1? m) (is n ill I il 111 ! Ul i il '. Aiiii 1UU.1U jLU2 UUW . '. . 7 i; Ml I Ml I Hll I III! VOL:7NO.:143; ran TIM-HKEIiLV tOUJlERCUL, ' I Published every ToesDAt, Thursday and Sat vsoa at 5 per annum, payable in all cases in ad ' ranee. -'- "' ' '" - ' fst ;.: y 'V- ' BY THOMAS LORINQ EQitoaandPaoPRiEToa. : Corner ar rout auit ffiarxet streets. RATES OF ADVERTISING 1 eqr. I Insertion i 3 ;.--. 1 .".t month, y. SO 60 1 iqr. 2 monthi, 84 00 . 6 00 s oo 12 oo , . 75 1 00 3 60 .Ten lines or less make a aquare. If an idvertiae- mem exceed ten linet, the price wilt be Jo, propor tan. 1 . ' ''. -' -f ' 'S.. ", ' , ', All advertisements arc payable at the Ume'dfihetr mcrtlotu" -' ; - - ' 1.. ,- ' - - - -" Cjatraou with yearly advertisers, will lie mado ' J .U. -ui Ilk. ..I . : . J - : .- '- - v. . Ti transfer of coutrscte 'for yearly adrertialot will be pernalUed. , SUotild Ireuraatanaea render a eiinje In bmlnesi, of in itaejcpected renidvul 'nc tMry, a charge according to (lie published 'forma Will be t ihe'opiWJq of the contractor, for the time kThe' prijrilee of Annual Advertisers Is strictly llmltea td.lheir own Immeaiote bmineitt sad au j arfvfertleements for the benefit of ottwir fxttsMs, a 'wan all advertUemenuolauiaiBtely con net ted wtth thtolr own. business, tnd alhV:s of, d yqf-ilscoientIn length or otherwlo,v beyond the limits enjraged, will be charged at tho usual rates. " advertlterhont t ineladed in he contract for he sale qrret of houses pr l$nds In town or coun r. or for the sale or hire of Negroes, whethtr the property Is owned by the adyerttber or by who one. ' These are excluded by the term. 'Hmmi oy oiner rw mtauat AQ adrertltemeQtslnMrt4 ia thelriweekly Com mnial, are entitled to 0oe lnsertlqn in the Wtckly fr6roharg.A'?- s-'v - ". JOB, CARD ANQ fANCY PRINTING, : eiecnted lit superior f tyle. li21iH " f AGENTS FOR THE COMMERCIAL. - T t 1 ii' . . t NttiYork Messrs. BaownA DtSLossay, lit York an oston- B. VAitt. Boiton Paaoia-jck Kidokb. ; - Philadelphia St fe. Coh3. ' ' r BUSINESS' tARDS. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, Central rommisjioi anJ Eorwarding merchant, Frpmpt personat latteiitlou' firtn t CousIku. .i ' 4MtlU fo M to tJhlpmeut, LibtM-Quk;mr-mMd CumgntAenU to 1 f'.-jnJrW toW iVe -Vitttfiithdt, $ TUmlitttOB,Jan;30;n952; tf v i m COJBJSSIOrASD rOHWiRDlSO MEBCUhM, 1 . WlLMINQTON,l'W.U .' H , 4 1.GVVYEH, Geieral iteot, Forwardlui and Commission fv-tUiVrVtt.-f MERCHANT, ' X;" ' I Uke plelsare In Informing my rnondj, that I am prepared to all baslneea entrusted tome cfil cleat and' personal attention.-. I have a wharf rpf Naral siturea, wtth ample, accommodations, bpirlt Hiusa,aad Warohirase, 'Consignments of NaVal Stores for sal or shipment and alt kinds of tout , try produce olloited. Cash advances ma le on eon- Anitllie. t852. . IS WHOLESALfifaND RETAIL GROCER Kw piutdiUly .lad, -Wms, Tuu, Uqaor, Provisions, Woti 'dnd Willow Ware, Fruit, ) Cofaihariei, ft. - South Front street, WILLIAU !I. II1RRISS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT t -r " ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Strict a'ttenllon given toproeuYIaf Froljfhts and pDreliulng cargoes for Vesaels. KmatMccs t '- '.ir ' 0.a,Patsley, Esq., , 4 ) Wilmington. Messrs. Duiller 4 Uantlngtoh 3 Messrs. ias. C'ornor & Sons, rJaltlriVorc. . .4. BA. Sfftrder, k Uo., Fhlladulphla. PilUbuy'& Sandford, J New YorK' Hlia(fn,a!tTttna. Botoii.i ; J. 0.1. Pitoomb, Kennebnnk.Mo., ' July i;( I852.l . 02 COISISSIOX JiRSWWIBOIMi MEElUlM J vWILMIJIGTOM, N. C. iuB22.' .hms;?'!,; 42-lt-mc. S. M. WEST, ' ; ' AUCTIONEER AND . COMMISSION SIEUCIIANT, J ; , WILMINGTON, NX, ' Jnrf2;i8B2 f:l-v-,-T.i-, ' 38-Iy J, HATHA WAY SON, ' 50imission:merchants, wilmington, n. c. I. ttlTllAWiV. viKb.lf Jfl2. ;iASf tUvCIf APiPOURN & CO., General "Comcilsslon Merchants, !'"WILMINGT0N; N. C. A ;; .C , Jas, H.' CttAbsoeajr; Geo, C HADS9VBN. Jan. i. looi. 123 ELLIS. RUSSELL & Co, GENERAL CoAftflSSlbatMEItCltANTS 'yrt-Ut, issn . aussai.i,ios.. aoseait ' ,ir:."in,i ! ' "hi ' '. . 1 ' 111 V general Ceaciisslai Uerchan t r , . . sir i r MiMrfi'nv m . - QTRIOT Btteatloa ghron to piocarlni Freight jj.a nq p urcnasmgyareoooi rrei si i . .PsloySfir v.", .i... 