' r r ' .j .L ljuiiiiiovijiii PUBUSUEDf TRMV'EEHV, BY TH0aiS,L0PJN6 PlICUSUEB OF TUE ORDESS, RES3LtTI0.S 1X3 UTS CF WXCBBS.; i c x v -- - - ' WILMINGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 23, 852. VrO . 7 NO. 103. WHOLE NO. 1,018 I'UE TM-WEEKLV COSHIERCUL, I Published every TpB8DAr,TH0isDAYto4 Sat- ,,.,.., oj t". our annum, navabla in nil raaaa In ad vance. "' ' " "v. , ' ' ' "' BY THOMAS LORINO -Editor and PaopaiETpn. Corner Kraut and Market Street, ' ' " , i ; ' WILMINGTON, K, C." 5 ' " " - RATES OF A P VER TISIXQ, 1 aqr. I insertion 10 50 I I qr. I months, It 00 -1 2 '7511 3 " 5 00 3 5 v f ' ; . i 1 1)0 1 1 H , 6 ' 8.00 I month,2 50 1 I -ili'Sl: it 00 ' Ton lines or lesi make square. If an advertlse- in cm etciiada tan llnna ih nrlrn will be In Dronor. vi 'i -rr" r---T , - . vv A II aAtfftrtl.AmAnf n aj hnvfihlo at thfiltmfi ofthftlr .Insertion.;; ' Xv. .f -;..- ' ; Contracts with yearly advertisers, will be mide qa the raort liberal terms. V- So transfer of contracts for yearly advertising be permitted. 8hould elrcumstanaes render a change la business; or n anexpecied removal nee : eisarv, a charge according to the published terms : wilf beat the option of the contractor, for the time t as has sdvertlsed."V v ,; ; ' The prirHegs of Annual Advertiser, Ja sjrieilv limited to their own. inimedlat businesst ana all ' advertisements for the benefit of other persons, as ..Well as ait advertisement not immediately connec . - 4 ... Ft U .1,-1. nMM kM.U.H'aJ .11 an.u ftf aft i yertlscmont in length or otherwise, beyond the 1 Ullllla UIIKMXCU, Will UB VIIUIKCU.Uk IMS KIMI -V No advertisemeat Is Included in the contract for he sale or rent of houses or lands in town or coun ry, or wr tne.saie or.nire ot negroes, . wneintr me ' nroDertv Is owned bv the advertriser or by other per sons.; These are excluded, by the term "immediott - buaintst." i Vr .. J ... . ' . .-,. : " . . . . . , ,.j t.i..i.i . i .. -t'-Z Allaorjven'omsinsorun in iiiuiii-wcckit oh tntrtiol, are entitled to one Insertion in the Weekly , fiee of charge. -; N I - JOB, CARD AND. FANGT PftlNflNQ, xecaied, In superior style. ' " - AQEN FOB THE COMMERCIAL. 'Ncu Yarifc.-rMetirs. Bowt DbRossct Stie, York and Button W. : Palmsb. , Elation. PalDtatcs: 'Kiooia; ? r Philadelphia. K. Cuwaw. A IOTNESS CAPS. General romffiwloi ud Fnwirains icrtDani, f PfomBtpersouat attention flveu tocouaign L aaeuta (or Sale er BhlptueuU ..v tik,i fatk ' uImum .node Consignments to 1 ' '. . , jm Jr iVe York friends. j uUHnrsis wv www- - CT Wllmlngion.jsn. aw, ioa. ;X T. C. WORTH. -C05IISSI0JI ASD P0RW1BDIN0 MEaCIl.qi, WILMINQTON, N. C. WILLI .31 A ER, General A'tnt, Forwntillni and Commission - I take pleasure In tnformlnjr my rriends, that I em ' prepared to ctve aU business entrusted to me cm- , cieat and personal attention. I have a wharf for ' Naval Stores; wun empie accommousuuns, House, and Werohoase. Consignments of Naval r Stores for sale or shipment i and all kinds of coun try produce solicited. Cash advances ma te on con signments. ' ' . 7 April 18, 1852. . I5 flEORGE I MYERS, wholesale And retail grocer Keeps constantly on tana, nines, ica. umui ' ProviswiU, Wood and Willow Ware, Fruit, ' fCoR.feUuitiaries'C. South Front street, i. , WILMINQTON, N. C. s -Nov. 18, 1851 - ,i - li9 ' WILLIAM M. HARRISS, .GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT ' . ' - , . WILMINGTON, N- C '' Strlei attention lven to proenVinB Freights and hurchaslngo.argocjfo.r yes.sels,' ' 'RaraaiHCis : , O. G. Parsley,. Esa., ' , ) Pot. John Mcllae, 1 Wilmington. . Messrs. Dudley o Hunjjngton ) l Messrs. Jas. Corner & Sons, Baltimore. i ' MV 'V KkA, sonaer.otuo., rnuaaeipnio. 'y-t 4 Thomson Hunter, i I-. Plll.hiir . Sandford. New York. ' tf : tlnntlnir & Tufta. Booton. , I P. Pitcomb. Kennebnnk, Me., 1832. AVt.J-S.- BANKS, DO MI SSI ON' AND F0RWARD1NU WILMINGTON, N. MERCHANT, c. June 22. l-ma. l- r; S. lJ. WEST, 1 AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, tX'Z . WILMINGTON, N.C. June '2,1882- 38ly J. HATnAWAY & SON, "COMMISSION MERCHANTS - WILMINGTON, N. C. Hathawav, J. L. Hathawav. Oct. 15 1851. 