i v- n, ( ,-t ; S . A ! i a in. . . t!.U lnti il. .- 1 1 . 1; :i;r : a cm. It. 0. DAY O 1 'l Lit l.nst . .v.uciiN ftn.l Death of Daniel .tTstrr. I Iai mifu un, 10 o'clock. Saturday evening. Mr. Webster is not now expected to lira nn hour, and is himself momentarily expecting the iul Mir iaous with great ciilmoi'sa, i n.tion ruiJ composure. I -.in the afternoon nnd evening he lias i ..averfcJ freely, and great clearness and tk't ul. in relation to the disposal of his pri vate affairs, lie gave full directions in re lation to his farms, giving the most minute statement of his wwl.es in regard to them. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, he was seiz ed with a violent nausea, and raised coneid erabledark matter, tinged with blood, which left him in a state ol great, exhaustion ami debility, ;.;-:,.--, .-:.;-Ah-y. : Th nhvsleians in attendance'- then 'an nounced to Mr. Webster that his last hour was rapidly approaching. He 4 received the announcement calmly, and, directed all the females of the family ,to be called in, to each of whom be addressed individually a lew af (octionatparM"5 word; and Hd lhem a fi nal farewell i" lie then tookJhisv leave ot his male .relative"' anil '."personal friefldR, - ad dressing each of ihem individually, rel'crring to past relations? and bade' eauh an aflfec-tionateiarewelLt'.f-;: ; The last" or his family that he parted with was Peter Harvey iVebstcr,i (a grandson.) wtton whom he asked the richest blessings of Heaven. He then said, as if speaking to himself, i:0 tkf 2ith of October all lhat u mortal of Danjtt, Webster Mil be ?io more." clear voice, most fervently and impressively, concluding as follows : "Heavenly ftithcrtforgict vtytinr, and melcome ? to thyself through Christ Jesita." .' Dr. Jeffries then conversed " with ,him, and told him that medical skill could do nothing mora ; to which Mr Webster replied : ; " Then 1 am to be here1 patiently till the td-if it b$o may it come toon." ; ' ' It is now 10 o'clockj and Mr. Webstei con tinue perfectlf eonscious of everything that r-Mpassinff. '.'i-' "Dra. Jeffries and Porter have expressed the opinian that the immediate cause of his iugtHui UCUUI i It vuutuuuf aucvuuu v. aorae of the smaller intestines. T , , Son bay MoBKtiOj;J o'clock. ; Since ten o'clock Mr. Webster has continued to gradu ally sink, though still retaining all his facul ties unclouded, - but ' too .; weak" ,to converse with hisfnendssave an occasional remark, na if to satisfy them that .his mind was still free, and that all his mental faculties remain i cd uniropaired.'''!-' Svrdat 'MORMtNQj'4 b'cloclc. " The Hon. Daniel Webster-; the 1 greatest of American 1316811160.1800 rnorl I ,. Jiedied at 32 min utes of;S9fclock,1n the jlst year of his nge. . During the last hour he was entirely calm, nod breathed hta last so peacefully that it waa difficult to fix the precise moment that fio eipirca.v, r- ' MIL WEBSTER'S FUNERAL. Do8To. Oct. 24, S l M. It was the re- fluest ol Mr..-Webster thnthia Inne.rnl rIiou 1(1 ba private.1 No time or arrangement for the interment have yet been . determined upon The body is to be deposited in the lamily .vault at Marsheld. - ; POLITICAL rR0CEEUlNC8 SUSPENDED. A RtBostoiv on Friday' evening, the po alitical sroceedinirs and torchlight nrocession. iarratn:ed in behalf of Mr.) Webster, were suspended, in compliance with the request of ta larauy, so aiso at new iora iub ioiiow- 93 notice was issued : ,k , J Al- nebsler Uinmuiee iiooms. i NewiYork, Friday Evening, Oct. 22. Having received intelligence of tho dan- serous tllncMorthe; Hon. Daniel Webster, iw r lKU4lcli';:Uvuwui vvuilif JhiCY7 vi lion York, in View; of the solemnitV of the occa sion, have ' rcspi yec .ftirTjlh4 present, to sus- 'jieaa.au public proceedings. U- $. .-f m Ghakle8 Li Nose, Chairman. Gbo. C. Hood. Secretary. , In Boston; we aeo, too,' there was to be a great Scott and Graham meeting at Faneuil Hall, on Friday evening, but as .soon na the news came from Marshfield. the Executive ' Committee met and unanimously passed the luiiuwing resolution ; ; t' ?eiored.Thatliavinff Heard' of the sud dco and alaraling change in the state of Mr, Webster's health, and that a fatal termina tion to his illness may soon bo expected, in view of the. irreparable loss which the coun try must; sustain byj -'such,' aa 'event, and of uie anxious, state ot tho public mind in a community which has so long cherished him wi'h such pride "and gratitude, we recom mend that iheraeednjf advertised for this evening be postponed till further notice. l'lie meeting ,wa accordingly postponed. -MR. WEBSTER'S DEATH AT BOSTON. Boston, Oct, 24, -The announcement of the death of Mr. Webster, although moment ly expected throughout yesterday, cast a uni versal gloom oyer the city, in which the whole community seemed to;participnte. At 8 o' clock this morning One' hundred minute guns were fired from th6 Commorr, the bells of the city were loiieu, and Hags suspended at balf , niast from' allthe public buildinns in the citv. whilst tokens of the. great bereavement were ni.nln vpn . rnm t. mo 11 v l nriva I a A ii.ll iria From an early hour until noon the people were garnered in tne streets, conversing on the'nationaf calamilvf;? A v - The Webster Club Boom hat been dra nod ''In mourning, inside an Out, and craped bnn- ncr, wun tne loiiowing motto, auspenued, .un uie dw iimr principles upe." M r4 Webster's DestU , t Sprlngfleld, Mass. r, opRinoriELD. uet. i nu bells were tolled this morning and the Whig flags were shrouded with crape on the aoi.ounccmcn: ol the death ol Daniel Webster. At a rocelinir held this evcnlnir speeches were.