lwuiiiuoW ixh J 1 J u PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKIY, BY TnOMl LORLNGPUBLjsaEIl OF THE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS AND LWS OF CONGRESS. :Vo'; 7 NO, 112. ' WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 4, 1 852. WHOLE NO. 1,022 J I THE TRI-WEEliLV COMMERCHL, ' It Published every TutsoAr, TmjasDAiand Sat m vsDAr at $5 per annum, payable in all cases In ad ' vance. , . - ' '''BY' THOMAS LORINQ EmToaandPaopRiETot. Corner rroutaua fliarneistretu,. ' WILMINGTON, K. C., ; RATES OF ADVER TISINQ , t .t - " n en i i ... I .u ' I insertion . $0 50 I 1 iqr.2 months, 4 00 2 3 75 1 !: 1 - 3 5 oo 51 '1 00 2 50 6 ft nn I month, H 12 ,.,' : 12 00 'jl': Ten lines or leas make a square. " If n advertlse- ,. mew exceeqs ten lines, me pries win oe in propor -,-i.AUadertUcmenu are payable ai the time ofthelr I nscrtton. -t 1 1 r Cantracti with yearly adfliaor, will be made -i-iO inemow iioerul terms... ,; ' t i No iranafeT of contracts fur yearly advertising ' will be permitted, . Should circumstanaes render a ehanze W business, or an anexoected removal nec S. e ssary, ifchirga according to the published terms v? will ba at tho option of the contractor, for the time - be has mmma&i&r J-H.The prlvlle.eof Annual -Advertisers is etrictly 1 limited to their own immediate business; and all -dvenlsementi for lha bsofStof other persons, asJ1 ren .avenisonioni avtinmieuiuiciy cmnre ...ted with tbelr own- business, and ell excess of ad .,-vertisementsinleneth ot.otherwise, beyond the limits enzazed. will be charaed at the nsual rates. . N advertisement is Included In the contract for yj-he sale or rent of houses or lands In town or coun ' . r. or for the said or hire ot nezroes, whethtr the property is owned, bjuhe advertriser or bv other per n VirTkA.a mm jiarAltutaA hu lllfl iltrm ' ' TJt fl t n J ons. These. ace exciuaea oy lite terra -immediate ' t' AUadvertlsementsIosertedlnthetrl-weeklv Com menial, are entitled tq one Insertion in the Weekly ' .y .JOB, OARD AND FANCY PEINTINQ, m executed In superior style. I ' v AGENTS FOR yi.L .' THE COMMERCIAL. NeYork Mesrs. Bhow& DaaosssT. A'ew' York and Boston V. B. Palmes. wBeetenJ-FtsDtwtcx Kiddb. .; i-Philadelphia S, K, Cohen. BUSINESS CARDS. JOSEPII R. BLOSSOM, rfieienl rommisslba aal Forwarding Merchant, prompt persoual attention Riven io consign. a " meuisior naieor auiiMucni. rw advaneet mate on Consurnmenls to ' r am Ia Mil nut r to W IVfl York friends. Wilmlnzton.' Jan; 30, 1852. 135 lJIrrc.t.woRfn.. " MJ3I11SSI0T ASD FOEWARDISQ MERCn.lNT, iV, -r WILMINGTON, N. C. J Feb. 19, lflS2. H3-ly LWILLUM A GWYER, ' General toutFonritdinj anij Cqmmissiua x: ''merchant. iae pleasure In Informlnirmy friends, that I am prepared to Jive all b tslnss entrustpd to me cln- cient and personal attention. I have a wharf for " Naval Storeeywlth ample accommodatinna. Spirit ,'tlouse, and Warehouse Consignments i.f Naval Stores for aula or" shipment i and ell kinds of coun try produce solicited. Cash advances ma leon con- i'prll 18, 1332. ' i3 GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER KospiCoiHtanllv on hand. Wines. Tas. l.iqwrs, . PfavUUiM,'WMii ani Wdlmo Wure. Fruit, . Cmfeciumaries.it';. S tilth Front street. Kv WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov; 18. 1331; ;r:iWILU.UI M. HARRISS, GSXER.lt COMMISSION MERCHANT 4 f.JrTILMISGTQ. N. C. ''Strict attention given to procuring Freights and flirchislnzcarsoeifof Vessels. Rwmmcmj ... . O. G Parslsv, Esq , : 1 Coir John Mcltae, J Wilmington. " Messrii Dudley lyntinzton ) ' Messrs. Hall, Sackert & Co., ) payelteville, N. C oseph Utley, Esq., m S ' Missri Jas. Corner Sons, Bnltimore. ? R. A.,Soudor.& Co , Philadelphia. I Now York. . . Htinllno A TuftS. Boston WV J. AO. P. Pitcomb, Kennebnnk P9" ?w:;-: ntviro Me. 02 COOISSinN'AND FflRWABDINU MERfllAM 42-12-mc. S.: M WEST, v t " ' .AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIPIINQTON.N.C. . iJune ,'2, 1863 .wf ' "L 38.ly r -J.' HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. v7i. i WILMINGTON. N. O. .HathawatJ" J Oct. 15 1851.M": it!" ' J. L. Hathaway. 