91 . ,:CHADBOURN & HOOPER, General Commission Merchants, j v WILMINGTON, N. U. July 19, 1862. - r;.- - ' 53 ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS ;i;p,;F .WILMINGTON, N. C. FHAIiI.lllllillIIT r, UBBI.L,iui. a. Jan. 25, 1852.". 133. GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Merchant, WILMINQTON, N. C. OTRICT attention given to ptocutlpf Kroigh P andpurchasingCargoesforvesitw ' '' " ttsrsa to .P.Hall. Esq., .c.r'arsuy,Mq. oy.Ksn. I Wilmington. iVA'.Taylor.Eso.; i.u.Bnmv,t 8nfny,Eu' iBSsrs.BalltfrdAHunt -Ulbx'r. Hereon. J.:PnlUdelPhia ,S.C. .Jan. 2. 1852. -T 123-tf. iOSESIJ IfJFLmEl. ;r Oai.9th,1831. .v.:,'ton, v. c. u;;,,';: - ;'HV DOtLltER.' r-:ti . : KTTEB, . D0LLNER & POTTKtt.' I-, I GENERAL COMMISstom MERCHANTS. UDEl AL 0 ASM AbVAKCBa MAlB 0, AU 'cORSin'sN 1 rpHE nhdorslirned has been engttged fourteen L years In Denial PrftPilee t d irlne tho last four reaf he resided In Hrddway, N. v. ' "f . tile Is now located In 'Wllmlngibn,' N.'C.i and has lilsOiflco ns-irly o,)P09lto the Carolina Hotel. Pmronago 1 rjsiJitfully solicited." - - -) ; v K.SPENCER May 22, 1332- " . ' : 29- BJJSNESS CAJPSL; kS ORNJELIUS IJuPRE. I rBOLB ALB AMD EITAL DCALERd IN ' " Drage, MeUldnes, Chemicals, " uyt snu, uiasa, renauun v.-i Q14 Llqaors, Vnnty Article, e y, MARK KT STREET, i. WlIiMINGTO., N. C. PresrlptlbnlcarefUlljrc'ompounded by eiperl '.need persons'. - March 28. 1852. ' ANDERSON & SAVAGE GENERAL COMMISIOBf MERCHANTS, iiiiFs mnEHUflN. EDWARD BAAUb July l, itbi- 46-12m. A. ADAMS,- -H. UAIAAM AlUSSt BROTHER & Co. ' 7I.at Rim. Rrvant A AdamS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ALFRED HARTIN. AVGrtomER, COMMSSIpNMEpHANT, GENERAL" AGENT. IVllmlngton.N.C Oct. 10 1852. S3"- DRS. FREEMAN & MALETT. n't) MYOPATHIC PHYSICIANS, Front Street, one floor below Polley & Hart, WILMINGTON, N. C. April IB 1 DEROSSET Si BROWN. WILMINGTptyi if . p BROVYN & .DEROS ET. ''' NRW YORK OKXKRALCOMAUSSJOIS MERCHANTS, Marchl7 1862 GEO. H. KELLY. COMMISSION MERttfANT. Nutiiliini to A.. A. vVannet's.on North Water st will attend to the kal of all kinds of Country Pro iuce.sucbafUorn, Peas, Meal, bacon, Lara, Ac. nd will keetf constantly on hand a full supply o It .I.W ill1.' ' uruvviipi References. WillesHall.of Wayne, JohniicRae, Wilmington W. CaraWaV, ' Gen. Alx.. McK.se R. P. Hah. Wilrainuton , Wiley A. WaIKe ei lU-ly. Dec. 13. 1851. J. C. LATTA. C O M MISSION MERC HA N T, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N.C. Oct.l 1852. 87 MILES COSTIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. REFEK TO E.P. Hall, Esq. .Pros' l Branch Stale Thof.Hk'Wrlght, Esq., PrealtBank I Wlming Cape Fear. ..... ; , .DoaiN-Q- O.G. Parsley, Esq., Pres't Commor-T clarBiink, t Dec. 19. 1851 H3-tf. WILKINO 4 ESLER. CASB DKALER8 IN rontectlonary, Prult. Nuts, Toys.FancyAr tlcle. Perfumery, Tobacco. egars, c., WHOLESALE AND RE I AIL, MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON N.C. Nov. 30.1851. lQ-f McRAE & HARRISS. IMPORTET18 AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, ' AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, West side Krontstreet, between Market aud Dock qtreetf), ' WILMltypTON, N. C. October 2. 1862. ' 85. J. WES8EU. H. 8, EILERB. EILERS. WESSEL 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Stroet, Wil mington N. C., intend to keep at the above stands general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at wholesale and to carry on a peneralComrnlssiort Business. P.Hall.Prcs't Br'ch Bank ofthe State G. Parsley, Pres't Commercial Bank. Wll P. K.Dickinson, Esq. teeACo;... 1 New York. LUllltvl Va rui . j Jan. 20 1852. 