h u ft. U P J i rUCLICUED T?J-7E":iLY, DY THOMAS LOIMNG. VJlLMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING MAY 5. ,1853 OL S--NO. 22. W .OLE NO. l()8fi ) i Pu ,',;-ihn ! everv TuEsoAr. Tbtjrsdat ana o AT uao.u at S3 por annum, payable in all cases In ad IJtf TltOAIAS LOatNa Editor and Po?aiErbii; Cjr.ier troataud, ZiiarKet streets, - j ; WILMINGTON K. i-i t n .-i -i r j r rPDTrcrv; : : -? i"-r. I inhibit SO 60 1 1 sqr. 2 months- :; 54 Off 1 73 i 1 " 3 . " : 5 00 1 j '" . I 001 I M 6 . ' 8 00 1 1 month. . 2 50 I " 12 " f t 12 00 .Ton line of leesraake it square. 4f an sdvertise- "mitti exceadi tea lines, the price wtu Do it proper. All alertfse ncnts are payable at the time flhelr i"! tcu with ranrlv advertisers, will be mado V... iha iri4t liberal terms. T rfy V traasftif of contracts far ryearly advertising if : t k nnmHtd.- Sti.juU ci rcumstanaes render a oi.in s in biMinesj, or an unexpected removal nee- nrd m ch irwa according to the published -terms be at the option of the contractor, for the time '- f.u prwiUj;e of Animal Advertiser U stricHy U nited fi their own immediate : business and all a Huertla jTi inta for tha benent-ot other person, a woU a alt advertisements not immediately coonec .ted witlt their own bttsioeaaand all excess of ad vertisements in length or, other wise, beyond, the Units enrritad. will be charged at the usual rates. - No adverii jenieat Included in the contract for hu sale or rant of hiaica or lands ia town or coan r f, or for- the sale or hire ol negrGea,? whethtr the fraportv ia owned by the advertriser ot by.Oiher per s it- ,Tiie are excluded by the terra "iriliAediat busiaesiJ . '. ' J,'-''t AJt adverlUcmenUinserted in thetri-weeWy Com msrciil, are entitled to one insertion la the Wetklg free of chararo. ' . 1 - JOB. CARD AND FANCT PRINTINa, etecnted in snpertor atyle. '-'"- AGENTS FOft tflfi COMMERCIAL.; A'eie YbrfcMcssra. D6 A DaZossaT-1 ; aton Feaoaarcar KfDnaa." ; f Philadelphia. K.Cons. BUSINESS CARDS. JOSEPH Ri BL0SSQ3L Central romiaiJsioi and Forwarding : Merchant, -I'romut personal attention Blren toConalgn - meuts f6r Sale or shipment. -Literal Cm advances- made en - Omtignmmls U - or la my Neio York friends.' T ' Wilmington, Jsn. 30, I853. . ''-nS T. C. tORTlt. COHalSSlOS ASD ' FCSW AECISu flt&CHlS 1, , . WILMINGTON, N.7. v Feb. 19. 1A53. - ' " -'1-ty WILLUSt A. GWYER, V - Central 0cnt Fomrdia? ana -Cninlsjin - MERCHANT, . ',;'r" ' " I tae pleasnre in informing my fnenda, that I am prepared to si 11 b-islnesa entrnsted to jne eHl--int and personal attention. I hare a wharf for N ival Storey with ample accommodations. Spirit flue,' and Warchinse. Consignments. of naval Snrefor sale or shipment and ail kind of coon try pro liiee solieited- Cash advances ma re On con- 'April 13, 1532., 1 J - - GEORGE MYERS, ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL dROCEfl Keeps constantly onhtnd, Winesr, -jTVJ.- (Aqnoft, . Provision Wood And WWotb Wart, Fm.il t , Cfaelionries.pc.' SoxhTVent street, 5 J WILMINGTON, N C " Nov. 13. 1332 - - ' 1TO S. B. & J. A- EVANS, . i WHOLES ALU 4- RETAIL DRUGGISTS, WILMINGTON, N.' C. ' x - ' r- s" Will fce-n alwavs on hand a large and Tery elecl stock of Drngs Medicines, Chemicals, Palnts.Olla, 01as, Surwicai Iostroments, .raterti Perfumery, Ae., at low prices. :- -r. Jar 13, 1853. : Medicines, 130-; - ; - :.' J.-.S. BANKS,'';f: COJiillSSIOS ASt) F0RWlEDIS6?JaEECDi5T r i r.M i !i gto v, n.' ;ft t -: Jane 22 ' ? ;U 42-12-me. j; HATHAWAY SON,; i 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : r ' ; WILMINGTON, N. O. , . , IIatwawat, " t JrtT HAthawa Feb. 15 1853. W 9li JAS. n. CHADB0URN&CO.;U G en eral Commission Merchants, - - ' WILMINGTON; NrA?3JTic , Jas. II . CHADBOffB.. '.c-:.' G. t;Aso Jan. 1, 1853. 123 ELLIS.- RUSSELL & i p. XRTiA COMMISSION MERC B A NTS ' ; WILMINGTON, N. C. - ' yf, AS. B-.Btl.ISi mt . Jan. 23. 1833. m aesssLi, joe. b. avssBbi - GEO. HARRISS, General Commission Merclianl WILMINGTON, N. C. QTRICT attention given to ptoenrfnf rI .KJ indparcaasingUSrsoeTBiorresrei M Ksraa to E.P.Hall.Esfl. - . ? u.u.Farslcv .hsq. - J -i - , - Wilmington. ; , i . - - . J . O. Bellamy, Ksq.; ; it. "IUIU S UUIIilNtVil. ...j, .x -1. . . - O - 1 1 . J ifl." tI..ntlMlttA i - r.u;iip)tn Jt itunier, - . j , Alcx'r.IIerron.JrPhlladelphia Messrs.WUHams&'-lutlcr, f,,.. -I r .-JB.?.1333-;;.-.V:; i'123-tf. JOSEPH Hj FLANNER icncral Commission Merchant Vir,MI.VGTON, N.C.' ; "T ;May3lh,1352.