'J. A.Taylof.Bsq,. . WIlmlBtn, olla tlaira.BtiUArdA HllIltlDfftOBl ' : 71 ' -messrs. ipoKor,amyin f v0rk V v lfc.,. . Mum I ' I ' .. i v.. Thnmn.on A Hunter. f 4" Alorr.Hewff,JrliPhlladelnhIa fcl. JOSEPH H. FLANNER ! General Cosiialsslon Mcrcban i'A ' T r LM TON , If . C, f 'T:: DOLLtfER & P0TTEH:U GENERAL epiHiflSSlON MEHCnANTS, vLiatlAL CASH ADVAKCSS MACS ON lit COie. March 16, IBS V , .'J; 185-lyp v i , DENTISTRY. T - .v Mr e siM a mw st mtlS-un! ralsned has b"nn ensastd fourteen k.X years In Pen tat Practice t during the last' fov yesrs nir" ia id nron w7,ti. ,i ,v - . . He I ' -ntd ia i Wilmington,: ini 1 has hU Ov.oe iioirfy orrndsitbihe Carolina Uoteli , "PaWoBatt itjs?5lfullyiolIcUfd.i r J!L k.spencrr ; : POLISHED TRM7ET3LY, WILMINGTON. N. C, TOESDAyMORNING FEBRUARY BUSINESS CARDS. ' ir, CORNELIUS DuPRfe. , : jrno(.B 8ah anp'b?tl BcaCeh in ' . Drags, Medklnee, Chemicals, Valnts, Olt, Dye Studs, Glass, 'Perfumery,- Clcafs, tr, - Old Uquors, Fanr Arpei,4e;, " ! MARKKTS,RKKT, WlIiMtN UfON, N. C. Prescrlptionscatefnllycorapourjdfd by expert nced persons. . ' ' y March 28. 1652.r : - - : - vANDERSON & SAVAGE GENERa'Jj COMMIBSIOlf SfERCHANTS, JAME8 ANDBBSOS. ''V " EDWABD SAVAGE. July I, 1652. 46-12m. ; 'a.;atjamb,'v' V;H .; ' n. t. adamb i ADAMS, BROTHER Co. ; 4 ! (LateBaVryi RryantA Adams.) COMMISSION MBttCH ANTS " WILMIJJGTON.NiC, ' Julyl. 1862. . - - - U V, BROWN k DEROSSET. ' - x " WKW YORK. GENERA LCQ1WMISSION MERCHANTS. Marcl.17 1862 . 'ViWl, GEO. U. KELLY. COMMISSION MERmANT. Nextdimi to A! "A. (Vannpt'k an North Water st will attend to the sale of allkinds bf Country Prq, iuce.auch as Corn. Peas. Meal. Bacon. Lard'Jde.. indwillkeeDOonsiantlven hand a foil suddI v of (Iroccrles.Ac. . .. . . - V t (toTimMiijit11 , WillesHnlLof Wayne, JdhnHcRae, Wilmington W. Caraway, v Gen. Alx.. McRae. ",. IS. r . naTT, vv iimington , yvney A. , aiaei , vec. is, icui. . iio-ir. J. C. LATTAr r . COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AND GENERAL-AGENT, ' MCBlltfaTbN.N.C. Oet.l 18B2. "' .' 87 MILES CCSTIN, COMMISSION MERCHA NT WILMINGTON, N. vl RKfEB TO i VI ' E.P.1lIall)Esq.,Prcs't B ranch State 1 Bank. I Thos. H. Wright, Esq., Prcf't Bank ( Wilmlng- Cape Fear, f ton, N. C. O.G. Parsley, Esq., Pres'i Commcr-1 clal Bank, . . Dec. 1$. 1851 , H8-f. THOS. F. CAUSE. Commission Merchant & Auctioneer. Oflice in Haltsupper bulidlug.NorUi VVater Where he wlllb happy to attend' to all orders in either branch of his bnelness. :. 'wiiiningtota.prj'ci pec. 2i, test ii-tr. i 1 1 h I ii i k I f 111 I i i , nrimili n dpidp COLLECTOR AM-' ADVERTUIfG 1CUT For(, Cpuutry Newspapers' throughout he Basement of Sun Iron Ep 'dings, Baltimore street All business er.rustcd1 to his care transacted promptly, op liberal terms. sept i sa-t - J. D. LOVE, MANUFACTURER ANQ DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, Ac. Ac. , . Front street, Houth or Market, BROWN'S BITILDINU, WIL11INOTUN, N. C. Sepf. 18, 1852. 79-y-c GEO. 0. VANAMRINGE, BROKER, AND MERCANTILE AGENT, -, W1LMINOTON, N. C. ' PARTICpLAR attention paid to the purchase or saleof all (descriptions of Merchandise and Pro duce, and on which one per cent commission win becliargeJ. Any business Intrusted to nit will re ceive prompt and persona! attention.' His desk for tho present is in tne omca 01 air. vvm. a. uwycr. .. .15 .1 , RBPSBgtiCE8 t Messrs. Eflli, Russell & Co., ) " Adams Bro. feCe., V Wilmington. " ' J.'R. Blossom, Esq. August 14. 65.-e , C. FREEMAN. VitEEMAN CEORQE HOUSTON, As HOUSTON, AND FACTORS!.- MERCHANTS WILMIN GTON, N. Q. I. C. FREEMAN A CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1T FRONT STREET, ' NEW YORK. FREEMAN AND HOU&TOS, WILMINGTON. N. C. TEEP constantly on hand a stock of Flour, r rf . . t jl r 0. N t-r.. AT lout. Tobactio, Ciadr;.Snuff. Candle, Soap. For- lin una uomcmc nuuun iiw irw;' NaUt, Paint, (HI, Otau, DomtUici, ttat$ B00U, Shot, Leather, Agricultural Implement, and a va riety of other articles, suitable for family and plan tation use and the retail trade' which 'they will dispose of In lots to suit dealers or consumers on reasonable terms tor casn, or in excuange torn a vsl . Stores or other produce. The senior partner Dl'C. Ebccmak, la located Inn the city ;ef New Yorn the lonlor partner, Uxo. Hoditos. in Wllmlnffton!' If desired, advances. will be made on conslgrimeftts ro and from either place.