1 . li II , II PUBLISHED TRI4YEKLY, BY TC05IAS LCIUXG-PUELISnEE OF .TUE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS 1D LUVS OF CONGRESS. WILMINGTON. N.C.; SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 11, 1 852 WHOLE NO. 1,02a VO , 7 NO. 115. IflE TI'.I-WEEKLV C03IJIERCI1L, I Published every TtmAf, TntJBSDAtand Sat panar tS3p'T annum, pay able in all cues in advance.-! " , '''"" ' liY THOMAS LORISa Editor and Pbopbietor. ' ' Comer front aud Market Streets, . , . WILMINGTON, K. C. , " ' - HATES OF A D VERTISISG aqr. 1 insertion. tO 60 2 - 75 1 aqr. 2 month, 14 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 i . 3 " I 'M2 ' 1 3 . 1 00 t "1 months? 2 50 Ten lines or lea make a iqaaro. If an advertise - meat exceeds ten lines, the price will be in propor tion, t : . $ t- . All advertisementsare payable at the time ofthelr ncrlion.'-.' -i' v z v-r' - " "Contracts wlih yearly advertiser, will be made g the moat liberal term: -"t t': - No transfer of comnete for yearly advertising ' will be permitted. " Shoald eircumstanaes render a -. ehange in business, or an unexpected removal nee- ii vessary, a eharge according to the published term I - i will beat the option of the contractor, fof the time t he haa advertised. " - -. -Xf-!?;-The privilege of Annual Advertisers Is strictly limited to their own immediate business t and all 'advertisement: for the benefit of other persons, a ' weir aa all advertisement apt Immediately connec ted with their own business, an! ill excess of art- vertiscment in lent th or -etherwIseV. bevon trie !k .lnjita engaged, will W ohareed al the usual rale.- ni-l . ftfA -ln..il. ah. i, a , iM UiilMildil Im ,V a itrinlvaitt trt f he Bale or rent of homes or lands in town or coun rv, or for the sale or hire pi negroes, - whether the property le owned by the advertrlser or by other per- ions. ' These are excluded by the terra "immtdiale . business" ; ., ... . ' 1 " - ' i All advorlJemontlnsertod in the trl-weekly Com . mtrttal, oreemittod to one insertion in the Weekly , free of charge. , ' JOB, CARD AND PANCi- PEINTINO, executed In sorrarlor style, '. ! AGEST3 F0H THE COMMER0IAL. - New VorJt Messrs. Bbowk A DbRobbct. A'te York and oon V ' B. Palmkb. t--V?0iifPBBDIBlCK KlDDBR. ?v ' v Philadelphia, K.Cohbk. iH ;! .'tr , . - business cards; JOSEPH R; BLOSSOM, .CcncralTommissioi and Forwarding Merchant, v-vrompt personal attention Riven tovousirii- ', , 3v - mfinta for Sale or Shipment. Liberal Cash &vawxt made o Consignments to f'' v nut or to mt Sem Yurk friends. Wmrngt6n,Jan.30, 1852. ; f 135 T. C, WORTH. ;C0HXS!Qr AD FOUWARDISC MERCRIM, ' t,f ... .. WILMINGTON, H..C. . . Feb.49. 1R52. 3-ly .WILLIAM A. GWYER, jencral Agent Forwardlug and Commission r . , ' MERCHANT. i 1 talte" pleasura in Informing my fnends, that I am ;prepared to give all business entrustca lo.nie cm Mnnt nnd hnrannsl attention. I have ft wharf for Naval Storesj with ample accommodations, SplfH House,' and VVarohrtuao.1 Consignments of Navsfl 'Stores fur sale or shloment s and all kind of counA iry produce solicited.. Cash advances ma !eon con lznmeniB, H v April 19 1852., . n I5 'm; GEORGE MYERS, .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER KuBt constantly tnUnd, Waut, 1V4J. Liquors, ' ?rPfuiWM, Wood and WUioro Ware, Frv.il, . r J! ' CuhftsUurnarUs, if. utk Front street, ' V WIL.VlitVaTON,N.C.f ,:!rsonl8.193 , .; - P.? Xt V! M. ni'RRISS. " General commission siercIiant "'Strict attention given to procuring Freights and ! purchasing cargoes tor vessels. . ""RRPBBISCBS I w ' OlO. Parsley,' Esq ,' ' ) , , ' Col. John Mollae, - . Wilmington. Messrs. Dndloy o Huntington ) Rfessre. Hall, Sackett it Co., ) Fuyettevlnc N. (j Jlosoph' Utley, Ksq. J 3 - "i Mes.r- Jas. Corner & Sons, Bultimore. . ' Pi A. 8ouaor,t;o., rntiaacipnia. it A . Thomson 4 Hunter, ( New Vork. w fPUUbury dfc Sandford, 5" 1 5 Huntin A Tufts. Booton. . Pltcomn, ttennconnic, aio. ) July IT, 1852. 02 - J. 8. BANKS, V C0M1SS10S 1ND FORWiEDIMi BtECllANT ' WII.MIMOTUN. N. !. June 22. , -? 