(I ' PCELEHED TBWTESSLT, OT TCOiys LOK.isScJ'PCMS', .... fflB C-IPS. MM101IJS3 1N3 HITS C? CCSS3K1 VOL 7NO. 100, WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1852. WHOLE NO. 1,010 KE TEI-HEEKW COMEffCJlL, , Is Published every TvaasAT, TneaaD and Sat vboat. at 3 per annual, payable loall caaea In ad vance. . ' ' 4 i '!.,.; . . 15 Y THOMAS LORINQEoiTQRandPaoijon. Corner front and Market Streets, ,, '-!-. W ILMINOTON, W. C. RATES OF ADVERTISING I insertion 10 50 2 :..- v.f'-75 3, " . 100 I month," 2 50 rqr, . 1 months. 4 00 , 5 00 5 8 00 12 00 1 1 . T '? 1 HI 1 '"-6 Iv" 12 '' , Ten lines or teas make a square,: If .an. adrertlse- ment exceeds ten lines, lite price wip be t,n Djrqpor- . , .All advertisements art payable at the time of their insertion. ... Contracts with yearly adrerttora, be made yn the moit liberal terras. .VW No transfer of contracts for yearly advertising will be permitted. Should clrcumsianaea render a change in business; or an unexpected removal nec essary, a charge according to the published terms win do at tut option or the contractor, fox the time '. h h advertUedH-v-i wv.wvr' .The privilege of. Annual Advertisers "IS strictly flmlted to ihelr own Immediate business j and all . advertisements for the benefit of other persons, as wen as an aaverttsementa not immediately eonnec ted with their own business, and all excess of ad yertisoments ia , length or otherwise, beyond the , limits engaged, wm oe cnarrea at trie usual rates. No advertisement Is Included in the contract fox he sale or rent of houses or lans in town or coun- - ry, or for the sale Or hire of negroes, whether the ,.' property is owned by iheadvertriser or by other per- sons:, .These are, excluded hjf the term, "immfdiat ' pusinesJt4-:fr-:.' - - -. All advertlsem,entslnteited In that rl-weekly Com ' mereial,nte envied to one laaertion in the Weekly : free of charge. . .. ; " - JOB, 0RD AND FANCF PRINTING, , pxecttfeq in superior style. : AGENTS FOB THE COMMERCIAL. ; ATd Yarifc Messrs. BaowaA DbRossbt. Nw York and Boston V. B. Palmsb. JBotton FaiDaaicK KiDDia. Pkiladilpkia-li. E.Cohx, - .BUSINESS CARDS. U JOSEPH R. BLOiSSOM, general Commi&alon ani Forwarding Merchant, Prompt personal attention given to Couslju- Literal Cash advances made on Consignments to - 3-. mt er to my New York Jrtends. , -Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1852. 135 4 VT. C.' -WORTH. cohission m forwarding nergdt, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jeb; 19.TA52. ' 43-ly '7 ; WILLIAM A. GWYER, fteneral Agent Forwarding ant) Commission : 1 take pleasure In Informing m,y friends, that I am prepared to five all business entrnsted to me effi cient and personal attention. have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample scpqmrnodatlons, Spirit , Houseand Warohnuse Gqnsighments of Naval Stores for s!e or shipment t and all kinds ol coun try produce solicited vagh sdynqcamsJeon eon lgnment April 18, ' l& f " "X '"III WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Keeps constantly on hand. Wines, TFeas, Liquors, ;Prrcuums, Wood and WJiovo Ware, FruU, l.v CunftMwnaries, if. South Front street, ' f lA WILMINGTON, N. C. . Novl8, 185U f v ' ' ' 109 ; 4AVILUAM M. HARRISS : GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT s WILMINGTON, N. C. Strict attention given to procuring Freights and purchasing cargoes for vessels, RsrsasNcas t O. Q, Parsley, Esq r A . . 1 r Col. John Mcttas,1'. Wilminefop. Messrs, Dudley d Ifuntlngton ) Masars. Jas. CotqercV Sons, Baltimore. . R. A.SQttder,&t;o.,DhiladeIplila. ...i.... 1 111, 1IIBU1I IHUIBT. m . it. : Plllsburr Afiandford. . mawYnrir. vuir nununfci iuui, owftjn. . -.f SL t 11 . J. &. CI. P. Pltcomb. Kennebnnk. Me.. v July 17, 1852, ; 02 fJ.S., BANKS, 'rJOSMISSIOn AR9 FORffARDIfifi MERCHANT, . Wilmington; n. c. June 22." ' ' . . - 42-12-mc. 'AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ; winqtqS.n.o. June'29sj -J,, 39.1y Jl HATHAWAY & SON, K COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. O. J. ItATKAVAT, L. Hathaway. Uot. 15 18SI. 91. 