- Air business entrusted to'them wilt receive proper attention 1 and orders for Goods wilt bo promptly and carefully filled. ;. Sept.. ' ' : ' 70-f- McRE& HARRISS, . IMPORTEKS AND WIIOLKSiLJE AND Retail DEALEHsiN r, CHINA; GLASS, AND EARTHEN : .'WARE, --. AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. " West side lront street, between Market Biid yy-,-, Dock streets, - Wit UlN QJON, N, C .P Oetober2, ''. - "w' 85, ; .,, in in in In. it i. I ..i ti 1. n I." WtSHBtlvx.tyA. v-J -.; , i- U. B. El LQM. WESSEL EILERS. v pOMMISSION M ERCHANTS AND'WHOLE-I oALS uhwkiw, worm water street, Wil mington, N-'C, Intend to keep at the above stand a general assortment of Groceries, Liquors, and Provisions at 'wholesale-rand eairyoa a GcncralCommlsslon Buslnef,'4..r'fi , , , . BBraacB l :3""'.'T i ; K. Pi Hall. Prcs't Brch Bank of the State. ite. V O. G. Panler.-Pres't Commercial Bank. ; Wil P.K.uicKinsoa. Bf. -V ' Jan. 20 185Z 1 v" V f r:-. XIW WILKINSON & ESLER. U I ponrectlbnary, Fralt. Nats, Toys.FaneyAr" licies. i-enumery, 1 oesexo. erars. e., t 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL? S '.;'" "'f MABKtT STREET, ' f u "-WILMINGTON N.C.'" ' K ' ' Nor.S0.t851. ' . ;t0-tf M T303IAS LOHLN'G PUEUSaEH THE ORCEHS, RESOLUTIONS mmi miimi)imiwi . - - . f. ii I -,.. - ( - BUSLNESS CARDS. : a. ii. r aiiuvuniiLiLui, GENERAL AGENT,' COMMISSION AM) FORWARDWQ MKRCIIAXT, - r' ! V " WILMINGTON, N. C. -'Particular attention "giren to sale and purchase of Naval 8tores. - " . ' Jan l.l85i . ; . - . . 123-ly, WE HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A ' Large supply of Msck, Nutmegs, Cinnimon 2. Cloves, Spice, Ginger, Ac., at wholesale or re tall. v8.B.J.A.EVAN8. Dee. 18. . . 118." SHIPPING ARTICLES. A HANDSOUa Wltlon of Shipping Articles, just prfntei) Bad for silo t 1 TttOcnncreial umct, eqaai to any aa yevimporten tfom ew York." v . . V : Orders for a Ream or mere will bo rilled at a cost of 10 to 20 per cent, cheaper Ifyaa they are In New T Nptr.10.186I. : ; 3 102-tf ;':-(MRlOTSHffi rpIE Subscribers ha.ve (his day entered Into Co J. pannersnip, mr me rransacuon oi a ' General Agency tt Commission Business; v under4he style of GILLESPIE. ROTHWELL A McADSLAN. All orders promptly attended to, and liberal cash advances maae on consignments . . Q S. GILLESPIE, A1. B. ROTHWELL, JOHN McAUSLAN. .Jan. 22. - 132. 1 BROTHERS LINE. THE New Steamer ''DooeiAio" having been added to this Line, and now fwvlng wa light draft Steamers and four Tow Boats) $r in kocn) ef aer, toe rropnetors are preparea to iranspon ireizni to Fayettevllle and the intermediate landings, wth as qutcx aespatcn as any otner Line. J.S. BANKS, Anf. June 22. ' 42 tf. WAY FREIGHT NOTICE. FROM and after this date all freight shipped by Brother's Line, to or from Wilmington will be charged to Shippers or Consigneee at Wilmington i jun dadi Agent. .Nov 2. , :;' 99-tf : , : . .. i i.l : , b POISONING. THOUSANDS of parents who nse Vermifuge composed of Castor oil, Calomel, dtc, are not a wore, that while th.ey appear to benefit the patients they are actually laying trie foundations efor a serie of diseases, such as salivation, loss uf sight, weak- II I . A . . . 'I oi iiinui, wc. ' In another column will be fouud the advertise went of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask thd attention of all directly Interested In their own as well as their children's Henjiir. in L.tver uom nlaints and all disorders arising from those of a bil llous typo, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Hobensack's Liver Pius.. notdaceivtd," but ask for Hobensack's Worm Simib and Liver Pills, and observe that each has life signature oi tne proprietor) t. a . nvnr.iv SACK, as none else are genuine. - V . r r Bt ' rtAnnai iuly27. f NEU COMMISSION HOUSE. THE subscribers haVe entered Into Copartner ship under the firm ef PEN DL ETQ1 B RO- THKR, fijr HVe trBpfflctn pf the CoMmiseiob Bosihbss In Tobacco, Cation and Produce