Sp rii Turpentine Casks. to whom J. eteady employment and liberal ivi v. Ill be siren. R.ELOiSOM. 151-lf. March 8. MESS AND PP.IL'D FOUR.1 t fin BBLS. 10 arrive ner Eris; Maxaihan, tod lUUforsalebv . J. H. BLOSSOM. ' for tale br March 8. 151. ) , -;-1 store. :. ; 40 BAU3 KM ona wauajra vouee; -tt' 60 bbls. Canal nd Fayettevtllo Floor; , 5 30 bbls. Soger, Soda and Pilot Bread -i -,.. 10 hhds. Molasses; -" " BO bbls. Yellow Planting Potatoes ; " 20 boxea Stewart's bard Candiea ; - MO w uoi?ates rcan enarcn t. 40 bbls. beat Co (Toe Sugar ; - t ,. -,5 half bbls. Rye Hour t-4 c.' 15 " -Pauiily-.f.: C ,: i 2.000 ibaN. C. Bacon. Hoe Round Law for cash at . ,GF.O. H . KELLEY'S? March I. J., H and IS. C. T. copy. ,149,. 4US RECEIVED --f.'r- Kf) BBLS. Mess Pork i 40 boxes Soap ; 20 Mv bbla. Crackers, Soda, Sugar and Batter; 25 boxea Chewfna; Tobacco cheap and, good) 100 bbla. Yellow Planting Potatoes; ?0 boxes Candy. warrantedMo keep hard 5 ISuVPlougtis. all sixes and qualities; CO keg Nails; Lard In bbls. and keg. For sate by " ZUNO H. GREENE. maron 0, , - tau N. (XT. Copy. n , NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR. .4 n BAGS (100 Iba each) Dr. W. R. Holths sn W perlor Family Flour. 100 bog (25 lbs, each) mcuaaicia, ao, r or saw oyk."- - . ; v . ' i',:. DaROSSKT &TBROWN. Feb! 24. V-kC ; X lU-r'l 146 WHOLK. half and quatterboicallaisins. hew t. 100 H . CheejMy-r-y f . , - 60 bbla. Flour ;- 'k.MCi, ' , Pepper, AU-Splce, Ginuer, Matches, Starch, 4c. For aalo by . Z KNO. Hjt G ftB K. Fab 19. ' ..y N, C,;T..4!opyw4.-U4,,. WWXANBINGSr v FROM SGHR,M.! J, DeROSSETr - 1 JkJ AO bblWhiake. - For sale by - r, ZKJiO H -GttliENK. ' Jan. 1 . ; N. Ci T.pr.r ' .52t. FRESH CANDY. - 1 nOf"i t-BS: alaaortca TtfW lb.boeii001b. A iVAJV aaaoyed tor retailing just recelved.freeh From the Manufactory and for mt la in lota to suit, by - L-. 'N. BARLOW. Feb. 12. 141. BACON'AND PORK; 7 HHDS. prime Wrttcrn SWea and ShouldcrM 20 barrels City Mess Port t : " 4- Just received fur Bote by ' J. HATHAWAY Feb. 12. v " i ' " & SOX. ' ML GROCERIES. ; JUST received and In prime" order. 5 hhda. P. R. Sugars 10 baga Rio Coffee 10 do. Java do, 1 10 kegti extra Goshen .Butter 10 half bbls. extra Canal Fluur;50ba? do'.i 50 bblg. Whiskey i 20 do. Old Rye do.t 20 do. Apul; Brandy 1 20 boxes Pale Ale. For sale low, by, . , 4 , W, C. HOWARD. March 3. - - ' , 149 FRESH ARRIVALS PER,JSCUR. 'ANN. d SUSAN. 1 C BBLl. of John Rlce'a E.tra Flour t , I O 28 boxes Colitmu'a No. I and Palo Soap; 5 keg Goshca Buliei'. Low for cash at GKO. II KELLF.Y'S. March 8. J., H.,hd N. U. T copy. 149 SITUATION WANTED. 4 Permanent situation witn libernl wages, is 11 wanted by a well qualified Book Keeper, who ran bfins saiisfnctory recommendutions. Apply ai ine omceoi me Lommcrtim. M.rch8. . v. 1 ' no-lm. FOR RENT, TILL THF. FIRST OF OCTOBER (wlih the privilege of another year,) a large .brick dwelling situated on Market eireoi, early oppoeitu the Carolina Hotel. The houae 1 well furnished, with new furniture. vhi:h will be sold at a bursain, if uppllcuilon Is mnueeoonst itna umgK, March 3. Journal copy. 149 tf. JENNY LIN D TOBACCO. 1J GOODWIN & BRO'S Vellow Bank, in tin J foil; Ono boxdenny Llnd TwUi, said to bo the beat article ever sold in Wlinln;tnn. - - At .L. N. BaRLOW. Feb. 12. f .: 141 OUTCALT'S SNUFF. In store, for sale by . BBLS. ADAMS. UKU. &CO. 120. Sec. 23. EMPTY BARRELS. 1 fsfi KMP'rV Spirit Barrel, dully expected per J. w senr. ueorge Hamas, ana lor taie by liLLIS, RUSSELL & CO. Jan I. , : 123 GLENFIELD STARCH, OUPERIOR and cheaper than any other Starch m use. jt or saia oy Feb. 12. '.VV 141 SPICED OYSTERS, , PRESERVED Pickets, Guars Jelly,. 4 c. Forila by '.WILKINSON & ESLER. Pah oVA :.jp jr-. 133 NEW BACON. 1 si fif LBS., North .Carolina . Bacon. IWiUUUHitmi. Sides and Shoulders, for sale by ,,s .. FREEMAN A HOUSTON Feb 5.' .133 v :r''rmiviiiv:f-' :rr ia a 1. uia a . ;-t 65 BALES Eastern Hay, now landing from B lg Aioen AQams,- r ror saie oy ,. v. "h ELLIS, RUSSELL A CO.t Deo. 1. PURE MEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS DARK snd Pale French Brandy ; Port, Madei ra and Sherry Wipes, all of. superior quality, t 'v.: Evans. . Jan IV' . f. Y'i-A'-'" vvf-f .. 129v- A "BALES North RWer Hay, now" landing, JJf and for sale by v ..;-f.-! v.-'v-.-r; V aaaMsa "'': f . V . : FREEMAN a HOUSTON. - CONTRACT SHINGLES OAfi fVV VERY superiof.for saleln lots PHjvW W.uJl, by, MILES COTIN, Feb. l.yvV,-;, Brawn's wharLv- CARPETS AND FLOOR MATTING, T UST received per tchr, David Smiths For sale J Cheap by ;ArtiNWJS.iLMi, p dkv. .'v.