 25.000 63 Prize of 40 30 20 10 6 . 12b 126 ' 3780 " 23436 ' 1Q'V . 634 "Tickets ISHalvee 2-Quar. H. 'CertlBcatepf Pack.of 25 Whole Tickets, 174 00 ',nw' Hill do 37 00 ",'de: ..:- do-,. 25 Quarter do 18 50 1O0.4O6 dollars 10of200 ". PA TA PSCO . INSTITUTE- CLASS 810. br Viday, Nov. 2fl, 1852-SCHEME, I Prise of 8,516 65 Priie of .4 1,760 . 65 4910 " - BOO . 200 ' ! 10 '. ,:2fl7' 40 27040 . Tickets I2-Malves 81-Qaariers 50 Certificate of Pack. ort8 Whole Tickets 130 00 do ' o --do 26 Half do 15 00 " do ' " ,1'd,-l'-26 Quarter " do 7 50 23,31 dollar- Oof,000 WASHINGTON COUNTY LOTTERY- CLASS 63,-For Monday, Nov. 29. Pri of 30.000 719 Prize of 200 72 60 40 30 20 20 5,000 03 20 1.000 63 ' iJ0 ' ' S00( 126 k ' -v"t20K 400 126 ;20 J w- "'.' 250 J 3780 " ;." Ticketa $10 Halved S5- Quarter 12.50 ' Certiacaie of Pack. of 25 Whole Tioketa S148 00 r ,'do 'J, 'V .d . 28 Half do 74 00 - do, Ww,'i 25 Quarter,., do . 37 00 Alt ordera ns'Vered by. return of Mail Bank Drafts or Cerilflcates of Deposit, are promptly sont 10 any part of the United States, for Prizes aold by fi. N.CARK&SON.. r. Money in any sums, however large, can be con- fldently mailed to the Hojim of E. N. CA Rtt & SON, -i n )t yt , i , For. Good Prlae, prompt attention, and a just and certified statement of each drawing, address your order to ih Oldest Established Fiirulnybe Wdrld. y,. v f ',.., j... m s.ivfr'' . : , ....'. v k, n. CAkR& sori,- ,. No. 138Prat?l8trect,UaUlinoreMd,v - ;w GUNNY BAGS. 1 0 000bBAG-' b",h0!" h; fo' , . . . 95. SALT. I YirOs,ck' L'V"? Ground, now Ian J. tV L vy ding and for sale by , -, , . ' - iDA iws. rtrrn a n' " . (7.1 A Tf, . i:lt.:;i; tcr-.xv, x. t . . desirous of iiiovn. r toacou-ry j-i and in a ereat measure lavinz aside nv ino'ma- tiuu aa a business, 1 oiler my Houses and. Lota, all OfWiy improved, for sale. The Lots are situated in the most elevated portion of the town and form ode entire square, with a Street On every sUe, and k'umuin nearly lour acre 01 tana, ins wiprmp menu conalat of a new Brick House not yet finish ed, but auon to be completed, 57 feet ong and 40 feel wide, two stories' hint), with right room and wide oassafei t brick Kitchen wiih'twA room,' good double log House In the back ground, good ataoies, .vmose-hoses, 40.. a Well or nratTaii water. Well house and Bath House attached, dec. There Is also on one corner of the Lot a 'one story Brick House with three Rooms, one of which is well adopted to Ihe business oT i Merchant; Drag gist, or for a Lawyer's or Doctor Office. To any one desirous of locating In a hcatliful and rapidly Improving Mountain Village,' for the par poo of prosecuting any branch of business, this I a rare opportunity, aa it is 'but seldom that such property is in mat kel on any term. 'As 1 really wisti to sell, 1 it ii sell on accommodating terms. Morganton, Oct. 1, 1852. Oct. 16. 9j-3w. ENGLISH AMD CLASSICAL SCHOOL. rpHE subscriber having much experience In the 1 business of teaching, will open an English and Classical School on Monday the 18th inat., in the house lately occupied by Mr. Guess. Terms fur tuition per session of five months, to be paid in advance, aa follows : Uommon hngilsn oranencs, including ueaoing, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar and His tory- v ft W Higher English branches, including Algebra, Sur veying, Navigation, Book Keeping; Natural Philoe ophy, Chemlstf, Rhetorjc; Composition, 4C-T2 00 uan ana ijree. L.auaes; ? m j" Fuel per session- t;"i" 60 No deduction will be made for absence except jii caaes of protracted sicknes. I. H. JOHNSON N. B. Persons wishing to confer with (he Princi pal, can have an opportunity of doing so by calling at the residence of Mr. Isaac Noithrop Wilmington, Oct 14. 91-4w WOOL HATS:-W00L HATS. C(f DOZ. Men's end Boys' Wool Hats, for aalc lAA low at the Hat Stoie. Those wishing to purchase will advance their interests by giving me a call. ' ' C. MYERS, Hatter. Oct 21. 94. twiliMRor'' BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE THEIR FIRST isxititmioN 7 This Morning of French Ps Goods and Paris ' CLOAKS ie The entire assortment being of Paris Manufacture ana just received direct, tney win comprise an tne novelties of the PRESENT SEASON. Oct. 19. 