. " ' ft..-1 i.'t- .--1 I . '. . : J i :i at -i7 u C i I - ' ! : 11 ; p ises. u 11 J f! it.. .3 ! . J WnS quiet "is Ikui and tending npw.t ,.-at,lKGl. a Hi. 91 f.i 1 allow market was poorly u. T' it. 1 i L J - and ui-rn linn at 4 j a 40-t. " - " " ' . ' ...les of otf tuns American Lud toarrivcat 62M. i a c;s. 6i. , : ... . .. , Luiul.m Markets. SutMr was active at 61. ad vance. Tea aciive and firm Salon or dnguii at tj a 10.1. C.m-o ha 1 advanced Is. a 2v Lice wan. firm.' Tallow tlrui at 41. '-.-. ' , Consols for money cl-scd at 1Q0 100J ; and for account at 100 a 101 . : - , '. . : Ilavro Market, Out 18 r A Jarj;c. business lias l.ei-n in chiton during 'tUu week at, an ad Vance but the Africa' advices l.avo 'depressed ilu'Diarket. -Sulc.H1o-4.iy I000 blc" ' 'Trade at Manchester lta;f Improved. ' ' '" CHARLESTON MARKET.. Nor - Cotton. There was quite an active de mand fur this article yesterday, which was fatly mot by holder, unit .very nearly 4200 bales chang i Cd hands, at about the rate ):iii on Saturday lust, -ine transactions comprise a tan s at pi; 7ak8rtlat9U!) at 9 3 6; 321 at 9i ; 20at; .627 at 91; 18 at 9 9 16f 761 at 9); 9U8 at 9; 709 at vi J ia ut 10, ana 1 l bale at iujj. COINAGE AT TnB MIKT F0R PCTOBER, 1852 Ouf.D-142 0G2 D-itiblc Eagle K - - 18600 Eagka ... " 23 210-Half basics J ; 142 039 Quarfjor E.iglcs -5173 046 OoiaDollata - t 498 934 tkcfl V'f- "6 LVBn-14,000 -Half pilars C. ' ' 30 600 Quarter Dollars " 'JL. V 200.000 Uimes . 106 000 Half Dimes ' -' 2 C66 800 ThrccCent Tiocc S2 841210 18(1 Out) 116 050 355 O.to 173 04f) 83,63;i,02(i 7,650 20 000 5 300 80,004 1V. J5I6 854 Piocca -XJoPKR-WI 260 Cents ' . . 3 785 980 1212 "'8037614 Pieces $3787,192 . ' Gout Bullion deposited for eomagt in October, w ."From Califiunm J - - $4065 000 - From other sources - - 750t0 $i 140,000 Oft ii'. " - HERRING! HERRING! J i.i "YBBLiSln fineorder, in siorc lor silo by J.VJUU-. i , GEO. liJURlSS. Nov 2, 99 BUtRSSIjTU'SCO.iL. 1((f BUSHELS of superior quality, to s?-s, w varrive per oarK si purbark Munkinijum.from l!al- itibiore Apply to '.Kov2 f 1 GEO. HAItRISS. 09 ( T ARG-K Cloth, Work and Fancy llaskel?, at the -j.j-jjrmt atore, iy WILKINSON & KSLF.lt. Oct. 3(). -l;:. C ,T0YS!T0VS!! TUST received a Ilandsoine assortment nf new styrcs, ui lYitiM.MsuA a hLl-.ll. Oct 3 . - of?. ATTENTION ! GVER 10.000 pairs of liooic, hocxand Slip- ,i puM Oi IQu latual Styles and every liescnp- u" tlonxnrull)-.i;aihd for-In our business. A lurge number of egro Broyans, by ihe case or ' jtt quannlwa lOkUit puruhiioeis. p , Huobor Uots, Buskins, Over-Sliocsnnd Sandals, , l reduced prici'S. t. A o"ot ussmrimDnl of Calf-Skins, Upper and .Sole Al.ipua'utin5 and repairing na usual. Ft; iuarttei aireeK aiiin oi ino ma uovt. j "j, G- i O. HlUULRV CO. ;pil 3Q.i , :t-v,, onrctSl W V-,. MoJasses, Suiiari!, CofTees, FhuitV, : - .XT. llutter, Lard, Cheese; Lump Oil, Uandir. IN-p 'fu.rf Spicf, OutRer, Cod FUli. Irish Pgtaioej, Cin- i . ; ,1 .rti..... i M ...... n;..i.i.. m: r. .":lio 1'hmid IMniiffh Llnu. Iti'ifcoirt Sail. Avis. K)ce, Dried Ueof, Suiukrd Toniiue. MaeWal, Sal. . H.un,J irnad Ueef, Sodaand SiiurCrackftis, Pilm -j ren, KortlluiU, Mis. U. . ilillet, Jolin Uill.-'.inii,(iiitCiilis-Snu;r's, Copperas, Saltpeter. Cim--. phr, Indigo, Aafoetlila, Arinnoiu, lilni Sii.nc. iMatchDSj Utieketi?, Baskctts,' Green, IU.u k Teas. '!fci Cedar and 'ninred rubs, Neat of ill .-, johmtJug, Jars, Holloware, Hardw.iic, Wiapplnu 47ruper,.aiiiatard, Urouml Vi flee and I'eppcr, l uckf, j'luk, lplaises Syrup, &c. At 98. , VJ-, W.H". N.C. T. copy. gt "n NOTICE. 1VTlV HBY L.. ADAMS withdraws from our :. lVA hrhK a d his interest ns a partner therein eear- T.k..ll ...I... .. . . . . . . vuujr nuiiitiuun on uiu isi oi .luirut, m-i. ADAMS, BltO I'll Kit & CO. .Auj. 23, 18B2V X . , . s 70-' I". NEW CMP RAISINS. -AfVVHOLE, half and quarter boxes new crop Raisins: 500 IM. lie Currants: 10 boxes Ci'tnn i 1Q buxee Shelled Almonds; 100 lbs. son J ehell Almonds i 2a boxes Fire CraeL. rs s ID boxes Canton Gingers For sale low, by t. HOWARD A PEDEN. Oct. 29. 97 NEWHIULLED BUCKWHEAT. .fZ( BAG" Buckwheat 50 bags Fimir ; 25 whole and 23 half bbls. Flour. For sal, Men: t, , HOWARD & FKDKIV. 97. i CIGARSJ T0BKC0 AND SNUFF. 'ii.it A A.tt Iftnfts. mintttu nml nrli.f.a llo . v it-A -r-is i .- wit vt vfi v rst rn ''-.- :riniW?-:r:': ' oq' 'niMfrtcr 'PrtrnnniMna t. t mi ive tiu &(rlag(, lor sale at the Frnii Depot, By iVfci'i WlhMiHSO.X 4 Kb L Kit. t ; )-.-.,. . -. 99. ct. : FINE AND COMMON CANDY. " ; J&iTj lyhe Hot, of at retail, bv WILKINSON t ESLER. ,J Oct.30.' '. . 