42-12-mc. S. M. WEST, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT J m WILMINGTON. N. C. ' , June '2, 1952 38.1 y ,:;vj;hathaway &son, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, v - t-.wif lvflnTON. N. O. il'iriTMiwit. f i J. L. Hathaway Oct. 15 1851.i""' r - - v 01- CUADBOURN & HOOPER, General Commission Merchants, it ,4 -W1LMINOTON, N.O. , 019,1862..- , 63 ELLIS, RUSSELL & Co, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS .Wilmington, n. c. CHAS, , Bills, HBNBY t, BDSSELL, JOS Jan. 25, 1852., 1 r. S.RtreaBLi '133. : -l'fiE0..UARRISS, General Commission Merchant, QTRICT, attention given to, piocuting Kreigji Vaoa(urc.naamgt;argocsiorversrii . f 'ItBl'Ba'rO' r ', -K.P.Hall.Esq.' 4 ' ' -'O.O.ParsloyiKsfl. , . .J.A.Tuylor.Escf:,; - SWimington. ? .J. Bellamy, Kse..,iv,.,!r,i' i-v . i . - , Messrs. Ballnrd A Huntington, ) V tsts JookonSmyih 4 Co., k,' wVork ., Thompson Huntar, M wrk- - Alex'r.Hcrron, Jr. .Philadelphia r Jan ,1.1052.-. - - t23-tf. : j JOiEPn H. FLANNER, Geueral CerjiiiissloD Mtrclunt. n " i i.' WILMINGTON, W. C.- ? ' i Opt.9th,1851.- . p.t.t-. : ALFRED MARTIN. -s-n COMMISSION MERC fl- -.A. J' ( 'I' - AND I . a..i'.. j.-v -sir (ll'MPt) 4 I n t VTn. . . . P01ll.ltS. ; v a C.'POTTCH, JKi i DOLLNER & POTTER, j GENERAL COMMIMION MERCHANTS, USBBAl OASH ADVARCBa MAD8 Q Alt COSSlttW. ,t M.rchI6;t18S2. :-'"?TV XV BUSINESS CARDS. CORNELIUS DoPRE. auolE sals akd rbtal oeAtsiji in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, l-aims, Uye S lulls, tiiass, i-mhiuhj, v--- V , Old Llquore, Faury Articles, e , MARKKT STREET,; . ". ; I WlLMlNGTOSf , N. C. Pwacriptionacarcfully compounded by eiperl- tnced peraona. " March 28. tSZ. ANDERSON & SAVAGE GENERAL. COMMl!SIOX MEKCHASTB, IVILMINUl Ui, N. c JAMES ASDER30H. EDWARD SAHUb. July 1, 1652. .M-ign- ,. A HA M 8. H. L. ADAM ADA3IS, BROTHER & Co. .f.aid RnVrv: Rrvant & Adams. COMMISSION MERCHANTS : WILMINGTON ,N.C. July 1 ;1852. : i 123 DESOSSET i BROWN. GENERAL COMMISSION MVCHANT8, Marcl.17 lw ? s GEO. U: KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Nextdoot to A. A. Wannet's.on North water st willattend to the sale of all kinds of (Jountrv Pro, iuce,aucha?Corn, Pea; Meal, Hucon, Lard, Ac. jndwitl keep constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries ,&c. Referenced. WillesHali.of Wayne, JohnAlcRae, Wilmington W. Caraway, ' uen. aix.. mcnac. E.P.Hall, Wilmington, Wiley A.WalBe.. Dec. 13, 18U. ' 115-1 v J,' C LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N .C . Oci.l 1852. 87 MILES C0STIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT VYlLiVllINU IN. U. RF.rr.R to E.P. Hall, Esq., Prcs't Branch Slate ) Bank, Thos.H. Wright, Esq., Prcs't Bank ! Wilming ton, N.C. Capo Fear, ,' .G. Parsley, Esq., Prcs't Commor- I cial Bank, j Dec. 19. 1361 118-tf. TiiOS. R GAUSE, Commission Merchant & Auctioneer, Office lu Hell's upper building, North Water Street. Where he will be happy to attend to all orders in either troncn ol his business. Wilmington, N.C. Dec. 33, 1851 119-tf. WILLIAM n, PEARE, COUECTUU AND A1VKRTISIM1 AGENT, Vnr Conutry Newspapers throughout the United States, - Basement pf Sun Iron Bu Idings, Baltimore street All business entrusted 13 his care transacted promptly, on liberal terms. sept 7 95-f J. D. love, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN 1 CABINET FURNITURE, BJDSTtf ApS. CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c. &c. rront street, souta or mamet, BllOWN'S DUlLDINQ, WILMINGTON, N. C. Sept. 16, 1832. 79-y-c GEO. 0. VANAMRINGE, flROKER, AND MI3KCA5iTIL,li AUtSXT, WILMINGTON, N. C. PARTICULAR uttention paid to the purchase or sale of all descriptions of Merchandise and Pro duce, and on which one per cent commission will be charge i. Any business Intrusted to him will re ceive prompt and personal attention. His desk for . . ..i . i . i . t Iho present Is in tne omce oi nir. win. a. uycr. UErtaiNcie : Messrs. Ellis, Russell & Co., ) ' Adams Bro. & Co., V Wilmington. " J. R. Blossom, Esq. ) August 14. 