- made by. the Mayor, who presided, . Judge Morfis. Rev Dr. Osgood, and Wm. B. Calhoun. Resolution! of condolence were adopted, and a committee of fifty appointed to attend the funeral at Marshfield. Anoth er committee of five was appointed to confer with the cityauthoritle relative to further testimonials. 'The meeting was Impressive nn pponinncous, ' ; ; : , ?IR. WEB8TER'a DEATH at sv.xi vnnir t w YoBK, Oct. 24th lite newspaper a were thronged; at an early hour this h"; witn.anxiout enquiries alter the con il ol Mr. Webster, ' On the announce. ;-f(.t ci r.ia uain. mo dcijs prtiiacitv were toM.'J, f!;tgs draped in mourning suspended fioni all the rgblic buildings, and all seemed debirousbfeipre ing their sense of jhe in eat JNational ca! unity '" '" , Mr. mister's Death if Philadelphia, ik . .-.- ni ... 'ri - i -niLAOKLrHiA. BHuv-uncor ! .I p.i i lv t'l.uf pfA (if'.iiur wuh receivpti i ... A l....l. i.: ;u .i o cioch -una iuoumiiki " wii I I . .. i . u.. . k ;i,, un. eeuemeni viiroiinuuuv mo m. ;tate House bell immediutely commen 1 t Ilinf,. followed by all the bells in the r.1ln.nl Ko all f 111 hi. I to in thO i ! v. and zt draped in mourning were u' in nil parts of the city, 'Jn ncarlyall : chuici.ei of, (ho cily, this moriuug, mor hit) i! "Uh, character, and services to tho ..racier, ami services to u.o do the subject of oppropa - country, ivert niu ;.!c cuiurrictit. i I "I ' , , r . ! . ,c. I !' s: w!. !i u.. t: pi.'.-'.;o room i J t!.o nnnoir i. deallr of Mr. YLster. winch, S0UI1 KHOVVn llirou'nioui, mo ure uiji I .1 I I. !.!. .... niiu ; ;- Lnnivl.l,rnl na n rrent national bercuvc- -o- : e ment. , His death was appropriately announced in most of the churches, nnd n benutdui trn bate to his memory, services mid diameter, was delivered in the coiiro of a sermon ly the Rev.Mr. Dewey, at the Unitarian church, this morning. The public, buildingi" ure shroiideil in mourning, niul all the depart ments of government will, be closed to-morrow. UniversHl refpectii mnnifested through out the city at the solemn evehL ;9 f ; ; r The Effect of the Melancholy Tidings at New - New Orleans. Oct. 21 The news of Mr. Webster's death reached New Orleans to day; Sunday, about lioon, and was published in an extra, ami excited deep sensation nnd the criel of the whole community. Tin: Mayor immediately issued a proclamation re commending the citizens to abstain, on Mon- Iny from all business, nnd that the public of fices should be closed, (he flas of iho ship ping in harbor displayed at half mast, am! minute guns fired from sunri-e to sunset . Re Klud to the Loved oiich at Hume. Bo kind to thy Father, for when thou wurt young, Who loved thee so tenderly lis ho 1 Ho caught tlio first scccnts that fell from thy tonguo And joined In thy Innocent glee. Bo kind to thy Fathertor now he is old, His locks intermingle with grey ; His footsteps are feeblo, onco fearless nnd bold, Thy Father is jwissing away ! Bo kind to thy Mother for lo ! on her brow May traces of sorrow bo seen ; 0 well may'st thou cherish and oomAirt her now, For loving and kind has sho been. Remember thy Mother ! for theo sho will pray As long as Qod glveth her breath, With accents of kindness then cheer her lono way JS en to tho dark valley of death. Be kind to thy Brothcr-bis heart will havo dearth If tho smile of thy joy bo withdrawn ; The flowers of feeling will fado at their birth, II tho uow of affection be gone. Be kind to thy Brother; wherever yon are, Tho lovo of a brother shall be ; An ornament purer and richer by far, Than pearls from the depth of tho sea. Bo kind to thy Sistor not many may know Tho depth of truo sisterly lovo : Tho wealth of tho ocean lies fathoms below Tho surface that sparkles above. Be kind to thy Father, onco fearless and bold, Bo kind to thy Mother so near ; Bo kind to thy Brother, nor show thy heart cold, Bo kind to thy Sistor so dear. A STRANGE PLAYMATE. A few days since a lady of our town nar rated to us the following curious incident, wlucli she derived Irom a near relative, the mother of a bright little boy net quite a year oio, i ne cniiu was one day seated near the edge of a porch, a tablespoon wilh which to amuse itself being placed in its hand. After a snort time the mother happened to look to- warus uie oaoe, anu perceived mat it was leaning over the norch. nnd r.miiiniialv at. tending the spoon towards the irround, then suddenly withdrawing it, with a hearty laum each time that it drew its hand back. This manoeuvre the infant repeated frequently; its mother, supposing it to be playing with U kitten, paid no Darticular attention in it nt the moment. At length, the child's freauont bursts of laughter, and Us prolonged eniov- ment of the sport in which it was engaged. inuuecu the motner to approach nnd look over its shoulders to sec what it was that ex cited its glee so much. Great was her aston ishment and horror on observing that the playmate of her little boy, during all this time, had been a large and dangerous snake. which, with mouth gaped widely open and protruding tongue, was coiled up in the atli- titudo peculiar to that reptile when about to strike, and had been darting at the spoon (it is supposed in play) each time when it was extended toward it. The mirth of the infant was created by success in baffling the at tempt of the reptile to reach its plaything. The alarmed mother, not daring to leave the spot, hurriedly called her husband, who suc ceeded in approaching the serpent and dis patching it witn an axe. jtauisoii Loun.'y Jiecord. GREAT DISTRESS AT MADEIRA. The failure of the vintage, resulting from the recent blight upon the grape, has produc ed the greatest dibtress among