93. LARD AND HAMS. H)f KEGS Lard, and a superior lot of North V Carolina Hams. For aale by DcROSSET &. BROWN. Oct 21. 94. LAMP SHADES. O HHDS. LampShades received per Sehr Ann xj i-.iizaoetn. i' or sale ny AloRAE & HARRISS. Oct. 94. NEW BACON. FEW hhds. New Racon Sides, for sale by FREEMAN & HfJUi TUiM Oct. 23. 95. NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN. r I "HH AT OlA nnnnnl mAAtlnnr Af flu, Slrn.)t hnAara 1 of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road company, will be held in ttiis place, on Thursday the 1 1th diry of November next. " ' ' JAMES S. GREEN, Sec. October 12, 1852. ' 90. BUTTER AND CHEESE. OC FIRKIN3 Butter and 100 boze Cheese, for 60 sale by FREEMAN & HOUSTON . Oct 23. 96. STILLS WANTED WANTED immediately, two second hand Tur pentine Stills to run each 10 or 12 barrels Old Dip. Apply to ANDERSON & SAVAGE. Pet. 23. 95. COFFEE. 1 fi SACKS s- Domingo, Rio, Java and Mocha 1 0J Coffee, for sale by FREEMAN f- HOUSTON. Oct. 23. 95. PORK. 1 Cf BBLS. Mess and Prime Pork, for sale by lJy FREEMAN s HOUSTON. Oct. 2$. ' 95. Orrtca Wa. A Ral. Hail Road Co. ) II Umingion, Oct. 22, 1852. J ORDERED that a dividend of six dollars per shure on the Capital Stock of ihis Company be made to Stockholders, payable to them or trieir legal representative, on ana after the 12th day of No vember next. JAMES S. GREEN. Treas. Wil. & Ral. Ruil Road. Town papers, Goldsboro', Tarboro', Halifax, Wet don, and Norfolk papers please copy till 12th Nov. Oct 23. 94. BOOKS PER SCHR, ADELE. MISS Leslie's Precept Book ; Universal Song ster ; Ethiopian Glee Book ; Dental Sargery ; Life of Marion; Fulton & Estuman'a Book Keep ing j Form Book; American Lawyer; Monthly Time Book, for Contractors; Workingmon and Others; Rena; Luida; Eollne; Al.Worland. A few finely bound Biblea and Hymn Books; Prayer Books; Quarto and Octavo Bibles, at S. W. WHITAKER'S. Oct. 16. 92. JUST RECEIVED FROM the manufacturer, extra Sliver Plated Brunswick Spoons and Forks, warranted equal to pure Silver in every respect, except price. For aleby J.M.ROBINSON. Oct. 21. ' 94. DECIDEDLY superior is the Clothing manu factured by H. W. Arnold, south side of Mar ket street. The handsome ahd durable manner in which all his clothing is cut a'nd made, and the re ally low prlcea charged, Is'th'o secret of the immense success of Ihis establishment. Hosiery a godd assortment of Silk, Merino, Woolen aod Cotton, of all qualities, constantly for aaleat ' ' H. W. ARNOLD'S, Oct 22. South side of Market at. near Front. WAX MATCHES. ANEW and valuable article, calculated to super sede all others in use 20 gross of boxes for sale by FREEMAN & HOUSTON. Oct 20. 95. BEEF. Q C BBLS and 10 half bbls ; a ehoico article; lan iwtding from Schr H. P. Russell. For aale by ELLIS, RUSSELL fc Co. Oat. 26. 0 95. BREAD-BREAD. 1 A BBLSPilot Bread t 10 do fine Navy Bread; IV10 do Soda Blscui'.i 10 boxes do; 10 bbls Butler Crackers 1 landing from Schr. H, P Rus sell, For sl by ELLIS. RUSSELL & Co. Oct 20. 06. W- CRAVAT8 AND SCARFS. . QtJMETHING beautiful just opened and on ex O hibitlon. call and examine at - , Oct. 26. J "- ' ' i--- 95-tf.' i , 1 " - X 1. f f. v .)H r; salmon ;and mackerel;; A 'FRESH supply of Pickled1 Salmon and No 1 and 2 Mackerel, in kit and half bbls, just re colved and for alf by , 't,''f., ' 'r PRE EM AN 4 HOUSTON. , Oct26j ... . - . s 95.", . TABLE SALT. : RATBAGS Table Salt for sale by ' U 1 . . FREEMAN & HOUSTON. .A.I... li. t Ha; , ; r ; .. . , .1 fur al. . f ; t. f . r i 1 r r ; . .jii.)yt' 1 J. H. i-LA...r..:, 23 North W- r stro i. Oct 21 9 i. for rr.vrov THE superior fas't sailing Schr. Harrest, f?A William, master, will bane dispatch for . r - . v v t m I - - - r J.' H." PLANNER. - 25 North Water street. . .. -96- Oct 2 FOR CHARLESTONS SC. ; SCHR. Havana, Jones, maater, will sail, tor the above port. For freight apply to ADAMS. BRO. Co. - , Oc' 6. '. ' 93. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. BARQUE Mary R. Barney, Luther,' mas ter. Apply to " ' ADAMS. BRO. A Co Oct 26. 