-rh:'-..J 148 eo. 1. : LABOR IS MONEY, r - JUST received from the manufactory, '75 hoxea Excelsior Family Soap, two-thirds ihb quantity snd hslf the labor will do the same washing as sny ainer ooap-naru, son or sail water may be used with success, ' In .whole or half boxes. For sal bJL' Y. .V. M. WEST. raft, Mil; v;,:-r '-145. IFISH.. 1 HO. BBLs: Mackerel, Mullein Blue FUh and Herrlnse. for sale bv t t ewaw's w w v ear jht TURKS ISLAND SALT. FKt BUSHELS anoat, In lots to salt MILKS COSTIN, . Brown's wharves.'. a 120. Dec. 23. FOR SALE. i 0'lrn0snKI'sl"P!r'oT Rough Rlce.. Jf ' ' Vpplf Itt RAN KIN ft MARTfN. rpOmake Baltimore nixu t;:ab::. THE undernamed Merchantu, Manufacturers, Im porters, sndJubbtrs, of Baltimore, would rt pecifully unite In calling th attention of merchants and dealers to their large and varied atocki of goods, which Ihey are prepred to sm.11 on as reasonable term as any other houses in this country M'hey In- j vile so examination belore purchasing elsewhere. 1 ROBERT LA WSON, Saddle Harness, and Col lar Manufacturer, No. 42 South street, one door from Lombard street, .i ' . , . .. The above srilcles are msnufsctnred of the best materials, and the lowest prices. R L. la prepared 10 sell guodsae low as they can be Durchasrd in snv of the northern or eastern cities, and pledges himself 10 duplicate any dui made in those cities, laU and eatlafy yourselvea of the fact. A ; ': . " T VI RW1N SMITHr Wholeaale DregglatNVl22 J Pratt street wharf, has for sale an assortment of Medicines, Drugs, Dyestuffa, Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnl&hes, Ac. ... t rt 1 .v GLARKK A JONES, Manufacture ra of Steam Refined Candy, Soger Toys demand wholesale dealers in Forjiga Fruiu,Nuts tod Segars, No. 20 Light streeu rvf:5. 'ms?, -'.'-.... ELARRABEK. No. 24 South Calvert sLlmpor terof Shoe Threads, Tools, and Findings, snd Manufacturer of fashionabk) Lasts, Boot Trees, Crimping Boards, '",,,,!f REFRIGERATOR and NUgara Jet Shower Bath Depot, E. Larrabee's Patent, No. 24 S. Calvert street.' ' f Jy-M. , LT) J. BAKER., manufacturer of Chipped and J.V. Ground Dvewoods, and dealer in DyesiufTs, (Jbinticala, and Dry aalteries, . South inane t Ira CanJttldWB. CanjuU. Jos. H. Meredith v f? j 229 Baltimore street, "1 '. v; WkdanU WaUk and JtwrfrB Dep4. 1 C. B. & Co. offer to the trade snextenMve assort tn nt of best quality Gold Water es. rh h Jewelry, eltfgant Fancy Goods Bronzes, Qlocko, Guns, Re vlvers,;T'D6 9,(t', Pocket Cutlery, Watchtnakers' Tools and Materials, at. ' ' -' OAMSON CARIS-. 140 Baltimore strcei.tmport 'Oerof French and English Hardware, Portrait and Picture Frames, Cornice, and every description of Gilt Work.- : ' R. WARNER, Manufacturer of Silver Ware, fx .fin Gold Jewelry, and importer of Silver Plated ware, , no. iu, n.uay street. , t - . CARPETING Oil Clothe Matting, 4c--Jno Turn bull, 242 Baltimore street, importer and wholesale and retail dealer in Carpeting, 4c, has on hand an ussunmenr pot surpassed oy any store in tne cour. tryj; 1000 rolls matting Just received. " GEORGE W.MORL1NG, 259 Baltimore street, would cull attention to his superior stock of rea dy made spring and bummer Goods adapted to Gen iiemens weir, , T?INE dOI.D WATCHES of every yarieiy s rich 1 Gold Jewi 1 y j Plated Baskets ; Castors Candle, sttcki; Waiters; elegant Pearl Jewelry, Silver Ware Silver Frk and Spoons, Tea Sets, Pitchers, Waiters, 4c. manufactured and for sale at the lowest prices by ; SAMUEL KIRK & SON, uoij and stiver etnittts, in Baltimore st. HATS I Hats I Hatsl The best quality of Hats at 4. Call bt Quail's fashionable Hat Emoorium. Ao. 204 Pratt St., adjoining Washington Hotel. W ATKINS, DUNGANA WAESCHE, Whole sale dealeis in Shoes, Boots. Hats. Cnos. Bon nets, &c, 232 Baltimore si. - . GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS. K NAB 12, C1IC1ILI3 & CO., .. , . . ?v i FxtiinBive Manufacturers, , Nos. 2,4, 6, 8 and 9, Eutaw street. First pronilmti awarded for three successive vears. Solo agents for Carihart'e Patent Melodeon. PHCENIX MARBLE WORKS.cornerof Sharp and German atreets. t Marble Monuments and various kinds of Grave Stones of neat and beautiful designs. . ALEXANDER G IDUES. MATTHEWS, HYDE & SMITH, lmportets an I dealers in Fortien qnd Domestic Hs d- ware, Cutlery, Guns, Suddlery itc, coiner of Haiti- more ana uiDeriy streets. , WM. UAURtSS, tfun, RlSCand Pistol maker, No. b5, South street. Constsntly on hand Bird and Duck Guns, Six-barrel Pistols, Selkouck lug do., Colt' do., Sportsmen's Kuuiomentsr Re pairing done. O ADDLES, Brdles, Harness. Trunks. Collars, and Oall articlrs in ip.e trado, .wholesale and retail as low as they can be had in any market, at No. 6 Light St., opposite Fountain Hotel, BARTUS WILKINS. rPHOMAS E MEG RAW, (successor to W. Ram 1 sty,) Brush Manufacturer, No. 11 N Howard street, has tonstantly on hand ar good an assort ment of Brush s, of ivery variety, as can be found in the city or elsewhere, wholesale or retail. Cotton Gin, Dres-er, Fulling, and other Biushes for Fac tory usa. warrant' d of the best quality. Alto, sole munuiuottirer 01 Stanley's unproved t'u 1'uint and Var- nlsh Brusru s. w. wiur. . ; John Hfenu. B. R. SMITH. WILKY & CO Mi AaUFACTURERS Rnd dealers In Alcohol of II proofs. Etherial Oil, x!amnhini'. Pine Oil. Lamps, Gua Fixtures, Ac, wholesale snd retail. 