the mhabit anto of Madeira, and threatens with absolute starvation largo masses of the luborng class es. The Civil Governor of tho Inland has issued a circular acknowledging tho impo tence of the Portuguese government lo meet the emergency with any tiling like, adequate relief, and appealing to the christian sympa thies of foreign notions for aid to avert the impending calamity, A SINGULAR DEATH. At St. Louis, a few days ago, Mrs. Bulton lost her wallet in the market, it was picked up soon by a German woman, named Mrs. King, who returned it to the owner. She opened the pocket book, examined it, dcclar ed that Mrs. King had taken $10 ol the mon ey. The latter seemed much confused, and denied it. Mrs. Bolton then threatened that she would have her arretted and searched. when Mrs. King fell dead at her leet. The death was as sudden us has ever been known. Mrs, King was the wile of a steam boat-man, and the mother of several children. CAPT. PORTER IN WASHINGTON. We learn from the Washington Union oi' yesterday that Capt Porter, ol the steamship Crescent City, arrived in Washington on fndav evening last, having, as it says, been sent lor to New York, to come to head quar ters and explain his conduct. The Uiijon adds; He is kindly received : but the end of the fionlerince between himself and the ad ministration is that the Crescent Citv, which he commanded on her last trip to Havuna, when she was insulted because uo innocent man Mr. Purser $isiih who was supposed to be inimical to her Majesty the Queen of Spain was on board (!) bus been ordered off T "0e v r,CT! avon n"u the line Irom new Orleans to Havana, nnd i mcuw m iisw jum, mm iiimiicruuiiurvno win run oeiweeo ew ionc anu new ur leans alone. Mr. Smith beinir on. board It i - . ' i i Uae- Ueut VoHet WM only temporarily in .A.Mnnj r i. r-.. .... ri;.... . . . k , i no ueorir a beinff In ul im lor remiln i i , .. . - t i ' . ' aim ii i. n H true 1 hat lha riuint 11 tv ha. - longs 14 the line., that doet nolstoo at'lla I .,n.. C. .. L . . . . -.V i hhu un mo wuy ociweeu Hew.jtortc opu New Orleans, i lbU t : 0f byT; r :r ; M ,v UilLi vaJUSKLLCi ' " V .1-- Oct 7, ...1 VVABBI I'fi-S i0. lit) SMITH j 1 WllA.Br. li.UTVMUllE, OIK. ' II. W. PF.Nni.KTON, I V. P. Pr.NDI.lCTON. I r.nltimoro, Aug. lOih, 1P52. ' - ,. tiffcrtnee T . ' . ; ' I Uusth Jenkins & Co., Ualiiniore." ' - " ' ' ! V. W. Mrtine & Son, . ' Wm. Wilmin A Sons, ! -'i--wWm'c..-. Kdwln Wnnham A Ctr., RichmnmV. 7 ArchhM Thomas & Son, H , ,i'f' '.' Hngi W.-'Fry; ' ' 1 v .' ; v RhoAs & Oglelwy, nrhlgepart, Ohio.' John Cieih, Cincinnati, r ; ' . v ";? 's Gortlen St, Co., L.oal8villo , -T , W. II. Bariloss, Chnrlenion, S. t)J"': t . Otis J. Choree, - - - -, : 5 James M'Cullogh. Piitshurg. Krown & Ktrkpatrlck, ' i Z, Chafce, " I). Lamb, Ksq , Cnxh'r N. Wn Bank, Whei ling. S. Brady, Ksij., " Mer. f. Merh. " " James R. Buker, Wheelinij. Josiah Sibley, U:ini!mr, S. C. Henry A. Schnmlrr, Mobile, Alabama. A. t.. Oaincs, New Orleans. Oct. 5, 87 Omc. NOTICE, THE subscriber having rectived letters tostamen l;try, from ihc last Court of Picas and tluarler Sessions, on the estate of the lato Jamrs Rurch, hereby requests all icrsons imlvbted lo his tefctaior, to como forward and make payment, and those having claims against said testator are notified to present thmn witbin the time ireseribcil by law, or tins nonce will no pleaded in bat of their recovery. JUll U. UKLLAM Y, KxeCUtor. sept 23 82 tf NOTICE. 'TIIOSF. persons who have placed papers in the X hands of the late James Burch, actinir Consta ble, are hereby requested lo present tho official re- ints now notd by tnem, and receive their respec tive claims from the subscriber, who as the execu tor of the lato James ISurch, is desirous of closing l lie business of the estate. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Eictutor. pt 23. 8-'-tf COPARTNERSHIP. IIIK subscribers havo entered into Copartner A ship, under the name and style of Sutton, Southmavd & Co., for the purpose of building or repairing all kinds ot Machinery, and carrying on a general t'lacksmithing, Iron and Brass Foundry liiisincss, in the town of Wilminston would be thankful for any order in either of the abuvu bran clics of business from their town or country friends, Mr. button having recently relumed from the north, where he has purchased un assortment of tools, which, in addition to loose wp now have will ena ble ui to fill all orders with despatch. Our eharges8haloompare favorably with those ol any other establishment. WM. SUTTON. TMOS. SOUTHMAVD, CHAS. SOUTHMAYI). March 2. Jour, and Her. 1 week. 149 TO THE PUBLIC. 'TMlk Subscriber has leased for a ter n of years, ol K. vv.llrown, tvsq., Uishre-proof store, with ills wharves, and is now in a condition to take cs RCuial care of Spirits 'I urponiine and other Naval Stores cornniited to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the boat and safest place in town lor me storageol rsacon, l.ard. Corn, Teas, cic. mt I I I .1 r . i ue lower wnarves nave on mem lour laree new sheds, where .Spirits can he safely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds ofprwuce sent to his care, lie Will also make advances when required. He begs to refer ti. the following gentlemen: R. W. Brown, John Dawson, O. O. Parsley, andThos. H. Wright, Ksqrs. MILES COSTIN. Brown's wharf Wilmington, N. C. Scpf. 1 77 NEW FURNITURE. TIIF, subscriber would respectfully invite the at tention of the public to his stock of Kurniiurt now being received by the Philadelphia, New York and Itoston packets. Having recently made an addition to his already very extensive Ware Rooms, ho will bo enabled to keep on hand