91. CCHADBOURN & HOOPER, General Commission Merchants, " . WILMINGTON, N. C. - July 19, 1862,, ' ' : 63 , -ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS as WILMINGTON, N. C. 04AS.D.BLIIS, HIM1V P. BUSSXLL,IOS , BUSBtLL 133. Jan. 25. 1852.- r.GEornARRiss, JGeueral Commissiop Merchant, ;;'WXLMfNGTON', N. C. " T "CJTRICT ttttentron glifon to pioetu ing l-'relght inapurcnaalhgljargooBlorvesrclt i R.P.Hall, Esq. ; O.Ql.Parsioy.Ksq, . J.ATaylor,Esq., . Wilmington. .f. ... I I Kn .mt'h'.ai,' k'Messrs.BallardAHuntinglOn, J V ! M.... Tintr Sitmlh A l!n - . Buv,""w"w-"-" ew York it. mu.. . jl it .. .. . AtAt n.vAn If lhnn.ln1nhl -H.V. Baker, Eaq.,1 Jan. 2. 1852. - ' 41 llUUMlal Wa uuuui, Phr f iillArt s! v t, f 'v p' asvkWB'W . - 123-lf. JOSEPH II. FLANNER, General Commission Merchant. .w- v WHUMINGTON, N. C. . i Oe l .9 th, 1 85 1 . , ; v w t . ' , 1 87-ly-e. 11. .DOLING. C. POTTER, JR. D0LLNER & POTTER, ... If v s . . OEXCRAL COMMIStmor MERCHANTS, tlB BB A L'C ASII ADVANCas MADl OX ALt CONSlOW- v , . . mints.. V. March 16, 185. f At 155-lyp DENTISTRY; rpHE undorslgned has been.' engaged fonrteea " X years In usntal practice during the last font ; yeara h resided In BroodwajrN. Y., -a He Is now located In, Wilmington, N. C., and - has his OfflcB nearly. opposite the Carolina Hotel: ' patronage i r jspscuuuy soiiciica., , , HSU r,' ., -.. ',. . ' May 22,!; 18 52 ?; I V"-r.' 29 V,: ,, BUSINESS CARDS. . CORNELIUS DuPRE. AHOLB 8ALB AND RETAL DEALCB4 lit Drugs, Medielues, Chemicals, Paints, OH, Dye Stufls, Glass, Perfumery, Cigars, Old Liquors, Fancy Articles, &c MARKET STREET, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Prescriptions carefully compounded by experi enced persons. Match 29. 1882. ' ANDERSON & SAVAGE GGNERAIi COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. JAMES ANDERSON. EDWARD RAVAGE July 1, 1652. 46-l2m. A. ADAMS, II. L. ADAMS ADAMS, BROTHERS Co. (Late Barry, Bryant & Adams.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMINGTON, N. C. July 1. 1852. 123 3 ALFRED MARTIN. A VCTMNEEll, " COMMISSION MERCHANT, GENERAL" AGENT. IVilmlnzton.N.C.Oct.lO 1852. J5tf. DRS. FREEMAN & MALETT. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Front Street, one door below Pulley & Hart, WILMINGTON, N. U. April 18 DER0SSET & BROWN. " WILMINGTON, N. C. BROWN & DEROET. NKW YORK. GENERALCOMMiSSIO. KEJiCHA.XTS. MarcliW 185Z l-l GEO IL KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Ncxtdooi to A. A. VVannet's.on North Water at- willattendlo the sale of all kinds of Country Pro, luce, such as Corn. Peas, Meal, Bacon, Lard, Ac. ind will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries, &c. References. WillcsHall.of Wayrie, John fltllae, Wilmington VV.Uarawuy, ' uen. Alx.. Mt-Kae. " E. P. II -ill, Wilmington, Wiley A. WalKei, !l Dec.iajeSh' 115-ly. Ji C. L1TTA, C O M MISSION ME It Oil A N T. AND GENERAL AfJENT, WILMINGTON, N.C Oct. I 1S52, MILES 87 C0S1TN, COMMISSI O N M ElvOHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. RKFFR TO E.P. Hall, Esq , Pros' t Branch State 1 Bank, I Thos. H. Wright, Ksq., Prcs'i Bank 1 Wilnnng- Cape Fear, f ten, N. C. O.G. Parsley, Esq-, Pros'! Commer- I cial Bank, Dec. 19. 1851 113-tf. WILKINSON & ESLER. CASH DEALERS IN :ontecUonai y, I'vult. Nuts, Toys, Fancy Ar- t'iCles. Vci tuinery, Tobacco, cars, &c, WHOLESALE AND Ilh: i A IL, MARKET 8TREET, WILMINGTON N.C. Nov.30.1851 .10-tf McRAE & HARRISS. IMPORTERS AM) WHOLESALE AMD It E l V I Ij UKALKKS IN CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTH EN- WAKE, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, West side Pror.t street, between Market and Dock streets, . WILMI N G T Q N, N. C. October 2, 1852. 85. J. WES5SEL. it. R. EILERS. EILERS. WESSEL & COMMISSION M KiltHAKTs ANU WHOLlv VSALE GROCERS, North Woter Street, Wil minztOn. M. C, intend to keep nt the above stands L'Pni'ral assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions ot wholesale and to carry on a GenoruiCoinniission Bucinrfs. BKFKBENCE : E. P. Hall.Prcs't Br'eh Bank of! he Slate. O. G. Parsley, Pres't Commcrcia 1 Rank. Wil Wil P. K. Dickinson, Esq . Popped Co. NcwVork. DollncrA, Potter. ) Jan. 20 13.V2. 