9J AFRESH ARRIVALS FROM N. YORK :. ri' ' SAr. Lnmartine and L.P. Smith. '-'VrOV HALF Bble. of extra family Flour, (fresh , .CJ e round;) 6 hair bbls. Hiram Mniih'e best i 10 hairbbla.'Qenesse Flouri 6 Firkins best But .; teri 2 bbls; parrn Oil; 60 bbls. Irish Potatoes; 5 boxes Adamantine Csndlcs. All low, for ca-hnt GEO. II. KELLEY'S. 93. iiVV. lL.iN. p.T. copy. vWHONEY ! HONEY ! i ' -1 BBLof bvit on retail. at ..-l.-.-Y. 1 . ..'-; . OKO. U. KELLEY'S. ; 8ept; 30. f f J., VV. H. & N. C. T copy. 8$. ' ALL WOOL DC LANl'.S A D M Lit IN OS. 1 1 J Pieoea tieh pattern Ue Lame. ' sT 1 5 da. Fteneh Merinoe. Just recoircd at 1IEDR1CK d RYAN, ' Oct. 23. 7. : ALAPACtS; BOoIBAZINEN. , Jk ME UJAN and.Engllsh Printa.and ohenp De xa. Lj.iej. -A full stock m and. I1EDRICK & RYAN. root. 23; 97. . 1 () ll' ' 12 i .SupTloi! Beth Bed Bhnkcts.Man r-;. Ayechestor Q,ta(ts Ur4 APend tie Ul'd Sheeilnw. ; ' ' , !.''.. r .. , '. . : ,- . .. . ' 97. . . 11 U I It L. - -'-' ' : 1 - ' . r-SInrcl'.Coiiilmrcil JStoek! ir mia ??,.: coffee. f, -1 RAGS Rio, Legiiyra und JaTa OnfT For . 1 :IJ ilulo, 0 ; -,lU.V.uy ?iiX&S, i ''S:; I'mT o iv,n.T eia. h i ; . . ' .i of t-T'Mnr. t.i id I . : I il School on Mor'iv ih... l ia i.i i rif fi I it-ly uccupii-d by . G.n si. Term f r tui ion per a.. ion ol five months, ta U paid in advances follows : - Cmitnon Kigjish branches, including ft--.tinsj. Writing, Arithmetic. Geography Grammar and His tory tiOCG Higher English branches, inclnJin r Ateehr. Sur veying, .Navigation, Bok Keepina, Natural Philos ophy, Chemistry. Rhetoric. ComDoahion. tC" 120 Latin and Gfelc Languages- -....... -16 00 Futl'per. csion-. ....... hO No de tuctidu will be made for absence fitept In cases of protracted rickneM. ' : - v .: I. H. JOHNSON, N. B. Perrons wishine to confer with th Princl-' pal, can have an opportunity of doing so by calling at the residence of Mr. Iianc Not throp, Wilmington, Oct it. ' - - . 91-4w DF.CIDF.DLr spperior is tho Clnthlnx mann factored by H W. Arnold, south ide nf Mar ket street The handsome and iluraMe 'iimnn'r In nhjeh bli his clollilnc is cnt and made, and the re ally jow prtee chanted. i, the secret of the immense success of ibis eflahlUhim nl. . Hosiery-e good asorttnent of Silk, Merino, Woolen and Cotton, of all qualiibn. runt mily for snleat H W AttVOLD'S. Oct 23. South side of Market st. near Front. lirdInd iiahI on KF.GS Lard, and a superior lot of North U Carulina Hams. For sale hy DaROSSET & DROWN. 91. 0, t 21. LAMP SHADES. 3FIHDS. Lamp Shades received per Schr Ann Elizabeth. For sale !y McRAE & HARRIS. - 91. Oct. W GLASSES. HEIOS. Muscovado Molasses. Fr sale by 110WAKU & PKDKN. 10 Oct 28. . 97 SUGAR. Porto ttieo Su;ar. For sale by HOWARD & PKDImV. 97. 10 HHDS MATCHES. 1 n,( GROS Clark's Patent Matehe. b st in I U!L' U: JOQ g.'Oss wood boxes. For sale by HOWARD if- I'EDEV. 97. Oct. 23. MOLASSES MOLASSES. Cf HHDS of prime sweet Cuba Molasses, just IJV received and for sale by J. HATHAWAY & SON. 91. Oct 2G. BACON AND PORK. 3 HHDS of superior Sides and Shoulders; 10 bbls City Mess Pork, just received and lor sale by ' J. HATHAWAY & SON. Oct 26. 96. THICK BROGANS. RKCF.1VF.D thisd.iv pe'r'.Schr. Iv S.Powell 500 prs. THICK BROGANS, manufactured lor the riee farmers loour order. Tim e who have been wanting will please Winy in their measures. Our stuck is nnw complete we have nnw over 2,000 prs of Broaus, which wc are si llinj as low is auy other house in the place for the s um: quali ty, anil we would say to the luce I. iron rs, I mpi n tine makers, Slnnyle fetters, wid owm rs of ?Ln cb In "enerai that we have someihinL' ixlta In the way of a Broyan for your negroes' eir. Call at Oct 29. 96. COTTON YARN. O BALES of Cotton Yarn, assorted numbers, for gili! hy J. HATHA WAV & ON Oct 23 96 FORT W ARDENS1 SALE, Damaged Good, yt.r "Bark ' Vhite Clind."1 uN iWonday next, '.'5th lnst., at 1 1 o'clock, m ihe 'Wine Houi'eot Miles Costin, K.iq , 1 will sell under inspection of the Pert Wardens.Lfor account of whom it 1 1 1 ii y coecern, a valuable lj' of damaued Goods, per barque -Vv. hiie Cloud,'1 uoimd Irom Bos ton to Mobile. Oct 21 It M. CRONLY. .Anci'r. ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, 1 O BOXES of excellent quality. 3ut ten ived l a at N. BARLOW'S. August 31. 72. "THE LIVE GIRAFFE." I S received cnp', at weokly. and can be had for 5 cts per Will MKER'S Bookstore. 9H. Oct 12. NEW BACON. A FEW hhds. Nc' Bacon Sides, for sale by FREEMAN it HULSlON Oct 3. 95. JUST RECEIVED P'UOM the manufacturer, extra silver Platrd L Brunswick Spoons and Forks, warranted equal to pure Silver In every rc.-peel, except price. For a'e by J. fll. ROBINSON. Oct 21. 