I ' I 1 1 1 liiilijii J.iiU OF TDE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS IND LMTS CF CCXCCi PUBLISHED TBI-WEEKLY, BT THOMAS LORING F VOr, 7NO. 129. WILMINGTON. N. C.,( SATURDAY MORNING JANUARY 15, 1853 Y9,0I,E NO. 1,039 1 1 Mi l I W lilo-..-ii!iLOMJ il iu Uo RanBBtBBasaBaBMaBBTBjBBB THE TIM-WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, la PablUhed every TvitoAr, Tncic DAYaml Sat ' . - . MS. snmini aits Ih all MMi In Ail BJ (OAT 1 iiui C J assent a v. ana BY THOMAS LORING -Editor and Proprietor. -: earner Frout and Market Streets, . ' r RATIwliipAf)yRRTISlXQ. 1 Insertion 10 60 U tqr, 4 mbnths, 94 00 t II I S " 5 00 i i . ; , ; 1 00:11 8 00 1 . 1 mAitin f nil r I 11 uu fV. Ten lines or leMmske a'square. If an advertise. mem exceeds Ion lines,' th fhrlff wty bfi.ty propor- All advertleemenjs art payable Hihe lime of their Contracts with yearly d,erilMn, will b made MiberaortHberaiap. - , 1, , : No transfer of contracts, for; yearly advertising will be permiHecV BnouJd circtimsiansee reaaer a han U badness, or an unexpected rentoval nee aesary, a ch,irja according 16 the .published terms Will bail the option, of the contractor, for the time he hat adre&d. v w-.'. frt Ww .Tha privile of Annual AdvortleerR la strictly limited to their nwn immediate business r end ill (,iroiKT J-ww 1X laB wwawu wall a all advertisements net Immediately conoeo- ted with their Own business, and au exeesa 01 aa vtrtUomeofta lentthor otherwlie, beyond the ; No adveriUemenl la laelnded In the contract for 1 aatwir..i.a k.ui i lanila In lawn Or Coan- f t, r for the tale or hire of neiroen, whether the nraoertv t. nmttA k the adertrtaer or b v other per- a.. f fw. a j wam MBvaa ('tttMaiMiKira V AH kdwrttaamenlalnierted In thetrl-weeVlj Com- mirevu, are enmiea w b mni" f' JoScAED AND PASCf PJWNTJNO, exeented In awnerlor attle. AGENTS FOB TIIB OOMMERCIAli. X yrfc Met'ra. BaowJt DattoaaaT. S Vart and Bo4on-V. B. Pwia. .v1 BotUmr-PMicai KinMid. , JOSEPH It. BLOSSOM, fieieral rommiuloa snd Forwardtnn merchant, Prompt temnal pltentlon lven toConalftu T" r "xaenta for Bale ar Shipment. TJitral Qtik advance madta Consignments to " tvterto m N York 'frUnit. Wilmington, Jan. 30, 1BS2. 135 1 T C WORTH coiiissioi m nwmmmimi, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 9,m. 143-'y WiLLUM A. CWYER, f general Agent, Pomrtlni and Commission 1 MERCHANT. I take plea-are In Informing my friend, that I nfn prepnred to give all b"irfnae entrnMcd to me ofli-r-lmit and peraonal attention. I have a whnrf ror Naval Storea. with arrinle aeeommodailnne. Rnlrlt Hoaae, and Warehnuae. Conlnment of Nsal Rtontiifnraale w hlpmn t "d all kind of conn trr prodnee aoltdied. Caah advaneea ma ie on con laramenta. -. April 18, 19S2. IL GEORGE MYERS, WHOLESALE AND RET AIL GROCER IfceiN nkni. Wines, Teat. tAqvors, Pivnnn.'W-od 4 WUtew Ware. Frwl, Confection" H- W Front ttreet, ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Nov. Iff, 185 -.V. - - 15 WILLIAM M, IIARRISS, 43ENER.IL COMMISSION MERCHANT Strict attention len to procuring Frclghta an(i purehaalnf earsoearor veaaeia. Reraaexcxat O.G.Parilay, Kaq., 3 Col. John McRae. Wilmington. Meeeri. Dudley f- Huntington Meaara. HaH, 8iekett Co., Faltevie, N. C Joaeph Utley, Kaq., Meair. Jn. Corner & Sona, Bultim.iro. R.A. Sender. A Co., Philadelphia. 11 Thornton A Hunter, ) w Yorv PUburYiandford. ewtorit. nnlinTnfta.Bo'ton. J. ft G. P. Pltcorob, Kennebnnk, Me., " J Si BANKS f OS 11 1 SSI M h FORWiFDINw MtEfllAM VVII4MIXGTON, w. c. June 52.V ' v . 42-12-mc. n a irnom AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' wiLMinui.u,n.v. Jtona '2,1852 ; 3ly J. HATHAWAY & SON, COMMISSION MBRCfHNTS, WILMINOTPM. N.tJ. ' CV 4 a laf IV ' ' 'J- Hathaway. Fab. II 1853. JAS. D. Clf ADBOURN i CO., General Tomnlssion Merchants, MTM'wir.MINnTON N. c. Jai. H . CitAnaocaaT, 'duo. C Chadbovbm. 4aa. 1. 1853." 123 ELLIS. RUSSELL & Co. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS .. . wtr.MrvnTON. N. c. faa,.auia, MtnaTr. 