131. ROBERT G. RANKIN, C OMMISSION MER CHA NT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 7, 1S52. 88-y. D. C. FREEMAN. GEOHGH 1I0U8T0N FKKEMAN & HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N. (J. D. C. FREEMAN & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1T Fit ON T STREET, NEW YORK. FREEMAN AND DIPTOS, WILlIiWITON, N. C Kg EEP constantly on hund a Stock of Flour, orn, Fork, Racotl. Salt, Coffee, Snear, Mo- tastes, TubdccQ, Cigars, Snuff, Candles, Soap, 'or tien and ' Domestic Liquors and M ints; Iron, Aoiis, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, Hats, Hoots, Shoes, Leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va ric'ty of other articles, suitable for family and plan tation use and the retail trnde, which they will dispute of in lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or in exchange for Na val Siorcs or other produce. The senior partner I). C. Freeman, is located in the city of New York ; the junior partner, Gso. Houston, in Wilmington. If desired, advances, will bo made on consignments to and from either place. All business entrusted to them will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled. Sept. 9. 76 f. GEO. 0. VANAMRINGE, BROKER, AND MERCANTILE AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C TJARTICULR intention paid to the purchase or Xsaleof alt descriptions of Merchandise and Pro duce,' and on Which one por cenC'commlssion Will be charge!. Any business Intrusted to him will re ceive prompt and personal attention.' 'His desk for the present 1 in the office ofMr.' Wm. A. Gwyer. -.. .- RfcriaBacta;) ' 'Mesr.EIIl.RufcsclloVCo'.r ' ,. h - t Adams Bro. ft Co. -Wilmington. ) ' 1 " ' . 65.-C 1 M j, R, Bloortl, Esq. August 14. ,-.;'v,,ivS-AVOs-JP. UilVUl. . .... .-,k'-. Commission Merchant & Auctioneer, Ofllc In Hall's upper bulldliit, North. Water - .,- , -.Street.. ' ' Where hs will be happy to attend to til orders In Bither branch of hi business .. , wuinlngton,N. C. Dee. 23, 1E61.. . 119-tf. BUSINESS CARPS. " w i. -... 1. . I WILLIAM II, PEAHE, COLLECTOR JDTtRTfSIMi AGE.I Per Couutry NevyspawrB throughou, lie ' United States, Client of Sun Iron Bu Idlngs, Baltimore street All business entrusted to promptly, on liberal terms. ' sept 7 his care transacted 95-f J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c. 4c. Front street, South of Market, BROWN'S BUILDING, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 16, 1332. 79-y-c NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. rpHE undersigned having this day purchased the X entire interest of Mr. O. G. Passlet, In the Point Peter Steam Saw Mill, have formed a copart nership for the purpose ol manufacturing Steam sawees i.umoer. Wktwotu W, Ptiacc, William Neilson. PEIRCE & NEILSON. Jan. 1. 126-lvc SHIPPING ARTICLES. A HANDSOME ediiion of Sliippinz Ankles. XX just printed and for sale at The Commercial Office, equal to any as yet imported ''from New YorV." 1 Ordcrsfor a Ream or mure will be filled at a cost of 10 to 20 percent, cheaper than they are in New York. Nov. 10, 1851. 102 tf BLANKS. THE following Blunts are printed and iept con stantly fol sale at the OtHoe of The Commercial. COMMERCIAL. Shipping Articles. Bills of Lading. Do. Letter Sheet. Crew. Lists. Prices Current. Checks on all the B,anks. Charier Parly. Munifestsof ol kinds. Entries Merchandise. Do. Ballast. Rates i-f Freight on & R. Rail Road. W. Do. on Line Boats. Bills of Exchange, bound and In sheets. DV. Domestic. Negotiable Nolcson the several Banks. Do. on air the Banks. Bill of safe ol Vcescli. MISCELLANEOUS. ' ' Warrunls, with and with-) Bills of Sal?. out judgment. ' Do. of Negroes. Negro Passes. jlioridsfor Negro Hire. Warrantee Deeds. 'Mortgage Deeds. 1 Bonds for the Delivery ofl Property. COURT ULAWq. Yen. Exponas. ubprfenas Counly and (;a Sa and Boot1. : Superior Court. Alias Vend. Ex. Juron' 'Pickets, Counly Ki Ka. and Superior Court. 