us complete an assortment as can bo found in any establishment of tho kind, and having purchased nearly all of his goods of manufacturers, he can sell at very reason able prices, The following articles may bo found in his establishment. Sofas, Black Walnut and Mahogony, In plush, haircloth, brocatclle or D'Lainc; TetcaTctesj Divans; Stuffed scat Itocking and easy Chairs ; Gothic arm and sitting Chairs; Sofa, Centre, Pier, lioquct, and work Tables ; Klagires, or Commode and corner Whal Nots ; Ottomans, Crickets, and Teapoys; Fine Mantle or Pier Glasses ; Piano Fortes, Stools and Music Stands ; Sideboards, K.vtcnsion and other Dining Tables Dining Chairs ; Secretaries, fine French and common j Klagires ; Portable Desks, in rosewood, mahog any, black walnut, or papia machc; Fine Library Chairs an( Lounges ; Dressing Bureaus, plain and Marble; Washstands, every variety ; Wardrobes, mahogany, walnut and painted ; About 100 Bedsteads, French, Cottage, high post, half post, Field and Cot, in mahogany, walnut, cherry, maple and iron ; Ma'trasses, curled hair, moss and spring ; Towel Stands; Painted setts of Chamber Furniture ; Chairs, nnd ltockers ; about 125 dozen Cane and Wood Scat ; Hat trees, walnut, mahogany and iron; Counting Room and Office Desks, Chairs, Stools and Shelves ; Cane .Seat high Stools, with back, a new article; Counter and Steamboat Stools; Looking Glasses, every description, from KJ cents to 8100; Children's Cabs, Carriages, Horses, ltoekere Cribs, Chairs, Crudlcs, Trundle Bed-leads, and Toy Bureaus ; Work Boxes; Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Baths, f-c. Almost every article that may bo wanted in this lino. J. I). LOVK. Front street. Sept. 13 town papers copy 7'J-tf PANTS. luriro assortment French Hash KAHNWK1I.KR 6t II1U). m. JUST opened a mere Pants, by Oct 7. NAILS AND SPIKES. 1 KKGS assorted sizes, for sale by 1 'M FRKKMAN . Hoiisniv Sept. 21. 81-bv. NOTICE. NOTICK is hereby given, lhat nnplieation will be madu lo tho noxt Legislature V North Caro lina, to amend iho Statutes regulating the election unu licence laws oi lite lown ol Wilmington. u . .in c oe - n . . . Sept. 30. 1852. 85-1 n. N KHARS. VKttV superior, and for sale low, by ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. 88. 10,000 OctT. iAi's tar a ti eino (linn A nr DDZ. Men's. Hoys'. Children's and In- tIvV. fants' ('ans: cvorv variotv of Clmh Silt Plush, Oil Silk, Glaxctl, ond Fur Caps, for tale at very low price. Those wishing cheap Caps, will nnd them at iho Hat Store. n nt c. Myers. Oct2. 9if OVER COATS. A VARIKTV Of l.)iibl.. end Single Ovsr touts, n by All!V WEILKJl 4t, HK(). THE subscribers aro ready u contract for Steam Eoglncs of any sijc, or any kind of Mill gear ing. To any f ne wantUc Machinery of ho above deicrlption they will orlor Indneainents equal to any sstabllshment either , North or South, Please give Us a call before purchasing elsewhere. - . , ' X BUTTON, tSOUTHMADK Jb CO. t Wilmington, N. C, April 0. 1852. r- 0-tf.- Weekly Journal, - Fayetteville Obaorver, "Oolda boro' l'utrlot ami Ualelgh Rosiiter cony thro months and send bill to us. ., S S ill J i; M.TI' R. I'MIW I: ,S 1". r many i; : ut, ,! UN v.li-lo l! : : lie nt ol V lo Co in ..iims, ill i t!i j ,,,1 1 i l!:f in all their vatied and coinjdieateJ Irui!i. His great success in those long standing end diflicult cases, such as were formerly considered tncnrable, is suffi cient lo commend him lo the public as worthy of the extensive patronage ho Bs received. -Wnhin the last ei'ht years, Dr. D. has treated nore lhan 29,500 caxrs of I'rlvate Corjaplulnts, in their differ ent formsand stayent praei ion which no douU exceeds that of all other pb)sieians now advertis ing In Bahfinorc, and not a hinle ease is known where his airecibms were sirictly. followed,- nnd medicines taken at reasonable lime, without cllect Ing a radical and perninnent cure; therefore, per sons nlllielcd with diseases of the above nature, "no matter how diilicuit or long standing the enso may be," would do well to call on Dr. DOW, at his of fiee, Ni. 16, South Frederick St.,-' and If not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be Kquircd for liiasf rvices. His medicines are freofrom Akrcury and all mineral poisons ; put up In a neat and eoni pacl form, and may be taken In a public or private bouts, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, nnd except in cases of vio lent inlbimntlon, no ehnne of diet is necessary. STRICTUUKS". Dr. Dow tins discovered a new method by which he can core the worst form of siiicluro and Unit wiinoat pain or inconvenience to the patient, liritation of the uri-fhn, or prostrate gland, or neck oflhe bladder, is sometimes mistaken lor strictures by pcneral praeliiioners or charlatans. Yot xo mi:n and others afflicted with Seminal' Debility, wheth er oritjinatins; from a Certain I tctlruclirc llahil, or from any other cause, with train of bodily ami mental evils which follow, when neglected, should innlio an early application, thcreny avoiding iiiih Ii trouble and suflering, as well as expense, liy his improved method of treatment, Dr. D. can safely guarantee a speedy and ptyect euro in all cases of this complaint. v TO riZMthV.S. All diseases pecnliar to Ferries (as also Sup pressions, Irregularities, &c.) speedily and effectu ally removed. The efficacy of his remedies, for tho cure oflhe above affections, have been well tes ted in an extensive practice for the last twelve years. Persons at a distaneo may consult Dr. D. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine securely pin up and forwarded to any part of the United Stales, always accompanied with full and explicit directions for use. Communications eon sidered slrictlv confidential. Office arranged with separate ana mucins, so I'.ia; paUtuls never see any one but the doctor himself. Attendance daily, from 9 in the morning 'ill ') at nilit. N. It --Persons atllietcd with any of the above complaints, w ill do well to avoid the various XOSTKUMS ASH NJ ICC I 'CS, advertised by Apothecaries and D nudists as a cer tain cure for any and every disease. They are put up to sell, but not to cure, and frcijucnily do much more harm than good therefore avoid them. A word to the wise is sufficient. Address DR. J.DOW, 10 South Frederick si., Kultimore, Md. Sept. 7. 75-ly-c OUR MOTTO IS ' TO PLKASK," , AT Til K Wilmington Saddle, Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. nIIK subscriber renpectlully i n forms the public JL that he has recently received additions lo uis stock uf Saddle and Harness .Moumiiiiis, Xi e., the latest and most improved htyle, and is eonsl.inly manufaeturini;, at his store on market street, every description ol articlein the above line. From his experience in tho business, he feels confident that he will be able lo mve entire s.il i.staellun lo ul I who may favor him wilh a call. Ilrhus now on hand, and willuonstaiitl keen a laue assorlnn n I of Vnncif, fits ami SiUReij It'iriirsx, l,nilfs Si'iUrs, liridkf, U'A.'i.i, f-e., (:' men's SaddLl, M'iiis Spurs, fv;. all of whichhe will warrant to bo of thetfg best materials and workmanship. He t' has also a laree assortment of Trunk)), Valises, Saddle and Carpet Jtags, Sutehels, Fancy Trunks, &c., nnd all other articles usually kept in such establishments, allot' which he oilers low fur CASH, or on short credit to prompt custo mers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, odieal Bags,&c.ifcc., made to order. Inaddition tothe ubovc the subscriber always keeps on hand a large supply of String Leather, andhasnow, and willkeopllirough thesoasonugood asaorluienl of l"'l' Nvtts. All are lnviteil to call and examine my (jowls, whether in wont ornot, na 1 take pleasure in shnw in; my assortment to ull who may favor me Willi a call. llarnesBand Coach Trimmings sold au;f liirpricc topersons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips at wholesale. All kinds of Ridinir Vehiili sbou;;ht a n.l sold on commissions. " JOHN' .COMOI.F.Y. Jan. 8 1852. 3'J PORK, "A TF.SS and Prime, conslnniiv on hand and for IV I sale by FRKKMAN & HOUSTON. f-'J Oot 2 FA YtiTTEV ILLE FLOUK, QUPKRFINI' and cross, n frcfli suppply. I'm DkROSSKT ii 1JROW N. t.1. O sale by sepl 3U. 10-PAIlTNEIiSHIP. rpilK. SUIiSRIP.KK.S have this day iiitcred in'.. X a Co-partnership under the name and sij Ii. ol SILAS II. MARTIN A CO., lor the p,iro:c m conducting the KJi') bu sines. Tin y liae pui eha. cd a hit on Front street, where ihey will build a lar;".i ICK HOl'SK, nnd have it filled tn titio to supdv customers carlv next i-eas.-n. SILAS II. MARTIN, A. If. VAN I'.OKKKI.KN S. N. MARTIN. Aug. 21, L-52. Cn-Jio. NIIIPiMNi; AUTIt'LES. 170R SAI.K at The Commercial 0ic.nn el.. J. gantediiion of Shipping Arlieles,embrai ingall the laws of (!ongress relative to t he Meri.diant's Service. NORTH CA RO LIN A MAN IT AlTUIi ES. 1 ATTLV id. SON are still Manufacturing, at tip )Rocky Mount Mills, about 300,001) lbs. Cotton Vai n, per annum (eiual to the best (ieorgia Yarns,) which they will deliver to Merchants Tree of rr.ia charge, al New York prices. Orders addretsi'd to BATTLK & SON, Rocky Mount, N. C, will re ceive prompt attention. Feb. 12. Ul-ly. A CARD, THF. subscriber is now opening, at his old stand, north side Market street, the lariest nnd best assortment of Hats, Cap, Umlirnllasand Walking Canes, ever ollered in this inirket; to which he would respectfully call tho attention of rill wich'ii!; tc purchase, either at wholemln or retail. Prices will bo louuu as low us in any luarKct, lortli or South. A call Is is solici'cd from all wishing to purchase. O. MYKRS, Hatter. sept 15. 83 SUPERIOR TEAS. WK are still receiving larrjn shipments of S ulte rior Tea from tho Pukln Company, in packa ges of half pounds and pounds, which wo warrant superior to any brought lo this market, at twenty five per cent less than sold in any store in Wilming ton, which may be Jiad of WILKINSON f- F.SLF.R. Sept. 18. 1852. 6u"lf- NORTH CAROLINA LARD IN kegs, a prliuo article- For sale by DsRQSSET & DROWN. , sept. 30. R5. ;? ADVANCES. LIBERAL Cash advances will bo made, when required, on ull goods consigned to our House In New York, nnd Cotton to their address forwar-i ded by us, will ba atlondud to free of forwarding Commission. r ,, f Wo will nleo advance libornlly on Cottoiior oth er produce consigned to our friends In Liverpool, to which port we can furnish ship room for u few hundred bales of Cotton, at low rates, by several vessels shortly expected."" , , v . ' iauuaatvi c nuuniM, March 18. l-tf. NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that application . wll be made to the Legislature of North Carolina for tho passage of an act, ' to Incorporate the Sea man's Friend Socloty, of Wilmington, N. Q. octo. ea.'v i i of lii .later. .e niiiiv ..ii- ed re; 'ul,'.U"!l !' . .. .. r . r f..i!.. !l l i.' i !.., VI,'." I'UHiFMsa T.'n: in.no!,' and thus curing all Humors, Sors, L'lcera, Cutane ous Krnptions, Canker, Sr dj Head, Ac. nriilaliii; anil HUaiisins the Slaiaatli Si r.owcls, thiis It enres Dysepsiu, JntlisctUion, Cotiveness, . t - w ' Pile, to i -.- , i 5trcnp;thenl2is the ptgestlve Organs, thus eansintj the food to nourish and support every - ' ' ' - " part. ' " ' "' . " r BEcut-ATtNtt tub' 88car.TAiir organs; and, by enabling iiirm tn perform their proper fune iion. preventing nnd curing liilious and otherpnin f! disease.: '.