4 CHADilOURN & HOOPER, General Commission Merchants, . T , V WILMINGTON, N. C. . July 19. 1852. V A 63 . ' . ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS , y1 WILMINGTON, N. C. OUAS.a.BLltS, HBXST t C' Jan. 25, 1852.s s - ""''lull ' ' BDSSILl.JOS.S.BVSSSll 133. fenerai toi tjittiui attenuon i tio to di attention given to piqourlag H'rslght PandpdrohaalngCargobiforvesselt V nspss TO, " - ' R.P.HslI.Esq... t 1 O.G. Parsley, Esq. J. A. Taylor, Esq. j pi I Wilmington. j;u. Bellamy. Esq., I 41essrs. Ballard A Huntin eton . 1 ' Messrs. Tookcr,Smyth A Co., i VArV T "-Thompson Hunter, Alox'r.Herron, Jr. .Philadelphia Jan. 2. 1852. ' V'? 123-tf. JOSEPH II. PLANNER, General Commission Merchant. wirMisraTON, N.t;. Oet.9th.l831. 87-ly-e. H.uPOLLN Eft, .. . a. MTTCI. DO It- Xl I ATTl?lf JB. GEVF.RAL COMMISSION MEHCnANTS, 1ISBBAL 0ASB AOAIC8S lADB OH ,Lt CONSlSB- "arch 18, 18517a"?..' -v jgs:;? DENTISTRY. rniE undersigned 'hsa been engaged fourteen ill yesriJn P0Vil,PractIca durina tha laat four years he resided in JJroodwsy, N. V. . lis snow loestsd in Wilmington. N. t1'A fMh'iO Bat 'uirlf, opposite the Carolljaa Hotel. ..Patntiage i' fiiMi tfully iollclted. - , v K.'SPENr Hay 22, 1351 V " ' :- ' : ' BUSINESS CARDS. CORNELIUS DaPRE. ' HflOLf Li AMD It ETA L DtAttB ' Pruga. Medicines, Chemicals, Patnts, OH, Dye fctufla, Glass, Perfumery, Ctjars, . - Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, ;e.. " - MARKET STREET, 'i WILMINGTON, M. Pr tsirlptlons carefully compounded bf expert- tnced persons. ' March 29. 1852. ANDERSON & SAVAGE GEN EHAL COMMISSION MEHCHANTS, -1 , WILMINGTON N. C. IAMBI ANDBRSON. EDWARD SAVAGE. Jaly 1, 1651 46-ltm. A. ADAstaV - . t. ADAM , ADABIS, BROTD & Co. (Law Barry, Bryant Adams ) COMMISSION MEliCHTS July 1 ;I852,' li ALFRED MARTIN 4 UpTfONEJBR, OQJSSIPN MSRCHANT, GENERAL" AGENT. UllmtpBton.N.C.Oct.lO 1852. y5tf. DRS. FREEMAN k MALETT. HOMCBOPAT1IIC PHYSICIANS Front Street, one door below Folley & IJart, WILMINGTON, N. C. April 18 U DER0SSET & BROWN, WILMINGTON, N. C. BROWN & DER0SSET. NEW YORK. GENERALCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Marchl7 1852 -y. GEO. H. KELLY. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nextdooi to A. A. Wannet's.on North Waters will attend to the aale of all klnda of Country Pro duce. such af Corn. Peas. Meal, Bacon, Lard, Ac, and will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries, sc. References. WillesHall,ofWayne, John VlcRae, Wilmington W. Caraway, Oen. Aix.. Mcttae. E. P. Hall, Wilmington , Wiley A.WaUei , ' ' Dec. 13. 1851. 115-ly. I (J, LATTA, COMMimuiN MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.l 1S52. 87 MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION MERCrJAT WILMINGTON, N. C. REFER TO E.P. Hall.Eaq .Prea't Branch Stale 1 Thos. H. Wright, Esq., Pres't Bank Wllming Cape Fear, ron)N.C. O.G. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Cummer-1 clnl Bank, j , Dec. 19. 185, "8-- WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DEALERS IN Confectionary, Fruit. Nuts, Toys, Fancy Ar ticles, renumery, luuncwi.ncsaji, WHOLESALE AND RE IA1L, MARKET 8TREET, WILMINGTON N.C. Nov. 3 0.1851V -Iflrff MeRAE & HARRISS. IMPORTEHS AND WHOLESALE AN P RETAIL DEALERS IN " CHINA, GLASS, XNQgARTHEN- AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, West Bide Front street, between Market and aa. Qctober2, 1852. 85. WES S EL. H. B. EILERB. WESSEL & EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Street, Wil mington, N. C, intend to keep at the above stands general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, snd Provisions at wnoioswe ana to carry on a General Commission Business. BCriBSNCB : E. P. Hall. Pres't Br'ch Bank ofthe Stste. ) O. Q. Parsley, Pres't Commerclsl Bank. Wil P. K.Dickinaon, Esq. ) PoppeACo. )M.r.v oilner Potter. J Jan. 20 1852. 