274 Baltimore sircel, Osole agents lor Newell s Pat ent Safety Lamp. Orders from a distance piompily sttended to at lewesl prices. - JES&'E MARDEN, manufacturer and wholesale dealer In Patent l'latlorm Scales, Psteni Balances and Scales of every description, South C'haries St., between Lombard and Piatt streets. SCISSON & BAIRD. Steam Marblo Works, cor ner North and Mouument streets. Marble Man tels from 12 to 1500. Monuments, Tombs, Grave Stones, Furniture Slabs, Tiles, to., at reduced pri ces. NA. McCOMAS, manufacturer of Guns, Rifles, and single barrel and Revolving Pistols, No 44 Pratt street near Gay. All the above artlclea kept constantly on hand. KEEN 4 HAGGERTY. No. 37 South Calvert street, and No. 12 Baltimore street, Manufactu rers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Japanned Ware, Bath Tuba, &c, Housekeeping article of every descrip tion. CEDAR TAR, e most successful remedy now In use for the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Couehs, Colds. Asthma. Dvsocnsia. Piles Klnr Evil, Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver Rheumatism, ny than any other medicine and is recommended by the best Physicians. Prepared by.Mrs. B. B. Norris, 343 Haltimore street. For sale by the principal drug lists throughout the country-81 per bottle, or 6 for GOULEY'S celebrated Vegetable Bitters, No. 33 Baltimore street, wholesale or retail. Orders promptly forwarded to any part of the country. Ad dress C. Gouley, 39 Baltimore street. March 8, 1 ' 151-3tc BOORS, STATIONERY; MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. SW. W HI TAKER would respectfully inform his friends snd the nubile in general, thai he tiasiusi returneu trom new York snd Is now re ceiving perschrs, R. W, Brown and ErfS. Powell, I largo an I varied assortment of articles compri sed under above heads, ' . " ' S. W. VV returns his sincere thanks for the lib eral patronage heretofore extended to him, and begs to assure hia friends that no efforts shall be wanting on ma pan 10 mem a continuance ot tne autre. March 1, .. -f ... 148 ; BUTTER AND CHEESE. I pKFGS Butter and 25 boxes Cheese, just rc- cciicu anu iur saie oy . ' V,. ' T ; ' iAS. II. CHADBOURN 6Y pO. March 1. y ---( - .-;. 143 - GROCERY 'DEPOT. r T FRESH t NEW! I AND SWEETlll V Jf R. RESTON Is again receivings new supply of every thing good for suffering humanity. " ; Fresh Sardines, in large and email Boxes; brown, clnrifled, crushed and loaf Sugar 1 Olive OP, in pint Ind quart bottles ; Chocolate; cracked and prepar ed Cocoa; Mecca roni; Vermeollilr Taploea and Corn Starch 1 Extract or Essence of Coffee,' one paper equsl to sevetsl pound of Coffee t preserved and drv Citron, for labia use, a new article, never bemr Introduced In this eity ; s fresh lot of Msn goes and Pickles, all kinds ; Adamantine, Chrys lallns and Tallow Candles; N.C. and' Virginia Bacon and Lard; cooking Prunes snd Rsiainst Tin Wars, s good assortment Wood snd Willow ware; Step Ladders; Box 8crapera; Onions and Codfish; same genuine Planting Potatoes; fresh Meal aad Homony ; Butter) Buckwheat and Flour, and all sorts of eatables. And just let me say, as I sin In want of money, come up ys honorable Southerners snd pay me, that I may pay the North; ws should not owe them on seen t. ;- , . I3rif ha third chapter nd ihird- verse eSa John, that resides In Phlladt-Ihhls. wllfc kmt lihn Post Office, In that Pisce, sotn thinj wlll be fbond ew ni wr nci auvanmge, Nart-h I.' pi FOR NEW YCIK. , REGULAR LISL. t THE fine fals..ilin? Packet Schr. Mary I - Powell, John Podycr. master, will have quick iv.iiisfs!rh 11 bove. ' For.Ujhi fit iht or paa sage ipiy to Cant, or to J - - GEO HARRISS, r - O S9. 19i North Water street. alarcn 1U. ---; - 152,' TOR NEW. YORK. THE A. L new tchr. ANN 4- SUSAN, Myers, master, will havedisnateh as above. For light freleht or pasraze. bavins supe rior accommodations, apply 10 . ..-.-- v ' t , n.