tiki V. ILMirCGTQX. N. C. TIIUnr-DAY KOVEMDER 4, 1SC2, Lux:: f;:d:i califciinia. ARRIVAL OF STEAMER GEORGIA. $1,300,000 IJf COLD. The U. S. mail steamship Georgia, from Apiu wall, iitvy Bay, October 20, nd Kinj aton, Jamaica, October 22. arrived at New York al 10 o'clock Friday night. The Geor iri brings $2,00(1,000 gld dui on freight nnd $3J0.0OO in ihe hands of pusaenjrers. She also bringelho California nnilo to Octo ber 1st, being to the same date aa the advi ces by the Falcon, at New Orleans, and which were briefly given by telegraph In Friday' Sun. Tne tcamer Winficld Scott was at Tobago, waiting fcr engines, before she could proceed on her voyage. -:- .YjV'-i . The health of the Isthmus is good very v lew cases of letter, and no cholera..- c-i- A military force hns been orrcnized under he direction of Geri. Pae which U of great benefit to Dassenffera crossing the Isthmus. The natives ar not allowed to carry arms of : miv iliacrin4irtn : fieii. Paez and ins oIHcers deserve great credit ' for their vigilance nnd Eromptncs8.in suppressing murders and rob-eriw.-s4.vf .There had been some serious disturbances between Ihe boatmen on the Chagrea river, " und the iiiborers on the Panama railro-ii. Attempts had been made to burn the bridge sit GataneJ and some property was dtstroyed. ' In another diffinil ty;) the .rioters took posses- . xt t1.iiKtinaa nnd 4 fstMarivf thflt lh rrin. etrudiou of the road should not be further ' carried on. ,A posse of soldiers had been sent HI III I Ul Mjm Ulll. Uiu. UIIW iww w w ..: UIICI U1CIU. . - . t- s The Panama railroad is jn good order, and the cars run twice a day . to Barbacoa. " , Kingston is quite healthy no epidemic pre vailing." ' ' 'i s,v"v Died on the passage,' and buried at sea, James Blakelyy aged 59, 1 passenger, and , Francis Hunt, 418 assistant engineer, hgeu ao. T&e Tennessee, wnicn sanea jrom onn Francisco Oct. let, took $2,272,560 in gold ' dust, roost of which has been brought by the SUMMARY OF NEW. , " riT.nm ilia Ran VmnriuA Whip. Oftt. I I ... iviuiu uiu h.u m nil."-"- i '' Sine the tailiog of the last steamer, noth "ln ftfimnnrianca has occurred. The news from the interior relating to mining anairs is - comewhat uninteresting, owing to the scarc . ily of - water. Large. numbers of miners. 1 however, are m the expectation of doing a - gooa winters' Duainess, aaung irom me rainy season. ? ' -: On agricultural affairs, the returns from the interior are Interesting and encouraging. The annual Agricultural and Horticultural - .Fair at Sacramento is now being held.-r ' -.Among the prizes to be awarded arc eighty : i I 1. f . ... J . . .1 . .silver, cops ana gomes, nnqio inose nccus tnirivi tn American and Rurnnean stnndardd. . the weight and , dimensions of some of ihe vegetable specimens are almost incredible. , We have not space to refer to these al length. Among tho roost nttraciive features of the Fair is a rand' ploughing match, at which "many of the prominent farmers of that sec v tioii will . take part. The health of our city continues to" be srood.v Comparatively fw . deaths have taken place, and the le w cases treatraenU 'ry" " . - The two theatres are well patronized. At the Adetphi, the elder Booth has been enga ged for four nights 6nly, previous to the sail- tng of the steamer. f He sails in t he Tennes see for honte, bidding & last farewell to his , Califi'rnia'.frjend9'';';f'- " Biocaccienti and'tho Aftcghanies are sing- io2 in the mount ains.iM; e '. The United StatesLand Commissioners are in session at Los Angelos. Among other im portant claims ;;bcfgre; them is that ol Col. .'Fremont. ' - . The village of White Rock, near Placer ille. was destroyed by fire on the 15th inst c JohriCheiw6odEsq expired at the resi- dence of Mr, Leland. on the 17th inst. Mr . : Chetwdod had just been nominated to fill the vacancy occurring' on the whig ticket by the resignation ol JM. Huntington. Esq.. as one of the candidates lor the Supreme Bench. He was from New Jersey, where his father's E. Vf F. Sloan. Esq., ol thie city, has been : nominated by the State Central Committee to nil the vacancy by his death. . The immigration is fast coming in, and the reports of the sickness and Drivation on the plains are" heart-rendini in the extreme. The relief train sent ouXby the State to their : assistance have been gailty of the meanness of selling them food and water, t f The heuhh in some portions of tho mince : is bad. - At 'Burton's ;Xar, Park's Bar, nnd Ouiley's Bar, several, cases of sporadic chol- . ra have occurred, which have proved latal. A company or ihe iurst liegisraent ol Cav. . alrjf, numbering 100, under the command of Major; tfitzgeralu.Iiave r lelt ttiis city lor ' .ShaKta':1-". . Y:--- -"'?v - ' More interest is manifested in political af fairs than fcver before iu tho history of our .State. Ihe whigs are at work in every sec : lion with an earnest determination. Mass " meetings have been held in all the large - towns and villages. Many sterling whigs are slumping me oiaie lor ocoii anu uranam. ;? :The clippers Union. N. B. Palmer and. S. , S. Bishop, and the ship John Jay have ar- - ". . il. JCt t i l , .The North Carolina has arrived from Chi n bringing news as late as July 20. Cap . tain Land, of the American clipper Chal ' lenge, dicd at Wharanoa on the 26th of June. Upon opening his body several rusty nails were found in him,' one of which had passed through the left, lobe of his lung. It is thought that he must have swallowed them when a boy:J' '"vpjr. Y The" latest dates from Oregon are to the 18th inst - A newspaper has been started at Paget Soifnd called The Columbian. Coal has been discovered ,ih large quantities at "Pojet Sounds T?:W"yi 'V. V We add the following further intelligence: ,. - 'j-iNDUtf wews:' ' The Stockton Republican learns from the Sheriff of. Tulare country that the Indians .