131. ROBERT G. RANKIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT. WILMINGTON, N.'O. Oct. 7, 1352. ' 88-y. D. C. FREEMAN. GEORGE HOUSTON. FREEMAN Si HOUSTON, ' MERCHANTS AND FACTpRS. WILMINGTON, N. Cf. ' D. C. FREEMAN CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1T PITEEX;' FREEIAN AND ptfSTON, WILMINGTON N. C. T7"EEP conatantly on hand a atock of Flour, IV Corn, Jprk, Bacon, bait, Cofee, bagar, Mo lout, TobacHo, Cigar; Snuf, Candlee, Soap, For trn and Domtttic Llquort and Wines; Iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for family and plan tation use and the rciail trade, which they will dispose of In lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na valStores or other produce. The senior partner D. C. Fbbbmam, is located in the city of New York i the junior partner, Qbo. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either place. All business entrusted to ihem will' receive proper attention i and orders for Qoods will be promptly and oarefullr filled. "' " Sept. 9. ?6-f. GEO. 0. VAN A3! RING E, BROKER, AND MERCANTILE AGENT, WILMISOTOM, it. C PARTICULAR attention paid to the purchase or sale of all descriptions of Merchandise' snd1 Pro duct, and on which one per eent toramliion will be Charge). Any business Intrnsted to hln wtllye celve prompt and personal attention. His dMk far the present li in the office of Mr. Wro. A. Qwyer'.' v.-. ':':riBrBBBWCBei :u - r- Messrs. Ellis, Russell ds Co., f t , ... ,f Adams Bro. dk Co - J. R. Blossom. Esq. (WlSmlngton ft August 14, X.;tr i V " ' 7z '1 ;;TH0sr p.-cause. w Coffislssion Merchant & Auctioneer, - Offlee in nall'a upper building, North Water " ' street, , '.- Where he will be hsnnv to attend 1 all drdare la llthur branch of his baslness. ' v j Wilmington,!. C, Dsf. 31, 1861 J : llSVtT. BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAM D, PEA HE, COLLECTUS O ADtkSTlSI.VC AGE.1 Far Country Newspapers throagbouT, at United States, Basement of Sun Iron Bu Mings, Baltimore strset, All baslness entrnsted to his care transacted promptly, on liberal terms, sept 7 95-f : J. D. LOVE, MASVFkCTVRER ASD DEALER CABLET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS', flATTRESSES, to., Froni streeptV of Msriet, lROWu's BOILDINO, W1LHIMOTOM, St. O. ,' Sept. le', 152. : -. - 79y ; T NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. 1 HE undersigned having this day purchased the entire interest of Mr. 0. G. Pabslbv, in the Piai Pater Steam Saw Mill, tMfnad a so part nership for the purpose of manufacturing Steam Sawed Lumber. . Wehtwobth W, Psiaca, William Ncuson. PEIRCE & NEILSON. Jsn. 1. 128-lye SHIPPING ARTICLES. A HANDSOME edition of Shipping Articles, just printed and for sale at Th Commercial OjJEc, equal toaqy aa yet Imported "from' New York." Orders for a Ratm or more will be filled at a cost of 10 to 20 percent, cheaper than they af e (n New York. " Not. 10.1881. IQTtf BLANKS; THE following Blanks srs printed and kept con stantly fot sale at the Office of ITis Commercial. COMMERCIAL,. Shipping Articles. Bills of Lading. Do. Letter Sheet. Crew Lists. Prices Current. Checks on all the Banks Charter Party. Manifests of all kinds. Entries Merchandise. Do. Ballast. Rates of Freight on W. & R. Kail Uoad. Do. on Line Boats. Bills of Exchange, bound and in sheets. Do. Domestic. Negotiable Notes on the several Banks. Do. on all the Banks. Bill of sole of Vessels. MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with snd with-:Blllsof Sale. out judgment. Do. of Negroes. Negro Passes. Bonds for Negro Hire. Warrantee Deeda, - Mortgage Deeds. Bonds for the Delivery ori Properly. v CqURT BLANKS. Ven. Exponas. Subpoenas County and Ca Sasnd Bont. Superior Court. Alias Vend. Ex. Jurors Tickets, County Fi Fa. and Superior Court. Wrifs. ' ' n All kinds of Blank and Job Work, executed to order with qeafnesa and dUpatpp. ' " ' DEEDS FOR SALE. WaranteeDeedsndDeeds foiMortgageonland justprlnted.ln correctforma ndf o rsalr a tths Commtrcxo lOfflce. CHEMICALS. T7RESH arrivals of the fo'wincr iOOoi. Sul 1? phate Quinine, 5 bbls. Epsom baits, 6 lbs pure sulphate line, a oi sulplmie Morphine, oi Ace tate Morphine, 10 lbs Blue Mass, 15 lbs English Calomel, 6 oz Peperine, 5 gals Spirit Nitre, ' ot OilTobncco, 5lbHyd. Patassa, (English,) 2 lbs Iodine, 2 lbs Iodide Arsenic, i lbs Cnlorbtorm, 1 ox Iodide Copper, 1 oz Valerinale of Iron, 5 lbs Phosphite Soda, 20 lbs Snirar Lead, pure, 4 ox Tannin, 1 oz Oxide Mercury, 5 gals aq. Ammonia, 1U lbs Spirits Ammonia Aromnt, tu ids Hottrnan s , j i.1 I u - ir r..ni? iriggr(, Market st. March 30. 