'Writs. All kinds ol w.inKs and joi work', executed to order wifh neatness and dispatch. DEEDS FOR SALE XTaranteeDeedSjandDeeds foi'Mort'gageonland V just printed, i n correct tor ma ndfofaa le a it h? Commcrcio t'Jfflce. CHEMICALS. FRESH arrivals of the following: 100 oi. phaiu Uuinin, 5 hbls. Epsom Sails, 5 Iba Sul- our. auipnuie .ine, -i oz Sulphate Morphine, 4 oz Ace tate Morphine, 10 lbs Blue Mass. 15 lbs Emrlish I Calomel, 6 oz Pencrinc. 5 "ials Snirils Nitre. 2 oz Oil Tobacco, 5 lbs Hyd. Patassa, (English,) 2 lbs Iodine, 2 lbs Iodide Arsenic, 2 lbs Chloroform, 1 nz lodidf Copper, 1 oz Valerir.afs of Iron, 5 !bs Phosphite Soda, 20 lbs Sugar Lead , pure, 4 ot Tannin, 1 or. Oxido 'Mercury, 5 gnls aq. Ammonia, 10 lbs Spiriia Ammonia Aromat, 10 lbs Hoffman's Aodyne. For sale by C. DuPRE. Druggist, Market st. March 30. 6. BILLS OF LADING, &c. iOLIO POST BILLS OK LADING bound In liooks.and sheets, also Letter Shretrr !th s.variciy Jlmercaniileblanks.forsale at Thiftj n. mercial Office. LIME! LIME!! LIME!! ftf IflllBLS. Lincolnville While Lump; lio JJJ calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair. and Fire Brick, Hydrauli .Cement ;1000 bbls .Llme f-c.jf o is a It by .1 .C. & R. B. WOOD . ntracto isanduutldert April 8. 1S52. BUNGS , and assorted sizes rV the best make, and assorted sizes to suit, for v saie oy me narrei. or any quantity not less ihan five hundred by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Jan. 30 135-tf. COFFEE ! COFFEE ! BAGS Rio, Laguayra and Java. In store and for sale low by 75 ZENO H. GREENE. Nov. 9. N. (S. T. copy. 1 102 PATENT MEDICINES. BOXES Santi'8'Sarsapaiil1a,-2 boxes Town 4 send's co:, '3 doz Risley's do., 3 cross Bate- man's prep's, J gross Wright's Tills, 1 gross Bran Jelly do., 1 gross Peters' do., 4 doz Spencer's do. D doz HecKwltli s do u doz mount's do., gross oyer's Cherry t'ectorai, 4 doz wistar's Italsam Wild Cherry, Ac. &c C. DePRE, Druggistand Apothccar 3: marcn ju. EMPTY BARRELS. OA PRIME forty gallon Bbrrels, just received O'JVJ per brig John Dawson. For sale by ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Aug. 24, 1932. 69-i f. EMPTY SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 OnnLRGE ,ize etor"' band empty 1 wU Spirit Barrels, in god order, for sale by DgROSSET & BROWN, sept. 30. 85. B.tOGANS ! BROGANS! BR0GANS ! 1,200 Pair Men's Doui le Sole, 500 do Boys' do do 400 Women's Plamern. The best in market. Just received, and for sale as cheap as tho cheapest. JONES A GARDNER, Oct. 21. Market street, below the big Hoot. HARLEST THE splendid new Sleam Puckal KLOltlDA, ' Crablb Willy, Mas- M9 t nnu. -.! u.. I . . 1 ... unariestun ana Jacksonville, ficolata and Pilaika. on theSi. John's River.'' The time of departure has been fixed for TUESDAY of every week, at 3 o'clock, Pi.M. Passenger by the' cars on that day will always be In time,- ThU'-boat has been built expressly for ltI lihe;wlth special reference lathe comfort and safety ot passengers, snd is commanded by one of the most experienced of nav igators. Persons deslroiii of taking this route, are Informed that the passage through to Pilatka Is made In about 25 hours; , ., - - Far to Jacksonville, ,''.- 1 1 8 00 . Ploolala and Pilatka, ' 10 00 Any further Information will oe cheerfully given by the undersigned, ; Berths secured by addressing the agent, at Charleston. J. W. CALDWELL, gont. "'"'pt.'Tr'w'ii'"!;"'!,"' 'TS-eS HJ. COPARTNERSHIP; rpHE Subscribers have (hit day entered Into Co X partnership, for tbe transaction of a -i uenerai Agency A Commlaslou Uasiness; under the sttle of GILLESPIE, ROTI1WF.LL & HcACSLAN. All orders promotlr attended to. and liberal cash advances made on consignments. A". R. ROTH WELt, JOHN McAUSLAN. 