4aai.2a,1852.v - atjaaatt, joa. a, BUI.BLl 133, ' GEO. IIARRISS, General Conctlsslon Merchant, ' -WILMINGTON, K C. jaTBlCT attahtldn'gfrW cd ptocutlngPrelgh J anapurchailngVafgtJrtiorraiicu ' 'wilmlngton. uotlngtoM, ) J Maaara.Tooker.SmythACo., .. f. Thompeon Hunter, J1 , Afei'r. Herrtw.J'.phUaddphra, ork. rt , Hf 1? B.k x51! I cf' , O . JOSEPH nr flapep, General CoEmissiop Mcr.cajajt. Msy9tb,1852. B7-ly-e. M.-D0LLNBR.. . : ' . roTTER, JH, : nut rtrnn a.' niMimnw ' t . kfvliLiim pit AUAAbll, nnvnaii. rDHMiaViinM unnml . ?";T;JxW LlBBBAL babk ao akcbs mads on all Ka-.. .1 eovsiSN. -BtBBTTBiV.,, t 155-1 rp THE underalgneil'has been engaged foarteaa ' t . yeara'tia Dental Praotics 1 during lbs last (dm VesrB ha rasidsd la BrtKtdway. N. Y;' ' ''...i V He Is now located in Wilmlnaidn. N. C. and .has bis Office naarly opplle the Carolina llotslij Fatrge. ritjaitfully solicited. . - r " SPENCER - tfay22,l::i - . ' r 29 KB,P.Hall,Ea. tV.GaraIeT!iba(., r.A.fll'iwq. IS. ll.BaUamv.Eaa.. 1 'fttaaara. Ballard H BUSINESS CARDS. CORNELIUS DnPRE. XBOLB A LB ARB IETAL DEALER III Dragt, 'Uedlclaea, Cheaalcala, Palnta, OH, wye Biuitf, uiaaa, renumerr. wigara, Old Llquora, Fanry Articles, c ;'' '"MARKKT STUEKT, WILMINGTON, M. C. PreaerlBtfona'oaKfullveoniDonaded b expert- taced peradha1.' Harcn 2H, 1B5Z. ANDERSON & SAVAGE GBNERAb CONMl!(BON MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. JAMEB ANDBR80N. EDWARD lAVAOB. July 1, 1662. 6-l3m." A. A OA MS, H- U A DA Ma ADAMS, BROTHER & Co. uiaiiia a nuama.i COMMISSION MERCHANTS VJalyl.1853.. tt HawSSET- "BR0WNa WILMINGTOiyN. BR0 pEUOSL. NEW TORK. GENERA LCOMMLSSIQN U...I.I ISM II GEO. U. KELLY, COMMISSION MERCHANT' Nextdoot to A. A. Wannet'a,dn North Water at willattendto theaale Of dlYlclnda of Countrv Pro. JuceuchaaCbrn, Peaa, Meal, Bacon, Lard, Ac. od will keep conitantly on hand a full supply of Urocnei,fcc. References. WilletHalLof Wayne, Johnilcttae, Wilmington W. Caraway, ' Gen. Alx.; McRae. " R. P. Hall, Wilmington, Wiley A. WalKei . 1 1 Lec.lJ.ibi. tia-iy. J. C. LATTA. COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, WILMINGTON, N .C . Oct.l 1852. 87 WILES rOSTIN. COMMISSION MERCHANT WILMINGTON, N. C. RKFEB TO V . P. Hall, Eaq.,Prea't Branch Slate 1 R. Bank, .nk I ' I. Thoa. H. Wright, Kaq Prea'l Bank I Wilming ton, N.C. in. r O.G. Paraley, Esq.. Pres't Commer I, clalBanW. 1 ' '" 1 Dec. 19 118-tf. TiIOS. F. CAUSE, Commission Merchant & Auctioneer. Office lu Hall'a upper bulldliit, North Water Street. Where he will be happy to attend to all orders lp either brapph of hl buaineaa. . rrinington,n. j. uef,a, ia,' MH-H. WILLIAM If, PEAKE, COLLECTOR AND jlSTEKTlSlfO AG! NT for Conutry Newspapers thiotichout he United States, Basciqent of Sun Iron Bu Idlnga, Baltimore ureet All business entrusted to his care .transacted 95-f prdmptlv, on liberal terms. sept 7 J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, &c. &c. Front street, South of Market, BUOWN'S BUILD1NO, WILMINGTON, K. C. Sept. 16, 1832. 79-y-c GEO. 0. VAN AMRINGE, BROKER, AND MERCANTILE AGENT, WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 ' 1 ' PARTICULAR attention paid to the purchase 01 aalaofall descriptions of Merchandise and Pro duce, and on which one per cent commission will be charge i. Any business intrustedfohim will re ceive prompt and personal attenton-'''Hie desk for the present is in the office of Mr. Wm. A. Gwycr. Rbpibencbb t Messrs. Ellis, Russell eVCa, ) " Adams Bro. ACo., (Wilmington. " J. R. Blossom, Esq. ) Augusl 14. 65.