- r LAI .1 r.n, "March 8. Xonh Water st. v FOR PHILADELPHIA. THE schr. DART. Sontsrs. Mater. will have quick dUpatch for the above port For iijjnt ireigni or passage, apply to x i J. 11. liil..M.tt., Mauh S. 151 g m FOR PHILADELPHIA. - - v - - HERON'S LINE. ' 1 THE regular Packet schooner HENRY ru Garwood, Master. - -V ,;; t I. Also. schr. LlLLlft-SAUNDERS; T. Corson, M aver, will be dispatched as above. - For freight or passage, apply to . v v GEO.- HARRJSS.S ' March I. ' 14) ' FOR NEW Y0KR. .V REGULAR LINE. ' : The Packet echooher K. S. POWELL, Watt-, Master, snd brttr DAVID DUF FELL. Zoll. Master, will be disoatched ar auove. hur tiiigtit or passage, npi'ly 10 , , . ;.' GEO. HARR1SS. March 1. 149 ' vnn nil rriarnni? i vn iiiiiiiiiuunEi. THE superior Schr. James O.King, Wain wright master, will have dispatch for the XisXb above port. For light freight or passage, apply to . J. H. CHAD BOURN &"CO. March 1. ' :y - T LiRD! LARD! LARD! 1 f BBLS: and 25 kegs beat N.C. Lard, just re 1 vy ceived and for sale by - v . UeROSSET 4 BROWN. FcDflO. , 148 GUNNY BAGS. 1 ( BALES Gunny Bacs, two bushels each, for j. yf sale by FREEMAN 4 HOUSTON. Feb. 17. 143 CLEAR PORK. OA BBLS , now on their way, and to be sold from the wharf. FREEMAN 4 HOISTON. Feb. 17. 143 WANTED. , v A DISTILLER, to go South, applv to .. RANKIN & MARTIN. Feb. 26,1653. 14V-6t.' WILMINGTON ' MARBLE AND STONE YARD. THE Subicriberhang accepted the agency ol several largeestabllshments at the North, which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnlini.hck, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to fill all orders tor MttJiUMESIW AND TOM11 STONES, and every other article in the line of ihe business at reasonable raira. -SCULPTURING, LETTERING OK CARVIXQ, Executed sawcllas can be done either North or South. v ' . " , - CjThebest cf efcrencc can be given. If required. J AS. MCUI-AUAr An. March 3. 449-' f. SPRING STYLE BONNETS. A LARGE assortment just riccived;fir sale rV cheap by KAHNWE1LER & BRO. March 3. . 139 FRENCH EMBROIDERIES. A HANDSOME assortment Under Sleeves, Col lars, and Chemizetls, just recoived snd for sale cheap by - KAH.WEILER d BriO. March 1. 149 OIL AND CANDLES. 1 ABARRELS Winter Bleached Oil, and 26 box 1 U es Sperm Candles, both splendid article. F01 sale by DeROSSET 4 BROWN. Feb 29; 148. - GUNiNY BAGS. tZ( BUNDLES Gunny Bags, just received snd "V ior sale low by J. H. FL ANN ICR. No. 25 North Water st. 147. Feb. 26. " CORN AND COTTON. CARGO of Schr. Agnes Wsrd. Apply to RANKIN A MARTIN. Feb. 26. ' H7. UST RTOIVED AND for sale by S. M. WEST, 5G boxes Sugar, Soda and Butter Crackera; 25 bbls. ' . .. 25 half . .:': f : Feb. 24. - , , 146 ; CR APE SHAWLSlND SCARFS A! LARGE assortment, just received, of ll col orst for sale cheap bv ' . ; ; s KAHNWEILER & BRO. .-Feb; 24. . . us -..:..- V MOLASSES.. -;". - 1 Of HHDS. of the cargo of the Saranae un 1 vvJ engaged. , For aate by . . . . , . VJ. HATHAWAY &. SON. Feb. 24. 124 A fi BBLS. Baltimore Glue, whrrantad a prime liAJ srilcle. For sale by - - , . ! ' t DeROSSET A BROWN. Peh. W X'?!';, vx? y.vji-,;.; 46 JUST RECEIVED. A SUPPLY of Cox's Geletlne; riabbllt's Yesst Powders; Preston's Extracts ot Lemon, Vanil la, rc. i or esie 10 w, oy A.EVANS. rf 118. Dec. 18. JUST RECEIVED. RA Barrels suerior -Fytleville Flour; 80 bbls "vy superior Baltimore do. t or sale by ROTH WELL dk MeAUSLIN. Dee. 16. 117. METHODIST DISCIPLINE. Ac. TETHODIST Discipline. 18 ma. calf; Metho xvxoist tiymns, morocco, call and muslin; Episco pal Prayer Books. A 6n, sssonment of Family nioies, ore, list receiveo ana ior sate si . : - r. W. WIUTAKER'S. ' Peb.1. v'-v r . ... Ul - t LAMP SHADES, u ; Q HilvOS. Lamp Shades received per Schr Ann n 1 - i- j Kiiubeitu rutssisby ' , - ' McRAE A HARRIS . M HIDKNTLY EXPECTED Per Bnt MiuUan, from Neie Urltant t OC r. II D.i. new Bacon aider; v V20 - . thouldcisi ftOMIs, Mess Pork; 100 keys - LeafLari. " 7 60 bbls. prime )!as ; '65 " Reclined Whlskev. Foranlr-ln lots as wanted, by 4 ;: MILES CO&TIN. ' v ., T j Brown's Wharf. . Feb. 26, 1S"3.. ' 1 . - ... 147, -; x:. : new.: lard, zcfr VTORTH Carolina and Western, la bbU. and L kega, just rect lved, for sale by , Jan IS. : t. ... . a 129 '. BRING OUT THE BIU GUN! AND to the news go forth to the world of the great success ol MARIOS CO., BaUmn.Man1aud,r .v.f. la svliing the Grand Prises'!' . ', ".Not a day paasfs thajj some of our Customers do nut reap a 'Golden Hurvesi at ihe altar of "Dame Fortune." t Every day tells the Ulv of the splendid Prises sold by them. ; .... -, , Read, ptlndef ' snd reflect 1 Hera Is s sample of one monin s wora. a lew mote left ol Ids same sort; who'd hive the next one 1 --Noe. 23 10 49, ihe Magnificent Prise of $52,479 drawn Febrary the 12th, 13 ', was sold by us to a correspondent at New Orleans, La., In a Packnge of whole tickets which cost him only 4210, and f"r which ha received, ucit.the snug sum of 844,000, Nos. 8 16 25. a prise of 620,000, sent to Charleston. 