-.K- - " 8J-ty-. . AUCTIONEER AND :Qj)MniSSI0N MERCHANT, - t : WILMlNuTON, N. Ci WfwL elt or buv Rear Estate -an'd Negroes at; s small ceamisalbn. - - ..s. 1 Strict attention given to ihe sale of Timber, Tar ... pontine, Tsr, or any kind of Country Produce, i v. Office second door, South aide of Market street, mn ;ao wnarr. June 2,1352; 33ly DENTALNOTICE.,; . r S DR. WilT; SHERWOOD, formerly Ul . ot Duplin, and practical Dentist, for T-l-LLiJrthe last 7 years, informs his friends . and tho public generally; -that he has located ia WihnSngton, on Front street corner of Orange, -where h U prepared to attend to all calls in the line of his profession. - Rooma expressly for the reeep rtion of Ltdies. He la indeced to hope that thellb 'ra! r-itroaae formerly extended to him may be ;i -el by the cltrzensof -Vltmingtoaand victn- 1 r. - Oct 2,-ly-e - vivrotrrrr.r AL AGGNT. COMMISSION warding ''merchant, -!l:;intgton. n. c. -.'..r. iven to sal a and pure!: "se : BUSINESS CARDS. ."JTHOLE SALE AMD R E T A t! D 8 A L E B S IB.: ; Drags, Bledlelnes Chemicals, Ialnts, Oil, i jyye stdfls; Olassy Perfumery, Cigars, ; : Old Liquors, Paney Articles, dec., - w-MARkKT STR.EKTk -t WlLMlMUTOJfi Pf . tJ. -PrescTiptionscarefnllyeompoanded by experi enced persons. A - ' , ' ( March 29. 13S2:V t ANDERSON & SAVAGE GENERAL COMMISssIOjr MERCHANTS, ri 7 WILMINGTON, N. V. . JAMES AlfDERSOW. . Jaly i, 1S52. ' EDWAI SAVAGE. 41-12m. A.-ADAMft,, H. I 4DAM , ; s ADA3IS, BR0TflER&Co. , : -' -(Late Barry, Bryant & Adams.) - COMMISSION-MERCHANTS J" V WILMINGTON, N.C. " GEO. H. KELLY,,- COjIMISSION MERCHANT. ? : NATtflAor tn A : A. Wannet'i. oa North Waterat will attend to the sale of oil kinds of Uooatr? Pro, ace. such a Cora. Pas.Meal.Bacoa. Lard. c nd will keep constantly on hand ft foil auppl y of GroccrlesAc. - -r - - .,i. References. " -t WillesHallf Wayne, John JlcRae; Wilmington W. Caraway. . Uen.-A.IX. Aieiue. - E.P.Hall, Wilmington Wiley A. Waif ei , - Dctt. 13t 1652. -ir: , y m , J . C L ATT A ." COMMISSION MERCHANT, ..u .: 'A- a rst? nif ahc mt . - V - ... WILMINGTON, ;NCV 3lILfiSC0STIN, COMMISSION -MERCHANT Cane Fear, i 1 . rtoa.N.C. Dee. 19. 1852'- H8.if. f TJ0S F. CAUSE. Commissioir Merchant & Anctioncerr" Office lu Hairs upper buildluff.'Jirorttt Water Where he will be happy to attend 16 Jail orders In V WHmlnston, N i C. D.3, ; I I9-tf. Wfltliltn PEIKP i r COLLECTOR ISD iDYEETlSlf G;ACIM : For ; Country - Wewspapera ,tBroKhoBt ne V- . . Unite States, . . Basement of San Iron Bo la lns, Baltimore street All business enisled lo his ca3 transacted promptlr, ouilberal terms. , ".S ' ept i t . j. i. Lvivv ; MANUFACTURER AND JEAtER f.V CABINET FUBNlTUHEi BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, MATTRESSES, Ac. . - ront street, seutn or ffiaraei, f " BROWN'S BUlLDINU, WtfclAISGTOlt, : j Sept. 16 1832. i 79-je ' GEO. 0. VAN AMRINGE, BBOKER, AN D MEHCANTII.E AG EST i WILMIHOTOM, . C- .1 - PARTICULAR attention paid to the purchase or sale of all descriptions of Merchandise and Pro duce, and on which one pen cent commission will be charge k Any business lnirnted To bitn will re ceive prompt and personal attention. His desk for the present lata the orRfe of Mr. Wm. A. Gwyer. Siriuitcnt v- " U ilceirs. EUis, Rosaell & Co.f ) - ' Adam Bro. & Co., V Wilmington ' rjif4.is. J. R. Bloasom, Esq. ) - - - .I'vs D. C. FRCEmAK. .' " WCUKUB nvv9i vn. MERCHANTS AND FACTORS, ; I -i . WILM INGTON, N. C. - ; i ri.v-C.PREEMAW '& CO. "- ', , V- COMMISSION" MERCHANTS, lia.rnuni. aiuudi, . rNBW VORK.I PREESI5 ASD UflUSfOS, WILMlXGTOy, N. C KEEP constantly on hand a stock of Flour, Corn; - Pork; Bacon. Salt Coffee, Sagar, Mo lasoe, Tobacco, dsaro, Smif, Candles, Soap, for eign and Domestic Liquor -md Wirut Iron, Nail; Paints, Oils, Glass, Domestics, (Hats, Boots, Skat, leather, Agricultural Implements, and a va riet of other articles, suitable for family and plan tation nse end the retail trade f which1 they will dUnniaof in lots to suit dealers or consumer on reasonable terms for cash, or In exchange for Na-i val Stores ot other produce.