-C D. C. FREEMAN. OEORQE HOUSTON. FREEMAN Si HOUSTON, MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, ' 'WILMINGTON, N.C. ' ' rr- P. C. FREEMAN & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' lit FRONT STREET NEW YORK. FREEMAN AND HOUSTON, WILMINGTON, N. C. KEEP constantly on hand a stock of flour, Com, tfarkp Bacon. Salt, Coffee, Sagar, Mo laeete, Tobacto, Cigare, Sni$f, Candle, Soap, For eign and Uomeettc Liquore and Wince Iron, Nail, Painte, Oil Qtaee, Domestic, Hate, Boot, Shoe, Leather, Agricultural Implement; and a va riety of other aitlclea, auitable for family and plan tation nse and the retail trade, which they will dispose of in lota to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms for cash, or la exchange for Na val Storea or other produce. The senior partner D. C. Fbsemam. is located in the eity of New York i the junior partner, Oao. HoveroN, la Wilmington, it ccsired, advances, will be made on consianineata lo and from either place. All business entrusted tb'them will receive proper attention i and order for Goqda will be j ...r..n.. AHt - ' Sept. 9. " ' 76-f. i McRAE & IIARRISS. IMFQBTE&S ANp WHOLESALE AND r:7 RETAIL DEALERS IN CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE, AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. vYssf side Front itreet, betweeu Market and Dock streets, ' WIL MINX T O N, N- O, OcKaitttlxm.- ' 1 5. r. WESBBL. ' ' H. B. EILERB. WESSEL 4 EILERS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND1 WHOLE SALE GROCERS, Noith Water StreeT,7Wll mlrrgtOBi N. C.',"ibtend 1 keep at the above stand general assortment of Groceries, Liquors; and f roviajoss at-wnotesaie-and to cairy on a uenera I commission uusinesa,' BrasBNca l E. P. Hall.Pres't Ufch Bank of the Siste. ) O. a.Jhtraley, Prea't Commercial Bank.4 WIl r, UICIIBBOB , SSi r, f . .. .. . 3 Poppa ft Co. ' iM.1 v ' Doilner A Potter, i t"w 1 ' .. Jaa. 20 I85t .aT.. ...?'- - 131. v-i; WKLK1NS0N & SLERr v.- . aiaa DBALBBI IN . Zonfeetlenarv, Fruit. Nats, Tbya,FaaeyAri iiciea. KriasnerT(xDacr.o. Negara, me,,' a -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL? , ,;;- - WRttT hTReiT,. J WILMINGTON N.CZ , Nov.10,1851; '? ' ; . C - Ut DySINESS CARDS. DILUTION. THE Arm of VabBobkblbk & McDmalb Is this dav diaaolved bv muiaal eoaseaL llie an- settled basineaa of said arm will be arranged by A. n. Taaooxxcien, who will coatlnue the tteaerai Agency, Commission and Forwarding hsslnesa. . J. I.McDugald has removed to Elisabeihtowa, Bladen county, where ha will condacl a General Merchandise and Produce basineaa. A. H. VANBOKKELEN. J. I. McQUGALD. Jaa. 1, 1863. 123 1m. WE HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A' Larse buddIv of Macfe. Nttmesa. unhathW XX Ciovea, Spice, Ginger, Ac., atwholeale'or re tail. B.B.p fiJt: WAna. yec. 18. 7 ' 118. SHIPPING ARTICLES A HANhstiME ildnlof ihipoln llldn'of Shipping Articles. XXjnitVridted andfol(:aile it Tie1 Cwnvicrciat Office, 'aM "o anjr as1 yer iarported "from N York ' ew HkdenforaRm air mere will be tilled at a cost of 10 to 20 percent, cheaper than they are in New i orx. Nov. 10,1861. 102-tf COPARTNERSHIP. 'PHE Subscribers have thia day entered into Co A priQcrshlp, for the tranaaction of a qeneral Agency 4 Contmjaalou Buaineaa; under the style of GILLESPIE. RQT11WK.LL A McAUSLAN. All orders prctmplly attsnded to, and liberal cash advances mo.de on consignmenta. G. S. GILLESPIE, A. B. ROTH WELL, JOHN McAUSLAN. Jan.22 JJ2 BROTHERS LINE. rpHE New Steamer "Dopclais" having been x aodod to tnis une, ana now navtng two lignt draft Steamers and four Tow Boats, all in sood or der, the Proprietors are prepared to tranaport freight to Fayeiteviile and the intermediate landings, with aa quick aespatcn aa any other Line. i. J. S. BANKS, Anz. June 22. v . 42 tf. IVU PRFIGHT 0TIfP .'iwivi anil Biicr mis uuicaii irvigni'piiippru oy I Brother's Line, to or from Wilmington will be l. 1 . - DLI - - 1 . I IT 1 1 . . 1 T rE 1 ..r... ' ,i t tlu. 1 t. ... yuarecu iu ouiducib vi vunsiiaree mi mimnigion JOHN BANKS. Airent Nov 2. 