6. BILLS OF LADING, &c. IfSOLIOPOSTpiLLS OF LADING bound in Books. and sheets. also Letter Sheets with a varletyof mercantlijehlanki.forsale at The Com- nurctal Office. LIME I LIMETi LIME!! ! jrBBLS. I.lncornville White Lumpi Aleo OUU calcined Plaster, Plastering Hsir.and Fire Brick, Hydrauli. Cement ;1000 bbls. Lime fc.f orialtby J .U. K. . H . WOOD . 7ontractorsandBuildere April 8. IS52. BUNGS OF the best make, and assorted sizes tosuit.for sale by the harrel. or sny qusntity not less than five hundred, by i i... t n-p n 1 1 n br nccnu j w o r. i ii xv. lj tiuooviii. tf&L Jan. 3U GLUE. 25 by BBLS. superior, just receiyed and for aale ADAMS BRO. & Co. ' 35. June 5 VALUABLE TERPENTINE LAND 1 ' 71 Fqtl SALE. OSJX thousand acre of well Timbered pine Lands, situated near the Salts.l in Mcintosh County, Georgls, fifteen mii ' ' wsm miles from Darlen. and forty-five raljee-rratisavannah, on the Stage Road. "There are fifteen tasks of boxes cut on the tract, five of which have been worked but one year, the dtherten tasks have been worked from three to four years. ' The extreme distance to haul Is about four miles on 'the tract. At a, distance of two 'mHce from a good, landing on. t,he Sapelo River, (at Which Ves sels of 100 tons can load) is a sood Turpentine Still, with all necessary wagons, foams, tools, fixtures and appurtenances. A portion oi this land Is well adapted to the cul ture of Cotton, Com, Cane and Rice'. On the nronertv is a eomfortabla fVwellinc House recently erected, and contlguoua are? Negro Houses, Stablm. An. A The settlement is one ofthe most- hcalthv loca tions In the low country. As a large portion of the tract remains unboxed, it constitutes a valuable reserve of pitch pine Tim ber which could be cnt for exportation, rafted st the landing, and loaded twelve miles down the River in Vessels of 2- to 300 tana hHWhn ihr be ing full sixteen feet water at ordinary tides on Sapclo Bar. If desired; a good Mill-site could be obtained on reasonable Isms at a'cbnvenlent point on the Riven For further particulars apply to Messrs. DeRos set & Brown Wilmington or Andrew Low Cbm- ymuj, iiDTinnin, Qlay ' 25th. 1852. 30-6m-o. PATENT MEDICINES, 4 BOXES Sand's Sarssparllla, 2 boxes Town aend'a do.. 3 dox Risley'e do., 3 gross Bate men's Drops, t groea Wrlght'a PI I la, I gross Brsn ieth's do., 1 gross Peters' do., 4 doa Spencer's do., I dos Beckwlth's do 6 dot Moflai'a do., gross Ayere Cherry Pectoral, dos WIstar's Balsam wild unerry, o. Cko ,.; " ' O. Di PRE, March $ J EMPTY BARRELS. OfX PRIME forty gallon Barrela, just received &UVJ per brig John Dawson. - For aale br - ' pit brig John ADAMS, BROTHER A CO. , Air 21,1851 CANDY! CANDY II r Kno.l!Hi m ww ,uw ids. tins i In store and for aale hv Sept. 18. : . 80. COPARTNERSHIP. TUB Subscribers havs this day entered lata Co partnership, for the transaction of a Gewersl Agency CeaamlaaloM Oasloess; under tha style of GILLESPIE, ROTH WELL & MeAUSLAN. All orders promntlr aitsnded to. and liberal cash advances mads on consignments. U. 8. UlLLKSrMK, A. B. ROTHWRLL, JOHN MeAUSLAN. Jan. W. 132. ; BROTHERS LINE. THE New Steamer " Dopolass " having been added to this Line, and now having two light draft Steamers and four Tew Boats, all in food or der, the Proprietors srs prepared to transport freight U KsvetisviUs and the Uiermediaie leadiags, with ft a ffaaljalr MMalnk mm sssaaa Alk f ' wb lswAfsiivii wi viiivi niwrw, J. S. BANCS, Arsnf. Jon 22. " tf. A CARD: ME8SR8. G. p. KRNNEPT f Chester amd JAUSS M. HCRSTjorrkeYly one bTfUe pro prietors Of the Phmtefav Hotel, Chailcatcn, have (eased (he AMERICAN "HOTEL, Klnf 8freet, and would respectfully b(ct from ihef'friepds and the travelJlna pubftc a "portion of thsiV Datronat-e. onion of their natrpnsga. we pledge Onrselves tttat the nest ofthe Hotel will receive acedrhmodatlon ansnrtiassed bv anv In the city.