95. fpji ppilWel'phia7 HEROXS LINE,. THE regular packet sohooner L1LLIR SANDERS, T. Corton. Master, will htfve quick dispatch as above. For llcht freisht or passage apply to GEO. HARRISS. Oct 26 95 FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR LltiEr" THE regular packet achl. K. S. POW ELL, J. A. Watta, Master, will hsve quick dispatch as above. For light freisht oi Das- sage apply to GEO. HARRIS8. OctQ ' 95 FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR. LtNm. ' THE" oaek'et brie DAVID DtTPPF.r.I. C.'Zotl, Master, will have dispatch aa above. f or ueignt or passage appi) to Geo. harriss. Oct 26 95 F0R FREIGHT OR CHARTER. 1 . DiirniTL' D......I 1 rn nnn onic.vr. iuoici;,, 1111130, uiuaujr, iau,uoo 1 Lumber, capacity. Apply to ADAMS. BRO. f- Co. Obt. 23. 94. FOR BOSTON. SBRIG Albert Adams, James Snow, master; will sail with despatch. For freight, apply Sto ADAMS, BRO. & Co. Oct 23. 94. FOR PHILADELPHIA. HERON'S LINE. ijOS. THE regular packet Schr. E. H. Rowley, iW. Rogers, Master, will have quick dia 3&pifh as above. For light freight or pass age apply on board, or to GEO. HARRISS. Oct. 19. 93. FOR NEW YORK. REGULAR LINE. THE packet Brig Buena Vista, Wm. B. Winea, Master, will haye quick dispatch above. Kor ilgnt treigit or passage GEO. HARRISS. 93. apply to Oct. 19. FOR NEW. YORK. ' "REGULAR LINE. THE A. I. ne'w packet Schooner Marine, James V. Powell, Master, wiU'Tiave quick dispatch for tho above port. For tiht freight or passage, apply to Oct. 19. GEO. HARRISS. . . . . . r r 93. MALAGA WINE. 5 BBLS., pure, just received and for sale by L N. BARLOW, Aug. 21. Granite row, Frontst. NEW STORE. HEDR1CK & RYAN. ARE now prepared tp meet their friends and the public, at the store North, side Market street, between DuPre's Drug Store and Bradley's Shoe Store; where they are offering a full and complete stock of FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, at lower prices than ever before sold in this market Their entire stock has been purchased in the Nor thern markets at lowest prices, mostly for cash, and will be sold at a very small advance for Cash. Our whole attention will be exclusively devoted to Dry Good, and from thisfact we believe that we can offer superior advantages to buyers, than can be found at any other Store in the place. .Oct 7 69 WANTED TO HIRE. A WOMAN who can Cook and Wash for a small family. W. E. ANDERSON. Oct. 21. 84-tf TO THOSE ACCUSTOMED TO GEPriNGLUMBER&TURPENTINE. THE subscriber designing to make a settlement of his hands in tho South West, offers for sale a Plantation or tract of Land, lying in Glynn County, Geo,, on the head waters of Turtle River, which river is navigable for vessels of a hundred tons. This tract contains 4,500 acres, chief! v timber land, none of which has been cut, and is most advanta geously suitable at (lie head of navigation of Tur tle River, and only sixteen miles by the course of the River from the town of Brunswick. ' Its conve nience to water carriage, healthiness, and location (being the key to the whole sirrroonding country) make it the most desirable situation in this section of country. Asa place for trade and furnishing a good aite for a teooi Sav Mill and Turpentine Distillery, It is unrivalled. As Brunswick Is about to be built up; a market for Lumber and Turpentine will be certain.' lfT&ls Plantation Is well settled having o' good dwelling house every necessary out buildlrfg and about 4 or 500 acrea of awamp and savannah Land cleared. With the premises, Will be sold furniture, stock, dtc. Bethel, Glynn Co., Geo. W. M. RILEY. Oct. 5. 87-1 mo. WALKING CANES. AVERY full assortment of French end Ameri can manufacture Gold, Silver, Pearl, Ivory, and Oxadized Heads a great variety. And those wanting, will find something to suit their taste, by calling at the Hat Store. C. MYERS. Oct. 2. 86. NOTICE MR. HENRY L. ADAMS withdraws from our firm, ard hi interest as a partner therein ceas edby limitation on the lit of August, 1852. ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Aug. 26, 1852. 70-tf. JOHN DILL & SON'S SUPERIOR Scotch Snuff, warranted equal to any in the State. i WILKINSON ESLER. Sept. 18, 1352. 0-tf. CARPETS. FLOOR Oil Cioth and Door Matt, by KAHNWE1LER & BRO. Sept. 25. ' 83. B0 YSV CLOTHING. A GOOD assortment, just opened ty il KAHNWEILER & BRO. Sept..J5. ..-.-.. k. . -.. . B3. 'A UupMlor wtlcle of tugtr cured Ham, landing xxirorn ftenrwary rower.. rorale by W ?:'' V.ELLIS, ttUSELL-dt Co. aWpt. 28. ,v m , v-63. ; I - WESTERN SHOULDERS. iMiiuua toraaie oy or lJ ELLIS, RUSSELL 4 Co. '. 