17 89 ?3, " 18,000, Bonon. 37 39 40, t -;;12.000. Phlla. ..if I 4, 'V, i 7.500, Harrtsburg. 10 30 70, "!i 6,000. Montffom'v We could enumerate many other Prliesof small er denomination, sent by mail 10 correspondents In various pans of ihe United Slates. We can truly say that we have old and cashed more Prizes than any offico in America; when such Is the fact, it Is to oenopeainat no person wno reads this paper win nesuaie a moment in senaing us ineir onlert. Addiess MARUJiN f- tJO , Balllmore, Md, A GREAT m LOTTERY. SusquehaimruCaiial Lottery, aTn 16. , To be driwn March 16. 1 prize of tO.OOD I 1 prize, of ts.coo 1,000 ' 500 1 " zu.uiu 1UU 1 " ; 10,0(10 25 Tickets SlO-Shares In proportion. uerttneate or zo wnot) 1 tenets 150 00 75 00 37 80 Do. " Halvis Do. " Ouarkrs TOE MONSTEtt Of THE MONTH. il.576. Grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland. lass n. T3 Numbed. 15 Drown Ballots To be drawn In the cby of Baltimore, Md., on Sat uruay, fllarctl ill. I spieiiriid Acncmc. 1 price of 6 ' 6 7 7 - 861,876 10,0)0 10 prise of 10 " 10 " 10" 115,000 .1,000 7,500 300 6,0P0 3.UJ0 2,a0 600 200 Tickets 8204 Sim res in proportion. Certificate of 26 While Tickets M0 00 Do. ' HaWes Do. , " duller s - Do.- . " Eighths 120 00 60 00 J 30 00 Another and Stl I Greater Inducement to Gnrltri Yourselves, 14 The Greatest and Gcbt Offer ever made to the Public. By rcmltilnff to U' 8200 we will send a Certifi cate (or risk of) 850( worth of tickets - . . . By rernirtine to Us 8100 we will send a Certifi cate (or risk of) tl.UlO worth of tickets. By remitting to ul 8600 we will send a Certifi cate ! rifk 01) 2,000 of tickets in sny of the a. bove (iplendid Lotteries now drawing. It will he seen by this that the purchaser has only to lay out 8 100 to ptirchass 11,000 worth ol tickets. This is, without exception, the most generous of fer ever made, and we advise all who can afford it to give li a trial, fori we have seldom known a loss to ensue, and have Repeatedly witnessed the most glodous results.. Address, for Prizes, the aid es tablished house of MARION & Co., Baltimore, Md. The official drawings of these Great Lotteries duly certified to by ihe S'ato Cointnivsioners, will be sent Immediately alter it is drawn, to all those who order frdiii us, with a full explanation of the result. March 1. DENTISTRY. DR.T. B. UARR, recently from Niw York, has opened an bffice on Market strett. next door 10 Dr. Mbabm 4i Andcbson. In addition i a lull assortment of ths best incor ruptible miner I teeth, he has the exclusive right to use in this tovii, Dr. John Allen's patent improve ment, by whit 1 the teeth are united la the plate with one cont nuous mineral num. ' This has endur ed, without tlu slightest change, the severset tests and Is pronoudced by competent judges the greatest improvement fn the Dental Art that has been made in vears. J Specimens M the new kind of plate teeth, togeth er with numerous testimonials may be seen at his office. ,, Reference iriven to individuals In this place. now wearing teein witn mis improvement. Jan. IB, 1613. 129-tf. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHEk lot of those superior Yellow Planting Potatoes.) Those wisbina Potatoes will do well to cau, Detoratpurchastng, on W1 LKINSON 4 ESLER. 14J FebltV1 WE ARE AGENTS FOR ihoie superior Tess Imported by the Ptkln Tes Conioany. which sre twenty-five per cent less than sold In ihia market. All kinds Blrck and Green. " f WILKINSON & ESLER. Feb 5. i 133 MERCER POTATOES. ' Barrels, ror sale by ANKIN & MARTIN. Jan. 25. 133. SUPERIOR YELLOW PLANTING POTATOES. 100 bhls. just received, and for sale low by i WILKINSON & ESLAR. PLOUGHS! PLOUGHS!! OHTl Plo8hs, all kinds Straw Cutters. and WVW Corn Shelters. For sole by , , ZENOH. GREENE. Jsn.29 ( ,. ,. ...... ... 135. - CHEESE. Zf BOXES rich Cheeee, In fine order, for sale WV by FREEMAN 4 HOUSTON. Feb 6. 138 " . NOTICE. THE subscriber having received letters test smen tary, from the last Court of Pleas snd Qusrter Sessions, on ihe estate of the lata Jambs Bosch, hereby requests all persons Indebted to his leststor, to come forward and make payment, snd those having claims against said testator are notified to present them within the lima prescribed by Isw, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. . - junn u. KbLLAiu 1, r.iecutor. Feh l5:;: .