- caro(nta. ahnflKUVft HU KMT. Charlestbn, Jons 12. ' 38 6m. I .. . i -. 9 JL NOTICE. ITTE are under the necessity of refusing positively MAn. 11 U.Blri & it i n n iou man cases, ui senu oui samuiei oi our nares. pi. f jijvnAf), of iiAnnioo GROCERIES ! Cheaper and better than ever, at the Original r' ji.. n ii . . j utuy ui utcry, r rviu Birecf. HE subscriber truly thankiul for the liberal pat X ronaae. heretofore beStdw'ed unon him. bv his friends, and all desirous of obtaining good articles I.LI.. . L. .. t I A . Tl , I in ius iraue, si wuunnn ana reiaii prices; cegi leave to lntorm tnem tnat ne nae perlected arrange ments.fot procuring a constant supply ofthe very best urocenes. at tne Terr lowest Drlces. and tha supplies will be received Iresh. w ekly. I most res . ' . J I . L. pectfully solicit my friends and patrons to favor me with a call. Our prices will be found extremely low and tne qualities ol tne very best. Respectfully, CONSTANT SUPPLIES. Our constant supplies will always be the first st tention, consisting in part of Teas of all grades, In packages trom 2 to 5U Ibs.s Sugars or all kinds; Oo shen Butter: Coffees -Java, Lacuayra.Rlo. Jamal caandSt. Domingo; Wines i Chamoaone Wines, eranaies, uin, old itye w nisKey, 4c i Ale, Porter, London do i Enelish. Pine AddIo and Ooehen theeee; Candles; Soaps, fancy do.; Yeast Pow ders, soap do.t W. Underwood's Pickles; Sauces and Preserves; Fruits, Foreign and Domestic, in tneir season; preserved uinger: qj) veer Capers starcn; common aiarcn Kiottri Beet Tongues Smoked Beef: Corhed Beef) Salmon; Mackerel Codfish ; Whole and Sperm Oils i Ralainat Cur rants ; Citron ; Sardines; Fresh Lobster t Fresh Salmon, in cans; Soda, Lemon, Rllot, Milk, Butter with every variety of Crackers i Stewsrrs superior ooniecuonaries ; r runes; oweet uiii l v runes; oweet um Mustard; Cloth Baskets; Step Ladders; Broomst Ws is; Wash Tubs; A k -r .l- Keelers; K Our,ln bbls, half bbls, arid i.... uu.B, i.tai i uuid. i ill umom. ti i ii m oesi quauty: saiaraius; ooqa; uream. Tartar; Haccarptil; vermacilla; SegSrS ; Tobacco ; Jellies; Market Vaskets ; Cake Boards: Table Brashest Stewaft'sSyrup; Molasses. In fact.evervnossthla variety oi urocenes, at me lowest possible prices, a A ' 4" r isrwrnn . . ...... . ep. , ur,u, m r KK.H I. O. O. F. MASONS AND SONS OF TEMPERANCE rKtsMIUM KEUAL'A DEPOT. n IBBS & SMITH. No. 73. Baltimore St.. Ralti VJTrnor'e Md., Regalia and Banner Manufacturers. respectfully invite the attention of the Brethren of the different Urdors throughout the Country to their extensive ana oeautiiui assortment 01 fP'Regallas, Banners, Sashes, Costumes, Jew els, tic. All of which sre got up under their im mediate instructions, snd comprises one of the lar gest assortments lo be found in the United States. Members of Encampments, Odd Fellows, Ma sons, Sona of Temperance, Red Mens, and Asso ciations wishing to furnish their Halle, or supply themselves individually with Regalia, will find our House oners great inducements, as we keep con stsntly on hntid a large and beautiful asiort.ifcftt of nil .IVl.. A nnlu tn Ar nAAramm - ' GIBBS A SMITH, .o. is, Baltimore st, Baltimore. Md. 19-6m April 29. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. JUST RECEIVED. 1 n LBS. Gum Opium1, (Turkey,) 200 lbs Salt -LVSPetre, 40 Ids Rum Arabic, 30 lbs Alixandcr Senna. 20 bl E. J. Senns. 1 bbl Cant nnmnhnr i oi uream oi tartar, i doi taro. soda, I cask nsl Soda, 2 cases Cooper's Isinglass. 3 doi Cox's Gel t-t. r M i inn. i . . r. . aline, 4 boxes celebrated Soap Powder, 12 dox box es Yeast Powder. C. DePRE, Druggist. March 30. 6. CARD PRINTING. Y1TE remlndths public that the Patent Card Press Vf is Itineration at the office of The Commercial, and that Carda will be printed in auperior style, and at reduced prices. Blank Carda, ready for printing, alwaya on hand, of oil sites, from 22 br 20 to 1 by 2 nches. I2J-tf. NOTICE. I HAVE reeeived.and now ofier for ssle. on the most reasonable terms. Ladies and Gentlemena' Drese Goods. Inelndins' Hfcts and SHoa, slut. House furnishing Goods; Also, Ladies. Gontle- men'a and Boys Ssddles; Buggy1 Harness, Ab. Ac.' Thn.alli.i hli. & M - 11. lu.. - .lid l it HI,., w ttiptvas 0 V, SlSr setst. ' H. S. KOONCK. March 30. 