generally, and have taken Warekousi No. 120 Smith's Wuadi1 Baltimomb. Md. R. W. PENDLETON, P. P. PENDLETON. Baltimora, Aug. 10th, 1852. ' JRtftrehcti : ' Hugh Jenkins & Co'.j Saltfritore. P. W. Brunei Sons, " Wm. Wilson & Sons, " Edwin Wortham &, Co., Richmond. Archb'd Thomas & Son, " HugljW. Fry, , . " Rhodes & Outlays Bridgeport, Ohio. John Cieigh, Cincinnati. uorden uo., Louisville. W. H. Bariless, Charleston, S. C. OtlaJ.Chafce, " James M'Cullugh, Plttsbnrg. ttjwn ifcKirkpatrlck, " Z, Chafec, '!' U. Lamb, bJ,Aasn r i. w n naiiK, tvneeung. S. Brady, EM, ".Mer.rf-Mech." " Jamea R. Baker, Wheeling. ' . Josiah Sibley, Hamburg, S. C. Henry A. Schroader, Mobile, Alabama. A. r.. Gaines, New Orleans. Oct. 6. 87-Cme, COAL! COAL! COAL! 1 ff TONS best Red Ash Coal, for Parlor 1V.U use, just received and for tale in lots to suit, at 80 per ton, delivered, cash. DeRO$S.T & BROWN. Jan 18. ' .130 1 - - - fc NOTICE. THOSE indebted to Wilkinson AEsler, wil Icoafer a favor by calllneand aettllns, as their bills are pow ready at.ihe 1, ,, FRUIT DEPOTi . " r "Ni WE HAVE NOW ON HAND THOSE fine brands of Tobacco, El Sacmmento, Cabinets, Gold Ear, or twst Tobacco, which we are selling at a I6w price. . - - ' . WILKINSON & ESLER. Jan.UO.i ' . 131, ' PAYETTEVILLE FLOUR. ff BBLS. Fayettevllle Flour. For'sale by HOWARD. ,128 Jan 13 STEAMBOAT NAVIGATION OF THE, NORTH EAST RIVER. .mam THE STEAMBOAT Mi a. Lrv-"',g.7" "a ugntera ia J LlBu lHMd.TemiwranM.S aad Klnr. ' WU leave for South Washington, week ly. Freight for that point, or the way landings, will be received at my warehouse. .' ' It is hoped the public will sustain with their pat ronage mis enon at navigating the rv. K. suver. WM. A. GWYER. Nov, 18. 1 : 106-6mc. PATENT MEDICINES. boxes Tswn gross Bate cross oran- Beckwlth's do 0 doi Noflat's do.. 1 erosa Cherry, Pectoral, 4 dox Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, c. Ac 1 - CDs PRE, . ':'- ' ' D(uggistand Apothecary. ' March 30. 1 . f WOOL HATS ! WOOL HATS ! . A FEW hundred doxen left oa hand, very low by 4 lite cmo via vz,sn, V ; . . i . ; ' Wo iV 'viCi MVER5, Hatter tC AHfi LBS. PURE WHITE LEAD, (best JjUVVhraml Also, 200 cillone Linseed OU, iunniHiiigiuinnigw,gi ' w S . . 8. R. A J. A. EVANS. Dee. 13. 1 4. 1 . 118. DISCOUNT NOTES. BLANK tyOTESs, for dlseouut.al the several baoksln this place, and p haodaoxae edition lustprtmed of notes embracing si I the bank ,for sale at the umce ol 7 ni trOmmsreiei." . -..-OetSaV; a,'.i v S .v .' '".' "; 89 OCB8LS. kuperlor.juet recelvedlnd for sale ZD by , ADAM'S BRO, fit Co. " JuneoV 35. A BOXES SantTi Sarsaparllla, 2 s aend'a ojb..! 9 dox Rialey'e do., 3 rnan't Droits, 'gross Wright's Pills. 1 jthr Kit, 1 BMB Da4a.. A I J.. 6 dox rz KE W FURNITURE. .1' . -r-J Irrnl aflPe.ubKriber would respectfully Invite thea, A'teniion of rtre oublle te his stock of Farnliara. now being received by the Philadelphia, New York ami Boston packets. Having recently mads aa addition to oil already very extensive Ware Rooms, he will be enabled to keep oa ba.nl as fomptcte an assortment at can be found in aeyeeiakriahfneatiel the kind. Sad Davlftff onrehawd neartK all at hi. (goods of fhaitulacturers,he cao sell at very reason- r, is., mi iuiivwit)ganicics may aeionaa In bise. tab!!hmBt. '.!. Sofa., Block Walnut and Mautgony,Jn plush, hair cloth, brocatelle or D'Laiae j.' yTeteaTtteej Divans i ' Staffed scat Rocking and easy Chairs 'Gothio-sr and aittfni. Chairs t 1 Sofa,iCe e. Pier, Beqaei, and work Tables t Ela" Ottc Fine . r Piano i v8idebo! Diol. Crickets', aad Teapoys jor Pier Glasses! s. Stools and Musle Stands t , hxteasloa and other Dining Tables , Baa French and cooimoa i eeer Etagbc .'ortaNe Desks, In rosewood, mahog- ty, oiacs waimt, or penta naeae 4 -TTne Library Chairs and Lounges i Dressing Bureaus, plain and Marble j Washstandi, every vsrlety t , WardrobeSj- uaheguy, walnut and palnteJ j About 00 Bedsteads, French, Collage, high Post, . . half pdst.JfJeld and Cqi.wmahbgany, walnut, cherry, maple and iron j - - Maurasees, curled, bur, moss and springs Towel Stands i . - Painted setts of Chsmber Furniture t -Chairs, and Rockers t about 125 doxen Cane and WoodSeatt -,- ' Hat