94. FOR SILE. A C BBLS. Fuyctuvillc. tupr. Flour, hv L'J J. R. BLO: t . rsr OSSOAf. Oct 29. 9G-if. MOLASSiS. HHDS Cienfuc?og Muscovado Molasses, jiist received and for sale by 25 ADAMS, BRO. & Co. Oct 23. 9fi. GUNNY BAGS (HYi2 Bnd hnlr nn,t 3nnd a half bu-hels Gunny Ba just received and for sale by Oct 29. AUA.HS, BRO. & Co. 96. GUNNY BAGS. 1 0,000bBAGS two busllcls C8Ch' for ,a,c FREEMAN &. HOUSTON, Oct 26. j 95: salt; I O0'"l'S'u'lc, Liverpool Ground, now Ian I iWtWdinj and for sale by ' ADAMS. BRO f. Or. uri 1 u. 9'.. Office Wil. 4 Ral. Rail Uoao (' Co. ) M ilmineion. (h t. 22 !?;' ( ORDERED that a dividend of nix dollars per share on the Capital Stock of 1 his Company be made to Stockholders, payable to them or tnelr legal teprescntallvc, on nnd after the I.'ih dny ofo vembernext. JAMES S. GREEN Treas. Wil & ltd. Rail Koad. Town papers, Goldsboro', Tnrboro'. Halifax, Wel don, and Norfolk papers please copy lillliih Nov. Oct 23. 91. EXPED1 flONf OF EMIGRANTS TO LIBERIA. A PPLICATION bavins been made by upwards J 1 of one hundred ftee persons of color, for a pas sage 10 Liberia, in a vessel 10 sail from Wilming ton, N. C, we are makinir arrangements to des patch a teasel from (hat place about tho 1st of No vember next. Tlioee persons who may wish to sail from thai port, at that lime, will please Id w knoa i mediate ly, in order that we may ercuru a vessel lare enough, and inat.e mln r necessary arrnmremen; lor tho accommod nlon ol nil who may v. Ish m go. . , w- Me LAIN, Sec'y. Am. Col. Soc. Papers Iriondly to the object will plouso copy the above notice. ,M aahlnaton, p. C., Sep, J3th. JsS-ts , LIVERPOOIGROIJND SALT, J ) SAC.8 .L,?rP fV1 K'ouod Suit, to arrive' 0JJ for Ml . 4 -r-'. ADAJiy.BRO.&Co.V Ocl 7, A- f FISH. - 1 A C A E1 Sardine,, (lJJOO boxes, . 1 ? 1 W 10 do.. Lobster t 10 ca. a Salmon t ;' V 10 Imlranrt 10 quartuf bbls. No. 1 AlackerelrV f" ' 10 tn'lgih btil, - - - .. do;"" do, t ' 10 '. d..; d.t. . Salmon 1 ,!;, . '., : M ulluts alwny eg fjin.l. freu Jnd In good Order. toWj ov , uwivahu Ot PhDli '1 .A si ! . m V - ...it ,1 I'tr I V- . c . ; , or I: 0) h I"' OI.O. 11 IKK1.V 13 i UOJ feel Lutt ply to v 2 FOUXUV 0lUi. . ? Til R A'i I. suftrrinr fast failing pa ket Schr iTiN.irriett. II alloek.. I'u inai, will havt aVadispmch for above pjri." Fr freialii or as sage.applyto j. H. FH., KR, - . 2S'Nbitk Watr-etret. . ; Oct 23 ...... , 'j . ' ; .. .-.. 9i. ; FOR ROSTONY ?t TIIRU-.erlor hi alin f'clir.'lla-veit, HXty wt"'aiNe, niasur, w til have iipavh lot JteaCab.ive p..rt. For freight or puaj(v, haviiitf good accommodations, apply to 1. H. FLANNER, ' 25 North Water street. Oct 23. FOR CIMRLSTON, S. C. a'wirlt. llTVana. J.mei tnaxliV. will sail. tor the abuve p.irt. - For r. ii'ht annlv to A1MMS, UiiO. 4l'n. 95. OR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. BAlltiUK tl.tr R. Barney. Cuther. mas- ler. Apply to Oct. 2G. ' 95. FOR PHILADELFHIA. m:i(j. s use. 1 HI', regular packet schooner I.I .LIE 6A l)KH,, I . C'urion. Jluner. will have quick dispatih as above. F.r liv ht treii.hr or passc apply to GF.O. H.ARRIS-S. FOR NEW YORK ItEGULAR USE. THF. regular packet schr. F.. S POU'. ELL, J A. Watts, Alaster. will have nuiek auisuaien usuouvj. i-uriii'iil Iretetit or lias- saeeiipptvio tiLU. Il l tKISS Oct '.'6 FOR NEW YORlT HEdULAIl USE THE packet Uia D.U'ID DUFFEt I, , .oil, ftliietir. will have distiath as n'.,.v. Forfrel"ht or tat sage atipli to ULO. HARRISS Oct 26 tj.-, FOR FREIGHT OR CII1RTER BAIiQHi: i'ntr.pect, Ames, mWer. 150 TO' Lumber, capticlty. Apj.ly to Al.i 1S. B (O. ,f. r Obt. 23. FOR BOSTON. i)ir tu , i . i X uiiivji niwti rtuam-, James now, master 1r will sail w ith despati h. For fn igtit, aci.i 'o ADAMS, lil(l) i c Oct 23. .j 2000 (i I N N Y B iG S, IJST received, and for sale low, tiy CIIADBOUKN '& Oct. 19. HOOPER. 93. GENTS FRENCH KIDS. T UST Imported, by J KA II NW FILER & Od. 19. SCARFS AND CRAVATS BliO. J3. L LLMI, Silk and Brocaded, ju-u opened hy Oct 19. IUCGAXsT 93. BROWNS! BROGANS 1.200 Pair Men's Doui lu Sole, ''Oil do Hoys' do do 4U0 V omen's Plantera Hit lust in inatket. Just received, and for Sale as cheap as (he cheapest. JONES A GARDNER, 0tL21 Market street, below the big (tool. FR O M I A Y LT 1 E V ILL E. BIU.S sop. Flour, new wheat, ireh ground "J 10 bales Vains. 5 to 0'.-. at GEO. 11. KELLEV'S. Il.undN.U, T. (4 Oct. 21. J.,w MUTUAL RELIEF IN SICKNESS. UM'i.N litiiLTII .INS.rill !U OF Vlliu'f.Mi g: KM- RAI. Office No 8 .'.av hiimtiii 's. Rich- iid, 1 , Cash and fiuor iii'ee Fund '5125.000 1 111- is .1(1 ,i....r, nion iojtiiui.