11 5. MUSCQVAQQ MOLASSES. 1 0 HHDS.' lu'st received per Brig " lPtaH.V For sale by5 1 1 iniuj DnrtTiicD jl Nancy ADAM.S, RRqTHER & CO. July 3.1. NEW IMPORTATION (IV flfilRS TVf yv brandasnd old qga's which csnnoi be Is slrtDassed in the State. " For ail st nrt-M to suit. WILRINSON A ESLER. qgust 0. 63. U. S. MAIL. FOR NEW YORK P.VRRV W htaf Vha tn. I THE new and splendid side wheel .ateamsBlD Roabokb. 1200 tons bur then, LbwioPabism Commander, carrying United States Mail, will leave Norfolk every Wednesday at II o'clock, fof New York, and returning leaves New York sfery Salorday at 4 r. ., for Norfolk, City Point and Richmond. 1 Passate and fare between New York and Nor folk, with splendid state-room accommodations, 9 steerage passage, 4 or freight or passace, apply to 1 LUDLAM A PLRASANTS, New York. J. M. SMITH A BRO.. Norfolk The Mall br this ship closes l the Post Offlcs Norfolk, every Wednesdsy at J,0 o'clock, a. m. molasses; A A HHDS. sweet 8urinara lolasses daily sx Vf. peoseo, ForsaWl ' h I. 4iiMS, B,0. CO. ., aept30j NEW STCA!! GRIST MILL. HATINq eonrlscted a Grist Mill with oar Grain Store, we ire now prepared to rurnlah (in anv quantity) t superior article of Bolted Meal and hsmmony, at the very lowest marks! price. . ALso-cran. anorts, rtorse, and vow Kce I. .. . , ;v ; ELLIS f MITCHELL ' WW; .' - 29. - SASH, BLIND " . AND DOOR AGENCY. yormtrl conducted bw Xfu'i C. IloUhk!s$ ryHEpoblleare hereby Infmmud. that 1 havencea X appointed agent for the sale of TV Intfinr Baal! Blinds ana Uoora.msnafsffbrCdbvtho TVtw Ha vcnCo.,sndamprrpardiofiIUllbrdTSlothesbovs tins, inequality ol the workol thVPIew Haven Co. Is well known In this market. ' Builders and all perses;n want of rts above articles', are requested uiscno in muir orders, ana tney wtn be prompUj niicu, ieriuainvBnaviv casaon usiivery. WM. A. GWrER. QsnsrtlAjfsnt Commission and Forvafdihg Met JtpriJLIS. ' r; II COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. Vf E.NDES A KITCHEN'S Coeoa and Choc- iTAolats, warranted snsrtnni M superior quail I y Just received and for sals at - 1 Aaguat31. . y,- It, CHlNiy GLASS 1 UETIIEN VT ARE. WB are now reeelving, dlrtet frota Jthe French and English manufacie m in ea. 17 p4csaw French China Dinner and Tea Setts, , snd p sncy wars, ....... 12 packages Edna artd'C. C. Wsre. 15 " Spfigd and hsndfed Teas, common, 10 " While Granite Dinner and fta Ware, t and common Tdl et - 5 " colored Ware, assorted3" 6 " Cane and Rockingham Ware, assorted, 60 " Amerjcsn Glass Wsre, assorted, 10 " Sionsf Ward, assorted, 20doaen Demijohns, from, J lo 5 gallons, fyCountry Merchants would find it totheir ad vantage to purchase iheir stocks of us, ss we save them a eohildejatle per centags in freights, eom rrtisilorm, Ac' .Dinner snd Tea Setts oi new and handsome patten to families at low prices. McRAE it HARRISS. Frdnt below Market street. Aw2Q, 70 ROCK CREEK MILL. THE undersigned has purehassd of B. W. Baa sr, his interest In the Plantation, with Grist Mill thereon, situated on the Newbera Rosd. abont 1 mile from town, and formerly known as the Eden Mill and Plsntstion, but more recently, and now as Rock Creek Mill and Plantation. He will continue the business aa formerlv. Ha has now 2 setts of stones running with belling cloths, Ac. He will receive soon from New York a steam ensrlne to run in this Mill. therebv In suring to the citizens of Wilmington at all limes a constant supply or good JHeai snd Hominy. He contemplates hsvlnir a store In town for the sale of his Meal and Hominy. A future advertise ment will inrorm the citizens when anch arrange ment is made. SAMUEL BEERY Wilmington, Feb. 17. 143. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THIE Subscriber having accepted the ageriCT of 1 several laree establishments af the North, which ill furnish him sn unlimited sodoIv' of finished or nanntsnca, toreignano aomealic UAtipLp pi all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES. and every other article In the line of the business at reasonable rates. SCULPTURING, LETTERINQ OR CARVING. Executed as wellas can be done either North or South. Thebesi cf oference can be given, if required. JAS.McCLARAFAN. Jsn, 6. 126-if DISCOUNT NOTES. BLANK NOTES lor discouut at the banks in this place, and 4 handsomi at the several handsome edition justprintedof noten embracing aH'the bank, for sale at the Office of 771 s Commercial . ' ' Oci.26. 21 50 nqz. received snd UMBRELLAS. JUST received snd open for the inspection of those wishing this! indlspenuble article. My as sortment Is very IWrge ; embracing every variety of Silk, Scotch Ulnahams. American do.. Cotton Are.. all sixes, colors, and qualities the best assortment in town, and wil) be sold at prices that defy compe tition. A Very nice article ol Children' School Um brellas, in the assortment. Cell snd ret sn Um brella, at the Hat Store. C. MYERS. O t. 2 86. PAINTS. OILS, &c. Qnnfl LBS- Pur E,r d No. l Lea1 OKJKJVJ 8 bbla Llnaeed Oil, Pore, 150 Ibi Chrome Green, 6D lbs Paris Gn en ground and in 011,6 boxes Chrome Green, (Dry )4 boxes Am. Vermillion, 6 bbls Lsmp Black, 600 Iba 8paniah Brown, (In Oil.) 2 caaka Venitian Red. lEnall.h 600 lbs Venitian Red, (In Oil.) 150 boxes Window Glsss, American and French, at U. DvPRR'S, Drug Store, Market st. GLUE. ORIMR RaglUh Glue In bbls ; prime American x uo., in doi. aiwsyt on hand, and lor sale by mufo Dun M. g niniuo, tM..J . aja . sept. 30 86. COOPERAGE. THB subseriber is'now 'prepared to make or ro pair wster easks of anv Size, for the use of vefe sels, on the lowesf term! i slto, the cltUens cso have anv article ip the line of Coopering tasds or repaired vfl'dljatch. v Wilmington, Feb. 20, 1858. ' 117-l2m-p! EMPTY BARRELS. T(C PRIME second hand 40 gallon bbls , just lUWsnded from Bark Clarissa. For sale by ADAMS, BRO. A Co. August 19. t7 SPIRIT BARRELS. yyi SECOND hsnd Spirit Barrels, juat rccsi U I ' Aed per achr. Mary Powell, for sals by Aug. 17. ANDERSON dk. SA VASE. CQW PEAS. JUST receivod and for Sale by JU 10. ' '' 1 " J. H. FLANN 1. HERRING. 1 fVn BQXRS, dally etpecte'4'o strive per Srh I I A I W.Vh fnr nl. kv WV lllPDUSl HARBISS! Aug.2.H852 ' V V VRvavi sl f J V f HS 68-if. HAY! RAY!! ryr Bsles If ay just' received per Barque Peri s ej vox sale or ADAMS, BRO. A CO. '77-if. Sept.llth. 165,2. IMPROVED C0EMICAL OLIVE OAP, FOR SALT, HART), dR SOFT WA TEtt. this Soap has powerful rfeeaeiaK nroo- ertlee, which readily remove Oil, raiht, Pin, Ac., from every description of goods, Vliheut Injury to ihem. It is Superior to any other Soap for wash ing wooen 'goods, aa t prevents' ttfeirwtia, and leaves tflefn entlrelr Ires from sommv and rraiaans sobslsoee ososlly left In ihem when common fern lly or rosin Soaps are used.' ,' It Is the best Family and Toilet Soap now In use. and dIy per tent. cheaper, fot all dopvistlc oats ihsn any other Soap, Foraaleby r-;;i L. N. BAR LOW, ' ,v -si Granite Row, Front et. AugS 1 DISTILLERS OF TURPENTINE. 4 n a r an j a .a. .. - ' . ' 5!5 ?;c"0 ."e price of my SPIRIT BAR RELS to 81 60 delivered at anv alsea I- wil mmjioo. iieT; xnstmss tney win be extra site feraona wisntnir can :ontrset by the rsar oa these isrms. nuur in.ui tor sale si bgs per ton. ' A. MORGAN. Wilmington. Nov. Uib, 1851." . a. , , v. I02-mo.tn-lyw. MILLENARY, -...1119.04 hah si. jir.i.i.r.y tascstn.s meih jkI eflnformlog berTown snd Country frnd U I n 1 IS m .at.. ' ana pairons, tnsi arte nas reterned from tiis North, with a fine and well se Irctrd sto- Consj Ung in perl of lists. Ribbons, Csps, Cuff, Ctitlarr, ArilftcUht Krarl.er. Ac at) ofthe lut-ft ir.tmn.r fa'hlonsble style. ; , , h Is thankful 'or past pstronae snd solicits a eoctinaaaee of the same, asking ait to call before parchasing elsewhere, ss nurs.ns will be spared id please. . P. S. Bonnets Cleaned sadTrirrm-d as Bttar. Oct.7. W. J.snd W. Il.eop. 1 1. o. 63. 