trees, walont mihogany and Iron ' Counting RooraandOffice Desks, Chairs, Stools and Shelvesi ,;.! CsneSeat high Stools, with back, a new article ; Counter and Ste:uboat Stools i Looking Glasses, every dcscrlpllqn, ' from 2 cents to 1100 1 Children' Cabs, Csniares, Horses, Rockers Cribs, Cfhairs, Cradles, Trundle Bedsteads, and Toy BureajtBi , Work Boxesf l i .'' Refrigerators. Water Coolers. Baths. f-e. ; Almost every artlclo that may be wanted In thir line; J, V. L.UVK, Front street. Sept. 11. town papers copy , 79-tf A CARD, rpH E subscriber is now opening, at hi old stand A north side Market street, the lareest and bent sssortment of Hats. Cans. Umbrellas and Walklno Canes, ever offered In this market 1 to which' he would repootfully call the attention or all wishine to purchase, eiiher at wholeiaje or retull, v Prices will be found ss low as ia . an v market. North or South. A call is Is sollcnerf from sll wishing to purcnase. tj.flllfJs.lV3, Hatter. opt 15. - 83 BJtOpANS ! DROGiNS! BR0GANS f i,uv rair men s iouuie ooie, 600 do Boys' ' do do vv 400 Women's Planters. t ThA beat in market. Just received, and for sale as encap-cs tne cneapest. Oct. 21. . . Market sireet.Wlow the big Boot. STILLS WANTED A WNTED Immediately, two second hand Tur pentine tills to run each 10 or 12 bsereU Old Di ip. Applyim ANDlvRSON A 8AVA&P,i': Oct. 23. fAi'l ,95. FOR SALE, A FINE lotof HAVANA SEGARS, warranted good, either at private sale or at auction. For sale by M. COST1N. Dec. 10. iu 1 COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers h'atp entered Jnto Copartner ship, under xhe rimmo'iibd style of burrow, Sovtrmavd A Co.. for the purpose of building or repairing all kinds of Machinery, and carrying on a general Biacksmitning, iron ana urate r ounory Business. In the town of Wilmington would be thankful for any order in either of the above bran ches of business from their town or country friends, Mr. Sutton having feeently.rpturned from the north, where he ba purchased' an . assortment of tdjjls, whicjwla addition to thoso we now'liave will ena ble na to fill all orders with despatch, '- Our cbargesshall compare favorably with those of any other establishment. wn.auiiun. THQS. SOUTHMAYD, ; CHAS.'8QUTHMAYD. Marcji?. Jour, and Her. l'Veek." ,149 ; TO THE. PUBLIC. THE Subscriber has leased for a ter n of years, of R. W. Brown, Esq., his fire-proof store, with his wharves, and is pow in a condition to take es pecial care of Spirits Turpentine and other Naval 8ioreeooroalujl to.hls care. ,The Warehouse is well known to bcrtis'besl and safest plane In itown for the etordgeof Bacon, Lard. Corn, Peas, Ac The lower wnsrves have on them four laree new sheds, where Soirtts can be esfelv Kent from the rain and aun. He ia prepared to receive and ahip, or sell, all kinds of produce sent te hie care. He win also make advancea wnenreauirea. i . ,- He begs to refer to the rollpsingentlement K. w. Brown, Vohn uatwson, u.u.paratey.andTnos. H. Wright, Eiqrs. . ' ' ..1,; , MILES COST1N. 5 - ' ' Brown's wharf Wllraington, N. C. pt.l " T " 77. i SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY. tv Formerly conducted bv Quy Q.'lIolcJikiit THE DBbllcare hereby Informed .that J have been a appointed agent BM-incyaajeoi winnow asn, BUndeandlon.mAUraisciardbr the New Ha- venCo.,Bnd am prepared to Bilailonlersinihssbove line. The fluatlt vol the workol the New Haven Co. is wellfcnown In this market. Balldero and ail persons in want ot tne, above articles, are roqueoted tosendinthcirerdere.aad they will be promptly fxtted , Termsiavariabiy cash on delivery. ' t WM. A. ftWVRR. QtneralAztTil CommUtim and Forwarding Mer chant. ,'v... . ,. v. April 18.' V C 15 WILMINOTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subscriber bsvtog accepted Ibe agency ol several largeeatablishmenis at i Norin, which will furnish hint an anllmlted supply $ Bn jswsd or nnfinlshek, foreinand domestic MARBLiroIali quslltles, ispreparad infill all arders for . -; BiunujnKiiTBi ANV lusnu btubkb, -and every other article In lb Una of thd bualnes at reasonsble ratea. - .' A i . SCULPTURING. LETTERISO OR CARVINft. Rxecntedaswcllas can be done either North or ' Thd beat ctreforenee eaa be given, ir required. " ::,F; U, ' -i.,- JAS.McCLARANAN. ' . Jantt. , V m s. . - r - - 1 25-'f EXTR A NOTICE TO UDIES .ONLY. THE subscriber would eel! the attsntlon Of La dlee 10 his assortment of Christmas . Fixing Rslslnst Citron, Currants Confeetlonailes 1 Ap ples 1 Nutsi 'tJmiis j . Gelatine j Isinglass ; CooX Ing Wlneet Preserves,'. Jellies t Pickle Sauces Catenae 1 Dried Peaches 1. Dried Apples Cranber ries, Powdered. Crushed, and Loaf Sugar, ne 8 west Cldei t 8hell Berks t with every thing an- Sertalnlng to the goad tbinc requisite for the hot daye. An a.sortment of GoodyeeeToye. , . . . Thesuoceesof thl establishment la to be attrib uted te the etceedlnel low erlees. and auperlority f Goods 1 Tsas of the Wat grade, lower than ever, from 76 eentsto f 1 per lb Jbest qoslty, at toe ortg trial FamUv Grocery, Front street, j. - &DmU. . rGEO.MTERS'i AND LAWS C? C0XCREC3. ,, - , -J-,,,-,, M , t ,m , , n n run n.n.n u'.'i-ii- 1 5; 1853-" ' JULLS QR EXCHANGE' .rv - A t HKUUUBD PRICKS. BLANK UlLLS Or EXCHAKQk, sa tai paper and of a very handsome Impression, for s -"mmo..yif oosnd is Booia e vajvus wies.saa in .Meets. .Oct.I8.v ' . Y" 92. COAL YARD. THE SUBSCRIBERS aavlair determined te keep a supply o the best quality ef COAL ee hand, would Inform thecitlxeaa that n the course ot tea days they will be prepared to furnish famines with any quantity, delivered ia any nan of the town or at ihelr yard oa North Wster streefc Terma oath. ELLIS, RVSSKLL Co. MyW. g fid DRUGS AND MEDICINES. , JUST RECEIVED. 1 fLLBS- 0aw Opium, (TerkeT,) 200 lbs Salt uyj,J?'JQJbtQ',m Arable, 30 Ibe Alixaader Benna, 20 Ibe fc. J. Senna, 1 bbl Cam Camphor, 1 Ml Cream of Tsrtarl bbl Carb. Soda, I caak Sal. Soda, 2 cases Cooper Isinglass, I dox Cox' Gel. stlne, 4 boxes celebrated Span.Epwtier, 12doa box. es YeutPewdpr; . V) .. .. . .... "JL ' : 'r Cl DsPRE, Droi list. ' March 40. .- - -7 " 5, CARD PRINTING. WE remlndths public that the Patent Card Pre IS lODSrStlon at th afflaa of 7H. nmmfil aad that Cards will be printed la superior style, and at reduced erjcei.' Blarjt Cads, resdy forprlnilne "un'ianu.oianeTxes.rrom Tl By ZD to I by? MvssBrar 123-tf. BLANKS. THE following Blanks sre printed snd kept con stantly for sale at the Of&of The CommtrtiaL COMMERCIAL, Shlppln ag., Articles. Rates ef Freight on W. & R. Rail Road. Do. on Line Boats. Bills of Exchange, bound and In sheets. Do. Dotneetie. Negotiable Notesun the several Banka. Do. on all the Banks. tsiiuwf f Lading', Do. Letter. Sheet. Crew Lists. Prices Current. Checks on sll the Banks Charter Party. Manifests of alltiada. Entries Merchandise, uo. Ba ast. Bill of sale of Vessels, MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with dnd vdth Bills of Ssle. out judgment. Negro Passes. Warrantee Deeds Dov of Negroes, Bonds for Negro Hire. Mortgage Deeds. Bonds for the Delivery oil Property. QQVnT BLANKS. un. exponas. Ca Saand Horn Alias Vend. Ex. FI Fa. Subpoenas County and superior Court. Jurors Tickets, County and Superior Court. Writs. All kinds of Blanks and Job, Work, executed to order with neatness and dispatch. DEEDS FOR SALE. ITJaranteeDeede.aadDeedsfoiMortgsgeonland juaipriBieuDcorrecuermanoiorsBia tine CommertiaiOJlce. CHEMICALS FRESH arrivals of the following: 100 oz. Sul phste,Q,uinine, bbl. Epsom Salts, 8 lb pur Sulphate Ainc, 9 Ox Sulphate Morphine, 4 oz Ace tate Morphine, I01be7lua Mass, 15 lbs, English Calomel, 6 oz Peperlne, S gals Spirits Nitre, 2 oz Oil Tobacco, SlbsHyd. Patasss. (English! 2 lbs Iodine.: 2 lbs iodide Arsenic, 2 lbs Chloroform, 1 ox Iodide Copper, 1 ox Valerinate of Iron, I lbs Phosphite Soda, 20 Ibe Sugar Lead, pure, 4 oz Tannin, 1 oz Oxide Mercury, 5 gala aq. Ammonia. 10 lbs Spirits Ammonia A noma t, 10 be Hoffman's Aodyne. For sale by C. DsPRE. . -. r- ., , , Druggist, Market at. March 30. 6. BILLS OF LADING, &c. FOLIO POST BILLS OK LADING bound i n Books xnd shects.also Lelfcx Sheets with e;vsrleiyofarcaDtlIeblanks,forsBieat The Com. mercialOffltt.t. , . .. LIME! LIME!! LIME!! ! fifrBBLS- Llncqlnville White Lamp 1 Iso U WW calcined Plaster! Plasterlne Hair. and Fir Brick, Hydrauli.Cement 1000 bbls.Llme dre.orsaicby t Aq. OL & a. VVOOU . ContracIprsaadBullders. April 8, 1862. SACK SACKS Shit. SALT. For sale by W. C. HOWARD. 