(i tor tin; niiiUMl tienehi ol iia 1 1 it-1 1 1 1 1 a in e.isu ol ao-kness, or aeci dent . By d-po-iiin;' nnnunlly, am mnts of from two to ten dollars, all the immunities of membership, and a weekly benefit when sick or disabled, equal to the amount d1 posited, will be received. Ueposiis 01 persoim over alt years ol ago 25 per cent extta, l,au Ailuiisalon t ee is charged the first year. Tin' Constitution and By-Law, names and nu tnet.ius references, Ac, furnished by the Attenl. .Mr. F. S. I). Belknap is a duly authorized Ajten: for the As.oeiatioti, ilirotiirli whom all in Wilming ton and i en!i;:uoiia' places desirous of uvnilin" tliemsdvis ul lis tie m fit i may become 1111 mbers. L. H. REYNOLDS, I'te.-ident. J. B. Fuller, G. W. fxieilham, Finance Committee. . W. Iiel.letl, j N. B The Ai nt may h seen at tho Washing Ion and Lalaye te Hot- I, and will be happy to com municate lull p'lr'iculsis concerning the Institution to all who up: k. Oci.'J. P9-Im. BAC0.V. 101 II II D-S Sides at:d .hottldrrs, now landing rum Schr. V'uL'inia Griilith, and for sale bv ELLIS,. RUSSELL f- Co. SCHOOL. Till'. 7th Session of Mrs. II WH1TAK Ell's Music School, will eoiniiii tice on 1 ue 1st October next. It i much desired that iho-e wishing to become her pupils should make us eariv an application as possi ble. In order that the hours may be arrunged with .1 view to the convenience of all. Mrs. W. returns her thanks for the liberal patron age she has received, and can only assure her pa trons that she will ever, 11s hcretotoie, use her ut most endeavors for the advancement of her pupils II ei terms are Tvunly Dollars ihe Session of Five Months New Music and Guitar Strings constantly on nana, nnu lor sale low. H. WHITAKER. Wilmington. Sept. II, 1852. 77 if. IN STORE. 7r BAGS Coffle, Rio, Jamaica. Laguita & Java; J 6 hhds. Muscavado und Porto Rico Sugar; 30 bbls. Ciushed, Gro md, and Coirec Su ais ; 73 bbls. V hiskey. Rum and Gin ; 10 ' Old Ryo Whiskey: 10 " Cognac Brandy: BO boxes Soap, No. 1 and Pale ; 25 bble Sugar, Butter, and Soda Crackers ; au ooxes 101) bags Shot 1 1C0 keg Nail ; 30 boxes Cheise; 30 bbls. Mullets; 20 " City Mess Pork; 25 " Family Flourr from New Wheat; lo caecs Brog.tna and Shops f Also, general asaonment of Domostlc Dry Goods a-,d Hardware; Powder in kegs and tin can isiersj Lotillerdand Ouiculte .Snufl, In bbls ond bbl.-. Tabttcito, ell qualities , Wood-wtue, liaeiets, 4.0., Plough. and Casting. . For mI by ZI(V H ffutrrvc r.. n- r. . - v-.u.... l-v. u. leiegtauh copy. I 95. :. i WOOL HATS-? WOOL HATS. fSf )t I V0Z V0'. tni B,,v lvwl Hat", for sale JVAIow at the tint simo. Th wlshinti to purchase wni adyanc their Imprests by giving me "n,Vt--'-'V'''iw',C-s "VERS, Hatter. f Ott 2 1. i',i;A A'; t'j:f. -' P4 i MALAGA AYINTI t BfitS.,'pure;iut fccdvtd'Vn'd fr ' by "$'inila tow., Fruniet,- CONTRACT SHINCLPS, ?FiO )()() M:"'I-"S Contract .SbingVi JUlJjJ ready for delivery a dfutlhtiup plteicon-tuntly nrcDarliiff ' Annie in . Oct. j land It , sale ol ! ii i,.. i . ! Af.i.-ix.i.vD stat;: i D! IN Uthe montii of Ju-v. t v i revetil ul Ihe Itiah I iii.ii.il It.' s in the Ai.itv. I.oid l.tH'rrKs, on Hie ilst nf July the Cimnd C p. Pal of 67.5ot was ..!J n a wliul- -itk. t hk!i neitid a;,37S. . p..rmUi,.n of tli- paniea wh. drew I', ue menuon their n.inn, Gil). W. J. ttiehardson, H.n. i. W. MeJotkeil of .California, and J. Knot Walker, KJ , I'tlvntuSeer. U!y of the :t I'rerid .m Jim. K. I'otL Thus lor theo ulai of 20 ihey rejl.xid the lundscntc sum n! 4l9,r.l a piee. , "' - , . Usi l!io2."t'jofSepJiiii:H.r th Grand CiiHol sA M AM) sold to b ciiijca of Ia s.ic!iusti. Thus for an outlay i.f a fi dul'urs jOu n.av B1..' tie an lodtiudn Kmlnoe. , , , , ' ... , end an m.t, r U tieki is in tmc of the folloa lo -LoMeiit. end liy and d.i like " " V. N VA M R. & SON, 138 111 ATT Tki;i;t. naltiraorr, Md. 583.3 18 dol'arsi 2tMlof8tt SLSqUEHASSA LOTTERY-CLASS 47 I ur nranrxtaij. A -r. 17 A GREAT SCHEME. I Pnje Kti 3'i.tfio 1 ' 7 a A) 2;j " 7 :. i ii ' 3tW 200 ' 15u 1 t'ru-! of 17,'fO I 2' 100 61 1.1.73 f il 2t!0 Ifo rickeis !0-l Ccriifleate ol P i. k . of lives Sj-Qiei'. ',!) 23 Wlulij 1'it'ket, li)'i fO do do 1. 1 ..) II ill it. da do ol" .'." H i ir't r do d d i of 2') l.i;l.li d.i 13 )9t) lio lats III nl M'i.', REL-A lit LOTTEIi Y- CLASS 0o (til J.' BO If) 2' ()( 7 For Jtesday. A'or 23 Sm) i-SCHE ME. I l'r:ie 01 2') 00(1 1 63 Prize of 40 31 20 10 5 974 00 37 b0 13 50 10 ' 2,5H0 10 " 6.11 199 " 10 C3 " eo 120 ,! i7) 23116 " Tickets 13 -Mums J2i-Q..ar. IJ. CertiHcaicof Pa- k. of 2 Whole Tickets, do do 21 Hull " do do do 25 Quarter do 1 00,400 dollars I O of S?0O PATAI'SCO ISSTITUTE-CLASS 810 For Friday. Sue. 20. l8o2-SCHEME. I Prize of 8 516 61 Priite of 20 10 fi 4 2 4 " 1,750 4 " &N 10 " 210 2G7 " 40 65 iyj 4I0 27:4.) Tickets 92-H.tlves8l -Qinrtcrs 50 Certificate of I'ai k. of 26 Whole Tickets $30 (0 do do 26 Half do ir 10 do do 20 Quarter do 7 60 5 . 