1 '132. Jan. 22. BROTHERS LINE. THE New Steamer "Dodolass" having been added to this Line, end now having two light draft Steamers and four Tow Boats, all in good or der, the Proprietors are prepared to i ransport freight to Kayeiteville and the intermediate landings, with as quick despatch as any Whet Line. ' " June 22. ?2 tf. A CARD: a. X JAMES M. HURST, formerly one of the pro prietors of the Planter's Hotel Chaileston, have leased the AMERICAN HOTEL. Kinz Street, and fwoald respectfully solicit from their frirads and the travelling public a portion of their patronage. we picage ourselves tnst tne guest olthe Hotel will receive accommodation unsurpassed by any In the city.- Corq;nian. KENNEDY & HURST. Charleston, June 12. 38 6m. NOTICE e necettily i TirE are under the necettily of refusing jiotitirthj f tnal II cams, to send out samples ol our Wares, sept. II McRAE A HARRISS. GROCERIES ! Cheaper and better than titer, ot the Original Family Grocery, Fi uty street. ''PHE subscriber truly thankful for tho liberal pat- ronage, "heretofore bestowed upon him, by h's friends, end all desirous of obtaining good articles in his trade, at wholesale and retail prices; bcijs leave to inform them that he has perfected arrange menis.foi procuring a constant supply of the very best Groceries, at the very lowest prices, and that supplies will bo received tresh, wc ekly. I most res pectfully solicit my friends and patrons to favor me with a call. Our prices will be found extremely low and the qualities of the vury best. Respectfully, GEO. MYERS. CONSTANT SUPPLIES. Our constant supplies will ulways bo the first at tention, consisting in part of Teas of all grades, In packages from 2 to 50 lbs.; Sugars of all kinds ; Go shen Mutter; Coffees Java, Laguayra, Rio, Jamai ca and St. Domingo; Wines; Champagne Wines, Brandies, Gin, old Rye Whiskey, 6c ; Ale, Porter, London do.; English, Pine Apple and Goshen Cheese; Candles; Soaps, fancy do.; Yeast Pow ders soup do.; W. Underwood's Pickles; Sauce? and Preserves; Fruits. Foreign and Dointslic, in their season; Preserved Ginifer; Olives; Capers; St irch ; common Starch r lour Beef Tongues; nmoKoa ueei ; nornea ueel; salmon; Mackerel; L-odtvsn; vvTtale and spetiu Uis; Uaisinss Cur rants; Citron; Sardines; Fresh Lobster; Fresh Salmon, in cans; Sofa, Lemon, Pilot, Milk, Butter with every variety ol Crackers ; Stewart's superior ioniceiionnrics ; j-runcs; aweel UJM alustard- Cloth Baskets; SlepLaddeTS; Brooms; Wash Tubs; Keelers; Flour, in bbls, half bbls, and bags, of the best quality; Salaratus; Soda Cream Tartar: Maccaroni; Vermacilla; Segars; Tobacco; Jellies; Market Buskets; Cake Boards; Table Brushes; Stewart's Syrub; Molasses. In fact, every possible variety oi urwenes, ui me lowest possible prices sept. 30, GEO. MYERS-' DRUGS AND MEDICIXES JUST RECEIVED. LBS. Gum Opium, (Turkey.) 200 lbs Salt 10, Pelrc, 40 lb Gum Arabic, 3(1 lbs Alixandcr Senna, 20 lbs K. J. Senna, 1 bbl Cum Camphor, 1 bbl Cream of Tartar, 1 bbl Carb. Soda, 1 cask Sal. Soda, 2 cases Cooper's Isinglass, 3 doz Cox's Gel aline, 4 boxes celebrated Soap Powder, 12doz box es Yeast Powder. C. DuPRE, Druggist. March 30. " G. CARD PRINTING. WE rcmindtne publicthat the Patent Card Press is inpnrxtion at Ihe offi'ieof The Commercial, nnd that Cards will be printed in superior style, ami ot reduced prices. Blank Cards, ready for printing ulways on hand, of allsizes,from 22 by 20 lo 1 by 2 nrhes. 123-tf. BEEF QT BBLS ami 10 half bbls; a choice oriirle; lan iwtding from Schr H. P. Russell. For s.ile by ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co. :95. Oat. 2G. GLUE. f)A BBL 4,0 bv June 5. supcrib'r, just received nnd for sale AUAJ1S BUO. & Co. 35. CRAVATS AND SCARFS. SOMETHING beautiful just opened and on ex hibition, call and examine at H. W. ARNOLD. 95-tf. Oct 26. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AT REDUCED PRICES. BLANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, on fine paper and of a very handsome impression, fur saleat The Commercial Office bound In Books o various sizes, and in sheets. Oct. 18. 