131. ROBERT G. RANKIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 7, 1352. ?8-y. 0. c FREEMAN. GEORGE ROnaTOIf. s a sr n BLaT a y a. W ar T a nrwk ' r it.CaC3ifi ts a iwuBivnf MERCHANTS AN,fy FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N.C ' 11 D. C. FREEMAN A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ITS FRONT 'STREET, NPtV' TORK. FREEMAN AND HOUSTON, WILMINGTON, N- C UEP constantly on henS 'a stock of Flour, IVOora, 'fyrk, 'Bacon. Salt,' Coftt, Saear, Mo laita, Tobdxo, Cigor, Snujf, Candlu, Soap, V itgn. and "Domestic Liquor and Wines; Iron, Nalts, PhinU; Oil; Glass, Pfitiettiee, Hats, B00U, Shtiti, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and s va rlety'of Mother articles suitable for family and plan tatl6a' and) ibe retail trade, which they will dispose of in Idts to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Stores or other produce'. The senior partner D. C. Fssemak, is ocaed In the city of New York 1 the junior partner,' Geo. Houstoh, In Wilmington. If desired, advances, will be made on consignments to and from either place. All burinoss entrusted to them will receive proper attention 1 and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled. Sopt. 9. 76-f. GEO. 0. VAN AMRINGE, BROKER, AND MERCANTILE AGENT, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. I)ART1CULAR attention paid to the purchase or 'sale of all descriptions of Merchandise and Po duci.'and on which one per. cent commission will be charge Any business iairusied to him will re ceive prompt arid personal attention. His dcnk for the prse U in the oiBceot Mt:'Wm. A. Gwyor. Messrs", tills, Russell ds Co,, 1''' - , J i- " a uams nra.tio., oummgion. v Wvi'JkRi Blossom, Esq.,) ;:;f. August Hf:''f'Vij)xi,i,i i .irv....?'?:.. m it no .' P n I trcd " v. ' Cnmmisston Merchant & Attctldnect.'f ? Offlc lu Hall's upper building, North Water v ..- street. , . , . Where he will be hinov to attend to all arder'a In either branch of his business. Wilmington, N. C. Dcc. 23, lfBI . 119-tfA BUSINESS CARDS. W ILUA9I D, PORE, COLIECTIIK 1SQ dDT-RTlSlMS AGES For Country Newspaper throughout i ha Unlte4Ute, ' Basement of Sun Iron Bu klings, Baltimore street, All business entrusted to his care transacted promptly, on liberal terms. sept i aa-i J. D. LOVE. MA.WJFXCTVMER ASD DEALER IS CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEAD., CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c. &e. Krout street, South or Manet, ROWN'S BUILDINU, WILMINGTON, H. C. Sept. 16, 1852. 79-y-c NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. rpHE undesigned having this dsy purchased the i. entire interest of Mr. O. Q. Passlbv, in ike Point Peter Steam Saw Mill, have formed a copart- al IjmiIm w ii W WairTf baT If. Pauica, fTILLIAM HJJlUslva. PEIRCE & NEILSON. Jon. . 126-lyc SHIPPING ARTICLES. A HANDSOME edHon of Shipping Articles, just printed and for silb at The' Commercial Office, equal IQany yet intf onea irom ew York." ' nrifarafar a Ream or mare will be filled at a cost of lOfd 20 percent, cheaper than they are in New Vsaa I Vlki Ndv. 10, 102-tf BLANKS. THE following Blanks are printed and kept con stantly fot sale at the Office of 77i Commercial. COMMERCIAL,, Shipping Articles. Bills of Lading. Do. Letter Sheet. Crew Lists. Prices Current. Checks on sll the Banks. Charter Party. Manifests of all kind. Entries Merchandise. Rates of Freight on W, at K. Kail Koad. Do. on Line Boats. Bills of Exchange, bound and in sneets. Do. Domestic. Negotiable Noteson the several Banks. Do. on all the Banks. Do. Ballast. Bill of sale of Vessels MISCELLANEOUS. W arrants, with and with Bills of Sale. Do. of Negroes. Bonds for Negro Hire. Mortgsge Deeds. " out judgment. Negro Passes. Warrantee Deeds Bonds for the Delivery oil ProDertv. COURT BLANKS. Yen. Exponas. Ca Saand Bone Alias Vend. Ex. Fl Fa. Subpdmfs County and Superior Court. Jurors Tickets, County and Superior Court. writs Al kinds of Blanka and Job Work, executed to OrUcr Willi uoatuco. esisu DEEDS FOR SALE. WarantccLTedijandDeodi foiMortgateonUnd jutprlnted.incorrectformandfttMUauht? Oomracrciu vt c . CHEMICALS. THRESH rrival ofhe follewtnrt 100 of. 8ul- pte-Ctuinlne, 5 bbls. Epsom Salts, 5 lbs pure Sulphate Zinc, 9 ox Sulphate Morphtne, 4 ot Ace tate Morphine, 10 lbs Blue Mass, 15 lbs English Calomel, 6 oz Peperine, 5 gals Spirits Nitre, 2 oz Oil Tobacco. 5 lbs Hvd. Patasss, (English,) 2 lbs Iodine. 2 lbs Iodide Arsenic. 