99-tf POISONING. THOUSANDS of parents who use Vermifuge composed of Caator oil, Calomel, Ac, are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patienta they are actually laying the foundations etor a aerie of diseases, such as salivation, loas of Bight, weak neas of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the advertise mcnt of Hobensack'a Medicines, to which we ask ths attention of all directly Intereated In their own aa well aa their children's health. In Liver Com plalnta and all disorders arising from those of a hi! iious type;' should mskBuse of ths Only genuine uMvn...ki. r lit., diil"' 011 OF" lie not dtceiyta, bat ask for Hobensacfc's WormSvruDond Liver fills, and observe that each has the signature ol the Prbprietbr, J. N; HOB EN SACK, as none else are genuine'. UlyZ7. ' 67 HOUSES TO RENT THE subscriber has t wo comfortable houe ea to 'rent! one containing five rooms ii'JJLand the other four. Both are aiiuated on Fourth Street, north of the Rail Road. uvven I.. r ILL I AW. ?4-tf. October 21, 1852. NEW COMMISSION HOUSE. THE subscribers have entered Into Co-partnership under the firm of PENDLETON a BRO THER fur th transaction of the Commission BustHkss lh ywacco, Cotton and Product generally, I have takeVi WarbfOosb No: 120 Smith's Whasf, Baltimobb, Md. A'l K. W. fKPtUL.lt.lUn, P. P. PK.NDLBTON. Baltimore, Aug. 10th, 1852. '-' Rtftr.encte 1 Hugh Jenkins & Co., Baltimore. r. W. Brune Kons," m., Wm. Wilson & Sons, " Edwin IWortnam- A Co., Richmond. Archb'd Thomas ds Son. " Hugh W. Pry, -a - . Rhodes Oalebay, Bridgeport, Ohio. Johrt'Gtelghf'CInclnhtll. ' "'I Govden & Co., Louisville. W Hi'Hirticss, Charleston, 8. u. Otla J. Chafce, Jamea M'Cullogh, Pittsburg. Brown &. Klritpatncx, 1 r'k.r.. " ... vil.ltCi 1 - - - k .... n . u. Lamb, Ksq , uasn r n. w n canx Whrcling. a. brwv. KW., 'iuer. a- aiecn. - Jamea ll. Baker, Wheeling. Joaiah Sibley, Hamburg. S. C. Henry A. Schrasder, 'Mobile, Alabama A. f.. Gained) New Orleans. Oct; 61 " 87-6roc. NOTICE. THE subscriber having received letters testamen tary, from the last Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions, on the estate of the late Jambs Bvaca, hereby requests all persons indebted to bie testator, to come forward and make payment, and those having claims against said testator are notified to preaent them within the time prescribed by law, or thia notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. JOHN p. BRLLAM Y, Executor. aept 23 ,. 82 tf NOTICE. THOSE persona whoMve placej papers In the hands of the lata Jambs Bosch, acilnr Consta twhoUv ble, are hereby requested to preaent the official-receipts now held by them, and receive their respec tive claims worn ma sutteci-iber, who aa the execu tor of the late Jamea Burcb, Is desirous of closing the buaineaa of iho estate. JOHN D. BELLAMY, Executor, pt 23. 82-tf STEAMBOAT NAVIGATION OF THE NORTH "EAST RIV ER. vr aujj nvuii ,maaakkv THE STE USaV1 FAWN -!F UBnllHead.' andTChig. WuiekVafor! THE STEAMBOAT I and Llehtera d, Temperance South WTIshinirton. week lyi Fnlghl fcf that point, or ths way landings, will ge rcceivru a. mj ti aronqijfe. It It hoped the public will sustain with their pat ronaga this effort at Navigating ths N. K'. River. ' ' WM. A. GWYER. Nov. 18. , lOMmc. rrI LBS. prims Geese Feathers 1 20 bales Ran m . j doipn Sheetings, eonauntlv on hand -at new 1 on pncea 1 xu oaiea 1 ara iram various fac tories, do. ;at New York prices 20 hhds. Cuba Molaaaea 1 1000 Iba. common Tobacco, Ibr ssle low Ct.;. , T.C. WORTH. BAT . W . . a aa.A 1 a mr - , 600 lbs. Beeswai wanted for which the highest sTXeiprwewiuoepaid&yT.utsT. . v , Ded.'Wtf ' (-',:.;.y.'iV:r'.-,,ia sail 6fV)n LBS. PURR WH1TR LEAD, (beet aUlJvJiraodJi Also, 200 gaUona Linseed Oil, Dee. 18. . ' t . -,-. 1 I 118. VELVET RIBAWiS AND EMBROI- vuunv vvaij. ( trELYRT RtoBndB.wverVlahadend colon Era 2etdldered HandkerehleAi t Collsra -emdllader. em y alsO, i pretty lot ot Neck Ribands, just re- Nov. 2;. , ... ' . 