92. COAL YARD THE SUBSCRIBERS having determined 10 keep a'ebpply o. the best quality of COAL on hand, wopld inform the citizens that in the course of ten (jays they will be prepared to furnish families with any quantity, delivered in any part of Ihe town oral their yard on North Water street. Terms cash: ! ELLIS'. RUSSELL A Co. July 2g. E8. SMITHVILLE AND FEMALE SEMINARY. MALE rpilEecond session df (his Institution uMHfcorn 1 tnence on Monday, the I9tli of July insi;, under the conjoint control of ihe Rcv.James' H. Brent, A. M., and J. W- Murphy, A. AI., of long experi ence in teuching,ln the ft ale Department, and Miss Sarah A. Brent, in the Female. ' We pas no eulo gies upon the qualifications of the Teachers, know ing a discriminating public will judge for itself. dune nnd try. Monthly reports will be 'sent to the parents and guardians of all the pupils giving, scho lership, attendance, and deportment. Composition, ueciama'ion snd Conversation wil be most strictly attended to. The Teachers hold themselves responsible for the morality of all those committed to their care. Board can be obtained with Mr. Brent for 15 or 20 pupils at 87, in other families at the sjiiic. Residents will be required to pay tuition month ly. Foreign, half of the tuition for the session, in advance. . Tuition is as follows The darbies for any class In any College. 113 00 Second Class In the same, including highest branches of English science ' 15 0C English lopej ' ' 4 12 00 English Grammar andfGcogrephy, 10 00 For Beginner, ' . t 7 00 Rending and Chlrography;', ' "," : " 5 00 Modern ibngusges and ornamental branches! the lowest prices. By order of th Board. V The weekly Herald and Journal, till forbldi'.' , july 2. fri 139-lye HATS, CAPS. WALKING CANES ANIV ':" A UMBRELLAS;1 ; - -'. IN -great variety of quality,' style and price. Those wishing to purchase either of ihese arii f ie, will rind the larecst assoriment. and ai tho .lowest prices, at ihe Hat Store", North side Mar ker street, on aoor ociow i. uswson oi, :oF. x C. MYERS, Hatter.: Not 11 w.-triWsiNs:'t IW V , SASH, KL1ND AND D00.R AGENCY. Former conducted hy tray C. Ilolchkisi fPHEpublif are hereby inlornud.that 1 have beta 1 sppolmed agenr for the eatef Window Sash, Blinds aud DoorB.msnufnrt fytd by the New Ha venCor,SndaTtiprrparedtofinllorderslntheibovs line. The quality of the worko! the New Havsa Cb'. la well known In this market. Builders andali persons in want of the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will be prompils filled, Termslnvariably cash on delivery. . WM. A. GWYER. General Agent CommUtion and For larding Met chant. April 18. -IS COCOA AND CHOCOLim A I E.N'DES dr. KITCHEN'S t?ocoa atd Choc IVloljie, itarranltd pure and of Superiir quality. Just received slid for sal at L. N. BARLOW'S. August 31. 72. ROCK CREEK MJLlT THE undersigned has purchased of B. W. Bbb bv, his interest In the Plantation, with Orlst Mill thereon, Itoated oq the Newbern Road, about I mm frm tow, and formerly kmiwn sa the Edon Mill and Plantation, but more recenily, and now as Rock Creek Mill and Plantation. He will continue the business as formerly. He has now 2 sens of stones running with bolting cloths, 4c He will receive soon from New Yerk a sleam engine to ran In this Mill;- thereby In suring lo the citizens of Wilmington at all limes a I'unstuni supply ol good Meal and Hominy. tie contemplates having a store In town for the saieoi his Meal and Hominy. A future advertise mcnt will inform the iltizens when auch arrange ment IsmaJc. SAMUEL BEERY. Wilmington, Feb. 17. ' Itf.j VV I L M I N U T O N MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 'TMIE Subscriber having accepted the agency ol A several large establishments at the North, which will furnish him nn unlimited supply of finished or nnfinisluk, foreignand domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared lofill all orders for ' ' MONUMENTS AND TOMH feTONF.S, and every other article in thcline of the business at reasonable rales SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed a wellas can be done cither North ot South. The best cfreferencc can begiven, If reqjjirpd. JAS.McCLARAltAN. J in. 6. 