-rJe- ' v 142f NOTICE. -.4 THOSE persons who have placed papers In the hands of the late Jambs Bosch, acting Consta' ble, are hereby requested to present the 'official re ceipts now held by them, snd receive their respec tive claims from the subscriber, who as the execu. tor of t ho late James Bureh, is desirous of (losing ihe business of the estate. ' ' "v l- v JOHN D. BELLAMY. Executor. Feb IS. ' C WS PLANTING POTATOES. 1(VV BARRRL8. warranted the best Intnsr ,UUU ket, for sale by - M. NEFF 4 SCrNS., Feb. 12. til A 14 1-4 w CHAMPAGNE WINE QBAi'KETS of superior qneiity, for tale low .Vby t. Iv. HARLOW. Dee 18. 118 TO ARRIVE PER SCHR At A R Y POWELL. 1 fZ KUXKS Oranges; 10 bbla. Apples 1 1J 2bbU.Hkkoiy Nats. V B rrorrrrr.tF HERE IS YOUR REMEDY! (mm Uolloway'i Ointment most mlrwtieas care or llad Lrg alter 4 3 years snfrarins;. Extract of a letter frons Mr. Win. Galntn. f 1!i Hi Mary's strei I. Wevmootb.datid Ma ISih l.SI. To Professor Hollowat r bir At lhasgeof 19, tntr wife (wh IS now 611 caaghta violent coir, whU h settled In her legs, snd srer since that time tney nave een more m lessee, and greatly inflamed. lUt agonies Wore distracting, sr.d for mmhf together she wss deprived entirely ol idu uHxy. v r.,ery rtmieay mat meoieal men sd visrd, was tried, bot without effect, her health suf fered severely, snd lha state of her legs wss let rt bis, I badoften read your, advertisements, .d advised ber to try yoar Pills snd Ointment ; and sa a last resjurc, af er every other rcnu-d. had proTed as less, she ronsented 10 do so. She eommrnced sis weeks ago, Ind strange f relate, Is now In good heslth. .. Her legs sic pel a , wlthoatsesm or scar, and her sleep sound snd U iaiarbed. Could you have witnessed the sufferlnK of niv wife for the last forth three yes rs. and contrast them with her present tnjoymenioi m sitn.you would indeed reel delight- fq in nd vmg oeen tne meana 01 so greatly alleviating mo uiitriuiKsoi leuow crenror.. (Siened) WILLIAM OAl.PIN A Person 10 years of age cared of a Bad Leg - oi .sis years sianoii c. Cony of Letter from Mr Wrn. Abbs, Bulkier of Unsuvensot RiuhcliUe, near Huddersfield, dated MAT MBl. CV. To Professor IIoLixwjtv: Sir I suffered for a period of thirty years from 1 bad leg, the result of two or three different accidents at the Gas Works, accompanied by scorbutic symp toms. I bad recourse to a variety of medical nd vice, without deriving any benefit, and wse even told that the leg must be amputated, yet, In opposition to that opinion, your Pills and Ointment have effected s complete euro In so short s rime, that few who had not witnessed U would credit the fset, (Signed) Ai ; WILLIAM ABBS, The truth of ihl statement can be verified by Mr W. P. England, Chemist, 13 Market street, Hud dersfield. s A DasADFCL Bab Bbsast Oao ih Oub Mokth. Extract of a Leller from Mr. Fn Ar rick Tomer, of rennursi, &em,astea Uecernber lain. IB5U. I'o Professor HoLLowsTi ' Dear Sir My wife had suffered from bad breast more than six months, and daring the whole period had the best medical attendance, but nil to no use. Having before healed an awiul wound in my own legs by your unnvalled medicine, I drier mined strain to uju your Pills and Ointme itr and therefore gave them a trial U. her esse; and fortunate it was I did so. for In less than a month a perfect cure was effec ted, nnd benefit that various oilier brsttehr a of my fumilv have derived from their use, Is really sston ishing. I now strongly recommend them to all my menus. (Si-ned) FREDERICK TURNER. The Pills should be 11s d conjointly with theOinl merit In the most of the following eases 1 BaiLcgs, Chilblulns. v Gout. Bad Breasts, (.hepped Hnnd, Glndular Swell Burns, Corns (soli) Inars Bunions. Cancels, Lumbago, one . 1 Aiosqui- uontrnetcd ond Piles'. tcs and sand SiifT Joints, Coco Bay, Chiego-fooi, Sore Thronts, Sore Heads, Wounds. Rheumatism, ' Elephnniiuais, Fistulas;-,--., flies. Scalds, Sore Nipples, wkin diseases, curvy, rumors. Ulcers, Yaws. Sold by the Proprietor. 244 Strand, (near Trmnle Bar) London, and by ull respectable venders of rat ent Medicines, throughout the British Empire, and by mose of the United States, fn pots snd Boxea, at 371 cents. E7 cents. and II E0 cents each, Wholesale by the principal Drug houses in the Union, and by Messrs. a. u. f u. annas, new rorit.ana S. B. & J. A. EVANS, Wilmington. N.C There is vet y considerable saving in taklnz ths larger sixes. N. B Uiroctions for the euldance of patients srs smxea to eaci put or oox. ttb IS m-yt UNDER THE MWIOASTIUTIOH I F HABTLAXO' GREAT EMPORIUM FOB IMUZESt THE OLD KIUM OF . N. CARRA SON. STATE LOTTERY BROKERS, No. 138 l't stt street. Baltimore, Maryland. The Lulten y Agency of E. N. Cart f Son is the oltlett cslabliihMd in tlu Union, and are doing the most exitntivt business, front Ihtir ' far-famed reputation as the Special agents of Dame Fortune. WASHINGTON COUNTY, CLASS 14,. For Monday, March 14th. , SCHEME 1 Prize of 826,000 1 Prize of 3,000 I do. 11,011 1 do. 1,600 1 do. 6.000 1 10 f do. 760 Tickets 88, Halves 14. Qnar. 82. Certificate ol Pack, of 26 Whole Tickets, 1106 00 Do. do. ..... 