1 31R dollars 20of,000 UASHISGTOS COr STY LOTTERY CLASS 53 For Mmday. A'or. 29. ,,! USIFICEST SCHEME. 1 Prize of 30,060 20 '' 5,(00 20 " l.Otili 20 " btO 20 " 4t;0 20 ' 23d 119 Prize i f 03 lid ' 126 ' 126 " 37-0 " 200 72 fiO 10 30 20 Thkets 10 Halves l'- Quarter 42 .'0 Certificate of Puck, of 25 Whole Tickets 4143 00 do do 25 Half do 71 d0 do do 25 Quarter do 37 10 Alt orders nnswerid by return of Mail. Bank Drain or Certificates of DcpoMl, tire promptly sent to any part of the United Males, lor 1'iizes Sold by E. V CA'dldt SON. Monev in .my sums, however large, can be con fidently mailed to the House of E. A. CAKll & .-ON. For a Good Prize, prompt a'tention, and n jut and certified statement of each than Inst, address your orders 10 ihe (Jldest Established Fitnt in tin WorlG. . E. N. CARR & SON, No. 138 Pi att tieei, Hultlmoie Md. BOOKS! BOOKS!! CHEAP. Just llcccicfl per S Kr. A J I h Russet. V ANDKV1LLE S Series, f Headers; IM liter's 1V1 Series ol Read : rs; Perkins' Series of Mathe matics; Davies' Seties of Mathematics; Maenad's Q11 i-tions; lluy'sAlgi bin; P. lice's Alyebra ; Union Questions; Uhatel.jv'H Rbetoiic; Boyd's llhctorici Hlalr's Lectuies; hi;.plv's I.eeluies; Mrs. W il lam's Ancient Oeo-iai'hy and Atlas; Morse's, Smith's: M'iielic IU' and Oiney's Quarto ae igraphy and Geography und Atlas; Qiincki nbo's 1st lessons in Composition; New England Primnier &C The Spi 1 ttilor; Ch itnbers' Miscellany ; Jos 'phus; Chalntct's Misct bany ; Ifollin's Am ii n't History ; Hume's F.ndand; McCaulcy's Enrjl.n.d; Goodtlch's Home; Uoodncli's France; Mn helet's Roman Re- lleni Build'. 1 'f 'iiide ; h orm Hook; American Lawyer;! Annuals lor K53; vhii e ptaie's, Miton's, liyron's; Btnns' Mnr. 's, Tttppei's. Scott's. Rlra Hctnan's, ! i'ot e's. Gol Isaiitli s. and Younn's Poetical Works, j Uncle Tours Cat-ill ; Aunt I'll ids' Cabin: Quee-! chy; the Wid", Wide World; Rev. ricsof A Bache lor; Jain s Muantj iy or I've been Thinking; To1 Love snd lo l,e l.oied ; Time and Tide or Sri c nnd Win; R- na 01 the Snowbird : Linda or the Young Punt; E dine or the Magnolia Vail; TltitiKs: I lo My-ell ; the Sunny side; Iron Works; Torn Kurkoof ''Ours ;' Harry .Sorrctpier ; J. tk Hi iinr.; ; Mysteries rf Udolnh"; Don Quixnte: Scotiish' Chiefs; Gil Ulas; Three S:ian.iiids j Aiibess: Dow jr'.s Sermons ; North arid South Calolina and C'om- ic Almanack for i5.i; Ac. Ac , nl t S VV. WHITAKER'S. i One door ab.-.ve Hcott tt Baldwin's Ciothim: l .mno- lium. ' O.t 23. P.-.. ;' HOUSES TO RENT j THE tubsciibet l.as two comfortable hous es to rent; ono containing five 10 mn and the other four, Both are situated 0:1 Foutth Stud, nor;li of the Rail Road. OWEN L. I I 1. 1. YAW. October 21, 152. 91-tf. HOUSE TO RENT. FO 11 rent from first October, a huitsc ;us finished at "A am. 1 nee." The houso c. 11 taius six runtiis, with a kitchen, etc. ; also a tine garden attached. Apply 10 JOIi.N A. I'AIIKKK. sept. 30. 85. FOR RENT. A comfortable dwelling with large yard and garden on 2nd Stiuet, between Ann rind Nunn Streets. O. G. PARSLEY, Guard'n. Sept. 16, 1852. J. dell. copy. 9-tf. FOR RENT. From the 1st of October next, tho North Store, under .Mozart Hall, al present occu pied by John Shaw, Esq , Drugnist. 7. G2 if POLLE Y dJIART. FOR SALE OR RENT. THREE Houses (or a!cor rtr.t. Ar:dv J. A. PARKER. .J'D'.r:. ; w if. JOHN BILL & SON'S SUPERIOR fcoiclv SnulT, warranted e-iuil to any is the State. WILKINSON 4- ESLER. Sept. 18, 1-152. 8o.tf. TO THOSE ACCUSTOMED TO GETTING LIMBEIU TERPENTINE. I TIE subscriber designing to make a settlement i of his hand in the outli Wt, offers f -.y e IM mtaiion or tract of Land, lying in Oiynn County, Geo., on the head water of Turtle Kivor, which river i navigable for sel of s hundnd Ions, Thi tr let conialna4 3500 acre, chiefly timber lnd, none of which has baen cut, and 1 most advanta geously suitable si t'.e bead of navigation of Tor tie River, and only sixteen mile by the course of tho Ulverfrom the town of Brunwic heconve nlcnca 10 water carriage, hcaltfiiness. and location (being the key to the whole surrounding coaotry) mske t the most desirabfu gitustlon in this section of country.- Asa place for trade and furnishing t go..d ii forlSieutn Sow, Mill end Turpentine Distillery, it la unrivalled. - A Brunswick I about to bo built up, market for Lumber and Turpentine will be wriuln v Thi- Plantation I well settled- having a good dwelling house every necessary tt bu Ulna and show 4 at 5Q0 . of wmp ami a van nn It Land clcan-d. Willi the piemUe, will b ld furniture, ioek,d(,.' e '.i.