-;-- The senior partner D.C. Pa seat ak, Is located in the chy ;of New Tone j tbe jnnior partner, iso. HotjaTON.ii'n Wlfmington. :. If desired, advances, win be made ot eon$ignmetita to and from either alaeau AH basiaess entrusted Jo them will receive Drooer- attention I and orders rfor Goods -will be promptly and arerally Blled: ' - . -f - a ARRIVALS ' ATTHE HAT EMP0RIU3L NO 1 Granite Row, Front Street. We have how open an elegant Jissomnents of Misses, Boys, and Infants Hats,. to-which the attention of those wishlne to purchase is most respectfully' solieired. please call and make selections from the largest and best stock-of Children Hats ever; offered ia--Wil- nainfftoni.'i ' t! - i. At i Alia, nauer, rnYESSEL & VEILERS. - COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLE SALE GROCERS, North Water Sireev W11- mlnm.m N. CI. Intend rkften at '- the above stand general assortment of Groceries, Lienors, and Provisions at .wholesale and to carry on a General Commission, Business; - - ' E. PiHall.Pres't Br'ch Bank fthe State. O. Q. PnrsleyPres't Commercial Baak V WII r-fc!'.r... .. fr... z- .... -r. j .; j, . 71.1. m Dollner Potter. ire.wrK,.. ,Jan.20 1863 ' - IJi; WILKINSON & ESLERf t -f. ' - CARS ORALER8 IM - ..j..i, Cenfectlonarjr, TrIt.'Wnts,Toys,"lTancyAr- ' HCJCS. t-eninerT,Ti ooacco. 'egars, : ; WHUIISiA.L.& RtS I AIL, 'i4,v-.- . MARKET 8TREET, 5 ' - .- - WILMINGTON-N.C."' Nov. 30,11852. ' t - - - - - ' "MO-tf - LABOR 13 MONEY. - , JUST reeeivef from the manufactory, 75 boxes Excelsior Family Soap, two-thirds the quantity and half the labr will do the same washing as any other Soap h i rj. soft or salt water may he used wi:h snecejs. In whole, or half boxes. For a!e by - -, r - - S. II. WEST. WILMINGTON- N. p.' ; E.P. Hall, Esq,; Prest Branch State 1 .; ?t -Bank, - ' s I'" "t-, Thos. H. Wrfght, Kq?, T'rea Bank ( Wilming BUSINESS CARDS. N. X, DARRISS.. A U ,CT IONBER". AND V.-i - GENERAL i COMMISSION MERCHANT, r WILMINGTON, IS, C. . RCFCBS TO i " - ' ' 1 ..-.-"-- -' - ' -Dr. Johw D. Bau-Airr, - - Jom A.-Tatuii, -aq '.--if -t April 16. 1853.- ----- ' - ? 14-1.' BROTHERS LLNE.- THE New Steamer r DowotAsa". having been added to this Line, and now havinjr two light draft Steamers and four Tow Boats, all in good or .dervthe Proprietorure prepared to transport freisht to r ayeiTevtue ana me intermediate landings, wua as quicK aespsicn as any otner lane. ; " - ii ; ti - J. S. BANKS, di. 'June 22. " ' " 42-tf. s i .DISCOUNT NOTES, -v : TLANKNOTESJor nllsconnt at the aeveral .O hnnksia. lins nlace. and a handseme edition inetprintedof notes embracing al I thebank.f or sale Oct.26. - v.." tT v-- - - - 89. 'l - - NOTICE. .H t THOSE indebted to Wilkinson &Esler, willconfer a favor by caltingand settling as their bills z',x -m l3I,FF?r OK BBLS.- superior, just received and, for sale ZD by . , ADAMS BRO. $.Co. June 6. 35. t -i STEAMER , " 1!SPAY" FOR.SMITHVILLE. - l , - THE, steamer Sra At, will leave ; tjlZSZLffl far 5miihvilh):Tuesdny,Thiirsday,Sac tpiwrtlay, tod Sunday, leaving Wilming ton, u a. and StolihvUe,4,P,M., landing both ways at Orton wharfs- -. Passage 50 cents in all cases. , Freight 25 cents per barrel other articles In pro porrton .t - . t'ty.u.fc. A. H. YANBOKKKLEN, - ' No. 2, Sosttr, V harvest Feb. 17. ..-, . 143-tf. - ; cremicals.;v - .C- FRESH arrivals of the following 100 ox Sul phate Quinine, 5 bbls. Epsom Salts, 5 lbs pnre Saiphate Zinc, 9 oa Sulphate Morphine, 4 ox Ace tate Mornhlne. ' 10 lbs Jllue Mass. 15 lbs -En?lUh Calomel. 6 os Peperine. 6 gala Spirits Nitre, 2 os Oil Tobacco, 5 lbs Hyd. Patassa, (English,) 2 lbs Iodine,- 2 lbs Iodide Arsenic, 2 lbs Chloroform, 1 et Iodide Copper, 1 ox Valerinate of Iron, 5 lbs Phosphite Soda, 20 lbs Sugar Lead, pare, 4 oi Tannin, 1 ox Oxide Mercury, 5 gals aq. Ammonia, 10 lbs Spirits Ammonia Aromatr10 lbs Hoffman's Aody ne. - trot sale by - 1 tv urritK. , fJ yrnggisi, aiaruei at. , March 30. ' " r - .1 : e: 6HHDS. P. IS. Sogar, 2 do. SI. Cruse do., very superior 5 half boxes Loaf do. For sale low by --, WC HOWARD.' March IS. . - . ' - '.54. . ; i"' LIME I LIME ! I LIME f I t rrUBLS. Lincolnvllle White Lmpf Is UUUealcined Plaster, Piaeterlnc : Hair. and Fire Brick, HydrablitCctricritilUOO .bbla.Llrae f-cif otiaUbv - . 3 jntracto jfandHuilder AnrllS. 1852,t . ' s - - . - -r W.I LM INGTON - MARBLE AND STONE YARD. 'T'HR Subscriber having accepted tbe agency ol JL several largeestabllshments at the North, which will famish hint an unlimited supply of finished or nnnnishek, foreign and domcatie MARBLE of all qualities, is prepared to (ill all orders for , MOXUMENT3 AND TOMB STONES,' and every other article in the line of. the business t ressowabTerares., ;. ;r. SCULPTUR1NU,' LBTTJ&iilNU UK UAftVlflH,. Executed aawelias can be done either North or South. , . - - ' The best cfreference can be given, if required. - ' JAS.lIcCLARANAN. March 3- - - " 149-tf. - DRUGS AND MEDICINES. JUST RECEIVE). - . . -f H LBS. Gam Opium, (Tnrkey.) 