26 Half . do. h i 00 26 60 13 25 Do.! , Do. do., dc 26 Qusrtei do. , 26 Eighth , do. SUSQUEHANNA CANAL. CLASS IT, . For Wednesday, March 23d. SCHEME. l.Priie of 1 do. 833,000 22,000 1 Prizes of 6,495 3,oa 2,000 1 do. 1-do. 11,000 I do Tickets 8 10-Halves 85-Qnar. 821. Certificate of Pack, of 25 Whole Tickets, 8140 00 do do ZD Half do 70 00 do 8o 26 Quarter do 35 00 do do v 25 Eighth do 17 60 0,dT DOLLARS. C0N8OUDA TED LO TTER Y. CLA4S 13. To be drawn Friday, March 25th, 1853. 14 Drawn Ballots in each Package of 25 Ticket. SUHKMK. 1 Prize of 115,000 p 3 Prizes of 8528 do. - 2,500 3 do. 400 do ' 1.000 1 10 do. - 300 Tickets 14,00 Shsres in Proportion. Pack. 25 Wholes 852.t0-Ps. k- 25 Halves 826,00 Packages 25 daarter Tickets 813,00. NOTICE. From the Immense number of Orders received daily by our establishment, 1; makes It imperative on our part to beg our customers to send their or des as many daysshead of the Drawings ss they can. .Where orders coma loo uite toaend In a par ticular Lottery, w Invest the amount sent in the next best scheme to drsw. Manager? Official Drawings, always srnlbf , I. IH. UUTT f oon. , 133 Pratt tt Baltimore, Md. GROCERIES. UST received by schr. W. HvSmlth and Wake, from New York : J 20 bsgs Lagnayra txtliee; 80 :" .Javav. ;V'V v 50 boxea Soap; .. , - 8 kega Butler ; ; . 10 boaes Brandy Cherries t . v 60 bbla. FayeiavlUe Flour ; 25 Canal " - ? 12 baskets of that superior Champagne ai812; ' - 60 boxea Cod Fish. i. i,, -For ssle at tha lowest prices by- ; . Febi I2i -r. - W. CC HOWARD: INSTALMENTS- FdawiLiiscTtix m mm sotso p. t co. AT s meeting held, by the Board of Directors on the22d ult., ibetollowing order wss passed t Ordered, Thai an ins slmeni of twenty par cent. on ihe Capital Slock af the Wilmington 4 Topsad Sound Plsnk Road Company, ha paid on tha first dsr of March next; and that an Instalment of ten per cent, be payable severally on tna nrst day or April. Mv. June. July, Auaust, September snd October thereafter 1 sod the bet Instalment of eight nor cam. .on tne am esy 01 govern ner ioiiowina. Ana! it is rVi further, That Interest be char ged la all cases l deterred psyment. . . nii;tiuibAo n. niAUti. rrfsiaeni. Fek 1. v a. -138 WAYNE AHEAD. JUST received, 10,00 lbs. Saw choice Bacon, JohA ltrl(i'a ttintrs. . 10 nackassa si North Camlina Lard. Call St ... nnrt ti venci l.r.vr. ii 1 r.iv i m wapw aavA assv tas r Aeansa Tr far mf' , 1 r ore!:, icuw. KtnnFFv bcoi- IIJITIS. -fCOlT. IaTIUl.4. WH30f.. "And tf tht riif, vttn th (m Ihtrtnf tkm frtm ull tritt ft meat, wAoJf leaf tkull not fed and ' Hit fruit UttrmfAoU hfor meat aaaf Ms Uif Ourmf - tiers wss hope for Iba sick refolded lester snd every year adds new sroof i the stsaraaea Ihai thesa nroailfra aLall not fail. .1 - I llt r.n v . ....... y As medical Science discovers and dealinatea iba ., rrnwdirs nature has given, ana by ana, iba dtsrs- ..." ' e that sffliet oar rsea yield 10 iba eeotrol af art.' " Of all ihe maladies ws suffer from, sons baa carried mora victims 10 sq untimely grave than oassme . (too) of iha Langs. Sabjolned we give soma evi f denes that this loo msy ba cared, and that Pulmo-. , nary Complaints, Is sll their forma, aisy be remsv : "" ed byCssaav PscToaAt. t , i mi niui mm i.p .vn. nvivaa fiiv..&i'.. loriionof iha eurealt has tffecud, bulibe Ageat .). slow named, will famish oarClrtular, free, whet a rt sre full particulars snd Indispuiabla proof af . hesa facta. t . Sufferers r read snd jadfCfor yoarselvee. , -f: Ft btmtnin and Whooping Ctngk. ' ' Nvsnviti,TB., Jsna 26,1661. , Sir 1 I hsve repeatedly used your Cherry Pert- v ral for Whooping Congh and laflorass and have ta v nesitstion in Dronoencina it a comnfeta re mads. j : . roar 01 my ciniurr n nsve seen smictsa witn inaea , dlsesses, and the free use of iha Pectoral has al . ways afforded almost ineiaairelieC ' . t ' W e attest the troth of the above atatemeaf. XI U.filVTV Eli.r ,k. M..1..111. u LI. ' J. M. ZIMMERMAN, Druggist, ' ' Fmrm CmuumptkHCmVgk, ' n ' w . a ... mm a v ar rrTI ta sT A as JUt va iMsal . Vi ,; ' Dear Sir : Far thres years I have been afflicted , T with a Coax b. S dlstreaeiBC lhal 1 firnoeail Arm. i' imiiana V iwvwsaii Hiwavasj vs paiv iiuas mmm 07tf "v? kAlsraul Aff SASAaasa sHHala aUmi iW I . L If 1. ssed many remedies without much relief, 1 si last '' gsd 10 sir a? all night la my chair, ss my eoaga , S onuM .lilT.vCal Kfl f klA Anmtm It., il. ' a " " " " " - - " mtm. turn, SUM tried trie c Berry ractorei wntco under frovidenca , has cured ras altogether. . 