2 lbs Chloroform, 1 ox Iodide Copper, 1 oz Valerinate of Iron, 5 lbs Phosphite Soda, 20 lbs Sugar Lead, pure, 4 ot Tannin, 1 cx Oxide Mercury, 5 gals aq. Ammonia, 1Q ba Spirits Ammonia Aromat, 10 lbs Hoffman's A'otiyne. Forsa eby' C. UvKttK. ' ' ' Drugglji, Market st. March 30. ' BILLS OF LADING, &c. M)L10IPOST BILLS OF LADING bound Jav in Books, and sheets, also Letter Sheets with e varietyofmercantileblanks.lorsaleat The Com mtrcialUffi.ce. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! ?rrBBLS Lincolnville White Lump; llso UWw calcined Plaster . Plastering Hair. and Fire Brick, HydrauliCcmont ;1000 bbls. Lime pc.;f orsaltby j .u. a n. b. nuuu "ontractorsandBullderi Aprils. 1352. BUNGS rV the best make, and assorted sizes to suit, for V7 sale by the harrel, or any quantity not loss thsn five hundred, by JUSbl'ii K. dlussum. Jan. 30. I35tf. GLUE. 25oyD BBLS. superior, just received and for Sale AUAuia 9uv. a o ' 35. June 5 VALUABLE TURPENTINE LAND FOR SAfc'.1' SIX thousand acre of well Timbered plnif Lands,' situated near the Salts,! in Mcintosh County, Georsrla, lineen miles from Darien. and forty-five mtlestrtNaiSavannah.on the Stage Road. There are fifteen tasks of boxes cut on the tract, five of which haye been worked but one ycor, the other ten tasks have been workod from three o four years. The extreme distance toaul is about four miles onthe tracV'At a distance of two miles from a goodlandlrigoA'tUeSoperolllver, (o which Ves sels Of 10lorf,ren load) it a good Turpentine Stilt, with alf'noceisary wagons, teams, tools, fixture and appurtenance. v A portion or this land is well adapted to the cul ture of Cotton, Corn, Cane and Rice. On the properly is a comfortable Dwelling House recently erected, and contiguous are Negro Houses, Stables, ac. The settlement is one ofthe most heahhy loca lions in the low country. As a large portion of the tract remains unboxed, it constitutes a valuable reserve of plteh pine Tim ber which could be cut for exportation, rafted at the landing, and loaded twelve miles down the River in Vessels of 2 to 300 tons burthen, there be ing full Sixteen feel water at ordinary tides on Stfpelo Bar) If desired1, a good, Mill-site could be obtained on reasonkSle,terms it 1 convenient point on the River. "' ' iii' i' 41 i. For further particulars apply to kfessrs. DcRos set a Brown Wilmington or Andrew Low a Com pany, Savannah. May 25th. 1852. , 30-6m-c. PATENT MEDICINES. BOXES Sand's Ssrsaparllls, 2 boxes Tewn send's do.. 3dox Rislcy's do., 3 gross Bate- 4 mans urops, 1 gross rvrignra nil, 1 gross Bran Joth's do:. 1 gross Peters' do., 4 doa Spencer's do., 6 dot Bcckwlth'sdo 0 dot Moffat's do., gross AVer's Cherry Pectoral, 4 dot WlsteHe Balsam Wild Cherry, e.c ' 1 . , C.DiPRE, I ..?.' :v Drugglstind Apothecary. a' EMPTY BARRELS. Qrf PRIME forty gallon Barrehi, just received QJJ pet brig John Dawson: For sale by ADAMS. BROTHER A CO. Aug. 24, 1652. 69-lf. . EMPTY SPIRIT BARRfeLS. I -TY Ml LAKGK site, second band empty 1 VASV Spirit Barrete, In rood order, for sal by V DbROSSET a BROWN. CI '1. COPARTNERSHIP. THE Subscribers have this day entered late Co panaership, for the transaction of General Agency k Commlssloa) Business; ' ander the style 6r GILLESPIE, ROTH WELL dt McAUSLAN. All orJcrs promptly attended to, and liberal cash advance madcofi cnajgnmenis. G. S. GILLESPIE, A. B. ROTH WELL, . JOHN McAUSLAN. PR0THERS LINE, 'T'Hkcw Steamer "Dopolass" having been jlruft Steamers and four Tow Ronta. all In anJl nr jl Buucu id mis L. ne. and nnw hu ni inn 1 nhi A., .k. d . . . 1" " "in- V luiuimwiars urepsrea loiransnortlrelitnt to raycueviue and the intermediate landings, with asqutcK despatch as snjr other Line. . , 4. S, BANKS, Agent. I June 22. 42 tf. 1 A CARDi Vf KSSRS. a. f. KRNRBOV of Chester and VA. LJAMESM. Uf,an . . . ' j .,- -7:" ,CT,,"" AMERICAN H'JTRL Tin 8irtt and ww rofwciiuiir aoucir rrom ineir irieoas ana the travelllna nublic a nortion of their natmnaira I r . 1 1 1 1 . T , . . 1 . ne nieoge ouraeives mat the guest ofthe Hotel will receive accommodation unsurpased by any in the city.- darwinian. JttnWKUr HURST. Charleston, June 12. 38 6m. NOTICE. 