200 lbs Salt XvrPetre, 40 lbs Gum Arabic, 30 lbs Aiixander Senna, 20 lbs E. J. Senna, ! bbl Cum Camphor, 1 bbl Cream of Tartar, I bbl Carh. Soda, 1 cask Sal. Soda, 2 cases Cooper's Isinglass, 3 dox Cox's Gel atine, 4 boxes celebrated Soap Powder, 12dox box es Yeast P.owder-v - J-Ti-vJr ' - - t v. , v. U. DoPRK, Druggiar. ?- March 30. 6. V MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF V, i YELLOW DOCK ROOT. 'T,HIS iaa'Frey Vegetable Compound, sclentift l eally prepared from the best Roots end Herbs of the Materia Medico, end has gained ah nnriAll ed reputation for the following effects, vlx 1 v- f f. s PURIFYING, THE BLOOD, ' and thus curing all Humors, Sores, Ulcers, Cutane ous F.ropllons, Canker, Scald Head, 4c. Sesnlating and Cleansing ihe Stomach & Bowels, thus It -cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Cosliveness, M 'StrenKtheulne the OlgestlTe Orcaus. thnsssnrng .the food to nourish and support every TftE&ULATING THE 8ECHETART OftOAN, S. and.br enablioz them to perform their or per func tions, preventing and curing Bilious and otherpaln- tut diseases. .... . , 'i - Smnethraiis and QnittlDr the NerTent Syxttm, thus allaying Nervous Irritaiion, and caring all dis eases or inexxervee. " - 1 -lilWi''- t I" nnrivalled in the cure of all FEMALE DISEASES ai ticauii.13, Alicjuiiiijuuaiiuciun,wc. . It is Dlcagant to take, and safe in air cases : act ing in harmony with the restoring powers of nature it never injures bat always benefits and cures, ss thoussnds of voluntary eertiacates from the beat suihoriiies testify. . Prepared by.:v.r---.vi., '. vi O. BIORSE 4- CO-.2i Maiden-Lane, N. Y'.- Sold by Druggists and others throughout tbiifsnd other conntnes. ; s. v. q- j. a. kva5, Agents ' . -J lTtinungton. . v. sept. 30. - 85-Iy-e i ,y TO THE: PUBLIC. 7 -:t' rTFf U SolMMwiBr4ias leaaod far M tcr.n of vcara X of R. WiBrerwn.Eso.. his fire-Droef store, with hia whnrvra. nd is now In a condition to- lake es pecial eare of Spirits Turpentine and other Naval Stores commit ed te his care. -The Warehoase is well known te be the best and ssfest plsee la town for the storsgeof Bacon, Lard, Com. Peas, &e. ri,. (iwm m)iiM Iisva tun tliem fonr. Isrzn new sheds, where Sort's ean? be safely Icept : from tbe rain and sun - He is prepared Hi receive nrd shrp, or sell, all kinds of prxiuce sent to hia cars.Hs i He begs to refer w the folJowins gentlemen: R W, Brown, Jonn ta-wsow,.vr.ui:arBieyipa iuua. H. Wrlgtrt, Esqrs,.a - " " " " w!ri v , . MILES COSTJN. ; . . . j . . VBrown's wharf Wilmingtcm, N. C. : Sept. I? f "" ..tvj v 7Tj A Letof very superior N. C. Hams, selected for x.'-familv nse.and now in amoke-hoose For sal by FREEMAN HOUSTON; . March 29,. - 6. 1.4. ii,.. icos; ; NEW FURNITURE. jmmmxmwmm ' --" f-' 'i't . " Urs:r;K?.::ifyrn THEsubseriber would respectfully Invite thta tentionof the public te his stock of Furniture now being received by the Philadelphia, New York and Boston packets.; Having recently made: an addition to his already very extensive Ware Rooms, he will be enabled to keep on hand as complete an assortment as can be found in-any eatablisbment ot, the Jtindi end having purchased nearly . all of his good of manafactgrers,he can sell at very reason able prices. The following articles way be found in hia establishment. ' - ' - ;v Sofas, Black Watnur and Mahogony," In plush, hair cloth, brocatelle or D'Laine; r 1 Tete a Tetesi Divans; ' v s j Stufled seat Rocking and easy Chairs ' - - j Goibie arm and sitting Chairs - : ' ;C'.-.-. &ufa, Centre, Pier, Qaqeet, and work Tables j : ' Kugires, or Commode and corner What Nots; . Ottomans', Crickets, and Teapoys "x -.me Mantle orTier Glasses - Piano Fortes, Stools and M Bale Stands t -- j Sideboards, Kxtensien and other Dining Tables becretartcsv hae Freaeh And common jv, . ii Etngires ; Portable-Desks, la rosewood, mahog ' anyj black walnuvor papia maclie; v-y- Fine Library Chairs and Lounges ) - 1 i; Dressing Bureaus, plain and Marble fiJfWii' 2' Washstnods, every variety $ - Wardrobes, mahogany, walnut and painted ;' ' , Abont 100 Bedsteads, French, Cottage, high post, .v half post, Field and Cor, In mahogany, wainat, cherry maple ahd iron ; ' r - , MattrasseBv cerrcd hair, cress and spring j - . : Towel Stands t " i - -' J -Painted aeits of Chamber Furniture t Chairs, and Rockers; about 125 dozen Cane and Wood Seal j - - .'