-.W. eeiiiei, utyno uo., Ueo. y. jj. ihi.f.y. ' Oct, 5. i h , I I , ,,, ,in, . Mr, , w ill ? ?o 5 1 w 'leri-i-n tin re shall be no appeal. , avail th. n.selvr of it. ; s - , S .-3FK",7 "'iSSim- Aug A Y f r.'.iv i r ; I j f ALf-.X A.M-I. i U.iM .1. Ihe,,.,.,f n.V.i'i ers..nh tti.r... r. trur.,. .r t-u.p!.vin t..m. rnl ! er the pT.:ty of (lie law. I'. CI.AKk. I Oct. i. 91-ltw. jtvr nrcEiYED froji ecston Kirs Maikercli 2J dj-ilmo t"30lf hhf .UaUi I cJtra s 10 ball' W duiai 1 ttl d"d.i; 1 d t Saf.inmn. r retail ( 10 quintal Cod f lh ; IVtl b.vj extra Dairy ( 0 toxrs do dnj auUiiu jifi.f P.fKl. -s:i kinds t 6 m t'tif.r te rms) 6 .'cat (Hivf-j 6 A- Lr.trt 6di t Yint Powder H t JE, 'n,ve Sclrrrliin; t f I Twuu'o Clnp j 1 ran Hiirton Crackers i ") holes Ada- mo ul i.ie Candles best qii!iiy. I,r I v - uowA'jD & t ;:::i:v. Oct S. " r " , 7. WALKING CANES. AVERY full afjofm.nl of Ficrch f Amcri e m rmnuracmre-GoId, tiilrer, Pieil, lery, andOad.zed HfaJ a areal Varielr ' And tl.i. wnniin , will 6nd sonwlhiaj laiuittlteir taste, by caliina at ihe Hat Store. C. MVF.ltS. ! 02 .. . 16. CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA,- sew lis 1: fj'vu'- "p'endi.l mw Slum Paekiit V.D It f 1 Oil I DA. CiiAPLts tt im Mas XlirUFVsL'' is now tutin 11; r jfi.l itly hi twein '.'1: 1 I. s'. n .11,1 Jacksonville. I'ico ata and Pdntka, un th --t J .lin'i Itiver. Th.? time of dep.rture b i- : n fixed for Tt'ESDAV i.f every mik, at 3 o'clock, 1 M Tasrenirs by the cars 011 ihai day w II alw iys be in lime. Tlis hoai has tern built expri r-ly for this line, with special reference to the eo.11f.rt and safelv of passenger, and is emnin inded by one of the most experienced of nav igators. Persons de-irous of taking this route, are intorn ed tint the pa-suuo ihruuiih lo Pilalka is made In a'.out 25 hours. , Fare in Jacksonville, 3 6 (Ifl i'ieolain and I'il.itka, 10 00 Any lurther infonn itlon irill no checrfiillVElvrn by th im fersiu.rrrd. Berths secured by udtij eMing i tire a jeni. a thart. sdm J., W. CALDWELL, ijenf. opt 75-cS lU. NEW STORE. iikdkick: & K YAM v 1 -1 ;n t d to rim t 11 fir friends und the at 1I1, store Nmth sole Maikci street. between Di;Pie';: Drug stoic and Bradley' Shoe Store; win re tin y ate oflorin a full and cotnph le stock of K AM Y AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, at low. 1 "i. eg than ever before sold in this maik't Tie ir 1 nitre stoek has be. n purchufw d in the Nor thern .ii ii kcts at lout'Si prir-es, mostly lor cah, an ) w ill '). s 1' I ul a very s o ill .iilv.ince lor Cash. Our w hole attention wi I be exclusively devoted lo Diy On. and fi-mi this fact we beiievrthat vtecan oin r superior advantage to luiyers, than cun De lo in 1 ut tiy otht r Store in the pl ico. Oil 7 f-9 BOYS' CLOTHING. GOOD a.Tortmrn'. jui opened y KAHN W 1,'JLI'R & cpo. 83. REGATTA. etingof the ifcfjiitta Committee, held In .ion on the lbllt insl , il wos determined I bete slull be rix difietenl tlnssifiea .al. for b. ats from 45 to 35 feet over all a tin hatle. iiow s of !. . I ' $'.!' r t.s I li..lt Pill: 2i,.t I'lll-e iln' i'U'Sf '111. I'l.r-i .'th el f. r bo.'.ls 43' II. 1 las. for l;.)ts S.'M.I from 10 10 30 feet over all rrom 3o "o 2P fe t over all 1 ;..r L'ui.'s liom -sl.'l. 1 1 1 for iio.;is fiom to 26 feet evi rail to 22 Tee! ovcrall- Purse .'. 1. (it!l c:.i' The R. of No'. 1 1, On ll.e On ihe f it bo its 2 feet arid under Purse 4100 ;mii.! m til take place on the I7.h und 13th u.er ne.t, in the following order ; 1. 1I1, r acs f ir I 1 3.1 and 5th classes. IB:h, races lor 2 I, 4li and 61 Ii classes If. i ils nti Tine for a race mint l.. unthln ihn lein.ih urr s'.Tilii I. wi;liotit reeard to the nnmhor of! oar. j The ercw nftarh boat must consist wholly 0f : wbiie or colottd oiimiim, not including the htlms ' mm. i In every race the prize will he gNcn to the boat j viliich first reaches the noitit desinn itcd at the ier. I initiation of the nice, which will bo decided upon ! Anv member ol the General Committed sluvll tr. eve intranees, and it shall be tho duly ol nnv j member who 'hall receive an en'rtincc lo forwa'd infnr.natiio of the moiic in. mediately lo the Su it- ' laiy. ( i Jostling or foul play uiil exclude any boat from ; rejeiving t i - - prlz-j lo uu awarded for the race. ; Foul play lo be reported by m. m'.crs of the Coin- ; miilie Mali. mid a!nni the hue ol race, to the Gen ual tJommiiiee, wiio rhull decide on lite same. ! A Finance Coit'tnil tee shall .