1TE ere under the necessity of refusing positively man cases, to send oatsamn lea nl our Warea sept. II McRAE 4 HARRISS. GROCERIES! Cheaper and better than ever, at the Original Jramiiv Urocerv. trontttreet. THE subscriber truly thankful for the liberal pat rOMCe. heretofore be tawed nnnn him. h hi. friends, and all desirous of obtaining good articles in iim iraae, ii wnowsaie ana reuu prices 1 Degi leave to inform them that he has perfected arrange uicuiB.iui procunna s constant supply of tne very oeai uroceries, at tne very lowest prices, and that supplies will be received fresh, week I v. I mini rea. pectfully solicit my friends and patrons to favor me with a call. 'Our prices will be round rtrmlv tnw and ine qualities of the very best. Respectfully, UKU. MYERS. CONSTANT SUPPLIES. Our constant suuDUes will alwava ha the Ant .1. tendon, consoling In part of Tea of all grade, in package from 2 to 60 lb.; Sugars of all kinds j Go shen Bnitert Coffees Java, Laguayra, Rio, Jamai ca and St. Domingo 1 Wines; Champagne Wines, uioiiuiea, uin,oi nye .vnisaey, sci Ale, Sorter, London do.t Enclish. Pine Annln anH DnaKon Cheese; Candle; Soaps, fancy do.; Yeast Pow ders, soap do.; W. Underwood's Pickles; Sauces and f reserves; Fruits, Foreign and Domestic, in their season; Preserved Ginger; Olives; Capers; kj.ui. j vuiifiiiuii oiarcu riuurjceei 'lonvues; Smpjed Beef 1 Corned Beef; Salmbhi Mackerel; CUdfish; Whale and Sperm QiW'Ralsine: Cur rant ; Citron ; Sardines; Fresh Lobster; Fresh Salmon, in cans; Scan, tcmon, Pilot, Milk, Butter with every variety of Crackers; Stewart's superior Confectioneries'; Prunes; Sweet Oil: Mustard; Cloth Baskets; Step Ladders; Brooms: Wartr'Tubr, Keelers; Flour, in bbls, half bbls, 'cn(T bags, of the best quality; Salaratus; Soda; Cream Tartar; Maecaroni; Vermaciila; Segars; Tobacco; Jellies; Market Baskets; Cake Boards; Table Brushes; Sjewarfs Syrup .Jilola8J)e.4n4act, awry possible variety of Groceries, at the lowest possible prices. P'- 30, GEO. MYERS- DRUGS AND MEDICINES JUST RECEIVED. LBS. Gum Opium. (Turkeri 200 I ha 3.ti 10, Pelre, 40 lbs Gum Arabic. 3(1 lha Allr.nH.r oenns, m ids k j. aennn, l bbl Cum Camphor, 1 bbl Cream of Tartar, 1 bbl Carb Soda, 1 cask Sal. Soda, 2 cases Cooper's Isinglass, 3 dot Cox's Gel atine, 4 boxes celebrated Soop Powder, 12doz box es Yeast Powder. C. DwPRE, Druggist. 6. March 30. CARD PRINTING. WE rcmindthe public that the Patent Card Press is inperaiion si the office of The Commercial, and that Cards will be printed in superior style, and at reduced prices. Blank Cards, resdv for orintinir. always on hand, of allsizes.from 22 by 20 to 1 by 2 rzj.ti BEEF. Or BBLS ami 10 half bbls; a choice article; lan- waing irom ocnr n. v. tlu.aefl. 'For sale bv KLLI3, 'RUSSELL a Co. Oot. 26. 95. CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA, "jc THE splendid new Steam Paekat S'.L'f noini n w u.. , vr.iui 1 1 illy, jiiaa- ter1, is now running regularly between IimIbbtob tod Jaclcsonville. Picolata and Pilatka. on the St. 'John's River. The lime of departure has been fixed for TUESDAY of every week, st 3 o'clock, P. M. Passengers by the cars on that day will always bo in time. This boat hss been built expressly for this line, with special reference to the comfort and safety ol passenger, and is commanded by one of the most experienced of nav igators. Persons desirous of laklng this YJfcte, are informed that the passage through to fiftVka is mide in about 25 hours. ' Fare to Jacksonville, I 8 00 Picolata and Pilatka, 10 00 Any further information will 00 cheerfully given by the undersigned. Berths secured by addressing the agent, at Charleston. ,J. W. CALDWELL, Agent, ept. 7 75-eS tlJ. CRAVATS AND SCARFS. SOMETHING beautiful jiat opened and on ex hibition, call and examine at ' ' ' Hk W. ARNOLD. Oc 26. 95-tf. COFFEE! COFFEE! 