124 100 Jan 4. ' KAHNWEILER & BRO. BEO LEAVE TO' ANNOUNCE THEIR SECOND EXHIBITION ' ; This Morning if French Dwtvfiiodi aad Pirii Mill te. - The entire assortment being of Paris Maaufaetare and just received direct, they will comprise all the novtor inej .c-v-- x Nor U I . 10 FRESH FROM NEW YORK. PER Schr. AlarlcMsry Powell and L. P. Smith, .20 Boas Colgates No. 1 Soap; 6 half bbls. Extra Rye Flour 1 10 r. do do do. Low at . -i GEO. H. KELLEY'S. Dec. 10. 117. .-.j'. H. enl N. C. T. copy. " , . NOTICE. rTllR subscriber, respectfully Informs the public, J. that he lanewtrsjiasetln the Auction business on his own eccount. ana hopes by strict atrentionto business, tq merit a continuance of tbat patronage heretofore sollbersliy bestowed upon nim. - - BI. UKAjrVL.! . SrockReal Estate and Negroes, bought and sold on s commlrtWol 1 apt cent either al private or pubue sale. ...... , Jan 8. 1863. '12. CHINA, GLASS & EARTHEN WARE. WE are now receiving, direct from ilhe French and English manufacto ries. 17 pucaaxee Krench Chjqa pinner and Tea Setts, ana rangy vvarn." '': 12 package Edge and C. C Ware la 10 " Anvlfllil ..A t.AljiA Ta. . MMMMt r 0 mum H.K.IMI . vwmimm, .White Granite Dinner and Tea Ware, jtt--. 0 1. and common Toilet colored Ware, assorted. Cane and Rockingham Ware, assorted, 60 " American Qiasa ware, ortce, r 10 11 Stone. Ware, assorted, ', 20 dozen DemtiohnL fjpm to 6 yallons, - t-TConnW Mercnante would find It totlielr ed vanugo to parchsse their stock of as, as w eav tbera a considerable per centsg in freights, con missions, die WJ; ' ':''''&' " .Dinner snd,Te Self Of new aud handiome W m . a 1 .' . . , pattere to tamiuoe bi iw pnree. vi'. - u . iMeRAKA HARRIS8. ' ' V- - Front below Market ttreet, .Aof.28. ' . - -'.N- -70 EMPTY BARRELS. 1 Of EMPTY Spirit Birrel. daily expected pti 1 W schr. GeorgB, Harris, end for safe by ELUS.-RUSSEI.L 4 CO. ;Jan IV ; . . - r: ; .i. r..,,l23 NEW STEAM GRIST MILL. HAVINGconnected a GrUt Mill with our Grata Store, we . are now prepared to furnish (In say qusntlty) a superior tr 'e of Bolted Meal sad 1 h'tntnony, at the very I a ttt market price. , ALeaHraa. Khnrn. 1 .ra! and Cow Feed ! . Ei.LI.jf d4 MITCHELL' WHOLE NO. 1,052. TOBACCO, Lid DUALS siiDenor Chi win T,A-- t. yn . .. - m - ... ... wuim ry? . W.U. HOWARD. SMITIIVILLE MALC Aip FEMALE ACADKMY, lyiLL eommnce Its fonnb session la the new V I ibuildlnr.lSlh aFckmsra mwtA lm ..k.u. tic year 16th Dee 19S3. Oresnhatfoa d a ireiprt.. Mjr. Marj.ty exiepud, whese seivi tee, IXaeceMy, W VeBppikd a (ompcieai AssataaV rot pankalsrs addns the prlacipsl. t- iZ W" " T SBiUttiUe, N. C '. Weeklv JearnsL Fivtir.rtrf. rtk... .Ia . Dee 30 --'':? i-gt jl 172-13 . ' Jl FITS, FiTS. FIT8 - tio oW?'JP SK- VEGETABLE EPlLEP? , TIC PI LLS to he tha oat mm.. j,m a for enrtog EpUepsy'lrf FaffiB. WMm. Thes PiUs . possess a specinc eeuen en tne nervous system and , slthough tAey are pnared eepccUBy foe ib, fwyMm 1 -.---7In, V"WU or shattered fteaa anycBnse whatever. JnrhronleeomplaiBra, or die- ? easra of long stendinc , superinduced bylminl ' they sre exceedlrtf yi!:T ? for W. Personout of the city, eneloeiaf a remit. 4 tanre will have the Pill, sent tmTo3 the m. , X ' te??: 8ETH S. HANCK.Ne. J . . . " wawm oroera nen an nana , ' of the Union must be addressed, aost Mid. ' ' , -, HViJO OIL AND CANDLESLS 7K ::: t i J fl BARRELS Inter Bbarbed Oil, aad 28 box ivii Soenn Candles. bmb anbautu ant.u v.- !?.Dy ' , PeROSSET A BROWN. . Nov. 16. lr.;.' -' - ; , 105. - , STRAAY CUWERS. ONE, SU and eight blades, fpfW by . FREEMAN," JHOfJ) STON. 135; MOTICE is herby given that Students will enter , il for the Second sesfonof this lnitltntlon oat' the 21st, February, I85J. 1 be Building fa Jarge-t commodious, well furnished, aad beautifully sit Ba ted In a neJtrhborhood al onea retired kail ti.althv " ' The iocjtlon i twenty-two mile above WHmtng' iwu, a. a cunTcmcni Distance irem uape rear iv of Steamers. - The course of instruction la this Academy le tnoroogh, embracing the usual depart? menu of English, Mathematical and vitas! Stad. lea, jnd