73. Eept. 2.' ; CONTRACT SniNGLES. - QCfk (yVkUoREE'S- Contract Shingle &0J tJJJ ready for delivery dfurlhrup. pile eonsUntlr prepsrlng. Apply lo . DaaOSSET 4 brown: Sept. ,. . , 86. ' ) r i'tf It, !.' t OUIl.l - i l.i C L. FILLYAV, I tf. Ortolr2I. l?;2 nCl'SETO RENT.- lC FOR rent from first October, house ju i 1 finished at "A amance." The house Ci.n I i J.taimi room), with a kitchen, etc. a!o a fine garden attached. Apply lo JOHN A. ""PARKER. pt. 30. - ' v . E5. - FOR RENT. .' A eomiortable dwelling with tariff yard and garden on 2nd Street, bviweeit Ana nil iNuou S( rceis. O. Q. PARSLEY, Guard'n. Sept. 16, 1852. J.it II. copy. D-lf. FOR RENT. From the 1st of October next, the North Store, under Mozan Hall, at p-eenl occu1' ted by John Shaw, Ksq., Orugiilst. 62:lf potLFY.tJilRT- Aug. (OR SALE OR RENT. THREE llrnc lor :ilp or rent. Atinlv ULlO J. A. PARKER. July 17. 53. if- liXGQm ! UKOGANi! BROGANS! .....I 1,200 Pair Men a Dou' It- Sole, 600 do Hoys' do du 4U0 Women's Plunieis fTht b!1 th market. Just received, and for sue a cheap as the cheapest. ; . JONES A GARDNER, I (Jet. 21 . Market street, below the big "Boot. " BOOKS ! BOOKS ! CqEAPT" Just Rceietd per ScAr. A. J. DeRossel. MAiVDEVlLLETS Series of Readers; Parker's Series of Readers; Perkins' Series of Mathe matics j Da viea' Series of Mathematics; Masnalt's Questions ; Ray's Algebra j Pelrce's Alsebra ; Luion Questions; Whateley's Rhetoric; Boyd' Rhetoric; Blair' Lectures; Whipple's Lectuies; Mrs. Wil lard's Ancient Geography and Alia i Morsc'a, Smith's, Mitchells' and Olney's Quarto GeogrtiphV and Geography and Atlas t Quackenbo's 1st lessons In Composition ; New England Primmer &.C. ' The Spectator; Chambers' Mlscbllany j Jos-phfts; Chalmer's Miscellany Rollin'e Ancient HJsioryi Hume's England; McCauley' England; Cfoodtlch's Rotne; Goodrich's France; Micftelet' Roman Re public; Mlchclet'1 Franqe; Keightjoy' Greece; Mueveh and its Remains; Mrs.' Uijiiird's Library Edition History of the United States; Gnnn's Do mestic Medicine ; Cutter's Workson Anatomy, Phie siologyand Hygiene ;' Gillespie's Roads and Rail Roads; Smeaton's Architect; Benjamin's Architect; Builder's Guide; Form Book; American Lawyer; Annuals for 1653; Shakespeare', Miton's, Byron' Burn' More', Tupper's, Scott's, Mrs. Heman'a, Pope's, Goldsmith s, and Young's Poetical Works. Uncle Tom's Cabin ; Aunt Phil lis' Cabin; Quee chy; the Wide, Wldo World ; Reveriea of A Bache lor; James Mountjoyor I've been Thinking; To Love snd to be Loved ; Time and Tide or Strl e and Win; Rrna or the Snowbird; Linda or the Young Pilot ; Eoline or the Magnolia Vail ; Thinks I to Myself ; the Sunny side; Iron Works; Tom Burke of "Ours;" Harry Sorrequor; Jack Himon; Mysteries of Udolphn; Don Quixote; Scottish Chiefs; Gil Bias; Three Spanairds; Abbess; Dow jr's Sermons ; North and South Carolina and Com ic Almanacks for 1853; 4c. Ac , at S W. WHITAKER'S, One door above Scott & Baldwin's Clothing Empo rium. On. 23. . 95. 2000 GUNNY BAGS, w..r.m . a-. , . .1 . I I ud i reccrvea, ana rorsnie towr, oy CHADBOURN 4 HOOPER. Oct. 19. ' 83. GENTS FRENCH KIDS. JUST Imported, by KAIINVVEILER & BRO, Oct. 19. i j. SCARFS AND CRAVATS. FLUSH, Silk end Brocaded, just opened by ' KAHNWEILER & BRO. Oct. 19. . I : , FRESH FROM NEW YORK, Per Schr. A. J. DtRosset. -I "BBLS. Hiram Smith' best Flour, new wheat 1 Vand fresh ground. 50 bags extra family Flour; 3 half bbls Rye do 5 firkins extra Butter; 3 hhds Western Shoulders; 2 bbls Lard 25cxtrasize Beef Tongues; 200 lbs Dried Beef; ' 20 boxes Cheese. Low for cash bj GEO. H. KELLEY. Oct. 21. wJ.wH.andN.C.C, 94 FROM FAYETTEVILLE. QC BBLS scip. Flour, ne'w wheat,' fresh ground. 