'TC BAGS Rio, Laguayra and Java. IO In store and for sale leV bv fcENO H. GREENE. Nov. 9. N.GVT.copy. ' 102 BILLS' OF EXCHANGE A T RED&VtDlPnlCES. LANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, on fine paper and of a very handsome Imoressioa.for saieai me ommereial ufflet bouud 'ia Beeks d various sizes, and la sheet. ' uct.it. 92. -X. COAL YARD. THE 6UBSCR1BRRS having determined to keep S' supply 01 the best quality of COAL on hand, would Inform the citizens that in the eourse oi ten days tkjry will be prepared to furnish families with any quantity, delivered In any part of the (own or at ihciryeiJon North Water street. Terms cash. "'ELLIS, RUSSELL A Co. juty . -v. m. U. S. MAIL FOR NEW YORK EVERY .,v,', WEDN EajDA Y . ' tAS34 THE new and1 sVlendid'sIJeVwheci - 1aiMmahlp RoasokB, 5200 tons bur then Lbwis Pabish CommandefV carrying United States Mail will leave Norfolk every Wednesday at 11 o'clock, for New York,, and returning leaves Nsw York every 8a(urdav at 4 r. M-.ilor'Norfolk, pity Point and Richmond. ; - ':' :' ' Passage and fare botwecn New York and Nor folk, with splendid slate-room accommodartin J, 18 Steerage passage,.- . - .' . 4 ror freight or pasia, apply to " ' ' ' v - . LUDLAM a PLEASANTS, New Yorl.' ' - J, M. SMITH a BRO., NorMJi. . The Mall by this ship closes ai the Post Offlcs Norfolk, every Wodoesday at 1Q o'clock, a. st. AUgUtlZpta .'U-r-if."'- iv-fmo. ; SASH, BLIND - . AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerlf dSmtUctetl 6v t7nty C. tinted kt$ Til E publitaVe'hcrcby InMniod, that I have bees appointed agent for she late of Uindow Sash, Bllaaaler,manufaeiurcdbythe New Ha vnCo.,and amtrrrptrredto Cllsliortlersintheabove line. Thettuaftvy of the work ol the New Haven Co. is well known in thU market. Bjllder and all persttifYn' want of the above articles, are requested td seWd in their order, and they will be brwmntlv fNed, Tcrmiinvariublrcitch on delivery. .M. A. UV 1 f.H. GeneraAgent Communion mid FvruMditir Mtf thartt. April 19. It COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. ME.NDES a KITCHEN'S Cocoa and Choc olate, warranted pure and of suoerior aualltv. " mcim aiiu ivi auic at L- N. BARLOW'S. 72. Aagual 31. CHINA, GLASS k EARTHEN WARE. . WKaieacar jita?. fliJl tmm IrfSihe French and Ep,gUii sualote- 17 pacta. Krnncb China Dinner and Tea Setts, ana f ancy vare, ; ' " 12 package F.djre and C. C. Ware, la Sh,i'.i ..,1 k..ju vi - w.iw 1 ".. i. . . .... vvt,.,.,v,., 10 " White Granite Dinner and Tea Ware, 0 and common Toilet " 8 " colored Ware, assorted. 6 " Cane and Rocking hm Wire, assorted, 60 " American Glase Ware, aseorted, tu " atonu v are, assorted, 20 dozen Demijohns from to 5 gallon, ITCountry Merchants would find It tothelr ad vantage to purchase their storks of u, a we ssv them a considerable per ccntage in freights, com missions, ae:' ,Dlnner and Tea Setts ol new aud handsome patters to families at low prices. McRAE a HARRISS, Front below Market street. Aug. 26. " ' -"'TO ROCK CREEK MILL THE urfUAgncd haaWehaied of B. W. Bat A by, his interest In the Plantation, with Grist Mill thereon, situated on the Ncwbern Road, about 1 mile from town, and formerly known as the Eden Mill and Plantation, but more recently, and now as Rock Creek Ml II and Plantation. He will continue the business as formerly. He has now 1' setts of stones running with boltlnr cloths, ac'. He will receive soon from New Yelk a stestn engine to run in this Mill,- thereby ln- suring td 'tne citizens of Wilmington at all times a constant supply Of good Meal and Hominy. He corVfemplates having a store in town for the sale of his Meal and Hominy. A future advertise. ment will Inform the citizens when ench arrange ment ts made. sAHUKL BfcKKY, Wilmington, Fcb.J7. 1J3 WILMINOTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. HPHE Subscriber having accepted the agency of jl several large esiaousnmanis at tne nortn, wnicn will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfinlshek, forcignnnd domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders for MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES. and every other article in the line of the buainess at reasonable rates . SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed at h el Ian can be done either North or South. The best cfrufcrencc can be given, if required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan, 6. 