-" Hat trees, walnut, mahogany and iron;" ": ' Counting RoomandOffice Desks, Chairs, Stools and Shelves; , , CaacSeat high Stools, with back, A new article Counter and Sterwboat Stools; - -Looking Glasses, every description,, from 12J cents to 100; , . Children's Cabs, Carriages,: Hor?es, Boctera : :-: Cribs. Chairs, Cradles, Trundle BcdVtcads, and . Toy Bureaus; -f Work. Boxes; - . - - -Refriccrators. Water Coolers. Baths. Tcl7 " -' Almost every Article that msy be wanted in thir line. . . 4, J. D. LOVE,' Front street. . Sept. lS-'-fr-fr-town papers copy 79-tf . BLANKS. -'r-- 'f THE following Blanks are printed and kept con stantly for sale at the Office of The Commercial. COMMERCIAL. Shipping ArtickVi Rates of Freight on W. . -. do R. Rail Road. Do. on Line Boats.- . Bills of Exchange, bound and In sheets. Do. . Domestic. ' ??egd:!sb!? ilea on the several Banks. '": Do. op all the Banks."v; Bill of sale of Vessels. . tsuis or iaoiog. . . h Do. Letter Sheet. ; Crew Llsta. - 1 Prices Current; Checks on all the Banks. Charter Party. , - - ' Manifests of all kinds.-' Entries Merchandise.. Do - Ballast, MISCELLANEOUS. Warrants, with and with- Bills of Sate, - out judgment. - r Do. of Negroes. Bonds for Negro Hire Mortgage Deeds; . Negro Paases. Warrantee Deeds. " . Bonds for the Delivery of Ironertr.- . ' . - COURT BLANKS. v en. Exponas, r 7 fSubpasnas County and Ca Saand Bone1. ' l Superior court. : Jurors Tickets,-' County Alias Vend-Ex. Fi Fa. Writs. - v - : r AH kinds of Blanks and Job Work, executed to order with neatness and dispatch. , ' . . 1 j;lard. ' i -r. A PRIME lot North Carolina Lard, In kegs and bbls. For sale by.y i.i : .M AprtlS. ' - JOS. R." BLOSSOM. ' SPIRIT BARRELS. p:r( SECOND hand Spirits Turpentine Bar OKJJn, for sale by - ANDERSON A SAVAGE. .March 24. --'--- r - 4 PURE MEDICAL WINES & LIQUORS. DARK and Pale French Brandy; Port, Madei ra and Sherry Wines, all of superior qnattiy. " S. B. J. Ax EVANS- Jan 15. . . '-J., . . - - - 129 COOPERS WANTED. rpO make Sp rits Turpentine Casks, lo whom iX sTfea'dy employment and liberal waves will be given., ix J..R. BLOSSOM. . march b. . , - , - . aoa-ii. - TO THOSE ACCUSTOMED TO GETTING LUMBER & TURPENTINE. rpHE subscriber designing to make a SeUlement X of bis bands In the South West, oBers for sale a PloHtation or tntetef Land, lying in Glynn County, Georgia, on the head waters of Turtle River, which river is navigable for vessels of a hundred tons.- This tract contains 4,800 acres, chiefly timber land, none of which has been. cot. and is utost advanta geously situated at the head of navigation of.Tur- tle River, and only sixteen mile- by the course of the river from the town of Brunswick. Its conYen- I ... (...11.1 tA..iUn u ine; the key to the whole sat rounding country) make It the mofct desirable situation in this section of country. As a place for trade and furnishing a good site for a Steam Saw Mill and Turpentine Distillery, It is unrivalled. As Brunswick is about to fce 'bailt up, a market for Lumber and Turpentine w ill be cer tain. This Plantation is well settled bavins a good dwelling honee-reveryr necessary oat building and about 4 or 500 acres of swamp and savannah Land cleared. W ith the premises, will be sold fur nltmv. stock. d-e. - - -. W, M. RILEY. t Refer to Mr. John Taylor, St. Paul's P.O, Robe- son uo- im. . - i- ' Bethel, GJynnCo., Geo.: r "March 29. . 1 6-2m. - BUCKWHEAT. erfX BAGS 'Extra.v IVeahJ for Bate bf r ELLIS, RUSSELL & CO. : March 24., NOTICE. , . x rr'HEBabscriber.rcspectftiny Informs-fbo public, I that he is nowtranaseting the Auction business on his own account, and hop a by strict -attention to business, to merit a continuance ox mat patronage heretofore so gibers!!; bestowed upon him. ; ... - -j. M. CRONT.T. , Stock. Real Estate and Necroee. bowght and soid on a commission ot 1 per cetit -ciibex -at private a pubUc sale. w; t r - JanB,l853. - '-i.o. SUGAR, ':' .;. - f HHDS. and 10 bbls. Porte Rico, lor sale bf u.i ELLIS. RUSSELL & CO. March 24. -. - v. - - -j- - ' " 41 - - RECE1FED THIS DAY. f. T PER schr. L. P, Smith and brig Albert VAdams, direct from tbe Atanufactory 24 pair. Gents Calf Unlew Ties j . . - -! 60 " , Ladles Kid We-lt Boots j . - 7S Gents' Fine Ce.f Brogans . i -- .' ,50' Misses Calf Lace Coots t , J ' ' -750 - ChiW'e Calf Lace Bootsw Aleo, alarge lot of Calf Skioawof the best quality, for saleeh by . - i JONES & GARDNER. March 19-, .. .-, - .Jv i -.-'- i:--.-: N- C. HERRINGS- - -f ir BBLS. NC. Cut Herriwgs. - For n X 5 April 26. FREEMAN & HOP4 : Kcnxn CARCLINA Elf nnnO LH3. of North Carolin 2UU -Js;'3l rLLlS, RUSS ..a. - For ,f-CO. . PS- ; ' TIIE NORTH CAROLINA ' v MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C031X , RALEIGH, N.C. 