40 10 bales Yarns, 5 to 10's, at GEO. H. KELLEY'S. Oct. 21. J.,w H.andN. C,T. 64 i XJTUAL relieTinckIess. mm health assocnnoM op vircixm GENERAL Office No 8 Law buildings, Rich mond, Va , Cash and Guarantee Fund $25,000. This is rm Association instituted for ihe mutual benefit of its members in case of sickness, or acci dent. By depositing annually, amounts of from two to ; ten dollars, all the immunities or membership, and a weekly benefit when siek or disabled, equal to (he amount deposited, will be received. Deposits of persons over 60 years of ago 25 per cent extra, $1,50 Admission Fee is charged (he firnt year. The Constitution snd By-Law, nimcs and nu merous references, dec, furnished by the Agent. Mr. F. S. D. Belknap is a duly authorized Agent for the Association, through whom all in Wilimpg ton and contiguous plrces desirous of availing themselves of its benefits may become members. , L. H. REYNOLDS, Presideu. J. B. Fuller, G. W. Needham, Finance Commutes. U. W. Belden, J N. B. The Agent may be seen at the Washing ton and Lafayette Hotel, and wilt bp happy'.tq.com munlcatefull particulars concerning Ihe Institution to all who apply. ' ' Oct. 9. G9-lm. . , BACON. HHDS Sides and Shoulders, now landing from 'Schrj Virginia Griffith, and for sale ey ELLIS, RUSSELL f- Co, 10 MUSIC SCHOOL THE 7th Session of Mrs. H I j''iWajaai W HITAKER'S Music AVAooU I will commence on the 1st Octobor next. It is much desired that those wishing to become her pupils should make a earlv an application aa possi ble, in order that tho hour may be arranged with a view to the convenience of all. Mrs. W. returns her thanks for the liberal patron age she ha received, and can only assure her pa trons that she will ever, heretofore, use her ut most endeavors for the advancement of her pupil. Her terms are Twonty Dollar Ihe Session of Five Months.. New Mnaic snd Guitsr String constantly on hand, and for sale low. 11. WMITAKER. Wilmington. Sept. 11,1852. ' 77-tf. IN STORE. 8AGS Coffee, Rio, Jamaica, Laguira & Java ; 5 hhds. Muscsvsdo and Porto Rico Sucar: 75 30 bbls. Crushed, Ground, and Coffee Sugars j 73 bbl. Whlrkey, Rum nd Gia ; 1 10 Old Ryo Whlkyt , , v, ,i 0boieSop,No.l9d Pslsf ' . i 25 bbl Sugar. Butter; and Soda CfaekersSf V ., VWIIIV UIUIUT1' " j (30 boxes i " v. ' f -nS v-J M tMboxeCheees f' -Vf f v-f -j--' t ! 30 bble. Mulleta , 1 r ",v X,. '!. i T 1 20 CltyMPorJc - " ' 26 Fraily Fiour, from New Wheat j Jt 16 case Broesns nd Shoes t -Vf" Also, general awwiment . of Domestic Pry Good ndllard ware; Powder In keg nd tin can isters) Loritlard and Outealt Snuff, In bbls and bbUj Tabacco, all quahUea J Wood-ware, Baskets, dtcPlough and Castings. For sale by ZENO. H. GREENE. !" Oct S3. (N. C. Telegraph cop.' , 95. - ,n, . li. .if..; A . .TAIL Aa: " ;.7' " u. rr.:: i-tt't L.ny. r. a zi . . . i''.i rr.r.H a . o cur. ' I'LLUCATloSS. &LS IKQS U 111LVIS (JS. f;.ir Divis ta mi Sen Orrie. Bai.tios, II. n varh. R. T. At Co. kDunint!v on band ifla.l ih new Book and Cbeap publication of the dav, and are th 1'ubllshsts' Agem lor tiar per Jklair 7in. Oodey' Lady buok, Graham aiajS7lne, Kniclterooxser wazsxine, m r w Our L'niou, Gleason's Pictorial lltusi rated London News. Punch, and all the best Magazine rd Nswspiiprr of thwdayi Harper Masnsims j"odjlMuJo f sm ct t'j 10 GudcyV Liy Bk 3 t)0i Hunt's Jiiul -ni nrahnm's Mg i;ina 3 Wj Blagazine La.1)' Natiunjl ' f nimpin' prpirtlcr 00 Mugamne 7 W i bunipton ia Knickerbocker Mag azine u..t 30p MeclunieMiaaiint3 W. a Ml silver Coin Kx aminer--', Puinam'e Semi- Dmn.K-ratic Kevtaw 1 00 Monthly Library- bclectlc MigJilno 00, ilLickwooa'a Jini- bivinir AgH, weekly 6 CO lVraltvit Urircs ' peel ........v.J001 Ranking' Abstract I CO N. Y. Whig Review 5 00 line 100 WustminsirrllfvlewS 00 North British 3 10 Edinburg . " 3 00 Foreign Q'lj " 3 CO All these rive ran be had one year for !0. , - Mem- Ntitrum'. I 00 London Ail Journal 9 liti! HnnHiold Woid..- 3 001 l" Any twa of the tlircc do!lur Mnzlnes will Kirkvni otii )eat f. r ti. NEWSPAPERS. Flaj of our Union 2 00;Aew' Vork Hera d $10 00 Anliur's lloliic G i selle Gleaaoti's Pictorial Hoton ,Mn?fiirii-- Waverly Magazine London llluairated News London Punch- Bell's Life in Lon don .-J--.. " Tiiburn; 9 I'O " Time 5 00 Brother Jonathan 2 Oil Police Gazette-.- 2 fO 2 00 4 01 2 00' 2 00! Freeman's Journal 2 00 .-.merienn Courier 1 00 Neai's Gazelt-..- 2 00 12 00 600 Saturday post--" l 00 Dollar Newspaper 1 DO 12 00 Spirit of tit 'l imes 5 00 Eurupmn Times 12 00, Literary World 3 CO Scientific American 2 CO The Albion 6 00 Golden Rule 2 00 Home Journal-2 00 Uncle Sam 2 00 National Era-..