125-if DISCOUNT NOTES. TJLANK NOTES for dincnuut at the several AJ banks in this place, and a handsome edition jnstprintedof notes embracing aH the bank, far 4!e attneumceot ihc Commercial . ' Oct.26. ty. lamp. mm. 3HHDS. Lampshades received per Schr Ann Elizabeth. For sale by McRAE & HARRISS. Oct. 91.. WILKIN V CANES. AVERY full assortment of French and Ameri can manufacture Gold, Silver, Pearl, Ivory, and Oxadized Heads a itrcut variety. And those wanting, will find something to suit their tasto, by calling at die Hat Store. C. MYERS. Oct. 2. 86. UNDER GARMENTS. A LAIIGK assortment LARGE assortment of Shirts, Under Shirts land Drawer., at Nov 9. II. W. ARNOLD'S. 102 PAINTS, OILS, tit. Onnfi LBS. Purs Extra and No. 1 Lea OUUU 8 bbls Linseed Oil, Pure, 150 lb Chrome Green, 6U lbs Paris Grurn gVound and in Oil, 6 boxes Chrome Green. (Dry,) 4 boxes Am. Vermillion, 5 bbls Lamp Black, 600 lbs Spanish Brown, (In Oil,) 2 casks Vcnitian Red, (English,) 500 lbs Venitlan Red, (in Oil,) 1SQ boxes Window Olast AmerUan and French, at " t C. DuPRE'S, Drug Store, Market st. GLUE TJ RIME English Glue in bbl ; prime Auieraa j uo., in ddis. always on nana, and tor sale py" a hand, an ADAM. tSRU. at GU sept. 30 8S. COOPERAGE. THB subscriber is now prepared 10 make or re pair water tasks of any size, for the tiee Of Ves sels, onthe' lowest terms; alto; the eiriaens csn have any Article' In the line of Coopering' 'Made or rcpairej'vVlih'dWpaich." ' " - A. MORGAN. JW'ilrnington, Feb. 26, 1363. ' 14M2m p. EMPTY BARRELS. Tf( PRIME second hand 4.0 gallon bbls , just IUV landed from Bark Clarissa. For sale by ADAMS, BRO. & Co. " 67 August 19. SPIRIT BARRELS. OTf 1 1 SECO.VD tiAndSplrit Barrela, just rccel VJ I '.red per schr. Mary PowelL for sale by Aug. 17. ANDERSON a SAVAGE. HAY! HAY!! yC Bales Hay juar re eived per Barque Perl. J For aale by ADAMS, BRO. CO. Sept. 11 ih. 1852. 77-tf. IMPROVED CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP. FOR SALT. HARD, OR SOFT WA TER. This Soap has powerlul cleansing prop erties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Din, ac, from every description of goods, without Injury to them. . It is superior to any other Soap for wash ing woolen goods, as it prevente hdr fulling, and leaves them entirely Iree from gummy snd ruinous eubstsncee usually left, In ihem when common fam ily or rosin Soaps are used. , Ills the best Family and Toilet Soap new in use. and fifty per cent. ilicapcr, fot all domestic use than any other Sod p. For sal by -r. 1 Li N. BARLOW.' ' . : " , :- k . : - iGranlto Row: rrnt at. ' I, 1 1 1'. 'iT . 1 , ' ,. m, I,. ,.. ,' , -c PIStlLLfiRSlOFLTURPENTlSfc:. I HAVE reduced the price of my SPIRIT BAR RELS to$! 60: delivered at tmv nljtee in Wil mington.', After, Vi9tmna they will be extra &Ue. Persons wishlnr can ;oiitiact by the year on these terms, uuuv uiu.n lorsaieat Bi5perton. ,. , -1. v :V . A. MORGAN. uilmittston.Nov. litb, 1951. -y '. ' ' ' 102-lmo. uMy.v,, rjr rnt at Ihefrety lei bnoJs; lOyJJJ 0,UJlew priced Urgarafnui iS, Z boxes Jenny I Ind Twwlt ' 20 ;-aworird Cfiewfn? Tolarco. rocd soI thrapi J, Andtrm' Tin FoHarU Goodwin's SartMrill; ; . ... -, ... ' . ' t; . 30 bbls. Lictira, fun ija ted dorrrvtie. : . . Lew at CI O Jl YFKV. LEAI0AS. LELfC4s. PR SJE Naples Lrntr.n, rretlvid ; r 5tnmr Onisrlvr For sale hw by - ' Angzt). VVil,KliSG. a r.sLhii. IN STORE. OH BBLS. Red Stone Brand;' OV30 Bbla.'Saperfine; ' ' , in a. etv . . . a 10 L'bhr.' Rrira Premium Flonri ' For sal by , - ELLIS. RUSSELL & CO.' SCOTCH SMFF. 1 O HALF bbl g0ld qiitilify it Ei.iiSLf. r 161.1 by WILKINSON ac KSLr"? Septcmtter4V - "14. DENTAL NOTICE. ja f VIA VVfl ".- J UJi r-v0' Doplln;tn4'ptaeiUal. DeeiUt for v-LXIthe b( T yr Informs' hit frfend and iha public generally, thai be bte located' in WUmlrigton, en Front itrrtt comer of 0r8il?e; where he I nreaarad la attntA f all tta In 1 h B a of bis profession. Rooms txprevsly for the rcrep toa cf iLadles. He la Induced to hope that the li b eral patronage formerly extrvdrd te hint wsy be COntluOed b lha Citizen efrt llminirlnnarA IciA liy. ; .:- Oct 2.