1W. NEW FURNITURE; s-- y inmi THE sabscriber would respectfully livitb tneai,1 tentioa of the nubile te his stock ef Famiiart. aow being received by the Philadelphia, New York and Boston packets. Having recently made aa addition to bia already very extenalve Ware Booms, he will bo enabled lo-keepoaAead aa complete an aasorimeai as csn DeieenO n anyestatiunment 01 ib xirw, au having purchased nearly all of bis goods a natvuftjAirere,he as a sell al very reason able prices; "The following articles rosy be found ta lusesiAimsnment. Dciaajweci wvaionT "W1 wanogony, in piuan, kiit-etothbrocatelU or D'aiae) TeW i Tense 1-Divans; StinIM aeat Bocking and easy Chairs 1 Gothjle arm and sluing Chair, j Sofai Centre, Pier, Boquet, and work Tables 1 ' Etagves. r Commode and corner What Note; Ottomans, Crickets, and Teapoys 1 Fine ManHe or Pier Glaaaea 1 Piano Penes. Stools and Maale glands j , 8 ide boards, Exteaalon and other Dining Tablee Dlakaalrsr . ' '" ''' - Socreuriea. ana French and common 1 Ktagiree 1 Portable D eks, in rosewood, mahog- any. oiaci walnut, or papia macne t Fine Library Chairs and Lounges 1 Dressing Bureaus, plain and Marble) Waahatands, every variety 1 Wardrobes, mahosaav. walnut and painted 1 About 100 Bedsteads, French, Cottage, high poet, half poet, Field and Cot, p mahogany, walnut, cherry, maple and iron 1 Mi' trasses, curled hair, mess and spring 1 Tcwel Stands t Painted setts of Chamber Furniture 1 Chairs, and Rockers j about 125 dozen Cane and Wood seat) . , . Hal trees, wolnut. mahoeany and Iron; Counting RaasMnJQffloa files ka.ClwIrs, Stools and'Sficlvest .'.d '-ft 1 CaaeSoal higti Stools, wiback, a new article; Counter andllts-ihOat Staolst Looking Glasses, every deacriptlon, from 121 1 cenia to 9100 1 Children's Cabs, Carriages, Horses, Rockers Cribs. Chairs, Cradles, Trundle Bcdpa(ls, and Toy uureaua 1 Work Boxes t RefriKeratora. Water Coolers, Baths, i-c. Almost every article that may be wanted In thlr line. ' J. D. LOVE, Front atrret. Sept. IS. town papere copy 79-tf A CARD, THE subscriber Islnow opening, at his old stand, north aide Market streety the laigest and best asaortment of Hats, Capa. UiBbreMawand Walking Canes, ever offered in this market 1 loi'trbich ha would respectfully call the attention of all wishing to purchase, either at wholei ale or retail. Prices will be found as low as In any market. North or South. A call Is is solicited from alwwlshlng to purchase. C.MYERSfi Hatter, aept 15. . ' 83 B10GANS! BROGANS! BR0GANS! Pair Men's Doul le Sole, .00 do Boys' do do 400 Women's Plantera. The beoHti market. Juat received and for aale as cheap aa the cheapeat. t. .Mill,,,- n- ; 1 1 4Un MS UAKUn B.K, Oct. 21 . Market Wreet.-beiow the big Boot. iaStld. 1, twoeeconi STILLS Hi WNTED immediately, two second hand Tur pentine Stills fci ritn each 10 or 12 barrels Old Uip. AD) ANDKRSON &. SAVAGE uct. -a. A r- '95.. FOR SALE, A FINE lot of HAVANA 8EGARS, warranted good, cither at private sale or at auction. For aale by M. COST1N. pec. 16. u COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers' have 'entered Into Copartner ahlp, under the name and style of Svrroa, Southmavd & Co., for the purpose of building or repalrlnall Wndsof Machinery, and carrying on a general Bladtsmlthing, Iron and Brasa Foundry Business, in the town of Wilmington would be thankful for any order in either of the above bran ches of business from their town or country friends, Mr. Sutton having recently returned from the north, where he has purchased an asaortment of tools, which, In addition to those we now have wtil ena ble us to fill all aydess' with dospatehu . i' ''' Our charges shall compare favotdbly with those of any other establishment. rvn. au 1 run. THOS. SOUTHMAYD, CHAS. SOUTHMAYD. March 2. Jour, and Her. 1 week. 149 JublrL THE PUBLIC. rTHE Subscrfoer baa leased for a ter n of years, X bf R. W. Brown, Esq., his fire-proof atore. with his wharves, and la now in a condition to laka es pecial eare of Splrita' Turpentine and other Naval Stores commlted to his care. 'The Warehouse is well known to be ths beat bnd safest place la town for the storage of Bacon, Lard. Corn. Peaa, Ac The lower wharves have on them four large new aheds, where Spirt's can be safely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will alao make advances when required. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen: R. W. Brown, John Dawson, O.G. Paraley, and Thoa. H. Wrlgbt, Eaqre. MILES COSTIN. Brown's wharf Wilmington, N. C. Sept. I? . .. ". ,i' 'i 77. SASRIJLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. Formerlu conttucted'bv'Guv C. Holchki$$ THE pubilcare hereby informed. that I have been appolnied agent for the sale of Wladow Saab, BUndsandDoors.manufacturedbr the New Ha ven Co., and am prepared to fillallordersin the abort lias. Tbeouaiiiy qf.lh work ol the New Haven Co. Is wellkaowaln this market. Builders and all personam want of the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will be promptly nuea, Terraeinvanaoiy caan on aeuvery . WM. A. OW IKK. General Agent CommUoion and Forwarding Mer chant. April 18. 15 WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber having accepted the agency ot several largaeatabllshments at the North, which ill fornieh him an nnlimlted aueolv of finished or nnfinlshck. forelgaaad domeatle MARBLE of all qualities, ie prepared ta fill all ordera for MUN UMKNTB 'AllaJ TOHB ITUBM, and every other article In lhtl)na,of the buaineaa at reasonable rates. - i ,-n, SCULPTURING, LETTERING OR CARVING, Executed t wellaa ean be dune either North or SOIIth. ' 1 . i I'..;-. v r.- The best cfreferenco can be given, if required. Ti, . j . JAS.McCLARANAN. Jan, 6.- ' v.-' 125-tf EXTRA NOTICE TO LADIES ONLY. nHE subscriber wwild call the attention of La JL dlea40 hlr Assortment of Christmas Fixings Raisins; Citron t Currents t Confectlonaiiesj Ap plesi NulHf Fruits a Gelatine Ialnglaaa 1 C00X Ing Wine i Preserves 1' Jellies Plcklcai Sauces . Catsups t Dried Peaches 1 Dried Apnle Cranber ries t Powdered Crnahed, and LoaL Sugarai new Sweet Cldel Shell Berks t with every thing ap- Sertainlng to the goad things requleite for the hoi daye. Aa anfortnHkit of Ooodyee Toy s. ' ' Tne Bdcaess of IW eatabllahment 1 to be attrlb ted ta the exceedingly low prices, and superiority of Goods 1 Test of the fast graoet, lower than ever, from 71 cents to 81 per lb best quality, al the otlg Inal Ftrmllv Oroeery, Front street. DeelL V ; GEO.MYESS- ' BIlnNCE ' AVKB9VTD PMVM8. BLANK BILLS OF RXCHAKGK, on floe paper and of a very handsome impression, for saleam CemaurtUl Ojlreboaad ia Bka varlooe sixes, and laabects. F COAL YARD. THK SUBSCRIBERS having determined 10 keep a supply a. the beet onallty of COAL oi hand, would inform the cltlxena thai la the coarse ol tea daya they will be prepared to furnish families wun any quantity, centered is any part of the town oral ihulryardon North Water atreet. Terme cosh. ELLIS, IlUSiKLL A Co. Jnly 29. .. - . .. 58 DRUGS AND MEDICINES. " just REcmvED 1 H LBS. Gum OpJunr, ( Fackey ,) 200 lbs Salt lVy Pet re, 40 lb Gam Arabia, 30 lbs Alixander Senna, 20 lbs R. J. Senna, V bbi Cam Camphor, 1 bbl Cream of Tartar. I bs Cara. Soda. 1 . Sal. Soda, 2 ease Cooper's Isinglass, dot Cox Qc4- aune, 4 ooaaa eeiebraied.soep rewder, 12 dec aoav os Yeast Powder, w " C. DtrPRE, Druggist. March 30. 8. CARD PRINTING. WE remipdiie pobllcthaV ths Patent Card Press is luperailon al the office of The Commercial, uwDiivain win urn yriDica id vapvrior iijMno alteduced prices. Blank Cards, ready for printing always on hand, of allaises,from 32 by 30 10 1 byt ncnea. IZS-tf. h BLANKS. THE following Blanka arcprinled and kept con stantly for sale at the Office of The Commercial. COMMERCIAL. ... .. Shipping Articles. ' ilttstea ul Freight on W. Hills of Ladin iv. Kail Koad. . Do. on Use Boats. Bills of Kxchsnge, bound and In sheets. Do. ponaestle. Negotiable Nieson the several Banks. Do. on all the Banks. Do. Letter ihect. Crew Lists. Prices Current. Checks on all the Banks Charter party. Manifests of all klnda. Entriee Merchandise. Do. Ballast. Bill of aale of Vessels MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with and with Billaof Sale. out