conducting the Student to the Third Year in a Keguisr Collegiate Advancement. The terma for tuition vary according to the Scholarship wiiA- " la the prices,?, 12, 15, and 18 dollar per 8esslo. snd Board mar be obtained near the Academy for J b limited number of Stadents at Atom 6 to 8 dollar per month.'jiRpoks and Siationery are fumUheds ia the Institution at the market rates. The Keeta... . ' hlnofha Aait.m la In iK nmnU.. m. James O. Seweli A. Mr This gentleman Is a araeV uaie 01 one 01 tne nrst uoiiegos in tae yaion," an4 -baa testimonials of aausual dlstmctionTroni Prof. ' W. H. Alien Pres'i of Glrard Colltfye end other . " cha racier of high Classical and Literary authority. ' ror further pariiciriar adrfi, m j , i!hg .,, ,.1 . t. II. t v r . D.D.ALLEN, - - CommUtt. M.CTURRRNTISE.yIir ' t Jsn.20. , . 13Uv COW PEAS. Of BUSHELS Cow Peee, just reeeTvrd aad OUfor aale by ; 'Dc RUSSET d BROWN. - ' Jan 18. AV nni lAiir tninn. A LARGE ami full aesortment, also, ape large ' Copper Kettle, for boiUnj efoihee i For tale by SMITIIVILT.B !: 1 mm : MALE! AND ; FEMALE SEMINARY. v, THE wcond session pf this IuitliutlonwUI com ' -mence on Monday, the 19th of itfllnW, nnder the conjoiot control of the Rev. James il. Brent. A. M and J. W: Mun.hr. A. VU of Iobb experi- X enceln teaching.in theMaleDepsnment.and Mis ' Sarah A. Brent, In the Female. We pass no eulo- H v tie upon the qualifications of the Teachers, know Ing a discriminating public will judge for itself. , - J Uime and try . ontniy report win oe ent to tne . parents and guardian of all the pupils living, ache- . iershlp, attendance, and deportment, - Composition, DeclamBlon and Conversation wil be moot strictly attended to. The Teachers h"U, ' themselves responsible lor tne morality ei all tbwse; eommttted 10 tnev care . - . ommtireojoiflrt Board ea9.be ob Board ceo be obtained with Mr. Brent for 15 or 20 pupile at 87. fa ojjier families at the aame. ' Keeidents win oe required to.psy, tuition montn- ly. Foreign, half of the tuition for the session, in advance. Tnlllnik I. a.fnllnariLM The classics for any class fa any College. A18 00 Second Class in the sane, including highest .. branches of Engllshsclenc ,r v; 16 00 ; English atonr.v n. .i.fc.fV 12 08 '' English Gramrnaripd,Geogntpby,r ' ; ? JO 00 ror ueginnere. , . m. h?,- uv ResdlngJdX;hlrq2Taphy, fh, V, vi 1. - S 00 Modern Langaagesaad ornamental branches , the lowest prices. . , By order of the Board, '"t The weeKiy Herald and journal, tuuorbiov July 24. - ' . 138-lje ''N0Ticr':;:V-vv ALL persons indebted to me 'either by note ef eccount, wiH confer a favor by paying the eamw : " before the l?ih Inst. The balance of my Block of Hals, Caps. Cane snd Umbrellas, will be told st . very low nirurcs, for CaVu, In order to make room, -' ror tne spring traaei - r- c. iu ejis, uatier. .-. , Fen. . l vs.1 - - ' , " COME '0NR- COME ALLrrr" v rpo the most choice variety of good things thar X can ;b found In town. ...Those who wio to transformed ia the season of Fresh Ripe Peaches, can be accommodated, as w have the article sa f fresh es when plucked., piucxsn.iromtne trees. Also, t.j lb Stewana Confectionsries, Trunea, Raisins, Horse Radish t Preset A : Jelly t' Jams t Gin r t Of. ves ; Capers t Apples;' Lcmoae ' Paul do ' V ra d, Co. Extract of N dtmrgi Mace j Clnye ; AU Jilce , Lemon t- yentlla Sok i Citron N c ctariae i amaca Ginsert Thyme , Him dte.t Lick wheat Flour. In bbls. half bble end baira-. Beef Tonrnesr Smoked Beef, 4000 Ibe Choice Bacon Ham. Sloes and Shoulders t Win; Teas and Liquors U every description.' Call pud sec at the original Grocery. Feb. S: 138. SEGir.S,SEGABS. 8 F. have now on tand, Sag r of the moot popu lar breads, tin uortad snd Domestic, whirtf we ars no)V oltorlnff at tow prices. . i , - ; WILKINSON eVESL ESLER. 131. ; ri UEITG LEAR. TyTo. 1, extra, snd r re,!" keg of iSand 601b.' leai I each, fureeloby EEMAN dt HOUSTON. Jant ' " -.M'.iv v.JUTCHESri.i,-. r El GROSS, jum laodedKwttt Bad withoat.aal ILKINsbNAtSLEff.' 131. . I FEW LAWL: , ' : I TNCIUDINO Orenl.r s erulae en Real Prope . . JPfc. 5" i, i i- ,.. , 137' 9 5f- 1

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