-ire quiet, and no alarms aro entertained by 'i nettlers.1. Large numbers of. emigrants r3 setjline down on the fertile pjajns wtb i'.-ir families. - There is every prospect ol that j'ortion of the country being thjckly set tled. ; '; Vl---'. - .NtKina NEWS. . The Sacramento Union says there is on ex hibition at the backing house of Mills, Town send & Co., a Jump of gold reQently taken out nt Duivnievills, which is one of (he larg rstand hondsonjest ever found. n pajilor ij fit.' This splendid specimen is nearly pure, and weighs two hundred ind Jour ounces an I tikrce dollar i ! : The sanje firm, have vAitd another lump, perfectly pure,; which 'vi ' ' "rO0, dujf near tho same spot aa the C iss Nalley correspondent of the ''f.o llerald says of quarts 'mln- , . . , . ( ...y f .3 li-.; n organized to work '' li '! quartz mill?, repeated h, from fanning to chemical as r ronfain a pnying amouotol r - ' I a rrocffR cf amalima- t'oa can I o r ; ; !ii.J r.Jc-viat to cure i! The J arty, cr cor ny ailu.I?.l t, Lave j chased a dam and water nidi Luiit cm o creek, some 13 months bijo, which h fiilcl a depth of four to eijht feet with aunfar nnnrit iiim'i nr fnilinrrc. If fji ClPeril" . ..in ii-nrlv mnHrt can ba taken ss a enter i.li) 01 the yield of these "tailings," the individuals have secured as valuable a "lead" as any in tho region. . . CALIFORNIA MARKETS. . The amount of general business transact ed duiinghe past fortnight has not been larre : the market is quite bare of several leading articles, and dealer seem disposed to wait the arrival of the numerous ships now dun. . ' ;'.'?:.'--;;' In severut lending articles there hns been i very material improvement. v ' 4 , Duniiaihe month of September there have been bet nine arrivals from eastern domestic and seven iron) European ports. There are now fifH'-fivo vessels on the way from eastern dnmestio ports, more than one hundred dnys out, and some loriy-two over tine hundred anu twenty days. Ut tne tnree vessels arnven from eastern ports within the fortniaht, one came in ballast, one brousrht chiefly iiassen gers. and only one. the Union, had a curgo ol general merchandize. Money continues to commnmi .1 per ceni per month, with a very good demand. In vestments in permanent improvements are rapidly troiiiff lorwaru, to bem time uroccu pying the brick buildings before the rainy season comes on. investments in ouisiue ci tv lots are in favor at present nnd that des cription ol property seems inolining upward in nrice- The demand for Exchange lor inn st-nm er is limited, owinsr to the noivanival of the dinner sIh'ds now due from the Atlantic Stales, the remitting ol wnose ireigni money forms an imnortnnt item in the amount ol Exchange and Dut going home Exchange may be quoted as follows: Sight Echnnge on the principal Atlantic ci ties, 3 per ct.; JU clays 1$ a &h perct.; WJ ilays 1 a 2 per ct.; W days, 1 a 14 nor ct. Dust may be quoted ns abundant, lor the same reason which limits the amount of Ex change, namely, a hilling off in the demand lorremilia ices, viz: At $17 2o a 17 40 Certaiu descriptions of Coin continue to de mand high premiums : Mexican Dollars, 6 a 7 per cent ; Peruvian 2 a 3 per cent ; Coined Ounces, Patriot, 4 per cent. TRYING THE OTHER ENDOF THE ROD. The Minnesota Pioneer relates the follow ing good anecdote: Everybody knows M , clerk of the Doc tor Franklin, No. 2, und one of the severest practical jokers that ever ran upon the river, or that ever ran saws upon green-horns. The past season as one of his instruments ol waggery, he took along a couple of' repils, (Indian flutes,) one of which was oharged with our, so that when the flute was blown, a perfect cloud of flour was discharged into the face and eyes of the person blowing it When M found any passenger, priest or layman, it was all the same to him, who manifested an interest in these Indian curi osities he would produce the two flutes, and retaining the one that was not loaded with flour, would hand over the other to the ver dant inquirer; and would then commence playing that plantive, monotonous Dacota tune, with a variation of two notes, which is so familiar to the ear of every r-sident of St. Paul. Thus decayed, the possessor of the other flute was certain to follow M.'s exam ple, and at the very first ' tool" to blow, a cloud of flour flew into his own face from the barrel of the flute, which is played like aclaronet; and thus produced in the crowd around, an outburst ol merriment al his own expense. On the last trip of the Franklin, but a few weeks since, M had his Indian flute along as usual; and one of the passengers who was up to snufl, determined to turn the laugh for once upon the old wag himself; so he took Ms decoy flute awjy to the cook room, and charged it well with finely pulverized char coal, and returned it without M.'s knowledge; to its place in the office, with the other flute, and after dinner, said in M.'s hearing, that ' it would be pleasant to have some music." "Certainly," says M , "Did you ever see the flutes that the Sioux bands up the river play upon 7 ' "No." replied the stranger, :l