'THE above Company he s been inoperatior e A the 1st of April, 1843, under the direction 1 e following Officers, vix : .r. - "'v. Df, Charles E. Jonhson, President, - y .' - ; Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, e ? James F. Jordan, Secretary, -- - - - f " Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, . - Pcrrin Besbee, Attorney, -Dr. Charles E. Johnson,' 1 2atL i'YiL ' fr Dr. Wm. H. McKee. w f cSSleSS Dr. R.B. Haywood, - y?" :S1 1 J. Heraman, General Agent. '- " This Company has received a charter givit 1- vantages to the Insurea over any otner tomp The 5th Section gives the Husband the priv' nsure his own hie for the sole use of his W Children, 'free from any claim s of the ref" . to and nta- -tves ot tne bustisna or any of aia creditors ? Organized on purely mutual principle? sembers participate in the vhote of the prr we declared annually. Besides, th; ar .ife, when the annual premioiu Is over S. one half in a Note. ' . --a--.- 1 c AU claims for Insarahee against the C" oe paid within ninety days aficrproof .he life s which snt for lay p.,y iny Will death t rates oa imj party is lurmsiicci, . - ? : , v is-:-- Slaves are insured for one 6r Eve yea, which will enable ail .Slaveholders to set, claRs of properity gainst the erwettalBty i this s. - 'ing Slave insurance presents a new And inte, feature in the history of North Carolinauwhi prove very important to the Southern States will , i ue last tour months operauon or this com shows a very large amount of business more the Directors .expected to do The first year liav already issued mpre than 200 Policies. . . v Dr. WaW. Uabbisb, Mcditai Examiner,, Agent, Wiimirieton, N.C-.--, - All Commduicationa on business of ihe Com pa, should be addressed to " - -r,- - JAS. F. JORDAN! Sec'r.f - Raleigh, Feb. 12, 1853. i - v. - I4l-ff. TUIE subscriber having received tetter Icstamcn- -X4aryj from the last Court of Picas and Quarter sessions, on the estate of the into James Bcbch, hereby-reqn ests all persons indebted to bis tcstair to come forward and -make payment: and lb' having claims against said restaror art- ttoiiflc'd present them within the time prescribed by lawV this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery - o ..... . , n. nni r 1 vr- . Feb. 15 '142 If i. ; N0TIfE . - - v THOSE persons who have placed papers -In tbf hands of the lata Jambs Bcbcji, acting mst ble, are hereby requested to present the otfici ceipts no w held by them, end receive tho live claims from the subscriber, who as ii tot of ihelate James Barcb, i deslrons . the business of the estate. , . JOUrt D.. BELLAMY veihto Feb 15. 142-1 T HATS." ERESH arrivals of Gents Drr1 Style by the Wm. H. Smif 1 have been waiting can now .J. 3.-Spr thore w Call in. No. ii ursnlto Row, ronv March 29 - ..I VERS, NOW .DING - FROM SCHlf l. J? DcROSSi 1 ir BOXES CT se; 12 kega Boer; 20 do. A UU Lard, pr iaf? 100 Plouglr . For sale Lard, or by . - - - - March 22. ZENO. H. GREENE. -n j. a' f 3. CINGJIAMT "N U MP BELLAS, colors,' '.style, and price, Jhildren4jringham Unbrellas, Jne Dollam at Ko. L.Granite C.IYERS, Hatter. - ... J - C. r : -vAND C OF. every vak a pood artlei Whalebone Uxb, I Row Front St . March 29 i PAT na r" T- MEE'CINES. y BOXES Si ,'s Sarsaparf j 2 .bo.res Town Jox Risley do-., 3 gross Bate ross Wrlshli Pills, 1 gross Bran 9 Peters' dafi -Ados Spencer's do., do 6 dox j Moffat's do., gross 'toralfc.4 d0z WistaHs Balsam (ft--. C.DvPRE, "rr; istand Apothecary . "R CALHOUN. dn send's d men's Drops, deth's do., l) Sdox Beck, Aycr's Cherr Wild Crrerryt ' March 30. TOWlNCri Sfortv i OUN, wi. ihe office o G ingby STEAMER have attention ii 3. HARRISS. 105. Nov. 16. PL lng:potAaOES- ra Yellow, for 'e by ' , ELLIS. RUSi "LL & CO. - March 24l RICE. :t4 - " . A FEW " casv m 'fond smalt, nll, tU9t I tn JM.il, tor NKIN AHMRTIiV. XX sale b RA March T besl; ) TEAS. TTIST reeeiv. cct and freah.'the best article of J Black and at retail, by S March lay i 'Tent ever sold In th! - market, ji- .i,. W. C. H OKA RP. 2 r:TisTRY. THEtindef in DcnTaT. resided in Bra - He is now his Office nC - Patrona Mav 22.1 J has been engaged fourteen cars ice t during the last four rev a he edn Wifm?ngrhN. C.', ifeat opposite the Carolina HcrL. - pectfully solicited.' - - f' ' 29. LARD ! LARD! 2. .Cf-iAJsfDEitSON & SAVAOfi. me j. inro. lur saie ot - - & r ,-w . J at. Cedar Tubs;' I dox Horse Bucketsit s s t do; Barrel CoveraIidovAScsnt Mats; t do. FalS Spxcn house - Mars Jute Mats j 6 do. Baskets, all kinds ; 1 i dd ubds. reoorr ooiM. dvn uw. r. . . . 