-. Mrcnslliming mill. Quieting ljic. NcrvQUs System, thus tvJIayuig Nervnus Irritntion, and.caringall dis eases of the Nerves. ,. , i ; . " It is nnrlv all. din the core of oil FI5MALB PLEASES, us Weakness, lrrfularity, Obstruciions, &e. It is pleasant to Jake, and safe in all cases ; net in" in harmony with "ho rcstorina powers of nature it never injures bnt always I.enelUftnd cures, as thousand of voluntary ccrlifieajes from Ihc bcsl mithorilies trsstify. Prepared by MORSK f- CO. 1 Maiden l.nne, N i Sob! bv Drifnists nnd oihers throughout this and olhereonrttri.nT S. H. f- J A. KVANS, Affents, Wilmington. N. U. sept. 30. . 85-ly-c $;00 CHALLENGE. Wrl: I .A Tl'.VKIl concerns the health and happu of a people is at all times of the most valuable importance. I take il lor cranien tnai every person will do all in their power, to save the ..f their children, and th it every person will ende.-.ver t promote their own health at all sacri fices. I feel it my dflty to solemnly assure you that WORMS', nceordins to the opinion of the most celebrated Physicians, are the primary causes of a larwc majority of diseases lo which children and adults are liable; if you have an appetite con tinually changeable from one kind of food to an other, 15 id ISreath, Pain in ihc Stomach, Pickin? at the Nose, Hardness and Fullness of tho Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Pulso Irregular re member that all these denoto WORMS, and you should nt once apply the remedv: HOHKNSACKW WORM .SYRUP. An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compounded wilh nurelv vegetable substances, be- in;,' perfectly saf i when taken, and can be given to the most tender Inlant wilh decided beneficial ell'oct where Unwell Complaints urul D'utrrluca have made them weak anil debilitated the Tonic properties oi it V Worm Syrup are such, lhat it stands without an eiiual in l lie catalogue ol meuicincs. in giving lono and sirenKih lo the Stomach, which m ikes llan Infalliable remedv for those aillicted wilh ITWhfraia. the astonishing ciiroVcrformcd by this Syrup lyfter Physicians have failed, is the best cvidcnui-Of its superior efficacy over all' others. TUP. TA1U WORM ! This isthe mostdiffieult Worm to destroy of all that infests the human system, It grows lo anal most Indefinite length becoming so coiled and fast emu! in the Intestines and Stomach nD'ccting the health so sadly as to cause St. itus Dance, Hits Ac., that those jlllictvd seldom if ever suspect thai it is Tttie Worm hastening them to on early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore be proper to take 6 tn 3 of my I.iver Pills so as to re move all obstructions mat me vorm nyrup may net direct upon the Worm, which must bo taken in doses of 2 Tiildespiionfiills 3 times a day; these di rections followed ha.e never been known to fail in curing the most obstinate case of Tape Wurm. UoniCSS.lCKS I AVER PILLS. No part of the system is more liable to disease than the I.1VKR, it serving as a filtercr to purify the blood, or giving the proper secretion to t lie bile; so that any wrong action ot tho Liver alliicts the other important parts of llie system, nnd results variously, in LiverConiplai.it, jaundice, Dyspep sia, Ac. We should, thurefore, waleli evory symp tom that miht indicate a wrong action of the Liv er. These Pills being composed of ROOTS' A PLANTS furnished by nature to heal the sick: Namely, 1st, An KX P KCTO RANT, which aug ments llio secretion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane vr promotes the discharge of secret d matter. 2nd. An ALTKRATI VK, which changes In some inexplicable and inscnriblo manner the certain morbid acton of the system. 3rd. A TON IC which gives tone and strength to llm nervous svsii in, renewing health and vigor lo nil parts ot iho body. 4ih, A CATHARTIC, which ael.i in perfect harmony wilh the ottn r iu.;n dients, and o; rating on the lioweK nnd expelliiiK the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, and purifying the blood, which desttoys disease and restores health. TO IT. MM. UK. Vuti will find thece Pills an invaluable medicine in many complaints to which yon are Mibju-t. In obstructions, either total or partial, they liac been found of inestimable bem til, restoring ilieir func tional arrangements tu a healiliv action, purifying (lie blood iind other fluids so eiieetuully to put to i lli:dit all complaints which may arise Irom leinalr i irregularities, as headache, "iddiness, dimness of .'.lit, pain in the tdde back None ceiiuini! unless .. i oil', r.. b, ir." base lo.il. il ' ..''.;F' ii!-' w l.-I.in ' n. i Ac i'.iicd J, N . Ilobens. mi. icK supplies, and Si ore i' r- r- if i ':,ii.i ' .It.' o' must address r.j r , i, tor, J. N. I! .! . ii-.o'li, I'll i !:) Ipliiii. Pa .,'.y C iHl'KI'.ito! WM. il. f .11' IT ITT. i n. and by every Af ei i li'.rit and Druggist utility and Siatr I'licc endi 26 cents. I I .'in 67. 1' W i 1 1 . i i 1 1 , !! the t July 2 ;,'. M it cms is ITERINE CAT00LIG0N 'l'lMl." .1',...,,....,. ot iho above prepara tion lias established a new era in the his tory of the healing art ; il is, in truth. . ,,V,!: " V.' one ol llie greatest .1- m . i:..l c ti?"'' Ns. lueuicac wmeuci ocn i.X,,f iho age, because X It will cure more than nine-tenths ol a class of distressing diseases incidental lo temalea in every slano of life, and which havo hereto fore resisted the best cll'orts of the Medi cal profession in all fstniiiMiiiB asaaf! ci.untrios, 10 a decree beyond that of almost every other malady to which any portion of the human family is heir. The diseases to which wo rcfes are usually known by the term of 1? EM ALU COMPLAINTS, and comprise all tho derangements to which fomales are liable by tho peculiarities of their organization. Among lhoso are I'mlaus t tcri, or falling of the Womb""; Chronic Inflammation and hlccrulwn of the U'umli; Incidental Hainutrrhaye, or Flooding; I'tuar Alliun, :r Whitt ; Chlorosi ! 