judgment. Negro Passes. Warrantee- Deeds. Do. of Negroes. Bonds for Negro Hife. Mortgage Deifda. ' Bonds Itfithe Delivery oft froperty. COURT Ven. Exponas, it 1; , Ca SaandBont. Aliaa Vend. Ex. FIFa, BLANKS. iSubpcenas County and oupsrior court. Jusor Tlcketa, County ' and Superior CourL . iwnta. . . All kinds of Blanka and Job Work, executed Id order- vrttH-neatneea and dispatch , ., ?, DEEDS FOR SALE. WaranteeDoedandDeedB foiMortgagronland justprlnted,lncorrcctfoBmandforaalo ttke Comment atOfflce CHEMICALS. FRESH arrlvalsfef the following: 100 ox. Sul phate Quinine, 5 bbl a. Epaom Salts, 5 lbs pure Sulphate Zinc, 3 ox Sulphate Morphine, 4 ox Ace tate Morphine, 10 lbs BJuo'Mase. 15 lbs English Calomel, 6 ox Peperine, 4 t s Splrita Nitre, 2 ox OilTobaoecv 6 lbs Hyd.' Pataaaa,(Englia.) 2 Iba Iodine. 3 bs Wids Atsfliflc, 2 Iba CMeroform, 1 ox Iodide Copper, ' I dx Valerinaie of Iron, 5 lbs Phosphite Soda, 20 lbs Sugar Lead, pure, 4 os Tannin, I ox Oxide Mercury, 5 gals sq. Ammonia, 10 Iba Splrita Ammonia Aromai, 10 Iba Hoffman's Aodyne. For aale by C. DePRE. Druggist, Market al. March 30. 6. BILLS OF LADING, &c. FOLIO POST BILLS OP LADING bound 1 n Books .and sheotnarstf Letter Sheets with s4mletyofaentantUblahlu,(orsaleat The Vim- LIME! LIME I! LIME! I! rirtfiBLSt (tUcdlnville Whfre Lumpj lao UWWealclnedFlaster, Plastering Hair. and Fire Brick, HydtauH. Cement jlOOO bbls Lime if c.if 0 tsalibf .1 ' a J .U. ex R.B.WOOD. JontractorsandBuilder April 8, 1852.. PATENT MEDICINES. A BOXES Sand's Ssrsaparllla, 2 boxes Tswa- l aend's do., 3 doi Rlsley'e do., 3 gross Bate- mnn'a Drops, , gross Wright's Pills, 1 gross Brsn ieth's do., 1 gross Patera' do., 4 dox Spencer's do. dox tseckwlth's do R dot MoBat'a do., gross AVer's Cherry Pectoral, 4 dos Wlatar's Balaam Wild Cherry, Ac. die C.DiPRE, Drugglatand Apothecary. March 30. ;6. FAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. JUST Received. 100 bbls. sup. Fayeiteviile Flour. For sale by ROTH WELL A McAUSLAN. JUST RECEIVED : T lYYl Segara of the very best brands ; f OAAAj 60,000 low prjeed Began from 84, 10 WM 1 . I 2 boxes Jenny I ind Twist 1 20 daeaviad Chewing Tobacco, good and cheap; J.Anderson's Tin Foil, and Good la's Saraoarillai ' 30 bbls. Liquors, foreign and domestic. Low at ,iQR MYERS'. Sept 27. n 62 JUST HECEIVED. 1 HC BBLS. Irish Potatoes 1 I DvJ 50 " Mess Beef; 50 " Navy Mess Beef 40 I bbls. Extra Family Beef i 10,000 feel Whits Plae Lumber. Now landing from brig Rltsabeth. For .ale by J. HATHAWAY A SON. Dec 30. 122 OUR TOYS, FANCY Articles, M aa now qpened thia (Thura day) 8bali be pleased 10 have (he , Ladiee and Gentlemen to call and aekeL Yours, ' Dec 23 WILKINSON f- RSLER. TURKS ISLAND SALT. ABPTJU5.000 hxiahelanow afloat, par barque Law rence. For sale by AQAMS, BRU.4- CO. Dec 23 ' ..; ,. ,,s , ' 120 BEEF. On BBLS. No. l.for ealebv U,. , .'. r ELL1S RUSSELL A CO. . Dec.' 3j). f :M 122. NO HUMBUG. SELLING OFF TO CLOSE BUSINESS. ' HW..ARNOLD begs leave Jto Inform the eitlaena .of Wilmington, and the aurroondlpz eounties. that bs has engaged la a busipeee 1st rlUdtlphla that will rronlra him about the middle of Jannanr 10 leave Wilmington, and wilt sell the balance o(4 bis Bioel 01 Ready. made Clothing and Genie Fur nlshlng articles efr, either at wholesale of .re lall. Persons requiring any Ihlni in hit Una of bu slneea have an indufement offsred them worthy of tneiraneniion, at m twining r.mporjqm, aouth side of Market street, below Front,... - . " N. B. A purchaser fot the whole stock and fix tureet.waated.' r i , SUGAR. 5 BHDS. Patio Rko, B ( S. Cmx, tot reTa by Y. : , . .:! : RLLtd, RUSELL CO. Dee. 30. . v.- '. . '.., . . '-!- HOT Listcci :: B3LS. HMork i.v.'u . . ' ' U3O de Crackers. u-r, Sod anal Butter IS kegs Goebca Buttf r j ... . , 25 do. Stqarts Stestt refined aiuwea ' 4 Qoarter Pijies French Brandy t ' a V' S-8 , do do. do. , . , It bbla.O!dMononrabIniilskyi , 10 00. ; do. Applo krvndy ; : , , t; , Soaffc. aadlca. kljuch. Pitinr. t'lnu.la BSw Pefdef ta krga and canisters, enort at. . For Bala J 'H .''