never did. Do tell me if they have flutes?" This was enough for M . His face, luminous as the sun behind a crimson cloud, was radient with anticipated fun, as he brought out the two flutes and handed to the enquirer tho one loaded with flour. A large, crowd, the mo6t of whom under stood the flour trick, several of them having been victimized, gathered around to see the sport. ' La, me !" said the inquirer, ' I should not why I hav'nt the least idea why how do you trying to finger the holes blow the clamed thing, any way 7" "Oh, simple, very simple '." replied V ; '' this is used by the Inland loycr. in serenad ing his dusky sweetrheart. All he attempts is a plaintive, melancholy, pathetic nir. to touch the heart of his mistress. The notes are very simple." fHere he went into a lengthy (iisquu)tion on Indian music, customs and habit- "The ait is simply this, blows and fills his own face with powder charcoal, the whole crowd laughing and roaring, and fairly tumbling down with excessive mirth. M stood for a moment, begrimed as an Ethiopian, then dropping the flute, exclajni ed "Caught in my own trap, 1" Alter that, thev had plenty of music on lengthy djsquujtion on Indian music, customs i i i .. -r i.mL i.. .!.. tli the Franklin ; for that M will have ; but no more Indian flutes. A SMART BOY. A little boy, ,;well in his boots" for the first time, and very proud of them, said to his mother, after reading his customary chapter in the ' Family Bible" in the morning: 'Mother, why did'nt Moses wear boots?" 'Why, my son, what makes you ask inn I question? Perhaps he did weur boots, my ear; we dont't know." "No mother, he did'nt, because the Bible saya that the voice that came out or the burning bush told him to take off his ihoes." There was no rejoin der to his "clincher." RADNWEILER & BRO. BEQ LEAVE TO ANSOUNCE- THEIR FIRST EXHIBITION Tbit Morning of French Dmi Coodi and Pris The entire assortment being of Paris Manufacture and juat received direct, they will compriaa til the novelties or ins ' mgswr SEASON. Oct. 19. huy.tf -i - '.93.v NOTItE IS HEREBY GIVEN. - THAT the annual inestW Of the Stockholders, of tbs Wtimlnetoe line Rstygh Rail Road Company, will be held fa this place, oo Thursday tnellthdayof November next. ... JAMES S. QREBw. See. October 12, 1852.:, 90. GUTTER AND 'CHEESE.-; 9; FIRKJ.V 3 Butter nd tOO botes Cheesei for 60nUbv ' FREEMAN & HOUSTON Oct 23. . , in... r ire linn of 1' i. A tr L I. i'UM A I'.llO- i t i' . iraiisnctii.n cf ilia Commischi-j 4.1 .-inks in 'ii.i.ierflj Cotton and Product gtntrally, nnj liavc taken tVAitioceg INo. IU Smith WiiAtr. Ualtihoss, bin. li. W. PKNDLKTON, P. P. PF.NDLETON. Baltimore, Aug. 10th, 1852. ' Iltftrencai J Hugh Jenkins &. Co., Uultiiiiore. . F. Y. Orune Sons, ' Wm. Wiliton & Sons, Kdwin Woriharn & Co., Richmond, ' ' Archb'J Thumbs & Son, " Hugh W. Fry.tv . .. - . Rhodes Sl Ogli-bay. Bridgeport, Ohio, John Ciclgh, Cincinnati. : Gordon &. Co., ooiillc. " W. H. Bartkss, Charleston, S. C, OtlsJ. Chafce, " James M'Cullogh, Piittbgrg. Brown & KUkpatrlck, Z, Chafec, D. Lamb, Ksq , Cash'r N. W'n Bank, Wheelis, Brady, fcsq., " Mer.d Mech. " " James it. Baker, Wheeling. Joslah Sibley, Hamburg, S. C. Henry A. Schroder, Mobile, Alabama, A. I.. Gaiscs, New Orleans, Oct. 5, 87-6mc. NOTICE. TMIK subscriber liavinir received letters testamen J. lary, from the last Court of lMea and Quarter Session, on the estate of the lute Jambs Bvbch, hereby rcquesta all persons indebted lo his testator, to coma iorward and make payment, and thoce having claims sgninst said testator are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law, or tins nonce will be pleaded in bur r their recovery. juh.n y. BbLLAM ir, Kxecuior. sept 23 82-lf NOTICE. rI',II03E persons who have placed papers in the 1 hands of tho late Jamcs Burch, acting Consta ble, are hereby requested to present the official re ceipts now held by them, and receive their respec tive cluims from the subscriber, who as the execu tor of tho late James liurch, is desirous of closing (lie business or the estate. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Exetuier. -pt 22. 82,if COPARTNERSUIPT THK subscribers have entered into Copartner JLshin. under the nnma and bivIa nf Siitthn. Southmavd St Co., for the purpose of builJing or repairing on Kinas oi inacinnery, and carrying on a general Blacksmithing, Iron and Rraas foundry Business, in the town of Wilmington, wou,(d be iiianniui tur any uruur in euner oi ne aooye oran- rhpB nf hiialnpim fmm thnlrtnurn nr (.nnniru Irlpnl. Mr. Sutton having recently returned fr0m the north, where he has purchased an, assortment of tools, wnicn. in aauiuon ia inase now nv win enn. ble us to fill all orders with despatch. Our charsrea shall coninare favorahlv with those of any other establishment. VVftJ. S11 "I ON. THOS. SOUTHMA YD, CIIAS. SOUTHMAYP March 2. Jour, and Her. 1 week. 149 TO THE PUBLIC. fpHE Subscriber has leased for a ter n of years, X of 11. W. Brown. Ksa.. his fire-nmnf Blnre urlih his wharves, ond is now In a condition to take es- : t . .r.' : : . 'n i . i m. . puuui uitie oi opn no i uiicnune aia oilier XMtvai Stores commlted to his care. The Warehouse is wnll known to ha Ihft heftt nnH anfst nlnfA In inw. for the storage of Bacon, Lord. Corn, Peas, &c. The lower wharves have on th,epi four large new sheds, where Spiri's can be safely kept from the rain nnd Run. He is nrennren1 in rnoMvt mnA .Mn or sell, al) kinds of prxliice sent to his care. He will also mane advances when required. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen: R. W. Brown, John Dawson, O. G. Parsley, andThos. H. Wright, Ksqrs. MILKS COSTJN. Brown's whorf Wilmington, N. C." Sept. 1? 77. NEW FURNITURE. II f I II THE subscriber would respectfully invite iheat tentlon of the public to his stock of Furniiure- now being received by the Philadelphia, New York and Boston packets. Having recently made an ddition to his already verv extensive Ware Rooms. he will be enabled to keep on hand as complete an assortment as can be found in any establishment or the kind, and having purchased nearly oil of his goods of manufacturers, he can sell at very reason able prices. The following articles may be found in his establishment. Sofas, Black Walnut and Mahogony, In plush, hair cloth, brocatelle or D'Lalnei Tete a Teles ; Divans ; Stuffed seat Rocking and easy Chairs ; Gothic arm and sitting Chairs t Sofa, Centre, Pier, Boquet, and work Tables ; Etagires, or Commode and corner What Nots ; Ottomans, Crickets, and Teapoys; Kino Mantle or Pier Glasses ; Piano Fortes, Stools and Music Stands ; Sideboards, Extension and other Dining Tables Dining Chairs; Secretaries, fine French end pommon ; Etagires; Portable Desks, in rosewood, mahog any, black walnut, or papia mache; Fino Library Chairs ana Lounges; Dressing Bureaus, plain and Marble ; Washstands, every variety ; Wardrobes, mahogany, walnut and painted ; About 100 Bedsteads, French, Cottage, high post, half post, Field and Col, inmahogany, walnut, cherry, maple and iron j Maitrasses, curled hair, moss and spring ; Towel Stands ; Painted setts of Chamber Furniture j Chairs, and Rockers ; about 125 dosen Cane and Wood Seat i Hat trees, walnut, mahogany and iron ; Counting Room antj Office Deslfs, Chairs, Siools and Shelves ; Cane Scat high Stools, with back, a new article; Counter and Steamboat Stools; Looking Glasses, every description, from 121 cents to $100; Children's Cabs, Carriages, Horses, Rockers Cribs, Chairs, Cradles, Trundje Bcdeteads, and Toy Bureaus j Work Boxes; Refrigerators, Wafer Coolers, Baths, dc. Almost eycry articlo that may be wanted in this line. J. D. LOVE, Front street. Jlept. town papers pppy 79-tf PANTS. JUST opened a largo assortment French Cash mere Panis, by KAHNWElLER & BRO. Oct7. 88. NAfLS AND SPIKES. 1tC IEGS assorted sizes, for sale by J' FREEMAN t HOUSTON. .Sept. 21. J ' B1-3W- NOT jet?. IVOTICE i heroby given, that application will i- be made to the next Legislature of North Caro lina, to amend the Statute regulating Ihe election a1cpCtCn3C0ei862.f lt) lnql '"'"Tln. SEOAIiSr " 10,000 K 'unorior' 'o' ELLIS, RUSSELL 4. Co. Oct 7. p a8. CAPS-CAPS--CAPS. Add D0Z- Bov'' Children and in- , V V f8n"' C,P ewT variety of Cloth, Silk, Plush, Oil Silk, Glaxed, and Far Caps, for sale at very low price. Tboae wishing cheap Cap, will And them at the Hat Store. oc,2i. - MYE; OVER COATS. A VARIETY of Double and Single Over Coats. , br ; ,., KAHNWEILKR& BRO, Oct. 7. - '- ... es. NOTICE. TUB subscriber tre ready te contract for Steam Engine of aqy Ue. or any kind of Mill gear tng. To arjy one wanting Machinery of the above dcRerintton tn ' wilt nflTtv liulnnamaHi. .1 any eta,bllahment either North or Sooth, Please give US s call b (We purchasing elsewhere l .' ,v : SUTTON, SOUTHMAPB 4 CO. SUtT n.t0 - April . 1852. v 9-lf. Weekly Journal. Favsttsvllls Obaarvar. Oolda. boro Patriot and Raleigh Retister copy three months tod send bill to us" . ! ' . D!t. DOW hj fjr many yean devoted his whole attention to the treatment of Private Com plaints, in ail their varied and complicated forms. Hu great success Id those long standing and difficult cases, such at were formerly considered incurable, is suffi- cleil lo commend him to the puUie ss worthy of the extensive patronage he has received. Within the last sight years, Dr. D. has treated more than 29,500 cases of Private Complaints, In their differ ent forms and, stages i a practice which no doubt exceeds that of all other physicians now advertis ing in Baltimore, and not a single case it known where his directions were strictly followed, and medicines taken at reasonable time, without effect ing a radical and permanent core; therefore, per sons siHicted with diseases of the above nsture, "do matter how difficult or long standing the case mar be," would do well to call on Dr. DOW. at his of fice, No. 16, South Frederick St.; and if not effec tually relieved no remuneration will be required for hia services. His medicines are free from Mercury and all mineral poisons ; put op in a neat and com pact form, and may be taken in a public or private house, or while travelling, without exposure or hin drance from business, and except in cases of vio lent inrlamotion, no change of diet ia necessary. STRICTURES.