6i"JL" . D. C. FREEMAN. GEORGE HOUSTON. VKEEMAN A HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, WILMINGTON, N.C. D. C. FREEMAN & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lit VRtysTT' I3ET, NEW YORK. FREEMAN AND IMSTOS, W1LM1SGT0N, N. C KEEP constantly on hand a stock of Flour, Corn. Pork. Baton. Salt, CofTee, Saear, Mo lasses, Tobacco, Cigars, Snvf, Candles, Soap, For eign ana Domestic uiquort ana wtnts; iron, Nails, Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, UaU; Boots, S?iom, yeoftw, Affrtctttrtiral mnemenis, and rietv of other articles, suitaoie ior lamnyanu plan tation use and the retail trade, which they will dUnoseof In lots to suit dealers or consumers on . . i . -1 r . .. y.. . reasonable terms ior casn, orin excaunge iornu val Stores or other produce. '" (... The senior partner D. C. Freeman, is located in the city of New Ytfrkt the junior partner, Gso. Houston, In Wilmington: If .icsired, advances, will be made on consignments to mul from either place. All' business entrusted to them will receive proper attention; and orders for Goods will be promptly and carefully filled. Sopl. j. ; 76-f. " McRAE & HARlilSS. IMfOJRTEHS AM) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARM, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. West side Front street, between Market and ' Doci etrcets, WILMINGTON, N. C. October 2, 1852. 85. UJ. WESSKL. H. B. EiLtltS. ' WESSEL & EILKKa. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ANDWIIOLE SALE GROCERS. North Water Street, Wll mlnsrton. N. C. Intend to keep st the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors," and Provisions at wholosale-'snd to ci;y on a GerxeralConunlssion Business. K v . V . BBPBBBHCB t , ;'l E. P. Hall. Pros't Bt'ch Bank ofthi Stale, j O. O. ParsleyPes'l CommercjalUonjc. , Wll P. K. Dickinson, Es.q'.f V , .) .f Dollnerdc Potter Jan: 20 1862. Ml. WILKINSONl.ESLERS sfj,,.-& vl.."': ? DBA LBRST In f-7'-'-'"r; Confectionary, Fruit, Nuts, Toys.Vanty Ar t If 1b Perlumery, Tobnero, Segara. Ve.. i WHOLESALE A ND RK't A i, ; t5i'v- MARKET 'STREET. -ff?' .1a wir.MtNrYfnRr n -till BUSINESS cards; . - v' DENTISTRY. THE andorslgned has been engaged fourteen years in Denial Practice , d-irine: the last four years na resided in Broodway, . i. He Is now lo. sied in Wllmlnito. If . a, and has his Office nearly opposite the Carullha IIoteL ratroiiage rjvJtuuy aoucitea. K. SPENCER May 22, 1S52 29 ROBERT ti. RANKIN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, - . WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 7, 1S32. 63 y. NOTICE OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned having this day purchased the entire interest of Mr. O. G. PxaaLsr, In ftte Point Poter Steam Saw Mill, lute roVmed anpati nership tor the purpose of manufacturing Steam Sawed Lumber. Wbstwobth W. PnacB, tWilUA: Neiuok. - PEIRCE Cl NEILSON. Jan. l. ; ' y lay-ire SHIPPING ARTICLES. t HANDSOME edUlon'Jif SWpplnR Articles A just printed and lot sjIo a.E Commercial Orders for a Ream or more will be filled at a coat of 10 to 20 pcrconl. cheapei than tHey art ft Wew York. vNov. 10,1851. I02tf COPARTNERSHIP. rpHE Subscribers have this day entered into Co 1 partnership, for the transaction of a General Agency A Commission Business; under the style of mr.T.RSPIE. ROTHWRLL fc McAUSLAN. All drJcss promptly attended to, and liberal cash advance, made on "-ILLS8p1IE A. B. ROTHWELL, JOHN McAUSLAN. Jan. 22. . ,32v . BROTHERS LINE. TM1E New Steamer "Dovoiass" having Ic."" 1 added to litis Line, and now having two li-hi draft Steamers and four Tow Boats, all in good or ,dcr,the Proprietors sre prepared to transport freight to Kayciteville and the intermediate landings, wiih as quick despatch as any other Line. J. S. BANKS, Atnt. June 21. ; 42 if. A CARD: MESSRS. G. F. KENNEDY" or Chester and JAMES M. HURST, formerly one of the pro prietors of the Planter's Hotel, Charleston, have leased the AMERICAN HOTEL, King Street, and would respectfully solicit fro;n .their friends and the travelling public a portion of their palronago. We pledge ourselves that the guest of the Hotel will receive accommodation unsurpassed by any in the city - Carolinian. KENNEDY & HURST. ChsrlotMon, June 12. . 