1 JAHK.8 H CANDLES9. . j mt u on ay 11 numtnmm ,nru or Atnmn wftfa Have bn actrtOilta 10 Ulerry Pectoral. - f 4 X Aisast. N. Y, April 17, 1849. Dr. At ss. Lowell. Dear bin I hsve for rears " been sfflicied with Asthma Ja iba worst form, so ' that 1 have been obliged to sleep In my choir for a t larger part of the time, being unable 10 breathe sa my otu.' 1 lira iirav grr many ntroicioes, ia no purpose, antll my Physician preseribed, an t- periment, your Cherry peetoraL ; f -? At nrst it seemed to mala me worse; lui In lens then a week 1 betas to exnerlenee the moat rratU , fylne relief from its Bfi and now, In four weeks,, ; 1 ne unease ib eniireiy removed. 1 can Sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a state of health which 1 naa never expecita 10 enjoy. - , & ' s GEORGE S. FABANT. , . ' Commission snd Forwarding Merchant. Framthi Pretident f Amkrtt Collert, . x 1 ED WA RD Hl l CUCOCKt MD., LL., D , 4. i - l t o 1... ui.. 11.......J.. ..u'.-; torsi in my own ease of deep-seated bronchlila, and am satisfied, from lis chemical eonstliution. ihst H Is an sdmlrable compound for the relief of larynglsf snd bronrhisl difficulties. If my opinion, ss h lis 'V, liberty to use it ss you think nropefr r- ?. " " EDWARD HITCHCOCK. . Amnerst, oepi. i, iih. fv. Among tne otner uisttnguisneo sutnoriiiea wno - have lent their names to recommend ibis prepsrs lion ss ih best known to them forsfTectloo of its. tunas, sret y Prof. HllllinanYal College. , , " --.. Prof. Valentine Moti, New York. . ;. Prof. Cleavelsnd, Bowdoin Med. College. " Prof. Butterficld, Ohio Med. College. ' Censdlsn Joumsl of Meclcsl Sciencs. U.... U. M. O.... I . u - , ' ..... Charleston, S. C, Medical Review. ' v ' "' New Jersey Medical Reporter. j Hon Henry Clay, U. 8. Senator. "- ''r Hon. Geo. P Marsh, Am. Ambsssdor loTwrky. Gen. Emanuel Bulnes, President of Chili. Hi. Betr Ed. Power, Lord Bishop of Tortnta ' Rev. Doct. Lsnstng, Bowfclyn, New York. Archbishop PurcelCof Cincinnati. Ohio, Also, many eminent personages la foreign sob a- , tries. ' ' . " net onty in ina mors aangereu and distrrssinf -diseases ot Ihe Longs, but also ssafsmlJy medJ .,-.'" cine for occasional ase, it,is the safest, pleassnlest snd bes in the world. . " J rsivABsp sv j. o avsa, cnajfiST, LOWSTLL, MASS, Sold by C. DvPRK and S. B. at J. A. VAN 8 ' - la Wilmington, N. C. " . y t " Jsn. fi. 1BB3. i . 1 a2.,.. ' " : 1 1 1 1 '' ' 'I' 1 a fin 1 - v:, BIESSP0RK.:A - 1 AfTs BBLS., now an tha way, for sals by , lKJKf ; FREEMAN ft HOI'STON Feb 5. 1 ' : i :38 i. BUTTER- , . y 1 f FIRKINS of the premium Goshen Butter, J J very superior, for sale by ''-'r t -vC FREEMAN HOUSTON. FLOUR. n 7c Bbls. Genesee and FayettevUle Floar. Jast f O received and for ssle by ' s- ZENO U. GREENE. Jsn. 29. 135. PARASOLS. v A HANDSOME s.sortmenr, just operred;' for ssle cheap by KAHNWEJLeJR A BRO. Feb. 24. 146 BOXING AXES I BOXING AXES I - T UST received, a few boies of extrsqualityofnew, J and improved pattern. Feb. 12. J.M.BOBINSON. HAY. V 127, BALES North River Hsy. For" sale iuT lota to salt, by - MILES COSTIN, Feb 8. KJBrown'awharL ALLUM SALT,? v .,! . . BUSHELS la store. For ssle la lota tosult.by, - .1HLF.S COiTIN. . '" ',:., v ; Browa'awtiarL 1000 Feb 5. BICE. TlfHOLE, Holf snd Small RW For safe br T MILES COSTIN, Brown's wharf; A Feb 5 LANDED " ; T)ER schr. Mary Pewell-10 Lbds RaCon Sides; A ID do, Kneuiuers; za obis; Mesa Pork. , For sals by KLL13, RUSSELL Co. ' Feb 5. - 5 usr Ki,tt.ivi-.ii . FROM nilLADELPUIA, Si rra Liies 4J and norocra Lie Boots 80 do. Childrcns do. do. do.; 25 25 prS. Child'; Pink and Blua Kid Suppers. Also, a Targe lot ot 8o!e Leather, and Shoe Maker's UiMliugs, for Sale as cheep ss the cheapest. Boots manufactured to order, of superior workmsr,shIp and best materials; and repsrlng dons, la a nest and " sueerantisi man ner, at .t jun r.3 uxitpn ua v :' Fashionable Boot snd bbo jBtore. Alarkei tt. i ., March 3. - , ' i, X,:-' 149-0. , .1 .I .... .li, j.. .1 - ' ' ' Is ) NPAV YORK'IPPLES. CA BBLS in tora gded order, for sole low, by. -DU v T v, WILKINSON as hSLKR. t s;v NOTICE.' vt. A LL person Indebted to the firm of Howard 4 4 . ii pedes Will pieces call and settle their n' , W.tJ.HOWAK O. . .. Jsn. 8. ' '-' I-6-.. WAS3ING SODA. ; ; V I7ASI1IN0 POWDERS 1 Chamleel Ull Soap. . jst rawTw mj V 1 I kM U N. BARLOW. Jaa II. MOLaSSES.... HHDS. and 14 bbli. of prime rew rrm QQQ HH 3jO Mnl n.

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