- 2 00 Xlir Sn mnl.,,1 Mnn. IPnnrli.r IvIlllA uer it uu unis Yankee llli.de 20 The l.anltrn 3 00 jf Subscriptions received bl us to any of the above 'Newspapers and Mugazines at the unnried prices. Our husincs has been established In Baltimore ever since i ho ynr 1840, and we can now state uilhmit txigperution that we have a larger as rt ment of good Romances and Clieap Publications than any houne in iho United Slates. After the 1st of October, when the new pontage law goea in to operation, wa will send any of oiir Cheap Puh licutiomi rosTAG paid, on remittance tons by letter of the price l the book, so that every one c:m thus get books of us through tho mail at the same price as if (hey bought them at our counter. All letters sduressed lo us must be post said, or thev will not be taken out of die office. CW Send Postage Stamps ra'.her than Silver clmnuc, as they are not so liable lo get lost. JSpecimens of Newspapers sent gratis orj ap pliciition, post pild. " We would reler person wlililng to make luqul ries about our establishment to A. S. ABELLA Co., pnblilers of the Baltimore Son, or any of the New York anl Philadelphia publishers, BURGESS, TAYLOR ft Co., Sua Iron Building, Baltimore, Md Sept. 21 82-lmc HAY, HAY, HAY. 300 HALK4 prime Eastern Hay, now in store, and for sale by CHADBOURN fc HOOPER. September 4. 74. REGATTA AT a meeting of I lie Regatta Committee, held In Chnrtcsion on the IGtli ins!., it was determined as follows : There ihuH be six different classifies tlons of boats. 1st (lass fqr boats from 45 lo 35 feet over all PuTse500.. 2nd class fur boa: from 10 to 3Q feet over all Purse S300. 3rd class for bonis from 36 "o 28 feet over all Purse 6200. ' " ' 4ih class fur boats from 32 lo 26 feet over ail-' Purse 6150. 5th class for boats from 23 to 22 feet over all Purse S 125 6th class for boats 23 feet and under Purse 6100 The Regatta will take place on the 17th and 18th of November next, in the following order : On the 17th, races for 1st, 3d and 5th classes. On the 18th, races for 2d, 4ili and 6th classes Boats entcrine for a race must be within the length prescribed, without regard to the number of oars. The crew of each boat must consist wholly of white or colored oarsmen, not including tile helms man. 1A every race the prize will be gUen to the boat which first reaches the point designated at the ter mination of the race, which will be decided upon by judges to be appointed for that purpose, from whosi decision there shall be no appeal. All entries must be made in writing at least two weeks before the day of the race. The distance to be run will not be over of a mile, and not less lha mile. Any member of tho General Committee shall re ceive entrances, and it shall be ihe duty of any member who hall receive an entrance to forward information of ihe same immediately to the Secre tary. Jostling or foul play will exclude any boat from receiving iho prize to be awarded for ihe race. Foul play to be reported by members of the Com. mil tec stationed along ihe line of race, to the Gen eral Committee, who shall depide on the samet A Finance Committee shall be appointed by the Clinirman, consisting of the Charleston Commit tee, and one member from each of the other places represented, whose du y it shall be to collect a fund, by general subscription, to defray the expenses of tho llegaita. . . Any boat wlnnSna a Purse shall not be allowed to run again for a' Purse of inferior denomination. Genorul Committee of Charlcstdn.- VV. McK. Parker, J, Prose Mathewcs, W. E. Snowden, M. P. MaUitson, H. K. Vincent, E. W. Maihdwon, L. D. DeSousgure, L. F. Roberuon. James Uland. E. M. Clarke, W. H. Rivers, Jas. Law ton. ' Johns Island. Thns. H. Grirnbal. Wadma!.iw.-E.D. Bailey. Si Paul's.-Hon. H. S. King. Edisto Island. W.&'eabrook, jr., H. F. Bailey. St. Helena D. Jenkins. Beaufort. G. P. Elliott. Bluffton.-J. J. Stoncy. Christ Church. Thos. M. Wagner. In conclusion, the Committee would invite com petition from every quarter. They will endeavor to facilitate the arrangements of all persons desiring to enter into the Regatta, or obtain Information concerning it. The liberality of tho president of the South Carolina Institute, lias put at ihe dispo sal of the Committee, an ample store on Southern wharf; and they will, with pleasure, take charge of any boats consigned' lo their care free of all expen ses. The Committee wetild a)so invite the attend ance of the Public generally, and assure them thai the arrangements will be made with a special view to afford to all spectator a fuli and uninterrupted view of the Race. J. F. MATH EWES, ) Convince H.