-Dr. Dow has discovered a new method by which he can cure the worst form of stricture and that without pain or inconvenience to the patient. Irritation of the uretha, or prostrate gland, or neck of the bladder, is sometimes mistaken lor strictures by general practitioners or charlatans. YOUNG MEN and others afflicted with Seminal Debility, wheth er originating from a Certain Qcttructiv Habit, or from any other cause, with train of bodily and mental evils which follow, when neglected, ahould make an early application, thereby avoiding much trouble and suffering, as welt aa expense. By his. improved method of treatment, pr. D. can safely guarantee a speedy and perfect cure in, all cases of this complaint. TO FEMALES. All diseases pecnliar to Females (as also Sup pressions, Irreguiarliies, &c.) speedily ard effectu ally removed. The efficacy of hia retnedes, for the cure of the above affections, ha,ve been well tes ted in an extensive pr'qcUpe for the last twelve years. Petacw at a distance may consult Dr. D. by a letter, post-paid, describing case, and have medicine sepurely put up and forwarded to, any part of the United States, always occompancd with full and explicit directions fo,r use. Communications con siderecl8lricty confident. Otce arranged with separate apartments, o that patients never see any one but t,he doctor himself. Attendance daily, from 8 inthe morning till 9 at night. N. B Persons afflicted with any of the above complaints, will do well to avoid the various ROSTRUMS AND, SPECIFICS, advertised by Apothecaries and Druggists as a cer tain cure for any and evefy disease. They are put up iq el, but not to cure, and frequently do nuch more harm than good therefote avoid them. A Word to the wise is sufficient. Address DR. J. DOW, 16 South Prederlck si., Bajlirnoro, Md. Sept. 7. I51,T' OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," AT THE VVllmiucton saddle. Harness, ana Trunk Manufactory. rpHE subscriber respectfully informsthe public Lihnthnhnfi recently received additions lo his stoc of Saddle and Hurriess Mournings, &c, tlte latest and most improveu siyiu, anu ia lunsianiy manufacturine.athisstoreon market street, every description pf articlein the above line. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that he will be able to give enure satisiaction 10 qu wno mav favor him with a call. He lias now on hand. and willconstaiitl keep a larae assortment ot ... Coney, Gig and SiMey Kfarntss, Lady's Saddles, Bridles, lyxips, q-c., uenuemens tjaaaui, ykxvs Spurs, CffC feall of whic best malei Ti has also a Valises. Sadc hichhe will warrant (o be of the (erialsand workmanship. He a lame assortment of Trunks. Valises. Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, &c, and all other articles qsually keotinaueh establishments, all of which he offers lowfor CASH, or onshortcredlt to nroin.pt custo mers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks.odical Bais.Jtc.ic, made to order. Inaddition tothe above the subscriber always keeps on hands large supply of String Leather, andnasnow, and willkeip through theseasonagood assortment of Kly Nttts. All are Invited to call and examine my Goods, whether in want or not, as I take pleasure inshow Ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with a call. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at at' air price topersons buying to manufacture. Also, Whips at wholesale. Ml kinds of Riding VehUles bought a ml sold on commissions. JOHN . CONOLKV. Jan. 8 1832. 39 PORK. MESS and Prime, constantly on hand and for sale by FREEMAN & HOUSTON. Pot 2 89 FAYBTTE7ILLE FLOUR, SUPERFINE and cross, a fresh auppply. For sale by DsROSSET & BROWN sept. 30. 85. COPARTNERSHIP. THE SUBSR1BERS haye this day entered into a Co-partnership under the name and style of SILAS H. MARTIN A, CO.. for the purpose of conducting the ICE business. 1 hey neve purchas ed a lot on Front street, where they will build a largo ICE HOUSE, and have it filled in time to supply customers early next season- SILAS H. MARTIN, A. H. YANBO&tJfELEN, S. Pf. MARTIN. Aug. 24, 1862. 69-3m. SHIrTiNG ARTICLES. T?OR SALE at the Commercial Office, An ele- Jl gaptedjtion of Shipping Articles,embracingall tne Taws of Congress relative to the Merchant's Service. . NORTH CAROLINA MANUFACTURES. BATTLE & SON are still Manufacturing, at the Rocky Mount Mills, about 300,000 lbs. Cotton Yarn, per annum (equal to the best Georgia Yarns,) which they will deliver to Merchants free of exua charge, at New York prices. Orders addressed to PATTE $ SON, Ropky Mount, N. C, will re ceive promputientlon. Feb. 12. 141-ly. A CARD, THE subscriber is now opening, at his o)d stapd, north side Market street, the largest and best assortment of Hats, Caps, Umbrellas and Walking Capes, ever offered In this market ; to which he would respectfully call the tttentlon of all wish'ng to purchase, either at wholesale or retail; Prices will he found as low as In any market. North or South. A ca)l s s soljcfied from al) wishing to purchase, sept. It- C.MVEltS, Hatter. 83 SUPERIOR TEAS. WE are still receiving large shipment of Supe rior Tea from the Pekln Company, in packa ges of half pounds and poundt, which we warrant auperior to any brought to this market, at twenty five per cent less than sold in any atore in Wilming ton, which may be had of WILKINSON 4- ESLER. Sept. 8, 1651 80-tf. NORTH CAROLINA LARD I N kegs, a prim article. For sale by DsROSSET dt BROWN. ept. 30. 88. advances. LIBERAL Cash advances will be made, when required, on all gooda consigned to our Hods In New York, and Cotton to their address forwar ded by u. will bs attended to free of forwarding Commission. . 1 We will slso advance liberally on Cotton or oth er produce consigned lo our frionds in' Liverpool, to which port we can furnish ship room for a few hundred bales of Qotton, at low rates, by several vessels shorUy expected. .-, . DsROSSET tb BROWN. Varch 19. I -if. . NOTICE. NOTICE 1 heroby given that application wit be made to the Legislature of North Carolina tor the passage of aa act, to incorporate the Se man' Friend Society, of WHmiagtcn, V. C. Oct 9. A?. qIHj is a I "j . -', 1 caliv prer - I i t 1: ! i .. of the i.atei'ii : : .. 