38 6m. NOTICE. WE sre under the mttesity of refusing positively inall cases, to sand out samples ol our. Wares, sept. 11 McRAE & HAHRIS3. EMPTY BARRELS. RC PRIME second hand 40 gallon bbls , just JLOU landed froiil Biark Clorlssd. Fofsale' by ADAMS, BRO. & Co. August 19. 67 SPIRIT BARRELS, nry( . SECOND hand Spirit Barrels, just recel U I Wved per schr. Mary Powell, for sale by Aug. 17. ANDERSON & SAVAGE. NEW FRUIT. N. Y. Apples; 100 boxes new crop on BBLS. Raisins; 50 drums new crop tigs; Frailes Bordo Almons, hags new Walnuts, bngs now fil berts, bags new Brazil Nuts, boxes uitron, ddib. new crop Currants, boxes Valencia Italsins tor cooKtng- WILKINSON & ESLER. Kor sale low, oy Nov. 20. 107. POISONING. THOUSANDS of parents who use vermifuge composed of Castor oil, Calomel, &c, are not aware, that while they appeur to benefit the patients thev arc actually laying the foundations cfor a serie of diseases, such as salivation, loss of sight, weak ness of limbs, Ac. In another column will bo fouu.d the advertise ment of Hobcnsack's .Modicines, to which we ask the attention of nil directly interested in their own as well as their children's healih. In Liver Com plaints and all disorders arising irom uiose oi a Bu llous type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Hobensack's Liver Pills. ... rsr"fl nodira, outasu ior mnxuvast. WVrni Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that each has the signature ot the f ropnetor, j. . nupr.in SACK, as ndne e,se ue genuine. iuly27. 57 -u . GENTS' HATS AND CAPS. FALL Style Gents' Hats and Caps, now ready for delivery to our pairons. -Those wishing ag-ood article at a fair price will find the same at the Hat Store. C. MYERS, Ma. ket Street. Sept. 28. 83- NEW COMMISSION HOUSE. THE subscribers have'ehiered into Co-partnership under the firm of PENDLETON A BRO THER, for the iransaction of the Commission BaclHREs in 7Uacco. Cotton and Produce generally, and IhaVe taken War ekoobb No. 120 Smiths WhABT, BAlTiMORBf "MP. . ' fn tv PRNnt.ETON. I! p! PENDLETON. Baltimore, Aug. 10th, 1852. References : Hugh Jenkins & Co., Bultimore. F. W. Brune & Sons, " Wm. Wilson aV Sons, " Edwin Wortham Jt Co., Richmond. Archb'd Thomas & Son, " Hugh W. Fry, " Rhodes A Oglubay, Bridgeport, Ohio. John Cieigh, Cincinnati. Qordcn & Co., Louisville. W. H. Bartloss, Charleston, a. C. OtisJ. Chnfoe, " James M'Cullogh. Pittsburg. ' Brown & Kirkpatrlck, " Z, Chafee, " D. Lamb, Esq , Cash'r N. W'n Bank, Whcel,,. S. Bradv. Esq.. " Aler. q. Mech. " James R. Baker, Wheeling. Joslah Sibley, Hamburg, a. u. Henry A. Schrnder, Wobllo, Alabama. A. L. Gaines, New Orleans. NOTICE. THE subscriber hlvjng received letters testsmen rry,'from the test-' donrt of Ploa and ftaarier session; o tne estate or ye lata jambs mubch, hereby recuesMail personslndebted lo his testator, to come lorwsro ana . maice . pay ineni, ana muw havtaff claim siainst ald testator are notified to present (hem wliUltftfie m9 proscribed by law, or ihUnmtr wllW) nl.in J I'd in hnr of their recovery. f - ,; JOHN ) BELLAM y, Ete.cutor. I .t. i-nt t",x'f IIAfttftl ri.j- THOSE pcrsosi wlio have placed papers In the hands of the lata Jambs Bubch. acting1 Consta ble, ara hereby requested to present the oilieial re ceipt now held by them, and tecolve their rospee tlva claims irom th subscriber, who as the exeeu lor of tho late James Rurch, Is desirous of closing th business of the estate. ' ' " ' ','. JOHN Di BELLAMY; Bremior. ; apt 22. ' . "SEW FUKNITURE. irrni HE subscriber would respectfully Invite the at A enllon of th public I his Block of Kurnlinrtr now being received by the Philadelphia, New York and Huston packets. Having recently made an addition to his already very extensive Ware Rooms, he will be enabled to keep on hand a oomplcte an assortment im can be found In any esuniiainnont ol the kind, and tnving purchatteu neatly all of his goods of man.ifaoiurer,ho can sell at very reason able prices. The luliuwing auitlos may Le found in hiscstablinVncni. Sofss, Blaclr-Walnu: and Mahogony, In plush, hair ciotli, brocatullc or D'Lainc ; Tcte a Teles ; Divuns ; Stuffed seat