1'iUnfiil, Sup pienned, and Irrc.'uHr Menstrwition, f-'--., with all ihoir accompanying evils, (Cancer excepted,) of whatever duration and severity. All these com plaints can he pleasantly, safely, and certainly rem edied by this preparation. Tho claims of this Medicine to tho confidence of tho public arc strengthened by tho fuel of its huving received tho approbation and liberal patronage of many prominent members of iho Medical Faculty In llieUnited States, somu of whom havo volunta rily given letters of commendation, (see pamphlet,) sustaining all lhat Is claimed for the Coiholicon as a curative agent. Pamphlets containing much useful information touching the nuture and symptoms of the abovo diseases, together with testimonials from Ladies of the highest respectability, as certified by tho most satisfactory authority in the pamphlet, (o nil which the cttei.tion of Lndies and Practitioners Is respect fully invited, can b had gratis at the store of . ... t ?',-,. S. B. & J. A. F.VANS, Agents, ' 'I .: -.')'- i; - Wilmington, N. C, i-ji jiefi:h SUCKS. - -I,,.' ' 1 ' 4CB. Pockham, M.D, Utlca, N, V. , , t 'zdm. D, Fleming, M,D.,Contnululi'tiu. N. ,V. r M. II, Mills, M.D., Rochester, N. Y, . ., f 1). Y. Fooie. M.D.. Svrucuso.N. Yw , . v ::: Prof. Dunbar. M.D., Baltimore, Md., L.; J.(J.Orriek)M.D.,v , " - l' 1 v; v. iteoso, ni.u.t tny . ' .W. Proscott, M.Drt Concord, N.H.' J ' Central Depot, 31)4, Broadway, Now.V orlf. 8r.3iii-c : scpu tsu." : ' (jiinnv bk;s. Consignment of zs.oou two bushel, fimmy Vy flags, f or sam, in iois i nun, uj , . . MILE COS'flN, Brown'a, wlinrf. Rent.' 14. . .- .. ' " e ... . ?B. m m. - cl k . :: ilia, .t v mm '"-1- 11 i .3 117 Ait J ' il SAUMji-IK CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE."'-': A speedy and efficacious remedy in Dysentary, PI arrhiea, Cholera .Morbus, Summer Cuniplainu, - Cholera lnfantiini, Colic, Flatulency, and all deran8inent of tbeSfornach and -, - . ; liowcls from Teething. In the .'early .stages ..Of l'iarrhcva, Dysentery, -Choltra Infant nui, ;holera Morbus, Summer Com plaints, Colic, dre., A.e., a. sine le close will ofij. ' eounteraci the dcronred and nmrbid secretions, re duce the inllanvary (cadency, allay the ii ratability and painamlihus rcmwyji the causu. of tho dis- . case..--' o ... - Y - e . "." -. i ASIATieCIIOLRlUthatSCQursecfDatlonpl which has already consigned to the tomb niillion Of unhappy beings, can bp subdued In lis violence and three fourths of all cases cured by this remedy alone. " It is not only a cure, but a preventative of " that disease. If "used daily,; in small quantities, mixed with Water, ; forty-nine oV of fifty itill es cape i and if it is used at regular and at short inier- vals In hrcreased doses, hnmrdiately. on (he Grst n symptoms of the disease, it will speedily arrest its, fatal influences. ; ; , ' ' : f Read.ihe opinion of the follqwinj gentle--, men, who will bs rtcognlz id In; this oertiheute : 1 ; Wn, the undersigned, having used "Li K.'SAUN-f PERS- CHOLERA I'flE VKNTAT1 V K" In out families wilh great success,'' hereby certify our be s r lief that it is the best and most effectual remedy for: the diseases it is recommended ever -offered to ilnj, American people j and we would, from ou-.kntw - edges of lis extensive usefulness cordially, jrecom; "-" mend it to the afflicted as worthy their best confi', dence, and wilh lha firm belief thai. it will do, fot . their relief all lhat medicine cad dor.v , v NAM ESt Dr. W. Hodges Oi n. J. C5 B. Kh-. ringhaus, Attorney at. Law, John. Black, Attorney -aiLaw, Rev. Joseph A: Turner; Wilson W. WII-' Hams, Prof. Geo. M. Wilder, Wilson Q t,amh, ' Col. Wm. Q. Cook, James W. Hlnion, F.sq. Dan- lot Richardson, Esq., Ki City, ""'NW. James fioswell, Baltimore i Joshua W hedbee,v Gales Co.,, N. C; Wm. R. Carson, Rev. Seih Morgan, Rev.V. . Jno. A. Doll. K.Clty, K C, Thoe. Palmer, Camden s Co., N. C.j Capt. Jacob Mercer, do.j Capt. Dennis rl Simmons, Tyrrel Co,, Nx O.; Capt. Thomas -Dunv bar, Cnpt. Wm; Patterson,' Cant) A.tsH, Curran,v Capt. Wm, Simmons, LvM. Chapmanj Wm.-P.i Mathews, Ell. City ; Wmr A. Harney, Norfolky " Va.t Joseph Harris, Pasquotank Co jf Thomaa Nash, Kliznbelh City, N. U. 's? v Invented and prepared solely by L K, Saiindors,; P:iizabcth City., N.C. , t "f" - ',Vtv For sale wholesale and retail by E. W Saunders. Elizabeth City, N. C. Hcsvs, Smith t Atkinson) Jf Baltimore, Md.; Messrs, Canby Hatch,; Baltic more. Md.; and for sale by Druggists and Mer- chants generally Price C2J cents per Bottle. For sale by Messrs. S. B. J. A. EViNS Agcnis. Wilmington; N. C." ,' " ? " I lllll fiKHAT i;ill(l: liJH ' 11 I. II 11 l.'tiW. i 1GKEV 1I VIK, SCHHle A DAN UttUH'. '4 SAUNDEItS' " n . MEDICATED HAIR HESTOiATIVg TS'now aeknowledsed by thousands who':uselt jl daily, to tie tne only remedy to prevent Baldness v and lo restore tho Hair that has fullen off er become ' thin, to nrevenl Gray Halri to cure and remove ' every appearance of Scurf and Dandruff from tho Hair, and to keep it in the most hoalthy soft, atvj c,dosy slate, yet free from all oily nnd gtessy ap pearance. . a , 1 The Rcstoraiivo is wholly different in Its compo-t- -sition from all other articles cf iho same nomo or for a similar purpose It is intended! to set through i '. thc shin upon tho nerves, blood-vessels and sbsor--- -bents connected with the root or jbulh. of , tho hslr." ! to rouse and sustain a healthy 'actldn in these ami ";. thus produce a new and healthy growth of 'hair.