1. 1 .it. iniuf ed reculation for the fuHo n t, cts, v;z : PURIFYISQ THE liLOOD, ..4 thn. mTlnir all Humors. Sores, Ulcers, Cutane on Eruption. Canker, Scald Head, Ac. Btulating and Clcansins the Stomach t Eoweh, thus It cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Coativeness, , Piles, Ae. " Strenrihentng tha Digestive Organs, thus causing the food to nourish and support every ;. . pen- . 1 nrnrlATIKQ THE 8ECHET1RT ORGiNS, snd, by enabling them to perform their proper func. Hon, weveniing and curing Bilious and other pain- fuldiseases. . .. .. . Strengthening and Quieting the Nenoni If itenu thus allaying wrvous irnwuon, aou tu.mj mu uii eases of the Nerve. ; , v It is nnrlvalled lo the cure of al( , , FEMALE DISEASE?, a Weakness. Irrecalaritv, Ohsttuctlans, 4. ; It is pleasant to take, and safe ia al case i act ing In harmony witn tne resjonRg powers 01 naiure it never injures but always benefits and cores, as thousands of voluntary certificates from ,h8 oe' authorities testify. Prepared by . C. MORSE f- C0..2I Maiden-Lane, N. Y. Sold by Drugalai and other throughout this and otherconntrles. S. B, 4 A- EVANS, Ants, Wtlmrngion, ss. j. sept, SO. 8y $500 CHALLENGE. WHATEVER concerns the health and happl. ness of a people is at all times of the most valnshln Importance. I take it for granted tnat every person will do all in their power, to save the Uvea of tnetr children, ana mat every person wm endeavor o promote their own health at all aacrl? flees. I feel It my duty to solemnly assure you thai WORMS, socord'mg to the opinion of the most celebrated Physicians, sre the primary causes of a large majority of diseases to which children and adults are liable 1 if you have an Mpetue con tinually changeable from one Wn,dofYood to an other, Bid Breaih, Pain in, the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and Fullness of ihe Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular re member that all these denote WORMS, and you should at once apply the remedy: HOHENSAClt'S VVUKM oT KUr. An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compounded with PV,reJy vegetable ubstance. be ing perfectly saf i when taken, and can be given to the most tender iniant witn deciaea oenenciai eneci. where Howell Complaint and Diarrluea have made them weak and debilitated the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are auch, that 1( stand? without an equal In the catalogue of medicines, in giving tono snd strength 10 the Stomach, which makes it sn Infalliable remedy tar those atnicted witn uytptpna, the astonishing cure performed by this Syrup after Physicians have failed, ia the best evidence of it superior efficacy over all others. THE TAPE WORM I This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that infests the hunran system, it growa to anal- most Indefinite length becoming so colled and fast ened in the Intestines and Stomach affecting the health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fit, Sc., that those afflicted seldom if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave. In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore be proper 10 take 6 10 8 of my Liver Pills so as to re move all obstructions that the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm, which must be taken In doses of 2 Tublespoonfull-a 3 times a day; these di rections followed have never been known to fail In curing the most obstinate case of Tape norm. HQBENSA CITS LIY$$ PILLS. No part of the system is more liable to disease man tne nyf-iv, serving as a niterer 10 purity the blood, or giving the proper secretion to the bile; so that any wrong action of the Liver affects the other Important parts of ihe system, and results variously, in Liver Complaiat, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, drc. We ahould, therefore, watch every symp tom that might Indicate a wrong actjori of th,eLlv er. These Pilla belqg pomposad of R0QTS4 PLANTS furnished by nature lo heal the sick: Namely, 1st, An EXPECTORANT, whlcft aug ments the secretion from ihe Pulmonary mucus membrane or promotes ihe discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An ALTERATIVE, which changes in some inexplicable and Insensible manner the certain morbid acton of the system. 3rd. A TON IC which gives tone snd strength to tho nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all parte ol (he body. 4th, A CATHARTIC, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and operating on ihe Bowels, and expelling the whole mass of corrnptand vitiated matter, and purifying the blood, which destroys disease and restores health, TO FEMALES. You will find these Pills sn Invaluable medicine in many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of inestimable benefit, restoring their func tional arrangements to a healthy action, purifying the blood and other fluids so effectually to put to flight all complaints which may arise from female irregularities, as headache, giddiness, dimness of sight, pain ip the side bock, die. None genuine unless signed J. EivHobensack. all others being base.Imilaiioh. ("Agents waning new supplies, and Store Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must address the Proprietor, J. N. Hobensack, Philadelphia, Pa t or sale by U. UvritKond WM. H. LIPPPITT, Wilmington, and by every Merchant and Druggist in the County and State. Price each 25 cents. july 28 12m 67. DR. MARCIIISPS UTERINE CATHOLICQN. THE discovery 0: the above prepara tion ha e(ablshed a new era in the his tory of the healing art) it is, in truth, one of the greatest Medical Discoveries of the age, because it wll cure more than nine-tenth of a class of distressing diseases incidental totemales In every stag of l"r ,na which hsye hereto fore resisted the best efforts of the Medi rnl nrofesslon in all c Juntrles,lca degree beybfcd that of almost every other malady to which any portfon of the human family is heir. The diseases to wnien wo usually known by the term of FEMALE CQMpkAINTS, .