125-lf DISCOUNT NOTES TjLAN K. NOTES for discoutit at the several-) -lJnaoksin this place, and a handsome ediiion listprinted of notes embracing aH the bank.forsale at the Office of The Commercial. Oci.2C. 89. CHINA, GLASS & EARTHEN WARE. - fi. VN E arc now receiving, direct from the French and English inanufuelo 17 pickaxes French China Dinner and Tea Setts, and Fancy Ware, 12 packages Edtfe and C. C. Ware, 15 " Sprig'd and handli d Teas, common. 10 " While Granite Dinner and Tea Ware, 6 " " " and common Toilet " 8 " colored Ware, assorted, 6 " Cane and Rockingham Ware, assorted, 60 " American Glass Ware, assorted, 10 " Stone Ware, assorted, 20 dozen Demijohns, from to 6 gallons, pgTCountry Merchants would find it loiheir ad vantage to purchase their slocks or us, as we save them a considerable per centage in freights, com missions, die. i i , 'Dinner and Tea Setts ol new and handsome patters to families at low prices. - McRAE At HARRISS, Front below Market s'.ree t. Aug. 26. ...., LAMP SHADES. r .. .i... Ju .1 . r i HHDS. Lamp Shades received per Sthr Ann RAE & HARRISS. 91. Kluabeth. For sale h Oct. WALKING CANES. A VERY fuff assoriment of French and Ameri can manufacture Gold, Silver, Pearl, Ivory, and Oxadized Heads a ereat variety And those wantini, will find something to suit their taste, by calling at the Hut Store. C. MYERS Oct. 2. BC. PAINTS, OILS, &c. Onnn LBS- ''ure K)t,ra nd No. l Lea' OVJKjyj 8 bbls Linseed Oil, Pure, 150 lb. Chrome Green, 60 lbs Paris Gr.tn ground and in Oil, 6 boxes Chrome Green, (Dry )4 boxca Am. Vermillion, 5 bbls Lamp Black, 600 lbs Spanish Brown, (in Oil,) 2 casks Vcnilion Red, (English 1 5001b Venition Red, (in Oil,) 150 boxes Winddw Glass, American and French, at C DoPRE'S, . . Drug Store, Market at. SOMETHING PRETTY AT THE HARDWARE STORE. TINE bronze Copper Tea Ketifes: X Black and Gold Tea Trays and Waiters; ' Double plated silyer Spoons snd Forks; Ivory handle Knives without Forks; Forks with out Ki Ives; Crimping Irons and Curling Tongs ; Brass Andirons and Fenders, some fine 1 polish ed steel Shovel and Tongs; BraSe Stair Rods; Round ond Oval r rass ; Bell Metal! Enameled Preset ving Kettles ; tcsiConvex Sadirons. ' ' ! J. M. ROBINSON'S, Hardware Store, Wilmington, N. C. sept 25. II. A J. copy, 83. PRACKERS. " BUTTER, Milk1, Soda, Sugar and Boston Crack ers, just received by L. 'N BARLOW. ! Nov. 9. 102 BLANK BOOKS. GOOD assortment of blank Books now on A hand ond a large additional supply daily ex pec-! led persthi U. W. Brown. W. WH1TAKER. - Ib2 Nov 9 MOLASSES. QVH HpS. superior Muscovado Molasses, for CV.,alety L.N. BARLOW, Nov. 9. Granite row, Front st. IN STORE. Red Stone Brand ; OA BBLS. tjyj 30 llbls. Supeifine ; 10 Bbls. Extra Premium Flour; For sale by ELLJS, RUSSELL A CO. "lfBOOTS AND SU0ES"" THE undersigned return ihrir sincere thsnks for the very lib rlw eral patronage they have recei- red, and 4)ope by strict attention to business to merit a continuanc of the tain. .1 hey -are now receiving tbeir Fall Stock, conslstlnfg of Ladle. Mist and Chlld'k Gaiters, of every hs j'Genta, Boy, ndCtitda BootnJ sJrmes of svecry style; Oetila Rubber Over Shoea uui Clogs, of etery style; Ladie " " ' " " a ntwnd beau tiful article. ,. Willi every thing new, beautiful, and substantial In onr line, loo numerous to specify in an advertieenut. . UAW UAKDNKR Oct 12. 90. : , : ' : BUCKWHEAT, &vx is TUST received fresh Biickwheaj; P.f e, and Canal U Flour, in r note, 1.1 au( ara feiithiii pacttsge. by t. N.vBARLOW.l,, 102. 't'BJE? lTiu SCOTCH SNUFF. 1 Q HALF labifoorf qa)ttr of 8r,BfT. tot s!t J low by WILKINSON & ESLF.R. - September 4. 74. DENTAL NOTICE. fyrS Plt 'W. M. SHERWOOD, forateily (Jv of Duplin, and practical Dee list Ut XXItbe last 7 rear. Informs hie friend and the publi.r generally, thai ha has locatrd in Wilmington, i rnt ttrrel rMner or Orse, where he Is prepared t aitead lo 'all Vail In ha fine of hi profession. Roc ins expreAfy'for I be feerp tion of Ladles. Ha Is Induced rA hope thai the lib cral patronage form rly titVnd a) ( aim tnsy ba coniluutd by the elilien of llmlneionaad icia Ity. : ' ' Hit X-Iy-e 4 ' " DOURLiEECTEa). CA BBLS. Whiskey i . ' ' ' - OX) 19 . Old Monongahela do s i f 18 " OldAppla Brandy i. 2 Mess Pork v 30 hose Cheese t 10 leas Gosbea Butler ! ' Candle, Soap, Starch, Cracker, Plcklea, pra serves, For sal -..;''' " Not. irCT.copy. t f ffe. , Bint icoro -5 i- 25 just received and for sale bv ' '. " 'ADAMS, BVL9. A Co. Oct 28. . " ' v SALT. - v v I "lSl,ck, -rpol Grousd. now iav HJKJJGto and lor sale y Oct Id.'