-ly- v : NEW E00TS ANDS30ES . x ,TII E undersigned retant Weir a ' sincere loans for tne very n Jl It a rat Mima.o. ihjnr liava wwL' a - red. and ttooe by strict attention te lrbet to merit aeoniinuane of the same. 1 hey tiiiow receiving their Fall Block, consisting or Ladle, Mia and Child's Gaiters, of every style 1 Cents, Boys, and Child's Boots and Shoe of eveery style ; Genu Rubber Over 8hersad Clogs, of every ityU j Ladles M , ",,. " 5 ' newsndbeaa tiful article. With every thing new, beautiful,' snd substantial in onr line, too numeroue 10 erwerfV la an advertisers. ".JONES a GARDNER. Oct llrKt ; VV' 1 ',-,f(L ' SOMETHING PRETTY - AT THE HARDWARE STORE. FINE bronze Copper Tea Ketilet ) 1 " " ; Black and Gold Tea Tray and Waiters; Double plated silver Spoene and Forks t - Ivory handle Knives without Forks t' Forks wj;h outKUve; . 'Ji"K ; IV , Crimping Irons ana Cut ling Tongs Bras Andiron and Fender; om tine; pol.'i-h-ed steel Shovels and Tonys; Bras Stnfr' Ko..'s ; Round snd Ovsl x rats; Bell MeMl F.namtled Preserving Kettles ; best Convex SsJironr -- ;J. M. ROBINSON'S, Hardware Slore, Wilmington, N. C. sept 23. ; H. 4 J. copy; , . fii. . CRACKERS. : BUTTER, Milk. Soda, Bigar snd Boston Crnck em, just received by JL. N, BARLOW. Nov. 9. ' " "10 J - BLANK (IwyuS. , , A GOOD assortmeflt of blank: Book now on hand snd a large addriional supply dully etpee- ted per scht K. W..Brown. . ' - " V ' ' . ;A, , ( 8. WHITAKER. Nov 9 .. --. ji r v' lOi .4 MOLASSES.!- CJiHHDS. uperior Muscovado Molae, for Usale by " " " ' L.N. BARLOW, Nov. 9. ' . ,Granito row, Front st. .NOTICE.; THE. subscriber has reetived snd is openin a full supply of genblne Family Groceries which he wttlsefrBt r small advance on New Yorf cor, and solicits s eonfinusnce of the libera) mtron---; heretofore bestowed on him. L.N. BARLTW. Nov. 9. AS A Grsnlte row1, Front t. THE best assortment of Infanta, ChiMrra and Ml.wi' data In town, ran be seen at the Hat Store. Those wishing to purchase are requested 10 call and examine them. v -; " Nov 9 , v-"riC' MYERS, Hatter. WOOL HATS! WOOL HATS? - A FEW hundred dien left on hand,-very low by the case or dozen." ' " ' Nov?1. ' : '' ,, MTERSrllutter ON snd after Monday 8th November, the pr.ca of Lamphine or 'Pine Oil will be Sdvacad t sixiy-cerrt per gallon csth, ai retail ; ibis tovwe is rendered nceesssry rn eonsequeneof the increase varae of Spirit Turpentine. " ' POLLY & HART v CDoPRE, - v cA.ll. VANBOKRLE9T. Nov 6. , " . ,,s V ' 10M.' DECIDEDLY superior is the Clothing rtmiiu-. factured by H.W. Arnold, smith siffe of Mar ket street. The handsome snd durable manner in which all bis clothing 1 cat add made, and the re ally low prices charged. Is the secret of the fmmenso success of this stsoMliicJt;-rt-. ' Mnafia awvi aunrtment of Silk. Merino. Woolen and Cotton, of 11 qualitlrs, ebnetnnHy for ssleat - H. ARNOLD'S, i " Oct 23. Sooth side of Marker lit. near t rant' HOURLY EXPECTED, v v CA BBLS, -tVhbke ' it,;.: OKJ 10 " Old Monuniralicla do ; . - 15 " .OldApide Braodyt'., i c,- 29 Mese-Porti - 39 boxes-Ckeese ; 1 teg uoenen Butter ; Caod.ler Soap, Sstch, Cracker, Pickle; Pre serves, te. , For' sale by -fi Nov. 9. ., H. C. T,.c-op'y. ;u f & , 102 CARPETS- FLOOR Oil Clofn arid Door'Mait. by ' ' ,KAHNWEILER &. EIIO. Sept. 2. " V - " ' 6J. B0YSV CLpTEING asVorinienl.jusi obenrd GOOD KA NWK1LER1 & BRO. ,83.., Sept. 25. i? EXPEDITION OF (i ; EMIGRANTS . TO LIBERIA . A PPLICATXON having bwn'made by opward r thatA. ,1- J a.aiaAak MM aI sage to Liberia, In a veel 10 rail from W liming- ton, in. Gnwe aro maunx ijuiir....- -patch a vessel from that j laee aboul the 1st cf A 0 -vcmber next.. ,V: ' -', .- - ,;. ' .' r. Those pouons who may wf por,t,at that tlmewill laet aKX-neie ' I'j, in oidcf that.-w uiay eure a caeegh, snd make other necessary ai i for iha aceommoditlon ol aH who may . t, gj. " vW. McLAIN,Sc'y. Am. Col. Soc. i Papors friendly to the object will pea-e copy ' above notice. ' "'V .' :''. '-' Waahlujion, D. Sep, 23th. ' ' ' IKi- , LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT. mtjnj v b rr o r.lunrnnol ff round Salt, to arrftt.- OUU For rale by . - ! & Co. 1 3. Oct 7. iB . I eept. 30, .. 85.

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