--'-." It will prevent grey hair, ontlrcly : eradicate scurf . and dandrull' and ull other incidental Impurities of ' ciw aif.n kit m nan ccinniicr wici I nniir bii ' ' ' cumstance8, oe xcpi luxurious, neaitny, ana in us, natural color to tho latest period of life. 'V .". .roe nir vL"PH MnnHiuia i'it."o'Pillfnwir 1 ill1 ivro.grou .11 vitvxijii v icon uivil g ' I do hereby certify that I have used L. K. b'AVM- ' of.rs celebrated HAIR Restorative, forlhe pur- i pose of preventing my hair froim falling off and found il to havo the desired ell'oct; not only In pre ' venting the hair from coming out but the produc-',-Ing of n very fine growth of younar hair, where the ,' I I ..Iln.1- . t ...J ' I1CUCI W.IH nilllUPl UUIU. I IJaTO IIDI.U vilijr ' r.tur Kf.ftli.a ft nA hftiA AVArv rAjlnfft lv tutUint ithnffl: bv the use of as manv moro. I will have a lirnitrii of hair. I iheretore cncoriuny recommend Htq the public as worthy their best confidence. - SKTII MORGAP. ' Elizabcih City, N. C, April IGlh, 1652. r Camoen Coustv, N. C, April 1, 1B62.. V v Ma. I.. IC. Saundsbs Sir: Some twelve monh'' ao my hair commenced fulling off, and to such an : nxtent that I began to fear that 1 should becemo prematurely bald. After usinff many nrcparatlpns . of the day without any benefit 1 had nearly de-, .r,,.'.r..il tf f.v.ri hnnn. wh.n I wllfl Vnriinmnncliid . lo iry your iiair iv.eniuiiiiiv n iiieiii u iiiuuc-' ui.r,.rian,l nml rTriillfti.cl nriAln mnrt lvlr.1 - to find a very decided improvement. ; I now pos, sess a full cron of hcalihy Imlr. which I can onlv attiliuito to tne oxtraoruinary quuiiues oi yoUit i ., ....... ,ii ... i... . t. -- lastly colehratcd Hair Kcstorative. ' . MARTHA KTIIFfUIDOK'. , Ki rzAnKTH City. N. C. JunO 1st. IBn2 ' .Ve iho undersigned having used T Kl Saun7 ders' Hair Rcstoiaiive" and fully 10tcd Its merits 4' t.. l;., 1 1.. I,,!.. ,..'. an TA In nrll'ln llirtf. it. A k.lll....V CIII....illlJI WB'J HU ... ...IJ.I. ...IM. " U UVIflf. U.'., it Is all that 11 is recommended m uo, jinij we would from our knowledge of Us extensive usefulness v cheerfully recommend it as (he very best ' article I'm the hah' now in use and with the firm belief - that It will give entire sutisfuctfoo to cvory ' one , who will give it a fair trial. . dm. J.C. II. Krlilnshuus, attorney at lawj Davis Griee, M. D-i U. John Mursftravo, M. D.J-t Dr. Wm. Hodgos, Dontlst i Dr. J. B;OodwIn, pen list; Col. Wm. G. Cook 1 Kx Mayor Richardson ;." I, ilm Pool, F.sq., aitornow nt law 1 Keyt- Mr. Kcr i":. bes; Seth S. Whidbec, F.sq 1 Kdward Mason Esn:-. Invented and prepared solely by S. K. Saunders k ' F.li7.abeth City, N. C. f ' J f . For sale wliolosalo and retail byvK. W. Snun- ! ders, Fdizabcih City, N. Ci Messrs. cSmlth & A-i -v known. Baltimore, Md.J Messrs Canby St Hatch, A Italiimorc, Md ; and for sale by Druggists and Mer- 7 chants, generally. Price 75 ccnia per Bottle. M 1 V For sale by Messrs. S. B. 4c J. A. EVANS, Agents Wilmington. N C. ' ,"TUJ :f ' , Juno 29, 1852. ; , ' 45-6. 1 POISOiNTNG. '-It nioiTTciivnQ .k- t' ww! r.. . ' . 1 , 1.1 m 1, .7.1 ui nun: iiib wing ubu t iniiiiiiiiirn i X composed of Castor oil, Calomel, etc., . are not v" -aware, that while they appear to benefit tho patienia-7 they ure actually laying the foundations efor a scrio; : of diseases, such as salivation, loss of sight, woalif,- ncss of limbs, &c. j t In another column will be fouud the advertise' ment of Hobcnsack's Medicines, to which we ask , : ' the attention of all directly interested In tholr own . .1.-C l..u i . 1.1. ri ,1 - . - " . .. . -B- v . 118 wen us uicir cuiiorcn s iiiniiiu. . n uiver vum- . . plaints and nil disorders arising front lhoso of abil' V; .. lions typo, should make use of tho only genuine ' medicine, Hobcnsack's Liver Pills" '" ' I if'" He not deceived,'' but ask for Jlobcnsack'a Worm Syrup and Liver Pllls,and observo that each .f; has tho signature ol tho Proprietor, J. N. HOBEN-..' SACK, ns none else are genuine. r f ' julyk J87 v , JUST RECEIVED. A NOTHF.R Lot of that favorite Baton' froraf J Richland, and for sale by Itlehlnnrl nml tnt anln h ' ' ', ft , - i St KpONCg. GENTS' n iTS AND CAPS if IALL Siyo Gents' Hats and Caps, now ready for ' -1 delivery lo our patrons. Those wishing egtwl , A (irfi'cfuat a Jairprki will find iho snme at ihoHaf v, ... a, n.vLrc nrnilrflt.Slrr.inl. . ...i.i.r -.M ' r i, ,7 w ' . i. Arrival and )epar1ure; onhe MalU from UM' ; l'laro j t rf: . yV-' "',- Tho mail from tho North Is due verf day tl Q - A. M., undOl P. M.! Close ai; a quarter bcloro , . ond a. 9 P. M. precisely. ' - 1 v Tho mall from the South, by steamer from Char- -lesion, arrives daUy, boui 8, A. M.t Closos at 0 A-. M. 'i ';'r;4'.-.'' is ' ' The rnall front Onslow Court- IIouAe,- 8noad's Ferry, Ac. Is duo every Monday at 0 P M.- Clo- JJ sua every Thursday ai 9 P. M. ; 1 ' ' The mail from Long Creek, Block River Chapel,.' -Ac, Is duo evory Thursday ot 6 P. M.and closes , same night at, 9 P.M.; 1 ' " 'l "- Tho mail from Faynttevlllo, via Kllr.abcth Town t ; nnd Prosppet Hull, .f-c; Is duo cyery Tuesday i Thursday and Saturday at 9 A. M. Closes smo , davs nt n quarter before 10 A. M. ; 1 1'tTAh extra nackngo will be made up of Lotler. go , ,? North prjllehmond. Vs., w.il be kep open . mitil 7 AM. All othirl-etters sja-st n . In the , Ollicoal tho hours above named,, oMhcy villi no , bo mailed until next 'succeeding moil. , ' .-

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