-J .11 ik oransnmantatO which females are liable by the pecuTiarltfee of their organization. 1mii ih.A aril Proanitu 17eri. or falling of ihe Womb 1 CAronie lnAammation and Ulceratum of the Womb 1 Incidental Hemorrhage, or Flooding 1 Fluor Albue.or White 1 ChlorotUl Painful, Sup- preued,and Irregvlir Menttrvatum, 0c.f witn all their accompanying evtia, ancer t.oH.TO . whatever durttlon and severity. All these com plaints osn be pleasantly, eafely, and certainly rem edied by this preparation. The claims of tnts meaicme 10 ins cunuueuce u. the public are strengthened by the fact of its having received the approbation and liberal patronage of many prominent member of the Medical Faculty In theUnited 8tates, some of whom have volunta rily given letters of commendation, (seepam.pHbt,) sustaining all that is claimed for the Calholicon as a curative agent. Pamphlets containing much useful information touching the nature and symptoms of the above disease, together with testimonials from L'adje of Ihe highest respectability, as certified by the' most satisfactory authority in the pamphet, to al which the ettei.tlon of Ladies and Practitioners la respect fully Invited, can be had gratis at the store of . t - S. B. & J. A. EVANS", Agenti, ; .-, v' -..v.'?' - ' vyimngfon, . v. , 1 P. B. PeckhroVl5,Djlfucla, N, Y&:4&:' ' i L. D. Fleming, M,D.,Canandalgti'a, N, V. 1 M. H. Mills, M.D., Rochester, N. V. ' 1 D. Y, EooteM.D., Sjrscbw.N. V.v 2 i v Prof. Dunbar, M.p,, HaUlrnore, Md.' ! ' ; , J. C Orrlpk.MiDM " lx, :ti ' W. W Reese. M.GItyofK. V.S.r V 1 i W. Brewott. M.D., Conoord, N. H. . Central Depqt, 04, Broad wjy, New York. .. .y . sept. 30. - ; ' ;'. ',"" ' 88-3m-e. , GUNNY BAGS. riONSIONMENT of 28,000 two'bushel Qunny VBuf, Foreal, Iillotetflsart,bf ; ? ' Bg, Sept. If v la t '. 1. ...' r i -i 0AU..L, vt,vl".. i A...4iJil; A speedy and e.cariuns 1- iv'yioi arrhcea, Cholera Morbus, hiiiiiiiicrOt' ; Cholera Infantum, Colic, Flatulency' p- i ' all derangementa of the S!omach and Bowel from Teething. In ihe early atages of Diarrhcea, Dysenterr Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus. Summer Com plaint, Colic, &c., etc., a tingle dose will 0lta counteract the deranged and morbid secretions, re- " duce the inflamary tendency, allay the irraiobility and pain, and thus remove the cause of the d's ease. - - i i ..- . . .. " 'ASIATIC CHOLfaAthat scoarge (.fDailotji, which has already consigned to lbs tomb millions of unhappy being, csn subdued la Ue violence, and three fourth of atf oases cured by this remedy alone. It la not only a cure, but a preventative of that disease. If need daily, in small quantities, . mixed with water, forty-nine out of fifty will es- , cape 1 and if It il 1 used at regular and at ahort inter vala in increased doses immediately on the first symptoms of the d.ifease, irHi apeedily arrest its F (tallnnuences. - - . , J t"Rsd Jhe" opIftn -of the. following gentle- V men, who will be recognlisd la ihfs certificite t We, the underslened. having nwdt'L.K SAUN DERS CttOLKRA-rREVENTATivif" i ' families wiih great success, hereby certify our it, :;' lief that it ia the best and most effectual remedy for V ...s aiMna i.vuiniiiruucu e yf r onereoi io- tno American people and we would, frnm nnr edges of its extensive usefulness, cordially recom mend It to the afflicted as worthy their beat confW r denw, and w th the firm belief that it will do for their relief all that medicine can do. j ' L ,NAMES.-Dr. W.;Hodge. Gen. J. C. B. Eh-' ; rlnghaus. Attorney at La w, John Black. Attorney - at Law, Rev. Joaeph. A. Turner, Wilson W. WHO Hams, Prol Geo. M. Wilder. -Wnn n T .mK ' Cw,,,Tm'.a CookJamee W. Hlnfon, Esq. Dan lei Richardson, Eaq., E. Clty N. c. James E."i " liosweii, Baltimore Joshua Whedbee, Gates Co, N. Ct Wm. R. Carson.- Re.' Sih (,. d. r Jno. A. Doll. E. City, K. C.; Thos. Palrre?, Camderi v kjo., h. w vapi. jbcqo mm . Uapb Dennis Oimmona, ityrrei uu.,ivv. uapi. 1 nomas ?Dun- ' bar, Cant. Wmv Patterson, Captj A, II. Curran. - Capt. Wm. Simmons, L. M. Chapman,, Wm. P, Mathews, fciix. yny y wm, , A. Harneyr,Norfolk;. -Va.i Joeph Harris, Paquotank Co.j Thomaiv Nash, Eiitabetb City, N. C?-v. - t", , Invented and prepared 8,0 by L. K. Saunders, ' ' Elisabeth City., a. a'r-M - w ' For aale wholesale and rejail fcy E, W Sagnders. V ElUabeth City, N. C, , Mesara.Soilih A Atkinson! . Baltimore, Md.i Messrs. Canby & Hatch Baltl- a ' more. Md.i and for aale by Drue-viaia anil.. Mjir.'