-K. VINCENT, 'of W. II. RIVEillS, ) Arrantemeat. iA II papers favqrablp to ibis trtjuscmcrri, will pleue notice the akive. . . , ept23. 82 91-w " CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA, NEW LINE THE splendid new Steam Packat FLORIDA, Chablcs Wiuvr Ma- ww awMss.iiiiTBjuililsr Charleston and Jacksonville, Picolata and Pilatk. on the St. John's River. The time of departure has been fixed for TUESDAY or every week, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Passenger by the cars on that day will always be in time. . This boat ha been t uilt expressly for this line, with special reference othe comfort and safety ot passengers, and 1 commanded by one of tho most experienced of nav; ig'ator. Person? desirous of taklna this route, are Informed lint the passage throu'-h to Pllatka la tii ia nnta mnnlnn nln rl luliaann mad" Id about 25 hours. - , ' . , s .. - w Fare to Jacksonville, . k, . 8 Oft . ; ' . Ill I... --J DII-.V ' .' in tvi ' ." Any further information will oe cheerfully given br th undersigned. v Berths secured by addrevlng tnesgent, m vuancsion. v. . - . - , J. W.CALDWELL, gent. -pt:r , 1 ' r - 75-es-tU. HCXEYI H0XEYI1 BHL. ot best on retail, at' f . . ' GEO. H. KKLLEV'S. 1 m. : id.- ' t m i ;tfi"A f : He' IX (lUART ROTTrCsf. ' Fi tkr Rrmnrdl ml frnnntnl Ci re vf II ttita s " fttg jrvm an rmptire stale pj fht mr ' IfiMof tie Sp!ti. .The value of ilil iU dlcir.e ' naw Mely tr,o n. and every day th ricid vi its nstf )nr i extrnd trd. . li U approved, sod WgMy r tuti mrt'.cd If Physicians and iiJmiIusJ io m jhe mo.-', vr-rf. t snd searching prrpurat tun frt tl.e ims I' t lav ever been emplojtd iu nsidieal ptui ir. In ;" ration extends to (tie remotest parts of the fyiim, nd consists in nmoing dia3"d action in the ab sorbing and secreting organs. In man, Nature sel dom ifTi.cisr.unaisud, ,tLe cure or any yfrulT disease, but requires the aid of a siimulanr, ai't, a- live, or antiseptie mtdtclne. )n disease cf skin and fleh, a Combination of :hse three t'..,;,--es of medicinal agents Ishfghly disiralU All ili-i i proucrtkes are coBtbtnea in tbt trrpaiatir,t) t and instead of operating succi'ely upon tit aysunt, at they musi necessarily do hen taken separately, ' they operate simultaneously, snd in perfect bar bio-. ny when administered in ibis form. It tenia pro perty strengthen the digestion, ind Improve th appetite. Its aiieiiiitve tendency carrk olf ihe -cumulation of morbid .omtier and its arttisertl) influence acutralixe thtfvlrn. br hiihth dis ease i losieicu.- 41 pnuorm success to ennng snu relieving the various disease lor which it is rccom' mended, is established by a multitude of attested fad. ' ' ' Curt of HrimcF.i tt, r flhnUttnf Sort Thrta'. 1 ' FAt ft a ssr, Mass., Ag. 22d, r330, Messrs. Sahds -I regard it feul iastke to your- selves, and hshionlty to all similarly afflicted, to say, that your oarsapaniia nn cuica me or tne ChnnleMryngii)-". . ' li n-iMiiii be difficult for me to descrm tne aiarm- ins condition or my throat and vocal organ pre vious to the Bc of your Invaluable tcmedr. ' Dur ing neatly three year I was torced to desist from-. the public duties ot my profession t no mnog made use of a great variety of professed fpec.ncs, beside submitting lo more than thirty fxtrt.nely pslntul cnu-ttic applications, I nad atanoonca aa hope of relief, when, as a dernhr resort,! wa led to a trial of your Sarsaporllia. ', " My disease was of so lung standing, and bad 10 obstinaiely resisted the best medical skill. i!'if J am conscious if cannot truly be laid,' my "laKi hath saved me," for I had none s but I trttst 1 led ii some appropriate degree grateful for the favors icsult above named. 1 have now been able to at tend to the duties of the pasloroge for more than a year, and having proved from actual experiment the thoroughness ot the cure, I could not feci justified in longer withholding this statement:, ., 1 am accustomed to keep a bottle of your Sara parilla at hund, and-whenever exposed to colds,, or' extra labor, still use it as a preventive.. Very grate fully your, S. C. BROWN, Pastor of Centre-st. M. IS. Cbnrcb. Frm thi Slatt tf Maine ' The attention of the reader is called to ihe follow ing certificate of a remarkable cure effected by us ing only Ave bottle of Sand's Sarsaparllla. " - Sjiwsr, JMsVApril 13, 1.ST3. Messrs. A. B.