1 -. r . ilea, Forksiand every article wanted by r3. t- OT-saieAOW, oy-v-'-":"-' . - :s-ii T WvCv HOWARD. COFFEE, v : . jS of good Cuba Coffee jutn revetted, and ate T nATAWAY- iON, 7 SAVE YOUR RAGS. ; k r; i we pay cash for clean Cotton or Linen Rags, .ny Cotton.) Al the Fruit Depot.t " . , 4 i TERN BACON, PORK & LARD, Superior quality. For sale by ' 4 - 5""- .rUS. ; ELLIS, RUSSELL fc CO., . molasses:t JB" k v Jt-, 3 HHDS. and 5 bbls. of prime retailing Cuba Molasses now landing from the Bark Sar-" . JT: HATHA WAV a snv April 19. GENTS' BLACK .0PER.V& FRENCH TTATS-' A splendid stock, just received, and for A-- w oy j . f , li.m Kits, Hatter. -April 7. No. I Granite-R SPIRITS TURPENTINE CASKS. fCCi Snperiet Cask"?, just received and for-aale OKJV b FREEMAN & HOUSTON. . npnf is. . - . : ' t. Ha 7- Msrrf lOdo'.Bl 22 Af ;C0 CliALLENGfe 11 cone'eras the health, and" huppl ; i neunla is ntnll limrs ftl iht ,n i i1' WHATL ness of valuable ltr ortai.ee. I take, ii for granted ih -y-evely pers'- will do all in their r ower, la r tt.e lives vfi)- .r cWRrreni snd thjt every retsun wt; mdeaver . jr promote tlveii own health ul all sacrl- os. .eel it my dnty to solemnly epsnro j ou -i ' JRMS, according to 4he topiuion tf ihu ;st elebrated Physieians.are theprimary cutiecj.' it al rge majority f disease to . w hicU children and s ults are liable t if you have an appetite con- -linualijr changeable Iron on1 kind of lvixl to an other, y.od Breath, Pain in the' Stomach, Pictipf al ihet osei Hard nets arid Fullness of the Lulifl Dry qjugh; Slow Fever, Pulse- Irregular ,t. incmbtr that alt -theae dcnoie WORMS, -and v u 1 U -I. .. A. , . ftAjVQiU n t'HcO VyJ fCnKOY f-r- , j , . VIOBENSACK'S HORM .&YRUP. i rf, t Ah aFlide founded upon Sclcntrtic Prlncir lrs,. cempoc nded with purely vrgcuble sBbstaecrs. be ing pcrfoctly saf4 when taken, and can be gi vt n a iu the niosr tender Inblnt with dn-ided beneficial t llr'tt. where J o tit Cpi.laml and Diarrhea have madi- - them w; L-k artr dt biliiaied the :Tonie properties of ' '- my jvm ?yrun are, SUCO, tutw u stands without ai . -. equal In cuiaiogne ot int-utrioes. in giving tono ; . to the Siotnoch, whi h makes it an ' frncdyfoe these flBIcian with Dyspepsia, -ing cure performed .by this .S'ymp olit . have &llel, is Ihe best ! evidence of It t -t aey, ever all others. , ; and etre lofaUiab the aston.. rhyslciav sufiertotf y -. IlIU TAl'U 11 llidll rr" is the most difficult -Worm-.to destroy of all j nfests the human system, H grows 'ito on at i Indefinite length becoming so coiled end fast. ; -J in the Intestines nnd Stomach aflectins the ' : ih so adly sa to cause St.- Vitus Dance, ; Fit, v'liat those i filleted seldom If ever strrpect thai i Tape- Worm hastening theni to an early grave. Her to destroy -this Worm, a -rery enersctie f' lent must be pursued, It -would therefore be ' to take 6 to 3 of myr Liver pills so as to rt i !i obstructions that the Worm Syrop jnay " t trott the Worm, whlch rnUst be taken li 2 Table8VnonfulU3llm dayjthee di- ' Slowed nave never been known to fall In. : most obslintite caee of -Tape V form. .;EXSACK,$ LjtER PILLS ..; f thcsVHcra lsniore liable, to disrsM i .e 1.1 VER.it serving a.s a filtercr lo purify . "'S or giving the jn-oper secretion 10 the tile; any wrong action of the .Liver affects tito i important-prt tf ihe system, end teulm. ously, In Liver Complaiat, Jaundice, Dyrpep i, Ac. We should therefore, watch every syinp- i that might indieatu a wrong action of the Liv '!'heo Pills, beinrr composed of. BOOTS .TS furnished by nature .to heal the sick y, 1st, An EXPECTORANT, which aug ibe eecretiorrfrom the Pulmonary niucus rane .-or nrometcs the discharge ofsecTeud r 2nd. An "ALTERATIVE, which change a . oorao inexplicable and insensible- manner lis certain morbid acton Af ihe system.