ltockin? and easy Chairs ; Gothic arm and silling Chairs j Suf, Centre, Pior, Boquel, and work Tables ; Ktagircs. or Cnmmode and corner What Sole ; Ottomans, CrrcWcla, r.nd Teapoys; Fine Mantle or Pier Glasses Piano Fortes, Stools and Music Stands ; Sideboards, Extension and other Dining Tables Dining Chairs; Secretaries, fine French and common ; JCtagires; Portable Desks, in rosewood, mahog any, black walnut, or pnpla mache Finn Llbttry Chairs and Lounges ; .' Dressing. Bureaus', plain and Marble i Washstand, every tarlett Wardrobes, mahogany, wslnut and painted ; JttHMrt W Beii4e t-VapctwCotttze, high post, half post, Field and Cot, in mahogany, walnut, cherry, maple ana iron i Maarasscs, curled hair, mess snd spring t Towel Sionds - Palmed setts of Chamber Furniture ; QhRirs, and Rockers ; about 125 doen Cane ami vvuna scat ; , , . Haf trees, walnut, mnhognny and iron ; Counting Room and Office Desks, Chairs, Stools and Shelves i 1 Cane Scat high Stools, with back, a new article; Counter and Stc "tibout Stools ; Looking Glasses; every dctcrilion, from 12) cents to 9100 1 ' ' ' Children's Cabs, Carriages, Horses, Rockers Cribs. Chairs, Cradles, Trundle Bcd.teadf, and Toy Bureaus j Work Boxes; Refrigerators, Water Coolers, Baths, if-c. Almost every articlethnt may be wanted in this ;;,. J. D. LOVE, Front street. Sept. 1 5. town papers copy 79-tf WANTED TO hire. A WOMAN who can Cook and Wa?li for a small family. W. E. ANDERSON. Oct. 21. 94-ti BUCKWHEAT, &c. TU8T received fresh Buckwheat, Rte, and Cana J Flour, in Whole, Hall, and Eighth packages, by L. N. BARLOW. Nov9 102. COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers have entered Into Copartner ship, under the name and style of Sutton, Sodthmatd A Co., for the purpose of building or repairing all kinds of Machinery, and carrying on a general Blacksmithing, Iron and Brass Foundry Business, in the town of Wilmltiglon wonld be thankful for any order in oiihcr of the above bran ches of business from their town or country friends, ftlr, sultqn having recently returned from tho north, where he has purchased un assortment of tools, which, in addition to those we now have will erto-' ble us to fill all orders with despatch. Our charges shall compare favorably with those of any other establishment. WM. SUTTON. THOS. SQUTHMAYD, CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. March?. Jour, and Her. 1 week. 149 TO TUE PUBLIC, THE Subscriber has leased for a ter n of years, of R. W. Brown. Esq., his fire-proof store, with his wharves, and is now in a condition to take es pecial care of Spirits Turpentine and other Nnval Stores coinmiied to his care. The Warehouse is well known to bu the best and safest dace in town for the storage of Bacon, Lard, Corn. Peas, &c The lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where Spirits an bo safely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds ofprxluce sent to his care. He will also make advances whon required. He bees to refer to the following gcnlIomen: -R. W. Brown, John Dawson, O.G. Parsley, and Thos. H. Wright, Ksqrs. MILES COSTIN. Brown's wharf Wilmington, N ('., Sept. I? 77. SASH, BUND AND DOOR AtftiNCY. Formerly conducted by Guy C. JhlclikUs 'pHEpublicarelii'rebyinformcd.that I havebcert JL appointed ai;ent for the sale of Window Hash, uds and Doors, manufactured by the New Ha ven Co., and urn prepared to fillullorucrsintheabovo line. The quality of the work ot the New Haven Co. Is well known in this market. Builders and all persons in want of the ubove articles, aro requested to'send in their orders, and they will bo prompily filled, Tcrmsinvariablycash on delivery. V A. UW i Ml. OcneralAgcnt Commission and Foruardinc Mer chant. April 18. IS COCOA AND CHOCOLATE. MEXDES & KITCHEN'S Cocoa and Choc olate, war rani ed pure and of superior quality. Just received and for sale at N. BARLOW'S. 72. August 31. ROCK CREEK MILL. THE anderslgned has purchased of B. W. Bu sy, his Interest In ihe Plantation, with Grist Mill thereon, situated on Ihe Newbern Road, about 1 mile from (own, and formerly known as (he Kden Mill and Plantation, bui more reconily, and now as Rock Creek Mill and Plantation. , He will continue the business as formerly. He hat now 2 setts of stones TanoJng wiih bolting cloths, Ac. Ho will receive soon from New Yerk a steam engine to run In this Mill, thereby in suring to the citizens of Wilmington at all times a constant supply of good Meal and Hominy. He contemplates having a store In town for the sale of his Meal and Hominy.