. ADAMS, BRO. Oo. NOW ON TOE WAY, 1 VBBLS. Whlakeyf, 20 do. Rum. Gin and Brardr f . . A . - ... ' ,.-!. . i...v.:A , iao ooxeatieeset i . fO " and bbl. Socar. Rod A Butter Cracker 250 bag Table Salt ' F6 baleBHayi-'."! 1 , t,.' 2C0 SplritkTurpentieCski 20,000 Clgara. different grede ? 20 boxes Tobaccd, do. doj - ' iO bbl. SnofT, Lorinard', DlIT sod Qatcati'. 6 hhds. and 6v bl Sjlaar assort cd; ' . 20 firkin Butter t r , ' , 20 kecsandlObbls. Lsrdj K 10 bbl. Soerm and Lard Oil t 50 bblaMesPoi 1 10 do Prime do i 100 bag Coffet, Si Domingo, Rio and Vat t -6 bbl Pilot Bread j. - - ' ,, 10 do Mercer Potatoes t . 6 doMeBeef; 1 V. V 10 half bbl Fulton Market Beef; Sperm, Ad amantine and Tallow Candle j IJoapi MatthfBi Paper; Root and 1ioe t Kerseys Leather and numerous other article, for sale by , FREEMAN & HOUSTON. . Nov 16th "" ' - 105. . ,:C0FFEE..: i 4V 1 OKJVot sals for If W? - Nov 11 ' HOWARD 4 PEDEN. JUSflREVEIVED 1 ..i. mis niuuuiatiiu4crjt wK-o.iTr riatiu Rruniwick 8f(MM'a4d,Forki'warraiired,eqiaf lo pur Silver In evert re.peei. excebt- erlcv. For1 sale by JM. ROBINSON. "Od. 21. M 04 .FISH. Jjrt i - "I ' I A CA8ES 8ardinea, (1,000 boxes 1 YJ 10 do. Lobaters t ' 10 case Sa hnoa; 10 hairand 10 quarter bbls.' No. 1 Mackerel; 10 ooe-elgth bW. r.f, J dd. , do. ' if) Mo. fc flo: Sa!.fionl-' - ' Mullet aru-ay on hand, fresh and in good order. For sale low, by - - HOWARD & PEDEN; ' Oct. 28. ' l-' JlVtl f ' " 57. . - BTfjNBf 4 ... i ... 'aUMtV-: tr' ' I T UST recrived Hummel'l celebrated fthool for I ! the Piano Forte, and an additional urply of I Hunter s Instructors; Blank Musics a few nev j Songs, Schoitische, Polkas, Ac, low priced Vi' lios.at s; W. WIIITAKEB'S, one door if uuunoitmw caiawin' Lioming Binre. ' Nov 11 W. 'Mi. SALMON! AND'MACKEREL. AFR ESH supply tf Pickled Salmon and No snd 2 Mackerel, In kits and half bbls, Just re ccived and for sale bt FREEMAN d- HOUSTON. Oct 26; - 95. TUST J mere r opened a large as4?tsnnt French ' Cash e Pants, by ? KAHN WEILER ft'BRO.1' 1. d ... ; gj.' Oct mousses. 4 4 HHDS. tweet Surinam Molasses dally ex. t xi pec-ted. For sal by " r ADAMS, BRO. A CC sept. 30. TOBACCO AND SNUFF. OA B0XE8 good Chewing Tobacco ! 6 bhk and half bbl.. Lorllard'a Souff.' - - Just received and for sale by ' ' ' ZENO H. GREECE. ; - Nov- 9. N. C. T.-copy. V.y ,102 FAYEtTEYILLE : FLOUR, . " Per steamer Southerner. ; QZ BBLS,, fresh ground. ' For sal by ' v - . ZU - - - ."-vGEO. H. KELLET. Nov 16 - JH.;tadN.C.T; M?vn5 TQ IRRIFE PER-; Brig BVENA VISTA. OA BBCS . or Extra Family lour; ' Apple-, best quality j' .'i nt in Lard. ' - U 20 2- extra Lard. By GEO. II EELLEV. 11)5 Nov 16 ') i.i H".ndN.C.T STEAMBOAT NAVIGATION , , OF THE NORTH iiEASTj RIVER. THE STEAM BOAT - Jp&sr FAWN snd Llchters ! v 'Bull Head, Temperance . and King. W 11 leave for South Washington, w.d ly. Freight for that point, or the way bindings v.i.1 be recrived at my Warehouse -.--vV .. A '. ... It is hoped the public will sustain with th.-ir pat ronage thia efTorl at Navigating the N. K. River. V ..jf--Yl M.-A.- (i W V ER.' v Nov. 19. , :'vj. j--- ...y 106-6mc. TURPENTINE STILL FOR SALE. A Good second hand Stilt, 30 barrels capacity, s with all tbe fixture complete and in good or der. For mJo by v . - , A. MA RTlN. j-; Nov. 18. ; ' r.i '.; I06-tf.v-.vi T0AYING BY STEAMER CALRCUN. llSTKfeRDERS foViowini by STEAMER UT&Zry CALHOUNrwIII nare ajtcntin if a... ..rilcft at ibef office of ... t"-, , I f j 'r. t.Ktr. riAKuisA. No;lifc3'j-v-r "10 V :iEMPTtBARRE;U:.;,' nt PRIME ""if?,110"'!.'. XUVIaadsd from Bark Clarissa. For sale by APAMSwBUO. 4 Co. , ll uniniT ntnnric , . SECOND jpandpifR Barrcfi, just ree eU O Uved per.tchr. Mary PnwelLfor 'mJ; by;-. Aug.lV.". ANPI RSONcSAVAJ j'Jv-'j:-.;i , t Ik-:..