- 3rd. A TON IC which gives ;one arid strength la ihe ncrveun system, renewing health and vl?or to all parlaot -the body. 4th, A CATHARTIC,. which .afct Irt perfect harmony with the spiher. ingredients, 'and operating on the Bo welf, and expelling the wholo - -mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, and purifying the blood, which destroys d mease and restores TO FEMALES. - You will find lhce Pills an Invaluable medicine in many complaints to which you are subject Jn -obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of inestimable benefit, restoring-their func tional at rangements to a healthy action, PUrlvirur r the blood and other fluids so effectually to put tj , flight al) complaints which mayarise-frorrt 'female ? irregularities, as treadoche, tlddiness. itlmnM.fr sight, pain in the side back, Ae. None genuine unless signed "Nliobciissck, ; all others being base Imitation. - ' - ; ' ITAgente wishing, new snpplies,1 and 'At ore Keepers desirous rf becoming Agents must address j ' the Proprietor, J. N. Hobensack, Philadelphia Pa For sale by C. DePREand WM; HrLIPPPlTT. Wilmington, and by every Merchant and Druggist in the County and State. Price eaeh 25 tents. j"lv IS I2m r e7s ' f GROCERIES! GR0CEHIES! FRESH HHK subscriber, truly ihonkful for the-libers I X patronage heretofore bestowed epon him by his friends and patrons, begs leave to inform Ihem that ho is receiving a fresh stock of Groceries, selected 1 Wi.uudii; null, nqr lr unu IHOCr CltlCS, (Al ' rcfpectfully solicits syisit from those, desirous of. f selecting from the following, among " many other . . articles t . -. Vh ; mu -:a-.'- '? Teas of tho finest gradevOlJ. Hyson i. Young. Hyson; Imperial; Gun Powder; Poucbong ; Oo- : long ; and Old English Breakfast. Black.' Wis es and Licos. Otard Dupay &. Co . 1P45 Cogniac Brandics;.OId Madeira; Sherry; Port; Muscat; Malaga and. Champaigns Wines, in allv varieties; He:dick KoncheJ Starr; Spaikllng Hock, and .bottled Liquors of every variety; " Schiedam Sclirxupps, bid ; Government Javaj La suayra; Uio and, St. Domingo Coffers ; Crashed, Powdered, Loaf. .C. Crushed, Clarified and Porto -Rico Sugars. 'Flonr-Hiratn Smith, Costitlia. and other fancy brands, In barrels, half banels and' bags,frch weekly Candles Patent; Sperm; Ad -. omantinc and TalLuw Candies of allt-izes. Crtck-v crs Soda; Belter ; Pilot ; Pic Nic; Lemon; Milk t. : Tea and Boston Crackers. -!- - - ' i . W. Underwood Co. Pickles; Preserves Jcl-' lies ; Jams t Fresh Lobster: Salmon ;. Picolilla t' Catsups; Mustard; Sauces; Whita Wine and Ci-' der Vinegar1; Olives ; Spanish and French Cafe, -d Ac. dec. Sundries. Goslien Butler, fresh weekly .,' Smoked Beef; Tongues; Fulton -Market Beef; " Salmon; Mackerel; Coi Fish; Herring; English - I Pineapple ind-Goshen C hrese ; Bacon ; Pork ; Stewart's Sjvrop i Sugar. Honsf, Molasses; Sperm" ana uaw uno ,. wne vI oizaivs i'aie r0. A - , . and Fancy ooaps. rtulsof all description, Attn. os. Nats ft all descrfctions-Aim- onds; Englbh Walnuts s Pecan; Batter and Hs-4 xei. vonrectionaries oi an kinds iome for young Lover's, that win ctoaveyiheir sentiments, without : givrng uirerAnfe to a syllable ; ihes e are called rrtn- Versation kisses Freh peaches ; Brandy Peach es ; Prcieryed .Ginger j -JGftjgir Vine'j, Paul. Nue's Fxtracrsof evcW VaTfety Fserj'cn Mustatch , Horse Radish Bay Roro Qtovest .Natmegs;""'5 Cinnsmon ; Psrper ;. Ginger j Mafei Choeelats r Isingglass. Galailne ; Maearerni ; YerrrrirciJla; BI." sins : Currants 'Citron: ' PrtnM! frltt.. j wnoit : t easti-owaersi Gream Tartar , 8stic . Soda ; Sal Soda ; 'Saleratns ; Thompson's Cele-' 4 .-ated Washing Compound ; Sassafras . Soap j ' Wood and Willow Wn-. in everv"vailety y Fanor IHV usn , w OOIS AMJBlin fOTStoesv SI,25 pt-. - btl 70.000 Seyarsi some of the best importation . Totx cco of ad kfnds'v 50 bbls. Domestic Liquors j '"" LorK on pertet arrd Scotch Pare Ale. " i .' T CA ie one! Come all Hand examine. The above . will 5. sold wholesale or retail, very low. - ' Half iipe of ihat excellent Otatd Dupny &, Co, Brand y0 Id. .Many articles Thai cannot be ern merated, Twould be happy f fo shew those.. m.U- may lavur merlin a cau. -ir...t. n - - ' ' . ... . ....... - ruiDyuuor. .'rt . . i h i-itrrn -' - l.lt'U v. - umce Urn! Ttorj -Ai UaleUh Rj R-.Co, . .: :- " " ' ilmlnmaii. Atnl fllhirlA2. i TVTOTICE Is tier given, Vbst a Dividend -of J . per cent on tf a Cardial toc ot tbn Vom-. pany, will be paid-ti Svockholders r - their: Je-gsr. representatives at this office, or and after Hottaf .v, 2d, May nexr. By , j. - Books for the Triritrcr of totk r$ be clear 4 fremf 20th Jnst. i 2nd slay, . -,9 -i ' .-' -"rr -JAMESES. GREEN,-.' fM " i f" ' . . .TTrrusurer W. & R. R. R. Ce, . AprU9. ? , - Wtnl-T icr -r; ; NOTICE. r ; i. . r a LL Ycssel Agrnfs receiving goods consigned tdLV ae.orto ear esfe, are request d to rendar rhTr J? height xHMvnmtauiety me flflivery ef tha 4. goods. - . , -- April 21 i rivfe, li 3i AN A HOUSTON. m HHDS. Prime , t eelvedtindr " - . ----- ' . .con Elder," r-s) .uway'a SO. r U f.l - X II If fi ! I , ft r'e!.2. . - r . - l:-

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