-. A future advertise ment wiHiuform the iltiscns when anch arrange ment is made. sAMUKL BKKui . Wilmington. Feb. 17. , H3. WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agency ol several largeestablishmcnts at the North, which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfiniahek, foreign' dotnoatic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders fr MONUMBNTH AND TOM It BVTONES, and ever' other article In the line of the business at reasonable rates. 8CULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed as wellas can be done either North or South.' . ") ;' The besi cVofereocccan be given, if reqnlred. , ' . JAS.McCLARANAN. - Jag, 8. ' 125-if DISC6UNT NQTES. BLANC WOTES for discouut at-the-several banks in this place, tad a handsome edition justprinted of note embracing all the bank, forsale at th vines) ot .i n lommcrcuti . - Oct.2b. s fi OK BBLS and 10 i, fbhts'i a ehoice article; Ian- swVdlnifrom Kchr ll. V. Raswll. ' For saie ey ELLIS, RUSSELL db Co. ' y; CRAVATS AND SC FS. QOHF.tlll.N'a tramifufjnst optned andon ex- kj tiibnlon, call and examine st IL W.. ARNOLD. B5-tf. .'.Oct.aj,vw..;-f.,4;;. t BILLS OF EXCHANGE . ATX EDUCED. PRICES. BLANK BILL3 OF EXCHANGE, oil fine paper and of very hamUora impressioA, for aaleat Ttrt Commercial O'Jic bound in Books o1 various sizes, ana In sheets. Oct.13. 82.; COAL YARD. ;t. THE SUBSCRIBERS having dctrrmlned te keep a supply o. the best. uality of COAL on hand, would inlorm the rllixens that in the Course ol ten days they will be prepared to furnish families with any quantity, delivered In any pan of the town or at their yard on North Water street. Terms eoA. ELLIS, RUSSELL Co. ; July 29. S3 J)RUGS AND MEDICINES. JUST RECEIVED. 1 ( LBS.-Gum Opium, (Turley,) 200 lbs Salt XVPetre, 40 lbs Gum Arabic, 30 lbs Allxander Senna, 20 lbs E. J. Senna, I bbl Cum Camphor, 1 bbl Cream of Tartar, 1 bbl Carb. Soda, 1 cask Sal. Soda, 2 cases Cooper's Isinglass, 3 dot Cox's QeU , atine, 4 bxea celebrated soap Powdor, 12 dux bos lea Yeat Powdsr. , . vm. C. Do PRE, Drttgfisf. CARD PRINTING. WTR-- emindilie public that the Potent Card Press VV i U inu-jruiion at the omce of I he Commercial, and that Cards will be printed in superior style, and at reduced prices. Blink Cards, ready for printing always on hand, of al!siies,from 22 by 20 to 1 by 2 nche. 123-tf. BLANKS. rPIIF following Blank ar printed and kept con J- utanlly :ful sale at the Office of The Commercial. COMMERCIAL. Shipping Articles Rates of Freight on W. Bills of Lading. Do. Letter Sheet. Crew Llsis. Prices Current. Cheeks oi all tho Banks. Charier Party. .Manifests of all kinds. Entries Merchandise. Do. Ballast. & 11. Rail Hood. Do. on Line Boats. Bills of Exchange, boynd and In sheets. Do. Domestic. Negotiable Notes on the several Banks. Do. on all the Bank. I Rill oi" sa!fi (J: Vessel MISCELLANEOUS. V.'.irrants, with and wiih-j Bills of Sale. Do. of Negroes. Bonds for Negro Hire. Mortgage Deeds. out judgment. Negro Passes. Warrantee Deeds. Honda lor the Delivery of Property COURT BLANKS. Vcn. Exponas. Subpmnas County and Ca Sa and Bom'. j Superior Court. Alias Vend. Ex. Jurors Tickets, County Fi Fa. ! and Superior Court. . WrWa. All kinds of Blanks and Job Work, sxecuted to order with neatness and dispatch. DEEDS FOR SALE. Waran:eeDceds,anilDeeds foiMortgageonland justprinted.lnCorrccifrnianiifor.alratthe Commcrcia lOfflce. i- CHEMICALS. FRESH arrivals of the following: 100 oa. Sul phaio duinine, 5 bbls, Epsom Sails, 6 lbs pure Sulphate Zinc, 3 ox Sulphate Morphine, 4 ox Ace tato Morphine, 10 lbs llluo Mass. 15 lb English Calomel, b oz 1'opcrine, 5 gals spirits nitre, 1 oz Oil Tobacco. KlbsHyd. Patassa, (English,) 2 lbs Iodine, 2 lbs Iodide Arsenic, 2 lbs Chloroform, ot Iodide Copper, 1 ot Valcrinalo of Iron, 5 lbs Phosphite Soda, 20 lbs Sugar Lead, pure, 4 oz Tannin, 1 oz OxJdo Mercury, 5 gals aq. Ammonia, 10 lbs Spirits Ammonia Arumat, 10 lbs Hoffman's Aodync. For sale by C. D-jPBE. Druggist, Maikot st. March 30. . 