(. appointed by the Chairman, consisting ol (ho Charleston C tnnili-: tec, nnd nnu member from each i f ihe other places repri -i ri'e:, wlne du y it shall be to colled a fund, 1 by ; 1 ner.il subscription, lo di fray tho cxpensis oi i 1. e iiegaaa. ;:iy boat winnlnx a Purse shall not hn ,iin 1 ; mini il i HIM rial lln. 1,1 ",n "gain for a Pursu ol mfeiior denomination '-'enerai (ommitti of Charleston. -W. Mi K 1 ik' r, J. Fras r M.nhewcs, W, K. Snowden, M. i .slatheson. H E. Vincmt, E. W. Mathewcs. L ' II. n.-S.iiMsure. L. F. KobeiNon i James Island. E. M. Clarke. W. II Rivr Jas. Lauton. Johns Island. Thus. H. GrLnbal. Wadiiialiw.-E. D. Bailev. St Paui's.-Hon. H. 8. King. Edisto island W. JsViabrook, jr.. H St. Hclcni D. Jepkins. B-ai.fort G. P. Elliott. I'.lufrton J. J. Sloney. Christ Church. 1 ho. M. Wucner. F. Rsiley. In conclusion, the Commit! raM u-.sitM Imlli. n.-.fn. I pi tit ion from every quarter, j Ijcilitale the arrangements of oil persons desiring jtoenler into the Kegatia, or obtain inlormation I concerning il. The libera. ity of ihe P esidrnl of tile South Carolina InsititHe, has put cl ihe dipo sal of tho Committee, an autple store on Southern I whsrf t and ihey will, with pleasure, take charge of any boats consigned to their care free of all exprn ' ses. The Committee would also invite ihe attend . . , ance of the Public 2i neraliy. und insure thim thai il.- .. ...:o i I ...i.l 1 , . , to nil ird 10 all spectators a full and unlnteiriipied view of the Race J. F. M ATH EWES, ; Committee H. E. VINCENT, 5 of W. II. Ill VERS, ) Arrnnarn en's. 3AI! pfiiers lavoruble lothis amusement, will please notics the above, sept 23. fi:-9t-w HAWS. A superior article nf ecgar cured Ham, landing iilrom schi .liry rowoi . rorenleh ELLIS, UL'aSELL & Co. sept. 20. WESTERN SHOULDERS. 1 I HHDS for sale hy IU KLLI3, RUSSELL & i-Cpl 2. Co. 73. HAY, HAY, HAY. 300 RALES prime Eastern Hay. now In slore, nd for slhy CUAD80URV A HOOPER. Sepumbcr 4. . Tl. WANTED JO lllltE. A WOMAN who csn Cut k and W et-b for a email family. , ' . V W. E. ANDERSON. , Oct. 21. -ry-iAVt'V'Y .'. 91-tf f -?i: if FRESH FROM NEW : YORK, 1 rjBBLS. Hiram S.uith'e bcf Flo,ot,lr whut 1 Wii4iiell .tround.v?.w ;, ''"a.; PoCxuilaBiUyFInirr. H..yYMt j ; .' 3 halt bbU Rye foJri.-l.imm. -"Si Sbbi.La.df t - ... i'i:'- - t. 200 lbs Oiled Beel. ':.'" 20 boxes Cheese-.- Low for cash by " 1 t ' s -K.; ': " GEO. H. KkLLEY, Oct.21. wi. w.U.aodN.Q.C, . 94 A " .' A V, hy in.ltri'tf Ifi h nnnninlM f. ir ihr r. f n II f imnilftlVJi lir r-IIr-l nrl .ff.ei ahm, ,1 .rf.. : I I , f ... i W m4 . . j, 4i 5i F tU t are f cniTiv rncrr, .tum i, v. r.-or- Ufi CCICU AD (OVslMPTI. Td t CRK A COLD, WITH HI'.'. I ACli 1' and mmv.yy.fii ty the i lly, ,! hiit 1 HT' SAfc nn ii:ei i. ij ; tp satnt, to eweai du'trsr ihi r i":.f. Von A C'l At ColtJif !ak ;i K.ott'rZ. ruop. and itcnin" tcer'lTa lo 1 i rrtf. 1 i n 'i t totrlr. and Hi;Jtr opy uili $.x n Le ri;ct-d, iS'ore wiil Ion? su!,"". r tVitn ti.e trntibfe ln tl.rv tti if fr.n boao fei::rhred.. Perse ns aftiktvd Mis at- tt e'iigl,-il.h It 1 renks ttt( nt n.t -,t iiff ar o tht. wina, or laSicsn.et ecastrri!rT9iAtnife im in ifiev mf b- Jure nf tcbed. mbr-du n fe. v. : and5 afnrHt qornrr fC e '.inff -ten." Great r!u.f fruw utlirinj, m,fin . loaf n err. is nfiortfcd tu tlioo-ai ds rtho are :i as ; :;. . !ei'. .It iLia tavitto able remrrlf. : .- r mni Mi ajtceai ; rti. si irt ;!f ernrf. find rf-ittVclvi 11 nw ,r,ri 10 ; irr.'n , s ihe rtrec3-;iy fur ji ,r r rf, . V rom two t rnln.:r:r rhvslmrs I ' risx-rTesitiis. 't r n.v., A,i: T.' i!'; ( ' 1 Sie : We liN. tpoi.rCtir.sit r(.tj(. an txteuiv (flat In r ptjcticsvoritt LtA ,r i- n.t pass every iln. rcit" sy f; ie f, n.;, 5 ciiLi, tiafi of the iHptiaiorv tftrt, LP'S LlEMl.u U tIAVFTON To Sijicim ak fraitc rtAStss .tl.i :eirrjy is Invaluable, as by its action rr f,e"i..rrar ard Innys, aheo taken la tm,.ll qo.-iAilibr. U nrrovrs all boarsmrsa In a few hour. nd woederfuCy in cre iscs the pewt rabd llcsHiirj i f bt r . . Astbka tf general' Hurt-it rc-r-ivfi i..l r.'uft ' holly e,axei by. Cnkssi Pchv tut then sr.Mnie eases o obestrrsie 'se foyJcidi r ftiirvly to , no nicdi. in.