. ZE.N(H,GaEJCNE. .-: . I1V Nov. T. ropy, , i DENTAL NOTICE, r V Dtt- w' M-8HHftW'cfcD,forBwr1w ftht.-Jk' DPii, end WBetkal UeatUt Urn IM I TT 7tha last 7. years, -iufutmrn kla ftmA, and ibe pnbDe g enerettyv that he bee loeatrd tm mimtngtoa, oa rrent-atrrei rotner of OTanre. . where he is prepared ta attend 10 all call ta the Baa of his profession. Boosts expwsaJy Jot the terra-. : Hoa of Ladies. , He Is ladoeed la hooo that iheliL rsUtieit(e formcrry tvttutti tm idaav bmt hV vsNuineayinetinensof nunlagtoafaA vicia- turks Island salt. SOOn Btts?KLS afloat for ta Uts sis) at 27 CIS If applied fot immediately, , , ' FREEMAN m HOUSTON;. ! Dm3D - ... ,I2J-Ia PLOUGHS PLOUGHS. kinds, iasiftigrfbf the saanA : For mU "XT mill slebv J 1 Dee 30 n..uMunx, NCTeopy, 12J.1 PRESTON'S . . ' v . TIME 1ND INTEREST TABLE. f Dot Pfeetoa's aoAptsfs Zlmosad latrresi Ta 1 blcs, mm received Aadfor sale at, . , . W VW. tVHITAatEirt; ? Dee .'. -. ;U. , 3S SALT U01RLY EXPEiTrED;!! THE schr. Samuel &. Potter, la row daily axpacv e d, with t cargo. of Alum Salu For sale by KUUT. O. RANKIN, . . Corner Dock and Water at a. t FIVE TOWN LOTS FOR SALE. 1 4 -rrv . " IPWVl BOTHWELL d McAUSLlN. .Dec. 16. . ...,' .'117. 5 justIieced: : : ZTl Barrels superior Fayatlelllla Flour til able, snperier Baltimore do. For sale by . ttulHW fcLL 4k McAUSLIN. Dec. 10. tflEESE AND BUTTE3. ; v OCA BOXES Cheese, and 20 firkins Salter, for W by , FREEMAN A HOUSTON. ' m-w.,s,. ;s ('..,'- lit. ' 0UTCALT5 SNUFF. 8BBLS. in start, fog aale by; i t. - v . eipAMS, BRO. V CO. 1 " Al . 130. ' " ' "3 EIVED. 'v A8UPPLrof-Col'BGeIeiJnt, Ssbbltfs Yeast . ,Poffjwflfrton'P'ATanll la.Ae. For sole low, by . f - r. . ,o - . B. A i. A.' EVANS. , Dec. 18. r. r ilia. " -T-l 1.. . - 1 inn, i.a sisrn . -1 ' . MOLASSES. - OrvHHDS superior MaaeoVsdo Holassee, ft' Wsalefty t,w.,. . L.N,BARLOW,' Nov.jft. raniterqw. Front at. -tr- NEW RAJSINS ANP FIp. 1 00 Bd nm RalaMaaad Fig I VVS fresh Inporraiion, for eels by - Figa r.-.i.. FREEMAN 4k HOUSTON. Dee. 18. 118. NEW LARD. TN bbls. and kegs, for aale by . , A u FREEMAN A HOUSTON. Dec. 18. . . .us. LINSEED OIL. IN hhds and bbl, warranted a pare article for sale by .-FREEMAN A HOUSTON Nov. 1). 101. QM RBLS. N. Y. Applet; 100 boxea new crop ulRiklmi 50 drmas new -trop Figs 1 r-al' Bordo AImons, bags new Wamut,. baga r bens, bsgsaew BraxlJ Nuta, boxea CI 1 roa, bs.nc. erop Currant, boxes Vsamela Ralttea for cook lag" For aale low, b) WILKINSON A ESLER. Nov. 20. ' -t. - 107. AMPEJT WANTED. LL Peraonsiodetttad 10 Geo. Mrxae. will pleaea call and settle, or expect a sail la a taw day. , : Jan.4. ,.", : ,. - T 124. - BACON AND PORK. 5' HHDS J Superior Bacon SWes and Sboaldera 20 bUs. City Mesa Pork. For sale by , ' 1 . HATHAWAY A SON!' Dee, 16. v . ' ,, .' 117.' FAYiVJIXfiFLCUfL; 1 1M BBLS. last in start. Tor aale bv ' 'v- . 1 W v FREEMAN A HOUSTON. Dee. 19. .-iVH''-v ;ir.''' ""Iheu THREE Bbls. New Shall Baik. oat reeelveA - . ' . .- v L.N. BARLOW, s Dee. 19. - .. -jw-jw-ti ..,. V; -H,y DRJED APPLES.' A Choice Mai SUded Applea. For sale by ' ' f. i . . Jit--;,'.- L.N. BARLOW. Dee. 18. v' 1 118. r MOUNTAIN BUTTEn;t : 1 C KE9S oprlof artMefor teby ? 1 1 . ELLIn, RC-JSLLL CO. 7 Dee. 30. -hXut.i:r , ;;f. m : : BACON rfl HHDS Sides j20 do. ihouyrrs. for tale b Dec. 30. i Urn : AXES ! !. . AXES? f JU.ST Rer ci ved, 5 full aupply of the evrf ind cw, ettAxt evr broighl loNoiih Carolim. conslal- Ing of heavy Timber, Boxing, CJub and bey Axee;' made expressly for me, and everv Axe " v.. J, BI. SUtH.OH. . Wllmtngton, Dee. 30. ; . yltt.i . BUCKWHEAT. "tff BA09 rreahGmand. iyU : , -. - For sale r.y ELLIS, Kl'JiSKLL dk CO : ;' 123 1 "' Dee. 30. MOLASSES. Cienfucgna Mn' - Molatsca,, .tjutf received and for sal "iw ID' A Ca. .,96 ,Ocl 28. IN STORED , ; Red S'one Brand r on BBLS JKJ so Bbia. Sur"' t' . : " . 10 Ebla. Eiii 1 I itm!am Flnfr; " For sale by ., ELLIS, prr: It C