6. BILLS LADING, &c. LS JK LADING bounrt IOLIO POST JL in Books, and sheets, also Letter Sheets wiih s,varipiyofirercantilcblanks,forsale at The t jm-mercialOljioe.- LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! ff)D BliLS- Llncolnvllle White Lump; Iso UWv calcined Plaster, Plastering Hair. and Fire Brick, Hydraul i iCcmen t ;IUOO bbls. Lime if-c.;l'ors'nli.'by J .C.& R. B.WOOD. ontractorsandBuilderi ApriW, 1S52. BUNGS O F the best make, and assorted sizes to suit, for sale by the barrel, or any quantity not less than five hundred, by JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Jan. 30. 135-If. COFFEE! COFFEE! BAGS Rio, Laguayrn and Java. In store and for sale low by 75 ZENO II. GREENE. Nov, 9. N.C. T. copy. ' 102 PATENT MEDICINES, " 4 BOXES Sand'a Sarsnparillo, 2 boxes Tuwn send'a do., 3 doz Rislcy's do., 3 grops Bate man's Drops, i gross Wright's Pills, 1 gross Bran ieth's do., 1 gross Peters' do., 4 doz Spencer's do., titk licckwith's do 6 doz Mofl'at's do., i gross Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 4 doz Wisiar's Balsam Wild Cherry. Ac. &c . C. Da PRE, Druggistand Apoihccar 3: March 39. EMPTY BARRELS. QrA PRIME forty gallon Barrels, just received 0JJ per brig John Dawson. For sale by ADAMS, BROTHER & CO. Aug. 24,1952. G9-tf. EMPTV SPIRIT BARRELS. 1 fl(VI LARGE . cize, secondhand empty 1 ejvAjvJ Spirit Barrels, in good order, for sale by7 DsROSSFT & BROWN. sept. 3(1. J- BLACKSMITH'S COAL i rf ('. BUSHELS of superior quality, to I VVJv 'arrive per bark Muskingum, from Bal timore. Apply to Oct 7. GEO. HARRIS. 9 CHARLESTON AND FLORIDA, NEW LINE fi-THE splendid i L-tHSFLORlDA, Ch new Mienm Packat able willv, Mas a-1 ter, is now running regularly hetwmn Charleston snd Jacksonville, Picoluta and Pilatktt, on the St. Johns Klver. ihe lime ot departure has been fixed for TUESDAY or every wpk, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Passengers by the cars on thai dav will always be in time. Thia boat has beca built expressly for this line, with special reference to the comfort- and safety ot passengers, end It commanded by one of the most experienced of nav Igator.5 Persons dcslrOiii of taking this rout", is desirous of taking this route, the passage thryngh Id Pilalka la sonvillef B 00 are Informed that the made in about 25 i Fare to Jacksonvill I'lcolaia and Pilatba.' i'x.:: 10,00 Any further information will on rhoerGnlfy given by the nndersignedv.' hvlrtha secured, by addressing (he agent, ai nanimon W, CALDWELL, i pent. ept.: 7 RiCGANSI ERCGANSI LHCal3I 1,200 Pair Jlen a Don! le Sole, ;' 500 do Boys' do do ' 400 Women's Planter. , . .-. , . ' The hest in market- Just received, and for sals as chenp as the cheapest. ' ' .; i.. - jOSV.S V GARDNER, Oct. 21. Msrlet Btreef.lclow ih big Boot, ,V BUCK WHEAT-EICK WHEAL , OK BAGS frch per Schr. Mary PpweUi . , Cl9 10 box. c- ; - ' : - , f . , v 10 bbU Pilot bread? tat tnh, at -, V . CEO. H.KELLKV'S Nob. C. . J W II sndN CT copy. , 101. ; KAnNWEILER L THO. HEQ LEA VE TO ANNnVNCH TIlElk ' SECOND EXHIBITION This Eorniiij tl Ittnth Htm C00J5 cr. ! hi'.i The entire assertmenf being" of Parie Sfaonfaftnn ana ipst rece;vca mreci, tney win eomprlsa afijr. novctitr oi tne , ', . j (:. : r. . PRESENT SEASOX ,. , No 11 ,-ff"i - , NEW HULLED CI CRWUE.IT Kr BAGS Buckwheat i 80 bags Flont r ' V 25 whole ami 23 hair bbl. Flour, For safe by , f ' r HOWARD A PEDEN. , . OPL28. .... ,,87. ;m new store: - I1EDIUCK & UYAN. , : , ARE now prepared te meet their friend ami t!.ff public, at the store North side Market arrrt, between DuPre's Drug Htore and Bradleya hoe Store where ihcy are ofkring a foil and eomiil. ij atuck of , . ... FANCT AND DOMESTIC DRT GOODS, al lower Prices than ever before told id this mmki-t . Their entire stock