.;' chants generally. Price 62) cents per Bottle. . ' ' For SS!,"? t '; J. A. EVANS Agents. Wilmlngtoo, W. C. .yn- ' ; - THE GREAT CURE FOR BI,DME8' uhli nAini otunr liAWUKIJrK. SAUNDERS' ' . MEDICA TE HAIR RESTORA TIVB: . I now aciowieagea oy tnouennd, who oh It ' daitv. to be the onlv remedv 10 nmnni R.Mn... and to restart the Har, that has fallen off or become, ' thin, to prevent Qray Hair to curs and .remove;; every appearance of Scurf and DaodrafT from the H Hair, ana o eep i a tae most healthy soft, and ' ' glossy smp, X9ifm fa. ,'WfSnd r"f P. " , The Restopnfve la wholly diflVrest n Its' CQinpo-'--sition from all other ariiplce of the same name or, fr for a sHj purpose. It Is Intended to act through, i the shin upon the nerves, blood-vessels and abaor bents connected with the root or bulb of the hair. to rouse snd sustain a healthy action in' these sndi thus produce a new and healthy growth of hair.' '" It will prevent groy hair, entirely eradicate scurf and dandruff and all other Incidental impurities of . ". the skin. By Its ue ihe hair will, underall clr-" comstances, be kepi luxurious, healthy, and In Ita -natural color to the latest period of life. THE REV. SETH MORGAN'S TESTIMONY; ' I do hereby certify that I have used L. K. Sash peas1 celebrated HAIR Resto,rtJye, for, the pur- pose of preventing my Mr rrom foJUpr off and, 4 found it to have t-e dired eftet, not pnly in pre a ' venting the (fair f,rpm coming pat bat the prorfue. ;W Ing of a very fine growth of young hair where tha . head wasulmost entrev bald- I have oetdonly 5t four bottles, and have every reason lo believe that V -by the use of at many inorp. I will have a fine suit " ' of hair. I therefore cheeriujy recommend It to ' " the public at worthy tfWr best cpnfidonce.- ' SETH MOROAl , Eliiabeth Citv. S. C April iSth. IS52. " " Camdm ConitTv, N. C.; April 1, 1862.'. V Ma. L. K. S adhokbs Sir i Some twelve rnonths ago my hair commenced falling off, snd to such an extent that I began to fear that! I should become ' prematurely bald. After using msny preparations ' of ihe day without any benefit 1 had newly 'de spaired of every hope, " when I was recommended! , to try your "Hair Restorativo" hich I was Indue- ' ed to try with but little bop of lucce."" ! wul"' , however, surprised nd gratlfled after a -ahort trier ' f to find a very decided improvement. -1 now pc- ' ' ess a full crop of healthy hair, which I can only attribute to the extraordinary qualities of yout : justly celebrated Hair Restorative. -r ' '.l ' MARTHA ETHERIDGB. " Eltzaisth Citt, N. C.j June 1st, 1852 V Vetlie undersigned having used "L. K. Ssun- ders' Hair Reatorative" and fully teated lis merits individually take pleasure in saying that we believe It is all that It is recommended to be, and we would i from our knowledge of It extensive 'usefulness , cheerfully recommend it aa the very heat article it. foi the hair now In use and with the firm belief that it wilt give entire eatisfacifon to every one, ' who will give it a fair trial. " r 1 Gen. J. C. B. Erhinghaus, attorney at law j S. Davis Grloe, M. D.i G. John Mursgrave, M. 0. Dr. Wm. Hodges, Dentist j Dr, J, B. Godwin, Pen-; tisti Col. Wm. Q. Cook 1 Ex Mayor Richardson lohn Pool, Esq., attorn'eiy at law j Rev." Mr. Fer , bes; Seth S. Whidbee, Esq.) Edward Mason," Esq"- Invented tnd prepared solely by S.K. Saunders Elisabeth City, N. C. . .. ,-- v.-vt, , . . . For sale wholesale and retail by E. W." Saun ders, Elizabeth City, N. C.t Messrs. Smith & At-1 kinsoa Baltimore, Md. Messrs Canby dt Hatch, .. . Baltimore, Md.i arjdforaale by Druggists and Mer,, ' chants, generally. Price 75-ceats per Bottle. ' ; ; For sale by Meats. & B. A J. A. EVANS Agents WilmlngtonTK C. . t ' - June23.l862. , - , POISOiNINGr -:;"r THOUSANDS of parents whd use Termlfuge composed of Castor 11, Calomel, &oy, art noi " . aware, thai while they appear to benefit the patient ; ?v they are actually laying ihe foundation cfor a eerie.' of diseases, such aa salivation, losi of sight, weak-, , , ness of limbs, die. " , J In snother column will be found the advertise k , ment of Hobensack'e Medicines, to which e ask c the attention of all directly Interested- 1st their ow at well at their children's health." In LUix 'Qovt"., plalnte and all disorders arising from thbse of a VA-y ; lious type, should make me of the only genuine , medicine, Hobeneack's Liver Pilla. , j ; ', EfT"Be notdatittd," bat ask for Hobenstck'a Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, andr observe that each' haa the signstur ot the Proprietor,. JU N. HOB EN-' 8ACK, at none else ere genuine.' 4 ) ' nun.) hi july 27. 87 just received: IK Lb't of thai favorite Bacon from, Richlatd, arittfpxsaleby.',. - t , 1 42. .' GENTS' HATS AND CAPS. FA LL Style Gams' Hats and Caps, now ready loh delivery 10 our pairona, . Those wishing a good . article al air pries will find the same at ihe Hal Store. ... C, MYKRS, Maifcet Street. " Spt.28. , ..i.-h. i v v ' Arrival and Departure of the Malla proa Uia The mall from the North le due eve7day at 74 A. M., and 9 P. M. Closo at 6 AiM.rand 121 .; M.precLely. B V:- '" 2? 'J The mall from the South, by teamerfrom Char leaton, arrive dally about 8. A. M..' Closet at 9 , A wnHt,Af!f $'ki '-i 't ' The mall from Onslow Court Hoste, Snead's ; Ferry, Ac., Is due every Monday at 0 P. M. ' Clo- ; tet every Thursday at 9 P. M. . -. ' The mall from Long Creek, Black River Ch.pel Ac, le due every Thursday at 7 P, M aad Vloml ssme night at 9 P. M.; ; ' J.- j,' -The mall from Feyoitet llle, via Ellaabeih Town1 ana Frospnct Hsu, o., we v'y , Thursdavand SaturdaV at f A. 31. VV! loses, tame davsatei A. M. . " vi tZrAnextra package will be made up of Lcltcre gojng North of Richmond.- Vs.,' will be kept open antit 7 A. M. Al other Letters wcsTbe In Ibe Ofleeal the hours above named, or they will . net be rr.oil tntll next succeeding mail. i.

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