& D..SSndar Gentlemen s Th'"! Is to certify that 1 have been afflicted' tnore or k.a ever tines my bifth, whh Scrofula, which- contin ued to lncrecrse until lost February, la Jtmnnry, my leg were so swollen 1 could not ge on a ,n,-t or stocking, and 1 had several large torpi oa me a; the time. In this situation, 1 wa aboot to give up In despair, when 1 was adviced jo try Sand' tiarsa pariila. 1 had not much falih in It, but I sent to your sgents in Augusta, Me , and procored a bot tle, which did me so much good, thai 1 sent and got another, and continued until I had taken five bottles. I am now perfectly well, . If any person who may read Ihis letter is siSicted with any dis- mend and advise them to make us of Sand's Sar saparllla. If any person wishes further informa tion about my case, by calling upon me, I can con vince them of the healing power of this mdirtn. STEPHEN C, HAYWOOD. P, S We are personally , acquainted with I'.r. Haywood, and believe his statement above to be true. DILLINGHAM &T1TCOMB. . Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. & D. Sand. Druggist snd Chemist; 100 Fulton ' st., corner of William. New York. -Sold also b Druggists generally throughout the Untied Stat -and Canadns. Price tl pur bottle ( six bottle, IC ; For sale bl Wilmington if S.B, &.J. A. Evans, ept25 tf r- '"-.' f 't 83f3m MALE APFEMaU T US second se'snion of this Institution will torn men cn ort Monday, the I9ik of July inet., under the conjoint control of the Rev. James II, firent, A. M., and J. W Murphy, A, 8f..' of (pas; experi ence in teaching, in the Male Department, and Mh Sarah A. Brent, In the Female.- W'pa no eulo gies upon the qualification of the Teacher, know ing a discriminating public will judge for Itself. Come and try. Monthly reports will be tent to the parents and guardian of ail the pupil giving', scho lorslilp, attendance, and deportment.' V ; Composition, DcclamO'ion snd Conversation wii bo most strictly sttended to. The Teachers- twU themselves responsible fur the morality of-aljthoso committed to their ut(i jr , '.' Boara can oe uuioinea wim sir. urem lotia or n ,, . A I. -1 1. ,.r tlf . .k j. i j. Residents will bo required ta pay tuition month ly. Foreign, half of the tuition for the session in advance. ' -n- . . f- Tuition is at followt-' v4 vl.-W'.V-;- The classics for any : class In any College, 119 CO Second Class in the same, Including highest i . branches of English science ', V ,15 CI English slont, . ?f " T ' 2, U f ' English Grammar snd Gcogrcphy. 7 r ! ! For Beginners, ' ..f?,'v.. .7 r. , Reading and Chtrojrophr, r.'H rf " . - C . Modern Langtisgesand ornamental branches (lis lowest prices. , . By order of the Board. The weekly Herald and Journal, till forbid 04 4. . .. -V t. . v 11Q I.. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. IAf V "I LARGE" size,1 Second hand en pty UUU Spirit Barrel, in grod order, for sale by7 'j DcROSSET dt BROW.V. . sept. 30. ' s m. " NOTICE. RAN AWAVfroiu the lubscrlbcr.ovr aboue s!.; 1A tnm siti lnHnlurti Annritir. bv lhf nntt of ALEXANDER TURNER, thereby forbid ; : lutranna harborins. trnsilnf .or emiilovlne him,' i" dor the nenaltv of the law P. CU:.'... wuaon, uci. io. r 314v. P0RT.WA RDENfi' SMLIU. DamagedUocds, per Bark "thite C.urf.'! ON Monday next, i5it lnt.,at II o'clot-K, at me Wars House ot Miles CoMin, Eq, I "V.W Kit nndrr imnection of tlut Port VV'afdrniL. for account of whom It may concern, valuskle lot of damaged uoooa, per tiaqu ur.e tioud," couna ou ton to Mobile. Oct213t M. CROKLViAoet'r.- itKNliiASII MIRY .CHEESE. 1 O COXES of excellent qHaliiv. . Just ec.ived IZti i . . , L. NsBARLOW's. snug lias Hi. "THE LIVE GIRAFFE.". . , s, . t . s TS received weekly, snd can be had for 5 ctsp A copy, st .Oct 12 w WHITAKER'S BookStr -r LIYERPOOL GRCi'ND SALT. f?ft SACKS Liverpool ground Slt, tj errlv. OUU For sale by ' ADAMS, BRO. & Co. 'Ocl7. ' . JOctSO. " ' . . . - - 95.'. Sept. p. V J.,W.H.ciN.U.T.copy. 83.