ha been purchased In the Nor thern markets at loweat prices mostly foreath.snd will be sold at a very small advance for Cash. . . V Our whole a lien lion will be exclusively devoted io Dry Good, end front this fact we belie ve that wf can. offer superior advantages, te buyers, than can. t? found at any ether Store lathe place. i Oct 7-5 V V " . i r , f;3 f WOOLnATS WOOLnATS. AHfi D0Z- Msn'sspf! Boys' Wool Usts, for sale.. 0)3 low at the Hat Stote,; Jhose wishing t porchsse will advance their interests by giving m a call, - ' j'M. m i bus natter. , Oct 21. ALAPACCAS. E0MBAZINE3. AMERICAN and English Prints, and cheep Do Land. '. A full itnck on l.snd. . , , . ,.DfttC. UYAr Oct. 23. - r.. 'n-,'5 J a, At., LETTER, CAP FOLIO BILL PAPER. TJW BRACING London MereaaiHe- Post; Cay JUSiate Mills ; Path Post; wide, and narrow C.ll Paper, if-e., just received and for sale at ' S. W. WHITAKER'S, Book Store, nearly eppojlfe Carolina Hotel. nov9 , , - , 1' - IC2 --; SUGAR: t f IIHDS SugafaBd 20 bbls do." For ! Ly Nor 11 ' ;?'":WWfPK?. CIDER I ClDEJir CIDER t 8,000 BARRELS EASTKM CfDER. THE subscriber hat on hand Three Thoti'tml . Barrels PURE EASTERN CID R!, i ' he will receive order for, either lo be nU.p S i his Bottling Establishment, No. 22 LIGHT XV. BALTIMORE, Md ot ttam VOWON, Man., direct, to sny sonihcrn or western portdrr the L'nl-. tcdSiaiei.,, , . ", ' ".,1 ' Person desirous of purchasing: a genuine article of Clderrat the lowest. market prce will please address their order to (te be shipped from either port) to . ' WM. RUSSELL, . , frsj -No.2'4 LightStreet, . .,.;.-- 'w Baltimore, MJ. Where he keens constantly on hand a large supp'y of Tenant's Pale Ale jt London Browrt Stunt i Porter; Champsgne-r Cider? In bottle; and every thing that Is usiinlly kiptln a bottling esiablUh mcnt. Persons throughout the South may ttly pn having ihcir orders filled on the most liberal terms, and with promptness and dlapateh.'wij:T'v t - Term, Cash, or negotiable psper.?, Nov. 9. r 102-2m. 1 s. MALAGA WINE." v 5 BBLS., pure, just received and tot rale by . -L NtbAlllOA' t Aug. 21. . , Gtanite row,-Fronist. CONTRACT SHINGLES.- QK(1 HlVl McREE'S ' Contract SMn.-r'c &)JiJJJ ready for delivery ai dfurther suu plies constantly preparing. ; Apply to : . . ; DfRMSKT& BROWN. Sept.30. A j .i t3.. A CARD,' THE subscriber Is now opening, al his old stand, north sido Marjtcf s'rcefj the largest BnJ bsci aosoTtment of Hats, Caps, Umbrellas and WalUntr Canes, ever ofTcred In this" market i to 'which l e would respectfully Call the Dttiintlon of alt wishu. to purchase, either at wholeiate or retail. Pricoe will be found as low as In any .market;: North ."r South. A call Is is solicited from all wishing .in purchase. - C. MYERS, Hatter,. opt 15- ' ,. , 8J WHISKEVWHISKEY, ; QBBLS rectified t 20 O'dj.Wonongahela, just OV'receIved and (bt sale by ; ,.v ' ..K.-VU H. GREENE. Nov. 30, . ;'-.W.CTvPr.-V 7. 110. , PORK AND WlilSKFX T UST Received, S2.bbls.'Me9 Porki and 1C0 bbls. Nov.30. si if.,.:.-' , - MI0. WAY FRFJGDT4 NOTICE. FROM ami aHer this rdate all freight shipped by Brother's Line, to or from .Wllminston will bo charged to Shippers or Conidgneco i Wilmington . - ioiiv wive-e ...,. Nov 2. ' rK.'r?ViV ;'i. b'J if I IN STORE.; !v - 7r BBLS Fsyetievllie ind N. V. super. Flour -)$ bhds mrime N.O. and P. R. Su -ar 40 bagB Rio and Jamaica CoiTrc i , 7 hhds of No I Bacon Sid snd ShonIJerj ; lObbUCit'y Mess Pork s' ' ., ? ! 50 bbls N3 1 Mulcts " ' A ' ' 10 bbls Winter and Summer Clraeh snd Whsfe ' Oil. Fraalebl iJ.. J.; HATHAWAY JtSON.. . Nov; IP' . -y.-r- .V'-. V.JOS; BACON AND PORK. f : 5 HHDS or aupertorSidee sad Shmilder; JO ' bblCity Mess Porlt,' jsi reverl sad for salo Oy J.- HATH W A 1 sJ". :A FIXEL AND COMMON CANDY. BY the tfoByor at retail bv - " , . ' WILKINSON 4 F.SLFR.-, Oct 30- .-jri :4-" COALi ,;' '. ' Trft'TONS llrd-'Ash' toal; Warranted of ry 101 'Hosf quality, landing If X'Scbr. J. L. Fl.m ner. For sale In Jot t '; m ft n-v ten, e.-.A. "."'5 . (. D"- I.T it"fvv fNovlfi - ' "V ' ' . lVIlmlnfM,WA;:,Oct.lO 1852. 031.26. t , ,i Mt.,, fc95. WOV.3U,l8rl. , . ' ; --j'