-. Ctaesit fsrvos. wid u lUro. If they cm be eitfed. i , - . ' B,i xcHms, wi irrliuiIoH nt t!v ilimsi &nA portion of the lunSj may te emcdf ty takirg Chv I acTosAwin.malan,! fn(lMe,i doeut 1 he Bncon.foria .ie epprcsslom U oin relieved. Rev. Docl. LANalNG, of Biooa-vjt, ,Nw 1 oair, states s 1tV . r ' , "I have wen the Cnisv Pactosa't ears tnrfc eawa of Aflhma and Bionchitis as kds n fn ' II eve it ran rarely fail to eute those disease F..a C'aocr. Give an emetto of amlmonr, 10 fee followed by tarn and firqnemt drsef Ihe Ckieb . uivmi, win 11 it meuum it case. 11 taken In season, it HI not fr.ll to cnr. - , Wmopijo Coeen may ,t brr krn op and eoW cured by (ha ni of CntssT PctToSaw. . - - Tn larirexxAt U peediiy tt mevtd by ibl rem-, edy. Notnerdo fnsiancia liave been botiesd w hero v holv fumllii vt tie protected from any rt- 51 mis consequences, whfteyibefr lHghbrf liftw5" Chssby Pictobai, wete sttinVring from if.edisroj SA, Ohio, IliliJone'S!.' Doct J.C.Ayft; . Aii - 1 I wilie 10 inform you of ihe truly rrir.arlatfe tf- fecaof ycurCHI'.RRY PECTORAL Inil.l place,. , and m my own family. On of 117 d.inght.-rs was . complitely cured in thrredsyacf dro . ul V b-wp. m Condi, by laklnit Jr. Dr Mfnhii, tie of cur -vcrv best physicians Jrely,. efaira tM be t.nider ' it the best rrmedy we have fur pulmonsry disensro und thai he has cured more ease ol Caov w i h it, thjin anv other medicine he ever afrtiinfMei ed. Our clergyman of tlir Espfvt '"Church ay that dtirlnj the run of IsncEss lura this meson, U has seen core from ) our widieuie, hecetld e. ly have btlieved without eeipg. . . Your respect fuiiytr J. u, SINCLAIR,. Deputy PuMmancr. From the dlallrsUUwd ; oti asor of hfW Istry aud Materia Jiedlea, llowdoln Collesc. 1 have found he Cueexv PaxToaAtta jipgre di ntsshow. a powerful -emedy foe, colds, nrrd coeghs, end pulmonary dlwasea, . ' pABe Cn!vtAji. 31. D.I Dn. v LKsri 1 v. sun t, . Tbp widely eelebinicd Profmor of etleiy In the Jiedlcal C'otUe KeWyVott i4.it v, ay. ( "T t" j ; h "Ii g-veeme pleasure d eerli'fy IhO Value snd rf ficlency of ' Aytr't Lh(rfy PeetercL' whit b 1 r 1 11 -sidcr pmthaily adapted to eorid!t9t( of the Throat and Lungs." " Cures f se vere dire01.es bpi&ft 4he I,;rril imte been elected by Cntsav PxetoKAt fri Sfaeh. . urma fmni the LeReC ti Jtf I Mr rty l;a at lenitth heed fouorf ibat , ran: 1 e drfcrnlVd m l'ure '' Cougtis, Cold? and Cifisuii ttion t,ieh carry from mir midst toe tttiard evrrv fear . ti is Meed $ medn In irj wh't h tli -,eied e.n'lot.lt POBILV-'O' 1 C() BBLS. Mm end Prime Poifti for snl.i ly . I FREEMAN & HOL'SlON, Oct 21. itii villi: ...'. , male and f:mali; si;31l.u;y. r,HErcondsosione this Irtstfiuilon wUlcern 1 mi ncc on Monday, the 3., of July ir sr., pmti r the conjoint control of ikc Rcvmes kl. tunr, A. M., and J. W- MBrtliytA. MV ftoy exmn ence ln lu.thing,l0 theSlale Dtjojfin.t cl.ar.fj Jl.'ts saruh A. Brent, In fire Female. We pa- no ei'o, gics upon ihe qualifications of theTeufhrr. know. !ntf ' isrimlfijtl poblje ii jdae for iteill. L"",e nd i'"' Mo"'f repou wilibe irnt t ihe nlriM v.lln.. .tin L' . , w. . . " " :.. ?'""" ?"."i nupus giving ailio-; lership, attendance, and deDorimi nl. Composition. Dcelamn'fon I be most eitictly attended to, Th '.Tnatliw hi ! ' j ihemtlve rcsponstble for the morality oi IHhos.. ; committed to ihrir rare. ih.j, t,; , Board can be obtufocd with .Mr. Brent 'for 13 or !0 pupils at $7, in other familie ai the tun r. -J Residents will be required fo pavlititien m nt! -! ly. Foreign, half of thcniitlon forth session; In 1 advance. : a-k ,. a y . j Tuition i asfo'Iua 1 Tho classics for any class fir eny Con."re.lS CO j Second Classin thesame. Including 1.1 -leu 1 I br inrhfif rmrlLK. ian..M n : rn .. ... , . TV MV .. J.' T. , i 1 '. - '.; l' r nidis,, uramtn ulish Grammatand Ccojrrpliy, P to 7 fit For Beginner, Rending and Chlrojirnphy, - ; ' , 5 t0 ..louern L.anguagerand ornamrntnl branrlit ; the lowest prices. ' By order of the Borrd. The weekly HeralJaodoornal. Hl;f..ft!d WAX MATCHES. s VtSVt.' la...ti., . ' . ' i - AJksede all other in ese-20 eroMol bxea for i.ln - by FilEEHAN t ilOLiilO.N. Oct 20. . 95, : BEEP.r . 0 X BBLS ni 10 b df bblt a ehoir sr lelrj l.m wtdingrrom5hr ll,P. Uusell. Fora.lu l y " ,.25.H ' 3RPAD-BREAD, . . 1 A EBLSPIIot Bread j 10 do fin Navy EreaJ XXJIQ do Soda BiscoP.f'lO boxes do 'i. W I bu Butier Crackcrti looding from Schr. II, V Uus sell. For sourly, ELLIS. RUSSELL ct Co. Oct 26. , ' f. . ,-. CRAVATS ANO ISWRFS. SOMETHING benutUrjl jost cpcuid srdon ex hibition, call snd examine at , a n '"' '" . ARNOLD. V Oct 26. 1 NV.-J- .J. j, . 95.tf.. - SALMON AND MCKEHEU W AFRESH ttpply of pickkd salmon r d No I and 2 Mackerel, iitkiia nrtd t.n'.f t.U. It? w'vva soa tor sale 1 y .LMIFFltlXN' A l'f)i:STC!V. s. - . - ' So. ; . . - J : ,TAULL' SALT. . ' Cn'l8Aa.i.Tabh.Slt fr ft by , -' mm jpiDir bareelv l50UUi by ' '-r ept. 30. ' -t LARGE Sli(e, tupd ' bann - ii1 'y uri.t-, m f.nui t i. ii, ii 1 1 :i7fcUOS6ET &. 'lil.cYO t5. vc ';'. ; 13.U Ii 1 . ). , Cil ClulliiMHiI I -.-' e Viiim. t y . .? kAU.NVl.lLi.Kt I 1 . r i 1 ,',S. Mi