4 JtST RECFH ED - HlWV B0.CC0 low priced Kcgsni from i I. J botes Jenny I nd T 1st J ; : , v , 2tt ", assortnl r.h Tni.o,, , 30 bbM. Liquor, foreign and domestic. ' L JZ' Gm Mtr '., - OA B8LS. landing. For ssle by Sept. 14. ! -VN Mi LEMONS tJrmmMM: Ang2C WILKINSON 4 KSLEIL GOODi ATWHOLESAI,!?. ; ViTR hate openjd sparge and well seliewd stock VV of prJ Good, and Ready Made CfeMeg" That who are la want of JLi. - tn . i:":,'T. snd examine our atock. ' " ,-'mnn "a A1ABUSIIF.LS, for sslsbr tJVAOci 2. FREEMAN . ITOrsmv in,,,,. ... .f,,m. ,,m'm .... , , , , JL- INST0RP. QH SLBLS- s,0 Brand t 0J 30 Bblr, Sunerfln. , " 1 10 Bbls, Extra Premium Flour t For aale by ELLIS. RUSSELL ACQ. TfTSttlMM,tKl MARDATAREIf JUST prepsrad for the FallTiade-Cconny r.r,.r. tow, and no eblaellng,' hut one price asked A I1' '';he only ravoi expected. " sept 25)3 v AM.ROBIXSOV , SCOTCH SNIFF. 1 O HALF bbla good qualify of SnolT. for sale MKnHSTERN BAC0X Oft HMDS, of 8I4, (nd AhouWers. Just rc- icKciTim ana tor teie ty o7. ' : fLm?Fs4c., DENTAHKOTJCE DR. W. ll. sHKftwhnn rn;,. "1 PBnJand praetleat beelU't for wn "l f?"? !e"e""y; M;be has locfited in Wflmingfbn, on Front, afreet cerni-r f Oiarter. where he b prepared fe atrend to sll calls in the line lion of LsdTee. He is iadoced to hope thai thelib- contiuned bytheeiihena of Wilmington and iem. iiy. mtyf) ' , WESTERN BACOV. Of) BHDS' sides, sod 10 hhds ehourdera-tery J superior. For ssle hy ' DaROSSET dk BROWN, Oct 14. FLOUR. i50 n5m?i. "rW !Sn.d.ln ftol,, Schr Virginia M Griffith, from Baltimore, and for ssle by " ...w . LLI$i RUASLL db Co "P'- ' . P3. INFANTS' RATS. - ' PadKiebr0"- jU?t V"NCJ' EAHNV7EILER & CRO. oept. 25. ' vii-j' s g j NEW SCHOOL. the loth of October, at her residence, for e msiruction of Girls In ;he ordinary and bijbe. branches of English edaralfon. Has ng had much experience lt Tiachine, snd Inisndlng In future to devote herself en lirrly to this work, she hopea iBghtM,ffac,j08 1MD0Je ttbo may entrust, their children or warda te ht r cate. lerms moderate j payable In advance., : . Kealdenee on BonnHnra Scholars can be accetnmodaied with board, if jt -sirrd. '-" .."' mv..-. '.; Nepl 16. - .-Vf'.ft ; j9 - NEW BOOTS AND SHOES. THR'aademgWdl mm''lMrW' V einme thanks for the tery lib- ?. ' m pa'ronoge they have rreel-. 1 ea, and ffffpe by strict attchiion t bnsiress to merit a continuance ef ibessmol,; Ihet orero rrceivlng thel Pall Stotfk, cdnsisting of Ladies, Miss and ChlWs Gaiters, of every style Gen's.. Boys, snd Child's Boots sad jhoea of eveery style: Gnts Rabbet Over Shots ard Clogs, of every stvlr; " a ne w and besul tlful article. vViih every thing new, beanilful.an.1 substantial In outline, too turaerousto specifv In an advertiaemet. , , JO.M.S 6l GARD.F.K. Oct 2. , ' ' , - - i 9D. NOTICE. ; ;.. . NOTICE i hereby given, that atl the Instal ments on aabst riptluns. to the rnpiial totk of the Csps Fear and Deep- River Navigation Com pany, which acre made prior' to tha 17h of Julv, 18M. are dow doe., and that on all autwrintinn made sinde Ihflt'ilme, Instalments BnioiihUn. to 76 l fe1?! are dbel 1 jf. J JACKSON, SOMETHING PKETTY AT TRE HARDWARE STCHK. FINE brdnxe Copper Tea Kettresj ' . 1 ' v- ; ; Black and Gold Tea Trays and Wsitcr5 Double plated silver Spoons and Fork ; Ivory handle Knivre wiihont Forks t Futlsu hh-' out Ei.ivssr , -&f .. : , i . . Crimping Irons and Curling yj t - Brase Aadlrnns ami trntew. edstedlShoTels and Toogsj Biss Stslr Rods i nounu saa uvai i rs t Bel) Veial t Foameit d Piaseiving Kettles i best Convex Ssdiron ' ' ' v. J. M. ROBINSON'S,.. . Hardware store, WRmlagtoa.N. p 11 ' - II. A J. cony, , 63. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AT REDUCED PRICES. , BLANK BILLS OF'KXCHANGR,.on ne paper and of a ve re hnoome i'mprclon, for tU sts Tie Ctmmtrrial OJ!teboini a Hooks o vavktas sixes, and In sheets. ' ' 'Oei.lt. ' '' 91. TIRTV 4H. rprlg SUBSCRIBERS hatlrT )t'lrrn-JrJ o X keep a eurpry or tne aett e y or vv. 1. band, weaM lafenn tkeeltlxcae t... t In the mur. ot lea days they will be prepared tn furnieh famiii with any euantlty. delivered, In any part i f it-n townotat inclr yard en North Wator streftt rn s cash. -, .", ELLIS, RriBLL Ta'yW. - v r